97-646:`;� �.,��. 1 2 3 Presented By Referred To Coamnittee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID # 1261'n for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Crrocery-C, and Cigarette License by Super America Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica #4032 (Bazry Sterling, Manager) at 1734 7th 5ffeet West be and the same is hereby approved 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Navs sen 7 B ak� S Bostr__„om _ Office of License i �ections and 9 arr s Fnv+ronmental Protection 10 e a 11 12 u 13 Morton 15 16 Adopted by Council: Date � $Y ' 17 18 Ado tion Certified b Council Secretar �� rl � '?C"'� P y Y Form Approved by City Attorney 19 � 20 21 By: �}- , z2 /L/ EY: ��Q�,..� ,cf.�' ; a l�`� 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �l �`t�' �/ 24 ,,,/'' 25 ( r Approved by Mayor for Submisaion to z6 $Y: `�� c u�•�'� council 27 Council File # ����� Ordinance # Green Sheet � `� ` ✓Q RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL, MINNESOTA /_�� \ __�,-� �r�� By: �� �ye DEPM�MENi�OFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED �l ?�l J O LIEPiLl�ensin GREEN SHEE CONfACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAUDATE O�EPARTMENTDIREGTOR �CfTYCOUNCIL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 A���N �CRYATrORNEY �CRYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV ATE �BEA POR � ROUTIN6 O BUDGET DIflEGTOR O FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES DIfl. l ORDER MqYpR (�R 0.SSISTAN'n Por hearin : 7 2 �1� � � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE} ACf10N REOUESTED: The SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica �P4032 requests Council approva o£ its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at ll34 7th Street West (ID /I12617). REGOMeAEN�AnaNS: Appmve (A) w Rejecc (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONiHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNINO COMMISSION ._ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrac[ for this tlepartment? _ CIB CoMMITfEE _ �'ES NO _ SSAFF Z. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISiRIC7 CoURT _ 3. Does [his perso�rm Dossess a sKill not normally possessad by any current c"ity employee? SUPPOflTS WHICN COUNCIL O&lECT7VE? YES NO Explain all yea answers on separate sheet and attaeh tu g�ee� sheet INITIATINO PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WM, What, When, Where, WhyJ: ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEP. � DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED � � 3' °r , �..y... .. P2;m.� �9 � '" Zs'''^"i+'"� zs'4 .i.t=., .�, t i:e`eI� DISA�VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO: � �� TOTAL AMOUNT OF iHANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIBCa SOUPCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANdAL INFORMAiION: (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 37930 Irt Tracke(? L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 ��'� App'n Aeceived / App'n Rocessed License ID # 12617 License TypeGas Station, Restaurant—C, Grocerv—C, and Ciearette Licen: Company Name: SuperAmerica Gxoup Div� inn �f Aahland DBA: SuuerAmerica 9t4032 Business Addresss: 1734 7th Street West Business Phone: 698-2032 Contact Name/AddresS: Barry Sterling, 1734 7th Street West Home Phone: Dafe to Counci! Research: 55116 Public Hearing Date: � �� � Notice Sent to Applicani: Notice Sent to Pubiic: �� / � � � � Labels Ordered: /� N� District COUnCiI #: 7 Ward #: o� Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney �•Z• o � . Environmental Nealth M-A� Fire �, License �e P�a^ �� �ease aeceived: S � �� �� D !