97-703p 3 .. K`r City c,f St. Paul S7T24�i RATIE'Ya7f`s � C4NE'�ff.*7G I�EHQATICA4 AHI} Al€ARDS O£ I}AMAC�S At��A IiSSI�$�T 3f3�REF�R � cau � Fz . rac . — �(03 -� BY ° C� ,.i2� ;do. 3dfi4;. In ths matter of Go^.�esnation �nd taking nf a perr.:anent ease�en* for right.-Qf-w„y purpases in connection witl� the V�eeler Streetf�"��2ster xvenue �aalic}nmer_t Project {City ?roject 97-p-iin:i; - Proposed easement to Ae looated at the intarsec'cio: of zhYx:e_AIAY" SLr 8:tt� M3.1_T?S nLCY?Ll�� ��H�Y�2l�C� @§ �FnI_iUSSS: All that part af Lot 2a, B2ock 5, Acmecroft Addition to Saint Faul 3yir.g southeasteriy of tha fcllowing descibEd line: FrJm the southeas± c.orner �f the said Lo� �4; thence westesly a di�tance of 1�.QG feet to the point �sf baginsiir�q; thence n�rtheasterly to a po3.nt esa the east iins of the ��id Lot 29 lying I2.OQ fe�t northerly c�f ttie said s�utheast corner, anci Lhsre te� nir,atinq. Prelimiriary 6rder agproved Final �rder aggrov�d A pulalic ha�si;�t havirg �e�n h�� , ai�n the ta;�iriq an�3 rczndemna*ian t�f .*_-hP iand� �r ea�emer,ts tharein, fGr tY.e ebove improvement, and the svaerd of ciamayes =herefar, an� also uy�n the assessmaut oi benefits therefor, and the t;���ncil havin� duly considered the sazne, now therefore be it RESOLVED, Thr�t the taf�inp anc� a�nae�!uietien vf the lanr3s described in the annexe�3 assessmant roll, icientified by the signatura of t�e L�irectcr rs 1`eobn�l�c3y an� mac2e a part Y:�reof, and the awards of da.�acces t� the cv.enr:: of �uch lands for said taking an� .ond?mnation as set fGrth in said asaessment roll, be and the same is hereby in alI respectc rat:ified nnd ecnfirmed. RESOLVEfS FURTF�EL, iixrxt the sair2 assessment af benefits, b'e anrl tlxe sFim� is herety in a77 rPr�ects r�tifi�d, �nr3 the ssme is here;�� �,rc3�red vo tss submitra� to th� Distriot Court for confirmatior:. Yea� Nays �an2y ��`9trom V V iis � � In F+�vG£ ✓Meqard � g— iae.z;ac�iaCeil�NS "Q „�(�ainst i/T7�une � �bs��, �- P.d�uted ay th2 Couzicil: Dat,�'W+�C.,� 1 G��tified ras82d �,y CUU.�vil SRG•*_'et3Y`Y P•'alic Hearing Date - June 4, 1997 RE 3-28-97 �f7 _ 7 03 T.M.5./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 3/23/97 Green Sheet Number: 40041 Yersoa snd Phone N�bex: EPARIMENT DIRECfOR CI1Y COUNCB. Peter White j°� " 266-8850 � A'�''�'� 2 °� UDGET DII2ECI�DR FFICE OF FINANQAL SVCS. o�r te � co�a ageuae ny:4-16-9 7 Mus t be lII YOR (OR AS4STAN1) 1 UNQL RFCF'AR($ OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQiJESTED: 1. To set hearing date to ratify cost of acquisition of easement for the Wheeler Street/Munster Avenue Realiguruent Project; and 2. To ratify the above amount. ��LE 7�0� /� gy� COMIIIENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RFJF,CT (R) � SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSf ANSWF.R THE FOIdAWING: . Iias the persnilfirm ever wm�ked under a eontract tor this depariment? YES NO rwvxu�c co�wssroa A scu�r . Hat this personlfum ever lxen a City em�oyee? YES NO CIVO. SERV ICE COMI�9S5[ON . Dces this persoNfum possess a skill nd normelly possessed by any YFS NO current