97-729Commcil File # l l� 1 a�q 4RIGINAL ORDINANCE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Ordinance # Csreen Sheet # � `�� � 33 Presented By Referred To Committee Date : An ordinance to allow certain holders of 3.2 percant malt liquor licenses to waive the dramshop insurance coverage requuements in accordance with state law THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 410.035 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 410.035. Insurance requirements. No license under this chapter may be issued, maintained or renewed unless the licensee or applicant therefor complies with the insurance requirements imposed by Mivuesota Statutes, Section 340A.409, , , • , � . Such insurance coverage shall comply with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, Section 340A.409 and Chapters 7 and 8 of this Legislative Code. PPIp1 LCItCn SEP 21 i999 1 qq -��� 2 Section 2 3 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days following its passage, approval 5 and publication. P�RIf.cNF� 5 EP � 1 �999 Requested by Department of: By: v� . Approved by M or. Date �`3 q q BY: � `� � Adopted by Council: Date _����� � 5 `�q ) Adoption Ceztified by Council S reta� �� J/L !j// OFFICS OF Li$p Datee C7REEN SHEET �tobert xessler July 19, 1999 q 266-9112 �O 64875 q� •? � &PARIMENT DIRHCII�R ITY COUNCIL � ITY ATtORN6Y ITY CLSRR •ams� ust be On Council Agenda by: '� ��' nzxscrox IN. E MGl. SVC. DIR. � SAP 3 zox rox nssxsrr�err OTAL # OF SIGNATIIRB PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL CATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: ordinance to allow certain holders of 3.2 percent malt liquor licenses to aive the dramshop insurance coverage requirements in accordance with State law. COM�ffiNDATIONS: APPROVS (A) OR RSJBCL (R) ERSONAL SSRVICS CONTRACfS MQST ANSpER TH& POLIAMIIIG� PLANNZNG CON4IZSSION CIVIL SsRVICE COM9ISSION 1. Hae the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIH GV[MiITPEE _ BUSZNESS REVIEW �UNCIL YES NO STAFF _ R3g this person)Pixm ever been a City employee? DISIRICP COURT _ YHS NO 3. Doee this pereon/fizm possess a skill not normally possessed by any SUPPORTS WHIC[i COUNCZL OgJECTIVE? Current City employee? YES NO laia sil Y89 aasvera oa a aegarate eLeat aafl attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): State law now allows certain holders of 3.2 percent malt liquor licenses to aive the dramshop insurance requirements. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: The Saint Paul Legislative Code will comply with State law. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one apparent. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Saint Paul Legislative Code will not comply with 5tate law. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVSNUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �cu�c�� �ese�r�i� Genter , .:, : «;:. t _ 71q �: ._ � ' k /. l. City of St. Paul �m�avD�l� RESOLVPION RATIFYING ASSES5MENT 6 ���1 9 `� 0 � Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of bene£its, cost and expenses for 2 J9705AA (9740) SLUnmary abatements (snow removal and/or sanding walks) for winter of 1997 for properties located at: 2106 Marshall Ave, 473 Cretin Ave S, 1857 Cottage Ave E, 2176 Stillwater Ave and 695 St Anthony Ave. J9704A4 (9741) Summary abatements for 111Q Forest 5t TO LEGILATIVE HEARING OFFICIs'R - 6-3-97 LAID OVSR BY COUNCIL ON 5-14-97 TO 6-11-97 V' m� � t�n c r� . oC ` b lo a�� Preliminary . 39705AA, 39704A4 � [�v C . LW� yr� �� l \ _.. ,_ � �-; \ � �,.t0.��,-- A v e - �S c SSVr�e..-�� \ S `0.�ti V '�� �e� k� � �r7. Sa Final Order xx approved xx A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the°above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects rati£ied. RBSOLVSD FURTHBR, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equal installments. COUNCILPERSON Ye�as� Nays �Blakey � s trom �l l ins t�fi rris Megard-F'khsQ �n Favor �orton Thune -Abscai� �gainst a- �}�SerJ'}- Adopted by the Council: Date �� Certified Passes by Council Secretary Assessment No. 9740, 9741 TO.LEGISLATIVE HEARING OFFICER - 6-3-97 q��� ap 1 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 5-14-97 TO 6-11-97 RE 5-19-97 ����� AFFICrdCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DTVISION 5-15-97 G REEN SH EET CONfACT PERSON & PHONE MITIAVDATE WRIAVDATE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �CRYCOUNqL Roxanna Flink 266-8859 A ��� N �CRYATfORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGE DA BY (DATE) NUYBEP FOA ❑ BUDGET DIFECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES O�R. LAID OVER BY xounxc COUNCIL ON 5-14-97 TO 6-11-97 OHDEN �MAYOR(OflASSI5fANT) � Council Re earch TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTIONREQUESTED: F7.12 NO. S J9705AA, 9740 & J970 A4, 97 1 At Council's request on 5-14-97 Summ Abatements for winter 1997 for properties at: 2106 Marshall Ave, 473 Cretin Ave S, 1857 Cottage Ave E, 2ll6 Stillwater Ave & 695 St Anthony Ave. and Summ Abate for 111� Forest St weie laid over foi further discussion. FiECAMMENDAT10N5: Appmve (A) or Reject (F) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIANNING COMMISSION _ G�VIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �- Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this departmaM? _CIBCOMMITfEE VES NO A STAFF A Public Heal th 2. Has mis person�rm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DIS7RIGicOUR7 _ 3. Does this persorVFirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWNICHCOUNqLO&IECTIVE7 W8TC1 Z YES NO Explain ell yes answ¢rs on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet Neighborhoods INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. W�at. When, Where. Why)� "SEE ORIGINAL GREEN SHEET NUMBER'S 39518 & 39521" ADVANTAGES IF APPpOVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPFOVED. C�6li1C94 �?�s�Ti>t1 �4i#�1' �..: .. �. -:� �JJ7 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: 70TAL AMOUN7 OF iHANSAC710N $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOHKfiATION: (E%PL41N) City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Dept. of Technology � Maaagemeat Serv. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF COUNCIL FILE NO. File No. J9705AA, J9704A4 Assessment No. 9740, 9741 °►'i - � �1 Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 2 J9705AA (9740) Summary abatements (snow removal and/or sanding walks) for winter of 1997 for properties located at: 2106 Marshall Ave, 473 Cretin Ave S, 1857 Cottage Ave E, 2176 Stillwater Ave and 695 St Anthony Ave. J9704A4 (9741) Swnmary abatements for 1110 Forest St TO LEGILATIVE HEARING OFFICER - 6-3-97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 5-14-97 TO 6-11-97 Preliminary Final Order To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs Engineering and Inspection Valuation and AsseSSment Services Administration Charge - Public Health Re-Check Charge - Public Health Abatement Service Charge TOTAL EXPENDITURES Charge To Net Assessment $_954.00 $ $ $ $_87.50 $,90.00 $1,131.50 $ $ $1,131.50 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $1,131.50 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been oompleted, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. /�- r � J Dated J - �lo - �/7 ��� �. � ��1��,�-f� „ _�V�luation and Assessment Engineer fI�f To Legislative Hearing Officer - April 1, 1997 Date - Anril 9, 1997 1 Estate be in Office � a�-�aq RE 1-24-97 3951`= _ 1-1,-y, GREEN SHEET IhRIAVDATE iNiT1ALDATE �DEPAPTMENTD�RECTOR �LRYLOUNqL '�+N � CRY ATSORNEY � CRY CLEFK 18EA FON ITING � BUDGET D�RECTOii O FIN. d MGT. SEflVIGES DIR )ER �MqyOFi(OAASSISTANTj 0 Council Research TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� J9704A, 9716; J9701B, 9718; J9702B, 9719; J9701TDBC, 9720 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Summary Abate from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997; from mid-June to mid-Sept 1996 and Boardings-up £or July and Aug 1996. aECOMMENDAT10N5: ApD� (A) a Rejeci (R) �. PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE �sro�F A Public Health __ DISTRICiCOURT A Vacant Bldes. SUPPORTSwHICHCOUNCIIOBJECTNE2 HTard 2 Neighboorhoods PERSONAL SERVICE CONTpACTS MUS7ANSWEp THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has this person�rm ever worked under a comract fm Mis daparimeM? YES NO 2. � Has t�is personKrm ever been a uty employee7 YES NO 3. Does this person/Firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cunent cify employee7 YES NO Explaln ell yes enswera on seperets sheet anC ettech to green aheet VI�tATING PROBLEM, l5$UE.OPPORTUNITy (Wlro, Whai, Whan, WAere, Why): Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not kept up. _ _...._--......._.__. Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Summary Abatements and Boardings-up. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofa chairs and a11 other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross walks. If Council does not approve these charges, 6eneral Fund wouid be required to pay the assessment. Assessments payable over 1 year and collected with the property taxes if not paid. neighborhoods would be left io deteriorate and property values would decline Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties Rodents, filth garbage and trash would accumlate everywhere. Disease and pests could become a problem. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S �� • 371 • �� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (C�RCLE ONE) YES NO �l FUNDIIiG50URCE ASSESSmeT1tS 0711V � ACTIVITYNUMBER FINANGIqI.INFORNiRT10N (EXPLAIN) ' 267 property o w ill be no[ ified of the public hearing and charges. To Legislati��e Hearing OfCcer - n4ay 6, 1997 Public Hearing Date - n4ay 14, 1997 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION :ontan Peisoa and Pboae Number: Roxana Flink � 266-8859 be on Couual Agenda by: 3-26-97 be in CouncS Research Olfice Date: � RE-3-7-97 7�7Z 3/5/97 Green Sheet i�`umber: 39521 EPARP..4E.'.T DIRECfOR CI7Y COL:�CIL A7?OA\'EY ITY CLERK L'DG£T DTRECTOR '- S AfGT. SVC. DIR. noon on Friday 3-1497 I iAYOR (OR ASSLS[A.+�'n 1 cot�ca �seaxce IiAL f OF SIG?�ATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IACATIO?�S FOR SIG\ATURE) TiOn REQUESTID: J9705B, 9725; J9705C, 97?6; J97051B, 9727; J9705A, 9728 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Boardings-up for :�'ov & Dec 1996, Demolitions far Dec 1996 - Jan 1997 and Summ Abate for winter of 1997. ru�. co>nvmo� Cm COTII.n7TEE mLS .vhidh Counril Objective ?�eighborhoods A n� A Pebiic HnM A �•am� e�u. Ward 2 Au the persoaffirm evec W orked voder a contraM foz tbis department? Aa5 chis pe:sonJfirm ever been a City employee? Does this person/fvm possess a sl:ill not aormally possessed by any current Cit}' employee? E�pltin ail YES answers on a sepuate sheet and attach. YES h0 YES NO YES NO PROBLEM, ISSIIE, OPPORTU:�IY'1' (tifio, Rfiat, Rfien, R'Lere, R'6y^): Properfy oK�ners or renters creafe a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul w�hen their propertv is not kePt un. 1F APPRO\'ED: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Boardings-up, Demolitions and Summary Abatements. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away ali garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, ali household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidew�aik and cross walks. IF APPROVED: If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. � Assessme�ts are payable over 1 year and collected with the property taJCes if not IF NOT APPRO�'ED; Neighborhoods would be left to deteriorate and property values would decline. Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties, Rodents, fiIth, garbage and trash would accumulate every��Here. Disease and pests could become a problem. AMOUIPfOFTAANSACf10N: $ 514 ,268.23 COSTlREVET'UEBUDGE7'ED(CIRCLEONE7 �s No sovace: Assessments I?�ANCIAL II�'FOR7�fAT10.'�`: (E7iFLAII.� 228 property owners will be notified of the ACTTVITY 7�'UMBER: and � �� t� V � � N N w O • O t•J . O • O 6 d T � � M F C w � M � M p. � N • N O C . N . W 2 � N • N N � O O N � O O O 1� O� O O O �I O F� O Ih O 11 1!1 � O V1 O II I(t z . , n . n J� NN V1 II N� ON V� 11 I� O� O �.- 11 M� V � � 11 �D K S� �(R W 11 � �(A fR II � U 6 r(q II M. fA I� W II 11 C C � II 11 W O • 11 11 C'1 H r II II 6 U � II 11 Z 6 • ll 11 Q �I II £ N� O O O � O O O /- � O O O � O O O O � � 000 y(�00 �T 2 � OV10 ��i�NO r 7 � P • IllO� 00� C � O �t iG O � r U £ LL � N N 6 W� 000 J� 000 �-�000 •000 ¢�000 ��000 a � . . . . . . @ �tf1� � a �-y\� N = � N a N o � n z• P � � y � � F � K K � K 6 • W W • W W � W Vl U' � W N U' � � i-- z . r � O W� d F¢ a� 6 f¢ S � o�OS y � mOs 6 � G'UU �( � 6U O �-- a � Y • Y X W • Y Y W p.' • u'U U � 6'U V J O� G W� � G W r+ r� S x> � g x> C 7 U� S U C �£[ J K 2 LL � J w W � D W W � tqCfO � N6'fn K S ' { N � J � £ J F- O J Q Z • W W �; J, o f O r � W z w �s¢ > F- F- O d M � z w u.M W a ae • z � • o �- � U � O 1- O � tA � Y£� Z � 1-�O 2 W• K Ill � Z J U C� 6 W � W W � O. . Y N � Z�+- ln J Y• OJQ� � W O�tQll� (p F� 1' U M W P •(. M W N � K� W J�O � ZF J�{ O. W � TNNd` � Q�+I-'d` n+o�< <� o O� 2 41 it •� K N J* C� N£ r k O� 6� • O 6• W Q O • W � p C J 3� C N O 3 � W � M � �Y • P � m � P O O � O • O � O N r M � d � wt � N • N � M � N � [V � N • P � P � P � N � N • N . M � � . N � N � N � M � O O O II O� O O O II O� P O O 11 O� • O Vl O �I V� � O 1!1 O 11 �A � O N O II N� .0 .a •u � N N �ll II N� 1!