97-650Council File # ���� Ordinance # Green Sheet # �✓ ` � � Presented By Referred To 1 RESOLVED: That application (ID #35944) for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License by 2 Super America Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica #4421 (Todd Perrigo, Manager) at 3 970 University Avenue West be and the same is hereby approved 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Navs Abse 7 B a�Tcey �� 8 Bostr_�m Office of License Insggqtions and 9 Harrzs � 10 Me a� —� Environmenta� Protection 11 � 12 Thune � 13 Morton 15 S � ` � 16 Adopted by Council: Date B Y' — 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 21 By: 22 t By: fi /'L�_ 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �'� 1� 24 � 25 Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 $y. Council 27 By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � u��� �EPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DAiE MITIATED GREEN SHEE �O 3 5 31� 9 LIEPJLicensin -- -- CANTACf PERSON & PHONE INITIAL/DATE INRIAVDATE O �EPAPTMENT DIPECfOA � CRY GOUNCIL Christine Rozek 266-9108 ^���" �cmarror+Ner �crrrc�r+K MUST BE ON COUNGIL AGENDA BY (DA'IE) p��� � BUW E! DIRECiOfl � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. S ONDER � MAVOFi (OR ASSISTANT� O For hearin : T07AL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALl LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: The SuperAmerica Group Division of_Ashland DBA SuperAmerica 1�4421 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant=C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 97Q University Avenue West (ID #35944). RECOtAeaENDnnoNS: nqxove (n) aRa�ect ip) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUEST/ONS: _ PLPNNING C�MIAISSI�N _ CIV4l SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has Nis person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departmeM? , , ��B CO�tMrtiEE _ YES NO —�� — 2. Has this permnflirm ever bea� a city empbyee? YES NO _ OIS7RICT COURT _ 3. Does fhis personttirm passess a skill not normaN Y P��sed by any curre�rt cRy amployee? SUPPORS$ VJFIICH CAUNCIL O&IECSIVE? YES NO Expfaln alt yes answers on separete sheet anA attech to groen sheet 1NITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPOR7UNfTY (Who. W1iat When, Where. Wh»: MAY 12 1997 J���Y ��.A!(EY ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROYED: �6iia'�.^',.�$sf� �"� »�...�°f�^w� �^.Kyq'��yay �:';Lt`i �� ia�l DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/FiEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE AC7IVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensneet # 35319 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 /`i�b� In Trackef? app'n aeceNed / npp'n arocessea License ID # 35944 License Type: Gas Station, Restaurant—C, Grocerv—C, and Cigarette Lice� Company Name:SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA: SuperAmerica f/4421 Business Addresss: 970 Universitv Avenue West BUSiness Phone: 646-4689 Contact Name/Address: Todd Perrigo, 970 University Ave W Home Phone: Date to Council Research: 55104 Public Hearing Date: � Labels Ordered: /�' � Notice Sent to Applicant: � District Council #: 8 .A i. /n / � �� / Notice Sent to Public: ! ` 0 � Ward #: � Department/ Date Inspections Comments C'dy Attorney �l� o � . Environmental Health N. �.. �� � q �- �". Fire 5 �l� �j' � o , License Site Plan Received:_ Lease Received: ��g��t? DlG Police 5" b � . � . Zoning � l� �l �- D . � • MAR-19-1997 11�06 G�'f-9� ST PAUL LIEP hold. famaly hcld. or may have an intetest in: _ . _ °t�' �� �� � CI"fY OF SAINT PAUT. offi« o£timae, 7�ims LICENSE APPLICATION ��� �°� 330SPe¢SLS�3�7 y�pcd�]6pq�rm SS@ � 2 2 (su'ixsssoso �isuJnsntze RAl1ll, + 11 " I / - f . ! I '' 1 " r � � � ,�� . � � - '..� �� t ` � - Jx_ f ):t _ ,: !li�� b 9:�i J � - s � k - I �• • f 1 T�pe ofLicense(s) beiag applied for: Compsny Name: .,,« - . . If business is incorposated, 8ive date of incoiporation: � G "' o � �_ �� a�,�.�: � c; A1�.1 R i crA '�k 5��1i� ��� Aaar�: �� �.AN� �� J2:ti fa Qv.� ST�s}ra, l � � `S �� Betwan what cnoss s�Ceets is the business located? Ar� th� ptesnises now oceupied? What Type of B�ess? h,s;,To.��: P 0 B U�G t VUU �C L.e x i N�t c.� skmc Add�w � x�ffiar��_ 612 266 9124, P. � � T N l �q, �It �vo� `�- N— BusinessPhonr. �i(�. L �/4 — �lb�y �,vs,l'i�/�1 s� � wluch siae of the sa�eec� pS/2 h°r. Zm f,�.S f, A,�,��F�- �y Tit3e Home Addiess: � ° _ Sttat P.ddre+s City � � Date of Birth: ,ll.,� �I ��R.a Place of $irth: Home Phone f. 3 S7 :] Z 1 Have yov ever been comicted of auy felony, aime or �iolation of any ciry ordinance other than tra�cl YES _ NO �_ Dzte of arcest: �`'�� ��8� Coaviction: S�ntwa: I,ist the names and �esi� of ttvce persons of gaod moral chs�e�°�, li�'�S �'+� �e Twin Cities Metro Area, not rdated to the applicant or fins�ially interested'm ihe premis..°s ar business, who may ix rcfarc:d to as to the agplicanYs char�ter: ADDRESS PHONE R s�a nneeAr.� S- 14 72 0-'laN 0 S7.'S •�1 ���- (nl�-`�3( � Frrt ;vLdBc (MaidcaJ � I :�.f Ll � liceuses Have �of the above nsmad �_�1... i��. �� i,Ewoked? YES � NO I£yes, list she dates avd reasons for revocadou: 2/18M? MAR-19-1997 11�08 C,JS�BS ST PRLIL LIFP 612 266 9124 P,04 �� Are }vu going ;o operpse tlsss busiaess �asonatl}•1 Y'ES �;�0 If aat, u$o wiU operzte �'�IPERAAiERICA G7�4i113 F;ra� �vcm��wu c�rrao� � P.O. Sox 1400� Lexinqton KY qa5t H�e�dbm. so-ea:�ae c;,• sn�e �''i PhOne>>IDber Art��gom3to�zctiau�aczgeroiessSsatinihisbtLSiaess? YES plezsc coaplete the fdlrnc�g ixu`oimaiion: � i . �/ ) . �/ d ;30 If t�c maaager is not the sec�e Fs the operator, Pkase list your emp3o;meas 2sistory for tbe pretio:ss fi�e (5) cezrperiod: Bti�ess�EmoIo�mrnt Address Da1c far each parmer (use adrlitionsl pages if necessffiy)_ (•Vdaiden) L.a - —_. _ Duc HoaeAddron: So-ea>eme CttS Slelc Ysp Phonel5�&r Fc�t�amc �SddleIcitid (�Lidea7 La DatcofHrttlx Hocc.4dd�os: SaeG:i� Gty Siate Zip PhaaeA4+mbei Mt32`ESO7A TAX IDENI3FICATION NUMBER - p�ssuaat to thc Lau•s of �ot� 1984, Chagter SQ2, Article 8, Sutioa 2(270.72} (Ta� Cleerana;lssuaace of Licensesj, &cepsiag authorities ere sequired to prodsde to ihe State of 2�nnesota Cammissiona of Revmu� the NGnxusotabusiaesstsx idrn�Scationrntmba aadthe sociai sxwirynvmberof cachliaau app&caat