97-769o R � � � ����T�oN � CITY�O�INT PAUL, MII Presented By: Referred To: ti 2 3 a s s � s s io 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Council File # �Tt'�Q S Green Sheet# 29954 'A Committee: Date i WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has solicited grant applications for the Auto Theft Prevention Program, and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Fire Department wishes to apply for a grant for funding in the amount of $35,350 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council allow the Saint Paul Fire Department to submit an application for the Auto Theft Prevention Program in the amount of $35,350. Adopted by Council: Date � \qq Adoption Certified by Couna Secretary: Approved by Mayor. Date � JZ I S'� By: �, l/�/�—� Requested by Department of: Fire & Safety Services Bv� ��,�� �t �'�. .a � Ap al Recommended b Budg �rector: By����'�-e.� /n ' ' T Form ed b Ci A� ey: BY� � C l� � Approved by Ma or for Submissio o Council: By: � DEPARTMENI'/OFtICFlCO[INCR. DA'IE 1ED A � - �/ � I_ Fire&SafetyServices 6/13j97 CsREEN SHE T fd0. 29954 � ° COMACfPIItSONffiPHONE �1 DEPARIMENCDIXECCOR �0 CIIYCOUNC➢. Asst. Fire Chief Gary Tmdeau 228-6217 � crrrnrroxc�r � m�r ct.QUc MUSIBEONCOUNCQ.AC��DASY(DA'IE) � BUD(�IDiRECfOR � FIN.&MGf.SE2VICESDIR �3 MAYOR(ORAS9SfAN'n Q CF�FFACCAUNLANf TOTAL # OF 5IGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CfIONREQUESIID _ To approve the attached CouncIl Resolurion authorizing the Depar[ment of Fue & Safery Services to apply for a gant from the Auto Theft Prevention Ptogtam. t�conmm�roanor�s:n�.o���n�o�x9xcRy PERSONALSERVICECONI'RACfSMUSTANSWF•RTHEFOLI,OWINGQUESTIONS: runmmacconnwssiox _rnn.sEtcvsecoau.uss[ox 1.Hasthispersodfirmeveruro13cedmderawnhactfarHilsdepamnent? cmcot.u.nrrg YES NO a_ST.v�'f J _ � 2. Has this pecson/fiim ever been a ciry employee? ^ n�snucrmmcr YES NO Sueeox[S�v[uct[ooUtacaoa�ecrwe? 3. Does this pecson/fixm possus a skill nqt noemalty possessed by any cnrtert ciTy empioyee? YES NO (Ezplsiu all yce aaswers ou separate sheet and attach to green shcet) INfRATINGPROBLEh;LSSUE.OPPORiUN1iY(R'b0.��, WAa4 WAare.w'bY)' The State of Minnesota has solicited giant applications for the Auto Theft Prevention Progiam. The Saint Paul Deparhnent of Fire & Safety Services would ]ike to apply for a_gant for funds to purchase equipment and Vaining to enhance the investigation oF stolenlbwned vehicles. ADVANTA(�SIFAPPROVED. The Fire Department may receive additional funds to purchase equipment and training to improve auto theff/arson investigafions. DISADVANfAGES R APPROVID: None. DLSADVANTAGESOPNOTAPPROVED' Loss of potentiat funds for new equipment and training. � �� ��� JUN 1 7 1��7 ,o,A�.�o„�oR�sAC�oN_ 35350 rnsriaevenoeswcerenccmc�.eoNe> vrs rvo e�mumissounce wcTrvrrr�sex GL-510-35110 Furavcru.mFO�cnrwnonr: (�inu� , s a'1-'7�q MINNESOTA AUTO THEFT PREVENTION PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION /NSTRUCTIONS 1. 3ACKGROUND The NN Legisla�ure �a�s�� lec_sla�ic� in 1956 crea�ing i._r2 '�1�0 Tr22� ?YE'vE�t_C' ?=C�TdTi1 ('✓ATP?) . The DllT7JCS2 OL tII15 legislation is to reduce -,c�cr vehiele cheft and ics COnSEQli2P_CES 1_'1 L^2 SLc�� G= �✓1?�;7ESOtd Dy fliRQ1?7 programs t+'f!1CII aid in L��2j _Cc-?�_-=Cd�iOR O' CT1L1C31 1SSL'@S� 2CIliCnt10T1 cP_C� cW�YEY'i2SS� 1_iJE6L1Cc=_C'� c..T;Cl p_rOSECl:C.1017. '1'r?2 L2Q].S�� ESLc blished tr� N1n`�SC��. T "..:-0 1'n t �Y : .. e�� evention Board, which will make grant =u^.as a annually to support �ne purpcses of tr� leg_sla__�__. 2. AMOtTN'P OF FUNDS AVAILP_RT•� T}?2 N=?!PESO��u =_Ut0 _'_�E=� �O�YQ' �N.�?TF�� Gi?_n,CLriCES �ne availabili�y o� crG-_ _�-,�s in ��e amount oi apt�roximatel�, $1,000,000.00 _cr t�e s��_= =_scGl year. 3. WHO MAY APPLY T'he follo;n�ing entit_es are ==_gible to apply for p? gTcT1�S s�ate c!?CI _ICCa1 '_��C1ES - 1*!C�LQ'1RC� ],�W en°orcemenL ar_d correctional agenc_e=; �resecutcrs; the judiciary; CCTpOY'dt10I1S� cpCl rE_p'_r_i,�_ _;GCI CT CCi.^.Tili??1Ly �T1C1 f.JUS1?72SS organizations. 4. ELIGIBLE PROGRAMS -(SE3 ATTACHMENT "A" - GRAN'I' AVAILABILITY) 5. MINNESOTA AUTO THEFT PR=J�N'i'TON BOARD GRANT APPLTCATIO23 The �pplication fcr a cra=� 4nder this notice is the Ninnesota �u�o Theft Preventicn ?�c_rG^i Gx�nt Application, rorm AT:Ol. �� AT:Ol 1S '_71CZllC.ECl c5 =LL�C'_��ETIL '�C" aPCl iTillSt be comple�ed in its entirety by an a��:cr_zed re�reser.tative of the reauestirg entity subm_�__-c ��e applicaLion. The application iorm, accompanying _nicr-.a�icn, instructions, materials and attachments are part of �:e o'iicial grant application. Questions on now to com_D=��e �he form snould be directed to the NATPB`s oiiice a�(6�2/�C�-6155 or 6i2/405-6153). -1- 6. GRANT MAXIMUM G`� _�`� 7. E� � It is recommenned exceed $100,000.00 considered. that aoplications under this notice not _ ??owever, all applications will be PRIORITY FOR FUNDING Priority ior i�:�di�g wi_1 i�e given to applications _or DYO�ECLS W�'11Ch :12EL L�'?E CT1t2Y'1Z CZeSCX1D2C� in A�tachment ��*3' GRANT CONDZTI013S By signing the a�:± =orm, L'r.e �pplicant agrees to all of the arant cc�di�zcr_s _�t �ortn in the application materials. In acc_��on, s:ccess�ul applicants will be required to sicn an agreemer_� wn_c� reauires eompliance with all applicable StBL° c^.Q �CC3� S�cLli�2S, c dministrative Yll�ES� procedures and pel_cies e=�ablished in the grar_t �pplicaticn materials. APPLICATION DEADLINB A1�7 SUBMISSION 2NSTRUCTIONS �ead and iollow all �ns�ructions that apbesr in �2�±e aT�D11.Cdt1071 ?l'cLEr_d_� S d',^_ O?1 = OYiil (AT: O1) ACt3C��ftleri� ��C" . FOY each section o= �:e apnl_ca�ion, use tne space allotted on t'r,e iorm unless the _�s�ruc�_cns irdicate otnerwise. Use any style ZO71�� bllL QO ^C� i:�° smaller tl?G?1 d 10 p0111C LOZlt. A complete applicacion ce�sists of the signed and completed Attached "C'�Form (Ai:O�} for submission to tl�ie NiATPB. Nake seven copies oi ��e co-�p'_eted application, for a total nuriber of eight GL�p�1CGL=CIIS� _.�.� the original plus seven copies. All oi the copies �::::st :,� identical and legible. After making the requ_red cop:=s, mark "ORIGINAL" in the upper right nand corner o= the cria�-a1 application. In one envelope, send the origir.al applicatic� plus the seven copies to che MATFB office. Retain cr.e copy `or the applicants records. The origiral applica�ion p1Us seven copies must be received in the MATPB's of£ice no later than 4•30 Qm (CST) on April 30 1997. A�plications maY not be faxed to the MATPB's office and ap_plications received after the deadline may not be considered. Mail or del_ver applications to: Ninnesota Auto iheit Prevention Board 1110 Cen�re Po_n�e Curve, Suite 405 N,endo�a Eeights, NN. 55118. -z- °I� -7`q 10. AWARD ANNOUNCEMENT P.ND FUNDING CYCLE Grant awards for state =iscal year 1997, will be announced __prior to July l, 1997. r=ter this initial year of--funding, projects awarned under �_-is �c�ice will be funded for a maximum of one year dur -� t'r_e state fiscal year (July 1 �hrough June 30). Zecia_e=�s ci grant awards under this notice i?ldy reguest CC?=L1?':L'c,L.10^ G' C?'c^,?'_t. iL?1QS after the initial yEd?' OS ili?1C11PCJ. 11. APPLICABLE LAWS PND RUL:S The Ninnesoca Auto '�:ef� 2Yev=^.ticn ll??CIEY' Ninnesota SLd�ti�2 _?C�_C?7 168A dDP1lCd S�Gi.iiLE _S c'� �11cD1E 11pOII admin_s�rative reauirer..e_=s =cr �he in Attachment "A". Froaram is authorized .a0. A copy of the request. The grant program are included 12. MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES "-CTIVITIES/STRATEGIES, AND EVALUA'TION A�tachment "C" (-orm y=:�'_) r=quires �hat the applicant brovide the N�3TPB or_�h s_ ec::_c eb;ectives, c.Ct1V1L1ES�SLYc.L2O12g� V,__,. ":.cflSliYd'p�E evaluation CY1t2Y1a. p.tt�C�"liii271t. ��T��� 1S DYCVIG�,^� �O cSS1S� tY12 applicant 171 iden�ifying var_cus areas �^a� ,�,Gy be used for the grant projecL. 13. DISALLOWED COSTS Attachment "E" to �he ior which grant iuncs tynically not apprcv� monecary reduc�ion o= a::=ica= materials is a list of items �,� :.✓ not be used. Such items are �-� �'�e .T✓�TPB and may result in a t'e gran_ requested. 14. BUDGET INSTRUCTIONS The budget section o: Fcr A?:01 is �a itemized descrip'tion by budget category o= I�ATr? '_unds t:hat Gre requested. Any agency contributions teward th� procr�m should not be combined with MATPP funds requested. �c�e tnat MATPP funds may not be used as a substitute :or exi=�'_�?g sources of =unding. In addition to �he i�em_zed bndget, the applicant must complete a budaec narra�' ror each budget category, i.e., sworn employees, ct?�er e o�fice ooerations, ete., the applicant must speci=ica=_y describe how the individual items listed in the budget ca�=_ceries will be used to meet grant objectives. Provine jus�`_'ica�ioa for large or unusual costs and for any ccsts tra� 4r� ty disallowed. -3- 15. CONTACT PERSON For any questions concerring the application materials /� ��q contact: � t' Dennis Roske _ Ninnesota Auto :he-t Prevention Board -" 1110 Centre Pointe Cu? Suite ?OS Menco�a �?eiah�s, _✓N. 55118 !elep�cne_(612/�OS-�153) rax:(612JS05-6156) 16. LIST OF ATTACI�2FNT5 r�.A.T.P.P. Gran� ?a-:�hi�� --------------------- Priorities ------------------------------------ Grant Applica�icn, Pcrr _.T:O� ----------------- Neasurable Objectives, – — and Evaluatic� Cr;�er`_a Disallowed Exoe:ditures _______________________ ATTACHMENT A 3 C D E -4- ATTACHA7ENT A ��_ 7�0� A'Iinnesota auto Theft Pre� Program GR�ZT PAZ'IPHLET Purpose =0 reduce i11C�OY ti2 ° L. E-_ :PQ 1LS co�sequences 1II tne SLflL@ Oi Ninnesota Dy fii?1C11P_Q DTOCrG-c ;:niCn d1C1 1i? L]?2' • �ciEriClflCnC10II C: CY1L=C�1 ?�SLES • �ducation and F�=.arer_�s� • incestigation �-3 Prc=_ec__ien Gzant Availabili� Each year, the Board wi�- p_=_sn -�otice c= grant availab?lity to inierm prospective apol_car�s .,_ �he availability of funds. ;nyone 1T1L.2TESL2C� 171 �u- gTc'.i_� ;�'��ll5� S c*1 dYjDllCci.1CR t0 i.�'lE Board. Applicatiors may be =ub��:_��ec 'c= �he =ollcwirg types ci projects related to auto the=� nre�e-�_c�? Gnd recuc�ion: • lYa1rilIlCj (CY'1ill1P_G1 ]1i��1C=, CiL1Z.°.i:S, �'JliSli72SS, 2i.C.� • Public education ;cu�L c r_ae�incs, li�erature, public service anncuncements, nei chpprhCp= G�:�j pt;siness watch promotions, etc.) • Protracted or comolex inve<__iga�ions • �quipment(includina, bu� _.� limited to, locks, alarms, monitoring, tracx::g cr s:: devices; specialty tools interded to preve:� or de��r au�o thefts, etc.) • Programs designed �o i����rc or expard the resources of existing auto theft preventicxi, i- Gpprehension, or prosecution activi�_es • Multi-jurisdictioral projec_s corbinir_g the resources of nir'erent agencies in a tas:i =orce approach to prevent, inves�igate, and _rosecut= a1�o �heft • Long term or specializea �_�ining to �urther develep the expertise oi auto �hef� ir_:=_s�igators and/or nrosecu�ors • S�ateo�ide public enucatic� _rocrams • Statewide training con_ere-c�s -1- App2icant Eliaibilit� q�� 7`� The following entities are eiigible to apply for program grants: state and local agencies, i�ciuding law enforcement and correctional agencies; prosec_tors; the judiciary; corporatior.s; and_neighborhood, community �-d busir_ess organizations: Grant Application Procedures lri2 BOdTC� �d111 pYOV1C'2 Di2D�.:C '^G�iC2 OL t.�e dVd11 GAl1SLY Of grant iunds �o in�erested narties. =p:lica-?ts for initial funciing must �irst recn:es� a granL a��l_ca__c�? �rom tne Board, and then follow t.r'_E instructi Sti�p� 1EC _._ _=° OrG^� ZDA� 7.Cd�7.071 pdC}CaCe a17C1 COT?1DZ2tE c?1C1 S1gA Lri2 �iiLO __.