� N 1!1 II N� N N N 11 N• � o � � II M� O�- � II M� O � r- II M� � W N tl e� e� (A fp 1� � �(A W II � � � II � � � il � � � 11 � � II II II II II II tl h Il II �I 11 11 II 11 14 11 11 il 11 II � O O O � O O O � O O O � O O O � O O O � O O O • O O O � O O O � O O O � O I!1 O � O Vl O Q� O V� O � v� O � � vl O.- �/� � v� O � • O � O If � � O 1 c _ ,^/ � l' � � O O O � O O O � O O O •000 �000 �f�000 �000 �000 000 ��r ��� �r� ' N�- , N� A I Na- ' y K K K • W W • W W • W W • W NU' � W NU' � W lnU' r F K � 1- C � F- C �aaa �¢fa �a�a � m O x � m O x � m O x • Q U f J � 6 U U � Q U U � T Y lv! � Y Y W � Y Y W � 6 W�+ � Q W�+ � Q= r � £ 2 > • £ S > • £ > � � I�C � f UK � £UK �� W W �� W W �� W W � Vl 6' N � fq Y' t/1 � fA L' !A •, Q U W W C W F 1- � 2 f vi o z o � s � o � f O 2 i O Z � N N 2 S � U' W ti� W r p O� W � Y y N J 2 Y N � W JQM � O Y61� � W Jq�O • x M W � � O J W{O ^� S[L W � � J�O � Q[A J N • LL O J 1!1 � � Z`Il6` O.� � G'..f�6� r � W V'� �� P � 41 Y N � a s . x . . � .� . � r F- M O � z Y* D �� o� x O� • Q O � W O �� � O • x � 3 �£-+ 3 � e1 4 � 3� I� . 1� . 1� A f� P+ � P• P� Q� • P� W' 4 M M N� W N� W M • N•£ M N r Q O W �� W O �� Wf� "I N i w w.� m � m. vt > O 6. 9 d d� I� 7N "iN � NM • 1- W�t WN • altl N� 260J P 1' • � M 6 O r � W O� W� P�i O� M K O• W �T Y O� w� 1' W ' Z WN> Q�Q � 1' KP W � tAY�12 Vt y. p��.�Q 706•�} �WW.-F-••K200• Q• H N J 1i �£ Q^ LL� J W V� W LL � J 1-� a� Q LL � W O�' S�+ a• 2QNQ0 a 1 vi20 ��C�v�t�0 • JQu�30 • t-2tnF-O � N X� W^ � Z � W 2 Vl r+ � W Q Q •+ 31(t J r W F� V1 Z O Q• £O Vl fn N� W !-Vl � Y 1-2 f(n �£� Jfq � dZ QN � r r W��nC 6• t- HZ W 6 r ti.-. tiQ � �2.+6 � 62 6� � c�O 6 � tn w£ a' � O£O � �� £ F- P C� 6w 2'E t'J . 2C UC:I � U UC'J . �- NC.1 . t- fAU � O O� 2(� £ 2� J Q U J 2� N J 2 �}(q J Z � J(A J Z• .. � Q �D.� � £ �M� � tuW�i�... � 41 7�Orr � W �V�� � K� £M ZO p� 2�MQAC �-� Qvi� � K�OQI�O . 4 V1¢PC � vl w. PQ� m� 6 W 1�6d'm � ml�2t0¢ ��+1��.�2 � xP6�02 � 2� �- M U' N 41 � i- 41 �? O W � Q 4(� � W � N W � U�O Q lLL � �? 3 � U>40p � NI-01-02 � x�F-OS • wNi-OO_ � �O�-Oa � � o. aowx s� mrnomx a� c�.-wx •��o � forn� �� � O O O 11 O O Vl O 11 N • II O N Ih II I� , o .o n n a in w w n �o � II � 11 11 u 1� 11 I 1� II 11 11 11 11 II C 11 • W W 11 W N (:J II r z n 6 E 4 �1 [OOS 11 4 U U 11 11 TYLYIIJ K U U II Q Q W � 11 I� £ s > II O S U 6� 11 F � W W II N C N 11 F- 11 U J J J II W 6Q611 r�-rno 0 0 o n a t-�rna y J W U 1 0. f X W O N W U K 6 6 N �t� -'? a9 � � ry � O W p • N C� O Q C T H N K W N 4 N O C P d N � N %� O O O 11 O 1- � 0 0 0 II O Z • � U J � �TVtN il �? O � P N.- II M d' £ � M#flfA 11 .T U Q i M 11 (A 11 K K . Il W O � �� C� � � n 6 U � 0 < Q . II 6 11 S N • o O O 1- • 000 � O O O Q 2� O O O � � • P V � !- K P at O • M F- i- U '£ Q W N 6 W� O O O F- � 000 Q � O O O �T K Q �- N N .T 1- � N � O I+ 2 P � r V W O s rl 6 • W W � W tnC:l C i r d' O W • 6 � Q u f• m p x Q Q U U F- 2 N � } y W 5 � K tJ U J O � Q W � F � E S 7 U' fJ � £ U K Z 4� 7 W W w � NK fn K 6 W S 4- , 2 W S £ O w > '- O 6 N K 1- p K • 2 £ U � U' � N �T W W U Q ' 2 p ^ s Y J Y� W Q J M F^ � J [O J K • J�T d W � � t!1 a > � o . �- �n K � NF-1- a aoo W J J W 7 ti > a tu M J � �D , Y > r N � N f� �XZ�O P K� d � N O• w . m ¢ �o �- vi > � S�r-o v� .. 6' 6 O N � 4 � Yr vi�-O � N X � �- �n 4� O 6� W W N W 41 � ��o�wzm¢� � »zfo �O u' � O LL c� � N O • 04�-� 2 � .. � 6> >O.. � 1' � N O O Q � O' v� w � o.-a.-z � z � � ¢�- �w . �T 3 � Osr-i-On � �- O • i-UON�k i � 000IIO O O O tl O • II • vNN Ilv P N !- 11 M M (A W II �t N I� (A 11 u n 11 u II il N I I J �1 W 11 V I I K n a 11 6 K I I • W W �1 1- 1u 4J l� 11 6 F- K II ^z m O i n X QUU11 W �1 T Y W 11 _t O C U [> I� Q aw�-nr f x > n o £ V C Ii F- N � W W 11 J N 6' N 11 V- W 11 U U J J J I I W C ¢6¢n� ¢ t- f- '- u o a OOOIIK F� F�- F II O. r' �t� -� a � a� -�a� REPORT: Date: June 3, 1997 Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 Ciry Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard LEGISLATIVE HEARING Gerry Strathman Legislative Hearing Officer 1. Resolution rarifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following (I,aid over from May 6, 1997 Legislative Hearing): 2106 Marshall Ave. (J9705AA) 473 Cretin Ave. S. (J9705AA) 1857 E. Cottage Ave. (J9705AA) 2176 Stillwater Ave. (J9705AA) 695 St. Anthony Ave. (J9705AA) 1110 Forest St. (J9704A4) Legislative Aearing Officer recommended approval of the assessments with the following exceptions: 2106 Marshall (J9705AA) laid over to June 17, 1997 2176 Stillwater Avenue (J9705AA) reduce assessment to $37.50 2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced bniiding, located at 1359 �lair Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public fiealth is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to October 11, 1997. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at$�4 Western Avenue North. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval. q�t-� s�► 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced buiiding located at�5 i ig,�n Street. If the owner fails to comply wiffi the resolution, Public Heaith is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Ofecer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to 180 days. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at�77 Kent Street. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Eiealth is ordered to remove the building. Legisla6ve Hearing Officer recommended approval. 6. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at.�.�7 fiarrison Avenue. If the owner faiis to comply with the resolution, Public Heatth is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended laying this matter over to July 1, 1997. 7. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at�i5 Sherburne Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. I,egislative Hearing Officer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the strueture to 180 days if the $20f1 vacant building fee is paid and $2,000 bond is posted by noon on June 11, 1997. 8. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 774 C�itol Heights. If the owner fails to compiy with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Ofticer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to November 12, 1997. 9. Summary abatement appeai for 1176 Portland Avenue; Bonnie 7. Iiughes, appellant. The appeal was withdrawn �1�-`�a9 MINUTES OF LEGISLATIVE HEARING June 3, 1997 Room 330, City Hall Gerry 3tratUman, Legislative Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Votel, Guy Willits, Public Heatth; Roxanna Flink, Real Estate. Gerry Strathman, I.egislative Heating Officer, called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. I2esolution ratifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following (Iaid over from May 6, 1997 Legislative Hearing): 2106 Marshall Ave. (J9705AA) 473 Cretin Ave. S. (J9705AA) 1857 E. Cottage Ave. (J9705AA) 2176 Stiliwater Ave. (J9705AA) 695 St. Anthony Ave. (J9705AA) 1110 Forest St. (J9704A4) Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval oF the assessments with the following exceptions: 2106 Mazshall (J9705AA) laid over to June 17, 1997 2176 Stillwater Avenue (J9705AA) reduce assessment to $37.50 1857 E. Cotta�e Avenue Guy Willits, Public IIealth, showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. Orders were mailed on January 30, 1947, to remove snow from the walk. A recheck was done on February 3, 1997; and the city did the work on February 5, 1997. Mary Kelly, properry owner, appeazed and stated that she was having back probiems and could not shovel her sidewalk. During that time is when they had the ice storm and she tried chopping the ice but she didn't have the strength. Mr. Stcathman stated it is the property owner's responsibility to shovel the walk or make arrangements to have it done. The video cleazly shows the work was done by city crews and recommended approving the assessment. 473 Cretin Avenue S. No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 4 I110 F�rest Guy Willits, Public Health, showed a video of the properry and reviewed the staff report. Orders were mailed on October 31, 1996 to remove mattresses, couch, refrigerators, refuse, carpeting, and discazded range. A recheck was done on November 8, 1996, the properry was not cleaned up, and the work was done by the city on November 19, 1996. Chadoua and Youa Vue, pmperty owners, appeared. Mr. Vue stated that tttey bought the properiy on September 16, 1996. The previous owner fived an the property until October 5, 1996. When she moved out, she told them she would clean everything including the basement and the garage. She unlocked the garage so that it would be easy for her people to move things out. They waited for her to come back and in the meantime, they put some of her things in the back yazd so they coutd clean building for people moving in. Everything that was taken from the back yard and guage belonged to the previous owner. Mr. Sordthman inquired where the orders were sent. Mr, Votet responded tt�at they were mailed to Bob Van Lee at 1110 Forest, the previovs owner. Orders were also posted at the properry, there was no phone listing, and the garage was not secured. Mr. Vue stated that the oniy order he saw was the one dated December 24, 1996. Mr. Strathman stated that the order mailed October 31, 1996, was sent to the previous owner because she was listed on the tas records as the official owner. The previous owner had a 1ega1 obligation to inform the new owners that this order was outstanding. The city is required under the law to send notice to the properiy owner as recorded at the Ramsey county properry taxation. The city followed the proper legal procedures, the video clearly shows the work was done by the city, and recommended approvai of the assessment. 122 Manitoba Avenue No one appeared. This assessment was ratified on May 9, 1997 and was not part of the laid over assessments far today's hearing. It was re-discussed and no action was taken. 2106 Marshall Avenue Laid over to June 17, 1997 458 Marvland Avenue No one appeared. This assessment was ratified on May 24, 1997 and was not part of the laid over assessments for today's heazing. It was re-discussed and no action was taken. f�? °t� -� a°I i303 Randol�h Avenue No one appeared. This assessment was ratified on May 14, 1997 and was not part of the laid over assessments for today's hearing. It was re-discussed and no action was taken. 695 St. Anthonv Avenue Guy Willits, Public Health, showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. The order was mailed December 20, 1996, to remove snow and ice from the walk. The properry was rechecked on January 15, 1997; the city did the work on January 16, 1997. Mike Peters, property owner, agpeared and stated that in early January when he received the notice from the city, he took care of the problem. He received no further warnings. At that time, it stormed back-to-back and the snow was blowing ail week. Mr. Strathman clarified that two sets of orders were issued to clean the walk, December 20, 1946 and 7anuazy 7, 1997. City ordinance requires that snow be removed within 24 hours after a snow fall. In viewing the video, it is cleaz tUat the snow had been on the sidewalk for more than 24 hours. Mr. Peters explained that the walk had been shoveled 4 or 5 times after he was notified. It was a record winter for snow fall. The reason he never got his waik done by the next day was because he was doing snowplowing and was usually out for 2 days. He stated that he had a right to be inforu►ed and to have a chance to take care of the problem, the city didn't do that. Mr. Strathman stated that according to city records, the letter sent on January 7, 1997 indicated the snow was to be removed. A recheck was done on January 15 and the snow still hadn't been removed; on 7anuary 16 the city crew went out and removed the snow. It is clear on the video that there was snow on the sidewalk and recommended approval of the assessment. 217b Stillwater Avenue Guy Willits, Public Health, showed a video of the properry and reviewed the staff report. Orders were mailed on January 21, 1997 and again January 24 to remove snow. The properry was rechecked on January 23, 1997; the city did the work on February I, 1997. 7eff Miller, property owner, appeazed and stated that he shoveled the sidewalk 3' wide. He did contact the city 3 times on Friday the 31st after he received the notice that the work order had been issued. He called the inspector at 9:00 a.m., 1Q:00 a.m., and paged him at 11:30 a.m., and he never returned his call. The Wednesday prior to that, he went out to clear the walk and couldn't chisel through the ice. By Friday it had warmed and he spent 3 hours clearing the sidewalk. 