97-691Council File ��� 6 9 � Ordinance # Green Sheet #` � � �� � ������„��_ PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 RESOLVED: That applicaflon (ID #28574) for a Cigazette, Entertainment-A, Liquor On Sale-A, and Restaurant- B License by RNDT Inc. DBA McColl's I?ining (Izonard Schmieg, President) at 195 Sth St. East be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 6 Yea Navs Absent 7 a a�Tcey � 8 Bostrom 9 Harris 10 Me arT 11 n'�an .fl+ . 12 T une � —� 13 Morton 15 16 Adopted by Council: Date � 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 20 21 By: � 22 23 Approved by Mayor: Da e 24 � 25 � 26 By: _ 27 Requested by Department ofe Office of License inspectiona and Fnv�ronmental Protect�on g�. � n.C/ �� –" 1� . Form Approved by City Attorney g ,-�✓ � �..`�Pn.w� f%c��LGO✓ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: a�.�g DEMRlMENiNFFICElCOUNCII DATE INfTIATED ..1 � �.! V � LIEP/Licensin GREEN SHEE CONSACT PEASpN 8 PHONE INITIALNATE INITIAL/DATE � DEPARTMEM DIRECTOR � CIN COUNdL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 ASSIGN �CT'ATTORNEY �CITYCLERK MUSf BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUTAeEEI FOR ❑ BUDGEf DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. flOUTING FOT Y108T1II : � OPDER O MqypR (OR ASSISfAN'f� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: RNDT Inc, DBA McCo11's Dining requests Council approval of its application for a Cigaiette, Entertainment-A, Liquor On Sale-A, and Restaurant-B License located at 175 Sth Street East (ID �128574). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (n) or Feject (R) PEflSONAL SEFiVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEq TXE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personflirm ever worked under a contrect for this department? _ q6 COMMITfEE _ VES NO — � A � F 2. Has this personttirm ever been a city employee� — YES NO _ olsTalCT cAURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normalry possessetl by any current city employee? - SUPPORT$ WHICM COUNCIL O&1ECTIVE7 YES NO Explain aN yes answers on saparate sheet and attach to green sheM INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What. When, Whare. NTy): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: �� � �8'dti6 �k� a�l�1V � f.� 5��1 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED. TO7ALAMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N $ COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIqCLEONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE AC71VI7V NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORhSATION: (EXPLAIN) �Z �� \ Greensheet # 37948 In Tracke�? L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 4/28/97 � App'n Received / App'n Processed License ID # 28574 License Type: Company Name: �T Inc. McColl's Business Addresss: 175 Sth Street East Business Phone: 291-8703 Contact Name/Address: Leonard Schmie¢, 39 WickinQ D�ve w GiHome Phone: 483-1323 Litt e Canada, 55117 Date to Council Research: Public Hearing Date: Notice Sent to Appiicant: Labels Ordered: i��' /� � District Council #: � / Notice Sent to Public: Ward #: � Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney J' ' T �J�"' 0' F�. . Errvironmerrtal Health � . 2D �9�- O . � . Fire �•�� 1� �•� • License Site Plan Recaived:_ Lease Received: �'2('�' ��L Police � 2�• � � O-� . Zoning �• � '� �` D. . MRY-29-1997 14�32 CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP CLA.SS III LICENSE APPLICAI'ION IHIS /iPPLtCATION IS SL3JEC7' TO FViFW &Y THE PUBLIC PLEASE TFPE OR PRINT Ih' IA'K T;pea�Lic�:se(s)beiagzppIiedfor. Destaurant C�t/�} On �ale Liauor �a�0�0 Entertainment Co�zap\*�ne: D�DT Co: fxstioe t?a-.ncnh5? t Sok prv2eictpship 612 266 9124 P:03 U•�/�v�— Viii//x t/ q�-G�►1 CITY OF SAL'�TI' PAUL offuc ofLiaxut Im�eCtimu a�a &nvonmrncv! Protea;on � S rc�s s��o si-�r+ot- :.�a C6fA T+s(o7�7d691�a a �57 `7 s ��° � � s . �n a� S t� �� S c� I 7� S Ifbus�ess is i�co:porated, �ce dxte of incorporztioo: 4/ 1/ 97 Dm:ngBtuin�ssAs: ='-cCo11s Dining, / &:siness?hone: 2g1—a7�J3 Busi�asa.d�.-�s: 366 Jackson St. Faul ?'+?3_ � � c:� s:� zsp Be:u•aa �•hat cross mecu is �he business locased? Jackson & 5 th Whict sido ofthe s¢�? Eas � ,4*eihepm;ai��snpw-occ�pied� Yes lt'hat7�peofB:siuess? P.estaurant '.�z�Tobda.-ess: 39 ?Test Vikina Drive Litt�.e Canada ��J 55117 Street Aodsas Cin State Zip � 2.'ameacdTi�r. Leonard A. Schmie� President Fen .Kiam� G+S��eJ t.ees ra� Homeaddr�ss: 39 ��Test �rikin� I)sive Litt2e Canada `��. 55117 Street Adt�cs. � Cisy S�au Zip DEUOfBir�h: I2/26/55 p� Ortonville, 2L�1_ HomePhone: 483-1323 Ha��e }ron e��et bee¢ comicted of utc fcloav, crime or violation of any cir}' ordinance other thsn tnffic? YES NO X Dace ofarres[: �� _ CAnaiction: Whcre? Senlence: Liu sbcnames aad raideaces of three persons of good moral c6aracter, living uithin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the app7icant or 5n�cislly iaterested in the prcmixs or businas, u•ho may be rcfar�d to as to the applicsm's charactc NAME ADDRESS PHONE Sose Barbari 2899 Edgerton St. ?�aul 483-0447 Iee 'De2tier 528 Quinmore Avenue ASorth 436-8437 �ndy Seinbeil • 1786 East k?i21ow Circle td,B.L. 777_zp97 I.ist Lcrases ulvch yov curready bold, foimcly beld, or msy ha�t sa murest in: Ha�x am}• of tbe abo�•e named liceiases evrr bew revokedl YES X NO If }es, list thc datos and reasoas for revocarion: MAY-29-1997 14:32 CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.04 Are }'ou goiag to o�eta�e t}�.is bur.ness pc. sa:�ali� 7°` 1 LS �u ti not,,+mo,.�tt operate �s! �'►-�9 F'va �ac \5ddic LtiSd �Seidm) Les[ Detc e£SinL Hax9d@es,i: Svus\axe Ci�� S•.atc Zip PAonc\�3er ATr}nu �ngto hz.t a mrr+z or nsistuu in ;l�.is business? YES � \O Tf tho maz:xger is �ot the same zs the operator, plezse e�plete tI�e follrn�ing infmmadoa: Fi�t�ae \SddSeL'i�d C>•sidail Lut Damofairs6 Hoac �dta�: Stza \c9c Ci�� S�etc 2ip Phone \�bet Please list pour cnplo;�em history for the pre�7ous fi�'e (5) ��e:r period: ���1Fr,ralo�zrent Address Schmieg-T�?ashburn Industries, Inc. List eIt othcr officcs of the ca�orauoa: OFFICER TFILE HO'�2E ?:.qME (O�ce He?d) ADDRESS HOYE, BliSi�'ESS DATE OF PY.O�'E PHO'.'E B3RT�i �cott D T•Tashburn 413� Lexinaton Ave r1 486-4868 1/1_3/SF3 C-eraZd Ba�erl 322 Eirie 669-2442 5!8/55 If bvsiness is a pa plcese iaclude the folloH iafor�a;ioa foz each pz �� (use sdditional pzges ii neeesszn•): Fine �.me 4liamo I,riva 4�1.