(i Police v�•2 �'3�- p.� . Zoning �' � ' MHR-19-1947 11�98 CITY OF ST PAiA LIEP 612 266 9124 P.02i06 - . _ �--° . /�!_ I7 �c'rb�lb r'Z,ASS ZII LICENSE APPLICATTON A : ��f���� � p' r s.�r.m,�r.snm vu� A.y�u �'�oot � �oaa, N�►��, � � d�o3z, ��� �����z. �s ����� ` � y������� , � PI,EASE TYPfi OR PR1NT IN INK � Tcpe of License(s) being applied for: . Compaay Naate: C.aper.iipnlPatnaAup /sote Pxiprincnhip I€business is incorporated, y}ve date of incotporatiou: ._ rioing Business As: S.�►,, �� iC 14YI�i•1 1C l GA Busmess Addzess: /� ��/ Lt/�,� T 'f �i seat aaa,ea - Bernaa what cross sheeu is the busness located? Aret3xpresnisesnowoccapied? WhatTypeofBusmess? �Ta.��: P 0 8Uu t t1UU � Le �� Applicant rnfom Nenx msd Tide: hold, formtcky he2d, or may bave an �� :�am� U m�a� �a r� ' Home Address: ��1 Q T V Q O semc nldxsu ciiy s,�c y;p Date of Bittfi: ��— li'� Place of$irth: Home Phonejsts 6� S7 �� 13 Fiave yov ever been 1§c of a�ry feIonY, aime or violation of any ciry ordin�ce other than �c? YES _ NO _�_ Date of snest: Where7 ChaT&e Conviction: Scnta�e: List tl�cnsmes �dresidences of tbrce persons of good moral charaatu, tivu�g within the Twia Cities Me�o Area, aot rclated to the apglicant or SnsnciaUy intetested ia !he pz� or bvsiness, who may bc rcfared tv as to the agpIicanYs chara�ter: NAME ADDAESS PFiONE B���► (�O�ti� S 1 y �a D-�1� p 57.�5 •�l ��.�- .�lZ- �36-s.�3 � /UArV CH- --1��1y —1�8t�1��F�. S-} ivw - ti�w �n: �1,.-tWV �,�2• b33• =-YS/ � aboveama�d � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL o�«�r�,r�a:� ��� r . d [7 Stue Zep �Uhich side of the s�eet? � yos�Z � � _ r . t n�oked? YES � NO If yes, list rhe daces and reasaxs for revocadoa: 2/1 &97 . _____ ___�_---------------- - =--_ �'�=b,,,�b Areynugoing;ooperucthisbusiaesspesoaa7ly? �'ES :v� uno�,,.no..,uof.�.�wS�7PERAMERICAGRQFJ'P F;rs�« wa�cuv� nk � P.O. Box Has?d�rm� sasa�a�e C:.y su:c 3Z Pkzsa list your emplo;mern history fas the pret4ou fi�e (5) }�euperiod: B��ess/Emvlamcnt Adchess 3s a Pazm�sbip, PSea,se incFudeShe fallpa�ing info:matioa fot each parmer (use additionsi psges if axessary): � � xo�e addrai so-e« ��mc cisr swc Tia PhmC:�4mtxr FEs.�amc '�i'iddielaitial �faideal Lwu DattefB'atk HomeRdd,vw: srea:w�c c;ry Suu Z,p Frhox!.'waDer MINtv�ESOTA TAX IDENIIFICATION NUMBER - Piust�ant to tlx Laws of Mmnesota,1984, Chspur 5�2, Artick 8, S�ion 2{270.72j (fat Ckarancr Issuaace ofLicenses).l'aaacmg avthorides are requued to prov;ck to the State of 2�nesota Commissioner of Itcvm� ti�e Mma�sota bvsiaess tax idrntiEcation numba sad the social sxuriry a�ber of cach Iicrose spplicant Undei'tbe M�nae:ota Gwer�mt Data Fsacticac Aa �sd the fedcnl. Pricacy Ad of t 97d, we sre xequired to advisa qou of the follov.ing regard'mg tY�e use oftbe N!'ninesota 7ax Identi&cation I�hanba: - 2bis infamaaan may be vsa2 to daaq tLe 3�n,�.