97-694, ��, G �^ Council File # � -s„� �, I�' ' f Green She #�� L�--�� � .—, ; �.,, , � , , RESOLUTION � � '' � ' °a � �' � �' � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �..���.,,�� � 3 , Presented By " Referred To . Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 WI�REAS, Bram Corporation d/b/a flrcade Baz ("Lic in Saint Paul applied for and received a seven percent(7%) di� fee pursuant to Secfion 31019 of the Saint Paul Legislative WIIEREAS, receipt of this discount is participaring in an approved alcohol awazeness WHEREAS, the licensee has failed to pro� compliance with the requirements to receive this BE IT RESOLVED, that the Licensee Hundred Eighty One Dollazs and Zero Cents discount received by the Licensee plus late �Q BE IT FURTHBR RESOLVBD, (C), Gambling Location (C), Cigarette, by the Licensee are hereby suspended� obtaining the discount license fee��th training program. This suspension hal Licensee has received written no icati This Resolution and 4, 1997 Nofice of Violati presented to the Council at the basis for the violatio� ) located at 932 Arcade Street on their 1946 Liquor License and on the licensee and its employees documentation or information to show t; now therefore I pay the Office of LIEP the amount of Three 1.00), which is equal to the seven (7) percent 1�at the Liquor On Sale (C), Sunday On Sale, Restaurant ;ntertainment (A) licenses (License ID No. 16204) held mmencing at 12:01 a.m. on for n failing to participate in an approved alcohol awareness continue until a11 fees and fines haue been paid and the n from the licensing office that they may open. �action taken above are based upon the facts contained in the April letter to the Licensee and such arguments as may haue been public hearing. The Licensee did not dispute the facts that form Requested by Department of: ���'r��� � il� , Adopted by Co cil Adoption Cer fied By: Approved y Mayor: By: . Date Form Approved by City Attorne by Council Secretary g �, : �a'��� "��Ur�� Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: 3�2�� Q��ceofthe�CityAttomey DAT`INIT^nTnp7 GREEN SHEET q�'G`��I J LV CONTACTPERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAL/DATE 1 � � DEPARTMENT OIRECTOR � CITV COUNCIL V 1Tg]IlldP$l1LLeT 266-8710 ASSIGN OCITVATTORNEY OCINCLERK MUSTBE ON CAUNCILAGENDA BV (DATE) NUNBEfl FOR � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIF. ROUTING June 4 1997 pI1t111C HC3T1I1 OFDEA � MqyOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SICaNATUfiE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Conceming adverse action against licenses held by Bram Corporarion, dba Arcade Baz, 932 Arcade 5treet (Uncontested) RECOMneENDAiIONS: ApProve (A) or Reject (F) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE EOUAWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNIN6 COMMISSIQN _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this personHirm ever worked untler a contract for this tlepartment? _ GIB COMMI7TEE _ YES NO — S7AFF 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciTy employee? — YES NO _ �ISTRICT CoURi _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet a�tl attach to grcen sheet INITIATINCa PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who, What, Whe�, Where, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: z� a"��i �"3�:n M ��r= aac��r.. �.. .. ,-�. , sLF� �rx; �y r : -, q ,- ; . 4 ..4:u fd J 't3.1?� DISADVANTAGES IP NOTAPPROVED. TOTAL AMOUNT OP 7RANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiG SOUflCE ACTiViTY NUMBEH FINANpAL INFORNfATION. (EXPLAIN) �I�-�9y UNCONTESTED LlCENSE HEARtNG Licensee Name: Bram Corporation d/b/a Arcade Sar Address: S32 Arcade Street Councii Hearing Date: June 4, 1997 Violation: Failure to Participate in an Approved Alcohol Awareness Training Program After Receiving Discount on License Fees Date: Discount received in 1996 license fees Place: Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Reimbursement of Discount on License Fee, Penatty, and Suspension of Licenses until al{ fees and fines paid Attachments: 1. Proposed resolutian 2. Notice of Violation and follow-up letter 3. License information 4. Invoice CITY OF SAINT P �UZ .'