97-744Council File # � `��� Green Sheet # � ��� \ �' (� f ��E F l�! E i�` � ; �>"s E 'l ;', L_ Presented By Referred To CITY Q�—SA}�IT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Committee: Date WHEREAS, Mon-Ray, Inc_, 8224 Olson Memorial Highway, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55427-4713 made application to the Heritage Preservation Commission for approval of a building permit application for the installation of twelve (12) clear, anodized, aluminum combination storm windows pursuant to the provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for property located at 1156 Summit Avenue within the Summit Avenue West Heritage Preservation District; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission conducted a public hearing on the permit application on May 23, 1996, after having provided notice to affected property owners. The Commission, by its resolution No. 261� adopted May 23, 1996, denied the application based on the following findings and conclusions: 1. The applicant proposed to replace all of the existing second story storm windows with the exception of the three windows grouped at the center of the front elevation. According to the applicant, the property owner plans to replace the other existing storm windows on the house within the next four to five years and wants the new storms to look similar to the existing during the transition. 2. The proposed storm windows do not conform to the district guidelines in that they have a shiny, silver, metallic appearance. They would not match the color, appearance or profile of wooden storm windows and screens which the structure had originally. All of the trim on the house is painted ivory or white; it is not silver. The proposed storm windows would have a significant adverse impact on the architectural character and integrity of the structure. 3. The proposed storm windows are custom made, already fabricated, and in the applicant's warehouse. 4. In 1986, the applicant received HPC staff approval to install windows at 255 Summit Avenue identical to those now proposed. That approval was based on the mistaken understanding that the windows would appear to be white. A 1990 letter from HPC staff to the applicant states that the clear anodized, aluminum storm windows are silver in color, rather than white, and are not acceptable for use in the Aistoric District; and WHEREAS, the Summit Avenue West Heritage Preservation District guidelines for design review include the following: Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 74.36 (a)(1): All work should be of a character and quality that maintains q� ��� the distinguishing features of the building and the environment. The removal or alteration of distinctive architectural features should be avoided. Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 74.36(a)(2): Deteriorated architectural features should be repaired rather than replaced whenever possible. In the event of replacement, the new materials should match the original in composition, design, color, texture and appearance. Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 74.36(d)i3): The stylistic(s) a building represents should be respected. I£ replacement of window sash or doors is necessaYy, the replacement should duplicate the material, design and hardware of the older window sash or door. Inappropriate new window and door features such as aluminum storm and screen window combinations, plastic or metal strip awnings, or fake shutters that disturb the character and appearance of the building should not be used. Combination storm windows should have wood frames or be painted to match trim colors. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 73.06, Mon-Ray, Inc. duly filed with the City Council an appeal from the determination made by the Commission, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and WHEREAS, acting pursuant to Section 73.06 and upon notice to affected parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by the Saint Paul City Council on August 14, 1996, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Commission, does hereby; RESOLVE, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby overturn the decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission in the matter, based upon the following findings of the Council: The proposed storm windows wi11 not have a significant adverse impact on the architectural character and integrity of the structure; and G11`�� 1 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal of Mon-Ray, Inc. be 3 and is hereby granted; and 4 5 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy 6 of this resolution to Mon-Ray, Inc., the Zoning Administrator, and 7 the Historic Preservation Commission. 8 Requested by Department of: By: AppT Hy: By: Form Appr d by City Attorney B '�.�G�L�,�,�. �^ �' � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Covncil By: Adopted by Council: Date ���q� Adoption Certi£ied by Counci Secretazy � 382�4 DEPY1NiM1ENT�DFP�CE/COUNCIL �ATE INITIATED cit counci� rune �o 1997 GREEN SHEE CONTAGT PERSON 8 PHONE INRIAL/DATE �NRIAVDATE ODEPARTMENTDIREGTOfl �CITYCOUNqL Counc$ President Thune, 266-8620 ASSIGN CITYAITORNEY CINCLERK NONBER FOR � BUOGEf DIP.ECTOfl � FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES DIR. MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DAT� pOUTING OFDEN � MAYOR (OF A$$ISTAN'n � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S4GNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Finalizing City Council aetion taken August 14, 1996 granting the appeal of Mon-Ray, Inc., to a decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission which denied approval of a building permit applicarion for the installation of clear anodized aluminum combination storm windows at 1156 Sumuut Avenue. RECOMMENDATIONS: npprove (A) ar Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVlCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW£R 7HE FOLLOWING DUESTIONS: _ PIANNING GOMMIS$ION _ GVII SERVICE CAMMISSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worketl under a contract for this department? _ GB CAMMITfEE YES NO 2. Has Mis person/firtn ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ D4STatC7 COUR7 _ 3. Does this personflirm possess a skill not nmmal ry possessed by arry curreM city employeal SUPPORTS WHfCN CAUNCiI O&IECTIVE4 \'ES N� Expletn all yes answers on separate sheet and ettaeh to green shcet INITfATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNRY (Wtw, Whet. When, Where, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �i� 4�? ���r ��3�3 � � 79�� � DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TO7AL AMOUPl7 OF TRANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIYITY NUAABER FINANCIAI INFORFSATION. (EXPLAIN) OFFICE OF TF� CITY ATTORNEY�� ��� PegBir$ CityAttorrsey CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor Civi1 Division 400 Cfty HaZI I S West Kellogg Blvd Saint Pm'Z, Mirmesom SSIO2 Telephone: 6Z2 266�7Z0 Facsimile: 612 248-5619 June 9, 1997 Nancy Anderson Assistant 5ecretazy to the Saint Paul City Council 310 Ciry Ha11 Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Appeal of Mon-Ray, Inc. 1156 Summit Avenue H.P.C. File No. 2610 Dear Nancy: Attached please fmd a signed resolution formalizing the Council Decision to grant the above stated appeal. This is a house keeping measure as the appeal was granted. Sorry for the delay. The matter should be set on the consent agenda. Thanks. Sincerely, ,��L,°G„' Peter W. Warner Assistant City Attorney � �� � 9 J�� � � ���.� Y-'" „ Q� crrY oF sanv�r rauL, Norm Coleman, Mayor 6 August 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minuesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: OFFICE OF LICENS$ INSPECITONS AND EN VIIiONMEN1'AL PROTECIION Rober[Kessler, Dir¢ctor LOWRY PROFESSIONAL BUII DING Suite 300 3505[ PeterSueet SaintPmJ,Minnesota SSIO2-ISIO Telephone: 61 b2669090 Facs±mi7e: 61 L2669f/99 I would like to request that a City Council hearing for an appeal of a decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission be scheduled for August 14, 1996 for the following case: ,' • Appellant: Mon-Ray, Tnc. Property address: 1156 Summit Avenue (Suuvvit Avenue West Aeritage Preservarion District; Ward 2) Purpose: appeal HPC decision deuying approval for clear anodized combination storm windows (HPC File #2610) I scheduled tlris hearing with you, the appellant and the properry owner in June but neglected to send tlus formal letter of request; I hope you can simply read this letter into the record at tomorrow's Council meeting. This public hearing dces not require published notice. Please call me at 266-9087 if you have any quesflons. Sincerely, , �� �� Aazon itubenstein Preservation Planner cc: Robert Kessler, LIEP Robert Lmming, HPC Chair Peter Wazner, CAO Oft7CE OF llCENS$ INSPECTIONS AND ENVIROt�'MENTAL PROTECTION Roben Kusleq Diruror � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL '�' NormColeman,Mayor 7 August 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: HPC File #2610: City Council Hearing: IAWRYPROF�SSIONAL BUII1�A'G Suite 300 350SG Petes Street SainlPau{ Mrnnesota 55102-I510 Mon-Ray, Inc. August ]4, 1996 G� � l �� Tekphone: 61 b266-9090 Fccsimile: 6I2-266-9099 PURPOSE: To consider an appeal of the Heritage Preservation Commission's decision to deny approval of a building permit application for the instailation of 12 clear anodized aluminum combination storm windows at 1156 Sumnut Avenue. HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION ACTION: DENIAL STAFF RECOMMENDATION DENIAL SURPORT None. • OPPOSITION: None. Deaz Ms. Anderson: Mon-Ray, Inc. has appealed the decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission to deny a building pemut application for the installation of 12 clear anodized a]uminum comhinadon storm windows on the structure located at ll56 Summit Avenue. The Heritage Preservation Commission held a public hearing on the pemut application on May 23, 1996. The applicant and property owner addressed the commission. At the close of the public hearing, the coirunission voted 7-0 to deny approval of the percnit. This appeal is scheduled to be heard by the City Counci] on August ld, 1996. Please notify me if any Councilmember wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, � �t� � ��rd'�'l�,J Aazon Rubenstein Heritage Preservation Planner � Attactunents cc: City Councilmembers Robert Kessler, LIEP Petet Wamer, CAO 8224 OLSON MEMORIAL HWY. (55) • MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55427-4713 •(612) 544-3646 • FAX:1(612) 546-8977 June 2, 1996 Mr. Aaron Rubenstein City of St. Paut - LIEP Lowry Professionai Building Suife 300 350 St. Peter Sireet St. Paul, MN 55102-15t0 RE: Heritage Preservation Commission Resolution: File #2610 Dear Mr. Rubenstein: � c Y � 0 F � co m This letter is written to serve the required notice to appeal the decision to deny approval of Mon Inc. bui(ding permit apptication. Section 73_06 {h) Appeal to the Ciry Cuuncil. The permit applicant or any patty aggrieved by the decision nf the heritage preserva[ion commission shall, within fourteen (14} days of the date of the herirage preservation commission's order and decision, have a righ[ to appea! such order and decision ro[he ciry council. The appea! s6a11 be deemed per[ected upon receipt by the division of p[anning of nvo (2) copies of a notice of appeal and scatement setting forth the grounds for che appeal. The division of planning shatl transmit one copy of the notice of appeal snd statement to the city council and one copy to the heritaae preservation commission. The commission, in any written order denying a permi[ applicarion, shall advise che appiicsnt of rhe right to appeal to the ciry council and include chis paragrnph in all such orders. The grounds for our appeal is based upon inaccuracies in Guidefine Citations: ti., D. Windows and Doors: 3. and Findings: sec. D, 1 and 2 of the H.P.C. staff report dated May 19, 1996. Piease advise us in a timely manner as to the status ot our appeal. Sincerely, � Gregory T. Murtha �ce President cc_ Deborah Olson o� �rn -�, ., cJ ,-n �� .'� w y . � �� z� � • I'�1 LJ High Performance Wirtdows, Doors and Glasswalls Porch Enclosu�es ����� • Meecina summa,v Heritage Preservation Commission 23 May 1996 re: 1156 Sumnut Avenue HPC File #2610 Mon-I2ay, Inc Install 12 clear anodized aluminum combination storm windows notes by Aazon Rubenstein Rubenstein showed slides of the 1156 Sununit and 255 Summit. - Cmsr. Heide: at 2�5 Summit, the rails and sGles are same c��dth and so prune window shows and probably should not Greg Murtha, Mon-Ray vice-president, addressed the commissioq passed out a diagram and brochure, described the proposed windows, and said the proposed windows will appeaz white under the right conditions--next to a white surface and lit with sunlight. He also said: • miii fuush deteriorates rather rapidly, being raw metal; a painteci finish is guazanteed a maximum of ten yeacs; anodized finish is superior--permanent fuush, part of the metal, made by chemical etching. • the proposed windows have akeady been manufactured based on Mon-Ray's experience H�ith approval of the same window in 198b for 255 Simunit Avenue. Cmsr. Albers asked several questions. Murtha: the frames aze flush and look like a wood window. Heide: are Mon-Itay windows available in a color matching the trim on this house? Deborah Olson, properiy owner: the trim paint color is white. Murtha: yes, they are available in white. (He passed aroucid a small sample of the c]eaz anodized aluminum.) • Olson spoke about thapurpose ofthe new windows: • On the south stair window, sunlight is affecting the ]eaded glass and woodwork and she wanis ]ow-e glass. • She wants to have ihe meeting rai]s match. Ms. Olson added that she does not intend to replace other windows, they work reasonably well, and she therefore want continuity. Albers: affect of proposed storms, including perhaps low-e giass, would not reflect original chazacter; they also could not be painted to match the trim color in the future. Heide: concemed about precedent. Murtha: anodized aluminum can be finished (painted). Heide and Vojacek moved and seconded the draft resolution to deny approval of a building permit application for the installation of 12 clear anodized alunvnum combination storm windows. Heide stated that his motivadon is the silver color of the windows. The motion to deny approval passed 7- 0. • o�ce oF uc�.s�, nsrECno!.s nxD ENYIRONMEATALPROTEC710N Ro&Jt Kesalcr, Dlrrc�or CITY OF SAINT PALTL IAKRY PROFESSIONAL Tekphone: 611-2669090 No�m Cofemon, Mayor BUIIDING Facslmile: 612-2669099 Suite 300 350 St Perer SYreu SaimPouLdfinnuora SSI07-ISIO ...