97-673,. _. rity vf s+_. Pan1 r_r3rJN�'IL FILE *rU. ��� g3 / 3i�S4LUTIi�tS RATIFYITI� AtII? �IR�SSSiG BY__�*� GOIIDEN3iATItR7 ANU HSVARDS t)S DAMAGE^a 7 AND A33ES�T TF�2xSF4R Fils N=�. 1834[ 2n the matter o£ } Permanent Easement for pubiia rig�t-of-w�y ar_, aver and ahcJe tnE f�;i�y�in� ��s�rihe� p�operty: � Air t�-�at �art of L�t -3�, �,uaitors Subdi�isior, lda. 5� �t. taul iiinn. 2yin� w of tt� f011C)VilY7S�s descri�e� iir:e, Eeg;.ns;ing at a�cixzt c� the r<ortnwa�tezly line of said Lot 32, 3.20 fest northeasterly of the m�ist westerly c:orner of s�id I,cst 32; t2ience �outh�asterly t� a pcizxt r�n fihe �o 2ir,e of aaid Lot 32, 55,�G feet �•outhea�terly ai the m��t we�terly cGmer of �sid Lot `32, and ti?ere said line terminate�. Nseliminarv c�r:�er Final ��rder �pproycd fi public haaring havin� bse;i rad upon tha ta?:ing and ccr.derbnation of th� 2ar�d°� ur sasement� therein, fvr r�,� �ave im�rovement, ex�� the award of daaciages rp�Erefor, s�u al�� upr,n tl a�sessment af banefits therefar, and tixe Council having ��aly considered the aame, ncaw therefhre be it RESOLVBD, That the takin� and condemnation af the lands de3cribeei in the aanexe� aese�SU�ent roll, identifieu' by the sign�ture of �he Direator c�f Technolo�y end ms�de a pr�rt hereof, and the award� ef rlantages to the owenr� �� sua?r lande fo� ssi� ts.�in� and con3emnatian as set forr� in said roil, be �nr� the sasne i� 2sereDy sr. a11 respects ratified aud c3xifirm�d. '' RE3CiLVET3 gt3R2�lER, - Th�.t t:�2 said aasesamen*_ of bexxefi*_s, ue ari t, � same :is herel�y in �x11 repecta *atified, �n�2 *he �z�ane is h�reby ordered to be submitts�3 tr� tne Uistrict Caurt for confirmatiorn. r . CEN�CILPERSOH '?iti�spted by the Couneils '°Dste_1�1 1�$� ra$y� � l �aice� C�rtifiec� va:ased �y Cr?u.ncii Sec:retary �- _ �Y. lv}ar}arJ � I� ��t�r 3 ��<<'r� � FGainst °7-�75 �gprgved A1<rch l�, 199% Nf'var ee.n �a�� oi Sr. Fs CCi..::CIL .�I •.,E �.r . �� `p�3 R'�PGRT 3F Ta7RECTCr� c�F T.'EC�i3L+]�Y 3Y �Iv'� f `�`:.�L'�3�$�I�Z"��7F� U`�' �A?3�J`�` �i:te �:�. i$890 Sn tB.e matter af _�r�aa�rt r�ase�^.art ior nuhiic rigiit-of=wav on, ��er any �i�c-*e cl foil.•:-zin� descricnd r�r�i�r£rt� , F.11 ti��t Yax�t �f Lot �?, �udicors Sub f�'1V1S7,C2Y Nc. 52 s±. r•aul i-9ir.n. iyir.0 ra=st�rly= of 'tn.e fo;.lo�+rin� descrihed I Leainni a* a p�in't on ti'i� no:tnwe T iine of �9-y 1tiLlt J�� JvGV L��i l2J1L1j�C+�C.tCL�j' l �t?C LL1vl 'l7��lC1�y r�.7;a,�r (iy �C11 YJL J�/ thance so:�theas�erZy ta a p�int on tha sout:weUterly line oi ssi�? Lvt �r, v5,06 feet ;:au�����sterly oi tt�e mc:st w��tetly c:vriier �:rT seic� �at _�, en�! t%e±_-e �aix� iixi� }a_r �.£2.liZiilIIu2"y �.�aBI F1Fi�.i ��I�2F i.a � C. ,`JF �� -� �i $;.'. P9L.`L'_ apprnved isi� l;�i�°�ii?� c3I '�?�°C:TiiUIGU�� }x8Ya+1_T '_"w%u;�i��; '1"tluv 'P:8 :2dv f2c8fX $i G CELSIZCSREd "Gi12 v3.112E C'I "�RE' .i.