3 All the city did was probably plow another inch, dug up his lawn and put dirt and sand over what he had akeady shoveled. Mr. Strathman stated that in viewing the video, it appears an attempt was made to clean it up the snow although it wasn't quite adequate. He recommended reducing the assessment from $132.50 to $37.50. 251 Wayzata Street No one appeared. This assessment was ratified on April 9, 1997 and was not part of the Iaid over assessments for today's hearing. It was re-discussed and no action was taken. Mr. Strathman noted that a letter was received from Dawn Simon the property owner explaining that she was having personal difficulties and financial hardships. 3. Resotution ordering the owner to remtove or repair the referenced building, located at 1359 Blair Avenue. If the owner faiLs to comply with the resolution, Pablic Health is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel, Public Health, reviewed the staff report stating that the buiiding was condemned in July 1996, 5 summary abatement notices were issued to remove various nuisance law violations. After an inspection In March 1997,the bui2ding was declared a miisance. A code compliance inspection was obtained on May 28, 1997, and the estimated amount of money needed to repair the structure makes it unlikely and not ec;onomically feasibie to rehabilitate. He also noted a letter was received from community members in support of condemnation. Mr. Strathman questioned why this matter was being heard when a bond had been posted on April 11, 1997, and permits obtained. Mr. Votel referred to the code compliance inspection report and stated that under item 1{4, the inspector noted that most of the work that had been done to the building and gazage was substandard and would have to be redone. The building is still in a musance condition as it has been for some time which is the basis for requesting an order for repair or removal. Mr. Nguyen stated that they obtained the permit on October 1, 1997, and posted the bond . which gives them 6 months to bring the house up to code. The vacant building fee of $200 and the code compliance was paid. He's in the process of re-roofing the house; iYs a slow process but fie dces has 6 months to complete the work. Mr. StraU�man asked the properry owner if he elcpected to have the work completed in 6 months. Mr. Nguyen responded that he would not have posted the $2,000 bond if he didn't pian to have the work done in 6 months. R'hen he talked to Don Wagner, he was told he could either try to sell the house the way it was or he could try to repair it, and if he posted a bond, � ��t -� a-q the ciry was pretry lenient if 50% of the work was done within 6 months. Mr. Strathman asked about the complaints received on the properry. Mr. Votel stated that they had so many problems with the property that they issued a notice to boazd all accessible first floor openings to the building. It wasn't done and the city had to have the contractor go out and put 16 boazds on the building to secure it. There hasn't been any real effort to complete the repairs and the ciry is concemed because the inspector stated in lris report that the work that Uas already been done needs to be redone. It is substandard work and is not going to get a code compliance. The people next door want some resolution to this property. Mr. Nguyen stated that every time an abatement was sent, he took caze of it. Basically all he wants to do is fix up the house and either rehab or sell it. He has the code compliance list and is making sure tUat the work he does meets code. Quoc Nguyen, previous owner of the house, stated he deeded the property to his son, but expiained that he still holds the mortgage and has some responsibility in the matter. He is very concemed about the rehabilitation or the sale of the property to pay the balance of the mortgage. He wants to compiy with the city. Mr. Strathman stated concem about the house being a miisance to the neighborhood and the possibility that the work on the building may not be 50% completed when the 6-month period expires. If this is allowed to continue, they may be in a worse situation in a couple of months. Mr. Nguyen stated there aze 4 more months and 11 days before the bond expires. The reason it doesn't look like much work has been done to the building is because everyttring has been on the interior. He's now ready to re-roof the house and do the siding. Tom Ryan, 1363 Blair, appeared and stated that the time line here seems to be skewed to some extent by the fact that the pemut was not puiled until April 11, 1997. The building became vacant on July 30, 1996, and subsequenUy went into the vacant house status. It is his understanding, through contact with the inspectors, that the owner made no move to get the building inspected until the last possible minute when he would be forced by abatement order to do so. It was only in the face of those orders that the permit was puiled and that the inspection was made. That inspection speaks for itself in terms of the quality of the work. The records contain a copy of a petition signed by neighbors signed on August 12, 1996. He also presented a new petition signed by 25 individnals sturounding the property in guestion urging the city to either insure that rehabilitation go forward promptly to bring this property up to the city codes and neighborhood standards, or that this dangerous and unsighfly structure be 5 removed. The neighbors have had enough. If time is going to be granted to rehabilitate, then the most strenuous supervision should be put into place. Beth Randall, Facecutive Director of H-Mazk, stated flus property has been an issue with repairs according to neighbors since January of 1995. It dcesn't appear to be economically feasible to renovate. She mentioned that one thing that may not have been suggested as a financiai option is seIective cleazance. Also seIIing the building as is ratfier than putting money into it. Her company wouid be willing to pay for the lot bnt they would not renovate the building, it would be tom down. She would discourage putting more money into the building. They aze in support of the neighbors to make sure that there is a solution in a very timely fashion. F�ctending the time line isn't going to solve the problem. Quoc Nguyen indicated tl�at if the communiry wants to buy the properry, he would be happy Yo sell it. Mr. Strathman stated that the fact that the bond has been posted and Iegal permits have been pulled, he would not recommend proceeding with demolition until the 6 month period had expired. He recommended giving the property owner until October 11, 1997 to complete the repairs. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 84b Western Avenue North. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Dave Assitt, attomey representing Bankers Trust Company, mortgage holder on the properry, appeared and stated that they have commenced foreclosure proceedings. The property went to sale on Mazch 22, 1997. The are in the process of reducing the redemption period from 6 months to 5 weeks and if successfui, they wouid be the ownez of the properry about 7uty 31, 1997, They have had limited accessed to the properry but they believe the structiue may be rehabilitated. He requested that if the building is to be removed, tfie order be delayed 60 days to allow time for their client to obtain tit�e and possession. Mr. Strathman stated that based on the information presented by staff and in viewing the photographs, the building is clearly a public miisance and therefore recommended approval of the order to remove or repair within 15 days. 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 395Michig n tr t. If the owner fails to comply witt► the resolution, Public Heaith is ordered to remove the building. Bill Manson, property owner, appeared and stated that he purchased the home from HUD on April 15, 1997 and he is in the process of rehabilitating the strueture. �t� - �a� Chuck Votel, Public Health, reviewed the staff report stating that the building has been vacant since May 1996. It went through HTJD's foreclosure process and was to Mr. Manson. Previous to that, it has been a probiem property for the city since July 1996. At this point, Mr_ Manson has posted the bond and pulled building permits which are valid until November 20 ,1947. Mr. Strathman recommended the properry owner be given 180 days w complete the rehabilitafion. 5. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at b77 Kent Street. If the owner faiLs to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Faye Madison, M»*�an� I,aw Firm, appeazed and stated that they have been retained by Bank of America the mortgage holder to represent them. The mortgage is FHA and they are dealing with IIi3D on the property as well. Chuck Votel, Public Health, reviewed the staff report stating that the building has been vacant since February 1997 and Bank of America has begun foreclosure proceedings. The property would be transfened to HUD after the redemption period. The city has had to boazd the building and three summary abatement notices were issued. Real estate taxes aze currendy paid; the estitnated cost to repair the building makes it unlikely a�l not economically feasible to rehabilitate. Ms. Madison stated that they will be handling the mortgage foreclosure in the near future. The file is currently in shipping between Bank of America's pre-foreclosure and foreclosure departments. They haven't done any titie work on the properry yet but they have received indication that the properry was deeded to Paul Schwartz by Bahram Ghassemiou. After talking with Mr. Ghassemlou, it is her understanding the he deeded the property back to Paul Schwartz but he doesn't want it back. It was also indicated the Mr. Schwartz and Mr. Ghassemiou would be willing to enter into negotiations for a deed in lieu of foreclosure which would speed up the process. They have been in touch with Sophie Hallauer from HUD who has ordered an emergency HUD inspection repart. Mr. Strathman stated he sympathized with their objective but elcplained that the city is deating with a building that has been vacant, declared to be a public nuisance, and the recommendation by city inspectors is that rehabilitation is not economically feasible. In view of those facts, he recommended approval of the order. 6. Besolution orderueg the owner to remove or repair the referenced betilding located at 275 Harrison Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Brett Larson, Ramsey County Properry Records and Revenue, reported ihat the property in question is scheduled for auction June 19, 1997. There has been interest from potentiai buyers and he's fairly certain that it will sell. He meet with the West 7th neighborhood groap and they indicated that there is some history behind the hoase. He reguested time to allow the properry to be sold at the auction. Chuck Votel, Public Health, reported that the property is secured. The building was condemned in October 1996. The estimated amount of money needed to properly repair the structure makes rehabilitation unlikely and not economically feasible. Mr. Strathman recommended the matter be laid over to July 1, 1997. 7. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 915 Sherburne Avenue. If the owner faiLs to comply with tt►e resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel, Pablic Health, reviewed the staff report stating the building bas been vacant since Augast 1996, and there have been two c��i*+m�ry abatement orders issued. The reat estate taxes aze paid and vacant building registration fees are due. A code compliance was done on April 16, 1997; the estimated amount of money needed to properly repair the structure makes rehabilitation unlikely and not economically feasible. Ron Widerhoft, property owner, appeared and stated that he plans to sell the property to Todd who intends to rehab the building but wants to make sure that it won't be tom down. Mr. Strathman stated tl�at based on the information presented by staff and in viewing the photographs of the building, he would require that a$2,000 bond is posted and permits pulled as an assurance that the building would be rehabilitated within 6 months. Tfie perspective buyer indicated that would not be a problem. Mr. Strathman recommended giving the property ow�r 180 days to repair the building on the condition that the vacant building fees are paid, and a$2,000 bond is posted by noon on Wednesday, June 11, 1997. 0 q� -�a� 8. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 774 Canitr�l Hejgh�. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel, Public Health, reviewed the staff report and stated that the building was condemned in October 1996. The city had to boazd the buiiding, registration fees and ta4es aze paid. On Apri18, 1997 a Code Compliance inspection was done. The bond was posted with the huIlding inspection department on May 12, 1997, and a permit obtained which is valid until November 12, 1997. Public IIealth wants an order that says if the owner doesn't get the work done, the building is torn down. Mike Davis, grandson of the property owner, Emil Lemke, appeared and stated tUat he intends to rehabilitate the building. He explained that he was late in posting the bond because he went to the wrong address and by the time he got to the right office it had closed. The following Monday he posted the bond but notice had aiready been mailed. Mr. Strathman recommended amending the resolution and giving the property owner until November 12, 1997. 