97-648Council File # —� t"�� Ordinance � Green Sheet # ���✓� Presented By � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To Committee: Date � 1 2 3 RFSOLVED: That applicarion (ID #6425'� for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigaret#e License by Super America Group Division of Asliland DBA SuperAmerica #4356 (Kevin Linn, Manager) at 56 Snelling Avenue North be and the same is hereby approved 4 `' Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Navs Abse 7 Blak � 8 Bostrom __�,._ Office of License Ins and 9 Harr 10 Me a � EnvironMental Protection 11 :N i� Morton O 16 Adopted by Council: Date B y 0 � 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 21 By: �` ---"— �- 22 By ' � '�' 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �'/�t 1 24 `�-- 25 Approved by Mayor for Submiasion to 26 By: U Council 27 Y� G'l-b�l� DEPAflTMENTqFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATEO �/ � J J� LIEP/Licensing GREEN SHEE CONiA(.T PEflSON & PHONE INITIALlDATE WITIAVOATE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR apTYCAUNCIL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 A���N �CITYATfOqNEV �CT'CLERK NUNBERFON MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE ROUiING � BUWET DIpECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. For hearing: Z b �� OqDER �MpyOR{ORASSISTA!!n O TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: The SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmexica 464356 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 56 Snelling Avenue North (ID ��64257). RECOMMENOpTiONS: Approve (A) or Re�ect (F) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7NE FOLLOWING DUESTIONS: _ PIANNMG COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this perso�rm ever worked under a coMmct for this dePartment? _ C�B COMMITiEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personlfirm ever peen a city employee? — YES N� _ DISTqICTCOURT _ 3. DOesthiS fSOnRltm pe possess e skill noi nwmally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCAUNCILO&lECT1YE7 YES NO Explatn all yas anawers on separete aheat anE attach to green shcet INlT1ATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPP�RNNffY (Who, What, When, Whare, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTACaES IF APPROVE�: �:du ,°,�$ . . ' ,�'; �" „�a..,- . _ . . . a=-? e..4'.! €;i�`i: 1 � E:��! _ _ _. _....._ ..,��.:,��.? DISADVANTA6ES IF NOTAPPROVED. TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGEiED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORhiATION' (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 37931 In Tracker? License 1D # 64257 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3l27/97 /�� � APP'n Received / APP'n Processed LicenseType�as Station, Restaurant—C, Grocerv—C. and Cigarette i.;cen COmpBny NBme: SuperAmerica Groun Division of Ashland DBA: SuperAmerica 4�4356 Business Addresss: 56 Snelling Avenue North Business Phone: 64�-07�0 Contact NamejAddress: Kevin Linn, 56 Snelling Ave N, 104 Home Date to Councit Research: Pubiic Hearing Date: � 2� q�- _ Notice SeM to Appficant: 3 J��' ��✓ ✓ Notice Sent to Pubtic: � Labels Ordered: � pistrict Council #: ,/_ � Ward #: Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney �•Z���- �-� • Environmentaf Health �• Fire �� � � License siee alan Received: �ease Received: 5 [���t� a,� Police 5• Z • � �..' o ' � ' Zoning Q.K - MAR-19-1997 11�08 CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP . . _ �� • haVe mm iu�'Gt iu: C�.ASS III CITI' OF SAINT PA=JI, o�«�ru�r�e�;� ,,, �,IG�SEAPPiICAiION ,�a�,�„ �� 1 +flr ' � �,�P�,��� �� �t � q�a�, �0�3. �� 4r�3�, ��.