�da� taa I?au oca;nh HoneAdAec Sue�t\ame Ci:y Swe Zip Phone\embet Fint \mo .Vfiddle Li^id C4sidaJ Iw:t Date of Hirth Home AA&ar, Swn \axe Ciry Swe Zp Phone \w�ber ?�21I�'S�SOTA TAXIDE?v7IFICATION:�'L"t�ER -Pursuant:o �he Laws ofMianesoca, 19Sa, Chapter 502, Artide 8, Sectioa 2(270.72) (Iaa C3earaac� Issuana of Liceases), lice�sing aut3orities aze zequired 10 pro�•ide to the State of Mianesota Commissioner oPRecenue, the ?dfi.�newta business tar. idaati5cstion rnunba aud the soeial se.�urity aumber af each litense applicsnt Uader t6e Minaesota Govemment Dats Practices Act aad tbe Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to ad�tise you of the follou�ing regarding the iue etthe M'ianesota 7ax Ideatificati� I�umba: - TLis infoxmauon may be used w drny the issuance ar rencwal of your licease in the a�mt you ow�e lvyanesots sa]a, emPloyer s withboldiag or moior vehicle excix ta�ce; - Upon receiving this infotmation, the licensrsig suthacity Wtilt supply it onty w ihe Mianesosa Department of Revmue. However, emder cLe Federa2 E�change of Informav� Ageemcm, ebe Dcpaztmeat of Revenue may supply this infoimarion so the Iasemal Revrnue S�ice, Mu�da I'sc Ideori5ca6aa N�nbers (Sales & Use Ta� Numbes) may be obtain� fra� the State of Mianesots, Busiacss ReLOrds Depattmen� 10 Ri�aPark Plaza (6t2-296-6181). SociatSauriryNumbc. �+�4-70-8$84 I�e�tara 2 r If a Minsaesota TaY Idemificavon �umba is noc rcquired fa ihe biuinas being operated, indieate so b�• placing an "X' in the box. 2;18,'9'Y MRY-29-1997 14:32 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.05 � 1 CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION TF�S APPL3CATION JS Si�'HJECT TO REVtEW BX THE PUBLIC PLEASE 1'YPE �R YRL*TT IN R3K Tipe of Licea�e(s) being applied for. Re s taurant CI7Y QF S�T PAUL o� au� r�� ma Fmvo,ttuaw rro,abo� 33]R➢acR SL:ie}]0 SdaA0lNeowe> 33101 (61�:Y69070 L%(61ay2669!=d Liquor g Cigarette S Entertainment g Co�pz-n :.•a.7,e: R-�D?' , Inc . Cxporc�on! Pd•m3s4ip I Sote Propeiamstup if basiness;s inco�orated, gj��e dau of iacoiporazion: 4/ 15 / 97 p McColl's BusiaasPhoae:29I-8703 Buinen Address: STet N1d�ms City Stmc Zip Be:u�een w� aoss sveeu is s�e bur.�ess locaud? Jacks on & 5 th qay;ch ride o�il,c scr,M7 E a s t A.-o 3e premises nou• oceupied? Ye S Whs� T�pe of Busiaess? Re s taurant �4i1ToAddress: 39 t?est Vikin� Drive Little Canada MN SSl 7 Saex 1d�w Ciry Sut Lip Agplicaut Snfosmarioa: Nzmc�,dT�ilc Gesald Lee Baverl Owner �� :.�em� c�sda�) t.� r,u� HomeAddress: 322 Erie St. Paul P9N. 55102 svaaneab. ca sw� z� AauoiBinh 5/8/55 PlaceoFBirth: �'?inneavolis Homepbox 669-2442 Have gou eva beea ��j�� of eay felo� crime or �io2a6on of atry city ordinaace Wher than tra$�c? YES NO X Aau of anest: C�arge; _ Coa�iaiaa: '�:i:t':�i E� Listt}�e umuta mdreAdeaces of tivae peesoat of good moral cGasact�, living witbin t� Twia Cities Metro Azea, mt retated to the appticaat or finsacialty iateres�ted in tDe premises or btuiness, who may be refared to as w tLe applicanYs cbaracur. NAME ADDRESS PHONE Rose Barbari 2894 Edgerton 483-0447 Lee Peltier 528 Quinmore Avenue North 436-8437 3oe Steinbeck 439-4063 List Sceases w�ichyou emzmfly ho1d, fmmely hel� or may have an iotaest iu Hace any oftbe above named ]icestses eret bcen revoked7 PES NO Ifyes, list the data and reasoas for re�roca6on' MAY-29-1997 14�33 CITY OF ST PFlUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.06 Arc }rou goiag to operate this buSiaess persoasllel X Y�S I�O If not, K$o a�y(� �rate it? q� �`� ` Fra�e \SddklaiGd pSidaQ Ii.t Ikfcof8ir0� HcmeAdCzw: Sret\`�c Cw� R+te 2ip PSoac?.'wiba Axe}vu gamg w hxc•e a mxnaser or z�s"scxsu in this bvsiaas? YES X NO ffthe mz,lxget is no[ the same u ihe operator, please eomplac the followiag iafoimztion: sri� �aas�v�a �;�se�) � ne,<ora�w xox addra+: se«, �ax Cr.v sta�e 2y, Phonc �,�roa Plrrse Yist rour cmploy bistory for she precioas five (5) }•ezr peciod: HusmesslEmpirnment �s Schezie�-FTashburn Industries, Inc. 39 ??est Vikin� Drive List aD other o,°ficcs of tho corporati�: OFF7CEIZ TITIE HOME HO'.�.fE BUSL'�'ESS DATE OF ::AME (O�ce Hd� ADDRESS PHO.`�ET PHO'�e B1RTH Leonard Schmie; 39 Z•'est Viking Drive 483-1323 11/26/55 Scott Siashburn 4130 Lexington Ave N. G86-4$68 1/23158 Jibstsiness is a para�sbip, plezse include the folloaing infa,-*.,zrion for each parmer (use additiomal pages if nr,cesssn•): Firn� }Laaklnie;J (.�Se�am) txt DdeofBinh x� �aa�: s�u � c� s,.� z;P ��*� r�±� uam� �,;a �ra;mo r,�a n.e� �ra�rn x�ua�,: svar� c,u� sws � n�r� ?vIlNt�SOTATAK IDENTT�SCATSO?s NIJM$ER- P�uaisat to tbe Laas of Mwnesota,1984, CLapter 502, Articlo 8, Seaion 2(270,72} (Imc Cle��eq Issuance ofLicenses� licauiug sutiwrities are:equired to pro�ide to the State ofMinnesosa Commissionc af Rweaue, the Mmceso4 busixss ta�c idmtificevon number sad the socia] sau�ity number of esc�h �cease applieaat Uadet tho Mmnesota Govunmeat Data Prsaias Act and tbe Fedaat Pxivary Aa of 19�4, we are rcquired ro advise you of the followiag regardmg the use of tbe Mianaou 7ax Idmtificatioa Ntmiber: - This infoQmanom may be used w dary tbe issu�a ca r�ewal of yrnu ficrose ia the eveat you rnve Mwnaota sslcs, employds withholding or motes �e�icle accise taxe; - U�OII SxC1V1II$ tL151Cf0[metiOL� $let YIOCRSm$ 81tib0t$y WaI St1�I}' II ODIy 10 SLC Mnnnrnrq j�eImDP.Gt Of RCVCaUG HOwCV� timda the Ftdesal Exchaiugc of Iafcamatian Agxmeaa, the Depar�art of Reveaue may suPPlp tbis inffamasion to tbe I�ooernal Reveaue Saviee. Mmaesota Tmc IdamE�oa Numbas (Sala 8c Use Tax Numbcj may be obtaiioed 5un the Staie �'2vfinnesols. Bttsiness Reco�ds Departrnmt, 10 River Patk P1a�s (612-296.5] 8]). ���� 474-70-4221 I�2im�esotaSsxIdcatificatiamNumbcr: 0031402572 _ Sfa Minnesota Tax Jdentificatioa Number is not reqeured for ihe business being operate� indicate so by placing aa "X' ia the box �v�a�ss MRY-29-1997 14�33 CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.07 s>��r TAUC � A[lllll� CL,ASS III LICENSE APPLICATION �l.! ' i : � • F � : � �.