��orm Colemars, d�Qyor April 16, 1997 Owr? e r /Manage r Rrcade Bar 932 Arcade Street Saint Paul, MN S5�D6 OFFICF � THE CITY ,4TTORNEY Peg &�k. � ., .9norney /y �1 ' / ay �{ / b 1 Cn�i1 Dn�ision »00CiryHall Teleyhone: 61??66-8i10 I S 4I'est Rellogg Blvd Facsimi7e: 612 ?98-5679 Sam1 Paul, Minnesom SSIOI RE: Liquor Licens= ree D_sccunt for Alcohol Awareness Training License ID �: 15204 Dear Sir/Madam: This office se�t you a'_e�ter dated Apri1 4, 1997 in which you were noti£ied that your "_596 liquor license fees had been discounted by 7% based on your agreement to pasticipate in an authorized alcohol �wareness training course, but that because no verirication of training �ad been received by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, that you would be required to pay the 7o di==erence in fees. The letter further informed you that if you could provide evidence of participation in the approved alcohol awareness training that you had until Monday, April 14, 1997 to provide that information to Christine Rozek at the LIEP Office. As of today's date, no such documentation has been received by the LIEP office, nor has payment of the difference in fees been made. Accordingly, this matter will be scheduled for a hearing in front of the Saint Paul City Council for a determination of the appropriate penalty for the non-payment of the entire amount of license fees. Please feel free to Contact me at 266-8710 if you have any questions about this matter. Sincerely, , � � '': ir,,��-.�.GC.�-/� � Ct.fi",tl'� 1 v Vixginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director o�� - �9y STATE GF MINNESOTA COLJI�:TY OF RAMS�Y ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLENBNTS, be-�!g first duly sworn, deposes and says that on April 16, 1997, s:e served the attached LETTER on �he following named person by piacing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as 'ollows: Owr_er/Nanager Arcade Bar 932 Arcade Street St. Paul, MN. 55106 (which is the last known addr�ss of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, _n the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of April, 1997. //i ��.- / / / - u��J�GLG-� '-` Notary Public • RITA M. BQSgARD 2 � N � IARYP USLIC - btiA'MESOiA S ���� � COUN z000� OFFICE ^r THE CITY ATTORKEY Peg Bvk. . Sttorne�. CITY OF SAI\T P:�LZ A�orm Coleman. ?�>m or Cn�if D'n�ision +00 C+t�� Hall IS 15est Kellogg Bh�d. Saint PcuL Minnesota 55702 q�-�q4 Telephone: 672 ?66-8710 Focsimile: 61? ?98-5679 Anril �, 1997 NOTIC3 OF VIOLATION Owner/Manager Arcade Bar 932 Arcade Stree� Saint Paul, N�1 55��5 RE: Liquor On Sa=e and � On Sa1e Licenses held by Bram Corporaticn dib/a Arcace Bar, for the premises at 932 Arcade Street License ZD '.`: '_520a Dear Sir/Madam: The Office of Lice-se, Inspections and Environmental Protection has noti=ied me c' the following information concerning the licenses held �y Bram Cc�poration at the above premises: Your 1996 liquor license fees were discounted by 7% pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § 310.19, which authorizes the discount for licensees who participate in authorized alcohol awareness training with an approved agency which contracts with the City of Saint Paul for the services. No verification of training was received, and on January 28, 1997 you were sent an invoice for the 7% difference in fees, which was due by February 18, 1997. As of March 3, 1997, no payment has been made. If you and your emp=oyees di.a. participate in the approved alcohol awareness training a�d have =vidence of that fact, you must provide that information to Christi^e Rozek at the LIEP Office, 300 Lowry Professional Buildi�g, 350 S�. Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 no later than Monday, =_pril 14, 1997. If you did not a�- �9y Arcade 3ar April a, 1997 Page 2 particinate, then t^e full ac.cunt o� your 1996 liquor license fe2s must be paid. The �raining -ust have be�n in 1996 and must hac� been W1L�1 the N11?i_T!cSOtd L1C� :s2C� 3everage ASSOC1d�lOI1. Please =eel free �o cor_t�c� me at 266-8710 if you have aay questions about �'_i_s matter. Sincerely, ,� ✓_/ �`�-S '�-u�` iJ •� c� �u.c�1 Virginia D. Pal�er Assistant City Attc°2ey cc: Robert Kessler, Directc: o= LIEP Christine Roze;c, �eputy �irector q�_�qy STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY Ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEA;�?NTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on April 4, l.°97, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Arcade Bar 932 Arcade Street Saint Paul, MN. 55106 which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Pau1, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of April, 1997. ���� Notary Public • � SHARON COSTELLO � NDiARYp�g��� _ MINNESOTA � � NAMSEY COUNTY � A7y Comm Ezplres Jan. st. 2opp �'1-C9�t Lic ID ................... STAT ..................... Business Name............ Doing Business As........ Address .................. Zip ...................... Exp Date ................. License Name ............. NOTE AREA ................ Bond Policy Number....... Bond Company ............. Bond Effective Date...... Bond Expiration Date..... Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... Associated Stock Holder.. Dealer No ................ Tax Id ................... Worker Comp Exp Date..... Telephone ................ 16204 AC 3�AM CORr��ATION P�CADE BA=c °32 ARCAD= ST ��106 02/28/98 CIGARETTE R3STAtRtA_��' (C)-LIMITED �tiTERTAIn✓�NT - CLASS A - SIINDAY ON SALE LIQUOR LIQ-ON SAL�-100SEATS/LESS-C C�MBLING _OCATION (CLASS C) INSP CHANG� FROM O1 TO 02 ON 3/20/92 10361 65 SEATS 5-5-87 090588 PH :O CONSIDER ADVERSE ACTION - LAYED OVER rOR THREE (3) WEEKS 071988 RE?ORT OF ADMII3 LAW JUDGE, INCLUDING FINDIN GS OF FAC^_, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION IN THE MATTER OF ADVERSB HEARING INVOLVING THE LIQLTOR LIC ENSE OF T=� BRAM CORPORATION DBA ARCADE BAR. 072188 11 CONSECUTIVE DAY SUSPENSION (8/7f88 THRU 8/17/88) C.F. 88-1224 090688 RE?