97-738� Y`(��v�r�-� —� f a, S� g� Council File #�^��� ` �� �p�"� `F� Green Sheet # ('1 `� ��°� i 1 i t"i i t.< 5 �,% i � a ,°; ;_ Presented By Referred To Co�ittee: Date i RESOLVED�th�Lt�Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the z appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the s SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION. 4 5 6 7 a George E��n� .?��a� shau serve the remainder of Eileen Lund-Johnson's unexpired term. Soliving K Kong shall serve the remainder of Michael Lee's unexpired term. 1a 9 io Arlend (Buzz) Wilson sha11 serve the remainder of Gladys Morton's unexpired ii term. iz n.i...rc.:.iu./e.� , v *...Pi�.: �.y:"v' ... !Ji Ni.�.O.,'..:]N.49.i(."4i�i:.qi�N'l� ?(i,T � .,;,. _ 1 �.. .�u i??r,7.•n:w i � F o'%.'.li::S>," �'v.'�' j. ..... ..., . '., .., ::. � ,,,.. .,�:....'z �..;, � ,.. .. c,. s..... ; , . :. . , ., r,n., . .i 13 ' ,tii : @�ifl'. �„=�@71��;�� . .:>� �;a��7fi� s� ;,< ; , , ,: ,.. „ . , ... .. / ".. :( � /y i..:.'..: .O..F.:..: .: ....�.....: ii..�..�in�n.i..i .:..:..::.: .. i: .... ....: ' . . ..:' :�. ..�..x..� �...in. 1 T 15 � OV�r' ie Jennifer Engh sha11 serve the remainder of Peg Birk's unexpired term. a `-w 7 •.yc;:n,"%f ^�+,n;�I.:✓�;; ;.:���:� �;<r..;�-;k.,<..,,:�;<<.<�.,� l�q`� «.....,:..<,.<... .. ,. .. «.: ......,.., ..:„. ,., ... i �'�ii�df� �;��ii�°s�� `''..;,, � ��' � > � , . ,..._.. ..::,::..>.:, �;.:.. .,,,<.._::_.,..:,.,<.::..:...,.�,,.,�►„�.,.,�....,.: �;,,:.:�:.:�,,....., C c � S� � i U� � �, ^ ♦ I�'1 L L�� r�q V Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date q� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary $Y= Approved by Mayor: `Date �t � By: z(�� {' � � �,�i ' � il 1 � Form Approved by City Attorney By: c �����dd'r� < <' '�, Approved by Mayor for submiasion to Council Bp' �4�—/��������C�CG_— �1 Z� ���n� DEPI�RTAEN7/OFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED J ( V`tV Mayor Coleman's Office 6-5-97 G REEN SHEE CON7ACT PER�N & PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAVDA7E � DEPAFiTMENT DIRECTOF � CRY CAUNC7L Roger Curtis [266-8531] pgS�GN �CITVATTORNEV OCIT'CLERK MUST BE ON CAUNGL AGEN�A BY (DATE) NUNBER FOH � BUOGET DIRECTOR � FIN, & MGT. SEflVICES �I(i. NOUTING OROER � MAYOF (OR ASSISTAN'n � TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S(GNATURE) ACf10N REQUESTED: Approval of appointments of Che following individuals to serve on the SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION: George Johnson, Soliving Rong, Arlend Wilson and Jennifer Engh. Each shall fill the remainder of an unexpired term. BECAMMENDAT70NS: Appmve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7ME FOLIOWING OUESTIONS: _ PLANNINCa COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEFVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this personttirm aver worked untler a cotnract for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _�� 2. Has this person/Firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ olsiqici cOUR'F _ 3. Does this erson/firm ossess a skill not normall p p y possessetl by any curtent ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNqL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Expla4n all yes anawe�a on separete sheet and nttaoh io green ahcet WItIATWG PR�BLEM. ISSUE. OPPpRTUNIN (Wha. What. When� W�@ce. Whyp. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � DISADVANTACaES IF APPROVEbT. � �� ��u�,�':�G;t ���C JU�f 1 � i��� ��w_ �. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPqOVED: � TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ COST/qEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOAfi�ATlOfd: (EXPLAIN) c� Interdepartmental Memorandum CTTY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember 7oseph Collins Councilmember Milce Harris Councilmember Gladys Morton Councilmember Roberta Megard FROM: Roger C. Curtis � � Assistant to the Mayor DATE: June 9, 1997 RE: PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following individuals be appointed to the Saint Paut Planning Commission. George Edwin Tohnson shall serve the remainder of Eileen Lund-Johnson's unexpired term. 5oliving K Kong shall serve the remainder ofMichael Lee's uneapired term. Arlend (Suzz) Wilson shall serve the remainder of Gladys Morton's un�pired term. �:�... ..� .,�. ,<.�,.<;;;���:-�, :,..., _ `:ii�;#I're'at�;i►vc'aui�inYii�f���rin���: ,�'suir ;"��`;`1��>' I:: :.. .,.. . . ._ ............. .. _.: ..,.. : ,...: .. :.... ...: ...�.: .,....... ..�1??u'e.: ...:..,.._�:Y.....s:..,..:.,..: :.� Jennifer Engh shaU serve the remainder of Peg Birk's unexpired term. .. � � ... ,.... ... �� .... .. �, , ,. � :�s : ....:. .. . .. ... �.. . .... ,.,,.._ , <., ,,,,.>.,...•, �Teui��;er;�rigli Attached are copies of the new appointees' applications, a copy of the resolution recommending these individuals, and an applicant report listing all applicants on file since January 1, 1994. Feel free to contact me at 266-8531 if you wish to discuss these appointments. I will be out of the office the week of 7une 9-13, and return on 7une 16. RCC:drm Attachments cc: Nancy Anderson, Council Research Ken Ford, Planning Commission Staff, PED COMISH. REUENUE TEL�612-297-5309 Apr 28 97 9:02 No.003 P.02 vi 1 L 1111JAL . ' I� `•7f � � SA22.T PADL� MTNNESOTA 55102 �-�._"�"?,� ��� 266-8525,' Fe1�t: 266-8513 Naae: Home Address: �� �_ /�J�� _` _ C� Street n,�� City n2�v s� rv z - Zip Telephone 2�umber: CHomel �� �� ���7 d �po=k� ��5 3� 2 (EAX) �7- v��� Planning District Coimcil: _ � � Citp Council Aard: �/lL Preferred Hailing Address: S7�at is pour occupati P1ace�oP Evplopment: Coc�ittee(s) Applied For: '/a�as�i Ahat sY.ills/training or esperience do qou possess for the co�ittee(s) for vhicn pou seek appointment? ����� The information included i,n this application is considered private dzta according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a resu2t, this inforaation is no� releasez to the general public. (OVcR) Rev. 2J28/96 s C�MISH. REUENUE TEL�612-297-5309 Apr 28 97 9:02 Na.003 P.03 � `� // R�- Namc : _ /!%!4 AX �fi,'/Sbia _ / :lrrr�.i0 ia ft7�L Addresr: Phonc: (Home) fWork) Name : �,(� 1. �j��/iL . Address: o ?a� So � ��5� /�ls s�"7�A Phonc• Cl3ome) (STork) � 7�'�p7U Name Addr Phone: _ (Home) (Wozkl �� Reasons for your interest in this particular co�nittee:_ G%�2�'�[x� flave you had previous contact vith the committee for which you are making app2ication. T£ so, vhen, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup of our commvnity, please check the Iine applicable to qou. This infarmation is strictly voluntary. ��Vhite (Caucasian) Bispcnic B2ack (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander Ame=ican indian or Alaskan Eskimo _� ��� �,�� f � Female Date of Birth: Disabled: Yes __ No .� If special accoamodations are xieeded, please speci£y. Hov did you hear about this opening? �,�C�S'�l1�T-�- i 7 COMISH. REVENUE Aprit 25, 1497 TO: PROM: KE: TEL�612-297-5309 Apr 28 97 9�03 No.003 P.04 �, Tim Marx Jenny H gh. ✓ Application for City boards Thanks for forwarding thc application materia(s for city board openin�s. I received it on 7'uesday of this wcek, but found it Friday in my mail (tax committce week, you know). Anyway, l tbink the dcadline may have been April 23rd, but 1 hope 1 can still bc considered. ] am particularly interested in three of Ihc boards: Thc F3usiness Review Cowicil, tlic Planning Commission and thc Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation. 1 feel that i am panicularly qualified for these tli�ee boards with my expericnce both working at the I.egistature (1985-f 9R7) and as Deputy Commissioner for �he Minncsota Uepartmen[ of Trade and Economic Development (DTEll) (! 991-1996}. During my tenure at DTBll,1 worked dosely wi�h the City of St. Paul on several budaet and capital budgct requesis, iuciuding developing and starting thc Urban Jnitiative rund, Minnesota 1ob Skilis Partnership programs, the Science Museum bonding requests, and olher business locationitclocation prqiects and tourism projecls. 1 have worked closely with 1'ED (Larry Bucgler) and lhe Port Autl�ority (Ken Johnson and Laurie Lauder) and understand the Mayor's vision for St. Paul, the riverfront and fulure development efforts. I am very familiar with the City's one-stop business efforts and also with the vazious ncighborhood development groups. Si. Paul and Uie St. Paul Neighborhood llevelopment groups (W1ND-NllC in particular} were particularly active and 4ielpful in he{ping DTBD start and make the Urban Iniliative Loan 1'und successful. At the Legislature J served as the fiscal analyst for lhc State Government division of the then-1 louse Appropriations committee. t have a workin� knowledge of government budge�s ai�d public financing, as wcl} as civil servicslpersonne{ requirements and legislativelcity partnersl�ips. All of these experiences pointed me toward applying for one of the threc commiqees 3 have listed. 1 have lived in St. Paul sincc ) returned from Washington, D.C. in 1985, 1 hope you and tlie Mayor can consider my application and please do not hesitate to contad me if you have any qucstions or need furthcr information. My pager is 539-9010. Thank you for your consideration. Q�/y�.L �2!}zr/ �G/yl'�u- uYccP��tl_u-� U (/ ���ry�_� to�� �,���;� Oi:ll.:., U: '1�.n :�YO� 390 CITX I3ALL ����1��±- SA22I'I` PAIIL� MIN2IESOTA 55102 � ��""l�g . 266-8�25="" _ FAX: 266-8513 �,Q� � � }y�� Fa =e: � C 7"�O ��i�C � hlt)f!f ��6{-jtJ COA� �5'�YtS sr•• �;_-;;. I3o_e Address: I9��o �R�I�U(� AV� E-�as�r _ S�a�nrr f�cuL j M��� 55ta9-�#7ZZ S:=eet City _ Zip Telephone tiw�ber: (Ho�el �ntZ �7��2-375 CS7axk1 .(Y�X) �12 77�/ �Z3"Is Planni.ng District Covncil- �[STR Citp Covncil Aard: W�� Pre=erred ?Sailing Address: I'1�C-� �`t2PFJ`�UR, /Y�/�/UV� �ST"�.�}�. / /�/U ��/O� Rhat is your occnpation? ��/�R�/t'�F1'�FiQL �C/�/`✓]7S1 Place�of F�ployment: Rr Co�ittee(s) Applied For: T �/' � kliat skills/training or eaperience do you possess for the cocanittee(s) for vhicn you seek appoin�ent? �, NRl✓C ,B��/V N�J7 ( I/� ��L A1'U.� /6��lGNB�JP 6 ��on!l�dN..S S1NCE' I t�S��. — F'�G' �-a.f S'��s 1. rJ�aV� s�'�2� ,�s' �nl ar��i �"� �°�/d� !4oA.�1! �"l�L�3�. dr�- QiSrt2rG?` Tw� �rt,+HVe��9 C�✓�ve�+L. -- �a� �t6NT' Y<"�Ft-S t �/4S AN v��'i� .a+��aP� .ESaAkl3 tn�tF3� a, � �✓'=S ,��,6����� �f��.�;� ����. Gv�� � �oF� ?wD ;'�'A -�. :.J�os �4 �t€.��2 a�- 'BI� �T �auL C�a°e7a�. �.�rF�o��nrn/�- �4z����r �''�tn-t r�-Y CG �C! 3J " --L ev,vv�. 8�r-� �a� ����� �€�o�rrc �A,�i�s� Fo� /� Y�ivks S�Po,�;�U� 6/y4Rrov� �N��J✓A�`Cs An�� toa,2►VN� on17N�• G�n?�i�'S oF NalZat C�r.r��,o,�� ��t s�93 � r � , t ^ / 1 /� KA/L1 /vs� � 1C r('N U C� a,uw2 '�,n� hA,eP..Fl1 /C�c7niDY K��.1_� L�P_v�' VF"itJrc /�v`J �¢JAN �aSiR�rvl --� N•o�.� ��GV �`k�l�1SVk�� aF INc ��i�F'N eort,���55tr,rt/•GL �IS��tC �_ AN-i WttL�t�{� I�i Wb1�� JJRP� - TD �J� /L{�� Sl �11ilt_ /� �`��' {�LA�� Faf'� Fv � d�Y o/J� � Ll vL The inforsation included is this application is considered private data acco�cing to the Hinnesota Govexment Data Practices Act. As a result, this in£orsation is not ralezsed zo the generzl public. (OVE.R) . Rev. Zr'28/96 .-.-��.�++. �r�RENCES Name:_ ` An! Address• 4���a Phone: tHomel �7� �� . ��� �«�v��� c,�A��.�� Name : 1q FL}� ��Q ✓� S 1�T� Address:_ � �3$ {.(,)}�t� �l Phone: fH�mP1 7�'1_ - X�bo P,� ��,v� �. f�pv,s �� �v�. ST AAUL� M� S��a-� 23ame •_ Address Phone: UN6 -3 � Reasons �or your interest in this particular co�ittee:/'�S A/✓rJ�/V/�d�ML-"j�/7',eL sc��n/��sr 3v,en! ANS� �arsE� �n! S, � vL 1 �v.ov� zwAYs traD,o 1C�.�nf t Nr�k F �1 — r�/ TN F�Tcn2�' �4ND Lc�v6 /ZAN6 C�GANN/N 6 Ta.2 i'�J S� Have pou had previous contact vi.th the co�ittee £or which pou are maki.ng application. If so, when, and ci=cvmstances? L.��'f �'T� ConJ T•aC� W tTN �c..4NN�N6 C /n� /yrY 2oL�5 �es In an attempt to ensure that committee zepresentation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This in£ormation is strictly voluntarp. _,�. Vhite <Caucasian} Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Zslander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo ._..2�_ 2iale Pemale Date of Hirth: G`� l�`f �l45�f Disabled; yes No � � If special accommodations are aeeded, pxease speciEy. Hov did you hear about this opening7 �A�` ��/�tJSC.��'�� ���� �r m USE OF RE S � 1 �� ����t e .��e- So f � � i r Homa Adaresa; � street s-zz-y7 : i��i� : �unii� �++♦ ++1a.a.. J�lUZ 2fi6�8525.;' FAX: 266-8513 K= �f� r� �P— ' � J7' ,��a l . City SS � o �-s�3o 2ip =�i�ph�ua rrwnb�r: 7a. 1 k - .«ax -_ rs PLianing Diatrict Council: _��,,: � ,v Citp to��neiZ IIard: � � -• � _'...�_.. Pretaxred lfa3ling ,Lddress: 5o�r✓jr� a� � f.� T7bat is your pceupat9 Xl.aec'aE Yap2oymene. Caamittce(s) Appli,ed � l�� d �r sY.311sftYaSztinp o= ezperience do you posseas L-or thc cop�itcea(aj Poz vhicn you saok =ppointmentP 1 Wi , �e iaformation incZudad 4n this applic�ttina is nonsidered prioata dcta aeeo=ding zo the `i:nnesota Covexment bata Practices Act, A8 a reznit, tliis in£oz�m�tion is not released Co .:be E¢nrr.sl public. (04FR) zbb u�i:�:M z; � . G�l=�3g Ryv, 2i 28/96 � m SF�`!T BY � bL� t10t15E OF RFPS • �-- xo,ac: . v� f r LdJress:�_"j lN�/� ,i � � Phone: CAomnZ_�7�_ 7f7q _��=—�- tiame: t�,c� v� �1.� C,,.- 5-22-97 : 15�14 ; ADbliN 5k'kVI�tS� U1� LUU UJ1U111 U 1 ��P.�� � // Y2tOea: flloae� `7� 2 + � / � (Vuxkl 7��_ SI � Addrass Phonn• „W� vo -?16 Rasaone �o= you� intcrest 3n cIl3s pa=ticulnz Yn att attempt to ansur¢ tl�at comai�ttce repzesentotxo2 retlaetr t7ia makaup pg en� community_ yienac chock zlie 13na :pplicable to you_ This inftixmation is stzieely vo7.v.ataxy_ Ghita (Caucaslan) llispanic Blaek (Afsitstt �lmexican) ��i� Dr pacific Ts7.aadcr dmeric¢n Zndian or Alaskan ggkimc _y_, Xa2e - Fema2e Dnte of B�rth• `� �S �S Tlisabled_ ygs Ho �1� SP special acco�adations aYe aeedmd, ples�e zpg��#y, _ �� Hov did qou hesr about thi,s oprning2 TOTFIL P.@3 ,` � � ---- �-- .�-� X.-a.��.+s concaec ritta the eommitteo Yos vrhich you are makiny applicntion. S! so, vhen� and eirevu�atancasP _ � �� C; 'r����� OFFTCE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAIII,� MIN2IESOTA 55102 26b-8526 � t3c� v .r� %' . � L, �•. - • �.. Home Address: "7 cZ� S',r,�S AJP_N�-c.� �a'�� ��u, Nli �UPS��A S5/DL� St=eet City - .. ` , `, - ` r: �= Zi P Telepfione Number: (Home)(cl� Rrf� l?i0� (Aork) ���;� c � Planning District Council: � Citp Covncil Aard Pre£erred Hailing Address: "(a`6 5��.�5 0.�eau�. �Ai1J-4-Q�u� Rn'�UeS- 6+�]p� Ahat is yovr occupation? C_li a� n� ���JeiZ �a��� ��o1S CRP-�;2e.c�� Place of E�plopment: ttee(s) Applied For: �n4tZa p� n.�i"; (i(l�nG i .oYn(htS��6/1 ('a��af� � — 7A� TvFtat skills/trai.ning or esperience do you possess for the committee(s) for vhich you seek appointment? S e.e t'!�r C� P, c� The information included in this application is considered private data accozdir.g to the 2finnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER) Rev.4/21/93 rr.acnuriAi, RgggEtgp7CES 2iame: Mca�t�� �-zR� Address• ?���looa Phone: (Home) (ot2 � Name: 5ue. �R��� l��ti 6ddress:_ A a 1�-�, �i 0.0 e, Q�-��g Co`�n+uN� oRS�Ui-Lea'9 S �ZANNiNC{ �oun�Ci� J Phone:_ _ (Home) /� )�a' .� 90 -� �Q 15' (Aork) �o ( a '7� a 5a3 Name Addn Ptioae: tHom______ Ie t�_%7-12}-�j-3o� CAork) WIa-�g���6 :C9m ��c� Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee for which you are making application. I£ so, vhen, and circvmstances? � �oSi�-'� c In an attempt to ensvre that committee representation re£lects the makeup o£ our community, please check the line applicable to you. This �ormation is strictly voluntary. � Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian o= Paci£ic Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo _� Hale Female Date oP Birth: (o T - oZ b Disabled: Yes No �_ If special accommodations are needed, please specify. How did pou hear about this opening? �_�.e0}lnuc� Mp5 raq� �QC�� �N�il CQ,25GN M��i,�. 6�; �.�„ ' ��= Z� What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? Through previous work experience I have developed the ability to accurately interpret statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations; to e£fect their implementation in a£air and equitable manner. This ski11 was gained during 30 years of employment with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. I also have superior interpersonal communication skills necessary to understand complex questions and to respond in a manner which is clearly understood, This was essential when dealing with attorneys, judges, legislators, and the general public during the course of my past employment, When faced with confrontational situations, I am able to remain objective, and yet am able to be empathetic, I was employed by State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, from February 1958 until my retirement in June 1988. My employment began as a Driver License Examiner. After 15 years, I advanced to the position of Driver Safety Analyst for approximately 8 years. I then served as Assistant to the Chief of Driver Evaluation for 5 years and as Chief of Driver F.valuation for 2 years immediately prior to retirement. In addition to my work related experience, I serve as a volunteer in various community organizations. Such as: -District 5 Planning Council Member of Housing Committee Member of Licensing, Land Use, and Zoning Committee -Case-Payne Community Council -Wilder Booster Club -Ramsey Action Program's Fair Share Program T have previously worked with other coirr,;unity organizations such as: -Urban Revitalization Action Program implemented by the East Side Neighborhood Development Corporation. -The Mayor's Traffic Sa£ety Committee -The Near East Side Neighborhood Improvement Strategy Plan I most recently served on the 3PR (Rights, Responsibilities, and Remedies) Board chaired by Councilperson Janice Rettman. The purpose of that committee was to review and revise the Housing, Building, and Zoning Codes for the City of St.Paul. I also served on a sub-commi�tee which wrote a proposed Nuisance Ordinance. If was then submitted to the city council, where it was modified somewhat and adopted. 