��.. 24 May 1996 Mt Greg Murtha Mon-Ray, Inc. 8224 Otson Memorial Highw�ay Crolden Valley, MN 55427 Dear Mr. Mwtha: As you ]mow, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission voted at its May 23, 1946 mceting to deny approval of Mon-Ray's building pemut application to install 12 aluminum combination storm windo��s with a clear anodized fuush on properry located at 1156 Sumnut Avenue in the Summit Avenue Wcst Heritage Preservation Dish I hati�e enclosed a copy of the commission's resolulion. Yov and the property ow�ner have the right to appeal this decision to the Saint Paul City Council under Chaptes 73 of the Saint Paul Legistative Code. Such appeal must be filed by Jane b, 1996. Chapler 73 requires that tLe folloWing paragraph be included in all letters indicating denia2 of a pemut: . Section 73.06 (h) Appea! to the City Council. The permit applicant or any party aggrieved by rhe decision ojthe heritage preservation commission shall, within jourteen (14) days of the date ojthe heritage preservation commission's order and decision, have a right to appeal such order and decision fo the ciry council. The appeal shatl be deemed perfected upon receipt by the division ofplanning oftwo (Z) copies of a nodce of appeal arrd stalement selting forth the grounds for the appeal. The divisio» ofplanning shalJ transmit one copy of the notice ofappeal and statement ro the ciry council and one copy to the heritage preservation commission. The commission, in any written order denying a permir application, sha71 advise the applicant ofthe right to appeal to the city council and include this paragraph in all such orders. Because the Heritage Preservation Commission is no longer statl'ed by the Planning Division, I would request that airy letter of appeal be sent to me at LIEP instead of to the Planning Di�ision Please call me at 266-9087 ifyou have any questions or concems. Sincerely, �,�..��,. � � w�,'� Aazon Rubenstein Heritage Preservation Planner cc: Deborah Olson Tatc Halvorson, LIEP • Bob Kesster, LIEP q� �"c� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION RESOLUTION FILE NiJMBER 2610 DATE 23 May 1996 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission is authorized by Chapter 73 of the Saint Paul L.egislative Code to review building pemvt applications for exterior alterations, new canstruction or demolition on or within designated Heritage Preservation Sites or Heritage Preservation Distriets; and � WI�REAS, Mon-Ray, Inc. has applied for a building permit to install 12 clear anodized aluminum combination siorm windows on the struciure located at 1156 Sumarit Avenue within the Summit Avenue West Heritage Preservarion District; and WHEI2EAS, the George R Holmes House at 1156 Summit Avenue is a two and one-half story, Classical Revival style residence designed by azchitect C. A. Bassford, consducted in 1907, and categorized as contributing to the district; and WFTEREAS, the Summit Avenue West Heritage Preservation District guidelines for design review include - the following: II. Restoration and Rehabilitation, A. General Principles: l. All work should be of a chazacter and quality that maintains the distinguishing features of the building and the environment. The removal or alteration of • distinctive arctutectural, featwes should be avoided II. A.: 2. Deteriorated azclvtectural features should be repaired rather than replaced whenever possible. In the event of replacement, new materials should match the original in composition, design, color, texture and _aPPeazance. II., D. Windows and Doors: 3. The stylistic period(s) a building represents should be respected. If replacement of window sash or doors is necessary, the replac�ment should duplicate the material, design and hazdwaze of the older window sash or door. lnappropriate new window and door features such as aluminum storm and screen window combinarions, plastic or metal sh awnings, or fake shutters that disturb the character and appearance of the building should not be used. Combination storm windows should have wood &ames or be painted to match trim wlors; and WHEREAS, the Saint Faul Heritage Preservation Commission, based upon fhe evidence presented at its May 23, 1996 public hearing on said petmit application, made the followiag Sndings of fact: 1. The applicant proposes to replace all of the existing second story storm windows with the exception of the thtee windows grouged at the center of the front elevation. According to the applicant, the properiy owner plans to replace Lhe othes eausting storm windows on the house within the next four to five yeazs and wants the new storms to look similar to the �isting during the transition. 2. The proposed stoim windows do not wnform to the district guidelines in that they have a shiny, � sflver, metallic appearance. They would not match the color, appearance, or profile of wooden storm • windows and screens which the shucture had originally. All of the him on the house is painted ivory or white; it is not silver. The proposrd storm windows would have a significant adverse impact on the archite�tival chazacter and integity of the siructure. Heritage Preservation Commission Resolution: File #2610 Page Two 3. The proposed siorm windou5 are custom made, already fabricated, and in tt�e applicant's warehouse. 4. In 1986, the applicant received HPC staff approval to install windows at 255 Summit Avenue identical to tfiose now proposed That approvai was based on the mistaken understanding that the windows would appear to be wlute. A 199Q letter &om HPC staff to the applicant states that the cleaz anodized aluminum storm windows are silver in color, rather than white, and are not acceptable for use in the }vstoric district� NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that based on the above findings, the Heritage Preservation Commission denies approvat of a building permit for I2 clear anodized combination stoim windows at 1156 Summit Avenue. MOVED BY ° SECONDED BY IN FAVOR AGAINST ABSTAIN Heide Vojacek 7 0 0 Decisions of the Heritage Preservation Commission are Final, subject to appeal to the City Council within 14 days by anyone affected by the decision T6is resolution doq not obviate the need for meeting applica6le buitding and zoning code requirements, and dces not rnnstitute approvat for taz credits. � LJ • . q1 l�`-\ C� HPC FILE �12610 CITY OF SAINT PAUL HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT �� FILE NAME: Install clear anodized aluminum storm W�ndows APPLICANC: Mon-Ray, Inc. LOCATION: 1156 Swnnvt Avenue (southeast comer at Dunlap Street) FIPC STTE(DISTRICf: Summit Avenue West Disirict CLASSIFfCATION: Moderate STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 5.19.96 DATE OF HEARING: 5.23.96 CATEGORY: Conhibuting BY: Aazon Rubenstein A, SITE DESCRIPTION: The George R Holmes House at 1156 Summit Avenue is a two and one-half story, Classical Revival style residence designed by azchitect C. A. Bassford, consWcted in 1907, and categorized as contribut'sng to the district. It has a green tile hipped roof, six gabled dormers with curvilineaz projecting pedimenu, tan brick exterior w�alls, a stone foundation, an open front porch with ornate Composite-capitals; and-one-over-one double-hung windows w�ith leaded glass upper sash (6- over-6 windows on enclosed rear porch). 7'he basement windows have wooden storm windows; the rest of the house has mil] Finish aluminum combination storm windows. B. PROPOSED CHANGES: The applicant proposes to install 12 aluminum combination storm windows with a cleaz anodized finish C. GUIDELINE CITATIOIVS: The Sununit Avenue West Heritage Preservation District guidelines for design review include the following: II. Restoration and Rehabilitation, A. General Principles: 1. All work should be of a chazacter and quality that maintains the distinguishing features of the building and the environment. The removal or alteration of distinctive architecWral features should be avoided. II. A.: 2. Deteriorated architecbual features should be repaired rather than replaced whenever possible. In the event of replacement, new materials shouid match the original in composition, design, color, texture and appearance. � II., D. Windows and Doors: 3. The stylistic period(s) a building represents should be respected. If replacement of window sash or doors is necessary, the replacement should duplicate the material, design and hazdwaze of the older window sash or door. Inappropriate new window and door feaGues such as aluminum storm and screen window combinations, plastic or metal strip awnings, or fake shutters that disturb the characta and appearance of the building should not be used. Combination storm windows should have wood frames or be painted to match trim colors. DATE OF APPLICATION: 4.19.96 HPC Staff Report: File #2610 Page Two D. FINDINGS: The applicant proposes to replace all of the existing second story storm windows with the exception of the three windows grouped at the center of the front elevation. According to the applicant: The properly owner plans fo replace the other acisting storm windows on the house w7thin the next fovr to five years and wants the new storms to look sunilaz to the existing during the 1i3aSItIOR The existing mitl fuush storm windows are dilapida[ed--TUSting, do not seal, do not funchiou properly. The lifespan of the furish is 20-30 years for mill fuush alwninum storms, 40-76 years for aluminum storms w�th a baked enamel finish, and 100 years for anodized atuminum storms. 2. The proposed storm windows do not conform to the district guidelines in that they have a shiny, silver, metallic appe,arance. They would not match the compositioq color, appearance, or profile (width of rails and stiles) of wooden storm windows and screens. All of ihe trim on the house is painted ivory in cotoc The proposed storm k�indows wouid have a significant adverse impact on the arcLitectiu�aI character and integity of the structure. �� 3. The pmposed stoim window5 aze custom made; already fabricated, and sitting in the applicant's • warehouse. 4. 7'he applicanY received HPC staff appmval to install windows aY 255 Suttunit Avenue identical to those now proposed based on the mistal:en uaderstanding that the windows would appear to be white. E. STAF'F RECOMIVIENDATION: Based on the above fmdings, staff recommends denia[ of the proposed combination stonn windows with a clear anodiz.ed finish_ u • GENERAL BUILDING PERMIT , DEPA,R'MENT j CITY OF SAINT PAUL - � - CITY OF SAINT PAL'L � OFFICEOFUCE4'SE.ISSPEC710�5.4SD i ERVIROSAtE\?AL PROTECIIOV Bti1tD1.�'GL�.'SPECTIO.vq.�'DDES)G.N I 3505rPsurSuerr-Suiu310 j PermitNO. Soin+Pnul,Minnerom55/02-/510 b11�"-'b6�9Gb1 1156 SUMMIT AVEN�E PLAN NO. . OESCF�PTION OF GROJECT DATE OWNER DEBORAH OCSON OWNERS ADDRESS 1156 Summit Avanua ❑ OlD TYPEOF ❑ NEW TYPE CONST. ReSld8nt181 OCCUPANCY ��1 Fam GRADING STUCCOOR - [] BUILD ❑ AtSD EXC. ❑ PLAS7ER ❑ DRYWAL� ❑ FENCE I1 ADDITION ❑ALTER ❑ REPAIR ❑ MOVE ❑ WRECK lOT • WID7N STRUG TURE ESTIMATED V AlUE N S�OE LOT CIEARANCE BViLD�HG L� FAOHT F LENG�N ME�GMT STO� 8/+SE'nENT TO1/+LF�OORAREA � YE$ ❑ NO' S�. iT. � . INL WDE BASEMENT TEL. PERMIT FEE INC. 8224 olson Memorial Hwy Golden Vailey4 MN 55427 STATE YAlUAT10N P{.AN CHECK STATE SUHCHARGE �.9� TOTAt FEE 8B.T� APPLICANT CERTIFIES THAT ALL IN- FORMATION IS CORRECT AND THAT ALL PERTINENT STATE REGU4ATIONS AND C�� ORDINANCES WtLL BE COM- �LI ED WITH �N PEflFORMING THE WORK FOR WHICH TH75 PEAMYT IS IS$UED. � A :J"� ,: CASNIER VSE ONIY � , WHEN VALIDATED THiS I$ YOUR iERMiT � St. Gode ADDRESS ' oF�oe 1156 Summit Av nua ; iVRE . � USE TYPEWRI7ER OR BALL POINT PEN I AND PRESS FIRMLY �, � � � 3 � � AY �17 's5 L�9�_5 190N-RAY�NINPO1�15 INC , F.1%1 ��t/l �(r0/l /fGf•C1GR � v . c.� ' FiEID SERViCE DATA SNEET -- � NAME �"�'�--`�"`'� 1s9� �1 ���ALL ❑ PICKUP l7 DELIVER 0 SHIF aooRESS �/�r $� r,,,..,.' E 1�o e cirr SE t� sr �'�+a z�a s�1Q� , pHp F �„ „�j'1 -( y� CUSTOMER A' ���.'�- N IuARK IItY• PRODUCf DESCAIYflON RNfSH �EkiN6 SIZE VEp�fIED SIZE RO + CRM wtrtiH � uF�r,ldT ,u�mu u�tr.ur t L-Ot.� � E:ns.z� .4,�., � � ; � I i p � �� � �— � ��'° � � ° r --- V � � e : 4- � -."_N— FRONT '. 1. [ . }'t - D- E- � + . �rQM �N51 Measuaen sv.� DA � /vl � L� rin� e i twsro.t�a �r � � DATE SOLD - - -. '�/- / � . `z � `• DATE PAOMfSED 1 �.- �. F AEMEASURE.�S�. HAIJC A�AIAY.�t�. -O YARO SIGM � PERMIT � , , , � PAST CUSiOMF� � �='� LEAD SOURCE : � . O GENEAATED 8Y: LEAD TAKEN 8Y : // \ SALES PERSON : 1 /; �2 r�a� l . --- — �� r : -: su�C�a� a oevnc � mo •_ ruurdo�vs, � . �J °l`�-1�F� 2720 NEVA6A AYENUE NORTH • MiNNEAP4LIS, MN 55427 • 612-545-3625 `c.� = � �� �V�lh1, ( l December 1, 1956 Allan Torstenson 25 West 4th Street St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Ailan, 55102 7his letter confirms our phone conversation of November 25, 1986. Enclosed is the information you requested. The clear R1 202 anodized finish is permanent which ears white. AY1 ��ay windows mee ing rails will line up with exis ing win ows. Please review and alert us to your approvel as soon as possibie. Sincerely, � ���i�''�rc".r 6reg Murtha Sales Manager GM:bp Enclosure t S i CtTY OF SAINT PAUL HERfTAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION CERTtFlCATE OF APPROVAL FOR MlNOR FILE NUMBER: 711 DATE December 15, 1986 WORK � � Zh � St�M�►� ( ADDRESS: 255 Summit Avenue HPC SITE/DISTRICT: Hill District APPLICA'.V7': h4on-Ray H'indows (Greg Murtha) PI-TOi\E: 546-8625 STAFF: A21an L. Torstenson SII'E DESCRIPTIOA': 255-257 Summit A��enue is a two and one-half story paintcd brick Itatiante (Tuscan)styte double hovse w�hich was built in 1884. PROPOSED CHANGES: Mon-Ray R'indows proposed to install aluminvm storm windows, storm panets and stonn door with u�hito anodized finish. All meeiing rails will line up with txisting windows. The propor- tion of the fvll-view one li2e stornt door will match the existing door. FIi\DINGS OF FACT: The proposed work conforms to the Hill District Guidelines. APPROVED C� � . � ALL PLANS MUST BE STAMPED APPROVED BEFORE PfiRMIT IS ISSUED � ����� CITY OF SA�NT PAUL HERiTAGE PRESERVATION COMM{SSION 25 �YC>t Founh Stteet. Saint Paul, Minnekna 557(12 61?