�=L cYEVEri�10Il Grant Applicaticn, FOYID AT:Ol. �nplicaLion fcrms a-u _�s�r��cticrs may be obtained by WY1L1P_c LO: N11riP2SOLd AtiCO ___2_'� Pr2VEr•L10T] Program, 1110 CEIlCY2 ?ointe Curve, Suite �05, :�er���G �eichts, NN. 55118. Applications nust be received by t:e �ca�c -o later than 4:30 pm (CST) oi the date established in the nct_ce o- crant svailability. Nost grant projects are eiic_�_� =cr contiruation after the initial =unding cycle. To rec�.:es�, cc-__:�a�_on of a grant, recipients must submit a written no�ice ci '_-_�__� �o con�irue rhe grant project. Tre notice of inten� �o ce-�_-�e r.,us� be f_led annually and must be received 'cy the Board ro �a�e_ �nan 120 days prior to the expiraticn Of t]�E p_r101' crGr_ ;QrEETiE?1� OY centract. All cJY211C awards are subject to ��e �1-a'_1ab_L ty oi iunds and annual approval by the Bcard. Grant Award Procedures Grants will be awarned by ��e 3carn. T'n.e 3oard will consider grant anplicaticns at regularly sc�e�u�ed board n�eetings, and the Board may approve any por�ion c= a_-a�t budcet up to the total amount requested. Proposals thGc r�°ely replace existing auto theft prevention programs will be c'_-:en a low priority for fundir.g. Approval of a grar_L applicGt`_c, _s subjec� to: • availabili�y of �unds; • an applicant's periormance a-�d compliznce with the Lerms and conditions of a curren� cr _ricr yeGr grant agreement; • priorities for projects, ac__vities or initiatives that are inenti�ied by the Bcard; aru • a limit of one grant ap�1_ca�_c� :cr each eligible applicant per year. -2- q� -��q Applicants for initial and cc-tinuation funding will be notified within 30 days following ap:=c or disaAproval of a grant application by the &oard. F� applicant who disagrees with the decision of the Board may re��=st a hearing within 30 days following the date of the r_c�'ce that the grant was not approved. The request for a hearir_g ����s� be in writir_g. Proceedings in which the Board may make a ceter:�::-=_�ien regarding substantial _nterests or a�arty shall be conduc��� an3 disposed oi in accordance with the provisions of N�_:rESC�3 _=:C? S�a�u�e 168A.40. Grant Terms and Conditions Agreement_ I= �ppreved ic� ' an applicant will be required LO EXeCllt2 d COriLYflCL OY arar_= acreemen� that includes as part Oi Lr12 contrac�, �l'12 arGr_t d:_,^,__..:,L_O_"1 dS nDDYOV2Cl OY amended by `�he Board. Orientation. Gr�nt r=cipie-�s -ay be required to atter_d an orientztion meetirg pr �� =:e relea�e c= :unds. Advance Payment and Reimburs�.=.=nt. A gra�� recipient may reguest _n writing an advar.ce pa }�;:.E_ _„_ '�ip to 25 percent of Lhe toral budge� approved by ���e 3carc. �'�erea=ter, payments will be made on a mor.thly reimburse-:er_�t ba_='s, �^less c�rerwise approved by the Board. If a deposit accc�-_ __ es�ablisned ior disbursirg grant funds, the depository m�.�s� �� -azr�a;ned separate and apart irom any personal or business accc�-�s. Reports_ Grant reci�ier�s r.._=_ =_le quar�erly and annLal reports. Other reporLS may be rEQ;�_=" ,� r,Eeded. Documentation. The gran� r=_c_�_e�� musL ma_r.tain an audit �rai1 oi all grant expenses, nocume�_e_ ;y receipts or paid invoices. Upon request by tne Board, �he c=a== recipient must provide docu�,�entation, records, rE�c�_=, and attestations to ensure financial accountabili�y ar_c c..�pl_�nce with the terms and condi�ions of the aranL. Authorized Expenditures. 3=:'__ie-� *,,�y Lse grant funds only for authorized expendit�res, -;.ea-'_-g c�ly those expenditures that are speci�ically described in ��e ?rant Gpplica�ion and approved by the Board. Authorized experd:���=___ ,.�,:s� be ior services or products received af�er 12:Oi a.m. (C==; on Lhe °irs� day of the grant period and before 11:59 p.r:. �g_) on the last day oi the grant period. The grant YECILJ1E�iL "::= 1 l �e required to reimburse the Board for any unauthcrized e�_:e�d_tures. In addition, unauthorized expenditures may result i^ �c__=•^.dL10P_ o= �he grant. -3- Grant Property. Any durable goods—for example: furniture or �{1 -� `., equipment with a useful life o� more than one year are considered property for purposes of the crant. The Board is the owner of all property purchased or reimbursed �ith grant funds for the duration oi the initial and continuat_cn :�r.dir.g cycles (that is, the entire grant period). Upon comnlet_cn o_ the grant period or completion of the grant projecc, WR_CrEi'?Y is later, ownership of property may be turned over to tre gra�t reci�-=nt under the following COnd1�10riS: • �he recipienL CC�D�-eQ W1L�_ LPc L2YTS d^d COnd1t10P_S OZ Lh2 CO�tYdCL or gra�� GCrE "iiE��=] • the preperty v�as nurcrasec '_n accordance with approved purchasing procenures; • LY'!2 grant WGS COi�1D�.ELEC tC �nE? Sat.1Si2CC].OR Of the Board. The QY�uY1L YEC1D12?"!C 'IL'SL ::ld-'�c1n =riVE?1i.OTy control pi dll FJYG�,"`ETty purchased during the ara=� �e�':ofl a:�d a record of all property acquisitions must be Sti�`:1L�2Q LC �re Board. The grant recipier.t is responsible for the c�re and -.air�enarce oi grant preperty, including all insurarce req�u__ed cy t�e NATPB during the grant period. The grant recip_ert _s re=_oonsible for insurance to cover tne liability of all nro�er� ;;h;'e b�inq used by the recipient. 'd'ne Beard may conciuc� c=riod`_� i�s�ec�ions of all grant preperty. ?�TO grant property may be solc, tra:!s_erred, or disposed of during the gran� period wit�ou� �he �xpressed written permission of the 3oard. Si the g?'G? reci�_e-_ dc�s r_ot comply •�aith the terms ar_d conditions of the gr�n� ior ___� p��rc�ase oi property, �he Board may: • require the recipien� �o �=_m:�u_se Lhe Board for an amount equal to the acquisition ccs� o_ �r:e �roperty; • transfer the property _o a-ctner recipient; or • transfer, sell, cr dzspose c= ti:e property. Multi-Agency Agreements. ?or �11 cxants involving two or more oarticipating agencies or orca�izG�icns, the grant recipient must have all participan�s sica a^ agreemen� that establishes the equitable distribution o� any �rc�erty, miscellaneous revenue, donations, or reimburseme-�ts 'or t^e ccst of investigations thac may accrue to the grant recip_ent during the grznt period. ?roperty includes pret�erLy p with grant Lunds and any contraband property that _s 'crfe_�ed �o or seized by the grant recip_ent. S� �1'1 -1 C� Amendments. Any reauest to a-end the grant program or budget must be submitted to the Board in writing. The Board will respond to requests within 30 days of receipt. I✓aterial amendments to the goals, cbjectives, activities or budget require approval by the Board in a vote conducted a� a regularly scheduled meeting. A grant recipient may trans_er up to �0 percent o= a budget category between bllC1QEt Cdt2COY1ES w1�_^_pU� DT10T cpDYOV2�.. Al� O� bunget diil2P_CliReZ7LS require cGVc??CE c_ _?'CVc� ,}`.,� �I?e BOdTC�. Audits_ The �OcYCl CT' dI1 �li� .C�"1Z2Q' represen�ative ITicy CO^CLCL DEY10Q1C cLC11�S O' CrG�� �"EC=: _E'^LS LO E_^,�i1T2 COTTip�.1cPC2 W1i.1'1 � i.ETT�S dP_Q' COi!C11L10�S C- �^2 __� _�. 1 �S GQQILZO?S� CTdi1G recipients V71'10 dYE required �L'y ��W LO C,^.=:tiCL 'c?7 c71Plid�. �ullQ1L i�1llSL �U'iJ;�ij_� d copy o= �he audit �o ��e Bca_�. Termination. The 3oard -:�y �_rm=na�e a cra_n_t for any reascn. If a c�7Tc17C 1S L2YT(11?72LEC1, d>> i.:^�X_=nGE cl =UndS i�liSL be re�urr.en i.p the Board vaithin 60 cays =rc-. �he da�e o= termination. Discretionary Grants ?�t �r:e Cl'_SCT2�10?"! C- �:� _,.l."�?� - �:_e ?Cc?' may idenLify u�1^iC1 ill'�d unio,ue cr exemplary �rojec�= o` an exce��ional or extraordirary nature. This may _ncl�de ___c� projecLS or innovative programs t�'ldt C]Ei;1CIISLYd�E E_L�E'_" ._c CC^CEDLS Or area� potential SOY achieving the p�rpeses c= t:� ��at�e; eme or snecial neens v.-here there is a cr_s_s �'�a� =ecu_res i�mediate funding to address a specific nroblem; c„y DYC; �Sd� S LrcL L� e 30aX('1 determines t0 �JC' reasonab=e RECESSc?'y� C?' CC": �:?lET?� �O acnieve tl'le purposes Of tr2 Si.�u�.L'E. Resolution A copy ci a signed resc_ut`_� : r���� acce::�pany the application ior each grant preposal. ^he re=c_utien LEEQS to be signed by ti City Council, County Board, .._ c__c�tion Board ii being sent by this type of �n entity. 7.� ATTACHMENT B �� _,��� Priorities -In areas that experience a s=cnificaat auto theit problem, the Board will give pricrity to c=Gnt apolications that estzblish or enhance a comprehensive �rocrarn �o combat auto theft. A co�rmre�ensive progrGm incluces e=�orts in a11 oi tne =ollowing areas: multi-agency invo�ve-er_�, �ro-active strategies, crime c^d� }�S1S "'u11(3 2Q'llCcL102Y c^ �_ :.1?77.ng, ^ 10 receive priority � �pplica�ions must meet t�e _,.l�owi-!g condition- � licatic. �� � . Grant app s ru_- �� =or the purpose of establishir_g or enhancing a ce-�rehe DTO�Taiil zhat includes ei�orts in all oi the areas described, ==cluding scr�tegies or activities under each area as _11��==rated belew. rn applicant is not limited to the activ_t_�s �^d strategies illustrated. Mu1ti-Agency Involvemen� - ;,,�ulti-agency effort to reduce, preven� or cre=ec.a�e auto thef� where each 'agency r?flS Sp2C1i1C Ci.iL1ES �II.^. '_^cgpC7?S1b1� 1L1E5: Pro-Active Efforts - C-c�irg plarned activi�ies to reduce thefts, increzse reccver`_es, arrests, cenvictions, etc. Crime Analysis - Co112c��cn c= data to support law enforcement and prosec•��'_cn eiior�s. Education Awareness and Trainino — �fiorts to educate the public on auto �re=� problems, prevention and safety, and trG•_ning ce•�e'_o�ed and provided to law enforcement ofi_cers arc aresecutors. ATTACHMENT :�linnesota Auto Theft Pre�•ention Program Grant Ap� ication 9�l —'1 c.� SECTION 1: APPLSCANT TNFO�cMATION Type of Governmental Agency or Organization: State � County a Private £or Profit � Name o£ Agency or Organization: Agency Address City: City a Private Non-Profit O County: Federal Identificat�on 'vT�er State: Zip Total MATPP Budget Reauest: Project Title, if applic�ble: Geographical Area P.pplicable �o Grant Project:(identi£y statewide, county city, other) Other Agencies Participating in the Project:(I£ a multi-agency project, attach letters o£ coafirmation by all entities) Form AT:O1 _1_ SECTION 2: CERTIFICATION/SIGNATURES- I acknowledge that I�ave� read, understand �nd agree to the conditions set forth in the application and supporting r„a�erials �nd that the information I am supplying in this applicatio� is true, complete and correct. Type Name and Title o£ Project Director: (Project Director is the primary contact person for all aspects of the grant) NAME TeleDhone Nuznber (pirector) SIGNATURE DATE Fax Number (Directorl Type Name and Title of Financial Of£icer: Name Signature Type ISame and Title o£ Authority 0£ficial: (Person authorized to enter i:to a£ormal agreement) Name Signature Date Date Rorm AT:O1 _2_ ur2CtS.0I2 .3. Current and Proposed Auto Theft Prevention 9�',y9 Responsibilities - =or each ci the auto theft reduction strategies and activities listed below, c�ec;c whether they are current efforts undertaken by your acency. =��n checic the activities and _strategies that are proposed 'cr NATTB grant-funding. all activities and strategies t^�� �rply. STRATEGIES AND ACTIVITIES MULTI-AGENCY INVOLVnMFNT MultiDle Law �nforce-e�!� Agencies Prosecutors Insurance Snnustry Businesses Community Groups Other Pro-Active Efforts CLTRZ32T'i LEVEL OF EFFORT PROPOSED FOR (�TOT ?MATPP FUNDED) (MATTP GRANT) Decoy Operations Chop Shop Identifica�_c� Investigations, Lo*ie _�r;� InvestigaLions, Shor� Ter� Other Crime Analvsis identify Trends & Ne��ods Develop Profiles Identify High Risk �r=as & Vehicles Identify Repeat Offe-cers Other Public Education & pwareness Prevention Seminars Presentations to Scncols Advertising Campaiar.s Other Trainino Development Prograrr�s LGw Enforcement Officers Prosecutors Other Form AT:O1 _3_ SECTIDN 4. Grant Purpose and Description - Provide a summary 1 �„q description of the project t�at is to be funded by the NiATPB. � Briefly describe the gra:t c�jectives and the grant-funded strztegies and activities �hat will be implemented to achieve the _objectives. Describe now �re project meets priorities'established by the MATPB , if applic�ble. lise �dditional space ii needed. Form AT:O1 -4- SEC�10I1 J - Statement of Need and Current Staff �� .�(�.q ti Part A. Describe the specific prcblem or deficiency that is to be corrected. Document the reen �y providiag the source Qf the �statistical data, and incluce botn r_umbers and percentages. Statistical data should cor�e�po-d Lo tre eeographical project area described in Sectien 1. i;se a�ui�_c�?al spGce i� needed. Part B. List current sta== (-c� :✓_��2a iunded) that have auto theit responsibilities in your age-c '-:clude the position title, full- time salary, and percent oi �_-e s_ent on auto theft responsibilities. � FORM AT:O1 _�_ ATTACHMENT D 9 �'�`� pbiectives, Activitzes/Strateaies and Eva2uation Criteria A�t�C7'!iri2i1� ` ].S _U"=0V7.QEQ LO ^E!B L�'le cUpllCcrit 1GEI]tlfy �]'1Q iyL:2 Oi 1P_SOTiild�l0?7 �h�L c_tiOU� CI c'_ cd?' i:�C�?' Section 6 Oi tf'i2 gr�nt apnlica�ion d17C1 LO DrCV1G�e a� EXcT�Dl2 Oi a completed fOTiil iOT re_ererce purposes. Objectives To establish projec� objec�_ ask yeurself tne _ollowing cuestion, "iahat Gm ?