D00588� �� CITY OF �'JAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION Na.: �L $ _ Date: � 'ryD � Gs #: 25939 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDEIZ, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of tha Department of Public Works to amend the 19 45 budget of the Sewer Service Fund fund, the Director aE the DepartmeM of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said b�dget in the following manner: Curtent Amended �� Change �d9et i 260 - 22214 - 0565 Transfer to CapiEal $1,100,000.00 ($220,000.00) $880,000.00 2 260 - 22217 - 0565 Transfer to Capital $755,979.00 $220,000.00 $975,979.00 Totals $1,855,979.00 $0.00 $1,855,979.00 3 Transfer spending authority from Inflow and Infiltration Correction Projects to Major Sewer a Repair Projects. � C� Prepared :0.cCv ity Manager Raquested D artme D�recta b � �` � C ?�h � 6cSZR--�/ AFp By:Ma �' aa�`� DNa Public Works �• • SIGNATURE PAGES DATE INITVITED ���+tiil� � � bn��s GREEN SHEET No. � INtTW TE MITWL A>SIGN QDEPARTMENTDIRECTOR � qSYCOUNCIt � �CITYATTORNEY � CINGLFAK RW17NG a BUDGETDIRECSOR � FIN 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. � � AIAYOR(OR ASSISTMIT) ` ❑j Fwy My+�ger (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNATURE) ❑3 SENIOR MG� Q OEPAqThiENf A � Approve transfer of spending aufhoriry between line items in the Sewer Service Enteiprise Fund to allow additional spending for major sewer repair projects and less spending for inflow and anfiliration projects. RECOMMENDATI�NSApprcue (AJ w Rejact (Py _, PU+NNING COMMISSION _CML SEFiVICE COMMISSION CIB CDMMTITEE _ _ A STAFF _ DISTP7GTCOUNCIL _ _ SUPPOR7S WNIGH COUNCILOBJECTIVE? PR06LEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO. WHAT, WHEN. PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS NUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING l�UESTIONS: 1_ Has this persoNfirtn ever vrorked under a conVact for tlus department? YES NO 2. Has this persoNflrtn ever been a dry employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normalty possessed by any arrent city employee? YES NO Explain a11 yes arnwers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet � WHV): Since the 1995 budget was developed, additional major sewer repair needs have become apparent Additional funding is necessary for sewer repair on the Hoyt Ave. Paving Project -$10,000; the Pierce Butler Pond Outlet -$40,000; the Bridai Veil sewer -$100,000, and the George Street Paving Project -$70,000. Costs for the Pierce Butler Pond OuUet aze being shazed with the Burlington Northem and Minnesora Commercial railways. Bridal Veil sewer repau is required by the Federal EPA, and costs are being shazed with the City of Minneapolis. George Street needs major sewer repair before paving can be completecl. ADVAN7AGESIFAPPROVEO: Sewer collapse will not occur after paving is complete, flooding of raikoad track and adjacent property will be eliminated, and environmental `tontaminapon hazazds and enforcement action will be avoided. RECE&VED J U� 1 8 1995 DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None, Inflow and Inf'dtration projects are esrimated to be under budget. RECEIVED JUL 181995 CITY CLERK OIS0.0VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVE�: The Department of Public Works risks violadng Ciry Charter Chapter 10.10. Revised July .14, 1995 )TAL AMOUM OFTRANSACTION $ COSTJREVENUE BUDGETED (CIpCLE ONE� �YES� NO SNDINGSOUBCE _Existin�alancec ACTIVITYNUMBER ZQQ]q JANCIAL INFORMAiION: (EXPLAIN) his administrazive order does not increase the oveiall budget. The movement of budget wi11 allow ihe accumulation of accurate cost information for e Sewer Setvice Enreqnise Fund on the Ciry Finance Computet. �•+ V I uNi.(,! 4 l-lNW