97-693Council File $ .� Ordinance # Green 5heet # - A >�`!" r-. �;' � � ._ � �`� � ; Presented By RESOLUTION 41NT P�UL, MINNESOTA ReferTed To 1 2 3 Connnittee: Date : RESOLVED: �pplication (ID #38507) for a Pazldng LotlRamp License by Dart Transit Company DBA Dart Transit Company (Don Oren, President) at 431 Kellogg Boulevazd be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 �r' t�„� a � ef � � Requeated by Department of: 6 Ye=^ 7 B a e y � 8 Bostrom —r 9 Harrzs r 10 Me ar _� 11 � __k 12 T une � 13 Morton _� 14 � 15 16 Adopted by Council: 17 18 Adoption Certified by 19 20 21 By: C �,�� 22 23 Approved by aa �i'N��i 25 26 Bys 27 Secretary • -,-- •- - �- : t - - BY: �.P,�.:�� �-�� Form Approved by city Attorney i / +� By: � V c'.,/�-�..� Date f � �/ v Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �l� - 4q� � � fi � fi DEPMTMENLOFFICF�COUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEE � r �� y LIEP /Licens ing INRIAVDATE INITIAWATE CONTACf PERSON & PHONE DEPARTMENT DIFECTOR � CIN COUNCIL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 ASSIGN OCfiYATTORNEY OCITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE) NUNBER FOF O BUDGEf DIRECTO O FIN. & MGT. SEfiVICES DIR. /� ROUTING F' Or hearing: �4 � � I �� O MAYOR (OR ASSISTAfdT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED� Dart Transit Company DBA Dart Transit Company requests Council approval of its application for a Parking LotJRamp License located at 431 Kellogg Boulevard (ID �138507). RECOMMENDATIONS: Appmve (A) or Reject (R) pER$ONAL SEqVICE CONTfiACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firtn ever worketl untler a coMraa for this department? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES 'NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO — �����T ��pT — 3. Does this pereonttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE� YES NO Explain ell yes answers on separote sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPP�RTUNIiV (Who, What, When. Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED� DISAD'JANTAGES IF APPROVED' ¢'� .�.i , �. - - ; .-ti r. .a 4i�„� . , w. „- " ic.u.. � �. tt��$ - . .,. _._......:�9'� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED. �� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COST/HEVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNOI(1G SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANdAL INFORFiATION' (EXPLAIN) Greensheet# 37941 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 4/il/97 � 9' 1-Cq 3 1n Tr2Cke1? Appn Received / App'n Processed license Iq # 38507 License Type: Parking Lot/Ramp Company Name: Dart Transit Comnanv DBA: same Business Addresss: 431 Ke11oQ¢ Blvd Business Phone: 688-2000 Contact Name/AddresS: Gary Santooriian, 12885 Emmer Place, Home Phone: 683-1406 Date to Council Research:_ Apple Valley, 55124 Public Hearing Date: ��� Labels Ordered: /" � / q � Notice Sent to Applicant: ,�'��% __ District Council #: Notice Sent to Department/ City Attorney � Date �2{•� Environmental Health �. � Fire License Police ���z��� �/. Z( •��- Zoning �'� •`��- ��"' Ward #: Comments �� Q l C� f�• � D-� Site Plan Received:_ Lease Received: 1 - 4`t'S CI.ASS III CITY OF SAN` T PAUL Offia of liaast Iaspecdons LICENSE APPLICAI'ION - � �a�.