��,� �� (61712669D70 5z(EIt)166�91R6 2�s r�vFr rc��i§ r ' S �'r��'t�,� t f' r f'� r��$ PLEASE T'YPE OR FRTNT 7N II3K • 6.- :+`"�!RS[�r3A .a � , compffi �?lti:tl�! li. R iYlt KI G�A Gapor�tipp! Pertncr�kip! Selc Propriet�sAip If business is incozgorated, give date of incoipora6on: _ Doing Busi:ress As: � Q � .� ` Husmess Address: 0� rA.•2 �� A Strat Adbra. J Betwan whai cross s�eers is the b�ness located? An the premises now �upied? Whz�t Type of Bvsiuess? � re.��: _L 0 B t�t t�UU S� Le Applicanz Naau mzd 612 266 9124 P,0'�2/06_� BusinessPhone: �e1Z• Y(p�vU CitY SWe Z3p VJhich side of the stseet? -- � •..._... ,...a.....,, ,.a., rsx xo� Aaa��s; � ri u v�t�/U 0 d • se�ana�. �s s,,,t z;� Date of Birth: ��.. �e — V _ Place of $irtti Home Phone�a[S L 3 S7 ;� � 13 Have you ever been a�icted aZ'azi}r felotry, aime or v3ola$on of tt�y ary ordinance other than h�a�c? YES _ NO �_ Date of a�; ��p Charge: Coavic±iou: Sentcace: List t�names �d tesidences oftbree persans of good moral chm•acter, Hving within the Twin Cities Metxo Area, not mlazed to �he appiicant a� financia2ly iniensted "m the pzemisa ar business, who may be rcfcaed to as to the applicanYs charaeYer: NAME ADDRESS PHONE - B��d f�o�� S- ty 7� O-NaN D S7:S .,�►-�}�.� G,«-Y34s.�3 � — �r , f�m�ri� Fiave �y'of the above n�ed � � A�Gw Rrt t wl_.I�v G t J. 2- YES � NO If yes, list tiu daus and reasons for revocetioa: �a.0 �J� v � �-aa� -3b .,�.e.,., s�Aae�. - �cuy .. �,.,� � - --- - � ---- - - , t�e Addrm: sem �a�c �:�• �••.• � q�z roa � to �y�e a�w�2get oi ess,Saat ia ihis business? YES NO If tbe maaxg� is na tha s�me ts tbc operator, aG ,�,..r� .�. is a vumesshin. plex3e incFudeshz Yollpw�ing info:mation for each pazma (use additional pages if aecessary): N�aeare� sero«��e cro sw4 z;� rn�?.mtxr Feri\amc '.Y�d&e�isid �5�i�a) Laa Detcaf8ath HomeMdrar. Sasa'..5�c Gty Suu Zip Phonc?.Smbet MINt�TESOTA TAX IDENTTFICA?ION NUMSER - P�us�ant wtix Lea s of N'unnesota,1984, Chapter 502, ArticSe 8, Sxtioa 2 (170.72) (fa� Clea�cC, IssUSnce ofLiccases). Taasiag authorines are required to pmvide to tbe Staie of Mmnesota Commissioner of Revmue, the M'iaaaota busiatss tsx id�ntification rnrmba sad the socisl sccur'sry mnnber of ceck liccasc appHcant Under tLe Mnaesota Govamneat Data Practices Aa sad the Fsderal Privacq Ad of i 974, we me:equircd to adviseyou of thc follow�ing regar�rsgihe usc oftbe hSumaota TmcIdentificationNumber. - rhis i�'amati� may be cBea so acny thc issvauce a reaewet of yrnu Iianu in thc cvem you owe a+�sota s�. emplcry� s witbbolding as mo� ve�'iicle aca9e taxe� - �P� ��'�8 tLis udamsao� tbe licensiag autbosiry w�t supply it �Iy to the Ni'uwesoQa AePanmmt of Revccnue. Aowever, unda tho Federel Facchffitg� of 3nformatioa A�eement, ?lx DePartn'mt of Rrveaue maY �PPIY this iuf'orma8on to ttK Iaterasl Rc�ue Scvix Mmn�nra Taxldmfifiea�cmNumbas (sates &Ux TaxNtanbej msybe obtame� rrom tLe S�ate aiMinnaota, Busiaess Recor3s Dep�Smesu. 30 Ri�aPark Plaza (612-29b-6181} _ .. , . _. Saial Secutiry Numbc ��`� d I��-aS U' NFmnesota Tax IdrntificaG� N�ber. : L� 7�C3 �S _ If a i�aaesota Tax Idrntificarian Nwaba is aot requ�ed tor 4x businas be'sng apaatcd, indtcat� so by placing aa'X` ia � 6ox ,,, a�„ p]resolistyour eatplo;meni bistory forthe pre�§o.0 five (5}�e�sp�iod: Lis� zlt other o�cers of the corp�tion: pFFICER 1T'fI.E HO?