97-66Council File # �� �� ("i E�? ; �'• ? T. ( � � vj:�:.,-t's���;� Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # V I�Z�� PAUL,11�tNESOTA Committeee Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the 2 appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the foliowing individuals to serve on a the HERTTAGE PRE5ERVAITON COMNIISSION (HPC). 4 5 6 � s 9 10 11 12 Therese Cermak Thomas Guelcher Gar Hargens Judith Trent REAPPOINTMENTS Steven Buetow Richazd Murphy, Sr. [Richard Murphy is the Ramsey County Historical Society Representative on the HPC] lI Requested by Department of: By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney By: � . = Y��:6��6 /� sy: S _.�—" Approved by Mayor: Date 2� Z!S }- Apprwed by Mayor £or Submission to /) Council Y BY' �L� - �� �' ��2� By: Adopted by Council: Date�� ���Q� � ; �Z �� OEW WTMENCNFFICElCOUNCIL ONTE INITIATED 4 U'L.1 U Mayor Norm Colman's Office 1-15-97 GREEN SHEE CON7ACT PERSON & PHONE INffIAVDATE INfT1AUDATE �DEPA{iiMENT0IRECTOR �CIT/CAUNCIL Roger C. Curtis (266-8531) ASSIGN �CT'ATfOfiNEY �crtvc�nK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) pO�� O BUDGEf DIflECTOR � FIN. $ MCaT. SERVICES DIfl. ORUEN I MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � LJ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION RE�UESTED: Approval of appointments & reappointments of inembers to Heritage Preservation Commission. Appointed: Therese Cexmak, Thomas Guelcher, Gar Hargens & Judith Trent. Reappointed: Richard Murphy, Sr. and Steven Buetow RECOMMENDAnONS: npprove (A) or qeject (R) PEFiSONAL SERVICE CONTRACT'S MUS7 ANSWER TNE FOLLOWiNG �UESTIOI05: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION t Ha5 this per5onttirm ever worked under a con[reGt for this departmen[? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ SiAFP 2. Has this parwNfirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTRIC7 COURi _ 3. DoBS this person/Firm pos5ess a sk�ll not nortnall y possessetl by any curtent c'rty employee? SUPPOfliS WHICH COUNCiI OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separete aheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who, What, Whan. Whare, Why): ADVANTACaESIFAPPROVED: � gH gyftg�p �} "�+ m `'�` > �k1 �+'EYxi�� 8„ibe�..:3".'teE3 $`;�>,•... 4r:�:�li � +� 3.�1�1 �H�� � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: - �^ -�.n.s r � . . ....... .. . .�. � � ii i tiJ'-11, f.i Ci :as..n. . »..,._.a<z��_ DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ' �GSS�s��� �i� �7` j��� ��?�v�� �'iS�li,� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES MO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORhiATION� (EXPLAIN) �� �� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: FROM: DATE: [7� Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Mark Mauer Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember 7anice Rettman Roger C. Curtis (�.C- Assistant to the Mayor January 16, 1997 Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) Appointments and Reappointments Mayor Coleman has recommended that the foilowing people be appointed and reappointed to the Heritage Preservation Commission. Annointed Therese Cermak Thomas Guelcher Gar Hargens Judith Trent Reanuointed Steven Buetow Richard Murphy, Sr. (Ramsey County Historical Society Representative) Attached is the resolution recommending these individuais and copies of their applications. A1so attached is an appiicant report listing all applicants on file since 7anuary i, 1494. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8531. RCC:drm Attachments cc: `T7aii�cy Aitderson, Council Research ___ Aaron Rubenstein, HPC Staff, L1EP FROM CERMPK RHOFDES ARCHITECTS 1[.19.1596 12�52 / r� ��,! `�� SATNT pAIIL� MINrIE80'SA 55102 �-� � �- . 266�8525_' FAX: 266-8513 Name: -___.__1 Cl( �'�. �'�n���Jc . � � � Home Address; �0 C�.tp Street Telephone t�umber= z3 F. 2 �� �� ��� /I! �jJ' 2ip Plg��g Di.strict Cotimcil: p Citp Counci,7. Vard: ,���� Yreferred Hailing Address: Q .�, �/� SS��� T7hat is your occupation? _ j.� j'(�Yj�'f� �o�� P].ace �of F�ployment Ger ,� ���QdQS �CtM���•� Committee{s) Applied Foz: _ 1 ��1-FA� p��A�ma� lfYlAnnnniild.�Mn �i �hat ski-lls/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for vhich pau seek appointmenr? -..- �Ci�'/�L7�GL t D/�r.T/Gf/Y/G ✓1/I/JS��A i.In -�/IO Ti,....� /'.1..on '��'Ef'!�D Y��� 9 'lhe informatiou i,ncluded in tt�is application �S eonsidered pzivate data acaordi.ng to the Hznnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a resn2ti, Yhis zn�ozmation is not zeleased to the general public. (OVER) Rev. ?i'28/96 PP,pM CERMGK RHppDES RkCHiTECTS Name . , Address: lc.ly.t77o 1c�Jc q l �•Vi �i, " Phone:__ {gome� � CYork) �o Naa,e: '� t3'^��T�/ Address: SS�/, Phone:_ SHome) fvorxl �/�q—�n�� Name Addres Phone •_ Ckfome ) LqoYk) i7 7—�� Reason:: for pouz interest 3n this pazticular co�ittea: T�'�j .��� y�j�� _ V7/ p�cir-f�tce . , • Have ou had previous contact vitfi the co�ittee for vhich you a=e making applieation. If so, vhen, and eircumatances? Sn an attempt to ensure that ca�ittee representation refiects the makeup of ouz communitp, please check the line appJ,icable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. _,�,_ vhite (CaucBSian) I�ispanic Black (A�riean American) Asfnn or Pacific Islandez American Indian o� Alns&an Eskimo Hale _�_ FemaZe Date af Birth: 9/2�/ bisabled: Yes No � If spec3al acco�adatzone a=e needed, please specify. ftov did you hear about this opening? �1�1?il /Qd/Td3LRL(.�l/t?� • 1 Tn F ra ; Aame � Address: _ wcy NkLnliEGi� , , 1L.�r.treo �c:Jc - 1 l — ��p Yhoae_ _�gomeZ � tRork) �[L Name: � �lT ✓�� Address: SS� Phone• SHomel fSTOxk) �/�q tlame : Addres Phone'--�t'ome) �iferk) i77— ��,� Reasons Por pour interest in this particuiar co�ittea:_ TY(L �(� Bave ourhad If sa, vhen, psevious contact with the co�i,ttee £or vhich you are makix3g applieation. snd eircumatances4 In an actempt to ensuxe that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup of ouz coa�unity, pleuse check the ifne app7,xCable to qou. This infarmation is strietly volvntarg. �_ �hite <OaucBsisn) Black (A�rican bmericsn) � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Hale �' Remale sabled: Yes No � . � Hispenic Aeian ar Paaific Isl.ander Date of Birth: 91 ��f �? specisl acco�dations a=e needed, p2ease spacifp. did pou henr about this opeaing? �dyy( /Qq�py�, i�'.(�jyr Ajh, Tt1TGV F Cd ; FftOM CERMAK RHORDES RRCHITECTS 11.19.1556 12�53 P. + s , ��� RESUME Therese G. Cermak PROFESSf�NAL 4UALIFiCATtONS Registered Architect in Minnesota NCARB GeAificate hoider Member of the American Instltute of Architects Kansas State University Manhattan, KS. 1975lSO Bachelor of Architecture five ysar degree Cermak flhoades Architects St. Paui, MN. Principal Since 5J93 Union �epot Plece - tenani improvements Little Earth of Unded Tribes - 212 unit apartments and townhomes, capital improvemsnts Soufhern Valley Atliance for Battered Womsn - Offics and program area expansion Eden Programs - remodsling buiidings for men's and women's programs Chicago Avenue Apartme�ts - remodeting snd site improvements for 60 apartment units St. Joseph's House and HOPE, Inc. • 8 apartments in scettered sites, rehab Hopkins Tow�homes • evatuation and scope of work document for 10 townhomes, rehab Heartland Resources • tong range pianning and improvemenis to rurai residence TCHDCISt. Paul Sites Stabitizat+on • improvements to 6 townhouse developments Boult Residence - ramodeling and addition Whiriier Naighborhood Stabitization - improvements to d apartment buildings Search for Shelter Charcette, 1994 - Dayton's Bluff new rataiUoffica building PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE Dovolls Johnson & Ruggieri Inc. Minneapolis, MN, 9/87 to 5l93 Project Architect and Mat�ager Ronald McDone{d Houss New Unit 1-16 room guest house, new Success Famity Hous'sng • B unit apartmeni tor single parent students, new The Gorraine -16 unft apatiment for substance abuse program, rehab 7061s1 Ava. N. - 34 room S,R.O. with first fioor lease space, rehab 1801 LaSalis Ave, S. - 26 unit apertment, rehab Elliot Avenue Townhomes - 3 unit townhomes with daycare facilities The Barrington • 26 unit apartment, rehab Ths Balmoral - 58 Unit apartment, rehab Hoeft Residence - 6,00o s.f. single femily house, new Montana Ave. Townhomes -13 unit townhomes, new Hampton Futler Homes - 9 unit townhomes, new Moundsview 8usinsss Park Buifdings C, D, E, and G- warehouse, naw G. H. Forbes Associatss Architects Birmfngham, Mi. 4186 to 7187 Chlef Architect W. F. Milier - officetwarehouse, new First Macomb Banks -two branch banks, new Zefbart, tnc. - prototype design and two stores, new Northville Psychiatric tiospital - misceflaneous renovations Jackson Prison - reorganization planning C E R M A K R H O A D E S A ft C. H 1 T' E C T S 406 Laurel Ave., St Paul, MN 55104 22rS613l225-8720 FAX rrturi L[KMMn nn�HOGj Nnoniic�i_ ._.....>>. ._ ,� � � �� 7MP AssoCiates, inc. 8loomfield Nills, Mi. 8/85 to 4/8fi Job Captain Chrysler Corporatian • office and lobby remodefing St. Mary's College • class�oom building addi�ion Lansing Convention Center - new feciliry buncan Architects, Inc. Kansas City, MO. t0184 to 5/85 Staff ArchiteCt Americen Hereford Association - new haadquarters Polsinelli, White end Vardeman - law tibrary, remodeling Dutch Hilt ill - new iownhousss Abend Singleton AssociaYes, Inc. Kansas City, MQ, 9/82 to 1 Q/B4 5taff Architect UnRed Missouri Bank of Kansas City - new headquarters and o�ces Little Sisters of the poor - new eidedy care center MSFS ArchlteCts, fnc. Kansas City, MO. 8180 to 9l82 Arctiitect-in-tralning Mid-America Dairymen - new headquarters The Woodl�nds - n�w multi-famiiy residential A. Tahner Co. - office intariors Sheet Metel Workers Union hiail • new oifices end maeting hal! Canberre, Australia - capitol building competition +�+�ENP+*• �(�l-C� TMP Associates, lnc. Bloomfie{d Hilts, MI. 8J85 to 4J86 Job Captaln Chrysler Corporation - oNice and bbby remodeling St. Maty's College • classroom buiiding eddHion Lensing ConveMan Center • new facitily Duncan Archdects, lnc. Kansas Gity, MO. 1 W84 to 5185 Staff Architect Americen Fteretord Association • new headquaAers Poisinetti, White anti Vardeman - law library, ramodeiing Dutch Hill t11 - new townhouses Abend Singiaton Associates, inc. Kansas City, MO. 9/82 to 10/84 Staff Architect Unked Missouri Bank of Kensas City • new headquarters and o�ces Little Sisters of the �oor • new akieriy ca�e eenter MSFS Archiiects, inc. Kansas City, MO. 9t80 to 9J82 Architact-in-trafning Mid•America Dairymen - new headquaRars The lh�oodlands • n�w muki-family residentiel A. Zehner Co. • offiCe interiors Shaet Metai Workers Union iiali - new offices and meeiing hall Canberra, Australia - capitoi building competition �++END*** -��4 � OFFICE 390 SAINT PAIIL� 266-8525_ OF THE MAYOR CITY HAI,L iTA 55102 FAX: 266-8513 � _ 1 � \��� f: �+-�-� � Name: �%7��� 7 I/'>�/%ry°� Home Address: �� ��TL� �- , !7 L- rj�'UI/ �'191/ �' Stzeet � City Zyp Telephone 2lumhe=: _ CHomel �l 1 'Ul I� CAo=k) �7�� �7� -���) J/�I !7� Planning District Co�mcil: � City Council Aard: � Pre£erred Hailing Address: 4��(Im�J'� ��� Rhat is your occupation? ���)7_�� � Place �of F�plopment: v�t/ l�' f���7�7�1i� J �NL• 7cF"'F7 (���� Coamittee(s) Applied For: �'r�'l /Y�� f��7'lU'�i"T�rd1v ��YJ7(5�701�,f Ahat sk.ills/traini.ng or espezience do you possess for the committee(s) for vhicn pou seek appointment? The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Hinaesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this infor.nation is not releasec to the general public. (OVE.R) Rev. ?iz$/96 � � / -i-- � ._i ��L/./.:� ~ �17 � � PERSONAL REFIItENCES Name �S�Qfz�' S ,, .