97-713CAUncil File # �� � � , 3 Green Sheet # ���� � ����, � , ' S ��' � _. � �, y 1., _, . . . ,� Presented By Referred To KE5C7LUTI�N �1HT PAUL, MINNESOTA Cc[[�ittee: Date �� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS, Certain lands in the City of Litt1e Canada, Ramsey County, Minnesota, were purchased with funds from the Board of Water Commissioners, hereinafter refened to as the Board, for consh maintenance and operation of Board facilities. WHEREAS, Title for said lands is in the name of the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter referred tc as the City, for the benefit of the Boazd; and WHEREAS, The Board did declaze by Resolution No. 4467 that certain parceis witlun said lands, hereinafter referred to as the Property and described as follows: All of Blocks i and 2, Rice Street Motor Addition, together with vacated streets and alleys accruing thereto, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, subject to the Minnesota Department of Transportation Interstate 694 right of way and Counhy Dzive street right of way. to be no longer required for maintenance, construction or operation by the Board and, therefore, to be surplus property;and VVFIEREAS, The Board did request by Resolution No. 4474 that the City of Saint Paul quitclaim the Property in favor of the Board; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 10. 151 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the proceeds from the sale of land in the name of the City but held for the benefit of the Boazd may be used only for "the expense of operating the deparixnent, the repairs and maintenance of the waterworks plant and property, and the payment of principal and interest on obligations issued for waterworks purposes; ' and �'1-'113 1 WHEREAS, The City holds no interest in the Property other than being the nominal fee hoider; and 2 3 WHEREAS, Quitclaiming the Property to the Board will make :t unnecessary to expend Czty 4 resources in effecting its sale; now, therefore, be it 6 RESOLVED, That the Property is hereby declazed to be surplus property; and, be it 7 8 FURTAER RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby directed to prepaze az!d esecute a 9 quitclaim deed which shall quit the City's interest in the Property in favor of the Board. Reqnested by Depa:tment of: Adopted by Councii: Date \0.q'1 ,4doption Cert�ed by Council Seaetary sr "�� a C�� � Appzoved by Mayor. Date � l s ` _ � � titi , Watex Utility B � ���`� For.. Approved by Cir� Aitorney g ��-� ✓ ppp y or For S b ission to Conacil By. ��-�� �-���.�- �� �s � �bfi�n DEPHPTMENTAFFICFJCOUNCII DATE INITIATED J�J V 4 V Water ut�i�t 5/27/97 GREEN SHEET 9'7—'l13 GONTAGT PERSON & PHONE IN AWAT 7NRIAUOA7E �DEPARTMENT�IRECTOR z�f �j����} CIiVCOUNCI� Bernie R. Bullert 266-6274 A `��� N QCfiYATTORNEY S� �CINCLEqK NUNBERFOR MUST BE ON CqUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) NOUTING � BU GET DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. .jllRE I1� 1997 ORDEfl MAY�R(ORASSISTAN � O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED� Adopt attached Council Resolution declaring certain Board of Water Commissioners' property in the City of Little Canada to be surplus and authorizing the preparation and execution of a quitclaiia deed which shall quit the City's interest in the property in favor of the Board. RECAMMENDn710rvS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEA THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: __ PLANNUIG COMMISSION _ GVI� SFAVICE COMMl5S10N �� Has this person�rm ever worketl untler a contraCt for this departmeM? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO ` S7AFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ D15iRICT CAURT A Board o f Water 3. Does this pereordFirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUP�'OFTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECfIVE? Commissioner YES NO Explain ell yes answers on separate sheet antl attaeh to green sheet IN7TIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPENiTUNIN (Who, VJhat, When, Where. Why): C.F. No. 97-167 contained a technical flaw in the property 1ega1 description. The attached resolution is identical to C.F. No. 97-167 except that the legal description is correct. d? (:�&'��t v1AY 2 � - ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: +� ":��'&��� � �#° �s 6' The Board of Water Commissioners can proceed with selling the surplus property. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. C�# _,4..