1 . � Reasons for your interest in this particular committee. Board of Zonina Appeals I believe that city and those application of be protected. the application of Zoning code benefitsthe living within its boundaries. That in the the codea, the interests of all parties should At the time the zoning codes were written, I have no doubt that they evolved fzom a very thoughtful process. And during that process that the concerns and rights of both the city and property owners were considered. However, as in all things, some situations arise which are unique and require special consideration. The purpose of the Board of Zoninq Aopeals is, as I see it, to evaluate such situations, and rule in such a manner, that the integrity of the code is maintained, while addressing the need of the property otaner. Because of the skills listed, I feel I am well qualified for this position. ��� OS-23-97 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commiaeion FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1jOlj94 APPLZCANT / REFSRENCE COMt�+NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) 003098 Amel, Eric 601 Market House 289 East Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 227-8479 Intern Architect Craig Rafferty Rafferty, Rafferty, Tollefson Architects 253 E. 4th St., 55101-1632 w) 224-4831, Ext. 3007 William R. Morrish, Director Deaign Center for American Urban Landscape ste. 222 1313 Fifth St., S.E. Minneapolis, M13 55414 1546 2 17 12/O1/95 W M Clinton N. Hewitt Aasociate V.P. Master Planning Office University of MN 340 Morrill Hall 100 Church Street S.E. Hinneapolis, MN 55455 w) 625-7355 002410 Anderaon, Linda R. 2249 Leonard Court St. Paul, MN 55119 7 1 12f�4/95 W F Home - 738-1096 Realtor Kathy Madore 1781 W. County Road 8 Roaeville, MN 55113 H) 429-5853 W) 635-9000 Thomas Foley H) 699-3948 W) 292-6181 Raren Wilson 1837 Laurel Avenue St. Paul� MN ���`� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commisaion FOR APPLICATIONS DAT&D AFTER �1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS H) 647-0667 W) 641-1855 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- --°°-- "------- -------- --- --- --- 12-4-95 Planning Commiesion Dino Guerin 1977 North Park Drive, 55119 h) 738-1458 w) 266-8670 Raren Chriatopherson 2149 Snowshoe Lane, 55119 h) 731-2940 w) 551-9242 John Sorum 11327 Besaey Circle Bloomington, MN 55437 h) 584-9397 w) 590-5166 002583 Beissel, Joseph P. Minnesota Mutual 400 Robert 5treet North St. Paul, M13 55101 Work - 223-4461 FAX 2926808 SupervisorfCorporate Security Bill Buth BOMA 386 N. Wabasha W) 291-8888 Bruce Bonsack St. Paul Police Dept. H) 735-3495 W) 291-1111 Ken Pariach 400 Robert Street St. Paul, Mn W) 223-4457 1J12/96 SGC 2 3 04/14/97 W M Tom Collina St. Paul Police w) 266-8518 ���� OS-23-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICAI3TS.RPT PAGE 3 COtMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLZCATIONS DATSD AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMlSENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMHITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ______"- -------- --- --- --- Bill Buth B02SY, w) 291-8888 Commander Robert Gray St. Paul Police w) 291-1111 4-14-97 Civil Service Commiseion Alternate, P{lanning Commisaion, Civic Center Authority Tom Colline St. Paul Polcie w) 266-8518 Ren Parach MN Mutual h) 724-3336 w) 223-4457 George Fremdor MN Mutual 2nd V.P. Corproate Service w) 298-3545 003173 Brown, R. D. 2100 Niles Avenue St. Paul, HN 55116 Home - 698-3345 Health Care Professional 3 15 04(15/97 B M Mayors Advisory Committee Patricia Coppo Chie£ Operating Officer Natl. Marrow Donor Program 3433 Broadway St., N.E., Ste. 500 Mpls., 55413 627-5800 Freddie John Martin, Ph.D., Director Natl. Minority Recruitment Network National Medical Assn. 1012 Tenth Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20Q01 (202) 347-1895, Ext. 32 (800) 662-0554, Ext. 32 (800) 662-0779 �rl�`� OS-23-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commiasion EOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFEREtiCE COMMENTS WARD PLAISNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEE5 SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- °-__--- --- --- --- Guido Zanni, Ph.D., Comeaisaioner Commisaion on Mental Aealth Seroices 2700 Martin Luther Ring Jr. Ave. S.E. Adminiatration Bldg., lst Floor WasHington, DC 20032 (202j 373-7166 Michael McGUire Yresident/CEO National Aealth Tech Div. of ACS Corp 3119 St. Ives Country Club Parkway Duluth� GA 30316 (404) 495-1485 Dalton Tong, FHFMA, MBA, CPA Preaident & CEO Greater S.E. Health Care System 1310 Southern Avenue Washington, DC 20032 (202) 574-6675 000987 Brown, Triesta M. 1491 Blair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 4 11 66 11/18/96 W F Capital Budget Committee Home - 642-1145 Communit Vo1.JNeigh Activist Merrill N. Robinson 7S7 Fairview Ave. N. h) 646-3024 Ann Copeland 2331 Buford Ave. Midway Civic & Commerce Assn. h) 645-1160 w} 646-2636 Len and Lorraine Carlson (Iver H. Carlson & Son, Inc.) 749 Snelling Ave. N. h) (715) 386-5611 w) 646-7161 11^26-90 P.C. Len Carlson--same as above ��� l�'S OS-23-97 COMMZTTEE AYPLZCAISTS REYORT PAGE 5 APPLICANTS.RPT CAI�4fITTEE : P.C. Planning Commiesion FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT j REFERENCE COMML�NTS WARD PLA23NING SENATE APP DATE E2Ei GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -----------°---°-�--------------- ---- -----°- -----°- -------- --- --- --- Councilmember Paula Maccabee 1961 Selby h) 646-1580 w) 298-5378 Elin Malmquist Skinner Midway Civic & Commerce 2383 Univeraity, Ste. 200 h) 647-1485 w) 646-2636 8-25-93 Citywide Economic Revitalization Comm{ittee John Sherman 602 Wheelock Pkwy., 55117 h) 488-5139 Rita During 1169 E. Rose, 55106 h) 774-8124 w) 291-0333 2-22-94 Planning Commission Teri MeLaughlin 1821 Goodrich Ave. h) 699-4364 Lorraine & Len Carlson 749 N. Snelling w) 646-7161 Dr. Timothy Bertach 736 E. Nebraska h) 774-0568 w) 731-7920 Dennis Boom 536 N. Snelling (Holcaalo-Henry Boom Funeral Home) w) 646-2844 12-1-95 Planning Commission Janice Rettman 682 W. Iowa Ave.j320 A City Hall hy 489-8530 w) 266-8650 Alice Hausman 1447 Chelmsford h) 646-6220 G��� OS-23-97 COMMITTEE APPLSCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 6 COMMZTTEE : P.C. Planning Commisaion FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COt4�SENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Dennis Boom (Holcomb Henry Boom Funeral Home) 595 Hwy. 96 Shoreview, MN h) 484-8746 w) 646-2844 002531 Corrie, Bruce P. #12 1171 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 1 8 12/O1/95 AP M Home - 644-4271 Profeasor of Economica Imogene Treiehel Rev. Revin McDonough Nathan Mueller 12-1-95 Planning Commiasion Dr. Kay Madaon Exec. V.P. Concordia College St. Paul 275 N. Syndicate, 55104 h) 772-0830 w) 641-8832 Rev. Kevin MeDonough Vicar General Archdiocese, St. Paul-Mpl. Bob Porter Executive Director Selby Area CDC 003302 Engh, Jennifer 307 Ryan St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 227-9640 Asst. Commisaioner/Taac Policy 2 C 04/2S/97 W F Governor Arne Carlson 130 State Capitol Peter Gullette President Piper Trust Company 222 S. 9th St. �-`=�� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT COMMITTES : P.C. Planning Cormnission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CO?ASENTS Mpls. w) 342-1840 Joe Aingman St. Paul Foundation 600 Norwest Center St. Paul, HIi 55101 w) 224-5463 003101 Gahr, William J. 220 Marshall Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 292-9008 Cartographer PAGE 7 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 1 8 11/30/95 W M Karl Raemusaen Director, Office of Right of Way and Surveys,{ MN/DOT 11449 Goldenrod St. NW Coon Rapids, MN SSA48 h) 755-7531 w) 296-1133 Col. John Silliman, Commander 133rd Airlift Wing HN Air National Guard 1244 Belair Circle Roseville, MN 55113 h) 636-9717 w) 725-5631 Ron Pauline Preaident Aurora St. Anthony Neighborhood Dev. Co. 770 University Ave. W. St. Paul, MN 55104 w) 222-0399 000424 Holmes, Louiae 545 Wabasha Street St. Paul, MN 55162 Writer 2 1? 04J16j97 B F Bill Wilson c/o U of M Minority Affairs Dept. w) 625-2000 ��_ �� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 8 CAMMZTTEE : P.C. Planning Cosmission FOR APPLICATIONS DATSD AFTER O1f01/94 APPLICANT ( REFERfiNCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETFi GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- George Latimer 754 Linwood Avenue Mr. Nordniss 410 s. 4th Street Mpls., MN w) 298-9690 003106 Hove, Eric Jon 2 16 ¢206 928 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 227-3445 Job Aunting & Aockey Official David Orr Rice 31-Ring Building Oberlin, OH 44074 (w) (206) 775-8312 John Kostouros 3324 Emeraon Ave. S. Mpla., MN 55408 h) 824-5991 Joan Tomfohr 2921 Schambacker Ct., #4 Menomonie, WI 54751 (h) (715) 235-4257 003099 Hyde, Teresa 215 Fairview Avenue S. St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 698-4877 Traniat Planner Lee Anderson 1846 Lincoln, 55105 h) 699-8438 w) 624-5201 Steve mahowald 9462 Stevens Ave. S. Bloomington, 55420 h) 888-2895 w) 349-7775 12/O1/95 W M 11/30/95 H F Dr. Perry Wood Mankato City Hall � �';. OS-23-97 COMHITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT CAA4fITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1f94 APPLICANT j REFfiRENCE CO?4SENTS Mankato, MN (w) (507) 387-8627 002571 Hysell, Thomae 81S Seal Street St. Paul, MN 55114 Home - 647-0755 Architect Steve Wellington 2257 Gordon Avenue St. Yaul, MN 55108 H) 647-0362 W) 292-9844 Ron Erickaon $RE Architects 300 Firat Avenue N. Mpla., Mn 55401 H) 825-9496 W) 339-4200 Garth Rockcastle College of Architecture Univeraity of MN Church Street SE Mpls., MN 55455 H) 374-9769 W) 624-0504 7-26-96 Planning Commiasion PAGE 9 WARD PI�At3NI2SG SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -°----- -°----- --- --- --- 4 12 04/22/97 W M Steve Wellington Wellington Mgt., MET Council Member 2257 Gordon Ave., 55105 h) 647-0362 w) 292-9844 Judge James Rosenbaum, 110 So. Fourth Street Mpls. US District Court h) 933-7989 w) 348-1926 Garth Rockcastle Head College of Architecture Principal M, S& R Architects Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle �i OS-23-97 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT Paca io COMHITTEE : P.C. P1aTlning Comniiasion FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1JO1J94 APPLICANT J REFERENCB CO2MENTS WARD PLANNIIQG SENATE APP DATE ETH G5N DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVIN6 ON) ---- -------- "------- -------- --- --- --- 119 North 2nd Street Minneapolis h) 374-9769 w) 375-0336 4-27-97 Planning Commission Steve Wellington Wellington Mgt. & Metropolitan Councilmember w) 292-9844 Judge James Rosenbawa U.S. District Court 110 So. Fourth Street, Mpls. w) 348-1926 h) 933-7989 Carl Remick Principal Architectural Allicance 400 Clifton Ave. So., Mpls. w) 874-4104 000400 Jefferson, Renneth W. 36 Norbert Place St. Paul, MN 55116 Aome - 690-1881 Ret. Reg. Prof. Enqineer 3 15 11-27-95 Planning Commiasion & Police Internal Affairs{: Mark Moeller, Preaident Moeller Jewelers 2073 Ford Parkway, 55116 w) 698-6321 Robert N. Johnson (former atate representative) h) 698-7922 w) 699-1499 Councilmember Mike Harris City Hall wj 266-8630 001074 Johnaon, George Edwin 1946 E. Larpenteur Saint Paul, MN 55109 6 2 67 11{27J95 W M 03J26/97 W M Home - 774-23�5 ��=�� OS-23-47 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 11 CAMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATZONS DATSD AFTSR O1J01/94 APPLICANT / REFHREttCH COZIDSENTS WARD PI.ANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (QTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Environmental Scientist Tina Moreland, Chair District 2 Community Council 1847 Stillwater Blvd., 55119 h) 731-6396 w) 731-6842 Representative Randy Kelly 1630 David Street, 55119 h) ?72-1114 w) 296-4277 Karl Neid Jr. 1181 Duluth Street, 55106 h) 771-9680 w) 645-9164 -------------°------------ 3-26-9? Planning Commiasion Councilmember Dan Boatrom 1646 E. Shore Drive, 55106 h) 776-4876 w) 266-8660 Gary Davie, Attorney parranto & Davis Ltd. 1538 White Bear Avenue, 55106 h) 774-7278 w) 774-3575 Gary Unger District 2 Community Council Preaident 1847 Idaho Ave., E. h) 774-4893 w) 731-6842 002492 Johnson, Sheldon P. 2031 Howard Street So. St. Yaul, Mfi 55119 Home - 738-3143 Community Corrections Worker Gladys Morton 1618 Wileon, 55106 h) 774-7179 w) same Peggy Lynch 1621 Beechwood, 55116 h) 698-4543 w) same 7 1 04/17/97 W M Lowell Yoet City xall Annex �-- 05-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 12 COMMZTTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFSER O1f01/94 APPLICANT f REFEREISCS CO�PITS WARD PLANNING SEtIATE APP DATE ETH GEII DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING OI3) �°- ---°°- -------- -------- --- --- °- 21 W. 4th St. h) 458-5548 w) 266-6003 4-17-47 Planning Commission John Fahey 180 Maria Ave. 772-0229 Rurt Schultz 1163 Burnquist St. St. Paul h) 774-7359 w) 296-5285 Anne Hunt 100 Yacht Club Road h) 298-0125 w) 655-5436 001645 Kong, Soliving K. 346 Hope Street St. Paul, MN 55106-5130 Home - �72-2613 Asst Poatmaster/House or Reps Rep. Steve Trimble 77 Haria Ave. h) 774-2096 w) 296-4201 John Showalter 1176 Minnehaha Avenue, 55106 h) 771-6259 w) 772-2075 7 4 Andrew Ranke 45 States Office Building, 55155 w) 296-4860 5-29-91 Education 2000 Commission William Yang 347 City Hall w) 298-4323 OS/22/97 AP M Andrew Remke 100 Conatitution Ave. St. Paul, 55155 w) 296-4860 �, OS-23-97 CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 13 COE4iZTTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIOIdS DATED AFTER O1f01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CODfMSNTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMHITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------� -------- -----'--- --- --- --- Rep. Steve Tri.mble 77 Maria, 55106 h} 774-2096 w) 296-4201 003089 Lee, Chao Robert Apt. 2 295 Hoyt Avenue E. St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 774-6052 Park Ranger 5 5 11/14/95 AP M Ron Erickaon 175 E. 5th, Ste. 418 St. Paul, 55101 w) 290-4160 Josephine Lombardi 329 Geneva Ave. N. St. Paul, MN 55119 h) �35-5263 John Brandl (former academic advisor & faculty at Humphre{y Institute) 301-9th Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55455 w) 625-9505 000501 Leonidae, Katherine 1158 Churchill Street St. Paul, MN 55103 Aome - 489-8461 Architect Daoid Ejadi (ap?) 149� Sargent Avenue St. Paul h) 690-9511 w) 938-1480 07/30/96 W F Terry Anderson 1434 Van Buren St. Yaul h) 646-2046 w) 290-1905 ��=Z3�5 OS-23-97 COM!lITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 14 COl4liTTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATTONS DATED AFTER O1/O1(94 APPLZCANT / REFSRENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTBER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- -° --- --- Mark and Ale�ca IImbreit (sp?) 1160 Churchill Street h) 489-6206 003273 Loonan, Patrick Capital City Partnership 2490 World Trade Center 30 East Seventh Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 291-5604 FAX 2915606 Director of Development 4 13 04/04/97 W M John Laboaky Capital City Partnership 24090 World Trade Center 30 E. 7th St., 55101 w) 291-5600 Yatrick Seeb 903 Osceola St. Paul� MI3 hj 293-6861 Mark Shielda Riverwood Place h) 645-0770 002283 Marver, 3. Thomas �1603 172 E. Sixth 5treet St. Pavl, MN 55101 Home - 290-0131 Conaultant 2 17 07/26/96 W M Julie McEnroe 195 E. Sth Street, f1501 St. Paul, MN H) 222-2781 W) 221-0488 John Mannillo 413 Wacouta Street E., �550 St. Paul W) 292-8306 Alma Joaeph 245 E. 6th Street, #700 a�=z� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT CAMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLZCATZONS DATBD AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / RfiFfiRENCE COMMENTS St. Paul� MN H) 222-4548 W) 290-2846 7-26-96 Planning Commission John Apitz 145 University Ave. W. w) 228-9757 Ray Faricy 168 E. 6th Street h) 291-1473 Sherman Rutzick 180 W. Plato Blvd. w) 292-8777 003234 Mclntyre, Helen Stephanie 1482 Sheldon Street St. Paul� MN 55108 Home - 645-5523 Lead Radiologic Technoloqist PAGE 15 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHEk CAMMITTEES SER�IING ON) -'-�- -------- -------- -°----- --- --- --- 4 10 11f12/96 W F Dr. Adrian kapsner Health East St. Joaeph's Hospital--Radiology {Dept. 69 W. Exchange Street St. Paul, MN 55102 w) 232-3183 Laura Reithahn Radioloqy Director Health East St. Joseph's Hoapital w) 232-3161 Carol Arntzen 4344 117th Avenue N.E. Blaine, MN 55449 h) 780-8184 w) 232-3183 002946 Olesak, Thomas A. 1050 W. Hoyt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55117 Home - 488-7437 Architect 5 10 11/15/96 W M Neighborhood Sales Tax Board { Stephanie Wing 3481 Shore Drive OS-23-97 COMMZTTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT ���3�5 PAGE 16 COMMITTEfi : P.C. Planning COmmission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT j RBFERENCS C0141ENT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETFI GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVILIG ON) °-- ------�- -------- -------- --- --- --- Excelsior HN 55331 Hj 474-5396 Ross Turner 875 Parkview Ave. St. Paul, MN 55117 H) 489-1�59 Melodie McRay 1148 Hoyt Ave. St. Paul� MN 55108 H) 489-1505 11-15-96 Planning Commission Rich Speera 730 2nd Ave. s., #1100 Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 341-9564 Tom Roberts 4005 w. 65th Street Edina, MN 55435 w) 920-6123 Jerry Rftter 730 2nd Ave. S.