97-740Council File # _ `��� 6reen Sheet # - '`��7 ��'{�!]��,�� Presented By Referred To i z 3 4 5 6 � 8 9 io ii iz 13 ia is 16 17 18 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the followiag individuals to serve on the BICYCI.E ADVISORY BOARD. ' ' 1 1�11_ 1 Public Works Molly Fitzpatrick Ward 4 � r....;y.i'; .:•:�^... .�I.::... a'i. �.,..;;Ln.:;;�;.r':: yc,,,.. [� ���#����':'��4d��-'���,�±F��fi�� `� �"��,�?3�,::...`��x, ,' . .. � ..: �:�r�;:�}��:�� :,�':�;�;';�Q' �1��<] x,.. .. Daniei Krivit Richard Newmark Ed Olson Allan Torstenson ����.1.! .�yV\ Ward 5 Ward 7 Pazks and Recreation Division Planning and Economic Development / � i9 All of the above members, wit3� the exception of Molly Fitzpatrick, sha11 serve a two year zo term'which will expire on dune 30, 1999. zi 2 z Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date �(� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Form Approved by City Attorney ` � - C- r? (''� By: � BY= �� c � F n. � -� �, Approved by Mayor: Date ��xLS'� Approved by Mayor for Submission to '1 By: v ' �� Counci By: ,� �.� a�-��� 5�cfi7 1`T2.5'OT Co eman s� Office D G E S R 97 D J' v u' GREEN SHEE GONiACT PEHSON & PHONE INITIAUDATE INRIAVDATE �OEPAFi7MEM�IRECTOfl �CRYCAUNCIL Alberto Quintela 266-8529 A���N �CRYATfOFNEY �CINCLEpK MUST 8E ON COUNqL AGENDA BY (DATE� pU � BUDGEf �IRECTOR � FM. & MGT. SERYICES DIR OFDEP � MAYOR (OR ASSISTAM'j � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES i (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N REQUESiE�: Approval of appointments & reappointments of following members to serve on the Bicycle Advisory Board: Appointments--Lisa Falk and Mo11y Fitzpatrick. Reappointments--Daniel Krivit Richard Newmark, Ed Olson and A11an TorsCenson. (Resolution identifies areas they represent. PECOMMENDlmoNS: Approva iA) or Feject (R7 pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNING CAMMISSWN _ CIVR SERVICE GOMMISSION �- Has this De�sun/firm ever worked under a contract for Nis departmeni? _ CIB CpMMITfEE _ YES NO — � AF � 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTqICT CoURT _ 3. Does this personftirm pos5ess a skifl not normally possessed by any curreM ciry emplcyee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE7 YES NO Explain alf yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green ahcet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOHTUNITV (Who, What, Whan, Where, Why): ADVANTACaES IFAPPROVEO: VBiiV � � 6J3� DISADVANTAGES IFAPPpOVED. DISA�VANTACaES IF NOTAPPROVEO' TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIqCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIWG SOUHCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORFSATION (EXPLAIN) a�-`��o Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PpUL TO: Saint Paui Citv Couucitmembers Council President Da� id Thune Councilmember Jem• Blakev Counciimember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Cour�cilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Roberta Me�ard Councilmember Glad}�s Morton , FROM: DATE: � Al6erto Quintela Assistant to the Macor June 9, 1997 Bicycle Advisory Bo�rd [Appointments �nd Reappointments] Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments and reappointments of the following indi��iduals to seroe on the Bic}�cle Advisory Board. Follo���ing is a listing of these individuals and the areas they represent. APPOINTED Lisa Falk Moll}' Fitzpatrick [M�{Iy:FiEZpati�cl� shalt serve ihe rem�in�er of KtirtibOr�S';F�utiter'S:�In�.tpired Yerm. This term shal[ eipire 3une 30,-1948.J REAPPOINTED Daniel I�rivit Richard Ne��2nark Ed Otson Allan Torstenson Public Works Ward 4 Ward � Ward 7 Pazks and Recreation Division Planning and Economic Development All of the above members, with the exception of Molly Fitzpatrick, shall serve a two-year term which will expire on June 30, 1999. Attached is a copy of the resolution recommending these individuals, copies of the new appointees' applications and an appticant report Gstin� al1 applicants on file since 7anuary i, 1994. Feel free to contact me at 26C-8529 if you have am� questions. AQ:drm Attachments c: Nanc}' Anderson, Council Research Greg Reese, Bicycle Ad� ison� Board Staff � � ,. ��'�� � / �-�° � GJ' Name: �isa Falk OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 266-8252 FAX:266-8513 a� RECEIVEO bip.Y 05 199'( ;AAYQR'S OFFiC} Home Address: 4275 Boulder Ridge Point, Eagan 55122 Telephone Number: (Home) 688-2100 Planning District Council: (Work) 266-6117 (Fax) 292-6132 City Councii Ward: Preferred Mailing Address: 700 City Hal{ Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, Saint Pau4, 55102 Whai is your occupation? Civil Engineer Place of Employment: Ciry of Saint Paui, Department of Pubiic Works Committee Applied For: Bicycle Advisory Board What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee for which you seek appointment? I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering, and have worked in Public Works for over 9 years. The last 6 of those years I have been in the Street Design section, gaining knowledge and experience in appropriate design standards for Saint Paul's ciry streets. q� ��ya PERSONAL REFERENCES Name: Larry Lueth Address: 900 City Haff Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, Saint PauV, 55102 Phone: (Home) (Work) 266-6083 t+{ame: Paui St. Martin Address: 700 City Hali Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, Saint Paul, 55102 Phone: (Home) Name: Rick Hauser (Work) 266-6118 Address: 666 Fairmount, Saint Paul, 55105 Phone: (Nome) 2241475 (Work) 2241475 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: t have been biking for over 20 years. Over the fast 5 or 1 Q years biking has gained more legitimacy as a means of transportation. l would like to encourage that trend to continue in Saint Paul, and help to create appropriate facilities for riders of various skiii and '+nterest levels. