97-65! �' �' p � �'' E � '. ' ` � '..F� i 1 fr � ! � �� .'� '. :� Council File # Green Shaet # Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of 2 the appointment and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following 3 members to serve on the SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION. 4 5 REAPPOINTMENT5 APPOINTMENT 6 7 Carole Faricy 8 Litton Field, Jr. 9 Anne Geisser lo Frank Gurney 11 Richard Kramer 12 Dick Nowlin 13 14 15 16 PAUL,I��NNESOTA Cathy Nordin ,� Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: �. , a.. � Approved by Ma r: Date Z(/�..( t'-� By: t� ' f U� By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: � -� '- � Approved by Mayor for Submission to council By� �_��.. S�� ° i1 b� yoZ� Adopted by Council: Date � �� �j ,�q� , -- . . No� Coleman's Office �-�6-s� GREEN SHEET C. Curtis 266-8531 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � �S 40�I� IJEPARTMEM DIRECiOR u GITY CAUNCIL cm arroaxev � cm c�RK BUDGET DIREGTOR � FIN. & MGT. SE MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'n � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) INITIAUDATE Approval of Planning Commission appointment of Cathy Nordin & reappointments of Carole Faricy Litton Field, Jr., Anne Geisser, Frank Gurney, Richard Kramer and Dick Nowlin. Each shall serve a three-year term which will e�ire on January 1, 2000. � _ PIANNING COMMISSIpN _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMiI'iEE _ _ STAFF __ _ DISTRICTCOURT _ SUPPORT5 WHICX COUNCIL O&IECTIVE7 JAN 2 3 l99? �.��;;:'� .. . _ � _ � .. ��� ��,�� % � ::��7 .a �. _ v ,_�,.�. �����a ��� G�% :�5� �����'S ;����'� L AMOUNi OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO If86 SOIfBCE ACTIVfTY NUMBER tA� INFORRSATION: (E%PLAIN) PENSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personffirm ever worketl u(Wer a contrect for tbis department? YES NO 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a ciry employae? YES NO 3. Does this person)firm possess a skili not normaily possessed by any current city emR�aYea? YES NO E�cplain atl yas answere o� aeparate sheet anC attach to green sheet �€$ ��� � Name: v.i�J. � v�. �r�y �fyLVi♦ 't r �� 390 CITY I3ALL `�. ��� 1 SAIDST PAIIL� MI2SLIESOfiA SS1D2 ,. �� � �� 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 -'.?��r''.1�'�� � b�j ?�OU 12 I996 Home Address: Street �v- Citp iV�,'�Y�fl � Zip Telephone Nuiabez: C&ome) ��y fD �� l l d C4ork) 'J� �'" t� �t�q .(�' X) Planning District Couecil: ���' City Covncil Aard: � Preferred Hailing Address_ �M� Glaat is your occupation? �'��'{ � t�T P�ace�of �p�o �J.�(�Tt�hb�-�l ��t�.lG ��SFN �1^f1TEGT5 Co�¢ittee(s) Applied Por: .- Z+ �! '��L ��t�CN � 11 v� �.f71J�1� t C JS � f� � ti ;`,.'..'d`tlf�`4ita.'; (�"?''r`l::<<F,: � Ghat skills/txaining oz esperience do you possess £or the co�nittee(s) for zhicn qou seek appointment? � N ���= 5€� � ���; ;` �T� �= ��;�.T � �f �- ��;�, ; :;<< � ,`> � � , . ��i1 ���f r`--'�.3�.a' `LiE.(��`�. �_�f:ii` us��t ..`f.'9+3'� .�. i � `��� i�l`�,� ,�f�iS! T!-3� €2.�=`�l ��.i�� i C��' Pr GU!"�' t,}i�„ ET`�' #`:��� � �"� �1 ��f� �" �h-2.dr"'C � (�i�;fiv �D t�llj ( �. Ii'�1�4✓� '�,a �.f � �. r.�P�, `� "'„ i � - . . > i.. J ".,'�� ' � �`--'y'�€'.i''i � � . :.a�"'... , �.s,a;� � 3 r I�i c i��`.ji{\..JM� t � � i y .✓ t � J r ° ^�"� � _�1`�.t�� �?i� n��.C.i�r ;�c�TU�� i � �>;�r�� °�`i,s4�. i�:, � _ � - �t���t�3hss.t=�}E'-� P(r.t?�J�_; �Ct,3�'. ���"7' '�'t-i�° �' t l �' . ��"I�:.` ti.i� �"�f� i ��.%'� � � 1'�t �: �? �� i'� t`� f :"� f E' ! ��`"_ 4.�� � i� � '�: �j: i 'r � � r' �` �. � � � '{ � ✓ ? ;, � R l �'�J t. � f 1 P,? id� 1' V'�. f 1 l l>'S-A j �'!, �, y f 1 ('. L! �" �'i (� �.� �! �{ o .+ �'` �,.1 .+ t��� ' r <_. � .�r ;� .; ., ,,��-�� t � ."! r.� r .� .�� ;,-;.r��r� f'�� `�d iC��✓�Y k ?' ��1°a3�rx�: � �-'� �-'Jk...?. (`!�' � �� t;�. I+°;i �'�.C.4�t i t � :--�:� p:+�",l. � �� {'f-�e: � ( �:r't,.t .r. �l.a w �� i� � !`. �',-c`.v'• �;1;.�(�i d � j� �`�'.`�t s ���- /`�i��� F�I.J �� �iF'� 1'1�`OS��r��t i � �i.� �"i�+:?� 7�"'� i" • � r , f ,. '� �',i., �, `�. i ��-'.. i .j ��''.��;,,; �°�`-<,-;;, .i ,;`, � ze infozma.tiou included in this application is considered private data according to t:e innesota Govermant Data Practices Act. As a result, this in�onnation is not released ta te general puhlic. (OVE.R) Rev. ZJ`Z$/96 C�thy 1. Nardin A.l.A. 1427 Albert Street No�th St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 612/646-5918 EXPERIENCE 6/93 - Current Wirtanen Clark Larsen, li1C. - Project Manager Provide design, overseeing project team, create construction dacuments and construcfion observation: Schematic Design - Catholic Charties Tenant Improvements - Flying Cioud Business Cente� for Opus - Planmark Office space - Fargo Electronics Construction Drawings - Addition to Sears imported Autos, Minnetonka, MN Construction Drawings - Mervyn's, Twfn Cities Construction Drawings - Life Touch Portrait Studios - in 6 Target Stores Remodei and/or additions to 17 Target Stores - denver, CO; Soufh Bend, !N; La Mesa, CA; St. Paul MN and Housten, TX 6/90 - 5/93 HOlty Elving & Associates, I11C. - Project Arch�Tect Provide desfgn, production of construction drawings, and construction observation: Milier-Dwan Medicai Center - Cafetena Remodeting, Dulufh, MN Northwest Medicaf Cenfer - CNG Unit renovation, Thief River Falis, MN Littlefork Medical Center - Nursing Home Addition, Littlefork, MN Anoka Metro Regionai Treatment Genter, Anoka, MN River Faiis Area Hospital & Medical C(inic, River Faiis, WI Saint Cloud Hospital - Oncology & ICU Remodeling, St. Cloud, MN 2/88 - 6/90 ATS&R ArChitects -.Iob Captain Provide design, production of consfruction drawings and construction observatiort: Perham Jr.lSr. High School Add'+tion & Alterations, Perham, MN Lincoln Sr. High Schoai Addition & Aiterations, Thief