97-642Council File # ����� Ordinance # Green Sheet # 3� Presented Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �I Committee: Date i 2 3 RESOLVED: That apglication (ID #75021) for a Gas 5tation, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigazette License by Super America Cnoup Division of Asiiland DBA SugerAmerica #4409 (Tom Boland, Manager) az 957 Rice Stred be and the same is hereby approved. 4 6 Yeas Nays Abse Requeated by Department of: 7 Bae — � 8 Bostrom Office of License. Inspections and 9 Harris �- 10 Me� Enviro mental Protect+on 11 -- '��: r �� � � 12 T une � 14 Morton (��L�(n,�v`�"""' J� 15 � 16 Adopted by Council: Date $ y' 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Forn Approved by City Attorney 20 / 21 By: 22 ' )` / By: 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �'i� "i� J 24 25 Approved by Mayor for Subsieaion to 26 BY_ � Council 27 By: G"'l—lcycl DEPAHTMENTlOFFlCFJCQUNCIL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEE �° 3 5 3 2 4 LIEP/Licensing -- -- GJNTACT PERSON 8 PNONE O DEPAFlTMENT DIAECTORNrt1AUDATE � cm couNCa INffIAVDATE Christine Rozek, 266-9108 "���" ��'TM^T��R"E`' �°i'�'�� NUYBERFOX MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (DAT� pOM� O BUOGEf DIflECTOR � flN. 8 MGL SEPVICES DIR Por hearin : 2� G� °ipe ❑M'�v°Rt°`a"ss'sr"o"� ❑ TOTAI # OP S16NATURE PAGES {CLIP AI.L IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncSioN HE�uES7E�: The SupexAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica �4409 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant=C, 6rocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 957 Rice Street (ID IF75021}. RECOMMENDATtoNS: Apprwe (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE POLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SEfNICE CqMMISSION 1_ Has this perso�rm ever worketl under a contract for ihi5 tlepartmeM? - _ C�8 COMMI7TEE 1ES NO — �� F - 2. Has this perSONfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO _ D�STn�Cr Couar _ 3. �oes Nis personlfirm posuss a skill not normaily possessed hy any curte�t cily empirn/ee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECT�VE7 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INrtiATMG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOqTUNYTY i`Ni+o, What. Wrren. Where, Why): ADVANTA6ES IFAPPflOVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: � '(v,g S� e.° � _,....-. _ . .v�! �;� . a1�._ :':�� i'r1:�1 �,� 'i�r�'� ,_ ...�._ _ - =-'-_�,.�w DISADVAMAGES IF NOTAPPqOVED: � F�EG���ED MAY 12 199i �flE (d��.o��`�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANGIAI INFORMATION: (EXPtA1N) Greensheet # 35324 in Trackef? License ID # �5021 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 q� �`�Z APP'n Received ! APP'n Processed License Type: Gas Station Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Ciearette Lice. Companyt�lame: SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA: SunerAmerica I144Q9 Business Addresss: 957 Rice Street Business Phone: 489-8118 Contact Name/Address: Tom Boland, 957 Rice Street, 117 Home Phone: Date to Counci Public Hearing Notice Sent to Labels Ordered: N� Districi Council Notice Sent to Public: �/(Qj! ! 