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when and under what circumstances? I have not had previous contact with the Bicycie Advisory Board. In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicabie to you. This information is strictly voluntary. X White (Caucasian) Hispanic Biack (African American) Asia� or Pacific Islander American indian ar Alaskan Eskimo Male X Femafe Date of Birth: Auaust 17. 1959 Disabfed: Yes iVo X ff special accommodations are needed, pfease specify. How did you hear about this opening? From my supervisor, Paul St. Martin. � � � ��= rg 1 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ' p-^ et� ° ' �� �tz,cs=aG � "V . � . 390 CITY 13ALL . . - . - ^' �: _-: ::.-,:: . PAOL�. M2 N 2 IESOTA ,. � ' SSI.OZ: :•- :_: - :AP�'Z] }��� .✓' . " . . . 266-8525:"_ -- _--- .FAX: 2b6-8513 .,:� .. .. - . . � �- - . " . i!� ��t�=L'i _ Naae: _ /vin.�.C.:� � i �.tz �.�t�.:.�1;—� � � - � - - ' - - J - . .. . , . . .. . _ . . ...-. _ _ ' ' - . Eo�e Address : r5'3 G t c .�C � ls ;%�1-f ,�c. P�L : SSlo y Street .. City ' Z. Telephone Nu� ber: _ CEome) C„�! �- .� d T� (Gork) � 3 U=�L; c (�'Ak) - 7 3 c, - 52� 3. Planning District Co�xciZ- 13 Citq Council Vard: 4 Preferred 2ailing Address: 55 3 F� 1�,,,,� � G,_ � Ah2t is povr occupation? Place �o£ E�loynent: ��,-�c,�;,� ���. f`,,_,�<,_,-� i ' co�ittee<s) Applied For: Saint Paol Bicycle Advisory Bnard C-� ; Ahat sY_i1lsJtraining or ezperience do pou possess =or the comittee(s) for vnich pou seek appointsent? � �`--.�" rn� r� x �z:�:�-e--�-ck� �a �F � ' 'n�-�g —�. G A �--� � - . 5 �� o ra-r✓� �L�4.iv c�-�c1� vc�.�-��h, c.�"�4 � C.�.> ca�F 0.�ivl�j �-�z� � . _ _— —_— _ --_--.—_ � f e The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Hi=uiesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this infozaation is not released to the general public. ' � . (OV�R) ' . gev.4/21/93 J21cLL REFERENCES ,p�e • c°' �l. �.-�in� . � n . ��6dd�ess: Z<LG S. I-la��':.�..4_� �./e,. Sk-. P�} .. M t�l Phone: " G A F-'�I 1 s d' (Aork) 2��, - 9 7/! 21ame: �c.�-e_o.� `��-L- �u 8 0� �3�-�--�- R�. � d� � t� �? nti �� / Address• EErcze..�°. �� � Yhone : (Hoae) k i 1 q - O - 1 Z 3 (Aorkl_ (, � � - C, - 1 � �" Na3e: 7�J%�!. M� � ,.x.��.-� Liddzess: �i � u� 'L-.�e� %�.�e.: N�� � M c.! ------- P.'�.one: (Eoae) � �2. .�. - Z ? SC,: CGOrk) 'i 3 /, - S 4 3 �( Keasons io= �ovx Snterest in tuis particular co�nittee: � ct--. a, r Jc..z_ �dl,� �-�-�� ` i"�e%fi- �!. �. '� � e s_.. w o w l d 1xK.z, 'to a-�- �-..1�2.�.- .���.�.�..�a£.�a, C.�.�v_:�lc�e_.c.l� .-ewi�� � a �c-�- �c� L,.SCa -{�`' .�..e = A a-� -�'-' � C +w�.i.-�.c.c:-r�.a/ i - i�-Y� 1 �ol 1 � t d -- d • 4z�., �C�,i,.z�. f,-�c1 q.l.a,o c� G/��o... a.u.�n�u.v.aa.r1 c� ��cvc�.d-�J.J Ct��A.—v - l7've' ���a-�Z. i � Eave you had pre�ious contact vith the co�uittee for vhich Sou aze ;�aking application. Tf so, vhen, and circunstances? ��nc��z ct. Q�I.L ?--%�. t�aCcR r�..a�:S.v.�..a aw�..`.:,.'�.c'v .'[X�z, F.c.-�- �c%�. �...-�cL J ' T �i�u.v�. � �:_ol s—. �YYL. ���..:-��-�� �cr�.�'L 1-t..cv. lu.^LO..T...,..s��iz 1 o�f. C�J �.'� T1'�.t.� ��G�1r.1- � ��.�.C� C_ r}HQ) ��,. Y In zn atteamt to er.suze that co�mittee rep=esentation xeflects the rakeup of ou= comrnmity, please check tne line applicable to pou_ This information is strictlp voluntary. .� Rhite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Paci�ic Islander American Indian or Alzskan Eskimo Hale �_ £emale Date of Bi=th: i ��2C��� 1 � Disabled; Yes No i Tf special accommodations are�needed, please speci£y. = a Hov did pou hear about this openingT �t�fA�'i �'�2�>�-�-�s, ��-V `�=°-��-, �=--`�` �• �u^`-L' � P �.x:�� ,�:�-. JItAT. REFIItEPCES �t7ame • C�.. s.l- A-.d.n_ ���r _ I� r � l O � _ Address; � tC�7 � I�.,�L. �-..� �.��- 5+ P 1 y nn �.i Name: �_�. `�-o--�.o.�— �0 8 0 � ��'�-- �c d.., rc �.-. �t t:x.v. �cZ . M ^./ Address: ictecac_�� �� � Phone: CHome) �t�IR-o Z3 CS7ork)_ (. - 1 - G, -� S.v Na�e• 7s.l..r. na,. � ds� Address: �i n� k...e.� <.,�,: M°�,� M w/ __^ Paone: (Eoael 4�2 1. - L 2 SG> (Gork) � 3/.- 5 4 3�( Reasons �or pour intezest in this particular comittee: � d-.-. a, �e r:dan. �._�J-w � i v�iL :.. �'t.. �.5--�. �S- wo u� d l.xK_.e- "� as�- �1C¢/� ,d.:.��:.c�.�-a�, C� i . � ���z ct-�,.-�d.EO� c l.l - 7 �>�r� ��.�ci �1 cc.-� �.t::a.-� - �. ` J ' 1"�.v L �'- ^��.'."-.- -'"�c:.c,��al s--. i �i` �-u�-TF-�..w�.. _ � :, ,c.6C. _ 1 =c , .:�...d.�.,�^_c..�, ,..�,.: �-�2.�ci . � a-,-. G,�y�J �"� tt�e. �G22il � ��rC`i C. Q�'�Q) ta}y�� .. . .._ Y Zn an atteapt to ersure that corffiittee xep=esentation xeflects the rakeup of ou= comcnuzity, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � Ahite {Caucasian) Black (African Amer3.czn) Amezican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Hale �% Female Disabled: Yes Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date o� Birzh: !