�,.P_a 2YnIIA.° Os Es.°a@:it-=_'IILi- Th�_'=1'_': tLk�r, �'':.y: t�r,nrr.� fr:r iaen t ic 8��n *_kt.. rr--� ghnn.t _r gg�r g: n�e ,f __ �..YV�SG3 OT '�'�.7fiLZ��a� LR2�E�OZ' ie7 "CYE :.+Y3riE3': Lh2ZBOT� c'tiiQ tti6 FiBrSt"iIl5 t0 Tmi2fT11 �.11Ch_ S6x�°-.rCaS .....c t,4V8'D� `fi3L :° ..�.c 3�E '�:_={_.. 8}7� .3u`'Cr.v.�..-.Ra } :c C� .�.....::�� c�u._..c4 t. � �:Ou:1i � �� 't� p�4'paS�}� SYO i.R� ffiYk1PA O'F S°�„1'�'�. l:CtT�S4ST°i[t9P.v '_10U 3.z:iB�t�T'3�� t:RE� C4SL i.iig.r.l'G� tiR� L}i?t 3'CtaCplc+1 _5' 8Ii 825cSSi'�t2"t."G ._..i� ��i't _.. 8i�C•ti� 3i� 1:�a� =if_�� tT-i:ii 41'�n :ic�y::�{:is? �?i �ha :3R�i82a1CZ^seC1, C�Ilv&__n_iRa ff18 3i<<S�T_'°1ga?.�'� fi:�iR�s �P_ �x.7.� ��%'fF2T_', ��� . . � . _ /� D1Lt}Gt�2 iFi Y�G.t111G4[>[j �iiv v OC` 97-�75 sFproved Nfarci: i9, i5�7 Public Hearing Aate - May 28, 1997 RE 3-21-97 '�.M.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION nate: 3/13/97 Green 5heet Ntunber:�4QQ� AR1MMEtVVTDIRECDOR COUNCII. tact Person and Phone N�ber. .�� �� AITORN£Y Q.ER% Bob Novak 266-8850 °�` _ / DIRECPD% t}q� MGT. Sl'C. DIR �/��l% YOR (OR ASS7STAN"n 1 Ustbe OII COUnCiI Ag¢nd8 by:4-9-97 Must be in Council Research Office by nocn Friday 3-28-97 OTAL ffi OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CUP ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNAT[7RE) ECElV CfSON REQIJESPED: Z O tify a Right-0f-Way Easement for Maiden Lane between N�na St. and Selby Ave. AR �j FILE N0. 1884� . J OMMENDAITONS: APPROVE (eU OR RFJECP (R) gggpNAL SII2VICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FO . . Aas the persou/6rm ever worked mMer a contract for this deperhnent? YFS NO PIANNIIiO CO,1NdS5[ON SfAFP . Fles this peTSwJ6rm ever lxwn a C'ity employee? YFS NO C1V p.8H2YICE COM�938ION � . Does fhis petsonlfirm possess e sldR �t normeIlY Passessed bY aicJ YES NO current (Sl.y employee? cm cotw�uTTSe � � aIl YES answers on a se sheet and attacL. � PORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S� � DISfRICT PLANPIING COUNCIL fZ 7. k;' IATING PROBLEM, ISSIIF., OPPORTONITY (Who, What, Wheu, Where, Why:�: c' ", This part of Maiden Lane (south branch) is very narrow and in order to make it wide enough at the curve for traffic an additional3 feet is needed. � DVANTAGFS IF APPROVED: e City will receive a right-of-way easement at no cost, from the adjacent property owner and the street ' be wide enough for traffic. Y ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: i C�."�'.'° �"�^'�-? � one I���� 2 � 1997 ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVE6 e South Branch of Maiden Laue would note be wide enough for traf_�ic: ���""" "`�"�""`�°'� OTAL AMOI7NT OF TRANSACfION: �� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YE5 NO ING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER: ANCIAL A'FORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � �0 30 ;�ity nf St. P C�JUNCIL FILE NCr.