� ' 1 PLEASE TYPE ORPRIIT!' IN II�IIC T}peafLicense(s)beiagappliedfor: Destaurant T 1.o110T Ci;axette Fntertainment CI7Y OF SAINT PAUL �la. D�UC.ti1Ti� � �a �,a�w m�� 3Jt9.P�RSvAeloO SccP�nLMamoan 1:102 /lI' `�, (61'aN69D90 8%(61b2�91:A�� S C019�2ayI�2II�G: ?�I� Inc. . Cmpa+scon�P�abna5iP�SoleA'nPrictmhip If husmess is sssomporated, give data of incoiporauom: Anr i I LS th , 1;' 9 7 DoingBusinessAs: ?'�cCol2's B�� 291-8703 BusinessAddress: _ ibF+ .Tacks�n S�eetAddrew Ciry State Zip " Betv�ac what cross soeets is thc b�niaas IxauBt �acks on & 5 th �;� �� ��y� �? Eas t ` ��/+��Qremisesnowxcupiedl ° -eS p,�h,tTypeofgusines,? RestauTant ��Mm7ToAddress: _ 39 �•Test YTikinP Drive Little Canada ��d. 55117 _snna naa�. �;�. yy� y AppLc�t Informazion: ramea�ulTi�]e: _ Scott David ttashburn F'v+t .\fid�c (M++daJ Home,yddreSS. 4130 Lexin�ton Avenue North Shoreview sem naarm c� Oamer La Tit7o r�I. 55126 s•-•- DstcofBirth; 1l23/58 PlaceofBirtS: �Iuth, ti\• H�pb� Have you eva bcen � of aay fdoay. aimc or viotation of airy city ordinaaa othc thaa asSacl YES Daiccfarnst; � $edtCDce: �+r 486-4868 NO X Lisi mea�cs m�d resaaues rn taree pasons cf good morsu ccazacur. li�ing withinthc Iav� i.ines rne¢o Fsroa. not retat:a w me apphcaac a' &neneislly intaated ia the premises a busmess, w}w may be refcr�d w as to tbc applicant's chmacic �M� ADDRESS PHONE Lee Peltier 5 �hzinmore Avenue N. 718-Q396 Brady 0`Brian 5335 Vicl:sburg Laae 557-042J Joe Steinbeck 439-4063 Lisl Iicrosa which Y� �Y �, famaly held. ar may Lave sn imcrest in: HaNe �y of the above named licros�s cva beea revdc�l YES NO ffycs, list t6e dma �d rsesoas for rcvocatioa '�'i�i ?JISN7 MRY-29-1997 14:33 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.68 Q q'7 r � { t r-Y.Vmc \ti8dktwrid ptaideo) Lmt D�scofBinh liame Addres: Svret \ame Ci�• Staie Zip P6enc �5�mba Are}ron goiag to hs�•e a manega ot assistsat in this business? YES X NO If thc mznagv is no� ihc same as tfic operator, pI�zse wmplete the following informatioa: Fi��c .Afidme7aB+d G�1rideJ Lae D�ca£Bfrrh Hom� Mdre� Strea \me Ci�• State Zip Piwne ��ber Plerx list your �plo7ment ]vstory Yor the paevious five (5) } period: RnCiR IFmnlMrme}�} A�� Schnie�-[�Tashbum Industries, Inc. 39 T�zest Vikin� Drive Last all ot6� officers of the co�poration: �FFiGER TITZL HOME HOME BUSINESS DATE OF A'AME (O�ceHelcn ADDRESS PHONE PHONE BII2TF2 Leonard Schaie� 39 West Viking Drive 483-I323 ZI-26- Jerrv Ba��erl 322 F t,� �69-9Gc�� 5/8/55 Scott 4Tashbura 4130 LexinQton AvP y 486-4868 1/23/58 ]fbuaaess is a parmenhip, Pleasc iaclude tSe following infor.astion for cacb parmer (use addiGonal paga if naessary): fine�me MiameleitiJ �7.iaca) Le D.mdBssd. HomeAd� Suo¢1:me CitY SLtc Zip PfioacS:�imbc F"urt_�+ime ASdAe Imeal G Lac D,7e MBc�h Ad&ac SLeet?:.me �n, — - � Zip Pl�wel`�mba MII�7IvFSOTA TqX IDENlIFICATION A'UMBFR - Pursuant to the Law�s ofMinnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (Tax CSe�ancr, Issuaax of Licaucx). liceasing awhorities arc requiied w provide w the Stste oFMmaesota Commissiona of Revrnue, the M'innesota buaaess tax identificarion m�mbcr �d tbc social security mm�bc of eacb license appGrm Uader tLc Minaaota Govcmn¢eat Aata Practices Act aad tbo Fcda'al Privscy Ad of 1974, we arc:equued to advise you of the following r�ga*dmg the usc of t6e Mmmesota Tax Tdeatifrcation N�bcr. - I'his iaf'amatioa may be nsed to deay dx issuana or renewal aCyaa lioerasc ia the evect you owc I�naesota sales, anpluyer's withholding or mota vehicle exeise tsxes, - UPon *ecaV+IIB this mformatian the lie�ng sutfimity will sipply rt onty m the Mmnesoia Dcpartmcut af Rev�ue. However, �mder the Federal E�te6aago � bnfosmacon Ageemert, the Deparlmeat of Revewe may suPP1Y this iaf'amatioa to the Tatemal Revenue Snviee. � . • � T�c IdmaS�anN�be�s (Sales & Use T�c N�bc) maybeobtaiaed fr� �e Stam of Mmaesota, Busmar Rxords Depamnmt, lORiveParkPlaza(61L296-6381} . . . ...-. . ... . . SocielSeaaityNmnb�_47E—R1�3317i.� 8fl-507 " 1.�finnaouTaxida�ri5cnuonNiro,bc 0032402572 _�Sx'3c+�ivsesc2e'sac.�on Numbc is not required for �e b�siness bciag operate,� iadicate so by plaeiag an'X m tJx box v1897 TOTRL P.08 Council File ��� 6 9 � Ordinance # Green Sheet #` � � �� � ������„��_ PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 RESOLVED: That applicaflon (ID #28574) for a Cigazette, Entertainment-A, Liquor On Sale-A, and Restaurant- B License by RNDT Inc. DBA McColl's I?ining (Izonard Schmieg, President) at 195 Sth St. East be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 6 Yea Navs Absent 7 a a�Tcey � 8 Bostrom 9 Harris 10 Me arT 11 n'�an .fl+ . 12 T une � —� 13 Morton 15 16 Adopted by Council: Date � 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 20 21 By: � 22 23 Approved by Mayor: Da e 24 � 25 � 26 By: _ 27 Requested by Department ofe Office of License inspectiona and Fnv�ronmental Protect�on g�. � n.C/ �� –" 1� . Form Approved by City Attorney g ,-�✓ � �..`�Pn.w� f%c��LGO✓ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: a�.�g DEMRlMENiNFFICElCOUNCII DATE INfTIATED ..1 � �.! V � LIEP/Licensin GREEN SHEE CONSACT PEASpN 8 PHONE INITIALNATE INITIAL/DATE � DEPARTMEM DIRECTOR � CIN COUNdL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 ASSIGN �CT'ATTORNEY �CITYCLERK MUSf BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUTAeEEI FOR ❑ BUDGEf DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. flOUTING FOT Y108T1II : � OPDER O MqypR (OR ASSISfAN'f� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: RNDT Inc, DBA McCo11's Dining requests Council approval of its application for a Cigaiette, Entertainment-A, Liquor On Sale-A, and Restaurant-B License located at 175 Sth Street East (ID �128574). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (n) or Feject (R) PEflSONAL SEFiVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEq TXE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personflirm ever worked under a contrect for this department? _ q6 COMMITfEE _ VES NO — � A � F 2. Has this personttirm ever been a city employee� — YES NO _ olsTalCT cAURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normalry possessetl by any current city employee? - SUPPORT$ WHICM COUNCIL O&1ECTIVE7 YES NO Explain aN yes answers on saparate sheet and attach to green sheM INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What. When, Whare. NTy): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: �� � �8'dti6 �k� a�l�1V � f.