�sY�! �` $6�� ar;;�as' � � ����' ,.���: ��ur�.__...���°�.r� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: � TO�TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO / ; FUNpIIdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER � FINANqAL INFORHSATION: (EXPLAIN) �..� �.,:..�. • P ��-•-y� : � ___- � ��� : - - I -- � -- � - Cncac:l File # �� ........�. � ,.� t'� 1.. `� �,i� �' U.�..�-1,�( 1 � " . ""'"� F J Green Sheet # � - 1y � ,�, ' RESOLUTtON ClTY OF SAtNT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1? � �r' � / °I�-'113 Presented Bv Refer:ed To C.^,�ttee: Date WHEREAS, Certain lands in the City of Little Canada, Ramsey County, Minnesota, w�ere ourchased with funds from the Board of Wate: Commissioners, hereinaite: referred to as the Boazd, for construction, maintenance and operation of Board facilities. WHEI2EAS, Title for said lands is in the name of the City oi Saint Paul, lie:einafrer reiened to as the City, for the benefit of the Board; and WFIEREAS, The Bbard did declaze by ResoIution No. 4467 th2t certain parcels within said lands, hereinafret referred to as the Properry and described a< iollows: Those pares of Btocks 2 and 3 oi the Rice S�eet l�Ioto* addition according to th� plat ihereof on file and o� record in the office of the �e�ister oi Deeds of Ra.*ase�� Countp, tvSiiuiesota, ly�inQ south of the Minnesota Lepa.�.ment of Transpo;tation i �.694 rieht-af-wav. to be no lon�er requirec ior maintenznc�. constructior. or operauea 6t� ti:e Bozrd and therefore. ta be surolus properR ; and WI�REAS, T'ne Board did request b�• Resolution No. �7 ". tf�ac tr� C;n� o: Sainc Paul qui.cia:m ,�:e Properry in ia�•or of ine Board: and �3'HEREAS, Pursuant to Section 1 U. i �. i_ oi the Ch2tter oi me :;t�• o� Saint Paul, tHe proczees irom the sale of land in the name of the Cit}� but heId for the oene5t oi T;.e Boazd map be used oniti fo: "t'r.e espense of operatin� the department. the repairs and maintenznce of the �;aterw�orl:s plant and progem�, and the payment of principal and interest on ooli�ations issued for waterworks purposes;' and --� ��t� a�-��3 1 � 3 4 5 6 � 8 9 WHEREAS, The City holds no interest in the Property other than bein� the nominal fee hoIder; and WI3EREAS, Quitciaiming the Property to the Board wiIl mat:e it unnecessary to expend City resources in effecting its sale; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That tlie Property is hereoy declared to be surplu propery; and, be it FURTI�ER 12ESOLVED, That the proper City officials aze hereby directed to prepaze ane execu.e a quitclaim deed which shall quit the City's interest in the Propem� in favor of the Board_ Rcqnesic3 bj De:a:2r.iest of ?c2te= L >otion Ce:[i:i�d by CaLnct Scce:=-r �� • E� -r��- _ --�_ . \ � / �toved by �fayo;: Date �`. % � � �' . ��- � j. �.�`'�f ' ` ��'%'�.� General Manager For� Aa�:c� .: b� C� t A� *ney ��: � �. � z-3-g1 � Ap�:o�•e� b_,';da}�: fa: Subsssic� [o Cc::_c_' .—, .- ; ; . _: �.�• �� `�' - -- �oted by CoLnc1: 1�ate � - `.-. �'7 �� °�`�� �[ CAUncil File # �� � � , 3 Green Sheet # ���� � ����, � , ' S ��' � _. � �, y 1., _, . . . ,� Presented By Referred To KE5C7LUTI�N �1HT PAUL, MINNESOTA Cc[[�ittee: Date �� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS, Certain lands in the City of Litt1e Canada, Ramsey County, Minnesota, were purchased with funds from the Board of Water Commissioners, hereinafter refened to as the Board, for consh maintenance and operation of Board facilities. WHEREAS, Title for said lands is in the name of the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter referred tc as the City, for the benefit of the Boazd; and WHEREAS, The Board did declaze by Resolution No. 4467 that certain parceis witlun said lands, hereinafter referred to as the Property and described as follows: All of Blocks i and 2, Rice Street Motor Addition, together with vacated streets and alleys accruing thereto, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, subject to the Minnesota Department of Transportation Interstate 694 right of way and Counhy Dzive street right of way. to be no longer required for maintenance, construction or operation by the Board and, therefore, to be surplus property;and VVFIEREAS, The Board did request by Resolution No. 4474 that the City of Saint Paul quitclaim the Property in favor of the Board; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 10. 