� �1100 Minneapolie, MN 55402 w) 341-9553 2-10-97 NST Julie Hof£ District 10 C.O. 1556 Como Avenue, 55108 w) 644-3889 Tom Roberts 4005 W. 65th Street Edina, MN 55435 w) 920-6123 Jerry Ritter 730 2nd Ave. S., #`1100 Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 341-9553 003211 Olson, Lee 2 3 07j25j96 W F ���� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 17 COMMZTTEE : P.C. Planning Commiasion FOR APPLICATIONS DAT&D AFTER O1/O1f94 APPLICANT / REFfiRENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE fiTH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 323 Annapolis Street W. St. Paul, MN 55118 Home - 227-1130 DirjIndependent Lvq Skille Pro Sister Liz Schille 416 Oakcrest, 55113 w) 415-9678 w) 690-0625 Rasin Jacobs 1765 Jefferaon, 55105 h) 690-5619 Senator Sandy Pappas 182 Proapect Blvd., 55107 h) 227-6032 w) 296-1802 003093 Pilko, Victoria $302 421 E. Travelera Trail Burnsville, MN 55337 Home - 894-8468 Realtor Kathy Phillips V.P., Burnet Realty 897 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 690-8595 w) 698-2431 Georgia Anderaon 984 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 698-8248 003214 Pirrie, Dan �202 902 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 298-8844 ManagementJPhoenix Residence Barb Vissadobas j? spelling) h) 248-8844 Mary Lou Smith Family Care Services h) (312) 427-8790 2 16 11/27/95 W F 07/26/96 U� M Brett McGraw ���� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commiasion FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1(O1/94 APPLICANT f REFERBNCE CO?4ffiNTS h) 825-5344 002304 Porter, Marilyn J. 1307 N. St. Albana St. Paul, MN 55117 Home - 489-7469 Mgr. of Public Facilities Tom Johnson 560 6th Avenue N. Mpls., MN 55411 W) 349-7509 Aaron Zssacs 560 6th Avenue N. Mpls., MN 55411 W) 349-7690 Diana Allen Roaeville, MN H) 490-2983 W) 'J27-9313 4-21-97 Planning Commission Al Lovejoy PED w) 266-6576 PAGE 18 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTfiES SERVING ON) ---- -------- ----�--- -------- --- --- --- 5 10 66 04/23/97 B F Capital Budget Committee Janice Rettman Newly-elected County Commiasioner w) 266-8360 Cathy Nordin Wirthanen, Clark, Mpls. w) 541-9969 003102 Potter, Tawnya 991 Conway Street St. Paul� MN 55106 Home - 'I72-6464 Realtor/Real Eatate III Larsen Assoc. 11/30/95 W F Cheree Jackson 992 E. 3rd St. h) 776-8687 ���� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTSE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 19 COtQfZT2EE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLZCATIOHS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFSRENCE CO?II�SENTS WARD PLANNING SfiNATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEfiS SERVING ON) ---- -------- ---°--- -------- -° --- --- Pat Stowman 2534 Hinnehaha h) 731-5143 w) 777-0168 Nanette Comez 2510 Seventh Ave. E. h) 735-6632 w) 777-0168 003006 Reeves, Nancy J. 1725 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 644-0638 Planning & Housing Consultant Mary Ann Suddeith American Bank 101 E. Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 H) 454-7692 Philip Cohen Goff-Wilkie & Asaociates 255 E. Rellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55101 H) 560-9028 Ren Johnson Port Authority 1900 Landmark Tower St. Paul, MN 55102 W) 224-5686 4-18-97 4 13 { Robert Goff Goff & Howard Suite 102 255 E. Rellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 292-8062 Mary Ann Sudeith Firstar Bank 101 E. Fi£th, 55101 h) 454-7692 w) 229-6536 04/18J9� W F Bill Huepenbecker �Z�� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APP2,ICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commiasion FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1fOlf94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS Office of the Mayor 390 City Hall St. Paul, 55102 h) 487-1800 w} 266-8517 000259 Schultz, David A. 1120 St. Clair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 292-1096 Profesaor of Political Science PAGE 20 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMZTTE&S SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- "-- --- 2 16 Norman Walbek Debt of Political Science Guatawa Adolphus College h) (507) 231-6087 w) (507� 931-7421 Scott Huizdos 2425 30th Ave. S. Minneapolis h) 721-0008 w) 624-4144 07/23/96 W M John Schockley 18 Barton Ave., Mpls. h) 379-7907 w� (507) 931-7437 -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - ---- - - - - - ----- °° ------------ t ----------- Dennia Gihlin 228 Redwood Circle Broomfield, CO 80020 (303) 465-4269 Bruce Auerbach Professor of Poltical Science Albright College w) (610) 921-7571 h) (610) 970-4736 1-14-97 t15T (District 16 nominee) Dennis Giblin 228 Redwood Circle Broomfield, CO 80020 303-465-4269 C Bruce Auerbach profeasor of Political Science, Albright Coll(ege Reading, PA 19612 w) 610 921-7571 h) 610 970-4736 Garrett Sheldon Asaociate Professor of Political Science and tChair of the G��� OS-23-97 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE 21 COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT j REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRZCT (PRZOR) (OTFIER CAMMITTEES SERVIN6 OLI) ---- -------- -°°--- -------- --- --- --- Dept. of Social Sciences Clinch Valley College of U of Virginia, 24293 Wise Virginia 24293 703-3280110 002226 Scott, Donald James 180 W. Larpenteur Avenue St. Paul, MN 55113 Home - 489-9275 G.L. (?) Sandy Winkel 1239 Herbert, #325 St. Paul, HI3 55106 A) 776-1107 Curt Lindquist 1350 Reaney Street St. Paul, MN 55106 H) 771-3858 Dorothy Dalaska 1300 E. Wilson, #910 St. Pau1, MN 55106 H) 774-6481 5 6 11/06j96 W M � 11-6-96 CIB, Planning Commission & Food and N{utrition Commiasion SJA Bell Ring St. Paul/Maplewood w) 7?9-9177 L.I.G.L. University 222-4409 Reedy. L. GL. E. 7th Street w) 776-5046 003238 Swenson, Jennifer Birkeland Minneaota Mutual Life Inaurance Company 400 North Robert Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 223-4479 FAX 2983853 3 15 11/18/96 W F �= OS-23-97 APPI,ICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 22 CO2IISITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATSD AFTER O1/O1j94 APPLICAIiT / REFEREIiCS CO2�II5ENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT IIISTRZCT {PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVIISG ON) ---- -------- -^------ -------- --- --- --- Govt. Relationa Specialiat Dwayne Rade1 Second Vice Yresident Minnesota Mutual 400 N. Robert, 55101 w) 298-3747 Ernie Mancini Director of C-400 and Alumni Relations Concordia College Moorhead, MN 56562 (218) 299-3947 Carl Wall Vice President Merrill Lynch 51 Broadway Fargo, ND 58102 w) (701) 241-1234 003105 Tasselmyer, Benita Bleecker 785 Aldine Street St. Paul, MN 55104-1105 Home - 641-1037 Industrial Engineer Alice Hausman State Representative 1647 Chelmaford Ave., 55108 w) 296-6013 h) 646-6220 Henry Kristal President, Embers Reatauranta 1664 Univeraity Ave., 55104 w) 645-6473 4 11 Neal Thao Ramsey Co. Human Sves.JSt. Paul School Board 154 Wyoming, 55107 h) 290-059Q w) 226-4274 Rathi Austin-Mahle Paetor, Hamline IInited Methodist Church 1514 Englewood Ave., 55104 w) 645-0667 04J22/97 W F 003215 Teppo, Linda R. 3 14 07/26/96 W F '�- ,. OS-23-97 APPL2CANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATSD AFTSR O1/O1J94 APPLZCANT J REFERENCE COHIiENTS 327 S. Cleveland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 698-2986 Teaching Asaistant creg Wandersee Merriam Park Co[�unity Svca. 2000 St. Anthony Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104-5199 h) 635-9332 w) 645-7424 Terry Fenne 2227 Fremont Ave. N. Mpla., 55111 h) 529-5274 w) 379-3886 Judy Hanson 522 W. Annapolis Mendota Hgts. h) 457-6383 w) 831-7138 003297 Vang, Blong 8. 660 Charles Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 227-0740 Buaineas Consultant Kay Gudmested Preaident of WomenVenture) Suite 200 2324 Oniveraity Ane. St. Paul, 55114 h) 928-9255 w) 646-3808 PAGE 23 WARB PLANNING SEISATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -'----�-� -------- -------- --- --- ^__ 1 7 04/23/97 AP fv! Joan Peterson Director of Leadership Academy at Lakewood Co{mmunity College 3300 Century Avenue White Bear Lake wj ?73-1743 Michael Samuelson Sxec. Dir. of Planning Council District � 369 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103 w) 298-5068 003219 Villalobos, Barbara Mariela 07/26/96 H F � OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 24 COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commiasion FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/Ol/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CO24QENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFiER COMMITTBES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Central Legal, Inc. ;135 2757 University Avenue W. St. Paul, MN 55114 Work - 642-1890 FAR 6421875 Attorney Dan Pirrie 1425 W. Jessamine, #314 St. Paul, MN 55114 h) 649-0904 w) 774-5940 She11y WeLch (312) 275-6538 Patricia Acosta no addresa or phone ¥ provided 003272 Wehrle, Randall 2315 Highwood Maplewood, MN 55119 Home - 735-9324 Manager, Administrative Svcs. Bill Buth BOMA Director Suite 645 386 N. Wabasha, 55102 w) 291-8888 C.T. Frederickson CEO, AgriBank 375 3ackaon, 55101 w) 282-8555 Rob Rost IInited Propertiea Suite 420 801 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 305-2143 003207 Wible, Tori 30 50 W. Delos Street St. Paul� MN 55107-11Q7 Home - 228-1697 Homemaker (retired attorney) 2 3 04/07/97 W M 07J26/96 W F �� �� OS-23-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 25 COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) --° ------° �°----- ^°----- --- --- --- Justice Bather M. Tomljanovich The Judicial Center 25 Conatitution Avenue St. Paul, MN 55155 w) 296-2484 Ray Rruse 174 Delos St. W. St. Paul, 55107 h) 222-1898 Rev. James Carter House of Hope Presbyterian Church 797 Suromit Avenue, 55105 w) 227-6311 000882 Wilson, Arlend (Buzz) 728 Sima Avenue 5aint Paul, MN 55106 6 5 66 03/20/97 W M 2oning Board Home - 776-1307 Retired/Dept. Public Safety Thomas J. Podgoraki 969 Como h) 488-2834 Victor Tedesco 2178 Larry Ao Drive Rarl Neid, Jr. 1181 Duluth h) 7�1-9680 Sue Vannelli Seventh Floor, City Hall Janice Rettman 7th Floor 9-20-93 Property Code Enforcement Board & BZA Marie Gri.mm Coucilmetnber 7th Floor, City Hall h) �74-7588 w) 298-4475 Janice Rettman OS-23-97 CAMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT ���3� PAGE 26 COHI�fITTEP : P.C. Planninq Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERBNLB COMt�NTS TriARD PLANNZNG SfiNATE APP DATE ETH GEN BIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (O�R COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -°----- �------^ -------- --- --- --- 7th Floor, City Hall h) 489-8630 w) 298-5289 Sue Dimond C.O., Diatrict 5 Planning Council 2450 Como Avenue h) 642-1746 w) 774-5234 � Y`(��v�r�-� —� f a, S� g� Council File #�^��� ` �� �p�"� `F� Green Sheet # ('1 `� ��°� i 1 i t"i i t.< 5 �,% i � a ,°; ;_ Presented By Referred To Co�ittee: Date i RESOLVED�th�Lt�Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the z appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the s SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION. 4 5 6 7 a George E��n� .?��a� shau serve the remainder of Eileen Lund-Johnson's unexpired term. Soliving K Kong shall serve the remainder of Michael Lee's unexpired term. 1a 9 io Arlend (Buzz) Wilson sha11 serve the remainder of Gladys Morton's unexpired ii term. iz n.i...rc.:.iu./e.� , v *...Pi�.: �.y:"v' ... !Ji Ni.�.O.,'..:]N.49.i(."4i�i:.qi�N'l� ?(i,T � .,;,. _ 1 �.. .�u i??r,7.•n:w i � F o'%.'.li::S>," �'v.'�' j. ..... ..., . '., .., ::. � ,,,.. .,�:....'z �..;, � ,.. .. c,. s..... ; , . :. . , ., r,n., . .i 13 ' ,tii : @�ifl'. �„=�@71��;�� . .:>� �;a��7fi� s� ;,< ; , , ,: ,.. „ . , ... .. / ".. :( � /y i..:.'..: .O..F.:..: .: ....�.....: ii..�..�in�n.i..i .:..:..::.: .. i: .... ....: ' . . ..:' :�. ..�..x..� �...in. 1 T 15 � OV�r' ie Jennifer Engh sha11 serve the remainder of Peg Birk's unexpired term. a `-w 7 •.yc;:n,"%f ^�+,n;�I.:✓�;; ;.:���:� �;<r..;�-;k.,<..,,:�;<<.<�.,� l�q`� «.....,:..<,.<... .. ,. .. «.: ......,.., ..:„. ,., ... i �'�ii�df� �;��ii�°s�� `''..;,, � ��' � > � , . ,..._.. ..::,::..>.:, �;.:.. .,,,<.._::_.,..:,.,<.::..:...,.�,,.,�►„�.,.,�....,.: �;,,:.:�:.:�,,....., C c � S� � i U� � �, ^ ♦ I�'1 L L�� r�q V Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date q� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary $Y= Approved by Mayor: `Date �t � By: z(�� {' � � �,�i ' � il 1 � Form Approved by City Attorney By: c �����dd'r� < <' '�, Approved by Mayor for submiasion to Council Bp' �4�—/��������C�CG_— �1 Z� ���n� DEPI�RTAEN7/OFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED J ( V`tV Mayor Coleman's Office 6-5-97 G REEN SHEE CON7ACT PER�N & PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAVDA7E � DEPAFiTMENT DIRECTOF � CRY CAUNC7L Roger Curtis [266-8531] pgS�GN �CITVATTORNEV OCIT'CLERK MUST BE ON CAUNGL AGEN�A BY (DATE) NUNBER FOH � BUOGET DIRECTOR � FIN, & MGT. SEflVICES �I(i. NOUTING OROER � MAYOF (OR ASSISTAN'n � TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S(GNATURE) ACf10N REQUESTED: Approval of appointments of Che following individuals to serve on the SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION: George Johnson, Soliving Rong, Arlend Wilson and Jennifer Engh. Each shall fill the remainder of an unexpired term. BECAMMENDAT70NS: Appmve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7ME FOLIOWING OUESTIONS: _ PLANNINCa COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEFVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this personttirm aver worked untler a cotnract for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _�� 2. Has this person/Firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ olsiqici cOUR'F _ 3. Does this erson/firm ossess a skill not normall p p y possessetl by any curtent ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNqL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Expla4n all yes anawe�a on separete sheet and nttaoh io green ahcet WItIATWG PR�BLEM. ISSUE. OPPpRTUNIN (Wha. What. When� W�@ce. Whyp. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � DISADVANTACaES IF APPROVEbT. � �� ��u�,�':�G;t ���C JU�f 1 � i��� ��w_ �. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPqOVED: � TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ COST/qEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOAfi�ATlOfd: (EXPLAIN) c� Interdepartmental Memorandum CTTY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember 7oseph Collins Councilmember Milce Harris Councilmember Gladys Morton Councilmember Roberta Megard FROM: Roger C. Curtis � � Assistant to the Mayor DATE: June 9, 1997 RE: PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following individuals be appointed to the Saint Paut Planning Commission. George Edwin Tohnson shall serve the remainder of Eileen Lund-Johnson's unexpired term. 5oliving K Kong shall serve the remainder ofMichael Lee's uneapired term. Arlend (Suzz) Wilson shall serve the remainder of Gladys Morton's un�pired term. �:�... ..� .,�. ,<.�,.<;;;���:-�, :,..., _ `:ii�;#I're'at�;i►vc'aui�inYii�f���rin���: ,�'suir ;"��`;`1��>' I:: :.. .,.. . . ._ ............. .. _.: ..,.. : ,...: .. :.... ...: ...�.: .,....... ..�1??u'e.: ...:..,.._�:Y.....s:..,..:.,..: :.� Jennifer Engh shaU serve the remainder of Peg Birk's unexpired term. .. � � ... ,.... ... �� .... .. �, , ,. � :�s : ....:. .. . .. ... �.. . .... ,.,,.._ , <., ,,,,.>.,...•, �Teui��;er;�rigli Attached are copies of the new appointees' applications, a copy of the resolution recommending these individuals, and an applicant report listing all applicants on file since January 1, 1994. Feel free to contact me at 266-8531 if you wish to discuss these appointments. I will be out of the office the week of 7une 9-13, and return on 7une 16. RCC:drm Attachments cc: Nancy Anderson, Council Research Ken Ford, Planning Commission Staff, PED COMISH. REUENUE TEL�612-297-5309 Apr 28 97 9:02 No.003 P.02 vi 1 L 1111JAL . ' I� `•7f � � SA22.T PADL� MTNNESOTA 55102 �-�._"�"?,� ��� 266-8525,' Fe1�t: 266-8513 Naae: Home Address: �� �_ /�J�� _` _ C� Street n,�� City n2�v s� rv z - Zip Telephone 2�umber: CHomel �� �� ���7 d �po=k� ��5 3� 2 (EAX) �7- v��� Planning District Coimcil: _ � � Citp Council Aard: �/lL Preferred Hailing Address: S7�at is pour occupati P1ace�oP Evplopment: Coc�ittee(s) Applied For: '/a�as�i Ahat sY.ills/training or esperience do qou possess for the co�ittee(s) for vhicn pou seek appointment? ����� The information included i,n this application is considered private dzta according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a resu2t, this inforaation is no� releasez to the general public. (OVcR) Rev. 2J28/96 s C�MISH. REUENUE TEL�612-297-5309 Apr 28 97 9:02 Na.003 P.03 � `� // R�- Namc : _ /!