�EWAL OF 013188 APP'D C.F. 88-1466 9/14/89 P� ON APPN FOR NEW OF CLASS A GAMBLING LOCATION LICENSE APP'D C.F. 89-1649 1/17/95 ENTERTAINMENT CHANGED FROM CLASS 2 TO A PER C.F. =:94-1447 1995-7% D�SC ON LIQ FEE APPLIED TO 2ND 1/2-LAP-LIC 4/11/96 CIG CODE ADDED FR/ID# 17937--LAP-LIC 1/28J97 I?QVOICED FOR 7% DISC RECEIVED IN 1996 AS TRASNING WAS NEVER RECEIVED-- $ DUE 2/18/97--LAP ROYAL INS CO RSP259105 03/24/97 02/28/98 WILLIAM C MARTINEAU MICHAEL M FEIST 5096825 12/06/94 774-9207 License I.D. # 1620� LICENSE INVOICE COMPLETE OTHER SIDE OF THIS PORTION A,ND RETURN I47TH }"OL%R Pr1 Y.'v1ENT BRAM CORPORATION ARCADEBAR 932 ARCADE ST ST PAUL MN 55106 REM�T To: CITY OF SAINT P�UL O�ce of License. Inspec!ions and Envitonmenis3 Protettion 3��. P��r�. �� � q� -C94 Sa:m PaW. Mnmcswa 55!0_' (61?1'-�9090 Payment Due Date: 2/18/97 Late Fee: 87.00 Total Amount Due: 381.00 License ATame Total Fee Discount pavment Due On Sale Liquor - (A) $SOSO.QO 7% $353.50 On Sale Liquor - (B) $4650.00 7% $325.50 On Sale Liquor - (C) $420D.OD 7% $294.00 These fees are subject to a 10% late fee each month that the payment is not received. 16204 PLFASE II�'ORM US IN WRI7IYG IF YOU HAVE GONE OUT OF BUSINESS aAIFANYOFTHEASOVEINFORT�fATIONHASCHANGID S15.00C4snxceraxR6�vwveoCHacxs IATE FEES MAY BE CHARGED TF PAYAgNT IS NOT RECIIVED BY THE DUE DATE G�-��y >,eiaxXicx>cxic>,cxxxx>,cx�>,cxxx>cxxxaE>cxxKx�a,c>,c$xakicx>.zic�xx � itY,ciFx�S�M���a,cgaf��;cxi,cik>S:�caF�t;caFaF9,:�x;c��ac$Yfa�afMi,cxxicxa;cr>;c><xi,xxx PAY�1�\�T CA\' 10�i� SE �'iADE BY CREDIT CARD!!! a;x ic x X>;c X>;x>;c>,c ac X ic>,c>;c>;� a;x� Sc>;� %�R x X X>;c>� ��c %$ a'c %a,� X 'x, ic M>t a� %M>'f x x%F �f M>F�f %R ic �f �f �K� M �f %%ic z%>F x%M>c M%M %i<ic ic ic z%u )f �F x X�f>��c k>;e ac>;t %ic s'�c>f>< IF P�YL'�G BY CREDTT CARD PLE�SE CO'�fPLET'E THE FOLL0��1'L�'G L��FOR�iATTON: � AZasterCard EXPIRATION DATE: � � � � Name of Cardholdez (please print) Late Fee: 87.00 Totai Payment Due: 381.00 ACCOUIv'T NUMBER: � � � � � � � � � � � � � Visa � � � � Signature of Cazd Holder(reqUiced fot all Ch2tges) Date DETACH HERE Ah'D �IAIL I'HIS PORTION RZTH YOUR PAYMENT LICENSE INVOICE KEEP TSIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS CITY OF SAINT PAUL Office of License, Inspections and Envimnmeniel Protection 350 9. Peter 9[. Su¢ 30D 6:ne 7'a�i, M�eew 55102 (6121 76 69 0 9 0 License I.D. # : 16204 Payment Due Date: 2/18l97 I,icense Name Total Fee 'c u �}�ment Due On Sale Liquor - (A) $5050.00 7% $353.50 On Sale Liquor - (B) $4650.00 7°Jo $325.50 _-. . _ �.--._ _ .. .........:.:.:.... Oii Sale Liquor _- (C) " �. `�� -; :� : _ -: . - . _ � � . - =: _ -;>. . - $4200.00_:: ,=':�: :�:" $294.00_�_""� These fees are subject to a 10% late fee each month that the payment is not received. PLE45EA'FORM US IN WAITL�G IF YOU HAVE GONE OVl' OF BUSINFSS OA IF ANY OF THE ABOVE INFORMATiON HAS CHANGID E15.00 CiURGE POR R£fUANID CliEC1:5 L4TE FEES MAY BE Cf�IARGID IF PAYI.SF.NT IS NOT RECER'ID BY THE DUE DATE , ��, G �^ Council File # � -s„� �, I�' ' f Green She #�� L�--�� � .—, ; �.,, , � , , RESOLUTION � � '' � ' °a � �' � �' � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �..���.,,�� � 3 , Presented By " Referred To . Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 WI�REAS, Bram Corporation d/b/a flrcade Baz ("Lic in Saint Paul applied for and received a seven percent(7%) di� fee pursuant to Secfion 31019 of the Saint Paul Legislative WIIEREAS, receipt of this discount is participaring in an approved alcohol awazeness WHEREAS, the licensee has failed to pro� compliance with the requirements to receive this BE IT RESOLVED, that the Licensee Hundred Eighty One Dollazs and Zero Cents discount received by the Licensee plus late �Q BE IT FURTHBR RESOLVBD, (C), Gambling Location (C), Cigarette, by the Licensee are hereby suspended� obtaining the discount license fee��th training program. This suspension hal Licensee has received written no icati This Resolution and 4, 1997 Nofice of Violati presented to the Council at the basis for the violatio� ) located at 932 Arcade Street on their 1946 Liquor License and on the licensee and its employees documentation or information to show t; now therefore I pay the Office of LIEP the amount of Three 1.00), which is equal to the seven (7) percent 1�at the Liquor On Sale (C), Sunday On Sale, Restaurant ;ntertainment (A) licenses (License ID No. 16204) held mmencing at 12:01 a.m. on for n failing to participate in an approved alcohol awareness continue until a11 fees and fines haue been paid and the n from the licensing office that they may open. �action taken above are based