`�ry_r_g ", �r,:�rcve? Once you netermine ti�nat you wisn �o improve, you �_e�c �o _de-�tify by hcw much and by when will it be improvec. Cb;ec�_-es -us� be poch measuranle and time speci�ic. A grant �ro�ec� --_- na�e several objectives. ExGmples or r, data ;vhich ca- �� �sed ior objectives include, buL are not limited to: Reduce :__c_derCe cf au�o theft; inerease recovery Of S�O�EII tic121CicSJ _:?C'!Ec�2 171 QOl1dY rate Of recovered vehicles; ircrease �,��r�,ber c'_ ��to �heit cGses nrosecuted or convicted; inc_ease �umcer p' a�u�o �hei� case clesures. (See next �GCe ior speciiic exFmples). Activities/Strategies 'r1Ct1V1t12S hc?Cl St.Y�LEQIES d="'E LPE Clii.12S 2??Q' responsibilities Crc:C you plan and implerr�en� �o he_� ycu ac'n_ieve your ebjectives. Por example, if the objective _s �o i^crease the number of vehicle recoveries, ore str�tecy �o =-crease recoveries may be to conduct �raining of patrol o=iicers c-_ s�olen vehicle identification methods. Whenever GbprcDria�=, activities ard strategies should state wnat is to be dcre, hc•:: oi�en it will be done, and when it will be done. Each objec�ive -!ay have several activities or s�rategies associated wi�:� __. (See rex� page ior specific examples). Evaluation Criteria _'he evaluation criceria cescr_ties or�aL mechods you will use to determine whetrer tre cbjec�`_r�s nave been met. What data will you use to measure the improvemer�, hcw w_11 you r�easure it, and over v:-hat pericd oi time vaill vo� -easure it? (See next page for sneciiic examples). Q � H z O � � A H W W U H �i . � a a � W i � � s� 3 � � � CJ7 N r� .�.. (11 1� lI N 7y r6 -� `t5 �� y C3+ v � y 'z5 \ Q .� U] U] N N ¢� 3 :J a � -� °' � ai � � Q "� � -� � RS -.i �� � U � -H � m m � N .C1 r� E '� c y � 'ti O '� 4 - La k a el � ro r� U L -a U1 :a �U S+ iU [ � O � aJ m O C1 .-i � � '^1 _J Q.I :.� �„'i L l� � ;,{ 'i � 3 m '� U .0 e� � �6 U� -ri � w .O Ol U� r6 U ro .� .n � c, ro u .c � � '� � � � � � � v��� � � -� � � � "� '� � �.�i �-t U � � ,- -U Si U �U U � -.� L �., zs � v y U '0 N � �r�i .�. '^t CL � -� 3 O 1.1 L7 U1 .1..1 �} ` � � � � '�'i �C 'r'� fiS 1J +� �3 e� A U S-i � O - ;-a � O :� N N � . 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N\ U r5 3�> J O ri L'1 O �1 N m .-� U .-i � � �U � -.i +� ri l� s+r+�.csoma rJ U O �U U W\[J a, -.; �� > .� 5 E C L+ � � � O N OJ O^.^� O.�'. U > O, +� . 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ZS G' � N .� � ,� � +� . -� .� E � `� GS U '�i �6 1� �ri .� QJ 11 �1 t7� :J 3 - n � � O r-+ �U i3 O I S+ �� C � R � .A �'fi 4J h > O .0 N � -� , � '^1 r6 U .-C N S-i � ;-t �U y c N U b"� �n -r+ ,C � A el u :� -0 � � � � � O � .� -� � 3 v S-i r3 U� N � O iU <6 3 � � cn O :� .� i�a J N G. �J y > i! � � ro �� � � e� U7 � n. O � 7S � �.�1 � '6 � O ri �Si N �J • 1] T1 �.i U� � � y � � � O � 3 U o � , u � .� .Q � .Q U m � � � ro � � ro � � E ro �3 3 3 ��` (l91 9'1—�1 c.q ATT:�CHMENT E DISALLOkr.D EXPENDITURES (INCLUDING 3UT NOT LIMITED TO) * Ammuni�ion * rood * Guns * Janitorial Se�v'_ces * Lo'r�bying * PrivGte Secur_�_� ��a-d gerv_ce *?romoL:c-�a1 cr _._-. e? �y izems; such as key chains, whistles, ha�s, _-r.=, etc. * Reiresrmer_�s * Toll iree tele��cr_e 1_r_e to report car theits, tips, etc. * Uniforms or ��a�ca=d s:�pplies for officers, i.e., vests, guns a�n :ol_sters, am�r�unition, radios, etc. • NoTE: The above items are, in ceneral, not funded by the MATPP. If the success o_ a_rocram is dependent upon one oi the above items, an a�_-_ican� may include it in .the budget with appropria�e j ior the expenditure. The MATFB will cons_ce� =ucz requests, but reserves the righL to neduc� an� s�c� expenditures from the total budcet reauest. 9� —�c�°� DID YOU KNOW THAT THERE IS A AUTO THEFT REWARD TIP LI\TE I\T THE STATE OF �II\�\TESOTA? (HEAT) 1-800-359t4328 HELP ELIMI�ATE AUTO THEFT FOR MORE I��FOR'1ZATION CONTACT THE MINNESOTA AUTO THEFT PREVENTION PROGRAM (612) 405-6155 q�l -� t�q The Saint Paul Police and Fire Arson Unit consist of three fuit-time fire investigators, six back up fire invesrigators, one chief fire investigator and two police arson investigators. While the unit does investigate vehicle fires and stolen and bumed vehicies, this area has not been a high priority. This is due in part to the difficulty in this area of investigations and also on lack of knowledge on proper methods of investigative techniques. According to the insurance industry such as State Fann and Progressive Insurance, estimates from 65 percent to 85 percent of all cars reported stolen and burned have owner involvement. If properly investigated, these incidents can haue a higher success rate than most stolen vehicles and most vehicle arsons. The arson unit proposes to combat this auto theft/arson problem by the training of fire investigators, police, fire department mechanics, and Ramsey County Prosecutors that specialize in arson cases. Increased communication between police and fire investigators by use of digital cameras and computerized fue investigaton progams. We will conduct more detailed investigations by examining all stolenlburned vehicles in detail by using lights and generator accelerant detectors; and having oil filters analyzed for engine problems/failure. Use when needed an auto lift to e�iamine the underside of vehicles for a complete examination. Call upon the experience of triiried mechanics when necessary for advice. The unit will also sponsor a car theflla€son semin�.tha1 will train it's own members as well as others from around the state. The uni�u�i11 alsa ivbrk ctosely with insurance companies on these crimes. The unit will devel�p public seruice an�tou�cements that can be played on radio and cable TV on the city cable charuiel. The u�it will also develop a video on auto theftfarson investigation that can be distributed for free to other fire/iaw enforcement agencies and insurance industries. The unit will work closely with the county prosecutor to increase the number of prosecutions relating to auto theft/arson. The unit will also work to increase arrests and closure of cases. The unit will add to it's investigative computer program, data to track stolen/burned vehicles, and 2he names associated with the investigation. The unit will give a copy of the computer program to the police arson unit and auto the8 wut. o�cT�: By September 30, 1997, increase public awareness of auto theft/arson problems and inform the how they can help. A. Make a PSA for city cable TV and radio stations announcing a"Heat and Arsori' Hotline. `l� -`�(.°C 2. By August 3 Q, 1997, conduct more eatensive investigations of stolen(bumed vehicles. A. Produce and use an in-depth owner-questionnaire list form for stolen/burned velucles and their owner. B. Purchase state-of-the art accelerant detectors for $2500 x 2 for assisting in detecting and collecting samples and evidence. C. Purchase an auto ]ift for the puipose of examining the underside and removing the oil filter. $3,500. D. Collect and have test all oil filters from stolen/bumed vehicles for signs of engine problems indicating possible motive. $60 x 60 =$3,600. E. Photograph velucies with digital camera, besides the use of 35mm, so photos of vehicles may be shown to police investigators to help with communicating important facts. Two digital cameras $2 x 1000 =$2000. F. Purchase by August 30, 1997, two Polaroid cameras for police investigators so they may take photos of critical evidence found later during the investigation, and to photo suspects vehicles eta 2 x$260 =$520. G. Purchase hy August 30, 1997, a generator for the fire investigation van to better light vehicles for better examination and collection of evidence. Increase knowledge and e�pertise of police(fire prosecutors in vehicle theft/arson investigation. A. By October 15, 1997, sponsor a three-day vehicie theftlfire investigation course foi policelfire investigators and prosecutors. $6000. B. Send Saint Paul Police and Fire Investigators and back-up investigators and invite Ramsey County Attorneys to attend vehicle theftJfire seminar. $3,000 in overtime for fire investigatars who aze on 24-hour siuft. 4. By August 30, 1997, keep statistical data on stolen/burn vehicles such as names, month, case outcome, and share with the police auto-theft unit. A. Add new auto section in newly developed fire department computer program and give a copy of program to Auto Theft Unit of police department. B. Track cases sent to county attomey for prosecution. 2 a'1-��9 EVALUATION Show an increase in the number of stolenlburned vehicte investigations thax are cleared by anest or prosecution or exceptionally cleazed. Have better statisrics on stolen/burned vehicles and more detailed reports. Accelerant detectors � Digital cameras Automotive lift system Law enforcement Polaroid cameras and film (12 packs film) One color printer for digital photos Generator for Arson van Vehicle theft/fire investigator seminar Overtime for fire personnel on shift Oil filter analysis Computer program changes and add work station 2 x $Z,000 2 x 1,OQQ 1 x 1,000 2 x 260 1 x 349.99 1 x 2,169.99 50 x $60 $ 4,000 2,000 3,600 720 349.99 2,169.99 5,000 4,000 3,000 400 $25,240 fiT� TOTAL 3 � o R � � � ����T�oN � CITY�O�INT PAUL, MII Presented By: Referred To: ti 2 3 a s s � s s io 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Council File # �Tt'�Q S Green Sheet# 29954 'A Committee: Date i WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has solicited grant applications for the Auto Theft Prevention Program, and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Fire Department wishes to apply for a grant for funding in the amount of $35,350 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council allow the Saint Paul Fire Department to submit an application for the Auto Theft Prevention Program in the amount of $35,350. Adopted by Council: Date � \qq Adoption Certified by Couna Secretary: Approved by Mayor. Date � JZ I S'� By: �, l/�/�—� Requested by Department of: Fire & Safety Services Bv� ��,�� �t �'�. .a � Ap al Recommended b Budg �rector: By����'�-e.� /n ' ' T Form ed b Ci A� ey: BY� � C l� � Approved by Ma or for Submissio o Council: By: � DEPARTMENI'/OFtICFlCO[INCR. DA'IE 1ED A � - �/ � I_ Fire&SafetyServices 6/13j97 CsREEN SHE T fd0. 29954 � ° COMACfPIItSONffiPHONE �1 DEPARIMENCDIXECCOR �0 CIIYCOUNC➢. Asst. Fire Chief Gary Tmdeau 228-6217 � crrrnrroxc�r � m�r ct.QUc MUSIBEONCOUNCQ.AC��DASY(DA'IE) � BUD(�IDiRECfOR � FIN.&MGf.SE2VICESDIR �3 MAYOR(ORAS9SfAN'n Q CF�FFACCAUNLANf TOTAL # OF 5IGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CfIONREQUESIID _ To approve the attached CouncIl Resolurion authorizing the Depar[ment of Fue & Safery Services to apply for a gant from the Auto Theft Prevention Ptogtam. t�conmm�roanor�s:n�.o���n�o�x9xcRy PERSONALSERVICECONI'RACfSMUSTANSWF•RTHEFOLI,OWINGQUESTIONS: runmmacconnwssiox _rnn.sEtcvsecoau.uss[ox 1.Hasthispersodfirmeveruro13cedmderawnhactfarHilsdepamnent? cmcot.u.nrrg YES NO a_ST.v�'f J _ � 2. Has this pecson/fiim ever been a ciry employee? ^ n�snucrmmcr YES NO Sueeox[S�v[uct[ooUtacaoa�ecrwe? 3. Does this pecson/fixm possus a skill nqt noemalty possessed by any cnrtert ciTy empioyee? YES NO (Ezplsiu all yce aaswers ou separate sheet and attach to green shcet) INfRATINGPROBLEh;LSSUE.OPPORiUN1iY(R'b0.��, WAa4 WAare.w'bY)' The State of Minnesota has solicited giant applications for the Auto Theft Prevention Progiam. The Saint Paul Deparhnent of Fire & Safety Services would ]ike to apply for a_gant for funds to purchase equipment and Vaining to enhance the investigation oF stolenlbwned vehicles. ADVANTA(�SIFAPPROVED. The Fire Department may receive additional funds to purchase equipment and training to improve auto theff/arson investigafions. DISADVANfAGES R APPROVID: None. DLSADVANTAGESOPNOTAPPROVED' Loss of potentiat funds for new equipment and training. � �� ��� JUN 1 7 1��7 ,o,A�.�o„�oR�sAC�oN_ 35350 rnsriaevenoeswcerenccmc�.eoNe> vrs rvo e�mumissounce wcTrvrrr�sex GL-510-35110 Furavcru.mFO�cnrwnonr: (�inu� , s a'1-'7�q MINNESOTA AUTO THEFT PREVENTION PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION /NSTRUCTIONS 1. 3ACKGROUND The NN Legisla�ure �a�s�� lec_sla�ic� in 1956 crea�ing i._r2 '�1�0 Tr22� ?YE'vE�t_C' ?=C�TdTi1 ('✓ATP?) . The DllT7JCS2 OL tII15 legislation is to reduce -,c�cr vehiele cheft and ics COnSEQli2P_CES 1_'1 L^2 SLc�� G= �✓1?�;7ESOtd Dy fliRQ1?7 programs t+'f!1CII aid in L��2j _Cc-?�_-=Cd�iOR O' CT1L1C31 1SSL'@S� 2CIliCnt10T1 cP_C� cW�YEY'i2SS� 1_iJE6L1Cc=_C'� c..T;Cl p_rOSECl:C.1017. '1'r?2 L2Q].S�� ESLc blished tr� N1n`�SC��. T "..:-0 1'n t �Y : .. e�� evention Board, which will make grant =u^.as a annually to support �ne purpcses of tr� leg_sla__�__. 2. AMOtTN'P OF FUNDS AVAILP_RT•� T}?2 N=?!PESO��u =_Ut0 _'_�E=� �O�YQ' �N.�?TF�� Gi?_n,CLriCES �ne availabili�y o� crG-_ _�-,�s in ��e amount oi apt�roximatel�, $1,000,000.00 _cr t�e s��_= =_scGl year. 3. WHO MAY APPLY T'he follo;n�ing entit_es are ==_gible to apply for p? gTcT1�S s�ate c!?CI _ICCa1 '_��C1ES - 1*!C�LQ'1RC� ],�W en°orcemenL ar_d correctional agenc_e=; �resecutcrs; the judiciary; CCTpOY'dt10I1S� cpCl rE_p'_r_i,�_ _;GCI CT CCi.^.Tili??1Ly �T1C1 f.JUS1?72SS organizations. 4. ELIGIBLE PROGRAMS -(SE3 ATTACHMENT "A" - GRAN'I' AVAILABILITY) 5. MINNESOTA AUTO THEFT PR=J�N'i'TON BOARD GRANT APPLTCATIO23 The �pplication fcr a cra=� 4nder this notice is the Ninnesota �u�o Theft Preventicn ?