97-64!'^ � { ("t t �, f f;. � f � �...d E `. � �` i ( �, 1- � RESOLUTION Council Eile # Green Sheet # 0 Presented By Referred To i 2 3 4 s 6 � s 9 io il Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the SAINT PAUL W ORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCII�. EDUCATION REPRESENTATIVE Dr. Mary Thornton Phillips shalt serve a two-year term. This term will espire on June 30,1998. PTtI'VATE SECTOR REYRESENTATIVE Amy Stedman shall fill the uneapired term of John Hoffner. This term shall espire on June 30, 1945. , E Requested by Department oE: Adopted by Council: Date � y�� � T `��'� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary r By: \� c� . Approved by Mayor: Date z(5'7'� Hy: �f� (` "' ( t By: Form Appro d by City Attorney ` ���� �/C— J BY= yr G� �/J �^ Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Council � � � � �� BY� AV l IC --- � � r V `�1 ���� UEPAFCIhIRITAFFICEACOUNCIL OATE INITWTED `'+ V L 1..(. Mayor Norm Coleman`s Office 1-15-97 GREEN SHEE CONTACf PERSON & PNONE �NITIAVDATE INRIAVDATE � DEPAR7MEM DIflE � C1iY COIINCIL Ro er Curtis 266-8531 ^��" �cinnnonNev �CIT'CLERK NUMBEfl FON MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (DATE) qOUTING O BUDGET OIRECTOR � PIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DiR. OtiDEP f'1 MpYOR (OR ASSISTANn � '- " 4–+ TOTAL # OF SIGPlATURE PAGES _i-(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACf10N REQUESTEO: Approval of appointments of inembers to the Saint Paul Workforce Development Council. EDUCATION REPRESENTATIVE: Dr. Mary Thornton Phillips. PRIVATE SECTOR REPRESENTATIVE: Amy Stedman filling unexpired term of John Hoffner. REGOMMEN�A710NS: Approve (A) or Reject (F) pERSONAL SERVECE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW ER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIANNMG COMMISS�QN _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMfSS10N �� Has mis personttirm ever worked under a contred for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personnrm ever been a ciiy employee? —'`�'�� — YES NO _ DISTRICT CAURT _ 3. Does this persoNfiRn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curlent city employee? SUPPOHTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain e11 yes answers on saparate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY (W1w. What. When. Where. WhY): AOVANTAGES IF APPROVED. mi4$L°.e'�a32 4`:�''�S'�+'°��P1°Se9z Y95! �ert"! DISA�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED' � � ° (J:. ,� 5.+1�'[f ��' .._ _�_ u., r�... ,. � �. �_�..._..- ._ ' . ��)� { � - . . � 1bYe7S' 'R! � �V4b - .«�.'�.+�..' DISADVANTACaES IF NOTAPPROVED: ��� s���� ��J �� �:%�� �t�,Y�"�'� t°lc�'�d�i T07AL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIALINFORMATION'�EXPLAIN) g1 �� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: FROM: LZ��JI � Saint Paui City Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Mark Mauer Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Janice Rettman Roger C. Curtis � C Assistant to the Mayor January 16, 1997 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCII. Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following people be appointed to serve on the Workforce Development Council. Education Representative Dr. Mary Thornton Phillips Private Sector ReRresentative Amy Stedman shall serve the remainder of John Hoffner's unexpired term Attached is the resolution recommending these individuais and copies of their applications. Also attached is an applicant report ]isting all applicants on file since January 1, 1994. Ifyou have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8531. RCC:drm Attachments cc: 1Vancy Ai�deFSOn Research 3acqui Shoholm, Workforce Development Council Director OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �� � (: ��� 390 CITY HAT.L �� �O� Z� � SAINT PAIIL, MIP7bIESOTA 55102 - DEC 2 266-8525= FAX: 266-8513 3 199fi N n --�i , - �I - i i � tTame : � r c �c Home Address: Street . City • �"/'. L � 2 �JC Telephone Nvmber. CHome) ���� ��� T�"� CAOrk) ,�� ;/ J � / ( AX) 'f� �'�'� f � J Planning District Covncil: J City Counc3l Aard: / Pze£erzed 2Sai2ing Address: � �Z YYJ � ; What is your occupation? riY'YYIej'' YJG� t.