� 5��1 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED. TO7ALAMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N $ COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIqCLEONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE AC71VI7V NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORhSATION: (EXPLAIN) �Z �� \ Greensheet # 37948 In Tracke�? L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 4/28/97 � App'n Received / App'n Processed License ID # 28574 License Type: Company Name: �T Inc. McColl's Business Addresss: 175 Sth Street East Business Phone: 291-8703 Contact Name/Address: Leonard Schmie¢, 39 WickinQ D�ve w GiHome Phone: 483-1323 Litt e Canada, 55117 Date to Council Research: Public Hearing Date: Notice Sent to Appiicant: Labels Ordered: i��' /� � District Council #: � / Notice Sent to Public: Ward #: � Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney J' ' T �J�"' 0' F�. . Errvironmerrtal Health � . 2D �9�- O . � . Fire �•�� 1� �•� • License Site Plan Recaived:_ Lease Received: �'2('�' ��L Police � 2�• � � O-� . Zoning �• � '� �` D. . MRY-29-1997 14�32 CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP CLA.SS III LICENSE APPLICAI'ION IHIS /iPPLtCATION IS SL3JEC7' TO FViFW &Y THE PUBLIC PLEASE TFPE OR PRINT Ih' IA'K T;pea�Lic�:se(s)beiagzppIiedfor. Destaurant C�t/�} On �ale Liauor �a�0�0 Entertainment Co�zap\*�ne: D�DT Co: fxstioe t?a-.ncnh5? t Sok prv2eictpship 612 266 9124 P:03 U•�/�v�— Viii//x t/ q�-G�►1 CITY OF SAL'�TI' PAUL offuc ofLiaxut Im�eCtimu a�a &nvonmrncv! Protea;on � S rc�s s��o si-�r+ot- :.�a C6fA T+s(o7�7d691�a a �57 `7 s ��° � � s . �n a� S t� �� S c� I 7� S Ifbus�ess is i�co:porated, �ce dxte of incorporztioo: 4/ 1/ 97 Dm:ngBtuin�ssAs: ='-cCo11s Dining, / &:siness?hone: 2g1—a7�J3 Busi�asa.d�.-�s: 366 Jackson St. Faul ?'+?3_ � � c:� s:� zsp Be:u•aa �•hat cross mecu is �he business locased? Jackson & 5 th Whict sido ofthe s¢�? Eas � ,4*eihepm;ai��snpw-occ�pied� Yes lt'hat7�peofB:siuess? P.estaurant '.�z�Tobda.-ess: 39 ?Test Vikina Drive Litt�.e Canada ��J 55117 Street Aodsas Cin State Zip � 2.'ameacdTi�r. Leonard A. Schmie� President Fen .Kiam� G+S��eJ t.ees ra� Homeaddr�ss: 39 ��Test �rikin� I)sive Litt2e Canada `��. 55117 Street Adt�cs. � Cisy S�au Zip DEUOfBir�h: I2/26/55 p� Ortonville, 2L�1_ HomePhone: 483-1323 Ha��e }ron e��et bee¢ comicted of utc fcloav, crime or violation of any cir}' ordinance other thsn tnffic? YES NO X Dace ofarres[: �� _ CAnaiction: Whcre? Senlence: Liu sbcnames aad raideaces of three persons of good moral c6aracter, living uithin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the app7icant or 5n�cislly iaterested in the prcmixs or businas, u•ho may be rcfar�d to as to the applicsm's charactc NAME ADDRESS PHONE Sose Barbari 2899 Edgerton St. ?�aul 483-0447 Iee 'De2tier 528 Quinmore Avenue ASorth 436-8437 �ndy Seinbeil • 1786 East k?i21ow Circle td,B.L. 777_zp97 I.ist Lcrases ulvch yov curready bold, foimcly beld, or msy ha�t sa murest in: Ha�x am}• of tbe abo�•e named liceiases evrr bew revokedl YES X NO If }es, list thc datos and reasoas for revocarion: MAY-29-1997 14:32 CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.04 Are }'ou goiag to o�eta�e t}�.is bur.ness pc. sa:�ali� 7°` 1 LS �u ti not,,+mo,.�tt operate �s! �'►-�9 F'va �ac \5ddic LtiSd �Seidm) Les[ Detc e£SinL Hax9d@es,i: Svus\axe Ci�� S•.atc Zip PAonc\�3er ATr}nu �ngto hz.t a mrr+z or nsistuu in ;l�.is business? YES � \O Tf tho maz:xger is �ot the same zs the operator, plezse e�plete tI�e follrn�ing infmmadoa: Fi�t�ae \SddSeL'i�d C>•sidail Lut Damofairs6 Hoac �dta�: Stza \c9c Ci�� S�etc 2ip Phone \�bet Please list pour cnplo;�em history for the pre�7ous fi�'e (5) ��e:r period: ���1Fr,ralo�zrent Address Schmieg-T�?ashburn Industries, Inc. List eIt othcr officcs of the ca�orauoa: OFFICER TFILE HO'�2E ?:.qME (O�ce He?d) ADDRESS HOYE, BliSi�'ESS DATE OF PY.O�'E PHO'.'E B3RT�i �cott D T•Tashburn 413� Lexinaton Ave r1 486-4868 1/1_3/SF3 C-eraZd Ba�erl 322 Eirie 669-2442 5!8/55 If bvsiness is a pa plcese iaclude the folloH iafor�a;ioa foz each pz �� (use sdditional pzges ii neeesszn•): Fine �.me 4liamo I,riva 4�1.�da� taa I?au oca;nh HoneAdAec Sue�t\ame Ci:y Swe Zip Phone\embet Fint \mo .Vfiddle Li^id C4sidaJ Iw:t Date of Hirth Home AA&ar, Swn \axe Ciry Swe Zp Phone \w�ber ?�21I�'S�SOTA TAXIDE?v7IFICATION:�'L"t�ER -Pursuant:o �he Laws ofMianesoca, 19Sa, Chapter 502, Artide 8, Sectioa 2(270.72) (Iaa C3earaac� Issuana of Liceases), lice�sing aut3orities aze zequired 10 pro�•ide to the State of Mianesota Commissioner oPRecenue, the ?dfi.�newta business tar. idaati5cstion rnunba aud the soeial se.�urity aumber af each litense applicsnt Uader t6e Minaesota Govemment Dats Practices Act aad tbe Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to ad�tise you of the follou�ing regarding the iue etthe M'ianesota 7ax Ideatificati� I�umba: - TLis infoxmauon may be used w drny the issuance ar rencwal of your licease in the a�mt you ow�e lvyanesots sa]a, emPloyer s withboldiag or moior vehicle excix ta�ce; - Upon receiving this infotmation, the licensrsig suthacity Wtilt supply it onty w ihe Mianesosa Department of Revmue. However, emder cLe Federa2 E�change of Informav� Ageemcm, ebe Dcpaztmeat of Revenue may supply this infoimarion so the Iasemal Revrnue S�ice, Mu�da I'sc Ideori5ca6aa N�nbers (Sales & Use Ta� Numbes) may be obtain� fra� the State of Mianesots, Busiacss ReLOrds Depattmen� 10 Ri�aPark Plaza (6t2-296-6181). SociatSauriryNumbc. �+�4-70-8$84 I�e�tara 2 r If a Minsaesota TaY Idemificavon �umba is noc rcquired fa ihe biuinas being operated, indieate so b�• placing an "X' in the box. 2;18,'9'Y MRY-29-1997 14:32 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.05 � 1 CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION TF�S APPL3CATION JS Si�'HJECT TO REVtEW BX THE PUBLIC PLEASE 1'YPE �R YRL*TT IN R3K Tipe of Licea�e(s) being applied for. Re s taurant CI7Y QF S�T PAUL o� au� r�� ma Fmvo,ttuaw rro,abo� 33]R➢acR SL:ie}]0 SdaA0lNeowe> 33101 (61�:Y69070 L%(61ay2669!