151 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the proceeds from the sale of land in the name of the City but held for the benefit of the Boazd may be used only for "the expense of operating the deparixnent, the repairs and maintenance of the waterworks plant and property, and the payment of principal and interest on obligations issued for waterworks purposes; ' and �'1-'113 1 WHEREAS, The City holds no interest in the Property other than being the nominal fee hoider; and 2 3 WHEREAS, Quitclaiming the Property to the Board will make :t unnecessary to expend Czty 4 resources in effecting its sale; now, therefore, be it 6 RESOLVED, That the Property is hereby declazed to be surplus property; and, be it 7 8 FURTAER RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby directed to prepaze az!d esecute a 9 quitclaim deed which shall quit the City's interest in the Property in favor of the Board. Reqnested by Depa:tment of: Adopted by Councii: Date \0.q'1 ,4doption Cert�ed by Council Seaetary sr "�� a C�� � Appzoved by Mayor. Date � l s ` _ � � titi , Watex Utility B � ���`� For.. Approved by Cir� Aitorney g ��-� ✓ ppp y or For S b ission to Conacil By. ��-�� �-���.�- �� �s � �bfi�n DEPHPTMENTAFFICFJCOUNCII DATE INITIATED J�J V 4 V Water ut�i�t 5/27/97 GREEN SHEET 9'7—'l13 GONTAGT PERSON & PHONE IN AWAT 7NRIAUOA7E �DEPARTMENT�IRECTOR z�f �j����} CIiVCOUNCI� Bernie R. Bullert 266-6274 A `��� N QCfiYATTORNEY S� �CINCLEqK NUNBERFOR MUST BE ON CqUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) NOUTING � BU GET DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. .jllRE I1� 1997 ORDEfl MAY�R(ORASSISTAN � O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED� Adopt attached Council Resolution declaring certain Board of Water Commissioners' property in the City of Little Canada to be surplus and authorizing the preparation and execution of a quitclaiia deed which shall quit the City's interest in the property in favor of the Board. RECAMMENDn710rvS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEA THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: __ PLANNUIG COMMISSION _ GVI� SFAVICE COMMl5S10N �� Has this person�rm ever worketl untler a contraCt for this departmeM? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO ` S7AFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ D15iRICT CAURT A Board o f Water 3. Does this pereordFirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUP�'OFTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECfIVE? Commissioner YES NO Explain ell yes answers on separate sheet antl attaeh to green sheet IN7TIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPENiTUNIN (Who, VJhat, When, Where. Why): C.F. No. 97-167 contained a technical flaw in the property 1ega1 description. The attached resolution is identical to C.F. No. 97-167 except that the legal description is correct. d? (:�&'��t v1AY 2 � - ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: +� ":��'&��� � �#° �s 6' The Board of Water Commissioners can proceed with selling the surplus property. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. C�# _,4..�sY�! �` $6�� ar;;�as' � � ����' ,.���: ��ur�.__...���°�.r� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: � TO�TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO / ; FUNpIIdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER � FINANqAL INFORHSATION: (EXPLAIN) �..� �.,:..�. • P ��-•-y� : � ___- � ��� : - - I -- � -- � - Cncac:l File # �� ........�. � ,.� t'� 1.. `� �,i� �' U.�..�-1,�( 1 � " . ""'"� F J Green Sheet # � - 1y � ,�, ' RESOLUTtON ClTY OF SAtNT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1? � �r' � / °I�-'113 Presented Bv Refer:ed To C.^,�ttee: Date WHEREAS, Certain lands in the City of Little Canada, Ramsey County, Minnesota, w�ere ourchased with funds from the Board of Wate: Commissioners, hereinaite: referred to as the Boazd, for construction, maintenance and operation of Board facilities. WHEI2EAS, Title for said lands is in the name of the City oi Saint Paul, lie:einafrer reiened to as the City, for the benefit of the Board; and WFIEREAS, The Bbard did declaze by ResoIution No. 4467 th2t certain parcels within said lands, hereinafret referred to as the Properry and described a< iollows: Those pares of Btocks 2 and 3 oi the Rice S�eet l�Ioto* addition according to th� plat ihereof on file and o� record in the office of the �e�ister oi Deeds of Ra.*ase�� Countp, tvSiiuiesota, ly�inQ south of the Minnesota Lepa.