%!4 AX �fi,'/Sbia _ / :lrrr�.i0 ia ft7�L Addresr: Phonc: (Home) fWork) Name : �,(� 1. �j��/iL . Address: o ?a� So � ��5� /�ls s�"7�A Phonc• Cl3ome) (STork) � 7�'�p7U Name Addr Phone: _ (Home) (Wozkl �� Reasons for your interest in this particular co�nittee:_ G%�2�'�[x� flave you had previous contact vith the committee for which you are making app2ication. T£ so, vhen, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup of our commvnity, please check the Iine applicable to qou. This infarmation is strictly voluntary. ��Vhite (Caucasian) Bispcnic B2ack (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander Ame=ican indian or Alaskan Eskimo _� ��� �,�� f � Female Date of Birth: Disabled: Yes __ No .� If special accoamodations are xieeded, please speci£y. Hov did you hear about this opening? �,�C�S'�l1�T-�- i 7 COMISH. REVENUE Aprit 25, 1497 TO: PROM: KE: TEL�612-297-5309 Apr 28 97 9�03 No.003 P.04 �, Tim Marx Jenny H gh. ✓ Application for City boards Thanks for forwarding thc application materia(s for city board openin�s. I received it on 7'uesday of this wcek, but found it Friday in my mail (tax committce week, you know). Anyway, l tbink the dcadline may have been April 23rd, but 1 hope 1 can still bc considered. ] am particularly interested in three of Ihc boards: Thc F3usiness Review Cowicil, tlic Planning Commission and thc Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation. 1 feel that i am panicularly qualified for these tli�ee boards with my expericnce both working at the I.egistature (1985-f 9R7) and as Deputy Commissioner for �he Minncsota Uepartmen[ of Trade and Economic Development (DTEll) (! 991-1996}. During my tenure at DTBll,1 worked dosely wi�h the City of St. Paul on several budaet and capital budgct requesis, iuciuding developing and starting thc Urban Jnitiative rund, Minnesota 1ob Skilis Partnership programs, the Science Museum bonding requests, and olher business locationitclocation prqiects and tourism projecls. 1 have worked closely with 1'ED (Larry Bucgler) and lhe Port Autl�ority (Ken Johnson and Laurie Lauder) and understand the Mayor's vision for St. Paul, the riverfront and fulure development efforts. I am very familiar with the City's one-stop business efforts and also with the vazious ncighborhood development groups. Si. Paul and Uie St. Paul Neighborhood llevelopment groups (W1ND-NllC in particular} were particularly active and 4ielpful in he{ping DTBD start and make the Urban Iniliative Loan 1'und successful. At the Legislature J served as the fiscal analyst for lhc State Government division of the then-1 louse Appropriations committee. t have a workin� knowledge of government budge�s ai�d public financing, as wcl} as civil servicslpersonne{ requirements and legislativelcity partnersl�ips. All of these experiences pointed me toward applying for one of the threc commiqees 3 have listed. 1 have lived in St. Paul sincc ) returned from Washington, D.C. in 1985, 1 hope you and tlie Mayor can consider my application and please do not hesitate to contad me if you have any qucstions or need furthcr information. My pager is 539-9010. Thank you for your consideration. Q�/y�.L �2!}zr/ �G/yl'�u- uYccP��tl_u-� U (/ ���ry�_� to�� �,���;� Oi:ll.:., U: '1�.n :�YO� 390 CITX I3ALL ����1��±- SA22I'I` PAIIL� MIN2IESOTA 55102 � ��""l�g . 266-8�25="" _ FAX: 266-8513 �,Q� � � }y�� Fa =e: � C 7"�O ��i�C � hlt)f!f ��6{-jtJ COA� �5'�YtS sr•• �;_-;;. I3o_e Address: I9��o �R�I�U(� AV� E-�as�r _ S�a�nrr f�cuL j M��� 55ta9-�#7ZZ S:=eet City _ Zip Telephone tiw�ber: (Ho�el �ntZ �7��2-375 CS7axk1 .(Y�X) �12 77�/ �Z3"Is Planni.ng District Covncil- �[STR Citp Covncil Aard: W�� Pre=erred ?Sailing Address: I'1�C-� �`t2PFJ`�UR, /Y�/�/UV� �ST"�.�}�. / /�/U ��/O� Rhat is your occnpation? ��/�R�/t'�F1'�FiQL �C/�/`✓]7S1 Place�of F�ployment: Rr Co�ittee(s) Applied For: T �/' � kliat skills/training or eaperience do you possess for the cocanittee(s) for vhicn you seek appoin�ent? �, NRl✓C ,B��/V N�J7 ( I/� ��L A1'U.� /6��lGNB�JP 6 ��on!l�dN..S S1NCE' I t�S��. — F'�G' �-a.f S'��s 1. rJ�aV� s�'�2� ,�s' �nl ar��i �"� �°�/d� !4oA.�1! �"l�L�3�. dr�- QiSrt2rG?` Tw� �rt,+HVe��9 C�✓�ve�+L. -- �a� �t6NT' Y<"�Ft-S t �/4S AN v��'i� .a+��aP� .ESaAkl3 tn�tF3� a, � �✓'=S ,��,6����� �f��.�;� ����. Gv�� � �oF� ?wD ;'�'A -�. :.J�os �4 �t€.��2 a�- 'BI� �T �auL C�a°e7a�. �.�rF�o��nrn/�- �4z����r �''�tn-t r�-Y CG �C! 3J " --L ev,vv�. 8�r-� �a� ����� �€�o�rrc �A,�i�s� Fo� /� Y�ivks S�Po,�;�U� 6/y4Rrov� �N��J✓A�`Cs An�� toa,2►VN� on17N�• G�n?�i�'S oF NalZat C�r.r��,o,�� ��t s�93 � r � , t ^ / 1 /� KA/L1 /vs� � 1C r('N U C� a,uw2 '�,n� hA,eP..Fl1 /C�c7niDY K��.1_� L�P_v�' VF"itJrc /�v`J �¢JAN �aSiR�rvl --� N•o�.� ��GV �`k�l�1SVk�� aF INc ��i�F'N eort,���55tr,rt/•GL �IS��tC �_ AN-i WttL�t�{� I�i Wb1�� JJRP� - TD �J� /L{�� Sl �11ilt_ /� �`��' {�LA�� Faf'� Fv � d�Y o/J� � Ll vL The inforsation included is this application is considered private data acco�cing to the Hinnesota Govexment Data Practices Act. As a result, this in£orsation is not ralezsed zo the generzl public. (OVE.R) . Rev. Zr'28/96 .-.-��.�++. �r�RENCES Name:_ ` An! Address• 4���a Phone: tHomel �7� �� . ��� �«�v��� c,�A��.�� Name : 1q FL}� ��Q ✓� S 1�T� Address:_ � �3$ {.(,)}�t� �l Phone: fH�mP1 7�'1_ - X�bo P,� ��,v� �. f�pv,s �� �v�. ST AAUL� M� S��a-� 23ame •_ Address Phone: UN6 -3 � Reasons �or your interest in this particular co�ittee:/'�S A/✓rJ�/V/�d�ML-"j�/7',eL sc��n/��sr 3v,en! ANS� �arsE� �n! S, � vL 1 �v.ov� zwAYs traD,o 1C�.�nf t Nr�k F �1 — r�/ TN F�Tcn2�' �4ND Lc�v6 /ZAN6 C�GANN/N 6 Ta.2 i'�J S� Have pou had previous contact vi.th the co�ittee £or which pou are maki.ng application. If so, when, and ci=cvmstances? L.��'f �'T� ConJ T•aC� W tTN �c..4NN�N6 C /n� /yrY 2oL�5 �es In an attempt to ensure that committee zepresentation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This in£ormation is strictly voluntarp. _,�. Vhite <Caucasian} Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Zslander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo ._..2�_ 2iale Pemale Date of Hirth: G`� l�`f �l45�f Disabled; yes No � � If special accommodations are aeeded, pxease speciEy. Hov did you hear about this opening7 �A�` ��/�tJSC.��'�� ���� �r m USE OF RE S � 1 �� ����t e .��e- So f � � i r Homa Adaresa; � street s-zz-y7 : i��i� : �unii� �++♦ ++1a.a.. J�lUZ 2fi6�8525.;' FAX: 266-8513 K= �f� r� �P— ' � J7' ,��a l . City SS � o �-s�3o 2ip =�i�ph�ua rrwnb�r: 7a. 1 k - .«ax -_ rs PLianing Diatrict Council: _��,,: � ,v Citp to��neiZ IIard: � � -• � _'...�_.. Pretaxred lfa3ling ,Lddress: 5o�r✓jr� a� � f.� T7bat is your pceupat9 Xl.aec'aE Yap2oymene. Caamittce(s) Appli,ed � l�� d �r sY.311sftYaSztinp o= ezperience do you posseas L-or thc cop�itcea(aj Poz vhicn you saok =ppointmentP 1 Wi , �e iaformation incZudad 4n this applic�ttina is nonsidered prioata dcta aeeo=ding zo the `i:nnesota Covexment bata Practices Act, A8 a reznit, tliis in£oz�m�tion is not released Co .:be E¢nrr.sl public. (04FR) zbb u�i:�:M z; � . G�l=�3g Ryv, 2i 28/96 � m SF�`!T BY � bL� t10t15E OF RFPS • �-- xo,ac: . v� f r LdJress:�_"j lN�/� ,i � � Phone: CAomnZ_�7�_ 7f7q _��=—�- tiame: t�,c� v� �1.� C,,.- 5-22-97 : 15�14 ; ADbliN 5k'kVI�tS� U1� LUU UJ1U111 U 1 ��P.�� � // Y2tOea: flloae� `7� 2 + � / � (Vuxkl 7��_ SI � Addrass Phonn• „W� vo -?16 Rasaone �o= you� intcrest 3n cIl3s pa=ticulnz Yn att attempt to ansur¢ tl�at comai�ttce repzesentotxo2 retlaetr t7ia makaup pg en� community_ yienac chock zlie 13na :pplicable to you_ This inftixmation is stzieely vo7.v.ataxy_ Ghita (Caucaslan) llispanic Blaek (Afsitstt �lmexican) ��i� Dr pacific Ts7.aadcr dmeric¢n Zndian or Alaskan ggkimc _y_, Xa2e - Fema2e Dnte of B�rth• `� �S �S Tlisabled_ ygs Ho �1� SP special acco�adations aYe aeedmd, ples�e zpg��#y, _ �� Hov did qou hesr about thi,s oprning2 TOTFIL P.@3 ,` � � ---- �-- .�-� X.-a.��.+s concaec ritta the eommitteo Yos vrhich you are makiny applicntion. S! so, vhen� and eirevu�atancasP _ � �� C; 'r����� OFFTCE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAIII,� MIN2IESOTA 55102 26b-8526 � t3c� v .r� %' . � L, �•. - • �.. Home Address: "7 cZ� S',r,�S AJP_N�-c.� �a'�� ��u, Nli �UPS��A S5/DL� St=eet City - .. ` , `, - ` r: �= Zi P Telepfione Number: (Home)(cl� Rrf� l?i0� (Aork) ���;� c � Planning District Council: � Citp Covncil Aard Pre£erred Hailing Address: "(a`6 5��.�5 0.�eau�. �Ai1J-4-Q�u� Rn'�UeS- 6+�]p� Ahat is yovr occupation? C_li a� n� ���JeiZ �a��� ��o1S CRP-�;2e.c�� Place of E�plopment: ttee(s) Applied For: �n4tZa p� n.�i"; (i(l�nG i .oYn(htS��6/1 ('a��af� � — 7A� TvFtat skills/trai.ning or esperience do you possess for the committee(s) for vhich you seek appointment? S e.e t'!�r C� P, c� The information included in this application is considered private data accozdir.g to the 2finnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER) Rev.4/21/93 rr.acnuriAi, RgggEtgp7CES 2iame: Mca�t�� �-zR� Address• ?���looa Phone: (Home) (ot2 � Name: 5ue. �R��� l��ti 6ddress:_ A a 1�-�, �i 0.0 e, Q�-��g Co`�n+uN� oRS�Ui-Lea'9 S �ZANNiNC{ �oun�Ci� J Phone:_ _ (Home) /� )�a' .� 90 -� �Q 15' (Aork) �o ( a '7� a 5a3 Name Addn Ptioae: tHom______ Ie t�_%7-12}-�j-3o� CAork) WIa-�g���6 :C9m ��c� Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee for which you are making application. I£ so, vhen, and circvmstances? � �oSi�-'� c In an attempt to ensvre that committee representation re£lects the makeup o£ our community, please check the line applicable to you. This �ormation is strictly voluntary. � Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian o= Paci£ic Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo _� Hale Female Date oP Birth: (o T - oZ b Disabled: Yes No �_ If special accommodations are needed, please specify. How did pou hear about this opening? �_�.e0}lnuc� Mp5 raq� �QC�� �N�il CQ,25GN M��i,�. 6�; �.�„ ' ��= Z� What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? Through previous work experience I have developed the ability to accurately interpret statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations; to e£fect their implementation in a£air and equitable manner. This ski11 was gained during 30 years of employment with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. I also have superior interpersonal communication skills necessary to understand complex questions and to respond in a manner which is clearly understood, This was essential when dealing with attorneys, judges, legislators, and the general public during the course of my past employment, When faced with confrontational situations, I am able to remain objective, and yet am able to be empathetic, I was employed by State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, from February 1958 until my retirement in June 1988. My employment began as a Driver License Examiner. After 15 years, I advanced to the position of Driver Safety Analyst for approximately 8 years. I then served as Assistant to the Chief of Driver Evaluation for 5 years and as Chief of Driver F.valuation for 2 years immediately prior to retirement. In addition to my work related experience, I serve as a volunteer in various community organizations. Such as: -District 5 Planning Council Member of Housing Committee Member of Licensing, Land Use, and Zoning Committee -Case-Payne Community Council -Wilder Booster Club -Ramsey Action Program's Fair Share Program T have previously worked with other coirr,;unity organizations such as: -Urban Revitalization Action Program implemented by the East Side Neighborhood Development Corporation. -The Mayor's Traffic Sa£ety Committee -The Near East Side Neighborhood Improvement Strategy Plan I most recently served on the 3PR (Rights, Responsibilities, and Remedies) Board chaired by Councilperson Janice Rettman. The purpose of that committee was to review and revise the Housing, Building, and Zoning Codes for the City of St.Paul. I also served on a sub-commi�tee which wrote a proposed Nuisance Ordinance. If was then submitted to the city council, where it was modified somewhat and adopted. 1 . � Reasons for your interest in this particular committee. Board of Zonina Appeals I believe that city and those application of be protected. the application of Zoning code benefitsthe living within its boundaries. That in the the codea, the interests of all parties should At the time the zoning codes were written, I have no doubt that they evolved fzom a very thoughtful process. And during that process that the concerns and rights of both the city and property owners were considered. However, as in all things, some situations arise which are unique and require special consideration. The purpose of the Board of Zoninq Aopeals is, as I see it, to evaluate such situations, and rule in such a manner, that the integrity of the code is maintained, while addressing the need of the property otaner. Because of the skills listed, I feel I am well qualified for this position. ��� OS-23-97 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commiaeion FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1jOlj94 APPLZCANT / REFSRENCE COMt�+NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) 003098 Amel, Eric 601 Market House 289 East Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 227-8479 Intern Architect Craig Rafferty Rafferty, Rafferty, Tollefson Architects 253 E. 4th St., 55101-1632 w) 224-4831, Ext. 3007 William R. Morrish, Director Deaign Center for American Urban Landscape ste. 222 1313 Fifth St., S.E. Minneapolis, M13 55414 1546 2 17 12/O1/95 W M Clinton N. Hewitt Aasociate V.P. Master Planning Office University of MN 340 Morrill Hall 100 Church Street S.E. Hinneapolis, MN 55455 w) 625-7355 002410 Anderaon, Linda R. 2249 Leonard Court St. Paul, MN 55119 7 1 12f�4/95 W F Home - 738-1096 Realtor Kathy Madore 1781 W. County Road 8 Roaeville, MN 55113 H) 429-5853 W) 635-9000 Thomas Foley H) 699-3948 W) 292-6181 Raren Wilson 1837 Laurel Avenue St. Paul� MN ���`� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commisaion FOR APPLICATIONS DAT&D AFTER �1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS H) 647-0667 W) 641-1855 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- --°°-- "------- -------- --- --- --- 12-4-95 Planning Commiesion Dino Guerin 1977 North Park Drive, 55119 h) 738-1458 w) 266-8670 Raren Chriatopherson 2149 Snowshoe Lane, 55119 h) 731-2940 w) 551-9242 John Sorum 11327 Besaey Circle Bloomington, MN 55437 h) 584-9397 w) 590-5166 002583 Beissel, Joseph P. Minnesota Mutual 400 Robert 5treet North St. Paul, M13 55101 Work - 223-4461 FAX 2926808 SupervisorfCorporate Security Bill Buth BOMA 386 N. Wabasha W) 291-8888 Bruce Bonsack St. Paul Police Dept. H) 735-3495 W) 291-1111 Ken Pariach 400 Robert Street St. Paul, Mn W) 223-4457 1J12/96 SGC 2 3 04/14/97 W M Tom Collina St. Paul Police w) 266-8518 ���� OS-23-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICAI3TS.RPT PAGE 3 COtMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLZCATIONS DATSD AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMlSENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMHITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ______"- -------- --- --- --- Bill Buth B02SY, w) 291-8888 Commander Robert Gray St. Paul Police w) 291-1111 4-14-97 Civil Service Commiseion Alternate, P{lanning Commisaion, Civic Center Authority Tom Colline St. Paul Polcie w) 266-8518 Ren Parach MN Mutual h) 724-3336 w) 223-4457 George Fremdor MN Mutual 2nd V.P. Corproate Service w) 298-3545 003173 Brown, R. D. 2100 Niles Avenue St. Paul, HN 55116 Home - 698-3345 Health Care Professional 3 15 04(15/97 B M Mayors Advisory Committee Patricia Coppo Chie£ Operating Officer Natl. Marrow Donor Program 3433 Broadway St., N.E., Ste. 500 Mpls., 55413 627-5800 Freddie John Martin, Ph.D., Director Natl. Minority Recruitment Network National Medical Assn. 1012 Tenth Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20Q01 (202) 347-1895, Ext. 32 (800) 662-0554, Ext. 32 (800) 662-0779 �rl�`� OS-23-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commiasion EOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFEREtiCE COMMENTS WARD PLAISNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEE5 SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- °-__--- --- --- --- Guido Zanni, Ph.D., Comeaisaioner Commisaion on Mental Aealth Seroices 2700 Martin Luther Ring Jr. Ave. S.E. Adminiatration Bldg., lst Floor WasHington, DC 20032 (202j 373-7166 Michael McGUire Yresident/CEO National Aealth Tech Div. of ACS Corp 3119 St. Ives Country Club Parkway Duluth� GA 30316 (404) 495-1485 Dalton Tong, FHFMA, MBA, CPA Preaident & CEO Greater S.E. Health Care System 1310 Southern Avenue Washington, DC 20032 (202) 574-6675 000987 Brown, Triesta M. 1491 Blair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 4 11 66 11/18/96 W F Capital Budget Committee Home - 642-1145 Communit Vo1.JNeigh Activist Merrill N. Robinson 7S7 Fairview Ave. N. h) 646-3024 Ann Copeland 2331 Buford Ave. Midway Civic & Commerce Assn. h) 645-1160 w} 646-2636 Len and Lorraine Carlson (Iver H. Carlson & Son, Inc.) 749 Snelling Ave. N. h) (715) 386-5611 w) 646-7161 11^26-90 P.C. Len Carlson--same as above ��� l�'S OS-23-97 COMMZTTEE AYPLZCAISTS REYORT PAGE 