97-70�-�, rm, f�° . g� B �� g i � ` � ; '.�` � _ � � t � Presented Referred To RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL�B41AtNESOTA 1 Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay 2 For the Police Park Ranger class in the Salary Plan 3 and Rates of Compensation Resolution. Council File # ��c_�� Green Sheet # 40152 'j '�, TP, Committee Aate 4 RESOLVED, that the Bargaining Unit 12, Operating Engineers Loca170, Salary Schedule be 5 amended by inserting in proper numerical order the following salary range: 6 Grade 22U 7 A B 8 8.24 9.54 9 and be it, C D E � G 9.92 10.40 10.91 11.27 12.02 10 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification enritled Police Park Ranger 11 shall be that as set forth in Grade 22U of the Bargaining Unit 12, Operating Engineers Loca170, 12 Salary Schedule, and be it 13 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period 14 following passage, and its approval. rv�. Adopted by Council: Date a l � Adoption Certified by Council cretacy BY: ` 1 \ � c�- Y'"� �l� Approved by Mayor: Date Ci B _�� vL(C- vu¢� Requested by Department o£ Office of Human Resources B Ll�.��_ .'�-,�. Form Approved by City Attorney By: ��� � �`j��[�' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: 4 - " � .�J i2�-t�J F \CLASSVCA[tEN�PARKRANG RES �� �l� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DATE INI1'IATED GREEN SHEET No.:40152 Humau Resources CONTACi' PERSON � & ONE: � IMTTAL/DATE INITiAL/DATE John Shockle�"" 266-6482 assicrr i_DErAxrn�eerrr n I 7�9 s_ crrY covivcu. Karen Sanchez �(�j 266-6483 rroMeEx z_c n�c 6_ cirv cLaiuc FOR UDGET DIlL FIN. & MGT. SEAVICE DIIL MIJST BE ON COUNCII., AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING 4_MAYOR (OR ASST. CML SERVICE COMhIISSION ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATTONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION REQUESTED: Approval of the resolution to establish the rate of pay for Police Pazk Ranger in the Operating Engineers Loca170 Salary Schedule. RECOMI�fENDA1IONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMbIISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMIvIISSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB COMMI'1TEE Yes No STAFF _ 2, Has this person/fimi ever been a ciTy employee? _DISTRICT COUAT yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COi1NCIL OBJEC'IYVE? 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciTy employee? Yes No Exp7ain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITTATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTTY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): This action is necessary to finalize the transfer of 5.4 FTE Park Ranger positions to the Police Department from the Parks and Recreation Division, which was approved by the City Council in the 1995 budget. The new ciass is proposed because the positions which will be allocated to the new class will perform duties that are not currently performed by the Park Ranger positions assigned in the Parks and Recreation Division. This new duty concems routine sworn police park enforcement and issuing parking and criminal citations under the close supervision of a sworn Police personnel. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � '�iE. 1. Appropriate classification and compensation will be established. � A N ���9�� 2. The Police Park Ranger program will be used by the department to recruit and train fi�t� , olice Officers. �n#i DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � None-funds for salaries have already been established in the Police Deparhnent budget. DISADVAN"I'AGESIFNOTAPPROVED: ��-��'•� ���'��� 'e"'��^�� �����V�� �. 1 q a: sm+m�z The advantages mentioned will not be realized. ��`''� �� ���� JAN 0� 1997 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ � COST/AEVENOE BUDGETED: ���� pBf � 11 FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY N[JD4BER: �'� m FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) i V�IY � � 53�� F:\CLASS\KAR6N�PARKRANG.GRN RECEIVED n�c � 8 isss CHIEF'S OFFICE CITY OF SAINI' PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayar I�C�31 Chief Bill Finney Police Deparhnent �:�- _ �-'_["� `5: i'ik.t:L Y! i : v �tur�� �. _< z,��:;�,�c�s G`Z �.� OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Johtn$amiGars�Dircctorfi o • �7 7( JttEV ci rr u 400 Ciry Hall Annu 25 West Fourth Sireet SatntPaul, Minnesota SSIO2-763] Te[ephone: 612-266-6500 TDD/TTY: 612-266-6501 Job4ne: bI2-266-6502 Facstini[e: 6I2-292-7656 FROM: Karen Sanchez ��� /�� Classification, Compensation & Org'1 Design � DATE: December 1�1, 1996 RE: Police Park Ranger Twenty Day Notice It has been deternuned that the title and class specification of Police Park Ranger should be created and placed in International Operating Engineers Local 70. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processsing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the tifle of Police Park Ranger in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. The rate of pay will be as follows: A B C D E F G (Hiring) (1040 hrs) (2080 hrs) 2 yrs 3 yrs 4 yrs S yrs 6 mos 1 yi $8.24 $9.54 $9.92 $10.40 $10.91 $11.27 $12.02 I hereby waiv the time remauung on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creaung this title and ass pecification. � � 9 Name Date �Z Phone:(612)646-M1566 ? o °� o.� FeX: (612) 6462858 ' INTERNATIONAL UNIDN OF i /� �� �� �,;�, :�,,�= OPERATI������I�a1NEERS ,�,;�;,�; � LOCAL UN/ON No. 70 AF4C10 Natlwial AIOert laa TraAe r� e p�}y�p PL • F � (Fmre'IY Lxeis 3a. 38. 98"/) �rnnesda �ow r�eaxauon m w�« r,w�uo sannCaY� a48FJinw�i,,iRdo� •`� 2417 Larpenteur Avenue West M'm^esorn s�e e�n. iuo�, �-Cw Sw� �""o-m tabw cwnc�. �ca St. Paul, Minnesota 551135247 ru�neepw� ce�uai �. u�,. ,w.�o ce�w ��r. r�mes s una n�ar. nr�ca SG PaW AFLi�O Trades A Labor AsaemblY Sdeweter Cantrai laEa Uiion � o�wm cem� emr nac w�s,�-�o co�n D�CK LALLY, Business Manager Kazen Sanchez Classifica6oq Compensa6on and Organizational Design City of 5t. Paul 400 Ciry Hall Annex 25 West Fourih Street St. Paul, Mn 55 102-1 63 1 Dear Kazen: I have received and reviewed your correspondence dated 12-16-96, regazding the class specification for Police Pazk Ranger. As you may or may not be a�vare, this class specification has been the subject of numerous discussions belween the City, Chief Finney and Loca190. Enclosed you will find a copy of my correspondence to Chief Finney regazding this matter. Based upon the understanding reached in this correspondence, Local 70 is in agreement with the class specification and waives the time remaining on the h��enty (20) day notice. Feel free to call �vith any questions. Sincerely, �� � �s �iva-/` j,>f.