River Falls, MN Addition to Aviatian Training Center, Thief River Falts, MN 11184 - 1/88 RSP Architects - DrafispersoNProject Architect Minor design and production of cons#ruction documents. Target Stores - Phoenix, AZ; Pueblo, CO; Corpus Christi, TX; Vancouver and Tacoma, WA; Lechmere Retaii Store and Branden's Retail Store, Atianfa, GA 11l80 - 11/84 WinsorlFaricy Architects II1C. - Draftsperson Minnesota World Frade Certter, 8andana Square, Visitation Schooi Auditorium, Office spaceplanning Town Square Towers, St. Pauf, MN; Symphony P(ace Apartmenfs, Minneapolis, MN 3184 - 7(84 BWBR AFChitecfs - Draftsperson (on contract from WinsodFaricy) 11IT9 - 11180 TtOSSeMNright A�ChiteCts - Draftspersore �`i-� � Cathy 1. Nordin A.l.A. 1427 Afbert Sfreet North St. Paui, Minnesota 55108 --- — • • � � • : EXPERIENCE 6t93 - Current Wirtanen Cfaric La�sen, fnc. - Pro�ect Manager Provide dssign, overseeing project team, create construction documents and construction observation: Scf�ematic Design - Cafholic Charties Tenant Improvements - Ftying Cioud Business Center for Opus - Planmark Office space - Fargo Etectronics Construction Drawi�gs - Addition io Sears Imported Autos, Minnetonka, MN Construction prawings - Mervyn's, Twin Cities � Construc6on Drawings - Life Touch Portrait Studios - in 6 Target Stores Remodel andlor addifions to 17 Target Stores - 6enver, CO; South 8end, fN; La Mesa, CA; St. Paul MIV and Housten, TX 6t90 - 5/93 Horty, Elving 8� Associates, ftiC. - Projed Architect Provide design, production of construction drawings, and construdion observation: Mi(!er-pwan Medical Center - Cafeteria ftemodeling, Duluth, M(V Northwest Medicaf Center - CNC Unit re�ovation, Thief River Falis, MN Littlefork Medicai Center - Nursing Home Addition, Littfefork, MN Anoka Metro Regionai Treatment Center, Anoka, MN River Falls Area Hospital & Medical Clinic, River Falls, WI Saint Cloud Hospitai - Oncology & ICU Remodeling, St. Cloud, MN 2JS8 - st90 ATS&R Architects . dob Captain Provide tlesign, production of construction drawings and constructian observation: Perham Jr.1Sr. High Schoo{ Addition & Afterations, Perham, MN Lincoin Sr. High Schooi Additio� & Alterations, Thief River Falls, MN Addition to Aviation Training Center, Thief River Fails, MN 11/84 - 1l88 RSP Ae�Chi�CtS - DraftspersoNProjed Architect Minor tlesign and production of construction documents. Target Stores - Phoenix, AZ; Puebio, CO; Corpus Christi, TX; Vancouver and Tacoma, WA; Lechmere Retaii Store and Branden's Retail Store, Atlanta, GA 11J80 - 11/84 WinSOr/FariCy At�ChItECfS, Ii1C. - Drditsperson Minnesota World Trade Center, Bandana Square, Visitation Schooi Auditorium, Office spacepianning Town Square Towers, St. Paul, MN; Symphony Piace Apartments, Minneapolis, MN 3/84 - 7/84 BWBR Architects - DraRsperson (on contract from WinsorlFaricy) 11/79 - 11/80 TroSS2nlW�ight A�hiteCtS - Draftsperson G.� bS PROFESSIONAL REGiSl'RATfON EDUCATION COMPUTERS Registered Architect - Minnesota #20871 Inver Hills Community College, August 1977 - June 1980 Associate Degree - Architectural Technology DakoW Cou�y A.V.T.t., July 1978 - June 1980 Architeetural Technology University of Minnesota, Schooi of Architecture Grade 1 Architectural Design - finished December 1986 fntergraph Microstation 95; Pointiine R10; AutoCAD R12 Word Pertect 5.2, Lotus ORGANIZATIONS A1A Minnesota - Buiiding Code Committee AIA Minneapolis - Programs Committee co-chair Volunteer for Como Park/Midway Parkway Area Task Force REFERENCES Jim Manley, Architect - ATS&R - 545-3731 Genevieve Johnson, Architect - HGA - 337-4100 Scott Cfochie, Draftsman - formfy with Wirtanen Ciark Larsen - 780-2287 11/20/1996 11:2i 6129252393 �aKbuu� � ��uWGtur, ��U� �l 0 � A b O U A / {. A D O U C E V R � �� nRCni7ECT9 ��c ;{ � . �1 { r fl ' 't _. e (. p �j i��� % lr Q /// ��]'1� 3 _ \ � 79 November 1996 Mz. Norm Coieman Mayor City of Sai�t Paul 15 West Kellogg 8oulevard Saint Paul MN 55102 re: Planning Commission Vacancy Dear Mr_ Coleman: I understand that one or more vacancies have occurred on the Planning Commission since last )uly when i previously discussed with Ken Ford the opportuniFy for an architect to fi11 one of the positions open at tfiat time. I believe two architects applied foc the position last July; neither was selected at that time. One of oux AiA Saint Pau] members (and a resident of Saint Paul) has apptied for fhe cunent cacant position. On behalf of ihe board oE AiA Saint Paal I want ta express our support for Cathy Nordi� for a position on the Sai�t Paui Piantung Commission. Thank you for your continued support oF AiA Saint Paul. Sincerely, �V F. John Bazbour, AIA President AIA Saint Paul 530t RussEt�AVOVVeSOUrn, MiHnEneOUS MN 55470 (812) 825-2593 ! 339•60p4 o1L7L�L37� D�KDWK / LNUUULCUK r�u� �i 0 1 R b � u p ( L b [1 O V C E U F � I'v ` n� t w eRCtt�TECT3 ��c 19 November 1996 Mr. Norm Coteman Mayor City of Saint Paul 75 West Ketlogg Boulevard Saint Paul MN 55102 re: Ptanning Commission Vacancy (� ' � � ' i r(�i � �� j't`� ft'� t .. _ r .. V ' ' r� Dear Mr. Coteman: 1 understand that one or more vacancies have occuned on the Planning Commission since last Ju1y when 1 previously discussed with Ken Ford the opportunity foz an architect to fili one of ihe positions open at t6at time. I believe two architects applied (or the position last )uly; neiYhex was setected at that time. Qne of our AIA Saint Paul members {and a resident of Saint Paut) has applied for the current vacant position. On behalf of the board of AtA Saint Aaul I want to express our support for Cathy Nordin for a position on the Saint Aaul Planning Commission. Thank yoa For your continued support of AtA Saint Paul. Sincerely, �� F. )ohn Barbour, AIA President, AIA Saint Pau1 530t RvssEUqvp�uESovrk, Mm»pqpOtt9 Mk 55410 (812) 925-2993 f 339�BQ04 