97-640Council File # ��b4b ordinance # Green Sheet # 3✓ '3O2 � Presented By � Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Com[aittee: Date : 1 2 3 RE5QLVED: T'�at application (ID #31040) for a Gas Station, Resta�ant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigazette License by Super America Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica #4040 (Greg Boland, Manager) at 1171 Old Hudson Road be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 Requeated by Department ofs 6 Yeas Navs se 7 B a�kev — �� 8 Bostrom �� 9 _ � H � a r r s 10 _e�e ao rd � 11 �em�ri.ot�;,�s =___;� 12 Thane 14 Moz�ton S O � 15 16 Adopted by Council: IIate t 17 18 Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary 19 20 \ 21 By: �,..-----����v._`�ai.�_„_�-- 22 � 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �� }- 24 �/ , ` 2s ����� 26 By: t 27 • - -�-- �-•- •�- -�.� �. •�.n-: - •: By: \ �N'�d�W � �'�4.u"l-/ Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved�by Mayor for Su6mission to Council By: ��: b�lU DEPARTMENT/OFFICElCOUNCIL OATEINITIATED GREEN SHEE N_ 35321 LIEP/Licensin Mmnuon.r� -- iNmawa COMACT PEflSON 8 PHONE O DEPARTMEM DIflECTOfl � CfTY COUNCIL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 ''�'�" �crzvarmaNer �crtrc�wc MU5T BE ON C/JUNGL AGENflA BY DAT NUYBER FOR S Q E�� ROUi1NG O��ET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MC+T. SERVICES DIR. For hearin : �`Z V 1� ORDER O MAYqi lOA ASSSTANS) O TOTAL # OF SIGNATUpE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATUH� ACfION REOUESTED: The SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica 9i4040 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 1771 Old Hudson Road (ID //31040). RECOMMENDATIONS: apqwe (A) ar Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING DUES'f10N5: _ PLANNING GOMMISSION _ CML SERVICE COMMISSION �- Has this persoNfirm ever woriced untler a conVac[ ior this departmeM? - _ CIB COMMI7iEE _ YES NO _ STA� 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISiRiC7 CoUp7 _ 3. Does thts person/firm possess a skill not normalty possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE7 YES NO Explain ell yes answers on separate sheet antl attaeh to green shcet INITIATINO PFiOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who, What, When. Where, Why): ADUANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTACaES IGAPPROVED: 4Yi3bii'v�iY �?�RT.�,^ ,'y,,.4,'' ��'ift� �� tw5�i DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROYEO: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TqANSACTION $ COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE Ot4E) VES NO FUNDING SOUqCE ACiIVITY NUMBER FINANCIPLINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 35321 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 r`�1 In Tracker? App n Received J npp�n �rocessea LiCenselD # 31040 License Type_Gas Station Restaurant-C. Grocery- . and c; r.;cez COmpany Name: SunerAmerica Grouo Div�s�on of Achiand DBA: SuperAmerica ��4040 BUSiness AddressS: 1771 Old Hudson Road Business Phone: 776-8580 Contact NamejAddress: Greg Boland, 1771 Old Hudson Road Home Phone: Date to Council Researcfi: 55106 Public Hearing Date: � 28 � La6els Ordered: Notice SeM to Applicant: � District Council #: ` Notice Sent to ��f � � a ��� � Ward #: Date Comments Department/ City Attorney Environmental Heaith Fire �, ��� • �� License �� V� /� i Police Zoning D•�. Site Plen Received:_ Lease Received: - - - - �/� � � � (� o -� ��lo�q �- f p - K MpR-19-1997 11�08 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.02/96 $n1A{� 1 F.iVL� .