�c_rG^i Gx�nt Application, rorm AT:Ol. �� AT:Ol 1S '_71CZllC.ECl c5 =LL�C'_��ETIL '�C" aPCl iTillSt be comple�ed in its entirety by an a��:cr_zed re�reser.tative of the reauestirg entity subm_�__-c ��e applicaLion. The application iorm, accompanying _nicr-.a�icn, instructions, materials and attachments are part of �:e o'iicial grant application. Questions on now to com_D=��e �he form snould be directed to the NATPB`s oiiice a�(6�2/�C�-6155 or 6i2/405-6153). -1- 6. GRANT MAXIMUM G`� _�`� 7. E� � It is recommenned exceed $100,000.00 considered. that aoplications under this notice not _ ??owever, all applications will be PRIORITY FOR FUNDING Priority ior i�:�di�g wi_1 i�e given to applications _or DYO�ECLS W�'11Ch :12EL L�'?E CT1t2Y'1Z CZeSCX1D2C� in A�tachment ��*3' GRANT CONDZTI013S By signing the a�:± =orm, L'r.e �pplicant agrees to all of the arant cc�di�zcr_s _�t �ortn in the application materials. In acc_��on, s:ccess�ul applicants will be required to sicn an agreemer_� wn_c� reauires eompliance with all applicable StBL° c^.Q �CC3� S�cLli�2S, c dministrative Yll�ES� procedures and pel_cies e=�ablished in the grar_t �pplicaticn materials. APPLICATION DEADLINB A1�7 SUBMISSION 2NSTRUCTIONS �ead and iollow all �ns�ructions that apbesr in �2�±e aT�D11.Cdt1071 ?l'cLEr_d_� S d',^_ O?1 = OYiil (AT: O1) ACt3C��ftleri� ��C" . FOY each section o= �:e apnl_ca�ion, use tne space allotted on t'r,e iorm unless the _�s�ruc�_cns irdicate otnerwise. Use any style ZO71�� bllL QO ^C� i:�° smaller tl?G?1 d 10 p0111C LOZlt. A complete applicacion ce�sists of the signed and completed Attached "C'�Form (Ai:O�} for submission to tl�ie NiATPB. Nake seven copies oi ��e co-�p'_eted application, for a total nuriber of eight GL�p�1CGL=CIIS� _.�.� the original plus seven copies. All oi the copies �::::st :,� identical and legible. After making the requ_red cop:=s, mark "ORIGINAL" in the upper right nand corner o= the cria�-a1 application. In one envelope, send the origir.al applicatic� plus the seven copies to che MATFB office. Retain cr.e copy `or the applicants records. The origiral applica�ion p1Us seven copies must be received in the MATPB's of£ice no later than 4•30 Qm (CST) on April 30 1997. A�plications maY not be faxed to the MATPB's office and ap_plications received after the deadline may not be considered. Mail or del_ver applications to: Ninnesota Auto iheit Prevention Board 1110 Cen�re Po_n�e Curve, Suite 405 N,endo�a Eeights, NN. 55118. -z- °I� -7`q 10. AWARD ANNOUNCEMENT P.ND FUNDING CYCLE Grant awards for state =iscal year 1997, will be announced __prior to July l, 1997. r=ter this initial year of--funding, projects awarned under �_-is �c�ice will be funded for a maximum of one year dur -� t'r_e state fiscal year (July 1 �hrough June 30). Zecia_e=�s ci grant awards under this notice i?ldy reguest CC?=L1?':L'c,L.10^ G' C?'c^,?'_t. iL?1QS after the initial yEd?' OS ili?1C11PCJ. 11. APPLICABLE LAWS PND RUL:S The Ninnesoca Auto '�:ef� 2Yev=^.ticn ll??CIEY' Ninnesota SLd�ti�2 _?C�_C?7 168A dDP1lCd S�Gi.iiLE _S c'� �11cD1E 11pOII admin_s�rative reauirer..e_=s =cr �he in Attachment "A". Froaram is authorized .a0. A copy of the request. The grant program are included 12. MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES "-CTIVITIES/STRATEGIES, AND EVALUA'TION A�tachment "C" (-orm y=:�'_) r=quires �hat the applicant brovide the N�3TPB or_�h s_ ec::_c eb;ectives, c.Ct1V1L1ES�SLYc.L2O12g� V,__,. ":.cflSliYd'p�E evaluation CY1t2Y1a. p.tt�C�"liii271t. ��T��� 1S DYCVIG�,^� �O cSS1S� tY12 applicant 171 iden�ifying var_cus areas �^a� ,�,Gy be used for the grant projecL. 13. DISALLOWED COSTS Attachment "E" to �he ior which grant iuncs tynically not apprcv� monecary reduc�ion o= a::=ica= materials is a list of items �,� :.✓ not be used. Such items are �-� �'�e .T✓�TPB and may result in a t'e gran_ requested. 14. BUDGET INSTRUCTIONS The budget section o: Fcr A?:01 is �a itemized descrip'tion by budget category o= I�ATr? '_unds t:hat Gre requested. Any agency contributions teward th� procr�m should not be combined with MATPP funds requested. �c�e tnat MATPP funds may not be used as a substitute :or exi=�'_�?g sources of =unding. In addition to �he i�em_zed bndget, the applicant must complete a budaec narra�' ror each budget category, i.e., sworn employees, ct?�er e o�fice ooerations, ete., the applicant must speci=ica=_y describe how the individual items listed in the budget ca�=_ceries will be used to meet grant objectives. Provine jus�`_'ica�ioa for large or unusual costs and for any ccsts tra� 4r� ty disallowed. -3- 15. CONTACT PERSON For any questions concerring the application materials /� ��q contact: � t' Dennis Roske _ Ninnesota Auto :he-t Prevention Board -" 1110 Centre Pointe Cu? Suite ?OS Menco�a �?eiah�s, _✓N. 55118 !elep�cne_(612/�OS-�153) rax:(612JS05-6156) 16. LIST OF ATTACI�2FNT5 r�.A.T.P.P. Gran� ?a-:�hi�� --------------------- Priorities ------------------------------------ Grant Applica�icn, Pcrr _.T:O� ----------------- Neasurable Objectives, – — and Evaluatic� Cr;�er`_a Disallowed Exoe:ditures _______________________ ATTACHMENT A 3 C D E -4- ATTACHA7ENT A ��_ 7�0� A'Iinnesota auto Theft Pre� Program GR�ZT PAZ'IPHLET Purpose =0 reduce i11C�OY ti2 ° L. E-_ :PQ 1LS co�sequences 1II tne SLflL@ Oi Ninnesota Dy fii?1C11P_Q DTOCrG-c ;:niCn d1C1 1i? L]?2' • �ciEriClflCnC10II C: CY1L=C�1 ?�SLES • �ducation and F�=.arer_�s� • incestigation �-3 Prc=_ec__ien Gzant Availabili� Each year, the Board wi�- p_=_sn -�otice c= grant availab?lity to inierm prospective apol_car�s .,_ �he availability of funds. ;nyone 1T1L.2TESL2C� 171 �u- gTc'.i_� ;�'��ll5� S c*1 dYjDllCci.1CR t0 i.�'lE Board. Applicatiors may be =ub��:_��ec 'c= �he =ollcwirg types ci projects related to auto the=� nre�e-�_c�? Gnd recuc�ion: • lYa1rilIlCj (CY'1ill1P_G1 ]1i��1C=, CiL1Z.°.i:S, �'JliSli72SS, 2i.C.� • Public education ;cu�L c r_ae�incs, li�erature, public service anncuncements, nei chpprhCp= G�:�j pt;siness watch promotions, etc.) • Protracted or comolex inve<__iga�ions • �quipment(includina, bu� _.� limited to, locks, alarms, monitoring, tracx::g cr s:: devices; specialty tools interded to preve:� or de��r au�o thefts, etc.) • Programs designed �o i����rc or expard the resources of existing auto theft preventicxi, i- Gpprehension, or prosecution activi�_es • Multi-jurisdictioral projec_s corbinir_g the resources of nir'erent agencies in a tas:i =orce approach to prevent, inves�igate, and _rosecut= a1�o �heft • Long term or specializea �_�ining to �urther develep the expertise oi auto �hef� ir_:=_s�igators and/or nrosecu�ors • S�ateo�ide public enucatic� _rocrams • Statewide training con_ere-c�s -1- App2icant Eliaibilit� q�� 7`� The following entities are eiigible to apply for program grants: state and local agencies, i�ciuding law enforcement and correctional agencies; prosec_tors; the judiciary; corporatior.s; and_neighborhood, community �-d busir_ess organizations: Grant Application Procedures lri2 BOdTC� �d111 pYOV1C'2 Di2D�.:C '^G�iC2 OL t.�e dVd11 GAl1SLY Of grant iunds �o in�erested narties. =p:lica-?ts for initial funciing must �irst recn:es� a granL a��l_ca__c�? �rom tne Board, and then follow t.r'_E instructi Sti�p� 1EC _._ _=° OrG^� ZDA� 7.Cd�7.071 pdC}CaCe a17C1 COT?1DZ2tE c?1C1 S1gA Lri2 �iiLO __.�=L cYEVEri�10Il Grant Applicaticn, FOYID AT:Ol. �nplicaLion fcrms a-u _�s�r��cticrs may be obtained by WY1L1P_c LO: N11riP2SOLd AtiCO ___2_'� Pr2VEr•L10T] Program, 1110 CEIlCY2 ?ointe Curve, Suite �05, :�er���G �eichts, NN. 55118. Applications nust be received by t:e �ca�c -o later than 4:30 pm (CST) oi the date established in the nct_ce o- crant svailability. Nost grant projects are eiic_�_� =cr contiruation after the initial =unding cycle. To rec�.:es�, cc-__:�a�_on of a grant, recipients must submit a written no�ice ci '_-_�__� �o con�irue rhe grant project. Tre notice of inten� �o ce-�_-�e r.,us� be f_led annually and must be received 'cy the Board ro �a�e_ �nan 120 days prior to the expiraticn Of t]�E p_r101' crGr_ ;QrEETiE?1� OY centract. All cJY211C awards are subject to ��e �1-a'_1ab_L ty oi iunds and annual approval by the Bcard. Grant Award Procedures Grants will be awarned by ��e 3carn. T'n.e 3oard will consider grant anplicaticns at regularly sc�e�u�ed board n�eetings, and the Board may approve any por�ion c= a_-a�t budcet up to the total amount requested. Proposals thGc r�°ely replace existing auto theft prevention programs will be c'_-:en a low priority for fundir.g. Approval of a grar_L applicGt`_c, _s subjec� to: • availabili�y of �unds; • an applicant's periormance a-�d compliznce with the Lerms and conditions of a curren� cr _ricr yeGr grant agreement; • priorities for projects, ac__vities or initiatives that are inenti�ied by the Bcard; aru • a limit of one grant ap�1_ca�_c� :cr each eligible applicant per year. -2- q� -��q Applicants for initial and cc-tinuation funding will be notified within 30 days following ap:=c or disaAproval of a grant application by the &oard. F� applicant who disagrees with the decision of the Board may re��=st a hearing within 30 days following the date of the r_c�'ce that the grant was not approved. The request for a hearir_g ����s� be in writir_g. Proceedings in which the Board may make a ceter:�::-=_�ien regarding substantial _nterests or a�arty shall be conduc��� an3 disposed oi in accordance with the provisions of N�_:rESC�3 _=:C? S�a�u�e 168A.40. Grant Terms and Conditions Agreement_ I= �ppreved ic� ' an applicant will be required LO EXeCllt2 d COriLYflCL OY arar_= acreemen� that includes as part Oi Lr12 contrac�, �l'12 arGr_t d:_,^,__..:,L_O_"1 dS nDDYOV2Cl OY amended by `�he Board. Orientation. Gr�nt r=cipie-�s -ay be required to atter_d an orientztion meetirg pr �� =:e relea�e c= :unds. Advance Payment and Reimburs�.=.=nt. A gra�� recipient may reguest _n writing an advar.ce pa }�;:.E_ _„_ '�ip to 25 percent of Lhe toral budge� approved by ���e 3carc. �'�erea=ter, payments will be made on a mor.thly reimburse-:er_�t ba_='s, �^less c�rerwise approved by the Board. If a deposit accc�-_ __ es�ablisned ior disbursirg grant funds, the depository m�.�s� �� -azr�a;ned separate and apart irom any personal or business accc�-�s. Reports_ Grant reci�ier�s r.._=_ =_le quar�erly and annLal reports. Other reporLS may be rEQ;�_=" ,� r,Eeded. Documentation. The gran� r=_c_�_e�� musL ma_r.tain an audit �rai1 oi all grant expenses, nocume�_e_ ;y receipts or paid invoices. Upon request by tne Board, �he c=a== recipient must provide docu�,�entation, records, rE�c�_=, and attestations to ensure financial accountabili�y ar_c c..�pl_�nce with the terms and condi�ions of the aranL. Authorized Expenditures. 3=:'__ie-� *,,�y Lse grant funds only for authorized expendit�res, -;.ea-'_-g c�ly those expenditures that are speci�ically described in ��e ?rant Gpplica�ion and approved by the Board. Authorized experd:���=___ ,.�,:s� be ior services or products received af�er 12:Oi a.m. (C==; on Lhe °irs� day of the grant period and before 11:59 p.r:. �g_) on the last day oi the grant period. The grant YECILJ1E�iL "::= 1 l �e required to reimburse the Board for any unauthcrized e�_:e�d_tures. In addition, unauthorized expenditures may result i^ �c__=•^.dL10P_ o= �he grant. -3- Grant Property. Any durable goods—for example: furniture or �{1 -� `., equipment with a useful life o� more than one year are considered property for purposes of the crant. The Board is the owner of all property purchased or reimbursed �ith grant funds for the duration oi the initial and continuat_cn :�r.dir.g cycles (that is, the entire grant period). Upon comnlet_cn o_ the grant period or completion of the grant projecc, WR_CrEi'?Y is later, ownership of property may be turned over to tre gra�t reci�-=nt under the following COnd1�10riS: • �he recipienL CC�D�-eQ W1L�_ LPc L2YTS d^d COnd1t10P_S OZ Lh2 CO�tYdCL or gra�� GCrE "iiE��=] • the preperty v�as nurcrasec '_n accordance with approved purchasing procenures; • LY'!2 grant WGS COi�1D�.ELEC tC �nE? Sat.1Si2CC].OR Of the Board. The QY�uY1L YEC1D12?"!C 'IL'SL ::ld-'�c1n =riVE?1i.OTy control pi dll FJYG�,"`ETty purchased during the ara=� �e�':ofl a:�d a record of all property acquisitions must be Sti�`:1L�2Q LC �re Board. The grant recipier.t is responsible for the c�re and -.air�enarce oi grant preperty, including all insurarce req�u__ed cy t�e NATPB during the grant period. The grant recip_ert _s re=_oonsible for insurance to cover tne liability of all nro�er� ;;h;'e b�inq used by the recipient. 'd'ne Beard may conciuc� c=riod`_� i�s�ec�ions of all grant preperty. ?