� i Address: � `JG)��' �i- r�""' ST� f {'1��'19l I �N �t'i' `j"Q Z Y/FrN,9T� Phone: (Home) (Gork) �7� -rj ��lj`,�j Name:' Y��/� N1���_ ►�l0'I���LVT--1 v� �C L7�f�b'�L' Address :� )�(j)�(�' ��r �� IFS �-� � D ! - 1 ✓• riJ ^�7�7 �d �-' Phone • Home Aork - !�'27� Name :` kCNY�Y P7D S t G��N��ll t �� ° �NTldrnAM }� ST�TFi I��v l�- Address: ZL'�'T7 �,D/�w � J�� Y'j�'1/(,_• 3�'J{� r j�j/�fj Phone;_ (Home) i �Work) CO'f L'bi�j` Have pou had previous coatact vith the committee £or vhich you are making application. If so, vhen, and circnmstances? u Wliite (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islandez � Male /' / Female Date of Birth: �� / Disabled: Yes No �� If special acco�odations are needed, please specifp. Hov did you hear about this opening? Reasons for povr interest in this particuZar co�ittee:__�X�p�.l�vt `d. �(i7ocx.�r' In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup of ovr community, please check the line applicable to pou. This information is strictZp voluntary. rExsoxat, ��xcES _ � ,� � � Address _ � � �Xl11Tk}' �T�` STL'.. h11'19i /YII�J �� �d �i Y/ �'�� � , Phone • CHome ) CiTork) �i'' r '7 — L�77?j �.�� - �� ' ..L�/ � � � 1 � i � ...:�a < . . �lI �I � t /l � �' 3 Phone• (Home) tYork) 7���j'ro�" x�e: �nVJY F>D�r �i �� L�Y1�n1 ��� ,�YNllavnM ?�,8`RK- ST&7F �,A�rut� Address: GZ /�1�0 �'V�- ���]"� �i�1/L y 1'hIJ �/D� Phone: CHome) �_ porx� (O�r t — b��7{ Have you had previous contact with the committee for vhich pou are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? � White (Caueasian) Black <African American) American Indian or Alaskan Bskimo Hisganic Asian or Pacific Sslander � Hale � � Female Date of Birth: 1 Disabled: Yes No �✓ _ If special accommodations are needed, please specify. Hov did pou hear about this openi.ng? Reasons £or povr interest in this particular committee:_Y,Q�'- �n �. i6t��( �c.r.vr' In an attempt to ensurs that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to pou. This infoZmation is strictlp voluntary. � , �, - - - - � . . � /^ '^' \('�. , ��, OFk'ICE OF THE MAYOR ' ��Li �,_!�` � �'.- - - . '... 390 cITY 2iAi,L.:. . .-._-,: . : .. . • - . � � - . � � � . .a:;.i `: .:.: : ' .. _..',.• �.SAT2dT PAIIL�: MI27DtESOTA 55102 :::'=.:.,�-.: .:�:Q� �.dr'�.9�6. . � �� ^ -- . 2 6-8525; -. . � _ �FAXc`266-8513 � ' .. � � Name• �/—� - ."... Q/% llct" ` �" : �:: :� ` � s.. ` '-.. '- ��fiYQ}�� (1FE1£� . - ��/�2�s ' ,� ° � �. �/'�ti�"`� � _" � U , e - F �" _.. ... :- - . , _ .... - - ,/ . :�:-:,--: � � / -- .._ . _ .... . Home Address: ��� ' �����l�F: : "t�� �7Y�/ � ����� ' � . _ __ Street - Citp ; � Zip Telephone Nnmber: �Hoae� '�`�� y�z �;, = . ' CGoik� '3`�i� iJ,C- .{�AX) �/�� ��.� _. : ' . � y �-f- r. Planni.ng District Crnmcil: f I . _ Citp Council T7ard: kre�erred Hailing Address: �B1�1/f'� � - - +� - � - '.Afiat is your occupation? 1iloDl�a»/?k�P �.�3�__aOTliR.U��ncO �/r> i-�6,d�R �:. j�,a,i/�tl�(7'/�� Place of Emplopment: ��1�-tm /��ia,� ��P �i�ii�� l°'ni Comnittee(s� AppZied For: �_,pL �r�s���//� l (� l ( Fhat skills/tzaining or esperxence do pou possess for the co�ittee(s) £or vnich you seek zPPointmentZ - _. . ,i . i in , n i. / . / �, /� _ ii > .. n/` -T'��r'.Y.�in��rr� 7`.�ii7" ���_rn,C ,� to . _ . . Rev.�/ . . v Phe information iucluded in this application is considered pri.vate data accozding to the 3inuesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this in£ozmation is not zeleased to :he genexal public. - ' r�so�. s��xc�s - �i 7—�� Aame• �/li �,�'�t � � - � ' . . - . . .. / . _ .i / sA ��r.. _ ' Address Phone: '{Home) S�%� //� f �/ (Aork) 2,Tame Addzess: s a n �� n �. � -i� .v. ��� .,� � i � Phone: (H6me) S��— ///`/� (Aork) Name � Address: Pf:one: CHome) ��,�/ � CAor�-) Reasons for yovr interest in tfiis paxticular co�ittee: li �� ��.�o i� � i 3�-��iC- �e Have you had p=evious contact vi.th the cosn�ittee for vhich you are making application. I� so, vhen, and circumstancesT In an attempt to ensure that cogaaittee rep=esentation ref2ects the �akeup o� ovr co�unitp, please check the line appli.cabZe to you. This in£ozmation is strictly vo2cntarp. � _�_ Ghite (Caucasian) $Iack (A£zican American) American Zndian or AZask,an Eskimo �_ Hale $eaale Disabled: Yes No � Hispanic Asian or Pacific TsZander Date of Bzrth: ,�',��` 5 ! I£ special accommodations needed, please speci£y. Hov did qou hear about this opening7 kERSONAZ R.EFIILEHCES , - Name • L// �.,.L�.�� . `�'Z — G G� Address: � �/ f�/� � /P /l � /��� .j���? ( ��� � � Pfione: CHome) .`��%f 1l7 ��✓ (S7ork) 21ame: Address: �f�.., �'.� ���l� f/��`�n �ctv,.v /"/r/.'� j���-✓e ---�jr��-j s Phone: lHeme) .��,Z j//`/? (Aorkl y 1 � / ,l �'`a -� � f� s��'/�z;' Add=ess: /.�`' // /.5� S Qi� AJ .� /-�� r- � ., Fhoae: CHome) �t.=--=,a-,�f l 'l (�7or�c) Reasons £or your interest in this particular co�nittee: �>. �f �T iC'.�n t � i in-�`X ,ti � Have you had previous contact vith the commiLtee for vhich you are making application. If so, vhen, and circumstances? - In an attempt to ensute that co�ittee representation refiects the makeup of our com�msnity, please chsck the line appZicable to pou. This in£ormation is strictlp volnntaxy. _�_ Ahite (Caucasian) Black (African 6merican) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo �_ Hale Female Disabled: Yes No � Hispanic Asian oz Pacific Tslander Date of Birth: �' ��- s 9 If special accommodations are needed, please speci.fp ov did you hear abont this opening? � U�� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � V y 390 CITY HALL ' y �� SAI2IT PAIIL MINNESOTA 55102 / �' v '" 'Z6s-as26 3 `�, � + � Name : v �R �c�-t�- � . \ I �^���C..��--- Home Address: 3 ��'+ L. ' ��� S�' �( C Z� Z Street City ,Telephone Number: ome ZQ D 2 O 3� p }� � _. 0 D , /� 1 n �S }. . � - ' ';,�a� �ww�i��t � �� �1�� LQ a - fl � - t G? � Planning Distri t CrnmciL' l WLv����s-rti)l Citp Council Aard- - W ;� r �L - / � 1 �� � l�-� �Cw�'v� Preferred Hailing Address: T" I�z ��tn ��5 iroL,_,p 3� �J ��' _ � f Ghat is your occupation? CCJ✓ �.�'�.�� t,ks�'o Y. Place �o£ Employment: � ' Vl.� � � �n � U.� :s.-�(J N� C� . Cov�ittee(s) Applied For: �� iM/��e�C.� 1" 12,S�vv�,�,��.�� S�1�Z mv � S S 1 � What skills/training or eaperience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointmentT V�:'ti S �t�t! S c�.0 'v�{_.E_� - ��<, i.l C� � LL C�c, v a,�/ - 2 s � S aY� �"b �l � 4'.. �,� � w'�� rj'.� ✓ � F-1 �' S! l�J �L.k � 1 � �ici'�..�.r l-- � �,a� S e,�nv o� ��, t J d G-.-,iG� 1/�^1 �r {�/'� l✓ ' �� ✓�. S C�'ill �J fi�.li..�a �( 4 1' — l �O t 'JY L�GCs� U Vt 5�..�i1� �� C s�.c_ t�'_-�.�c,F.�-� v�t 5 t.c-�_,�, -; a� �w�`I'�--: t�,.-c_ 1 D 1� � t.,>v J.� 1 S C-�.- C'.-c..<�P.6" L �"1/�0. _ _ n _ ,. , n . 1 % . �o t- (1�.� tJ�f (✓I _�.r3 � l� �� OG i 31 1S9t ��.�.� � < �—cr ,�c,.. �� �,,� d � �.� �' -� ��J �� . Cc.avJ � �� . r .' i _ _ � � - `ti��: �v C,� ��-�-eC.<�c S �,.�., :- The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the gene=al public. �. �� � U' O � Zip 7 Q n _ n '�,�t' �l �7 .�- � Lvr� . (04EIt) Rev.4,/21/93 PERSOIIAS, REFERENCES � � t� [ �.c � o (,� C� Address Phone:_ a — o �; —� t�a�- y�a z Name: �. t l'lV"S Address• �"�� � t i � Phone: (Home� 1 \ S� `,✓ V � � ��• � ��L �s —� Z��G �r.�t 5 t-t a O ��-� � T d Name : � 5 ls (-t�'r� (r�.A_ b l.tl( `-"� ' �A...c�. c-c, `� Ll CiC�Z�c/ AddreSS' ����..(�. � 1 S�.� vLt� trC SC��' LC2.�,�,�,) Lj-�--{-` � b' Fhone:_ (Home) CWork) Z� 1!J � �j �-� (o � Reasons for yovr interest in this particular co�ittee:_ ��� 2 5 5�'a l� �'L�JL w c� ��Q L'L���C �,^� ' � -�-' ��9' s U e� �b vi,�..� c ;� � � t�c�.- c�-„�- ��s <���: Have you had previous contact with the committee for vfiich you are making application. If so, vhen, and circvmstances? � O In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the ma.keup of our co�tmity, please check the line applicable to you. This 3n£oz'mation is strictly voluntary. ✓ At�i�a (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African Ameiican) Asian or Paci£ic Islander American Zndian or Alaskan Eskimo Male � Female Date o£ Birth: e° Disabled: Yes 2Io V If special acco�odations are needed, please speci£y. Hov did you heaz about this opening? S� S ��.. � 5� ii�.��u"-�`� rnewucuw tt�rr:ux:HCr;s Name • � ( .�.� � Address: t � l 5 � �� Name : Y�,� . t � �� 5 Address: �� `'i t f Pfione: (Home7, � 1 5 � �. � o l 1,,.� �,.� ��", f" Cc�._. — Ll (.� �i .• V�o �-s�-r. k rj}. l.� �l �1� - 2'1 t �� o io CT �a-�,o tc) �D — Q�'j� �t..� 1 `� �-1 Q p � d. ��—�� G�, �, � ���� Address: J C,4,,k,�, �1 t S�.:, vL.c� � L�( SC.tr vG;�-�.�,,,,) `N+: /.� " bi� Phone: CHome� (Aork) Z t � 5��'[/ Reasons for your interest i.n this particular committee: 1 p � /�� � j / J � � � � � � ' � - � � ` � 1.N Q. �J 5 �V�O� �IArC.(�._S� Vl� (�,� [i'.�t^-"� CJW-i��V'v �� �-W�/ J� IMJ T �A�c� �j L',.,,C�JQ li�-bD V liu c Gb � '�r' � S LO L�(� (�0 "1'.- , rt- ,�c.� t�c.aQ C.�_2,-C�o,_.5 ` Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. I£ so, when, and circnmstances? ►.