97-645Council File � _ \ ���� ordinance # Green Sheet # �� Presented By 1 2 3 Referred To OF �Altd� PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date �3 RESOLVED: TS�at application (ID #48484) for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigareue Li� by Super America Group Division of Asliland DBA SuperAmerica #4420 (Karen Moore, Manager) at 1125 7th Street West be and the snne is hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Navs een 7 B a e� 8 a Bos�trom Office of License I s�ections and 10 M r a d nvironment8l Protect�on 11 �a,�Cei�:u� 12 T un� 14 Morton is 5 0 � /� � � 16 Adopted by Council: Date _�� � �* B Y� l 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approoed by City Attorney 20 \ 21 By: c-.� c� , �A�e�a/a"' By. - 22 / � '' 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �� 24 zs Approved by Mayor for Submisaion to 26 By: � L Council 27 � By° q� b�S n-�n�w DEPMiIAENLOFFICEACOUNCIL DATE INRIATED J 1 J J J LIEP/Licensing GREEN SHEE CONiACi PEASON & PHONE � OEPARTMEM DIRECTORNR�AUDAh � CT' COUNCIL � Christine Rozek, 266-9108 ��cN �cmarroANev �cmc�aK NUYBEAFOR MUSTBE ON fAUNCIL AGENDA 8Y DATE) AOU71lIG � BUOGET�IRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. For hearing: '� �� OROEq O MqYpR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AlL LOCATIONS FOR S16NATURE) AGTION REQUESTED: The SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica 9t4420 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 1125 7th Street West (ID ��48484). aECAMMENDAnONS: Appco�e (A) w Re�aet (a) pERSONAL SEpV�CE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSIDN _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this p8rsonNirm ever worked under a contrect for this tlepartment? _C18CAMM7TfEE _ YES NO 2. Has Mis perso�rm ever been a ciry employee? — � — YES NO _ DiSTRICTCOUR7 _ 3. Does this perso�rm possess a skill not normall y possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPOflT$ WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVEI YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate aheet antl attach to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPGIRTUNITY (Who. What. When, Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPFOVED: e_" ' .�t,.. ...u...�„ ....<., _�,.. .e._ :�.k k�.r�: � � Ya�� �., ��r�.,:� OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO. TOTAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSAC710N $ CO57/REVENUE BUDGE7E0 (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIOG SOUHCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER PINANCIAL INFORKiATION' (EXPIAIN) Greensheet # 37935 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 ��� �O�S in Tracker? app'n aecerved / app'n arocessea LicenselD # 48484 License Type: Gas Station, Restaurant—C, Grocery—C, and Ciearette Lice Company Name: SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA: G»nPrAmP,-;ra dk449n Business Addresss: 1125 7th St W Susiness Phone: zz1-1021 Contact NameJAddress: �ren Moore, 1125 7th St W, 102 Home Phone: Date to Council Research: / Public Hearing Date: �� Zg � labels Orderecl: G � Q NR Notice Serrt to Appiiqrn: District Councii #: ! Notice Sent to Pubtic: ��/ �� ���� Ward #: � Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney �'•2 •9�- o, � Environmental Heaith 5 2•`"l� L�•�• Fire 5•Z'�� �3� • License Site Pian Received: �a� t���ea: S' �(t f..l �j �i t� �1 Police � � Z •q' �' �� � - Zoning �•2��� �'r` . MAR-19-1997 11�68 612 266 CITSL.QE,_5T PAUL LIEP CT..