�TO grant property may be solc, tra:!s_erred, or disposed of during the gran� period wit�ou� �he �xpressed written permission of the 3oard. Si the g?'G? reci�_e-_ dc�s r_ot comply •�aith the terms ar_d conditions of the gr�n� ior ___� p��rc�ase oi property, �he Board may: • require the recipien� �o �=_m:�u_se Lhe Board for an amount equal to the acquisition ccs� o_ �r:e �roperty; • transfer the property _o a-ctner recipient; or • transfer, sell, cr dzspose c= ti:e property. Multi-Agency Agreements. ?or �11 cxants involving two or more oarticipating agencies or orca�izG�icns, the grant recipient must have all participan�s sica a^ agreemen� that establishes the equitable distribution o� any �rc�erty, miscellaneous revenue, donations, or reimburseme-�ts 'or t^e ccst of investigations thac may accrue to the grant recip_ent during the grznt period. ?roperty includes pret�erLy p with grant Lunds and any contraband property that _s 'crfe_�ed �o or seized by the grant recip_ent. S� �1'1 -1 C� Amendments. Any reauest to a-end the grant program or budget must be submitted to the Board in writing. The Board will respond to requests within 30 days of receipt. I✓aterial amendments to the goals, cbjectives, activities or budget require approval by the Board in a vote conducted a� a regularly scheduled meeting. A grant recipient may trans_er up to �0 percent o= a budget category between bllC1QEt Cdt2COY1ES w1�_^_pU� DT10T cpDYOV2�.. Al� O� bunget diil2P_CliReZ7LS require cGVc??CE c_ _?'CVc� ,}`.,� �I?e BOdTC�. Audits_ The �OcYCl CT' dI1 �li� .C�"1Z2Q' represen�ative ITicy CO^CLCL DEY10Q1C cLC11�S O' CrG�� �"EC=: _E'^LS LO E_^,�i1T2 COTTip�.1cPC2 W1i.1'1 � i.ETT�S dP_Q' COi!C11L10�S C- �^2 __� _�. 1 �S GQQILZO?S� CTdi1G recipients V71'10 dYE required �L'y ��W LO C,^.=:tiCL 'c?7 c71Plid�. �ullQ1L i�1llSL �U'iJ;�ij_� d copy o= �he audit �o ��e Bca_�. Termination. The 3oard -:�y �_rm=na�e a cra_n_t for any reascn. If a c�7Tc17C 1S L2YT(11?72LEC1, d>> i.:^�X_=nGE cl =UndS i�liSL be re�urr.en i.p the Board vaithin 60 cays =rc-. �he da�e o= termination. Discretionary Grants ?�t �r:e Cl'_SCT2�10?"! C- �:� _,.l."�?� - �:_e ?Cc?' may idenLify u�1^iC1 ill'�d unio,ue cr exemplary �rojec�= o` an exce��ional or extraordirary nature. This may _ncl�de ___c� projecLS or innovative programs t�'ldt C]Ei;1CIISLYd�E E_L�E'_" ._c CC^CEDLS Or area� potential SOY achieving the p�rpeses c= t:� ��at�e; eme or snecial neens v.-here there is a cr_s_s �'�a� =ecu_res i�mediate funding to address a specific nroblem; c„y DYC; �Sd� S LrcL L� e 30aX('1 determines t0 �JC' reasonab=e RECESSc?'y� C?' CC": �:?lET?� �O acnieve tl'le purposes Of tr2 Si.�u�.L'E. Resolution A copy ci a signed resc_ut`_� : r���� acce::�pany the application ior each grant preposal. ^he re=c_utien LEEQS to be signed by ti City Council, County Board, .._ c__c�tion Board ii being sent by this type of �n entity. 7.� ATTACHMENT B �� _,��� Priorities -In areas that experience a s=cnificaat auto theit problem, the Board will give pricrity to c=Gnt apolications that estzblish or enhance a comprehensive �rocrarn �o combat auto theft. A co�rmre�ensive progrGm incluces e=�orts in a11 oi tne =ollowing areas: multi-agency invo�ve-er_�, �ro-active strategies, crime c^d� }�S1S "'u11(3 2Q'llCcL102Y c^ �_ :.1?77.ng, ^ 10 receive priority � �pplica�ions must meet t�e _,.l�owi-!g condition- � licatic. �� � . Grant app s ru_- �� =or the purpose of establishir_g or enhancing a ce-�rehe DTO�Taiil zhat includes ei�orts in all oi the areas described, ==cluding scr�tegies or activities under each area as _11��==rated belew. rn applicant is not limited to the activ_t_�s �^d strategies illustrated. Mu1ti-Agency Involvemen� - ;,,�ulti-agency effort to reduce, preven� or cre=ec.a�e auto thef� where each 'agency r?flS Sp2C1i1C Ci.iL1ES �II.^. '_^cgpC7?S1b1� 1L1E5: Pro-Active Efforts - C-c�irg plarned activi�ies to reduce thefts, increzse reccver`_es, arrests, cenvictions, etc. Crime Analysis - Co112c��cn c= data to support law enforcement and prosec•��'_cn eiior�s. Education Awareness and Trainino — �fiorts to educate the public on auto �re=� problems, prevention and safety, and trG•_ning ce•�e'_o�ed and provided to law enforcement ofi_cers arc aresecutors. ATTACHMENT :�linnesota Auto Theft Pre�•ention Program Grant Ap� ication 9�l —'1 c.� SECTION 1: APPLSCANT TNFO�cMATION Type of Governmental Agency or Organization: State � County a Private £or Profit � Name o£ Agency or Organization: Agency Address City: City a Private Non-Profit O County: Federal Identificat�on 'vT�er State: Zip Total MATPP Budget Reauest: Project Title, if applic�ble: Geographical Area P.pplicable �o Grant Project:(identi£y statewide, county city, other) Other Agencies Participating in the Project:(I£ a multi-agency project, attach letters o£ coafirmation by all entities) Form AT:O1 _1_ SECTION 2: CERTIFICATION/SIGNATURES- I acknowledge that I�ave� read, understand �nd agree to the conditions set forth in the application and supporting r„a�erials �nd that the information I am supplying in this applicatio� is true, complete and correct. Type Name and Title o£ Project Director: (Project Director is the primary contact person for all aspects of the grant) NAME TeleDhone Nuznber (pirector) SIGNATURE DATE Fax Number (Directorl Type Name and Title of Financial Of£icer: Name Signature Type ISame and Title o£ Authority 0£ficial: (Person authorized to enter i:to a£ormal agreement) Name Signature Date Date Rorm AT:O1 _2_ ur2CtS.0I2 .3. Current and Proposed Auto Theft Prevention 9�',y9 Responsibilities - =or each ci the auto theft reduction strategies and activities listed below, c�ec;c whether they are current efforts undertaken by your acency. =��n checic the activities and _strategies that are proposed 'cr NATTB grant-funding. all activities and strategies t^�� �rply. STRATEGIES AND ACTIVITIES MULTI-AGENCY INVOLVnMFNT MultiDle Law �nforce-e�!� Agencies Prosecutors Insurance Snnustry Businesses Community Groups Other Pro-Active Efforts CLTRZ32T'i LEVEL OF EFFORT PROPOSED FOR (�TOT ?MATPP FUNDED) (MATTP GRANT) Decoy Operations Chop Shop Identifica�_c� Investigations, Lo*ie _�r;� InvestigaLions, Shor� Ter� Other Crime Analvsis identify Trends & Ne��ods Develop Profiles Identify High Risk �r=as & Vehicles Identify Repeat Offe-cers Other Public Education & pwareness Prevention Seminars Presentations to Scncols Advertising Campaiar.s Other Trainino Development Prograrr�s LGw Enforcement Officers Prosecutors Other Form AT:O1 _3_ SECTIDN 4. Grant Purpose and Description - Provide a summary 1 �„q description of the project t�at is to be funded by the NiATPB. � Briefly describe the gra:t c�jectives and the grant-funded strztegies and activities �hat will be implemented to achieve the _objectives. Describe now �re project meets priorities'established by the MATPB , if applic�ble. lise �dditional space ii needed. Form AT:O1 -4- SEC�10I1 J - Statement of Need and Current Staff �� .�(�.q ti Part A. Describe the specific prcblem or deficiency that is to be corrected. Document the reen �y providiag the source Qf the �statistical data, and incluce botn r_umbers and percentages. Statistical data should cor�e�po-d Lo tre eeographical project area described in Sectien 1. i;se a�ui�_c�?al spGce i� needed. Part B. List current sta== (-c� :✓_��2a iunded) that have auto theit responsibilities in your age-c '-:clude the position title, full- time salary, and percent oi �_-e s_ent on auto theft responsibilities. � FORM AT:O1 _�_ ATTACHMENT D 9 �'�`� pbiectives, Activitzes/Strateaies and Eva2uation Criteria A�t�C7'!iri2i1� ` ].S _U"=0V7.QEQ LO ^E!B L�'le cUpllCcrit 1GEI]tlfy �]'1Q iyL:2 Oi 1P_SOTiild�l0?7 �h�L c_tiOU� CI c'_ cd?' i:�C�?' Section 6 Oi tf'i2 gr�nt apnlica�ion d17C1 LO DrCV1G�e a� EXcT�Dl2 Oi a completed fOTiil iOT re_ererce purposes. Objectives To establish projec� objec�_ ask yeurself tne _ollowing cuestion, "iahat Gm ?`�ry_r_g ", �r,:�rcve? Once you netermine ti�nat you wisn �o improve, you �_e�c �o _de-�tify by hcw much and by when will it be improvec. Cb;ec�_-es -us� be poch measuranle and time speci�ic. A grant �ro�ec� --_- na�e several objectives. ExGmples or r, data ;vhich ca- �� �sed ior objectives include, buL are not limited to: Reduce :__c_derCe cf au�o theft; inerease recovery Of S�O�EII tic121CicSJ _:?C'!Ec�2 171 QOl1dY rate Of recovered vehicles; ircrease �,��r�,ber c'_ ��to �heit cGses nrosecuted or convicted; inc_ease �umcer p' a�u�o �hei� case clesures. (See next �GCe ior speciiic exFmples). Activities/Strategies 'r1Ct1V1t12S hc?Cl St.Y�LEQIES d="'E LPE Clii.12S 2??Q' responsibilities Crc:C you plan and implerr�en� �o he_� ycu ac'n_ieve your ebjectives. Por example, if the objective _s �o i^crease the number of vehicle recoveries, ore str�tecy �o =-crease recoveries may be to conduct �raining of patrol o=iicers c-_ s�olen vehicle identification methods. Whenever GbprcDria�=, activities ard strategies should state wnat is to be dcre, hc•:: oi�en it will be done, and when it will be done. Each objec�ive -!ay have several activities or s�rategies associated wi�:� __. (See rex� page ior specific examples). Evaluation Criteria _'he evaluation criceria cescr_ties or�aL mechods you will use to determine whetrer tre cbjec�`_r�s nave been met. What data will you use to measure the improvemer�, hcw w_11 you r�easure it, and over v:-hat pericd oi time vaill vo� -easure it? (See next page for sneciiic examples). Q � H z O � � A H W W U H �i . � a a � W i � � s� 3 � � � CJ7 N r� .�.. (11 1� lI N 7y r6 -� `t5 �� y C3+ v � y 'z5 \ Q .� U] U] N N ¢� 3 :J a � -� °' � ai � � Q "� � -� � RS -.i �� � U � -H � m m � N .C1 r� E '� c y � 'ti O '� 4 - La k a el � ro r� U L -a U1 :a �U S+ iU [ � O � aJ m O C1 .-i � � '^1 _J Q.I :.� �„'i L l� � ;,{ 'i � 3 m '� U .0 e� � �6 U� -ri � w .O Ol U� r6 U ro .� .n � c, ro u .c � � '� � � � � � � v��� � � -� � � � "� '� � �.�i �-t U � � ,- -U Si U �U U � -.� L �., zs � v y U '0 N � �r�i .�. '^t CL � -� 3 O 1.1 L7 U1 .1..1 �} ` � � � � '�'i �C 'r'� fiS 1J +� �3 e� A U S-i � O - ;-a � O :� N N � . 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N\ U r5 3�> J O ri L'1 O �1 N m .-� U .-i � � �U � -.i +� ri l� s+r+�.csoma rJ U O �U U W\[J a, -.; �� > .� 5 E C L+ � � � O N OJ O^.^� O.�'. U > O, +� . 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ZS G' � N .� � ,� � +� . -� .� E � `� GS U '�i �6 1� �ri .� QJ 11 �1 t7� :J 3 - n � � O r-+ �U i3 O I S+ �� C � R � .A �'fi 4J h > O .0 N � -� , � '^1 r6 U .-C N S-i � ;-t �U y c N U b"� �n -r+ ,C � A el u :� -0 � � � � � O � .� -� � 3 v S-i r3 U� N � O iU <6 3 � � cn O :� .� i�a J N G. �J y > i! � � ro �� � � e� U7 � n. O � 7S � �.�1 � '6 � O ri �Si N �J • 1] T1 �.i U� � � y � � � O � 3 U o � , u � .� .Q � .Q U m � � � ro � � ro � � E ro �3 3 3 ��` (l91 9'1—�1 c.q ATT:�CHMENT E DISALLOkr.D EXPENDITURES (INCLUDING 3UT NOT LIMITED TO) * Ammuni�ion * rood * Guns * Janitorial Se�v'_ces * Lo'r�bying * PrivGte Secur_�_� ��a-d gerv_ce *?romoL:c-�a1 cr _._-. e? �y izems; such as key chains, whistles, ha�s, _-r.=, etc. * Reiresrmer_�s * Toll iree tele��cr_e 1_r_e to report car theits, tips, etc. * Uniforms or ��a�ca=d s:�pplies for officers, i.e., vests, guns a�n :ol_sters, am�r�unition, radios, etc. • NoTE: The above items are, in ceneral, not funded by the MATPP. If the success o_ a_rocram is dependent upon one oi the above items, an a�_-_ican� may include it in .the budget with appropria�e j ior the expenditure. The MATFB will cons_ce� =ucz requests, but reserves the righL to neduc� an� s�c� expenditures from the total budcet reauest. 