-YICil1(F��( ;'' ��/Il ( ( i9 /1 )� 1� f��i'Y� i-��� � tl�/ -� 1 Lf f r, � --F t�c 1 I�csar o f�duc4� Place of E�ployment: ,[%�i+ri Ci {` �C� � �• C� � � �(2i� r r�_ � ��" � �. -Y Coa�itteeCs) 9PPli.ed For: J��` ��C11 �/)t"k, ����(��Q/�iYIC'1'1`f' , SThat skills/traini,ng or eaperience do you possess �or the committee(s) for vhich you seek appointment? �r� �� �� r � iP�1 r`s �-� ��D i �t t� �f'� �r' F�'�"�d t" �� 0 0 ,� 1 The information included in this application is considered private dzta according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this infoxmation is not released to the general public. � Rev.4/21/93 PERSONAL REFERENCES Addzess: ��-�� Name:��l�'iJ �� C.���� � � �jQ��.� Address Pfione Name Have yau had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? �/ i . � ,. // ,, � v v � J-df'--�'-1�� In an attempt to ensure tfiat co�ittee =epresentation reflects the makeup oP our co�unity, please check the li.ne applicable to pau. This information is strictlq voluntary, Ahite (Caucasian} Hispanic ✓ Black (African 9merican) Asian oz Pacific Is2ander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � xa, e °�/� Female � Date oE Birth: Disabled: Yes No " If special accommodations aze needed, please speci£q. How did you hear about this openingT v�.J /l CI �� �� �� ] Phone: 'lHoace) . _ ,�:G�2 6--�� -�S LfVnrkl ,-�i9_� —�-/l1 �3 Phone __ CHome) '`�' �i 5 — cZ ;� �,:� (Aork) � Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: PEBSONAL REFERE2ICES L Name:�( Address :_�_� Phone: "caome) "� , G �t �1- �`i Name: �i !(`,� � � t GI'I f' 6 P y� 1 �� I Q f'1'1.� Address Pfione; Name:� Address Reasons £or yovr i.nterest in this particular committee 1�! �C�. �" 1 YYI 2.. (�� i9 YYI ✓YI / °�'�7�.��/i -�' � Bave pou had previous contact vith the committee £or vhich you aze making application. I£ so, vhen, and circumstances? �J s . 1 _ /! „ i n�-��.�-�-� � �, � In an attempt to ensure that committee representation re£lects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicabie to pou, This in£ormation is strictly voluntary. Ahite (Caucasi.an) Hispanic !/ Black (Afzican American) Asian or Pacific Islander Amezican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Female � Date af Birth: � � Disabied: Yes _ No '" I£ special acco�odations are needed, please specify. Hov did you fiear about this opening7 �Xt l 1 G! �a tl Q� _ �a� .�� �� Name OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALI, SAS21T PAIIL, MINNESOTA -. 55 266-8525= FAX: 266-8513 SisL�� ���� DEC 0 2 199& ;:� `�C'r�� fl=tiC� V � � Home Address; a�yl9 ' { (V:Q � � � �}�(�i�Q � S�j����_ Street - City ZiP Telephone 2hzmber: (Home)�o � 2 '� 7�? c�.' (-� �(fa J� c�ork� t��t a -� a�1 �.t��> Planning District Gouncil: 4'J; Gity Cotimcil Aard: Preferred 2failing Address: Ahat is pour occupation? _ _ �YYL��eYt)�{' �'d�rd � . . Place�of Employmentc �-•'� Committee(s) Applied Bor: / Ahat skills/training or eaperience do you possess for the committee(s) £or vhich you seek appointment? . � �' � . _ �. _ . ,� ' - ...� • �_! a . The infoxmation included 9n this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Goverment Data Yractices Act. As a result, this ix�£ormation is not released to the gene=al public. (OVER} Rev.4/ �J..:• ��. r .- �,�..v�� ., ' � PERSONAL REFERENCES Address:_ _ . 