��� C�.ASS TJI LICENSE APPLICA'TION A 1 -�ir . CITY OF SAINT PAl a���u�,r�a;� ��� 3'bSt4eaR5me�00 � '/� � � SesPu��Rt+�soa 351a1 {� /y�/y/f/�� ��1 � �p.V� ( �/��I 1 -- t `��� ��266.9090fa(61t)26691]d T1 e �vs a �trS apui.r���i�, � � �������� s � PLEASE'£YPE OR PRTNT Ic1 ItdK � � Compffiy Name: t So7c PropnctasLip ff business is incotpocata3, giva date of incoiparxtiou; 27oing ausiness as: �1 SA '�.'� � A Y�t•t R � � so-«c.nasras Betwan What ccnss s�eeta is the busaess located7 Are thc premises now occupied7 �Vhat Mail To Ad�ess: C+'.T�7:R�.'."n s �f�-/ s � . �,� p U s s P �-aa� -36 Business Imone.�O1L-774� b F d ,T� sl a/ iy � SSic 6 c;�y sum z� WI1iCd1 SidC OCIllG ShtY`L� i N�,'t �.� �ti yosiZ CitY Sretc z^P AppGea�u laformafi�: N��T�u�: �,�i���uzZ,���.� C�.�,�.s FA,��;�a1 �- F'vu l�fid�c (hSaidn) Lmt Tt7e T xo� Aaat�: P C► Q!/�,-��U d - - �� �m � � Date of Birth: 1 �.. �- l� � Plxce of $irth: Home Phone:la6 f. 3� z 1.� Have yoa ever been comdcud of anp feTony, aima or violation of any aty ordinance other thaa 4affic? YES _ NO �_ Date of arrest; Chargc: �„ Coavictiou: _ 4d�ere7 ,. ..... S.ia ti�cnames andnsidences of three petsons o€good moral charactcr, &ving within the Twin CiGes Metro Atea, noi relattd to the apglicant or fin�cial}y interested "m the premises or business, who may be rcfared to as io the applicauY's cl�aracter: � .�� Have a�'of tke above named ADDRESS .t S - 1 `17. � ld, frnmtrly b¢ld, or m e3�� e� 0 -yaN D STS • � � �, s� N w - : �t a kave aa i7ltei�CSt in: � _ PHONE � •�; 7 �a • b33- �y 2- YES � NO If ycs, list tiu data svd ressons #'or revacaUOa: 2/18/9'I -19-1997 11:08 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.04i06 � �-1.'1-tG»�kb 8�€ :o operetc this business pcsonaU�•? YES � NO If not, �rho wiU opaxte �'tIPER AAiE2tICAG�4:Ilz .�..--: � cP�. {uecaago�gtor,z�ran�z3erore5s:statinthisbuiaess? YES plezsc canplete cfie folla�ing in.`amzuoa: �ji 2Cn h �6NOf — Fi�s\sme 1Sd2fe7aAa1 G�im3.-� �2�t Dld ��cd so�► /2d ST ,ay i;oc�aaam s�+�� , ��Y PJerse fistyour emplocmcal histozy fos stie pre��o,u 5ve {>} cezr p�od: Bus+�esslEt�7rn�tnt Address �,:� :SO If the msaxg� is ncrt Sh� s2me €s tbe rn� etator, z;� info:madan fac eaeh parma (use addiuonal paga if necessaryj: (.wdausl � i..a Det` Ho�eMdre� Svees\eme Citv Svue tip Phaneh5cba Fcat\amt AfiddfeIuisis! (.�Saidea) I.ut Da+eef8iesh Have.4dd�'us: Sma:+�me Cary Stste Zip Phox!