Ciry employee? cm conaurr�; airt all YFS amwers on a se ate sheet and attech. PORTS WiIICH COUNCII.OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) � DISfRICT PLANNING COUNCIL � S ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUHITY (Whq What� When, Where, Why'�: Project to acquire easement rights for realignment of the intersection of Wheeler Street and Munster Avenue has been approved. Costs of easement acquisition will have to be approved. a� . �_� _�x. x, . . Fsaa cx. . „�: �, „,?; t„or: DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Construction of the realigned streets will proceed as planned. r4'�s':sy C� � dw±t`�� ISADVANTAGES IF ARPROVF.D: _ _ , , i. Affected property owners will have an encumbrance on their property; and 2. City will have to compensate property owners for easement rights. ISADVANTAGFS IF NOT APPROVED: Intersection could not be realigned as planned. OTAL AMOUNI' OF TRANSACTION: �gQ QQ COST/REVENUE BiJD(:ETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO ING SOURCE: 1997 CIB Bonds - Signal Eul�ancement ACTIVITY NUMBER: NANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAI� �'1-�u� �i�y uf �t, �°aui CvuidCIi r��ir: i�iG. REFClRT OF D'REi.TC}R QF TE�II3C�L4GY ^Y OAi G'4PID�iHATI�7i� 4�` �S Fiie A7o. 1�$q2 ia tlae matt�±r of Condo�„?�,r,,, ar,n t2l�i ef a peru�2n�nt easFn;� fcr , �_;�"rz_-of_;aa, , - p=:ZpG3°3 �.. Cr.;21�C'GiO: 'rd1tP �aiB :":'1@BigS �LS�BLit'7liRyt8i hd2i7ll� 'r':2�i1QRff8R'L F'��:jBCv :�.-t nT•:--aZ;t C'.'7—r,_'f 1 - t ; _ t cU a5ca t _3 _ ., "E_ F=�_ G�.. rs` - mag,� _� .-,� 3 n:_=_c�� 8.f tti iry *7.�_. c:;f - = '�� - te rr: �4�h8B1Er �'F_Bqt Fi-2?� #r�3tE�_ H+,�grillE Llca4L1)JBr�' S� LrllflW.°,I A11 *inat part of I,c,t 24, Black 6, _ rci�i�i�*_ fio ��ir>t ��ul iti-i^.� =nutnea�t�rly of t�?� f�l'eTai. de�ciL,Ed Iixi�. - Y ii�6T•.i ti1� �G•iitii�83� c:GYYie't' UZ L`fi� &81:i Li�t t�; th�rice WeStEf14' n Ci1'�w.t8ilu� Di 1�,04 f��t t^ the naint r_,r we�iii�!ir:g; yhanra rior�haastariy tn � r:�inr c�r. ihn east line of the �ai3 I,ot 24 1 jin� 12. GD feet n�rtn�riy cf tne said ss.��at.�east c�rr and tY�ere termi_nar_ir��. Frcliminsry Order _ �PPr�va� ; ir,al �rczer s�proved �Q �� a'Q�' Q� �. �iT�� Qr u�. �°���: T�"i8 u'�22U�Gi b{ Tc'tGi.iibifi'�y �it;:c''v`� 2'��ul"Lg; T2,�t h� ha� fi: e� anci c:etexminea ch� vaiue cf t'r.e iancx, lai7c�s c�r �ssemer�ts rYi��:;ira t.aken �n� a�;propr;st?? fr,r ti�� �?�ov� i�ap�ovem�nt ?r�? .*:e �rsr•,.�nt; nP t�a� awaras Gf Q'd.'73q@3 t:.arefor ta the �u,r.ers thereof, and tt.� persons t❑ W'Iiflfft suc;� aw�rds ara �ayabtP; ther _r,e 2�as �3�^ fived ar.� �e*_P.��ira�� the �r���" of ��nefits tc pro�erty, from the mak;ng of ssi� imgr�v2men*, n�t exc�edir�g t�e cast � �arecf, ari� i?faL attached is 3x. a�uG��.�tant r:,12 entitl�d .�,, abev� ana i�eurifi�d zvith the ..iqr.�sture of the �an�?�rsiqnecl, c.ontainin� the unc2ersiqnEd's finciir�a cn said matter. 6S 1'cC21.iG10C��% n .. _ -:;": :�) � 3 z5O �}2:79i � _ �•� k - " '� : � z ? r� � o� 3 2�� ��2� ��°�> 2 23�I 24 m �� G� � 06 � � - �6 - ' 42. � 39.7 - � I�I��T�R ---- , .,� , � . _. ., . , ��. % .