97-733council File # 9�l - rt33 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Re£erxed to Green Sheet # � 3'�3b o Co�nittee: Date 1 2 3 4 RESOLUT/ON /NDEMN/FY/NG MACALESTER COLLEGE FOR THE MART/N LUTHER K/NG/MECHAN/C ARTS/CENTRAL ALUMN/ASSOC/AT/ON TRACK MEET WHEREAS, the Martin Luther King Recreation Center and the Mechanic Arts/Central Alumni Association are hosting a track meet on June 14, 1997; and WHEREAS, there is no suitable recreation center or other public facility available in the City of Saint Paul for such a meet; and 5 WHEREAS, holding track meets and other athletic events for the citizens of the City of Saint 6 Paul to attend and participate in serves a legitimate public purpose, serves the youth of our 7 City, fosters stronger communities within the City, and leads to more such events being 8 carried on in the City; and 9 WHEREAS, the expenditure of public funds, which includes the promise of indemnification 10 and defense, for such a purpose will facilitate and enable it to take place, and 11 WHEREAS, Macalester College has agreed to allow its Stadium and athletic facilities at the 12 far southeast corner of the campus, fronting on Snelling and Saint Ctair Avenues to be used 13 for the track meet, but on the condition that it be indemnified and held harmless from 14 damages or c{aims arising out of tfie hofding of the track meet; now, therefore, be it now, 15 therefore, be it 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Councfl hereby finds that the expenditure of public funds through the indemnification of Macalester College for this event serves a valid and legitimate public purpose; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul on behalf of the City of Saint Paul hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Macalester College harmless from any and all damages it may be required to pay as a result of suits, claims, actions, judgments arising out of the said track meet and/or activities connected with such track meet, but only those matters on or in the athletic facilities whose use Macalester College has permitted and consented to and which are being used in accordance with such permission for such track meet ithe "Athletic Facilities"); and be it finally RESOLVED, that the foregoing defense and indemnification does not cover: (1) casuafty foss or property damage to Macalester College property or grounds or facilities; (2) any other occurrences or events which are not part of the said track meet and which do not occur or take place on the Athletic Facilities used for such meet; 3� q`7-�33 (3) injuries or damages arising from hidden traps or conditions, dangerous conditions 32 or instrumentalities in or on the Macaiester College campus or Ath�etic Facilities, 33 as to which said College had actual or constructive notice; 34 (4) damages or injuries arising out of lack of security, improper crowd control or 35 control of the participants in the track meet, criminal actions, or assauits, 36 batteries or other acts of voilence committed by any person or persons; and 37 t5) any damages or injuries in excess of the City's liability limits as set forth in Minn. 38 State. 466.04 (1994). Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date �9� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By Division of Pa ks and Recreation � � �, / � /f By: �a/ ..�.--_- Form Approved by City� ney By: `��Q,` a..G.,-. Approved by Mayor: Date: 5<< il[5 r By: By: �= U • for Submission to DWARTMQJT/OFFlCE/COUNCIL DATEINITIATFD � � GREEN SHEET NO�� Parks and Recreation s_5_9� �--� �.�� CONTAGT PQtSON AND PHONE INITIAI/DATE INITINJUATE Vince Gillespie 266-6408 � �o��*+wro�nECro � GITYCOUNCIL umeen wn �_an wrroFwer arr aEwc MUST BE ON COUNGL AGENDA BY (DATEI �� PDFp RNANCIAL SEFiNCES 011i �_ MAVOR IOR A,+'S15fANT1 � Pefks TOTAL i OF SiGNATURE PAGES �(CISV ALL IDCAS{OXS FOR SIGNATtRtB ACT10N RE¢UESTm: Approval of resolution indemnifying Macalester College against potential damages for which they may be held accountable associated with the Martin Luther KinglMechanic Arts/Centrel Alumni Association Track Meet. RECOMMENDATIONS: Apprwe W m fteject 6U V0t50NpL S9N{CE CONTRACTS MYST AN6W0t T44EiOl10WINti QYESTONS: PLANNING GOMMISSION _,CIVIL SEAVICE COMMISSION 7, Has thia parsoNFitm aw worked wMer a eontracc for this tlepartment7 CIB COMMITTEE _ VES NO A STAFF Z- Hae ttus persailti�m ever baen a aty empioyeei �DISTRICTCOUNCIL ! VES NO 3. Doas Mis person(firm poaseae a akill no[ normally possessetl W any ammf ciry employee� SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE7 yE$ NO Ezpiain e0 y0s emwen on cepante aheet and aimeh fn 9�� %M1�t INITIATING PqOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY M1Nho, Whrt, When, Where, Why): The opportunity for the Martin Luther King Recreation Center and others to host a track meet. ADVANTAGES IP APPROVED: The participants of the track team for the Martin Luther King Recreation Center would have the opportunity to host a track meet. DISADVANTAGESIGAPPROVFD: �� ��� None JU�! I 2 '��� DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVE�. ----- - ---_--'- � The participants of the Martin Luther King Recreation Center track team would not have the opportunity to host a track meet. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION S COST/REVENUEBUDGEfED(CIRCLEONq YES No FlINOING SOU0.CE ACTINTY NMABFR FINANGIAL INFORMATION: IIXPLAINI q�-�33 � :,� �:,�,am JERRY BLAKEY Coimc�member CZTY OF SAINT P�UL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM June 10, 1997 f1�s7I FROM: � Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Michael Harris Couucilmember Roberta Megazd Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Giadys Morton Councilmember Jerry Blak� .YI Suspension Item City Council Meering Wednesday, June 11,1997 Attached is a copy of a Resolution, with Green Sheet No. 36402, that I will be bringing in Under Suspension at the City Council Meering on this Wednesday, June 11, 1997. The Resolution deals with: Approval of resolution indemnifying Macalester College against poten6al damages for which they may be held accountable associated with the Martin Luther King/Mechanic Arts/Central Almnni Association Track Meet , to be held on June 14,1997 Thank you for your attention; and shoutd you have any questions, please give my office a call. JB:cln Attachments cc: Nancy Anderson CTI'Y HALL THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612l266-8610 5�46 Pr:nted on Recpcletl Paper council File # 9�l - rt33 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Re£erxed to Green Sheet # � 3'�3b o Co�nittee: Date 1 2 3 4 RESOLUT/ON /NDEMN/FY/NG MACALESTER COLLEGE FOR THE MART/N LUTHER K/NG/MECHAN/C ARTS/CENTRAL ALUMN/ASSOC/AT/ON TRACK MEET WHEREAS, the Martin Luther King Recreation Center and the Mechanic Arts/Central Alumni Association are hosting a track meet on June 14, 1997; and WHEREAS, there is no suitable recreation center or other public facility available in the City of Saint Paul for such a meet; and 5 WHEREAS, holding track meets and other athletic events for the citizens of the City of Saint 6 Paul to attend and participate in serves a legitimate public purpose, serves the youth of our 7 City, fosters stronger communities within the City, and leads to more such events being 8 carried on in the City; and 9 WHEREAS, the expenditure of public funds, which includes the promise of indemnification 10 and defense, for such a purpose will facilitate and enable it to take place, and 11 WHEREAS, Macalester College has agreed to allow its Stadium and athletic facilities at the 12 far southeast corner of the campus, fronting on Snelling and Saint Ctair Avenues to be used 13 for the track meet, but on the condition that it be indemnified and held harmless from 14 damages or c{aims arising out of tfie hofding of the track meet; now, therefore, be it now, 15 therefore, be it 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Councfl hereby finds that the expenditure of public funds through the indemnification of Macalester College for this event serves a valid and legitimate public purpose; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul on behalf of the City of Saint Paul hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Macalester College harmless from any and all damages it may be required to pay as a result of suits, claims, actions, judgments arising out of the said track meet and/or activities connected with such track meet, but only those matters on or in the athletic facilities whose use Macalester College has permitted and consented to and which are being used in accordance with such permission for such track meet ithe "Athletic Facilities"); and be it finally RESOLVED, that the foregoing defense and indemnification does not cover: (1) casuafty foss or property damage to Macalester College property or grounds or facilities; (2) any other occurrences or events which are not part of the said track meet and which do not occur or take place on the Athletic Facilities used for such meet; 3� q`7-�33 (3) injuries or damages arising from hidden traps or conditions, dangerous conditions 32 or instrumentalities in or on the Macaiester College campus or Ath�etic Facilities, 33 as to which said College had actual or constructive notice; 34 (4) damages or injuries arising out of lack of security, improper crowd control or 35 control of the participants in the track meet, criminal actions, or assauits, 36 batteries or other acts of voilence committed by any person or persons; and 37 t5) any damages or injuries in excess of the City's liability limits as set forth in Minn. 38 State. 466.04 (1994). Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date �9� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By Division of Pa ks and Recreation � � �, / � /f By: �a/ ..�.--_- Form Approved by City� ney By: `��Q,` a..G.,-. Approved by Mayor: Date: 5<< il[5 r By: By: �= U • for Submission to DWARTMQJT/OFFlCE/COUNCIL DATEINITIATFD � � GREEN SHEET NO�� Parks and Recreation s_5_9� �--� �.�� CONTAGT PQtSON AND PHONE INITIAI/DATE INITINJUATE Vince Gillespie 266-6408 � �o��*+wro�nECro � GITYCOUNCIL umeen wn �_an wrroFwer arr aEwc MUST BE ON COUNGL AGENDA BY (DATEI �� PDFp RNANCIAL SEFiNCES 011i �_ MAVOR IOR A,+'S15fANT1 � Pefks TOTAL i OF SiGNATURE PAGES �(CISV ALL IDCAS{OXS FOR SIGNATtRtB ACT10N RE¢UESTm: Approval of resolution indemnifying Macalester College against potential damages for which they may be held accountable associated with the Martin Luther KinglMechanic Arts/Centrel Alumni Association Track Meet. RECOMMENDATIONS: Apprwe W m fteject 6U V0t50NpL S9N{CE CONTRACTS MYST AN6W0t T44EiOl10WINti QYESTONS: PLANNING GOMMISSION _,CIVIL SEAVICE COMMISSION 7, Has thia parsoNFitm aw worked wMer a eontracc for this tlepartment7 CIB COMMITTEE _ VES NO A STAFF Z- Hae ttus persailti�m ever baen a aty empioyeei �DISTRICTCOUNCIL ! VES NO 3. Doas Mis person(firm poaseae a akill no[ normally possessetl W any ammf ciry employee� SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE7 yE$ NO Ezpiain e0 y0s emwen on cepante aheet and aimeh fn 9�� %M1�t INITIATING PqOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY M1Nho, Whrt, When, Where, Why): The opportunity for the Martin Luther King Recreation Center and others to host a track meet. ADVANTAGES IP APPROVED: The participants of the track team for the Martin Luther King Recreation Center would have the opportunity to host a track meet. DISADVANTAGESIGAPPROVFD: �� ��� None JU�! I 2 '��� DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVE�. ----- - ---_--'- � The participants of the Martin Luther King Recreation Center track team would not have the opportunity to host a track meet. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION S COST/REVENUEBUDGEfED(CIRCLEONq YES No FlINOING SOU0.CE ACTINTY NMABFR FINANGIAL INFORMATION: IIXPLAINI q�-�33 � :,� �:,�,am JERRY BLAKEY Coimc�member CZTY OF SAINT P�UL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM June 10, 1997 f1�s7I FROM: � Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Michael Harris Couucilmember Roberta Megazd Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Giadys Morton Councilmember Jerry Blak� .YI Suspension Item City Council Meering Wednesday, June 11,1997 Attached is a copy of a Resolution, with Green Sheet No. 36402, that I will be bringing in Under Suspension at the City Council Meering on this Wednesday, June 11, 1997. The Resolution deals with: Approval of resolution indemnifying Macalester College against poten6al damages for which they may be held accountable associated with the Martin Luther King/Mechanic Arts/Central Almnni Association Track Meet , to be held on June 14,1997 Thank you for your attention; and shoutd you have any questions, please give my office a call. JB:cln Attachments cc: Nancy Anderson CTI'Y HALL THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612l266-8610 5�46 Pr:nted on Recpcletl Paper council File # 9�l - rt33 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Re£erxed to Green Sheet # � 3'�3b o Co�nittee: Date 1 2 3 4 RESOLUT/ON /NDEMN/FY/NG MACALESTER COLLEGE FOR THE MART/N LUTHER K/NG/MECHAN/C ARTS/CENTRAL ALUMN/ASSOC/AT/ON TRACK MEET WHEREAS, the Martin Luther King Recreation Center and the Mechanic Arts/Central Alumni Association are hosting a track meet on June 14, 1997; and WHEREAS, there is no suitable recreation center or other public facility available in the City of Saint Paul for such a meet; and 5 WHEREAS, holding track meets and other athletic events for the citizens of the City of Saint 6 Paul to attend and participate in serves a legitimate public purpose, serves the youth of our 7 City, fosters stronger communities within the City, and leads to more such events being 8 carried on in the City; and 9 WHEREAS, the expenditure of public funds, which includes the promise of indemnification 10 and defense, for such a purpose will facilitate and enable it to take place, and 11 WHEREAS, Macalester College has agreed to allow its Stadium and athletic facilities at the 12 far southeast corner of the campus, fronting on Snelling and Saint Ctair Avenues to be used 13 for the track meet, but on the condition that it be indemnified and held harmless from 14 damages or c{aims arising out of tfie hofding of the track meet; now, therefore, be it now, 15 therefore, be it 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Councfl hereby finds that the expenditure of public funds through the indemnification of Macalester College for this event serves a valid and legitimate