+�.• or renewat of yrnu Ii«use ia tLe eveat you owe Mumesota sales. emPloS'� s withhold�g or motot c�hi'cle etcase tate� - �P� ��S this izdo��aaoa, the Iiceusiag ent�airy ws�! supply it oaly to the Muwes�a Uepumseat af Rtvm� However, uadcr the Fedval F�cLm�ge of 7nformadcm Agcement, tbe Aepartman of Reveaue maY �PTY this informaflon w the Iateraal ReveeueScv3cc . ... '� . .__. _ ivf�ta Fa�c Idc�Scstioc Numbets CSates& Use Ta�c Num)xr) maybe obraiaed from tLe Siau of Iv�innaota, Business Rtcords Dep�tm�. 30 }tiva Pack Plaza (612-296-6I81} .. ._ .. , . _. soa� s«�xy N��: /- (3 1�-a-a-S G_ u�� r� ia��u� ��: - la �:3 �.s _ Ifa Mmaesota Taac IdrntiSeatioa Numba u aot requc� f� tlx bit,inas being operated, indicau so by placing aa'X` ia ihe box nnnK.� Are } gomg [o Yz�•e a�8�+' oress,S�t in this business? •� YES NO If the msaager is not the Seme ts the operafor, List zll otHer odetrs of the c.�upa: ztion: pFF(CER TIT[.E HO?vtE H016F BUSL�TESS DAT£ OF :.'A.A�„ (O,'SaHej� � ADJ�.RF.SS FHO\'E PHONE $IltTH :`;� �.,��. 1 2 3 Presented By Referred To Coamnittee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID # 1261'n for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Crrocery-C, and Cigarette License by Super America Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica #4032 (Bazry Sterling, Manager) at 1734 7th 5ffeet West be and the same is hereby approved 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Navs sen 7 B ak� S Bostr__„om _ Office of License i �ections and 9 arr s Fnv+ronmental Protection 10 e a 11 12 u 13 Morton 15 16 Adopted by Council: Date � $Y ' 17 18 Ado tion Certified b Council Secretar �� rl � '?C"'� P y Y Form Approved by City Attorney 19 � 20 21 By: �}- , z2 /L/ EY: ��Q�,..� ,cf.�' ; a l�`� 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �l �`t�' �/ 24 ,,,/'' 25 ( r Approved by Mayor for Submisaion to z6 $Y: `�� c u�•�'� council 27 Council File # ����� Ordinance # Green Sheet � `� ` ✓Q RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL, MINNESOTA /_�� \ __�,-� �r�� By: �� �ye DEPM�MENi�OFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED �l ?�l J O LIEPiLl�ensin GREEN SHEE CONfACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAUDATE O�EPARTMENTDIREGTOR �CfTYCOUNCIL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 A���N �CRYATrORNEY �CRYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV ATE �BEA POR � ROUTIN6 O BUDGET DIflEGTOR O FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES DIfl. l ORDER MqYpR (�R 0.SSISTAN'n Por hearin : 7 2 �1� � � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE} ACf10N REOUESTED: The SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica �P4032 requests Council approva o£ its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at ll34 7th Street West (ID /I12617). REGOMeAEN�AnaNS: Appmve (A) w Rejecc (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONiHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNINO COMMISSION ._ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrac[ for this tlepartment? _ CIB CoMMITfEE _ �'ES NO _ SSAFF Z. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISiRIC7 CoURT _ 3. Does [his perso�rm Dossess a sKill not normally possessad by any current c"ity employee? SUPPOflTS WHICN COUNCIL O&lECT7VE? YES NO Explain all yea answers on separate sheet and attaeh tu g�ee� sheet INITIATINO PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WM, What, When, Where, WhyJ: ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEP. � DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED � � 3' °r , �..y... .. P2;m.� �9 � '" Zs'''^"i+'"� zs'4 .i.t=., .�, t i:e`eI� DISA�VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO: � �� TOTAL AMOUNT OF iHANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIBCa SOUPCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANdAL INFORMAiION: (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 37930 Irt Tracke(? L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 ��'� App'n Aeceived / App'n Rocessed License ID # 12617 License TypeGas Station, Restaurant—C, Grocerv—C, and Ciearette Licen: Company Name: SuperAmerica Gxoup Div� inn �f Aahland DBA: SuuerAmerica 9t4032 Business Addresss: 1734 7th Street West Business Phone: 698-2032 Contact Name/AddresS: Barry Sterling, 1734 7th Street West Home Phone: Dafe to Counci! Research: 55116 Public Hearing Date: � �� � Notice Sent to Applicani: Notice Sent to Pubiic: �� / � � � � Labels Ordered: /� N� District COUnCiI #: 7 Ward #: o� Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney �•Z• o � . Environmental Nealth M-A� Fire �, License �e P�a^ �� �ease aeceived: S � �� �� D !(i Police v�•2 �'3�- p.� . Zoning �' � ' MHR-19-1947 11�98 CITY OF ST PAiA LIEP 612 266 9124 P.02i06 - . _ �--° . /�!_ I7 �c'rb�lb r'Z,ASS ZII LICENSE APPLICATTON A : ��f���� � p' r s.�r.m,�r.snm vu� A.y�u �'�oot � �oaa, N�►��, � � d�o3z, ��� �����z. �s ����� ` � y������� , � PI,EASE TYPfi OR PR1NT IN INK � Tcpe of License(s) being applied for: . Compaay Naate: C.aper.iipnlPatnaAup /sote Pxiprincnhip I€business is incorporated, y}ve date of incotporatiou: ._ rioing Business As: S.�►,, �� iC 14YI�i•1 1C l GA Busmess Addzess: /� ��/ Lt/�,� T 'f �i seat aaa,ea - Bernaa what cross sheeu is the busness located? Aret3xpresnisesnowoccapied? WhatTypeofBusmess? �Ta.��: P 0 8Uu t t1UU � Le �� Applicant rnfom Nenx msd Tide: hold, formtcky he2d, or may bave an �� :�am� U m�a� �a r� ' Home Address: ��1 Q T V Q O semc nldxsu ciiy s,�c y;p Date of Bittfi: ��— li'� Place of$irth: Home Phonejsts 6� S7 �� 13 Fiave yov ever been 1§c of a�ry feIonY, aime or violation of any ciry ordin�ce other than �c? YES _ NO _�_ Date of snest: Where7 ChaT&e Conviction: Scnta�e: List tl�cnsmes �dresidences of tbrce persons of good moral charaatu, tivu�g within the Twia Cities Me�o Area, aot rclated to the apglicant or SnsnciaUy intetested ia !he pz� or bvsiness, who may bc rcfared tv as to the agpIicanYs chara�ter: NAME ADDAESS PFiONE B���► (�O�ti� S 1 y �a D-�1� p 57.�5 •�l ��.�- .�lZ- �36-s.�3 � /UArV CH- --1��1y —1�8t�1��F�. S-} ivw - ti�w �n: �1,.-tWV �,�2• b33• =-YS/ � aboveama�d � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL o�«�r�,r�a:� ��� r . d [7 Stue Zep �Uhich side of the s�eet? � yos�Z � � _ r . t n�oked? YES � NO If yes, list rhe daces and reasaxs for revocadoa: 2/1 &97 . _____ ___�_---------------- - =--_ �'�=b,,,�b Areynugoing;ooperucthisbusiaesspesoaa7ly? �'ES :v� uno�,,.no..,uof.