�� �G I xo �_ _ If special acco�odations_are needed, please`specify. --- - Hov did you hear about this opening? � mz�-�--�4s, �-.l w�,�:,-F:_, �-.� S-F. ��...,��- `J f':_-._,v..:�� rn:,��e-. Eave gou had previous contact vith the co�nittee £oz vhich you are making application. If so, shen, and circw-�stances? "' � G`���� OS-OS-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : BAB Bicycle Advisory Board FOR APPLICATIOI35 DATED AFTER O1JO1J94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENA2E APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) 3 15 -------- --- --- OS/20f96 W M 003166 Butler, Peter K. 21A0 Bayard Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116-1235 Home - 698-9547 Management Consultant Andy LeFevour 211 Woodlawn, 55105 h) 699-5517 w) 348-4056 Laura O'Brien 480 Grand Hill, 55102 h) 227-4351 Tim and Ke11i Commers 3005 Woodlark Eagan, 55121 h) 452-0837 w) 450-5798 (Tim) 003301 Falk, Lisa 700 City Ha11 Annex 25 W. 4th Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 266-6117 FAX 2926132 Civil Engineer/Public Works Larry Lueth Public Works 900 CHA w) 266-6083 Paul St. Martin Public Works 700 CHA w) 266-6118 Rick Hauser 666 Fairmount w) 224-1475 001330 Gordon, Stephen D. 492 Holly Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 04f23f97 W F 1 8 65A 06/04/96 W M Neighborhood Sales Tax Board Planning Commission Home - 291-0083 Attorney ��=1`�c� 05-OS-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : BAB BiCycle Advisory Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AETER O1fOlf94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DTSTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- °---"-- -------- "-- --- -^- George Latimer Hamline University School of Law 1536 Hewitt, 55104 h) 224-8286 w) 641-2800 Council President Bill Wilson 15 Kellogg B1vd. W., 55102 w) 298-4163 The Honorable John Connelly 1139 City Hall 15 Kellogg Blvd., w., 55102 w) 298-4759 1-29-97 STAR Program David McDonell 1100 City Ha11 Annex 25 W. 4th St.� 55102 h� 670-1978 w) 266-6573 Dick Anfang 9550 Arnold Avenue Inver crove Heights, MN 55077 h) 457-7891 w) 224-9445 Harold Yates 2149 Holly Avenue No. Oakdale, MN 55128 h) 777-SO55 w) 641-1901 002961 Hoch, John 916 Laurel Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55104 Home - 224-2530 Bike Messenger Lori Robinson 108 N. Pierce, #1 St. Paul, M23 55104 H) 647-5253 � 03/27/95 W M Peter Pascale 2037 Yorkshire St. Paul, MN 55116 H) 690-9924 � OS-OS-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : BAB Bicycle Advisory Board EOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING OI3) ---- -------- -------- -------- --'- --- --- John Copens 1600 GYand Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 696-6000 003280 Seeber, Michael J. 415 E. Belmont Lane Maplewood, MN 55117 Home - 778-8807 Television Producer Ne1s Oyen 1149 Woodhill Drive Woodbury h) 739-5022 w) 688-4100 George Kinkead 2162 Sargent Avenue h) 699-6275 w) 755-1000 Mike Madden (American Lung Association) 859 Bluebill Drive Mendota Heights� MN hj 454-0538 w) 227-8014 003165 Wilson, Debra A. 2153 Highland Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 699-44D3 Judge Mary Beth Dorn 5641 Turtle Lake Road Shoreview, Mn 55126 h) 483-0966 w) 348-2043 Judy Olsen 1744 Sheridan Ave., 55116 h} 698-4148 w) 223-6811 3 15 Q3/26/97 W M OSj17f96 W F Rev. Pau1 Tidemann St. Pau1 Reformation Lutheran Church 1�0 N. Oxford, 55104 ��=��o 05-05-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : BAB Bicycle Advisory Board ffOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SEI3ATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- ------"- --- --- --- h) 224-3799 w) 224-3371 Council File # _ `��� 6reen Sheet # - '`��7 ��'{�!]��,�� Presented By Referred To i z 3 4 5 6 � 8 9 io ii iz 13 ia is 16 17 18 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the followiag individuals to serve on the BICYCI.E ADVISORY BOARD. ' ' 1 1�11_ 1 Public Works Molly Fitzpatrick Ward 4 � r....;y.i'; .:•:�^... .�I.::... a'i. �.,..;;Ln.:;;�;.r':: yc,,,.. [� ���#����':'��4d��-'���,�±F��fi�� `� �"��,�?3�,::...`��x, ,' . .. � ..: �:�r�;:�}��:�� :,�':�;�;';�Q' �1��<] x,.. .. Daniei Krivit Richard Newmark Ed Olson Allan Torstenson ����.1.! .�yV\ Ward 5 Ward 7 Pazks and Recreation Division Planning and Economic Development / � i9 All of the above members, wit3� the exception of Molly Fitzpatrick, sha11 serve a two year zo term'which will expire on dune 30, 1999. zi 2 z Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date �(� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Form Approved by City Attorney ` � - C- r? (''� By: � BY= �� c � F n. � -� �, Approved by Mayor: Date ��xLS'� Approved by Mayor for Submission to '1 By: v ' �� Counci By: ,� �.