�r��°a �, � ����x.,�� , �..��„� �„� . b rsin]66f090 fii(6IIllfLft7� ___,. r.� : � . �: ► • : i� �.� • r. �. .. � � � Ttpe of Lieense(s) bcing aPPlied for: �`d'��'7 3��,.�..5� 5 5 Comptay Namc: Cerpor�tionlPw�ai+hiP/SolcAofeietcnhip . jfbut�is{Sjn�ptp0iair�gi�YdZtepfincolpptytiosi: December 16 19'�8 - — DOI6g BlLStIIGSi AS: 11� F$HN �.�YAddtcSS: �� '2'+�4SS B 1 j•l S r v.... i t.rn. c t i n 7 Parking seseAdSv. Gq � S"i` Z�p Bet��er.n�vLataosssttutsisthebusiaesslocaud? vacaced Lafaverte Road V✓hich5ideofthestrect? no_rCh AtCibeplG035esnottox�ipied? Yes �R�at7ypeof$usineu? nfFi , .e1W�-eho��ce Rental Prop�rt.� MatlToAddress: P 0 Box 64710 St Pa..� M*T ss��� SO.a Add'e' Giry S++u � Z'? {�13cmt �oimiDOII: NameaadTide: _ Gary Geor�e Santooriian (R al Estate Mana¢erl ��~ " F've �fiddle (•�3�Sdm) La Tiile HomeAddre55: 12885 Emmer Place Annle Va11e� MN 557�4 Svetl ALhvs Ciry S�e ZiP DauofBirth: 7-4-61 p�accof$irth:St. Louis Park, MN HnmePhoae: 423-G976 Hevo ybu ever bcen � of aap f�]ony, aime � violaGan of any dry oidicaxace other than taflic? YES NO X Date cf an�st: Chuge: � Convictiaa: Whrtc? Smtenee: y� �� ��ar a {� a p�� of good moral chataaa. liviag 9 itbin the Twia CiDa Mcvo Aree, not mlated to the applicant or fra�aally intees�ed in the premisa a businas, a4�o map be rdmed m u ta the applicanYs charncte. NpME ADDRFSS Mpls, MI3 55410 PHONE Scott Daubanton 2719 W. 43rd st. Ii204 925-4518hm 332-5861wk Steve Corcoran 49 20 Dupont Ave S. Mpls MN 55409 825-7628hm Lance Johnson 3127 E. Slst. Mnls MN 55417 721-5317hm 721-3359wk List lieea�s whieb you nmmtly hold, faematy hdd. or may hace m inte� in: �i al Estate Brokers License — Hrve aanyy cff the above aamed Sicrases e�tr bom revokedl n� YES NO Ifyes. list the datn and reas�s for re�ocadon: 2718�97 R�l'VV `VV�� • �r� w� �� ����- l . D onal d E.Keefe Fiex.�6i St�ret\es �a � i ur oi rn�n.. �icr • ---• NO b1G �Gbb o�6, r 'i s% � "3,. �{s� �{� � Q A _/ tl/'P���� 8 �n a do� .q,re �U7 gOT'.g l0 i1z�Y i II1212fG Cf.PSS3li�t III i}]15 bIISVItSST X YES plcue camplcce tbe fo!]a���ing i Du Sux Z:� Pho-.o �'O If I}1t'_'12J:L2C715 70T L srme zs the opcztor, FisY.�ae ifidd7eLvid (�:aid�) I+a D:xof3ird 12885 Emmer Place Apple Vallev MN 55124 683-1406 }ie�Adtat: Svar.\me Gi�• SLic 2,p ?hrne\iSa Y1ers list }'our c�r:plo}ncnt h:stay for t^.c prc��ous five (5) �':;: paiod: .