� O In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup of our commimity, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntarp. � Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Blach (African American) Asian or Paci£ic Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male __t� Female Date of Birth: � ° � j � Disabled: Yes No V I£ special accommodations are needed, p2ease specify. Hov did you hear about this opening? W��.�.�-�� S 3-U. �'X �. JUDITH E. TRENT EXPERIENCE SUMMARY Judith Trent has ovez nine yeazs experience as director of locai and national preservation organizations. Judy has been e�ensively involved in preservation on a local, national and intemational level. Her responsibilities have included administration of local and national preservation offices including supervision of office staff and 300 volunteers; coordination of all fund-raising activities including tours, special events, and grant writin�; representing preservation organizations to govemment, civic groups, and funding sources; coordinating media relations including newspaper, radio, and television; and administrator of preservation home renovation classes. Judy meets the Secretary of the Interior's 5tandards for work in history and arcYriiectuiai hisiory. EDUCATION 1988 West Dean College, West Sussex, U.K., Arckutecture Conservation Summer School 1982 M.A., Historic Preservation Concentration, Colorado State Universiry 1976 B.A., History, MacMurray College, Jacksonville, IL WORK EXPERIENCE 1994-date Project Manager, Technical Manager, and Architectural Historian, The 106 Group Ltd., St. Paul, Minnesota. Manages a11 cultural resources projects to ensure full compliance with appropriate legislation and quality assurance. Tasks include scheduling, monitoring budgets, and staff allocation. Principal Investigator for selected azchitectural history projects. 1992-1994 Executive Director, Frank Lloyd Wright Buiiding Conservancy, Chicago, IIlinois. Responsibie for administration of national consortium oF Wright building owners including supervision of office staff and nationwide network of consultants, architects, and building owners. Developed strategies for the preservation of Wright-designed residences, commercial stnxctures, and churches. Also responsible for fund-raisin�, media relations, and memberstup development. Planned and executed annuai conferences featuring scholars from around the worid. Produced quarterly news ma�azine. �� �� Page 2 7udith E. Treni 1986-1992 Executive Airector, Historic BoulderJPreservation in Action, Boulder, Colorado. Responsible for administration including supervision of office staff and 300 volunteers. Coordinated all fund-raising activiries including tours, special events, and grants. Represented organization to government, civic groups, and fundinD sources. Coordinated media relations. Faculty member and administrator of organization's renovation classes. 1985-1986 Preservation Consultant, Setf Employed, Longmont, Colorado. Designed and conducted feasibility study for downtown historic districts. Survey results presented to City Council, Landmarks Commission, and Downtown Business Association. 1984 Graduate Intern, Downing & Associates, Ft. Collins, Colorado. Researched and wrote Parts I and II of Tax Certification Application for Old Town Triangle Historic District Structures. 1983-1984 Research Intern, Natio»al Park 5ervice, Denver, Colorado. Researched and wrote multipie resource National Register nomination for Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Documented photography, historic reseazch, and structural report on the main historic buildings. Prepared recommendations for park. 1978-1982 Volunteer Coordinator, Frank Llopd Wright Home & Studio, Chicago, Illinois. Tour guide duties, and training of other tour guides. PRORESSIONAL AFFILIATION5 AND COMMUNTTY INVOLVEMENT 1994 1993-1494 1993-1994 1986-1992 1985-1992 1988-1990 1989 1986(1989 1985-1987 1986 Village Design Commission of Oak Park, II,. Board of Airectors, SEG Impact of Chicago. Volunteer Tutor, Austin Neighborhood Association, Chicago, IL. 7�oazci of �irectars, i,oiorado rreservation, inc. Advisory Board of Preservation Action, Inc. President, Zonta Club of Boulder County. Board of Directors, Arts & Humanities Assembly of Boulder. Speaker, Statewide Preservation Conferences, CO. Chair, Advisory Board Bouider Bureau of Conference Services. Speaker, Annual Conference National Trust for Historic Pteseivation, Kansas City, MO. I i �. 0 �LZ �c�`n PAGE 1 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1fOlf94 003196 Austin, Becky 625 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Designer 003255 Cermak, Therese G. 908 Laurel Avenue St. Paul� MN 55104 Architect 003086 DuPaul, Anqela 668 Greenbrier St. Paul, MN 55106 Student/Lakewood Com. College 003213 Esser, Aeather 491 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Public Program Coordinator 003252 Greiner, Kathryn 1734 Sherwood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Graphic Designer 003248 Guelcher, Thomas P. 1270 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MI3 55105 Woodworker 003256 Hargens, Gar 548 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Architect DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----' °°-°- -------- -� --"----- - 1 S W 07/OS/96 F 4 8 6 2 1 8 W 12/19f96 F W 1OJ31j95 F W 07/26/96 F W 11/21/96 F W 11f14f96 M W D1/07/97 M � . � ���� 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 2 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CObfMENTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE ET APP DATE G DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ___________________________________ ____ ________ ________ __ ________ _ 003251 Larson, Paul W 11/21/96 M @ Independent Historian 003221 Lloyd, Thomas 694 Oakdale Avenue St. Paul, MN 55107 Owner/Old Style Restoration 001527 Meuwissen, Lawrence E. 8 Bates Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Attorney 002554 Nordin, Cathy 1427 No. Albert Street St. Paul, MN 55108 Architect 003092 Sprung, Albert F. 957 Flandrau St. Pau1, MN 55106 Chemical Technican 003087 Trent, Judith E. 300 E. 4th Street #502 St. Paul, MN 55101 Architectural Aistorian 003094 Walgrave, Amy Lynn #2 St. Anthony Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Asst to Pres. @ MN Landmarks 003246 Warner, Linda K. 7 4 4 10 6 2 2 17 4 13 4 14 NA 07/24/96 M W 12/14/95 M W il/12/96 F W 11/28/95 M W 10/31/95 F W 11/22/95 F W 11/18/96 F 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT �� �� PAGE 3 COMMITTEE e HPC Heritage Preservation Comm- FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER OlfOlJ94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -- -------- - 2020 Summit Avenue St.�Paul, MN 55105 Economist/Self-Employed 0029�3 Woods, Donald Z. 554 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 1 8 W 11/08/96 M Retired Council File # �� �� ("i E�? ; �'• ? T. ( � � vj:�:.,-t's���;� Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # V I�Z�� PAUL,11�tNESOTA Committeee Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the 2 appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the foliowing individuals to serve on a the HERTTAGE PRE5ERVAITON COMNIISSION (HPC). 4 5 6 � s 9 10 11 12 Therese Cermak Thomas Guelcher Gar Hargens Judith Trent REAPPOINTMENTS Steven Buetow Richazd Murphy, Sr. [Richard Murphy is the Ramsey County Historical Society Representative on the HPC] lI Requested by Department of: By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney By: � . = Y��:6��6 /� Bp S Approved by Mayor: Date 2� Z!S }- Apprwed by Mayor £or Submission to /) Council Y BY' �L� - �� �' ��2� By: Adopted by Council: Date�� ���Q� � ; �Z �� OEW WTMENCNFFICElCOUNCIL ONTE INITIATED 4 U'L.1 U Mayor Norm Colman's Office 1-15-97 GREEN SHEE CON7ACT PERSON & PHONE INffIAVDATE INfT1AUDATE �DEPA{iiMENT0IRECTOR �CIT/CAUNCIL Roger C. Curtis (266-8531) ASSIGN �CT'ATfOfiNEY �crtvc�nK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) pO�� O BUDGEf DIflECTOR � FIN. $ MCaT. SERVICES DIfl. ORUEN I MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � LJ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION RE�UESTED: Approval of appointments & reappointments of inembers to Heritage Preservation Commission. Appointed: Therese Cexmak, Thomas Guelcher, Gar Hargens & Judith Trent. Reappointed: Richard Murphy, Sr. and Steven Buetow RECOMMENDAnONS: npprove (A) or qeject (R) PEFiSONAL SERVICE CONTRACT'S MUS7 ANSWER TNE FOLLOWiNG �UESTIOI05: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION t Ha5 this per5onttirm ever worked under a con[reGt for this departmen[? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ SiAFP 2. Has this parwNfirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTRIC7 COURi _ 3. DoBS this person/Firm pos5ess a sk�ll not nortnall y possessetl by any curtent c'rty employee? SUPPOfliS WHICH COUNCiI OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separete aheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who, What, Whan. Whare, Why): ADVANTACaESIFAPPROVED: � gH gyftg�p �} "�+ m `'�` > �k1 �+'EYxi�� 8„ibe�..:3".'teE3 $`;�>,•... 4r:�:�li � +� 3.�1�1 �H�� � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: - �^ -�.n.s r � . . ....... .. . .�. � � ii i tiJ'-11, f.i Ci :as..n. . »..,._.a<z��_ DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ' �GSS�s��� �i� �7` j��� ��?�v�� �'iS�li,� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES MO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORhiATION� (EXPLAIN) �� �� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: FROM: DATE: [7� Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Mark Mauer Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember 7anice Rettman Roger C. Curtis (�.C- Assistant to the Mayor January 16, 1997 Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) Appointments and Reappointments Mayor Coleman has recommended that the foilowing people be appointed and reappointed to the Heritage Preservation Commission. Annointed Therese Cermak Thomas Guelcher Gar Hargens Judith Trent Reanuointed Steven Buetow Richard Murphy, Sr. (Ramsey County Historical Society Representative) Attached is the resolution recommending these individuais and copies of their applications. A1so attached is an appiicant report listing all applicants on file since 7anuary i, 1494. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8531. RCC:drm Attachments cc: `T7aii�cy Aitderson, Council Research ___ Aaron Rubenstein, HPC Staff, L1EP FROM CERMPK RHOFDES ARCHITECTS 1[.19.1596 12�52 / r� ��,! `�� SATNT pAIIL� MINrIE80'SA 55102 �-� � �- . 266�8525_' FAX: 266-8513 Name: -___.__1 Cl( �'�. �'�n���Jc . � � � Home Address; �0 C�.tp Street Telephone t�umber= z3 F. 2 �� �� ��� /I! �jJ' 2ip Plg��g Di.strict Cotimcil: p Citp Counci,7. Vard: ,���� Yreferred Hailing Address: Q .�, �/� SS��� T7hat is your occupation? _ j.� j'(�Yj�'f� �o�� P].ace �of F�ployment Ger ,� ���QdQS �CtM���•� Committee{s) Applied Foz: _ 1 ��1-FA� p��A�ma� lfYlAnnnniild.�Mn �i �hat ski-lls/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for vhich pau seek appointmenr? -..- �Ci�'/�L7�GL t D/�r.T/Gf/Y/G ✓1/I/JS��A i.In -�/IO Ti,....� /'.1..on '��'Ef'!�D Y��� 9 'lhe informatiou i,ncluded in tt�is application �S eonsidered pzivate data acaordi.ng to the Hznnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a resn2ti, Yhis zn�ozmation is not zeleased to the general public. (OVER) Rev. ?i'28/96 PP,pM CERMGK RHppDES RkCHiTECTS Name . , Address: lc.ly.t77o 1c�Jc q l �•Vi �i, " Phone:__ {gome� � CYork) �o Naa,e: '� t3'^��T�/ Address: SS�/, Phone:_ SHome) fvorxl �/�q—�n�� Name Addres Phone •_ Ckfome ) LqoYk) i7 7—�� Reason:: for pouz interest 3n this pazticular co�ittea: T�'�j .��� y�j�� _ V7/ p�cir-f�tce . , • Have ou had previous contact vitfi the co�ittee for vhich you a=e making applieation. If so, vhen, and eircumatances? Sn an attempt to ensure that ca�ittee representation refiects the makeup of ouz communitp, please check the line appJ,icable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. _,�,_ vhite (CaucBSian) I�ispanic Black (A�riean American) Asfnn or Pacific Islandez American Indian o� Alns&an Eskimo Hale _�_ FemaZe Date af Birth: 9/2�/ bisabled: Yes No � If spec3al acco�adatzone a=e needed, please specify. ftov did you hear about this opening? �1�1?il /Qd/Td3LRL(.�l/t?� • 1 Tn F ra ; Aame � Address: _ wcy NkLnliEGi� , , 1L.�r.treo �c:Jc - 1 l — ��p Yhoae_ _�gomeZ � tRork) �[L Name: � �lT ✓�� Address: SS� Phone• SHomel fSTOxk) �/�q tlame : Addres Phone'--�t'ome) �iferk) i77— ��,� Reasons Por pour interest in this particuiar co�ittea:_ TY(L �(� Bave ourhad If sa, vhen, psevious contact with the co�i,ttee £or vhich you are makix3g applieation. snd eircumatances4 In an actempt to ensuxe that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup of ouz coa�unity, pleuse check the ifne app7,xCable to qou. This infarmation is strietly volvntarg. �_ �hite <OaucBsisn) Black (A�rican bmericsn) � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Hale �' Remale sabled: Yes No � . � Hispenic Aeian ar Paaific Isl.ander Date of Birth: 91 ��f �? specisl acco�dations a=e needed, p2ease spacifp. did pou henr about this opeaing? �dyy( /Qq�py�, i�'.(�jyr Ajh, Tt1TGV F Cd ; FftOM CERMAK RHORDES RRCHITECTS 11.19.1556 12�53 P. + s , ��� RESUME Therese G. Cermak PROFESSf�NAL 4UALIFiCATtONS Registered Architect in Minnesota NCARB GeAificate hoider Member of the American Instltute of Architects Kansas State University Manhattan, KS. 1975lSO Bachelor of Architecture five ysar degree Cermak flhoades Architects St. Paui, MN. Principal Since 5J93 Union �epot Plece - tenani improvements Little Earth of Unded Tribes - 212 unit apartments and townhomes, capital improvemsnts Soufhern Valley Atliance for Battered Womsn - Offics and program area expansion Eden Programs - remodsling buiidings for men's and women's programs Chicago Avenue Apartme�ts - remodeting snd site improvements for 60 apartment units St. Joseph's House and HOPE, Inc. • 8 apartments in scettered sites, rehab Hopkins Tow�homes • evatuation and scope of work document for 10 townhomes, rehab Heartland Resources • tong range pianning and improvemenis to rurai residence TCHDCISt. Paul Sites Stabitizat+on • improvements to 6 townhouse developments Boult Residence - ramodeling and addition Whiriier Naighborhood Stabitization - improvements to d apartment buildings Search for Shelter Charcette, 1994 - Dayton's Bluff new rataiUoffica building PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE Dovolls Johnson & Ruggieri Inc. Minneapolis, MN, 9/87 to 5l93 Project Architect and Mat�ager Ronald McDone{d Houss New Unit 1-16 room guest house, new Success Famity Hous'sng • B unit apartmeni tor single parent students, new The Gorraine -16 unft apatiment for substance abuse program, rehab 7061s1 Ava. N. - 34 room S,R.O. with first fioor lease space, rehab 1801 LaSalis Ave, S. - 26 unit apertment, rehab Elliot Avenue Townhomes - 3 unit townhomes with daycare facilities The Barrington • 26 unit apartment, rehab Ths Balmoral - 58 Unit apartment, rehab Hoeft Residence - 6,00o s.f. single femily house, new Montana Ave. Townhomes -13 unit townhomes, new Hampton Futler Homes - 9 unit townhomes, new Moundsview 8usinsss Park Buifdings C, D, E, and G- warehouse, naw G. H. Forbes Associatss Architects Birmfngham, Mi. 4186 to 7187 Chlef Architect W. F. Milier - officetwarehouse, new First Macomb Banks -two branch banks, new Zefbart, tnc. - prototype design and two stores, new Northville Psychiatric tiospital - misceflaneous renovations Jackson Prison - reorganization planning C E R M A K R H O A D E S A ft C. H 1 T' E C T S 406 Laurel Ave., St Paul, MN 55104 22rS613l225-8720 FAX rrturi L[KMMn nn�HOGj Nnoniic�i_ ._.....>>. ._ ,� � � �� 7MP AssoCiates, inc. 8loomfield Nills, Mi. 8/85 to 4/8fi Job Captain Chrysler Corporatian • office and lobby remodefing St. Mary's College • class�oom building addi�ion Lansing Convention Center - new feciliry buncan Architects, Inc. Kansas City, MO. t0184 to 5/85 Staff ArchiteCt Americen Hereford Association - new haadquarters Polsinelli, White end Vardeman - law tibrary, remodeling Dutch Hilt ill - new iownhousss Abend Singleton AssociaYes, Inc. Kansas City, MQ, 9/82 to 1 Q/B4 5taff Architect UnRed Missouri Bank of Kansas City - new headquarters and o�ces Little Sisters of the poor - new eidedy care center MSFS ArchlteCts, fnc. Kansas City, MO. 8180 to 9l82 Arctiitect-in-tralning Mid-America Dairymen - new headquarters The Woodl�nds - n�w multi-famiiy residential A. Tahner Co. - office intariors Sheet Metel Workers Union hiail • new oifices end maeting hal! Canberre, Australia - capitol building competition +�+�ENP+*• �(�l-C� TMP Associates, lnc. Bloomfie{d Hilts, MI. 8J85 to 4J86 Job Captaln Chrysler Corporation - oNice and bbby remodeling St. Maty's College • classroom buiiding eddHion Lensing ConveMan Center • new facitily Duncan Archdects, lnc. Kansas Gity, MO. 1 W84 to 5185 Staff Architect Americen Fteretord Association • new headquaAers Poisinetti, White anti Vardeman - law library, ramodeiing Dutch Hill t11 - new townhouses Abend Singiaton Associates, inc. Kansas City, MO. 9/82 to 10/84 Staff Architect Unked Missouri Bank of Kensas City • new headquarters and o�ces Little Sisters of the �oor • new akieriy ca�e eenter MSFS Archiiects, inc. Kansas City, MO. 9t80 to 9J82 Architact-in-trafning Mid•America Dairymen - new headquaRars The lh�oodlands • n�w muki-family residentiel A. Zehner Co. • offiCe interiors Shaet Metai Workers Union iiali - new offices and meeiing hall Canberra, Australia - capitoi building competition �++END*** -��4 � OFFICE 390 SAINT PAIIL� 266-8525_ OF THE MAYOR CITY HAI,L iTA 55102 FAX: 266-8513 � _ 1 � \��� f: �+-�-� � Name: �%7��� 7 I/'>�/%ry°� Home Address: �� ��TL� �- , !7 L- rj�'UI/ �'191/ �' Stzeet � City Zyp Telephone 2lumhe=: _ CHomel �l 1 'Ul I� CAo=k) �7�� �7� -���) J/�I !7� Planning District Co�mcil: � City Council Aard: � Pre£erred Hailing Address: 4��(Im�J'� ��� Rhat is your occupation? ���)7_�� � Place �of F�plopment: v�t/ l�' f���7�7�1i� J �NL• 7cF"'F7 (���� Coamittee(s) Applied For: �'r�'l /Y�� f��7'lU'�i"T�rd1v ��YJ7(5�701�,f Ahat sk.ills/traini.ng or espezience do you possess for the committee(s) for vhicn pou seek appointment? The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Hinaesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this infor.nation is not releasec to the general public. (OVE.R) Rev. ?iz$/96 � � / -i-- � ._i ��L/./.:� ~ �17 � � PERSONAL REFIItENCES Name �S�Qfz�' S ,, .� i Address: � `JG)��' �i- r�""' ST� f {'1��'19l I �N �t'i' `j"Q Z Y/FrN,9T� Phone: (Home) (Gork) �7� -rj ��lj`,�j Name:' Y��/� N1���_ ►�l0'I���LVT--1 v� �C L7�f�b'�L' Address :� )�(j)�(�' ��r �� IFS �-� � D ! - 1 ✓• riJ ^�7�7 �d �-' Phone • Home Aork - !�'27� Name :` kCNY�Y P7D S t G��N��ll t �� ° �NTldrnAM }� ST�TFi I��v l�- Address: ZL'�'T7 �,D/�w � J�� Y'j�'1/(,_• 3�'J{� r j�j/�fj Phone;_ (Home) i �Work) CO'f L'bi�j` Have pou had previous coatact vith the committee £or vhich you are making application. If so, vhen, and circnmstances? u Wliite (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islandez � Male /' / Female Date of Birth: �� / Disabled: Yes No �� If special acco�odations are needed, please specifp. Hov did you hear about this opening? Reasons for povr interest in this particuZar co�ittee:__�X�p�.l�vt `d. �(i7ocx.�r' In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup of ovr community, please check the line applicable to pou. This information is strictZp voluntary. rExsoxat, ��xcES _ � ,� � � Address _ � � �Xl11Tk}' �T�` STL'.. h11'19i /YII�J �� �d �i Y/ �'�� � , Phone • CHome ) CiTork) �i'' r '7 — L�77?j �.�� - �� ' ..L�/ � � � 1 � i � ...:�a < . . �lI �I � t /l � �' 3 Phone• (Home) tYork) 7���j'ro�" x�e: �nVJY F>D�r �i �� L�Y1�n1 ��� ,�YNllavnM ?�,8`RK- ST&7F �,A�rut� Address: GZ /�1�0 �'V�- ���]"� �i�1/L y 1'hIJ �/D� Phone: CHome) �_ porx� (O�r t — b��7{ Have you had previous contact with the committee for vhich pou are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? � White (Caueasian) Black <African American) American Indian or Alaskan Bskimo Hisganic Asian or Pacific Sslander � Hale � � Female Date of Birth: 1 Disabled: Yes No �✓ _ If special accommodations are needed, please specify. Hov did pou hear about this openi.ng? Reasons £or povr interest in this particular committee:_Y,Q�'- �n �. i6t��( �c.r.vr' In an attempt to ensurs that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to pou. This infoZmation is strictlp voluntary. � , �, - - - - � . . � /^ '^' \('�. , ��, OFk'ICE OF THE MAYOR ' ��Li �,_!