-2?8-3270 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR February 13, 1990 Mr. Greg Murtha Mon-Ray Windows, Inc. 2720 Nevada Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55427 RE: Use of Alwrinum Windows in Historic Districts Dear Mr. Murtha: �-C` � 2�� �11i�� �t ( l Yesterday an ow-ner of property in the Irvine Park Heritage Preservation �istrict indicated to me that a salesman from Mon-Ray windows had indicated your silver-finish aluminum windows are acceptable for use in historic districts. In most cases, however, they are unacceptable. � The windows you installed at 255-257 Summit Avenue, in the Historic Hill Heritage Preservation Distzict; were approved because they were represented as being white. But they are not white; they are silver. The design guidelines for the Hi11 District are quite ciear: "Inappropriate new window and door features such as aluminum storm and screen window combinations... should not be used. Combination storm windows should have wood frames or be painted to match trim colors." Unpainted Mon-Rsy aluminum windows are not acceptable for use in the Hill District. The design guidelines for the Irvine Park Heritage Preservation District are even more clear: "Appropriately colored or bronzed-toned alwninum or vinyl-clad wood is acceptable. Mill finish (shiny silver) aluminum will not be allowed." Sincezely, •A� � J �� L. Tofstenson Preservation Planner ALT:ss sues/11/murtha � 7 � p"•:ne vi��c : ;:err,anonaC G�cago. iL � � J� \�` � � \ x _ � � ♦ O�e n.�:- C7�rch 6osron, r.�A a �-. i= � � f i'- � n U Custom Fit Secondary Glazing • Window Systems . ❑ Conserves Energy ❑Abates Outside Noise o Reduces Maintenance o Retains Original Appearance r 1 � f j 1 � � y;t_4T.�41 4�1. U. G�-l3_ � 7��� n'.''� � '• �� � �� � �-? �: i s�Q,�6� �- . - _�� e r � �r����era�� 8 ..p,�i..�o,, . -- - = � .���',,,,, � - � C�f .- G G�! C C1. i � Sr Franr.s xz.-�zr Scnoo' 5e^son. i^a r u. � �,._ ._ �� = �-- �-� ♦ St Rose Convent, LaL�csse, ��1 Mon-Ray, Inc, has been manufacturing quality, high-performing windows for both commerciai buildings and residential homes for over 45 years. The unique design and appiications of Mon-Ray secondary glazing windows far exceeds the performance standards of other storm windows. Rising energy costs and the growing probiems of outside noise infiltration have made it necessary to consider upgrading existing window units. Mon-Ray provides an additional insulating 6lanket of air space and dramatically reduces costiy air leakage. Mon-Ray secondary giazing windows can be adapted to any existing window opening. Maintain existin� architecture and achieve max�mum energy savin s with long-tasting beauty, quali�y and high performance. Mon-Ray secondary glazing window systems have proven to be a practical and affordabie aiternative as compared to more costly total repfacement windows. A Mon-Ray secondary unit can cut air Ieakage through an existing window to a minimum. This not only refiects energy savings, it aiso minimizes the penetration of excessive Ieveis of outside noise. Applications may be designed for exterior or interior installation. Mon-R2y secondary giazing units are cusiom made to retain the integrity and originat appearance of the existing windows. Energy conservation benef+ts, improved comfort levei (reducing an�oying drafts and outside noise), and minimal maintenance benefits (reducing painting, generai repairs and cleaning)... all pluses with Mon-Ray. Mon-Ray secondary glazing window products have been instalied at coiiegesfuniversities, hospiiais, hote{s, apartments, pubiic and pr+vate schools, office build'+ngs, govemmental housing, and other commerciai and light- commerciai projects throughout the United States. In addition, Mon-Ray high performance residential storm windows have been instalied on tens of thousands of homes in ail types of climates across the country. The Mon-Ray phiiosophy is to offer products at the lowest possible initia4 cost while not compromising its high pe�fiormance standards and exceptionaliy long service life. All Mon-Ray products are supported by a totai service program and by a written 10-year limited product warranty. �L3LOJ%PdfiECOJ'�pCO,..':Hp.:SEl.�cJSP� ����� �Gesa ldaa,:a CP^'2'. I O C � Na�.aro Umce�sdy. Cambntloe. A'A From Design fhrough lnstallation... ...Mon-Ray Delivers Lasting Satisfaction , �T - - _ fnstallation...Leasf disruptive to ihe ope2tion o7 your bui/drng and activities within, Mon-Ray Secondary Gfazing insfallations are generally dor.e from the ezterior using sc7f%olding and/or other aenaJ de: �es. . -� � - - � , % .../.J i. Y....2,../ K A• ./y _ �U � �� �` _ - - -_` = �__-_ �` � ��.+' __= -'= =_-_ = : ) 1r '• _ _-_-_=-_=='_ �': (!_' ___ _-_=_— - :: ,`,� �, �_'-_ �_ _____ - ,'c i ✓: - - - �'�l '� t.{�'�ti- -- -- =.v � - --- .� .� � .1 - Workmanship and Materials Warrant• The Mon-Ray 70 Year Limited Produc! Warranry is fully trans/errable, non-prorated coverage for arigina! producf price. Added auurance /or maintenance prolection for your bui(dings. ��r U yariety or .__. .: :^ ``, ; *, '�;, �usfable HeaQ • . ,: x�. '�.=�. Jamb and Sill � :.- Expanders and - - '> PanningTrims- - ;: Custanmadela �= neat and pmper - - =� fit. x'=�-': � � . Q Prime 6063-T6 Aluminum Alloy - 47% stronger Man ortiinary T5 tempered aluminum. � Exhuded Upper Sas1� Pocket - Holtls sash firtnly in place reducing air leakage. � ButtJoint Comers, Reinforced with Stainless SCrews - P2vent5 piwting io retain cor2ci squareness � Permanent Modized or Du2n�c Fnishes - Will not aridize, pit, cortode, pee1, rust or fade_ Q Non•Binding Nylon . Gtide Buttau - Reduces friction for smoother ope2tion. � interloc{dng Meeting Aaiis-Eiiminates costly air Ieakage. � Weathertight 'RatcheYJamb Liners - AutOmdtic vCmilatiOn settings every Mo _ inches 0 Du2ble T6 Frame and Fibergiass Screen Cloth-Frame resists bending, sc2en w'dl not mt or sag. � Stainiess Steel, Spring Loaded Pin-LOCks -Su2 grip that will no[ easTy break as vriif plastic >> Wra{rAround Marine Glazing-Conlinuous cushion piotects glass from accidental breaka9e. � Positive Intedocking - Sash to Silf - Gosed . sash 2mains secure � against both high air and water pressu2. : � EBective Weep Hole . , System-Ifsashleft - '�, - opened, wat2r d2in5 . ',- i track outside, , ,. : _: %i� = , r.: N, ��-� , r �����: .�:�:. . � � 0 Evaluation...Mon-Ray tests iis high per7ormance standards not only during fa6rication, but also following installatioa Laboratory and Field tests are used to verify the demanding Mon-Ray requirements of air infiltration and exfittration. � Aron¢e� L1e 1ns✓�ance _'..�/tl�ng Fayo VJ Cus[om Resufts...Every Mon-Ray unrt is custom manu/actured to mafch existing architectura! design and sight '�,^es. �%'hether ihe appGCatioa is --ter.Cf or interior, unifs can be made ,c fit arched openings, maintaining onginal characfer. �-�--,4y MON-RAY ACOUSTICAL SECONDARY GLAZ/NG �PROVEN AS AN EFFECTIVE SOUND BARRIER Noise can shatier the peace and tranquility of a residential neighborhood. When intrusive noise irom jet aircraft or adjacent ireeway traffic affects the quality of living, it is time to turn to Mon-Ray acoustical secondary glazing windows and doors to help soive the problem. Independent tests have proven that Mon-Ray acousticai secondary giazing windows and doors instalied over existing primary windows and doors dramaticaliy lower the perietration of outside noise to a"Iivabie" � '������-; ievel. For over 45 years Mon-Ray quality � design, fabrication and installation service ^ ���� have been directed toward window systems �. .�f,, with the Iowest possible air leakage. ,� ��'j��,j� Living near an airport or a busy street can :' be more than merely irritating. lt can aHect � lifestyle, property value and even health. � Tight, secure Mon-Ray acoustical secondary � ��_ ___ glazing windows and doors go a long way w __- -- toward solving these sound related problems. ;�,� _,_.�.. �� :� :.::.. VARIETY OF ATTRACTIVE FRAME APPLICATIONS � #400 Se�ies "Overlap" #50D Series "Expander" #600 Series "Blind Stop" % i= �/, : `>�� _ �'�/ � �� Mon-Ray offers three distinctive frame designs to appropriately match the arcfiitectural appearance of any commerciai building or residential home. Each is custom made to fit perfectfy into the existing window opening, no matter the size or shape. AH are available in doubie-hung and fixed panel units. COMPLETE SPECIFICATIONS ON ALL MON-RAY PROQUCTS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. CONTACT MON-RAY FOR NEAREST REG{ONAL OFF{CE OR AUTHORIZED DEAtER IN YOUR AREA. 8224 Oison Memorial Hwy. Minneapolis, MN 55427-4713 swis2 (612) 544-3646 Litho in U.S.A. Hennepin County Historical Society 2303 Third �venue Sout11 • �Iinneapolis, Ntinnesota 5j404 •(612) 87d-1329 � � 10 August 1990 Frank Hetman, Jr. President Mon-Ray Wi.ndows, Inc. '2720 Nevada Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55427 Dear Frank: In confir,nation oi our telephone conversation earlier today, I would like to formally express my appreciation for the excellent manner in which your firm handled the sale and installation of storm windows on our building. Mike Giebenhain, your installation crew, and you were consistently responsive to our needs, and we are very pleased with the result. We are:particularly satisfied with the manner in which the w�.ndows blend i.nto the buiiding!s exterior. We had hoped-the 'introduction<of storm windows"�onto this hisforic'structnre would be inobtrusiv'e', tfieg.�certainly meet� that criteria. Please do not hesitate to use this organization as a reference. Again, thank you for your efforts on our behalf. Sincerely, F^ �-�- Y- 6 -^�� Y John A. Baule Director �,���ti:���� �� 5 2� �c �cF� �l� . /�� � , 4 `� AUG1990 � REGEI 6 MON-RAY• (t�1G � ���o�w � i ��n. ,a � ., \J Council File # � `��� Green Sheet # � ��� \ �' (� f ��E F l�! E i�` � ; �>"s E 'l ;', L_ Presented By Referred To CITY Q�—SA}�IT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Committee: Date WHEREAS, Mon-Ray, Inc_, 8224 Olson Memorial Highway, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55427-4713 made application to the Heritage Preservation Commission for approval of a building permit application for the installation of twelve (12) clear, anodized, aluminum combination storm windows pursuant to the provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for property located at 1156 Summit Avenue within the Summit Avenue West Heritage Preservation District; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission conducted a public hearing on the permit application on May 23, 1996, after having provided notice to affected property owners. The Commission, by its resolution No. 261� adopted May 23, 1996, denied the application based on the following findings and conclusions: 1. The applicant proposed to replace all of the existing second story storm windows with the exception of the three windows grouped at the center of the front elevation. According to the applicant, the property owner plans to replace the other existing storm windows on the house within the next four to five years and wants the new storms to look similar to the existing during the transition. 2. The proposed storm windows do not conform to the district guidelines in that they have a shiny, silver, metallic appearance. They would not match the color, appearance or profile of wooden storm windows and screens which the structure had originally. All of the trim on the house is painted ivory or white; it is not silver. The proposed storm windows would have a significant adverse impact on the architectural character and integrity of the structure. 3. The proposed storm windows are custom made, already fabricated, and in the applicant's warehouse. 4. In 1986, the applicant received HPC staff approval to install windows at 255 Summit Avenue identical to those now proposed. That approval was based on the mistaken understanding that the windows would appear to be white. A 1990 letter from HPC staff to the applicant states that the clear anodized, aluminum storm windows are silver in color, rather than white, and are not acceptable for use in the Aistoric District; and WHEREAS, the Summit Avenue West Heritage Preservation District guidelines for design review include the following: Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 74.36 (a)(1): All work should be of a character and quality that maintains q� ��� the distinguishing features of the building and the environment. The removal or alteration of distinctive architectural features should be avoided. Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 74.36(a)(2): Deteriorated architectural features should be repaired rather than replaced whenever possible. In the event of replacement, the new materials should match the original in composition, design, color, texture and appearance. Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 74.36(d)i3): The stylistic(s) a building represents should be respected. I£ replacement of window sash or doors is necessaYy, the replacement should duplicate the material, design and hardware of the older window sash or door. Inappropriate new window and door features such as aluminum storm and screen window combinations, plastic or metal strip awnings, or fake shutters that disturb the character and appearance of the building should not be used. Combination storm windows should have wood frames or be painted to match trim colors. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 73.06, Mon-Ray, Inc. duly filed with the City Council an appeal from the determination made by the Commission, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and WHEREAS, acting pursuant to Section 73.06 and upon notice to affected parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by the Saint Paul City Council on August 14, 1996, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Commission, does hereby; RESOLVE, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby overturn the decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission in the matter, based upon the following findings of the Council: The proposed storm windows wi11 not have a significant adverse impact on the architectural character and integrity of the structure; and G11`�� 1 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal of Mon-Ray, Inc. be 3 and is hereby granted; and 4 5 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy 6 of this resolution to Mon-Ray, Inc., the Zoning Administrator, and 7 the Historic Preservation Commission. 8 Requested by Department of: By: AppT Hy: By: Form Appr d by City Attorney B '�.