- $j,,a�a�ar�lo«nr.tt g5�dress Dart Transit Comoanv P 0 Box 64110 St Paul M'Q 55764-0110 Lin zll ot5a officcs ofthe eor�aztioa: pFF7CEq TI2LE }i0'.v¢ HOV,E BUSL'�'ESS DATE OF A'A��fE (O�a Hc)d) ADDRESS PHO\'E PHOA� BIRTH �Donald G. Oren �Pres/Treas 3105 Sandv Hook Dr 612�484�7A79 688-2000 5/31/31 y" Beverly J. Oren Sec/Exec. UP 3105 Sandv Hook Dr. 612/484 _ 688-2000 5/21/�4 ��ames L. Lien Ass't Sec. 29�7 Chippewa Ave N. 612/777-8514 688-9�0� 12/04/43 If b:uiness is a par.acs�ip. piezse inclu3e t�e faJwing infor��',ioa Sar ae� pz �a (3e addivmal pzges itnecessa.-.): ���� �� �y��) y� DaudBi-sh Siems Adkoa: 5•� \u� Ciry Suu 2ip 3Tcn� ��ba Fo++\�ms �f+d� Lti-+d f�tidc>> Lu Da•s of 8in! HomeM'lrac Seea\a�e Ciry S�se Zip P2iarc\�ba 2��'h*ESOTA TAX IDEt�rfffSCAT30N ?.'IJMB£.R - Pursvr�t w the Laws of?�S'inncsota.19S4, CSuptc 502, Artidc 8. Sxvon 2 C270.72) (Ia� Cksmce; Issvui� of Lictases), lixr.sing authoriva sre nquired to pro�tide to 'UC State of Mianaots Commissiona of Rnenuc, thc Mumesota businas tvt idrnv5cation aumba aad thc sxisl sccuciry number of � licea5e applicant Undc tLe Minnesota Govanmmt Dua Prsnias AU and t5c F�daal Prii�acy AG of 7 974, u•e ue require� io ad�ise you of tbe follow�ng Tegarding ihe use of tbe Mumesota Tax 1dmti5carion Numbu: . 2his iafamatiom may lx iucd w dasy ilx issuance as zeaewal oi youe licease m she eveat you oa�e Mian�sota sales. emPkya s Kithholdiag a motcr vehick cxcise taxrr, ' Apoa snc�iving tbis iaforma6c� tbe liaaring sut6airy uill supp]y it only tc tlx Mianuota Dcpattmrnt of Rc�ue. Howcv�, unda thc Fsdaal Fxchmgc oi InTwasation ,4garnea; thc Deputmeat of Rcvame may suPP7S' this mfozmation tn thc Iataaal Rermue Savix • - Mam�is Ta+t Sd�ti4Gecm Narab�s (5ai� & Use ]`cx ��) �ay be e�tai��m d�c S�aie atA�ian�ou4 �usi�es� Rocafr� Dep�ast, l4 Rit'c Puic Platn (612-2961+181� . . ��$�jty��; 477-54-1683 bfiaaesou7+xldcaCSEationNumbc 5�62730 " _! If a MiaaesaL Tnc Idcat.ificaoon Nuaibc is not requctd fa tbe business bciaY o�ated, indiuu so by placing sa'X' ia ihe box. y�a.s� Council File $ .� Ordinance # Green 5heet # - A >�`!" r-. �;' � � ._ � �`� � ; Presented By RESOLUTION 41NT P�UL, MINNESOTA ReferTed To 1 2 3 Connnittee: Date : RESOLVED: �pplication (ID #38507) for a Pazldng LotlRamp License by Dart Transit Company DBA Dart Transit Company (Don Oren, President) at 431 Kellogg Boulevazd be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 �r' t�„� a � ef � � Requeated by Department of: 6 Ye=^ 7 B a e y � 8 Bostrom —r 9 Harrzs r 10 Me ar _� 11 � __k 12 T une � 13 Morton _� 14 � 15 16 Adopted by Council: 17 18 Adoption Certified by 19 20 21 By: C �,�� 22 23 Approved by aa �i'N��i 25 26 Bys 27 Secretary • -,-- •- - �- : t - - BY: �.P,�.:�� �-�� Form Approved by city Attorney i / +� By: � V c'.,/�-�..