�` � �'.- - - . '... 390 cITY 2iAi,L.:. . .-._-,: . : .. . • - . � � - . � � � . .a:;.i `: .:.: : ' .. _..',.• �.SAT2dT PAIIL�: MI27DtESOTA 55102 :::'=.:.,�-.: .:�:Q� �.dr'�.9�6. . � �� ^ -- . 2 6-8525; -. . � _ �FAXc`266-8513 � ' .. � � Name• �/—� - ."... Q/% llct" ` �" : �:: :� ` � s.. ` '-.. '- ��fiYQ}�� (1FE1£� . - ��/�2�s ' ,� ° � �. �/'�ti�"`� � _" � U , e - F �" _.. ... :- - . , _ .... - - ,/ . :�:-:,--: � � / -- .._ . _ .... . Home Address: ��� ' �����l�F: : "t�� �7Y�/ � ����� ' � . _ __ Street - Citp ; � Zip Telephone Nnmber: �Hoae� '�`�� y�z �;, = . ' CGoik� '3`�i� iJ,C- .{�AX) �/�� ��.� _. : ' . � y �-f- r. Planni.ng District Crnmcil: f I . _ Citp Council T7ard: kre�erred Hailing Address: �B1�1/f'� � - - +� - � - '.Afiat is your occupation? 1iloDl�a»/?k�P �.�3�__aOTliR.U��ncO �/r> i-�6,d�R �:. j�,a,i/�tl�(7'/�� Place of Emplopment: ��1�-tm /��ia,� ��P �i�ii�� l°'ni Comnittee(s� AppZied For: �_,pL �r�s���//� l (� l ( Fhat skills/tzaining or esperxence do pou possess for the co�ittee(s) £or vnich you seek zPPointmentZ - _. . ,i . i in , n i. / . / �, /� _ ii > .. n/` -T'��r'.Y.�in��rr� 7`.�ii7" ���_rn,C ,� to . _ . . Rev.�/ . . v Phe information iucluded in this application is considered pri.vate data accozding to the 3inuesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this in£ozmation is not zeleased to :he genexal public. - ' r�so�. s��xc�s - �i 7—�� Aame• �/li �,�'�t � � - � ' . . - . . .. / . _ .i / sA ��r.. _ ' Address Phone: '{Home) S�%� //� f �/ (Aork) 2,Tame Addzess: s a n �� n �. � -i� .v. ��� .,� � i � Phone: (H6me) S��— ///`/� (Aork) Name � Address: Pf:one: CHome) ��,�/ � CAor�-) Reasons for yovr interest in tfiis paxticular co�ittee: li �� ��.�o i� � i 3�-��iC- �e Have you had p=evious contact vi.th the cosn�ittee for vhich you are making application. I� so, vhen, and circumstancesT In an attempt to ensure that cogaaittee rep=esentation ref2ects the �akeup o� ovr co�unitp, please check the line appli.cabZe to you. This in£ozmation is strictly vo2cntarp. � _�_ Ghite (Caucasian) $Iack (A£zican American) American Zndian or AZask,an Eskimo �_ Hale $eaale Disabled: Yes No � Hispanic Asian or Pacific TsZander Date of Bzrth: ,�',��` 5 ! I£ special accommodations needed, please speci£y. Hov did qou hear about this opening7 kERSONAZ R.EFIILEHCES , - Name • L// �.,.L�.�� . `�'Z — G G� Address: � �/ f�/� � /P /l � /��� .j���? ( ��� � � Pfione: CHome) .`��%f 1l7 ��✓ (S7ork) 21ame: Address: �f�.., �'.� ���l� f/��`�n �ctv,.v /"/r/.'� j���-✓e ---�jr��-j s Phone: lHeme) .��,Z j//`/? (Aorkl y 1 � / ,l �'`a -� � f� s��'/�z;' Add=ess: /.�`' // /.5� S Qi� AJ .� /-�� r- � ., Fhoae: CHome) �t.=--=,a-,�f l 'l (�7or�c) Reasons £or your interest in this particular co�nittee: �>. �f �T iC'.�n t � i in-�`X ,ti � Have you had previous contact vith the commiLtee for vhich you are making application. If so, vhen, and circumstances? - In an attempt to ensute that co�ittee representation refiects the makeup of our com�msnity, please chsck the line appZicable to pou. This in£ormation is strictlp volnntaxy. _�_ Ahite (Caucasian) Black (African 6merican) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo �_ Hale Female Disabled: Yes No � Hispanic Asian oz Pacific Tslander Date of Birth: �' ��- s 9 If special accommodations are needed, please speci.fp ov did you hear abont this opening? � U�� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � V y 390 CITY HALL ' y �� SAI2IT PAIIL MINNESOTA 55102 / �' v '" 'Z6s-as26 3 `�, � + � Name : v �R �c�-t�- � . \ I �^���C..��--- Home Address: 3 ��'+ L. ' ��� S�' �( C Z� Z Street City ,Telephone Number: ome ZQ D 2 O 3� p }� � _. 0 D , /� 1 n �S }. . � - ' ';,�a� �ww�i��t � �� �1�� LQ a - fl � - t G? � Planning Distri t CrnmciL' l WLv����s-rti)l Citp Council Aard- - W ;� r �L - / � 1 �� � l�-� �Cw�'v� Preferred Hailing Address: T" I�z ��tn ��5 iroL,_,p 3� �J ��' _ � f Ghat is your occupation? CCJ✓ �.�'�.�� t,ks�'o Y. Place �o£ Employment: � ' Vl.� � � �n � U.� :s.-�(J N� C� . Cov�ittee(s) Applied For: �� iM/��e�C.� 1" 12,S�vv�,�,��.�� S�1�Z mv � S S 1 � What skills/training or eaperience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointmentT V�:'ti S �t�t! S c�.0 'v�{_.E_� - ��<, i.l C� � LL C�c, v a,�/ - 2 s � S aY� �"b �l � 4'.. �,� � w'�� rj'.� ✓ � F-1 �' S! l�J �L.k � 1 � �ici'�..�.r l-- � �,a� S e,�nv o� ��, t J d G-.-,iG� 1/�^1 �r {�/'� l✓ ' �� ✓�. S C�'ill �J fi�.li..�a �( 4 1' — l �O t 'JY L�GCs� U Vt 5�..�i1� �� C s�.c_ t�'_-�.�c,F.�-� v�t 5 t.c-�_,�, -; a� �w�`I'�--: t�,.-c_ 1 D 1� � t.,>v J.� 1 S C-�.- C'.-c..<�P.6" L �"1/�0. _ _ n _ ,. , n . 1 % . �o t- (1�.� tJ�f (✓I _�.r3 � l� �� OG i 31 1S9t ��.�.� � < �—cr ,�c,.. �� �,,� d � �.� �' -� ��J �� . Cc.avJ � �� . r .' i _ _ � � - `ti��: �v C,� ��-�-eC.<�c S �,.�., :- The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the gene=al public. �. �� � U' O � Zip 7 Q n _ n '�,�t' �l �7 .�- � Lvr� . (04EIt) Rev.4,/21/93 PERSOIIAS, REFERENCES � � t� [ �.c � o (,� C� Address Phone:_ a — o �; —� t�a�- y�a z Name: �. t l'lV"S Address• �"�� � t i � Phone: (Home� 1 \ S� `,✓ V � � ��• � ��L �s —� Z��G �r.�t 5 t-t a O ��-� � T d Name : � 5 ls (-t�'r� (r�.A_ b l.tl( `-"� ' �A...c�. c-c, `� Ll CiC�Z�c/ AddreSS' ����..(�. � 1 S�.� vLt� trC SC��' LC2.�,�,�,) Lj-�--{-` � b' Fhone:_ (Home) CWork) Z� 1!J � �j �-� (o � Reasons for yovr interest in this particular co�ittee:_ ��� 2 5 5�'a l� �'L�JL w c� ��Q L'L���C �,^� ' � -�-' ��9' s U e� �b vi,�..� c ;� � � t�c�.- c�-„�- ��s <���: Have you had previous contact with the committee for vfiich you are making application. If so, vhen, and circvmstances? � O In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the ma.keup of our co�tmity, please check the line applicable to you. This 3n£oz'mation is strictly voluntary. ✓ At�i�a (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African Ameiican) Asian or Paci£ic Islander American Zndian or Alaskan Eskimo Male � Female Date o£ Birth: e° Disabled: Yes 2Io V If special acco�odations are needed, please speci£y. Hov did you heaz about this opening? S� S ��.. � 5� ii�.��u"-�`� rnewucuw tt�rr:ux:HCr;s Name • � ( .�.� � Address: t � l 5 � �� Name : Y�,� . t � �� 5 Address: �� `'i t f Pfione: (Home7, � 1 5 � �. � o l 1,,.� �,.� ��", f" Cc�._. — Ll (.� �i .• V�o �-s�-r. k rj}. l.� �l �1� - 2'1 t �� o io CT �a-�,o tc) �D — Q�'j� �t..� 1 `� �-1 Q p � d. ��—�� G�, �, � ���� Address: J C,4,,k,�, �1 t S�.:, vL.c� � L�( SC.tr vG;�-�.�,,,,) `N+: /.� " bi� Phone: CHome� (Aork) Z t � 5��'[/ Reasons for your interest i.n this particular committee: 1 p � /�� � j / J � � � � � � ' � - � � ` � 1.N Q. �J 5 �V�O� �IArC.(�._S� Vl� (�,� [i'.�t^-"� CJW-i��V'v �� �-W�/ J� IMJ T �A�c� �j L',.,,C�JQ li�-bD V liu c Gb � '�r' � S LO L�(� (�0 "1'.- , rt- ,�c.� t�c.aQ C.�_2,-C�o,_.5 ` Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. I£ so, when, and circnmstances? ►.� O In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup of our commimity, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntarp. � Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Blach (African American) Asian or Paci£ic Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male __t� Female Date of Birth: � ° � j � Disabled: Yes No V I£ special accommodations are needed, p2ease specify. Hov did you hear about this opening? W��.�.�-�� S 3-U. �'X �. JUDITH E. TRENT EXPERIENCE SUMMARY Judith Trent has ovez nine yeazs experience as director of locai and national preservation organizations. Judy has been e�ensively involved in preservation on a local, national and intemational level. Her responsibilities have included administration of local and national preservation offices including supervision of office staff and 300 volunteers; coordination of all fund-raising activities including tours, special events, and grant writin�; representing preservation organizations to govemment, civic groups, and funding sources; coordinating media relations including newspaper, radio, and television; and administrator of preservation home renovation classes. Judy meets the Secretary of the Interior's 5tandards for work in history and arcYriiectuiai hisiory. EDUCATION 1988 West Dean College, West Sussex, U.K., Arckutecture Conservation Summer School 1982 M.A., Historic Preservation Concentration, Colorado State Universiry 1976 B.A., History, MacMurray College, Jacksonville, IL WORK EXPERIENCE 1994-date Project Manager, Technical Manager, and Architectural Historian, The 106 Group Ltd., St. Paul, Minnesota. Manages a11 cultural resources projects to ensure full compliance with appropriate legislation and quality assurance. Tasks include scheduling, monitoring budgets, and staff allocation. Principal Investigator for selected azchitectural history projects. 1992-1994 Executive Director, Frank Lloyd Wright Buiiding Conservancy, Chicago, IIlinois. Responsibie for administration of national consortium oF Wright building owners including supervision of office staff and nationwide network of consultants, architects, and building owners. Developed strategies for the preservation of Wright-designed residences, commercial stnxctures, and churches. Also responsible for fund-raisin�, media relations, and memberstup development. Planned and executed annuai conferences featuring scholars from around the worid. Produced quarterly news ma�azine. �� �� Page 2 7udith E. Treni 1986-1992 Executive Airector, Historic BoulderJPreservation in Action, Boulder, Colorado. Responsible for administration including supervision of office staff and 300 volunteers. Coordinated all fund-raising activiries including tours, special events, and grants. Represented organization to government, civic groups, and fundinD sources. Coordinated media relations. Faculty member and administrator of organization's renovation classes. 1985-1986 Preservation Consultant, Setf Employed, Longmont, Colorado. Designed and conducted feasibility study for downtown historic districts. Survey results presented to City Council, Landmarks Commission, and Downtown Business Association. 1984 Graduate Intern, Downing & Associates, Ft. Collins, Colorado. Researched and wrote Parts I and II of Tax Certification Application for Old Town Triangle Historic District Structures. 