Uuder tbe M�iaacsot� CmverRmmt Dats Praczias pa �d shc Federsi Frivacy Aci �} 97d, we are requir�d to advise you of the follou�ing �S�S �e use oft6e Mmnaota Tax Identificatiou Numba: - 2his infama4on may be used to det�y the ;K or reaewst of yo�u tzccnsc za th� evart you owe Mumesats sa7es, empIoy$ s withhdd'¢ig � motor vefiick exdse taxes, ' UPon receivmg t�s iaf�tiaa,lFie licensia8 avth�itY m�i suAPlp it oaty W�e �a Aepazuawt of Rcvrnex. However, under the Fedaal ExcLffiegc of fnformadoa A�ment the I�partmcm of Reveaue may su�Ply this iuformation w tlu IMcnal RevenaeSeivice. ._.. - �a Tax IdeaU5ca6� Nssmbcs (Sat�& Use TaxN�b�C) may bc obtsiaed from tbe S�ate ofMnaesota, Buswess Rticords Deg�tmesu. }012ivaPark Plsza (622-2%-6181� ���,��: 1- U � c � ��,T��������:-1�9o?3�SS _ ffa M:anesofa Tax Idrntifica6on Plumba ss not requized for sbe businas bcing operated. indicste so by ptacing aa `X' ia rke box �., e �, List zll otha oacers of the co�o: ztion: OFFIC�R TITT,� HOM.E HO'v,� HUS�TESS DATE OF :iA1.2� (O�cxHejd) t ADt�S5 PHO\'E PHOh� BIRTH Council File # ���� Ordinance # Green Sheet # �✓ ` � � Presented By Referred To 1 RESOLVED: That application (ID #35944) for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License by 2 Super America Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica #4421 (Todd Perrigo, Manager) at 3 970 University Avenue West be and the same is hereby approved 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Navs Abse 7 B a�Tcey �� 8 Bostr_�m Office of License Insggqtions and 9 Harrzs � 10 Me a� —� Environmenta� Protection 11 � 12 Thune � 13 Morton 15 S � ` � 16 Adopted by Council: Date B Y' — 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 21 By: 22 t By: fi /'L�_ 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �'� 1� 24 � 25 Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 $y. Council 27 By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � u��� �EPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DAiE MITIATED GREEN SHEE �O 3 5 31� 9 LIEPJLicensin -- -- CANTACf PERSON & PHONE INITIAL/DATE INRIAVDATE O �EPAPTMENT DIPECfOA � CRY GOUNCIL Christine Rozek 266-9108 ^���" �cmarror+Ner �crrrc�r+K MUST BE ON COUNGIL AGENDA BY (DA'IE) p��� � BUW E! DIRECiOfl � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. S ONDER � MAVOFi (OR ASSISTANT� O For hearin : T07AL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALl LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: The SuperAmerica Group Division of_Ashland DBA SuperAmerica 1�4421 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant=C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 97Q University Avenue West (ID #35944). RECOtAeaENDnnoNS: nqxove (n) aRa�ect ip) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUEST/ONS: _ PLPNNING C�MIAISSI�N _ CIV4l SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has Nis person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departmeM? , , ��B CO�tMrtiEE _ YES NO —�� — 2. Has this permnflirm ever bea� a city empbyee? YES NO _ OIS7RICT COURT _ 3. Does fhis personttirm passess a skill not normaN Y P��sed by any curre�rt cRy amployee? SUPPORS$ VJFIICH CAUNCIL O&IECSIVE? YES NO Expfaln alt yes answers on separete sheet anA attech to groen sheet 1NITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPOR7UNfTY (Who. W1iat When, Where. Wh»: MAY 12 1997 J���Y ��.A!