7/� Ward #: .� Departmentj Date Inspections Commems City Attor�ey � ( o � � (�. . Environmental Health 1�•� Fire ��f� � Q.� . License �� �� ������— Lease Raceived: � ( � � �� p �v Police ��b���- d.� . Zoning � � q � D•�K . --i9l�19-1997 11�68 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP CL.ASS III CITY OF SAINT PAUL o$«ofr: �,rm�x.i�s LICENSE APPLICATION ��� �� A 1 �r � �� p��.�� s�sr.�tsrm�m ssim p �"�'G''-A�v`a�az ���' �°a `���' `�'` �'�' �6,z,��«��,z. �s �,tc �fs � ' S ��t�', �4'� t �f{fs�$ PLEASE TYPE ORPR1NT TN S�K of Licease(s) being CompffiyName: ���}'� 1(�, FF WlL �c.1 C.`A Cocppa4at/ Pmtnas6iP! Sok Proprie�na�sEip if business is incorporated, give date of incozporation: _ Doing Business As: � { R. /� �1 � ���aaar�:957 �C�c .S?jf�tt saeaad&aa BMwan what cross s7eets is the bvsaess located? Are tfic premises now occupied7 Whai Type of B�tsinessl �Ta.��: p 0��.4 t vUU � Le swa aa�.. ' Applicant InfrnmaGw: Nante ffid Tide: ��'�sG L Z q.v.v�. _ Psn _ �.Yamc G— c+�r �� — s b BusinessPhone�0� y g' H,✓ S,S't/7 sw� z;p Wfrich side ofthc meet� u ��, e�o S�Z �— h•e^ � CV.A�,�r f.���,e/ � rax l�► x� a:aa��: � � �' v x�,.Y u u c s�.sea� c;Ty s� z;P Aate of Birth: I I�.5� �� Place af $inh: $ome Phone:la0 (. 3 S? :2113 Have you ever been comicud of a�tp felotry, ctime or violaGOn of any ciry ordinance other than haffic? YES _ NO �_ Date of acrest: Where? Chazge: Coaviu;on: 5rnta�a: Listt3xnsmes and xesldences of three persons of good moral chmactc, &ving within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not rdated to the apgticsnt or finmxis2$= interested Sn the pzemises or bus7ness, who may bc rcferred to as to tLe applicanYs character: NAME �p ADDRESS PHONE �AAd Ir10�1iL� S 1`i �„� 0-N� p S7.'S • �-�`'f��- �1,2•�13jrS33 �a�v c.•R ��1 v� _- !bR t- t��N�. _ Si iu +v - N�w 6a: �l,-�NV 6� a- b33-�� n� — i a p � I�ArJIIK hold, formr$y hdd, or may heve an Have s�y'of fne sbove nsmed in: 612 266 912i1 P .. .., . �� revoked7 YES � NO If yes, lisc the data snd rexsons for revocadon: �'ISr97 . ,�1997 11�08 CITY �' .ue }rou going :o opetuc this husiness pasonaU�•1 H�e AddJm: Str� OF ST PRUL LIEP 612 255 9124 P.64/06 �� M�Z }�s � NO If not, «'ho u-ill optrau ��P�� �ERICAG�O�1� C�� Are�•aa�to�rau�meg�or�ss,s:zatinthisbwiness? YES plezsc comp}ete ih foll uu`oimstion: ��J /7? Da 1 �t•� F �.�� . � anaa��;s.� � / (v��7 9 S / �IY1P S { S � /i44_ / /H N Hooc aadrn: sra+�su , L'�Y Fl�zu listyour emplo;ment his[ary for the praia.0 five (5j ceas period: $us.�ess/EmoIo� Address S<.•� LZ.�7 �7 NO ]f thm msaager is not the s2nse �s t� operalor, �� is £irII�smc iaa HoaeAAte+i Strea\ame Gity .Slare IIP .�e?5�cba Fi�t�mre !.GddfeIeitid (-�Sd&a7 La Dattof$utb HosoAAOm�tr. Sauc`.'v�e Ciiy Sfam Zip Phovel.`umbu MIDBv'ESOTA I'AX IDENI7FICATION NUMBER - P�ut 10 the Law�s of M�a�sota, 1984, Chapta 502, Article 8, Sxtion 2(270.72} � �� j ca�nn � �'y��), �iansing suthorities are req�a3 to pmtide to tfie State of M=upesots Cammissioaer ofRevalue, the 2�Cvwesots busiatss ta�t idenriEcation number and the socisl securiry m�mber of eack Tier.qse appficant Uudei the Nfiaaesote Gwamnart Data Pracsias Aa rrod tk�e Federsl Pricacy Ad of f 974, we sre requ3red to advise you of the foIlmxing regarding the use oftbe lvfmnesota T�c Ideoti&cation Numba: _ Shis infamati� msy be used to dc� the +� � renewat of yats Iiansc in tLt eveat you owe Mumcsota sa7es, employea's witbholr�g oc mMnr vchide exase troce� - TJpon seceiv�8 flus uda�, tbe licenszag auQwriry ml! supply it aaiy a the?v?'usn� Dtpamneat of Revcnue. xowever, undcr the Fedaai ExcL�gt of inforaiatioa Ag�eemoa; the Departmcnt of Reveaue maY +�PP�3' this infarma5oe to tbe Iateraal Reve.