1983-1984 Research Intern, Natio»al Park 5ervice, Denver, Colorado. Researched and wrote multipie resource National Register nomination for Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Documented photography, historic reseazch, and structural report on the main historic buildings. Prepared recommendations for park. 1978-1982 Volunteer Coordinator, Frank Llopd Wright Home & Studio, Chicago, Illinois. Tour guide duties, and training of other tour guides. PRORESSIONAL AFFILIATION5 AND COMMUNTTY INVOLVEMENT 1994 1993-1494 1993-1994 1986-1992 1985-1992 1988-1990 1989 1986(1989 1985-1987 1986 Village Design Commission of Oak Park, II,. Board of Airectors, SEG Impact of Chicago. Volunteer Tutor, Austin Neighborhood Association, Chicago, IL. 7�oazci of �irectars, i,oiorado rreservation, inc. Advisory Board of Preservation Action, Inc. President, Zonta Club of Boulder County. Board of Directors, Arts & Humanities Assembly of Boulder. Speaker, Statewide Preservation Conferences, CO. Chair, Advisory Board Bouider Bureau of Conference Services. Speaker, Annual Conference National Trust for Historic Pteseivation, Kansas City, MO. I i �. 0 �LZ �c�`n PAGE 1 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1fOlf94 003196 Austin, Becky 625 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Designer 003255 Cermak, Therese G. 908 Laurel Avenue St. Paul� MN 55104 Architect 003086 DuPaul, Anqela 668 Greenbrier St. Paul, MN 55106 Student/Lakewood Com. College 003213 Esser, Aeather 491 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Public Program Coordinator 003252 Greiner, Kathryn 1734 Sherwood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Graphic Designer 003248 Guelcher, Thomas P. 1270 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MI3 55105 Woodworker 003256 Hargens, Gar 548 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Architect DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----' °°-°- -------- -� --"----- - 1 S W 07/OS/96 F 4 8 6 2 1 8 W 12/19f96 F W 1OJ31j95 F W 07/26/96 F W 11/21/96 F W 11f14f96 M W D1/07/97 M � . � ���� 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 2 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CObfMENTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE ET APP DATE G DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ___________________________________ ____ ________ ________ __ ________ _ 003251 Larson, Paul W 11/21/96 M @ Independent Historian 003221 Lloyd, Thomas 694 Oakdale Avenue St. Paul, MN 55107 Owner/Old Style Restoration 001527 Meuwissen, Lawrence E. 8 Bates Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Attorney 002554 Nordin, Cathy 1427 No. Albert Street St. Paul, MN 55108 Architect 003092 Sprung, Albert F. 957 Flandrau St. Pau1, MN 55106 Chemical Technican 003087 Trent, Judith E. 300 E. 4th Street #502 St. Paul, MN 55101 Architectural Aistorian 003094 Walgrave, Amy Lynn #2 St. Anthony Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Asst to Pres. @ MN Landmarks 003246 Warner, Linda K. 7 4 4 10 6 2 2 17 4 13 4 14 NA 07/24/96 M W 12/14/95 M W il/12/96 F W 11/28/95 M W 10/31/95 F W 11/22/95 F W 11/18/96 F 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT �� �� PAGE 3 COMMITTEE e HPC Heritage Preservation Comm- FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER OlfOlJ94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -- -------- - 2020 Summit Avenue St.�Paul, MN 55105 Economist/Self-Employed 0029�3 Woods, Donald Z. 554 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 1 8 W 11/08/96 M Retired Council File # �� �� ("i E�? ; �'• ? T. ( � � vj:�:.,-t's���;� Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # V I�Z�� PAUL,11�tNESOTA Committeee Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the 2 appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the foliowing individuals to serve on a the HERTTAGE PRE5ERVAITON COMNIISSION (HPC). 4 5 6 � s 9 10 11 12 Therese Cermak Thomas Guelcher Gar Hargens Judith Trent REAPPOINTMENTS Steven Buetow Richazd Murphy, Sr. [Richard Murphy is the Ramsey County Historical Society Representative on the HPC] lI Requested by Department of: By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney By: � . = Y��:6��6 /� Bp S Approved by Mayor: Date 2� Z!S }- Apprwed by Mayor £or Submission to /) Council Y BY' �L� - �� �' ��2� By: Adopted by Council: Date�� ���Q� � ; �Z �� OEW WTMENCNFFICElCOUNCIL ONTE INITIATED 4 U'L.1 U Mayor Norm Colman's Office 1-15-97 GREEN SHEE CON7ACT PERSON & PHONE INffIAVDATE INfT1AUDATE �DEPA{iiMENT0IRECTOR �CIT/CAUNCIL Roger C. Curtis (266-8531) ASSIGN �CT'ATfOfiNEY �crtvc�nK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) pO�� O BUDGEf DIflECTOR � FIN. $ MCaT. SERVICES DIfl. ORUEN I MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � LJ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION RE�UESTED: Approval of appointments & reappointments of inembers to Heritage Preservation Commission. Appointed: Therese Cexmak, Thomas Guelcher, Gar Hargens & Judith Trent. Reappointed: Richard Murphy, Sr. and Steven Buetow RECOMMENDAnONS: npprove (A) or qeject (R) PEFiSONAL SERVICE CONTRACT'S MUS7 ANSWER TNE FOLLOWiNG �UESTIOI05: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION t Ha5 this per5onttirm ever worked under a con[reGt for this departmen[? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ SiAFP 2. Has this parwNfirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTRIC7 COURi _ 3. DoBS this person/Firm pos5ess a sk�ll not nortnall y possessetl by any curtent c'rty employee? SUPPOfliS WHICH COUNCiI OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separete aheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who, What, Whan. Whare, Why): ADVANTACaESIFAPPROVED: � gH gyftg�p �} "�+ m `'�` > �k1 �+'EYxi�� 8„ibe�..:3".'teE3 $`;�>,•... 4r:�:�li � +� 3.�1�1 �H�� � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: - �^ -�.n.s r � . . ....... .. . .�. � � ii i tiJ'-11, f.i Ci :as..n. . »..,._.a<z��_ DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ' �GSS�s��� �i� �7` j��� ��?�v�� �'iS�li,� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES MO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORhiATION� (EXPLAIN) �� �� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: FROM: DATE: [7� Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Mark Mauer Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember 7anice Rettman Roger C. Curtis (�.C- Assistant to the Mayor January 16, 1997 Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) Appointments and Reappointments Mayor Coleman has recommended that the foilowing people be appointed and reappointed to the Heritage Preservation Commission. Annointed Therese Cermak Thomas Guelcher Gar Hargens Judith Trent Reanuointed Steven Buetow Richard Murphy, Sr. (Ramsey County Historical Society Representative) Attached is the resolution recommending these individuais and copies of their applications. A1so attached is an appiicant report listing all applicants on file since 7anuary i, 1494. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8531. RCC:drm Attachments cc: `T7aii�cy Aitderson, Council Research ___ Aaron Rubenstein, HPC Staff, L1EP FROM CERMPK RHOFDES ARCHITECTS 1[.19.1596 12�52 / r� ��,! `�� SATNT pAIIL� MINrIE80'SA 55102 �-� � �- . 266�8525_' FAX: 266-8513 Name: -___.__1 Cl( �'�. �'�n���Jc . � � � Home Address; �0 C�.tp Street Telephone t�umber= z3 F. 2 �� �� ��� /I! �jJ' 2ip Plg��g Di.strict Cotimcil: p Citp Counci,7. Vard: ,���� Yreferred Hailing Address: Q .�, �/� SS��� T7hat is your occupation? _ j.� j'(�Yj�'f� �o�� P].ace �of F�ployment Ger ,� ���QdQS �CtM���•� Committee{s) Applied Foz: _ 1 ��1-FA� p��A�ma� lfYlAnnnniild.�Mn �i �hat ski-lls/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for vhich pau seek appointmenr? -..- �Ci�'/�L7�GL t D/�r.T/Gf/Y/G ✓1/I/JS��A i.In -�/IO Ti,....� /'.1..on '��'Ef'!�D Y��� 9 'lhe informatiou i,ncluded in tt�is application �S eonsidered pzivate data acaordi.ng to the Hznnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a resn2ti, Yhis zn�ozmation is not zeleased to the general public. (OVER) Rev. ?i'28/96 PP,pM CERMGK RHppDES RkCHiTECTS Name . , Address: lc.ly.t77o 1c�Jc q l �•Vi �i, " Phone:__ {gome� � CYork) �o Naa,e: '� t3'^��T�/ Address: SS�/, Phone:_ SHome) fvorxl �/�q—�n�� Name Addres Phone •_ Ckfome ) LqoYk) i7 7—�� Reason:: for pouz interest 3n this pazticular co�ittea: T�'�j .��� y�j�� _ V7/ p�cir-f�tce . , • Have ou had previous contact vitfi the co�ittee for vhich you a=e making applieation. If so, vhen, and eircumatances? Sn an attempt to ensure that ca�ittee representation refiects the makeup of ouz communitp, please check the line appJ,icable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. _,�,_ vhite (CaucBSian) I�ispanic Black (A�riean American) Asfnn or Pacific Islandez American Indian o� Alns&an Eskimo Hale _�_ FemaZe Date af Birth: 9/2�/ bisabled: Yes No � If spec3al acco�adatzone a=e needed, please specify. ftov did you hear about this opening? �1�1?il /Qd/Td3LRL(.�l/t?� • 1 Tn F ra ; Aame � Address: _ wcy NkLnliEGi� , , 1L.�r.treo �c:Jc - 1 l — ��p Yhoae_ _�gomeZ � tRork) �[L Name: � �lT ✓�� Address: SS� Phone• SHomel fSTOxk) �/�q tlame : Addres Phone'--�t'ome) �iferk) i77— ��,� Reasons Por pour interest in this particuiar co�ittea:_ TY(L �(� Bave ourhad If sa, vhen, psevious contact with the co�i,ttee £or vhich you are makix3g applieation. snd eircumatances4 In an actempt to ensuxe that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup of ouz coa�unity, pleuse check the ifne app7,xCable to qou. This infarmation is strietly volvntarg. �_ �hite <OaucBsisn) Black (A�rican bmericsn) � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Hale �' Remale sabled: Yes No � . � Hispenic Aeian ar Paaific Isl.ander Date of Birth: 91 ��f �? specisl acco�dations a=e needed, p2ease spacifp. did pou henr about this opeaing? �dyy( /Qq�py�, i�'.