5�7V_ —��� i%(�L�'-�v ri��_/�(/� . ��LT�P�IjP.(_!) �/I� J.S� �� � �' Phone: YHome) �l�� � f�q �o (Aork) C9S�' /07 [� Name: I�$?,V'C' �Cl� ��� � - - - --- � � - Addzess: cS7� � LtM_4 e `X°XCd. �k3P �CX.7/1'ZC.� �/J �S � �o� Phone: (Home) �� J�8c5 (Work) ���' S�J�jZ Name : jJGYl1Y\,LP � �Gu�� Address Phone : CHome) � �J� — Q (9� � (Aork) �-( � O� "` I � � `�. Reasons for your interest in this particular co�ittee: �:l..e.� lt� �� s . f�• ....�L� _ e �.. ii�L>� i- , � ' _ � _ _ � � .' i � • \\L� ►L � Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensvze that committee representation reflects the makeup of ovr community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is stri.ctly voluntary_ � White (Caucasian) B1ack (A£rican American) American Indian or Alaslcan Eskimo Male _� Female Date of $irth: Hispanic Asian or Paci£ic Islander Disabled: Yes No � I£ special accommodations are needed, please speci£y. How did pou hear about this openi.ng? �C?�i� m;a.dl�tor� � lU{1YllC��NP(v�tGX$Uv PERSONAL REFEAENCES Name Addr� Phone_ YHome) �18� ' �J q �o (Aork) (JU'�'f � /�� O ��e: - Tiw.�e-Sc�.� ��Q-�f gdd=ess: �5�17 �QO�. a��_ ma.��e� m� ss��� Phone: (Home) '7 7� - � �5 't (Gork� �� ' S88 2.. L �ll�! a�.l � Address: q��210 lt�('Y'1� 1.�..C�CJLDtLUlLt,f l�+� � .-, .,. Yhone: cHome) � �J� ' (9 c�. (York) �� C71 :.� � Reasons £or your interest in this particular co�ittee: . .u1..t.� x ��i 1� .,, ���� �.�L � � �.. � i�l�oa_..i, � � " � _ _ �.'_j ��� �,�� ►L.. Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich pou are making application. I£ so, vhen, and circumsYanees? In an attempt to ensvre that committee representation reflects the makeup of our co�unitp, please check the line applicable to pou. This information is strictly volvntary. � Ahite (Caucasian) Black <Africaa Ameriean) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male � Female Date of Birth: Disabled: Yes No � Hispanic Asian or Yacific Islander If special accommodations are needed, please speci£p. Hov did you hear about this opening7 � q"�c b�{ 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : PIC workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G 003139 Cardinal, Robert J. 161 Iowa Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Busienss Broker 002943 Gunderson, Patricia 283 N. Avon Street St. Paul, MN 55104 Self Employed 003186 Jefferson, Shirley A. #1112 2285 Stewart Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55116 Human Resources Professional 003247 McCarty, Steven N. 1356 N. Victoria Street St. Paul, MN 55117 Auman Resources Manager 003146 Nault, Brigid 2392 South Shore Blvd. White Bear lake, MN 55110 Ex. Dir./Midway Family YMCA 001627 Paulson, Altin R. 555 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Marketing Manager 000013 Phillips, Mary Thornton 2212 Powers Ave. St. Pau1, MN 55119 Chair/St. Paul Bd. of Ed. DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMNtZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -- -------- - 5 5 W 02J26J96 M 1 8 W 02/1�J95 F B 06/11/96 F W 11/14/96 M W 03J06f96 F 1 8 NA 09f25f95 M Parks Recreation Commission 7 1 67 B 12f23J46 F 003175 Potts, Curt 6 5 W 06j10/96 M 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT �-� by PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 ' APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WAR➢ PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING 6N) --------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -- -------- - Bus. OwnerjCurrency Exchange OQ3�68 Price, Guy R. 458 E. Bernard West St. Paul, MN Rainbow Foods 55118 003151 Rasmussen, Diane K. Apt. 1 185 E. Thompson Ave. St. Pau1, MN 55118 Membership Coardinator YMCA 003136 Saeks, cayle 1805 Eagle Ridge Drive, #1 Saint Paul, Mi3 