�� � ����C,g�. :���� � �� �� � �� �' , '� � � _ ., , G.��.�e ___ � �m � Y};u ' �� a /.=: �� a `�_�o� City of St, Paul RESOLUTION APPROVINCS A89E33l�NT AND £IX=t7G TIN� OF FI£ARi2iG THEREOti AND FIXING TII�: OF HE71RZN6 ON THE AWARB OF DAMAGE3 rp�rI; l F�ILE N . � - 3�� BY 1F� File No. ls$91 In the matter of Condemnation and taking of a permanent easement for riyht-of-way purposea in connection with the Wheeler Street/Munater AvenuF P.saliqnment Project (City Project 97-p-1161} - Propased essement to be lecated at the inters�ction of Wheeler Street and Munster Avenue, described as follow9: All that part of Lot 24, Block 6, Aomecroft Addition to Saint Paul lying seutheasterly of the follawing descibed line: From the southeast corner of the said Lot 24; thence westerly a distance of 19.90 feet to the p��int of beginning; thence northeasterly ta a point on the east line of the said Lot 29 lying 12.00 feet northerly of the ssid southerxst corner, and there terminating. Preliminary Order Final Orde approved The Director of Technology havinq submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount af damac�es awarded for the taking of the lend or eacsements therein appropriated for the above improv6ment and to whom payable; and al90 havinq 9ubmitted his essessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it RE90LVED, That the said assesament of benefits be an� the same is hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTEIER, That a puhlic hearing be had before the Council upon said report snd for a confirmati�n of the award r�f damages made by the Director of Technoloyy and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul an the 9th day nf J n �997 a th tio� of fpir h�r y o' �� p rg and that the Director of Technology be and he is directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the charter. COUNCILPER4pN Yeas Nays 1�lakey ✓S'ostrvm �rris v 325ue� � e�-ton i�r gard r/FFettman [JPS'iune Adopted by the Council: Date � C �� ^� Certified Fassen by Council 3ecretary l I In Favor � ��'� �Against Mayor p 3 .. K`r City c,f St. Paul S7T24�i RATIE'Ya7f`s � C4NE'�ff.*7G I�EHQATICA4 AHI} Al€ARDS O£ I}AMAC�S At��A IiSSI�$�T 3f3�REF�R � cau � Fz . rac . — �(03 -� BY ° C� ,.i2� ;do. 3dfi4;. In ths matter of Go^.�esnation �nd taking nf a perr.:anent ease�en* for right.-Qf-w„y purpases in connection witl� the V�eeler Streetf�"��2ster xvenue �aalic}nmer_t Project {City ?roject 97-p-iin:i; - Proposed easement to Ae looated at the intarsec'cio: of zhYx:e_AIAY" SLr 8:tt� M3.1_T?S nLCY?Ll�� ��H�Y�2l�C� @§ �FnI_iUSSS: All that part af Lot 2a, B2ock 5, Acmecroft Addition to Saint Faul 3yir.g southeasteriy of tha fcllowing descibEd line: FrJm the southeas± c.orner �f the said Lo� �4; thence westesly a di�tance of 1�.QG feet to the point �sf baginsiir�q; thence n�rtheasterly to a po3.nt esa the east iins of the ��id Lot 29 lying I2.OQ fe�t northerly c�f ttie said s�utheast corner, anci Lhsre te� nir,atinq. Prelimiriary 6rder agproved Final �rder aggrov�d A pulalic ha�si;�t havirg �e�n h�� , ai�n the ta;�iriq an�3 rczndemna*ian t�f .