9� —�c�°� DID YOU KNOW THAT THERE IS A AUTO THEFT REWARD TIP LI\TE I\T THE STATE OF �II\�\TESOTA? (HEAT) 1-800-359t4328 HELP ELIMI�ATE AUTO THEFT FOR MORE I��FOR'1ZATION CONTACT THE MINNESOTA AUTO THEFT PREVENTION PROGRAM (612) 405-6155 q�l -� t�q The Saint Paul Police and Fire Arson Unit consist of three fuit-time fire investigators, six back up fire invesrigators, one chief fire investigator and two police arson investigators. While the unit does investigate vehicle fires and stolen and bumed vehicies, this area has not been a high priority. This is due in part to the difficulty in this area of investigations and also on lack of knowledge on proper methods of investigative techniques. According to the insurance industry such as State Fann and Progressive Insurance, estimates from 65 percent to 85 percent of all cars reported stolen and burned have owner involvement. If properly investigated, these incidents can haue a higher success rate than most stolen vehicles and most vehicle arsons. The arson unit proposes to combat this auto theft/arson problem by the training of fire investigators, police, fire department mechanics, and Ramsey County Prosecutors that specialize in arson cases. Increased communication between police and fire investigators by use of digital cameras and computerized fue investigaton progams. We will conduct more detailed investigations by examining all stolenlburned vehicles in detail by using lights and generator accelerant detectors; and having oil filters analyzed for engine problems/failure. Use when needed an auto lift to e�iamine the underside of vehicles for a complete examination. Call upon the experience of triiried mechanics when necessary for advice. The unit will also sponsor a car theflla€son semin�.tha1 will train it's own members as well as others from around the state. The uni�u�i11 alsa ivbrk ctosely with insurance companies on these crimes. The unit will devel�p public seruice an�tou�cements that can be played on radio and cable TV on the city cable charuiel. The u�it will also develop a video on auto theftfarson investigation that can be distributed for free to other fire/iaw enforcement agencies and insurance industries. The unit will work closely with the county prosecutor to increase the number of prosecutions relating to auto theft/arson. The unit will also work to increase arrests and closure of cases. The unit will add to it's investigative computer program, data to track stolen/burned vehicles, and 2he names associated with the investigation. The unit will give a copy of the computer program to the police arson unit and auto the8 wut. o�cT�: By September 30, 1997, increase public awareness of auto theft/arson problems and inform the how they can help. A. Make a PSA for city cable TV and radio stations announcing a"Heat and Arsori' Hotline. `l� -`�(.°C 2. By August 3 Q, 1997, conduct more eatensive investigations of stolen(bumed vehicles. A. Produce and use an in-depth owner-questionnaire list form for stolen/burned velucles and their owner. B. Purchase state-of-the art accelerant detectors for $2500 x 2 for assisting in detecting and collecting samples and evidence. C. Purchase an auto ]ift for the puipose of examining the underside and removing the oil filter. $3,500. D. Collect and have test all oil filters from stolen/bumed vehicles for signs of engine problems indicating possible motive. $60 x 60 =$3,600. E. Photograph velucies with digital camera, besides the use of 35mm, so photos of vehicles may be shown to police investigators to help with communicating important facts. Two digital cameras $2 x 1000 =$2000. F. Purchase by August 30, 1997, two Polaroid cameras for police investigators so they may take photos of critical evidence found later during the investigation, and to photo suspects vehicles eta 2 x$260 =$520. G. Purchase hy August 30, 1997, a generator for the fire investigation van to better light vehicles for better examination and collection of evidence. Increase knowledge and e�pertise of police(fire prosecutors in vehicle theft/arson investigation. A. By October 15, 1997, sponsor a three-day vehicie theftlfire investigation course foi policelfire investigators and prosecutors. $6000. B. Send Saint Paul Police and Fire Investigators and back-up investigators and invite Ramsey County Attorneys to attend vehicle theftJfire seminar. $3,000 in overtime for fire investigatars who aze on 24-hour siuft. 4. By August 30, 1997, keep statistical data on stolen/burn vehicles such as names, month, case outcome, and share with the police auto-theft unit. A. Add new auto section in newly developed fire department computer program and give a copy of program to Auto Theft Unit of police department. B. Track cases sent to county attomey for prosecution. 2 a'1-��9 EVALUATION Show an increase in the number of stolenlburned vehicte investigations thax are cleared by anest or prosecution or exceptionally cleazed. Have better statisrics on stolen/burned vehicles and more detailed reports. Accelerant detectors � Digital cameras Automotive lift system Law enforcement Polaroid cameras and film (12 packs film) One color printer for digital photos Generator for Arson van Vehicle theft/fire investigator seminar Overtime for fire personnel on shift Oil filter analysis Computer program changes and add work station 2 x $Z,000 2 x 1,OQQ 1 x 1,000 2 x 260 1 x 349.99 1 x 2,169.99 50 x $60 $ 4,000 2,000 3,600 720 349.99 2,169.99 5,000 4,000 3,000 400 $25,240 fiT� TOTAL 3 � o R � � � ����T�oN � CITY�O�INT PAUL, MII Presented By: Referred To: ti 2 3 a s s � s s io 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Council File # �Tt'�Q S Green Sheet# 29954 'A Committee: Date i WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has solicited grant applications for the Auto Theft Prevention Program, and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Fire Department wishes to apply for a grant for funding in the amount of $35,350 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council allow the Saint Paul Fire Department to submit an application for the Auto Theft Prevention Program in the amount of $35,350. Adopted by Council: Date � \qq Adoption Certified by Couna Secretary: Approved by Mayor. Date � JZ I S'� By: �, l/�/�—� Requested by Department of: Fire & Safety Services Bv� ��,�� �t �'�. .a � Ap al Recommended b Budg �rector: By����'�-e.� /n ' ' T Form ed b Ci A� ey: BY� � C l� � Approved by Ma or for Submissio o Council: By: � DEPARTMENI'/OFtICFlCO[INCR. DA'IE 1ED A � - �/ � I_ Fire&SafetyServices 6/13j97 CsREEN SHE T fd0. 29954 � ° COMACfPIItSONffiPHONE �1 DEPARIMENCDIXECCOR �0 CIIYCOUNC➢. Asst. Fire Chief Gary Tmdeau 228-6217 � crrrnrroxc�r � m�r ct.QUc MUSIBEONCOUNCQ.AC��DASY(DA'IE) � BUD(�IDiRECfOR � FIN.&MGf.SE2VICESDIR �3 MAYOR(ORAS9SfAN'n Q CF�FFACCAUNLANf TOTAL # OF 5IGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CfIONREQUESIID _ To approve the attached CouncIl Resolurion authorizing the Depar[ment of Fue & Safery Services to apply for a gant from the Auto Theft Prevention Ptogtam. t�conmm�roanor�s:n�.o���n�o�x9xcRy PERSONALSERVICECONI'RACfSMUSTANSWF•RTHEFOLI,OWINGQUESTIONS: runmmacconnwssiox _rnn.sEtcvsecoau.uss[ox 1.Hasthispersodfirmeveruro13cedmderawnhactfarHilsdepamnent? cmcot.u.nrrg YES NO a_ST.v�'f J _ � 2. Has this pecson/fiim ever been a ciry employee? ^ n�snucrmmcr YES NO Sueeox[S�v[uct[ooUtacaoa�ecrwe? 3. Does this pecson/fixm possus a skill nqt noemalty possessed by any cnrtert ciTy empioyee? YES NO (Ezplsiu all yce aaswers ou separate sheet and attach to green shcet) INfRATINGPROBLEh;LSSUE.OPPORiUN1iY(R'b0.��, WAa4 WAare.w'bY)' The State of Minnesota has solicited giant applications for the Auto Theft Prevention Progiam. The Saint Paul Deparhnent of Fire & Safety Services would ]ike to apply for a_gant for funds to purchase equipment and Vaining to enhance the investigation oF stolenlbwned vehicles. ADVANTA(�SIFAPPROVED. The Fire Department may receive additional funds to purchase equipment and training to improve auto theff/arson investigafions. DISADVANfAGES R APPROVID: None. DLSADVANTAGESOPNOTAPPROVED' Loss of potentiat funds for new equipment and training. � �� ��� JUN 1 7 1��7 ,o,A�.�o„�oR�sAC�oN_ 35350 rnsriaevenoeswcerenccmc�.eoNe> vrs rvo e�mumissounce wcTrvrrr�sex GL-510-35110 Furavcru.mFO�cnrwnonr: (�inu� , s a'1-'7�q MINNESOTA AUTO THEFT PREVENTION PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION /NSTRUCTIONS 1. 3ACKGROUND The NN Legisla�ure �a�s�� lec_sla�ic� in 1956 crea�ing i._r2 '�1�0 Tr22� ?YE'vE�t_C' ?=C�TdTi1 ('✓ATP?) . The DllT7JCS2 OL tII15 legislation is to reduce -,c�cr vehiele cheft and ics COnSEQli2P_CES 1_'1 L^2 SLc�� G= �✓1?�;7ESOtd Dy fliRQ1?7 programs t+'f!1CII aid in L��2j _Cc-?�_-=Cd�iOR O' CT1L1C31 1SSL'@S� 2CIliCnt10T1 cP_C� cW�YEY'i2SS� 1_iJE6L1Cc=_C'� c..T;Cl p_rOSECl:C.1017. '1'r?2 L2Q].S�� ESLc blished tr� N1n`�SC��. T "..:-0 1'n t �Y : .. e�� evention Board, which will make grant =u^.as a annually to support �ne purpcses of tr� leg_sla__�__. 2. AMOtTN'P OF FUNDS AVAILP_RT•� T}?2 N=?!PESO��u =_Ut0 _'_�E=� �O�YQ' �N.�?TF�� Gi?_n,CLriCES �ne availabili�y o� crG-_ _�-,�s in ��e amount oi apt�roximatel�, $1,000,000.00 _cr t�e s��_= =_scGl year. 3. WHO MAY APPLY T'he follo;n�ing entit_es are ==_gible to apply for p? gTcT1�S s�ate c!?CI _ICCa1 '_��C1ES - 1*!C�LQ'1RC� ],�W en°orcemenL ar_d correctional agenc_e=; �resecutcrs; the judiciary; CCTpOY'dt10I1S� cpCl rE_p'_r_i,�_ _;GCI CT CCi.^.Tili??1Ly �T1C1 f.JUS1?72SS organizations. 4. ELIGIBLE PROGRAMS -(SE3 ATTACHMENT "A" - GRAN'I' AVAILABILITY) 5. MINNESOTA AUTO THEFT PR=J�N'i'TON BOARD GRANT APPLTCATIO23 The �pplication fcr a cra=� 4nder this notice is the Ninnesota �u�o Theft Preventicn ?�c_rG^i Gx�nt Application, rorm AT:Ol. �� AT:Ol 1S '_71CZllC.ECl c5 =LL�C'_��ETIL '�C" aPCl iTillSt be comple�ed in its entirety by an a��:cr_zed re�reser.tative of the reauestirg entity subm_�__-c ��e applicaLion. The application iorm, accompanying _nicr-.a�icn, instructions, materials and attachments are part of �:e o'iicial grant application. Questions on now to com_D=��e �he form snould be directed to the NATPB`s oiiice a�(6�2/�C�-6155 or 6i2/405-6153). -1- 6. GRANT MAXIMUM G`� _�`� 7. E� � It is recommenned exceed $100,000.00 considered. that aoplications under this notice not _ ??owever, all applications will be PRIORITY FOR FUNDING Priority ior i�:�di�g wi_1 i�e given to applications _or DYO�ECLS W�'11Ch :12EL L�'?E CT1t2Y'1Z CZeSCX1D2C� in A�tachment ��*3' GRANT CONDZTI013S By signing the a�:± =orm, L'r.e �pplicant agrees to all of the arant cc�di�zcr_s _�t �ortn in the application materials. In acc_��on, s:ccess�ul applicants will be required to sicn an agreemer_� wn_c� reauires eompliance with all applicable StBL° c^.Q �CC3� S�cLli�2S, c dministrative Yll�ES� procedures and pel_cies e=�ablished in the grar_t �pplicaticn materials. APPLICATION DEADLINB A1�7 SUBMISSION 2NSTRUCTIONS �ead and iollow all �ns�ructions that apbesr in �2�±e aT�D11.Cdt1071 ?l'cLEr_d_� S d',^_ O?1 = OYiil (AT: O1) ACt3C��ftleri� ��C" . FOY each section o= �:e apnl_ca�ion, use tne space allotted on t'r,e iorm unless the _�s�ruc�_cns irdicate otnerwise. Use any style ZO71�� bllL QO ^C� i:�° smaller tl?G?1 d 10 p0111C LOZlt. A complete applicacion ce�sists of the signed and completed Attached "C'�Form (Ai:O�} for submission to tl�ie NiATPB. Nake seven copies oi ��e co-�p'_eted application, for a total nuriber of eight GL�p�1CGL=CIIS� _.�.� the original plus seven copies. All oi the copies �::::st :,� identical and legible. After making the requ_red cop:=s, mark "ORIGINAL" in the upper right nand corner o= the cria�-a1 application. In one envelope, send the origir.al applicatic� plus the seven copies to che MATFB office. Retain cr.e copy `or the applicants records. The origiral applica�ion p1Us seven copies must be received in the MATPB's of£ice no later than 4•30 Qm (CST) on April 30 1997. A�plications maY not be faxed to the MATPB's office and ap_plications received after the deadline may not be considered. Mail or del_ver applications to: Ninnesota Auto iheit Prevention Board 1110 Cen�re Po_n�e Curve, Suite 405 N,endo�a Eeights, NN. 55118. -z- °I� -7`q 10. AWARD ANNOUNCEMENT P.ND FUNDING CYCLE Grant awards for state =iscal year 1997, will be announced __prior to July l, 1997. r=ter this initial year of--funding, projects awarned under �_-is �c�ice will be funded for a maximum of one year dur -� t'r_e state fiscal year (July 1 �hrough June 30). Zecia_e=�s ci grant awards under this notice i?ldy reguest CC?=L1?':L'c,L.10^ G' C?'c^,?'_t. iL?1QS after the initial yEd?' OS ili?1C11PCJ. 11. APPLICABLE LAWS PND RUL:S The Ninnesoca Auto '�:ef� 2Yev=^.ticn ll??CIEY' Ninnesota SLd�ti�2 _?C�_C?7 168A dDP1lCd S�Gi.iiLE _S c'� �11cD1E 11pOII admin_s�rative reauirer..e_=s =cr �he in Attachment "A". Froaram is authorized .a0. A copy of the request. The grant program are included 12. MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES "-CTIVITIES/STRATEGIES, AND EVALUA'TION A�tachment "C" (-orm y=:�'_) r=quires �hat the applicant brovide the N�3TPB or_�h s_ ec::_c eb;ectives, c.Ct1V1L1ES�SLYc.L2O12g� V,__,. ":.cflSliYd'p�E evaluation CY1t2Y1a. p.tt�C�"liii271t. ��T��� 1S DYCVIG�,^� �O cSS1S� tY12 applicant 171 iden�ifying var_cus areas �^a� ,�,Gy be used for the grant projecL. 13. DISALLOWED COSTS Attachment "E" to �he ior which grant iuncs tynically not apprcv� monecary reduc�ion o= a::=ica= materials is a list of items �,� :.✓ not be used. Such items are �-� �'�e .T✓�TPB and may result in a t'e gran_ requested. 14. BUDGET INSTRUCTIONS The budget section o: Fcr A?:01 is �a itemized descrip'tion by budget category o= I�ATr? '_unds t:hat Gre requested. Any agency contributions teward th� procr�m should not be combined with MATPP funds requested. �c�e tnat MATPP funds may not be used as a substitute :or exi=�'_�?g sources of =unding. In addition to �he i�em_zed bndget, the applicant must complete a budaec narra�' ror each budget category, i.e., sworn employees, ct?