� Date f � �/ v Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �l� - 4q� � � fi � fi DEPMTMENLOFFICF�COUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEE � r �� y LIEP /Licens ing INRIAVDATE INITIAWATE CONTACf PERSON & PHONE DEPARTMENT DIFECTOR � CIN COUNCIL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 ASSIGN OCfiYATTORNEY OCITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE) NUNBER FOF O BUDGEf DIRECTO O FIN. & MGT. SEfiVICES DIR. /� ROUTING F' Or hearing: �4 � � I �� O MAYOR (OR ASSISTAfdT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED� Dart Transit Company DBA Dart Transit Company requests Council approval of its application for a Parking LotJRamp License located at 431 Kellogg Boulevard (ID �138507). RECOMMENDATIONS: Appmve (A) or Reject (R) pER$ONAL SEqVICE CONTfiACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firtn ever worketl untler a coMraa for this department? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES 'NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO — �����T ��pT — 3. Does this pereonttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE� YES NO Explain ell yes answers on separote sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPP�RTUNIiV (Who, What, When. Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED� DISAD'JANTAGES IF APPROVED' ¢'� .�.i , �. - - ; .-ti r. .a 4i�„� . , w. „- " ic.u.. � �. tt��$ - . .,. _._......:�9'� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED. �� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COST/HEVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNOI(1G SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANdAL INFORFiATION' (EXPLAIN) Greensheet# 37941 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 4/il/97 � 9' 1-Cq 3 1n Tr2Cke1? Appn Received / App'n Processed license Iq # 38507 License Type: Parking Lot/Ramp Company Name: Dart Transit Comnanv DBA: same Business Addresss: 431 Ke11oQ¢ Blvd Business Phone: 688-2000 Contact Name/AddresS: Gary Santooriian, 12885 Emmer Place, Home Phone: 683-1406 Date to Council Research:_ Apple Valley, 55124 Public Hearing Date: ��� Labels Ordered: /" � / q � Notice Sent to Applicant: ,�'��% __ District Council #: Notice Sent to Department/ City Attorney � Date �2{•� Environmental Health �. � Fire License Police ���z��� �/. Z( •��- Zoning �'� •`��- ��"' Ward #: Comments �� Q l C� f�• � D-� Site Plan Received:_ Lease Received: 1 - 4`t'S CI.ASS III CITY OF SAN` T PAUL Offia of liaast Iaspecdons LICENSE APPLICAI'ION - � �a�.�r��°a �, � ����x.,�� , �..��„� �„� . b rsin]66f090 fii(6IIllfLft7� ___,. r.� : � . �: ► • : i� �.� • r. �. .. � � � Ttpe of Lieense(s) bcing aPPlied for: �`d'��'7 3��,.�..5� 5 5 Comptay Namc: Cerpor�tionlPw�ai+hiP/SolcAofeietcnhip . jfbut�is{Sjn�ptp0iair�gi�YdZtepfincolpptytiosi: December 16 19'�8 - — DOI6g BlLStIIGSi AS: 11� F$HN �.�YAddtcSS: �� '2'+�4SS B 1 j•l S r v.... i t.rn. c t i n 7 Parking seseAdSv. Gq � S"i` Z�p Bet��er.n�vLataosssttutsisthebusiaesslocaud? vacaced Lafaverte Road V✓hich5ideofthestrect? no_rCh AtCibeplG035esnottox�ipied? Yes �R�at7ypeof$usineu? nfFi , .e1W�-eho��ce Rental Prop�rt.