�G�L�,�,�. �^ �' � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Covncil By: Adopted by Council: Date ���q� Adoption Certi£ied by Counci Secretazy � 382�4 DEPY1NiM1ENT�DFP�CE/COUNCIL �ATE INITIATED cit counci� rune �o 1997 GREEN SHEE CONTAGT PERSON 8 PHONE INRIAL/DATE �NRIAVDATE ODEPARTMENTDIREGTOfl �CITYCOUNqL Counc$ President Thune, 266-8620 ASSIGN CITYAITORNEY CINCLERK NONBER FOR � BUOGEf DIP.ECTOfl � FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES DIR. MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DAT� pOUTING OFDEN � MAYOR (OF A$$ISTAN'n � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S4GNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Finalizing City Council aetion taken August 14, 1996 granting the appeal of Mon-Ray, Inc., to a decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission which denied approval of a building permit applicarion for the installation of clear anodized aluminum combination storm windows at 1156 Sumuut Avenue. RECOMMENDATIONS: npprove (A) ar Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVlCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW£R 7HE FOLLOWING DUESTIONS: _ PIANNING GOMMIS$ION _ GVII SERVICE CAMMISSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worketl under a contract for this department? _ GB CAMMITfEE YES NO 2. Has Mis person/firtn ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ D4STatC7 COUR7 _ 3. Does this personflirm possess a skill not nmmal ry possessed by arry curreM city employeal SUPPORTS WHfCN CAUNCiI O&IECTIVE4 \'ES N� Expletn all yes answers on separate sheet and ettaeh to green shcet INITfATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNRY (Wtw, Whet. When, Where, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �i� 4�? ���r ��3�3 � � 79�� � DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TO7AL AMOUPl7 OF TRANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIYITY NUAABER FINANCIAI INFORFSATION. (EXPLAIN) OFFICE OF TF� CITY ATTORNEY�� ��� PegBir$ CityAttorrsey CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor Civi1 Division 400 Cfty HaZI I S West Kellogg Blvd Saint Pm'Z, Mirmesom SSIO2 Telephone: 6Z2 266�7Z0 Facsimile: 612 248-5619 June 9, 1997 Nancy Anderson Assistant 5ecretazy to the Saint Paul City Council 310 Ciry Ha11 Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Appeal of Mon-Ray, Inc. 1156 Summit Avenue H.P.C. File No. 2610 Dear Nancy: Attached please fmd a signed resolution formalizing the Council Decision to grant the above stated appeal. This is a house keeping measure as the appeal was granted. Sorry for the delay. The matter should be set on the consent agenda. Thanks. Sincerely, ,��L,°G„' Peter W. Warner Assistant City Attorney � �� � 9 J�� � � ���.� Y-'" „ Q� crrY oF sanv�r rauL, Norm Coleman, Mayor 6 August 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minuesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: OFFICE OF LICENS$ INSPECITONS AND EN VIIiONMEN1'AL PROTECIION Rober[Kessler, Dir¢ctor LOWRY PROFESSIONAL BUII DING Suite 300 3505[ PeterSueet SaintPmJ,Minnesota SSIO2-ISIO Telephone: 61 b2669090 Facs±mi7e: 61 L2669f/99 I would like to request that a City Council hearing for an appeal of a decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission be scheduled for August 14, 1996 for the following case: ,' • Appellant: Mon-Ray, Tnc. Property address: 1156 Summit Avenue (Suuvvit Avenue West Aeritage Preservarion District; Ward 2) Purpose: appeal HPC decision deuying approval for clear anodized combination storm windows (HPC File #2610) I scheduled tlris hearing with you, the appellant and the properry owner in June but neglected to send tlus formal letter of request; I hope you can simply read this letter into the record at tomorrow's Council meeting. This public hearing dces not require published notice. Please call me at 266-9087 if you have any quesflons. Sincerely, , �� �� Aazon itubenstein Preservation Planner cc: Robert Kessler, LIEP Robert Lmming, HPC Chair Peter Wazner, CAO Oft7CE OF llCENS$ INSPECTIONS AND ENVIROt�'MENTAL PROTECTION Roben Kusleq Diruror � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL '�' NormColeman,Mayor 7 August 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: HPC File #2610: City Council Hearing: IAWRYPROF�SSIONAL BUII1�A'G Suite 300 350SG Petes Street SainlPau{ Mrnnesota 55102-I510 Mon-Ray, Inc. August ]4, 1996 G� � l �� Tekphone: 61 b266-9090 Fccsimile: 6I2-266-9099 PURPOSE: To consider an appeal of the Heritage Preservation Commission's decision to deny approval of a building permit application for the instailation of 12 clear anodized aluminum combination storm windows at 1156 Sumnut Avenue. HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION ACTION: DENIAL STAFF RECOMMENDATION DENIAL SURPORT None. • OPPOSITION: None. Deaz Ms. Anderson: Mon-Ray, Inc. has appealed the decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission to deny a building pemut application for the installation of 12 clear anodized a]uminum comhinadon storm windows on the structure located at ll56 Summit Avenue. The Heritage Preservation Commission held a public hearing on the pemut application on May 23, 1996. The applicant and property owner addressed the commission. At the close of the public hearing, the coirunission voted 7-0 to deny approval of the percnit. This appeal is scheduled to be heard by the City Counci] on August ld, 1996. Please notify me if any Councilmember wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, � �t� � ��rd'�'l�,J Aazon Rubenstein Heritage Preservation Planner � Attactunents cc: City Councilmembers Robert Kessler, LIEP Petet Wamer, CAO 8224 OLSON MEMORIAL HWY. (55) • MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55427-4713 •(612) 544-3646 • FAX:1(612) 546-8977 June 2, 1996 Mr. Aaron Rubenstein City of St. Paut - LIEP Lowry Professionai Building Suife 300 350 St. Peter Sireet St. Paul, MN 55102-15t0 RE: Heritage Preservation Commission Resolution: File #2610 Dear Mr. Rubenstein: � c Y � 0 F � co m This letter is written to serve the required notice to appeal the decision to deny approval of Mon Inc. bui(ding permit apptication. Section 73_06 {h) Appeal to the Ciry Cuuncil. The permit applicant or any patty aggrieved by the decision nf the heritage preserva[ion commission shall, within fourteen (14} days of the date of the herirage preservation commission's order and decision, have a righ[ to appea! such order and decision ro[he ciry council. The appea! s6a11 be deemed per[ected upon receipt by the division of p[anning of nvo (2) copies of a notice of appeal and scatement setting forth the grounds for che appeal. The division of planning shatl transmit one copy of the notice of appeal snd statement to the city council and one copy to the heritaae preservation commission. The commission, in any written order denying a permi[ applicarion, shall advise che appiicsnt of rhe right to appeal to the ciry council and include chis paragrnph in all such orders. The grounds for our appeal is based upon inaccuracies in Guidefine Citations: ti., D. Windows and Doors: 3. and Findings: sec. D, 1 and 2 of the H.P.C. staff report dated May 19, 1996. Piease advise us in a timely manner as to the status ot our appeal. Sincerely, � Gregory T. Murtha �ce President cc_ Deborah Olson o� �rn -�, ., cJ ,-n �� .'� w y . � �� z� � • I'�1 LJ High Performance Wirtdows, Doors and Glasswalls Porch Enclosu�es ����� • Meecina summa,v Heritage Preservation Commission 23 May 1996 re: 1156 Sumnut Avenue HPC File #2610 Mon-I2ay, Inc Install 12 clear anodized aluminum combination storm windows notes by Aazon Rubenstein Rubenstein showed slides of the 1156 Sununit and 255 Summit. - Cmsr. Heide: at 2�5 Summit, the rails and sGles are same c��dth and so prune window shows and probably should not Greg Murtha, Mon-Ray vice-president, addressed the commissioq passed out a diagram and brochure, described the proposed windows, and said the proposed windows will appeaz white under the right conditions--next to a white surface and lit with sunlight. He also said: • miii fuush deteriorates rather rapidly, being raw metal; a painteci finish is guazanteed a maximum of ten yeacs; anodized finish is superior--permanent fuush, part of the metal, made by chemical etching. • the proposed windows have akeady been manufactured based on Mon-Ray's experience H�ith approval of the same window in 198b for 255 Simunit Avenue. Cmsr. Albers asked several questions. Murtha: the frames aze flush and look like a wood window. Heide: are Mon-Itay windows available in a color matching the trim on this house? Deborah Olson, properiy owner: the trim paint color is white. Murtha: yes, they are available in white. (He passed aroucid a small sample of the c]eaz anodized aluminum.) • Olson spoke about thapurpose ofthe new windows: • On the south stair window, sunlight is affecting the ]eaded glass and woodwork and she wanis ]ow-e glass. • She wants to have ihe meeting rai]s match. Ms. Olson added that she does not intend to replace other windows, they work reasonably well, and she therefore want continuity. Albers: affect of proposed storms, including perhaps low-e giass, would not reflect original chazacter; they also could not be painted to match the trim color in the future. Heide: concemed about precedent. Murtha: anodized aluminum can be finished (painted). Heide and Vojacek moved and seconded the draft resolution to deny approval of a building permit application for the installation of 12 clear anodized alunvnum combination storm windows. Heide stated that his motivadon is the silver color of the windows. The motion to deny approval passed 7- 0. • o�ce oF uc�.s�, nsrECno!.s nxD ENYIRONMEATALPROTEC710N Ro&Jt Kesalcr, Dlrrc�or CITY OF SAINT PALTL IAKRY PROFESSIONAL Tekphone: 611-2669090 No�m Cofemon, Mayor BUIIDING Facslmile: 612-2669099 Suite 300 350 St Perer SYreu SaimPouLdfinnuora SSI07-ISIO ...��.. 24 May 1996 Mt Greg Murtha Mon-Ray, Inc. 8224 Otson Memorial Highw�ay Crolden Valley, MN 55427 Dear Mr. Mwtha: As you ]mow, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission voted at its May 23, 1946 mceting to deny approval of Mon-Ray's building pemut application to install 12 aluminum combination storm windo��s with a clear anodized fuush on properry located at 1156 Sumnut Avenue in the Summit Avenue Wcst Heritage Preservation Dish I hati�e enclosed a copy of the commission's resolulion. Yov and the property ow�ner have the right to appeal this decision to the Saint Paul City Council under Chaptes 73 of the Saint Paul Legistative Code. Such appeal must be filed by Jane b, 1996. Chapler 73 requires that tLe folloWing paragraph be included in all letters indicating denia2 of a pemut: . Section 73.06 (h) Appea! to the City Council. The permit applicant or any party aggrieved by rhe decision ojthe heritage preservation commission shall, within jourteen (14) days of the date ojthe heritage preservation commission's order and decision, have a right to appeal such order and decision fo the ciry council. The appeal shatl be deemed perfected upon receipt by the division ofplanning oftwo (Z) copies of a nodce of appeal arrd stalement selting forth the grounds for the appeal. The divisio» ofplanning shalJ transmit one copy of the notice ofappeal and statement ro the ciry council and one copy to the heritage preservation commission. The commission, in any written order denying a permir application, sha71 advise the applicant ofthe right to appeal to the city council and include this paragraph in all such orders. Because the Heritage Preservation Commission is no longer statl'ed by the Planning Division, I would request that airy letter of appeal be sent to me at LIEP instead of to the Planning Di�ision Please call me at 266-9087 ifyou have any questions or concems. Sincerely, �,�..��,. � � w�,'� Aazon Rubenstein Heritage Preservation Planner cc: Deborah Olson Tatc Halvorson, LIEP • Bob Kesster, LIEP q� �"c� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION RESOLUTION FILE NiJMBER 2610 DATE 23 May 1996 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission is authorized by Chapter 73 of the Saint Paul L.egislative Code to review building pemvt applications for exterior alterations, new canstruction or demolition on or within designated Heritage Preservation Sites or Heritage Preservation Distriets; and � WI�REAS, Mon-Ray, Inc. has applied for a building permit to install 12 clear anodized aluminum combination siorm windows on the struciure located at 1156 Sumarit Avenue within the Summit Avenue West Heritage Preservarion District; and WHEI2EAS, the George R Holmes House at 1156 Summit Avenue is a two and one-half story, Classical Revival style residence designed by azchitect C. A. Bassford, consducted in 1907, and categorized as contributing to the district; and WFTEREAS, the Summit Avenue West Heritage Preservation District guidelines for design review include - the following: II. Restoration and Rehabilitation, A. General Principles: l. All work should be of a chazacter and quality that maintains the distinguishing features of the building and the environment. The removal or alteration of • distinctive arctutectural, featwes should be avoided II. A.: 2. Deteriorated azclvtectural features should be repaired rather than replaced whenever possible. In the event of replacement, new materials should match the original in composition, design, color, texture and _aPPeazance. II., D. Windows and Doors: 3. The stylistic period(s) a building represents should be respected. If replacement of window sash or doors is necessary, the replac�ment should duplicate the material, design and hazdwaze of the older window sash or door. lnappropriate new window and door features such as aluminum storm and screen window combinarions, plastic or metal sh awnings, or fake shutters that disturb the character and appearance of the building should not be used. Combination storm windows should have wood &ames or be painted to match trim wlors; and WHEREAS, the Saint Faul Heritage Preservation Commission, based upon fhe evidence presented at its May 23, 1996 public hearing on said petmit application, made the followiag Sndings of fact: 1. The applicant proposes to replace all of the existing second story storm windows with the exception of the thtee windows grouged at the center of the front elevation. According to the applicant, the properiy owner plans to replace Lhe othes eausting storm windows on the house within the next four to five yeazs and wants the new storms to look similar to the �isting during the transition. 