¢ue 3eivicc 2vi'.m�ta 7'sx IdmliSc�ioatNumbas (Saks & ISsc Tac i3�e') maY be obtamed &c� tLe S�au of IJ�nnesota, Busin�ss Re�ot3s DeF�tmau. l0 RivaPark Plaza C612-29b-6181} ..:. c. '. '�- ` Socisl Sxucity Nimmba: �/� I" V I��a'S U'-- SvFmnesota Tax Idenfificatioa I�ba: - �i� ?�[� JS ]f a M'iaaasota T� IdrntiScarioa Nwuba u aot rcqciued for tLe businar brmg operated, ��te so hy placing aa'X' ia �2x box info:mation for each parma (use additional pages if aecessary): ,,, e �, Lis� z11 ot+�c oaeers of the octtper. ation: OFFICER TlTL� Hp?�. H0� BT35�TESS DATE OF ;�*p,t,.t.� j0�,'�tctHej� � ADI�£SS pH4\'E PH02�'E BIFtTH Council File # ����� Ordinance # Green Sheet # 3� Presented Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �I Committee: Date i 2 3 RESOLVED: That apglication (ID #75021) for a Gas 5tation, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigazette License by Super America Cnoup Division of Asiiland DBA SugerAmerica #4409 (Tom Boland, Manager) az 957 Rice Stred be and the same is hereby approved. 4 6 Yeas Nays Abse Requeated by Department of: 7 Bae — � 8 Bostrom Office of License. Inspections and 9 Harris �- 10 Me� Enviro mental Protect+on 11 -- '��: r �� � � 12 T une � 14 Morton (��L�(n,�v`�"""' J� 15 � 16 Adopted by Council: Date $ y' 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Forn Approved by City Attorney 20 / 21 By: 22 ' )` / By: 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �'i� "i� J 24 25 Approved by Mayor for Subsieaion to 26 BY_ � Council 27 By: G"'l—lcycl DEPAHTMENTlOFFlCFJCQUNCIL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEE �° 3 5 3 2 4 LIEP/Licensing -- -- GJNTACT PERSON 8 PNONE O DEPAFlTMENT DIAECTORNrt1AUDATE � cm couNCa INffIAVDATE Christine Rozek, 266-9108 "���" ��'TM^T��R"E`' �°i'�'�� NUYBERFOX MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (DAT� pOM� O BUOGEf DIflECTOR � flN. 8 MGL SEPVICES DIR Por hearin : 2� G� °ipe ❑M'�v°Rt°`a"ss'sr"o"� ❑ TOTAI # OP S16NATURE PAGES {CLIP AI.L IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncSioN HE�uES7E�: The SupexAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica �4409 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant=C, 6rocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 957 Rice Street (ID IF75021}. RECOMMENDATtoNS: Apprwe (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE POLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SEfNICE CqMMISSION 1_ Has this perso�rm ever worketl under a contract for ihi5 tlepartmeM? - _ C�8 COMMI7TEE 1ES NO — �� F - 2. Has this perSONfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO _ D�STn�Cr Couar _ 3. �oes Nis personlfirm posuss a skill not normaily possessed hy any curte�t cily empirn/ee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECT�VE7 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INrtiATMG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOqTUNYTY i`Ni+o, What. Wrren. Where, Why): ADVANTA6ES IFAPPflOVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: � '(v,g S� e.