q'� eS 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATZ6NS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMt,ENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G 003098 Amel, Eric 601 Market House 289 East Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Intern Architect 002410 Anderson, Linda K. 2249 Leonard Court St. Paul, MN 55119 Realtor 000987 Brown, Triesta M. 1491 &lair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Communit Vo1.fNeigh Activist 002531 CoYrie, Bruce P. #12 1171 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Professor of Economics 003101 cahr, William J. 220 Marshall Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Cartographer 003106 Hove, Eric Jon #206 928 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Job Hunting & Hockey Official 003099 Hyde, Teresa 215 Fairview Avenue S. St. Paul, MN 55105 Tranist Planner DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ------�- -------- -- -------- - 2 17 W 12j01/95 M 7 1 W 12/04/95 F 4 11 66 W 11/18(96 F Capital Budqet Committee 1 8 AP 12jO1f95 M 1 8 2 16 W 11/30/95 M W 12/O1/95 M H 11/30j95 F ' �t''�b5 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 2 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AETER O1/O1J94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G 002571 Hyse11, Thomas 818 Seal Street St. Paul, MN 55114 Architect OOD400 Jefferson, Kenneth W. 36 Norbert Place St. Paul, MN 55116 Ret. Req. Prof. Engineer 003089 Lee, Chao Robert #5 870 westminster St. Paul, MN 55101 Park Ranger 000501 Leonidas, Ratherine 1158 Churchill Street St. Pau1, MN 55103 DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVIIZG ON) ---- -------- -------- -- -------- - 4 12 W 07/26J96 M 3 15 5 5 W 11J27/95 M AP 11j14J95 M W 07/30f96 F Architect 002283 Mazver, J. Thomas #16Q3 172 E. SixtH Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Consultant 2 17 W 07/26J96 M 003234 McIntyre, He1en Stephanie 1482 Sheldon Street St. Paul, MN 55108 Lead Radiologic Technologist 002554 Nordin, Cathy 1427 No. Albert Street St. Pau1, MN 55108 Architect 4 10 4 10 W 11J12J96 F W 11/12j96 F 51 b� 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 3 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1JOlf94 � APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRZOR) " (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -------------------°-------------- ---- -------- -------- -- -------- - 002996 olesak, Thomas A. 1050 W. Hoyt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55117 Architect 5 10 W 11/15f96 M 003211 Olson, Lee 323 Annapolis Street W. St. Paul, MN 55118 Dir/Independent Lvg Skills Pro 003093 Pilko, Victoria #302 421 E. Travelers Trail Burnsville, MN 55337 Realtor 003214 Pirrie, Dan #202 902 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 ManagementJPhoenix Residence 003102 Potter, Tawnya 991 Conway Street St. Paul, MN 55106 RealtorJRea1 Estate III 000254 Schult2, David A. 1120 St. Clair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Professor of Political Science 002226 Scott, Donald James 180 W. Larpenteur Avenue St. Paul, MN 55113 G.L. (?) 2 3 2 16 2 16 5 6 W 07/25/46 F W 11j27/95 F U 07J26J96 M W 11f30f95 F W 07/23/96 M W 11/06/96 M 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT g� e5 PAGE 4 CAMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMt��NTS 003238 Swenson, Jennifer Birkeland - 523 Cleveland Avenue S. St. Paul, MN 55116 Govt. Relations Specialist WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -- -------- - 3 15 W 11/18f96 F Q03215 Teppo, Linda K. 327 S. Cleveland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Teaching Assistant 003219 Villalobos, Barbara Mariela 9D2 Grand Avenue St. Pdu1, MN 55105 Attorney 3 14 W 07J26(96 F H Q7/26(96 F 003207 Wible, Tori Jo 2 3 W 07f26/46 F 50 W. Delos Street St. Paul, MN 55107-1107 Homemaker (retired attorney) ! �' �' p � �'' E � '. ' ` � '..F� i 1 fr � ! � �� .'� '. :� Council File # Green Shaet # Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of 2 the appointment and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following 3 members to serve on the SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION. 4 5 REAPPOINTMENT5 APPOINTMENT 6 7 Carole Faricy 8 Litton Field, Jr. 9 Anne Geisser lo Frank Gurney 11 Richard Kramer 12 Dick Nowlin 13 14 15 16 PAUL,I��NNESOTA Cathy Nordin ,� Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: �. , a.. � Approved by Ma r: Date Z(/�..( t'-� By: t� ' f U� By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: � -� '- � Approved by Mayor for Submission to council By� �_��.. S�� ° i1 b� yoZ� Adopted by Council: Date � �� �j ,�q� , -- . . No� Coleman's Office �-�6-s� GREEN SHEET C. Curtis 266-8531 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � �S 40�I� IJEPARTMEM DIRECiOR u GITY CAUNCIL cm arroaxev � cm c�RK BUDGET DIREGTOR � FIN. & MGT. SE MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'n � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) INITIAUDATE Approval of Planning Commission appointment of Cathy Nordin & reappointments of Carole Faricy Litton Field, Jr., Anne Geisser, Frank Gurney, Richard Kramer and Dick Nowlin. Each shall serve a three-year term which will e�ire on January 1, 2000. � _ PIANNING COMMISSIpN _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMiI'iEE _ _ STAFF __ _ DISTRICTCOURT _ SUPPORT5 WHICX COUNCIL O&IECTIVE7 JAN 2 3 l99? �.��;;:'� .. . _ � _ � .. ��� ��,�� % � ::��7 .a �. _ v ,_�,.