=d Liquor g Cigarette S Entertainment g Co�pz-n :.•a.7,e: R-�D?' , Inc . Cxporc�on! Pd•m3s4ip I Sote Propeiamstup if basiness;s inco�orated, gj��e dau of iacoiporazion: 4/ 15 / 97 p McColl's BusiaasPhoae:29I-8703 Buinen Address: STet N1d�ms City Stmc Zip Be:u�een w� aoss sveeu is s�e bur.�ess locaud? Jacks on & 5 th qay;ch ride o�il,c scr,M7 E a s t A.-o 3e premises nou• oceupied? Ye S Whs� T�pe of Busiaess? Re s taurant �4i1ToAddress: 39 t?est Vikin� Drive Little Canada MN SSl 7 Saex 1d�w Ciry Sut Lip Agplicaut Snfosmarioa: Nzmc�,dT�ilc Gesald Lee Baverl Owner �� :.�em� c�sda�) t.� r,u� HomeAddress: 322 Erie St. Paul P9N. 55102 svaaneab. ca sw� z� AauoiBinh 5/8/55 PlaceoFBirth: �'?inneavolis Homepbox 669-2442 Have gou eva beea ��j�� of eay felo� crime or �io2a6on of atry city ordinaace Wher than tra$�c? YES NO X Aau of anest: C�arge; _ Coa�iaiaa: '�:i:t':�i E� Listt}�e umuta mdreAdeaces of tivae peesoat of good moral cGasact�, living witbin t� Twia Cities Metro Azea, mt retated to the appticaat or finsacialty iateres�ted in tDe premises or btuiness, who may be refared to as w tLe applicanYs cbaracur. NAME ADDRESS PHONE Rose Barbari 2894 Edgerton 483-0447 Lee Peltier 528 Quinmore Avenue North 436-8437 3oe Steinbeck 439-4063 List Sceases w�ichyou emzmfly ho1d, fmmely hel� or may have an iotaest iu Hace any oftbe above named ]icestses eret bcen revoked7 PES NO Ifyes, list the data and reasoas for re�roca6on' MAY-29-1997 14�33 CITY OF ST PFlUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.06 Arc }rou goiag to operate this buSiaess persoasllel X Y�S I�O If not, K$o a�y(� �rate it? q� �`� ` Fra�e \SddklaiGd pSidaQ Ii.t Ikfcof8ir0� HcmeAdCzw: Sret\`�c Cw� R+te 2ip PSoac?.'wiba Axe}vu gamg w hxc•e a mxnaser or z�s"scxsu in this bvsiaas? YES X NO ffthe mz,lxget is no[ the same u ihe operator, please eomplac the followiag iafoimztion: sri� �aas�v�a �;�se�) � ne,<ora�w xox addra+: se«, �ax Cr.v sta�e 2y, Phonc �,�roa Plrrse Yist rour cmploy bistory for she precioas five (5) }•ezr peciod: HusmesslEmpirnment �s Schezie�-FTashburn Industries, Inc. 39 ??est Vikin� Drive List aD other o,°ficcs of tho corporati�: OFF7CEIZ TITIE HOME HO'.�.fE BUSL'�'ESS DATE OF ::AME (O�ce Hd� ADDRESS PHO.`�ET PHO'�e B1RTH Leonard Schmie; 39 Z•'est Viking Drive 483-1323 11/26/55 Scott Siashburn 4130 Lexington Ave N. G86-4$68 1/23158 Jibstsiness is a para�sbip, plezse include the folloaing infa,-*.,zrion for each parmer (use additiomal pages if nr,cesssn•): Firn� }Laaklnie;J (.�Se�am) txt DdeofBinh x� �aa�: s�u � c� s,.� z;P ��*� r�±� uam� �,;a �ra;mo r,�a n.e� �ra�rn x�ua�,: svar� c,u� sws � n�r� ?vIlNt�SOTATAK IDENTT�SCATSO?s NIJM$ER- P�uaisat to tbe Laas of Mwnesota,1984, CLapter 502, Articlo 8, Seaion 2(270,72} (Imc Cle��eq Issuance ofLicenses� licauiug sutiwrities are:equired to pro�ide to the State ofMinnesosa Commissionc af Rweaue, the Mmceso4 busixss ta�c idmtificevon number sad the socia] sau�ity number of esc�h �cease applieaat Uadet tho Mmnesota Govunmeat Data Prsaias Act and tbe Fedaat Pxivary Aa of 19�4, we are rcquired ro advise you of the followiag regardmg the use of tbe Mianaou 7ax Idmtificatioa Ntmiber: - This infoQmanom may be used w dary tbe issu�a ca r�ewal of yrnu ficrose ia the eveat you rnve Mwnaota sslcs, employds withholding or motes �e�icle accise taxe; - U�OII SxC1V1II$ tL151Cf0[metiOL� $let YIOCRSm$ 81tib0t$y WaI St1�I}' II ODIy 10 SLC Mnnnrnrq j�eImDP.Gt Of RCVCaUG HOwCV� timda the Ftdesal Exchaiugc of Iafcamatian Agxmeaa, the Depar�art of Reveaue may suPPlp tbis inffamasion to tbe I�ooernal Reveaue Saviee. Mmaesota Tmc IdamE�oa Numbas (Sala 8c Use Tax Numbcj may be obtaiioed 5un the Staie �'2vfinnesols. Bttsiness Reco�ds Departrnmt, 10 River Patk P1a�s (612-296.5] 8]). ���� 474-70-4221 I�2im�esotaSsxIdcatificatiamNumbcr: 0031402572 _ Sfa Minnesota Tax Jdentificatioa Number is not reqeured for ihe business being operate� indicate so by placing aa "X' ia the box �v�a�ss MRY-29-1997 14�33 CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.07 s>��r TAUC � A[lllll� CL,ASS III LICENSE APPLICATION �l.! ' i : � • F � : � �.� ' 1 PLEASE TYPE ORPRIIT!' IN II�IIC T}peafLicense(s)beiagappliedfor: Destaurant T 1.o110T Ci;axette Fntertainment CI7Y OF SAINT PAUL �la. D�UC.ti1Ti� � �a �,a�w m�� 3Jt9.P�RSvAeloO SccP�nLMamoan 1:102 /lI' `�, (61'aN69D90 8%(61b2�91:A�� S C019�2ayI�2II�G: ?�I� Inc. . Cmpa+scon�P�abna5iP�SoleA'nPrictmhip If husmess is sssomporated, give data of incoiporauom: Anr i I LS th , 1;' 9 7 DoingBusinessAs: ?'�cCol2's B�� 291-8703 BusinessAddress: _ ibF+ .Tacks�n S�eetAddrew Ciry State Zip " Betv�ac what cross soeets is thc b�niaas IxauBt �acks on & 5 th �;� �� ��y� �? Eas t ` ��/+��Qremisesnowxcupiedl ° -eS p,�h,tTypeofgusines,? RestauTant ��Mm7ToAddress: _ 39 �•Test YTikinP Drive Little Canada ��d. 55117 _snna naa�. �;�. yy� y AppLc�t Informazion: ramea�ulTi�]e: _ Scott David ttashburn F'v+t .\fid�c (M++daJ Home,yddreSS. 4130 Lexin�ton Avenue North Shoreview sem naarm c� Oamer La Tit7o r�I. 55126 s•-•- DstcofBirth; 1l23/58 PlaceofBirtS: �Iuth, ti\• H�pb� Have you eva bcen � of aay fdoay. aimc or viotation of airy city ordinaaa othc thaa asSacl YES Daiccfarnst; � $edtCDce: �+r 486-4868 NO X Lisi mea�cs m�d resaaues rn taree pasons cf good morsu ccazacur. li�ing withinthc Iav� i.ines rne¢o Fsroa. not retat:a w me apphcaac a' &neneislly intaated ia the premises a busmess, w}w may be refcr�d w as to tbc applicant's chmacic �M� ADDRESS PHONE Lee Peltier 5 �hzinmore Avenue N. 718-Q396 Brady 0`Brian 5335 Vicl:sburg Laae 557-042J Joe Steinbeck 439-4063 Lisl Iicrosa which Y� �Y �, famaly held. ar may Lave sn imcrest in: HaNe �y of the above named licros�s cva beea revdc�l YES NO ffycs, list t6e dma �d rsesoas for rcvocatioa '�'i�i ?JISN7 MRY-29-1997 14:33 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.68 Q q'7 r � { t r-Y.Vmc \ti8dktwrid ptaideo) Lmt D�scofBinh liame Addres: Svret \ame Ci�• Staie Zip P6enc �5�mba Are}ron goiag to hs�•e a manega ot assistsat in this business? YES X NO If thc mznagv is no� ihc same as tfic operator, pI�zse wmplete the following informatioa: Fi��c .Afidme7aB+d G�1rideJ Lae D�ca£Bfrrh Hom� Mdre� Strea \me Ci�• State Zip Piwne ��ber Plerx list your �plo7ment ]vstory Yor the paevious five (5) } period: RnCiR IFmnlMrme}�} A�� Schnie�-[�Tashbum Industries, Inc. 39 T�zest Vikin� Drive Last all ot6� officers of the co�poration: �FFiGER TITZL HOME HOME BUSINESS DATE OF A'AME (O�ceHelcn ADDRESS PHONE PHONE BII2TF2 Leonard Schaie� 39 West Viking Drive 483-I323 ZI-26- Jerrv Ba��erl 322 F t,� �69-9Gc�� 5/8/55 Scott 4Tashbura 4130 LexinQton AvP y 486-4868 1/23/58 ]fbuaaess is a parmenhip, Pleasc iaclude tSe following infor.astion for cacb parmer (use addiGonal paga if naessary): fine�me MiameleitiJ �7.iaca) Le D.mdBssd. HomeAd� Suo¢1:me CitY SLtc Zip PfioacS:�imbc F"urt_�+ime ASdAe Imeal G Lac D,7e MBc�h Ad&ac SLeet?:.me �n, — - � Zip Pl�wel`�mba MII�7IvFSOTA TqX IDENlIFICATION A'UMBFR - Pursuant to the Law�s ofMinnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (Tax CSe�ancr, Issuaax of Licaucx). liceasing awhorities arc requiied w provide w the Stste oFMmaesota Commissiona of Revrnue, the M'innesota buaaess tax identificarion m�mbcr �d tbc social security mm�bc of eacb license appGrm Uader tLc Minaaota Govcmn¢eat Aata Practices Act aad tbo Fcda'al Privscy Ad of 1974, we arc:equued to advise you of the following r�ga*dmg the usc of t6e Mmmesota Tax Tdeatifrcation N�bcr. - I'his iaf'amatioa may be nsed to deay dx issuana or renewal aCyaa lioerasc ia the evect you owc I�naesota sales, anpluyer's withholding or mota vehicle exeise tsxes, - UPon *ecaV+IIB this mformatian the lie�ng sutfimity will sipply rt onty m the Mmnesoia Dcpartmcut af Rev�ue. However, �mder the Federal E�te6aago � bnfosmacon Ageemert, the Deparlmeat of Revewe may suPP1Y this iaf'amatioa to the Tatemal Revenue Snviee. � . • � T�c IdmaS�anN�be�s (Sales & Use T�c N�bc) maybeobtaiaed fr� �e Stam of Mmaesota, Busmar Rxords Depamnmt, lORiveParkPlaza(61L296-6381} . . . ...-. . ... . . SocielSeaaityNmnb�_47E—R1�3317i.� 8fl-507 " 1.�finnaouTaxida�ri5cnuonNiro,bc 0032402572 _�Sx'3c+�ivsesc2e'sac.�on Numbc is not required for �e b�siness bciag operate,� iadicate so by plaeiag an'X m tJx box v1897 TOTRL P.08 Council File ��� 6 9 � Ordinance # Green Sheet #` � � �� � ������„��_ PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 RESOLVED: That applicaflon (ID #28574) for a Cigazette, Entertainment-A, Liquor On Sale-A, and Restaurant- B License by RNDT Inc. DBA McColl's I?ining (Izonard Schmieg, President) at 195 Sth St. East be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 6 Yea Navs Absent 7 a a�Tcey � 8 Bostrom 9 Harris 10 Me arT 11 n'�an .fl+ . 12 T une � —� 13 Morton 15 16 Adopted by Council: Date � 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 20 21 By: � 22 23 Approved by Mayor: Da e 24 � 25 � 26 By: _ 27 Requested by Department ofe Office of License inspectiona and Fnv�ronmental Protect�on g�. � n.C/ �� –" 1� . Form Approved by City Attorney g ,-�✓ � �..`�Pn.w� f%c��LGO✓ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: a�.�g DEMRlMENiNFFICElCOUNCII DATE INfTIATED ..1 � �.! V � LIEP/Licensin GREEN SHEE CONSACT PEASpN 8 PHONE INITIALNATE INITIAL/DATE � DEPARTMEM DIRECTOR � CIN COUNdL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 ASSIGN �CT'ATTORNEY �CITYCLERK MUSf BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUTAeEEI FOR ❑ BUDGEf DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. flOUTING FOT Y108T1II : � OPDER O MqypR (OR ASSISfAN'f� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: RNDT Inc, DBA McCo11's Dining requests Council approval of its application for a Cigaiette, Entertainment-A, Liquor On Sale-A, and Restaurant-B License located at 175 Sth Street East (ID �128574). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (n) or Feject (R) PEflSONAL SEFiVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEq TXE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personflirm ever worked under a contrect for this department? _ q6 COMMITfEE _ VES NO — � A � F 2. Has this personttirm ever been a city employee� — YES NO _ olsTalCT cAURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normalry possessetl by any current city employee? - SUPPORT$ WHICM COUNCIL O&1ECTIVE7 YES NO Explain aN yes answers on saparate sheet and attach to green sheM INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What. When, Whare. NTy): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: �� � �8'dti6 �k� a�l�1V � f.� 5��1 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED. TO7ALAMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N $ COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIqCLEONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE AC71VI7V NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORhSATION: (EXPLAIN) �Z �� \ Greensheet # 37948 In Tracke�? L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 4/28/97 � App'n Received / App'n Processed License ID # 28574 License Type: Company Name: �T Inc. McColl's Business Addresss: 175 Sth Street East Business Phone: 291-8703 Contact Name/Address: Leonard Schmie¢, 39 WickinQ D�ve w GiHome Phone: 483-1323 Litt e Canada, 55117 Date to Council Research: Public Hearing Date: Notice Sent to Appiicant: Labels Ordered: i��' /� � District Council #: � / Notice Sent to Public: Ward #: � Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney J' ' T �J�"' 0' F�. . Errvironmerrtal Health � . 2D �9�- O . � . Fire �•�� 1� �•� • License Site Plan Recaived:_ Lease Received: �'2('�' ��L Police � 2�• � � O-� . Zoning �• � '� �` D. . MRY-29-1997 14�32 CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP CLA.SS III LICENSE APPLICAI'ION IHIS /iPPLtCATION IS SL3JEC7' TO FViFW &Y THE PUBLIC PLEASE TFPE OR PRINT Ih' IA'K T;pea�Lic�:se(s)beiagzppIiedfor. Destaurant C�t/�} On �ale Liauor �a�0�0 Entertainment Co�zap\*�ne: D�DT Co: fxstioe t?a-.ncnh5? t Sok prv2eictpship 612 266 9124 P:03 U•�/�v�— Viii//x t/ q�-G�►1 CITY OF SAL'�TI' PAUL offuc ofLiaxut Im�eCtimu a�a &nvonmrncv! Protea;on � S rc�s s��o si-�r+ot- :.�a C6fA T+s(o7�7d691�a a �57 `7 s ��° � � s . �n a� S t� �� S c� I 7� S Ifbus�ess is i�co:porated, �ce dxte of incorporztioo: 4/ 1/ 97 Dm:ngBtuin�ssAs: ='-cCo11s Dining, / &:siness?hone: 2g1—a7�J3 Busi�asa.d�.-�s: 366 Jackson St. Faul ?'