° � _,....-. _ . .v�! �;� . a1�._ :':�� i'r1:�1 �,� 'i�r�'� ,_ ...�._ _ - =-'-_�,.�w DISADVAMAGES IF NOTAPPqOVED: � F�EG���ED MAY 12 199i �flE (d��.o��`�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANGIAI INFORMATION: (EXPtA1N) Greensheet # 35324 in Trackef? License ID # �5021 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 q� �`�Z APP'n Received ! APP'n Processed License Type: Gas Station Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Ciearette Lice. Companyt�lame: SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA: SunerAmerica I144Q9 Business Addresss: 957 Rice Street Business Phone: 489-8118 Contact Name/Address: Tom Boland, 957 Rice Street, 117 Home Phone: Date to Counci Public Hearing Notice Sent to Labels Ordered: N� Districi Council Notice Sent to Public: �/(Qj! ! 7/� Ward #: .� Departmentj Date Inspections Commems City Attor�ey � ( o � � (�. . Environmental Health 1�•� Fire ��f� � Q.� . License �� �� ������— Lease Raceived: � ( � � �� p �v Police ��b���- d.� . Zoning � � q � D•�K . --i9l�19-1997 11�68 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP CL.ASS III CITY OF SAINT PAUL o$«ofr: �,rm�x.i�s LICENSE APPLICATION ��� �� A 1 �r � �� p��.�� s�sr.�tsrm�m ssim p �"�'G''-A�v`a�az ���' �°a `���' `�'` �'�' �6,z,��«��,z. �s �,tc �fs � ' S ��t�', �4'� t �f{fs�$ PLEASE TYPE ORPR1NT TN S�K of Licease(s) being CompffiyName: ���}'� 1(�, FF WlL �c.1 C.`A Cocppa4at/ Pmtnas6iP! Sok Proprie�na�sEip if business is incorporated, give date of incozporation: _ Doing Business As: � { R. /� �1 � ���aaar�:957 �C�c .S?jf�tt saeaad&aa BMwan what cross s7eets is the bvsaess located? Are tfic premises now occupied7 Whai Type of B�tsinessl �Ta.��: p 0��.4 t vUU � Le swa aa�.. ' Applicant InfrnmaGw: Nante ffid Tide: ��'�sG L Z q.v.v�. _ Psn _ �.Yamc G— c+�r �� — s b BusinessPhone�0� y g' H,✓ S,S't/7 sw� z;p Wfrich side ofthc meet� u ��, e�o S�Z �— h•e^ � CV.A�,�r f.���,e/ � rax l�► x� a:aa��: � � �' v x�,.Y u u c s�.sea� c;Ty s� z;P Aate of Birth: I I�.5� �� Place af $inh: $ome Phone:la0 (. 3 S? :2113 Have you ever been comicud of a�tp felotry, ctime or violaGOn of any ciry ordinance other than haffic? YES _ NO �_ Date of acrest: Where? Chazge: Coaviu;on: 5rnta�a: Listt3xnsmes and xesldences of three persons of good moral chmactc, &ving within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not rdated to the apgticsnt or finmxis2$= interested Sn the pzemises or bus7ness, who may bc rcferred to as to tLe applicanYs character: NAME �p ADDRESS PHONE �AAd Ir10�1iL� S 1`i �„� 0-N� p S7.'S • �-�`'f��- �1,2•�13jrS33 �a�v c.•R ��1 v� _- !bR t- t��N�. _ Si iu +v - N�w 6a: �l,-�NV 6� a- b33-�� n� — i a p � I�ArJIIK hold, formr$y hdd, or may heve an Have s�y'of fne sbove nsmed in: 612 266 912i1 P .. .., . �� revoked7 YES � NO If yes, lisc the data snd rexsons for revocadon: �'ISr97 . ,�1997 11�08 CITY �' .ue }rou going :o opetuc this husiness pasonaU�•1 H�e AddJm: Str� OF ST PRUL LIEP 612 255 9124 P.64/06 �� M�Z }�s � NO If not, «'ho u-ill optrau ��P�� �ERICAG�O�1� C�� Are�•aa�to�rau�meg�or�ss,s:zatinthisbwiness? YES plezsc comp}ete ih foll uu`oimstion: ��J /7? Da 1 �t•� F �.