� MatlToAddress: P 0 Box 64710 St Pa..� M*T ss��� SO.a Add'e' Giry S++u � Z'? {�13cmt �oimiDOII: NameaadTide: _ Gary Geor�e Santooriian (R al Estate Mana¢erl ��~ " F've �fiddle (•�3�Sdm) La Tiile HomeAddre55: 12885 Emmer Place Annle Va11e� MN 557�4 Svetl ALhvs Ciry S�e ZiP DauofBirth: 7-4-61 p�accof$irth:St. Louis Park, MN HnmePhoae: 423-G976 Hevo ybu ever bcen � of aap f�]ony, aime � violaGan of any dry oidicaxace other than taflic? YES NO X Date cf an�st: Chuge: � Convictiaa: Whrtc? Smtenee: y� �� ��ar a {� a p�� of good moral chataaa. liviag 9 itbin the Twia CiDa Mcvo Aree, not mlated to the applicant or fra�aally intees�ed in the premisa a businas, a4�o map be rdmed m u ta the applicanYs charncte. NpME ADDRFSS Mpls, MI3 55410 PHONE Scott Daubanton 2719 W. 43rd st. Ii204 925-4518hm 332-5861wk Steve Corcoran 49 20 Dupont Ave S. Mpls MN 55409 825-7628hm Lance Johnson 3127 E. Slst. Mnls MN 55417 721-5317hm 721-3359wk List lieea�s whieb you nmmtly hold, faematy hdd. or may hace m inte� in: �i al Estate Brokers License — Hrve aanyy cff the above aamed Sicrases e�tr bom revokedl n� YES NO Ifyes. list the datn and reas�s for re�ocadon: 2718�97 R�l'VV `VV�� • �r� w� �� ����- l . D onal d E.Keefe Fiex.�6i St�ret\es �a � i ur oi rn�n.. �icr • ---• NO b1G �Gbb o�6, r 'i s% � "3,. �{s� �{� � Q A _/ tl/'P���� 8 �n a do� .q,re �U7 gOT'.g l0 i1z�Y i II1212fG Cf.PSS3li�t III i}]15 bIISVItSST X YES plcue camplcce tbe fo!]a���ing i Du Sux Z:� Pho-.o �'O If I}1t'_'12J:L2C715 70T L srme zs the opcztor, FisY.�ae ifidd7eLvid (�:aid�) I+a D:xof3ird 12885 Emmer Place Apple Vallev MN 55124 683-1406 }ie�Adtat: Svar.\me Gi�• SLic 2,p ?hrne\iSa Y1ers list }'our c�r:plo}ncnt h:stay for t^.c prc��ous five (5) �':;: paiod: .- $j,,a�a�ar�lo«nr.tt g5�dress Dart Transit Comoanv P 0 Box 64110 St Paul M'Q 55764-0110 Lin zll ot5a officcs ofthe eor�aztioa: pFF7CEq TI2LE }i0'.v¢ HOV,E BUSL'�'ESS DATE OF A'A��fE (O�a Hc)d) ADDRESS PHO\'E PHOA� BIRTH �Donald G. Oren �Pres/Treas 3105 Sandv Hook Dr 612�484�7A79 688-2000 5/31/31 y" Beverly J. Oren Sec/Exec. UP 3105 Sandv Hook Dr. 612/484 _ 688-2000 5/21/�4 ��ames L. Lien Ass't Sec. 29�7 Chippewa Ave N. 612/777-8514 688-9�0� 12/04/43 If b:uiness is a par.acs�ip. piezse inclu3e t�e faJwing infor��',ioa Sar ae� pz �a (3e addivmal pzges itnecessa.-.): ���� �� �y��) y� DaudBi-sh Siems Adkoa: 5•� \u� Ciry Suu 2ip 3Tcn� ��ba Fo++\�ms �f+d� Lti-+d f�tidc>> Lu Da•s of 8in! HomeM'lrac Seea\a�e Ciry S�se Zip P2iarc\�ba 2��'h*ESOTA TAX IDEt�rfffSCAT30N ?.'IJMB£.R - Pursvr�t w the Laws of?�S'inncsota.19S4, CSuptc 502, Artidc 8. Sxvon 2 C270.72) (Ia� Cksmce; Issvui� of Lictases), lixr.sing authoriva sre nquired to pro�tide to 'UC State of Mianaots Commissiona of Rnenuc, thc Mumesota businas tvt idrnv5cation aumba aad thc sxisl sccuciry number of � licea5e applicant Undc tLe Minnesota Govanmmt Dua Prsnias AU and t5c F�daal Prii�acy AG of 7 974, u•e ue require� io ad�ise you of tbe follow�ng Tegarding ihe use of tbe Mumesota Tax 1dmti5carion Numbu: . 