�5mbet MINIdESO7A 1'AX IDENl7FICA?ION NL�I�lBER - Pu�vaat to s2�e Law's of Mianesota,1984, Chapter 562,.4rficSe 8, Section 2(270.72) (?a� Clwrance; � of Liceaxs), &ansing auehorities ere req�ed to pmvide to tt�e State of Mmnesvta Commissioner ofRcvcauq tfie 3�Gaxsota busiaess t�c i���4on numbu and tbe socisl securiry aumber of cach 7�� applicant Uuder the Nfinaesota Gwecmnmt Data Pracrices Aa �d s}x Fedaat Pricacg Act af 197Q, we ffie requ�red to advise you oftho follow�g regard'mg the use of the Mumesofa T� Identification Num'xr. - Zbis inf�matian maq be us�d to dmp tSu issuana or reaewsl of yocff licrose in t6e cvcat you owe M�nnesota sales, employa s witbfioldmg or mMoc vehicle acase twccs; -1JF°n r�i�'�S t�s i�a�msaon, tbe liceasiag autL�iry w�! supply it oaIy to the Mwaesoaa DePaztment of Revmeu. However, unda che Fedaal Exc��tgc af iuformation A�mmt, tbe DeP�tmcnt of Reveaue maY �'PPtY this iuf'ormation to tIK Iaternal Rev�ue Scvicm . A� Taxl�ti5cetidaNnmbes (Sates &i3se Tax Numbc)mag ba obtaine� T� tl� State of l�� Busincss R�cords DeP�tm�. 20RivaParkPiaza(612-296-6181� --..... /-�� ` s��s��yx��; ��� l- � I��-a'S G _ MmnesoWTaxTdentiSeatianNum'ba:: `�`7r�[,'�JS _ ^ lf a Mmnesota Tex Identificauou Nwnba is aot roquired for the bvs;nas being operated, iadicau so by plsciag aa'X' ia � twx encn� List zll otha o+�eas of the o�pa: etion: O �� �.� H0� k30.�,£ BUSL'�*ESS DATE OF ;�*A.e� (p�aHe�I) � ADT�S5 PHO�'E PHOATE BIRTH Council File # ��b�b ordinance # Green Sheet # 3✓ '3O2 � Presented By � Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Com[aittee: Date : 1 2 3 RE5QLVED: T'�at application (ID #31040) for a Gas Station, Resta�ant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigazette License by Super America Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica #4040 (Greg Boland, Manager) at 1171 Old Hudson Road be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 Requeated by Department ofs 6 Yeas Navs se 7 B a�kev — �� 8 Bostrom �� 9 _ � H � a r r s 10 _e�e ao rd � 11 �em�ri.ot�;,�s =___;� 12 Thane 14 Moz�ton S O � 15 16 Adopted by Council: IIate t 17 18 Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary 19 20 21 By: �,..-----���� %�-a-.,.tir— 22 � 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �� }- 24 �/ , ` 2s ����� 26 By: t 27 • - -�-- �-•- •�- -�.� �. •�.n-: - •: By: \ �N'�d�W � �'�4.u"l-/ Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved�by Mayor for Su6mission to Council By: ��: b�lU DEPARTMENT/OFFICElCOUNCIL OATEINITIATED GREEN SHEE N_ 35321 LIEP/Licensin Mmnuon.r� -- iNmawa COMACT PEflSON 8 PHONE O DEPARTMEM DIflECTOfl � CfTY COUNCIL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 ''�'�" �crzvarmaNer �crtrc�wc MU5T BE ON C/JUNGL AGENflA BY DAT NUYBER FOR S Q E�� ROUi1NG O��ET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MC+T. SERVICES DIR. For hearin : �`Z V 1� ORDER O MAYqi lOA ASSSTANS) O TOTAL # OF SIGNATUpE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATUH� ACfION REOUESTED: The SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica 9i4040 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 1771 Old Hudson Road (ID //31040). RECOMMENDATIONS: apqwe (A) ar Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING DUES'f10N5: _ PLANNING GOMMISSION _ CML SERVICE COMMISSION �- Has this persoNfirm ever woriced untler a conVac[ ior this departmeM? - _ CIB COMMI7iEE _ YES NO _ STA� 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISiRiC7 CoUp7 _ 3. Does thts person/firm possess a skill not normalty possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE7 YES NO Explain ell yes answers on separate sheet antl attaeh to green shcet INITIATINO PFiOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who, What, When. Where, Why): ADUANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTACaES IGAPPROVED: 4Yi3bii'v�iY �?