� Bill Nash Business Representative BN:sg opeiu # 12 ec: Chief Bill Finney Mary Kearney Kevin Anderson, Steward encl: Sanchez Correspondence dated 12-16-96 Finney Correspondence dated 10-16-96 O N oi p� J� • �i : J /- ° :`- _. _ -:� � r �..�,.__.,.. /NTERNAT/ONAL UN/ON OF OPERATING ENGINEERS �� AFLLYO Nationai MNtresaa aRCio Feaemeon of �aeor Minnesota Sb�e Brawh, IUOE, AFLCIO Mmneapol�s Cenval LaDOr unwn. AFLCto $�, PaW AFLLIO Tadas & labor Assembty Dululh Centrai Body Albert lea TraCes & tshor Assemby. AFLCIO �.wo�co swm�cem� �.nor uNO�,. a�cio SauU�east Central tabo� Caunal. AFLCIO c�u� e,r�� Tr� a�cor assa�r. nfl.�cw so�r�rmer cemrel tacor u�ion fletl wng AF4G0 Cou�wa7 Q`� Phone: (612) 646-4566 Fa�c: (612) 646-2858 LOCAL UNION No, 70 «��.�.�, 2477 LarpeMeur Avenue West $t. Paul, Minnesota 55113-5247 ��. RICHARD tALLY, Business Manager October 16, 1996 � 1 : Chief Bifl Finney St. Paul Police Department 100 East 11th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Dear Chief Finney: I am writing to confirm my understanding of the agreement reached between yourseif and representatives of Local 70 regarding fhe cseation o4 the new Po4ice Park Ranger classiFcation, pursuant to our recent telephone conversation. My understanding is as foliows: 1. The Police Department agrees to "star" the foilowing six (6) Park Rangers in their title of Park Ranger: Tim Kluxdahl, Mike Wilken, Rory Chavez, Kevin Anderson, Jim Gibson and Bob Zink. These individuals would be empioyed every year based on staffing needs and budgetary constraints, as they have been in the past. These individuals would remain in their current title and guaranteed employment each year, subject to the terms and conditions of the collective bargaining agreement between the City and Locai 70, until they resign or are terminated from empioyment. 2. 3. Locai 70 agrees to accept the classification of Police Park Ranger as proposed by the Police �Jepartmen?. The parties agree that this classification shali become part of the bargaining unit represented by Loca170, subject to the terms and conditions of the coliective bargaining agreement between the City and �ocal 70. i believe this accurately reflects the agreements reached between the parties. If there is anything in my summary that you believe to be inaccurate, do not hesitate to coniact me at the Local 70 office. i have enclosed my business card for your convenience. As you wili note, ! am copying Mary Kearney of the Citys Labor Relations Department as to our understanding regarding this matter. This will enable us fo incorporate this title into the coliective bargaining agreement via a letter of agreemenf between the City and Local 70. �-r-�v Thank you for your time and assistance in resolving this matter. 1 look forward to working with you in the future. Sincere{y, �� � Bill Nash � Business Representative BNfjml opeiu #12 enclosure cc: Dick Lally Tim Kluxdahl Mike Wilken Rory Chavez Kevin Anderson Jim Gibson Bob Zink Mary Kearney OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Johrz Hamilton, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Ca[eman, Mayor l�" December kl, 1996 Bill Nash, Business Representative Int'1 Union of Operating Engineers I,ocal 70 2417 Larpenteur Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55113 Dear Bill: 400 Ciry Hall Annez 25 West Founh SYreet Saira Paul, Minnesota 55102-763] It has been deternuned that the title and class specification of Police Park ��� lC7 Te[ephane: 6I2-266-6500 TOD/TTY.� 672-266-650I Job(ine: 612-266-6502 Facsimi[e: 612-292-�656 Ranger should be created and placed in International Operating Engineers Local 70. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenry days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the tifle of Police Park Ranger in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. The rate of pay wdi be as foilows: A B C D E F G (Airing) (104� hrs) (208Q hrs) 2 yrs 3 yrs 4 yrs 5 yrs 6 mos 1 yr $8.24 $9.54 $9.92 $10.40 $10.91 $11.27 $12.02 Sincerely, ll(�6� ��`��jt�'y� Karen Sanchez � Classification, Compensation and Orgn'1 Design I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. �G(.� `�� � L �'rz._ 7/3 iy�� � Name Date CODE: 301A BU: 12 EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: POLICE PARK RANGER OF WORK General Statement of Duties: `-'1��� Performs routine sworn police park enforcement work in patrolling City parks, lakes and recreation facilities; enforces park ordinances, rules and regulations and provides information and assistance to park visitors; and performs other related duties as required. S�ervision Received: Works undez the close supervision of a sergeant and day-to-day coordination of a police officer. Su�ervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Patrols City parks, lakes and recreation facilities to check for health and safety hazards. Enforces park ordinances, rules and regulations by issuing parking and criminal citations under the close supervision of a higher level sworn `Police Department personnel. Responds to citizen calls and complaints received through the Park Watch program and Emergency Communication Center. Provides information regarding park rules and regulations and assists park visitors with medical emergencies, missing persons, directional information, vehicle lockouts and similar situations. Writes appropriate reports as needed such as daily activity and incident reports. Attends neighborhood, park watch and crime watch meetings. Provides first aid to injured persons and summons medical assistance as needed. Testifies in court relative to the issuance of summonses or acts as a witness in court or other proceedings as needed. (continued on reverse side) POLICE PARK RANGER Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: POLICE PARK RANGER b KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES �� � � Considerable knowledge of park ordinances, rules and regulations. Working knowledge of security maintenance, methods and pzocedures. Working lmowledge of the park system and layout. Working skill in operatiag a motorized patrol vehicle. Working skill in basic first aid techniques. Considerable ability to make sound, reasonable decisions and exercise good judgment. Considerable ability to communicate effectively with co-workers, other City staff, outside agencies, and the public. Considerable ability to handle conflict situations. MINIMUM QUALZFICATIONS High school diploma or GED certificate. Must enroll in or be enrolled in a POST-approved law enforcement or criminal justice program within 90 days of appointment. This enrollment must be maintained throughout employment until the date of graduation from the program. A Police Park Ranger must either qualify and be appointed as a Police Officer or be separated as a Police Park Ranger upon reaching 8,320 hours or five years of service in this class, whichever occurs first. If no examination is held for Police Officer during that period of service, appointment as a Police Park Ranger may be extended until such examination is held and completed. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class C drivez's license, or equivalent out-of-state license, with no suspensions or revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded). POLICE PARK RANGER ���� CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STUDY REPORT Proposed New Class: Studied By: Date Studied: Persons Contacted: Police Park Ranger Karen Sanchez January 8, 1996 Department APPROVAL OF THE CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: /— 8 — Background The transfer of 5.4 FTE Park Ranger positions to the Police Department from the Parks and Recreation Division was approved by the City Council in the 1995 budget. The Police Park Rangers will perform routine swom police park enforcement work and issuance of citations under the close supervision of a higher level swom Police personnel. These duties are not performed by the Park Rangers assigned in Parks. Consequently, the Police Department requested that the new class of Police Park Ranger be established. This study was conducted to determine the appropriate classification and compensation of the proposed new cfass. Study Com�onents Review of the job profile. Interview with department representatives. Comparison to related classifrcations. QES evaluation. Position Description The positions in this class will be assigned in the Directed Enforcement Unit under the close supervision of a sworn Police Department personnel. The responsibilities include: Patrols City parks, lakes and recreation facilities to check for health and safety hazards. Enforces park ordinances, rules and regulations; issues parking and criminal citations under the close supervision of a higher level sworn Police personnel. . �t Responds to citizen caiis and campiaints received through the Park Watch Program and Emergency Communications Center. Provides information regarding park rules and regulations and assists park visitors with medicai emergencies, missing persons, directions, vehicle lockouts and similar situations. Writes reports as needed such as dai�y activity and +ncident reports. Attends neighborhood, park watch, and crime watch meetings. Provides first aid to injured persons and summons medical assistance as needed. Testifies in court re(ative ta the issuance of summonses or acts as a witness in court or other proceedings as needed. Com ar� Park Ranoer - The proposed Police Park Ranger wili have more responsibility than the Park Ranger assigned in Parks. The Police Park Ranger will patrol parks, lakes and recreation facilities and enforce park rufes and regulatians, respond to Park Watch calis dispatched by Parks employees and cails received through the Emergency Communications Center, and issue parking and criminai citations under ciose supervision of a sworm Police personnei. The Park Rangers in Parks do not perform these duties. Parking Enfo�cement O�cer - The proposed Po�ice Park Ranger compares favorabiy witfi the Parking Enforcement Officer ciass. Both dassifications pertorm routine sworn enforcement work under ciose supervision of a higher levei Police Department personnel. The difference is that the Police Park Ranger wili be primarily responsibie for park e�forcement and the Parking Enforcement O�cer for parking enforcement. QES Evaluation The QES evaluation supports the proposed rate of pay for this class. {See attached twenty day notice) Recommend�tion 1 recammend that the new class of Police Park Ranger be established in the Operating Engineers Locai 70 Standard Ranges of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation at the proposed rate of pay. �-�, rm, f�° . g� B �� g i � ` � ; '.�` � _ � � t � Presented Referred To RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL�B41AtNESOTA 1 Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay 2 For the Police Park Ranger class in the Salary Plan 3 and Rates of Compensation Resolution. Council File # ��c_�� Green Sheet # 40152 'j '�, TP, Committee Aate 4 RESOLVED, that the Bargaining Unit 12, Operating Engineers Loca170, Salary Schedule be 5 amended by inserting in proper numerical order the following salary range: 6 Grade 22U 7 A B 8 8.24 9.54 9 and be it, C D E � G 9.92 10.40 10.91 11.27 12.02 10 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification enritled Police Park Ranger 11 shall be that as set forth in Grade 22U of the Bargaining Unit 12, Operating Engineers Loca170, 12 Salary Schedule, and be it 13 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period 14 following passage, and its approval. rv�. Adopted by Council: Date a l � Adoption Certified by Council cretacy BY: ` 1 \ � c�- Y'"� �l� Approved by Mayor: Date Ci B _�� vL(C- vu¢� Requested by Department o£ Office of Human Resources B Ll�.��_ .'�-,�. Form Approved by City Attorney By: ��� � �`j��[�' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: 4 - " � .�J i2�-t�J F \CLASSVCA[tEN�PARKRANG RES �� �l� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DATE INI1'IATED GREEN SHEET No.:40152 Humau Resources CONTACi' PERSON � & ONE: � IMTTAL/DATE INITiAL/DATE John Shockle�"" 266-6482 assicrr i_DErAxrn�eerrr n I 7�9 s_ crrY covivcu. Karen Sanchez �(�j 266-6483 rroMeEx z_c n�c 6_ cirv cLaiuc FOR UDGET DIlL FIN. & MGT. SEAVICE DIIL MIJST BE ON COUNCII., AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING 4_MAYOR (OR ASST. CML SERVICE COMhIISSION ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATTONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION REQUESTED: Approval of the resolution to establish the rate of pay for Police Pazk Ranger in the Operating Engineers Loca170 Salary Schedule. RECOMI�fENDA1IONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMbIISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMIvIISSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB COMMI'1TEE Yes No STAFF _ 2, Has this person/fimi ever been a ciTy employee? _DISTRICT COUAT yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COi1NCIL OBJEC'IYVE? 