�. �����a ��� G�% :�5� �����'S ;����'� L AMOUNi OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO If86 SOIfBCE ACTIVfTY NUMBER tA� INFORRSATION: (E%PLAIN) PENSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personffirm ever worketl u(Wer a contrect for tbis department? YES NO 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a ciry employae? YES NO 3. Does this person)firm possess a skili not normaily possessed by any current city emR�aYea? YES NO E�cplain atl yas answere o� aeparate sheet anC attach to green sheet �€$ ��� � Name: v.i�J. � v�. �r�y �fyLVi♦ 't r �� 390 CITY I3ALL `�. ��� 1 SAIDST PAIIL� MI2SLIESOfiA SS1D2 ,. �� � �� 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 -'.?��r''.1�'�� � b�j ?�OU 12 I996 Home Address: Street �v- Citp iV�,'�Y�fl � Zip Telephone Nuiabez: C&ome) ��y fD �� l l d C4ork) 'J� �'" t� �t�q .(�' X) Planning District Couecil: ���' City Covncil Aard: � Preferred Hailing Address_ �M� Glaat is your occupation? �'��'{ � t�T P�ace�of �p�o �J.�(�Tt�hb�-�l ��t�.lG ��SFN �1^f1TEGT5 Co�¢ittee(s) Applied Por: .- Z+ �! '��L ��t�CN � 11 v� �.f71J�1� t C JS � f� � ti ;`,.'..'d`tlf�`4ita.'; (�"?''r`l::<<F,: � Ghat skills/txaining oz esperience do you possess £or the co�nittee(s) for zhicn qou seek appointment? � N ���= 5€� � ���; ;` �T� �= ��;�.T � �f �- ��;�, ; :;<< � ,`> � � , . ��i1 ���f r`--'�.3�.a' `LiE.(��`�. �_�f:ii` us��t ..`f.'9+3'� .�. i � `��� i�l`�,� ,�f�iS! T!-3� €2.�=`�l ��.i�� i C��' Pr GU!"�' t,}i�„ ET`�' #`:��� � �"� �1 ��f� �" �h-2.dr"'C � (�i�;fiv �D t�llj ( �. Ii'�1�4✓� '�,a �.f � �. r.�P�, `� "'„ i � - . . > i.. J ".,'�� ' � �`--'y'�€'.i''i � � . :.a�"'... , �.s,a;� � 3 r I�i c i��`.ji{\..JM� t � � i y .✓ t � J r ° ^�"� � _�1`�.t�� �?i� n��.C.i�r ;�c�TU�� i � �>;�r�� °�`i,s4�. i�:, � _ � - �t���t�3hss.t=�}E'-� P(r.t?�J�_; �Ct,3�'. ���"7' '�'t-i�° �' t l �' . ��"I�:.` ti.i� �"�f� i ��.%'� � � 1'�t �: �? �� i'� t`� f :"� f E' ! ��`"_ 4.�� � i� � '�: �j: i 'r � � r' �` �. � � � '{ � ✓ ? ;, � R l �'�J t. � f 1 P,? id� 1' V'�. f 1 l l>'S-A j �'!, �, y f 1 ('. L! �" �'i (� �.� �! �{ o .+ �'` �,.1 .+ t��� ' r <_. � .�r ;� .; ., ,,��-�� t � ."! r.� r .� .�� ;,-;.r��r� f'�� `�d iC��✓�Y k ?' ��1°a3�rx�: � �-'� �-'Jk...?. (`!�' � �� t;�. I+°;i �'�.C.4�t i t � :--�:� p:+�",l. � �� {'f-�e: � ( �:r't,.t .r. �l.a w �� i� � !`. �',-c`.v'• �;1;.�(�i d � j� �`�'.`�t s ���- /`�i��� F�I.J �� �iF'� 1'1�`OS��r��t i � �i.� �"i�+:?� 7�"'� i" • � r , f ,. '� �',i., �, `�. i ��-'.. i .j ��''.��;,,; �°�`-<,-;;, .i ,;`, � ze infozma.tiou included in this application is considered private data according to t:e innesota Govermant Data Practices Act. As a result, this in�onnation is not released ta te general puhlic. (OVE.R) Rev. ZJ`Z$/96 C�thy 1. Nardin A.l.A. 1427 Albert Street No�th St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 612/646-5918 EXPERIENCE 6/93 - Current Wirtanen Clark Larsen, li1C. - Project Manager Provide design, overseeing project team, create construction dacuments and construcfion observation: Schematic Design - Catholic Charties Tenant Improvements - Flying Cioud Business Cente� for Opus - Planmark Office space - Fargo Electronics Construction Drawings - Addition to Sears imported Autos, Minnetonka, MN Construction Drawings - Mervyn's, Twfn Cities Construction Drawings - Life Touch Portrait Studios - in 6 Target Stores Remodei and/or additions to 17 Target Stores - denver, CO; Soufh Bend, !N; La Mesa, CA; St. Paul MN and Housten, TX 6/90 - 5/93 HOlty Elving & Associates, I11C. - Project Arch�Tect Provide desfgn, production of construction drawings, and construction observation: Milier-Dwan Medicai Center - Cafetena Remodeting, Dulufh, MN Northwest Medicaf Cenfer - CNG Unit renovation, Thief River Falis, MN Littlefork Medical Center - Nursing Home Addition, Littlefork, MN Anoka Metro Regionai Treatment Genter, Anoka, MN River Faiis Area Hospital & Medical C(inic, River Faiis, WI Saint Cloud Hospital - Oncology & ICU Remodeling, St. Cloud, MN 2/88 - 6/90 ATS&R ArChitects -.Iob Captain Provide design, production of consfruction drawings and construction observatiort: Perham Jr.lSr. High School Add'+tion & Alterations, Perham, MN Lincoln Sr. High Schoai Addition & Aiterations, Thief River Falls, MN Addition to Aviatian Training Center, Thief River Falts, MN 11184 - 1/88 RSP Architects - DrafispersoNProject Architect Minor design and production of cons#ruction documents. Target Stores - Phoenix, AZ; Pueblo, CO; Corpus Christi, TX; Vancouver and Tacoma, WA; Lechmere Retaii Store and Branden's Retail Store, Atianfa, GA 11l80 - 11/84 WinsorlFaricy Architects II1C. - Draftsperson Minnesota World Frade Certter, 8andana Square, Visitation Schooi Auditorium, Office spaceplanning Town Square Towers, St. Pauf, MN; Symphony P(ace Apartmenfs, Minneapolis, MN 3184 - 7(84 BWBR AFChitecfs - Draftsperson (on contract from WinsodFaricy) 11IT9 - 11180 TtOSSeMNright A�ChiteCts - Draftspersore �`i-� � Cathy 1. Nordin A.l.A. 1427 Afbert Sfreet North St. Paui, Minnesota 55108 --- — • • � � • : EXPERIENCE 6t93 - Current Wirtanen Cfaric La�sen, fnc. - Pro�ect Manager Provide dssign, overseeing project team, create construction documents and construction observation: Scf�ematic Design - Cafholic Charties Tenant Improvements - Ftying Cioud Business Center for Opus - Planmark Office space - Fargo Etectronics Construction Drawi�gs - Addition io Sears Imported Autos, Minnetonka, MN Construction prawings - Mervyn's, Twin Cities � Construc6on Drawings - Life Touch Portrait Studios - in 6 Target Stores Remodel andlor addifions to 17 Target Stores - 6enver, CO; South 8end, fN; La Mesa, CA; St. Paul MIV and Housten, TX 6t90 - 5/93 Horty, Elving 8� Associates, ftiC. - Projed Architect Provide design, production of construction drawings, and construdion observation: Mi(!er-pwan Medical Center - Cafeteria ftemodeling, Duluth, M(V Northwest Medicaf Center - CNC Unit re�ovation, Thief River Falis, MN Littlefork Medicai Center - Nursing Home Addition, Littfefork, MN Anoka Metro Regionai Treatment Center, Anoka, MN River Falls Area Hospital & Medical Clinic, River Falls, WI Saint Cloud Hospitai - Oncology & ICU Remodeling, St. Cloud, MN 2JS8 - st90 ATS&R Architects . dob Captain Provide tlesign, production of construction drawings and constructian observation: Perham Jr.1Sr. High Schoo{ Addition & Afterations, Perham, MN Lincoin Sr. High Schooi Additio� & Alterations, Thief River Falls, MN Addition to Aviation Training Center, Thief River Fails, MN 11/84 - 1l88 RSP Ae�Chi�CtS - DraftspersoNProjed Architect Minor tlesign and production of construction documents. Target Stores - Phoenix, AZ; Puebio, CO; Corpus Christi, TX; Vancouver and Tacoma, WA; Lechmere Retaii Store and Branden's Retail Store, Atlanta, GA 11J80 - 11/84 WinSOr/FariCy At�ChItECfS, Ii1C. - Drditsperson Minnesota World Trade Center, Bandana Square, Visitation Schooi Auditorium, Office spacepianning Town Square Towers, St. Paul, MN; Symphony Piace Apartments, Minneapolis, MN 3/84 - 7/84 BWBR Architects - DraRsperson (on contract from WinsorlFaricy) 11/79 - 11/80 TroSS2nlW�ight A�hiteCtS - Draftsperson G.� bS PROFESSIONAL REGiSl'RATfON EDUCATION COMPUTERS Registered Architect - Minnesota #20871 Inver Hills Community College, August 1977 - June 1980 Associate Degree - Architectural Technology DakoW Cou�y A.V.T.t., July 1978 - June 1980 Architeetural Technology University of Minnesota, Schooi of Architecture Grade 1 Architectural Design - finished December 1986 fntergraph Microstation 95; Pointiine R10; AutoCAD R12 Word Pertect 5.2, Lotus ORGANIZATIONS A1A Minnesota - Buiiding Code Committee AIA Minneapolis - Programs Committee co-chair Volunteer for Como Park/Midway Parkway Area Task Force REFERENCES Jim Manley, Architect - ATS&R - 545-3731 Genevieve Johnson, Architect - HGA - 337-4100 Scott Cfochie, Draftsman - formfy with Wirtanen Ciark Larsen - 780-2287 11/20/1996 11:2i 6129252393 �aKbuu� � ��uWGtur, ��U� �l 0 � A b O U A / {. A D O U C E V R � �� nRCni7ECT9 ��c ;{ � . �1 { r fl ' 't _. e (. p �j i��� % lr Q /// ��]'1� 3 _ \ � 79 November 1996 Mz. Norm Coieman Mayor City of Sai�t Paul 15 West Kellogg 8oulevard Saint Paul MN 55102 re: Planning Commission Vacancy Dear Mr_ Coleman: I understand that one or more vacancies have occurred on the Planning Commission since last )uly when i previously discussed with Ken Ford the opportuniFy for an architect to fi11 one of the positions open at tfiat time. I believe two architects applied foc the position last July; neither was selected at that time. One of oux AiA Saint Pau] members (and a resident of Saint Paul) has apptied for fhe cunent cacant position. On behalf of ihe board oE AiA Saint Paal I want ta express our support for Cathy Nordi� for a position on the Sai�t Paui Piantung Commission. Thank you for your continued support oF AiA Saint Paul. Sincerely, �V F. John Bazbour, AIA President AIA Saint Paul 530t RussEt�AVOVVeSOUrn, MiHnEneOUS MN 55470 (812) 825-2593 ! 339•60p4 o1L7L�L37� D�KDWK / LNUUULCUK r�u� �i 0 1 R b � u p ( L b [1 O V C E U F � I'v ` n� t w eRCtt�TECT3 ��c 19 November 1996 Mr. Norm Coteman Mayor City of Saint Paul 75 West Ketlogg Boulevard Saint Paul MN 55102 re: Ptanning Commission Vacancy (� ' � � ' i r(�i � �� j't`� ft'� t .. _ r .. V ' ' r� Dear Mr. Coteman: 1 understand that one or more vacancies have occuned on the Planning Commission since last Ju1y when 1 previously discussed with Ken Ford the opportunity foz an architect to fili one of ihe positions open at t6at time. I believe two architects applied (or the position last )uly; neiYhex was setected at that time. Qne of our AIA Saint Paul members {and a resident of Saint Paut) has applied for the current vacant position. On behalf of the board of AtA Saint Aaul I want to express our support for Cathy Nordin for a position on the Saint Aaul Planning Commission. Thank yoa For your continued support of AtA Saint Paul. Sincerely, �� F. )ohn Barbour, AIA President, AIA Saint Pau1 530t RvssEUqvp�uESovrk, Mm»pqpOtt9 Mk 55410 (812) 925-2993 f 339�BQ04 q'� eS 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATZ6NS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMt,ENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G 003098 Amel, Eric 601 Market House 289 East Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Intern Architect 002410 Anderson, Linda K. 2249 Leonard Court St. Paul, MN 55119 Realtor 000987 Brown, Triesta M. 1491 &lair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Communit Vo1.fNeigh Activist 002531 CoYrie, Bruce P. #12 1171 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Professor of Economics 003101 cahr, William J. 220 Marshall Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Cartographer 003106 Hove, Eric Jon #206 928 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Job Hunting & Hockey Official 003099 Hyde, Teresa 215 Fairview Avenue S. St. Paul, MN 55105 Tranist Planner DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ------�- -------- -- -------- - 2 17 W 12j01/95 M 7 1 W 12/04/95 F 4 11 66 W 11/18(96 F Capital Budqet Committee 1 8 AP 12jO1f95 M 1 8 2 16 W 11/30/95 M W 12/O1/95 M H 11/30j95 F ' �t''�b5 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 2 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AETER O1/O1J94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G 002571 Hyse11, Thomas 818 Seal Street St. Paul, MN 55114 Architect OOD400 Jefferson, Kenneth W. 36 Norbert Place St. Paul, MN 55116 Ret. Req. Prof. Engineer 003089 Lee, Chao Robert #5 870 westminster St. Paul, MN 55101 Park Ranger 000501 Leonidas, Ratherine 1158 Churchill Street St. Pau1, MN 55103 DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVIIZG ON) ---- -------- -------- -- -------- - 4 12 W 07/26J96 M 3 15 5 5 W 11J27/95 M AP 11j14J95 M W 07/30f96 F Architect 002283 Mazver, J. Thomas #16Q3 172 E. SixtH Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Consultant 2 17 W 07/26J96 M 003234 McIntyre, He1en Stephanie 1482 Sheldon Street