2his iafamatiom may lx iucd w dasy ilx issuance as zeaewal oi youe licease m she eveat you oa�e Mian�sota sales. emPkya s Kithholdiag a motcr vehick cxcise taxrr, ' Apoa snc�iving tbis iaforma6c� tbe liaaring sut6airy uill supp]y it only tc tlx Mianuota Dcpattmrnt of Rc�ue. Howcv�, unda thc Fsdaal Fxchmgc oi InTwasation ,4garnea; thc Deputmeat of Rcvame may suPP7S' this mfozmation tn thc Iataaal Rermue Savix • - Mam�is Ta+t Sd�ti4Gecm Narab�s (5ai� & Use ]`cx ��) �ay be e�tai��m d�c S�aie atA�ian�ou4 �usi�es� Rocafr� Dep�ast, l4 Rit'c Puic Platn (612-2961+181� . . ��$�jty��; 477-54-1683 bfiaaesou7+xldcaCSEationNumbc 5�62730 " _! If a MiaaesaL Tnc Idcat.ificaoon Nuaibc is not requctd fa tbe business bciaY o�ated, indiuu so by placing sa'X' ia ihe box. y�a.s� Council File $ .� Ordinance # Green 5heet # - A >�`!" r-. �;' � � ._ � �`� � ; Presented By RESOLUTION 41NT P�UL, MINNESOTA ReferTed To 1 2 3 Connnittee: Date : RESOLVED: �pplication (ID #38507) for a Pazldng LotlRamp License by Dart Transit Company DBA Dart Transit Company (Don Oren, President) at 431 Kellogg Boulevazd be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 �r' t�„� a � ef � � Requeated by Department of: 6 Ye=^ 7 B a e y � 8 Bostrom —r 9 Harrzs r 10 Me ar _� 11 � __k 12 T une � 13 Morton _� 14 � 15 16 Adopted by Council: 17 18 Adoption Certified by 19 20 21 By: C �,�� 22 23 Approved by aa �i'N��i 25 26 Bys 27 Secretary • -,-- •- - �- : t - - BY: �.P,�.:�� �-�� Form Approved by city Attorney i / +� By: � V c'.,/�-�..� Date f � �/ v Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �l� - 4q� � � fi � fi DEPMTMENLOFFICF�COUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEE � r �� y LIEP /Licens ing INRIAVDATE INITIAWATE CONTACf PERSON & PHONE DEPARTMENT DIFECTOR � CIN COUNCIL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 ASSIGN OCfiYATTORNEY OCITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE) NUNBER FOF O BUDGEf DIRECTO O FIN. & MGT. SEfiVICES DIR. /� ROUTING F' Or hearing: �4 � � I �� O MAYOR (OR ASSISTAfdT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED� Dart Transit Company DBA Dart Transit Company requests Council approval of its application for a Parking LotJRamp License located at 431 Kellogg Boulevard (ID �138507). RECOMMENDATIONS: Appmve (A) or Reject (R) pER$ONAL SEqVICE CONTfiACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firtn ever worketl untler a coMraa for this department? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES 'NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO — �����T ��pT — 3. Does this pereonttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE� YES NO Explain ell yes answers on separote sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPP�RTUNIiV (Who, What, When. Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED� DISAD'JANTAGES IF APPROVED' ¢'� .�.i , �. - - ; .-ti r. .a 4i�„� . , w. „- " ic.u.. � �. tt��$ - . .,. _._......:�9'� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED. �� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COST/HEVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNOI(1G SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANdAL INFORFiATION' (EXPLAIN) Greensheet# 37941 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 4/il/97 � 9' 1-Cq 3 1n Tr2Cke1? Appn Received / App'n Processed license Iq # 38507 License Type: Parking Lot/Ramp Company Name: Dart Transit Comnanv DBA: same Business Addresss: 431 Ke11oQ¢ Blvd Business Phone: 688-2000 Contact Name/AddresS: Gary Santooriian, 12885 Emmer Place, Home Phone: 683-1406 Date to Council Research:_ Apple Valley, 55124 Public Hearing Date: ��� Labels Ordered: /" � / q � Notice Sent to Applicant: ,�'��% __ District Council #: Notice Sent to Department/ City Attorney � Date �2{•� Environmental Health �. � Fire License Police ���z��� �/. Z( •��- Zoning �'� •`��- ��"' Ward #: Comments �� Q l C� f�• � D-� Site Plan Received:_ Lease Received: 1 - 4`t'S CI.ASS III CITY OF SAN` T PAUL Offia of liaast Iaspecdons LICENSE APPLICAI'ION - � �a�.�r��°a �, � ����x.,�� , �..��„� �„� . b rsin]66f090 fii(6IIllfLft7� ___,. r.� : � . �: ► • : i� �.� • r. �. .. � � � Ttpe of Lieense(s) bcing aPPlied for: �`d'��'7 3��,.�..5� 5 5 Comptay Namc: Cerpor�tionlPw�ai+hiP/SolcAofeietcnhip . jfbut�is{Sjn�ptp0iair�gi�YdZtepfincolpptytiosi: December 16 19'�8 - — DOI6g BlLStIIGSi AS: 11� F$HN �.�YAddtcSS: �� '2'+�4SS B 1 j•l S r v.... i t.rn. c t i n 7 Parking seseAdSv. Gq � S"i` Z�p Bet��er.n�vLataosssttutsisthebusiaesslocaud? vacaced Lafaverte Road V✓hich5ideofthestrect? no_rCh AtCibeplG035esnottox�ipied? Yes �R�at7ypeof$usineu? nfFi , .e1W�-eho��ce Rental Prop�rt.� MatlToAddress: P 0 Box 64710 St Pa..� M*T ss��� SO.a Add'e' Giry S++u � Z'? {�13cmt �oimiDOII: NameaadTide: _ Gary Geor�e Santooriian (R al Estate Mana¢erl ��~ " F've �fiddle (•�3�Sdm) La Tiile HomeAddre55: 12885 Emmer Place Annle Va11e� MN 557�4 Svetl ALhvs Ciry S�e ZiP DauofBirth: 7-4-61 p�accof$irth:St. Louis Park, MN HnmePhoae: 423-G976 Hevo ybu ever bcen � of aap f�]ony, aime � violaGan of any dry oidicaxace other than taflic? YES NO X Date cf an�st: Chuge: � Convictiaa: Whrtc? Smtenee: y� �� ��ar a {� a p�� of good moral chataaa. liviag 9 itbin the Twia CiDa Mcvo Aree, not mlated to the applicant or fra�aally intees�ed in the premisa a businas, a4�o map be rdmed m u ta the applicanYs charncte. NpME ADDRFSS Mpls, MI3 55410 PHONE Scott Daubanton 2719 W. 43rd st. Ii204 925-4518hm 332-5861wk Steve Corcoran 49 20 Dupont Ave S. Mpls MN 55409 825-7628hm Lance Johnson 3127 E. Slst. Mnls MN 55417 721-5317hm 721-3359wk List lieea�s whieb you nmmtly hold, faematy hdd. or may hace m inte� in: �i al Estate Brokers License — Hrve aanyy cff the above aamed Sicrases e�tr bom revokedl n� YES NO Ifyes. list the datn and reas�s for re�ocadon: 2718�97 R�l'VV `VV�� • �r� w� �� ����- l . D onal d E.Keefe Fiex.