5 APPLICANTS.RPT CAI�4fITTEE : P.C. Planning Commiesion FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT j REFERENCE COMML�NTS WARD PLA23NING SENATE APP DATE E2Ei GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -----------°---°-�--------------- ---- -----°- -----°- -------- --- --- --- Councilmember Paula Maccabee 1961 Selby h) 646-1580 w) 298-5378 Elin Malmquist Skinner Midway Civic & Commerce 2383 Univeraity, Ste. 200 h) 647-1485 w) 646-2636 8-25-93 Citywide Economic Revitalization Comm{ittee John Sherman 602 Wheelock Pkwy., 55117 h) 488-5139 Rita During 1169 E. Rose, 55106 h) 774-8124 w) 291-0333 2-22-94 Planning Commission Teri MeLaughlin 1821 Goodrich Ave. h) 699-4364 Lorraine & Len Carlson 749 N. Snelling w) 646-7161 Dr. Timothy Bertach 736 E. Nebraska h) 774-0568 w) 731-7920 Dennis Boom 536 N. Snelling (Holcaalo-Henry Boom Funeral Home) w) 646-2844 12-1-95 Planning Commission Janice Rettman 682 W. Iowa Ave.j320 A City Hall hy 489-8530 w) 266-8650 Alice Hausman 1447 Chelmsford h) 646-6220 G��� OS-23-97 COMMITTEE APPLSCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 6 COMMZTTEE : P.C. Planning Commisaion FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COt4�SENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Dennis Boom (Holcomb Henry Boom Funeral Home) 595 Hwy. 96 Shoreview, MN h) 484-8746 w) 646-2844 002531 Corrie, Bruce P. #12 1171 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 1 8 12/O1/95 AP M Home - 644-4271 Profeasor of Economica Imogene Treiehel Rev. Revin McDonough Nathan Mueller 12-1-95 Planning Commiasion Dr. Kay Madaon Exec. V.P. Concordia College St. Paul 275 N. Syndicate, 55104 h) 772-0830 w) 641-8832 Rev. Kevin MeDonough Vicar General Archdiocese, St. Paul-Mpl. Bob Porter Executive Director Selby Area CDC 003302 Engh, Jennifer 307 Ryan St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 227-9640 Asst. Commisaioner/Taac Policy 2 C 04/2S/97 W F Governor Arne Carlson 130 State Capitol Peter Gullette President Piper Trust Company 222 S. 9th St. �-`=�� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT COMMITTES : P.C. Planning Cormnission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CO?ASENTS Mpls. w) 342-1840 Joe Aingman St. Paul Foundation 600 Norwest Center St. Paul, HIi 55101 w) 224-5463 003101 Gahr, William J. 220 Marshall Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 292-9008 Cartographer PAGE 7 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 1 8 11/30/95 W M Karl Raemusaen Director, Office of Right of Way and Surveys,{ MN/DOT 11449 Goldenrod St. NW Coon Rapids, MN SSA48 h) 755-7531 w) 296-1133 Col. John Silliman, Commander 133rd Airlift Wing HN Air National Guard 1244 Belair Circle Roseville, MN 55113 h) 636-9717 w) 725-5631 Ron Pauline Preaident Aurora St. Anthony Neighborhood Dev. Co. 770 University Ave. W. St. Paul, MN 55104 w) 222-0399 000424 Holmes, Louiae 545 Wabasha Street St. Paul, MN 55162 Writer 2 1? 04J16j97 B F Bill Wilson c/o U of M Minority Affairs Dept. w) 625-2000 ��_ �� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 8 CAMMZTTEE : P.C. Planning Cosmission FOR APPLICATIONS DATSD AFTER O1f01/94 APPLICANT ( REFERfiNCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETFi GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- George Latimer 754 Linwood Avenue Mr. Nordniss 410 s. 4th Street Mpls., MN w) 298-9690 003106 Hove, Eric Jon 2 16 ¢206 928 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 227-3445 Job Aunting & Aockey Official David Orr Rice 31-Ring Building Oberlin, OH 44074 (w) (206) 775-8312 John Kostouros 3324 Emeraon Ave. S. Mpla., MN 55408 h) 824-5991 Joan Tomfohr 2921 Schambacker Ct., #4 Menomonie, WI 54751 (h) (715) 235-4257 003099 Hyde, Teresa 215 Fairview Avenue S. St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 698-4877 Traniat Planner Lee Anderson 1846 Lincoln, 55105 h) 699-8438 w) 624-5201 Steve mahowald 9462 Stevens Ave. S. Bloomington, 55420 h) 888-2895 w) 349-7775 12/O1/95 W M 11/30/95 H F Dr. Perry Wood Mankato City Hall � �';. OS-23-97 COMHITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT CAA4fITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1f94 APPLICANT j REFfiRENCE CO?4SENTS Mankato, MN (w) (507) 387-8627 002571 Hysell, Thomae 81S Seal Street St. Paul, MN 55114 Home - 647-0755 Architect Steve Wellington 2257 Gordon Avenue St. Yaul, MN 55108 H) 647-0362 W) 292-9844 Ron Erickaon $RE Architects 300 Firat Avenue N. Mpla., Mn 55401 H) 825-9496 W) 339-4200 Garth Rockcastle College of Architecture Univeraity of MN Church Street SE Mpls., MN 55455 H) 374-9769 W) 624-0504 7-26-96 Planning Commiasion PAGE 9 WARD PI�At3NI2SG SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -°----- -°----- --- --- --- 4 12 04/22/97 W M Steve Wellington Wellington Mgt., MET Council Member 2257 Gordon Ave., 55105 h) 647-0362 w) 292-9844 Judge James Rosenbaum, 110 So. Fourth Street Mpls. US District Court h) 933-7989 w) 348-1926 Garth Rockcastle Head College of Architecture Principal M, S& R Architects Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle �i OS-23-97 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT Paca io COMHITTEE : P.C. P1aTlning Comniiasion FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1JO1J94 APPLICANT J REFERENCB CO2MENTS WARD PLANNIIQG SENATE APP DATE ETH G5N DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVIN6 ON) ---- -------- "------- -------- --- --- --- 119 North 2nd Street Minneapolis h) 374-9769 w) 375-0336 4-27-97 Planning Commission Steve Wellington Wellington Mgt. & Metropolitan Councilmember w) 292-9844 Judge James Rosenbawa U.S. District Court 110 So. Fourth Street, Mpls. w) 348-1926 h) 933-7989 Carl Remick Principal Architectural Allicance 400 Clifton Ave. So., Mpls. w) 874-4104 000400 Jefferson, Renneth W. 36 Norbert Place St. Paul, MN 55116 Aome - 690-1881 Ret. Reg. Prof. Enqineer 3 15 11-27-95 Planning Commiasion & Police Internal Affairs{: Mark Moeller, Preaident Moeller Jewelers 2073 Ford Parkway, 55116 w) 698-6321 Robert N. Johnson (former atate representative) h) 698-7922 w) 699-1499 Councilmember Mike Harris City Hall wj 266-8630 001074 Johnaon, George Edwin 1946 E. Larpenteur Saint Paul, MN 55109 6 2 67 11{27J95 W M 03J26/97 W M Home - 774-23�5 ��=�� OS-23-47 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 11 CAMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATZONS DATSD AFTSR O1J01/94 APPLICANT / REFHREttCH COZIDSENTS WARD PI.ANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (QTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Environmental Scientist Tina Moreland, Chair District 2 Community Council 1847 Stillwater Blvd., 55119 h) 731-6396 w) 731-6842 Representative Randy Kelly 1630 David Street, 55119 h) ?72-1114 w) 296-4277 Karl Neid Jr. 1181 Duluth Street, 55106 h) 771-9680 w) 645-9164 -------------°------------ 3-26-9? Planning Commiasion Councilmember Dan Boatrom 1646 E. Shore Drive, 55106 h) 776-4876 w) 266-8660 Gary Davie, Attorney parranto & Davis Ltd. 1538 White Bear Avenue, 55106 h) 774-7278 w) 774-3575 Gary Unger District 2 Community Council Preaident 1847 Idaho Ave., E. h) 774-4893 w) 731-6842 002492 Johnson, Sheldon P. 2031 Howard Street So. St. Yaul, Mfi 55119 Home - 738-3143 Community Corrections Worker Gladys Morton 1618 Wileon, 55106 h) 774-7179 w) same Peggy Lynch 1621 Beechwood, 55116 h) 698-4543 w) same 7 1 04/17/97 W M Lowell Yoet City xall Annex �-- 05-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 12 COMMZTTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFSER O1f01/94 APPLICANT f REFEREISCS CO�PITS WARD PLANNING SEtIATE APP DATE ETH GEII DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING OI3) �°- ---°°- -------- -------- --- --- °- 21 W. 4th St. h) 458-5548 w) 266-6003 4-17-47 Planning Commission John Fahey 180 Maria Ave. 772-0229 Rurt Schultz 1163 Burnquist St. St. Paul h) 774-7359 w) 296-5285 Anne Hunt 100 Yacht Club Road h) 298-0125 w) 655-5436 001645 Kong, Soliving K. 346 Hope Street St. Paul, MN 55106-5130 Home - �72-2613 Asst Poatmaster/House or Reps Rep. Steve Trimble 77 Haria Ave. h) 774-2096 w) 296-4201 John Showalter 1176 Minnehaha Avenue, 55106 h) 771-6259 w) 772-2075 7 4 Andrew Ranke 45 States Office Building, 55155 w) 296-4860 5-29-91 Education 2000 Commission William Yang 347 City Hall w) 298-4323 OS/22/97 AP M Andrew Remke 100 Conatitution Ave. St. Paul, 55155 w) 296-4860 �, OS-23-97 CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 13 COE4iZTTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIOIdS DATED AFTER O1f01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CODfMSNTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMHITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------� -------- -----'--- --- --- --- Rep. Steve Tri.mble 77 Maria, 55106 h} 774-2096 w) 296-4201 003089 Lee, Chao Robert Apt. 2 295 Hoyt Avenue E. St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 774-6052 Park Ranger 5 5 11/14/95 AP M Ron Erickaon 175 E. 5th, Ste. 418 St. Paul, 55101 w) 290-4160 Josephine Lombardi 329 Geneva Ave. N. St. Paul, MN 55119 h) �35-5263 John Brandl (former academic advisor & faculty at Humphre{y Institute) 301-9th Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55455 w) 625-9505 000501 Leonidae, Katherine 1158 Churchill Street St. Paul, MN 55103 Aome - 489-8461 Architect Daoid Ejadi (ap?) 149� Sargent Avenue St. Paul h) 690-9511 w) 938-1480 07/30/96 W F Terry Anderson 1434 Van Buren St. Yaul h) 646-2046 w) 290-1905 ��=Z3�5 OS-23-97 COM!lITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 14 COl4liTTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATTONS DATED AFTER O1/O1(94 APPLZCANT / REFSRENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTBER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- -° --- --- Mark and Ale�ca IImbreit (sp?) 1160 Churchill Street h) 489-6206 003273 Loonan, Patrick Capital City Partnership 2490 World Trade Center 30 East Seventh Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 291-5604 FAX 2915606 Director of Development 4 13 04/04/97 W M John Laboaky Capital City Partnership 24090 World Trade Center 30 E. 7th St., 55101 w) 291-5600 Yatrick Seeb 903 Osceola St. Paul� MI3 hj 293-6861 Mark Shielda Riverwood Place h) 645-0770 002283 Marver, 3. Thomas �1603 172 E. Sixth 5treet St. Pavl, MN 55101 Home - 290-0131 Conaultant 2 17 07/26/96 W M Julie McEnroe 195 E. Sth Street, f1501 St. Paul, MN H) 222-2781 W) 221-0488 John Mannillo 413 Wacouta Street E., �550 St. Paul W) 292-8306 Alma Joaeph 245 E. 6th Street, #700 a�=z� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT CAMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLZCATZONS DATBD AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / RfiFfiRENCE COMMENTS St. Paul� MN H) 222-4548 W) 290-2846 7-26-96 Planning Commission John Apitz 145 University Ave. W. w) 228-9757 Ray Faricy 168 E. 6th Street h) 291-1473 Sherman Rutzick 180 W. Plato Blvd. w) 292-8777 003234 Mclntyre, Helen Stephanie 1482 Sheldon Street St. Paul� MN 55108 Home - 645-5523 Lead Radiologic Technoloqist PAGE 15 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHEk CAMMITTEES SER�IING ON) -'-�- -------- -------- -°----- --- --- --- 4 10 11f12/96 W F Dr. Adrian kapsner Health East St. Joaeph's Hospital--Radiology {Dept. 69 W. Exchange Street St. Paul, MN 55102 w) 232-3183 Laura Reithahn Radioloqy Director Health East St. Joseph's Hoapital w) 232-3161 Carol Arntzen 4344 117th Avenue N.E. Blaine, MN 55449 h) 780-8184 w) 232-3183 002946 Olesak, Thomas A. 1050 W. Hoyt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55117 Home - 488-7437 Architect 5 10 11/15/96 W M Neighborhood Sales Tax Board { Stephanie Wing 3481 Shore Drive OS-23-97 COMMZTTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT ���3�5 PAGE 16 COMMITTEfi : P.C. Planning COmmission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT j RBFERENCS C0141ENT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETFI GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVILIG ON) °-- ------�- -------- -------- --- --- --- Excelsior HN 55331 Hj 474-5396 Ross Turner 875 Parkview Ave. St. Paul, MN 55117 H) 489-1�59 Melodie McRay 1148 Hoyt Ave. St. Paul� MN 55108 H) 489-1505 11-15-96 Planning Commission Rich Speera 730 2nd Ave. s., #1100 Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 341-9564 Tom Roberts 4005 w. 65th Street Edina, MN 55435 w) 920-6123 Jerry Rftter 730 2nd Ave. S.� �1100 Minneapolie, MN 55402 w) 341-9553 2-10-97 NST Julie Hof£ District 10 C.O. 1556 Como Avenue, 55108 w) 644-3889 Tom Roberts 4005 W. 65th Street Edina, MN 55435 w) 920-6123 Jerry Ritter 730 2nd Ave. S., #`1100 Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 341-9553 003211 Olson, Lee 2 3 07j25j96 W F ���� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 17 COMMZTTEE : P.C. Planning Commiasion FOR APPLICATIONS DAT&D AFTER O1/O1f94 APPLICANT / REFfiRENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE fiTH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 323 Annapolis Street W. St. Paul, MN 55118 Home - 227-1130 DirjIndependent Lvq Skille Pro Sister Liz Schille 416 Oakcrest, 55113 w) 415-9678 w) 690-0625 Rasin Jacobs 1765 Jefferaon, 55105 h) 690-5619 Senator Sandy Pappas 182 Proapect Blvd., 55107 h) 227-6032 w) 296-1802 003093 Pilko, Victoria $302 421 E. Travelera Trail Burnsville, MN 55337 Home - 894-8468 Realtor Kathy Phillips V.P., Burnet Realty 897 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 690-8595 w) 698-2431 Georgia Anderaon 984 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 698-8248 003214 Pirrie, Dan �202 902 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 298-8844 ManagementJPhoenix Residence Barb Vissadobas j? spelling) h) 248-8844 Mary Lou Smith Family Care Services h) (312) 427-8790 2 16 11/27/95 W F 07/26/96 U� M Brett McGraw ���� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commiasion FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1(O1/94 APPLICANT f REFERBNCE CO?4ffiNTS h) 825-5344 002304 Porter, Marilyn J. 1307 N. St. Albana St. Paul, MN 55117 Home - 489-7469 Mgr. of Public Facilities Tom Johnson 560 6th Avenue N. Mpls., MN 55411 W) 349-7509 Aaron Zssacs 560 6th Avenue N. Mpls., MN 55411 W) 349-7690 Diana Allen Roaeville, MN H) 490-2983 W) 'J27-9313 4-21-97 Planning Commission Al Lovejoy PED w) 266-6576 PAGE 18 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTfiES SERVING ON) ---- -------- ----�--- -------- --- --- --- 5 10 66 04/23/97 B F Capital Budget Committee Janice Rettman Newly-elected County Commiasioner w) 266-8360 Cathy Nordin Wirthanen, Clark, Mpls. w) 541-9969 003102 Potter, Tawnya 991 Conway Street St. Paul� MN 55106 Home - 'I72-6464 Realtor/Real Eatate III Larsen Assoc. 11/30/95 W F Cheree Jackson 992 E. 3rd St. h) 776-8687 ���� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTSE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 19 COtQfZT2EE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLZCATIOHS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFSRENCE CO?II�SENTS WARD PLANNING SfiNATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEfiS SERVING ON) ---- -------- ---°--- -------- -° --- --- Pat Stowman 2534 Hinnehaha h) 731-5143 w) 777-0168 Nanette Comez 2510 Seventh Ave. E. h) 735-6632 w) 777-0168 003006 Reeves, Nancy J. 1725 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 644-0638 Planning & Housing Consultant Mary Ann Suddeith American Bank 101 E. Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 H) 454-7692 Philip Cohen Goff-Wilkie & Asaociates 255 E. Rellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55101 H) 560-9028 Ren Johnson Port Authority 1900 Landmark Tower St. Paul, MN 55102 W) 224-5686 4-18-97 4 13 { Robert Goff Goff & Howard Suite 102 255 E. Rellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 292-8062 Mary Ann Sudeith Firstar Bank 101 E. Fi£th, 55101 h) 454-7692 w) 229-6536 04/18J9� W F Bill Huepenbecker �Z�� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APP2,ICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commiasion FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1fOlf94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS Office of the Mayor 390 City Hall St. Paul, 55102 h) 487-1800 w} 266-8517 000259 Schultz, David A. 1120 St. Clair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 292-1096 Profesaor of Political Science PAGE 20 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMZTTE&S SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- "-- --- 2 16 Norman Walbek Debt of Political Science Guatawa Adolphus College h) (507) 231-6087 w) (507� 931-7421 Scott Huizdos 2425 30th Ave. S. Minneapolis h) 721-0008 w) 624-4144 07/23/96 W M John Schockley 18 Barton Ave., Mpls. h) 379-7907 w� (507) 931-7437 -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - ---- - - - - - ----- °° ------------ t ----------- Dennia Gihlin 228 Redwood Circle Broomfield, CO 80020 (303) 465-4269 Bruce Auerbach Professor of Poltical Science Albright College w) (610) 921-7571 h) (610) 970-4736 1-14-97 t15T (District 16 nominee) Dennis Giblin 228 Redwood Circle Broomfield, CO 80020 303-465-4269 C Bruce Auerbach profeasor of Political Science, Albright Coll(ege Reading, PA 19612 w) 610 921-7571 h) 610 970-4736 Garrett Sheldon Asaociate Professor of Political Science and tChair of the G��� OS-23-97 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE 21 COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT j REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRZCT (PRZOR) (OTFIER CAMMITTEES SERVIN6 OLI) ---- -------- -°°--- -------- --- --- --- Dept. of Social Sciences Clinch Valley College of U of Virginia, 24293 Wise Virginia 24293 703-3280110 002226 Scott, Donald James 180 W. Larpenteur Avenue St. Paul, MN 55113 Home - 489-9275 G.L. (?) Sandy Winkel 1239 Herbert, #325 St. Paul, HI3 55106 A) 776-1107 Curt Lindquist 1350 Reaney Street St. Paul, MN 55106 H) 771-3858 Dorothy Dalaska 1300 E. Wilson, #910 St. Pau1, MN 55106 H) 774-6481 5 6 11/06j96 W M � 11-6-96 CIB, Planning Commission & Food and N{utrition Commiasion SJA Bell Ring St. Paul/Maplewood w) 7?9-9177 L.I.G.L. University 222-4409 Reedy. L. GL. E. 7th Street w) 776-5046 003238 Swenson, Jennifer Birkeland Minneaota Mutual Life Inaurance Company 400 North Robert Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 223-4479 FAX 2983853 3 15 11/18/96 W F �= OS-23-97 APPI,ICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 22 CO2IISITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATSD AFTER O1/O1j94 APPLICAIiT / REFEREIiCS CO2�II5ENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT IIISTRZCT {PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVIISG ON) ---- -------- -^------ -------- --- --- --- Govt. Relationa Specialiat Dwayne Rade1 Second Vice Yresident Minnesota Mutual 400 N. Robert, 55101 w) 298-3747 Ernie Mancini Director of C-400 and Alumni Relations Concordia College Moorhead, MN 56562 (218) 299-3947 Carl Wall Vice President Merrill Lynch 51 Broadway Fargo, ND 58102 w) (701) 241-1234 003105 Tasselmyer, Benita Bleecker 785 Aldine Street St. Paul, MN 55104-1105 Home - 641-1037 Industrial Engineer Alice Hausman State Representative 1647 Chelmaford Ave., 55108 w) 296-6013 h) 646-6220 Henry Kristal President, Embers Reatauranta 1664 Univeraity Ave., 55104 w) 645-6473 4 11 Neal Thao Ramsey Co. Human Sves.JSt. Paul School Board 154 Wyoming, 55107 h) 290-059Q w) 226-4274 Rathi Austin-Mahle Paetor, Hamline IInited Methodist Church 1514 Englewood Ave., 55104 w) 645-0667 04J22/97 W F 003215 Teppo, Linda R. 3 14 07/26/96 W F '�- ,. OS-23-97 APPL2CANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATSD AFTSR O1/O1J94 APPLZCANT J REFERENCE COHIiENTS 327 S. Cleveland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 698-2986 Teaching Asaistant creg Wandersee Merriam Park Co[�unity Svca. 2000 St. Anthony Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104-5199 h) 635-9332 w) 645-7424 Terry Fenne 2227 Fremont Ave. N. Mpla., 55111 h) 529-5274 w) 379-3886 Judy Hanson 522 W. Annapolis Mendota Hgts. h) 457-6383 w) 831-7138 003297 Vang, Blong 8. 660 Charles Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 227-0740 Buaineas Consultant Kay Gudmested Preaident of WomenVenture) Suite 200 2324 Oniveraity Ane. St. Paul, 55114 h) 928-9255 w) 646-3808 PAGE 23 WARB PLANNING SEISATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -'----�-� -------- -------- --- --- ^__ 1 7 04/23/97 AP fv! Joan Peterson Director of Leadership Academy at Lakewood Co{mmunity College 3300 Century Avenue White Bear Lake wj ?73-1743 Michael Samuelson Sxec. Dir. of Planning Council District � 369 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103 w) 298-5068 003219 Villalobos, Barbara Mariela 07/26/96 H F � OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 24 COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commiasion FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/Ol/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CO24QENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFiER COMMITTBES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Central Legal, Inc. ;135 2757 University Avenue W. St. Paul, MN 55114 Work - 642-1890 FAR 6421875 Attorney Dan Pirrie 1425 W. Jessamine, #314 St. Paul, MN 55114 h) 649-0904 w) 774-5940 She11y WeLch (312) 275-6538 Patricia Acosta no addresa or phone ¥ provided 003272 Wehrle, Randall 2315 Highwood Maplewood, MN 55119 Home - 735-9324 Manager, Administrative Svcs. Bill Buth BOMA Director Suite 645 386 N. Wabasha, 55102 w) 291-8888 C.T. Frederickson CEO, AgriBank 375 3ackaon, 55101 w) 282-8555 Rob Rost IInited Propertiea Suite 420 801 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 305-2143 003207 Wible, Tori 30 50 W. Delos Street St. Paul� MN 55107-11Q7 Home - 228-1697 Homemaker (retired attorney) 2 3 04/07/97 W M 07J26/96 W F �� �� OS-23-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 25 COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) --° ------° �°----- ^°----- --- --- --- Justice Bather M. Tomljanovich The Judicial Center 25 Conatitution Avenue St. Paul, MN 55155 w) 296-2484 Ray Rruse 174 Delos St. W. St. Paul, 55107 h) 222-1898 Rev. James Carter House of Hope Presbyterian Church 797 Suromit Avenue, 55105 w) 227-6311 000882 Wilson, Arlend (Buzz) 728 Sima Avenue 5aint Paul, MN 55106 6 5 66 03/20/97 W M 2oning Board Home - 776-1307 Retired/Dept. Public Safety Thomas J. Podgoraki 969 Como h) 488-2834 Victor Tedesco 2178 Larry Ao Drive Rarl Neid, Jr. 1181 Duluth h) 7�1-9680 Sue Vannelli Seventh Floor, City Hall Janice Rettman 7th Floor 9-20-93 Property Code Enforcement Board & BZA Marie Gri.mm Coucilmetnber 7th Floor, City Hall h) �74-7588 w) 298-4475 Janice Rettman OS-23-97 CAMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT ���3� PAGE 26 COHI�fITTEP : P.C. Planninq Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERBNLB COMt�NTS TriARD PLANNZNG SfiNATE APP DATE ETH GEN BIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (O�R COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -°----- �------^ -------- --- --- --- 7th Floor, City Hall h) 489-8630 w) 298-5289 Sue Dimond C.O., Diatrict 5 Planning Council 2450 Como Avenue h) 642-1746 w) 774-5234 � Y`(��v�r�-� —� f a, S� g� Council File #�^��� ` �� �p�"� `F� Green Sheet # ('1 `� ��°� i 1 i t"i i t.< 5 �,% i � a ,°; ;_ Presented By Referred To Co�ittee: Date i RESOLVED�th�Lt�Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the z appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the s SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION. 4 5 6 7 a George E��n� .?��a� shau serve the remainder of Eileen Lund-Johnson's unexpired term. Soliving K Kong shall serve the remainder of Michael Lee's unexpired term. 1a 9 io Arlend (Buzz) Wilson sha11 serve the remainder of Gladys Morton's unexpired ii term. iz n.i...rc.:.iu./e.� , v *...Pi�.: �.y:"v' ... !Ji Ni.�.O.,'..:]N.49.i(."4i�i:.qi�N'l� ?(i,T � .,;,. _ 1 �.. .�u i??r,7.•n:w i � F o'%.'.li::S>," �'v.'�' j. ..... ..., . '., .., ::. � ,,,.. .,�:....'z �..;, � ,.. .. c,. s..... ; , . :. . , ., r,n., . .i 13 ' ,tii : @�ifl'. �„=�@71��;�� . .:>� �;a��7fi� s� ;,< ; , , ,: ,.. „ . , ... .. / ".. :( � /y i..:.'..: .O..F.:..: .: ....�.....: ii..�..�in�n.i..i .:..:..::.: .. i: .... ....: ' . . ..:' :�. ..�..x..� �...in. 1 T 15 � OV�r' ie Jennifer Engh sha11 serve the remainder of Peg Birk's unexpired term. a `-w 7 •.yc;:n,"%f ^�+,n;�I.:✓�;; ;.:���:� �;<r..;�-;k.,<..,,:�;<<.<�.,� l�q`� «.....,:..<,.<... .. ,. .. «.: ......,.., ..:„. ,., ... i �'�ii�df� �;��ii�°s�� `''..;,, � ��' � > � , . ,..._.. ..::,::..>.:, �;.:.. .,,,<.._::_.,..:,.,<.::..:...,.�,,.,�►„�.,.,�....,.: �;,,:.:�:.:�,,....., C c � S� � i U� � �, ^ ♦ I�'1 L L�� r�q V Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date q� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary $Y= Approved by Mayor: `Date �t � By: z(�� {' � � �,�i ' � il 1 � Form Approved by City Attorney By: c �����dd'r� < <' '�, Approved by Mayor for submiasion to Council Bp' �4�—/��������C�CG_— �1 Z� ���n� DEPI�RTAEN7/OFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED J ( V`tV Mayor Coleman's Office 6-5-97 G REEN SHEE CON7ACT PER�N & PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAVDA7E � DEPAFiTMENT DIRECTOF � CRY CAUNC7L Roger Curtis [266-8531] pgS�GN �CITVATTORNEV OCIT'CLERK MUST BE ON CAUNGL AGEN�A BY (DATE) NUNBER FOH � BUOGET DIRECTOR � FIN, & MGT. SEflVICES �I(i. NOUTING OROER � MAYOF (OR ASSISTAN'n � TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S(GNATURE) ACf10N REQUESTED: Approval of appointments of Che following individuals to serve on the SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION: George Johnson, Soliving Rong, Arlend Wilson and Jennifer Engh. Each shall fill the remainder of an unexpired term. BECAMMENDAT70NS: Appmve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7ME FOLIOWING OUESTIONS: _ PLANNINCa COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEFVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this personttirm aver worked untler a cotnract for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _�� 2. Has this person/Firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ olsiqici cOUR'F _ 3. Does this erson/firm ossess a skill not normall p p y possessetl by any curtent ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNqL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Expla4n all yes anawe�a on separete sheet and nttaoh io green ahcet WItIATWG PR�BLEM. ISSUE. OPPpRTUNIN (Wha. What. When� W�@ce. Whyp. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � DISADVANTACaES IF APPROVEbT. � �� ��u�,�':�G;t ���C JU�f 1 � i��� ��w_ �. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPqOVED: � TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ COST/qEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOAfi�ATlOfd: (EXPLAIN) c� Interdepartmental Memorandum CTTY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember 7oseph Collins Councilmember Milce Harris Councilmember Gladys Morton Councilmember Roberta Megard FROM: Roger C. Curtis � � Assistant to the Mayor DATE: June 9, 1997 RE: PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following individuals be appointed to the Saint Paut Planning Commission. George Edwin Tohnson shall serve the remainder of Eileen Lund-Johnson's unexpired term. 5oliving K Kong shall serve the remainder ofMichael Lee's uneapired term. Arlend (Suzz) Wilson shall serve the remainder of Gladys Morton's un�pired term. �:�... ..� .,�. ,<.�,.<;;;���:-�, :,..., _ `:ii�;#I're'at�;i►vc'aui�inYii�f���rin���: ,�'suir ;"��`;`1��>' I:: :.. .,.. . . ._ ............. .. _.: ..,.. : ,...: .. :.... ...: ...�.: .,....... ..�1??u'e.: ...:..,.._�:Y.....s:..,..:.,..: :.� Jennifer Engh shaU serve the remainder of Peg Birk's unexpired term. .. � � ... ,.... ... �� .... .. �, , ,. � :�s : ....:. .. . .. ... �.. . .... ,.,,.._ , <., ,,,,.>.,...•, �Teui��;er;�rigli Attached are copies of the new appointees' applications, a copy of the resolution recommending these individuals, and an applicant report listing all applicants on file since January 1, 1994. Feel free to contact me at 266-8531 if you wish to discuss these appointments. I will be out of the office the week of 7une 9-13, and return on 7une 16. RCC:drm Attachments cc: Nancy Anderson, Council Research Ken Ford, Planning Commission Staff, PED COMISH. REUENUE TEL�612-297-5309 Apr 28 97 9:02 No.003 P.02 vi 1 L 1111JAL . ' I� `•7f � � SA22.T PADL� MTNNESOTA 55102 �-�._"�"?,� ��� 266-8525,' Fe1�t: 266-8513 Naae: Home Address: �� �_ /�J�� _` _ C� Street n,�� City n2�v s� rv z - Zip Telephone 2�umber: CHomel �� �� ���7 d �po=k� ��5 3� 2 (EAX) �7- v��� Planning District Coimcil: _ � � Citp Council Aard: �/lL Preferred Hailing Address: S7�at is pour occupati P1ace�oP Evplopment: Coc�ittee(s) Applied For: '/a�as�i Ahat sY.ills/training or esperience do qou possess for the co�ittee(s) for vhicn pou seek appointment? ����� The information included i,n this application is considered private dzta according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a resu2t, this inforaation is no� releasez to the general public. (OVcR) Rev. 2J28/96 s C�MISH. REUENUE TEL�612-297-5309 Apr 28 97 9:02 Na.003 P.03 � `� // R�- Namc : _ /!%!4 AX �fi,'/Sbia _ / :lrrr�.i0 ia ft7�L Addresr: Phonc: (Home) fWork) Name : �,(� 1. �j��/iL . Address: o ?a� So � ��5� /�ls s�"7�A Phonc• Cl3ome) (STork) � 7�'�p7U Name Addr Phone: _ (Home) (Wozkl �� Reasons for your interest in this particular co�nittee:_ G%�2�'�[x� flave you had previous contact vith the committee for which you are making app2ication. T£ so, vhen, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup of our commvnity, please check the Iine applicable to qou. This infarmation is strictly voluntary. ��Vhite (Caucasian) Bispcnic B2ack (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander Ame=ican indian or Alaskan Eskimo _� ��� �,�� f � Female Date of Birth: Disabled: Yes __ No .� If special accoamodations are xieeded, please speci£y. Hov did you hear about this opening? �,�C�S'�l1�T-�- i 7 COMISH. REVENUE Aprit 25, 1497 TO: PROM: KE: TEL�612-297-5309 Apr 28 97 9�03 No.003 P.04 �, Tim Marx Jenny H gh. ✓ Application for City boards Thanks for forwarding thc application materia(s for city board openin�s. I received it on 7'uesday of this wcek, but found it Friday in my mail (tax committce week, you know). Anyway, l tbink the dcadline may have been April 23rd, but 1 hope 1 can still bc considered. ] am particularly interested in three of Ihc boards: Thc F3usiness Review Cowicil, tlic Planning Commission and thc Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation. 1 feel that i am panicularly qualified for these tli�ee boards with my expericnce both working at the I.egistature (1985-f 9R7) and as Deputy Commissioner for �he Minncsota Uepartmen[ of Trade and Economic Development (DTEll) (! 991-1996}. During my tenure at DTBll,1 worked dosely wi�h the City of St. Paul on several budaet and capital budgct requesis, iuciuding developing and starting thc Urban Jnitiative rund, Minnesota 1ob Skilis Partnership programs, the Science Museum bonding requests, and olher business locationitclocation prqiects and tourism projecls. 1 have worked closely with 1'ED (Larry Bucgler) and lhe Port Autl�ority (Ken Johnson and Laurie Lauder) and understand the Mayor's vision for St. Paul, the riverfront and fulure development efforts. I am very familiar with the City's one-stop business efforts and also with the vazious ncighborhood development groups. Si. Paul and Uie St. Paul Neighborhood llevelopment groups (W1ND-NllC in particular} were particularly active and 4ielpful in he{ping DTBD start and make the Urban Iniliative Loan 1'und successful. At the Legislature J served as the fiscal analyst for lhc State Government division of the then-1 louse Appropriations committee. t have a workin� knowledge of government budge�s ai�d public financing, as wcl} as civil servicslpersonne{ requirements and legislativelcity partnersl�ips. All of these experiences pointed me toward applying for one of the threc commiqees 3 have listed. 1 have lived in St. Paul sincc ) returned from Washington, D.C. in 1985, 1 hope you and tlie Mayor can consider my application and please do not hesitate to contad me if you have any qucstions or need furthcr information. My pager is 539-9010. Thank you for your consideration. Q�/y�.L �2!}zr/ �G/yl'�u- uYccP��tl_u-� U (/ ���ry�_� to�� �,���;� Oi:ll.:., U: '1�.n :�YO� 390 CITX I3ALL ����1��±- SA22I'I` PAIIL� MIN2IESOTA 55102 � ��""l�g . 266-8�25="" _ FAX: 266-8513 �,Q� � � }y�� Fa =e: � C 7"�O ��i�C � hlt)f!f ��6{-jtJ COA� �5'�YtS sr•• �;_-;;. I3o_e Address: I9��o �R�I�U(� AV� E-�as�r _ S�a�nrr f�cuL j M��� 55ta9-�#7ZZ S:=eet City _ Zip Telephone tiw�ber: (Ho�el �ntZ �7��2-375 CS7axk1 .(Y�X) �12 77�/ �Z3"Is Planni.ng District Covncil- �[STR Citp Covncil Aard: W�� Pre=erred ?Sailing Address: I'1�C-� �`t2PFJ`�UR, /Y�/�/UV� �ST"�.�}�. / /�/U ��/O� Rhat is your occnpation? ��/�R�/t'�F1'�FiQL �C/�/`✓]7S1 Place�of F�ployment: Rr Co�ittee(s) Applied For: T �/' � kliat skills/training or eaperience do you possess for the cocanittee(s) for vhicn you seek appoin�ent? �, NRl✓C ,B��/V N�J7 ( I/� ��L A1'U.� /6��lGNB�JP 6 ��on!l�dN..S S1NCE' I t�S��. — F'�G' �-a.f S'��s 1. rJ�aV� s�'�2� ,�s' �nl ar��i �"� �°�/d� !4oA.�1! �"l�L�3�. dr�- QiSrt2rG?` Tw� �rt,+HVe��9 C�✓�ve�+L. -- �a� �t6NT' Y<"�Ft-S t �/4S AN v��'i� .a+��aP� .ESaAkl3 tn�tF3� a, � �✓'=S ,��,6����� �f��.�;� ����. Gv�� � �oF� ?wD ;'�'A -�. :.J�os �4 �t€.��2 a�- 'BI� �T �auL C�a°e7a�. �.�rF�o��nrn/�- �4z����r �''�tn-t r�-Y CG �C! 3J " --L ev,vv�. 8�r-� �a� ����� �€�o�rrc �A,�i�s� Fo� /� Y�ivks S�Po,�;�U� 6/y4Rrov� �N��J✓A�`Cs An�� toa,2►VN� on17N�• G�n?�i�'S oF NalZat C�r.r��,o,�� ��t s�93 � r � , t ^ / 1 /� KA/L1 /vs� � 1C r('N U C� a,uw2 '�,n� hA,eP..Fl1 /C�c7niDY K��.1_� L�P_v�' VF"itJrc /�v`J �¢JAN �aSiR�rvl --� N•o�.� ��GV �`k�l�1SVk�� aF INc ��i�F'N eort,���55tr,rt/•GL �IS��tC �_ AN-i WttL�t�{� I�i Wb1�� JJRP� - TD �J� /L{�� Sl �11ilt_ /� �`��' {�LA�� Faf'� Fv � d�Y o/J� � Ll vL The inforsation included is this application is considered private data acco�cing to the Hinnesota Govexment Data Practices Act. As a result, this in£orsation is not ralezsed zo the generzl public. (OVE.R) . Rev. Zr'28/96 .-.-��.�++. �r�RENCES Name:_ ` An! Address• 4���a Phone: tHomel �7� �� . ��� �«�v��� c,�A��.�� Name : 1q FL}� ��Q ✓� S 1�T� Address:_ � �3$ {.(,)}�t� �l Phone: fH�mP1 7�'1_ - X�bo P,� ��,v� �. f�pv,s �� �v�. ST AAUL� M� S��a-� 23ame •_ Address Phone: UN6 -3 � Reasons �or your interest in this particular co�ittee:/'�S A/✓rJ�/V/�d�ML-"j�/7',eL sc��n/��sr 3v,en! ANS� �arsE� �n! S, � vL 1 �v.ov� zwAYs traD,o 1C�.�nf t Nr�k F �1 — r�/ TN F�Tcn2�' �4ND Lc�v6 /ZAN6 C�GANN/N 6 Ta.2 i'�J S� Have pou had previous contact vi.th the co�ittee £or which pou are maki.ng application. If so, when, and ci=cvmstances? L.