�er e o�fice ooerations, ete., the applicant must speci=ica=_y describe how the individual items listed in the budget ca�=_ceries will be used to meet grant objectives. Provine jus�`_'ica�ioa for large or unusual costs and for any ccsts tra� 4r� ty disallowed. -3- 15. CONTACT PERSON For any questions concerring the application materials /� ��q contact: � t' Dennis Roske _ Ninnesota Auto :he-t Prevention Board -" 1110 Centre Pointe Cu? Suite ?OS Menco�a �?eiah�s, _✓N. 55118 !elep�cne_(612/�OS-�153) rax:(612JS05-6156) 16. LIST OF ATTACI�2FNT5 r�.A.T.P.P. Gran� ?a-:�hi�� --------------------- Priorities ------------------------------------ Grant Applica�icn, Pcrr _.T:O� ----------------- Neasurable Objectives, – — and Evaluatic� Cr;�er`_a Disallowed Exoe:ditures _______________________ ATTACHMENT A 3 C D E -4- ATTACHA7ENT A ��_ 7�0� A'Iinnesota auto Theft Pre� Program GR�ZT PAZ'IPHLET Purpose =0 reduce i11C�OY ti2 ° L. E-_ :PQ 1LS co�sequences 1II tne SLflL@ Oi Ninnesota Dy fii?1C11P_Q DTOCrG-c ;:niCn d1C1 1i? L]?2' • �ciEriClflCnC10II C: CY1L=C�1 ?�SLES • �ducation and F�=.arer_�s� • incestigation �-3 Prc=_ec__ien Gzant Availabili� Each year, the Board wi�- p_=_sn -�otice c= grant availab?lity to inierm prospective apol_car�s .,_ �he availability of funds. ;nyone 1T1L.2TESL2C� 171 �u- gTc'.i_� ;�'��ll5� S c*1 dYjDllCci.1CR t0 i.�'lE Board. Applicatiors may be =ub��:_��ec 'c= �he =ollcwirg types ci projects related to auto the=� nre�e-�_c�? Gnd recuc�ion: • lYa1rilIlCj (CY'1ill1P_G1 ]1i��1C=, CiL1Z.°.i:S, �'JliSli72SS, 2i.C.� • Public education ;cu�L c r_ae�incs, li�erature, public service anncuncements, nei chpprhCp= G�:�j pt;siness watch promotions, etc.) • Protracted or comolex inve<__iga�ions • �quipment(includina, bu� _.� limited to, locks, alarms, monitoring, tracx::g cr s:: devices; specialty tools interded to preve:� or de��r au�o thefts, etc.) • Programs designed �o i����rc or expard the resources of existing auto theft preventicxi, i- Gpprehension, or prosecution activi�_es • Multi-jurisdictioral projec_s corbinir_g the resources of nir'erent agencies in a tas:i =orce approach to prevent, inves�igate, and _rosecut= a1�o �heft • Long term or specializea �_�ining to �urther develep the expertise oi auto �hef� ir_:=_s�igators and/or nrosecu�ors • S�ateo�ide public enucatic� _rocrams • Statewide training con_ere-c�s -1- App2icant Eliaibilit� q�� 7`� The following entities are eiigible to apply for program grants: state and local agencies, i�ciuding law enforcement and correctional agencies; prosec_tors; the judiciary; corporatior.s; and_neighborhood, community �-d busir_ess organizations: Grant Application Procedures lri2 BOdTC� �d111 pYOV1C'2 Di2D�.:C '^G�iC2 OL t.�e dVd11 GAl1SLY Of grant iunds �o in�erested narties. =p:lica-?ts for initial funciing must �irst recn:es� a granL a��l_ca__c�? �rom tne Board, and then follow t.r'_E instructi Sti�p� 1EC _._ _=° OrG^� ZDA� 7.Cd�7.071 pdC}CaCe a17C1 COT?1DZ2tE c?1C1 S1gA Lri2 �iiLO __.�=L cYEVEri�10Il Grant Applicaticn, FOYID AT:Ol. �nplicaLion fcrms a-u _�s�r��cticrs may be obtained by WY1L1P_c LO: N11riP2SOLd AtiCO ___2_'� Pr2VEr•L10T] Program, 1110 CEIlCY2 ?ointe Curve, Suite �05, :�er���G �eichts, NN. 55118. Applications nust be received by t:e �ca�c -o later than 4:30 pm (CST) oi the date established in the nct_ce o- crant svailability. Nost grant projects are eiic_�_� =cr contiruation after the initial =unding cycle. To rec�.:es�, cc-__:�a�_on of a grant, recipients must submit a written no�ice ci '_-_�__� �o con�irue rhe grant project. Tre notice of inten� �o ce-�_-�e r.,us� be f_led annually and must be received 'cy the Board ro �a�e_ �nan 120 days prior to the expiraticn Of t]�E p_r101' crGr_ ;QrEETiE?1� OY centract. All cJY211C awards are subject to ��e �1-a'_1ab_L ty oi iunds and annual approval by the Bcard. Grant Award Procedures Grants will be awarned by ��e 3carn. T'n.e 3oard will consider grant anplicaticns at regularly sc�e�u�ed board n�eetings, and the Board may approve any por�ion c= a_-a�t budcet up to the total amount requested. Proposals thGc r�°ely replace existing auto theft prevention programs will be c'_-:en a low priority for fundir.g. Approval of a grar_L applicGt`_c, _s subjec� to: • availabili�y of �unds; • an applicant's periormance a-�d compliznce with the Lerms and conditions of a curren� cr _ricr yeGr grant agreement; • priorities for projects, ac__vities or initiatives that are inenti�ied by the Bcard; aru • a limit of one grant ap�1_ca�_c� :cr each eligible applicant per year. -2- q� -��q Applicants for initial and cc-tinuation funding will be notified within 30 days following ap:=c or disaAproval of a grant application by the &oard. F� applicant who disagrees with the decision of the Board may re��=st a hearing within 30 days following the date of the r_c�'ce that the grant was not approved. The request for a hearir_g ����s� be in writir_g. Proceedings in which the Board may make a ceter:�::-=_�ien regarding substantial _nterests or a�arty shall be conduc��� an3 disposed oi in accordance with the provisions of N�_:rESC�3 _=:C? S�a�u�e 168A.40. Grant Terms and Conditions Agreement_ I= �ppreved ic� ' an applicant will be required LO EXeCllt2 d COriLYflCL OY arar_= acreemen� that includes as part Oi Lr12 contrac�, �l'12 arGr_t d:_,^,__..:,L_O_"1 dS nDDYOV2Cl OY amended by `�he Board. Orientation. Gr�nt r=cipie-�s -ay be required to atter_d an orientztion meetirg pr �� =:e relea�e c= :unds. Advance Payment and Reimburs�.=.=nt. A gra�� recipient may reguest _n writing an advar.ce pa }�;:.E_ _„_ '�ip to 25 percent of Lhe toral budge� approved by ���e 3carc. �'�erea=ter, payments will be made on a mor.thly reimburse-:er_�t ba_='s, �^less c�rerwise approved by the Board. If a deposit accc�-_ __ es�ablisned ior disbursirg grant funds, the depository m�.�s� �� -azr�a;ned separate and apart irom any personal or business accc�-�s. Reports_ Grant reci�ier�s r.._=_ =_le quar�erly and annLal reports. Other reporLS may be rEQ;�_=" ,� r,Eeded. Documentation. The gran� r=_c_�_e�� musL ma_r.tain an audit �rai1 oi all grant expenses, nocume�_e_ ;y receipts or paid invoices. Upon request by tne Board, �he c=a== recipient must provide docu�,�entation, records, rE�c�_=, and attestations to ensure financial accountabili�y ar_c c..�pl_�nce with the terms and condi�ions of the aranL. Authorized Expenditures. 3=:'__ie-� *,,�y Lse grant funds only for authorized expendit�res, -;.ea-'_-g c�ly those expenditures that are speci�ically described in ��e ?rant Gpplica�ion and approved by the Board. Authorized experd:���=___ ,.�,:s� be ior services or products received af�er 12:Oi a.m. (C==; on Lhe °irs� day of the grant period and before 11:59 p.r:. �g_) on the last day oi the grant period. The grant YECILJ1E�iL "::= 1 l �e required to reimburse the Board for any unauthcrized e�_:e�d_tures. In addition, unauthorized expenditures may result i^ �c__=•^.dL10P_ o= �he grant. -3- Grant Property. Any durable goods—for example: furniture or �{1 -� `., equipment with a useful life o� more than one year are considered property for purposes of the crant. The Board is the owner of all property purchased or reimbursed �ith grant funds for the duration oi the initial and continuat_cn :�r.dir.g cycles (that is, the entire grant period). Upon comnlet_cn o_ the grant period or completion of the grant projecc, WR_CrEi'?Y is later, ownership of property may be turned over to tre gra�t reci�-=nt under the following COnd1�10riS: • �he recipienL CC�D�-eQ W1L�_ LPc L2YTS d^d COnd1t10P_S OZ Lh2 CO�tYdCL or gra�� GCrE "iiE��=] • the preperty v�as nurcrasec '_n accordance with approved purchasing procenures; • LY'!2 grant WGS COi�1D�.ELEC tC �nE? Sat.1Si2CC].OR Of the Board. The QY�uY1L YEC1D12?"!C 'IL'SL ::ld-'�c1n =riVE?1i.OTy control pi dll FJYG�,"`ETty purchased during the ara=� �e�':ofl a:�d a record of all property acquisitions must be Sti�`:1L�2Q LC �re Board. The grant recipier.t is responsible for the c�re and -.air�enarce oi grant preperty, including all insurarce req�u__ed cy t�e NATPB during the grant period. The grant recip_ert _s re=_oonsible for insurance to cover tne liability of all nro�er� ;;h;'e b�inq used by the recipient. 'd'ne Beard may conciuc� c=riod`_� i�s�ec�ions of all grant preperty. ?�TO grant property may be solc, tra:!s_erred, or disposed of during the gran� period wit�ou� �he �xpressed written permission of the 3oard. Si the g?'G? reci�_e-_ dc�s r_ot comply •�aith the terms ar_d conditions of the gr�n� ior ___� p��rc�ase oi property, �he Board may: • require the recipien� �o �=_m:�u_se Lhe Board for an amount equal to the acquisition ccs� o_ �r:e �roperty; • transfer the property _o a-ctner recipient; or • transfer, sell, cr dzspose c= ti:e property. Multi-Agency Agreements. ?or �11 cxants involving two or more oarticipating agencies or orca�izG�icns, the grant recipient must have all participan�s sica a^ agreemen� that establishes the equitable distribution o� any �rc�erty, miscellaneous revenue, donations, or reimburseme-�ts 'or t^e ccst of investigations thac may accrue to the grant recip_ent during the grznt period. ?roperty includes pret�erLy p with grant Lunds and any contraband property that _s 'crfe_�ed �o or seized by the grant recip_ent. S� �1'1 -1 C� Amendments. Any reauest to a-end the grant program or budget must be submitted to the Board in writing. The Board will respond to requests within 30 days of receipt. I✓aterial amendments to the goals, cbjectives, activities or budget require approval by the Board in a vote conducted a� a regularly scheduled meeting. A grant recipient may trans_er up to �0 percent o= a budget category between bllC1QEt Cdt2COY1ES w1�_^_pU� DT10T cpDYOV2�.. Al� O� bunget diil2P_CliReZ7LS require cGVc??CE c_ _?'CVc� ,}`.,� �I?e BOdTC�. Audits_ The �OcYCl CT' dI1 �li� .C�"1Z2Q' represen�ative ITicy CO^CLCL DEY10Q1C cLC11�S O' CrG�� �"EC=: _E'^LS LO E_^,�i1T2 COTTip�.1cPC2 W1i.1'1 � i.ETT�S dP_Q' COi!C11L10�S C- �^2 __� _�. 1 �S GQQILZO?S� CTdi1G recipients V71'10 dYE required �L'y ��W LO C,^.=:tiCL 'c?7 c71Plid�. �ullQ1L i�1llSL �U'iJ;�ij_� d copy o= �he audit �o ��e Bca_�. Termination. The 3oard -:�y �_rm=na�e a cra_n_t for any reascn. If a c�7Tc17C 1S L2YT(11?72LEC1, d>> i.:^�X_=nGE cl =UndS i�liSL be re�urr.en i.p the Board vaithin 60 cays =rc-. �he da�e o= termination. Discretionary Grants ?�t �r:e Cl'_SCT2�10?"! C- �:� _,.l."�?� - �:_e ?Cc?' may idenLify u�1^iC1 ill'�d unio,ue cr exemplary �rojec�= o` an exce��ional or extraordirary nature. This may _ncl�de ___c� projecLS or innovative programs t�'ldt C]Ei;1CIISLYd�E E_L�E'_" ._c CC^CEDLS Or area� potential SOY achieving the p�rpeses c= t:� ��at�e; eme or snecial neens v.-here there is a cr_s_s �'�a� =ecu_res i�mediate funding to address a specific nroblem; c„y DYC; �Sd� S LrcL L� e 30aX('1 determines t0 �JC' reasonab=e RECESSc?'y� C?' CC": �:?lET?� �O acnieve tl'le purposes Of tr2 Si.�u�.L'E. Resolution A copy ci a signed resc_ut`_� : r���� acce::�pany the application ior each grant preposal. ^he re=c_utien LEEQS to be signed by ti City Council, County Board, .._ c__c�tion Board ii being sent by this type of �n entity. 7.� ATTACHMENT B �� _,��� Priorities -In areas that experience a s=cnificaat auto theit problem, the Board will give pricrity to c=Gnt apolications that estzblish or enhance a comprehensive �rocrarn �o combat auto theft. A co�rmre�ensive progrGm incluces e=�orts in a11 oi tne =ollowing areas: multi-agency invo�ve-er_�, �ro-active strategies, crime c^d� }�S1S "'u11(3 2Q'llCcL102Y c^ �_ :.1?77.ng, ^ 10 receive priority � �pplica�ions must meet t�e _,.l�owi-!g condition- � licatic. �� � . Grant app s ru_- �� =or the purpose of establishir_g or enhancing a ce-�rehe DTO�Taiil zhat includes ei�orts in all oi the areas described, ==cluding scr�tegies or activities under each area as _11��==rated belew. rn applicant is not limited to the activ_t_�s �^d strategies illustrated. Mu1ti-Agency Involvemen� - ;,,�ulti-agency effort to reduce, preven� or cre=ec.a�e auto thef� where each 'agency r?flS Sp2C1i1C Ci.iL1ES �II.^. '_^cgpC7?S1b1� 1L1E5: Pro-Active Efforts - C-c�irg plarned activi�ies to reduce thefts, increzse reccver`_es, arrests, cenvictions, etc. Crime Analysis - Co112c��cn c= data to support law enforcement and prosec•��'_cn eiior�s. Education Awareness and Trainino — �fiorts to educate the public on auto �re=� problems, prevention and safety, and trG•_ning ce•�e'_o�ed and provided to law enforcement ofi_cers arc aresecutors. ATTACHMENT :�linnesota Auto Theft Pre�•ention Program Grant Ap� ication 9�l —'1 c.