D00579+ Origin3l- Ciry Clerk Copies- Fin. & MgtM Sewices NO " Public Works Accounting Engineer Date: • Contractor CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for ; CONl'FiACT CHANGE AGREEMENT AlQ? ! ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, a�itio�s which proved to be rtecessary to the 1994 AIley Grad'+ng and Paving G942T436-0784-22004 D �lJ��`7 �` � �-`'Q� �i .J:J '�' J J' 1 S`.�... t�u,'�,4ic SVarks Censtr;.�cti�r rt descn'bed as � �_ s.::� % kswwn as Job No. 22004 . Ciry Project No. 94-P-1102 94-P-1112 94-P-1113 , Dai�( and Son Blackto� ina Cor�tractor, is composed of the tollowing: For work on deleted aliey 1 Lump Sum �a $585.00 =$585.00 n LJ ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through fts Mayor, approves the foregoirig addiGons made in accordance with the spec'rfications in the sum of $ 585.00 , said amourt to be added to the lump sum consideration named on the cortrad, known as Job IVo. 22004 , and which amourrt is to be financed trom: Assessments, Street Maintenance 7—C , 9 5',s' l� 28� 19-- 19— ' Divisian Manage r,Gf�-� Dir or, D artment of Public Works Dir Depa me�ft o ina ce and Management Services � v`� inistrative Assistant ta the Mayor ��n MEN NCIL TE INITIAiED � S�ublicWarks (�Zg�gs GREEN SHEET o. 2oaas WNrACTPERSOtiBPHONE t/ WR TE NiRUUDA I A/T ��1/1 AS96N QOEPM7LENTDIfiECiOH . O CRYWIlICI DanielHaak 266-G084 W Ltu.• Nu�,mr�wn �cm�now+EV � cmc�wc rusr eE ox couHCx �riw er �� � BUOGET DqECTOfl � Fw s wcr. semr�s oxt YAYOfl�OflASSLSTANI) Oj (yy�y¢y� OTAL iOF SIGNATUFiE PAGES 5 �e�m �u wc�noxs wn a�eeu'n�l ❑ _ � oeaaarr�rtr q ACTION REpIESTED Provide compensation f� exua w� peiformed by the conixactor az t6e request of t6e engineer. 1994 AId.EY GRADING AND PAYING City Pwject No. 94-P-1102, 94-P-1112 & 94-P-1113 -�� �,; . Con�racta: Daily 8c Sa�s Blacktop �cODUOJW7pNS/�ppu+e(Na�(pl PERSONALSERVICECONTflACTSYUSTANSWERiHEFOLLOWINGOWES110NS: PI.MFIWGCOMMtSSqN _crv� SEf1vICE COMU1S3qN 1. Has tltis persoNfirm ever waked under a contraQ tor Gtis dep3rtrnBnt? CIB WNY�77EE YES NO A STAFF 2 Has tlus pBf5o0lfirtn 8V8f b08n d pl�' emplcYee? — — YES NO _ asmar counca _ 3. Does mis persorJfirm possess a skil� not rwrmalry possessed by arry anent dry empwyee? suaroarswti�coudc�os,�Crner YES NO SBWef Sep3fffii0(1 ExPlafn e9 Yos answers on aepareM sheat and et18Cd b preen SheN INI7UTWG PPOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOflTUNtN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHEHE, WHY�: The conuact� t�ad seheduled w�k and delivered materials when the abutting property owners persuadecl Councilmembu Dave Thw�e to stop the project and noi build iG Noah's Addiaon, City Project No. 94-P-1112. ADVANTAGESIFAPPHOVED: The contrxtor will be compensated f� wodc they did on Noah's Addition Ailey that was deleted from the contract. (����� DISADVANTAGES 1F APPtiOVED: � 0 ��(J � RECEIVE� ���" .IUL 12 1995 aAAYO�S OF�'�� E����� C►TY CLERK �1�1L 0& 1995 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPHOVEO: The conuact� wouid not be compen.sated for his work on Noah's Addifion Alley. Al AMWNT OF TRANSACTION S 585.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ON� YES MO t�INGSOURCE .4ssessmenrs- Srree[ Maintenance ACfIY1TYplUI/BER C94-2T436-0784-22004 FINANCLLL INFORMATION: (IXPLAI(Q N �