upon the facts contained in the April letter to the Licensee and such arguments as may haue been public hearing. The Licensee did not dispute the facts that form Requested by Department of: ���'r��� � il� , Adopted by Co cil Adoption Cer fied By: Approved y Mayor: By: . Date Form Approved by City Attorne by Council Secretary g �, : �a'��� "��Ur�� Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: 3�2�� Q��ceofthe�CityAttomey DAT`INIT^nTnp7 GREEN SHEET q�'G`��I J LV CONTACTPERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAL/DATE 1 � � DEPARTMENT OIRECTOR � CITV COUNCIL V 1Tg]IlldP$l1LLeT 266-8710 ASSIGN OCITVATTORNEY OCINCLERK MUSTBE ON CAUNCILAGENDA BV (DATE) NUNBEfl FOR � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIF. ROUTING June 4 1997 pI1t111C HC3T1I1 OFDEA � MqyOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SICaNATUfiE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Conceming adverse action against licenses held by Bram Corporarion, dba Arcade Baz, 932 Arcade 5treet (Uncontested) RECOMneENDAiIONS: ApProve (A) or Reject (F) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE EOUAWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNIN6 COMMISSIQN _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this personHirm ever worked untler a contract for this tlepartment? _ GIB COMMI7TEE _ YES NO — S7AFF 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciTy employee? — YES NO _ �ISTRICT CoURi _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet a�tl attach to grcen sheet INITIATINCa PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who, What, Whe�, Where, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: z� a"��i �"3�:n M ��r= aac��r.. �.. .. ,-�. , sLF� �rx; �y r : -, q ,- ; . 4 ..4:u fd J 't3.1?� DISADVANTAGES IP NOTAPPROVED. TOTAL AMOUNT OP 7RANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiG SOUflCE ACTiViTY NUMBEH FINANpAL INFORNfATION. (EXPLAIN) �I�-�9y UNCONTESTED LlCENSE HEARtNG Licensee Name: Bram Corporation d/b/a Arcade Sar Address: S32 Arcade Street Councii Hearing Date: June 4, 1997 Violation: Failure to Participate in an Approved Alcohol Awareness Training Program After Receiving Discount on License Fees Date: Discount received in 1996 license fees Place: Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Reimbursement of Discount on License Fee, Penatty, and Suspension of Licenses until al{ fees and fines paid Attachments: 1. Proposed resolutian 2. Notice of Violation and follow-up letter 3. License information 4. Invoice CITY OF SAINT P �UZ .'��orm Colemars, d�Qyor April 16, 1997 Owr? e r /Manage r Rrcade Bar 932 Arcade Street Saint Paul, MN S5�D6 OFFICF � THE CITY ,4TTORNEY Peg &�k. � ., .9norney /y �1 ' / ay �{ / b 1 Cn�i1 Dn�ision »00CiryHall Teleyhone: 61??66-8i10 I S 4I'est Rellogg Blvd Facsimi7e: 612 ?98-5679 Sam1 Paul, Minnesom SSIOI RE: Liquor Licens= ree D_sccunt for Alcohol Awareness Training License ID �: 15204 Dear Sir/Madam: This office se�t you a'_e�ter dated Apri1 4, 1997 in which you were noti£ied that your "_596 liquor license fees had been discounted by 7% based on your agreement to pasticipate in an authorized alcohol �wareness training course, but that because no verirication of training �ad been received by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, that you would be required to pay the 7o di==erence in fees. The letter further informed you that if you could provide evidence of participation in the approved alcohol awareness training that you had until Monday, April 14, 1997 to provide that information to Christine Rozek at the LIEP Office. As of today's date, no such documentation has been received by the LIEP office, nor has payment of the difference in fees been made. Accordingly, this matter will be scheduled for a hearing in front of the Saint Paul City Council for a determination of the appropriate penalty for the non-payment of the entire amount of license fees. Please feel free to Contact me at 266-8710 if you have any questions about this matter. Sincerely, , � � '': ir,,��-.�.GC.�-/� � Ct.fi",tl'� 1 v Vixginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director o�� - �9y STATE GF MINNESOTA COLJI�:TY OF RAMS�Y ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLENBNTS, be-�!g first duly sworn, deposes and says that on April 16, 1997, s:e served the attached LETTER on �he following named person by piacing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as 'ollows: Owr_er/Nanager Arcade Bar 932 Arcade Street St. Paul, MN. 55106 (which is the last known addr�ss of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, _n the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of April, 1997. //i ��.- / / / - u��J�GLG-� '-` Notary Public • RITA M. BQSgARD 2 � N � IARYP USLIC - btiA'MESOiA S ���� � COUN z000� OFFICE ^r THE CITY ATTORKEY Peg Bvk. . Sttorne�. CITY OF SAI\T P:�LZ A�orm Coleman. ?