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciTy employee? Yes No Exp7ain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITTATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTTY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): This action is necessary to finalize the transfer of 5.4 FTE Park Ranger positions to the Police Department from the Parks and Recreation Division, which was approved by the City Council in the 1995 budget. The new ciass is proposed because the positions which will be allocated to the new class will perform duties that are not currently performed by the Park Ranger positions assigned in the Parks and Recreation Division. This new duty concems routine sworn police park enforcement and issuing parking and criminal citations under the close supervision of a sworn Police personnel. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � '�iE. 1. Appropriate classification and compensation will be established. � A N ���9�� 2. The Police Park Ranger program will be used by the department to recruit and train fi�t� , olice Officers. �n#i DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � None-funds for salaries have already been established in the Police Deparhnent budget. DISADVAN"I'AGESIFNOTAPPROVED: ��-��'•� ���'��� 'e"'��^�� �����V�� �. 1 q a: sm+m�z The advantages mentioned will not be realized. ��`''� �� ���� JAN 0� 1997 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ � COST/AEVENOE BUDGETED: ���� pBf � 11 FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY N[JD4BER: �'� m FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) i V�IY � � 53�� F:\CLASS\KAR6N�PARKRANG.GRN RECEIVED n�c � 8 isss CHIEF'S OFFICE CITY OF SAINI' PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayar I�C�31 Chief Bill Finney Police Deparhnent �:�- _ �-'_["� `5: i'ik.t:L Y! i : v �tur�� �. _< z,��:;�,�c�s G`Z �.� OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Johtn$amiGars�Dircctorfi o • �7 7( JttEV ci rr u 400 Ciry Hall Annu 25 West Fourth Sireet SatntPaul, Minnesota SSIO2-763] Te[ephone: 612-266-6500 TDD/TTY: 612-266-6501 Job4ne: bI2-266-6502 Facstini[e: 6I2-292-7656 FROM: Karen Sanchez ��� /�� Classification, Compensation & Org'1 Design � DATE: December 1�1, 1996 RE: Police Park Ranger Twenty Day Notice It has been deternuned that the title and class specification of Police Park Ranger should be created and placed in International Operating Engineers Local 70. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processsing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the tifle of Police Park Ranger in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. The rate of pay will be as follows: A B C D E F G (Hiring) (1040 hrs) (2080 hrs) 2 yrs 3 yrs 4 yrs S yrs 6 mos 1 yi $8.24 $9.54 $9.92 $10.40 $10.91 $11.27 $12.02 I hereby waiv the time remauung on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creaung this title and ass pecification. � � 9 Name Date �Z Phone:(612)646-M1566 ? o °� o.� FeX: (612) 6462858 ' INTERNATIONAL UNIDN OF i /� �� �� �,;�, :�,,�= OPERATI������I�a1NEERS ,�,;�;,�; � LOCAL UN/ON No. 70 AF4C10 Natlwial AIOert laa TraAe r� e p�}y�p PL • F � (Fmre'IY Lxeis 3a. 38. 98"/) �rnnesda �ow r�eaxauon m w�« r,w�uo sannCaY� a48FJinw�i,,iRdo� •`� 2417 Larpenteur Avenue West M'm^esorn s�e e�n. iuo�, �-Cw Sw� �""o-m tabw cwnc�. �ca St. Paul, Minnesota 551135247 ru�neepw� ce�uai �. u�,. ,w.�o ce�w ��r. r�mes s una n�ar. nr�ca SG PaW AFLi�O Trades A Labor AsaemblY Sdeweter Cantrai laEa Uiion � o�wm cem� emr nac w�s,�-�o co�n D�CK LALLY, Business Manager Kazen Sanchez Classifica6oq Compensa6on and Organizational Design City of 5t. Paul 400 Ciry Hall Annex 25 West Fourih Street St. Paul, Mn 55 102-1 63 1 Dear Kazen: I have received and reviewed your correspondence dated 12-16-96, regazding the class specification for Police Pazk Ranger. As you may or may not be a�vare, this class specification has been the subject of numerous discussions belween the City, Chief Finney and Loca190. Enclosed you will find a copy of my correspondence to Chief Finney regazding this matter. Based upon the understanding reached in this correspondence, Local 70 is in agreement with the class specification and waives the time remaining on the h��enty (20) day notice. Feel free to call �vith any questions. Sincerely, �� � �s �iva-/` j,>f.� Bill Nash Business Representative BN:sg opeiu # 12 ec: Chief Bill Finney Mary Kearney Kevin Anderson, Steward encl: Sanchez Correspondence dated 12-16-96 Finney Correspondence dated 10-16-96 O N oi p� J� • �i : J /- ° :`- _. _ -:� � r �..�,.__.,.. /NTERNAT/ONAL UN/ON OF OPERATING ENGINEERS �� AFLLYO Nationai MNtresaa aRCio Feaemeon of �aeor Minnesota Sb�e Brawh, IUOE, AFLCIO Mmneapol�s Cenval LaDOr unwn. AFLCto $�, PaW AFLLIO Tadas & labor Assembty Dululh Centrai Body Albert lea TraCes & tshor Assemby. AFLCIO �.wo�co swm�cem� �.nor uNO�,. a�cio SauU�east Central tabo� Caunal. AFLCIO c�u� e,r�� Tr� a�cor assa�r. nfl.�cw so�r�rmer cemrel tacor u�ion fletl wng AF4G0 Cou�wa7 Q`� Phone: (612) 646-4566 Fa�c: (612) 646-2858 LOCAL UNION No, 70 «��.�.�, 2477 LarpeMeur Avenue West $t. Paul, Minnesota 55113-5247 ��. RICHARD tALLY, Business Manager October 16, 1996 � 1 : Chief Bifl Finney St. Paul Police Department 100 East 11th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Dear Chief Finney: I am writing to confirm my understanding of the agreement reached between yourseif and representatives of Local 70 regarding fhe cseation o4 the new Po4ice Park Ranger classiFcation, pursuant to our recent telephone conversation. My understanding is as foliows: 1. The Police Department agrees to "star" the foilowing six (6) Park Rangers in their title of Park Ranger: Tim Kluxdahl, Mike Wilken, Rory Chavez, Kevin Anderson, Jim Gibson and Bob Zink. These individuals would be empioyed every year based on staffing needs and budgetary constraints, as they have been in the past. These individuals would remain in their current title and guaranteed employment each year, subject to the terms and conditions of the collective bargaining agreement between the City and Locai 70, until they resign or are terminated from empioyment. 2. 