� a�-��� 5�cfi7 1`T2.5'OT Co eman s� Office D G E S R 97 D J' v u' GREEN SHEE GONiACT PEHSON & PHONE INITIAUDATE INRIAVDATE �OEPAFi7MEM�IRECTOfl �CRYCAUNCIL Alberto Quintela 266-8529 A���N �CRYATfOFNEY �CINCLEpK MUST 8E ON COUNqL AGENDA BY (DATE� pU � BUDGEf �IRECTOR � FM. & MGT. SERYICES DIR OFDEP � MAYOR (OR ASSISTAM'j � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES i (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N REQUESiE�: Approval of appointments & reappointments of following members to serve on the Bicycle Advisory Board: Appointments--Lisa Falk and Mo11y Fitzpatrick. Reappointments--Daniel Krivit Richard Newmark, Ed Olson and A11an TorsCenson. (Resolution identifies areas they represent. PECOMMENDlmoNS: Approva iA) or Feject (R7 pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNING CAMMISSWN _ CIVR SERVICE GOMMISSION �- Has this De�sun/firm ever worked under a contract for Nis departmeni? _ CIB CpMMITfEE _ YES NO — � AF � 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTqICT CoURT _ 3. Does this personftirm pos5ess a skifl not normally possessed by any curreM ciry emplcyee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE7 YES NO Explain alf yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green ahcet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOHTUNITV (Who, What, Whan, Where, Why): ADVANTACaES IFAPPROVEO: VBiiV � � 6J3� DISADVANTAGES IFAPPpOVED. DISA�VANTACaES IF NOTAPPROVEO' TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIqCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIWG SOUHCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORFSATION (EXPLAIN) a�-`��o Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PpUL TO: Saint Paui Citv Couucitmembers Council President Da� id Thune Councilmember Jem• Blakev Counciimember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Cour�cilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Roberta Me�ard Councilmember Glad}�s Morton , FROM: DATE: � Al6erto Quintela Assistant to the Macor June 9, 1997 Bicycle Advisory Bo�rd [Appointments �nd Reappointments] Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments and reappointments of the following indi��iduals to seroe on the Bic}�cle Advisory Board. Follo���ing is a listing of these individuals and the areas they represent. APPOINTED Lisa Falk Moll}' Fitzpatrick [M�{Iy:FiEZpati�cl� shalt serve ihe rem�in�er of KtirtibOr�S';F�utiter'S:�In�.tpired Yerm. This term shal[ eipire 3une 30,-1948.J REAPPOINTED Daniel I�rivit Richard Ne��2nark Ed Otson Allan Torstenson Public Works Ward 4 Ward � Ward 7 Pazks and Recreation Division Planning and Economic Development All of the above members, with the exception of Molly Fitzpatrick, shall serve a two-year term which will expire on June 30, 1999. Attached is a copy of the resolution recommending these individuals, copies of the new appointees' applications and an appticant report Gstin� al1 applicants on file since 7anuary i, 1994. Feel free to contact me at 26C-8529 if you have am� questions. AQ:drm Attachments c: Nanc}' Anderson, Council Research Greg Reese, Bicycle Ad� ison� Board Staff � � ,. ��'�� � / �-�° � GJ' Name: �isa Falk OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 266-8252 FAX:266-8513 a� RECEIVEO bip.Y 05 199'( ;AAYQR'S OFFiC} Home Address: 4275 Boulder Ridge Point, Eagan 55122 Telephone Number: (Home) 688-2100 Planning District Council: (Work) 266-6117 (Fax) 292-6132 City Councii Ward: Preferred Mailing Address: 700 City Hal{ Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, Saint Pau4, 55102 Whai is your occupation? Civil Engineer Place of Employment: Ciry of Saint Paui, Department of Pubiic Works Committee Applied For: Bicycle Advisory Board What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee for which you seek appointment? I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering, and have worked in Public Works for over 9 years. The last 6 of those years I have been in the Street Design section, gaining knowledge and experience in appropriate design standards for Saint Paul's ciry streets. q� ��ya PERSONAL REFERENCES Name: Larry Lueth Address: 900 City Haff Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, Saint PauV, 55102 Phone: (Home) (Work) 266-6083 t+{ame: Paui St. Martin Address: 700 City Hali Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, Saint Paul, 55102 Phone: (Home) Name: Rick Hauser (Work) 266-6118 Address: 666 Fairmount, Saint Paul, 55105 Phone: (Nome) 2241475 (Work) 2241475 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: t have been biking for over 20 years. Over the fast 5 or 1 Q years biking has gained more legitimacy as a means of transportation. l would like to encourage that trend to continue in Saint Paul, and help to create appropriate facilities for riders of various skiii and '+nterest levels. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when and under what circumstances? I have not had previous contact with the Bicycie Advisory Board. In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicabie to you. This information is strictly voluntary. X White (Caucasian) Hispanic Biack (African American) Asia� or Pacific Islander American indian ar Alaskan Eskimo Male X Femafe Date of Birth: Auaust 17. 1959 Disabfed: Yes iVo X ff special accommodations are needed, pfease specify. How did you hear about this opening? From my supervisor, Paul St. Martin. � � � ��= rg 1 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ' p-^ et� ° ' �� �tz,cs=aG � "V . � . 390 CITY 13ALL . . - . - ^' �: _-: ::.-,:: . PAOL�. M2 N 2 IESOTA ,. � ' SSI.OZ: :•- :_: - :AP�'Z] }��� .✓' . " . . . 266-8525:"_ -- _--- .FAX: 2b6-8513 .,:� .. .. - . . � �- - . " . i!� ��t�=L'i _ Naae: _ /vin.�.C.:� � i �.tz �.�t�.:.�1;—� � � - � - - ' - - J - . .. . , . . .. . _ . . ...-. _ _ ' ' - . Eo�e Address : r5'3 G t c .�C � ls ;%�1-f ,�c. P�L : SSlo y Street .. City ' Z. Telephone Nu� ber: _ CEome) C„�! �- .