(EY ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROYED: �6iia'�.^',.�$sf� �"� »�...�°f�^w� �^.Kyq'��yay �:';Lt`i �� ia�l DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/FiEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE AC7IVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensneet # 35319 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 /`i�b� In Trackef? app'n aeceNed / npp'n arocessea License ID # 35944 License Type: Gas Station, Restaurant—C, Grocerv—C, and Cigarette Lice� Company Name:SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA: SuperAmerica f/4421 Business Addresss: 970 Universitv Avenue West BUSiness Phone: 646-4689 Contact Name/Address: Todd Perrigo, 970 University Ave W Home Phone: Date to Council Research: 55104 Public Hearing Date: � Labels Ordered: /�' � Notice Sent to Applicant: � District Council #: 8 .A i. /n / � �� / Notice Sent to Public: ! ` 0 � Ward #: � Department/ Date Inspections Comments C'dy Attorney �l� o � . Environmental Health N. �.. �� � q �- �". Fire 5 �l� �j' � o , License Site Plan Received:_ Lease Received: ��g��t? DlG Police 5" b � . � . Zoning � l� �l �- D . � • MAR-19-1997 11�06 G�'f-9� ST PAUL LIEP hold. famaly hcld. or may have an intetest in: _ . _ °t�' �� �� � CI"fY OF SAINT PAUT. offi« o£timae, 7�ims LICENSE APPLICATION ��� �°� 330SPe¢SLS�3�7 y�pcd�]6pq�rm SS@ � 2 2 (su'ixsssoso �isuJnsntze RAl1ll, + 11 " I / - f . ! I '' 1 " r � � � ,�� . � � - '..� �� t ` � - Jx_ f ):t _ ,: !li�� b 9:�i J � - s � k - I �• • f 1 T�pe ofLicense(s) beiag applied for: Compsny Name: .,,« - . . If business is incorposated, 8ive date of incoiporation: � G "' o � �_ �� a�,�.�: � c; A1�.1 R i crA '�k 5��1i� ��� Aaar�: �� �.AN� �� J2:ti fa Qv.� ST�s}ra, l � � `S �� Betwan what cnoss s�Ceets is the business located? Ar� th� ptesnises now oceupied? What Type of B�ess? h,s;,To.��: P 0 B U�G t VUU �C L.e x i N�t c.� skmc Add�w � x�ffiar��_ 612 266 9124, P. � � T N l �q, �It �vo� `�- N— BusinessPhonr. �i(�. L �/4 — �lb�y �,vs,l'i�/�1 s� � wluch siae of the sa�eec� pS/2 h°r. Zm f,�.S f, A,�,��F�- �y Tit3e Home Addiess: � ° _ Sttat P.ddre+s City � � Date of Birth: ,ll.,� �I ��R.a Place of $irth: Home Phone f. 3 S7 :] Z 1 Have yov ever been comicted of auy felony, aime or �iolation of any ciry ordinance other than tra�cl YES _ NO �_ Dzte of arcest: �`'�� ��8� Coaviction: S�ntwa: I,ist the names and �esi� of ttvce persons of gaod moral chs�e�°�, li�'�S �'+� �e Twin Cities Metro Area, not rdated to the applicant or fins�ially interested'm ihe premis..°s ar business, who may ix rcfarc:d to as to the agplicanYs char�ter: ADDRESS PHONE R s�a nneeAr.