3. Locai 70 agrees to accept the classification of Police Park Ranger as proposed by the Police �Jepartmen?. The parties agree that this classification shali become part of the bargaining unit represented by Loca170, subject to the terms and conditions of the coliective bargaining agreement between the City and �ocal 70. i believe this accurately reflects the agreements reached between the parties. If there is anything in my summary that you believe to be inaccurate, do not hesitate to coniact me at the Local 70 office. i have enclosed my business card for your convenience. As you wili note, ! am copying Mary Kearney of the Citys Labor Relations Department as to our understanding regarding this matter. This will enable us fo incorporate this title into the coliective bargaining agreement via a letter of agreemenf between the City and Local 70. �-r-�v Thank you for your time and assistance in resolving this matter. 1 look forward to working with you in the future. Sincere{y, �� � Bill Nash � Business Representative BNfjml opeiu #12 enclosure cc: Dick Lally Tim Kluxdahl Mike Wilken Rory Chavez Kevin Anderson Jim Gibson Bob Zink Mary Kearney OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Johrz Hamilton, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Ca[eman, Mayor l�" December kl, 1996 Bill Nash, Business Representative Int'1 Union of Operating Engineers I,ocal 70 2417 Larpenteur Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55113 Dear Bill: 400 Ciry Hall Annez 25 West Founh SYreet Saira Paul, Minnesota 55102-763] It has been deternuned that the title and class specification of Police Park ��� lC7 Te[ephane: 6I2-266-6500 TOD/TTY.� 672-266-650I Job(ine: 612-266-6502 Facsimi[e: 612-292-�656 Ranger should be created and placed in International Operating Engineers Local 70. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenry days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the tifle of Police Park Ranger in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. The rate of pay wdi be as foilows: A B C D E F G (Airing) (104� hrs) (208Q hrs) 2 yrs 3 yrs 4 yrs 5 yrs 6 mos 1 yr $8.24 $9.54 $9.92 $10.40 $10.91 $11.27 $12.02 Sincerely, ll(�6� ��`��jt�'y� Karen Sanchez � Classification, Compensation and Orgn'1 Design I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. �G(.� `�� � L �'rz._ 7/3 iy�� � Name Date CODE: 301A BU: 12 EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: POLICE PARK RANGER OF WORK General Statement of Duties: `-'1��� Performs routine sworn police park enforcement work in patrolling City parks, lakes and recreation facilities; enforces park ordinances, rules and regulations and provides information and assistance to park visitors; and performs other related duties as required. S�ervision Received: Works undez the close supervision of a sergeant and day-to-day coordination of a police officer. Su�ervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Patrols City parks, lakes and recreation facilities to check for health and safety hazards. Enforces park ordinances, rules and regulations by issuing parking and criminal citations under the close supervision of a higher level sworn `Police Department personnel. Responds to citizen calls and complaints received through the Park Watch program and Emergency Communication Center. Provides information regarding park rules and regulations and assists park visitors with medical emergencies, missing persons, directional information, vehicle lockouts and similar situations. Writes appropriate reports as needed such as daily activity and incident reports. Attends neighborhood, park watch and crime watch meetings. Provides first aid to injured persons and summons medical assistance as needed. Testifies in court relative to the issuance of summonses or acts as a witness in court or other proceedings as needed. (continued on reverse side) POLICE PARK RANGER Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: POLICE PARK RANGER b KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES �� � � Considerable knowledge of park ordinances, rules and regulations. Working knowledge of security maintenance, methods and pzocedures. Working lmowledge of the park system and layout. Working skill in operatiag a motorized patrol vehicle. Working skill in basic first aid techniques. Considerable ability to make sound, reasonable decisions and exercise good judgment. Considerable ability to communicate effectively with co-workers, other City staff, outside agencies, and the public. Considerable ability to handle conflict situations. MINIMUM QUALZFICATIONS High school diploma or GED certificate. Must enroll in or be enrolled in a POST-approved law enforcement or criminal justice program within 90 days of appointment. This enrollment must be maintained throughout employment until the date of graduation from the program. A Police Park Ranger must either qualify and be appointed as a Police Officer or be separated as a Police Park Ranger upon reaching 8,320 hours or five years of service in this class, whichever occurs first. If no examination is held for Police Officer during that period of service, appointment as a Police Park Ranger may be extended until such examination is held and completed. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class C drivez's license, or equivalent out-of-state license, with no suspensions or revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded). POLICE PARK RANGER ���� CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STUDY REPORT Proposed New Class: Studied By: Date Studied: Persons Contacted: Police Park Ranger Karen Sanchez January 8, 1996 Department APPROVAL OF THE CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: /— 8 — Background The transfer of 5.4 FTE Park Ranger positions to the Police Department from the Parks and Recreation Division was approved by the City Council in the 1995 budget. The Police Park Rangers will perform routine swom police park enforcement work and issuance of citations under the close supervision of a higher level swom Police personnel. These duties are not performed by the Park Rangers assigned in Parks. Consequently, the Police Department requested that the new class of Police Park Ranger be established. This study was conducted to determine the appropriate classification and compensation of the proposed new cfass. Study Com�onents Review of the job profile. Interview with department representatives. Comparison to related classifrcations. QES evaluation. Position Description The positions in this class will be assigned in the Directed Enforcement Unit under the close supervision of a sworn Police Department personnel. The