-ASS TII CITY OF SAINT PAU[. o&« ofs:�:, i�p«s«s , � ; LICENSE APPLICATI4N ���� 30gP�u5t5�30D � ♦ S�PCd SSiO3 � �yy�)�f� � �1 ���0 l����r1" � i" �� (��90967mcf�1669146 Tl�••q • • TF�i APPLiC �7�S i�4'�'�I`F���3��� � �• �f '► 7�++� PLFASE'fYPE ORPRINT IN II�: � T � v Y�pe of License(s) bang aPPlied for: . Comgffiy Nawe: Cocpontiou 1 Y+rtnasdip ! Solz Psoprietontip If business is incorpaated, give date of incoigoration: , ��x�,�,�: � e..�3 e Avk.r R� r� ��� aaa��: /! 2S l4,+P s�' '�-f� S� so-ac wdd�aa crt5' Betwan what cross suee.is is the busness located? Are thc premises now ocr. ied7 Whac Type of Business? � ro aaa��: _...p � g (I1G 1 V�U � 1..e 1� i N4't �cntm�.. cm Name m�d Tido: s T!/f.4- s b.� F. U D r ;. • ,.. ^ �"Rl!I��J� s� � WviC12 side of dx StrfGt? n... � —•----__ _ _ Fvu � .'N'idmc (Maidm) Is+t Yuk � HOIDC A�LCSS: �� I.� vd! f� U O Q � Sputt.d&cs Ciry SWc Zip Aate of $irth: 1� ��S _(� Place of Binh: Home Pnonelaa 1. 3 S7 � Z 13 Ha�e you ever been comlcc� of aztg felony, aime or violadon ofany city ordinance other than traffic? YES � NO �_ Date of a�resc: Where7 Charge: Coavictiau: 5entmcc: List drnauxs andresidenoes of three petsoas of good moral chm�actcr, living wzthin the Twiu Cilies Metro Area, aot srlatcd to the applicant or fiasnciall} interested in thepremises ar bwiness, who msy bc icfared to as to tiae appSicanYs charaeter: AIt1ME _n ADDRESS PHONE ��t.Rd l� 10�t.1 S" 14 7� 0-daN D S'�S .�} ���- 11- y36-S.T3 � _ !'�N�� '�� � �A14l���� ST N� " ����/1`��� b�� 633-�1-Yy � Have aus�'of the above named ���77�� � , � ., i ,:t`�:�� .� .� V j�/ I have an YES � NO If ye; list tlu dse�s �ct �asons foz revocerion: 21t8�97 MAR-19-1357 11=08 CI7y nF „ST PA�- LIEP 612 266 9124 P.04i06 °�'�rb�l� 1.se cou Roin� :a oPezYlc this busiAess p�°n�'� YES �;3o Ff not, «'ho w9U op«ate ��fIPER AMERICAGROIJ� p,Kr� go¢eg to �e a�tger or ess.�zat in this business? YES :�0 If th� msaager is na the same ts tbe apecator, Pkzse listyour emp3o;ment kustory for the prc��o:zs five (5) c•eu period: : /E lo�xn t Address is e Parm4shiP, P]er,se iaclude jhe £olly��ing info:mavoa fac each parma (use additionat gages if necessary)� xv.�eadd� saxc�e Cnr su�e Zia x,o��SmsQ Fcs.\mc ?Sid9ctoi6d (-�3u&a) Laa Datcef$atb lioxRddrac Scea!wmo Ccy Sute Zip Phox;.'umba MIt�TAES07A TAX IDENI7FiCt+1'ION NUMBER - P�t w the Isws of �ota,1984, Chapta 502, Article 8, Sxtion 2(270.72? (Tae Cieermce, Issusaee ofLicw,es).liaasing suthorities are req�ed to provide to tbe State of Mmnesota Cammissioner of Revenu�, the NGunaota bzuiaess tax idmtifica2ion wmba aad thc social securiry armmber of cach licaue appHcant Uuder tfie M�aaesota Govamneat Data Praci'sces Aa �si she F�dar1 