�RT.�,^ ,'y,,.4,'' ��'ift� �� tw5�i DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROYEO: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TqANSACTION $ COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE Ot4E) VES NO FUNDING SOUqCE ACiIVITY NUMBER FINANCIPLINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 35321 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 r`�1 In Tracker? App n Received J npp�n �rocessea LiCenselD # 31040 License Type_Gas Station Restaurant-C. Grocery- . and c; r.;cez COmpany Name: SunerAmerica Grouo Div�s�on of Achiand DBA: SuperAmerica ��4040 BUSiness AddressS: 1771 Old Hudson Road Business Phone: 776-8580 Contact NamejAddress: Greg Boland, 1771 Old Hudson Road Home Phone: Date to Council Researcfi: 55106 Public Hearing Date: � 28 � La6els Ordered: Notice SeM to Applicant: � District Council #: ` Notice Sent to ��f � � a ��� � Ward #: Date Comments Department/ City Attorney Environmental Heaith Fire �, ��� • �� License �� V� /� i Police Zoning D•�. Site Plen Received:_ Lease Received: - - - - �/� � � � (� o -� ��lo�q �- f p - K MpR-19-1997 11�08 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.02/96 $n1A{� 1 F.iVL� .��� C�.ASS TJI LICENSE APPLICA'TION A 1 -�ir . CITY OF SAINT PAl a���u�,r�a;� ��� 3'bSt4eaR5me�00 � '/� � � SesPu��Rt+�soa 351a1 {� /y�/y/f/�� ��1 � �p.V� ( �/��I 1 -- t `��� ��266.9090fa(61t)26691]d T1 e �vs a �trS apui.r���i�, � � �������� s � PLEASE'£YPE OR PRTNT Ic1 ItdK � � Compffiy Name: t So7c PropnctasLip ff business is incotpocata3, giva date of incoiparxtiou; 27oing ausiness as: �1 SA '�.'� � A Y�t•t R � � so-«c.nasras Betwan What ccnss s�eeta is the busaess located7 Are thc premises now occupied7 �Vhat Mail To Ad�ess: C+'.T�7:R�.'."n s �f�-/ s � . �,� p U s s P �-aa� -36 Business Imone.�O1L-774� b F d ,T� sl a/ iy � SSic 6 c;�y sum z� WI1iCd1 SidC OCIllG ShtY`L� i N�,'t �.� �ti yosiZ CitY Sretc z^P AppGea�u laformafi�: N��T�u�: �,�i���uzZ,���.� C�.�,�.s FA,��;�a1 �- F'vu l�fid�c (hSaidn) Lmt Tt7e T xo� Aaat�: P C► Q!/�,-��U d - - �� �m � � Date of Birth: 1 �.. �- l� � Plxce of $irth: Home Phone:la6 f. 3� z 1.� Have yoa ever been comdcud of anp feTony, aima or violation of any aty ordinance other thaa 4affic? YES _ NO �_ Date of arrest; Chargc: �„ Coavictiou: _ 4d�ere7 ,. ..... S.ia ti�cnames andnsidences of three petsons o€good moral charactcr, &ving within the Twin CiGes Metro Atea, noi relattd to the apglicant or fin�cial}y interested "m the premises or business, who may be rcfared to as io the applicauY's cl�aracter: � .�� Have a�'of tke above named ADDRESS .t S - 1 `17. � ld, frnmtrly b¢ld, or m e3�� e� 0 -yaN D STS • � � �, s� N w - : �t a kave aa i7ltei�CSt in: � _ PHONE � •�; 7 �a • b33- �y 2- YES � NO If ycs, list tiu data svd ressons #'or revacaUOa: 2/18/9'I -19-1997 11:08 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.04i06 � �-1.'1-tG»�kb 8�€ :o operetc this business pcsonaU�•? YES � NO If not, �rho wiU opaxte �'tIPER AAiE2tICAG�4:Ilz .