�.ment of Transpo;tation i �.694 rieht-af-wav. to be no lon�er requirec ior maintenznc�. constructior. or operauea 6t� ti:e Bozrd and therefore. ta be surolus properR ; and WI�REAS, T'ne Board did request b�• Resolution No. �7 ". tf�ac tr� C;n� o: Sainc Paul qui.cia:m ,�:e Properry in ia�•or of ine Board: and �3'HEREAS, Pursuant to Section 1 U. i �. i_ oi the Ch2tter oi me :;t�• o� Saint Paul, tHe proczees irom the sale of land in the name of the Cit}� but heId for the oene5t oi T;.e Boazd map be used oniti fo: "t'r.e espense of operatin� the department. the repairs and maintenznce of the �;aterw�orl:s plant and progem�, and the payment of principal and interest on ooli�ations issued for waterworks purposes;' and --� ��t� a�-��3 1 � 3 4 5 6 � 8 9 WHEREAS, The City holds no interest in the Property other than bein� the nominal fee hoIder; and WI3EREAS, Quitciaiming the Property to the Board wiIl mat:e it unnecessary to expend City resources in effecting its sale; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That tlie Property is hereoy declared to be surplu propery; and, be it FURTI�ER 12ESOLVED, That the proper City officials aze hereby directed to prepaze ane execu.e a quitclaim deed which shall quit the City's interest in the Propem� in favor of the Board_ Rcqnesic3 bj De:a:2r.iest of ?c2te= L >otion Ce:[i:i�d by CaLnct Scce:=-r �� • E� -r��- _ --�_ . \ � / �toved by �fayo;: Date �`. % � � �' . ��- � j. �.�`'�f ' ` ��'%'�.� General Manager For� Aa�:c� .: b� C� t A� *ney ��: � �. � z-3-g1 � Ap�:o�•e� b_,';da}�: fa: Subsssic� [o Cc::_c_' .—, .- ; ; . _: �.�• �� `�' - -- �oted by CoLnc1: 1�ate � - `.-. �'7 �� °�`�� �[ CAUncil File # �� � � , 3 Green Sheet # ���� � ����, � , ' S ��' � _. � �, y 1., _, . . . ,� Presented By Referred To KE5C7LUTI�N �1HT PAUL, MINNESOTA Cc[[�ittee: Date �� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS, Certain lands in the City of Litt1e Canada, Ramsey County, Minnesota, were purchased with funds from the Board of Water Commissioners, hereinafter refened to as the Board, for consh maintenance and operation of Board facilities. WHEREAS, Title for said lands is in the name of the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter referred tc as the City, for the benefit of the Boazd; and WHEREAS, The Board did declaze by Resolution No. 4467 that certain parceis witlun said lands, hereinafter referred to as the Property and described as follows: All of Blocks i and 2, Rice Street Motor Addition, together with vacated streets and alleys accruing thereto, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, subject to the Minnesota Department of Transportation Interstate 694 right of way and Counhy Dzive street right of way. to be no longer required for maintenance, construction or operation by the Board and, therefore, to be surplus property;and VVFIEREAS, The Board did request by Resolution No. 4474 that the City of Saint Paul quitclaim the Property in favor of the Board; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 10. 151 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the proceeds from the sale of land in the name of the City but held for the benefit of the Boazd may be used only for "the expense of operating the deparixnent, the repairs and maintenance of the waterworks plant and property, and the payment of principal and interest on obligations issued for waterworks purposes; ' and �'1-'113 1 WHEREAS, The City holds no interest in the Property other than being the nominal fee hoider; and 2 3 WHEREAS, Quitclaiming the Property to the Board will make :t unnecessary to expend Czty 4 resources in effecting its sale; now, therefore, be it 6 RESOLVED, That the Property is hereby declazed to be surplus property; and, be it 7 8 FURTAER RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby directed to prepaze az!d esecute a 9 quitclaim deed which shall quit the City's interest in the Property in favor of the Board. Reqnested by Depa:tment of: Adopted by Councii: Date \0.q'1 ,4doption Cert�ed by Council Seaetary sr "�� a C�� � Appzoved by Mayor. Date � l s ` _ � � titi , Watex Utility B � ���`� For.. Approved by Cir� Aitorney g ��-� ✓ ppp y or For S b ission to Conacil By. ��-�� �-���.