*_-hP iand� �r ea�emer,ts tharein, fGr tY.e ebove improvement, and the svaerd of ciamayes =herefar, an� also uy�n the assessmaut oi benefits therefor, and the t;���ncil havin� duly considered the sazne, now therefore be it RESOLVED, Thr�t the taf�inp anc� a�nae�!uietien vf the lanr3s described in the annexe�3 assessmant roll, icientified by the signatura of t�e L�irectcr rs 1`eobn�l�c3y an� mac2e a part Y:�reof, and the awards of da.�acces t� the cv.enr:: of �uch lands for said taking an� .ond?mnation as set fGrth in said asaessment roll, be and the same is hereby in alI respectc rat:ified nnd ecnfirmed. RESOLVEfS FURTF�EL, iixrxt the sair2 assessment af benefits, b'e anrl tlxe sFim� is herety in a77 rPr�ects r�tifi�d, �nr3 the ssme is here;�� �,rc3�red vo tss submitra� to th� Distriot Court for confirmatior:. Yea� Nays �an2y ��`9trom V V iis � � In F+�vG£ ✓Meqard � g— iae.z;ac�iaCeil�NS "Q „�(�ainst i/T7�une � �bs��, �- P.d�uted ay th2 Couzicil: Dat,�'W+�C.,� 1 G��tified ras82d �,y CUU.�vil SRG•*_'et3Y`Y P•'alic Hearing Date - June 4, 1997 RE 3-28-97 �f7 _ 7 03 T.M.5./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 3/23/97 Green Sheet Number: 40041 Yersoa snd Phone N�bex: EPARIMENT DIRECfOR CI1Y COUNCB. Peter White j°� " 266-8850 � A'�''�'� 2 °� UDGET DII2ECI�DR FFICE OF FINANQAL SVCS. o�r te � co�a ageuae ny:4-16-9 7 Mus t be lII YOR (OR AS4STAN1) 1 UNQL RFCF'AR($ OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQiJESTED: 1. To set hearing date to ratify cost of acquisition of easement for the Wheeler Street/Munster Avenue Realiguruent Project; and 2. To ratify the above amount. ��LE 7�0� /� gy� COMIIIENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RFJF,CT (R) � SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSf ANSWF.R THE FOIdAWING: . Iias the persnilfirm ever wm�ked under a eontract tor this depariment? YES NO rwvxu�c co�wssroa A scu�r . Hat this personlfum ever lxen a City em�oyee? YES NO CIVO. SERV ICE COMI�9S5[ON . Dces this persoNfum possess a skill nd normelly possessed by any YFS NO current Ciry employee? cm conaurr�; airt all YFS amwers on a se ate sheet and attech. PORTS WiIICH COUNCII.OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) � DISfRICT PLANNING COUNCIL � S ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUHITY (Whq What� When, Where, Why'�: Project to acquire easement rights for realignment of the intersection of Wheeler Street and Munster Avenue has been approved. Costs of easement acquisition will have to be approved. a� . �_� _�x. x, . . Fsaa cx. . „�: �, „,?; t„or: DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Construction of the realigned streets will proceed as planned. r4'�s':sy C� � dw±t`�� ISADVANTAGES IF ARPROVF.D: _ _ , , i. Affected property owners will have an encumbrance on their property; and 2. City will have to compensate property owners for easement rights. ISADVANTAGFS IF NOT APPROVED: Intersection could not be realigned as planned. OTAL AMOUNI' OF TRANSACTION: �gQ QQ COST/REVENUE BiJD(:ETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO ING SOURCE: 1997 CIB Bonds - Signal Eul�ancement ACTIVITY NUMBER: NANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAI� �'1-�u� �i�y uf �t, �°aui CvuidCIi r��ir: i�iG. REFClRT OF D'REi.TC}R QF TE�II3C�L4GY ^Y OAi G'4PID�iHATI�7i� 4�` �S Fiie A7o. 1�$q2 ia tlae matt�±r of Condo�„?