� d T� (Gork) � 3 U=�L; c (�'Ak) - 7 3 c, - 52� 3. Planning District Co�xciZ- 13 Citq Council Vard: 4 Preferred 2ailing Address: 55 3 F� 1�,,,,� � G,_ � Ah2t is povr occupation? Place �o£ E�loynent: ��,-�c,�;,� ���. f`,,_,�<,_,-� i ' co�ittee<s) Applied For: Saint Paol Bicycle Advisory Bnard C-� ; Ahat sY_i1lsJtraining or ezperience do pou possess =or the comittee(s) for vnich pou seek appointsent? � �`--.�" rn� r� x �z:�:�-e--�-ck� �a �F � ' 'n�-�g —�. G A �--� � - . 5 �� o ra-r✓� �L�4.iv c�-�c1� vc�.�-��h, c.�"�4 � C.�.> ca�F 0.�ivl�j �-�z� � . _ _— —_— _ --_--.—_ � f e The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Hi=uiesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this infozaation is not released to the general public. ' � . (OV�R) ' . gev.4/21/93 J21cLL REFERENCES ,p�e • c°' �l. �.-�in� . � n . ��6dd�ess: Z<LG S. I-la��':.�..4_� �./e,. Sk-. P�} .. M t�l Phone: " G A F-'�I 1 s d' (Aork) 2��, - 9 7/! 21ame: �c.�-e_o.� `��-L- �u 8 0� �3�-�--�- R�. � d� � t� �? nti �� / Address• EErcze..�°. �� � Yhone : (Hoae) k i 1 q - O - 1 Z 3 (Aorkl_ (, � � - C, - 1 � �" Na3e: 7�J%�!. M� � ,.x.��.-� Liddzess: �i � u� 'L-.�e� %�.�e.: N�� � M c.! ------- P.'�.one: (Eoae) � �2. .�. - Z ? SC,: CGOrk) 'i 3 /, - S 4 3 �( Keasons io= �ovx Snterest in tuis particular co�nittee: � ct--. a, r Jc..z_ �dl,� �-�-�� ` i"�e%fi- �!. �. '� � e s_.. w o w l d 1xK.z, 'to a-�- �-..1�2.�.- .���.�.�..�a£.�a, C.�.�v_:�lc�e_.c.l� .-ewi�� � a �c-�- �c� L,.SCa -{�`' .�..e = A a-� -�'-' � C +w�.i.-�.c.c:-r�.a/ i - i�-Y� 1 �ol 1 � t d -- d • 4z�., �C�,i,.z�. f,-�c1 q.l.a,o c� G/��o... a.u.�n�u.v.aa.r1 c� ��cvc�.d-�J.J Ct��A.—v - l7've' ���a-�Z. i � Eave you had pre�ious contact vith the co�uittee for vhich Sou aze ;�aking application. Tf so, vhen, and circunstances? ��nc��z ct. Q�I.L ?--%�. t�aCcR r�..a�:S.v.�..a aw�..`.:,.'�.c'v .'[X�z, F.c.-�- �c%�. �...-�cL J ' T �i�u.v�. � �:_ol s—. �YYL. ���..:-��-�� �cr�.�'L 1-t..cv. lu.^LO..T...,..s��iz 1 o�f. C�J �.'� T1'�.t.� ��G�1r.1- � ��.�.C� C_ r}HQ) ��,. Y In zn atteamt to er.suze that co�mittee rep=esentation xeflects the rakeup of ou= comrnmity, please check tne line applicable to pou_ This information is strictlp voluntary. .� Rhite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Paci�ic Islander American Indian or Alzskan Eskimo Hale �_ £emale Date of Bi=th: i ��2C��� 1 � Disabled; Yes No i Tf special accommodations are�needed, please speci£y. = a Hov did pou hear about this openingT �t�fA�'i �'�2�>�-�-�s, ��-V `�=°-��-, �=--`�` �• �u^`-L' � P �.x:�� ,�:�-. JItAT. REFIItEPCES �t7ame • C�.. s.l- A-.d.n_ ���r _ I� r � l O � _ Address; � tC�7 � I�.,�L. �-..� �.��- 5+ P 1 y nn �.i Name: �_�. `�-o--�.o.�— �0 8 0 � ��'�-- �c d.., rc �.-. �t t:x.v. �cZ . M ^./ Address: ictecac_�� �� � Phone: CHome) �t�IR-o Z3 CS7ork)_ (. - 1 - G, -� S.v Na�e• 7s.l..r. na,. � ds� Address: �i n� k...e.� <.,�,: M°�,� M w/ __^ Paone: (Eoael 4�2 1. - L 2 SG> (Gork) � 3/.- 5 4 3�( Reasons �or pour intezest in this particular comittee: � d-.-. a, �e r:dan. �._�J-w � i v�iL :.. �'t.. �.5--�. �S- wo u� d l.xK_.e- "� as�- �1C¢/� ,d.:.��:.c�.�-a�, C� i . � ���z ct-�,.-�d.EO� c l.l - 7 �>�r� ��.�ci �1 cc.-� �.t::a.-� - �. ` J ' 1"�.v L �'- ^��.'."-.- -'"�c:.c,��al s--. i �i` �-u�-TF-�..w�.. _ � :, ,c.6C. _ 1 =c , .:�...d.�.,�^_c..�, ,..�,.: �-�2.�ci . � a-,-. G,�y�J �"� tt�e. �G22il � ��rC`i C. Q�'�Q) ta}y�� .. . .._ Y Zn an atteapt to ersure that corffiittee xep=esentation xeflects the rakeup of ou= comcnuzity, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � Ahite {Caucasian) Black (African Amer3.czn) Amezican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Hale �% Female Disabled: Yes Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date o� Birzh: !�� �G I xo �_ _ If special acco�odations_are needed, please`specify. --- - Hov did you hear about this opening? � mz�-�--�4s, �-.l w�,�:,-F:_, �-.� S-F. ��...,��- `J f':_-._,v..:�� rn:,��e-. Eave gou had previous contact vith the co�nittee £oz vhich you are making application. If so, shen, and circw-�stances? "' � G`���� OS-OS-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : BAB Bicycle Advisory Board FOR APPLICATIOI35 DATED AFTER O1JO1J94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENA2E APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) 3 15 -------- --- --- OS/20f96 W M 003166 Butler, Peter K. 21A0 Bayard Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116-1235 Home - 698-9547 Management Consultant Andy LeFevour 211 Woodlawn, 55105 h) 699-5517 w) 348-4056 Laura O'Brien 480 Grand Hill, 55102 h) 227-4351 Tim and Ke11i Commers 3005 Woodlark Eagan, 55121 h) 452-0837 w) 450-5798 (Tim) 003301 Falk, Lisa 700 City Ha11 Annex 25 W. 4th Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 266-6117 FAX 2926132 Civil Engineer/Public Works Larry Lueth Public Works 900 CHA w) 266-6083 Paul St. Martin Public Works 700 CHA w) 266-6118 Rick Hauser 666 Fairmount w) 224-1475 001330 Gordon, Stephen D. 492 Holly Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 04f23f97 W F 1 8 65A 06/04/96 W M Neighborhood Sales Tax Board Planning Commission Home - 291-0083 Attorney ��=1`�c� 05-OS-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : BAB BiCycle Advisory Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AETER O1fOlf94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DTSTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- °---"-- -------- "-- --- -^- George Latimer Hamline University School of Law 1536 Hewitt, 55104 h) 224-8286 w) 641-2800 Council President Bill Wilson 15 Kellogg B1vd. W., 55102 w) 298-4163 The Honorable John Connelly 1139 City Hall 15 Kellogg Blvd., w., 55102 w) 298-4759 1-29-97 STAR Program David McDonell 1100 City Ha11 Annex 25 W. 4th St.