Pricacy Act of t 974, we sre required to ad�ise you of the follaa�ing regard'mg the use ofthe 2vlumesota Tsc Ideottificafion Numba: - I3is infamatia� msy be e�sed to dez� tLe issvana or reaewal of yrnu fianse in the eveat you owe Mumcsota sa]es, empIoyei s wrthhole3vig a mot�'vdricle exase t�ce� ' UP°a r�vm8 4ds info�mseoa. tFie Gcemia8 �ry ��PPig it oalp W tfie �a LkParment of Fteveaue. Howe�er, unda the Fedaet ExcLmzge of Infocatatioa A�� the Dq>�tment of Rcveaue maS su�FlS this int"ormslian w the rnteraa3 Reveaue Savice. - - Mmar�ta SaxIdmUScffiic�Numbe:s (Swlcs &TJse Tax Nuwba�)may Ix o� &om tbe State of Nf�nncsote, Business Rxc.or3s Dep�tment. 70RivrrParkPlazs(612-2%-618!} .. _ ..... _. s��t s��yr�a�:.��3 ,! a-a-�S G �� r�ia�ns�u�rr��: -!� �:� �� ! lf a I�fanesota Ta�c ]drntificarioa 1+7nmbc is not regu:ued for tLe businas being operated, indicato so by placing an'X" ia �e box ..,, e �,-, Lis� zll other o�eers af the c�po: eGon: p�� TT� $p?vIF� HOVi£ BUSL�'ESS DATEOF :..r+.�. tO�aaHe}d) � ADI}RESS PHO�'E PHOIv'E BIRTH Council File � _ \ ���� ordinance # Green Sheet # �� Presented By 1 2 3 Referred To OF �Altd� PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date �3 RESOLVED: TS�at application (ID #48484) for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigareue Li� by Super America Group Division of Asliland DBA SuperAmerica #4420 (Karen Moore, Manager) at 1125 7th Street West be and the snne is hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Navs een 7 B a e� 8 a Bos�trom Office of License I s�ections and 10 M r a d nvironment8l Protect�on 11 �a,�Cei�:u� 12 T un� 14 Morton is 5 0 � /� � � 16 Adopted by Council: Date _�� � �* B Y� l 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approoed by City Attorney 20 \ 21 By: c-.� c� , �A�e�a/a"' By. - 22 / � '' 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �� 24 zs Approved by Mayor for Submisaion to 26 By: � L Council 27 � By° q� b�S n-�n�w DEPMiIAENLOFFICEACOUNCIL DATE INRIATED J 1 J J J LIEP/Licensing GREEN SHEE CONiACi PEASON & PHONE � OEPARTMEM DIRECTORNR�AUDAh � CT' COUNCIL � Christine Rozek, 266-9108 ��cN �cmarroANev �cmc�aK NUYBEAFOR MUSTBE ON fAUNCIL AGENDA 8Y DATE) AOU71lIG � BUOGET�IRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. For hearing: '� �� OROEq O MqYpR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AlL LOCATIONS FOR S16NATURE) AGTION REQUESTED: The SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica 9t4420 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 1125 7th Street West (ID ��48484). aECAMMENDAnONS: Appco�e (A) w Re�aet (a) pERSONAL SEpV�CE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSIDN _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this p8rsonNirm ever worked under a contrect for this tlepartment? _C18CAMM7TfEE _ YES NO 2. Has Mis perso�rm ever been a ciry employee? — � — YES NO _ DiSTRICTCOUR7 _ 3. Does this perso�rm possess a skill not normall y possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPOflT$ WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVEI YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate aheet antl attach to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPGIRTUNITY (Who. What. When, Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPFOVED: e_" ' .