97-696�` Council File # � `� � t y •\� �`�` Green Sheet # ����� RESOLUTION s�'. �; r^ � a, ;� a CI T PAUL, MINNESOTA / � �'W 1 � u ; ��4✓ i � \ 1 e`� � ' � � � Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 VJI�EREAS, Shannon Kelly's, Inc. d/b/a Shannon Kelly's Wabasha Street North in Saurt Paul applied for and received a se their 1996 Liquor License fee pursuant to Section 310.19 of the Sair WHEREAS, receipt of this discount is contingent on participaring in an approved alcohol awareness program; and�j ;nsee") located at 395 rcent(7%) discount on Legislative Code; and licensee and its employees WHEREAS, the licensee has failed to provide an�cumentation or information to show compliance with the requirements to receive this disco , now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the Licensee sha11 Hundred Twenty Four pollars and fifty Cents ($42s discount received by the Licensee plus late fees.,� the Office of LIEP the amount of Four , which is equal to the seven (7) percent BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Liquar On Sa1e (B), Sunday On Sale, Restaurant (B), Sidewalk Cafe, Cigarette licenses (Lic se TD No. 30306) held by the Licensee are hereby suspended commencing at 12:01 a.m. o for obtaining the discount license fee and then failing to participa in an approved alcohol awazeness training program. This suspension shall continue until fees and fines have been paid and the Licensee has received written notificafion from licensing office that they may open. This Resolution and the 4, 1997 Notice of Violation presented to the Council at tha the basis for the violarion. � . Date Requested by Department of: - �/�`I � / �� Adopted by Coun 1 Adoption Cert' iec By: Approved y Mayor: By: Date taken above are based upon the facts contained in the April to the Licensee and such arguments as may have been ; heazing. The Licensee did not dispute the facts that form by Council Secretary Date Form Approved by City Attorney � By _ � � ������ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �8��8 a ., . e � ��,����N� " DATEINfTIAtEO GREEN SHEET � �_� � Office of the Ci Attome, 5-20-97 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAVDATE INRIAVDATE O DEPqRTMENT DIRE � CIT' COUNCIL VirginiaPalmer 266-8710 NUY.IBERFOR �CITYATTORNEV �CITYCLEflK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGE BY (DiA7�E) ROUTING � BUDGET DIqECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. June 4, 1997 r LLUllCi Ile$r1I1F OflDER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Concerning adverse action against licenses held by Sbannon Kelly's, Inc., 395 Wabasha Street North. (iJncontested) RECOMMENDniiONS: Approve (A) or Re�ect (R) PEfiSONAL SEiiVICE CONTRACT'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personff�rm ever worketl u`Mer a contract Sor iMs departmentt _ CIB COMMITTEE YES NO _ STnFF _ 2_ Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO _ DiS7RlCT GoURi _ 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curtent ciry employee? SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCILO&IECTIVE7 YES NO Explaln all yes answers on separote sheat anE attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNfN (WM, What, When, Where. Why): ADVANTAGES IP APPROVED: DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. ��.�3,P,n�F "�" , p�ewix � �*.�Y��'e,�'1 :o:i"i; � (d" �a�J�! DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOIlNT OF TRANSACTION $ COS7lREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiG SOURCE ACTIVI7V NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (E%PLAIN) UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING c�1 _ �9G Licensee Name: Address: Shannon Kelly's Inc. d/b/a Shannon Kelly's 395 Wabasha Street North Council Hearing Date: June 4, 1997 Violation: Faiture to Participate in an Approved Alcohol ' Awareness Training Program After Receiving Discount on License Fees Date: Place: Discount received in 1996 license fees Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Reimbursement of Discount on License Fee, Penalty, and Suspension of �icenses until atl fees and fines paid Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Viotation and follow-up letter 3. License information 4. Invoice OFFICF �F THE CITY ATTORNEY Peg S�rk, � Arrorney CITY OF SAI?�TT P_�LZ .\'orm Coleman, A1a}•or cn a o;,;s,on +OD C+ry Hall 1 S N est Kellogg Blvd SaintPaul, M+nnesota 55102 a� - cq� Telephone: 6!? :66-8, 0 Facsim�le: 61? =98-5619 P_pril 16, 1997 James NcGovern Shannon Ke11y's 395 Wabasha Stree� ?