55118 Vocational Improvemt Develaper 003191 Scroggins , Marvin M. 1901 Morgan Avenue N. Minneapolis, MN 55411 Business Manager 003253 Stedman, Amy 2446 King Avenue St. Paul� MN 55119 Employment Coordinator 00324Q Whitcomb, Ron 1781 Hillcrest Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Bank President 003171 Wilcox, Rachel A. #1910 66 E- 9th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Vocational Counselor 3 15 64B 2 17 W 09j27/95 M W 03j11j96 F W 02/22/96 F B 06j20j96 M W 12/02j96 F W 11j18/96 M W 06j03/96 F 003167 Yusten, Peggy 7 1 W 03/18J96 F �l� by 01-16-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : PZC Work£orce Development Council FQR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 AFPLICANT J REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -- -----�-- - 616 Wiggins Road St. Paul, MN 55119 AdministratorJVP Program Svcs. !'^ � { ("t t �, f f;. � f � �...d E `. � �` i ( �, 1- � RESOLUTION Council Eile # Green Sheet # 0 Presented By Referred To i 2 3 4 s 6 � s 9 io il Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the SAINT PAUL W ORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCII�. EDUCATION REPRESENTATIVE Dr. Mary Thornton Phillips shalt serve a two-year term. This term will espire on June 30,1998. PTtI'VATE SECTOR REYRESENTATIVE Amy Stedman shall fill the uneapired term of John Hoffner. This term shall espire on June 30, 1945. , E Requested by Department oE: Adopted by Council: Date � y�� � T `��'� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary r By: \� c� . Approved by Mayor: Date z(5'7'� Hy: �f� (` "' ( t By: Form Appro d by City Attorney ` ���� �/C— J BY= yr G� �/J �^ Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Council � � � � �� BY� AV l IC --- � � r V `�1 ���� UEPAFCIhIRITAFFICEACOUNCIL OATE INITWTED `'+ V L 1..(. Mayor Norm Coleman`s Office 1-15-97 GREEN SHEE CONTACf PERSON & PNONE �NITIAVDATE INRIAVDATE � DEPAR7MEM DIflE � C1iY COIINCIL Ro er Curtis 266-8531 ^��" �cinnnonNev �CIT'CLERK NUMBEfl FON MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (DATE) qOUTING O BUDGET OIRECTOR � PIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DiR. OtiDEP f'1 MpYOR (OR ASSISTANn � '- " 4–+ TOTAL # OF SIGPlATURE PAGES _i-(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACf10N REQUESTEO: Approval of appointments of inembers to the Saint Paul Workforce Development Council. EDUCATION REPRESENTATIVE: Dr. Mary Thornton Phillips. PRIVATE SECTOR REPRESENTATIVE: Amy Stedman filling unexpired term of John Hoffner. REGOMMEN�A710NS: Approve (A) or Reject (F) pERSONAL SERVECE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW ER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIANNMG COMMISS�QN _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMfSS10N �� Has mis personttirm ever worked under a contred for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personnrm ever been a ciiy employee? —'`�'�� — YES NO _ DISTRICT CAURT _ 3. Does this persoNfiRn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curlent city employee? SUPPOHTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain e11 yes answers on saparate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY (W1w. What. When. Where. WhY): AOVANTAGES IF APPROVED. mi4$L°.e'�a32 4`:�''�S'�+'°��P1°Se9z Y95! �ert"! DISA�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED' � � ° (J:. ,� 5.+1�'[f ��' .._ _�_ u., r�... ,. � �. �_�..._..- ._ ' . ��)� { � - . . � 1bYe7S' 'R! � �V4b - .«�.'�.+�..' DISADVANTACaES IF NOTAPPROVED: ��� s���� ��J �� �:%�� �t�,Y�"�'� t°lc�'�d�i T07AL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIALINFORMATION'�EXPLAIN) g1 �� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: FROM: LZ��JI � Saint Paui City Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Mark Mauer Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Janice Rettman Roger C. Curtis � C Assistant to the Mayor January 16, 1997 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCII. Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following people be appointed to serve on the Workforce Development Council. Education Representative Dr. Mary Thornton Phillips Private Sector ReRresentative Amy Stedman shall serve the remainder of John Hoffner's unexpired term Attached is the resolution recommending these individuais and copies of their applications. Also attached is an applicant report ]isting all applicants on file since January 1, 1994. Ifyou have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8531. RCC:drm Attachments cc: 1Vancy Ai�deFSOn Research 3acqui Shoholm, Workforce Development Council Director OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �� � (: ��� 390 CITY HAT.L �� �O� Z� � SAINT PAIIL, MIP7bIESOTA 55102 - DEC 2 266-8525= FAX: 266-8513 3 199fi N n --�i , - �I - i i � tTame : � r c �c Home Address: Street . City • �"/'. L � 2 �JC Telephone Nvmber. CHome) ���� ��� T�"� CAOrk) ,�� ;/ J � / ( AX) 'f� �'�'� f � J Planning District Covncil: J City Counc3l Aard: / Pze£erzed 2Sai2ing Address: � �Z YYJ � ; What is your occupation? riY'YYIej'' YJG� t.-YICil1(F��( ;'' ��/Il ( ( i9 /1 )� 1� f��i'Y� i-��� � tl�/ -� 1 Lf f r, � --F t�c 1 I�csar o f�duc4� Place of E�ployment: ,[%�i+ri Ci {` �C� � �• C� � � �(2i� r r�_ � ��" � �. -Y Coa�itteeCs) 9PPli.ed For: J��` ��C11 �/)t"k, ����(��Q/�iYIC'1'1`f' , SThat skills/traini,ng or eaperience do you possess �or the committee(s) for vhich you seek appointment? �r� �� �� r � iP�1 r`s �-� ��D i �t t� �f'� �r' F�'�"�d t" �� 0 0 ,� 1 The information included in this application is considered private dzta according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this infoxmation is not released to the general public. � Rev.4/21/93 PERSONAL REFERENCES Addzess: ��-�� Name:��l�'iJ �� C.���� � � �jQ��.� Address Pfione Name Have yau had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? �/ i . � ,. // ,, � v v � J-df'--�'-1�� In an attempt to ensure tfiat co�ittee =epresentation reflects the makeup oP our co�unity, please check the li.ne applicable to pau. This information is strictlq voluntary, Ahite (Caucasian} Hispanic ✓ Black (African 9merican) Asian oz Pacific Is2ander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � xa, e °�/� Female � Date oE Birth: Disabled: Yes No " If special accommodations aze needed, please speci£q. How did you hear about this openingT v�.J /l CI �� �� �� ] Phone: 'lHoace) . _ ,�:G�2 6--�� -�S LfVnrkl ,-�i9_� —�-/l1 �3 Phone __ CHome) '`�' �i 5 — cZ ;� �,:� (Aork) � Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: PEBSONAL REFERE2ICES L Name:�( Address :_�_� Phone: "caome) "� , G �t �1- �`i Name: �i !(`,� � � t GI'I f' 6 P y� 1 �� I Q f'1'1.� Address Pfione; Name:� Address Reasons £or yovr i.nterest in this particular committee 1�! �C�. �" 1 YYI 2.. (�� i9 YYI ✓YI / °�'�7�.��/i -�' � Bave pou had previous contact vith the committee £or vhich you aze making application. I£ so, vhen, and circumstances? �J s . 1 _ /! „ i n�-��.�-�-� � �, � In an attempt to ensure that committee representation re£lects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicabie to pou, This in£ormation is strictly voluntary. Ahite (Caucasi.an) Hispanic !/ Black (Afzican American) Asian or Pacific Islander Amezican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Female � Date af Birth: � � Disabied: Yes _ No '" I£ special acco�odations are needed, please specify. Hov did you fiear about this opening7 �Xt l 1 G! �a tl Q� _ �a� .