�t,.. ...u...�„ ....<., _�,.. .e._ :�.k k�.r�: � � Ya�� �., ��r�.,:� OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO. TOTAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSAC710N $ CO57/REVENUE BUDGE7E0 (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIOG SOUHCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER PINANCIAL INFORKiATION' (EXPIAIN) Greensheet # 37935 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 ��� �O�S in Tracker? app'n aecerved / app'n arocessea LicenselD # 48484 License Type: Gas Station, Restaurant—C, Grocery—C, and Ciearette Lice Company Name: SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA: G»nPrAmP,-;ra dk449n Business Addresss: 1125 7th St W Susiness Phone: zz1-1021 Contact NameJAddress: �ren Moore, 1125 7th St W, 102 Home Phone: Date to Council Research: / Public Hearing Date: �� Zg � labels Orderecl: G � Q NR Notice Serrt to Appiiqrn: District Councii #: ! Notice Sent to Pubtic: ��/ �� ���� Ward #: � Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney �'•2 •9�- o, � Environmental Heaith 5 2•`"l� L�•�• Fire 5•Z'�� �3� • License Site Pian Received: �a� t���ea: S' �(t f..l �j �i t� �1 Police � � Z •q' �' �� � - Zoning �•2��� �'r` . MAR-19-1997 11�68 612 266 CITSL.QE,_5T PAUL LIEP CT..-ASS TII CITY OF SAINT PAU[. o&« ofs:�:, i�p«s«s , � ; LICENSE APPLICATI4N ���� 30gP�u5t5�30D � ♦ S�PCd SSiO3 � �yy�)�f� � �1 ���0 l����r1" � i" �� (��90967mcf�1669146 Tl�••q • • TF�i APPLiC �7�S i�4'�'�I`F���3��� � �• �f '► 7�++� PLFASE'fYPE ORPRINT IN II�: � T � v Y�pe of License(s) bang aPPlied for: . Comgffiy Nawe: Cocpontiou 1 Y+rtnasdip ! Solz Psoprietontip If business is incorpaated, give date of incoigoration: , ��x�,�,�: � e..�3 e Avk.r R� r� ��� aaa��: /! 2S l4,+P s�' '�-f� S� so-ac wdd�aa crt5' Betwan what cross suee.is is the busness located? Are thc premises now ocr. ied7 Whac Type of Business? � ro aaa��: _...p � g (I1G 1 V�U � 1..e 1� i N4't �cntm�.. cm Name m�d Tido: s T!/f.4- s b.� F. U D r ;. • ,.. ^ �"Rl!I��J� s� � WviC12 side of dx StrfGt? n... � —•----__ _ _ Fvu � .'N'idmc (Maidm) Is+t Yuk � HOIDC A�LCSS: �� I.� vd! f� U O Q � Sputt.d&cs Ciry SWc Zip Aate of $irth: 1� ��S _(� Place of Binh: Home Pnonelaa 1. 3 S7 � Z 13 Ha�e you ever been comlcc� of aztg felony, aime or violadon ofany city ordinance other than traffic? YES � NO �_ Date of a�resc: Where7 Charge: Coavictiau: 5entmcc: List drnauxs andresidenoes of three petsoas of good moral chm�actcr, living wzthin the Twiu Cilies Metro Area, aot srlatcd to the applicant or fiasnciall} interested in thepremises ar bwiness, who msy bc icfared to as to tiae appSicanYs charaeter: AIt1ME _n ADDRESS PHONE ��t.Rd l� 10�t.1 S" 14 7� 0-daN D S'�S .�} ���- 11- y36-S.T3 � _ !'�N�� '�� � �A14l���� ST N� " ����/1`��� b�� 633-�1-Yy � Have aus�'of the above named ���77�� � , � ., i ,:t`�:�� .� .