�orth Saint Paul, NN 5��02 R�: Liquor License Fee Discount for Alcohol Awareness Training License ID �: 30306 D2ar Mr. McGovern: This office s°nt you a letter dated April 4, 1997 in which you were notified t�at your 1996 liquor license fees had been discounted by 70 ��sed on your agreement to participate in an authorized alcohol awareness training course, but that because no verification of training �:sd been received by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, that you would be reguired to pay the 7o di=ference in fees. The letter further informed you that if you could provide evidence of participation in the approved alcohol awareness training that you had until Monday, April 14, 1997 to provide that information to Christine Rozek at the LIEP Office. As of today's date, no such documentation has been received by the LIEP office, nor has payment of the difference in fees been made. Accordingly, this matter will be scheduled for a hearing in front of the Saint Paul City Council for a determination of the appropriate penalty for the non-payment of the entire amount of license fees. Please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 if you have any guestions about this matter. Sincerely, "�i �.-�� r� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney ec: Robert Kessler, Directcr of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director �l�-C9G S^1ATE GF MINNESOTA ) ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUiQTY OF RAMSEY JOANNE G. CL�?'!-?QTS, be_�g iirst duly sworn, deposes and says that on April 16, i997, s:_e served the attached �ETTER on �he following named person by p_Gcing a true and correcc copy thereo= in an envelope add��ssed as :ollows: Ja,;.=s McGovern Sha�non Kelly's 39� irlabasha Street North St. Paul, MN. 55102 (which is the last known address o£ said person) and depositing the same, with postage brepaid, _n the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of April, 1997. ��� ,�; - � e��.�-r�� � ` Notary Public � RITA AA. BOSSARD � NQ7ARY PUBIIC — MINNcSOTA RAMSEY CAUN7Y My Comm. Ezpires Jan. 37. 2000 � __- � OFFICE ^T' THE CITY .4TTORNEY Peg Birk. Anornc}' CITY OF S�TT P_�UZ ��orm Colem�rs, 19ayror Cn�il D'n�isian +00 Crp� Ha1J IS Ifest KelloggBPod Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 9�-�9� l�elephone: 6i? =66-6:10 Focsimile: 61. '95-56I9 April 4, 1997 NOTIC3 OE VIOLATION James McGovern Shannon Kelly's 395 t4abasha Stree� '��rch Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Liquor On Sale and Sur��y On Sale Licenses held by Shannon Relly's d/b/a �hannon {�11y's, for the premises at 395 North Wabasha Street License ID �: 303�6 Dear Sir/Madam: The Office of Licerse, Inspections and Environmental Protection has noti£ied me o= the following information concerning the licenses held by H K Inc. of St. Paul at the above premises: Your 1996 liquor license fees were discounted by 7� pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § 310.19, which authorizes the discount for licensees who participate in authorized alcohol awareness traiaing with an approved agency which contracts with the City of Saint Paul for the services. No verification of training was received, and on January 28, 1997 you were sent an iavoice for the 7% difference in fees, which was due by February 18, 1997. As of March 3, 1997, no payment has been made. If you and your employees di3 participate in the approved alcohol awareness training and have evidence of that fact, you must provide that information to Christine Rozek at the LIEP Office, 300 Lowry Professional Building, 350 S�. Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 no later than Monday, April 14, 1997. If you did not °I '1 - L9 t, Shannon Kelly's April a, 1947 Page 2 participate, the� �: e iull a�.-:o.�nt oi your 1956 liquor license fees must be paid. The �°aini�g rust have been in 1996 and must hace been witn the Ni�a�sota Lic�%sed Beveraae Association. After cur conversa� on K=_d�esday nignt I did ask Christine to check to see if ;�y aaperwor:� nad been received. She was not ab'•e to find anything, -or did i�L3A have documentation for 1996. You indicated that you cid have copies of the documentation, so if you can provide that �o Czristir� that should resolve the issue. Please feel iree to cencact me at 256-8710 ii you have any additional questions about th`_� matter. Sincerely, _ L/ �, ) C. c�:.� ucC � \.��✓t,��/ Virgi�a D. Palmer Assistant City Attc-�ey cc: Robert Kessler, Directcr of LIEP Christine Roze'.t, Deputy Director �R -G�L STATE OF MINNESOTA COU?�7TY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLSP!�'NTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on April 4, 1°57, she served th2 attached NOTICE OF VTOLATIO?N on the following named per�on by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: 3am2s McGovern Shannon Kelly's 395 Wabasha Street North St. Paul, MN. 55102 which is the last known address of same, with postage prepaid, in the Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to b"�fore me this 4th day of April, 1997. .:J��LD�- �i2�LG� NOT RRON C� Puauc - r✓,sa; �so ° �MSEY CO vCOmm. E,y�ires 3� 2�0 said person) and depositing the United States mails at St. Paul, �l'1 -�95. r.;c ID ................... �0306 STAT ...............•-•... =C 3usiness Name............ S:ANNON R=�LY'S INC Doing Business As........ S�T�NNON K=LLY'S Address .................. 395 WABAS:A ST N Zip ...................... 5�102 �xp Date ................. C3/O1/98 L_c2nse Name ............. S_DEWALK C�FE . 3�STAU_RANT (B)-MORE THAN 12 �ATS . SiINDAY ON SALE LIQUOR . L-Q-ON SAL�-OVER 100 SEATS-B . CIGARETTE NOTE AREA ................ I?�SPECTOR CHANGE FROM RICH TO DENVER - 1/6/92 . 12251 . FORMERLY SiJMPTOUS REPASTS, INC. DBA BAILEY'S BAR . & GRILL - iD40804 . G30690 PH ON APPN FOR NEW ON SALE LIQIIOR, ON SALE . SiJNDAY AN� RESTALIRANT D LIC APP'D C.F. 90-348 . 1/26/96 CZG CODE ADDED FROM ID #67081 . 1996-7o DISC APPLIED TO 2ND 1/2--LAP-LIC • 1/28/97 IN'VOICED FOR 7°s DISC RECEIVED IN 1996 AS . T'.�AINING WAS NEVER TAKEN-- $ DUE 2/18/97--LAP . �/2/97 C.F. #97-366 APP`D IMPOSING $200 FII3E F`OR . THE SALE OF CIGS TO A MINOR--LAP-LIC . 4/14/97 - SENT CIG. FINE LETTER (DUE SJ2f97} - LAB Bond Policy Number....... Bond Company ............. Bond Effective Date...... Bond Expiration Date..... Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... Associated Stock Holder.. Dealer No ................ Tax Id ................... Worker Comp Exp Date..... Telephone ................ PARK GLEN NATIONAL INS MNLL970267 03/25/97 03/O1/98 JAMES H MCGOVERN 2805673 06/04/93 292-0905 LICENSE I\VOICE CO.ifPLETE OTHER SIDE OF THIS POR770.\' .4\D ?,Cll'R'� If7TK l Ol'R P.41:11E.�"I' SH.9.\\OV �LLY'S L1C SH.A.'�\OV ICELLY'S 395 R'ABASHA ST'Q ST P.SLZ '�1'� 55102 License I.D. ; 30306 RE��iT ro:�ITY OF SAINT P.4liL O'rce ot Licznse. Ir.s� z:�ior.s ead Em�ironmental Pre:za;ion 3t S P:m: S. S�m ;W s_�o._.,;__z4..a«o_ q�-G9� (E"_� =.5�2�?0 Pa} Due Date: 2/18(97 I,ate Fee: 99.00 Total Amount Due: 42�.50 License'.Came 7ota1 Fu Di<count Pa��ment Due On Sale Liquor -(A) ��050.00 790 5353.50 On Sale Liquor - (.8) $4650.00 7% $325.50 On Sale Liquor - (C) �4200.00 7% $?94.00 These fees are subject to a 10�0 late fee each month that the payment is not received. 30306 PIEASE AFORM US IN KRTfIVG IF YOU BAVE GONE OUT OF BUSII�SS OR SF .tNY OF THE n80VE INFOAMnTTON HpS CHANGID EIS.00 CSiARGE FOR REfURNm C1iECK5 L4TE FEFS MAY Bf CHARGED IF PAYMEt.? 1S NOT RECIIVID HY THE DUE DATE °�'1-�q4 ��������x��r�m�x��s���z:m���m��:���x:��s��:�*�a��*���x�r�m��*m���x�r��*�m��:�:�*�:������r����m:�x������*x��a�s�ms��=� M PAYMEl��' CAN 1\TOW BE 1VIADE BY CREDTT CARD!t! >;c>cx$eFx9F=6�k>;cTC'Tt%a>;ex�$xx�k�%i,e>;ex', N��%x$M%��kxSFg$%.�N��k�k&T:�k�ka�TF�%>;e$e%�%�k>F#�k�e�k�k�k�Y�k&�kx'. �X$s,eek$�K$��k>;e3��::F:fi�F�%�Y*$�%$�kM.%>;e&�%>t>;ex>;e IF PAI'ING BY CREDIT CARD PLEASE COD�LETE'fHE FOLLOWII�G INFORMATION: � MasterCazd � Visa EXPIRAT`ION DATE: ❑0/�❑ Name of Cardholder (please priat) Late Fee: 99.00 Total Payment Due: 424.50 ACCOUNT Ni7MBER: ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ Signature of Card Holder(required for all charges) Daze DETACH HERE AND 11SAII. TSSS PORTIQN R'ITH YOUR PAPII�NT LICENSE INVOICE KEEP THIS PORTION POR YOUR RECORDS CITY OF SAINT PAUL OtLce of License, Ipspeccions end Environmentel Pmtection 350 St. Pder St. Sum 30D SamtAu7,M'weemm 55102 (61� 266909� License I,D. # : 30306 Payme� Due Date: 2l18/97 License Name Total Fee is unt Paymern Due On Sale Liquor - (A) $5050.00 7% $353.50 On Sale Iaqu'or (B).."" ".. �: ,�_ . � _ .. ,.. _. � _ .. , � $4650:00' �t ;.�� 7°!g"� _� >>. � .�.;:; $325�50: � On Sale Liquor - (C) � $4200.00 7% $294.00 Ttiese fees are subject to a 10% late fee each month that the payment is not received. PLEASE II�'ORM US IN wRi1ING IF YOU HAVE GONE OUT OF BUSINFSS OA IF ANY OF 7HE ABOVE INFORMATJON HAS CHANGID SI5.00 Cxnxce Fox Rerurtuw CxECKs IATE FEES MAY BE CHARGID IF PAYb�171S NOT RECIIVED BY 7'FIE DUE DATE �` Council File # � `� � t y •\� �`�` Green Sheet # ����� RESOLUTION s�'. �; r^ � a, ;� a CI T PAUL, MINNESOTA / � �'W 1 � u ; ��4✓ i � \ 1 e`� � ' � � � Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 VJI�EREAS, Shannon Kelly's, Inc. d/b/a Shannon Kelly's Wabasha Street North in Saurt Paul applied for and received a se their 1996 Liquor License fee pursuant to Section 310.19 of the Sair WHEREAS, receipt of this discount is contingent on participaring in an approved alcohol awareness program; and�j ;nsee") located at 395 rcent(7%) discount on Legislative Code; and licensee and its employees WHEREAS, the licensee has failed to provide an�cumentation or information to show compliance with the requirements to receive this disco , now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the Licensee sha11 Hundred Twenty Four pollars and fifty Cents ($42s discount received by the Licensee plus late fees.,� the Office of LIEP the amount of Four , which is equal to the seven (7) percent BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Liquar On Sa1e (B), Sunday On Sale, Restaurant (B), Sidewalk Cafe, Cigarette licenses (Lic se TD No. 30306) held by the Licensee are hereby suspended commencing at 12:01 a.m. o for obtaining the discount license fee and then failing to participa in an approved alcohol awazeness training program. This suspension shall continue until fees and fines have been paid and the Licensee has received written notificafion from licensing office that they may open. This Resolution and the 4, 1997 Notice of Violation presented to the Council at tha the basis for the violarion. � . Date Requested by Department of: - �/�`I � / �� Adopted by Coun 