�>m or Cn�if D'n�ision +00 C+t�� Hall IS 15est Kellogg Bh�d. Saint PcuL Minnesota 55702 q�-�q4 Telephone: 672 ?66-8710 Focsimile: 61? ?98-5679 Anril �, 1997 NOTIC3 OF VIOLATION Owner/Manager Arcade Bar 932 Arcade Stree� Saint Paul, N�1 55��5 RE: Liquor On Sa=e and � On Sa1e Licenses held by Bram Corporaticn dib/a Arcace Bar, for the premises at 932 Arcade Street License ZD '.`: '_520a Dear Sir/Madam: The Office of Lice-se, Inspections and Environmental Protection has noti=ied me c' the following information concerning the licenses held �y Bram Cc�poration at the above premises: Your 1996 liquor license fees were discounted by 7% pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § 310.19, which authorizes the discount for licensees who participate in authorized alcohol awareness training with an approved agency which contracts with the City of Saint Paul for the services. No verification of training was received, and on January 28, 1997 you were sent an invoice for the 7% difference in fees, which was due by February 18, 1997. As of March 3, 1997, no payment has been made. If you and your emp=oyees di.a. participate in the approved alcohol awareness training a�d have =vidence of that fact, you must provide that information to Christi^e Rozek at the LIEP Office, 300 Lowry Professional Buildi�g, 350 S�. Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 no later than Monday, =_pril 14, 1997. If you did not a�- �9y Arcade 3ar April a, 1997 Page 2 particinate, then t^e full ac.cunt o� your 1996 liquor license fe2s must be paid. The �raining -ust have be�n in 1996 and must hac� been W1L�1 the N11?i_T!cSOtd L1C� :s2C� 3everage ASSOC1d�lOI1. Please =eel free �o cor_t�c� me at 266-8710 if you have aay questions about �'_i_s matter. Sincerely, ,� ✓_/ �`�-S '�-u�` iJ •� c� �u.c�1 Virginia D. Pal�er Assistant City Attc°2ey cc: Robert Kessler, Directc: o= LIEP Christine Roze;c, �eputy �irector q�_�qy STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY Ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEA;�?NTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on April 4, l.°97, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Arcade Bar 932 Arcade Street Saint Paul, MN. 55106 which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Pau1, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of April, 1997. ���� Notary Public • � SHARON COSTELLO � NDiARYp�g��� _ MINNESOTA � � NAMSEY COUNTY � A7y Comm Ezplres Jan. st. 2opp �'1-C9�t Lic ID ................... STAT ..................... Business Name............ Doing Business As........ Address .................. Zip ...................... Exp Date ................. License Name ............. NOTE AREA ................ Bond Policy Number....... Bond Company ............. Bond Effective Date...... Bond Expiration Date..... Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... Associated Stock Holder.. Dealer No ................ Tax Id ................... Worker Comp Exp Date..... Telephone ................ 16204 AC 3�AM CORr��ATION P�CADE BA=c °32 ARCAD= ST ��106 02/28/98 CIGARETTE R3STAtRtA_��' (C)-LIMITED �tiTERTAIn✓�NT - CLASS A - SIINDAY ON SALE LIQUOR LIQ-ON SAL�-100SEATS/LESS-C C�MBLING _OCATION (CLASS C) INSP CHANG� FROM O1 TO 02 ON 3/20/92 10361 65 SEATS 5-5-87 090588 PH :O CONSIDER ADVERSE ACTION - LAYED OVER rOR THREE (3) WEEKS 071988 RE?ORT OF ADMII3 LAW JUDGE, INCLUDING FINDIN GS OF FAC^_, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION IN THE MATTER OF ADVERSB HEARING INVOLVING THE LIQLTOR LIC ENSE OF T=� BRAM CORPORATION DBA ARCADE BAR. 072188 11 CONSECUTIVE DAY SUSPENSION (8/7f88 THRU 8/17/88) C.F. 88-1224 090688 RE?�EWAL OF 013188 APP'D C.F. 88-1466 9/14/89 P� ON APPN FOR NEW OF CLASS A GAMBLING LOCATION LICENSE APP'D C.F. 89-1649 1/17/95 ENTERTAINMENT CHANGED FROM CLASS 2 TO A PER C.F. =:94-1447 1995-7% D�SC ON LIQ FEE APPLIED TO 2ND 1/2-LAP-LIC 4/11/96 CIG CODE ADDED FR/ID# 17937--LAP-LIC 1/28J97 I?QVOICED FOR 7% DISC RECEIVED IN 1996 AS TRASNING WAS NEVER RECEIVED-- $ DUE 2/18/97--LAP ROYAL INS CO RSP259105 03/24/97 02/28/98 WILLIAM C MARTINEAU MICHAEL M FEIST 5096825 12/06/94 774-9207 License I.D. # 1620� LICENSE INVOICE COMPLETE OTHER SIDE OF THIS PORTION A,ND RETURN I47TH }"OL%R Pr1 Y.'v1ENT BRAM CORPORATION ARCADEBAR 932 ARCADE ST ST PAUL MN 55106 REM�T To: CITY OF SAINT P�UL O�ce of License. Inspec!ions and Envitonmenis3 Protettion 3��. P��r�. �� � q� -C94 Sa:m PaW. Mnmcswa 55!0_' (61?1'-�9090 Payment Due Date: 2/18/97 Late Fee: 87.00 Total Amount Due: 381.00 License ATame Total Fee Discount pavment Due On Sale Liquor - (A) $SOSO.QO 7% $353.50 On Sale Liquor - (B) $4650.00 7% $325.50 On Sale Liquor - (C) $420D.OD 7% $294.00 These fees are subject to a 10% late fee each month that the payment is not received. 