� V j�/ I have an YES � NO If ye; list tlu dse�s �ct �asons foz revocerion: 21t8�97 MAR-19-1357 11=08 CI7y nF „ST PA�- LIEP 612 266 9124 P.04i06 °�'�rb�l� 1.se cou Roin� :a oPezYlc this busiAess p�°n�'� YES �;3o Ff not, «'ho w9U op«ate ��fIPER AMERICAGROIJ� p,Kr� go¢eg to �e a�tger or ess.�zat in this business? YES :�0 If th� msaager is na the same ts tbe apecator, Pkzse listyour emp3o;ment kustory for the prc��o:zs five (5) c•eu period: : /E lo�xn t Address is e Parm4shiP, P]er,se iaclude jhe £olly��ing info:mavoa fac each parma (use additionat gages if necessary)� xv.�eadd� saxc�e Cnr su�e Zia x,o��SmsQ Fcs.\mc ?Sid9ctoi6d (-�3u&a) Laa Datcef$atb lioxRddrac Scea!wmo Ccy Sute Zip Phox;.'umba MIt�TAES07A TAX IDENI7FiCt+1'ION NUMBER - P�t w the Isws of �ota,1984, Chapta 502, Article 8, Sxtion 2(270.72? (Tae Cieermce, Issusaee ofLicw,es).liaasing suthorities are req�ed to provide to tbe State of Mmnesota Cammissioner of Revenu�, the NGunaota bzuiaess tax idmtifica2ion wmba aad thc social securiry armmber of cach licaue appHcant Uuder tfie M�aaesota Govamneat Data Praci'sces Aa �si she F�dar1 Pricacy Act of t 974, we sre required to ad�ise you of the follaa�ing regard'mg the use ofthe 2vlumesota Tsc Ideottificafion Numba: - I3is infamatia� msy be e�sed to dez� tLe issvana or reaewal of yrnu fianse in the eveat you owe Mumcsota sa]es, empIoyei s wrthhole3vig a mot�'vdricle exase t�ce� ' UP°a r�vm8 4ds info�mseoa. tFie Gcemia8 �ry ��PPig it oalp W tfie �a LkParment of Fteveaue. Howe�er, unda the Fedaet ExcLmzge of Infocatatioa A�� the Dq>�tment of Rcveaue maS su�FlS this int"ormslian w the rnteraa3 Reveaue Savice. - - Mmar�ta SaxIdmUScffiic�Numbe:s (Swlcs &TJse Tax Nuwba�)may Ix o� &om tbe State of Nf�nncsote, Business Rxc.or3s Dep�tment. 70RivrrParkPlazs(612-2%-618!} .. _ ..... _. s��t s��yr�a�:.��3 ,! a-a-�S G �� r�ia�ns�u�rr��: -!� �:� �� ! lf a I�fanesota Ta�c ]drntificarioa 1+7nmbc is not regu:ued for tLe businas being operated, indicato so by placing an'X" ia �e box ..,, e �,-, Lis� zll other o�eers af the c�po: eGon: p�� TT� $p?vIF� HOVi£ BUSL�'ESS DATEOF :..r+.�. tO�aaHe}d) � ADI}RESS PHO�'E PHOIv'E BIRTH Council File � _ \ ���� ordinance # Green Sheet # �� Presented By 1 2 3 Referred To OF �Altd� PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date �3 RESOLVED: TS�at application (ID #48484) for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigareue Li� by Super America Group Division of Asliland DBA SuperAmerica #4420 (Karen Moore, Manager) at 1125 7th Street West be and the snne is hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Navs een 7 B a e� 8 a Bos�trom Office of License I s�ections and 10 M r a d nvironment8l Protect�on 11 �a,�Cei�:u� 12 T un� 14 Morton is 5 0 � /� � � 16 Adopted by Council: Date _�� � �* B Y� l 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approoed by City Attorney 20 \ 21 By: c-.