1 Adoption Cert' iec By: Approved y Mayor: By: Date taken above are based upon the facts contained in the April to the Licensee and such arguments as may have been ; heazing. The Licensee did not dispute the facts that form by Council Secretary Date Form Approved by City Attorney � By _ � � ������ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �8��8 a ., . e � ��,����N� " DATEINfTIAtEO GREEN SHEET � �_� � Office of the Ci Attome, 5-20-97 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAVDATE INRIAVDATE O DEPqRTMENT DIRE � CIT' COUNCIL VirginiaPalmer 266-8710 NUY.IBERFOR �CITYATTORNEV �CITYCLEflK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGE BY (DiA7�E) ROUTING � BUDGET DIqECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. June 4, 1997 r LLUllCi Ile$r1I1F OflDER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Concerning adverse action against licenses held by Sbannon Kelly's, Inc., 395 Wabasha Street North. (iJncontested) RECOMMENDniiONS: Approve (A) or Re�ect (R) PEfiSONAL SEiiVICE CONTRACT'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personff�rm ever worketl u`Mer a contract Sor iMs departmentt _ CIB COMMITTEE YES NO _ STnFF _ 2_ Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO _ DiS7RlCT GoURi _ 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curtent ciry employee? SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCILO&IECTIVE7 YES NO Explaln all yes answers on separote sheat anE attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNfN (WM, What, When, Where. Why): ADVANTAGES IP APPROVED: DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. ��.�3,P,n�F "�" , p�ewix � �*.�Y��'e,�'1 :o:i"i; � (d" �a�J�! DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOIlNT OF TRANSACTION $ COS7lREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiG SOURCE ACTIVI7V NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (E%PLAIN) UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING c�1 _ �9G Licensee Name: Address: Shannon Kelly's Inc. d/b/a Shannon Kelly's 395 Wabasha Street North Council Hearing Date: June 4, 1997 Violation: Faiture to Participate in an Approved Alcohol ' Awareness Training Program After Receiving Discount on License Fees Date: Place: Discount received in 1996 license fees Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Reimbursement of Discount on License Fee, Penalty, and Suspension of �icenses until atl fees and fines paid Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Viotation and follow-up letter 3. License information 4. Invoice OFFICF �F THE CITY ATTORNEY Peg S�rk, � Arrorney CITY OF SAI?�TT P_�LZ .\'orm Coleman, A1a}•or cn a o;,;s,on +OD C+ry Hall 1 S N est Kellogg Blvd SaintPaul, M+nnesota 55102 a� - cq� Telephone: 6!? :66-8, 0 Facsim�le: 61? =98-5619 P_pril 16, 1997 James NcGovern Shannon Ke11y's 395 Wabasha Stree� ?�orth Saint Paul, NN 5��02 R�: Liquor License Fee Discount for Alcohol Awareness Training License ID �: 30306 D2ar Mr. McGovern: This office s°nt you a letter dated April 4, 1997 in which you were notified t�at your 1996 liquor license fees had been discounted by 70 ��sed on your agreement to participate in an authorized alcohol awareness training course, but that because no verification of training �:sd been received by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, that you would be reguired to pay the 7o di=ference in fees. The letter further informed you that if you could provide evidence of participation in the approved alcohol awareness training that you had until Monday, April 14, 1997 to provide that information to Christine Rozek at the LIEP Office. As of today's date, no such documentation has been received by the LIEP office, nor has payment of the difference in fees been made. Accordingly, this matter will be scheduled for a hearing in front of the Saint Paul City Council for a determination of the appropriate penalty for the non-payment of the entire amount of license fees. Please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 if you have any guestions about this matter. Sincerely, "�i �.-�� r� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney ec: Robert Kessler, Directcr of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director �l�-C9G S^1ATE GF MINNESOTA ) ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUiQTY OF RAMSEY JOANNE G. CL�?'!-?QTS, be_�g iirst duly sworn, deposes and says that on April 16, i997, s:_e served the attached �ETTER on �he following named person by p_Gcing a true and correcc copy thereo= in an envelope add��ssed as :ollows: Ja,;.=s McGovern Sha�non Kelly's 39� irlabasha Street North St. Paul, MN. 55102 (which is the last known address o£ said person) and depositing the same, with postage brepaid, _n the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of April, 1997. ��� ,�; - � e��.�-r�� � ` Notary Public � RITA AA. BOSSARD � NQ7ARY PUBIIC — MINNcSOTA RAMSEY CAUN7Y My Comm. Ezpires Jan. 37. 