�,r,,, ar,n t2l�i ef a peru�2n�nt easFn;� fcr , �_;�"rz_-of_;aa, , - p=:ZpG3°3 �.. Cr.;21�C'GiO: 'rd1tP �aiB :":'1@BigS �LS�BLit'7liRyt8i hd2i7ll� 'r':2�i1QRff8R'L F'��:jBCv :�.-t nT•:--aZ;t C'.'7—r,_'f 1 - t ; _ t cU a5ca t _3 _ ., "E_ F=�_ G�.. rs` - mag,� _� .-,� 3 n:_=_c�� 8.f tti iry *7.�_. c:;f - = '�� - te rr: �4�h8B1Er �'F_Bqt Fi-2?� #r�3tE�_ H+,�grillE Llca4L1)JBr�' S� LrllflW.°,I A11 *inat part of I,c,t 24, Black 6, _ rci�i�i�*_ fio ��ir>t ��ul iti-i^.� =nutnea�t�rly of t�?� f�l'eTai. de�ciL,Ed Iixi�. - Y ii�6T•.i ti1� �G•iitii�83� c:GYYie't' UZ L`fi� &81:i Li�t t�; th�rice WeStEf14' n Ci1'�w.t8ilu� Di 1�,04 f��t t^ the naint r_,r we�iii�!ir:g; yhanra rior�haastariy tn � r:�inr c�r. ihn east line of the �ai3 I,ot 24 1 jin� 12. GD feet n�rtn�riy cf tne said ss.��at.�east c�rr and tY�ere termi_nar_ir��. Frcliminsry Order _ �PPr�va� ; ir,al �rczer s�proved �Q �� a'Q�' Q� �. �iT�� Qr u�. �°���: T�"i8 u'�22U�Gi b{ Tc'tGi.iibifi'�y �it;:c''v`� 2'��ul"Lg; T2,�t h� ha� fi: e� anci c:etexminea ch� vaiue cf t'r.e iancx, lai7c�s c�r �ssemer�ts rYi��:;ira t.aken �n� a�;propr;st?? fr,r ti�� �?�ov� i�ap�ovem�nt ?r�? .*:e �rsr•,.�nt; nP t�a� awaras Gf Q'd.'73q@3 t:.arefor ta the �u,r.ers thereof, and tt.� persons t❑ W'Iiflfft suc;� aw�rds ara �ayabtP; ther _r,e 2�as �3�^ fived ar.� �e*_P.��ira�� the �r���" of ��nefits tc pro�erty, from the mak;ng of ssi� imgr�v2men*, n�t exc�edir�g t�e cast � �arecf, ari� i?faL attached is 3x. a�uG��.�tant r:,12 entitl�d .�,, abev� ana i�eurifi�d zvith the ..iqr.�sture of the �an�?�rsiqnecl, c.ontainin� the unc2ersiqnEd's finciir�a cn said matter. 6S 1'cC21.iG10C��% n .. _ -:;": :�) � 3 z5O �}2:79i � _ �•� k - " '� : � z ? r� � o� 3 2�� ��2� ��°�> 2 23�I 24 m �� G� � 06 � � - �6 - ' 42. � 39.7 - � I�I��T�R ---- , .,� , � . _. ., . , ��. % .�� � ����C,g�. :���� � �� �� � �� �' , '� � � _ ., , G.��.�e ___ � �m � Y};u ' �� a /.=: �� a `�_�o� City of St, Paul RESOLUTION APPROVINCS A89E33l�NT AND £IX=t7G TIN� OF FI£ARi2iG THEREOti AND FIXING TII�: OF HE71RZN6 ON THE AWARB OF DAMAGE3 rp�rI; l F�ILE N . � - 3�� BY 1F� File No. ls$91 In the matter of Condemnation and taking of a permanent easement for riyht-of-way purposea in connection with the Wheeler Street/Munater AvenuF P.saliqnment Project (City Project 97-p-1161} - Propased essement to be lecated at the inters�ction of Wheeler Street and Munster Avenue, described as follow9: All that part of Lot 24, Block 6, Aomecroft Addition to Saint Paul lying seutheasterly of the follawing descibed line: From the southeast corner of the said Lot 24; thence westerly a distance of 19.90 feet to the p��int of beginning; thence northeasterly ta a point on the east line of the said Lot 29 lying 12.00 feet northerly of the ssid southerxst corner, and there terminating. Preliminary Order Final Orde approved The