9. Summary abatement appeal for 117b Portland Avenue; Bonnie J. Hughes, appellant. No one appeared. The appeal was withdrawn; the garage was removed. The meeting adjoumed at 11:45 a.m. Gerry Strat�Finan, Legislative Hearing Officer �9 City of St. Paul �m�avD�l� RESOLVPION RATIFYING ASSES5MENT 6 ���1 9 `� 0 � Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of bene£its, cost and expenses for 2 J9705AA (9740) SLUnmary abatements (snow removal and/or sanding walks) for winter of 1997 for properties located at: 2106 Marshall Ave, 473 Cretin Ave S, 1857 Cottage Ave E, 2176 Stillwater Ave and 695 St Anthony Ave. J9704A4 (9741) Summary abatements for 111Q Forest 5t TO LEGILATIVE HEARING OFFICIs'R - 6-3-97 LAID OVSR BY COUNCIL ON 5-14-97 TO 6-11-97 V' m� � t�n c r� . oC ` b lo a�� Preliminary . 39705AA, 39704A4 � [�v C . LW� yr� �� l \ _.. ,_ � �-; \ � �,.t0.��,-- A v e - �S c SSVr�e..-�� \ S `0.�ti V '�� �e� k� � �r7. Sa Final Order xx approved xx A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the°above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects rati£ied. RBSOLVSD FURTHBR, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equal installments. COUNCILPERSON Ye�as� Nays �Blakey � s trom �l l ins t�fi rris Megard-F'khsQ �n Favor �orton Thune -Abscai� �gainst a- �}�SerJ'}- Adopted by the Council: Date �� Certified Passes by Council Secretary Assessment No. 9740, 9741 TO.LEGISLATIVE HEARING OFFICER - 6-3-97 q��� ap 1 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 5-14-97 TO 6-11-97 RE 5-19-97 ����� AFFICrdCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DTVISION 5-15-97 G REEN SH EET CONfACT PERSON & PHONE MITIAVDATE WRIAVDATE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �CRYCOUNqL Roxanna Flink 266-8859 A ��� N �CRYATfORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGE DA BY (DATE) NUYBEP FOA ❑ BUDGET DIFECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES O�R. LAID OVER BY xounxc COUNCIL ON 5-14-97 TO 6-11-97 OHDEN �MAYOR(OflASSI5fANT) � Council Re earch TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTIONREQUESTED: F7.12 NO. S J9705AA, 9740 & J970 A4, 97 1 At Council's request on 5-14-97 Summ Abatements for winter 1997 for properties at: 2106 Marshall Ave, 473 Cretin Ave S, 1857 Cottage Ave E, 2ll6 Stillwater Ave & 695 St Anthony Ave. and Summ Abate for 111� Forest St weie laid over foi further discussion. FiECAMMENDAT10N5: Appmve (A) or Reject (F) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIANNING COMMISSION _ G�VIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �- Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this departmaM? _CIBCOMMITfEE VES NO A STAFF A Public Heal th 2. Has mis person�rm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DIS7RIGicOUR7 _ 3. Does this persorVFirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWNICHCOUNqLO&IECTIVE7 W8TC1 Z YES NO Explain ell yes answ¢rs on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet Neighborhoods INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. W�at. When, Where. Why)� "SEE ORIGINAL GREEN SHEET NUMBER'S 39518 & 39521" ADVANTAGES IF APPpOVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPFOVED. C�6li1C94 �?�s�Ti>t1 �4i#�1' �..: .. �. -:� �JJ7 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: 70TAL AMOUN7 OF iHANSAC710N $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOHKfiATION: (E%PL41N) City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Dept. of Technology � Maaagemeat Serv. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF COUNCIL FILE NO. File No. J9705AA, J9704A4 Assessment No. 9740, 9741 °►'i - � �1 Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 2 J9705AA (9740) Summary abatements (snow removal and/or sanding walks) for winter of 1997 for properties located at: 2106 Marshall Ave, 473 Cretin Ave S, 1857 Cottage Ave E, 2176 Stillwater Ave and 695 St Anthony Ave. J9704A4 (9741) Swnmary abatements for 1110 Forest St TO LEGILATIVE HEARING OFFICER - 6-3-97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 5-14-97 TO 6-11-97 Preliminary Final Order To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs Engineering and Inspection Valuation and AsseSSment Services Administration Charge - Public Health Re-Check Charge - Public Health Abatement Service Charge TOTAL EXPENDITURES Charge To Net Assessment $_954.00 $ $ $ $_87.50 $,90.00 $1,131.50 $ $ $1,131.50 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $1,131.50 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been oompleted, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. /�- r � J Dated J - �lo - �/7 ��� �. � ��1��,�-f� „ _�V�luation and Assessment Engineer fI�f To Legislative Hearing Officer - April 1, 1997 Date - Anril 9, 1997 1 Estate be in Office � a�-�aq RE 1-24-97 3951`= _ 1-1,-y, GREEN SHEET IhRIAVDATE iNiT1ALDATE �DEPAPTMENTD�RECTOR �LRYLOUNqL '�+N � CRY ATSORNEY � CRY CLEFK 18EA FON ITING � BUDGET D�RECTOii O FIN. d MGT. SEflVIGES DIR )ER �MqyOFi(OAASSISTANTj 0 Council Research TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� J9704A, 9716; J9701B, 9718; J9702B, 9719; J9701TDBC, 9720 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Summary Abate from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997; from mid-June to mid-Sept 1996 and Boardings-up £or July and Aug 1996. aECOMMENDAT10N5: ApD� (A) a Rejeci (R) �. PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE �sro�F A Public Health __ DISTRICiCOURT A Vacant Bldes. SUPPORTSwHICHCOUNCIIOBJECTNE2 HTard 2 Neighboorhoods PERSONAL SERVICE CONTpACTS MUS7ANSWEp THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has this person�rm ever worked under a comract fm Mis daparimeM? YES NO 2. � Has t�is personKrm ever been a uty employee7 YES NO 3. Does this person/Firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cunent cify employee7 YES NO Explaln ell yes enswera on seperets sheet anC ettech to green aheet VI�tATING PROBLEM, l5$UE.OPPORTUNITy (Wlro, Whai, Whan, WAere, Why): Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not kept up. _ _...._--......._.__. Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Summary Abatements and Boardings-up. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofa chairs and a11 other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross walks. If Council does not approve these charges, 6eneral Fund wouid be required to pay the assessment. Assessments payable over 1 year and collected with the property taxes if not paid. neighborhoods would be left io deteriorate and property values would decline Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties Rodents, filth garbage and trash would accumlate everywhere. Disease and pests could become a problem. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S �� • 371 • �� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (C�RCLE ONE) YES NO �l FUNDIIiG50URCE ASSESSmeT1tS 0711V � ACTIVITYNUMBER FINANGIqI.INFORNiRT10N (EXPLAIN) ' 267 property o w ill be no[ ified of the public hearing and charges. To Legislati��e Hearing OfCcer - n4ay 6, 1997 Public Hearing Date - n4ay 14, 1997 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION :ontan Peisoa and Pboae Number: Roxana Flink � 266-8859 be on Couual Agenda by: 3-26-97 be in CouncS Research Olfice Date: � RE-3-7-97 7�7Z 3/5/97 Green Sheet i�`umber: 39521 EPARP..4E.'.T DIRECfOR CI7Y COL:�CIL A7?OA\'EY ITY CLERK L'DG£T DTRECTOR '- S AfGT. SVC. DIR. noon on Friday 3-1497 I iAYOR (OR ASSLS[A.+�'n 1 cot�ca �seaxce IiAL f OF SIG?�ATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IACATIO?�S FOR SIG\ATURE) TiOn REQUESTID: J9705B, 9725; J9705C, 97?6; J97051B, 9727; J9705A, 9728 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Boardings-up for :�'ov & Dec 1996, Demolitions far Dec 1996 - Jan 1997 and Summ Abate for winter of 1997. ru�. co>nvmo� Cm COTII.n7TEE mLS .vhidh Counril Objective ?�eighborhoods A n� A Pebiic HnM A �•am� e�u. Ward 2 Au the persoaffirm evec W orked voder a contraM foz tbis department? Aa5 chis pe:sonJfirm ever been a City employee? Does this person/fvm possess a sl:ill not aormally possessed by any current Cit}' employee? E�pltin ail YES answers on a sepuate sheet and attach. YES h0 YES NO YES NO PROBLEM, ISSIIE, OPPORTU:�IY'1' (tifio, Rfiat, Rfien, R'Lere, R'6y^): Properfy oK�ners or renters creafe a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul w�hen their propertv is not kePt un. 1F APPRO\'ED: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Boardings-up, Demolitions and Summary Abatements. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away ali garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, ali household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidew�aik and cross walks. IF APPROVED: If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. � Assessme�ts are payable over 1 year and collected with the property taJCes if not IF NOT APPRO�'ED; Neighborhoods would be left to deteriorate and property values would decline. Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties, Rodents, fiIth, garbage and trash would accumulate every��Here. Disease and pests could become a problem. AMOUIPfOFTAANSACf10N: $ 514 ,268.23 COSTlREVET'UEBUDGE7'ED(CIRCLEONE7 �s No sovace: Assessments I?�ANCIAL II�'FOR7�fAT10.'�`: (E7iFLAII.� 228 property owners will be notified of the ACTTVITY 7�'UMBER: and � �� t� V � � N N w O • O t•J . O • O 6 d T � � M F C w � M � M p. � N • N O C . N . 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II 6 11 S N • o O O 1- • 000 � O O O Q 2� O O O � � • P V � !- K P at O • M F- i- U '£ Q W N 6 W� O O O F- � 000 Q � O O O �T K Q �- N N .T 1- � N � O I+ 2 P � r V W O s rl 6 • W W � W tnC:l C i r d' O W • 6 � Q u f• m p x Q Q U U F- 2 N � } y W 5 � K tJ U J O � Q W � F � E S 7 U' fJ � £ U K Z 4� 7 W W w � NK fn K 6 W S 4- , 2 W S £ O w > '- O 6 N K 1- p K • 2 £ U � U' � N �T W W U Q ' 2 p ^ s Y J Y� W Q J M F^ � J [O J K • J�T d W � � t!1 a > � o . �- �n K � NF-1- a aoo W J J W 7 ti > a tu M J � �D , Y > r N � N f� �XZ�O P K� d � N O• w . m ¢ �o �- vi > � S�r-o v� .. 6' 6 O N � 4 � Yr vi�-O � N X � �- �n 4� O 6� W W N W 41 � ��o�wzm¢� � »zfo �O u' � O LL c� � N O • 04�-� 2 � .. � 6> >O.. � 1' � N O O Q � O' v� w � o.-a.-z � z � � ¢�- �w . �T 3 � Osr-i-On � �- O • i-UON�k i � 000IIO O O O tl O • II • vNN Ilv P N !- 11 M M (A W II �t N I� (A 11 u n 11 u II il N I I J �1 W 11 V I I K n a 11 6 K I I • W W �1 1- 1u 4J l� 11 6 F- K II ^z m O i n X QUU11 W �1 T Y W 11 _t O C U [> I� Q aw�-nr f x > n o £ V C Ii F- N � W W 11 J N 6' N 11 V- W 11 U U J J J I I W C ¢6¢n� ¢ t- f- '- u o a OOOIIK F� F�- F II O. r' �t� -� a � a� -�a� REPORT: Date: June 3, 1997 Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 Ciry Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard LEGISLATIVE HEARING Gerry Strathman Legislative Hearing Officer 1. Resolution rarifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following (I,aid over from May 6, 1997 Legislative Hearing): 2106 Marshall Ave. (J9705AA) 473 Cretin Ave. S. (J9705AA) 1857 E. Cottage Ave. (J9705AA) 2176 Stillwater Ave. (J9705AA) 695 St. Anthony Ave. (J9705AA) 1110 Forest St. (J9704A4) Legislative Aearing Officer recommended approval of the assessments with the following exceptions: 2106 Marshall (J9705AA) laid over to June 17, 1997 2176 Stillwater Avenue (J9705AA) reduce assessment to $37.50 2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced bniiding, located at 1359 �lair Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public fiealth is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to October 11, 1997. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at$�4 Western Avenue North. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval. q�t-� s�► 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced buiiding located at�5 i ig,�n Street. If the owner fails to comply wiffi the resolution, Public Heaith is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Ofecer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to 180 days. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at�77 Kent Street. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Eiealth is ordered to remove the building. Legisla6ve Hearing Officer recommended approval. 6. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at.�.�7 fiarrison Avenue. If the owner faiis to comply with the resolution, Public Heatth is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended laying this matter over to July 1, 1997. 7. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at�i5 Sherburne Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. I,egislative Hearing Officer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the strueture to 180 days if the $20f1 vacant building fee is paid and $2,000 bond is posted by noon on June 11, 1997. 8. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 774 C�itol Heights. If the owner fails to compiy with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Ofticer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to November 12, 1997. 9. Summary abatement appeai for 1176 Portland Avenue; Bonnie 7. Iiughes, appellant. The appeal was withdrawn �1�-`�a9 MINUTES OF LEGISLATIVE HEARING June 3, 1997 Room 330, City Hall Gerry 3tratUman, Legislative Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Votel, Guy Willits, Public Heatth; Roxanna Flink, Real Estate. Gerry Strathman, I.egislative Heating Officer, called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. I2esolution ratifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following (Iaid over from May 6, 1997 Legislative Hearing): 2106 Marshall Ave. (J9705AA) 473 Cretin Ave. S. (J9705AA) 1857 E. Cottage Ave. (J9705AA) 2176 Stiliwater Ave. (J9705AA) 695 St. Anthony Ave. (J9705AA) 1110 Forest St. (J9704A4) Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval oF the assessments with the following exceptions: 2106 Mazshall (J9705AA) laid over to June 17, 1997 2176 Stillwater Avenue (J9705AA) reduce assessment to $37.50 1857 E. Cotta�e Avenue Guy Willits, Public IIealth, showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. Orders were mailed on January 30, 1947, to remove snow from the walk. A recheck was done on February 3, 1997; and the city did the work on February 5, 1997. Mary Kelly, properry owner, appeazed and stated that she was having back probiems and could not shovel her sidewalk. During that time is when they had the ice storm and she tried chopping the ice but she didn't have the strength. Mr. Stcathman stated it is the property owner's responsibility to shovel the walk or make arrangements to have it done. The video cleazly shows the work was done by city crews and recommended approving the assessment. 473 Cretin Avenue S. No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 4 I110 F�rest Guy Willits, Public Health, showed a video of the properry and reviewed the staff report. Orders were mailed on October 31, 1996 to remove mattresses, couch, refrigerators, refuse, carpeting, and discazded range. A recheck was done on November 8, 1996, the properry was not cleaned up, and the work was done by the city on November 19, 1996. Chadoua and Youa Vue, pmperty owners, appeared. Mr. Vue stated that tttey bought the properiy on September 16, 1996. The previous owner fived an the property until October 5, 1996. When she moved out, she told them she would clean everything including the basement and the garage. She unlocked the garage so that it would be easy for her people to move things out. They waited for her to come back and in the meantime, they put some of her things in the back yazd so they coutd clean building for people moving in. Everything that was taken from the back yard and guage belonged to the previous owner. Mr. Sordthman inquired where the orders were sent. Mr, Votet responded tt�at they were mailed to Bob Van Lee at 1110 Forest, the previovs owner. Orders were also posted at the properry, there was no phone listing, and the garage was not secured. Mr. Vue stated that the oniy order he saw was the one dated December 24, 1996. Mr. Strathman stated that the order mailed October 31, 1996, was sent to the previous owner because she was listed on the tas records as the official owner. The previous owner had a 1ega1 obligation to inform the new owners that this order was outstanding. The city is required under the law to send notice to the properiy owner as recorded at the Ramsey county properry taxation. The city followed the proper legal procedures, the video clearly shows the work was done by the city, and recommended approvai of the assessment. 122 Manitoba Avenue No one appeared. This assessment was ratified on May 9, 1997 and was not part of the laid over assessments far today's hearing. It was re-discussed and no action was taken. 2106 Marshall Avenue Laid over to June 17, 1997 458 Marvland Avenue No one appeared. This assessment was ratified on May 24, 1997 and was not part of the laid over assessments for today's heazing. It was re-discussed and no action was taken. f�? °t� -� a°I i303 Randol�h Avenue No one appeared. This assessment was ratified on May 14, 1997 and was not part of the laid over assessments for today's hearing. It was re-discussed and no action was taken. 695 St. Anthonv Avenue Guy Willits, Public Health, showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. The order was mailed December 20, 1996, to remove snow and ice from the walk. The properry was rechecked on January 15, 1997; the city did the work on January 16, 1997. Mike Peters, property owner, agpeared and stated that in early January when he received the notice from the city, he took care of the problem. He received no further warnings. At that time, it stormed back-to-back and the snow was blowing ail week. Mr. Strathman clarified that two sets of orders were issued to clean the walk, December 20, 1946 and 7anuazy 7, 1997. City ordinance requires that snow be removed within 24 hours after a snow fall. In viewing the video, it is cleaz tUat the snow had been on the sidewalk for more than 24 hours. Mr. Peters explained that the walk had been shoveled 4 or 5 times after he was notified. It was a record winter for snow fall. The reason he never got his waik done by the next day was because he was doing snowplowing and was usually out for 2 days. He stated that he had a right to be inforu►ed and to have a chance to take care of the problem, the city didn't do that. Mr. Strathman stated that according to city records, the letter sent on January 7, 1997 indicated the snow was to be removed. A recheck was done on January 15 and the snow still hadn't been removed; on 7anuary 16 the city crew went out and removed the snow. It is clear on the video that there was snow on the sidewalk and recommended approval of the assessment. 217b Stillwater Avenue Guy Willits, Public Health, showed a video of the properry and reviewed the staff report. Orders were mailed on January 21, 1997 and again January 24 to remove snow. The properry was rechecked on January 23, 1997; the city did the work on February I, 1997. 7eff Miller, property owner, appeazed and stated that he shoveled the sidewalk 3' wide. He did contact the city 3 times on Friday the 31st after he received the notice that the work order had been issued. He called the inspector at 9:00 a.m., 1Q:00 a.m., and paged him at 11:30 a.m., and he never returned his call. The Wednesday prior to that, he went out to clear the walk and couldn't chisel through the ice. By Friday it had warmed and he spent 3 hours clearing the sidewalk. 3 All the city did was probably plow another inch, dug up his lawn and put dirt and sand over what he had akeady shoveled. Mr. Strathman stated that in viewing the video, it appears an attempt was made to clean it up the snow although it wasn't quite adequate. He recommended reducing the assessment from $132.50 to $37.50. 251 Wayzata Street No one appeared. This assessment was ratified on April 9, 1997 and was not part of the Iaid over assessments for today's hearing. It was re-discussed and no action was taken. Mr. Strathman noted that a letter was received from Dawn Simon the property owner explaining that she was having personal difficulties and financial hardships. 3. Resotution ordering the owner to remtove or repair the referenced building, located at 1359 Blair Avenue. If the owner faiLs to comply with the resolution, Pablic Health is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel, Public Health, reviewed the staff report stating that the buiiding was condemned in July 1996, 5 summary abatement notices were issued to remove various nuisance law violations. After an inspection In March 1997,the bui2ding was declared a miisance. A code compliance inspection was obtained on May 28, 1997, and the estimated amount of money needed to repair the structure makes it unlikely and not ec;onomically feasibie to rehabilitate. He also noted a letter was received from community members in support of condemnation. Mr. Strathman questioned why this matter was being heard when a bond had been posted on April 11, 1997, and permits obtained. Mr. Votel referred to the code compliance inspection report and stated that under item 1{4, the inspector noted that most of the work that had been done to the building and gazage was substandard and would have to be redone. The building is still in a musance condition as it has been for some time which is the basis for requesting an order for repair or removal. Mr. Nguyen stated that they obtained the permit on October 1, 1997, and posted the bond . which gives them 6 months to bring the house up to code. The vacant building fee of $200 and the code compliance was paid. He's in the process of re-roofing the house; iYs a slow process but fie dces has 6 months to complete the work. Mr. StraU�man asked the properry owner if he elcpected to have the work completed in 6 months. Mr. Nguyen responded that he would not have posted the $2,000 bond if he didn't pian to have the work done in 6 months. R'hen he talked to Don Wagner, he was told he could either try to sell the house the way it was or he could try to repair it, and if he posted a bond, � ��t -� a-q the ciry was pretry lenient if 50% of the work was done within 6 months. Mr. Strathman asked about the complaints received on the properry. Mr. Votel stated that they had so many problems with the property that they issued a notice to boazd all accessible first floor openings to the building. It wasn't done and the city had to have the contractor go out and put 16 boazds on the building to secure it. There hasn't been any real effort to complete the repairs and the ciry is concemed because the inspector stated in lris report that the work that Uas already been done needs to be redone. It is substandard work and is not going to get a code compliance. The people next door want some resolution to this property. Mr. Nguyen stated that every time an abatement was sent, he took caze of it. Basically all he wants to do is fix up the house and either rehab or sell it. He has the code compliance list and is making sure tUat the work he does meets code. Quoc Nguyen, previous owner of the house, stated he deeded the property to his son, but expiained that he still holds the mortgage and has some responsibility in the matter. He is very concemed about the rehabilitation or the sale of the property to pay the balance of the mortgage. He wants to compiy with the city. Mr. Strathman stated concem about the house being a miisance to the neighborhood and the possibility that the work on the building may not be 50% completed when the 6-month period expires. If this is allowed to continue, they may be in a worse situation in a couple of months. Mr. Nguyen stated there aze 4 more months and 11 days before the bond expires. The reason it doesn't look like much work has been done to the building is because everyttring has been on the interior. He's now ready to re-roof the house and do the siding. Tom Ryan, 1363 Blair, appeared and stated that the time line here seems to be skewed to some extent by the fact that the pemut was not puiled until April 11, 1997. The building became vacant on July 30, 1996, and subsequenUy went into the vacant house status. It is his understanding, through contact with the inspectors, that the owner made no move to get the building inspected until the last possible minute when he would be forced by abatement order to do so. It was only in the face of those orders that the permit was puiled and that the inspection was made. That inspection speaks for itself in terms of the quality of the work. The records contain a copy of a petition signed by neighbors signed on August 12, 1996. He also presented a new petition signed by 25 individnals sturounding the property in guestion urging the city to either insure that rehabilitation go forward promptly to bring this property up to the city codes and neighborhood standards, or that this dangerous and unsighfly structure be 5 removed. The neighbors have had enough. If time is going to be granted to rehabilitate, then the most strenuous supervision should be put into place. Beth Randall, Facecutive Director of H-Mazk, stated flus property has been an issue with repairs according to neighbors since January of 1995. It dcesn't appear to be economically feasible to renovate. She mentioned that one thing that may not have been suggested as a financiai option is seIective cleazance. Also seIIing the building as is ratfier than putting money into it. Her company wouid be willing to pay for the lot bnt they would not renovate the building, it would be tom down. She would discourage putting more money into the building. They aze in support of the neighbors to make sure that there is a solution in a very timely fashion. F�ctending the time line isn't going to solve the problem. Quoc Nguyen indicated tl�at if the communiry wants to buy the properry, he would be happy Yo sell it. Mr. Strathman stated that the fact that the bond has been posted and Iegal permits have been pulled, he would not recommend proceeding with demolition until the 6 month period had expired. He recommended giving the property owner until October 11, 1997 to complete the repairs. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 84b Western Avenue North. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Dave Assitt, attomey representing Bankers Trust Company, mortgage holder on the properry, appeared and stated that they have commenced foreclosure proceedings. The property went to sale on Mazch 22, 1997. The are in the process of reducing the redemption period from 6 months to 5 weeks and if successfui, they wouid be the ownez of the properry about 7uty 31, 1997, They have had limited accessed to the properry but they believe the structiue may be rehabilitated. He requested that if the building is to be removed, tfie order be delayed 60 days to allow time for their client to obtain tit�e and possession. Mr. Strathman stated that based on the information presented by staff and in viewing the photographs, the building is clearly a public miisance and therefore recommended approval of the order to remove or repair within 15 days. 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 395Michig n tr t. If the owner fails to comply witt► the resolution, Public Heaith is ordered to remove the building. Bill Manson, property owner, appeared and stated that he purchased the home from HUD on April 15, 1997 and he is in the process of rehabilitating the strueture. �t� - �a� Chuck Votel, Public Health, reviewed the staff report stating that the building has been vacant since May 1996. It went through HTJD's foreclosure process and was to Mr. Manson. Previous to that, it has been a probiem property for the city since July 1996. At this point, Mr_ Manson has posted the bond and pulled building permits which are valid until November 20 ,1947. Mr. Strathman recommended the properry owner be given 180 days w complete the rehabilitafion. 5. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at b77 Kent Street. If the owner faiLs to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Faye Madison, M»*�an� I,aw Firm, appeazed and stated that they have been retained by Bank of America the mortgage holder to represent them. The mortgage is FHA and they are dealing with IIi3D on the property as well. Chuck Votel, Public Health, reviewed the staff report stating that the building has been vacant since February 1997 and Bank of America has begun foreclosure proceedings. The property would be transfened to HUD after the redemption period. The city has had to boazd the building and three summary abatement notices were issued. Real estate taxes aze currendy paid; the estitnated cost to repair the building makes it unlikely a�l not economically feasible to rehabilitate. Ms. Madison stated that they will be handling the mortgage foreclosure in the near future. The file is currently in shipping between Bank of America's pre-foreclosure and foreclosure departments. They haven't done any titie work on the properry yet but they have received indication that the properry was deeded to Paul Schwartz by Bahram Ghassemiou. After talking with Mr. Ghassemlou, it is her understanding the he deeded the property back to Paul Schwartz but he doesn't want it back. It was also indicated the Mr. Schwartz and Mr. Ghassemiou would be willing to enter into negotiations for a deed in lieu of foreclosure which would speed up the process. They have been in touch with Sophie Hallauer from HUD who has ordered an emergency HUD inspection repart. Mr. Strathman stated he sympathized with their objective but elcplained that the city is deating with a building that has been vacant, declared to be a public nuisance, and the recommendation by city inspectors is that rehabilitation is not economically feasible. In view of those facts, he recommended approval of the order. 6. Besolution orderueg the owner to remove or repair the referenced betilding located at 275 Harrison Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Brett Larson, Ramsey County Properry Records and Revenue, reported ihat the property in question is scheduled for auction June 19, 1997. There has been interest from potentiai buyers and he's fairly certain that it will sell. He meet with the West 7th neighborhood groap and they indicated that there is some history behind the hoase. He reguested time to allow the properry to be sold at the auction. Chuck Votel, Public Health, reported that the property is secured. The building was condemned in October 1996. The estimated amount of money needed to properly repair the structure makes rehabilitation unlikely and not economically feasible. Mr. Strathman recommended the matter be laid over to July 1, 1997. 7. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 915 Sherburne Avenue. If the owner faiLs to comply with tt►e resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel, Pablic Health, reviewed the staff report stating the building bas been vacant since Augast 1996, and there have been two c��i*+m�ry abatement orders issued. The reat estate taxes aze paid and vacant building registration fees are due. A code compliance was done on April 16, 1997; the estimated amount of money needed to properly repair the structure makes rehabilitation unlikely and not economically feasible. Ron Widerhoft, property owner, appeared and stated that he plans to sell the property to Todd who intends to rehab the building but wants to make sure that it won't be tom down. Mr. Strathman stated tl�at based on the information presented by staff and in viewing the photographs of the building, he would require that a$2,000 bond is posted and permits pulled as an assurance that the building would be rehabilitated within 6 months. Tfie perspective buyer indicated that would not be a problem. Mr. Strathman recommended giving the property ow�r 180 days to repair the building on the condition that the vacant building fees are paid, and a$2,000 bond is posted by noon on Wednesday, June 11, 1997. 0 q� -�a� 8. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 774 Canitr�l Hejgh�. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel, Public Health, reviewed the staff report and stated that the building was condemned in October 1996. The city had to boazd the buiiding, registration fees and ta4es aze paid. On Apri18, 1997 a Code Compliance inspection was done. The bond was posted with the huIlding inspection department on May 12, 1997, and a permit obtained which is valid until November 12, 1997. Public IIealth wants an order that says if the owner doesn't get the work done, the building is torn down. Mike Davis, grandson of the property owner, Emil Lemke, appeared and stated tUat he intends to rehabilitate the building. He explained that he was late in posting the bond because he went to the wrong address and by the time he got to the right office it had closed. The following Monday he posted the bond but notice had aiready been mailed. Mr. Strathman recommended amending the resolution and giving the property owner until November 12, 1997. 9. Summary abatement appeal for 117b Portland Avenue; Bonnie J. Hughes, appellant. No one appeared. The appeal was withdrawn; the garage was removed. The meeting adjoumed at 11:45 a.m. Gerry Strat�Finan, Legislative Hearing Officer �9 City of St. Paul �m�avD�l� RESOLVPION RATIFYING ASSES5MENT 6 ���1 9 `� 0 � Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of bene£its, cost and expenses for 2 J9705AA (9740) SLUnmary abatements (snow removal and/or sanding walks) for winter of 1997 for properties located at: 2106 Marshall Ave, 473 Cretin Ave S, 1857 Cottage Ave E, 2176 Stillwater Ave and 695 St Anthony Ave. J9704A4 (9741) Summary abatements for 111Q Forest 5t TO LEGILATIVE HEARING OFFICIs'R - 6-3-97 LAID OVSR BY COUNCIL ON 5-14-97 TO 6-11-97 V' m� � t�n c r� . oC ` b lo a�� Preliminary . 39705AA, 39704A4 � [�v C . LW� yr� �� l \ _.. ,_ � �-; \ � �,.t0.��,-- A v e - �S c SSVr�e..-�� \ S `0.�ti V '�� �e� k� � �r7. Sa Final Order xx approved xx A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the°above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects rati£ied. RBSOLVSD FURTHBR, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equal installments. COUNCILPERSON Ye�as� Nays �Blakey � s trom �l l ins t�fi rris Megard-F'khsQ �n Favor �orton Thune -Abscai� �gainst a- �}�SerJ'}- Adopted by the Council: Date �� Certified Passes by Council Secretary Assessment No. 9740, 9741 TO.LEGISLATIVE HEARING OFFICER - 6-3-97 q��� ap 1 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 5-14-97 TO 6-11-97 RE 5-19-97 ����� AFFICrdCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DTVISION 5-15-97 G REEN SH EET CONfACT PERSON & PHONE MITIAVDATE WRIAVDATE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �CRYCOUNqL Roxanna Flink 266-8859 A ��� N �CRYATfORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGE DA BY (DATE) NUYBEP FOA ❑ BUDGET DIFECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES O�R. LAID OVER BY xounxc COUNCIL ON 5-14-97 TO 6-11-97 OHDEN �MAYOR(OflASSI5fANT) � Council Re earch TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTIONREQUESTED: F7.12 NO. S J9705AA, 9740 & J970 A4, 97 1 At Council's request on 5-14-97 Summ Abatements for winter 1997 for properties at: 2106 Marshall Ave, 473 Cretin Ave S, 1857 Cottage Ave E, 2ll6 Stillwater Ave & 695 St Anthony Ave. and Summ Abate for 111� Forest St weie laid over foi further discussion. FiECAMMENDAT10N5: Appmve (A) or Reject (F) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIANNING COMMISSION _ G�VIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �- Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this departmaM? _CIBCOMMITfEE VES NO A STAFF A Public Heal th 2. Has mis person�rm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DIS7RIGicOUR7 _ 3. Does this persorVFirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWNICHCOUNqLO&IECTIVE7 W8TC1 Z YES NO Explain ell yes answ¢rs on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet Neighborhoods INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. W�at. When, Where. Why)� "SEE ORIGINAL GREEN SHEET NUMBER'S 39518 & 39521" ADVANTAGES IF APPpOVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPFOVED. C�6li1C94 �?�s�Ti>t1 �4i#�1' �..: .. �. -:� �JJ7 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: 70TAL AMOUN7 OF iHANSAC710N $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOHKfiATION: (E%PL41N) City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Dept. of Technology � Maaagemeat Serv. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF COUNCIL FILE NO. File No. J9705AA, J9704A4 Assessment No. 9740, 9741 °►'i - � �1 Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 2 J9705AA (9740) Summary abatements (snow removal and/or sanding walks) for winter of 1997 for properties located at: 2106 Marshall Ave, 473 Cretin Ave S, 1857 Cottage Ave E, 2176 Stillwater Ave and 695 St Anthony Ave. J9704A4 (9741) Swnmary abatements for 1110 Forest St TO LEGILATIVE HEARING OFFICER - 6-3-97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 5-14-97 TO 6-11-97 Preliminary Final Order To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs Engineering and Inspection Valuation and AsseSSment Services Administration Charge - Public Health Re-Check Charge - Public Health Abatement Service Charge TOTAL EXPENDITURES Charge To Net Assessment $_954.00 $ $ $ $_87.50 $,90.00 $1,131.50 $ $ $1,131.50 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $1,131.50 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been oompleted, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. /�- r � J Dated J - �lo - �/7 ��� �. � ��1��,�-f� „ _�V�luation and Assessment Engineer fI�f To Legislative Hearing Officer - April 1, 1997 Date - Anril 9, 1997 1 Estate be in Office � a�-�aq RE 1-24-97 3951`= _ 1-1,-y, GREEN SHEET IhRIAVDATE iNiT1ALDATE �DEPAPTMENTD�RECTOR �LRYLOUNqL '�+N � CRY ATSORNEY � CRY CLEFK 18EA FON ITING � BUDGET D�RECTOii O FIN. d MGT. SEflVIGES DIR )ER �MqyOFi(OAASSISTANTj 0 Council Research TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� J9704A, 9716; J9701B, 9718; J9702B, 9719; J9701TDBC, 9720 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Summary Abate from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997; from mid-June to mid-Sept 1996 and Boardings-up £or July and Aug 1996. aECOMMENDAT10N5: ApD� (A) a Rejeci (R) �. PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE �sro�F A Public Health __ DISTRICiCOURT A Vacant Bldes. SUPPORTSwHICHCOUNCIIOBJECTNE2 HTard 2 Neighboorhoods PERSONAL SERVICE CONTpACTS MUS7ANSWEp THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has this person�rm ever worked under a comract fm Mis daparimeM? YES NO 2. � Has t�is personKrm ever been a uty employee7 YES NO 3. Does this person/Firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cunent cify employee7 YES NO Explaln ell yes enswera on seperets sheet anC ettech to green aheet VI�tATING PROBLEM, l5$UE.OPPORTUNITy (Wlro, Whai, Whan, WAere, Why): Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not kept up. _ _...._--......._.__. Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Summary Abatements and Boardings-up. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofa chairs and a11 other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross walks. If Council does not approve these charges, 6eneral Fund wouid be required to pay the assessment. Assessments payable over 1 year and collected with the property taxes if not paid. neighborhoods would be left io deteriorate and property values would decline Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties Rodents, filth garbage and trash would accumlate everywhere. Disease and pests could become a problem. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S �� • 371 • �� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (C�RCLE ONE) YES NO �l FUNDIIiG50URCE ASSESSmeT1tS 0711V � ACTIVITYNUMBER FINANGIqI.INFORNiRT10N (EXPLAIN) ' 267 property o w ill be no[ ified of the public hearing and charges. To Legislati��e Hearing OfCcer - n4ay 6, 1997 Public Hearing Date - n4ay 14, 1997 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION :ontan Peisoa and Pboae Number: Roxana Flink � 266-8859 be on Couual Agenda by: 3-26-97 be in CouncS Research Olfice Date: � RE-3-7-97 7�7Z 3/5/97 Green Sheet i�`umber: 39521 EPARP..4E.'.T DIRECfOR CI7Y COL:�CIL A7?OA\'EY ITY CLERK L'DG£T DTRECTOR '- S AfGT. SVC. DIR. noon on Friday 3-1497 I iAYOR (OR ASSLS[A.+�'n 1 cot�ca �seaxce IiAL f OF SIG?�ATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IACATIO?�S FOR SIG\ATURE) TiOn REQUESTID: J9705B, 9725; J9705C, 97?6; J97051B, 9727; J9705A, 9728 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Boardings-up for :�'ov & Dec 1996, Demolitions far Dec 1996 - Jan 1997 and Summ Abate for winter of 1997. ru�. co>nvmo� Cm COTII.n7TEE mLS .vhidh Counril Objective ?�eighborhoods A n� A Pebiic HnM A �•am� e�u. Ward 2 Au the persoaffirm evec W orked voder a contraM foz tbis department? Aa5 chis pe:sonJfirm ever been a City employee? Does this person/fvm possess a sl:ill not aormally possessed by any current Cit}' employee? E�pltin ail YES answers on a sepuate sheet and attach. YES h0 YES NO YES NO PROBLEM, ISSIIE, OPPORTU:�IY'1' (tifio, Rfiat, Rfien, R'Lere, R'6y^): Properfy oK�ners or renters creafe a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul w�hen their propertv is not kePt un. 1F APPRO\'ED: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Boardings-up, Demolitions and Summary Abatements. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away ali garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, ali household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidew�aik and cross walks. IF APPROVED: If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. � Assessme�ts are payable over 1 year and collected with the property taJCes if not IF NOT APPRO�'ED; Neighborhoods would be left to deteriorate and property values would decline. Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties, Rodents, fiIth, garbage and trash would accumulate every��Here. Disease and pests could become a problem. AMOUIPfOFTAANSACf10N: $ 514 ,268.23 COSTlREVET'UEBUDGE7'ED(CIRCLEONE7 �s No sovace: Assessments I?�ANCIAL II�'FOR7�fAT10.'�`: (E7iFLAII.� 228 property owners will be notified of the ACTTVITY 7�'UMBER: and � �� t� V � � N N w O • O t•J . O • O 6 d T � � M F C w � M � M p. � N • N O C . N . 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Resolution rarifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following (I,aid over from May 6, 1997 Legislative Hearing): 2106 Marshall Ave. (J9705AA) 473 Cretin Ave. S. (J9705AA) 1857 E. Cottage Ave. (J9705AA) 2176 Stillwater Ave. (J9705AA) 695 St. Anthony Ave. (J9705AA) 1110 Forest St. (J9704A4) Legislative Aearing Officer recommended approval of the assessments with the following exceptions: 2106 Marshall (J9705AA) laid over to June 17, 1997 2176 Stillwater Avenue (J9705AA) reduce assessment to $37.50 2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced bniiding, located at 1359 �lair Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public fiealth is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to October 11, 1997. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at$�4 Western Avenue North. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval. q�t-� s�► 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced buiiding located at�5 i ig,�n Street. If the owner fails to comply wiffi the resolution, Public Heaith is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Ofecer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to 180 days. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at�77 Kent Street. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Eiealth is ordered to remove the building. Legisla6ve Hearing Officer recommended approval. 6. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at.�.�7 fiarrison Avenue. If the owner faiis to comply with the resolution, Public Heatth is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended laying this matter over to July 1, 1997. 7. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at�i5 Sherburne Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. I,egislative Hearing Officer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the strueture to 180 days if the $20f1 vacant building fee is paid and $2,000 bond is posted by noon on June 11, 1997. 8. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 774 C�itol Heights. If the owner fails to compiy with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Ofticer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to November 12, 1997. 9. Summary abatement appeai for 1176 Portland Avenue; Bonnie 7. Iiughes, appellant. The appeal was withdrawn �1�-`�a9 MINUTES OF LEGISLATIVE HEARING June 3, 1997 Room 330, City Hall Gerry 3tratUman, Legislative Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Votel, Guy Willits, Public Heatth; Roxanna Flink, Real Estate. Gerry Strathman, I.egislative Heating Officer, called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. I2esolution ratifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following (Iaid over from May 6, 1997 Legislative Hearing): 2106 Marshall Ave. (J9705AA) 473 Cretin Ave. S. (J9705AA) 1857 E. Cottage Ave. (J9705AA) 2176 Stiliwater Ave. (J9705AA) 695 St. Anthony Ave. (J9705AA) 1110 Forest St. (J9704A4) Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval oF the assessments with the following exceptions: 2106 Mazshall (J9705AA) laid over to June 17, 1997 2176 Stillwater Avenue (J9705AA) reduce assessment to $37.50 1857 E. Cotta�e Avenue Guy Willits, Public IIealth, showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. Orders were mailed on January 30, 1947, to remove snow from the walk. A recheck was done on February 3, 1997; and the city did the work on February 5, 1997. Mary Kelly, properry owner, appeazed and stated that she was having back probiems and could not shovel her sidewalk. During that time is when they had the ice storm and she tried chopping the ice but she didn't have the strength. Mr. Stcathman stated it is the property owner's responsibility to shovel the walk or make arrangements to have it done. The video cleazly shows the work was done by city crews and recommended approving the assessment. 473 Cretin Avenue S. No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 4 I110 F�rest Guy Willits, Public Health, showed a video of the properry and reviewed the staff report. Orders were mailed on October 31, 1996 to remove mattresses, couch, refrigerators, refuse, carpeting, and discazded range. A recheck was done on November 8, 1996, the properry was not cleaned up, and the work was done by the city on November 19, 1996. Chadoua and Youa Vue, pmperty owners, appeared. Mr. Vue stated that tttey bought the properiy on September 16, 1996. The previous owner fived an the property until October 5, 1996. When she moved out, she told them she would clean everything including the basement and the garage. She unlocked the garage so that it would be easy for her people to move things out. They waited for her to come back and in the meantime, they put some of her things in the back yazd so they coutd clean building for people moving in. Everything that was taken from the back yard and guage belonged to the previous owner. Mr. Sordthman inquired where the orders were sent. Mr, Votet responded tt�at they were mailed to Bob Van Lee at 1110 Forest, the previovs owner. Orders were also posted at the properry, there was no phone listing, and the garage was not secured. Mr. Vue stated that the oniy order he saw was the one dated December 24, 1996. Mr. Strathman stated that the order mailed October 31, 1996, was sent to the previous owner because she was listed on the tas records as the official owner. The previous owner had a 1ega1 obligation to inform the new owners that this order was outstanding. The city is required under the law to send notice to the properiy owner as recorded at the Ramsey county properry taxation. The city followed the proper legal procedures, the video clearly shows the work was done by the city, and recommended approvai of the assessment. 122 Manitoba Avenue No one appeared. This assessment was ratified on May 9, 1997 and was not part of the laid over assessments far today's hearing. It was re-discussed and no action was taken. 2106 Marshall Avenue Laid over to June 17, 1997 458 Marvland Avenue No one appeared. This assessment was ratified on May 24, 1997 and was not part of the laid over assessments for today's heazing. It was re-discussed and no action was taken. f�? °t� -� a°I i303 Randol�h Avenue No one appeared. This assessment was ratified on May 14, 1997 and was not part of the laid over assessments for today's hearing. It was re-discussed and no action was taken. 695 St. Anthonv Avenue Guy Willits, Public Health, showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. The order was mailed December 20, 1996, to remove snow and ice from the walk. The properry was rechecked on January 15, 1997; the city did the work on January 16, 1997. Mike Peters, property owner, agpeared and stated that in early January when he received the notice from the city, he took care of the problem. He received no further warnings. At that time, it stormed back-to-back and the snow was blowing ail week. Mr. Strathman clarified that two sets of orders were issued to clean the walk, December 20, 1946 and 7anuazy 7, 1997. City ordinance requires that snow be removed within 24 hours after a snow fall. In viewing the video, it is cleaz tUat the snow had been on the sidewalk for more than 24 hours. Mr. Peters explained that the walk had been shoveled 4 or 5 times after he was notified. It was a record winter for snow fall. The reason he never got his waik done by the next day was because he was doing snowplowing and was usually out for 2 days. He stated that he had a right to be inforu►ed and to have a chance to take care of the problem, the city didn't do that. Mr. Strathman stated that according to city records, the letter sent on January 7, 1997 indicated the snow was to be removed. A recheck was done on January 15 and the snow still hadn't been removed; on 7anuary 16 the city crew went out and removed the snow. It is clear on the video that there was snow on the sidewalk and recommended approval of the assessment. 217b Stillwater Avenue Guy Willits, Public Health, showed a video of the properry and reviewed the staff report. Orders were mailed on January 21, 1997 and again January 24 to remove snow. The properry was rechecked on January 23, 1997; the city did the work on February I, 1997. 7eff Miller, property owner, appeazed and stated that he shoveled the sidewalk 3' wide. He did contact the city 3 times on Friday the 31st after he received the notice that the work order had been issued. He called the inspector at 9:00 a.m., 1Q:00 a.m., and paged him at 11:30 a.m., and he never returned his call. The Wednesday prior to that, he went out to clear the walk and couldn't chisel through the ice. By Friday it had warmed and he spent 3 hours clearing the sidewalk. 3 All the city did was probably plow another inch, dug up his lawn and put dirt and sand over what he had akeady shoveled. Mr. Strathman stated that in viewing the video, it appears an attempt was made to clean it up the snow although it wasn't quite adequate. He recommended reducing the assessment from $132.50 to $37.50. 251 Wayzata Street No one appeared. This assessment was ratified on April 9, 1997 and was not part of the Iaid over assessments for today's hearing. It was re-discussed and no action was taken. Mr. Strathman noted that a letter was received from Dawn Simon the property owner explaining that she was having personal difficulties and financial hardships. 