(�jyr Ajh, Tt1TGV F Cd ; FftOM CERMAK RHORDES RRCHITECTS 11.19.1556 12�53 P. + s , ��� RESUME Therese G. Cermak PROFESSf�NAL 4UALIFiCATtONS Registered Architect in Minnesota NCARB GeAificate hoider Member of the American Instltute of Architects Kansas State University Manhattan, KS. 1975lSO Bachelor of Architecture five ysar degree Cermak flhoades Architects St. Paui, MN. Principal Since 5J93 Union �epot Plece - tenani improvements Little Earth of Unded Tribes - 212 unit apartments and townhomes, capital improvemsnts Soufhern Valley Atliance for Battered Womsn - Offics and program area expansion Eden Programs - remodsling buiidings for men's and women's programs Chicago Avenue Apartme�ts - remodeting snd site improvements for 60 apartment units St. Joseph's House and HOPE, Inc. • 8 apartments in scettered sites, rehab Hopkins Tow�homes • evatuation and scope of work document for 10 townhomes, rehab Heartland Resources • tong range pianning and improvemenis to rurai residence TCHDCISt. Paul Sites Stabitizat+on • improvements to 6 townhouse developments Boult Residence - ramodeling and addition Whiriier Naighborhood Stabitization - improvements to d apartment buildings Search for Shelter Charcette, 1994 - Dayton's Bluff new rataiUoffica building PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE Dovolls Johnson & Ruggieri Inc. Minneapolis, MN, 9/87 to 5l93 Project Architect and Mat�ager Ronald McDone{d Houss New Unit 1-16 room guest house, new Success Famity Hous'sng • B unit apartmeni tor single parent students, new The Gorraine -16 unft apatiment for substance abuse program, rehab 7061s1 Ava. N. - 34 room S,R.O. with first fioor lease space, rehab 1801 LaSalis Ave, S. - 26 unit apertment, rehab Elliot Avenue Townhomes - 3 unit townhomes with daycare facilities The Barrington • 26 unit apartment, rehab Ths Balmoral - 58 Unit apartment, rehab Hoeft Residence - 6,00o s.f. single femily house, new Montana Ave. Townhomes -13 unit townhomes, new Hampton Futler Homes - 9 unit townhomes, new Moundsview 8usinsss Park Buifdings C, D, E, and G- warehouse, naw G. H. Forbes Associatss Architects Birmfngham, Mi. 4186 to 7187 Chlef Architect W. F. Milier - officetwarehouse, new First Macomb Banks -two branch banks, new Zefbart, tnc. - prototype design and two stores, new Northville Psychiatric tiospital - misceflaneous renovations Jackson Prison - reorganization planning C E R M A K R H O A D E S A ft C. H 1 T' E C T S 406 Laurel Ave., St Paul, MN 55104 22rS613l225-8720 FAX rrturi L[KMMn nn�HOGj Nnoniic�i_ ._.....>>. ._ ,� � � �� 7MP AssoCiates, inc. 8loomfield Nills, Mi. 8/85 to 4/8fi Job Captain Chrysler Corporatian • office and lobby remodefing St. Mary's College • class�oom building addi�ion Lansing Convention Center - new feciliry buncan Architects, Inc. Kansas City, MO. t0184 to 5/85 Staff ArchiteCt Americen Hereford Association - new haadquarters Polsinelli, White end Vardeman - law tibrary, remodeling Dutch Hilt ill - new iownhousss Abend Singleton AssociaYes, Inc. Kansas City, MQ, 9/82 to 1 Q/B4 5taff Architect UnRed Missouri Bank of Kansas City - new headquarters and o�ces Little Sisters of the poor - new eidedy care center MSFS ArchlteCts, fnc. Kansas City, MO. 8180 to 9l82 Arctiitect-in-tralning Mid-America Dairymen - new headquarters The Woodl�nds - n�w multi-famiiy residential A. Tahner Co. - office intariors Sheet Metel Workers Union hiail • new oifices end maeting hal! Canberre, Australia - capitol building competition +�+�ENP+*• �(�l-C� TMP Associates, lnc. Bloomfie{d Hilts, MI. 8J85 to 4J86 Job Captaln Chrysler Corporation - oNice and bbby remodeling St. Maty's College • classroom buiiding eddHion Lensing ConveMan Center • new facitily Duncan Archdects, lnc. Kansas Gity, MO. 1 W84 to 5185 Staff Architect Americen Fteretord Association • new headquaAers Poisinetti, White anti Vardeman - law library, ramodeiing Dutch Hill t11 - new townhouses Abend Singiaton Associates, inc. Kansas City, MO. 9/82 to 10/84 Staff Architect Unked Missouri Bank of Kensas City • new headquarters and o�ces Little Sisters of the �oor • new akieriy ca�e eenter MSFS Archiiects, inc. Kansas City, MO. 9t80 to 9J82 Architact-in-trafning Mid•America Dairymen - new headquaRars The lh�oodlands • n�w muki-family residentiel A. Zehner Co. • offiCe interiors Shaet Metai Workers Union iiali - new offices and meeiing hall Canberra, Australia - capitoi building competition �++END*** -��4 � OFFICE 390 SAINT PAIIL� 266-8525_ OF THE MAYOR CITY HAI,L iTA 55102 FAX: 266-8513 � _ 1 � \��� f: �+-�-� � Name: �%7��� 7 I/'>�/%ry°� Home Address: �� ��TL� �- , !7 L- rj�'UI/ �'191/ �' Stzeet � City Zyp Telephone 2lumhe=: _ CHomel �l 1 'Ul I� CAo=k) �7�� �7� -���) J/�I !7� Planning District Co�mcil: � City Council Aard: � Pre£erred Hailing Address: 4��(Im�J'� ��� Rhat is your occupation? ���)7_�� � Place �of F�plopment: v�t/ l�' f���7�7�1i� J �NL• 7cF"'F7 (���� Coamittee(s) Applied For: �'r�'l /Y�� f��7'lU'�i"T�rd1v ��YJ7(5�701�,f Ahat sk.ills/traini.ng or espezience do you possess for the committee(s) for vhicn pou seek appointment? The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Hinaesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this infor.nation is not releasec to the general public. (OVE.R) Rev. ?iz$/96 � � / -i-- � ._i ��L/./.:� ~ �17 � � PERSONAL REFIItENCES Name �S�Qfz�' S ,, .� i Address: � `JG)��' �i- r�""' ST� f {'1��'19l I �N �t'i' `j"Q Z Y/FrN,9T� Phone: (Home) (Gork) �7� -rj ��lj`,�j Name:' Y��/� N1���_ ►�l0'I���LVT--1 v� �C L7�f�b'�L' Address :� )�(j)�(�' ��r �� IFS �-� � D ! - 1 ✓• riJ ^�7�7 �d �-' Phone • Home Aork - !�'27� Name :` kCNY�Y P7D S t G��N��ll t �� ° �NTldrnAM }� ST�TFi I��v l�- Address: ZL'�'T7 �,D/�w � J�� Y'j�'1/(,_• 3�'J{� r j�j/�fj Phone;_ (Home) i �Work) CO'f L'bi�j` Have pou had previous coatact vith the committee £or vhich you are making application. If so, vhen, and circnmstances? u Wliite (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islandez � Male /' / Female Date of Birth: �� / Disabled: Yes No �� If special acco�odations are needed, please specifp. Hov did you hear about this opening? Reasons for povr interest in this particuZar co�ittee:__�X�p�.l�vt `d. �(i7ocx.�r' In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup of ovr community, please check the line applicable to pou. This information is strictZp voluntary. rExsoxat, ��xcES _ � ,� � � Address _ � � �Xl11Tk}' �T�` STL'.. h11'19i /YII�J �� �d �i Y/ �'�� � , Phone • CHome ) CiTork) �i'' r '7 — L�77?j �.�� - �� ' ..L�/ � � � 1 � i � ...:�a < . . �lI �I � t /l � �' 3 Phone• (Home) tYork) 7���j'ro�" x�e: �nVJY F>D�r �i �� L�Y1�n1 ��� ,�YNllavnM ?�,8`RK- ST&7F �,A�rut� Address: GZ /�1�0 �'V�- ���]"� �i�1/L y 1'hIJ �/D� Phone: CHome) �_ porx� (O�r t — b��7{ Have you had previous contact with the committee for vhich pou are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? � White (Caueasian) Black <African American) American Indian or Alaskan Bskimo Hisganic Asian or Pacific Sslander � Hale � � Female Date of Birth: 1 Disabled: Yes No �✓ _ If special accommodations are needed, please specify. Hov did pou hear about this openi.ng? Reasons £or povr interest in this particular committee:_Y,Q�'- �n �. i6t��( �c.r.vr' In an attempt to ensurs that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to pou. This infoZmation is strictlp voluntary. � , �, - - - - � . . � /^ '^' \('�. , ��, OFk'ICE OF THE MAYOR ' ��Li �,_!�` � �'.- - - . '... 390 cITY 2iAi,L.:. . .-._-,: . : .. . • - . � � - . � � � . .a:;.i `: .:.: : ' .. _..',.• �.SAT2dT PAIIL�: MI27DtESOTA 55102 :::'=.:.,�-.: .:�:Q� �.dr'�.9�6. . � �� ^ -- . 2 6-8525; -. . � _ �FAXc`266-8513 � ' .. � � Name• �/—� - ."... Q/% llct" ` �" : �:: :� ` � s.. ` '-.. '- ��fiYQ}�� (1FE1£� . - ��/�2�s ' ,� ° � �. �/'�ti�"`� � _" � U , e - F �" _.. ... :- - . , _ .... - - ,/ . :�:-:,--: � � / -- .._ . _ .... . Home Address: ��� ' �����l�F: : "t�� �7Y�/ � ����� ' � . _ __ Street - Citp ; � Zip Telephone Nnmber: �Hoae� '�`�� y�z �;, = . ' CGoik� '3`�i� iJ,C- .{�AX) �/�� ��.� _. : ' . � y �-f- r. Planni.ng District Crnmcil: f I . _ Citp Council T7ard: kre�erred Hailing Address: �B1�1/f'� � - - +� - � - '.Afiat is your occupation? 1iloDl�a»/?k�P �.�3�__aOTliR.U��ncO �/r> i-�6,d�R �:. j�,a,i/�tl�(7'/�� Place of Emplopment: ��1�-tm /��ia,� ��P �i�ii�� l°'ni Comnittee(s� AppZied For: �_,pL �r�s���//� l (� l ( Fhat skills/tzaining or esperxence do pou possess for the co�ittee(s) £or vnich you seek zPPointmentZ - _. . ,i . i in , n i. / . / �, /� _ ii > .. n/` -T'��r'.Y.�in��rr� 7`.�ii7" ���_rn,C ,� to . _ . . Rev.�/ . . v Phe information iucluded in this application is considered pri.vate data accozding to the 3inuesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this in£ozmation is not zeleased to :he genexal public. - ' r�so�. s��xc�s - �i 7—�� Aame• �/li �,�'�t � � - � ' . . - . . .. / . _ .i / sA ��r.. _ ' Address Phone: '{Home) S�%� //� f �/ (Aork) 2,Tame Addzess: s a n �� n �. � -i� .v. ��� .,� � i � Phone: (H6me) S��— ///`/� (Aork) Name � Address: Pf:one: CHome) ��,�/ � CAor�-) Reasons for yovr interest in tfiis paxticular co�ittee: li �� ��.�o i� � i 3�-��iC- �e Have you had p=evious contact vi.th the cosn�ittee for vhich you are making application. I� so, vhen, and circumstancesT In an attempt to ensure that cogaaittee rep=esentation ref2ects the �akeup o� ovr co�unitp, please check the line appli.cabZe to you. This in£ozmation is strictly vo2cntarp. � _�_ Ghite (Caucasian) $Iack (A£zican American) American Zndian or AZask,an Eskimo �_ Hale $eaale Disabled: Yes No � Hispanic Asian or Pacific TsZander Date of Bzrth: ,�',��` 5 ! I£ special accommodations needed, please speci£y. Hov did qou hear about this opening7 kERSONAZ R.EFIILEHCES , - Name • L// �.,.L�.�� . `�'Z — G G� Address: � �/ f�/� � /P /l � /��� .j���? ( ��� � � Pfione: CHome) .`��%f 1l7 ��✓ (S7ork) 21ame: Address: �f�.., �'.� ���l� f/��`�n �ctv,.v /"/r/.'� j���-✓e ---�jr��-j s Phone: lHeme) .��,Z j//`/? (Aorkl y 1 � / ,l �'`a -� � f� s��'/�z;' Add=ess: /.�`' // /.5� S Qi� AJ .� /-�� r- � ., Fhoae: CHome) �t.=--=,a-,�f l 'l (�7or�c) Reasons £or your interest in this particular co�nittee: �>. �f �T iC'.�n t � i in-�`X ,ti � Have you had previous contact vith the commiLtee for vhich you are making application. If so, vhen, and circumstances? - In an attempt to ensute that co�ittee representation refiects the makeup of our com�msnity, please chsck the line appZicable to pou. This in£ormation is strictlp volnntaxy. _�_ Ahite (Caucasian) Black (African 6merican) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo �_ Hale Female Disabled: Yes No � Hispanic Asian oz Pacific Tslander Date of Birth: �' ��- s 9 If special accommodations are needed, please speci.fp ov did you hear abont this opening? � U�� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � V y 390 CITY HALL ' y �� SAI2IT PAIIL MINNESOTA 55102 / �' v '" 'Z6s-as26 3 `�, � + � Name : v �R �c�-t�- � . \ I �^���C..