public purpose; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul on behalf of the City of Saint Paul hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Macalester College harmless from any and all damages it may be required to pay as a result of suits, claims, actions, judgments arising out of the said track meet and/or activities connected with such track meet, but only those matters on or in the athletic facilities whose use Macalester College has permitted and consented to and which are being used in accordance with such permission for such track meet ithe "Athletic Facilities"); and be it finally RESOLVED, that the foregoing defense and indemnification does not cover: (1) casuafty foss or property damage to Macalester College property or grounds or facilities; (2) any other occurrences or events which are not part of the said track meet and which do not occur or take place on the Athletic Facilities used for such meet; 3� q`7-�33 (3) injuries or damages arising from hidden traps or conditions, dangerous conditions 32 or instrumentalities in or on the Macaiester College campus or Ath�etic Facilities, 33 as to which said College had actual or constructive notice; 34 (4) damages or injuries arising out of lack of security, improper crowd control or 35 control of the participants in the track meet, criminal actions, or assauits, 36 batteries or other acts of voilence committed by any person or persons; and 37 t5) any damages or injuries in excess of the City's liability limits as set forth in Minn. 38 State. 466.04 (1994). Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date �9� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By Division of Pa ks and Recreation � � �, / � /f By: �a/ ..�.--_- Form Approved by City� ney By: `��Q,` a..G.,-. Approved by Mayor: Date: 5<< il[5 r By: By: �= U • for Submission to DWARTMQJT/OFFlCE/COUNCIL DATEINITIATFD � � GREEN SHEET NO�� Parks and Recreation s_5_9� �--� �.�� CONTAGT PQtSON AND PHONE INITIAI/DATE INITINJUATE Vince Gillespie 266-6408 � �o��*+wro�nECro � GITYCOUNCIL umeen wn �_an wrroFwer arr aEwc MUST BE ON COUNGL AGENDA BY (DATEI �� PDFp RNANCIAL SEFiNCES 011i �_ MAVOR IOR A,+'S15fANT1 � Pefks TOTAL i OF SiGNATURE PAGES �(CISV ALL IDCAS{OXS FOR SIGNATtRtB ACT10N RE¢UESTm: Approval of resolution indemnifying Macalester College against potential damages for which they may be held accountable associated with the Martin Luther KinglMechanic Arts/Centrel Alumni Association Track Meet. RECOMMENDATIONS: Apprwe W m fteject 6U V0t50NpL S9N{CE CONTRACTS MYST AN6W0t T44EiOl10WINti QYESTONS: PLANNING GOMMISSION _,CIVIL SEAVICE COMMISSION 7, Has thia parsoNFitm aw worked wMer a eontracc for this tlepartment7 CIB COMMITTEE _ VES NO A STAFF Z- Hae ttus persailti�m ever baen a aty empioyeei �DISTRICTCOUNCIL ! VES NO 3. Doas Mis person(firm poaseae a akill no[ normally possessetl W any ammf ciry employee� SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE7 yE$ NO Ezpiain e0 y0s emwen on cepante aheet and aimeh fn 9�� %M1�t INITIATING PqOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY M1Nho, Whrt, When, Where, Why): The opportunity for the Martin Luther King Recreation Center and others to host a track meet. ADVANTAGES IP APPROVED: The participants of the track team for the Martin Luther King Recreation Center would have the opportunity to host a track meet. DISADVANTAGESIGAPPROVFD: �� ��� None JU�! I 2 '��� DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVE�. ----- - ---_--'- � The participants of the Martin Luther King Recreation Center track team would not have the opportunity to host a track meet. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION S COST/REVENUEBUDGEfED(CIRCLEONq YES No FlINOING SOU0.CE ACTINTY NMABFR FINANGIAL INFORMATION: IIXPLAINI q�-�33 � :,� �:,�,am JERRY BLAKEY Coimc�member CZTY OF SAINT P�UL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM June 10, 1997 f1�s7I FROM: � Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Michael Harris Couucilmember Roberta Megazd Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Giadys Morton Councilmember Jerry Blak� .YI Suspension Item City Council Meering Wednesday, June 11,1997 Attached is a copy of a Resolution, with Green Sheet No. 36402, that I will be bringing in Under Suspension at the City Council Meering on this Wednesday, June 11, 1997. The Resolution deals with: Approval of resolution indemnifying Macalester College against poten6al damages for which they may be held accountable associated with the Martin Luther King/Mechanic Arts/Central Almnni Association Track Meet , to be held on June 14,1997 Thank you for your attention; and shoutd you have any questions, please give my office a call. JB:cln Attachments cc: Nancy Anderson CTI'Y HALL THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612l266-8610 5�46 Pr:nted on Recpcletl Paper