�� �� Name OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALI, SAS21T PAIIL, MINNESOTA -. 55 266-8525= FAX: 266-8513 SisL�� ���� DEC 0 2 199& ;:� `�C'r�� fl=tiC� V � � Home Address; a�yl9 ' { (V:Q � � � �}�(�i�Q � S�j����_ Street - City ZiP Telephone 2hzmber: (Home)�o � 2 '� 7�? c�.' (-� �(fa J� c�ork� t��t a -� a�1 �.t��> Planning District Gouncil: 4'J; Gity Cotimcil Aard: Preferred 2failing Address: Ahat is pour occupation? _ _ �YYL��eYt)�{' �'d�rd � . . Place�of Employmentc �-•'� Committee(s) Applied Bor: / Ahat skills/training or eaperience do you possess for the committee(s) £or vhich you seek appointment? . � �' � . _ �. _ . ,� ' - ...� • �_! a . The infoxmation included 9n this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Goverment Data Yractices Act. As a result, this ix�£ormation is not released to the gene=al public. (OVER} Rev.4/ �J..:• ��. r .- �,�..v�� ., ' � PERSONAL REFERENCES Address:_ _ . 5�7V_ —��� i%(�L�'-�v ri��_/�(/� . ��LT�P�IjP.(_!) �/I� J.S� �� � �' Phone: YHome) �l�� � f�q �o (Aork) C9S�' /07 [� Name: I�$?,V'C' �Cl� ��� � - - - --- � � - Addzess: cS7� � LtM_4 e `X°XCd. �k3P �CX.7/1'ZC.� �/J �S � �o� Phone: (Home) �� J�8c5 (Work) ���' S�J�jZ Name : jJGYl1Y\,LP � �Gu�� Address Phone : CHome) � �J� — Q (9� � (Aork) �-( � O� "` I � � `�. Reasons for your interest in this particular co�ittee: �:l..e.� lt� �� s . f�• ....�L� _ e �.. ii�L>� i- , � ' _ � _ _ � � .' i � • \\L� ►L � Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensvze that committee representation reflects the makeup of ovr community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is stri.ctly voluntary_ � White (Caucasian) B1ack (A£rican American) American Indian or Alaslcan Eskimo Male _� Female Date of $irth: Hispanic Asian or Paci£ic Islander Disabled: Yes No � I£ special accommodations are needed, please speci£y. How did pou hear about this openi.ng? �C?�i� m;a.dl�tor� � lU{1YllC��NP(v�tGX$Uv PERSONAL REFEAENCES Name Addr� Phone_ YHome) �18� ' �J q �o (Aork) (JU'�'f � /�� O ��e: - Tiw.�e-Sc�.� ��Q-�f gdd=ess: �5�17 �QO�. a��_ ma.��e� m� ss��� Phone: (Home) '7 7� - � �5 't (Gork� �� ' S88 2.. L �ll�! a�.l � Address: q��210 lt�('Y'1� 1.�..C�CJLDtLUlLt,f l�+� � .-, .,. Yhone: cHome) � �J� ' (9 c�. (York) �� C71 :.� � Reasons £or your interest in this particular co�ittee: . .u1..t.� x ��i 1� .,, ���� �.�L � � �.. � i�l�oa_..i, � � " � _ _ �.'_j ��� �,�� ►L.. Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich pou are making application. I£ so, vhen, and circumsYanees? In an attempt to ensvre that committee representation reflects the makeup of our co�unitp, please check the line applicable to pou. This information is strictly volvntary. � Ahite (Caucasian) Black <Africaa Ameriean) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male � Female Date of Birth: Disabled: Yes No � Hispanic Asian or Yacific Islander If special accommodations are needed, please speci£p. Hov did you hear about this opening7 � q"�c b�{ 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : PIC workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G 003139 Cardinal, Robert J. 161 Iowa Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Busienss Broker 002943 Gunderson, Patricia 283 N. Avon Street St. Paul, MN 55104 Self Employed 003186 Jefferson, Shirley A. #1112 2285 Stewart Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55116 Human Resources Professional 003247 McCarty, Steven N. 1356 N. Victoria Street St. Paul, MN 55117 Auman Resources Manager 003146 Nault, Brigid 2392 South Shore Blvd. White Bear lake, MN 55110 Ex. Dir./Midway Family YMCA 001627 Paulson, Altin R. 555 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Marketing Manager 000013 Phillips, Mary Thornton 2212 Powers Ave. St. Pau1, MN 55119 Chair/St. Paul Bd. of