2000 � __- � OFFICE ^T' THE CITY .4TTORNEY Peg Birk. Anornc}' CITY OF S�TT P_�UZ ��orm Colem�rs, 19ayror Cn�il D'n�isian +00 Crp� Ha1J IS Ifest KelloggBPod Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 9�-�9� l�elephone: 6i? =66-6:10 Focsimile: 61. '95-56I9 April 4, 1997 NOTIC3 OE VIOLATION James McGovern Shannon Kelly's 395 t4abasha Stree� '��rch Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Liquor On Sale and Sur��y On Sale Licenses held by Shannon Relly's d/b/a �hannon {�11y's, for the premises at 395 North Wabasha Street License ID �: 303�6 Dear Sir/Madam: The Office of Licerse, Inspections and Environmental Protection has noti£ied me o= the following information concerning the licenses held by H K Inc. of St. Paul at the above premises: Your 1996 liquor license fees were discounted by 7� pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § 310.19, which authorizes the discount for licensees who participate in authorized alcohol awareness traiaing with an approved agency which contracts with the City of Saint Paul for the services. No verification of training was received, and on January 28, 1997 you were sent an iavoice for the 7% difference in fees, which was due by February 18, 1997. As of March 3, 1997, no payment has been made. If you and your employees di3 participate in the approved alcohol awareness training and have evidence of that fact, you must provide that information to Christine Rozek at the LIEP Office, 300 Lowry Professional Building, 350 S�. Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 no later than Monday, April 14, 1997. If you did not °I '1 - L9 t, Shannon Kelly's April a, 1947 Page 2 participate, the� �: e iull a�.-:o.�nt oi your 1956 liquor license fees must be paid. The �°aini�g rust have been in 1996 and must hace been witn the Ni�a�sota Lic�%sed Beveraae Association. After cur conversa� on K=_d�esday nignt I did ask Christine to check to see if ;�y aaperwor:� nad been received. She was not ab'•e to find anything, -or did i�L3A have documentation for 1996. You indicated that you cid have copies of the documentation, so if you can provide that �o Czristir� that should resolve the issue. Please feel iree to cencact me at 256-8710 ii you have any additional questions about th`_� matter. Sincerely, _ L/ �, ) C. c�:.� ucC � \.��✓t,��/ Virgi�a D. Palmer Assistant City Attc-�ey cc: Robert Kessler, Directcr of LIEP Christine Roze'.t, Deputy Director �R -G�L STATE OF MINNESOTA COU?�7TY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLSP!�'NTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on April 4, 1°57, she served th2 attached NOTICE OF VTOLATIO?N on the following named per�on by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: 3am2s McGovern Shannon Kelly's 395 Wabasha Street North St. Paul, MN. 55102 which is the last known address of same, with postage prepaid, in the Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to b"�fore me this 4th day of April, 1997. .:J��LD�- �i2�LG� NOT RRON C� Puauc - r✓,sa; �so ° �MSEY CO vCOmm. E,y�ires 3� 2�0 said person) and depositing the United States mails at St. Paul, �l'1 -�95. r.;c ID ................... �0306 STAT ...............•-•... =C 3usiness Name............ S:ANNON R=�LY'S INC Doing Business As........ S�T�NNON K=LLY'S Address .................. 395 WABAS:A ST N Zip ...................... 5�102 �xp Date ................. C3/O1/98 L_c2nse Name ............. S_DEWALK C�FE . 3�STAU_RANT (B)-MORE THAN 12 �ATS . SiINDAY ON SALE LIQUOR . L-Q-ON SAL�-OVER 100 SEATS-B . CIGARETTE NOTE AREA ................ I?�SPECTOR CHANGE FROM RICH TO DENVER - 1/6/92 . 12251 . FORMERLY SiJMPTOUS REPASTS, INC. DBA BAILEY'S BAR . & GRILL - iD40804 . G30690 PH ON APPN FOR NEW ON SALE LIQIIOR, ON SALE . SiJNDAY AN� RESTALIRANT D LIC APP'D C.F. 90-348 . 1/26/96 CZG CODE ADDED FROM ID #67081 . 1996-7o DISC APPLIED TO 2ND 1/2--LAP-LIC • 1/28/97 IN'VOICED FOR 7°s DISC RECEIVED IN 1996 AS . T'.�AINING WAS NEVER TAKEN-- $ DUE 2/18/97--LAP . �/2/97 C.F. #97-366 APP`D IMPOSING $200 FII3E F`OR . THE SALE OF CIGS TO A MINOR--LAP-LIC . 4/14/97 - SENT CIG. FINE LETTER (DUE SJ2f97} - LAB Bond Policy Number....... Bond Company ............. Bond Effective Date...... Bond Expiration Date..... Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... Associated Stock Holder.. Dealer No ................ Tax Id ................... Worker Comp Exp Date..... Telephone ................ PARK GLEN NATIONAL INS MNLL970267 03/25/97 03/O1/98 JAMES H MCGOVERN 2805673 06/04/93 292-0905 LICENSE I\VOICE CO.ifPLETE OTHER SIDE OF THIS POR770.\' .4\D ?,Cll'R'� If7TK l Ol'R P.41:11E.�"I' SH.9.\\OV �LLY'S L1C SH.A.'�\OV ICELLY'S 395 R'ABASHA ST'Q ST P.SLZ '�1'� 55102 License I.D. ; 30306 RE��iT ro:�ITY OF SAINT P.4liL O'rce ot Licznse. Ir.s� z:�ior.s ead Em�ironmental Pre:za;ion 3t S P:m: S. S�m ;W s_�o._.,;__z4..a«o_ q�-G9� (E"_� =.5�2�?0 Pa} Due Date: 2/18(97 I,ate Fee: 99.00 Total Amount Due: 42�.50 License'.Came 7ota1 Fu Di<count Pa��ment Due On Sale Liquor -(A) ��050.00 790 5353.50 On Sale Liquor - (.8) $4650.00 7% $325.50 On Sale Liquor - (C) �4200.00 7% $?94.00 These fees are subject to a 10�0 late fee each month that the payment is not received. 