___c4�F�f� ItE@6LUTI6N APPROVIN6 A39E8�NT BY .ljonn,� t� V AND F2l{IN� TIY� OF HEART2IG THEREON ��� _J AND FIRIi7G T� 6F I�ARING ON TF� File N_n. 28840 AWARD 6F DAMAGES + In the matter af Permanent Eaaement for public riqht-of-way on, over and above the foilozrin� described praperty: - All that part of Lot 32, Auditors Subdivision No. 52 St. Peul Mimi. lyi�ig westerly of the following described line. Beginning at a point on the northwesterly line of said Lot 32� 3.20 feet northeasterly of the mast westerly ccrner of s�id Lot 32; thence �outheasterly to a point on the �r�uthwe3terly line of aaid Lot 32, 55.00 feet �c of t2 most westerly c�rner vf said Lat 32, and there said line terminntes. FrEliminary orc�er ,97-27y appr„ved�Merch 19, 1�97 Final Order The Direvtoz �f Techi�ol�gy having eubmittEd hitt repc,rt in tY,e above matter aa tn ths amount of clamaqes awsrded far the taking of the land ar ea�ements tharein apprcpriated for the above improvement and to v�hom payable; and alsv haviny submittEd hi� asses�ment of benefits to property from the makina of said improvement, thezefore be it RESOLVED, Th�it the s�id assesament of benefita be and the :;ame is hereL�y ap�:roved. RESOLVED E'URTF�R, That a public hearing be had bef�re the Council upon aaid report and for a confirmatian of the award of damages made by the Pirectar cf Technology snd also upon the said asses�ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul an the �_8�h day of Nlay 7_ A�7 at the hour nf four thirty a'clock P.M. and that. trie Director of Tec.hn�Iogy be and hF i� �irectFd to qive notice of aaid hearin_q ss prescribed by the Charter. C4UtdCILPERSON Yeas Nays �key � trom arris � �o r'�o � �gard .ettmun : une I In Favor �Against 7�dopted by the Council: Date� _�\ �_ ��{��j --`--��.� � Certified Fa�ses by Couticil °ecretary sy��y � � ��,�,o—r.r� Mayor ,. _. rity vf s+_. Pan1 r_r3rJN�'IL FILE *rU. ��� g3 / 3i�S4LUTIi�tS RATIFYITI� AtII? �IR�SSSiG BY__�*� GOIIDEN3iATItR7 ANU HSVARDS t)S DAMAGE^a 7 AND A33ES�T TF�2xSF4R Fils N=�. 1834[ 2n the matter o£ } Permanent Easement for pubiia rig�t-of-w�y ar_, aver and ahcJe tnE f�;i�y�in� ��s�rihe� p�operty: � Air t�-�at �art of L�t -3�, �,uaitors Subdi�isior, lda. 5� �t. taul iiinn. 2yin� w of tt� f011C)VilY7S�s descri�e� iir:e, Eeg;.ns;ing at a�cixzt c� the r<ortnwa�tezly line of said Lot 32, 3.20 fest northeasterly of the m�ist westerly c:orner of s�id I,cst 32; t2ience �outh�asterly t� a pcizxt r�n fihe �o 2ir,e of aaid Lot 32, 55,�G feet �•outhea�terly ai the m��t we�terly cGmer of �sid Lot `32, and ti?ere said line terminate�. Nseliminarv c�r:�er Final ��rder �pproycd fi public haaring havin� bse;i rad upon tha ta?:ing and ccr.derbnation of th� 2ar�d°� ur sasement� therein, fvr r�,� �ave im�rovement, ex�� the award of daaciages rp�Erefor, s�u al�� upr,n tl a�sessment af banefits therefar, and tixe Council having ��aly considered the aame, ncaw therefhre be it RESOLVBD, That the takin� and condemnation af the lands de3cribeei in the aanexe� aese�SU�ent roll, identifieu' by the sign�ture of �he Direator c�f Technolo�y end ms�de a pr�rt hereof, and the award� ef rlantages to the owenr� �� sua?r lande fo� ssi� ts.