St. Paul, MN 55108 Lead Radiologic Technologist 002554 Nordin, Cathy 1427 No. Albert Street St. Pau1, MN 55108 Architect 4 10 4 10 W 11J12J96 F W 11/12j96 F 51 b� 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 3 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1JOlf94 � APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRZOR) " (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -------------------°-------------- ---- -------- -------- -- -------- - 002996 olesak, Thomas A. 1050 W. Hoyt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55117 Architect 5 10 W 11/15f96 M 003211 Olson, Lee 323 Annapolis Street W. St. Paul, MN 55118 Dir/Independent Lvg Skills Pro 003093 Pilko, Victoria #302 421 E. Travelers Trail Burnsville, MN 55337 Realtor 003214 Pirrie, Dan #202 902 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 ManagementJPhoenix Residence 003102 Potter, Tawnya 991 Conway Street St. Paul, MN 55106 RealtorJRea1 Estate III 000254 Schult2, David A. 1120 St. Clair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Professor of Political Science 002226 Scott, Donald James 180 W. Larpenteur Avenue St. Paul, MN 55113 G.L. (?) 2 3 2 16 2 16 5 6 W 07/25/46 F W 11j27/95 F U 07J26J96 M W 11f30f95 F W 07/23/96 M W 11/06/96 M 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT g� e5 PAGE 4 CAMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMt��NTS 003238 Swenson, Jennifer Birkeland - 523 Cleveland Avenue S. St. Paul, MN 55116 Govt. Relations Specialist WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -- -------- - 3 15 W 11/18f96 F Q03215 Teppo, Linda K. 327 S. Cleveland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Teaching Assistant 003219 Villalobos, Barbara Mariela 9D2 Grand Avenue St. Pdu1, MN 55105 Attorney 3 14 W 07J26(96 F H Q7/26(96 F 003207 Wible, Tori Jo 2 3 W 07f26/46 F 50 W. Delos Street St. Paul, MN 55107-1107 Homemaker (retired attorney) ! �' �' p � �'' E � '. ' ` � '..F� i 1 fr � ! � �� .'� '. :� Council File # Green Shaet # Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of 2 the appointment and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following 3 members to serve on the SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION. 4 5 REAPPOINTMENT5 APPOINTMENT 6 7 Carole Faricy 8 Litton Field, Jr. 9 Anne Geisser lo Frank Gurney 11 Richard Kramer 12 Dick Nowlin 13 14 15 16 PAUL,I��NNESOTA Cathy Nordin ,� Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: �. , a.. � Approved by Ma r: Date Z(/�..( t'-� By: t� ' f U� By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: � -� '- � Approved by Mayor for Submission to council By� �_��.. S�� ° i1 b� yoZ� Adopted by Council: Date � �� �j ,�q� , -- . . No� Coleman's Office �-�6-s� GREEN SHEET C. Curtis 266-8531 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � �S 40�I� IJEPARTMEM DIRECiOR u GITY CAUNCIL cm arroaxev � cm c�RK BUDGET DIREGTOR � FIN. & MGT. SE MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'n � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) INITIAUDATE Approval of Planning Commission appointment of Cathy Nordin & reappointments of Carole Faricy Litton Field, Jr., Anne Geisser, Frank Gurney, Richard Kramer and Dick Nowlin. Each shall serve a three-year term which will e�ire on January 1, 2000. � _ PIANNING COMMISSIpN _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMiI'iEE _ _ STAFF __ _ DISTRICTCOURT _ SUPPORT5 WHICX COUNCIL O&IECTIVE7 JAN 2 3 l99? �.��;;:'� .. . _ � _ � .. ��� ��,�� % � ::��7 .a �. _ v ,_�,.�. �����a ��� G�% :�5� �����'S ;����'� L AMOUNi OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO If86 SOIfBCE ACTIVfTY NUMBER tA� INFORRSATION: (E%PLAIN) PENSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personffirm ever worketl u(Wer a contrect for tbis department? YES NO 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a ciry employae? YES NO 3. Does this person)firm possess a skili not normaily possessed by any current city emR�aYea? YES NO E�cplain atl yas answere o� aeparate sheet anC attach to green sheet �€$ ��� � Name: v.i�J. � v�. �r�y �fyLVi♦ 't r �� 390 CITY I3ALL `�. ��� 1 SAIDST PAIIL� MI2SLIESOfiA SS1D2 ,. �� � �� 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 -'.?��r''.1�'�� � b�j ?�OU 12 I996 Home Address: Street �v- Citp iV�,'�Y�fl � Zip Telephone Nuiabez: C&ome) ��y fD �� l l d C4ork) 'J� �'" t� �t�q .(�' X) Planning District Couecil: ���' City Covncil Aard: � Preferred Hailing Address_ �M� Glaat is your occupation? �'��'{ � t�T P�ace�of �p�o �J.�(�Tt�hb�-�l ��t�.lG ��SFN �1^f1TEGT5 Co�¢ittee(s) Applied Por: .- Z+ �! '��L ��t�CN � 11 v� �.f71J�1� t C JS � f� � ti ;`,.'..'d`tlf�`4ita.'; (�"?''r`l::<<F,: � Ghat skills/txaining oz esperience do you possess £or the co�nittee(s) for zhicn qou seek appointment? � N ���= 5€� � ���; ;` �T� �= ��;�.T � �f �- ��;�, ; :;<< � ,`> � � , . ��i1 ���f r`--'�.3�.a' `LiE.(��`�. �_�f:ii` us��t ..`f.'9+3'� .�. i � `��� i�l`�,� ,�f�iS! T!-3� €2.�=`�l ��.i�� i C��' Pr GU!"�' t,}i�„ ET`�' #`:��� � �"� �1 ��f� �" �h-2.dr"'C � (�i�;fiv �D t�llj ( �. Ii'�1�4✓� '�,a �.f � �. r.�P�, `� "'„ i � - . . > i.. J ".,'�� ' � �`--'y'�€'.i''i � � . :.a�"'... , �.s,a;� � 3 r I�i c i��`.ji{\..JM� t � � i y .✓ t � J r ° ^�"� � _�1`�.t�� �?i� n��.C.i�r ;�c�TU�� i � �>;�r�� °�`i,s4�. i�:, � _ � - �t���t�3hss.t=�}E'-� P(r.t?�J�_; �Ct,3�'. ���"7' '�'t-i�° �' t l �' . ��"I�:.` ti.i� �"�f� i ��.%'� � � 1'�t �: �? �� i'� t`� f :"� f E' ! ��`"_ 4.�� � i� � '�: �j: i 'r � � r' �` �. � � � '{ � ✓ ? ;, � R l �'�J t. � f 1 P,? id� 1' V'�. f 1 l l>'S-A j �'!, �, y f 1 ('. L! �" �'i (� �.� �! �{ o .+ �'` �,.1 .+ t��� ' r <_. � .�r ;� .; ., ,,��-�� t � ."! r.� r .� .�� ;,-;.r��r� f'�� `�d iC��✓�Y k ?' ��1°a3�rx�: � �-'� �-'Jk...?. (`!�' � �� t;�. I+°;i �'�.C.4�t i t � :--�:� p:+�",l. � �� {'f-�e: � ( �:r't,.t .r. �l.a w �� i� � !