��'f �'T� ConJ T•aC� W tTN �c..4NN�N6 C /n� /yrY 2oL�5 �es In an attempt to ensure that committee zepresentation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This in£ormation is strictly voluntarp. _,�. Vhite <Caucasian} Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Zslander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo ._..2�_ 2iale Pemale Date of Hirth: G`� l�`f �l45�f Disabled; yes No � � If special accommodations are aeeded, pxease speciEy. Hov did you hear about this opening7 �A�` ��/�tJSC.��'�� ���� �r m USE OF RE S � 1 �� ����t e .��e- So f � � i r Homa Adaresa; � street s-zz-y7 : i��i� : �unii� �++♦ ++1a.a.. J�lUZ 2fi6�8525.;' FAX: 266-8513 K= �f� r� �P— ' � J7' ,��a l . City SS � o �-s�3o 2ip =�i�ph�ua rrwnb�r: 7a. 1 k - .«ax -_ rs PLianing Diatrict Council: _��,,: � ,v Citp to��neiZ IIard: � � -• � _'...�_.. Pretaxred lfa3ling ,Lddress: 5o�r✓jr� a� � f.� T7bat is your pceupat9 Xl.aec'aE Yap2oymene. Caamittce(s) Appli,ed � l�� d �r sY.311sftYaSztinp o= ezperience do you posseas L-or thc cop�itcea(aj Poz vhicn you saok =ppointmentP 1 Wi , �e iaformation incZudad 4n this applic�ttina is nonsidered prioata dcta aeeo=ding zo the `i:nnesota Covexment bata Practices Act, A8 a reznit, tliis in£oz�m�tion is not released Co .:be E¢nrr.sl public. (04FR) zbb u�i:�:M z; � . G�l=�3g Ryv, 2i 28/96 � m SF�`!T BY � bL� t10t15E OF RFPS • �-- xo,ac: . v� f r LdJress:�_"j lN�/� ,i � � Phone: CAomnZ_�7�_ 7f7q _��=—�- tiame: t�,c� v� �1.� C,,.- 5-22-97 : 15�14 ; ADbliN 5k'kVI�tS� U1� LUU UJ1U111 U 1 ��P.�� � // Y2tOea: flloae� `7� 2 + � / � (Vuxkl 7��_ SI � Addrass Phonn• „W� vo -?16 Rasaone �o= you� intcrest 3n cIl3s pa=ticulnz Yn att attempt to ansur¢ tl�at comai�ttce repzesentotxo2 retlaetr t7ia makaup pg en� community_ yienac chock zlie 13na :pplicable to you_ This inftixmation is stzieely vo7.v.ataxy_ Ghita (Caucaslan) llispanic Blaek (Afsitstt �lmexican) ��i� Dr pacific Ts7.aadcr dmeric¢n Zndian or Alaskan ggkimc _y_, Xa2e - Fema2e Dnte of B�rth• `� �S �S Tlisabled_ ygs Ho �1� SP special acco�adations aYe aeedmd, ples�e zpg��#y, _ �� Hov did qou hesr about thi,s oprning2 TOTFIL P.@3 ,` � � ---- �-- .�-� X.-a.��.+s concaec ritta the eommitteo Yos vrhich you are makiny applicntion. S! so, vhen� and eirevu�atancasP _ � �� C; 'r����� OFFTCE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAIII,� MIN2IESOTA 55102 26b-8526 � t3c� v .r� %' . � L, �•. - • �.. Home Address: "7 cZ� S',r,�S AJP_N�-c.� �a'�� ��u, Nli �UPS��A S5/DL� St=eet City - .. ` , `, - ` r: �= Zi P Telepfione Number: (Home)(cl� Rrf� l?i0� (Aork) ���;� c � Planning District Council: � Citp Covncil Aard Pre£erred Hailing Address: "(a`6 5��.�5 0.�eau�. �Ai1J-4-Q�u� Rn'�UeS- 6+�]p� Ahat is yovr occupation? C_li a� n� ���JeiZ �a��� ��o1S CRP-�;2e.c�� Place of E�plopment: ttee(s) Applied For: �n4tZa p� n.�i"; (i(l�nG i .oYn(htS��6/1 ('a��af� � — 7A� TvFtat skills/trai.ning or esperience do you possess for the committee(s) for vhich you seek appointment? S e.e t'!�r C� P, c� The information included in this application is considered private data accozdir.g to the 2finnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER) Rev.4/21/93 rr.acnuriAi, RgggEtgp7CES 2iame: Mca�t�� �-zR� Address• ?���looa Phone: (Home) (ot2 � Name: 5ue. �R��� l��ti 6ddress:_ A a 1�-�, �i 0.0 e, Q�-��g Co`�n+uN� oRS�Ui-Lea'9 S �ZANNiNC{ �oun�Ci� J Phone:_ _ (Home) /� )�a' .� 90 -� �Q 15' (Aork) �o ( a '7� a 5a3 Name Addn Ptioae: tHom______ Ie t�_%7-12}-�j-3o� CAork) WIa-�g���6 :C9m ��c� Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee for which you are making application. I£ so, vhen, and circvmstances? � �oSi�-'� c In an attempt to ensvre that committee representation re£lects the makeup o£ our community, please check the line applicable to you. This �ormation is strictly voluntary. � Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian o= Paci£ic Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo _� Hale Female Date oP Birth: (o T - oZ b Disabled: Yes No �_ If special accommodations are needed, please specify. How did pou hear about this opening? �_�.e0}lnuc� Mp5 raq� �QC�� �N�il CQ,25GN M��i,�. 6�; �.�„ ' ��= Z� What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? Through previous work experience I have developed the ability to accurately interpret statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations; to e£fect their implementation in a£air and equitable manner. This ski11 was gained during 30 years of employment with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. I also have superior interpersonal communication skills necessary to understand complex questions and to respond in a manner which is clearly understood, This was essential when dealing with attorneys, judges, legislators, and the general public during the course of my past employment, When faced with confrontational situations, I am able to remain objective, and yet am able to be empathetic, I was employed by State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, from February 1958 until my retirement in June 1988. My employment began as a Driver License Examiner. After 15 years, I advanced to the position of Driver Safety Analyst for approximately 8 years. I then served as Assistant to the Chief of Driver Evaluation for 5 years and as Chief of Driver F.valuation for 2 years immediately prior to retirement. In addition to my work related experience, I serve as a volunteer in various community organizations. Such as: -District 5 Planning Council Member of Housing Committee Member of Licensing, Land Use, and Zoning Committee -Case-Payne Community Council -Wilder Booster Club -Ramsey Action Program's Fair Share Program T have previously worked with other coirr,;unity organizations such as: -Urban Revitalization Action Program implemented by the East Side Neighborhood Development Corporation. -The Mayor's Traffic Sa£ety Committee -The Near East Side Neighborhood Improvement Strategy Plan I most recently served on the 3PR (Rights, Responsibilities, and Remedies) Board chaired by Councilperson Janice Rettman. The purpose of that committee was to review and revise the Housing, Building, and Zoning Codes for the City of St.Paul. I also served on a sub-commi�tee which wrote a proposed Nuisance Ordinance. If was then submitted to the city council, where it was modified somewhat and adopted. 1 . � Reasons for your interest in this particular committee. Board of Zonina Appeals I believe that city and those application of be protected. the application of Zoning code benefitsthe living within its boundaries. That in the the codea, the interests of all parties should At the time the zoning codes were written, I have no doubt that they evolved fzom a very thoughtful process. And during that process that the concerns and rights of both the city and property owners were considered. However, as in all things, some situations arise which are unique and require special consideration. The purpose of the Board of Zoninq Aopeals is, as I see it, to evaluate such situations, and rule in such a manner, that the integrity of the code is maintained, while addressing the need of the property otaner. Because of the skills listed, I feel I am well qualified for this position. ��� OS-23-97 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commiaeion FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1jOlj94 APPLZCANT / REFSRENCE COMt�+NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) 003098 Amel, Eric 601 Market House 289 East Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 227-8479 Intern Architect Craig Rafferty Rafferty, Rafferty, Tollefson Architects 253 E. 4th St., 55101-1632 w) 224-4831, Ext. 3007 William R. Morrish, Director Deaign Center for American Urban Landscape ste. 222 1313 Fifth St., S.E. Minneapolis, M13 55414 1546 2 17 12/O1/95 W M Clinton N. Hewitt Aasociate V.P. Master Planning Office University of MN 340 Morrill Hall 100 Church Street S.E. Hinneapolis, MN 55455 w) 625-7355 002410 Anderaon, Linda R. 2249 Leonard Court St. Paul, MN 55119 7 1 12f�4/95 W F Home - 738-1096 Realtor Kathy Madore 1781 W. County Road 8 Roaeville, MN 55113 H) 429-5853 W) 635-9000 Thomas Foley H) 699-3948 W) 292-6181 Raren Wilson 1837 Laurel Avenue St. Paul� MN ���`� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commisaion FOR APPLICATIONS DAT&D AFTER �1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS H) 647-0667 W) 641-1855 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- --°°-- "------- -------- --- --- --- 12-4-95 Planning Commiesion Dino Guerin 1977 North Park Drive, 55119 h) 738-1458 w) 266-8670 Raren Chriatopherson 2149 Snowshoe Lane, 55119 h) 731-2940 w) 551-9242 John Sorum 11327 Besaey Circle Bloomington, MN 55437 h) 584-9397 w) 590-5166 002583 Beissel, Joseph P. Minnesota Mutual 400 Robert 5treet North St. Paul, M13 55101 Work - 223-4461 FAX 2926808 SupervisorfCorporate Security Bill Buth BOMA 386 N. Wabasha W) 291-8888 Bruce Bonsack St. Paul Police Dept. H) 735-3495 W) 291-1111 Ken Pariach 400 Robert Street St. Paul, Mn W) 223-4457 1J12/96 SGC 2 3 04/14/97 W M Tom Collina St. Paul Police w) 266-8518 ���� OS-23-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICAI3TS.RPT PAGE 3 COtMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLZCATIONS DATSD AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMlSENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMHITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ______"- -------- --- --- --- Bill Buth B02SY, w) 291-8888 Commander Robert Gray St. Paul Police w) 291-1111 4-14-97 Civil Service Commiseion Alternate, P{lanning Commisaion, Civic Center Authority Tom Colline St. Paul Polcie w) 266-8518 Ren Parach MN Mutual h) 724-3336 w) 223-4457 George Fremdor MN Mutual 2nd V.P. Corproate Service w) 298-3545 003173 Brown, R. D. 2100 Niles Avenue St. Paul, HN 55116 Home - 698-3345 Health Care Professional 3 15 04(15/97 B M Mayors Advisory Committee Patricia Coppo Chie£ Operating Officer Natl. Marrow Donor Program 3433 Broadway St., N.E., Ste. 500 Mpls., 55413 627-5800 Freddie John Martin, Ph.D., Director Natl. Minority Recruitment Network National Medical Assn. 1012 Tenth Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20Q01 (202) 347-1895, Ext. 32 (800) 662-0554, Ext. 32 (800) 662-0779 �rl�`� OS-23-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commiasion EOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFEREtiCE COMMENTS WARD PLAISNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEE5 SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- °-__--- --- --- --- Guido Zanni, Ph.D., Comeaisaioner Commisaion on Mental Aealth Seroices 2700 Martin Luther Ring Jr. Ave. S.E. Adminiatration Bldg., lst Floor WasHington, DC 20032 (202j 373-7166 Michael McGUire Yresident/CEO National Aealth Tech Div. of ACS Corp 3119 St. Ives Country Club Parkway Duluth� GA 30316 (404) 495-1485 Dalton Tong, FHFMA, MBA, CPA Preaident & CEO Greater S.E. Health Care System 1310 Southern Avenue Washington, DC 20032 (202) 574-6675 000987 Brown, Triesta M. 1491 Blair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 4 11 66 11/18/96 W F Capital Budget Committee Home - 642-1145 Communit Vo1.JNeigh Activist Merrill N. Robinson 7S7 Fairview Ave. N. h) 646-3024 Ann Copeland 2331 Buford Ave. Midway Civic & Commerce Assn. h) 645-1160 w} 646-2636 Len and Lorraine Carlson (Iver H. Carlson & Son, Inc.) 749 Snelling Ave. N. h) (715) 386-5611 w) 646-7161 11^26-90 P.C. Len Carlson--same as above ��� l�'S OS-23-97 COMMZTTEE AYPLZCAISTS REYORT PAGE 5 APPLICANTS.RPT CAI�4fITTEE : P.C. Planning Commiesion FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT j REFERENCE COMML�NTS WARD PLA23NING SENATE APP DATE E2Ei GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -----------°---°-�--------------- ---- -----°- -----°- -------- --- --- --- Councilmember Paula Maccabee 1961 Selby h) 646-1580 w) 298-5378 Elin Malmquist Skinner Midway Civic & Commerce 2383 Univeraity, Ste. 200 h) 647-1485 w) 646-2636 8-25-93 Citywide Economic Revitalization Comm{ittee John Sherman 602 Wheelock Pkwy., 55117 h) 488-5139 Rita During 1169 E. Rose, 55106 h) 774-8124 w) 291-0333 2-22-94 Planning Commission Teri MeLaughlin 1821 Goodrich Ave. h) 699-4364 Lorraine & Len Carlson 749 N. Snelling w) 646-7161 Dr. Timothy Bertach 736 E. Nebraska h) 774-0568 w) 731-7920 Dennis Boom 536 N. Snelling (Holcaalo-Henry Boom Funeral Home) w) 646-2844 12-1-95 Planning Commission Janice Rettman 682 W. Iowa Ave.j320 A City Hall hy 489-8530 w) 266-8650 Alice Hausman 1447 Chelmsford h) 646-6220 G��� OS-23-97 COMMITTEE APPLSCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 6 COMMZTTEE : P.C. Planning Commisaion FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COt4�SENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Dennis Boom (Holcomb Henry Boom Funeral Home) 595 Hwy. 96 Shoreview, MN h) 484-8746 w) 646-2844 002531 Corrie, Bruce P. #12 1171 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 1 8 12/O1/95 AP M Home - 644-4271 Profeasor of Economica Imogene Treiehel Rev. Revin McDonough Nathan Mueller 12-1-95 Planning Commiasion Dr. Kay Madaon Exec. V.P. Concordia College St. Paul 275 N. Syndicate, 55104 h) 772-0830 w) 641-8832 Rev. Kevin MeDonough Vicar General Archdiocese, St. Paul-Mpl. Bob Porter Executive Director Selby Area CDC 003302 Engh, Jennifer 307 Ryan St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 227-9640 Asst. Commisaioner/Taac Policy 2 C 04/2S/97 W F Governor Arne Carlson 130 State Capitol Peter Gullette President Piper Trust Company 222 S. 9th St. �-`=�� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT COMMITTES : P.C. Planning Cormnission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CO?ASENTS Mpls. w) 342-1840 Joe Aingman St. Paul Foundation 600 Norwest Center St. Paul, HIi 55101 w) 224-5463 003101 Gahr, William J. 220 Marshall Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 292-9008 Cartographer PAGE 7 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 1 8 11/30/95 W M Karl Raemusaen Director, Office of Right of Way and Surveys,{ MN/DOT 11449 Goldenrod St. NW Coon Rapids, MN SSA48 h) 755-7531 w) 296-1133 Col. John Silliman, Commander 133rd Airlift Wing HN Air National Guard 1244 Belair Circle Roseville, MN 55113 h) 636-9717 w) 725-5631 Ron Pauline Preaident Aurora St. Anthony Neighborhood Dev. Co. 770 University Ave. W. St. Paul, MN 55104 w) 222-0399 000424 Holmes, Louiae 545 Wabasha Street St. Paul, MN 55162 Writer 2 1? 04J16j97 B F Bill Wilson c/o U of M Minority Affairs Dept. w) 625-2000 ��_ �� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 8 CAMMZTTEE : P.C. Planning Cosmission FOR APPLICATIONS DATSD AFTER O1f01/94 APPLICANT ( REFERfiNCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETFi GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- George Latimer 754 Linwood Avenue Mr. Nordniss 410 s. 4th Street Mpls., MN w) 298-9690 003106 Hove, Eric Jon 2 16 ¢206 928 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 227-3445 Job Aunting & Aockey Official David Orr Rice 31-Ring Building Oberlin, OH 44074 (w) (206) 775-8312 John Kostouros 3324 Emeraon Ave. S. Mpla., MN 55408 h) 824-5991 Joan Tomfohr 2921 Schambacker Ct., #4 Menomonie, WI 54751 (h) (715) 235-4257 003099 Hyde, Teresa 215 Fairview Avenue S. St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 698-4877 Traniat Planner Lee Anderson 1846 Lincoln, 55105 h) 699-8438 w) 624-5201 Steve mahowald 9462 Stevens Ave. S. Bloomington, 55420 h) 888-2895 w) 349-7775 12/O1/95 W M 11/30/95 H F Dr. Perry Wood Mankato City Hall � �';. OS-23-97 COMHITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT CAA4fITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1f94 APPLICANT j REFfiRENCE CO?4SENTS Mankato, MN (w) (507) 387-8627 002571 Hysell, Thomae 81S Seal Street St. Paul, MN 55114 Home - 647-0755 Architect Steve Wellington 2257 Gordon Avenue St. Yaul, MN 55108 H) 647-0362 W) 292-9844 Ron Erickaon $RE Architects 300 Firat Avenue N. Mpla., Mn 55401 H) 825-9496 W) 339-4200 Garth Rockcastle College of Architecture Univeraity of MN Church Street SE Mpls., MN 55455 H) 374-9769 W) 624-0504 7-26-96 Planning Commiasion PAGE 9 WARD PI�At3NI2SG SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -°----- -°----- --- --- --- 4 12 04/22/97 W M Steve Wellington Wellington Mgt., MET Council Member 2257 Gordon Ave., 55105 h) 647-0362 w) 292-9844 Judge James Rosenbaum, 110 So. Fourth Street Mpls. US District Court h) 933-7989 w) 348-1926 Garth Rockcastle Head College of Architecture Principal M, S& R Architects Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle �i OS-23-97 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT Paca io COMHITTEE : P.C. P1aTlning Comniiasion FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1JO1J94 APPLICANT J REFERENCB CO2MENTS WARD PLANNIIQG SENATE APP DATE ETH G5N DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVIN6 ON) ---- -------- "------- -------- --- --- --- 119 North 2nd Street Minneapolis h) 374-9769 w) 375-0336 4-27-97 Planning Commission Steve Wellington Wellington Mgt. & Metropolitan Councilmember w) 292-9844 Judge James Rosenbawa U.S. District Court 110 So. Fourth Street, Mpls. w) 348-1926 h) 933-7989 Carl Remick Principal Architectural Allicance 400 Clifton Ave. So., Mpls. w) 874-4104 000400 Jefferson, Renneth W. 36 Norbert Place St. Paul, MN 