� c� , �A�e�a/a"' By. - 22 / � '' 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �� 24 zs Approved by Mayor for Submisaion to 26 By: � L Council 27 � By° q� b�S n-�n�w DEPMiIAENLOFFICEACOUNCIL DATE INRIATED J 1 J J J LIEP/Licensing GREEN SHEE CONiACi PEASON & PHONE � OEPARTMEM DIRECTORNR�AUDAh � CT' COUNCIL � Christine Rozek, 266-9108 ��cN �cmarroANev �cmc�aK NUYBEAFOR MUSTBE ON fAUNCIL AGENDA 8Y DATE) AOU71lIG � BUOGET�IRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. For hearing: '� �� OROEq O MqYpR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AlL LOCATIONS FOR S16NATURE) AGTION REQUESTED: The SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica 9t4420 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 1125 7th Street West (ID ��48484). aECAMMENDAnONS: Appco�e (A) w Re�aet (a) pERSONAL SEpV�CE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSIDN _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this p8rsonNirm ever worked under a contrect for this tlepartment? _C18CAMM7TfEE _ YES NO 2. Has Mis perso�rm ever been a ciry employee? — � — YES NO _ DiSTRICTCOUR7 _ 3. Does this perso�rm possess a skill not normall y possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPOflT$ WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVEI YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate aheet antl attach to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPGIRTUNITY (Who. What. When, Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPFOVED: e_" ' .�t,.. ...u...�„ ....<., _�,.. .e._ :�.k k�.r�: � � Ya�� �., ��r�.,:� OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO. TOTAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSAC710N $ CO57/REVENUE BUDGE7E0 (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIOG SOUHCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER PINANCIAL INFORKiATION' (EXPIAIN) Greensheet # 37935 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 ��� �O�S in Tracker? app'n aecerved / app'n arocessea LicenselD # 48484 License Type: Gas Station, Restaurant—C, Grocery—C, and Ciearette Lice Company Name: SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA: G»nPrAmP,-;ra dk449n Business Addresss: 1125 7th St W Susiness Phone: zz1-1021 Contact NameJAddress: �ren Moore, 1125 7th St W, 102 Home Phone: Date to Council Research: / Public Hearing Date: �� Zg � labels Orderecl: G � Q NR Notice Serrt to Appiiqrn: District Councii #: ! Notice Sent to Pubtic: ��/ �� ���� Ward #: � Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney �'•2 •9�- o, � Environmental Heaith 5 2•`"l� L�•�• Fire 5•Z'�� �3� • License Site Pian Received: �a� t���ea: S' �(t f..l �j �i t� �1 Police � � Z •q' �' �� � - Zoning �•2��� �'r` . MAR-19-1997 11�68 612 266 CITSL.QE,_5T PAUL LIEP CT..-ASS TII CITY OF SAINT PAU[. o&« ofs:�:, i�p«s«s , � ; LICENSE APPLICATI4N ���� 30gP�u5t5�30D � ♦ S�PCd SSiO3 � �yy�)�f� � �1 ���0 l����r1" � i" �� (��90967mcf�1669146 Tl�••q • • TF�i APPLiC �7�S i�4'�'�I`F���3��� � �• �f '► 7�++� PLFASE'fYPE ORPRINT IN II�: � T � v Y�pe of License(s) bang aPPlied for: . Comgffiy Nawe: Cocpontiou 1 Y+rtnasdip ! Solz Psoprietontip If business is incorpaated, give date of incoigoration: , ��x�,�,�: � e..�3 e Avk.r R� r� ��� aaa��: /! 2S l4,+P s�' '�-f� S� so-ac wdd�aa crt5' Betwan what cross suee.is is the busness located? Are thc premises now ocr. ied7 Whac Type of Business? � ro aaa��: _...p � g (I1G 1 V�U � 1..e 1� i N4't �cntm�.. cm Name m�d Tido: s T!