� S- 14 72 0-'laN 0 S7.'S •�1 ���- (nl�-`�3( � Frrt ;vLdBc (MaidcaJ � I :�.f Ll � liceuses Have �of the above nsmad �_�1... i��. �� i,Ewoked? YES � NO I£yes, list she dates avd reasons for revocadou: 2/18M? MAR-19-1997 11�08 C,JS�BS ST PRLIL LIFP 612 266 9124 P,04 �� Are }vu going ;o operpse tlsss busiaess �asonatl}•1 Y'ES �;�0 If aat, u$o wiU operzte �'�IPERAAiERICA G7�4i113 F;ra� �vcm��wu c�rrao� � P.O. Sox 1400� Lexinqton KY qa5t H�e�dbm. so-ea:�ae c;,• sn�e �''i PhOne>>IDber Art��gom3to�zctiau�aczgeroiessSsatinihisbtLSiaess? YES plezsc coaplete the fdlrnc�g ixu`oimaiion: � i . �/ ) . �/ d ;30 If t�c maaager is not the sec�e Fs the operator, Pkase list your emp3o;meas 2sistory for tbe pretio:ss fi�e (5) cezrperiod: Bti�ess�EmoIo�mrnt Address Da1c far each parmer (use adrlitionsl pages if necessffiy)_ (•Vdaiden) L.a - —_. _ Duc HoaeAddron: So-ea>eme CttS Slelc Ysp Phonel5�&r Fc�t�amc �SddleIcitid (�Lidea7 La DatcofHrttlx Hocc.4dd�os: SaeG:i� Gty Siate Zip PhaaeA4+mbei Mt32`ESO7A TAX IDENI3FICATION NUMBER - p�ssuaat to thc Lau•s of �ot� 1984, Chagter SQ2, Article 8, Sutioa 2(270.72} (Ta� Cleerana;lssuaace of Licensesj, &cepsiag authorities ere sequired to prodsde to ihe State of 2�nnesota Cammissiona of Revmu� the NGnxusotabusiaesstsx idrn�Scationrntmba aadthe sociai sxwirynvmberof cachliaau app&caat Uuder tbe M�iaacsot� CmverRmmt Dats Praczias pa �d shc Federsi Frivacy Aci �} 97d, we are requir�d to advise you of the follou�ing �S�S �e use oft6e Mmnaota Tax Identificatiou Numba: - 2his infama4on may be used to det�y the ;K or reaewst of yo�u tzccnsc za th� evart you owe Mumesats sa7es, empIoy$ s withhdd'¢ig � motor vefiick exdse taxes, ' UPon receivmg t�s iaf�tiaa,lFie licensia8 avth�itY m�i suAPlp it oaty W�e �a Aepazuawt of Rcvrnex. However, under the Fedaal ExcLffiegc of fnformadoa A�ment the I�partmcm of Reveaue may su�Ply this iuformation w tlu IMcnal RevenaeSeivice. ._.. - �a Tax IdeaU5ca6� Nssmbcs (Sat�& Use TaxN�b�C) may bc obtsiaed from tbe S�ate ofMnaesota, Buswess Rticords Deg�tmesu. }012ivaPark Plsza (622-2%-6181� ���,��: 1- U � c � ��,T��������:-1�9o?3�SS _ ffa M:anesofa Tax Idrntifica6on Plumba ss not requized for sbe businas bcing operated. indicste so by ptacing aa `X' ia rke box �., e �, List zll otha oacers of the co�o: ztion: OFFIC�R TITT,� HOM.E HO'v,� HUS�TESS DATE OF :iA1.2� (O�cxHejd) t ADt�S5 PHO\'E PHOh� BIRTH Council File # ���� Ordinance # Green Sheet # �✓ ` � � Presented By Referred To 1 RESOLVED: That application (ID #35944) for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License by 2 Super America Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica #4421 (Todd Perrigo, Manager) at 3 970 University Avenue West be and the same is hereby approved 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Navs Abse 7 B a�Tcey �� 8 Bostr_�m Office of License Insggqtions and 9 Harrzs � 10 Me a� —� Environmenta� Protection 11 � 12 Thune � 13 Morton 15 S � ` � 16 Adopted by Council: Date B Y' — 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 21 By: 22 t By: fi /'L�_ 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �'� 1� 24 � 25 Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 $y. Council 27 By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � u��� �EPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DAiE MITIATED GREEN SHEE �O 3 5 31� 9 LIEPJLicensin -- -- CANTACf PERSON & PHONE INITIAL/DATE INRIAVDATE O �EPAPTMENT