�in� and con3emnatian as set forr� in said roil, be �nr� the sasne i� 2sereDy sr. a11 respects ratified aud c3xifirm�d. '' RE3CiLVET3 gt3R2�lER, - Th�.t t:�2 said aasesamen*_ of bexxefi*_s, ue ari t, � same :is herel�y in �x11 repecta *atified, �n�2 *he �z�ane is h�reby ordered to be submitts�3 tr� tne Uistrict Caurt for confirmatiorn. r . CEN�CILPERSOH '?iti�spted by the Couneils '°Dste_1�1 1�$� ra$y� � l �aice� C�rtifiec� va:ased �y Cr?u.ncii Sec:retary �- _ �Y. lv}ar}arJ � I� ��t�r 3 ��<<'r� � FGainst °7-�75 �gprgved A1<rch l�, 199% Nf'var ee.n �a�� oi Sr. Fs CCi..::CIL .�I •.,E �.r . �� `p�3 R'�PGRT 3F Ta7RECTCr� c�F T.'EC�i3L+]�Y 3Y �Iv'� f `�`:.�L'�3�$�I�Z"��7F� U`�' �A?3�J`�` �i:te �:�. i$890 Sn tB.e matter af _�r�aa�rt r�ase�^.art ior nuhiic rigiit-of=wav on, ��er any �i�c-*e cl foil.•:-zin� descricnd r�r�i�r£rt� , F.11 ti��t Yax�t �f Lot �?, �udicors Sub f�'1V1S7,C2Y Nc. 52 s±. r•aul i-9ir.n. iyir.0 ra=st�rly= of 'tn.e fo;.lo�+rin� descrihed I Leainni a* a p�in't on ti'i� no:tnwe T iine of �9-y 1tiLlt J�� JvGV L��i l2J1L1j�C+�C.tCL�j' l �t?C LL1vl 'l7��lC1�y r�.7;a,�r (iy �C11 YJL J�/ thance so:�theas�erZy ta a p�int on tha sout:weUterly line oi ssi�? Lvt �r, v5,06 feet ;:au�����sterly oi tt�e mc:st w��tetly c:vriier �:rT seic� �at _�, en�! t%e±_-e �aix� iixi� }a_r �.£2.liZiilIIu2"y �.�aBI F1Fi�.i ��I�2F i.a � C. ,`JF �� -� �i $;.'. P9L.`L'_ apprnved isi� l;�i�°�ii?� c3I '�?�°C:TiiUIGU�� }x8Ya+1_T '_"w%u;�i��; '1"tluv 'P:8 :2dv f2c8fX $i G CELSIZCSREd "Gi12 v3.112E C'I "�RE' .i.�,.P_a 2YnIIA.° Os Es.°a@:it-=_'IILi- Th�_'=1'_': tLk�r, �'':.y: t�r,nrr.� fr:r iaen t ic 8��n *_kt.. rr--� ghnn.t _r gg�r g: n�e ,f __ �..YV�SG3 OT '�'�.7fiLZ��a� LR2�E�OZ' ie7 "CYE :.+Y3riE3': Lh2ZBOT� c'tiiQ tti6 FiBrSt"iIl5 t0 Tmi2fT11 �.11Ch_ S6x�°-.rCaS .....c t,4V8'D� `fi3L :° ..�.c 3�E '�:_={_.. 8}7� .3u`'Cr.v.�..-.Ra } :c C� .�.....::�� c�u._..c4 t. � �:Ou:1i � �� 't� p�4'paS�}� SYO i.R� ffiYk1PA O'F S°�„1'�'�. l:CtT�S4ST°i[t9P.v '_10U 3.z:iB�t�T'3�� t:RE� C4SL i.iig.r.l'G� tiR� L}i?t 3'CtaCplc+1 _5' 8Ii 825cSSi'�t2"t."G ._..i� ��i't _.. 8i�C•ti� 3i� 1:�a� =if_�� tT-i:ii 41'�n :ic�y::�{:is? �?i �ha :3R�i82a1CZ^seC1, C�Ilv&__n_iRa ff18 3i<<S�T_'°1ga?.�'� fi:�iR�s �P_ �x.7.� ��%'fF2T_', ��� . . � . _ /� D1Lt}Gt�2 iFi Y�G.t111G4[>[j �iiv v OC` 97-�75 sFproved Nfarci: i9, i5�7 Public Hearing Aate - May 28, 1997 RE 3-21-97 '�.M.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION nate: 3/13/97 Green 5heet Ntunber:�4QQ� AR1MMEtVVTDIRECDOR COUNCII. tact Person and Phone N�ber. .