�..--: � cP�. {uecaago�gtor,z�ran�z3erore5s:statinthisbuiaess? YES plezsc canplete cfie folla�ing in.`amzuoa: �ji 2Cn h �6NOf — Fi�s\sme 1Sd2fe7aAa1 G�im3.-� �2�t Dld ��cd so�► /2d ST ,ay i;oc�aaam s�+�� , ��Y PJerse fistyour emplocmcal histozy fos stie pre��o,u 5ve {>} cezr p�od: Bus+�esslEt�7rn�tnt Address �,:� :SO If the msaxg� is ncrt Sh� s2me €s tbe rn� etator, z;� info:madan fac eaeh parma (use addiuonal paga if necessaryj: (.wdausl � i..a Det` Ho�eMdre� Svees\eme Citv Svue tip Phaneh5cba Fcat\amt AfiddfeIuisis! (.�Saidea) I.ut Da+eef8iesh Have.4dd�'us: Sma:+�me Cary Stste Zip Phox!�5mbet MINIdESO7A 1'AX IDENl7FICA?ION NL�I�lBER - Pu�vaat to s2�e Law's of Mianesota,1984, Chapter 562,.4rficSe 8, Section 2(270.72) (?a� Clwrance; � of Liceaxs), &ansing auehorities ere req�ed to pmvide to tt�e State of Mmnesvta Commissioner ofRcvcauq tfie 3�Gaxsota busiaess t�c i���4on numbu and tbe socisl securiry aumber of cach 7�� applicant Uuder the Nfinaesota Gwecmnmt Data Pracrices Aa �d s}x Fedaat Pricacg Act af 197Q, we ffie requ�red to advise you oftho follow�g regard'mg the use of the Mumesofa T� Identification Num'xr. - Zbis inf�matian maq be us�d to dmp tSu issuana or reaewsl of yocff licrose in t6e cvcat you owe M�nnesota sales, employa s witbfioldmg or mMoc vehicle acase twccs; -1JF°n r�i�'�S t�s i�a�msaon, tbe liceasiag autL�iry w�! supply it oaIy to the Mwaesoaa DePaztment of Revmeu. However, unda che Fedaal Exc��tgc af iuformation A�mmt, tbe DeP�tmcnt of Reveaue maY �'PPtY this iuf'ormation to tIK Iaternal Rev�ue Scvicm . A� Taxl�ti5cetidaNnmbes (Sates &i3se Tax Numbc)mag ba obtaine� T� tl� State of l�� Busincss R�cords DeP�tm�. 20RivaParkPiaza(612-296-6181� --..... /-�� ` s��s��yx��; ��� l- � I��-a'S G _ MmnesoWTaxTdentiSeatianNum'ba:: `�`7r�[,'�JS _ ^ lf a Mmnesota Tex Identificauou Nwnba is aot roquired for the bvs;nas being operated, iadicau so by plsciag aa'X' ia � twx encn� List zll otha o+�eas of the o�pa: etion: O �� �.� H0� k30.�,£ BUSL'�*ESS DATE OF ;�*A.e� (p�aHe�I) � ADT�S5 PHO�'E PHOATE BIRTH Council File # ��b�b ordinance # Green Sheet # 3✓ '3O2 � Presented By � Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Com[aittee: Date : 1 2 3 RE5QLVED: T'�at application (ID #31040) for a Gas Station, Resta�ant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigazette License by Super America Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica #4040 (Greg Boland, Manager) at 1171 Old Hudson Road be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 Requeated by Department ofs 6 Yeas Navs se 7 B a�kev — �� 8 Bostrom �� 9 _ � H � a r r s 10 _e�e ao rd � 11 �em�ri.ot�;,�s =___;� 12 Thane 14 Moz�ton S O � 15 16 Adopted by Council: IIate t 17 18 Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary 19 20 21 By: �,..-----���� %�-a-.,.tir— 22 � 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �� }- 24 �/ , ` 2s ����� 26 By: t 27 • - -�-- �-•- •�- -�.