�6i St�ret\es �a � i ur oi rn�n.. �icr • ---• NO b1G �Gbb o�6, r 'i s% � "3,. �{s� �{� � Q A _/ tl/'P���� 8 �n a do� .q,re �U7 gOT'.g l0 i1z�Y i II1212fG Cf.PSS3li�t III i}]15 bIISVItSST X YES plcue camplcce tbe fo!]a���ing i Du Sux Z:� Pho-.o �'O If I}1t'_'12J:L2C715 70T L srme zs the opcztor, FisY.�ae ifidd7eLvid (�:aid�) I+a D:xof3ird 12885 Emmer Place Apple Vallev MN 55124 683-1406 }ie�Adtat: Svar.\me Gi�• SLic 2,p ?hrne\iSa Y1ers list }'our c�r:plo}ncnt h:stay for t^.c prc��ous five (5) �':;: paiod: .- $j,,a�a�ar�lo«nr.tt g5�dress Dart Transit Comoanv P 0 Box 64110 St Paul M'Q 55764-0110 Lin zll ot5a officcs ofthe eor�aztioa: pFF7CEq TI2LE }i0'.v¢ HOV,E BUSL'�'ESS DATE OF A'A��fE (O�a Hc)d) ADDRESS PHO\'E PHOA� BIRTH �Donald G. Oren �Pres/Treas 3105 Sandv Hook Dr 612�484�7A79 688-2000 5/31/31 y" Beverly J. Oren Sec/Exec. UP 3105 Sandv Hook Dr. 612/484 _ 688-2000 5/21/�4 ��ames L. Lien Ass't Sec. 29�7 Chippewa Ave N. 612/777-8514 688-9�0� 12/04/43 If b:uiness is a par.acs�ip. piezse inclu3e t�e faJwing infor��',ioa Sar ae� pz �a (3e addivmal pzges itnecessa.-.): ���� �� �y��) y� DaudBi-sh Siems Adkoa: 5•� \u� Ciry Suu 2ip 3Tcn� ��ba Fo++\�ms �f+d� Lti-+d f�tidc>> Lu Da•s of 8in! HomeM'lrac Seea\a�e Ciry S�se Zip P2iarc\�ba 2��'h*ESOTA TAX IDEt�rfffSCAT30N ?.'IJMB£.R - Pursvr�t w the Laws of?�S'inncsota.19S4, CSuptc 502, Artidc 8. Sxvon 2 C270.72) (Ia� Cksmce; Issvui� of Lictases), lixr.sing authoriva sre nquired to pro�tide to 'UC State of Mianaots Commissiona of Rnenuc, thc Mumesota businas tvt idrnv5cation aumba aad thc sxisl sccuciry number of � licea5e applicant Undc tLe Minnesota Govanmmt Dua Prsnias AU and t5c F�daal Prii�acy AG of 7 974, u•e ue require� io ad�ise you of tbe follow�ng Tegarding ihe use of tbe Mumesota Tax 1dmti5carion Numbu: . 2his iafamatiom may lx iucd w dasy ilx issuance as zeaewal oi youe licease m she eveat you oa�e Mian�sota sales. emPkya s Kithholdiag a motcr vehick cxcise taxrr, ' Apoa snc�iving tbis iaforma6c� tbe liaaring sut6airy uill supp]y it only tc tlx Mianuota Dcpattmrnt of Rc�ue. Howcv�, unda thc Fsdaal Fxchmgc oi InTwasation ,4garnea; thc Deputmeat of Rcvame may suPP7S' this mfozmation tn thc Iataaal Rermue Savix • - Mam�is Ta+t Sd�ti4Gecm Narab�s (5ai� & Use ]`cx ��) �ay be e�tai��m d�c S�aie atA�ian�ou4 �usi�es� Rocafr� Dep�ast, l4 Rit'c Puic Platn (612-2961+181� . . ��$�jty��; 477-54-1683 bfiaaesou7+xldcaCSEationNumbc 5�62730 " _! If a MiaaesaL Tnc Idcat.ificaoon Nuaibc is not requctd fa tbe business bciaY o�ated, indiuu so by placing sa'X' ia ihe box. y�a.s