�� �� AITORN£Y Q.ER% Bob Novak 266-8850 °�` _ / DIRECPD% t}q� MGT. Sl'C. DIR �/��l% YOR (OR ASS7STAN"n 1 Ustbe OII COUnCiI Ag¢nd8 by:4-9-97 Must be in Council Research Office by nocn Friday 3-28-97 OTAL ffi OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CUP ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNAT[7RE) ECElV CfSON REQIJESPED: Z O tify a Right-0f-Way Easement for Maiden Lane between N�na St. and Selby Ave. AR �j FILE N0. 1884� . J OMMENDAITONS: APPROVE (eU OR RFJECP (R) gggpNAL SII2VICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FO . . Aas the persou/6rm ever worked mMer a contract for this deperhnent? YFS NO PIANNIIiO CO,1NdS5[ON SfAFP . Fles this peTSwJ6rm ever lxwn a C'ity employee? YFS NO C1V p.8H2YICE COM�938ION � . Does fhis petsonlfirm possess e sldR �t normeIlY Passessed bY aicJ YES NO current (Sl.y employee? cm cotw�uTTSe � � aIl YES answers on a se sheet and attacL. � PORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S� � DISfRICT PLANPIING COUNCIL fZ 7. k;' IATING PROBLEM, ISSIIF., OPPORTONITY (Who, What, Wheu, Where, Why:�: c' ", This part of Maiden Lane (south branch) is very narrow and in order to make it wide enough at the curve for traffic an additional3 feet is needed. � DVANTAGFS IF APPROVED: e City will receive a right-of-way easement at no cost, from the adjacent property owner and the street ' be wide enough for traffic. Y ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: i C�."�'.'° �"�^'�-? � one I���� 2 � 1997 ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVE6 e South Branch of Maiden Laue would note be wide enough for traf_�ic: ���""" "`�"�""`�°'� OTAL AMOI7NT OF TRANSACfION: �� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YE5 NO ING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER: ANCIAL A'FORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � �0 30 ;�ity nf St. P C�JUNCIL FILE NCr.___c4�F�f� ItE@6LUTI6N APPROVIN6 A39E8�NT BY .ljonn,� t� V AND F2l{IN� TIY� OF HEART2IG THEREON ��� _J AND FIRIi7G T� 6F I�ARING ON TF� File N_n. 28840 AWARD 6F DAMAGES + In the matter af Permanent Eaaement for public riqht-of-way on, over and above the foilozrin� described praperty: - All that part of Lot 32, Auditors Subdivision No. 52 St. Peul Mimi. lyi�ig westerly of the following described line. Beginning at a point on the northwesterly line of said Lot 32� 3.20 feet northeasterly of the mast westerly ccrner of s�id Lot 32; thence �outheasterly to a point on the �r�uthwe3terly line of aaid Lot 32, 55.00 feet �c of t2 most westerly c�rner vf said Lat 32, and there said line terminntes. FrEliminary orc�er ,97-27y appr„ved�Merch 19, 1�97 Final Order The Direvtoz �f Techi�ol�gy having eubmittEd hitt repc,rt in tY,e above matter aa tn ths amount of clamaqes awsrded far the taking of the land