�- �� �s � �bfi�n DEPHPTMENTAFFICFJCOUNCII DATE INITIATED J�J V 4 V Water ut�i�t 5/27/97 GREEN SHEET 9'7—'l13 GONTAGT PERSON & PHONE IN AWAT 7NRIAUOA7E �DEPARTMENT�IRECTOR z�f �j����} CIiVCOUNCI� Bernie R. Bullert 266-6274 A `��� N QCfiYATTORNEY S� �CINCLEqK NUNBERFOR MUST BE ON CqUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) NOUTING � BU GET DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. .jllRE I1� 1997 ORDEfl MAY�R(ORASSISTAN � O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED� Adopt attached Council Resolution declaring certain Board of Water Commissioners' property in the City of Little Canada to be surplus and authorizing the preparation and execution of a quitclaiia deed which shall quit the City's interest in the property in favor of the Board. RECAMMENDn710rvS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEA THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: __ PLANNUIG COMMISSION _ GVI� SFAVICE COMMl5S10N �� Has this person�rm ever worketl untler a contraCt for this departmeM? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO ` S7AFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ D15iRICT CAURT A Board o f Water 3. Does this pereordFirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUP�'OFTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECfIVE? Commissioner YES NO Explain ell yes answers on separate sheet antl attaeh to green sheet IN7TIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPENiTUNIN (Who, VJhat, When, Where. Why): C.F. No. 97-167 contained a technical flaw in the property 1ega1 description. The attached resolution is identical to C.F. No. 97-167 except that the legal description is correct. d? (:�&'��t v1AY 2 � - ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: +� ":��'&��� � �#° �s 6' The Board of Water Commissioners can proceed with selling the surplus property. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. C�# _,4..�sY�! �` $6�� ar;;�as' � � ����' ,.���: ��ur�.__...���°�.r� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: � TO�TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO / ; FUNpIIdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER � FINANqAL INFORHSATION: (EXPLAIN) �..� �.,:..�. • P ��-•-y� : � ___- � ��� : - - I -- � -- � - Cncac:l File # �� ........�. � ,.� t'� 1.. `� �,i� �' U.�..�-1,�( 1 � " . ""'"� F J Green Sheet # � - 1y � ,�, ' RESOLUTtON ClTY OF SAtNT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1? � �r' � / °I�-'113 Presented Bv Refer:ed To C.^,�ttee: Date WHEREAS, Certain lands in the City of Little Canada, Ramsey County, Minnesota, w�ere ourchased with funds from the Board of Wate: Commissioners, hereinaite: referred to as the Boazd, for construction, maintenance and operation of Board facilities. WHEI2EAS, Title for said lands is in the name of the City oi Saint Paul, lie:einafrer reiened to as the City, for the benefit of the Board; and WFIEREAS, The Bbard did declaze by ResoIution No. 4467 th2t certain parcels within said lands, hereinafret referred to as the Properry and described a< iollows: Those pares of Btocks 2 and 3 oi the Rice S�eet l�Ioto* addition according to th� plat ihereof on file and o� record in the office of the �e�ister oi Deeds of Ra.*ase�� Countp, tvSiiuiesota, ly�inQ south of the Minnesota Lepa.�.ment of Transpo;tation i �.694 rieht-af-wav. to be no lon�er requirec ior maintenznc�. constructior. or operauea 6t� ti:e Bozrd and therefore. ta be surolus properR ; and WI�REAS, T'ne Board did request b�• Resolution No. �7 ". tf�ac tr� C;n� o: Sainc Paul qui.cia:m ,�:e Properry in ia�•or of ine Board: and �3'HEREAS, Pursuant to Section 1 U. i �. i_ oi the Ch2tter oi me :;t�• o� Saint Paul, tHe proczees irom the sale of land in the name of the Cit}� but heId for the oene5t oi T;.e Boazd map be used oniti fo: "t'r.e espense of operatin� the department. the repairs and maintenznce of the �;aterw�orl:s plant and progem�, and the payment of principal and interest on ooli�ations issued for waterworks purposes;' and --� ��t� a�-��3 1 � 3 4 5 6 � 8 9 WHEREAS, The City holds no interest in the Property other than bein� the nominal fee hoIder; and WI3EREAS, Quitciaiming the Property to the Board wiIl mat:e it unnecessary to expend City resources in effecting its sale; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That tlie Property is hereoy declared to be surplu propery; and, be it FURTI�ER 12ESOLVED, That the proper City officials aze hereby directed to prepaze ane execu.e a quitclaim deed which shall quit the City's interest in the Propem� in favor of the Board_ Rcqnesic3 bj De:a:2r.iest of ?c2te= L >otion Ce:[i:i�d by CaLnct Scce:=-r �� • E� -r��- _ --�_ . \ � / �toved by �fayo;: Date �`. % � � �' . ��- � j. �.�`'�f ' ` ��'%'�.� General Manager For� Aa�:c� .: b� C� t A� *ney ��: � �. � z-3-g1 � Ap�:o�•e� b_,';da}�: fa: Subsssic� [o Cc::_c_' .—, .- ; ; . _: �.�• �� `�' - -- �oted by CoLnc1: 1�ate � - `.-. �'7 �� °�`�� �[