�.�wS�7PERAMERICAGRQFJ'P F;rs�« wa�cuv� nk � P.O. Box Has?d�rm� sasa�a�e C:.y su:c 3Z Pkzsa list your emplo;mern history fas the pret4ou fi�e (5) }�euperiod: B��ess/Emvlamcnt Adchess 3s a Pazm�sbip, PSea,se incFudeShe fallpa�ing info:matioa fot each parmer (use additionsi psges if axessary): � � xo�e addrai so-e« ��mc cisr swc Tia PhmC:�4mtxr FEs.�amc '�i'iddielaitial �faideal Lwu DattefB'atk HomeRdd,vw: srea:w�c c;ry Suu Z,p Frhox!.'waDer MINtv�ESOTA TAX IDENIIFICATION NUMBER - Piust�ant to tlx Laws of Mmnesota,1984, Chspur 5�2, Artick 8, S�ion 2{270.72j (fat Ckarancr Issuaace ofLicenses).l'aaacmg avthorides are requued to prov;ck to the State of 2�nesota Commissioner of Itcvm� ti�e Mma�sota bvsiaess tax idrntiEcation numba sad the social sxuriry a�ber of cach Iicrose spplicant Undei'tbe M�nae:ota Gwer�mt Data Fsacticac Aa �sd the fedcnl. Pricacy Ad of t 97d, we sre xequired to advisa qou of the follov.ing regard'mg tY�e use oftbe N!'ninesota 7ax Identi&cation I�hanba: - 2bis infamaaan may be vsa2 to daaq tLe 3�n,�.+�.• or renewat of yrnu Ii«use ia tLe eveat you owe Mumesota sales. emPloS'� s withhold�g or motot c�hi'cle etcase tate� - �P� ��S this izdo��aaoa, the Iiceusiag ent�airy ws�! supply it oaly to the Muwes�a Uepumseat af Rtvm� However, uadcr the Fedval F�cLm�ge of 7nformadcm Agcement, tbe Aepartman of Reveaue maY �PTY this informaflon w the Iateraal ReveeueScv3cc . ... '� . .__. _ ivf�ta Fa�c Idc�Scstioc Numbets CSates& Use Ta�c Num)xr) maybe obraiaed from tLe Siau of Iv�innaota, Business Rtcords Dep�tm�. 30 }tiva Pack Plaza (612-296-6I81} .. ._ .. , . _. soa� s«�xy N��: /- (3 1�-a-a-S G_ u�� r� ia��u� ��: - la �:3 �.s _ Ifa Mmaesota Taac IdrntiSeatioa Numba u aot requc� f� tlx bit,inas being operated, indicau so by placing aa'X` ia ihe box nnnK.� Are } gomg [o Yz�•e a�8�+' oress,S�t in this business? •� YES NO If the msaager is not the Seme ts the operafor, List zll otHer odetrs of the c.�upa: ztion: pFF(CER TIT[.E HO?vtE H016F BUSL�TESS DAT£ OF :.'A.A�„ (O,'SaHej� � ADJ�.RF.SS FHO\'E PHONE $IltTH :`;� �.,��. 1 2 3 Presented By Referred To Coamnittee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID # 1261'n for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Crrocery-C, and Cigarette License by Super America Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica #4032 (Bazry Sterling, Manager) at 1734 7th 5ffeet West be and the same is hereby approved 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Navs sen 7 B ak� S Bostr__„om _ Office of License i �ections and 9 arr s Fnv+ronmental Protection 10 e a 11 12 u 13 Morton 15 16 Adopted by Council: Date � $Y ' 17 18 Ado tion Certified b Council Secretar �� rl � '?C"'� P y Y Form Approved by City Attorney 19 � 20 21 By: �}- , z2 /L/ EY: ��Q�,..� ,cf.�' ; a l�`� 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �l �`t�' �/ 24 ,,,/'' 25 ( r Approved by Mayor for Submisaion to z6 $Y: `�� c u�•�'� council 27 Council File # ����� Ordinance # Green Sheet � `� ` ✓Q RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL, MINNESOTA /_�� \ __�,-� �r�� By: �� �ye DEPM�MENi�OFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED �l ?�l J O LIEPiLl�ensin GREEN SHEE CONfACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAUDATE O�EPARTMENTDIREGTOR �CfTYCOUNCIL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 A���N �CRYATrORNEY �CRYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV ATE �BEA POR � ROUTIN6 O BUDGET DIflEGTOR O FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES DIfl. l ORDER MqYpR (�R 0.SSISTAN'n Por hearin : 7 2 �1� � � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE} ACf10N REOUESTED: The SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica �P4032 requests Council approva o£ its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at ll34 7th Street West (ID /I12617). REGOMeAEN�AnaNS: Appmve (A) w Rejecc (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONiHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNINO COMMISSION ._ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrac[ for this tlepartment? _ CIB CoMMITfEE _ �'ES NO _ SSAFF Z. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISiRIC7 CoURT _ 3. Does [his perso�rm Dossess a sKill not normally possessad by any current c"ity employee? SUPPOflTS WHICN COUNCIL O&lECT7VE? YES NO Explain all yea answers on separate sheet and attaeh tu g�ee� sheet INITIATINO PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WM, What, When, Where, WhyJ: ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEP. � DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED � � 3' °r , �..y... .. P2;m.� �9 � '" Zs'''^"i+'"� zs'4 .i.t=., .�, t i:e`eI� DISA�VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO: � �� TOTAL AMOUNT OF iHANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIBCa SOUPCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANdAL INFORMAiION: (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 37930 Irt Tracke(? L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 ��'� App'n Aeceived / App'n Rocessed License ID # 12617 License TypeGas Station, Restaurant—C, Grocerv—C, and Ciearette Licen: Company Name: SuperAmerica Gxoup Div� inn �f Aahland DBA: SuuerAmerica 9t4032 Business Addresss: 1734 7th Street West Business Phone: 698-2032 Contact Name/AddresS: Barry Sterling, 1734 7th Street West Home Phone: Dafe to Counci! Research: 55116 Public Hearing Date: � �� � Notice Sent to Applicani: Notice Sent to Pubiic: �� / � � � � Labels Ordered: /� N� District COUnCiI #: 7 Ward #: o� Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney �•Z• o � . Environmental Nealth M-A� Fire �, License �e P�a^ �� �ease aeceived: S � �� �� D !(i Police v�•2 �'3�- p.� . Zoning �' � ' MHR-19-1947 11�98 CITY OF ST PAiA LIEP 612 266 9124 P.02i06 - . _ �--° . /�!_ I7 �c'rb�lb r'Z,ASS ZII LICENSE APPLICATTON A : ��f���� � p' r s.�r.m,�r.snm vu� A.y�u �'�oot � �oaa, N�►��, � � d�o3z, ��� �����z. �s ����� ` � y������� , � PI,EASE TYPfi OR PR1NT IN INK � Tcpe of License(s) being applied for: . Compaay Naate: C.aper.iipnlPatnaAup /sote Pxiprincnhip I€business is incorporated, y}ve date of incotporatiou: ._ rioing Business As: S.�►,, �� iC 14YI�i•1 1C l GA Busmess Addzess: /� ��/ Lt/�,� T 'f �i seat aaa,ea - Bernaa what cross sheeu is the busness located? Aret3xpresnisesnowoccapied? WhatTypeofBusmess? �Ta.