� 55102 h� 670-1978 w) 266-6573 Dick Anfang 9550 Arnold Avenue Inver crove Heights, MN 55077 h) 457-7891 w) 224-9445 Harold Yates 2149 Holly Avenue No. Oakdale, MN 55128 h) 777-SO55 w) 641-1901 002961 Hoch, John 916 Laurel Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55104 Home - 224-2530 Bike Messenger Lori Robinson 108 N. Pierce, #1 St. Paul, M23 55104 H) 647-5253 � 03/27/95 W M Peter Pascale 2037 Yorkshire St. Paul, MN 55116 H) 690-9924 � OS-OS-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : BAB Bicycle Advisory Board EOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING OI3) ---- -------- -------- -------- --'- --- --- John Copens 1600 GYand Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 696-6000 003280 Seeber, Michael J. 415 E. Belmont Lane Maplewood, MN 55117 Home - 778-8807 Television Producer Ne1s Oyen 1149 Woodhill Drive Woodbury h) 739-5022 w) 688-4100 George Kinkead 2162 Sargent Avenue h) 699-6275 w) 755-1000 Mike Madden (American Lung Association) 859 Bluebill Drive Mendota Heights� MN hj 454-0538 w) 227-8014 003165 Wilson, Debra A. 2153 Highland Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 699-44D3 Judge Mary Beth Dorn 5641 Turtle Lake Road Shoreview, Mn 55126 h) 483-0966 w) 348-2043 Judy Olsen 1744 Sheridan Ave., 55116 h} 698-4148 w) 223-6811 3 15 Q3/26/97 W M OSj17f96 W F Rev. Pau1 Tidemann St. Pau1 Reformation Lutheran Church 1�0 N. Oxford, 55104 ��=��o 05-05-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : BAB Bicycle Advisory Board ffOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SEI3ATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- ------"- --- --- --- h) 224-3799 w) 224-3371 Council File # _ `��� 6reen Sheet # - '`��7 ��'{�!]��,�� Presented By Referred To i z 3 4 5 6 � 8 9 io ii iz 13 ia is 16 17 18 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the followiag individuals to serve on the BICYCI.E ADVISORY BOARD. ' ' 1 1�11_ 1 Public Works Molly Fitzpatrick Ward 4 � r....;y.i'; .:•:�^... .�I.::... a'i. �.,..;;Ln.:;;�;.r':: yc,,,.. [� ���#����':'��4d��-'���,�±F��fi�� `� �"��,�?3�,::...`��x, ,' . .. � ..: �:�r�;:�}��:�� :,�':�;�;';�Q' �1��<] x,.. .. Daniei Krivit Richard Newmark Ed Olson Allan Torstenson ����.1.! .�yV\ Ward 5 Ward 7 Pazks and Recreation Division Planning and Economic Development / � i9 All of the above members, wit3� the exception of Molly Fitzpatrick, sha11 serve a two year zo term'which will expire on dune 30, 1999. zi 2 z Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date �(� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Form Approved by City Attorney ` � - C- r? (''� By: � BY= �� c � F n. � -� �, Approved by Mayor: Date ��xLS'� Approved by Mayor for Submission to '1 By: v ' �� Counci By: ,� �.� a�-��� 5�cfi7 1`T2.5'OT Co eman s� Office D G E S R 97 D J' v u' GREEN SHEE GONiACT PEHSON & PHONE INITIAUDATE INRIAVDATE �OEPAFi7MEM�IRECTOfl �CRYCAUNCIL Alberto Quintela 266-8529 A���N �CRYATfOFNEY �CINCLEpK MUST 8E ON COUNqL AGENDA BY (DATE� pU � BUDGEf �IRECTOR � FM. & MGT. SERYICES DIR OFDEP � MAYOR (OR ASSISTAM'j � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES i (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N REQUESiE�: Approval of appointments & reappointments of following members to serve on the Bicycle Advisory Board: Appointments--Lisa Falk and Mo11y Fitzpatrick. Reappointments--Daniel Krivit Richard Newmark, Ed Olson and A11an TorsCenson. (Resolution identifies areas they represent. PECOMMENDlmoNS: Approva iA) or Feject (R7 pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNING CAMMISSWN _ CIVR SERVICE GOMMISSION �- Has this De�sun/firm ever worked under a contract for Nis departmeni? _ CIB CpMMITfEE _ YES NO — � AF � 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTqICT CoURT _ 3. Does this personftirm pos5ess a skifl not normally possessed by any curreM ciry emplcyee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE7 YES NO Explain alf yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green ahcet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOHTUNITV (Who, What, Whan, Where, Why): ADVANTACaES IFAPPROVEO: VBiiV � � 6J3� DISADVANTAGES IFAPPpOVED. DISA�VANTACaES IF NOTAPPROVEO' TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIqCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIWG SOUHCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORFSATION (EXPLAIN) a�-`��o Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PpUL TO: Saint Paui Citv Couucitmembers Council President Da� id Thune Councilmember Jem• Blakev Counciimember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Cour�cilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Roberta Me�ard Councilmember Glad}�s Morton , FROM: DATE: � Al6erto Quintela Assistant to the Macor June 9, 1997 Bicycle Advisory Bo�rd [Appointments �nd Reappointments] Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments and reappointments of the following indi��iduals to seroe on the Bic}�cle Advisory Board. Follo���ing is a listing of these individuals and the areas they represent. APPOINTED Lisa Falk Moll}' Fitzpatrick [M�{Iy:FiEZpati�cl� shalt serve ihe rem�in�er of KtirtibOr�S';F�utiter'S:�In�.tpired Yerm. This term shal[ eipire 3une 30,-1948.J REAPPOINTED Daniel I�rivit Richard Ne��2nark