30306 PIEASE AFORM US IN KRTfIVG IF YOU BAVE GONE OUT OF BUSII�SS OR SF .tNY OF THE n80VE INFOAMnTTON HpS CHANGID EIS.00 CSiARGE FOR REfURNm C1iECK5 L4TE FEFS MAY Bf CHARGED IF PAYMEt.? 1S NOT RECIIVID HY THE DUE DATE °�'1-�q4 ��������x��r�m�x��s���z:m���m��:���x:��s��:�*�a��*���x�r�m��*m���x�r��*�m��:�:�*�:������r����m:�x������*x��a�s�ms��=� M PAYMEl��' CAN 1\TOW BE 1VIADE BY CREDTT CARD!t! >;c>cx$eFx9F=6�k>;cTC'Tt%a>;ex�$xx�k�%i,e>;ex', N��%x$M%��kxSFg$%.�N��k�k&T:�k�ka�TF�%>;e$e%�%�k>F#�k�e�k�k�k�Y�k&�kx'. �X$s,eek$�K$��k>;e3��::F:fi�F�%�Y*$�%$�kM.%>;e&�%>t>;ex>;e IF PAI'ING BY CREDIT CARD PLEASE COD�LETE'fHE FOLLOWII�G INFORMATION: � MasterCazd � Visa EXPIRAT`ION DATE: ❑0/�❑ Name of Cardholder (please priat) Late Fee: 99.00 Total Payment Due: 424.50 ACCOUNT Ni7MBER: ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ Signature of Card Holder(required for all charges) Daze DETACH HERE AND 11SAII. TSSS PORTIQN R'ITH YOUR PAPII�NT LICENSE INVOICE KEEP THIS PORTION POR YOUR RECORDS CITY OF SAINT PAUL OtLce of License, Ipspeccions end Environmentel Pmtection 350 St. Pder St. Sum 30D SamtAu7,M'weemm 55102 (61� 266909� License I,D. # : 30306 Payme� Due Date: 2l18/97 License Name Total Fee is unt Paymern Due On Sale Liquor - (A) $5050.00 7% $353.50 On Sale Iaqu'or (B).."" ".. �: ,�_ . � _ .. ,.. _. � _ .. , � $4650:00' �t ;.�� 7°!g"� _� >>. � .�.;:; $325�50: � On Sale Liquor - (C) � $4200.00 7% $294.00 Ttiese fees are subject to a 10% late fee each month that the payment is not received. PLEASE II�'ORM US IN wRi1ING IF YOU HAVE GONE OUT OF BUSINFSS OA IF ANY OF 7HE ABOVE INFORMATJON HAS CHANGID SI5.00 Cxnxce Fox Rerurtuw CxECKs IATE FEES MAY BE CHARGID IF PAYb�171S NOT RECIIVED BY 7'FIE DUE DATE �` Council File # � `� � t y •\� �`�` Green Sheet # ����� RESOLUTION s�'. �; r^ � a, ;� a CI T PAUL, MINNESOTA / � �'W 1 � u ; ��4✓ i � \ 1 e`� � ' � � � Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 VJI�EREAS, Shannon Kelly's, Inc. d/b/a Shannon Kelly's Wabasha Street North in Saurt Paul applied for and received a se their 1996 Liquor License fee pursuant to Section 310.19 of the Sair WHEREAS, receipt of this discount is contingent on participaring in an approved alcohol awareness program; and�j ;nsee") located at 395 rcent(7%) discount on Legislative Code; and licensee and its employees WHEREAS, the licensee has failed to provide an�cumentation or information to show compliance with the requirements to receive this disco , now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the Licensee sha11 Hundred Twenty Four pollars and fifty Cents ($42s discount received by the Licensee plus late fees.,� the Office of LIEP the amount of Four , which is equal to the seven (7) percent BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Liquar On Sa1e (B), Sunday On Sale, Restaurant (B), Sidewalk Cafe, Cigarette licenses (Lic se TD No. 30306) held by the Licensee are hereby suspended commencing at 12:01 a.m. o for obtaining the discount license fee and then failing to participa in an approved alcohol awazeness training program. This suspension shall continue until fees and fines have been paid and the Licensee has received written notificafion from licensing office that they may open. This Resolution and the 4, 1997 Notice of Violation presented to the Council at tha the basis for the violarion. � . Date Requested by Department of: - �/�`I � / �� Adopted by Coun 1 Adoption Cert' iec By: Approved y Mayor: By: Date taken above are based upon the facts contained in the April to the Licensee and such arguments as may have been ; heazing. The Licensee did not dispute the facts that form by Council Secretary Date Form Approved by City Attorney � By _ � � ������ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �8��8 a ., . e � ��,����N� " DATEINfTIAtEO GREEN SHEET � �_� � Office of the Ci Attome, 5-20-97 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAVDATE INRIAVDATE O DEPqRTMENT DIRE � CIT' COUNCIL VirginiaPalmer 266-8710 NUY.IBERFOR �CITYATTORNEV �CITYCLEflK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGE BY (DiA7�E) ROUTING � BUDGET DIqECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. June 4, 1997 r LLUllCi Ile$r1I1F OflDER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Concerning adverse action against licenses held by Sbannon Kelly's, Inc., 395 Wabasha Street North. (iJncontested) RECOMMENDniiONS: Approve (A) or Re�ect (R) PEfiSONAL SEiiVICE CONTRACT'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personff�rm ever worketl u`Mer a contract Sor iMs departmentt _ CIB COMMITTEE YES NO _ STnFF _ 2_ Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO _ DiS7RlCT GoURi _ 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curtent ciry employee? SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCILO&IECTIVE7 YES NO Explaln all yes answers on separote sheat anE attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNfN (WM, What, When, Where. Why): ADVANTAGES IP APPROVED: DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. ��.�3,P,n�F "�" , p�ewix � �*.