��: P 0 8Uu t t1UU � Le �� Applicant rnfom Nenx msd Tide: hold, formtcky he2d, or may bave an �� :�am� U m�a� �a r� ' Home Address: ��1 Q T V Q O semc nldxsu ciiy s,�c y;p Date of Bittfi: ��— li'� Place of$irth: Home Phonejsts 6� S7 �� 13 Fiave yov ever been 1§c of a�ry feIonY, aime or violation of any ciry ordin�ce other than �c? YES _ NO _�_ Date of snest: Where7 ChaT&e Conviction: Scnta�e: List tl�cnsmes �dresidences of tbrce persons of good moral charaatu, tivu�g within the Twia Cities Me�o Area, aot rclated to the apglicant or SnsnciaUy intetested ia !he pz� or bvsiness, who may bc rcfared tv as to the agpIicanYs chara�ter: NAME ADDAESS PFiONE B���► (�O�ti� S 1 y �a D-�1� p 57.�5 •�l ��.�- .�lZ- �36-s.�3 � /UArV CH- --1��1y —1�8t�1��F�. S-} ivw - ti�w �n: �1,.-tWV �,�2• b33• =-YS/ � aboveama�d � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL o�«�r�,r�a:� ��� r . d [7 Stue Zep �Uhich side of the s�eet? � yos�Z � � _ r . t n�oked? YES � NO If yes, list rhe daces and reasaxs for revocadoa: 2/1 &97 . _____ ___�_---------------- - =--_ �'�=b,,,�b Areynugoing;ooperucthisbusiaesspesoaa7ly? �'ES :v� uno�,,.no..,uof.�.�wS�7PERAMERICAGRQFJ'P F;rs�« wa�cuv� nk � P.O. Box Has?d�rm� sasa�a�e C:.y su:c 3Z Pkzsa list your emplo;mern history fas the pret4ou fi�e (5) }�euperiod: B��ess/Emvlamcnt Adchess 3s a Pazm�sbip, PSea,se incFudeShe fallpa�ing info:matioa fot each parmer (use additionsi psges if axessary): � � xo�e addrai so-e« ��mc cisr swc Tia PhmC:�4mtxr FEs.�amc '�i'iddielaitial �faideal Lwu DattefB'atk HomeRdd,vw: srea:w�c c;ry Suu Z,p Frhox!.'waDer MINtv�ESOTA TAX IDENIIFICATION NUMBER - Piust�ant to tlx Laws of Mmnesota,1984, Chspur 5�2, Artick 8, S�ion 2{270.72j (fat Ckarancr Issuaace ofLicenses).l'aaacmg avthorides are requued to prov;ck to the State of 2�nesota Commissioner of Itcvm� ti�e Mma�sota bvsiaess tax idrntiEcation numba sad the social sxuriry a�ber of cach Iicrose spplicant Undei'tbe M�nae:ota Gwer�mt Data Fsacticac Aa �sd the fedcnl. Pricacy Ad of t 97d, we sre xequired to advisa qou of the follov.ing regard'mg tY�e use oftbe N!'ninesota 7ax Identi&cation I�hanba: - 2bis infamaaan may be vsa2 to daaq tLe 3�n,�.+�.• or renewat of yrnu Ii«use ia tLe eveat you owe Mumesota sales. emPloS'� s withhold�g or motot c�hi'cle etcase tate� - �P� ��S this izdo��aaoa, the Iiceusiag ent�airy ws�! supply it oaly to the Muwes�a Uepumseat af Rtvm� However, uadcr the Fedval F�cLm�ge of 7nformadcm Agcement, tbe Aepartman of Reveaue maY �PTY this informaflon w the Iateraal ReveeueScv3cc . ... '� . .__. _ ivf�ta Fa�c Idc�Scstioc Numbets CSates& Use Ta�c Num)xr) maybe obraiaed from tLe Siau of Iv�innaota, Business Rtcords Dep�tm�. 30 }tiva Pack Plaza (612-296-6I81} .. ._ .. , . _. soa� s«�xy N��: /- (3 1�-a-a-S G_ u�� r� ia��u� ��: - la �:3 �.s _ Ifa Mmaesota Taac IdrntiSeatioa Numba u aot requc� f� tlx bit,inas being operated, indicau so by placing aa'X` ia ihe box nnnK.� Are } gomg [o Yz�•e a�8�+' oress,S�t in this business? •� YES NO If the msaager is not the Seme ts the operafor, List zll otHer odetrs of the c.�upa: ztion: pFF(CER TIT[.E HO?vtE H016F BUSL�TESS DAT£ OF :.'A.A�„ (O,'SaHej� � ADJ�.RF.SS FHO\'E PHONE $IltTH