2. The proposed stoim windows do not wnform to the district guidelines in that they have a shiny, � sflver, metallic appearance. They would not match the color, appearance, or profile of wooden storm • windows and screens which the shucture had originally. All of the him on the house is painted ivory or white; it is not silver. The proposrd storm windows would have a significant adverse impact on the archite�tival chazacter and integity of the siructure. Heritage Preservation Commission Resolution: File #2610 Page Two 3. The proposed siorm windou5 are custom made, already fabricated, and in tt�e applicant's warehouse. 4. In 1986, the applicant received HPC staff approval to install windows at 255 Summit Avenue identical to tfiose now proposed That approvai was based on the mistaken understanding that the windows would appear to be wlute. A 199Q letter &om HPC staff to the applicant states that the cleaz anodized aluminum storm windows are silver in color, rather than white, and are not acceptable for use in the }vstoric district� NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that based on the above findings, the Heritage Preservation Commission denies approvat of a building permit for I2 clear anodized combination stoim windows at 1156 Summit Avenue. MOVED BY ° SECONDED BY IN FAVOR AGAINST ABSTAIN Heide Vojacek 7 0 0 Decisions of the Heritage Preservation Commission are Final, subject to appeal to the City Council within 14 days by anyone affected by the decision T6is resolution doq not obviate the need for meeting applica6le buitding and zoning code requirements, and dces not rnnstitute approvat for taz credits. � LJ • . q1 l�`-\ C� HPC FILE �12610 CITY OF SAINT PAUL HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT �� FILE NAME: Install clear anodized aluminum storm W�ndows APPLICANC: Mon-Ray, Inc. LOCATION: 1156 Swnnvt Avenue (southeast comer at Dunlap Street) FIPC STTE(DISTRICf: Summit Avenue West Disirict CLASSIFfCATION: Moderate STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 5.19.96 DATE OF HEARING: 5.23.96 CATEGORY: Conhibuting BY: Aazon Rubenstein A, SITE DESCRIPTION: The George R Holmes House at 1156 Summit Avenue is a two and one-half story, Classical Revival style residence designed by azchitect C. A. Bassford, consWcted in 1907, and categorized as contribut'sng to the district. It has a green tile hipped roof, six gabled dormers with curvilineaz projecting pedimenu, tan brick exterior w�alls, a stone foundation, an open front porch with ornate Composite-capitals; and-one-over-one double-hung windows w�ith leaded glass upper sash (6- over-6 windows on enclosed rear porch). 7'he basement windows have wooden storm windows; the rest of the house has mil] Finish aluminum combination storm windows. B. PROPOSED CHANGES: The applicant proposes to install 12 aluminum combination storm windows with a cleaz anodized finish C. GUIDELINE CITATIOIVS: The Sununit Avenue West Heritage Preservation District guidelines for design review include the following: II. Restoration and Rehabilitation, A. General Principles: 1. All work should be of a chazacter and quality that maintains the distinguishing features of the building and the environment. The removal or alteration of distinctive architecWral features should be avoided. II. A.: 2. Deteriorated architecbual features should be repaired rather than replaced whenever possible. In the event of replacement, new materials shouid match the original in composition, design, color, texture and appearance. � II., D. Windows and Doors: 3. The stylistic period(s) a building represents should be respected. If replacement of window sash or doors is necessary, the replacement should duplicate the material, design and hazdwaze of the older window sash or door. Inappropriate new window and door feaGues such as aluminum storm and screen window combinations, plastic or metal strip awnings, or fake shutters that disturb the characta and appearance of the building should not be used. Combination storm windows should have wood frames or be painted to match trim colors. DATE OF APPLICATION: 4.19.96 HPC Staff Report: File #2610 Page Two D. FINDINGS: The applicant proposes to replace all of the existing second story storm windows with the exception of the three windows grouped at the center of the front elevation. According to the applicant: The properly owner plans fo replace the other acisting storm windows on the house w7thin the next fovr to five years and wants the new storms to look sunilaz to the existing during the 1i3aSItIOR The existing mitl fuush storm windows are dilapida[ed--TUSting, do not seal, do not funchiou properly. The lifespan of the furish is 20-30 years for mill fuush alwninum storms, 40-76 years for aluminum storms w�th a baked enamel finish, and 100 years for anodized atuminum storms. 2. The proposed storm windows do not conform to the district guidelines in that they have a shiny, silver, metallic appe,arance. They would not match the compositioq color, appearance, or profile (width of rails and stiles) of wooden storm windows and screens. All of ihe trim on the house is painted ivory in cotoc The proposed storm k�indows wouid have a significant adverse impact on the arcLitectiu�aI character and integity of the structure. �� 3. The pmposed stoim window5 aze custom made; already fabricated, and sitting in the applicant's • warehouse. 4. 7'he applicanY received HPC staff appmval to install windows aY 255 Suttunit Avenue identical to those now proposed based on the mistal:en uaderstanding that the windows would appear to be white. E. STAF'F RECOMIVIENDATION: Based on the above fmdings, staff recommends denia[ of the proposed combination stonn windows with a clear anodiz.ed finish_ u • GENERAL BUILDING PERMIT , DEPA,R'MENT j CITY OF SAINT PAUL - � - CITY OF SAINT PAL'L � OFFICEOFUCE4'SE.ISSPEC710�5.4SD i ERVIROSAtE\?AL PROTECIIOV Bti1tD1.�'GL�.'SPECTIO.vq.�'DDES)G.N I 3505rPsurSuerr-Suiu310 j PermitNO. Soin+Pnul,Minnerom55/02-/510 b11�"-'b6�9Gb1 1156 SUMMIT AVEN�E PLAN NO. . OESCF�PTION OF GROJECT DATE OWNER DEBORAH OCSON OWNERS ADDRESS 1156 Summit Avanua ❑ OlD TYPEOF ❑ NEW TYPE CONST. ReSld8nt181 OCCUPANCY ��1 Fam GRADING STUCCOOR - [] BUILD ❑ AtSD EXC. ❑ PLAS7ER ❑ DRYWAL� ❑ FENCE I1 ADDITION ❑ALTER ❑ REPAIR ❑ MOVE ❑ WRECK lOT • WID7N STRUG TURE ESTIMATED V AlUE N S�OE LOT CIEARANCE BViLD�HG L� FAOHT F LENG�N ME�GMT STO� 8/+SE'nENT TO1/+LF�OORAREA � YE$ ❑ NO' S�. iT. � . INL WDE BASEMENT TEL. PERMIT FEE INC. 8224 olson Memorial Hwy Golden Vailey4 MN 55427 STATE YAlUAT10N P{.AN CHECK STATE SUHCHARGE �.9� TOTAt FEE 8B.T� APPLICANT CERTIFIES THAT ALL IN- FORMATION IS CORRECT AND THAT ALL PERTINENT STATE REGU4ATIONS AND C�� ORDINANCES WtLL BE COM- �LI ED WITH �N PEflFORMING THE WORK FOR WHICH TH75 PEAMYT IS IS$UED. � A :J"� ,: CASNIER VSE ONIY � , WHEN VALIDATED THiS I$ YOUR iERMiT � St. Gode ADDRESS ' oF�oe 1156 Summit Av nua ; iVRE . � USE TYPEWRI7ER OR BALL POINT PEN I AND PRESS FIRMLY �, � � � 3 � � AY �17 's5 L�9�_5 190N-RAY�NINPO1�15 INC , F.1%1 ��t/l �(r0/l /fGf•C1GR � v . c.� ' FiEID SERViCE DATA SNEET -- � NAME �"�'�--`�"`'� 1s9� �1 ���ALL ❑ PICKUP l7 DELIVER 0 SHIF aooRESS �/�r $� r,,,..,.' E 1�o e cirr SE t� sr �'�+a z�a s�1Q� , pHp F �„ „�j'1 -( y� CUSTOMER A' ���.'�- N IuARK IItY• PRODUCf DESCAIYflON RNfSH �EkiN6 SIZE VEp�fIED SIZE RO + CRM wtrtiH � uF�r,ldT ,u�mu u�tr.ur t L-Ot.� � E:ns.z� .4,�., � � ; � I i p � �� � �— � ��'° � � ° r --- V � � e : 4- � -."_N— FRONT '. 1. [ . }'t - D- E- � + . �rQM �N51 Measuaen sv.� DA � /vl � L� rin� e i twsro.t�a �r � � DATE SOLD - - -. '�/- / � . `z � `• DATE PAOMfSED 1 �.- �. F AEMEASURE.�S�. HAIJC A�AIAY.�t�. -O YARO SIGM � PERMIT � , , , � PAST CUSiOMF� � �='� LEAD SOURCE : � . O GENEAATED 8Y: LEAD TAKEN 8Y : // \ SALES PERSON : 1 /; �2 r�a� l . --- — �� r : -: su�C�a� a oevnc � mo •_ ruurdo�vs, � . �J °l`�-1�F� 2720 NEVA6A AYENUE NORTH • MiNNEAP4LIS, MN 55427 • 612-545-3625 `c.� = � �� �V�lh1, ( l December 1, 1956 Allan Torstenson 25 West 4th Street St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Ailan, 55102 7his letter confirms our phone conversation of November 25, 1986. Enclosed is the information you requested. The clear R1 202 anodized finish is permanent which ears white. AY1 ��ay windows mee ing rails will line up with exis ing win ows. Please review and alert us to your approvel as soon as possibie. Sincerely, � ���i�''�rc".r 6reg Murtha Sales Manager GM:bp Enclosure t S i CtTY OF SAINT PAUL HERfTAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION CERTtFlCATE OF APPROVAL FOR MlNOR FILE NUMBER: 711 DATE December 15, 1986 WORK � � Zh � St�M�►� ( ADDRESS: 255 Summit Avenue HPC SITE/DISTRICT: Hill District APPLICA'.V7': h4on-Ray H'indows (Greg Murtha) PI-TOi\E: 546-8625 STAFF: A21an L. Torstenson SII'E DESCRIPTIOA': 255-257 Summit A��enue is a two and one-half story paintcd brick Itatiante (Tuscan)styte double hovse w�hich was built in 1884. PROPOSED CHANGES: Mon-Ray R'indows proposed to install aluminvm storm windows, storm panets and stonn door with u�hito anodized finish. All meeiing rails will line up with txisting windows. The propor- tion of the fvll-view one li2e stornt door will match the existing door. FIi\DINGS OF FACT: The proposed work conforms to the Hill District Guidelines. APPROVED C� � . � ALL PLANS MUST BE STAMPED APPROVED BEFORE PfiRMIT IS ISSUED � ����� CITY OF SA�NT PAUL HERiTAGE PRESERVATION COMM{SSION 25 �YC>t Founh Stteet. Saint Paul, Minnekna 557(12 61?-2?8-3270 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR February 13, 1990 Mr. Greg Murtha Mon-Ray Windows, Inc. 2720 Nevada Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55427 RE: Use of Alwrinum Windows in Historic Districts Dear Mr. Murtha: �-C` � 2�� �11i�� �t ( l Yesterday an ow-ner of property in the Irvine Park Heritage Preservation �istrict indicated to me that a salesman from Mon-Ray windows had indicated your silver-finish aluminum windows are acceptable for use in historic districts. In most cases, however, they are unacceptable. � The windows you installed at 255-257 Summit Avenue, in the Historic Hill Heritage Preservation Distzict; were approved because they were represented as being white. But they are not white; they are silver. The design guidelines for the Hi11 District are quite ciear: "Inappropriate new window and door features such as aluminum storm and screen window combinations... should not be used. Combination storm windows should have wood frames or be painted to match trim colors." Unpainted Mon-Rsy aluminum windows are not acceptable for use in the Hill District. The design guidelines for the Irvine Park Heritage Preservation District are even more clear: "Appropriately colored or bronzed-toned alwninum or vinyl-clad wood is acceptable. Mill finish (shiny silver) aluminum will not be allowed." Sincezely, •A� � J �� L. Tofstenson Preservation Planner ALT:ss sues/11/murtha � 7 � p"•:ne vi��c : ;:err,anonaC G�cago. iL � � J� \�` � � \ x _ � � ♦ O�e n.�:- C7�rch 6osron, r.�A a �-. i= � � f i'- � n U Custom Fit Secondary Glazing • Window Systems . ❑ Conserves Energy ❑Abates Outside Noise o Reduces Maintenance o Retains Original Appearance r 1 � f j 1 � � y;t_4T.�41 4�1. U. G�-l3_ � 7��� n'.''� � '• �� � �� � �-? �: i s�Q,�6� �- . - _�� e r � �r����era�� 8 ..p,�i..�o,, . -- - = � .���',,,,, � - � C�f .- G G�! C C1. i � Sr Franr.s xz.-�zr Scnoo' 5e^son. i^a r u. � �,._ ._ �� = �-- �-� ♦ St Rose Convent, LaL�csse, ��1 Mon-Ray, Inc, has been manufacturing quality, high-performing windows for both commerciai buildings and residential homes for over 45 years. The unique design and appiications of Mon-Ray secondary glazing windows far exceeds the performance standards of other storm windows. Rising energy costs and the growing probiems of outside noise infiltration have made it necessary to consider upgrading existing window units. Mon-Ray provides an additional insulating 6lanket of air space and dramatically reduces costiy air leakage. Mon-Ray secondary giazing windows can be adapted to any existing window opening. Maintain existin� architecture and achieve max�mum energy savin s with long-tasting beauty, quali�y and high performance. Mon-Ray secondary glazing window systems have proven to be a practical and affordabie aiternative as compared to more costly total repfacement windows. A Mon-Ray secondary unit can cut air Ieakage through an existing window to a minimum. This not only refiects energy savings, it aiso minimizes the penetration of excessive Ieveis of outside noise. Applications may be designed for exterior or interior installation. Mon-R2y secondary giazing units are cusiom made to retain the integrity and originat appearance of the existing windows. Energy conservation benef+ts, improved comfort levei (reducing an�oying drafts and outside noise), and minimal maintenance benefits (reducing painting, generai repairs and cleaning)... all pluses with Mon-Ray. Mon-Ray secondary glazing window products have been instalied at coiiegesfuniversities, hospiiais, hote{s, apartments, pubiic and pr+vate schools, office build'+ngs, govemmental housing, and other commerciai and light- commerciai projects throughout the United States. In addition, Mon-Ray high performance residential storm windows have been instalied on tens of thousands of homes in ail types of climates across the country. The Mon-Ray phiiosophy is to offer products at the lowest possible initia4 cost while not compromising its high pe�fiormance standards and exceptionaliy long service life. All Mon-Ray products are supported by a totai service program and by a written 10-year limited product warranty. �L3LOJ%PdfiECOJ'�pCO,..':Hp.:SEl.�cJSP� ����� �Gesa ldaa,:a CP^'2'. I O C � Na�.aro Umce�sdy. Cambntloe. A'A From Design fhrough lnstallation... ...Mon-Ray Delivers Lasting Satisfaction , �T - - _ fnstallation...Leasf disruptive to ihe ope2tion o7 your bui/drng and activities within, Mon-Ray Secondary Gfazing insfallations are generally dor.e from the ezterior using sc7f%olding and/or other aenaJ de: �es. . -� � - - � , % .../.J i. Y....2,../ K A• ./y _ �U � �� �` _ - - -_` = �__-_ �` � ��.+' __= -'= =_-_ = : ) 1r '• _ _-_-_=-_=='_ �': (!_' ___ _-_=_— - :: ,`,� �, �_'-_ �_ _____ - ,'c i ✓: - - - �'�l '� t.{�'�ti- -- -- =.v � - --- .� .� � .1 - Workmanship and Materials Warrant• The Mon-Ray 70 Year Limited Produc! Warranry is fully trans/errable, non-prorated coverage for arigina! producf price. Added auurance /or maintenance prolection for your bui(dings. ��r U yariety or .