+?3_ � � c:� s:� zsp Be:u•aa �•hat cross mecu is �he business locased? Jackson & 5 th Whict sido ofthe s¢�? Eas � ,4*eihepm;ai��snpw-occ�pied� Yes lt'hat7�peofB:siuess? P.estaurant '.�z�Tobda.-ess: 39 ?Test Vikina Drive Litt�.e Canada ��J 55117 Street Aodsas Cin State Zip � 2.'ameacdTi�r. Leonard A. Schmie� President Fen .Kiam� G+S��eJ t.ees ra� Homeaddr�ss: 39 ��Test �rikin� I)sive Litt2e Canada `��. 55117 Street Adt�cs. � Cisy S�au Zip DEUOfBir�h: I2/26/55 p� Ortonville, 2L�1_ HomePhone: 483-1323 Ha��e }ron e��et bee¢ comicted of utc fcloav, crime or violation of any cir}' ordinance other thsn tnffic? YES NO X Dace ofarres[: �� _ CAnaiction: Whcre? Senlence: Liu sbcnames aad raideaces of three persons of good moral c6aracter, living uithin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the app7icant or 5n�cislly iaterested in the prcmixs or businas, u•ho may be rcfar�d to as to the applicsm's charactc NAME ADDRESS PHONE Sose Barbari 2899 Edgerton St. ?�aul 483-0447 Iee 'De2tier 528 Quinmore Avenue ASorth 436-8437 �ndy Seinbeil • 1786 East k?i21ow Circle td,B.L. 777_zp97 I.ist Lcrases ulvch yov curready bold, foimcly beld, or msy ha�t sa murest in: Ha�x am}• of tbe abo�•e named liceiases evrr bew revokedl YES X NO If }es, list thc datos and reasoas for revocarion: MAY-29-1997 14:32 CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.04 Are }'ou goiag to o�eta�e t}�.is bur.ness pc. sa:�ali� 7°` 1 LS �u ti not,,+mo,.�tt operate �s! �'►-�9 F'va �ac \5ddic LtiSd �Seidm) Les[ Detc e£SinL Hax9d@es,i: Svus\axe Ci�� S•.atc Zip PAonc\�3er ATr}nu �ngto hz.t a mrr+z or nsistuu in ;l�.is business? YES � \O Tf tho maz:xger is �ot the same zs the operator, plezse e�plete tI�e follrn�ing infmmadoa: Fi�t�ae \SddSeL'i�d C>•sidail Lut Damofairs6 Hoac �dta�: Stza \c9c Ci�� S�etc 2ip Phone \�bet Please list pour cnplo;�em history for the pre�7ous fi�'e (5) ��e:r period: ���1Fr,ralo�zrent Address Schmieg-T�?ashburn Industries, Inc. List eIt othcr officcs of the ca�orauoa: OFFICER TFILE HO'�2E ?:.qME (O�ce He?d) ADDRESS HOYE, BliSi�'ESS DATE OF PY.O�'E PHO'.'E B3RT�i �cott D T•Tashburn 413� Lexinaton Ave r1 486-4868 1/1_3/SF3 C-eraZd Ba�erl 322 Eirie 669-2442 5!8/55 If bvsiness is a pa plcese iaclude the folloH iafor�a;ioa foz each pz �� (use sdditional pzges ii neeesszn•): Fine �.me 4liamo I,riva 4�1.�da� taa I?au oca;nh HoneAdAec Sue�t\ame Ci:y Swe Zip Phone\embet Fint \mo .Vfiddle Li^id C4sidaJ Iw:t Date of Hirth Home AA&ar, Swn \axe Ciry Swe Zp Phone \w�ber ?�21I�'S�SOTA TAXIDE?v7IFICATION:�'L"t�ER -Pursuant:o �he Laws ofMianesoca, 19Sa, Chapter 502, Artide 8, Sectioa 2(270.72) (Iaa C3earaac� Issuana of Liceases), lice�sing aut3orities aze zequired 10 pro�•ide to the State of Mianesota Commissioner oPRecenue, the ?dfi.�newta business tar. idaati5cstion rnunba aud the soeial se.�urity aumber af each litense applicsnt Uader t6e Minaesota Govemment Dats Practices Act aad tbe Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to ad�tise you of the follou�ing regarding the iue etthe M'ianesota 7ax Ideatificati� I�umba: - TLis infoxmauon may be used w drny the issuance ar rencwal of your licease in the a�mt you ow�e lvyanesots sa]a, emPloyer s withboldiag or moior vehicle excix ta�ce; - Upon receiving this infotmation, the licensrsig suthacity Wtilt supply it onty w ihe Mianesosa Department of Revmue. However, emder cLe Federa2 E�change of Informav� Ageemcm, ebe Dcpaztmeat of Revenue may supply this infoimarion so the Iasemal Revrnue S�ice, Mu�da I'sc Ideori5ca6aa N�nbers (Sales & Use Ta� Numbes) may be obtain� fra� the State of Mianesots, Busiacss ReLOrds Depattmen� 10 Ri�aPark Plaza (6t2-296-6181). SociatSauriryNumbc. �+�4-70-8$84 I�e�tara 2 r If a Minsaesota TaY Idemificavon �umba is noc rcquired fa ihe biuinas being operated, indieate so b�• placing an "X' in the box. 2;18,'9'Y MRY-29-1997 14:32 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.05 � 1 CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION TF�S APPL3CATION JS Si�'HJECT TO REVtEW BX THE PUBLIC PLEASE 1'YPE �R YRL*TT IN R3K Tipe of Licea�e(s) being applied for. Re s taurant CI7Y QF S�T PAUL o� au� r�� ma Fmvo,ttuaw rro,abo� 33]R➢acR SL:ie}]0 SdaA0lNeowe> 33101 (61�:Y69070 L%(61ay2669!=d Liquor g Cigarette S Entertainment g Co�pz-n :.•a.7,e: R-�D?' , Inc . Cxporc�on! Pd•m3s4ip I Sote Propeiamstup if basiness;s inco�orated, gj��e dau of iacoiporazion: 4/ 15 / 97 p McColl's BusiaasPhoae:29I-8703 Buinen Address: STet N1d�ms City Stmc Zip Be:u�een w� aoss sveeu is s�e bur.�ess locaud? Jacks on & 5 th qay;ch ride o�il,c scr,M7 E a s t A.-o 3e premises nou• oceupied? Ye S Whs� T�pe of Busiaess? Re s taurant �4i1ToAddress: 39 t?est Vikin� Drive Little Canada MN SSl 7 Saex 1d�w Ciry Sut Lip Agplicaut Snfosmarioa: Nzmc�,dT�ilc Gesald Lee Baverl Owner �� :.�em� c�sda�) t.� r,u� HomeAddress: 322 Erie St. Paul P9N. 55102 svaaneab. ca sw� z� AauoiBinh 5/8/55 PlaceoFBirth: �'?inneavolis Homepbox 669-2442 Have gou eva beea ��j�� of eay felo� crime or �io2a6on of atry city ordinaace Wher than tra$�c? YES NO X Aau of anest: C�arge; _ Coa�iaiaa: '�:i:t':�i E� Listt}�e umuta mdreAdeaces of tivae peesoat of good moral cGasact�, living witbin t� Twia Cities Metro Azea, mt retated to the appticaat or finsacialty iateres�ted in tDe premises or btuiness, who may be refared to as w tLe applicanYs cbaracur. NAME ADDRESS PHONE Rose Barbari 2894 Edgerton 483-0447 Lee Peltier 528 Quinmore Avenue North 436-8437 3oe Steinbeck 439-4063 List Sceases w�ichyou emzmfly ho1d, fmmely hel� or may have an iotaest iu Hace any oftbe above named ]icestses eret bcen revoked7 PES NO Ifyes, list the data and reasoas for re�roca6on' MAY-29-1997 14�33 CITY OF ST PFlUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.06 Arc }rou goiag to operate this buSiaess persoasllel X Y�S I�O If not, K$o a�y(� �rate it? q� �`� ` Fra�e \SddklaiGd pSidaQ Ii.t Ikfcof8ir0� HcmeAdCzw: Sret\`�c Cw� R+te 2ip PSoac?.'wiba Axe}vu gamg w hxc•e a mxnaser or z�s"scxsu in this bvsiaas? YES X NO ffthe mz,lxget is no[ the same u ihe operator, please eomplac the followiag iafoimztion: sri� �aas�v�a �;�se�) � ne,<ora�w xox addra+: se«, �ax Cr.v sta�e 2y, Phonc �,�roa Plrrse Yist rour cmploy bistory for she precioas five (5) }•ezr peciod: HusmesslEmpirnment �s Schezie�-FTashburn Industries, Inc. 39 ??est Vikin� Drive List aD other o,°ficcs of tho corporati�: OFF7CEIZ TITIE HOME HO'.