�8 HOVE BUSL�rESS DAT£ OF �.ex,rr rn�x�tirui ..4i)nRESS PHOVE PHOA°E BIftTH Council File # —� t"�� Ordinance � Green Sheet # ���✓� Presented By � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To Committee: Date � 1 2 3 RFSOLVED: That applicarion (ID #6425'� for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigaret#e License by Super America Group Division of Asliland DBA SuperAmerica #4356 (Kevin Linn, Manager) at 56 Snelling Avenue North be and the same is hereby approved 4 `' Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Navs Abse 7 Blak � 8 Bostrom __�,._ Office of License Ins and 9 Harr 10 Me a � EnvironMental Protection 11 :N i� Morton O 16 Adopted by Council: Date B y 0 � 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 21 By: �` ---"— �- 22 By ' � '�' 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �'/�t 1 24 `�-- 25 Approved by Mayor for Submiasion to 26 By: U Council 27 Y� G'l-b�l� DEPAflTMENTqFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATEO �/ � J J� LIEP/Licensing GREEN SHEE CONiA(.T PEflSON & PHONE INITIALlDATE WITIAVOATE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR apTYCAUNCIL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 A���N �CITYATfOqNEV �CT'CLERK NUNBERFON MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE ROUiING � BUWET DIpECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. For hearing: Z b �� OqDER �MpyOR{ORASSISTA!!n O TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: The SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmexica 464356 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 56 Snelling Avenue North (ID ��64257). RECOMMENOpTiONS: Approve (A) or Re�ect (F) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7NE FOLLOWING DUESTIONS: _ PIANNMG COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this perso�rm ever worked under a coMmct for this dePartment? _ C�B COMMITiEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personlfirm ever peen a city employee? — YES N� _ DISTqICTCOURT _ 3. DOesthiS fSOnRltm pe possess e skill noi nwmally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCAUNCILO&lECT1YE7 YES NO Explatn all yas anawers on separete aheat anE attach to green shcet INlT1ATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPP�RNNffY (Who, What, When, Whare, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTACaES IF APPROVE�: �:du ,°,�$ . . ' ,�'; �" „�a..,- . _ . . . a=-? e..4'.! €;i�`i: 1 � E:��! _ _ _. _....._ ..,��.:,��.? DISADVANTA6ES IF NOTAPPROVED. TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGEiED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORhiATION' (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 37931 In Tracker? License 1D # 64257 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3l27/97 /�� � APP'n Received / APP'n Processed LicenseType�as Station, Restaurant—C, Grocerv—C. and Cigarette i.;cen COmpBny NBme: SuperAmerica Groun Division of Ashland DBA: SuperAmerica 4�4356 Business Addresss: 56 Snelling Avenue North Business Phone: 64�-07�0 Contact NamejAddress: Kevin Linn, 56 Snelling Ave N, 104 Home Date to Councit Research: Pubiic Hearing Date: � 2� q�- _ Notice SeM to Appficant: 3 J��' ��✓ ✓ Notice Sent to Pubtic: � Labels Ordered: � pistrict Council #: ,/_ � Ward #: Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney �•Z���- �-� • Environmentaf Health �• Fire �� � � License siee alan Received: �ease Received: 5 [���t� a,� Police 5• Z • � �..' o ' � ' Zoning Q.K - MAR-19-1997 11�08 CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP . . _ �� • haVe mm iu�'Gt iu: C�.ASS III CITI' OF SAINT PA=JI, o�«�ru�r�e�;� ,,, �,IG�SEAPPiICAiION ,�a�,�„ �� 1 +flr ' � �,�P�,��� �� �t � q�a�, �0�3. �� 4r�3�, ��.