� �. •�.n-: - •: By: \ �N'�d�W � �'�4.u"l-/ Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved�by Mayor for Su6mission to Council By: ��: b�lU DEPARTMENT/OFFICElCOUNCIL OATEINITIATED GREEN SHEE N_ 35321 LIEP/Licensin Mmnuon.r� -- iNmawa COMACT PEflSON 8 PHONE O DEPARTMEM DIflECTOfl � CfTY COUNCIL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 ''�'�" �crzvarmaNer �crtrc�wc MU5T BE ON C/JUNGL AGENflA BY DAT NUYBER FOR S Q E�� ROUi1NG O��ET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MC+T. SERVICES DIR. For hearin : �`Z V 1� ORDER O MAYqi lOA ASSSTANS) O TOTAL # OF SIGNATUpE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATUH� ACfION REOUESTED: The SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica 9i4040 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 1771 Old Hudson Road (ID //31040). RECOMMENDATIONS: apqwe (A) ar Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING DUES'f10N5: _ PLANNING GOMMISSION _ CML SERVICE COMMISSION �- Has this persoNfirm ever woriced untler a conVac[ ior this departmeM? - _ CIB COMMI7iEE _ YES NO _ STA� 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISiRiC7 CoUp7 _ 3. Does thts person/firm possess a skill not normalty possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE7 YES NO Explain ell yes answers on separate sheet antl attaeh to green shcet INITIATINO PFiOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who, What, When. Where, Why): ADUANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTACaES IGAPPROVED: 4Yi3bii'v�iY �?�RT.�,^ ,'y,,.4,'' ��'ift� �� tw5�i DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROYEO: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TqANSACTION $ COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE Ot4E) VES NO FUNDING SOUqCE ACiIVITY NUMBER FINANCIPLINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 35321 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 r`�1 In Tracker? App n Received J npp�n �rocessea LiCenselD # 31040 License Type_Gas Station Restaurant-C. Grocery- . and c; r.;cez COmpany Name: SunerAmerica Grouo Div�s�on of Achiand DBA: SuperAmerica ��4040 BUSiness AddressS: 1771 Old Hudson Road Business Phone: 776-8580 Contact NamejAddress: Greg Boland, 1771 Old Hudson Road Home Phone: Date to Council Researcfi: 55106 Public Hearing Date: � 28 � La6els Ordered: Notice SeM to Applicant: � District Council #: ` Notice Sent to ��f � � a ��� � Ward #: Date Comments Department/ City Attorney Environmental Heaith Fire �, ��� • �� License �� V� /� i Police Zoning D•�. Site Plen Received:_ Lease Received: - - - - �/� � � � (� o -� ��lo�q �- f p - K MpR-19-1997 11�08 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.02/96 $n1A{� 1 F.iVL� .��� C�.ASS TJI LICENSE APPLICA'TION A 1 -�ir . CITY OF SAINT PAl a���u�,r�a;� ��� 3'bSt4eaR5me�00 � '/� � � SesPu��Rt+�soa 351a1 {� /y�/y/f/�� ��1 � �p.V� ( �/��I 1 -- t `��� ��266.9090fa(61t)26691]d T1 e �vs a �trS apui.r���i�, � � �������� s � PLEASE'£YPE OR PRTNT Ic1 ItdK � � Compffiy Name: t So7c PropnctasLip ff business is incotpocata3, giva date of incoiparxtiou; 27oing ausiness as: �1 SA '�.'� � A Y�t•t R � � so-«c.nasras Betwan What ccnss s�eeta is the busaess located7 Are thc premises now occupied7 �Vhat Mail To Ad�ess: C+'.T�7:R�.'."n s �f�-/ s � . �,� p U s s P �-aa� -36 Business Imone.�O1L-774� b F d ,T� sl a/ iy � SSic 6 c;�y sum z� WI1iCd1 SidC OCIllG ShtY`L� i N�,'t �.