�Y��'e,�'1 :o:i"i; � (d" �a�J�! DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOIlNT OF TRANSACTION $ COS7lREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiG SOURCE ACTIVI7V NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (E%PLAIN) UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING c�1 _ �9G Licensee Name: Address: Shannon Kelly's Inc. d/b/a Shannon Kelly's 395 Wabasha Street North Council Hearing Date: June 4, 1997 Violation: Faiture to Participate in an Approved Alcohol ' Awareness Training Program After Receiving Discount on License Fees Date: Place: Discount received in 1996 license fees Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Reimbursement of Discount on License Fee, Penalty, and Suspension of �icenses until atl fees and fines paid Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Viotation and follow-up letter 3. License information 4. Invoice OFFICF �F THE CITY ATTORNEY Peg S�rk, � Arrorney CITY OF SAI?�TT P_�LZ .\'orm Coleman, A1a}•or cn a o;,;s,on +OD C+ry Hall 1 S N est Kellogg Blvd SaintPaul, M+nnesota 55102 a� - cq� Telephone: 6!? :66-8, 0 Facsim�le: 61? =98-5619 P_pril 16, 1997 James NcGovern Shannon Ke11y's 395 Wabasha Stree� ?�orth Saint Paul, NN 5��02 R�: Liquor License Fee Discount for Alcohol Awareness Training License ID �: 30306 D2ar Mr. McGovern: This office s°nt you a letter dated April 4, 1997 in which you were notified t�at your 1996 liquor license fees had been discounted by 70 ��sed on your agreement to participate in an authorized alcohol awareness training course, but that because no verification of training �:sd been received by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, that you would be reguired to pay the 7o di=ference in fees. The letter further informed you that if you could provide evidence of participation in the approved alcohol awareness training that you had until Monday, April 14, 1997 to provide that information to Christine Rozek at the LIEP Office. As of today's date, no such documentation has been received by the LIEP office, nor has payment of the difference in fees been made. Accordingly, this matter will be scheduled for a hearing in front of the Saint Paul City Council for a determination of the appropriate penalty for the non-payment of the entire amount of license fees. Please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 if you have any guestions about this matter. Sincerely, "�i �.-�� r� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney ec: Robert Kessler, Directcr of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director �l�-C9G S^1ATE GF MINNESOTA ) ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUiQTY OF RAMSEY JOANNE G. CL�?'!-?QTS, be_�g iirst duly sworn, deposes and says that on April 16, i997, s:_e served the attached �ETTER on �he following named person by p_Gcing a true and correcc copy thereo= in an envelope add��ssed as :ollows: Ja,;.=s McGovern Sha�non Kelly's 39� irlabasha Street North St. Paul, MN. 55102 (which is the last known address o£ said person) and depositing the same, with postage brepaid, _n the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of April, 1997. ��� ,�; - � e��.�-r�� � ` Notary Public � RITA AA. BOSSARD � NQ7ARY PUBIIC — MINNcSOTA RAMSEY CAUN7Y My Comm. Ezpires Jan. 37. 2000 � __- � OFFICE ^T' THE CITY .4TTORNEY Peg Birk. Anornc}' CITY OF S�TT P_�UZ ��orm Colem�rs, 19ayror Cn�il D'n�isian +00 Crp� Ha1J IS Ifest KelloggBPod Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 9�-�9� l�elephone: 6i? =66-6:10 Focsimile: 61. '95-56I9 April 4, 1997 NOTIC3 OE VIOLATION James McGovern Shannon Kelly's 395 t4abasha Stree� '��rch Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Liquor On Sale and Sur��y On Sale Licenses held by Shannon Relly's d/b/a �hannon {�11y's, for the premises at 395 North Wabasha Street License ID �: 303�6 Dear Sir/Madam: The Office of Licerse, Inspections and Environmental Protection has noti£ied me o= the following information concerning the licenses held by H K Inc. of St. Paul at the above premises: Your 1996 liquor license fees were discounted by 7� pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § 310.19, which authorizes the discount for licensees who participate in authorized alcohol awareness traiaing with an approved agency which contracts with the City of Saint Paul for the services. No verification of training was received, and on January 28, 1997 you were sent an iavoice for the 7% difference in fees, which was due by February 18, 1997. As of March 3, 1997, no payment has been made. If you and your employees di3 participate in the approved alcohol awareness training and have evidence of that fact, you must provide that information to Christine Rozek at the LIEP Office, 300 Lowry Professional Building, 350 S�. Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 no later than Monday, April 14, 1997. If you did not °I '1 - L9 t, Shannon Kelly's April a, 1947 Page 2 participate, the� �: e iull a�.-:o.