� SECTION 1: APPLSCANT TNFO�cMATION Type of Governmental Agency or Organization: State � County a Private £or Profit � Name o£ Agency or Organization: Agency Address City: City a Private Non-Profit O County: Federal Identificat�on 'vT�er State: Zip Total MATPP Budget Reauest: Project Title, if applic�ble: Geographical Area P.pplicable �o Grant Project:(identi£y statewide, county city, other) Other Agencies Participating in the Project:(I£ a multi-agency project, attach letters o£ coafirmation by all entities) Form AT:O1 _1_ SECTION 2: CERTIFICATION/SIGNATURES- I acknowledge that I�ave� read, understand �nd agree to the conditions set forth in the application and supporting r„a�erials �nd that the information I am supplying in this applicatio� is true, complete and correct. Type Name and Title o£ Project Director: (Project Director is the primary contact person for all aspects of the grant) NAME TeleDhone Nuznber (pirector) SIGNATURE DATE Fax Number (Directorl Type Name and Title of Financial Of£icer: Name Signature Type ISame and Title o£ Authority 0£ficial: (Person authorized to enter i:to a£ormal agreement) Name Signature Date Date Rorm AT:O1 _2_ ur2CtS.0I2 .3. Current and Proposed Auto Theft Prevention 9�',y9 Responsibilities - =or each ci the auto theft reduction strategies and activities listed below, c�ec;c whether they are current efforts undertaken by your acency. =��n checic the activities and _strategies that are proposed 'cr NATTB grant-funding. all activities and strategies t^�� �rply. STRATEGIES AND ACTIVITIES MULTI-AGENCY INVOLVnMFNT MultiDle Law �nforce-e�!� Agencies Prosecutors Insurance Snnustry Businesses Community Groups Other Pro-Active Efforts CLTRZ32T'i LEVEL OF EFFORT PROPOSED FOR (�TOT ?MATPP FUNDED) (MATTP GRANT) Decoy Operations Chop Shop Identifica�_c� Investigations, Lo*ie _�r;� InvestigaLions, Shor� Ter� Other Crime Analvsis identify Trends & Ne��ods Develop Profiles Identify High Risk �r=as & Vehicles Identify Repeat Offe-cers Other Public Education & pwareness Prevention Seminars Presentations to Scncols Advertising Campaiar.s Other Trainino Development Prograrr�s LGw Enforcement Officers Prosecutors Other Form AT:O1 _3_ SECTIDN 4. Grant Purpose and Description - Provide a summary 1 �„q description of the project t�at is to be funded by the NiATPB. � Briefly describe the gra:t c�jectives and the grant-funded strztegies and activities �hat will be implemented to achieve the _objectives. Describe now �re project meets priorities'established by the MATPB , if applic�ble. lise �dditional space ii needed. Form AT:O1 -4- SEC�10I1 J - Statement of Need and Current Staff �� .�(�.q ti Part A. Describe the specific prcblem or deficiency that is to be corrected. Document the reen �y providiag the source Qf the �statistical data, and incluce botn r_umbers and percentages. Statistical data should cor�e�po-d Lo tre eeographical project area described in Sectien 1. i;se a�ui�_c�?al spGce i� needed. Part B. List current sta== (-c� :✓_��2a iunded) that have auto theit responsibilities in your age-c '-:clude the position title, full- time salary, and percent oi �_-e s_ent on auto theft responsibilities. � FORM AT:O1 _�_ ATTACHMENT D 9 �'�`� pbiectives, Activitzes/Strateaies and Eva2uation Criteria A�t�C7'!iri2i1� ` ].S _U"=0V7.QEQ LO ^E!B L�'le cUpllCcrit 1GEI]tlfy �]'1Q iyL:2 Oi 1P_SOTiild�l0?7 �h�L c_tiOU� CI c'_ cd?' i:�C�?' Section 6 Oi tf'i2 gr�nt apnlica�ion d17C1 LO DrCV1G�e a� EXcT�Dl2 Oi a completed fOTiil iOT re_ererce purposes. Objectives To establish projec� objec�_ ask yeurself tne _ollowing cuestion, "iahat Gm ?`�ry_r_g ", �r,:�rcve? Once you netermine ti�nat you wisn �o improve, you �_e�c �o _de-�tify by hcw much and by when will it be improvec. Cb;ec�_-es -us� be poch measuranle and time speci�ic. A grant �ro�ec� --_- na�e several objectives. ExGmples or r, data ;vhich ca- �� �sed ior objectives include, buL are not limited to: Reduce :__c_derCe cf au�o theft; inerease recovery Of S�O�EII tic121CicSJ _:?C'!Ec�2 171 QOl1dY rate Of recovered vehicles; ircrease �,��r�,ber c'_ ��to �heit cGses nrosecuted or convicted; inc_ease �umcer p' a�u�o �hei� case clesures. (See next �GCe ior speciiic exFmples). Activities/Strategies 'r1Ct1V1t12S hc?Cl St.Y�LEQIES d="'E LPE Clii.12S 2??Q' responsibilities Crc:C you plan and implerr�en� �o he_� ycu ac'n_ieve your ebjectives. Por example, if the objective _s �o i^crease the number of vehicle recoveries, ore str�tecy �o =-crease recoveries may be to conduct �raining of patrol o=iicers c-_ s�olen vehicle identification methods. Whenever GbprcDria�=, activities ard strategies should state wnat is to be dcre, hc•:: oi�en it will be done, and when it will be done. Each objec�ive -!ay have several activities or s�rategies associated wi�:� __. (See rex� page ior specific examples). Evaluation Criteria _'he evaluation criceria cescr_ties or�aL mechods you will use to determine whetrer tre cbjec�`_r�s nave been met. What data will you use to measure the improvemer�, hcw w_11 you r�easure it, and over v:-hat pericd oi time vaill vo� -easure it? (See next page for sneciiic examples). Q � H z O � � A H W W U H �i . � a a � W i � � s� 3 � � � CJ7 N r� .�.. (11 1� lI N 7y r6 -� `t5 �� y C3+ v � y 'z5 \ Q .� U] U] N N ¢� 3 :J a � -� °' � ai � � Q "� � -� � RS -.i �� � U � -H � m m � N .C1 r� E '� c y � 'ti O '� 4 - La k a el � ro r� U L -a U1 :a �U S+ iU [ � O � aJ m O C1 .-i � � '^1 _J Q.I :.� �„'i L l� � ;,{ 'i � 3 m '� U .0 e� � �6 U� -ri � w .O Ol U� r6 U ro .� .n � c, ro u .c � � '� � � � � � � v��� � � -� � � � "� '� � �.�i �-t U � � ,- -U Si U �U U � -.� L �., zs � v y U '0 N � �r�i .�. '^t CL � -� 3 O 1.1 L7 U1 .1..1 �} ` � � � � '�'i �C 'r'� fiS 1J +� �3 e� A U S-i � O - ;-a � O :� N N � . 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ZS G' � N .� � ,� � +� . -� .� E � `� GS U '�i �6 1� �ri .� QJ 11 �1 t7� :J 3 - n � � O r-+ �U i3 O I S+ �� C � R � .A �'fi 4J h > O .0 N � -� , � '^1 r6 U .-C N S-i � ;-t �U y c N U b"� �n -r+ ,C � A el u :� -0 � � � � � O � .� -� � 3 v S-i r3 U� N � O iU <6 3 � � cn O :� .� i�a J N G. �J y > i! � � ro �� � � e� U7 � n. O � 7S � �.�1 � '6 � O ri �Si N �J • 1] T1 �.i U� � � y � � � O � 3 U o � , u � .� .Q � .Q U m � � � ro � � ro � � E ro �3 3 3 ��` (l91 9'1—�1 c.q ATT:�CHMENT E DISALLOkr.D EXPENDITURES (INCLUDING 3UT NOT LIMITED TO) * Ammuni�ion * rood * Guns * Janitorial Se�v'_ces * Lo'r�bying * PrivGte Secur_�_� ��a-d gerv_ce *?romoL:c-�a1 cr _._-. e? �y izems; such as key chains, whistles, ha�s, _-r.=, etc. * Reiresrmer_�s * Toll iree tele��cr_e 1_r_e to report car theits, tips, etc. * Uniforms or ��a�ca=d s:�pplies for officers, i.e., vests, guns a�n :ol_sters, am�r�unition, radios, etc. • NoTE: The above items are, in ceneral, not funded by the MATPP. If the success o_ a_rocram is dependent upon one oi the above items, an a�_-_ican� may include it in .the budget with appropria�e j ior the expenditure. The MATFB will cons_ce� =ucz requests, but reserves the righL to neduc� an� s�c� expenditures from the total budcet reauest. 9� —�c�°� DID YOU KNOW THAT THERE IS A AUTO THEFT REWARD TIP LI\TE I\T THE STATE OF �II\�\TESOTA? (HEAT) 1-800-359t4328 HELP ELIMI�ATE AUTO THEFT FOR MORE I��FOR'1ZATION CONTACT THE MINNESOTA AUTO THEFT PREVENTION PROGRAM (612) 405-6155 q�l -� t�q The Saint Paul Police and Fire Arson Unit consist of three fuit-time fire investigators, six back up fire invesrigators, one chief fire investigator and two police arson investigators. While the unit does investigate vehicle fires and stolen and bumed vehicies, this area has not been a high priority. This is due in part to the difficulty in this area of investigations and also on lack of knowledge on proper methods of investigative techniques. According to the insurance industry such as State Fann and Progressive Insurance, estimates from 65 percent to 85 percent of all cars reported stolen and burned have owner involvement. If properly investigated, these incidents can haue a higher success rate than most stolen vehicles and most vehicle arsons. The arson unit proposes to combat this auto theft/arson problem by the training of fire investigators, police, fire department mechanics, and Ramsey County Prosecutors that specialize in arson cases. Increased communication between police and fire investigators by use of digital cameras and computerized fue investigaton progams. We will conduct more detailed investigations by examining all stolenlburned vehicles in detail by using lights and generator accelerant detectors; and having oil filters analyzed for engine problems/failure. Use when needed an auto lift to e�iamine the underside of vehicles for a complete examination. Call upon the experience of triiried mechanics when necessary for advice. The unit will also sponsor a car theflla€son semin�.tha1 will train it's own members as well as others from around the state. The uni�u�i11 alsa ivbrk ctosely with insurance companies on these crimes. The unit will devel�p public seruice an�tou�cements that can be played on radio and cable TV on the city cable charuiel. The u�it will also develop a video on auto theftfarson investigation that can be distributed for free to other fire/iaw enforcement agencies and insurance industries. The unit will work closely with the county prosecutor to increase the number of prosecutions relating to auto theft/arson. The unit will also work to increase arrests and closure of cases. The unit will add to it's investigative computer program, data to track stolen/burned vehicles, and 2he names associated with the investigation. The unit will give a copy of the computer program to the police arson unit and auto the8 wut. o�cT�: By September 30, 1997, increase public awareness of auto theft/arson problems and inform the how they can help. A. Make a PSA for city cable TV and radio stations announcing a"Heat and Arsori' Hotline. `l� -`�(.°C 2. By August 3 Q, 1997, conduct more eatensive investigations of stolen(bumed vehicles. A. Produce and use an in-depth owner-questionnaire list form for stolen/burned velucles and their owner. B. Purchase state-of-the art accelerant detectors for $2500 x 2 for assisting in detecting and collecting samples and evidence. C. Purchase an auto ]ift for the puipose of examining the underside and removing the oil filter. $3,500. D. Collect and have test all oil filters from stolen/bumed vehicles for signs of engine problems indicating possible motive. $60 x 60 =$3,600. E. Photograph velucies with digital camera, besides the use of 35mm, so photos of vehicles may be shown to police investigators to help with communicating important facts. Two digital cameras $2 x 1000 =$2000. F. Purchase by August 30, 1997, two Polaroid cameras for police investigators so they may take photos of critical evidence found later during the investigation, and to photo suspects vehicles eta 2 x$260 =$520. G. Purchase hy August 30, 1997, a generator for the fire investigation van to better light vehicles for better examination and collection of evidence. Increase knowledge and e�pertise of police(fire prosecutors in vehicle theft/arson investigation. A. By October 15, 1997, sponsor a three-day vehicie theftlfire investigation course foi policelfire investigators and prosecutors. $6000. B. Send Saint Paul Police and Fire Investigators and back-up investigators and invite Ramsey County Attorneys to attend vehicle theftJfire seminar. $3,000 in overtime for fire investigatars who aze on 24-hour siuft. 4. By August 30, 1997, keep statistical data on stolen/burn vehicles such as names, month, case outcome, and share with the police auto-theft unit. A. Add new auto section in newly developed fire department computer program and give a copy of program to Auto Theft Unit of police department. B. Track cases sent to county attomey for prosecution. 2 a'1-��9 EVALUATION Show an increase in the number of stolenlburned vehicte investigations thax are cleared by anest or prosecution or exceptionally cleazed. Have better statisrics on stolen/burned vehicles and more detailed reports. Accelerant detectors � Digital cameras Automotive lift system Law enforcement Polaroid cameras and film (12 packs film) One color printer for digital photos Generator for Arson van Vehicle theft/fire investigator seminar Overtime for fire personnel on shift Oil filter analysis Computer program changes and add work station 2 x $Z,000 2 x 1,OQQ 1 x 1,000 2 x 260 1 x 349.99 1 x 2,169.99 50 x $60 $ 4,000 2,000 3,600 720 349.99 2,169.99 5,000 4,000 3,000 400 $25,240 fiT� TOTAL 3 