55116 Aome - 690-1881 Ret. Reg. Prof. Enqineer 3 15 11-27-95 Planning Commiasion & Police Internal Affairs{: Mark Moeller, Preaident Moeller Jewelers 2073 Ford Parkway, 55116 w) 698-6321 Robert N. Johnson (former atate representative) h) 698-7922 w) 699-1499 Councilmember Mike Harris City Hall wj 266-8630 001074 Johnaon, George Edwin 1946 E. Larpenteur Saint Paul, MN 55109 6 2 67 11{27J95 W M 03J26/97 W M Home - 774-23�5 ��=�� OS-23-47 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 11 CAMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATZONS DATSD AFTSR O1J01/94 APPLICANT / REFHREttCH COZIDSENTS WARD PI.ANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (QTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Environmental Scientist Tina Moreland, Chair District 2 Community Council 1847 Stillwater Blvd., 55119 h) 731-6396 w) 731-6842 Representative Randy Kelly 1630 David Street, 55119 h) ?72-1114 w) 296-4277 Karl Neid Jr. 1181 Duluth Street, 55106 h) 771-9680 w) 645-9164 -------------°------------ 3-26-9? Planning Commiasion Councilmember Dan Boatrom 1646 E. Shore Drive, 55106 h) 776-4876 w) 266-8660 Gary Davie, Attorney parranto & Davis Ltd. 1538 White Bear Avenue, 55106 h) 774-7278 w) 774-3575 Gary Unger District 2 Community Council Preaident 1847 Idaho Ave., E. h) 774-4893 w) 731-6842 002492 Johnson, Sheldon P. 2031 Howard Street So. St. Yaul, Mfi 55119 Home - 738-3143 Community Corrections Worker Gladys Morton 1618 Wileon, 55106 h) 774-7179 w) same Peggy Lynch 1621 Beechwood, 55116 h) 698-4543 w) same 7 1 04/17/97 W M Lowell Yoet City xall Annex �-- 05-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 12 COMMZTTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFSER O1f01/94 APPLICANT f REFEREISCS CO�PITS WARD PLANNING SEtIATE APP DATE ETH GEII DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING OI3) �°- ---°°- -------- -------- --- --- °- 21 W. 4th St. h) 458-5548 w) 266-6003 4-17-47 Planning Commission John Fahey 180 Maria Ave. 772-0229 Rurt Schultz 1163 Burnquist St. St. Paul h) 774-7359 w) 296-5285 Anne Hunt 100 Yacht Club Road h) 298-0125 w) 655-5436 001645 Kong, Soliving K. 346 Hope Street St. Paul, MN 55106-5130 Home - �72-2613 Asst Poatmaster/House or Reps Rep. Steve Trimble 77 Haria Ave. h) 774-2096 w) 296-4201 John Showalter 1176 Minnehaha Avenue, 55106 h) 771-6259 w) 772-2075 7 4 Andrew Ranke 45 States Office Building, 55155 w) 296-4860 5-29-91 Education 2000 Commission William Yang 347 City Hall w) 298-4323 OS/22/97 AP M Andrew Remke 100 Conatitution Ave. St. Paul, 55155 w) 296-4860 �, OS-23-97 CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 13 COE4iZTTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIOIdS DATED AFTER O1f01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CODfMSNTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMHITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------� -------- -----'--- --- --- --- Rep. Steve Tri.mble 77 Maria, 55106 h} 774-2096 w) 296-4201 003089 Lee, Chao Robert Apt. 2 295 Hoyt Avenue E. St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 774-6052 Park Ranger 5 5 11/14/95 AP M Ron Erickaon 175 E. 5th, Ste. 418 St. Paul, 55101 w) 290-4160 Josephine Lombardi 329 Geneva Ave. N. St. Paul, MN 55119 h) �35-5263 John Brandl (former academic advisor & faculty at Humphre{y Institute) 301-9th Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55455 w) 625-9505 000501 Leonidae, Katherine 1158 Churchill Street St. Paul, MN 55103 Aome - 489-8461 Architect Daoid Ejadi (ap?) 149� Sargent Avenue St. Paul h) 690-9511 w) 938-1480 07/30/96 W F Terry Anderson 1434 Van Buren St. Yaul h) 646-2046 w) 290-1905 ��=Z3�5 OS-23-97 COM!lITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 14 COl4liTTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATTONS DATED AFTER O1/O1(94 APPLZCANT / REFSRENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTBER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- -° --- --- Mark and Ale�ca IImbreit (sp?) 1160 Churchill Street h) 489-6206 003273 Loonan, Patrick Capital City Partnership 2490 World Trade Center 30 East Seventh Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 291-5604 FAX 2915606 Director of Development 4 13 04/04/97 W M John Laboaky Capital City Partnership 24090 World Trade Center 30 E. 7th St., 55101 w) 291-5600 Yatrick Seeb 903 Osceola St. Paul� MI3 hj 293-6861 Mark Shielda Riverwood Place h) 645-0770 002283 Marver, 3. Thomas �1603 172 E. Sixth 5treet St. Pavl, MN 55101 Home - 290-0131 Conaultant 2 17 07/26/96 W M Julie McEnroe 195 E. Sth Street, f1501 St. Paul, MN H) 222-2781 W) 221-0488 John Mannillo 413 Wacouta Street E., �550 St. Paul W) 292-8306 Alma Joaeph 245 E. 6th Street, #700 a�=z� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT CAMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLZCATZONS DATBD AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / RfiFfiRENCE COMMENTS St. Paul� MN H) 222-4548 W) 290-2846 7-26-96 Planning Commission John Apitz 145 University Ave. W. w) 228-9757 Ray Faricy 168 E. 6th Street h) 291-1473 Sherman Rutzick 180 W. Plato Blvd. w) 292-8777 003234 Mclntyre, Helen Stephanie 1482 Sheldon Street St. Paul� MN 55108 Home - 645-5523 Lead Radiologic Technoloqist PAGE 15 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHEk CAMMITTEES SER�IING ON) -'-�- -------- -------- -°----- --- --- --- 4 10 11f12/96 W F Dr. Adrian kapsner Health East St. Joaeph's Hospital--Radiology {Dept. 69 W. Exchange Street St. Paul, MN 55102 w) 232-3183 Laura Reithahn Radioloqy Director Health East St. Joseph's Hoapital w) 232-3161 Carol Arntzen 4344 117th Avenue N.E. Blaine, MN 55449 h) 780-8184 w) 232-3183 002946 Olesak, Thomas A. 1050 W. Hoyt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55117 Home - 488-7437 Architect 5 10 11/15/96 W M Neighborhood Sales Tax Board { Stephanie Wing 3481 Shore Drive OS-23-97 COMMZTTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT ���3�5 PAGE 16 COMMITTEfi : P.C. Planning COmmission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT j RBFERENCS C0141ENT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETFI GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVILIG ON) °-- ------�- -------- -------- --- --- --- Excelsior HN 55331 Hj 474-5396 Ross Turner 875 Parkview Ave. St. Paul, MN 55117 H) 489-1�59 Melodie McRay 1148 Hoyt Ave. St. Paul� MN 55108 H) 489-1505 11-15-96 Planning Commission Rich Speera 730 2nd Ave. s., #1100 Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 341-9564 Tom Roberts 4005 w. 65th Street Edina, MN 55435 w) 920-6123 Jerry Rftter 730 2nd Ave. S.� �1100 Minneapolie, MN 55402 w) 341-9553 2-10-97 NST Julie Hof£ District 10 C.O. 1556 Como Avenue, 55108 w) 644-3889 Tom Roberts 4005 W. 65th Street Edina, MN 55435 w) 920-6123 Jerry Ritter 730 2nd Ave. S., #`1100 Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 341-9553 003211 Olson, Lee 2 3 07j25j96 W F ���� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 17 COMMZTTEE : P.C. Planning Commiasion FOR APPLICATIONS DAT&D AFTER O1/O1f94 APPLICANT / REFfiRENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE fiTH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 323 Annapolis Street W. St. Paul, MN 55118 Home - 227-1130 DirjIndependent Lvq Skille Pro Sister Liz Schille 416 Oakcrest, 55113 w) 415-9678 w) 690-0625 Rasin Jacobs 1765 Jefferaon, 55105 h) 690-5619 Senator Sandy Pappas 182 Proapect Blvd., 55107 h) 227-6032 w) 296-1802 003093 Pilko, Victoria $302 421 E. Travelera Trail Burnsville, MN 55337 Home - 894-8468 Realtor Kathy Phillips V.P., Burnet Realty 897 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 690-8595 w) 698-2431 Georgia Anderaon 984 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 698-8248 003214 Pirrie, Dan �202 902 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 298-8844 ManagementJPhoenix Residence Barb Vissadobas j? spelling) h) 248-8844 Mary Lou Smith Family Care Services h) (312) 427-8790 2 16 11/27/95 W F 07/26/96 U� M Brett McGraw ���� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commiasion FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1(O1/94 APPLICANT f REFERBNCE CO?4ffiNTS h) 825-5344 002304 Porter, Marilyn J. 1307 N. St. Albana St. Paul, MN 55117 Home - 489-7469 Mgr. of Public Facilities Tom Johnson 560 6th Avenue N. Mpls., MN 55411 W) 349-7509 Aaron Zssacs 560 6th Avenue N. Mpls., MN 55411 W) 349-7690 Diana Allen Roaeville, MN H) 490-2983 W) 'J27-9313 4-21-97 Planning Commission Al Lovejoy PED w) 266-6576 PAGE 18 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTfiES SERVING ON) ---- -------- ----�--- -------- --- --- --- 5 10 66 04/23/97 B F Capital Budget Committee Janice Rettman Newly-elected County Commiasioner w) 266-8360 Cathy Nordin Wirthanen, Clark, Mpls. w) 541-9969 003102 Potter, Tawnya 991 Conway Street St. Paul� MN 55106 Home - 'I72-6464 Realtor/Real Eatate III Larsen Assoc. 11/30/95 W F Cheree Jackson 992 E. 3rd St. h) 776-8687 ���� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTSE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 19 COtQfZT2EE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLZCATIOHS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFSRENCE CO?II�SENTS WARD PLANNING SfiNATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEfiS SERVING ON) ---- -------- ---°--- -------- -° --- --- Pat Stowman 2534 Hinnehaha h) 731-5143 w) 777-0168 Nanette Comez 2510 Seventh Ave. E. h) 735-6632 w) 777-0168 003006 Reeves, Nancy J. 1725 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 644-0638 Planning & Housing Consultant Mary Ann Suddeith American Bank 101 E. Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 H) 454-7692 Philip Cohen Goff-Wilkie & Asaociates 255 E. Rellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55101 H) 560-9028 Ren Johnson Port Authority 1900 Landmark Tower St. Paul, MN 55102 W) 224-5686 4-18-97 4 13 { Robert Goff Goff & Howard Suite 102 255 E. Rellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 292-8062 Mary Ann Sudeith Firstar Bank 101 E. Fi£th, 55101 h) 454-7692 w) 229-6536 04/18J9� W F Bill Huepenbecker �Z�� OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APP2,ICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commiasion FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1fOlf94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS Office of the Mayor 390 City Hall St. Paul, 55102 h) 487-1800 w} 266-8517 000259 Schultz, David A. 1120 St. Clair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 292-1096 Profesaor of Political Science PAGE 20 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMZTTE&S SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- "-- --- 2 16 Norman Walbek Debt of Political Science Guatawa Adolphus College h) (507) 231-6087 w) (507� 931-7421 Scott Huizdos 2425 30th Ave. S. Minneapolis h) 721-0008 w) 624-4144 07/23/96 W M John Schockley 18 Barton Ave., Mpls. h) 379-7907 w� (507) 931-7437 -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - ---- - - - - - ----- °° ------------ t ----------- Dennia Gihlin 228 Redwood Circle Broomfield, CO 80020 (303) 465-4269 Bruce Auerbach Professor of Poltical Science Albright College w) (610) 921-7571 h) (610) 970-4736 1-14-97 t15T (District 16 nominee) Dennis Giblin 228 Redwood Circle Broomfield, CO 80020 303-465-4269 C Bruce Auerbach profeasor of Political Science, Albright Coll(ege Reading, PA 19612 w) 610 921-7571 h) 610 970-4736 Garrett Sheldon Asaociate Professor of Political Science and tChair of the G��� OS-23-97 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE 21 COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT j REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRZCT (PRZOR) (OTFIER CAMMITTEES SERVIN6 OLI) ---- -------- -°°--- -------- --- --- --- Dept. of Social Sciences Clinch Valley College of U of Virginia, 24293 Wise Virginia 24293 703-3280110 002226 Scott, Donald James 180 W. Larpenteur Avenue St. Paul, MN 55113 Home - 489-9275 G.L. (?) Sandy Winkel 1239 Herbert, #325 St. Paul, HI3 55106 A) 776-1107 Curt Lindquist 1350 Reaney Street St. Paul, MN 55106 H) 771-3858 Dorothy Dalaska 1300 E. Wilson, #910 St. Pau1, MN 55106 H) 774-6481 5 6 11/06j96 W M � 11-6-96 CIB, Planning Commission & Food and N{utrition Commiasion SJA Bell Ring St. Paul/Maplewood w) 7?9-9177 L.I.G.L. University 222-4409 Reedy. L. GL. E. 7th Street w) 776-5046 003238 Swenson, Jennifer Birkeland Minneaota Mutual Life Inaurance Company 400 North Robert Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 223-4479 FAX 2983853 3 15 11/18/96 W F �= OS-23-97 APPI,ICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 22 CO2IISITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATSD AFTER O1/O1j94 APPLICAIiT / REFEREIiCS CO2�II5ENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT IIISTRZCT {PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVIISG ON) ---- -------- -^------ -------- --- --- --- Govt. Relationa Specialiat Dwayne Rade1 Second Vice Yresident Minnesota Mutual 400 N. Robert, 55101 w) 298-3747 Ernie Mancini Director of C-400 and Alumni Relations Concordia College Moorhead, MN 56562 (218) 299-3947 Carl Wall Vice President Merrill Lynch 51 Broadway Fargo, ND 58102 w) (701) 241-1234 003105 Tasselmyer, Benita Bleecker 785 Aldine Street St. Paul, MN 55104-1105 Home - 641-1037 Industrial Engineer Alice Hausman State Representative 1647 Chelmaford Ave., 55108 w) 296-6013 h) 646-6220 Henry Kristal President, Embers Reatauranta 1664 Univeraity Ave., 55104 w) 645-6473 4 11 Neal Thao Ramsey Co. Human Sves.JSt. Paul School Board 154 Wyoming, 55107 h) 290-059Q w) 226-4274 Rathi Austin-Mahle Paetor, Hamline IInited Methodist Church 1514 Englewood Ave., 55104 w) 645-0667 04J22/97 W F 003215 Teppo, Linda R. 3 14 07/26/96 W F '�- ,. OS-23-97 APPL2CANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATSD AFTSR O1/O1J94 APPLZCANT J REFERENCE COHIiENTS 327 S. Cleveland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 698-2986 Teaching Asaistant creg Wandersee Merriam Park Co[�unity Svca. 2000 St. Anthony Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104-5199 h) 635-9332 w) 645-7424 Terry Fenne 2227 Fremont Ave. N. Mpla., 55111 h) 529-5274 w) 379-3886 Judy Hanson 522 W. Annapolis Mendota Hgts. h) 457-6383 w) 831-7138 003297 Vang, Blong 8. 660 Charles Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 227-0740 Buaineas Consultant Kay Gudmested Preaident of WomenVenture) Suite 200 2324 Oniveraity Ane. St. Paul, 55114 h) 928-9255 w) 646-3808 PAGE 23 WARB PLANNING SEISATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -'----�-� -------- -------- --- --- ^__ 1 7 04/23/97 AP fv! Joan Peterson Director of Leadership Academy at Lakewood Co{mmunity College 3300 Century Avenue White Bear Lake wj ?73-1743 Michael Samuelson Sxec. Dir. of Planning Council District � 369 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103 w) 298-5068 003219 Villalobos, Barbara Mariela 07/26/96 H F � OS-23-97 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 24 COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commiasion FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/Ol/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CO24QENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFiER COMMITTBES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Central Legal, Inc. ;135 2757 University Avenue W. St. Paul, MN 55114 Work - 642-1890 FAR 6421875 Attorney Dan Pirrie 1425 W. Jessamine, #314 St. Paul, MN 55114 h) 649-0904 w) 774-5940 She11y WeLch (312) 275-6538 Patricia Acosta no addresa or phone ¥ provided 003272 Wehrle, Randall 2315 Highwood Maplewood, MN 55119 Home - 735-9324 Manager, Administrative Svcs. Bill Buth BOMA Director Suite 645 386 N. Wabasha, 55102 w) 291-8888 C.T. Frederickson CEO, AgriBank 375 3ackaon, 55101 w) 282-8555 Rob Rost IInited Propertiea Suite 420 801 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 305-2143 003207 Wible, Tori 30 50 W. Delos Street St. Paul� MN 55107-11Q7 Home - 228-1697 Homemaker (retired attorney) 2 3 04/07/97 W M 07J26/96 W F �� �� OS-23-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 25 COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) --° ------° �°----- ^°----- --- --- --- Justice Bather M. Tomljanovich The Judicial Center 25 Conatitution Avenue St. Paul, MN 55155 w) 296-2484 Ray Rruse 174 Delos St. W. St. Paul, 55107 h) 222-1898 Rev. James Carter House of Hope Presbyterian Church 797 Suromit Avenue, 55105 w) 227-6311 000882 Wilson, Arlend (Buzz) 728 Sima Avenue 5aint Paul, MN 55106 6 5 66 03/20/97 W M 2oning Board Home - 776-1307 Retired/Dept. Public Safety Thomas J. Podgoraki 969 Como h) 488-2834 Victor Tedesco 2178 Larry Ao Drive Rarl Neid, Jr. 1181 Duluth h) 7�1-9680 Sue Vannelli Seventh Floor, City Hall Janice Rettman 7th Floor 9-20-93 Property Code Enforcement Board & BZA Marie Gri.mm Coucilmetnber 7th Floor, City Hall h) �74-7588 w) 298-4475 Janice Rettman OS-23-97 CAMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT ���3� PAGE 26 COHI�fITTEP : P.C. Planninq Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERBNLB COMt�NTS TriARD PLANNZNG SfiNATE APP DATE ETH GEN BIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (O�R COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -°----- �------^ -------- --- --- --- 7th Floor, City Hall h) 489-8630 w) 298-5289 Sue Dimond C.O., Diatrict 5 Planning Council 2450 Como Avenue h) 642-1746 w) 774-5234