__. .: :^ ``, ; *, '�;, �usfable HeaQ • . ,: x�. '�.=�. Jamb and Sill � :.- Expanders and - - '> PanningTrims- - ;: Custanmadela �= neat and pmper - - =� fit. x'=�-': � � . Q Prime 6063-T6 Aluminum Alloy - 47% stronger Man ortiinary T5 tempered aluminum. � Exhuded Upper Sas1� Pocket - Holtls sash firtnly in place reducing air leakage. � ButtJoint Comers, Reinforced with Stainless SCrews - P2vent5 piwting io retain cor2ci squareness � Permanent Modized or Du2n�c Fnishes - Will not aridize, pit, cortode, pee1, rust or fade_ Q Non•Binding Nylon . Gtide Buttau - Reduces friction for smoother ope2tion. � interloc{dng Meeting Aaiis-Eiiminates costly air Ieakage. � Weathertight 'RatcheYJamb Liners - AutOmdtic vCmilatiOn settings every Mo _ inches 0 Du2ble T6 Frame and Fibergiass Screen Cloth-Frame resists bending, sc2en w'dl not mt or sag. � Stainiess Steel, Spring Loaded Pin-LOCks -Su2 grip that will no[ easTy break as vriif plastic >> Wra{rAround Marine Glazing-Conlinuous cushion piotects glass from accidental breaka9e. � Positive Intedocking - Sash to Silf - Gosed . sash 2mains secure � against both high air and water pressu2. : � EBective Weep Hole . , System-Ifsashleft - '�, - opened, wat2r d2in5 . ',- i track outside, , ,. : _: %i� = , r.: N, ��-� , r �����: .�:�:. . � � 0 Evaluation...Mon-Ray tests iis high per7ormance standards not only during fa6rication, but also following installatioa Laboratory and Field tests are used to verify the demanding Mon-Ray requirements of air infiltration and exfittration. � Aron¢e� L1e 1ns✓�ance _'..�/tl�ng Fayo VJ Cus[om Resufts...Every Mon-Ray unrt is custom manu/actured to mafch existing architectura! design and sight '�,^es. �%'hether ihe appGCatioa is --ter.Cf or interior, unifs can be made ,c fit arched openings, maintaining onginal characfer. �-�--,4y MON-RAY ACOUSTICAL SECONDARY GLAZ/NG �PROVEN AS AN EFFECTIVE SOUND BARRIER Noise can shatier the peace and tranquility of a residential neighborhood. When intrusive noise irom jet aircraft or adjacent ireeway traffic affects the quality of living, it is time to turn to Mon-Ray acoustical secondary glazing windows and doors to help soive the problem. Independent tests have proven that Mon-Ray acousticai secondary giazing windows and doors instalied over existing primary windows and doors dramaticaliy lower the perietration of outside noise to a"Iivabie" � '������-; ievel. For over 45 years Mon-Ray quality � design, fabrication and installation service ^ ���� have been directed toward window systems �. .�f,, with the Iowest possible air leakage. ,� ��'j��,j� Living near an airport or a busy street can :' be more than merely irritating. lt can aHect � lifestyle, property value and even health. � Tight, secure Mon-Ray acoustical secondary � ��_ ___ glazing windows and doors go a long way w __- -- toward solving these sound related problems. ;�,� _,_.�.. �� :� :.::.. VARIETY OF ATTRACTIVE FRAME APPLICATIONS � #400 Se�ies "Overlap" #50D Series "Expander" #600 Series "Blind Stop" % i= �/, : `>�� _ �'�/ � �� Mon-Ray offers three distinctive frame designs to appropriately match the arcfiitectural appearance of any commerciai building or residential home. Each is custom made to fit perfectfy into the existing window opening, no matter the size or shape. AH are available in doubie-hung and fixed panel units. COMPLETE SPECIFICATIONS ON ALL MON-RAY PROQUCTS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. CONTACT MON-RAY FOR NEAREST REG{ONAL OFF{CE OR AUTHORIZED DEAtER IN YOUR AREA. 8224 Oison Memorial Hwy. Minneapolis, MN 55427-4713 swis2 (612) 544-3646 Litho in U.S.A. Hennepin County Historical Society 2303 Third �venue Sout11 • �Iinneapolis, Ntinnesota 5j404 •(612) 87d-1329 � � 10 August 1990 Frank Hetman, Jr. President Mon-Ray Wi.ndows, Inc. '2720 Nevada Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55427 Dear Frank: In confir,nation oi our telephone conversation earlier today, I would like to formally express my appreciation for the excellent manner in which your firm handled the sale and installation of storm windows on our building. Mike Giebenhain, your installation crew, and you were consistently responsive to our needs, and we are very pleased with the result. We are:particularly satisfied with the manner in which the w�.ndows blend i.nto the buiiding!s exterior. We had hoped-the 'introduction<of storm windows"�onto this hisforic'structnre would be inobtrusiv'e', tfieg.�certainly meet� that criteria. Please do not hesitate to use this organization as a reference. Again, thank you for your efforts on our behalf. Sincerely, F^ �-�- Y- 6 -^�� Y John A. Baule Director �,���ti:���� �� 5 2� �c �cF� �l� . /�� � , 4 `� AUG1990 � REGEI 6 MON-RAY• (t�1G � ���o�w � i ��n. ,a � ., \J Council File # � `��� Green Sheet # � ��� \ �' (� f ��E F l�! E i�` � ; �>"s E 'l ;', L_ Presented By Referred To CITY Q�—SA}�IT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Committee: Date WHEREAS, Mon-Ray, Inc_, 8224 Olson Memorial Highway, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55427-4713 made application to the Heritage Preservation Commission for approval of a building permit application for the installation of twelve (12) clear, anodized, aluminum combination storm windows pursuant to the provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for property located at 1156 Summit Avenue within the Summit Avenue West Heritage Preservation District; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission conducted a public hearing on the permit application on May 23, 1996, after having provided notice to affected property owners. The Commission, by its resolution No. 261� adopted May 23, 1996, denied the application based on the following findings and conclusions: 1. The applicant proposed to replace all of the existing second story storm windows with the exception of the three windows grouped at the center of the front elevation. According to the applicant, the property owner plans to replace the other existing storm windows on the house within the next four to five years and wants the new storms to look similar to the existing during the transition. 2. The proposed storm windows do not conform to the district guidelines in that they have a shiny, silver, metallic appearance. They would not match the color, appearance or profile of wooden storm windows and screens which the structure had originally. All of the trim on the house is painted ivory or white; it is not silver. The proposed storm windows would have a significant adverse impact on the architectural character and integrity of the structure. 3. The proposed storm windows are custom made, already fabricated, and in the applicant's warehouse. 4. In 1986, the applicant received HPC staff approval to install windows at 255 Summit Avenue identical to those now proposed. That approval was based on the mistaken understanding that the windows would appear to be white. A 1990 letter from HPC staff to the applicant states that the clear anodized, aluminum storm windows are silver in color, rather than white, and are not acceptable for use in the Aistoric District; and WHEREAS, the Summit Avenue West Heritage Preservation District guidelines for design review include the following: Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 74.36 (a)(1): All work should be of a character and quality that maintains q� ��� the distinguishing features of the building and the environment. The removal or alteration of distinctive architectural features should be avoided. Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 74.36(a)(2): Deteriorated architectural features should be repaired rather than replaced whenever possible. In the event of replacement, the new materials should match the original in composition, design, color, texture and appearance. Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 74.36(d)i3): The stylistic(s) a building represents should be respected. I£ replacement of window sash or doors is necessaYy, the replacement should duplicate the material, design and hardware of the older window sash or door. Inappropriate new window and door features such as aluminum storm and screen window combinations, plastic or metal strip awnings, or fake shutters that disturb the character and appearance of the building should not be used. Combination storm windows should have wood frames or be painted to match trim colors. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 73.06, Mon-Ray, Inc. duly filed with the City Council an appeal from the determination made by the Commission, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and WHEREAS, acting pursuant to Section 73.06 and upon notice to affected parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by the Saint Paul City Council on August 14, 1996, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Commission, does hereby; RESOLVE, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby overturn the decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission in the matter, based upon the following findings of the Council: The proposed storm windows wi11 not have a significant adverse impact on the architectural character and integrity of the structure; and G11`�� 1 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal of Mon-Ray, Inc. be 3 and is hereby granted; and 4 5 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy 6 of this resolution to Mon-Ray, Inc., the Zoning Administrator, and 7 the Historic Preservation Commission. 8 Requested by Department of: By: AppT Hy: By: Form Appr d by City Attorney B '�.�G�L�,�,�. �^ �' � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Covncil By: Adopted by Council: Date ���q� Adoption Certi£ied by Counci Secretazy � 382�4 DEPY1NiM1ENT�DFP�CE/COUNCIL �ATE INITIATED cit counci� rune �o 1997 GREEN SHEE CONTAGT PERSON 8 PHONE INRIAL/DATE �NRIAVDATE ODEPARTMENTDIREGTOfl �CITYCOUNqL Counc$ President Thune, 266-8620 ASSIGN CITYAITORNEY CINCLERK NONBER FOR � BUOGEf DIP.ECTOfl � FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES DIR. MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DAT� pOUTING OFDEN � MAYOR (OF A$$ISTAN'n � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S4GNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Finalizing City Council aetion taken August 14, 1996 granting the appeal of Mon-Ray, Inc., to a decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission which denied approval of a building permit applicarion for the installation of clear anodized aluminum combination storm windows at 1156 Sumuut Avenue. RECOMMENDATIONS: npprove (A) ar Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVlCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW£R 7HE FOLLOWING DUESTIONS: _ PIANNING GOMMIS$ION _ GVII SERVICE CAMMISSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worketl under a contract for this department? _ GB CAMMITfEE YES NO 2. Has Mis person/firtn ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ D4STatC7 COUR7 _ 3. Does this personflirm possess a skill not nmmal ry possessed by arry curreM city employeal SUPPORTS WHfCN CAUNCiI O&IECTIVE4 \'ES N� Expletn all yes answers on separate sheet and ettaeh to green shcet INITfATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNRY (Wtw, Whet. When, Where, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �i� 4�? ���r ��3�3 � � 79�� � DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TO7AL AMOUPl7 OF TRANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIYITY NUAABER FINANCIAI INFORFSATION. (EXPLAIN) OFFICE OF TF� CITY ATTORNEY�� ��� PegBir$ CityAttorrsey CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor Civi1 Division 400 Cfty HaZI I S West Kellogg Blvd Saint Pm'Z, Mirmesom SSIO2 Telephone: 6Z2 266�7Z0 Facsimile: 612 248-5619 June 9, 1997 Nancy Anderson Assistant 5ecretazy to the Saint Paul City Council 310 Ciry Ha11 Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Appeal of Mon-Ray, Inc. 1156 Summit Avenue H.P.C. File No. 2610 Dear Nancy: Attached please fmd a signed resolution formalizing the Council Decision to grant the above stated appeal. This is a house keeping measure as the appeal was granted. Sorry for the delay. The matter should be set on the consent agenda. Thanks. Sincerely, ,��L,°G„' Peter W. Warner Assistant City Attorney � �� � 9 J�� � � ���.