��,� �� (61712669D70 5z(EIt)166�91R6 2�s r�vFr rc��i§ r ' S �'r��'t�,� t f' r f'� r��$ PLEASE T'YPE OR FRTNT 7N II3K • 6.- :+`"�!RS[�r3A .a � , compffi �?lti:tl�! li. R iYlt KI G�A Gapor�tipp! Pertncr�kip! Selc Propriet�sAip If business is incozgorated, give date of incoipora6on: _ Doing Busi:ress As: � Q � .� ` Husmess Address: 0� rA.•2 �� A Strat Adbra. J Betwan whai cross s�eers is the b�ness located? An the premises now �upied? Whz�t Type of Bvsiuess? � re.��: _L 0 B t�t t�UU S� Le Applicanz Naau mzd 612 266 9124 P,0'�2/06_� BusinessPhone: �e1Z• Y(p�vU CitY SWe Z3p VJhich side of the stseet? -- � •..._... ,...a.....,, ,.a., rsx xo� Aaa��s; � ri u v�t�/U 0 d • se�ana�. �s s,,,t z;� Date of Birth: ��.. �e — V _ Place of $irtti Home Phone�a[S L 3 S7 ;� � 13 Have you ever been a�icted aZ'azi}r felotry, aime or v3ola$on of tt�y ary ordinance other than h�a�c? YES _ NO �_ Date of a�; ��p Charge: Coavic±iou: Sentcace: List t�names �d tesidences oftbree persans of good moral chm•acter, Hving within the Twin Cities Metxo Area, not mlazed to �he appiicant a� financia2ly iniensted "m the pzemisa ar business, who may be rcfcaed to as to the applicanYs charaeYer: NAME ADDRESS PHONE - B��d f�o�� S- ty 7� O-NaN D S7:S .,�►-�}�.� G,«-Y34s.�3 � — �r , f�m�ri� Fiave �y'of the above n�ed � � A�Gw Rrt t wl_.I�v G t J. 2- YES � NO If yes, list tiu daus and reasons for revocetioa: �a.0 �J� v � �-aa� -3b .,�.e.,., s�Aae�. - �cuy .. �,.,� � - --- - � ---- - - , t�e Addrm: sem �a�c �:�• �••.• � q�z roa � to �y�e a�w�2get oi ess,Saat ia ihis business? YES NO If tbe maaxg� is na tha s�me ts tbc operator, aG ,�,..r� .�. is a vumesshin. plex3e incFudeshz Yollpw�ing info:mation for each pazma (use additional pages if aecessary): N�aeare� sero«��e cro sw4 z;� rn�?.mtxr Feri\amc '.Y�d&e�isid �5�i�a) Laa Detcaf8ath HomeMdrar. Sasa'..5�c Gty Suu Zip Phonc?.Smbet MINt�TESOTA TAX IDENTTFICA?ION NUMSER - P�us�ant wtix Lea s of N'unnesota,1984, Chapter 502, ArticSe 8, Sxtioa 2 (170.72) (fa� Clea�cC, IssUSnce ofLiccases). Taasiag authorines are required to pmvide to tbe Staie of Mmnesota Commissioner of Revmue, the M'iaaaota busiatss tsx id�ntification rnrmba sad the socisl sccur'sry mnnber of ceck liccasc appHcant Under tLe Mnaesota Govamneat Data Practices Aa sad the Fsderal Privacq Ad of i 974, we me:equircd to adviseyou of thc follow�ing regar�rsgihe usc oftbe hSumaota TmcIdentificationNumber. - rhis i�'amati� may be cBea so acny thc issvauce a reaewet of yrnu Iianu in thc cvem you owe a+�sota s�. emplcry� s witbbolding as mo� ve�'iicle aca9e taxe� - �P� ��'�8 tLis udamsao� tbe licensiag autbosiry w�t supply it �Iy to the Ni'uwesoQa AePanmmt of Revccnue. Aowever, unda tho Federel Facchffitg� of 3nformatioa A�eement, ?lx DePartn'mt of Rrveaue maY �PPIY this iuf'orma8on to ttK Iaterasl Rc�ue Scvix Mmn�nra Taxldmfifiea�cmNumbas (sates &Ux TaxNtanbej msybe obtame� rrom tLe S�ate aiMinnaota, Busiaess Recor3s Dep�Smesu. 30 Ri�aPark Plaza (612-29b-6181} _ .. , . _. Saial Secutiry Numbc ��`� d I��-aS U' NFmnesota Tax IdrntificaG� N�ber. : L� 7�C3 �S _ If a i�aaesota Tax Idrntificarian Nwaba is aot requ�ed tor 4x businas be'sng apaatcd, indtcat� so by placing aa'X` ia � 6ox ,,, a�„ p]resolistyour eatplo;meni bistory forthe pre�§o.0 five (5}�e�sp�iod: Lis� zlt other o�cers of the corp�tion: pFFICER 1T'fI.E HO?