/f.4- s b.� F. U D r ;. • ,.. ^ �"Rl!I��J� s� � WviC12 side of dx StrfGt? n... � —•----__ _ _ Fvu � .'N'idmc (Maidm) Is+t Yuk � HOIDC A�LCSS: �� I.� vd! f� U O Q � Sputt.d&cs Ciry SWc Zip Aate of $irth: 1� ��S _(� Place of Binh: Home Pnonelaa 1. 3 S7 � Z 13 Ha�e you ever been comlcc� of aztg felony, aime or violadon ofany city ordinance other than traffic? YES � NO �_ Date of a�resc: Where7 Charge: Coavictiau: 5entmcc: List drnauxs andresidenoes of three petsoas of good moral chm�actcr, living wzthin the Twiu Cilies Metro Area, aot srlatcd to the applicant or fiasnciall} interested in thepremises ar bwiness, who msy bc icfared to as to tiae appSicanYs charaeter: AIt1ME _n ADDRESS PHONE ��t.Rd l� 10�t.1 S" 14 7� 0-daN D S'�S .�} ���- 11- y36-S.T3 � _ !'�N�� '�� � �A14l���� ST N� " ����/1`��� b�� 633-�1-Yy � Have aus�'of the above named ���77�� � , � ., i ,:t`�:�� .� .� V j�/ I have an YES � NO If ye; list tlu dse�s �ct �asons foz revocerion: 21t8�97 MAR-19-1357 11=08 CI7y nF „ST PA�- LIEP 612 266 9124 P.04i06 °�'�rb�l� 1.se cou Roin� :a oPezYlc this busiAess p�°n�'� YES �;3o Ff not, «'ho w9U op«ate ��fIPER AMERICAGROIJ� p,Kr� go¢eg to �e a�tger or ess.�zat in this business? YES :�0 If th� msaager is na the same ts tbe apecator, Pkzse listyour emp3o;ment kustory for the prc��o:zs five (5) c•eu period: : /E lo�xn t Address is e Parm4shiP, P]er,se iaclude jhe £olly��ing info:mavoa fac each parma (use additionat gages if necessary)� xv.�eadd� saxc�e Cnr su�e Zia x,o��SmsQ Fcs.\mc ?Sid9ctoi6d (-�3u&a) Laa Datcef$atb lioxRddrac Scea!wmo Ccy Sute Zip Phox;.'umba MIt�TAES07A TAX IDENI7FiCt+1'ION NUMBER - P�t w the Isws of �ota,1984, Chapta 502, Article 8, Sxtion 2(270.72? (Tae Cieermce, Issusaee ofLicw,es).liaasing suthorities are req�ed to provide to tbe State of Mmnesota Cammissioner of Revenu�, the NGunaota bzuiaess tax idmtifica2ion wmba aad thc social securiry armmber of cach licaue appHcant Uuder tfie M�aaesota Govamneat Data Praci'sces Aa �si she F�dar1 Pricacy Act of t 974, we sre required to ad�ise you of the follaa�ing regard'mg the use ofthe 2vlumesota Tsc Ideottificafion Numba: - I3is infamatia� msy be e�sed to dez� tLe issvana or reaewal of yrnu fianse in the eveat you owe Mumcsota sa]es, empIoyei s wrthhole3vig a mot�'vdricle exase t�ce� ' UP°a r�vm8 4ds info�mseoa. tFie Gcemia8 �ry ��PPig it oalp W tfie �a LkParment of Fteveaue. Howe�er, unda the Fedaet ExcLmzge of Infocatatioa A�� the Dq>�tment of Rcveaue maS su�FlS this int"ormslian w the rnteraa3 Reveaue Savice. - - Mmar�ta SaxIdmUScffiic�Numbe:s (Swlcs &TJse Tax Nuwba�)may Ix o� &om tbe State of Nf�nncsote, Business Rxc.or3s Dep�tment. 70RivrrParkPlazs(612-2%-618!} .. _ ..... _. s��t s��yr�a�:.��3 ,! a-a-�S G �� r�ia�ns�u�rr��: -!� �:� �� ! lf a I�fanesota Ta�c ]drntificarioa 1+7nmbc is not regu:ued for tLe businas being operated, indicato so by placing an'X" ia �e box ..,, e �,-, Lis� zll other o�eers af the c�po: eGon: p�� TT� $p?vIF� HOVi£ BUSL�'ESS DATEOF :..r+.�. tO�aaHe}d) � ADI}RESS PHO�'E PHOIv'E BIRTH