� Y-'" „ Q� crrY oF sanv�r rauL, Norm Coleman, Mayor 6 August 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minuesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: OFFICE OF LICENS$ INSPECITONS AND EN VIIiONMEN1'AL PROTECIION Rober[Kessler, Dir¢ctor LOWRY PROFESSIONAL BUII DING Suite 300 3505[ PeterSueet SaintPmJ,Minnesota SSIO2-ISIO Telephone: 61 b2669090 Facs±mi7e: 61 L2669f/99 I would like to request that a City Council hearing for an appeal of a decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission be scheduled for August 14, 1996 for the following case: ,' • Appellant: Mon-Ray, Tnc. Property address: 1156 Summit Avenue (Suuvvit Avenue West Aeritage Preservarion District; Ward 2) Purpose: appeal HPC decision deuying approval for clear anodized combination storm windows (HPC File #2610) I scheduled tlris hearing with you, the appellant and the properry owner in June but neglected to send tlus formal letter of request; I hope you can simply read this letter into the record at tomorrow's Council meeting. This public hearing dces not require published notice. Please call me at 266-9087 if you have any quesflons. Sincerely, , �� �� Aazon itubenstein Preservation Planner cc: Robert Kessler, LIEP Robert Lmming, HPC Chair Peter Wazner, CAO Oft7CE OF llCENS$ INSPECTIONS AND ENVIROt�'MENTAL PROTECTION Roben Kusleq Diruror � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL '�' NormColeman,Mayor 7 August 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: HPC File #2610: City Council Hearing: IAWRYPROF�SSIONAL BUII1�A'G Suite 300 350SG Petes Street SainlPau{ Mrnnesota 55102-I510 Mon-Ray, Inc. August ]4, 1996 G� � l �� Tekphone: 61 b266-9090 Fccsimile: 6I2-266-9099 PURPOSE: To consider an appeal of the Heritage Preservation Commission's decision to deny approval of a building permit application for the instailation of 12 clear anodized aluminum combination storm windows at 1156 Sumnut Avenue. HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION ACTION: DENIAL STAFF RECOMMENDATION DENIAL SURPORT None. • OPPOSITION: None. Deaz Ms. Anderson: Mon-Ray, Inc. has appealed the decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission to deny a building pemut application for the installation of 12 clear anodized a]uminum comhinadon storm windows on the structure located at ll56 Summit Avenue. The Heritage Preservation Commission held a public hearing on the pemut application on May 23, 1996. The applicant and property owner addressed the commission. At the close of the public hearing, the coirunission voted 7-0 to deny approval of the percnit. This appeal is scheduled to be heard by the City Counci] on August ld, 1996. Please notify me if any Councilmember wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, � �t� � ��rd'�'l�,J Aazon Rubenstein Heritage Preservation Planner � Attactunents cc: City Councilmembers Robert Kessler, LIEP Petet Wamer, CAO 8224 OLSON MEMORIAL HWY. (55) • MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55427-4713 •(612) 544-3646 • FAX:1(612) 546-8977 June 2, 1996 Mr. Aaron Rubenstein City of St. Paut - LIEP Lowry Professionai Building Suife 300 350 St. Peter Sireet St. Paul, MN 55102-15t0 RE: Heritage Preservation Commission Resolution: File #2610 Dear Mr. Rubenstein: � c Y � 0 F � co m This letter is written to serve the required notice to appeal the decision to deny approval of Mon Inc. bui(ding permit apptication. Section 73_06 {h) Appeal to the Ciry Cuuncil. The permit applicant or any patty aggrieved by the decision nf the heritage preserva[ion commission shall, within fourteen (14} days of the date of the herirage preservation commission's order and decision, have a righ[ to appea! such order and decision ro[he ciry council. The appea! s6a11 be deemed per[ected upon receipt by the division of p[anning of nvo (2) copies of a notice of appeal and scatement setting forth the grounds for che appeal. The division of planning shatl transmit one copy of the notice of appeal snd statement to the city council and one copy to the heritaae preservation commission. The commission, in any written order denying a permi[ applicarion, shall advise che appiicsnt of rhe right to appeal to the ciry council and include chis paragrnph in all such orders. The grounds for our appeal is based upon inaccuracies in Guidefine Citations: ti., D. Windows and Doors: 3. and Findings: sec. D, 1 and 2 of the H.P.C. staff report dated May 19, 1996. Piease advise us in a timely manner as to the status ot our appeal. Sincerely, � Gregory T. Murtha �ce President cc_ Deborah Olson o� �rn -�, ., cJ ,-n �� .'� w y . � �� z� � • I'�1 LJ High Performance Wirtdows, Doors and Glasswalls Porch Enclosu�es ����� • Meecina summa,v Heritage Preservation Commission 23 May 1996 re: 1156 Sumnut Avenue HPC File #2610 Mon-I2ay, Inc Install 12 clear anodized aluminum combination storm windows notes by Aazon Rubenstein Rubenstein showed slides of the 1156 Sununit and 255 Summit. - Cmsr. Heide: at 2�5 Summit, the rails and sGles are same c��dth and so prune window shows and probably should not Greg Murtha, Mon-Ray vice-president, addressed the commissioq passed out a diagram and brochure, described the proposed windows, and said the proposed windows will appeaz white under the right conditions--next to a white surface and lit with sunlight. He also said: • miii fuush deteriorates rather rapidly, being raw metal; a painteci finish is guazanteed a maximum of ten yeacs; anodized finish is superior--permanent fuush, part of the metal, made by chemical etching. • the proposed windows have akeady been manufactured based on Mon-Ray's experience H�ith approval of the same window in 198b for 255 Simunit Avenue. Cmsr. Albers asked several questions. Murtha: the frames aze flush and look like a wood window. Heide: are Mon-Itay windows available in a color matching the trim on this house? Deborah Olson, properiy owner: the trim paint color is white. Murtha: yes, they are available in white. (He passed aroucid a small sample of the c]eaz anodized aluminum.) • Olson spoke about thapurpose ofthe new windows: • On the south stair window, sunlight is affecting the ]eaded glass and woodwork and she wanis ]ow-e glass. • She wants to have ihe meeting rai]s match. Ms. Olson added that she does not intend to replace other windows, they work reasonably well, and she therefore want continuity. Albers: affect of proposed storms, including perhaps low-e giass, would not reflect original chazacter; they also could not be painted to match the trim color in the future. Heide: concemed about precedent. Murtha: anodized aluminum can be finished (painted). Heide and Vojacek moved and seconded the draft resolution to deny approval of a building permit application for the installation of 12 clear anodized alunvnum combination storm windows. Heide stated that his motivadon is the silver color of the windows. The motion to deny approval passed 7- 0. • o�ce oF uc�.s�, nsrECno!.s nxD ENYIRONMEATALPROTEC710N Ro&Jt Kesalcr, Dlrrc�or CITY OF SAINT PALTL IAKRY PROFESSIONAL Tekphone: 611-2669090 No�m Cofemon, Mayor BUIIDING Facslmile: 612-2669099 Suite 300 350 St Perer SYreu SaimPouLdfinnuora SSI07-ISIO ...��.. 24 May 1996 Mt Greg Murtha Mon-Ray, Inc. 8224 Otson Memorial Highw�ay Crolden Valley, MN 55427 Dear Mr. Mwtha: As you ]mow, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission voted at its May 23, 1946 mceting to deny approval of Mon-Ray's building pemut application to install 12 aluminum combination storm windo��s with a clear anodized fuush on properry located at 1156 Sumnut Avenue in the Summit Avenue Wcst Heritage Preservation Dish I hati�e enclosed a copy of the commission's resolulion. Yov and the property ow�ner have the right to appeal this decision to the Saint Paul City Council under Chaptes 73 of the Saint Paul Legistative Code. Such appeal must be filed by Jane b, 1996. Chapler 73 requires that tLe folloWing paragraph be included in all letters indicating denia2 of a pemut: . Section 73.06 (h) Appea! to the City Council. The permit applicant or any party aggrieved by rhe decision ojthe heritage preservation commission shall, within jourteen (14) days of the date ojthe heritage preservation commission's order and decision, have a right to appeal such order and decision fo the ciry council. The appeal shatl be deemed perfected upon receipt by the division ofplanning oftwo (Z) copies of a nodce of appeal arrd stalement selting forth the grounds for the appeal. The divisio» ofplanning shalJ transmit one copy of the notice ofappeal and statement ro the ciry council and one copy to the heritage preservation commission. The commission, in any written order denying a permir application, sha71 advise the applicant ofthe right to appeal to the city council and include this paragraph in all such orders. Because the Heritage Preservation Commission is no longer statl'ed by the Planning Division, I would request that airy letter of appeal be sent to me at LIEP instead of to the Planning Di�ision Please call me at 266-9087 ifyou have any questions or concems. Sincerely, �,�..��,. � � w�,'� Aazon Rubenstein Heritage Preservation Planner cc: Deborah Olson Tatc Halvorson, LIEP • Bob Kesster, LIEP q� �"c� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION RESOLUTION FILE NiJMBER 2610 DATE 23 May 1996 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission is authorized by Chapter 73 of the Saint Paul L.egislative Code to review building pemvt applications for exterior alterations, new canstruction or demolition on or within designated Heritage Preservation Sites or Heritage Preservation Distriets; and � WI�REAS, Mon-Ray, Inc. has applied for a building permit to install 12 clear anodized aluminum combination siorm windows on the struciure located at 1156 Sumarit Avenue within the Summit Avenue West Heritage Preservarion District; and WHEI2EAS, the George R Holmes House at 1156 Summit Avenue is a two and one-half story, Classical Revival style residence designed by azchitect C. A. Bassford, consducted in 1907, and categorized as contributing to the district; and WFTEREAS, the Summit Avenue West Heritage Preservation District guidelines for design review include - the following: II. Restoration and Rehabilitation, A. General Principles: l. All work should be of a chazacter and quality that maintains the distinguishing features of the building and the environment. The removal or alteration of • distinctive arctutectural, featwes should be avoided II. A.: 2. Deteriorated azclvtectural features should be repaired rather than replaced whenever possible. In the event of replacement, new materials should match the original in composition, design, color, texture and _aPPeazance. II., D. Windows and Doors: 3. The stylistic period(s) a building represents should be respected. If replacement of window sash or doors is necessary, the replac�ment should duplicate the material, design and hazdwaze of the older window sash or door. lnappropriate new window and door features such as aluminum storm and screen window combinarions, plastic or metal sh awnings, or fake shutters that disturb the character and appearance of the building should not be used. Combination storm windows should have wood &ames or be painted to match trim wlors; and WHEREAS, the Saint Faul Heritage Preservation Commission, based upon fhe evidence presented at its May 23, 1996 public hearing on said petmit application, made the followiag Sndings of fact: 1. The applicant proposes to replace all of the existing second story storm windows with the exception of the thtee windows grouged at the center of the front elevation. According to the applicant, the properiy owner plans to replace Lhe othes eausting storm windows on the house within the next four to five yeazs and wants the new storms to look similar to the �isting during the transition. 2. The proposed stoim windows do not wnform to the district guidelines in that they have a shiny, � sflver, metallic appearance. They would not match the color, appearance, or profile of wooden storm • windows and screens which the shucture had originally. All of the him on the house is painted ivory or white; it is not silver. The proposrd storm windows would have a significant adverse impact on the archite�tival chazacter and integity of the siructure. Heritage Preservation Commission Resolution: File #2610 Page Two 3. The proposed siorm windou5 are custom made, already fabricated, and in tt�e applicant's warehouse. 4. In 1986, the applicant received HPC staff approval to install windows at 255 Summit Avenue identical to tfiose now proposed That approvai was based on the mistaken understanding that the windows would appear to be wlute. A 199Q letter &om HPC staff to the applicant states that the cleaz anodized aluminum storm windows are silver in color, rather than white, and are not acceptable for use in the }vstoric district� NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that based on the above findings, the Heritage Preservation Commission denies approvat of a building permit for I2 clear anodized combination stoim windows at 1156 Summit Avenue. MOVED BY ° SECONDED BY IN FAVOR AGAINST ABSTAIN Heide Vojacek 7 0 0 Decisions of the Heritage Preservation Commission are Final, subject to appeal to the City Council within 14 days by anyone affected by the decision T6is resolution doq not obviate the need for meeting applica6le buitding and zoning code requirements, and dces not rnnstitute approvat for taz credits. � LJ • . q1 l�`-\ C� HPC FILE �12610 CITY OF SAINT PAUL HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT �� FILE NAME: Install clear anodized aluminum storm W�ndows APPLICANC: Mon-Ray, Inc. LOCATION: 1156 Swnnvt Avenue (southeast comer at Dunlap Street) FIPC STTE(DISTRICf: Summit Avenue West Disirict CLASSIFfCATION: Moderate STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 5.19.96 DATE OF HEARING: 5.23.96 CATEGORY: Conhibuting BY: Aazon Rubenstein A, SITE DESCRIPTION: The George R Holmes House at 1156 Summit Avenue is a two and one-half story, Classical Revival style residence designed by azchitect C. A. Bassford, consWcted in 1907, and categorized as contribut'sng to the district. It has a green tile hipped roof, six gabled dormers with curvilineaz projecting pedimenu, tan brick exterior w�alls, a stone foundation, an open front porch with ornate Composite-capitals; and-one-over-one double-hung windows w�ith leaded glass upper sash (6- over-6 windows on enclosed rear porch). 7'he basement windows have wooden storm windows; the rest of the house has mil] Finish aluminum combination storm windows. B. PROPOSED CHANGES: The applicant proposes to install 12 aluminum combination storm windows with a cleaz anodized finish C. GUIDELINE CITATIOIVS: The Sununit Avenue West Heritage Preservation District guidelines for design review include the following: II. Restoration and Rehabilitation, A. General Principles: 1. All work should be of a chazacter and quality that maintains the distinguishing features of the building and the environment. The removal or alteration of distinctive architecWral features should be avoided. II. A.: 2. Deteriorated architecbual features should be repaired rather than replaced whenever possible. In the event of replacement, new materials shouid match the original in composition, design, color, texture and appearance. � II., D. Windows and Doors: 3. The stylistic period(s) a building represents should be respected. If replacement of window sash or doors is necessary, the replacement should duplicate the material, design and hazdwaze of the older window sash or door. Inappropriate new window and door feaGues such as aluminum storm and screen window combinations, plastic or metal strip awnings, or fake shutters that disturb the characta and appearance of the building should not be used. Combination storm windows should have wood frames or be painted to match trim colors. DATE OF APPLICATION: 4.19.96 HPC Staff Report: File #2610 Page Two D. FINDINGS: The applicant proposes to replace all of the existing second story storm windows with the exception of the three windows grouped at the center of the front elevation. According to the applicant: The properly owner plans fo replace the other acisting storm windows on the house w7thin the next fovr to five years and wants the new storms to look sunilaz to the existing during the 1i3aSItIOR The existing mitl fuush storm windows are dilapida[ed--TUSting, do not seal, do not funchiou properly. The lifespan of the furish is 20-30 years for mill fuush alwninum storms, 40-76 years for aluminum storms w�th a baked enamel finish, and 100 years for anodized atuminum storms. 