Director of Technology havinq submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount af damac�es awarded for the taking of the lend or eacsements therein appropriated for the above improv6ment and to whom payable; and al90 havinq 9ubmitted his essessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it RE90LVED, That the said assesament of benefits be an� the same is hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTEIER, That a puhlic hearing be had before the Council upon said report snd for a confirmati�n of the award r�f damages made by the Director of Technoloyy and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul an the 9th day nf J n �997 a th tio� of fpir h�r y o' �� p rg and that the Director of Technology be and he is directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the charter. COUNCILPER4pN Yeas Nays 1�lakey ✓S'ostrvm �rris v 325ue� � e�-ton i�r gard r/FFettman [JPS'iune Adopted by the Council: Date � C �� ^� Certified Fassen by Council 3ecretary l I In Favor � ��'� �Against Mayor p 3 .. K`r City c,f St. Paul S7T24�i RATIE'Ya7f`s � C4NE'�ff.*7G I�EHQATICA4 AHI} Al€ARDS O£ I}AMAC�S At��A IiSSI�$�T 3f3�REF�R � cau � Fz . rac . — �(03 -� BY ° C� ,.i2� ;do. 3dfi4;. In ths matter of Go^.�esnation �nd taking nf a perr.:anent ease�en* for right.-Qf-w„y purpases in connection witl� the V�eeler Streetf�"��2ster xvenue �aalic}nmer_t Project {City ?roject 97-p-iin:i; - Proposed easement to Ae looated at the intarsec'cio: of zhYx:e_AIAY" SLr 8:tt� M3.1_T?S nLCY?Ll�� ��H�Y�2l�C� @§ �FnI_iUSSS: All that part af Lot 2a, B2ock 5, Acmecroft Addition to Saint Faul 3yir.g southeasteriy of tha fcllowing descibEd line: FrJm the southeas± c.orner �f the said Lo� �4; thence westesly a di�tance of 1�.QG feet to the point �sf baginsiir�q; thence n�rtheasterly to a po3.nt esa the east iins of the ��id Lot 29 lying I2.OQ fe�t northerly c�f ttie said s�utheast corner, anci Lhsre te� nir,atinq. Prelimiriary 6rder agproved Final �rder aggrov�d A pulalic ha�si;�t havirg �e�n h�� , ai�n the ta;�iriq an�3 rczndemna*ian t�f .*_-hP iand� �r ea�emer,ts tharein, fGr tY.e ebove improvement, and the svaerd of ciamayes =herefar, an� also uy�n the assessmaut oi benefits therefor, and the t;���ncil havin� duly considered the sazne, now therefore be it RESOLVED, Thr�t the taf�inp anc� a�nae�!uietien vf the lanr3s described in the annexe�3 assessmant roll, icientified by the signatura of t�e L�irectcr rs 1`eobn�l�c3y an� mac2e a part Y:�reof, and the awards of da.�acces t� the cv.enr:: of �uch lands for said taking an� .ond?mnation as set fGrth in said asaessment roll, be and the same is hereby in alI respectc rat:ified nnd ecnfirmed. RESOLVEfS FURTF�EL, iixrxt the sair2 assessment af benefits, b'e anrl tlxe sFim� is herety in a77 rPr�ects r�tifi�d, �nr3 the ssme is here;�� �,rc3�red vo tss submitra� to th� Distriot Court for confirmatior:. Yea� Nays �an2y ��`9trom V V iis � � In F+�vG£ ✓Meqard � g— iae.z;ac�iaCeil�NS "Q „�(�ainst i/T7�une � �bs��, �- P.d�uted ay th2 Couzicil: Dat,�'W+�C.,� 1 G��tified ras82d �,y CUU.