ar ea�ements tharein apprcpriated for the above improvement and to v�hom payable; and alsv haviny submittEd hi� asses�ment of benefits to property from the makina of said improvement, thezefore be it RESOLVED, Th�it the s�id assesament of benefita be and the :;ame is hereL�y ap�:roved. RESOLVED E'URTF�R, That a public hearing be had bef�re the Council upon aaid report and for a confirmatian of the award of damages made by the Pirectar cf Technology snd also upon the said asses�ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul an the �_8�h day of Nlay 7_ A�7 at the hour nf four thirty a'clock P.M. and that. trie Director of Tec.hn�Iogy be and hF i� �irectFd to qive notice of aaid hearin_q ss prescribed by the Charter. C4UtdCILPERSON Yeas Nays �key � trom arris � �o r'�o � �gard .ettmun : une I In Favor �Against 7�dopted by the Council: Date� _�\ �_ ��{��j --`--��.� � Certified Fa�ses by Couticil °ecretary sy��y � � ��,�,o—r.r� Mayor ,. _. rity vf s+_. Pan1 r_r3rJN�'IL FILE *rU. ��� g3 / 3i�S4LUTIi�tS RATIFYITI� AtII? �IR�SSSiG BY__�*� GOIIDEN3iATItR7 ANU HSVARDS t)S DAMAGE^a 7 AND A33ES�T TF�2xSF4R Fils N=�. 1834[ 2n the matter o£ } Permanent Easement for pubiia rig�t-of-w�y ar_, aver and ahcJe tnE f�;i�y�in� ��s�rihe� p�operty: � Air t�-�at �art of L�t -3�, �,uaitors Subdi�isior, lda. 5� �t. taul iiinn. 2yin� w of tt� f011C)VilY7S�s descri�e� iir:e, Eeg;.ns;ing at a�cixzt c� the r<ortnwa�tezly line of said Lot 32, 3.20 fest northeasterly of the m�ist westerly c:orner of s�id I,cst 32; t2ience �outh�asterly t� a pcizxt r�n fihe �o 2ir,e of aaid Lot 32, 55,�G feet �•outhea�terly ai the m��t we�terly cGmer of �sid Lot `32, and ti?ere said line terminate�. Nseliminarv c�r:�er Final ��rder �pproycd fi public haaring havin� bse;i rad upon tha ta?:ing and ccr.derbnation of th� 2ar�d°� ur sasement� therein, fvr r�,� �ave im�rovement, ex�� the award of daaciages rp�Erefor, s�u al�� upr,n tl a�sessment af banefits therefar, and tixe Council having ��aly considered the aame, ncaw therefhre be it RESOLVBD, That the takin� and condemnation af the lands de3cribeei in the aanexe� aese�SU�ent roll, identifieu' by the sign�ture of �he Direator c�f Technolo�y end ms�de a pr�rt hereof, and the award� ef rlantages to the owenr� �� sua?r lande fo� ssi� ts.�in� and con3emnatian as set forr� in said roil, be �nr� the sasne i� 2sereDy sr. a11 respects ratified aud c3xifirm�d. '' RE3CiLVET3 gt3R2�lER, - Th�.t t:�2 said aasesamen*_ of bexxefi*_s, ue ari t, � same :is herel�y in �x11 repecta *atified, �n�2 *he �z�ane is h�reby ordered to be submitts�3 tr� tne Uistrict Caurt for confirmatiorn. r . CEN�CILPERSOH '?iti�spted by the Couneils '°Dste_1�1 1�$� ra$y� � l �aice� C�rtifiec� va:ased �y Cr?u.ncii Sec:retary �- _ �Y. lv}ar}arJ � I� ��t�r 3 ��<<'r� � FGainst °7-�75 �gprgved A1<rch l�, 199% Nf'var ee.n �a�� oi Sr. Fs CCi..::CIL .