DIPECfOA � CRY GOUNCIL Christine Rozek 266-9108 ^���" �cmarror+Ner �crrrc�r+K MUST BE ON COUNGIL AGENDA BY (DA'IE) p��� � BUW E! DIRECiOfl � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. S ONDER � MAVOFi (OR ASSISTANT� O For hearin : T07AL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALl LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: The SuperAmerica Group Division of_Ashland DBA SuperAmerica 1�4421 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant=C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 97Q University Avenue West (ID #35944). RECOtAeaENDnnoNS: nqxove (n) aRa�ect ip) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUEST/ONS: _ PLPNNING C�MIAISSI�N _ CIV4l SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has Nis person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departmeM? , , ��B CO�tMrtiEE _ YES NO —�� — 2. Has this permnflirm ever bea� a city empbyee? YES NO _ OIS7RICT COURT _ 3. Does fhis personttirm passess a skill not normaN Y P��sed by any curre�rt cRy amployee? SUPPORS$ VJFIICH CAUNCIL O&IECSIVE? YES NO Expfaln alt yes answers on separete sheet anA attech to groen sheet 1NITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPOR7UNfTY (Who. W1iat When, Where. Wh»: MAY 12 1997 J���Y ��.A!(EY ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROYED: �6iia'�.^',.�$sf� �"� »�...�°f�^w� �^.Kyq'��yay �:';Lt`i �� ia�l DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/FiEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE AC7IVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensneet # 35319 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 /`i�b� In Trackef? app'n aeceNed / npp'n arocessea License ID # 35944 License Type: Gas Station, Restaurant—C, Grocerv—C, and Cigarette Lice� Company Name:SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA: SuperAmerica f/4421 Business Addresss: 970 Universitv Avenue West BUSiness Phone: 646-4689 Contact Name/Address: Todd Perrigo, 970 University Ave W Home Phone: Date to Council Research: 55104 Public Hearing Date: � Labels Ordered: /�' � Notice Sent to Applicant: � District Council #: 8 .A i. /n / � �� / Notice Sent to Public: ! ` 0 � Ward #: � Department/ Date Inspections Comments C'dy Attorney �l� o � . Environmental Health N. �.. �� � q �- �". Fire 5 �l� �j' � o , License Site Plan Received:_ Lease Received: ��g��t? DlG Police 5" b � . � . Zoning � l� �l �- D . � • MAR-19-1997 11�06 G�'f-9� ST PAUL LIEP hold. famaly hcld. or may have an intetest in: _ . _ °t�' �� �� � CI"fY OF SAINT PAUT. offi« o£timae, 7�ims LICENSE APPLICATION ��� �°� 330SPe¢SLS�3�7 y�pcd�]6pq�rm SS@ � 2 2 (su'ixsssoso �isuJnsntze RAl1ll, + 11 " I / - f . ! I '' 1 " r � � � ,�� . � � - '..� �� t ` � - Jx_ f ):t _ ,: !li�� b 9:�i J � - s � k - I �• • f 1 T�pe ofLicense(s) beiag applied for: Compsny Name: .,,« - . . If business is incorposated, 8ive date of incoiporation: � G "' o � �_ �� a�,�.�: � c; A1�.1 R i crA '�k 5��1i� ��� Aaar�: �� �.AN� �� J2:ti fa Qv.� ST�s}ra, l � � `S �� Betwan what cnoss s�Ceets is the business located? Ar� th� ptesnises now oceupied? What Type of B�ess? h,s;,To.