��--- Home Address: 3 ��'+ L. ' ��� S�' �( C Z� Z Street City ,Telephone Number: ome ZQ D 2 O 3� p }� � _. 0 D , /� 1 n �S }. . � - ' ';,�a� �ww�i��t � �� �1�� LQ a - fl � - t G? � Planning Distri t CrnmciL' l WLv����s-rti)l Citp Council Aard- - W ;� r �L - / � 1 �� � l�-� �Cw�'v� Preferred Hailing Address: T" I�z ��tn ��5 iroL,_,p 3� �J ��' _ � f Ghat is your occupation? CCJ✓ �.�'�.�� t,ks�'o Y. Place �o£ Employment: � ' Vl.� � � �n � U.� :s.-�(J N� C� . Cov�ittee(s) Applied For: �� iM/��e�C.� 1" 12,S�vv�,�,��.�� S�1�Z mv � S S 1 � What skills/training or eaperience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointmentT V�:'ti S �t�t! S c�.0 'v�{_.E_� - ��<, i.l C� � LL C�c, v a,�/ - 2 s � S aY� �"b �l � 4'.. �,� � w'�� rj'.� ✓ � F-1 �' S! l�J �L.k � 1 � �ici'�..�.r l-- � �,a� S e,�nv o� ��, t J d G-.-,iG� 1/�^1 �r {�/'� l✓ ' �� ✓�. S C�'ill �J fi�.li..�a �( 4 1' — l �O t 'JY L�GCs� U Vt 5�..�i1� �� C s�.c_ t�'_-�.�c,F.�-� v�t 5 t.c-�_,�, -; a� �w�`I'�--: t�,.-c_ 1 D 1� � t.,>v J.� 1 S C-�.- C'.-c..<�P.6" L �"1/�0. _ _ n _ ,. , n . 1 % . �o t- (1�.� tJ�f (✓I _�.r3 � l� �� OG i 31 1S9t ��.�.� � < �—cr ,�c,.. �� �,,� d � �.� �' -� ��J �� . Cc.avJ � �� . r .' i _ _ � � - `ti��: �v C,� ��-�-eC.<�c S �,.�., :- The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the gene=al public. �. �� � U' O � Zip 7 Q n _ n '�,�t' �l �7 .�- � Lvr� . (04EIt) Rev.4,/21/93 PERSOIIAS, REFERENCES � � t� [ �.c � o (,� C� Address Phone:_ a — o �; —� t�a�- y�a z Name: �. t l'lV"S Address• �"�� � t i � Phone: (Home� 1 \ S� `,✓ V � � ��• � ��L �s —� Z��G �r.�t 5 t-t a O ��-� � T d Name : � 5 ls (-t�'r� (r�.A_ b l.tl( `-"� ' �A...c�. c-c, `� Ll CiC�Z�c/ AddreSS' ����..(�. � 1 S�.� vLt� trC SC��' LC2.�,�,�,) Lj-�--{-` � b' Fhone:_ (Home) CWork) Z� 1!J � �j �-� (o � Reasons for yovr interest in this particular co�ittee:_ ��� 2 5 5�'a l� �'L�JL w c� ��Q L'L���C �,^� ' � -�-' ��9' s U e� �b vi,�..� c ;� � � t�c�.- c�-„�- ��s <���: Have you had previous contact with the committee for vfiich you are making application. If so, vhen, and circvmstances? � O In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the ma.keup of our co�tmity, please check the line applicable to you. This 3n£oz'mation is strictly voluntary. ✓ At�i�a (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African Ameiican) Asian or Paci£ic Islander American Zndian or Alaskan Eskimo Male � Female Date o£ Birth: e° Disabled: Yes 2Io V If special acco�odations are needed, please speci£y. Hov did you heaz about this opening? S� S ��.. � 5� ii�.��u"-�`� rnewucuw tt�rr:ux:HCr;s Name • � ( .�.� � Address: t � l 5 � �� Name : Y�,� . t � �� 5 Address: �� `'i t f Pfione: (Home7, � 1 5 � �. � o l 1,,.� �,.� ��", f" Cc�._. — Ll (.� �i .• V�o �-s�-r. k rj}. l.� �l �1� - 2'1 t �� o io CT �a-�,o tc) �D — Q�'j� �t..� 1 `� �-1 Q p � d. ��—�� G�, �, � ���� Address: J C,4,,k,�, �1 t S�.:, vL.c� � L�( SC.tr vG;�-�.�,,,,) `N+: /.� " bi� Phone: CHome� (Aork) Z t � 5��'[/ Reasons for your interest i.n this particular committee: 1 p � /�� � j / J � � � � � � ' � - � � ` � 1.N Q. �J 5 �V�O� �IArC.(�._S� Vl� (�,� [i'.�t^-"� CJW-i��V'v �� �-W�/ J� IMJ T �A�c� �j L',.,,C�JQ li�-bD V liu c Gb � '�r' � S LO L�(� (�0 "1'.- , rt- ,�c.� t�c.aQ C.�_2,-C�o,_.5 ` Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. I£ so, when, and circnmstances? ►.� O In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup of our commimity, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntarp. � Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Blach (African American) Asian or Paci£ic Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male __t� Female Date of Birth: � ° � j � Disabled: Yes No V I£ special accommodations are needed, p2ease specify. Hov did you hear about this opening? W��.�.�-�� S 3-U. �'X �. JUDITH E. TRENT EXPERIENCE SUMMARY Judith Trent has ovez nine yeazs experience as director of locai and national preservation organizations. Judy has been e�ensively involved in preservation on a local, national and intemational level. Her responsibilities have included administration of local and national preservation offices including supervision of office staff and 300 volunteers; coordination of all fund-raising activities including tours, special events, and grant writin�; representing preservation organizations to govemment, civic groups, and funding sources; coordinating media relations including newspaper, radio, and television; and administrator of preservation home renovation classes. Judy meets the Secretary of the Interior's 5tandards for work in history and arcYriiectuiai hisiory. EDUCATION 1988 West Dean College, West Sussex, U.K., Arckutecture Conservation Summer School 1982 M.A., Historic Preservation Concentration, Colorado State Universiry 1976 B.A., History, MacMurray College, Jacksonville, IL WORK EXPERIENCE 1994-date Project Manager, Technical Manager, and Architectural Historian, The 106 Group Ltd., St. Paul, Minnesota. Manages a11 cultural resources projects to ensure full compliance with appropriate legislation and quality assurance. Tasks include scheduling, monitoring budgets, and staff allocation. Principal Investigator for selected azchitectural history projects. 1992-1994 Executive Director, Frank Lloyd Wright Buiiding Conservancy, Chicago, IIlinois. Responsibie for administration of national consortium oF Wright building owners including supervision of office staff and nationwide network of consultants, architects, and building owners. Developed strategies for the preservation of Wright-designed residences, commercial stnxctures, and churches. Also responsible for fund-raisin�, media relations, and memberstup development. Planned and executed annuai conferences featuring scholars from around the worid. Produced quarterly news ma�azine. �� �� Page 2 7udith E. Treni 1986-1992 Executive Airector, Historic BoulderJPreservation in Action, Boulder, Colorado. Responsible for administration including supervision of office staff and 300 volunteers. Coordinated all fund-raising activiries including tours, special events, and grants. Represented organization to government, civic groups, and fundinD sources. Coordinated media relations. Faculty member and administrator of organization's renovation classes. 1985-1986 Preservation Consultant, Setf Employed, Longmont, Colorado. Designed and conducted feasibility study for downtown historic districts. Survey results presented to City Council, Landmarks Commission, and Downtown Business Association. 1984 Graduate Intern, Downing & Associates, Ft. Collins, Colorado. Researched and wrote Parts I and II of Tax Certification Application for Old Town Triangle Historic District Structures. 1983-1984 Research Intern, Natio»al Park 5ervice, Denver, Colorado. Researched and wrote multipie resource National Register nomination for Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Documented photography, historic reseazch, and structural report on the main historic buildings. Prepared recommendations for park. 1978-1982 Volunteer Coordinator, Frank Llopd Wright Home & Studio, Chicago, Illinois. Tour guide duties, and training of other tour guides. PRORESSIONAL AFFILIATION5 AND COMMUNTTY INVOLVEMENT 1994 1993-1494 1993-1994 1986-1992 1985-1992 1988-1990 1989 1986(1989 1985-1987 1986 Village Design Commission of Oak Park, II,. Board of Airectors, SEG Impact of Chicago. Volunteer Tutor, Austin Neighborhood Association, Chicago, IL. 7�oazci of �irectars, i,oiorado rreservation, inc. Advisory Board of Preservation Action, Inc. President, Zonta Club of Boulder County. Board of Directors, Arts & Humanities Assembly of Boulder. Speaker, Statewide Preservation Conferences, CO. Chair, Advisory Board Bouider Bureau of Conference Services. Speaker, Annual Conference National Trust for Historic Pteseivation, Kansas City, MO. I i �. 0 �LZ �c�`n PAGE 1 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1fOlf94 003196 Austin, Becky 625 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Designer 003255 Cermak, Therese G. 908 Laurel Avenue St. Paul� MN 55104 Architect 003086 DuPaul, Anqela 668 Greenbrier St. Paul, MN 55106 Student/Lakewood Com. College 003213 Esser, Aeather 491 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Public Program Coordinator 003252 Greiner, Kathryn 1734 Sherwood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Graphic Designer 003248 Guelcher, Thomas P. 1270 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MI3 55105 Woodworker 003256 Hargens, Gar 548 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Architect DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----' °°-°- -------- -� --"----- - 1 S W 07/OS/96 F 4 8 6 2 1 8 W 12/19f96 F W 1OJ31j95 F W 07/26/96 F W 11/21/96 F W 11f14f96 M W D1/07/97 M � . � ���� 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 2 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CObfMENTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE ET APP DATE G DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ___________________________________ ____ ________ ________ __ ________ _ 003251 Larson, Paul W 11/21/96 M @ Independent Historian 003221 Lloyd, Thomas 694 Oakdale Avenue St. Paul, MN 55107 Owner/Old Style Restoration 001527 Meuwissen, Lawrence E. 8 Bates Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Attorney 002554 Nordin, Cathy 1427 No. Albert Street St. Paul, MN 55108 Architect 003092 Sprung, Albert F. 957 Flandrau St. Pau1, MN 55106 Chemical Technican 003087 Trent, Judith E. 300 E. 4th Street #502 St. Paul, MN 55101 Architectural Aistorian 003094 Walgrave, Amy Lynn #2 St. Anthony Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Asst to Pres. @ MN Landmarks 003246 Warner, Linda K. 7 4 4 10 6 2 2 17 4 13 4 14 NA 07/24/96 M W 12/14/95 M W il/12/96 F W 11/28/95 M W 10/31/95 F W 11/22/95 F W 11/18/96 F 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT �� �� PAGE 3 COMMITTEE e HPC Heritage Preservation Comm- FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER OlfOlJ94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -- -------- - 2020 Summit Avenue St.�Paul, MN 55105 Economist/Self-Employed 0029�3 Woods, Donald Z. 554 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 1 8 W 11/08/96 M Retired