Ed Otson Allan Torstenson Public Works Ward 4 Ward � Ward 7 Pazks and Recreation Division Planning and Economic Development All of the above members, with the exception of Molly Fitzpatrick, shall serve a two-year term which will expire on June 30, 1999. Attached is a copy of the resolution recommending these individuals, copies of the new appointees' applications and an appticant report Gstin� al1 applicants on file since 7anuary i, 1994. Feel free to contact me at 26C-8529 if you have am� questions. AQ:drm Attachments c: Nanc}' Anderson, Council Research Greg Reese, Bicycle Ad� ison� Board Staff � � ,. ��'�� � / �-�° � GJ' Name: �isa Falk OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 266-8252 FAX:266-8513 a� RECEIVEO bip.Y 05 199'( ;AAYQR'S OFFiC} Home Address: 4275 Boulder Ridge Point, Eagan 55122 Telephone Number: (Home) 688-2100 Planning District Council: (Work) 266-6117 (Fax) 292-6132 City Councii Ward: Preferred Mailing Address: 700 City Hal{ Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, Saint Pau4, 55102 Whai is your occupation? Civil Engineer Place of Employment: Ciry of Saint Paui, Department of Pubiic Works Committee Applied For: Bicycle Advisory Board What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee for which you seek appointment? I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering, and have worked in Public Works for over 9 years. The last 6 of those years I have been in the Street Design section, gaining knowledge and experience in appropriate design standards for Saint Paul's ciry streets. q� ��ya PERSONAL REFERENCES Name: Larry Lueth Address: 900 City Haff Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, Saint PauV, 55102 Phone: (Home) (Work) 266-6083 t+{ame: Paui St. Martin Address: 700 City Hali Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, Saint Paul, 55102 Phone: (Home) Name: Rick Hauser (Work) 266-6118 Address: 666 Fairmount, Saint Paul, 55105 Phone: (Nome) 2241475 (Work) 2241475 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: t have been biking for over 20 years. Over the fast 5 or 1 Q years biking has gained more legitimacy as a means of transportation. l would like to encourage that trend to continue in Saint Paul, and help to create appropriate facilities for riders of various skiii and '+nterest levels. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when and under what circumstances? I have not had previous contact with the Bicycie Advisory Board. In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicabie to you. This information is strictly voluntary. X White (Caucasian) Hispanic Biack (African American) Asia� or Pacific Islander American indian ar Alaskan Eskimo Male X Femafe Date of Birth: Auaust 17. 1959 Disabfed: Yes iVo X ff special accommodations are needed, pfease specify. How did you hear about this opening? From my supervisor, Paul St. Martin. � � � ��= rg 1 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ' p-^ et� ° ' �� �tz,cs=aG � "V . � . 390 CITY 13ALL . . - . - ^' �: _-: ::.-,:: . PAOL�. M2 N 2 IESOTA ,. � ' SSI.OZ: :•- :_: - :AP�'Z] }��� .✓' . " . . . 266-8525:"_ -- _--- .FAX: 2b6-8513 .,:� .. .. - . . � �- - . " . i!� ��t�=L'i _ Naae: _ /vin.�.C.:� � i �.tz �.�t�.:.�1;—� � � - � - - ' - - J - . .. . , . . .. . _ . . ...-. _ _ ' ' - . Eo�e Address : r5'3 G t c .�C � ls ;%�1-f ,�c. P�L : SSlo y Street .. City ' Z. Telephone Nu� ber: _ CEome) C„�! �- .� d T� (Gork) � 3 U=�L; c (�'Ak) - 7 3 c, - 52� 3. Planning District Co�xciZ- 13 Citq Council Vard: 4 Preferred 2ailing Address: 55 3 F� 1�,,,,� � G,_ � Ah2t is povr occupation? Place �o£ E�loynent: ��,-�c,�;,� ���. f`,,_,�<,_,-� i ' co�ittee<s) Applied For: Saint Paol Bicycle Advisory Bnard C-� ; Ahat sY_i1lsJtraining or ezperience do pou possess =or the comittee(s) for vnich pou seek appointsent? � �`--.�" rn� r� x �z:�:�-e--�-ck� �a �F � ' 'n�-�g —�. G A �--� � - . 5 �� o ra-r✓� �L�4.iv c�-�c1� vc�.�-��h, c.�"�4 � C.�.> ca�F 0.�ivl�j �-�z� � . _ _— —_— _ --_--.—_ � f e The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Hi=uiesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this infozaation is not released to the general public. ' � . (OV�R) ' . gev.4/21/93 J21cLL REFERENCES ,p�e • c°' �l. �.-�in� . � n . ��6dd�ess: Z<LG S. I-la��':.�..4_� �./e,. Sk-. P�} .. M t�l Phone: " G A F-'�I 1 s d' (Aork) 2��, - 9 7/! 21ame: �c.�-e_o.� `��-L- �u 8 0� �3�-�--�- R�. � d� � t� �? nti �� / Address• EErcze..�°. �� � Yhone : (Hoae) k i 1 q - O - 1 Z 3 (Aorkl_ (, � � - C, - 1 � �" Na3e: 7�J%�!. M� � ,.x.��.-� Liddzess: �i � u� 'L-.�e� %�.�e.: N�� � M c.! ------- P.'�.one: (Eoae) � �2. .�. - Z ? SC,: CGOrk) 'i 3 /, - S 4 3 �( Keasons io= �ovx Snterest in tuis particular co�nittee: � ct--. a, r Jc..z_ �dl,� �-�-�� ` i"�e%fi- �!. �. '� � e s_.. w o w l d 1xK.z, 'to a-�- �-..1�2.�.- .���.�.�..�a£.�a, C.�.�v_:�lc�e_.c.l� .-ewi�� � a �c-�- �c� L,.SCa -{�`' .�..e = A a-� -�'-' � C +w�.i.-�.c.c:-r�.a/ i - i�-Y� 1 �ol 1 � t d -- d • 4z�., �C�,i,.z�. f,-�c1 q.l.a,o c� G/��o... a.u.�n�u.v.aa.r1 c� ��cvc�.d-�J.J Ct��A.—v - l7've' ���a-�Z. i � Eave you had pre�ious contact vith the co�uittee for vhich Sou aze ;�aking application. Tf so, vhen, and circunstances? ��nc��z ct. Q�I.L ?--%�. t�aCcR r�..a�:S.v.�..a aw�..`.:,.'�.c'v .'[X�z, F.c.-�- �c%�. �...-�cL J ' T �i�u.v�. � �:_ol s—. �YYL. ���..:-��-�� �cr�.�'L 1-t..cv. lu.^LO..T...,..s��iz 1 o�f. C�J �.'� T1'�.t.� ��G�1r.1- � ��.