�8 HOVE BUSL�rESS DAT£ OF �.ex,rr rn�x�tirui ..4i)nRESS PHOVE PHOA°E BIftTH Council File # —� t"�� Ordinance � Green Sheet # ���✓� Presented By � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To Committee: Date � 1 2 3 RFSOLVED: That applicarion (ID #6425'� for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigaret#e License by Super America Group Division of Asliland DBA SuperAmerica #4356 (Kevin Linn, Manager) at 56 Snelling Avenue North be and the same is hereby approved 4 `' Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Navs Abse 7 Blak � 8 Bostrom __�,._ Office of License Ins and 9 Harr 10 Me a � EnvironMental Protection 11 :N i� Morton O 16 Adopted by Council: Date B y 0 � 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 21 By: �` ---"— �- 22 By ' � '�' 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �'/�t 1 24 `�-- 25 Approved by Mayor for Submiasion to 26 By: U Council 27 Y� G'l-b�l� DEPAflTMENTqFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATEO �/ � J J� LIEP/Licensing GREEN SHEE CONiA(.T PEflSON & PHONE INITIALlDATE WITIAVOATE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR apTYCAUNCIL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 A���N �CITYATfOqNEV �CT'CLERK NUNBERFON MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE ROUiING � BUWET DIpECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. For hearing: Z b �� OqDER �MpyOR{ORASSISTA!!n O TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: The SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmexica 464356 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 56 Snelling Avenue North (ID ��64257). RECOMMENOpTiONS: Approve (A) or Re�ect (F) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7NE FOLLOWING DUESTIONS: _ PIANNMG COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this perso�rm ever worked under a coMmct for this dePartment? _ C�B COMMITiEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personlfirm ever peen a city employee? — YES N� _ DISTqICTCOURT _ 3. DOesthiS fSOnRltm pe possess e skill noi nwmally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCAUNCILO&lECT1YE7 YES NO Explatn all yas anawers on separete aheat anE attach to green shcet INlT1ATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPP�RNNffY (Who, What, When, Whare, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTACaES IF APPROVE�: �:du ,°,�$ . . ' ,�'; �" „�a..,- . _ . . . a=-? e..4'.! €;i�`i: 1 � E:��! _ _ _. _....._ ..,��.:,��.? DISADVANTA6ES IF NOTAPPROVED. TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGEiED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORhiATION' (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 37931 In Tracker? License 1D # 64257 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3l27/97 /�� � APP'n Received / APP'n Processed LicenseType�as Station, Restaurant—C, Grocerv—C. and Cigarette i.;cen COmpBny NBme: SuperAmerica Groun Division of Ashland DBA: SuperAmerica 4�4356 Business Addresss: 56 Snelling Avenue North Business Phone: 64�-07�0 Contact NamejAddress: Kevin Linn, 56 Snelling Ave N, 104 Home Date to Councit Research: Pubiic Hearing Date: � 2� q�- _ Notice SeM to Appficant: 3 J��' ��✓ ✓ Notice Sent to Pubtic: � Labels Ordered: � pistrict Council #: ,/_ � Ward #: Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney �•Z���- �-� • Environmentaf Health �• Fire �� � � License siee alan Received: �ease Received: 5 [���t� a,� Police 5• Z • � �..' o ' � ' Zoning Q.K - MAR-19-1997 11�08 CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP . . _ �� • haVe mm iu�'Gt iu: C�.ASS III CITI' OF SAINT PA=JI, o�«�ru�r�e�;� ,,, �,IG�SEAPPiICAiION ,�a�,�„ �� 1 +flr ' � �,�P�,��� �� �t � q�a�, �0�3. �� 4r�3�, ��.