responsibilities include: Patrols City parks, lakes and recreation facilities to check for health and safety hazards. Enforces park ordinances, rules and regulations; issues parking and criminal citations under the close supervision of a higher level sworn Police personnel. . �t Responds to citizen caiis and campiaints received through the Park Watch Program and Emergency Communications Center. Provides information regarding park rules and regulations and assists park visitors with medicai emergencies, missing persons, directions, vehicle lockouts and similar situations. Writes reports as needed such as dai�y activity and +ncident reports. Attends neighborhood, park watch, and crime watch meetings. Provides first aid to injured persons and summons medical assistance as needed. Testifies in court re(ative ta the issuance of summonses or acts as a witness in court or other proceedings as needed. Com ar� Park Ranoer - The proposed Police Park Ranger wili have more responsibility than the Park Ranger assigned in Parks. The Police Park Ranger will patrol parks, lakes and recreation facilities and enforce park rufes and regulatians, respond to Park Watch calis dispatched by Parks employees and cails received through the Emergency Communications Center, and issue parking and criminai citations under ciose supervision of a sworm Police personnei. The Park Rangers in Parks do not perform these duties. Parking Enfo�cement O�cer - The proposed Po�ice Park Ranger compares favorabiy witfi the Parking Enforcement Officer ciass. Both dassifications pertorm routine sworn enforcement work under ciose supervision of a higher levei Police Department personnel. The difference is that the Police Park Ranger wili be primarily responsibie for park e�forcement and the Parking Enforcement O�cer for parking enforcement. QES Evaluation The QES evaluation supports the proposed rate of pay for this class. {See attached twenty day notice) Recommend�tion 1 recammend that the new class of Police Park Ranger be established in the Operating Engineers Locai 70 Standard Ranges of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation at the proposed rate of pay. �-�, rm, f�° . g� B �� g i � ` � ; '.�` � _ � � t � Presented Referred To RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL�B41AtNESOTA 1 Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay 2 For the Police Park Ranger class in the Salary Plan 3 and Rates of Compensation Resolution. Council File # ��c_�� Green Sheet # 40152 'j '�, TP, Committee Aate 4 RESOLVED, that the Bargaining Unit 12, Operating Engineers Loca170, Salary Schedule be 5 amended by inserting in proper numerical order the following salary range: 6 Grade 22U 7 A B 8 8.24 9.54 9 and be it, C D E � G 9.92 10.40 10.91 11.27 12.02 10 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification enritled Police Park Ranger 11 shall be that as set forth in Grade 22U of the Bargaining Unit 12, Operating Engineers Loca170, 12 Salary Schedule, and be it 13 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period 14 following passage, and its approval. rv�. Adopted by Council: Date a l � Adoption Certified by Council cretacy BY: ` 1 \ � c�- Y'"� �l� Approved by Mayor: Date Ci B _�� vL(C- vu¢� Requested by Department o£ Office of Human Resources B Ll�.��_ .'�-,�. Form Approved by City Attorney By: ��� � �`j��[�' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: 4 - " � .�J i2�-t�J F \CLASSVCA[tEN�PARKRANG RES �� �l� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DATE INI1'IATED GREEN SHEET No.:40152 Humau Resources CONTACi' PERSON � & ONE: � IMTTAL/DATE INITiAL/DATE John Shockle�"" 266-6482 assicrr i_DErAxrn�eerrr n I 7�9 s_ crrY covivcu. Karen Sanchez �(�j 266-6483 rroMeEx z_c n�c 6_ cirv cLaiuc FOR UDGET DIlL FIN. & MGT. SEAVICE DIIL MIJST BE ON COUNCII., AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING 4_MAYOR (OR ASST. CML SERVICE COMhIISSION ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATTONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION REQUESTED: Approval of the resolution to establish the rate of pay for Police Pazk Ranger in the Operating Engineers Loca170 Salary Schedule. RECOMI�fENDA1IONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMbIISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMIvIISSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB COMMI'1TEE Yes No STAFF _ 2, Has this person/fimi ever been a ciTy employee? _DISTRICT COUAT yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COi1NCIL OBJEC'IYVE? 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciTy employee? Yes No Exp7ain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITTATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTTY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): This action is necessary to finalize the transfer of 5.4 FTE Park Ranger positions to the Police Department from the Parks and Recreation Division, which was approved by the City Council in the 1995 budget. The new ciass is proposed because the positions which will be allocated to the new class will perform duties that are not currently performed by the Park Ranger positions assigned in the Parks and Recreation Division. This new duty concems routine sworn police park enforcement and issuing parking and criminal citations under the close supervision of a sworn Police personnel. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � '�iE. 1. Appropriate classification and compensation will be established. � A N ���9�� 2. The Police Park Ranger program will be used by the department to recruit and train fi�t� , olice Officers. �n#i DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � None-funds for salaries have already been established in the Police Deparhnent budget. DISADVAN"I'AGESIFNOTAPPROVED: ��-��'•� ���'��� 'e"'��^�� �����V�� �. 1 q a: sm+m�z The advantages mentioned will not be realized. ��`''� �� ���� JAN 0� 1997 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ � COST/AEVENOE BUDGETED: ���� pBf � 11 FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY N[JD4BER: �'� m FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) i V�IY � � 53�� F:\CLASS\KAR6N�PARKRANG.GRN RECEIVED n�c � 8 isss CHIEF'S OFFICE CITY OF SAINI' PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayar I�C�31 Chief Bill Finney Police Deparhnent �:�- _ �-'_["� `5: i'ik.t:L Y! i : v �tur�� �. _< z,��:;�,�c�s G`Z �.� OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Johtn$amiGars�Dircctorfi o • �7 7( JttEV ci rr u 400 Ciry Hall Annu 25 West Fourth Sireet SatntPaul, Minnesota SSIO2-763] Te[ephone: 612-266-6500 TDD/TTY: 612-266-6501 Job4ne: bI2-266-6502 Facstini[e: 6I2-292-7656 FROM: Karen Sanchez ��� /�� Classification, Compensation & Org'1 Design � DATE: December 1�1, 1996 RE: Police Park Ranger Twenty Day Notice It has been deternuned that the title and class specification of Police Park Ranger should be created and placed in International Operating Engineers Local 70. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processsing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the tifle of Police Park Ranger in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. The rate of pay will be as follows: A B C D E F G (Hiring) (1040 hrs) (2080 hrs) 2 yrs 3 yrs 4 yrs S yrs 6 mos 1 yi $8.24 $9.54 $9.92 $10.40 $10.91 $11.27 $12.02 I hereby waiv the time remauung on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creaung this title and ass pecification. � � 9 Name Date �Z Phone:(612)646-M1566 ? o °� o.� FeX: (612) 6462858 ' INTERNATIONAL UNIDN OF i /� �� �� �,;�, :�,,�= OPERATI������I�a1NEERS ,�,;�;,�; � LOCAL UN/ON No. 70 AF4C10 Natlwial AIOert laa TraAe r� e p�}y�p PL • F � (Fmre'IY Lxeis 3a. 38. 98"/) �rnnesda �ow r�eaxauon m w�« r,w�uo sannCaY� a48FJinw�i,,iRdo� •`� 2417 Larpenteur Avenue West M'm^esorn s�e e�n. iuo�, �-Cw Sw� �""o-m tabw cwnc�. �ca St. Paul, Minnesota 551135247 ru�neepw� ce�uai �. u�,. ,w.�o ce�w ��r. r�mes s una n�ar. nr�ca SG PaW AFLi�O Trades A Labor AsaemblY Sdeweter Cantrai laEa Uiion � o�wm cem� emr nac w�s,�-�o co�n D�CK LALLY, Business Manager Kazen Sanchez Classifica6oq Compensa6on and Organizational Design City of 5t. Paul 400 Ciry Hall Annex 25 West Fourih Street St. Paul, Mn 55 102-1 63 1 Dear Kazen: I have received and reviewed your correspondence dated 12-16-96, regazding the class specification for Police Pazk Ranger. As you may or may not be a�vare, this class specification has been the subject of numerous discussions belween the City, Chief Finney and Loca190. Enclosed you will find a copy of my correspondence to Chief Finney regazding this matter. Based upon the understanding reached in this correspondence, Local 70 is in agreement with the class specification and waives the time remaining on the h��enty (20) day notice. Feel free to call �vith any questions. Sincerely, �� � �s �iva-/` j,>f.� Bill Nash Business Representative BN:sg opeiu # 12 ec: Chief Bill Finney Mary Kearney Kevin Anderson, Steward encl: Sanchez Correspondence dated 12-16-96 Finney Correspondence dated 10-16-96 O N oi p� J� • �i : J /- ° :`- _. _ -:� � r �..�,.__.,.. /NTERNAT/ONAL UN/ON OF OPERATING ENGINEERS �� AFLLYO Nationai MNtresaa aRCio Feaemeon of �aeor Minnesota Sb�e Brawh, IUOE, AFLCIO Mmneapol�s Cenval LaDOr unwn. AFLCto $�, PaW AFLLIO Tadas & labor Assembty Dululh Centrai Body Albert lea TraCes & tshor Assemby. AFLCIO �.wo�co swm�cem� �.nor uNO�,. a�cio SauU�east Central tabo� Caunal. AFLCIO c�u� e,r�� Tr� a�cor assa�r. nfl.�cw so�r�rmer cemrel tacor u�ion fletl wng AF4G0 Cou�wa7 Q`� Phone: (612) 646-4566 Fa�c: (612) 646-2858 LOCAL UNION No, 70 «��.�.�, 2477 LarpeMeur Avenue West $t. Paul, Minnesota 55113-5247 ��. RICHARD tALLY, Business Manager October 16, 1996 � 1 : Chief Bifl Finney St. Paul Police Department 100 East 11th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Dear Chief Finney: I am writing to confirm my understanding of the agreement reached between yourseif and representatives of Local 70 regarding fhe cseation o4 the new Po4ice Park Ranger classiFcation, pursuant to our recent telephone conversation. My understanding is as foliows: 1. The Police Department agrees to "star" the foilowing six (6) Park Rangers in their title of Park Ranger: Tim Kluxdahl, Mike Wilken, Rory Chavez, Kevin Anderson, Jim Gibson and Bob Zink. These individuals would be empioyed every year based on staffing needs and budgetary constraints, as they have been in the past. These individuals would remain in their current title and guaranteed employment each year, subject to the terms and conditions of the collective bargaining agreement between the City and Locai 70, until they resign or are terminated from empioyment. 2. 3. Locai 70 agrees to accept the classification of Police Park Ranger as proposed by the Police �Jepartmen?. The parties agree that this classification shali become part of the bargaining unit represented by Loca170, subject to the terms and conditions of the coliective bargaining agreement between the City and �ocal 70. i believe this accurately reflects the agreements reached between the parties. If there is anything in my summary that you believe to be inaccurate, do not hesitate to coniact me at the Local 70 office. i have enclosed my business card for your convenience. As you wili note, ! am copying Mary Kearney of the Citys Labor Relations Department as to our understanding regarding this matter. This will enable us fo incorporate this title into the coliective bargaining agreement via a letter of agreemenf between the City and Local 70. �-r-�v Thank you for your time and assistance in resolving this matter. 1 look forward to working with you in the future. Sincere{y, �� � Bill Nash � Business Representative BNfjml opeiu #12 enclosure cc: Dick Lally Tim Kluxdahl Mike Wilken Rory Chavez Kevin Anderson Jim Gibson Bob Zink Mary Kearney OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Johrz Hamilton, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Ca[eman, Mayor l�" December kl, 1996 Bill Nash, Business Representative Int'1 Union of Operating Engineers I,ocal 70 2417 Larpenteur Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55113 Dear Bill: 400 Ciry Hall Annez 25 West Founh SYreet Saira Paul, Minnesota 55102-763] It has been deternuned that the title and class specification of Police Park ��� lC7 Te[ephane: 6I2-266-6500 TOD/TTY.� 672-266-650I Job(ine: 612-266-6502 Facsimi[e: 612-292-�656 Ranger should be created and placed in International Operating Engineers Local 70. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenry days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the tifle of Police Park Ranger in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. The rate of pay wdi be as foilows: A B C D E F G (Airing) (104� hrs) (208Q hrs) 2 yrs 3 yrs 4 yrs 5 yrs 6 mos 1 yr $8.24 $9.54 $9.92 $10.40 $10.91 $11.27 $12.02 Sincerely, ll(�6� ��`��jt�'y� Karen Sanchez � Classification, Compensation and Orgn'1 Design I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. �G(.