� �ti yosiZ CitY Sretc z^P AppGea�u laformafi�: N��T�u�: �,�i���uzZ,���.� C�.�,�.s FA,��;�a1 �- F'vu l�fid�c (hSaidn) Lmt Tt7e T xo� Aaat�: P C► Q!/�,-��U d - - �� �m � � Date of Birth: 1 �.. �- l� � Plxce of $irth: Home Phone:la6 f. 3� z 1.� Have yoa ever been comdcud of anp feTony, aima or violation of any aty ordinance other thaa 4affic? YES _ NO �_ Date of arrest; Chargc: �„ Coavictiou: _ 4d�ere7 ,. ..... S.ia ti�cnames andnsidences of three petsons o€good moral charactcr, &ving within the Twin CiGes Metro Atea, noi relattd to the apglicant or fin�cial}y interested "m the premises or business, who may be rcfared to as io the applicauY's cl�aracter: � .�� Have a�'of tke above named ADDRESS .t S - 1 `17. � ld, frnmtrly b¢ld, or m e3�� e� 0 -yaN D STS • � � �, s� N w - : �t a kave aa i7ltei�CSt in: � _ PHONE � •�; 7 �a • b33- �y 2- YES � NO If ycs, list tiu data svd ressons #'or revacaUOa: 2/18/9'I -19-1997 11:08 CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.04i06 � �-1.'1-tG»�kb 8�€ :o operetc this business pcsonaU�•? YES � NO If not, �rho wiU opaxte �'tIPER AAiE2tICAG�4:Ilz .�..--: � cP�. {uecaago�gtor,z�ran�z3erore5s:statinthisbuiaess? YES plezsc canplete cfie folla�ing in.`amzuoa: �ji 2Cn h �6NOf — Fi�s\sme 1Sd2fe7aAa1 G�im3.-� �2�t Dld ��cd so�► /2d ST ,ay i;oc�aaam s�+�� , ��Y PJerse fistyour emplocmcal histozy fos stie pre��o,u 5ve {>} cezr p�od: Bus+�esslEt�7rn�tnt Address �,:� :SO If the msaxg� is ncrt Sh� s2me €s tbe rn� etator, z;� info:madan fac eaeh parma (use addiuonal paga if necessaryj: (.wdausl � i..a Det` Ho�eMdre� Svees\eme Citv Svue tip Phaneh5cba Fcat\amt AfiddfeIuisis! (.�Saidea) I.ut Da+eef8iesh Have.4dd�'us: Sma:+�me Cary Stste Zip Phox!�5mbet MINIdESO7A 1'AX IDENl7FICA?ION NL�I�lBER - Pu�vaat to s2�e Law's of Mianesota,1984, Chapter 562,.4rficSe 8, Section 2(270.72) (?a� Clwrance; � of Liceaxs), &ansing auehorities ere req�ed to pmvide to tt�e State of Mmnesvta Commissioner ofRcvcauq tfie 3�Gaxsota busiaess t�c i���4on numbu and tbe socisl securiry aumber of cach 7�� applicant Uuder the Nfinaesota Gwecmnmt Data Pracrices Aa �d s}x Fedaat Pricacg Act af 197Q, we ffie requ�red to advise you oftho follow�g regard'mg the use of the Mumesofa T� Identification Num'xr. - Zbis inf�matian maq be us�d to dmp tSu issuana or reaewsl of yocff licrose in t6e cvcat you owe M�nnesota sales, employa s witbfioldmg or mMoc vehicle acase twccs; -1JF°n r�i�'�S t�s i�a�msaon, tbe liceasiag autL�iry w�! supply it oaIy to the Mwaesoaa DePaztment of Revmeu. However, unda che Fedaal Exc��tgc af iuformation A�mmt, tbe DeP�tmcnt of Reveaue maY �'PPtY this iuf'ormation to tIK Iaternal Rev�ue Scvicm . A� Taxl�ti5cetidaNnmbes (Sates &i3se Tax Numbc)mag ba obtaine� T� tl� State of l�� Busincss R�cords DeP�tm�. 20RivaParkPiaza(612-296-6181� --..... /-�� ` s��s��yx��; ��� l- � I��-a'S G _ MmnesoWTaxTdentiSeatianNum'ba:: `�`7r�[,'�JS _ ^ lf a Mmnesota Tex Identificauou Nwnba is aot roquired for the bvs;nas being operated, iadicau so by plsciag aa'X' ia � twx encn� List zll otha o+�eas of the o�pa: etion: O �� �.� H0� k30.�,£ BUSL'�*ESS DATE OF ;�*A.e� (p�aHe�I) � ADT�S5 PHO�'E PHOATE BIRTH