��: P 0 B U�G t VUU �C L.e x i N�t c.� skmc Add�w � x�ffiar��_ 612 266 9124, P. � � T N l �q, �It �vo� `�- N— BusinessPhonr. �i(�. L �/4 — �lb�y �,vs,l'i�/�1 s� � wluch siae of the sa�eec� pS/2 h°r. Zm f,�.S f, A,�,��F�- �y Tit3e Home Addiess: � ° _ Sttat P.ddre+s City � � Date of Birth: ,ll.,� �I ��R.a Place of $irth: Home Phone f. 3 S7 :] Z 1 Have yov ever been comicted of auy felony, aime or �iolation of any ciry ordinance other than tra�cl YES _ NO �_ Dzte of arcest: �`'�� ��8� Coaviction: S�ntwa: I,ist the names and �esi� of ttvce persons of gaod moral chs�e�°�, li�'�S �'+� �e Twin Cities Metro Area, not rdated to the applicant or fins�ially interested'm ihe premis..°s ar business, who may ix rcfarc:d to as to the agplicanYs char�ter: ADDRESS PHONE R s�a nneeAr.� S- 14 72 0-'laN 0 S7.'S •�1 ���- (nl�-`�3( � Frrt ;vLdBc (MaidcaJ � I :�.f Ll � liceuses Have �of the above nsmad �_�1... i��. �� i,Ewoked? YES � NO I£yes, list she dates avd reasons for revocadou: 2/18M? MAR-19-1997 11�08 C,JS�BS ST PRLIL LIFP 612 266 9124 P,04 �� Are }vu going ;o operpse tlsss busiaess �asonatl}•1 Y'ES �;�0 If aat, u$o wiU operzte �'�IPERAAiERICA G7�4i113 F;ra� �vcm��wu c�rrao� � P.O. Sox 1400� Lexinqton KY qa5t H�e�dbm. so-ea:�ae c;,• sn�e �''i PhOne>>IDber Art��gom3to�zctiau�aczgeroiessSsatinihisbtLSiaess? YES plezsc coaplete the fdlrnc�g ixu`oimaiion: � i . �/ ) . �/ d ;30 If t�c maaager is not the sec�e Fs the operator, Pkase list your emp3o;meas 2sistory for tbe pretio:ss fi�e (5) cezrperiod: Bti�ess�EmoIo�mrnt Address Da1c far each parmer (use adrlitionsl pages if necessffiy)_ (•Vdaiden) L.a - —_. _ Duc HoaeAddron: So-ea>eme CttS Slelc Ysp Phonel5�&r Fc�t�amc �SddleIcitid (�Lidea7 La DatcofHrttlx Hocc.4dd�os: SaeG:i� Gty Siate Zip PhaaeA4+mbei Mt32`ESO7A TAX IDENI3FICATION NUMBER - p�ssuaat to thc Lau•s of �ot� 1984, Chagter SQ2, Article 8, Sutioa 2(270.72} (Ta� Cleerana;lssuaace of Licensesj, &cepsiag authorities ere sequired to prodsde to ihe State of 2�nnesota Cammissiona of Revmu� the NGnxusotabusiaesstsx idrn�Scationrntmba aadthe sociai sxwirynvmberof cachliaau app&caat Uuder tbe M�iaacsot� CmverRmmt Dats Praczias pa �d shc Federsi Frivacy Aci �} 97d, we are requir�d to advise you of the follou�ing �S�S �e use oft6e Mmnaota Tax Identificatiou Numba: - 2his infama4on may be used to det�y the ;K or reaewst of yo�u tzccnsc za th� evart you owe Mumesats sa7es, empIoy$ s withhdd'¢ig � motor vefiick exdse taxes, ' UPon receivmg t�s iaf�tiaa,lFie licensia8 avth�itY m�i suAPlp it oaty W�e �a Aepazuawt of Rcvrnex. However, under the Fedaal ExcLffiegc of fnformadoa A�ment the I�partmcm of Reveaue may su�Ply this iuformation w tlu IMcnal RevenaeSeivice. ._.. - �a Tax IdeaU5ca6� Nssmbcs (Sat�& Use TaxN�b�C) may bc obtsiaed from tbe S�ate ofMnaesota, Buswess Rticords Deg�tmesu. }012ivaPark Plsza (622-2%-6181� ���,��: 1- U � c � ��,T��������:-1�9o?3�SS _ ffa M:anesofa Tax Idrntifica6on Plumba ss not requized for sbe businas bcing operated. indicste so by ptacing aa `X' ia rke box �., e �, List zll otha oacers of the co�o: ztion: OFFIC�R TITT,� HOM.E HO'v,� HUS�TESS DATE OF :iA1.2� (O�cxHejd) t ADt�S5 PHO\'E PHOh� BIRTH