16204 PLFASE II�'ORM US IN WRI7IYG IF YOU HAVE GONE OUT OF BUSINESS aAIFANYOFTHEASOVEINFORT�fATIONHASCHANGID S15.00C4snxceraxR6�vwveoCHacxs IATE FEES MAY BE CHARGED TF PAYAgNT IS NOT RECIIVED BY THE DUE DATE G�-��y >,eiaxXicx>cxic>,cxxxx>,cx�>,cxxx>cxxxaE>cxxKx�a,c>,c$xakicx>.zic�xx � itY,ciFx�S�M���a,cgaf��;cxi,cik>S:�caF�t;caFaF9,:�x;c��ac$Yfa�afMi,cxxicxa;cr>;c><xi,xxx PAY�1�\�T CA\' 10�i� SE �'iADE BY CREDIT CARD!!! a;x ic x X>;c X>;x>;c>,c ac X ic>,c>;c>;� a;x� Sc>;� %�R x X X>;c>� ��c %$ a'c %a,� X 'x, ic M>t a� %M>'f x x%F �f M>F�f %R ic �f �f �K� M �f %%ic z%>F x%M>c M%M %i<ic ic ic z%u )f �F x X�f>��c k>;e ac>;t %ic s'�c>f>< IF P�YL'�G BY CREDTT CARD PLE�SE CO'�fPLET'E THE FOLL0��1'L�'G L��FOR�iATTON: � AZasterCard EXPIRATION DATE: � � � � Name of Cardholdez (please print) Late Fee: 87.00 Totai Payment Due: 381.00 ACCOUIv'T NUMBER: � � � � � � � � � � � � � Visa � � � � Signature of Cazd Holder(reqUiced fot all Ch2tges) Date DETACH HERE Ah'D �IAIL I'HIS PORTION RZTH YOUR PAYMENT LICENSE INVOICE KEEP TSIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS CITY OF SAINT PAUL Office of License, Inspections and Envimnmeniel Protection 350 9. Peter 9[. Su¢ 30D 6:ne 7'a�i, M�eew 55102 (6121 76 69 0 9 0 License I.D. # : 16204 Payment Due Date: 2/18l97 I,icense Name Total Fee 'c u �}�ment Due On Sale Liquor - (A) $5050.00 7% $353.50 On Sale Liquor - (B) $4650.00 7°Jo $325.50 _-. . _ �.--._ _ .. .........:.:.:.... Oii Sale Liquor _- (C) " �. `�� -; :� : _ -: . - . _ � � . - =: _ -;>. . - $4200.00_:: ,=':�: :�:" $294.00_�_""� These fees are subject to a 10% late fee each month that the payment is not received. PLE45EA'FORM US IN WAITL�G IF YOU HAVE GONE OVl' OF BUSINFSS OA IF ANY OF THE ABOVE INFORMATiON HAS CHANGID E15.00 CiURGE POR R£fUANID CliEC1:5 L4TE FEES MAY BE Cf�IARGID IF PAYI.SF.NT IS NOT RECER'ID BY THE DUE DATE , ��, G �^ Council File # � -s„� �, I�' ' f Green She #�� L�--�� � .—, ; �.,, , � , , RESOLUTION � � '' � ' °a � �' � �' � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �..���.,,�� � 3 , Presented By " Referred To . Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 WI�REAS, Bram Corporation d/b/a flrcade Baz ("Lic in Saint Paul applied for and received a seven percent(7%) di� fee pursuant to Secfion 31019 of the Saint Paul Legislative WIIEREAS, receipt of this discount is participaring in an approved alcohol awazeness WHEREAS, the licensee has failed to pro� compliance with the requirements to receive this BE IT RESOLVED, that the Licensee Hundred Eighty One Dollazs and Zero Cents discount received by the Licensee plus late �Q BE IT FURTHBR RESOLVBD, (C), Gambling Location (C), Cigarette, by the Licensee are hereby suspended� obtaining the discount license fee��th training program. This suspension hal Licensee has received written no icati This Resolution and 4, 1997 Nofice of Violati presented to the Council at the basis for the violatio� ) located at 932 Arcade Street on their 1946 Liquor License and on the licensee and its employees documentation or information to show t; now therefore I pay the Office of LIEP the amount of Three 1.00), which is equal to the seven (7) percent 1�at the Liquor On Sale (C), Sunday On Sale, Restaurant ;ntertainment (A) licenses (License ID No. 16204) held mmencing at 12:01 a.m. on for n failing to participate in an approved alcohol awareness continue until a11 fees and fines haue been paid and the n from the licensing office that they may open. �action taken above are based upon the facts contained in the April letter to the Licensee and such arguments as may haue been public hearing. The Licensee did not dispute the facts that form Requested by Department of: ���'r��� � il� , Adopted by Co cil Adoption Cer fied By: Approved y Mayor: By: . Date Form Approved by City Attorne by Council Secretary g �, : �a'��� "��Ur�� Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: 3�2�� Q��ceofthe�CityAttomey DAT`INIT^nTnp7 GREEN SHEET q�'G`��I J LV CONTACTPERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAL/DATE 1 � � DEPARTMENT OIRECTOR � CITV COUNCIL V 1Tg]IlldP$l1LLeT 266-8710 ASSIGN OCITVATTORNEY OCINCLERK MUSTBE ON CAUNCILAGENDA BV (DATE) NUNBEfl FOR � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIF. ROUTING June 4 1997 pI1t111C HC3T1I1 OFDEA � MqyOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SICaNATUfiE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Conceming adverse action against licenses held by Bram Corporarion, dba Arcade Baz, 932 Arcade 5treet (Uncontested) RECOMneENDAiIONS: ApProve (A) or Reject (F) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE EOUAWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNIN6 COMMISSIQN _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this personHirm ever worked untler a contract for this tlepartment? _ GIB COMMI7TEE _ YES NO — S7AFF 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciTy employee? — YES NO _ �ISTRICT CoURi _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet a�tl attach to grcen sheet INITIATINCa PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who, What, Whe�, Where, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: z� a"��i �"3�:n M ��r= aac��r.. �.. .. ,-�. , sLF� �rx; �y r : -, q ,- ; . 