�vil SRG•*_'et3Y`Y P•'alic Hearing Date - June 4, 1997 RE 3-28-97 �f7 _ 7 03 T.M.5./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 3/23/97 Green Sheet Number: 40041 Yersoa snd Phone N�bex: EPARIMENT DIRECfOR CI1Y COUNCB. Peter White j°� " 266-8850 � A'�''�'� 2 °� UDGET DII2ECI�DR FFICE OF FINANQAL SVCS. o�r te � co�a ageuae ny:4-16-9 7 Mus t be lII YOR (OR AS4STAN1) 1 UNQL RFCF'AR($ OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQiJESTED: 1. To set hearing date to ratify cost of acquisition of easement for the Wheeler Street/Munster Avenue Realiguruent Project; and 2. To ratify the above amount. ��LE 7�0� /� gy� COMIIIENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RFJF,CT (R) � SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSf ANSWF.R THE FOIdAWING: . Iias the persnilfirm ever wm�ked under a eontract tor this depariment? YES NO rwvxu�c co�wssroa A scu�r . Hat this personlfum ever lxen a City em�oyee? YES NO CIVO. SERV ICE COMI�9S5[ON . Dces this persoNfum possess a skill nd normelly possessed by any YFS NO current Ciry employee? cm conaurr�; airt all YFS amwers on a se ate sheet and attech. PORTS WiIICH COUNCII.OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) � DISfRICT PLANNING COUNCIL � S ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUHITY (Whq What� When, Where, Why'�: Project to acquire easement rights for realignment of the intersection of Wheeler Street and Munster Avenue has been approved. Costs of easement acquisition will have to be approved. a� . �_� _�x. x, . . Fsaa cx. . „�: �, „,?; t„or: DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Construction of the realigned streets will proceed as planned. r4'�s':sy C� � dw±t`�� ISADVANTAGES IF ARPROVF.D: _ _ , , i. Affected property owners will have an encumbrance on their property; and 2. City will have to compensate property owners for easement rights. ISADVANTAGFS IF NOT APPROVED: Intersection could not be realigned as planned. OTAL AMOUNI' OF TRANSACTION: �gQ QQ COST/REVENUE BiJD(:ETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO ING SOURCE: 1997 CIB Bonds - Signal Eul�ancement ACTIVITY NUMBER: NANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAI� �'1-�u� �i�y uf �t, �°aui CvuidCIi r��ir: i�iG. REFClRT OF D'REi.TC}R QF TE�II3C�L4GY ^Y OAi G'4PID�iHATI�7i� 4�` �S Fiie A7o. 1�$q2 ia tlae matt�±r of Condo�„?�,r,,, ar,n t2l�i ef a peru�2n�nt easFn;� fcr , �_;�"rz_-of_;aa, , - p=:ZpG3°3 �.. Cr.;21�C'GiO: 'rd1tP �aiB :":'1@BigS �LS�BLit'7liRyt8i hd2i7ll� 'r':2�i1QRff8R'L F'��:jBCv :�.-t nT•:--aZ;t C'.'7—r,_'f 1 - t ; _ t cU a5ca t _3 _ ., "E_ F=�_ G�.. rs` - mag,� _� .-,� 3 n:_=_c�� 8.f tti iry *7.�_. c:;f - = '�� - te rr: �4�h8B1Er �'F_Bqt Fi-2?� #r�3tE�_ H+,�grillE Llca4L1)JBr�' S� LrllflW.°,I A11 *inat part of I,c,t 24, Black 6, _ rci�i�i�*_ fio ��ir>t ��ul iti-i^.� =nutnea�t�rly of t�?� f�l'eTai. de�ciL,Ed Iixi�. - Y ii�6T•.i ti1� �G•iitii�83� c:GYYie't' UZ L`fi� &81:i Li�t t�; th�rice WeStEf14' n Ci1'�w.t8ilu� Di 1�,04 f��t t^ the naint r_,r we�iii�!ir:g; yhanra rior�haastariy tn � r:�inr c�r. ihn east line of the �ai3 I,ot 24 1 jin� 12. GD feet n�rtn�riy cf tne said ss.