�.C� C_ r}HQ) ��,. Y In zn atteamt to er.suze that co�mittee rep=esentation xeflects the rakeup of ou= comrnmity, please check tne line applicable to pou_ This information is strictlp voluntary. .� Rhite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Paci�ic Islander American Indian or Alzskan Eskimo Hale �_ £emale Date of Bi=th: i ��2C��� 1 � Disabled; Yes No i Tf special accommodations are�needed, please speci£y. = a Hov did pou hear about this openingT �t�fA�'i �'�2�>�-�-�s, ��-V `�=°-��-, �=--`�` �• �u^`-L' � P �.x:�� ,�:�-. JItAT. REFIItEPCES �t7ame • C�.. s.l- A-.d.n_ ���r _ I� r � l O � _ Address; � tC�7 � I�.,�L. �-..� �.��- 5+ P 1 y nn �.i Name: �_�. `�-o--�.o.�— �0 8 0 � ��'�-- �c d.., rc �.-. �t t:x.v. �cZ . M ^./ Address: ictecac_�� �� � Phone: CHome) �t�IR-o Z3 CS7ork)_ (. - 1 - G, -� S.v Na�e• 7s.l..r. na,. � ds� Address: �i n� k...e.� <.,�,: M°�,� M w/ __^ Paone: (Eoael 4�2 1. - L 2 SG> (Gork) � 3/.- 5 4 3�( Reasons �or pour intezest in this particular comittee: � d-.-. a, �e r:dan. �._�J-w � i v�iL :.. �'t.. �.5--�. �S- wo u� d l.xK_.e- "� as�- �1C¢/� ,d.:.��:.c�.�-a�, C� i . � ���z ct-�,.-�d.EO� c l.l - 7 �>�r� ��.�ci �1 cc.-� �.t::a.-� - �. ` J ' 1"�.v L �'- ^��.'."-.- -'"�c:.c,��al s--. i �i` �-u�-TF-�..w�.. _ � :, ,c.6C. _ 1 =c , .:�...d.�.,�^_c..�, ,..�,.: �-�2.�ci . � a-,-. G,�y�J �"� tt�e. �G22il � ��rC`i C. Q�'�Q) ta}y�� .. . .._ Y Zn an atteapt to ersure that corffiittee xep=esentation xeflects the rakeup of ou= comcnuzity, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � Ahite {Caucasian) Black (African Amer3.czn) Amezican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Hale �% Female Disabled: Yes Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date o� Birzh: !�� �G I xo �_ _ If special acco�odations_are needed, please`specify. --- - Hov did you hear about this opening? � mz�-�--�4s, �-.l w�,�:,-F:_, �-.� S-F. ��...,��- `J f':_-._,v..:�� rn:,��e-. Eave gou had previous contact vith the co�nittee £oz vhich you are making application. If so, shen, and circw-�stances? "' � G`���� OS-OS-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : BAB Bicycle Advisory Board FOR APPLICATIOI35 DATED AFTER O1JO1J94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENA2E APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) 3 15 -------- --- --- OS/20f96 W M 003166 Butler, Peter K. 21A0 Bayard Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116-1235 Home - 698-9547 Management Consultant Andy LeFevour 211 Woodlawn, 55105 h) 699-5517 w) 348-4056 Laura O'Brien 480 Grand Hill, 55102 h) 227-4351 Tim and Ke11i Commers 3005 Woodlark Eagan, 55121 h) 452-0837 w) 450-5798 (Tim) 003301 Falk, Lisa 700 City Ha11 Annex 25 W. 4th Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 266-6117 FAX 2926132 Civil Engineer/Public Works Larry Lueth Public Works 900 CHA w) 266-6083 Paul St. Martin Public Works 700 CHA w) 266-6118 Rick Hauser 666 Fairmount w) 224-1475 001330 Gordon, Stephen D. 492 Holly Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 04f23f97 W F 1 8 65A 06/04/96 W M Neighborhood Sales Tax Board Planning Commission Home - 291-0083 Attorney ��=1`�c� 05-OS-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : BAB BiCycle Advisory Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AETER O1fOlf94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DTSTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- °---"-- -------- "-- --- -^- George Latimer Hamline University School of Law 1536 Hewitt, 55104 h) 224-8286 w) 641-2800 Council President Bill Wilson 15 Kellogg B1vd. W., 55102 w) 298-4163 The Honorable John Connelly 1139 City Hall 15 Kellogg Blvd., w., 55102 w) 298-4759 1-29-97 STAR Program David McDonell 1100 City Ha11 Annex 25 W. 4th St.� 55102 h� 670-1978 w) 266-6573 Dick Anfang 9550 Arnold Avenue Inver crove Heights, MN 55077 h) 457-7891 w) 224-9445 Harold Yates 2149 Holly Avenue No. Oakdale, MN 55128 h) 777-SO55 w) 641-1901 002961 Hoch, John 916 Laurel Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55104 Home - 224-2530 Bike Messenger Lori Robinson 108 N. Pierce, #1 St. Paul, M23 55104 H) 647-5253 � 03/27/95 W M Peter Pascale 2037 Yorkshire St. Paul, MN 55116 H) 690-9924 � OS-OS-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : BAB Bicycle Advisory Board EOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING OI3) ---- -------- -------- -------- --'- --- --- John Copens 1600 GYand Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 696-6000 003280 Seeber, Michael J. 415 E. Belmont Lane Maplewood, MN 55117 Home - 778-8807 Television Producer Ne1s Oyen 1149 Woodhill Drive Woodbury h) 739-5022 w) 688-4100 George Kinkead 2162 Sargent Avenue h) 699-6275 w) 755-1000 Mike Madden (American Lung Association) 859 Bluebill Drive Mendota Heights� MN hj 454-0538 w) 227-8014 003165 Wilson, Debra A. 2153 Highland Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 699-44D3 Judge Mary Beth Dorn 5641 Turtle Lake Road Shoreview, Mn 55126 h) 483-0966 w) 348-2043 Judy Olsen 1744 Sheridan Ave., 55116 h} 698-4148 w) 223-6811 3 15 Q3/26/97 W M OSj17f96 W F Rev. Pau1 Tidemann St. Pau1 Reformation Lutheran Church 1�0 N. Oxford, 55104 ��=��o 05-05-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : BAB Bicycle Advisory Board ffOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SEI3ATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- ------"- --- --- --- h) 224-3799 w) 224-3371