4 ..4:u fd J 't3.1?� DISADVANTAGES IP NOTAPPROVED. TOTAL AMOUNT OP 7RANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiG SOUflCE ACTiViTY NUMBEH FINANpAL INFORNfATION. (EXPLAIN) �I�-�9y UNCONTESTED LlCENSE HEARtNG Licensee Name: Bram Corporation d/b/a Arcade Sar Address: S32 Arcade Street Councii Hearing Date: June 4, 1997 Violation: Failure to Participate in an Approved Alcohol Awareness Training Program After Receiving Discount on License Fees Date: Discount received in 1996 license fees Place: Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Reimbursement of Discount on License Fee, Penatty, and Suspension of Licenses until al{ fees and fines paid Attachments: 1. Proposed resolutian 2. Notice of Violation and follow-up letter 3. License information 4. Invoice CITY OF SAINT P �UZ .'��orm Colemars, d�Qyor April 16, 1997 Owr? e r /Manage r Rrcade Bar 932 Arcade Street Saint Paul, MN S5�D6 OFFICF � THE CITY ,4TTORNEY Peg &�k. � ., .9norney /y �1 ' / ay �{ / b 1 Cn�i1 Dn�ision »00CiryHall Teleyhone: 61??66-8i10 I S 4I'est Rellogg Blvd Facsimi7e: 612 ?98-5679 Sam1 Paul, Minnesom SSIOI RE: Liquor Licens= ree D_sccunt for Alcohol Awareness Training License ID �: 15204 Dear Sir/Madam: This office se�t you a'_e�ter dated Apri1 4, 1997 in which you were noti£ied that your "_596 liquor license fees had been discounted by 7% based on your agreement to pasticipate in an authorized alcohol �wareness training course, but that because no verirication of training �ad been received by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, that you would be required to pay the 7o di==erence in fees. The letter further informed you that if you could provide evidence of participation in the approved alcohol awareness training that you had until Monday, April 14, 1997 to provide that information to Christine Rozek at the LIEP Office. As of today's date, no such documentation has been received by the LIEP office, nor has payment of the difference in fees been made. Accordingly, this matter will be scheduled for a hearing in front of the Saint Paul City Council for a determination of the appropriate penalty for the non-payment of the entire amount of license fees. Please feel free to Contact me at 266-8710 if you have any questions about this matter. Sincerely, , � � '': ir,,��-.�.GC.�-/� � Ct.fi",tl'� 1 v Vixginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director o�� - �9y STATE GF MINNESOTA COLJI�:TY OF RAMS�Y ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLENBNTS, be-�!g first duly sworn, deposes and says that on April 16, 1997, s:e served the attached LETTER on �he following named person by piacing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as 'ollows: Owr_er/Nanager Arcade Bar 932 Arcade Street St. Paul, MN. 55106 (which is the last known addr�ss of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, _n the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of April, 1997. //i ��.- / / / - u��J�GLG-� '-` Notary Public • RITA M. BQSgARD 2 � N � IARYP USLIC - btiA'MESOiA S ���� � COUN z000� OFFICE ^r THE CITY ATTORKEY Peg Bvk. . Sttorne�. CITY OF SAI\T P:�LZ A�orm Coleman. ?�>m or Cn�if D'n�ision +00 C+t�� Hall IS 15est Kellogg Bh�d. Saint PcuL Minnesota 55702 q�-�q4 Telephone: 672 ?66-8710 Focsimile: 61? ?98-5679 Anril �, 1997 NOTIC3 OF VIOLATION Owner/Manager Arcade Bar 932 Arcade Stree� Saint Paul, N�1 55��5 RE: Liquor On Sa=e and � On Sa1e Licenses held by Bram Corporaticn dib/a Arcace Bar, for the premises at 932 Arcade Street License ZD '.`: '_520a Dear Sir/Madam: The Office of Lice-se, Inspections and Environmental Protection has noti=ied me c' the following information concerning the licenses held �y Bram Cc�poration at the above premises: Your 1996 liquor license fees were discounted by 7% pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § 310.19, which authorizes the discount for licensees who participate in authorized alcohol awareness training with an approved agency which contracts with the City of Saint Paul for the services. No verification of training was received, and on January 28, 1997 you were sent an invoice for the 7% difference in fees, which was due by February 18, 1997. As of March 3, 1997, no payment has been made. If you and your emp=oyees di.a. participate in the approved alcohol awareness training a�d have =vidence of that fact, you must provide that information to Christi^e Rozek at the LIEP Office, 300 Lowry Professional Buildi�g, 350 S�. Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 no later than Monday, =_pril 14, 1997. If you did not a�- �9y Arcade 3ar April a, 1997 Page 2 particinate, then t^e full ac.cunt o� your 1996 liquor license fe2s must be paid. The �raining -ust have be�n in 1996 and must hac� been W1L�1 the N11?i_T!cSOtd L1C� :s2C� 3everage ASSOC1d�lOI1. Please =eel free �o cor_t�c� me at 266-8710 if you have aay questions about �'_i_s matter. Sincerely, ,� ✓_/ �`�-S '�-u�` iJ •� c� �u.c�1 Virginia D. Pal�er Assistant City Attc°2ey cc: Robert Kessler, Directc: o= LIEP Christine Roze;c, �eputy �irector q�_�qy STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY Ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEA;�?NTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on April 4, l.°97, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Arcade Bar 932 Arcade Street Saint Paul, MN. 55106 which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Pau1, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of April, 1997. ���� Notary Public • � SHARON COSTELLO � NDiARYp�g��� _ MINNESOTA � � NAMSEY COUNTY � A7y Comm Ezplres Jan. st. 2opp �'1-C9�t Lic ID ................... STAT ..................... Business Name............ Doing Business As........ Address .................. Zip ...................... Exp Date ................. License Name ............. NOTE AREA ................ Bond Policy Number....... Bond Company ............. Bond Effective Date...... Bond Expiration Date..... Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... Associated Stock Holder.. Dealer No ................ Tax Id ................... Worker Comp Exp Date..... Telephone ................ 16204 AC 3�AM CORr��ATION P�CADE BA=c °32 ARCAD= ST ��106 02/28/98 CIGARETTE R3STAtRtA_��' (C)-LIMITED �tiTERTAIn✓�NT - CLASS A - SIINDAY ON SALE LIQUOR LIQ-ON SAL�-100SEATS/LESS-C C�MBLING _OCATION (CLASS C) INSP CHANG� FROM O1 TO 02 ON 3/20/92 10361 65 SEATS 5-5-87 090588 PH :O CONSIDER ADVERSE ACTION - LAYED OVER rOR THREE (3) WEEKS 071988 RE?ORT OF ADMII3 LAW JUDGE, INCLUDING FINDIN GS OF FAC^_, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION IN THE MATTER OF ADVERSB HEARING INVOLVING THE LIQLTOR LIC ENSE OF T=� BRAM CORPORATION DBA ARCADE BAR. 072188 11 CONSECUTIVE DAY SUSPENSION (8/7f88 THRU 8/17/88) C.F. 88-1224 090688 RE?�EWAL OF 013188 APP'D C.F. 88-1466 9/14/89 P� ON APPN FOR NEW OF CLASS A GAMBLING LOCATION LICENSE APP'D C.F. 89-1649 1/17/95 ENTERTAINMENT CHANGED FROM CLASS 2 TO A PER C.F. =:94-1447 1995-7% D�SC ON LIQ FEE APPLIED TO 2ND 1/2-LAP-LIC 4/11/96 CIG CODE ADDED FR/ID# 17937--LAP-LIC 1/28J97 I?QVOICED FOR 7% DISC RECEIVED IN 1996 AS TRASNING WAS NEVER RECEIVED-- $ DUE 2/18/97--LAP ROYAL INS CO RSP259105 03/24/97 02/28/98 WILLIAM C MARTINEAU MICHAEL M FEIST 5096825 12/06/94 774-9207 License I.D. # 1620� LICENSE INVOICE COMPLETE OTHER SIDE OF THIS PORTION A,ND RETURN I47TH }"OL%R Pr1 Y.'v1ENT BRAM CORPORATION ARCADEBAR 932 ARCADE ST ST PAUL MN 55106 REM�T To: CITY OF SAINT P�UL O�ce of License. Inspec!ions and Envitonmenis3 Protettion 3��. P��r�. �� � q� -C94 Sa:m PaW. Mnmcswa 55!0_' (61?1'-�9090 Payment Due Date: 2/18/97 Late Fee: 87.00 Total Amount Due: 381.00 License ATame Total Fee Discount pavment Due On Sale Liquor - (A) $SOSO.QO 7% $353.50 On Sale Liquor - (B) $4650.00 7% $325.50 On Sale Liquor - (C) $420D.OD 7% $294.00 These fees are subject to a 10% late fee each month that the payment is not received. 16204 PLFASE II�'ORM US IN WRI7IYG IF YOU HAVE GONE OUT OF BUSINESS aAIFANYOFTHEASOVEINFORT�fATIONHASCHANGID S15.00C4snxceraxR6�vwveoCHacxs IATE FEES MAY BE CHARGED TF PAYAgNT IS NOT RECIIVED BY THE DUE DATE G�-��y >,eiaxXicx>cxic>,cxxxx>,cx�>,cxxx>cxxxaE>cxxKx�a,c>,c$xakicx>.zic�xx � itY,ciFx�S�M���a,cgaf��;cxi,cik>S:�caF�t;caFaF9,:�x;c��ac$Yfa�afMi,cxxicxa;cr>;c><xi,xxx PAY�1�\�T CA\' 10�i� SE �'iADE BY CREDIT CARD!!! a;x ic x X>;c X>;x>;c>,c ac X ic>,c>;c>;� a;x� Sc>;� %�R x X X>;c>� ��c %$ a'c %a,� X 'x, ic M>t a� %M>'f x x%F �f M>F�f %R ic �f �f �K� M �f %%ic z%>F x%M>c M%M %i<ic ic ic z%u )f �F x X�f>��c k>;e ac>;t %ic s'�c>f>< IF P�YL'�G BY CREDTT CARD PLE�SE CO'�fPLET'E THE FOLL0��1'L�'G L��FOR�iATTON: � AZasterCard EXPIRATION DATE: � � � � Name of Cardholdez (please print) Late Fee: 87.00 Totai Payment Due: 381.00 ACCOUIv'T NUMBER: � � � � � � � � � � � � � Visa � � � � Signature of Cazd Holder(reqUiced fot all Ch2tges) Date DETACH HERE Ah'D �IAIL I'HIS PORTION RZTH YOUR PAYMENT LICENSE INVOICE KEEP TSIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS CITY OF SAINT PAUL Office of License, Inspections and Envimnmeniel Protection 350 9. Peter 9[. Su¢ 30D 6:ne 7'a�i, M�eew 55102 (6121 76 69 0 9 0 License I.D. # : 16204 Payment Due Date: 2/18l97 I,icense Name Total Fee 'c u �}�ment Due On Sale Liquor - (A) $5050.00 7% $353.50 On Sale Liquor - (B) $4650.00 7°Jo $325.50 _-. . _ �.--._ _ .. .........:.:.:.... Oii Sale Liquor _- (C) " �. `�� -; :� : _ -: . - . _ � � . - =: _ -;>. . - $4200.00_:: ,=':�: :�:" $294.00_�_""� These fees are subject to a 10% late fee each month that the payment is not received. PLE45EA'FORM US IN WAITL�G IF YOU HAVE GONE OVl' OF BUSINFSS OA IF ANY OF THE ABOVE INFORMATiON HAS CHANGID E15.00 CiURGE POR R£fUANID CliEC1:5 L4TE FEES MAY BE Cf�IARGID IF PAYI.SF.NT IS NOT RECER'ID BY THE DUE DATE