� `�� � L �'rz._ 7/3 iy�� � Name Date CODE: 301A BU: 12 EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: POLICE PARK RANGER OF WORK General Statement of Duties: `-'1��� Performs routine sworn police park enforcement work in patrolling City parks, lakes and recreation facilities; enforces park ordinances, rules and regulations and provides information and assistance to park visitors; and performs other related duties as required. S�ervision Received: Works undez the close supervision of a sergeant and day-to-day coordination of a police officer. Su�ervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Patrols City parks, lakes and recreation facilities to check for health and safety hazards. Enforces park ordinances, rules and regulations by issuing parking and criminal citations under the close supervision of a higher level sworn `Police Department personnel. Responds to citizen calls and complaints received through the Park Watch program and Emergency Communication Center. Provides information regarding park rules and regulations and assists park visitors with medical emergencies, missing persons, directional information, vehicle lockouts and similar situations. Writes appropriate reports as needed such as daily activity and incident reports. Attends neighborhood, park watch and crime watch meetings. Provides first aid to injured persons and summons medical assistance as needed. Testifies in court relative to the issuance of summonses or acts as a witness in court or other proceedings as needed. (continued on reverse side) POLICE PARK RANGER Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: POLICE PARK RANGER b KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES �� � � Considerable knowledge of park ordinances, rules and regulations. Working knowledge of security maintenance, methods and pzocedures. Working lmowledge of the park system and layout. Working skill in operatiag a motorized patrol vehicle. Working skill in basic first aid techniques. Considerable ability to make sound, reasonable decisions and exercise good judgment. Considerable ability to communicate effectively with co-workers, other City staff, outside agencies, and the public. Considerable ability to handle conflict situations. MINIMUM QUALZFICATIONS High school diploma or GED certificate. Must enroll in or be enrolled in a POST-approved law enforcement or criminal justice program within 90 days of appointment. This enrollment must be maintained throughout employment until the date of graduation from the program. A Police Park Ranger must either qualify and be appointed as a Police Officer or be separated as a Police Park Ranger upon reaching 8,320 hours or five years of service in this class, whichever occurs first. If no examination is held for Police Officer during that period of service, appointment as a Police Park Ranger may be extended until such examination is held and completed. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class C drivez's license, or equivalent out-of-state license, with no suspensions or revocations within the two-year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded). POLICE PARK RANGER ���� CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STUDY REPORT Proposed New Class: Studied By: Date Studied: Persons Contacted: Police Park Ranger Karen Sanchez January 8, 1996 Department APPROVAL OF THE CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: /— 8 — Background The transfer of 5.4 FTE Park Ranger positions to the Police Department from the Parks and Recreation Division was approved by the City Council in the 1995 budget. The Police Park Rangers will perform routine swom police park enforcement work and issuance of citations under the close supervision of a higher level swom Police personnel. These duties are not performed by the Park Rangers assigned in Parks. Consequently, the Police Department requested that the new class of Police Park Ranger be established. This study was conducted to determine the appropriate classification and compensation of the proposed new cfass. Study Com�onents Review of the job profile. Interview with department representatives. Comparison to related classifrcations. QES evaluation. Position Description The positions in this class will be assigned in the Directed Enforcement Unit under the close supervision of a sworn Police Department personnel. The responsibilities include: Patrols City parks, lakes and recreation facilities to check for health and safety hazards. Enforces park ordinances, rules and regulations; issues parking and criminal citations under the close supervision of a higher level sworn Police personnel. . �t Responds to citizen caiis and campiaints received through the Park Watch Program and Emergency Communications Center. Provides information regarding park rules and regulations and assists park visitors with medicai emergencies, missing persons, directions, vehicle lockouts and similar situations. Writes reports as needed such as dai�y activity and +ncident reports. Attends neighborhood, park watch, and crime watch meetings. Provides first aid to injured persons and summons medical assistance as needed. Testifies in court re(ative ta the issuance of summonses or acts as a witness in court or other proceedings as needed. Com ar� Park Ranoer - The proposed Police Park Ranger wili have more responsibility than the Park Ranger assigned in Parks. The Police Park Ranger will patrol parks, lakes and recreation facilities and enforce park rufes and regulatians, respond to Park Watch calis dispatched by Parks employees and cails received through the Emergency Communications Center, and issue parking and criminai citations under ciose supervision of a sworm Police personnei. The Park Rangers in Parks do not perform these duties. Parking Enfo�cement O�cer - The proposed Po�ice Park Ranger compares favorabiy witfi the Parking Enforcement Officer ciass. Both dassifications pertorm routine sworn enforcement work under ciose supervision of a higher levei Police Department personnel. The difference is that the Police Park Ranger wili be primarily responsibie for park e�forcement and the Parking Enforcement O�cer for parking enforcement. QES Evaluation The QES evaluation supports the proposed rate of pay for this class. {See attached twenty day notice) Recommend�tion 1 recammend that the new class of Police Park Ranger be established in the Operating Engineers Locai 70 Standard Ranges of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation at the proposed rate of pay.