�I •.,E �.r . �� `p�3 R'�PGRT 3F Ta7RECTCr� c�F T.'EC�i3L+]�Y 3Y �Iv'� f `�`:.�L'�3�$�I�Z"��7F� U`�' �A?3�J`�` �i:te �:�. i$890 Sn tB.e matter af _�r�aa�rt r�ase�^.art ior nuhiic rigiit-of=wav on, ��er any �i�c-*e cl foil.•:-zin� descricnd r�r�i�r£rt� , F.11 ti��t Yax�t �f Lot �?, �udicors Sub f�'1V1S7,C2Y Nc. 52 s±. r•aul i-9ir.n. iyir.0 ra=st�rly= of 'tn.e fo;.lo�+rin� descrihed I Leainni a* a p�in't on ti'i� no:tnwe T iine of �9-y 1tiLlt J�� JvGV L��i l2J1L1j�C+�C.tCL�j' l �t?C LL1vl 'l7��lC1�y r�.7;a,�r (iy �C11 YJL J�/ thance so:�theas�erZy ta a p�int on tha sout:weUterly line oi ssi�? Lvt �r, v5,06 feet ;:au�����sterly oi tt�e mc:st w��tetly c:vriier �:rT seic� �at _�, en�! t%e±_-e �aix� iixi� }a_r �.£2.liZiilIIu2"y �.�aBI F1Fi�.i ��I�2F i.a � C. ,`JF �� -� �i $;.'. P9L.`L'_ apprnved isi� l;�i�°�ii?� c3I '�?�°C:TiiUIGU�� }x8Ya+1_T '_"w%u;�i��; '1"tluv 'P:8 :2dv f2c8fX $i G CELSIZCSREd "Gi12 v3.112E C'I "�RE' .i.�,.P_a 2YnIIA.° Os Es.°a@:it-=_'IILi- Th�_'=1'_': tLk�r, �'':.y: t�r,nrr.� fr:r iaen t ic 8��n *_kt.. rr--� ghnn.t _r gg�r g: n�e ,f __ �..YV�SG3 OT '�'�.7fiLZ��a� LR2�E�OZ' ie7 "CYE :.+Y3riE3': Lh2ZBOT� c'tiiQ tti6 FiBrSt"iIl5 t0 Tmi2fT11 �.11Ch_ S6x�°-.rCaS .....c t,4V8'D� `fi3L :° ..�.c 3�E '�:_={_.. 8}7� .3u`'Cr.v.�..-.Ra } :c C� .�.....::�� c�u._..c4 t. � �:Ou:1i � �� 't� p�4'paS�}� SYO i.R� ffiYk1PA O'F S°�„1'�'�. l:CtT�S4ST°i[t9P.v '_10U 3.z:iB�t�T'3�� t:RE� C4SL i.iig.r.l'G� tiR� L}i?t 3'CtaCplc+1 _5' 8Ii 825cSSi'�t2"t."G ._..i� ��i't _.. 8i�C•ti� 3i� 1:�a� =if_�� tT-i:ii 41'�n :ic�y::�{:is? �?i �ha :3R�i82a1CZ^seC1, C�Ilv&__n_iRa ff18 3i<<S�T_'°1ga?.�'� fi:�iR�s �P_ �x.7.� ��%'fF2T_', ��� . . � . _ /� D1Lt}Gt�2 iFi Y�G.t111G4[>[j �iiv v OC` 97-�75 sFproved Nfarci: i9, i5�7 Public Hearing Aate - May 28, 1997 RE 3-21-97 '�.M.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION nate: 3/13/97 Green 5heet Ntunber:�4QQ� AR1MMEtVVTDIRECDOR COUNCII. tact Person and Phone N�ber. .�� �� AITORN£Y Q.ER% Bob Novak 266-8850 °�` _ / DIRECPD% t}q� MGT. Sl'C. DIR �/��l% YOR (OR ASS7STAN"n 1 Ustbe OII COUnCiI Ag¢nd8 by:4-9-97 Must be in Council Research Office by nocn Friday 3-28-97 OTAL ffi OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CUP ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNAT[7RE) ECElV CfSON REQIJESPED: Z O tify a Right-0f-Way Easement for Maiden Lane between N�na St. and Selby Ave. AR �j FILE N0. 1884� . J OMMENDAITONS: APPROVE (eU OR RFJECP (R) gggpNAL SII2VICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FO . . Aas the persou/6rm ever worked mMer a contract for this deperhnent? YFS NO PIANNIIiO CO,1NdS5[ON SfAFP . Fles this peTSwJ6rm ever lxwn a C'ity employee? YFS NO C1V p.8H2YICE COM�938ION � . Does fhis petsonlfirm possess e sldR �t normeIlY Passessed bY aicJ YES NO current (Sl.y employee? cm cotw�uTTSe � � aIl YES answers on a se sheet