�.fE BUSL'�'ESS DATE OF ::AME (O�ce Hd� ADDRESS PHO.`�ET PHO'�e B1RTH Leonard Schmie; 39 Z•'est Viking Drive 483-1323 11/26/55 Scott Siashburn 4130 Lexington Ave N. G86-4$68 1/23158 Jibstsiness is a para�sbip, plezse include the folloaing infa,-*.,zrion for each parmer (use additiomal pages if nr,cesssn•): Firn� }Laaklnie;J (.�Se�am) txt DdeofBinh x� �aa�: s�u � c� s,.� z;P ��*� r�±� uam� �,;a �ra;mo r,�a n.e� �ra�rn x�ua�,: svar� c,u� sws � n�r� ?vIlNt�SOTATAK IDENTT�SCATSO?s NIJM$ER- P�uaisat to tbe Laas of Mwnesota,1984, CLapter 502, Articlo 8, Seaion 2(270,72} (Imc Cle��eq Issuance ofLicenses� licauiug sutiwrities are:equired to pro�ide to the State ofMinnesosa Commissionc af Rweaue, the Mmceso4 busixss ta�c idmtificevon number sad the socia] sau�ity number of esc�h �cease applieaat Uadet tho Mmnesota Govunmeat Data Prsaias Act and tbe Fedaat Pxivary Aa of 19�4, we are rcquired ro advise you of the followiag regardmg the use of tbe Mianaou 7ax Idmtificatioa Ntmiber: - This infoQmanom may be used w dary tbe issu�a ca r�ewal of yrnu ficrose ia the eveat you rnve Mwnaota sslcs, employds withholding or motes �e�icle accise taxe; - U�OII SxC1V1II$ tL151Cf0[metiOL� $let YIOCRSm$ 81tib0t$y WaI St1�I}' II ODIy 10 SLC Mnnnrnrq j�eImDP.Gt Of RCVCaUG HOwCV� timda the Ftdesal Exchaiugc of Iafcamatian Agxmeaa, the Depar�art of Reveaue may suPPlp tbis inffamasion to tbe I�ooernal Reveaue Saviee. Mmaesota Tmc IdamE�oa Numbas (Sala 8c Use Tax Numbcj may be obtaiioed 5un the Staie �'2vfinnesols. Bttsiness Reco�ds Departrnmt, 10 River Patk P1a�s (612-296.5] 8]). ���� 474-70-4221 I�2im�esotaSsxIdcatificatiamNumbcr: 0031402572 _ Sfa Minnesota Tax Jdentificatioa Number is not reqeured for ihe business being operate� indicate so by placing aa "X' ia the box �v�a�ss MRY-29-1997 14�33 CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.07 s>��r TAUC � A[lllll� CL,ASS III LICENSE APPLICATION �l.! ' i : � • F � : � �.� ' 1 PLEASE TYPE ORPRIIT!' IN II�IIC T}peafLicense(s)beiagappliedfor: Destaurant T 1.o110T Ci;axette Fntertainment CI7Y OF SAINT PAUL �la. D�UC.ti1Ti� � �a �,a�w m�� 3Jt9.P�RSvAeloO SccP�nLMamoan 1:102 /lI' `�, (61'aN69D90 8%(61b2�91:A�� S C019�2ayI�2II�G: ?�I� Inc. . Cmpa+scon�P�abna5iP�SoleA'nPrictmhip If husmess is sssomporated, give data of incoiporauom: Anr i I LS th , 1;' 9 7 DoingBusinessAs: ?'�cCol2's B�� 291-8703 BusinessAddress: _ ibF+ .Tacks�n S�eetAddrew Ciry State Zip " Betv�ac what cross soeets is thc b�niaas IxauBt �acks on & 5 th �;� �� ��y� �? Eas t ` ��/+��Qremisesnowxcupiedl ° -eS p,�h,tTypeofgusines,? RestauTant ��Mm7ToAddress: _ 39 �•Test YTikinP Drive Little Canada ��d. 55117 _snna naa�. �;�. yy� y AppLc�t Informazion: ramea�ulTi�]e: _ Scott David ttashburn F'v+t .\fid�c (M++daJ Home,yddreSS. 4130 Lexin�ton Avenue North Shoreview sem naarm c� Oamer La Tit7o r�I. 55126 s•-•- DstcofBirth; 1l23/58 PlaceofBirtS: �Iuth, ti\• H�pb� Have you eva bcen � of aay fdoay. aimc or viotation of airy city ordinaaa othc thaa asSacl YES Daiccfarnst; � $edtCDce: �+r 486-4868 NO X Lisi mea�cs m�d resaaues rn taree pasons cf good morsu ccazacur. li�ing withinthc Iav� i.ines rne¢o Fsroa. not retat:a w me apphcaac a' &neneislly intaated ia the premises a busmess, w}w may be refcr�d w as to tbc applicant's chmacic �M� ADDRESS PHONE Lee Peltier 5 �hzinmore Avenue N. 718-Q396 Brady 0`Brian 5335 Vicl:sburg Laae 557-042J Joe Steinbeck 439-4063 Lisl Iicrosa which Y� �Y �, famaly held. ar may Lave sn imcrest in: HaNe �y of the above named licros�s cva beea revdc�l YES NO ffycs, list t6e dma �d rsesoas for rcvocatioa '�'i�i ?JISN7 MRY-29-1997 14:33 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.68 Q q'7 r � { t r-Y.Vmc \ti8dktwrid ptaideo) Lmt D�scofBinh liame Addres: Svret \ame Ci�• Staie Zip P6enc �5�mba Are}ron goiag to hs�•e a manega ot assistsat in this business? YES X NO If thc mznagv is no� ihc same as tfic operator, pI�zse wmplete the following informatioa: Fi��c .Afidme7aB+d G�1rideJ Lae D�ca£Bfrrh Hom� Mdre� Strea \me Ci�• State Zip Piwne ��ber Plerx list your �plo7ment ]vstory Yor the paevious five (5) } period: RnCiR IFmnlMrme}�} A�� Schnie�-[�Tashbum Industries, Inc. 39 T�zest Vikin� Drive Last all ot6� officers of the co�poration: �FFiGER TITZL HOME HOME BUSINESS DATE OF A'AME (O�ceHelcn ADDRESS PHONE PHONE BII2TF2 Leonard Schaie� 39 West Viking Drive 483-I323 ZI-26- Jerrv Ba��erl 322 F t,� �69-9Gc�� 5/8/55 Scott 4Tashbura 4130 LexinQton AvP y 486-4868 1/23/58 ]fbuaaess is a parmenhip, Pleasc iaclude tSe following infor.astion for cacb parmer (use addiGonal paga if naessary): fine�me MiameleitiJ �7.iaca) Le D.mdBssd. HomeAd� Suo¢1:me CitY SLtc Zip PfioacS:�imbc F"urt_�+ime ASdAe Imeal G Lac D,7e MBc�h Ad&ac SLeet?:.me �n, — - � Zip Pl�wel`�mba MII�7IvFSOTA TqX IDENlIFICATION A'UMBFR - Pursuant to the Law�s ofMinnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (Tax CSe�ancr, Issuaax of Licaucx). liceasing awhorities arc requiied w provide w the Stste oFMmaesota Commissiona of Revrnue, the M'innesota buaaess tax identificarion m�mbcr �d tbc social security mm�bc of eacb license appGrm Uader tLc Minaaota Govcmn¢eat Aata Practices Act aad tbo Fcda'al Privscy Ad of 1974, we arc:equued to advise you of the following r�ga*dmg the usc of t6e Mmmesota Tax Tdeatifrcation N�bcr. - I'his iaf'amatioa may be nsed to deay dx issuana or renewal aCyaa lioerasc ia the evect you owc I�naesota sales, anpluyer's withholding or mota vehicle exeise tsxes, - UPon *ecaV+IIB this mformatian the lie�ng sutfimity will sipply rt onty m the Mmnesoia Dcpartmcut af Rev�ue. However, �mder the Federal E�te6aago � bnfosmacon Ageemert, the Deparlmeat of Revewe may suPP1Y this iaf'amatioa to the Tatemal Revenue Snviee. � . • � T�c IdmaS�anN�be�s (Sales & Use T�c N�bc) maybeobtaiaed fr� �e Stam of Mmaesota, Busmar Rxords Depamnmt, lORiveParkPlaza(61L296-6381} . . . ...-. . ... . . SocielSeaaityNmnb�_47E—R1�3317i.� 8fl-507 " 1.�finnaouTaxida�ri5cnuonNiro,bc 0032402572 _�Sx'3c+�ivsesc2e'sac.�on Numbc is not required for �e b�siness bciag operate,� iadicate so by plaeiag an'X m tJx box v1897 TOTRL P.08