��,� �� (61712669D70 5z(EIt)166�91R6 2�s r�vFr rc��i§ r ' S �'r��'t�,� t f' r f'� r��$ PLEASE T'YPE OR FRTNT 7N II3K • 6.- :+`"�!RS[�r3A .a � , compffi �?lti:tl�! li. R iYlt KI G�A Gapor�tipp! Pertncr�kip! Selc Propriet�sAip If business is incozgorated, give date of incoipora6on: _ Doing Busi:ress As: � Q � .� ` Husmess Address: 0� rA.•2 �� A Strat Adbra. J Betwan whai cross s�eers is the b�ness located? An the premises now �upied? Whz�t Type of Bvsiuess? � re.��: _L 0 B t�t t�UU S� Le Applicanz Naau mzd 612 266 9124 P,0'�2/06_� BusinessPhone: �e1Z• Y(p�vU CitY SWe Z3p VJhich side of the stseet? -- � •..._... ,...a.....,, ,.a., rsx xo� Aaa��s; � ri u v�t�/U 0 d • se�ana�. �s s,,,t z;� Date of Birth: ��.. �e — V _ Place of $irtti Home Phone�a[S L 3 S7 ;� � 13 Have you ever been a�icted aZ'azi}r felotry, aime or v3ola$on of tt�y ary ordinance other than h�a�c? YES _ NO �_ Date of a�; ��p Charge: Coavic±iou: Sentcace: List t�names �d tesidences oftbree persans of good moral chm•acter, Hving within the Twin Cities Metxo Area, not mlazed to �he appiicant a� financia2ly iniensted "m the pzemisa ar business, who may be rcfcaed to as to the applicanYs charaeYer: NAME ADDRESS PHONE - B��d f�o�� S- ty 7� O-NaN D S7:S .,�►-�}�.� G,«-Y34s.�3 � — �r , f�m�ri� Fiave �y'of the above n�ed � � A�Gw Rrt t wl_.I�v G t J. 2- YES � NO If yes, list tiu daus and reasons for revocetioa: �a.0 �J� v � �-aa� -3b .,�.e.,., s�Aae�. - �cuy .. �,.,� � - --- - � ---- - - , t�e Addrm: sem �a�c �:�• �••.• � q�z roa � to �y�e a�w�2get oi ess,Saat ia ihis business? YES NO If tbe maaxg� is na tha s�me ts tbc operator, aG ,�,..r� .�. is a vumesshin. plex3e incFudeshz Yollpw�ing info:mation for each pazma (use additional pages if aecessary): N�aeare� sero«��e cro sw4 z;� rn�?.mtxr Feri\amc '.Y�d&e�isid �5�i�a) Laa Detcaf8ath HomeMdrar. Sasa'..5�c Gty Suu Zip Phonc?.Smbet MINt�TESOTA TAX IDENTTFICA?ION NUMSER - P�us�ant wtix Lea s of N'unnesota,1984, Chapter 502, ArticSe 8, Sxtioa 2 (170.72) (fa� Clea�cC, IssUSnce ofLiccases). Taasiag authorines are required to pmvide to tbe Staie of Mmnesota Commissioner of Revmue, the M'iaaaota busiatss tsx id�ntification rnrmba sad the socisl sccur'sry mnnber of ceck liccasc appHcant Under tLe Mnaesota Govamneat Data Practices Aa sad the Fsderal Privacq Ad of i 974, we me:equircd to adviseyou of thc follow�ing regar�rsgihe usc oftbe hSumaota TmcIdentificationNumber. - rhis i�'amati� may be cBea so acny thc issvauce a reaewet of yrnu Iianu in thc cvem you owe a+�sota s�. emplcry� s witbbolding as mo� ve�'iicle aca9e taxe� - �P� ��'�8 tLis udamsao� tbe licensiag autbosiry w�t supply it �Iy to the Ni'uwesoQa AePanmmt of Revccnue. Aowever, unda tho Federel Facchffitg� of 3nformatioa A�eement, ?lx DePartn'mt of Rrveaue maY �PPIY this iuf'orma8on to ttK Iaterasl Rc�ue Scvix Mmn�nra Taxldmfifiea�cmNumbas (sates &Ux TaxNtanbej msybe obtame� rrom tLe S�ate aiMinnaota, Busiaess Recor3s Dep�Smesu. 30 Ri�aPark Plaza (612-29b-6181} _ .. , . _. Saial Secutiry Numbc ��`� d I��-aS U' NFmnesota Tax IdrntificaG� N�ber. : L� 7�C3 �S _ If a i�aaesota Tax Idrntificarian Nwaba is aot requ�ed tor 4x businas be'sng apaatcd, indtcat� so by placing aa'X` ia � 6ox ,,, a�„ p]resolistyour eatplo;meni bistory forthe pre�§o.0 five (5}�e�sp�iod: Lis� zlt other o�cers of the corp�tion: pFFICER 1T'fI.E HO?�8 HOVE BUSL�rESS DAT£ OF �.ex,rr rn�x�tirui ..4i)nRESS PHOVE PHOA°E BIftTH