�� . � anaa��;s.� � / (v��7 9 S / �IY1P S { S � /i44_ / /H N Hooc aadrn: sra+�su , L'�Y Fl�zu listyour emplo;ment his[ary for the praia.0 five (5j ceas period: $us.�ess/EmoIo� Address S<.•� LZ.�7 �7 NO ]f thm msaager is not the s2nse �s t� operalor, �� is £irII�smc iaa HoaeAAte+i Strea\ame Gity .Slare IIP .�e?5�cba Fi�t�mre !.GddfeIeitid (-�Sd&a7 La Dattof$utb HosoAAOm�tr. Sauc`.'v�e Ciiy Sfam Zip Phovel.`umbu MIDBv'ESOTA I'AX IDENI7FICATION NUMBER - P�ut 10 the Law�s of M�a�sota, 1984, Chapta 502, Article 8, Sxtion 2(270.72} � �� j ca�nn � �'y��), �iansing suthorities are req�a3 to pmtide to tfie State of M=upesots Cammissioaer ofRevalue, the 2�Cvwesots busiatss ta�t idenriEcation number and the socisl securiry m�mber of eack Tier.qse appficant Uudei the Nfiaaesote Gwamnart Data Pracsias Aa rrod tk�e Federsl Pricacy Ad of f 974, we sre requ3red to advise you of the foIlmxing regarding the use oftbe lvfmnesota T�c Ideoti&cation Numba: _ Shis infamati� msy be used to dc� the +� � renewat of yats Iiansc in tLt eveat you owe Mumcsota sa7es, employea's witbholr�g oc mMnr vchide exase troce� - TJpon seceiv�8 flus uda�, tbe licenszag auQwriry ml! supply it aaiy a the?v?'usn� Dtpamneat of Revcnue. xowever, undcr the Fedaai ExcL�gt of inforaiatioa Ag�eemoa; the Departmcnt of Reveaue maY +�PP�3' this infarma5oe to tbe Iateraal Reve.¢ue 3eivicc 2vi'.m�ta 7'sx IdmliSc�ioatNumbas (Saks & ISsc Tac i3�e') maY be obtamed &c� tLe S�au of IJ�nnesota, Busin�ss Re�ot3s DeF�tmau. l0 RivaPark Plaza C612-29b-6181} ..:. c. '. '�- ` Socisl Sxucity Nimmba: �/� I" V I��a'S U'-- SvFmnesota Tax Idenfificatioa I�ba: - �i� ?�[� JS ]f a M'iaaasota T� IdrntiScarioa Nwuba u aot rcqciued for tLe businar brmg operated, ��te so hy placing aa'X' ia �2x box info:mation for each parma (use additional pages if aecessary): ,,, e �, Lis� z11 ot+�c oaeers of the octtper. ation: OFFICER TlTL� Hp?�. H0� BT35�TESS DATE OF ;�*p,t,.t.� j0�,'�tctHej� � ADI�£SS pH4\'E PH02�'E BIFtTH Council File # ����� Ordinance # Green Sheet # 3� Presented Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �I Committee: Date i 2 3 RESOLVED: That apglication (ID #75021) for a Gas 5tation, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigazette License by Super America Cnoup Division of Asiiland DBA SugerAmerica #4409 (Tom Boland, Manager) az 957 Rice Stred be and the same is hereby approved. 4 6 Yeas Nays Abse Requeated by Department of: 7 Bae — � 8 Bostrom Office of License. Inspections and 9 Harris �- 10 Me� Enviro mental Protect+on 11 -- '��: r �� � � 12 T une � 14 Morton (��L�(n,�v`�"""' J� 15 � 16 Adopted by Council: Date $ y' 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Forn Approved by City Attorney 20 / 21 By: 22 ' )` / By: 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �'i� "i� J 24 25 Approved by Mayor for Subsieaion to 26 BY_ � Council 27 By: G"'l—lcycl DEPAHTMENTlOFFlCFJCQUNCIL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEE �° 3 5 3 2 4 LIEP/Licensing -- -- GJNTACT PERSON 8 PNONE O DEPAFlTMENT DIAECTORNrt1AUDATE � cm couNCa INffIAVDATE Christine Rozek, 266-9108 "���" ��'TM^T��R"E`' �°i'�'�� NUYBERFOX MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (DAT� pOM� O BUOGEf DIflECTOR � flN. 8 MGL SEPVICES DIR Por hearin : 2� G� °ipe ❑M'�v°Rt°`a"ss'sr"o"� ❑ TOTAI # OP S16NATURE PAGES {CLIP AI.L IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncSioN HE�uES7E�: The SupexAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica �4409 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant=C, 6rocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 957 Rice Street (ID IF75021}. RECOMMENDATtoNS: Apprwe (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE POLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SEfNICE CqMMISSION 1_ Has this perso�rm ever worketl under a contract for ihi5 tlepartmeM? - _ C�8 COMMI7TEE 1ES NO — �� F - 2. Has this perSONfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO _ D�STn�Cr Couar _ 3. �oes Nis personlfirm posuss a skill not normaily possessed hy any curte�t cily empirn/ee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECT�VE7 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INrtiATMG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOqTUNYTY i`Ni+o, What. Wrren. Where, Why): ADVANTA6ES IFAPPflOVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: � '(v,g S� e.° � _,....-. _ . .v�! �;� . a1�._ :':�� i'r1:�1 �,� 'i�r�'� ,_ ...�._ _ - =-'-_�,.�w DISADVAMAGES IF NOTAPPqOVED: � F�EG���ED MAY 12 199i �flE (d��.o��`�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANGIAI INFORMATION: (EXPtA1N) Greensheet # 35324 in Trackef? License ID # �5021 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 q� �`�Z APP'n Received ! APP'n Processed License Type: Gas Station Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Ciearette Lice. Companyt�lame: SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA: SunerAmerica I144Q9 Business Addresss: 957 Rice Street Business Phone: 489-8118 Contact Name/Address: Tom Boland, 957 Rice Street, 117 Home Phone: Date to Counci Public Hearing Notice Sent to Labels Ordered: N� Districi Council Notice Sent to Public: �/(Qj! ! 7/� Ward #: .� Departmentj Date Inspections Commems City Attor�ey � ( o � � (�. . Environmental Health 1�•� Fire ��f� � Q.� . License �� �� ������— Lease Raceived: � ( � � �� p �v Police ��b���- d.� . Zoning � � q � D•�K . --i9l�19-1997 11�68 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP CL.ASS III CITY OF SAINT PAUL o$«ofr: �,rm�x.i�s LICENSE APPLICATION ��� �� A 1 �r � �� p��.�� s�sr.�tsrm�m ssim p �"�'G''-A�v`a�az ���' �°a `���' `�'` �'�' �6,z,��«��,z. �s �,tc �fs � ' S ��t�', �4'� t �f{fs�$ PLEASE TYPE ORPR1NT TN S�K of Licease(s) being CompffiyName: ���}'� 1(�, FF WlL �c.1 C.`A Cocppa4at/ Pmtnas6iP! Sok Proprie�na�sEip if business is incorporated, give date of incozporation: _ Doing Business As: � { R. /� �1 � ���aaar�:957 �C�c .S?jf�tt saeaad&aa BMwan what cross s7eets is the bvsaess located? Are tfic premises now occupied7 Whai Type of B�tsinessl �Ta.��: p 0��.4 t vUU � Le swa aa�.. ' Applicant InfrnmaGw: Nante ffid Tide: ��'�sG L Z q.v.v�. _ Psn _ �.Yamc G— c+�r �� — s b BusinessPhone�0� y g' H,✓ S,S't/7 sw� z;p Wfrich side ofthc meet� u ��, e�o S�Z �— h•e^ � CV.A�,�r f.