`. �',-c`.v'• �;1;.�(�i d � j� �`�'.`�t s ���- /`�i��� F�I.J �� �iF'� 1'1�`OS��r��t i � �i.� �"i�+:?� 7�"'� i" • � r , f ,. '� �',i., �, `�. i ��-'.. i .j ��''.��;,,; �°�`-<,-;;, .i ,;`, � ze infozma.tiou included in this application is considered private data according to t:e innesota Govermant Data Practices Act. As a result, this in�onnation is not released ta te general puhlic. (OVE.R) Rev. ZJ`Z$/96 C�thy 1. Nardin A.l.A. 1427 Albert Street No�th St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 612/646-5918 EXPERIENCE 6/93 - Current Wirtanen Clark Larsen, li1C. - Project Manager Provide design, overseeing project team, create construction dacuments and construcfion observation: Schematic Design - Catholic Charties Tenant Improvements - Flying Cioud Business Cente� for Opus - Planmark Office space - Fargo Electronics Construction Drawings - Addition to Sears imported Autos, Minnetonka, MN Construction Drawings - Mervyn's, Twfn Cities Construction Drawings - Life Touch Portrait Studios - in 6 Target Stores Remodei and/or additions to 17 Target Stores - denver, CO; Soufh Bend, !N; La Mesa, CA; St. Paul MN and Housten, TX 6/90 - 5/93 HOlty Elving & Associates, I11C. - Project Arch�Tect Provide desfgn, production of construction drawings, and construction observation: Milier-Dwan Medicai Center - Cafetena Remodeting, Dulufh, MN Northwest Medicaf Cenfer - CNG Unit renovation, Thief River Falis, MN Littlefork Medical Center - Nursing Home Addition, Littlefork, MN Anoka Metro Regionai Treatment Genter, Anoka, MN River Faiis Area Hospital & Medical C(inic, River Faiis, WI Saint Cloud Hospital - Oncology & ICU Remodeling, St. Cloud, MN 2/88 - 6/90 ATS&R ArChitects -.Iob Captain Provide design, production of consfruction drawings and construction observatiort: Perham Jr.lSr. High School Add'+tion & Alterations, Perham, MN Lincoln Sr. High Schoai Addition & Aiterations, Thief River Falls, MN Addition to Aviatian Training Center, Thief River Falts, MN 11184 - 1/88 RSP Architects - DrafispersoNProject Architect Minor design and production of cons#ruction documents. Target Stores - Phoenix, AZ; Pueblo, CO; Corpus Christi, TX; Vancouver and Tacoma, WA; Lechmere Retaii Store and Branden's Retail Store, Atianfa, GA 11l80 - 11/84 WinsorlFaricy Architects II1C. - Draftsperson Minnesota World Frade Certter, 8andana Square, Visitation Schooi Auditorium, Office spaceplanning Town Square Towers, St. Pauf, MN; Symphony P(ace Apartmenfs, Minneapolis, MN 3184 - 7(84 BWBR AFChitecfs - Draftsperson (on contract from WinsodFaricy) 11IT9 - 11180 TtOSSeMNright A�ChiteCts - Draftspersore �`i-� � Cathy 1. Nordin A.l.A. 1427 Afbert Sfreet North St. Paui, Minnesota 55108 --- — • • � � • : EXPERIENCE 6t93 - Current Wirtanen Cfaric La�sen, fnc. - Pro�ect Manager Provide dssign, overseeing project team, create construction documents and construction observation: Scf�ematic Design - Cafholic Charties Tenant Improvements - Ftying Cioud Business Center for Opus - Planmark Office space - Fargo Etectronics Construction Drawi�gs - Addition io Sears Imported Autos, Minnetonka, MN Construction prawings - Mervyn's, Twin Cities � Construc6on Drawings - Life Touch Portrait Studios - in 6 Target Stores Remodel andlor addifions to 17 Target Stores - 6enver, CO; South 8end, fN; La Mesa, CA; St. Paul MIV and Housten, TX 6t90 - 5/93 Horty, Elving 8� Associates, ftiC. - Projed Architect Provide design, production of construction drawings, and construdion observation: Mi(!er-pwan Medical Center - Cafeteria ftemodeling, Duluth, M(V Northwest Medicaf Center - CNC Unit re�ovation, Thief River Falis, MN Littlefork Medicai Center - Nursing Home Addition, Littfefork, MN Anoka Metro Regionai Treatment Center, Anoka, MN River Falls Area Hospital & Medical Clinic, River Falls, WI Saint Cloud Hospitai - Oncology & ICU Remodeling, St. Cloud, MN 2JS8 - st90 ATS&R Architects . dob Captain Provide tlesign, production of construction drawings and constructian observation: Perham Jr.1Sr. High Schoo{ Addition & Afterations, Perham, MN Lincoin Sr. High Schooi Additio� & Alterations, Thief River Falls, MN Addition to Aviation Training Center, Thief River Fails, MN 11/84 - 1l88 RSP Ae�Chi�CtS - DraftspersoNProjed Architect Minor tlesign and production of construction documents. Target Stores - Phoenix, AZ; Puebio, CO; Corpus Christi, TX; Vancouver and Tacoma, WA; Lechmere Retaii Store and Branden's Retail Store, Atlanta, GA 11J80 - 11/84 WinSOr/FariCy At�ChItECfS, Ii1C. - Drditsperson Minnesota World Trade Center, Bandana Square, Visitation Schooi Auditorium, Office spacepianning Town Square Towers, St. Paul, MN; Symphony Piace Apartments, Minneapolis, MN 3/84 - 7/84 BWBR Architects - DraRsperson (on contract from WinsorlFaricy) 11/79 - 11/80 TroSS2nlW�ight A�hiteCtS - Draftsperson G.� bS PROFESSIONAL REGiSl'RATfON EDUCATION COMPUTERS Registered Architect - Minnesota #20871 Inver Hills Community College, August 1977 - June 1980 Associate Degree - Architectural Technology DakoW Cou�y A.V.T.t., July 1978 - June 1980 Architeetural Technology University of Minnesota, Schooi of Architecture Grade 1 Architectural Design - finished December 1986 fntergraph Microstation 95; Pointiine R10; AutoCAD R12 Word Pertect 5.2, Lotus ORGANIZATIONS A1A Minnesota - Buiiding Code Committee AIA Minneapolis - Programs Committee co-chair Volunteer for Como Park/Midway Parkway Area Task Force REFERENCES Jim Manley, Architect - ATS&R - 545-3731 Genevieve Johnson, Architect - HGA - 337-4100 Scott Cfochie, Draftsman - formfy with Wirtanen Ciark Larsen - 780-2287 11/20/1996 11:2i 6129252393 �aKbuu� � ��uWGtur, ��U� �l 0 � A b O U A / {. A D O U C E V R � �� nRCni7ECT9 ��c ;{ � . �1 { r fl ' 't _. e (. p �j i��� % lr Q /// ��]'1� 3 _ \ � 79 November 1996 Mz. Norm Coieman Mayor City of Sai�t Paul 15 West Kellogg 8oulevard Saint Paul MN 55102 re: Planning Commission Vacancy Dear Mr_ Coleman: I understand that one or more vacancies have occurred on the Planning Commission since last )uly when i previously discussed with Ken Ford the opportuniFy for an architect to fi11 one of the positions open at tfiat time. I believe two architects applied foc the position last July; neither was selected at that time. One of oux AiA Saint Pau] members (and a resident of Saint Paul) has apptied for fhe cunent cacant position. On behalf of ihe board oE AiA Saint Paal I want ta express our support for Cathy Nordi� for a position on the Sai�t Paui Piantung Commission. Thank you for your continued support oF AiA Saint Paul. Sincerely, �V F. John Bazbour, AIA President AIA Saint Paul 530t RussEt�AVOVVeSOUrn, MiHnEneOUS MN 55470 (812) 825-2593 ! 