2. The proposed storm windows do not conform to the district guidelines in that they have a shiny, silver, metallic appe,arance. They would not match the compositioq color, appearance, or profile (width of rails and stiles) of wooden storm windows and screens. All of ihe trim on the house is painted ivory in cotoc The proposed storm k�indows wouid have a significant adverse impact on the arcLitectiu�aI character and integity of the structure. �� 3. The pmposed stoim window5 aze custom made; already fabricated, and sitting in the applicant's • warehouse. 4. 7'he applicanY received HPC staff appmval to install windows aY 255 Suttunit Avenue identical to those now proposed based on the mistal:en uaderstanding that the windows would appear to be white. E. STAF'F RECOMIVIENDATION: Based on the above fmdings, staff recommends denia[ of the proposed combination stonn windows with a clear anodiz.ed finish_ u • GENERAL BUILDING PERMIT , DEPA,R'MENT j CITY OF SAINT PAUL - � - CITY OF SAINT PAL'L � OFFICEOFUCE4'SE.ISSPEC710�5.4SD i ERVIROSAtE\?AL PROTECIIOV Bti1tD1.�'GL�.'SPECTIO.vq.�'DDES)G.N I 3505rPsurSuerr-Suiu310 j PermitNO. Soin+Pnul,Minnerom55/02-/510 b11�"-'b6�9Gb1 1156 SUMMIT AVEN�E PLAN NO. . OESCF�PTION OF GROJECT DATE OWNER DEBORAH OCSON OWNERS ADDRESS 1156 Summit Avanua ❑ OlD TYPEOF ❑ NEW TYPE CONST. ReSld8nt181 OCCUPANCY ��1 Fam GRADING STUCCOOR - [] BUILD ❑ AtSD EXC. ❑ PLAS7ER ❑ DRYWAL� ❑ FENCE I1 ADDITION ❑ALTER ❑ REPAIR ❑ MOVE ❑ WRECK lOT • WID7N STRUG TURE ESTIMATED V AlUE N S�OE LOT CIEARANCE BViLD�HG L� FAOHT F LENG�N ME�GMT STO� 8/+SE'nENT TO1/+LF�OORAREA � YE$ ❑ NO' S�. iT. � . INL WDE BASEMENT TEL. PERMIT FEE INC. 8224 olson Memorial Hwy Golden Vailey4 MN 55427 STATE YAlUAT10N P{.AN CHECK STATE SUHCHARGE �.9� TOTAt FEE 8B.T� APPLICANT CERTIFIES THAT ALL IN- FORMATION IS CORRECT AND THAT ALL PERTINENT STATE REGU4ATIONS AND C�� ORDINANCES WtLL BE COM- �LI ED WITH �N PEflFORMING THE WORK FOR WHICH TH75 PEAMYT IS IS$UED. � A :J"� ,: CASNIER VSE ONIY � , WHEN VALIDATED THiS I$ YOUR iERMiT � St. Gode ADDRESS ' oF�oe 1156 Summit Av nua ; iVRE . � USE TYPEWRI7ER OR BALL POINT PEN I AND PRESS FIRMLY �, � � � 3 � � AY �17 's5 L�9�_5 190N-RAY�NINPO1�15 INC , F.1%1 ��t/l �(r0/l /fGf•C1GR � v . c.� ' FiEID SERViCE DATA SNEET -- � NAME �"�'�--`�"`'� 1s9� �1 ���ALL ❑ PICKUP l7 DELIVER 0 SHIF aooRESS �/�r $� r,,,..,.' E 1�o e cirr SE t� sr �'�+a z�a s�1Q� , pHp F �„ „�j'1 -( y� CUSTOMER A' ���.'�- N IuARK IItY• PRODUCf DESCAIYflON RNfSH �EkiN6 SIZE VEp�fIED SIZE RO + CRM wtrtiH � uF�r,ldT ,u�mu u�tr.ur t L-Ot.� � E:ns.z� .4,�., � � ; � I i p � �� � �— � ��'° � � ° r --- V � � e : 4- � -."_N— FRONT '. 1. [ . }'t - D- E- � + . �rQM �N51 Measuaen sv.� DA � /vl � L� rin� e i twsro.t�a �r � � DATE SOLD - - -. '�/- / � . `z � `• DATE PAOMfSED 1 �.- �. F AEMEASURE.�S�. HAIJC A�AIAY.�t�. -O YARO SIGM � PERMIT � , , , � PAST CUSiOMF� � �='� LEAD SOURCE : � . O GENEAATED 8Y: LEAD TAKEN 8Y : // \ SALES PERSON : 1 /; �2 r�a� l . --- — �� r : -: su�C�a� a oevnc � mo •_ ruurdo�vs, � . �J °l`�-1�F� 2720 NEVA6A AYENUE NORTH • MiNNEAP4LIS, MN 55427 • 612-545-3625 `c.� = � �� �V�lh1, ( l December 1, 1956 Allan Torstenson 25 West 4th Street St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Ailan, 55102 7his letter confirms our phone conversation of November 25, 1986. Enclosed is the information you requested. The clear R1 202 anodized finish is permanent which ears white. AY1 ��ay windows mee ing rails will line up with exis ing win ows. Please review and alert us to your approvel as soon as possibie. Sincerely, � ���i�''�rc".r 6reg Murtha Sales Manager GM:bp Enclosure t S i CtTY OF SAINT PAUL HERfTAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION CERTtFlCATE OF APPROVAL FOR MlNOR FILE NUMBER: 711 DATE December 15, 1986 WORK � � Zh � St�M�►� ( ADDRESS: 255 Summit Avenue HPC SITE/DISTRICT: Hill District APPLICA'.V7': h4on-Ray H'indows (Greg Murtha) PI-TOi\E: 546-8625 STAFF: A21an L. Torstenson SII'E DESCRIPTIOA': 255-257 Summit A��enue is a two and one-half story paintcd brick Itatiante (Tuscan)styte double hovse w�hich was built in 1884. PROPOSED CHANGES: Mon-Ray R'indows proposed to install aluminvm storm windows, storm panets and stonn door with u�hito anodized finish. All meeiing rails will line up with txisting windows. The propor- tion of the fvll-view one li2e stornt door will match the existing door. FIi\DINGS OF FACT: The proposed work conforms to the Hill District Guidelines. APPROVED C� � . � ALL PLANS MUST BE STAMPED APPROVED BEFORE PfiRMIT IS ISSUED � ����� CITY OF SA�NT PAUL HERiTAGE PRESERVATION COMM{SSION 25 �YC>t Founh Stteet. Saint Paul, Minnekna 557(12 61?-2?8-3270 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR February 13, 1990 Mr. Greg Murtha Mon-Ray Windows, Inc. 2720 Nevada Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55427 RE: Use of Alwrinum Windows in Historic Districts Dear Mr. Murtha: �-C` � 2�� �11i�� �t ( l Yesterday an ow-ner of property in the Irvine Park Heritage Preservation �istrict indicated to me that a salesman from Mon-Ray windows had indicated your silver-finish aluminum windows are acceptable for use in historic districts. In most cases, however, they are unacceptable. � The windows you installed at 255-257 Summit Avenue, in the Historic Hill Heritage Preservation Distzict; were approved because they were represented as being white. But they are not white; they are silver. The design guidelines for the Hi11 District are quite ciear: "Inappropriate new window and door features such as aluminum storm and screen window combinations... should not be used. Combination storm windows should have wood frames or be painted to match trim colors." Unpainted Mon-Rsy aluminum windows are not acceptable for use in the Hill District. The design guidelines for the Irvine Park Heritage Preservation District are even more clear: "Appropriately colored or bronzed-toned alwninum or vinyl-clad wood is acceptable. Mill finish (shiny silver) aluminum will not be allowed." Sincezely, •A� � J �� L. Tofstenson Preservation Planner ALT:ss sues/11/murtha � 7 � p"•:ne vi��c : ;:err,anonaC G�cago. iL � � J� \�` � � \ x _ � � ♦ O�e n.�:- C7�rch 6osron, r.�A a �-. i= � � f i'- � n U Custom Fit Secondary Glazing • Window Systems . ❑ Conserves Energy ❑Abates Outside Noise o Reduces Maintenance o Retains Original Appearance r 1 � f j 1 � � y;t_4T.�41 4�1. U. G�-l3_ � 7��� n'.''� � '• �� � �� � �-? �: i s�Q,�6� �- . - _�� e r � �r����era�� 8 ..p,�i..�o,, . -- - = � .���',,,,, � - � C�f .- G G�! C C1. i � Sr Franr.s xz.-�zr Scnoo' 5e^son. i^a r u. � �,._ ._ �� = �-- �-� ♦ St Rose Convent, LaL�csse, ��1 Mon-Ray, Inc, has been manufacturing quality, high-performing windows for both commerciai buildings and residential homes for over 45 years. The unique design and appiications of Mon-Ray secondary glazing windows far exceeds the performance standards of other storm windows. Rising energy costs and the growing probiems of outside noise infiltration have made it necessary to consider upgrading existing window units. Mon-Ray provides an additional insulating 6lanket of air space and dramatically reduces costiy air leakage. Mon-Ray secondary giazing windows can be adapted to any existing window opening. Maintain existin� architecture and achieve max�mum energy savin s with long-tasting beauty, quali�y and high performance. Mon-Ray secondary glazing window systems have proven to be a practical and affordabie aiternative as compared to more costly total repfacement windows. A Mon-Ray secondary unit can cut air Ieakage through an existing window to a minimum. This not only refiects energy savings, it aiso minimizes the penetration of excessive Ieveis of outside noise. Applications may be designed for exterior or interior installation. Mon-R2y secondary giazing units are cusiom made to retain the integrity and originat appearance of the existing windows. Energy conservation benef+ts, improved comfort levei (reducing an�oying drafts and outside noise), and minimal maintenance benefits (reducing painting, generai repairs and cleaning)... all pluses with Mon-Ray. Mon-Ray secondary glazing window products have been instalied at coiiegesfuniversities, hospiiais, hote{s, apartments, pubiic and pr+vate schools, office build'+ngs, govemmental housing, and other commerciai and light- commerciai projects throughout the United States. In addition, Mon-Ray high performance residential storm windows have been instalied on tens of thousands of homes in ail types of climates across the country. The Mon-Ray phiiosophy is to offer products at the lowest possible initia4 cost while not compromising its high pe�fiormance standards and exceptionaliy long service life. All Mon-Ray products are supported by a totai service program and by a written 10-year limited product warranty. �L3LOJ%PdfiECOJ'�pCO,..':Hp.:SEl.�cJSP� ����� �Gesa ldaa,:a CP^'2'. I O C � Na�.aro Umce�sdy. Cambntloe. A'A From Design fhrough lnstallation... ...Mon-Ray Delivers Lasting Satisfaction , �T - - _ fnstallation...Leasf disruptive to ihe ope2tion o7 your bui/drng and activities within, Mon-Ray Secondary Gfazing insfallations are generally dor.e from the ezterior using sc7f%olding and/or other aenaJ de: �es. . -� � - - � , % .../.J i. Y....2,../ K A• ./y _ �U � �� �` _ - - -_` = �__-_ �` � ��.+' __= -'= =_-_ = : ) 1r '• _ _-_-_=-_=='_ �': (!_' ___ _-_=_— - :: ,`,� �, �_'-_ �_ _____ - ,'c i ✓: - - - �'�l '� t.{�'�ti- -- -- =.v � - --- .� .� � .1 - Workmanship and Materials Warrant• The Mon-Ray 70 Year Limited Produc! Warranry is fully trans/errable, non-prorated coverage for arigina! producf price. Added auurance /or maintenance prolection for your bui(dings. ��r U yariety or .__. .: :^ ``, ; *, '�;, �usfable HeaQ • . ,: x�. '�.=�. Jamb and Sill � :.- Expanders and - - '> PanningTrims- - ;: Custanmadela �= neat and pmper - - =� fit. x'=�-': � � . Q Prime 6063-T6 Aluminum Alloy - 47% stronger Man ortiinary T5 tempered aluminum. � Exhuded Upper Sas1� Pocket - Holtls sash firtnly in place reducing air leakage. � ButtJoint Comers, Reinforced with Stainless SCrews - P2vent5 piwting io retain cor2ci squareness � Permanent Modized or Du2n�c Fnishes - Will not aridize, pit, cortode, pee1, rust or fade_ Q Non•Binding Nylon . Gtide Buttau - Reduces friction for smoother ope2tion. � interloc{dng Meeting Aaiis-Eiiminates costly air Ieakage. � Weathertight 'RatcheYJamb Liners - AutOmdtic vCmilatiOn settings every Mo _ inches 0 Du2ble T6 Frame and Fibergiass Screen Cloth-Frame resists bending, sc2en w'dl not mt or sag. � Stainiess Steel, Spring Loaded Pin-LOCks -Su2 grip that will no[ easTy break as vriif plastic >> Wra{rAround Marine Glazing-Conlinuous cushion piotects glass from accidental breaka9e. � Positive Intedocking - Sash to Silf - Gosed . sash 2mains secure � against both high air and water pressu2. : � EBective Weep Hole . , System-Ifsashleft - '�, - opened, wat2r d2in5 . ',- i track outside, , ,. : _: %i� = , r.: N, ��-� , r �����: .�:�:. . � � 0 Evaluation...Mon-Ray tests iis high per7ormance standards not only during fa6rication, but also following installatioa Laboratory and Field tests are used to verify the demanding Mon-Ray requirements of air infiltration and exfittration. � Aron¢e� L1e 1ns✓�ance _'..�/tl�ng Fayo VJ Cus[om Resufts...Every Mon-Ray unrt is custom manu/actured to mafch existing architectura! design and sight '�,^es. �%'hether ihe appGCatioa is --ter.Cf or interior, unifs can be made ,c fit arched openings, maintaining onginal characfer. �-�--,4y MON-RAY ACOUSTICAL SECONDARY GLAZ/NG �PROVEN AS AN EFFECTIVE SOUND BARRIER Noise can shatier the peace and tranquility of a residential neighborhood. When intrusive noise irom jet aircraft or adjacent ireeway traffic affects the quality of living, it is time to turn to Mon-Ray acoustical secondary glazing windows and doors to help soive the problem. Independent tests have proven that Mon-Ray acousticai secondary giazing windows and doors instalied over existing primary windows and doors dramaticaliy lower the perietration of outside noise to a"Iivabie" � '������-; ievel. For over 45 years Mon-Ray quality � design, fabrication and installation service ^ ���� have been directed toward window systems �. .�f,, with the Iowest possible air leakage. ,� ��'j��,j� Living near an airport or a busy street can :' be more than merely irritating. lt can aHect � lifestyle, property value and even health. � Tight, secure Mon-Ray acoustical secondary � ��_ ___ glazing windows and doors go a long way w __- -- toward solving these sound related problems. ;�,� _,_.�.. �� :� :.::.. VARIETY OF ATTRACTIVE FRAME APPLICATIONS � #400 Se�ies "Overlap" #50D Series "Expander" #600 Series "Blind Stop" % i= �/, : `>�� _ �'�/ � �� Mon-Ray offers three distinctive frame designs to appropriately match the arcfiitectural appearance of any commerciai building or residential home. Each is custom made to fit perfectfy into the existing window opening, no matter the size or shape. AH are available in doubie-hung and fixed panel units. COMPLETE SPECIFICATIONS ON ALL MON-RAY PROQUCTS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. CONTACT MON-RAY FOR NEAREST REG{ONAL OFF{CE OR AUTHORIZED DEAtER IN YOUR AREA. 8224 Oison Memorial Hwy. Minneapolis, MN 55427-4713 swis2 (612) 544-3646 Litho in U.S.A. Hennepin County Historical Society 2303 Third �venue Sout11 • �Iinneapolis, Ntinnesota 5j404 •(612) 87d-1329 � � 10 August 1990 Frank Hetman, Jr. President Mon-Ray Wi.ndows, Inc. '2720 Nevada Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55427 Dear Frank: In confir,nation oi our telephone conversation earlier today, I would like to formally express my appreciation for the excellent manner in which your firm handled the sale and installation of storm windows on our building. Mike Giebenhain, your installation crew, and you were consistently responsive to our needs, and we are very pleased with the result. We are:particularly satisfied with the manner in which the w�.ndows blend i.nto the buiiding!s exterior. We had hoped-the 'introduction<of storm windows"�onto this hisforic'structnre would be inobtrusiv'e', tfieg.�certainly meet� that criteria. Please do not hesitate to use this organization as a reference. Again, thank you for your efforts on our behalf. Sincerely, F^ �-�- Y- 6 -^�� Y John A. Baule Director �,���ti:���� �� 5 2� �c �cF� �l� . /�� � , 4 `� AUG1990 � REGEI 6 MON-RAY• (t�1G � ���o�w � i ��n. ,a � ., \J