���,e/ � rax l�► x� a:aa��: � � �' v x�,.Y u u c s�.sea� c;Ty s� z;P Aate of Birth: I I�.5� �� Place af $inh: $ome Phone:la0 (. 3 S? :2113 Have you ever been comicud of a�tp felotry, ctime or violaGOn of any ciry ordinance other than haffic? YES _ NO �_ Date of acrest: Where? Chazge: Coaviu;on: 5rnta�a: Listt3xnsmes and xesldences of three persons of good moral chmactc, &ving within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not rdated to the apgticsnt or finmxis2$= interested Sn the pzemises or bus7ness, who may bc rcferred to as to tLe applicanYs character: NAME �p ADDRESS PHONE �AAd Ir10�1iL� S 1`i �„� 0-N� p S7.'S • �-�`'f��- �1,2•�13jrS33 �a�v c.•R ��1 v� _- !bR t- t��N�. _ Si iu +v - N�w 6a: �l,-�NV 6� a- b33-�� n� — i a p � I�ArJIIK hold, formr$y hdd, or may heve an Have s�y'of fne sbove nsmed in: 612 266 912i1 P .. .., . �� revoked7 YES � NO If yes, lisc the data snd rexsons for revocadon: �'ISr97 . ,�1997 11�08 CITY �' .ue }rou going :o opetuc this husiness pasonaU�•1 H�e AddJm: Str� OF ST PRUL LIEP 612 255 9124 P.64/06 �� M�Z }�s � NO If not, «'ho u-ill optrau ��P�� �ERICAG�O�1� C�� Are�•aa�to�rau�meg�or�ss,s:zatinthisbwiness? YES plezsc comp}ete ih foll uu`oimstion: ��J /7? Da 1 �t•� F �.�� . � anaa��;s.� � / (v��7 9 S / �IY1P S { S � /i44_ / /H N Hooc aadrn: sra+�su , L'�Y Fl�zu listyour emplo;ment his[ary for the praia.0 five (5j ceas period: $us.�ess/EmoIo� Address S<.•� LZ.�7 �7 NO ]f thm msaager is not the s2nse �s t� operalor, �� is £irII�smc iaa HoaeAAte+i Strea\ame Gity .Slare IIP .�e?5�cba Fi�t�mre !.GddfeIeitid (-�Sd&a7 La Dattof$utb HosoAAOm�tr. Sauc`.'v�e Ciiy Sfam Zip Phovel.`umbu MIDBv'ESOTA I'AX IDENI7FICATION NUMBER - P�ut 10 the Law�s of M�a�sota, 1984, Chapta 502, Article 8, Sxtion 2(270.72} � �� j ca�nn � �'y��), �iansing suthorities are req�a3 to pmtide to tfie State of M=upesots Cammissioaer ofRevalue, the 2�Cvwesots busiatss ta�t idenriEcation number and the socisl securiry m�mber of eack Tier.qse appficant Uudei the Nfiaaesote Gwamnart Data Pracsias Aa rrod tk�e Federsl Pricacy Ad of f 974, we sre requ3red to advise you of the foIlmxing regarding the use oftbe lvfmnesota T�c Ideoti&cation Numba: _ Shis infamati� msy be used to dc� the +� � renewat of yats Iiansc in tLt eveat you owe Mumcsota sa7es, employea's witbholr�g oc mMnr vchide exase troce� - TJpon seceiv�8 flus uda�, tbe licenszag auQwriry ml! supply it aaiy a the?v?'usn� Dtpamneat of Revcnue. xowever, undcr the Fedaai ExcL�gt of inforaiatioa Ag�eemoa; the Departmcnt of Reveaue maY +�PP�3' this infarma5oe to tbe Iateraal Reve.¢ue 3eivicc 2vi'.m�ta 7'sx IdmliSc�ioatNumbas (Saks & ISsc Tac i3�e') maY be obtamed &c� tLe S�au of IJ�nnesota, Busin�ss Re�ot3s DeF�tmau. l0 RivaPark Plaza C612-29b-6181} ..:. c. '. '�- ` Socisl Sxucity Nimmba: �/� I" V I��a'S U'-- SvFmnesota Tax Idenfificatioa I�ba: - �i� ?�[� JS ]f a M'iaaasota T� IdrntiScarioa Nwuba u aot rcqciued for tLe businar brmg operated, ��te so hy placing aa'X' ia �2x box info:mation for each parma (use additional pages if aecessary): ,,, e �, Lis� z11 ot+�c oaeers of the octtper. ation: OFFICER TlTL� Hp?�. H0� BT35�TESS DATE OF ;�*p,t,.t.� j0�,'�tctHej� � ADI�£SS pH4\'E PH02�'E BIFtTH