339•60p4 o1L7L�L37� D�KDWK / LNUUULCUK r�u� �i 0 1 R b � u p ( L b [1 O V C E U F � I'v ` n� t w eRCtt�TECT3 ��c 19 November 1996 Mr. Norm Coteman Mayor City of Saint Paul 75 West Ketlogg Boulevard Saint Paul MN 55102 re: Ptanning Commission Vacancy (� ' � � ' i r(�i � �� j't`� ft'� t .. _ r .. V ' ' r� Dear Mr. Coteman: 1 understand that one or more vacancies have occuned on the Planning Commission since last Ju1y when 1 previously discussed with Ken Ford the opportunity foz an architect to fili one of ihe positions open at t6at time. I believe two architects applied (or the position last )uly; neiYhex was setected at that time. Qne of our AIA Saint Paul members {and a resident of Saint Paut) has applied for the current vacant position. On behalf of the board of AtA Saint Aaul I want to express our support for Cathy Nordin for a position on the Saint Aaul Planning Commission. Thank yoa For your continued support of AtA Saint Paul. Sincerely, �� F. )ohn Barbour, AIA President, AIA Saint Pau1 530t RvssEUqvp�uESovrk, Mm»pqpOtt9 Mk 55410 (812) 925-2993 f 339�BQ04 q'� eS 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATZ6NS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMt,ENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G 003098 Amel, Eric 601 Market House 289 East Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Intern Architect 002410 Anderson, Linda K. 2249 Leonard Court St. Paul, MN 55119 Realtor 000987 Brown, Triesta M. 1491 &lair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Communit Vo1.fNeigh Activist 002531 CoYrie, Bruce P. #12 1171 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Professor of Economics 003101 cahr, William J. 220 Marshall Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Cartographer 003106 Hove, Eric Jon #206 928 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Job Hunting & Hockey Official 003099 Hyde, Teresa 215 Fairview Avenue S. St. Paul, MN 55105 Tranist Planner DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ------�- -------- -- -------- - 2 17 W 12j01/95 M 7 1 W 12/04/95 F 4 11 66 W 11/18(96 F Capital Budqet Committee 1 8 AP 12jO1f95 M 1 8 2 16 W 11/30/95 M W 12/O1/95 M H 11/30j95 F ' �t''�b5 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 2 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AETER O1/O1J94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G 002571 Hyse11, Thomas 818 Seal Street St. Paul, MN 55114 Architect OOD400 Jefferson, Kenneth W. 36 Norbert Place St. Paul, MN 55116 Ret. Req. Prof. Engineer 003089 Lee, Chao Robert #5 870 westminster St. Paul, MN 55101 Park Ranger 000501 Leonidas, Ratherine 1158 Churchill Street St. Pau1, MN 55103 DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVIIZG ON) ---- -------- -------- -- -------- - 4 12 W 07/26J96 M 3 15 5 5 W 11J27/95 M AP 11j14J95 M W 07/30f96 F Architect 002283 Mazver, J. Thomas #16Q3 172 E. SixtH Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Consultant 2 17 W 07/26J96 M 003234 McIntyre, He1en Stephanie 1482 Sheldon Street St. Paul, MN 55108 Lead Radiologic Technologist 002554 Nordin, Cathy 1427 No. Albert Street St. Pau1, MN 55108 Architect 4 10 4 10 W 11J12J96 F W 11/12j96 F 51 b� 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 3 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1JOlf94 � APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRZOR) " (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -------------------°-------------- ---- -------- -------- -- -------- - 002996 olesak, Thomas A. 1050 W. Hoyt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55117 Architect 5 10 W 11/15f96 M 003211 Olson, Lee 323 Annapolis Street W. St. Paul, MN 55118 Dir/Independent Lvg Skills Pro 003093 Pilko, Victoria #302 421 E. Travelers Trail Burnsville, MN 55337 Realtor 003214 Pirrie, Dan #202 902 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 ManagementJPhoenix Residence 003102 Potter, Tawnya 991 Conway Street St. Paul, MN 55106 RealtorJRea1 Estate III 000254 Schult2, David A. 1120 St. Clair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Professor of Political Science 002226 Scott, Donald James 180 W. Larpenteur Avenue St. Paul, MN 55113 G.L. (?) 2 3 2 16 2 16 5 6 W 07/25/46 F W 11j27/95 F U 07J26J96 M W 11f30f95 F W 07/23/96 M W 11/06/96 M 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT g� e5 PAGE 4 CAMMITTEE : P.C. Planning Commission FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMt��NTS 003238 Swenson, Jennifer Birkeland - 523 Cleveland Avenue S. St. Paul, MN 55116 Govt. Relations Specialist WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -- -------- - 3 15 W 11/18f96 F Q03215 Teppo, Linda K. 327 S. Cleveland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Teaching Assistant 003219 Villalobos, Barbara Mariela 9D2 Grand Avenue St. Pdu1, MN 55105 Attorney 3 14 W 07J26(96 F H Q7/26(96 F 003207 Wible, Tori Jo 2 3 W 07f26/46 F 50 W. Delos Street St. Paul, MN 55107-1107 Homemaker (retired attorney)