��at.�east c�rr and tY�ere termi_nar_ir��. Frcliminsry Order _ �PPr�va� ; ir,al �rczer s�proved �Q �� a'Q�' Q� �. �iT�� Qr u�. �°���: T�"i8 u'�22U�Gi b{ Tc'tGi.iibifi'�y �it;:c''v`� 2'��ul"Lg; T2,�t h� ha� fi: e� anci c:etexminea ch� vaiue cf t'r.e iancx, lai7c�s c�r �ssemer�ts rYi��:;ira t.aken �n� a�;propr;st?? fr,r ti�� �?�ov� i�ap�ovem�nt ?r�? .*:e �rsr•,.�nt; nP t�a� awaras Gf Q'd.'73q@3 t:.arefor ta the �u,r.ers thereof, and tt.� persons t❑ W'Iiflfft suc;� aw�rds ara �ayabtP; ther _r,e 2�as �3�^ fived ar.� �e*_P.��ira�� the �r���" of ��nefits tc pro�erty, from the mak;ng of ssi� imgr�v2men*, n�t exc�edir�g t�e cast � �arecf, ari� i?faL attached is 3x. a�uG��.�tant r:,12 entitl�d .�,, abev� ana i�eurifi�d zvith the ..iqr.�sture of the �an�?�rsiqnecl, c.ontainin� the unc2ersiqnEd's finciir�a cn said matter. 6S 1'cC21.iG10C��% n .. _ -:;": :�) � 3 z5O �}2:79i � _ �•� k - " '� : � z ? r� � o� 3 2�� ��2� ��°�> 2 23�I 24 m �� G� � 06 � � - �6 - ' 42. � 39.7 - � I�I��T�R ---- , .,� , � . _. ., . , ��. % .�� � ����C,g�. :���� � �� �� � �� �' , '� � � _ ., , G.��.�e ___ � �m � Y};u ' �� a /.=: �� a `�_�o� City of St, Paul RESOLUTION APPROVINCS A89E33l�NT AND £IX=t7G TIN� OF FI£ARi2iG THEREOti AND FIXING TII�: OF HE71RZN6 ON THE AWARB OF DAMAGE3 rp�rI; l F�ILE N . � - 3�� BY 1F� File No. ls$91 In the matter of Condemnation and taking of a permanent easement for riyht-of-way purposea in connection with the Wheeler Street/Munater AvenuF P.saliqnment Project (City Project 97-p-1161} - Propased essement to be lecated at the inters�ction of Wheeler Street and Munster Avenue, described as follow9: All that part of Lot 24, Block 6, Aomecroft Addition to Saint Paul lying seutheasterly of the follawing descibed line: From the southeast corner of the said Lot 24; thence westerly a distance of 19.90 feet to the p��int of beginning; thence northeasterly ta a point on the east line of the said Lot 29 lying 12.00 feet northerly of the ssid southerxst corner, and there terminating. Preliminary Order Final Orde approved The Director of Technology havinq submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount af damac�es awarded for the taking of the lend or eacsements therein appropriated for the above improv6ment and to whom payable; and al90 havinq 9ubmitted his essessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it RE90LVED, That the said assesament of benefits be an� the same is hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTEIER, That a puhlic hearing be had before the Council upon said report snd for a confirmati�n of the award r�f damages made by the Director of Technoloyy and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul an the 9th day nf J n �997 a th tio� of fpir h�r y o' �� p rg and that the Director of Technology be and he is directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the charter. COUNCILPER4pN Yeas Nays 1�lakey ✓S'ostrvm �rris v 325ue� � e�-ton i�r gard r/FFettman [JPS'iune Adopted by the Council: Date � C �� ^� Certified Fassen by Council 3ecretary l I In Favor � ��'� �Against Mayor