and attacL. � PORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S� � DISfRICT PLANPIING COUNCIL fZ 7. k;' IATING PROBLEM, ISSIIF., OPPORTONITY (Who, What, Wheu, Where, Why:�: c' ", This part of Maiden Lane (south branch) is very narrow and in order to make it wide enough at the curve for traffic an additional3 feet is needed. � DVANTAGFS IF APPROVED: e City will receive a right-of-way easement at no cost, from the adjacent property owner and the street ' be wide enough for traffic. Y ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: i C�."�'.'° �"�^'�-? � one I���� 2 � 1997 ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVE6 e South Branch of Maiden Laue would note be wide enough for traf_�ic: ���""" "`�"�""`�°'� OTAL AMOI7NT OF TRANSACfION: �� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YE5 NO ING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER: ANCIAL A'FORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � �0 30 ;�ity nf St. P C�JUNCIL FILE NCr.___c4�F�f� ItE@6LUTI6N APPROVIN6 A39E8�NT BY .ljonn,� t� V AND F2l{IN� TIY� OF HEART2IG THEREON ��� _J AND FIRIi7G T� 6F I�ARING ON TF� File N_n. 28840 AWARD 6F DAMAGES + In the matter af Permanent Eaaement for public riqht-of-way on, over and above the foilozrin� described praperty: - All that part of Lot 32, Auditors Subdivision No. 52 St. Peul Mimi. lyi�ig westerly of the following described line. Beginning at a point on the northwesterly line of said Lot 32� 3.20 feet northeasterly of the mast westerly ccrner of s�id Lot 32; thence �outheasterly to a point on the �r�uthwe3terly line of aaid Lot 32, 55.00 feet �c of t2 most westerly c�rner vf said Lat 32, and there said line terminntes. FrEliminary orc�er ,97-27y appr„ved�Merch 19, 1�97 Final Order The Direvtoz �f Techi�ol�gy having eubmittEd hitt repc,rt in tY,e above matter aa tn ths amount of clamaqes awsrded far the taking of the land ar ea�ements tharein apprcpriated for the above improvement and to v�hom payable; and alsv haviny submittEd hi� asses�ment of benefits to property from the makina of said improvement, thezefore be it RESOLVED, Th�it the s�id assesament of benefita be and the :;ame is hereL�y ap�:roved. RESOLVED E'URTF�R, That a public hearing be had bef�re the Council upon aaid report and for a confirmatian of the award of damages made by the Pirectar cf Technology snd also upon the said asses�ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul an the �_8�h day of Nlay 7_ A�7 at the hour nf four thirty a'clock P.M. and that. trie Director of Tec.hn�Iogy be and hF i� �irectFd to qive notice of aaid hearin_q ss prescribed by the Charter. C4UtdCILPERSON Yeas Nays �key � trom arris � �o r'�o � �gard .ettmun : une I In Favor �Against 7�dopted by the Council: Date� _�\ �_ ��{��j --`--��.� � Certified Fa�ses by Couticil °ecretary sy��y � � ��,�,o—r.r� Mayor