3. Resotution ordering the owner to remtove or repair the referenced building, located at 1359 Blair Avenue. If the owner faiLs to comply with the resolution, Pablic Health is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel, Public Health, reviewed the staff report stating that the buiiding was condemned in July 1996, 5 summary abatement notices were issued to remove various nuisance law violations. After an inspection In March 1997,the bui2ding was declared a miisance. A code compliance inspection was obtained on May 28, 1997, and the estimated amount of money needed to repair the structure makes it unlikely and not ec;onomically feasibie to rehabilitate. He also noted a letter was received from community members in support of condemnation. Mr. Strathman questioned why this matter was being heard when a bond had been posted on April 11, 1997, and permits obtained. Mr. Votel referred to the code compliance inspection report and stated that under item 1{4, the inspector noted that most of the work that had been done to the building and gazage was substandard and would have to be redone. The building is still in a musance condition as it has been for some time which is the basis for requesting an order for repair or removal. Mr. Nguyen stated that they obtained the permit on October 1, 1997, and posted the bond . which gives them 6 months to bring the house up to code. The vacant building fee of $200 and the code compliance was paid. He's in the process of re-roofing the house; iYs a slow process but fie dces has 6 months to complete the work. Mr. StraU�man asked the properry owner if he elcpected to have the work completed in 6 months. Mr. Nguyen responded that he would not have posted the $2,000 bond if he didn't pian to have the work done in 6 months. R'hen he talked to Don Wagner, he was told he could either try to sell the house the way it was or he could try to repair it, and if he posted a bond, � ��t -� a-q the ciry was pretry lenient if 50% of the work was done within 6 months. Mr. Strathman asked about the complaints received on the properry. Mr. Votel stated that they had so many problems with the property that they issued a notice to boazd all accessible first floor openings to the building. It wasn't done and the city had to have the contractor go out and put 16 boazds on the building to secure it. There hasn't been any real effort to complete the repairs and the ciry is concemed because the inspector stated in lris report that the work that Uas already been done needs to be redone. It is substandard work and is not going to get a code compliance. The people next door want some resolution to this property. Mr. Nguyen stated that every time an abatement was sent, he took caze of it. Basically all he wants to do is fix up the house and either rehab or sell it. He has the code compliance list and is making sure tUat the work he does meets code. Quoc Nguyen, previous owner of the house, stated he deeded the property to his son, but expiained that he still holds the mortgage and has some responsibility in the matter. He is very concemed about the rehabilitation or the sale of the property to pay the balance of the mortgage. He wants to compiy with the city. Mr. Strathman stated concem about the house being a miisance to the neighborhood and the possibility that the work on the building may not be 50% completed when the 6-month period expires. If this is allowed to continue, they may be in a worse situation in a couple of months. Mr. Nguyen stated there aze 4 more months and 11 days before the bond expires. The reason it doesn't look like much work has been done to the building is because everyttring has been on the interior. He's now ready to re-roof the house and do the siding. Tom Ryan, 1363 Blair, appeared and stated that the time line here seems to be skewed to some extent by the fact that the pemut was not puiled until April 11, 1997. The building became vacant on July 30, 1996, and subsequenUy went into the vacant house status. It is his understanding, through contact with the inspectors, that the owner made no move to get the building inspected until the last possible minute when he would be forced by abatement order to do so. It was only in the face of those orders that the permit was puiled and that the inspection was made. That inspection speaks for itself in terms of the quality of the work. The records contain a copy of a petition signed by neighbors signed on August 12, 1996. He also presented a new petition signed by 25 individnals sturounding the property in guestion urging the city to either insure that rehabilitation go forward promptly to bring this property up to the city codes and neighborhood standards, or that this dangerous and unsighfly structure be 5 removed. The neighbors have had enough. If time is going to be granted to rehabilitate, then the most strenuous supervision should be put into place. Beth Randall, Facecutive Director of H-Mazk, stated flus property has been an issue with repairs according to neighbors since January of 1995. It dcesn't appear to be economically feasible to renovate. She mentioned that one thing that may not have been suggested as a financiai option is seIective cleazance. Also seIIing the building as is ratfier than putting money into it. Her company wouid be willing to pay for the lot bnt they would not renovate the building, it would be tom down. She would discourage putting more money into the building. They aze in support of the neighbors to make sure that there is a solution in a very timely fashion. F�ctending the time line isn't going to solve the problem. Quoc Nguyen indicated tl�at if the communiry wants to buy the properry, he would be happy Yo sell it. Mr. Strathman stated that the fact that the bond has been posted and Iegal permits have been pulled, he would not recommend proceeding with demolition until the 6 month period had expired. He recommended giving the property owner until October 11, 1997 to complete the repairs. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 84b Western Avenue North. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Dave Assitt, attomey representing Bankers Trust Company, mortgage holder on the properry, appeared and stated that they have commenced foreclosure proceedings. The property went to sale on Mazch 22, 1997. The are in the process of reducing the redemption period from 6 months to 5 weeks and if successfui, they wouid be the ownez of the properry about 7uty 31, 1997, They have had limited accessed to the properry but they believe the structiue may be rehabilitated. He requested that if the building is to be removed, tfie order be delayed 60 days to allow time for their client to obtain tit�e and possession. Mr. Strathman stated that based on the information presented by staff and in viewing the photographs, the building is clearly a public miisance and therefore recommended approval of the order to remove or repair within 15 days. 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 395Michig n tr t. If the owner fails to comply witt► the resolution, Public Heaith is ordered to remove the building. Bill Manson, property owner, appeared and stated that he purchased the home from HUD on April 15, 1997 and he is in the process of rehabilitating the strueture. �t� - �a� Chuck Votel, Public Health, reviewed the staff report stating that the building has been vacant since May 1996. It went through HTJD's foreclosure process and was to Mr. Manson. Previous to that, it has been a probiem property for the city since July 1996. At this point, Mr_ Manson has posted the bond and pulled building permits which are valid until November 20 ,1947. Mr. Strathman recommended the properry owner be given 180 days w complete the rehabilitafion. 5. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at b77 Kent Street. If the owner faiLs to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Faye Madison, M»*�an� I,aw Firm, appeazed and stated that they have been retained by Bank of America the mortgage holder to represent them. The mortgage is FHA and they are dealing with IIi3D on the property as well. Chuck Votel, Public Health, reviewed the staff report stating that the building has been vacant since February 1997 and Bank of America has begun foreclosure proceedings. The property would be transfened to HUD after the redemption period. The city has had to boazd the building and three summary abatement notices were issued. Real estate taxes aze currendy paid; the estitnated cost to repair the building makes it unlikely a�l not economically feasible to rehabilitate. Ms. Madison stated that they will be handling the mortgage foreclosure in the near future. The file is currently in shipping between Bank of America's pre-foreclosure and foreclosure departments. They haven't done any titie work on the properry yet but they have received indication that the properry was deeded to Paul Schwartz by Bahram Ghassemiou. After talking with Mr. Ghassemlou, it is her understanding the he deeded the property back to Paul Schwartz but he doesn't want it back. It was also indicated the Mr. Schwartz and Mr. Ghassemiou would be willing to enter into negotiations for a deed in lieu of foreclosure which would speed up the process. They have been in touch with Sophie Hallauer from HUD who has ordered an emergency HUD inspection repart. Mr. Strathman stated he sympathized with their objective but elcplained that the city is deating with a building that has been vacant, declared to be a public nuisance, and the recommendation by city inspectors is that rehabilitation is not economically feasible. In view of those facts, he recommended approval of the order. 6. Besolution orderueg the owner to remove or repair the referenced betilding located at 275 Harrison Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Brett Larson, Ramsey County Properry Records and Revenue, reported ihat the property in question is scheduled for auction June 19, 1997. There has been interest from potentiai buyers and he's fairly certain that it will sell. He meet with the West 7th neighborhood groap and they indicated that there is some history behind the hoase. He reguested time to allow the properry to be sold at the auction. Chuck Votel, Public Health, reported that the property is secured. The building was condemned in October 1996. The estimated amount of money needed to properly repair the structure makes rehabilitation unlikely and not economically feasible. Mr. Strathman recommended the matter be laid over to July 1, 1997. 7. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 915 Sherburne Avenue. If the owner faiLs to comply with tt►e resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel, Pablic Health, reviewed the staff report stating the building bas been vacant since Augast 1996, and there have been two c��i*+m�ry abatement orders issued. The reat estate taxes aze paid and vacant building registration fees are due. A code compliance was done on April 16, 1997; the estimated amount of money needed to properly repair the structure makes rehabilitation unlikely and not economically feasible. Ron Widerhoft, property owner, appeared and stated that he plans to sell the property to Todd who intends to rehab the building but wants to make sure that it won't be tom down. Mr. Strathman stated tl�at based on the information presented by staff and in viewing the photographs of the building, he would require that a$2,000 bond is posted and permits pulled as an assurance that the building would be rehabilitated within 6 months. Tfie perspective buyer indicated that would not be a problem. Mr. Strathman recommended giving the property ow�r 180 days to repair the building on the condition that the vacant building fees are paid, and a$2,000 bond is posted by noon on Wednesday, June 11, 1997. 0 q� -�a� 8. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 774 Canitr�l Hejgh�. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel, Public Health, reviewed the staff report and stated that the building was condemned in October 1996. The city had to boazd the buiiding, registration fees and ta4es aze paid. On Apri18, 1997 a Code Compliance inspection was done. The bond was posted with the huIlding inspection department on May 12, 1997, and a permit obtained which is valid until November 12, 1997. Public IIealth wants an order that says if the owner doesn't get the work done, the building is torn down. Mike Davis, grandson of the property owner, Emil Lemke, appeared and stated tUat he intends to rehabilitate the building. He explained that he was late in posting the bond because he went to the wrong address and by the time he got to the right office it had closed. The following Monday he posted the bond but notice had aiready been mailed. Mr. Strathman recommended amending the resolution and giving the property owner until November 12, 1997. 9. Summary abatement appeal for 117b Portland Avenue; Bonnie J. Hughes, appellant. No one appeared. The appeal was withdrawn; the garage was removed. The meeting adjoumed at 11:45 a.m. Gerry Strat�Finan, Legislative Hearing Officer �9