�nt oi your 1956 liquor license fees must be paid. The �°aini�g rust have been in 1996 and must hace been witn the Ni�a�sota Lic�%sed Beveraae Association. After cur conversa� on K=_d�esday nignt I did ask Christine to check to see if ;�y aaperwor:� nad been received. She was not ab'•e to find anything, -or did i�L3A have documentation for 1996. You indicated that you cid have copies of the documentation, so if you can provide that �o Czristir� that should resolve the issue. Please feel iree to cencact me at 256-8710 ii you have any additional questions about th`_� matter. Sincerely, _ L/ �, ) C. c�:.� ucC � \.��✓t,��/ Virgi�a D. Palmer Assistant City Attc-�ey cc: Robert Kessler, Directcr of LIEP Christine Roze'.t, Deputy Director �R -G�L STATE OF MINNESOTA COU?�7TY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLSP!�'NTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on April 4, 1°57, she served th2 attached NOTICE OF VTOLATIO?N on the following named per�on by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: 3am2s McGovern Shannon Kelly's 395 Wabasha Street North St. Paul, MN. 55102 which is the last known address of same, with postage prepaid, in the Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to b"�fore me this 4th day of April, 1997. .:J��LD�- �i2�LG� NOT RRON C� Puauc - r✓,sa; �so ° �MSEY CO vCOmm. E,y�ires 3� 2�0 said person) and depositing the United States mails at St. Paul, �l'1 -�95. r.;c ID ................... �0306 STAT ...............•-•... =C 3usiness Name............ S:ANNON R=�LY'S INC Doing Business As........ S�T�NNON K=LLY'S Address .................. 395 WABAS:A ST N Zip ...................... 5�102 �xp Date ................. C3/O1/98 L_c2nse Name ............. S_DEWALK C�FE . 3�STAU_RANT (B)-MORE THAN 12 �ATS . SiINDAY ON SALE LIQUOR . L-Q-ON SAL�-OVER 100 SEATS-B . CIGARETTE NOTE AREA ................ I?�SPECTOR CHANGE FROM RICH TO DENVER - 1/6/92 . 12251 . FORMERLY SiJMPTOUS REPASTS, INC. DBA BAILEY'S BAR . & GRILL - iD40804 . G30690 PH ON APPN FOR NEW ON SALE LIQIIOR, ON SALE . SiJNDAY AN� RESTALIRANT D LIC APP'D C.F. 90-348 . 1/26/96 CZG CODE ADDED FROM ID #67081 . 1996-7o DISC APPLIED TO 2ND 1/2--LAP-LIC • 1/28/97 IN'VOICED FOR 7°s DISC RECEIVED IN 1996 AS . T'.�AINING WAS NEVER TAKEN-- $ DUE 2/18/97--LAP . �/2/97 C.F. #97-366 APP`D IMPOSING $200 FII3E F`OR . THE SALE OF CIGS TO A MINOR--LAP-LIC . 4/14/97 - SENT CIG. FINE LETTER (DUE SJ2f97} - LAB Bond Policy Number....... Bond Company ............. Bond Effective Date...... Bond Expiration Date..... Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... Associated Stock Holder.. Dealer No ................ Tax Id ................... Worker Comp Exp Date..... Telephone ................ PARK GLEN NATIONAL INS MNLL970267 03/25/97 03/O1/98 JAMES H MCGOVERN 2805673 06/04/93 292-0905 LICENSE I\VOICE CO.ifPLETE OTHER SIDE OF THIS POR770.\' .4\D ?,Cll'R'� If7TK l Ol'R P.41:11E.�"I' SH.9.\\OV �LLY'S L1C SH.A.'�\OV ICELLY'S 395 R'ABASHA ST'Q ST P.SLZ '�1'� 55102 License I.D. ; 30306 RE��iT ro:�ITY OF SAINT P.4liL O'rce ot Licznse. Ir.s� z:�ior.s ead Em�ironmental Pre:za;ion 3t S P:m: S. S�m ;W s_�o._.,;__z4..a«o_ q�-G9� (E"_� =.5�2�?0 Pa} Due Date: 2/18(97 I,ate Fee: 99.00 Total Amount Due: 42�.50 License'.Came 7ota1 Fu Di<count Pa��ment Due On Sale Liquor -(A) ��050.00 790 5353.50 On Sale Liquor - (.8) $4650.00 7% $325.50 On Sale Liquor - (C) �4200.00 7% $?94.00 These fees are subject to a 10�0 late fee each month that the payment is not received. 30306 PIEASE AFORM US IN KRTfIVG IF YOU BAVE GONE OUT OF BUSII�SS OR SF .tNY OF THE n80VE INFOAMnTTON HpS CHANGID EIS.00 CSiARGE FOR REfURNm C1iECK5 L4TE FEFS MAY Bf CHARGED IF PAYMEt.? 1S NOT RECIIVID HY THE DUE DATE °�'1-�q4 ��������x��r�m�x��s���z:m���m��:���x:��s��:�*�a��*���x�r�m��*m���x�r��*�m��:�:�*�:������r����m:�x������*x��a�s�ms��=� M PAYMEl��' CAN 1\TOW BE 1VIADE BY CREDTT CARD!t! >;c>cx$eFx9F=6�k>;cTC'Tt%a>;ex�$xx�k�%i,e>;ex', N��%x$M%��kxSFg$%.�N��k�k&T:�k�ka�TF�%>;e$e%�%�k>F#�k�e�k�k�k�Y�k&�kx'. �X$s,eek$�K$��k>;e3��::F:fi�F�%�Y*$�%$�kM.%>;e&�%>t>;ex>;e IF PAI'ING BY CREDIT CARD PLEASE COD�LETE'fHE FOLLOWII�G INFORMATION: � MasterCazd � Visa EXPIRAT`ION DATE: ❑0/�❑ Name of Cardholder (please priat) Late Fee: 99.00 Total Payment Due: 424.50 ACCOUNT Ni7MBER: ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ Signature of Card Holder(required for all charges) Daze DETACH HERE AND 11SAII. TSSS PORTIQN R'ITH YOUR PAPII�NT LICENSE INVOICE KEEP THIS PORTION POR YOUR RECORDS CITY OF SAINT PAUL OtLce of License, Ipspeccions end Environmentel Pmtection 350 St. Pder St. Sum 30D SamtAu7,M'weemm 55102 (61� 266909� License I,D. # : 30306 Payme� Due Date: 2l18/97 License Name Total Fee is unt Paymern Due On Sale Liquor - (A) $5050.00 7% $353.50 On Sale Iaqu'or (B).."" ".. �: ,�_ . � _ .. ,.. _. � _ .. , � $4650:00' �t ;.�� 7°!g"� _� >>. � .�.;:; $325�50: � On Sale Liquor - (C) � $4200.00 7% $294.00 Ttiese fees are subject to a 10% late fee each month that the payment is not received. PLEASE II�'ORM US IN wRi1ING IF YOU HAVE GONE OUT OF BUSINFSS OA IF ANY OF 7HE ABOVE INFORMATJON HAS CHANGID SI5.00 Cxnxce Fox Rerurtuw CxECKs IATE FEES MAY BE CHARGID IF PAYb�171S NOT RECIIVED BY 7'FIE DUE DATE