Ed. DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMNtZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -- -------- - 5 5 W 02J26J96 M 1 8 W 02/1�J95 F B 06/11/96 F W 11/14/96 M W 03J06f96 F 1 8 NA 09f25f95 M Parks Recreation Commission 7 1 67 B 12f23J46 F 003175 Potts, Curt 6 5 W 06j10/96 M 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT �-� by PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 ' APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WAR➢ PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING 6N) --------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -- -------- - Bus. OwnerjCurrency Exchange OQ3�68 Price, Guy R. 458 E. Bernard West St. Paul, MN Rainbow Foods 55118 003151 Rasmussen, Diane K. Apt. 1 185 E. Thompson Ave. St. Pau1, MN 55118 Membership Coardinator YMCA 003136 Saeks, cayle 1805 Eagle Ridge Drive, #1 Saint Paul, Mi3 55118 Vocational Improvemt Develaper 003191 Scroggins , Marvin M. 1901 Morgan Avenue N. Minneapolis, MN 55411 Business Manager 003253 Stedman, Amy 2446 King Avenue St. Paul� MN 55119 Employment Coordinator 00324Q Whitcomb, Ron 1781 Hillcrest Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Bank President 003171 Wilcox, Rachel A. #1910 66 E- 9th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Vocational Counselor 3 15 64B 2 17 W 09j27/95 M W 03j11j96 F W 02/22/96 F B 06j20j96 M W 12/02j96 F W 11j18/96 M W 06j03/96 F 003167 Yusten, Peggy 7 1 W 03/18J96 F �l� by 01-16-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : PZC Work£orce Development Council FQR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 AFPLICANT J REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -- -----�-- - 616 Wiggins Road St. Paul, MN 55119 AdministratorJVP Program Svcs. !'^ � { ("t t �, f f;. � f � �...d E `. � �` i ( �, 1- � RESOLUTION Council Eile # Green Sheet # 0 Presented By Referred To i 2 3 4 s 6 � s 9 io il Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the SAINT PAUL W ORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCII�. EDUCATION REPRESENTATIVE Dr. Mary Thornton Phillips shalt serve a two-year term. This term will espire on June 30,1998. PTtI'VATE SECTOR REYRESENTATIVE Amy Stedman shall fill the uneapired term of John Hoffner. This term shall espire on June 30, 1945. , E Requested by Department oE: Adopted by Council: Date � y�� � T `��'� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary r By: \� c� . Approved by Mayor: Date z(5'7'� Hy: �f� (` "' ( t By: Form Appro d by City Attorney ` ���� �/C— J BY= yr G� �/J �^ Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Council � � � � �� BY� AV l IC --- � � r V `�1 ���� UEPAFCIhIRITAFFICEACOUNCIL OATE INITWTED `'+ V L 1..(. Mayor Norm Coleman`s Office 1-15-97 GREEN SHEE CONTACf PERSON & PNONE �NITIAVDATE INRIAVDATE � DEPAR7MEM DIflE � C1iY COIINCIL Ro er Curtis 266-8531 ^��" �cinnnonNev �CIT'CLERK NUMBEfl FON MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (DATE) qOUTING O BUDGET OIRECTOR � PIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DiR. OtiDEP f'1 MpYOR (OR ASSISTANn � '- " 4–+ TOTAL # OF SIGPlATURE PAGES _i-(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACf10N REQUESTEO: Approval of appointments of inembers to the Saint Paul Workforce Development Council. EDUCATION REPRESENTATIVE: Dr. Mary Thornton Phillips. PRIVATE SECTOR REPRESENTATIVE: Amy Stedman filling unexpired term of John Hoffner. REGOMMEN�A710NS: Approve (A) or Reject (F) pERSONAL SERVECE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW ER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIANNMG COMMISS�QN _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMfSS10N �� Has mis personttirm ever worked under a contred for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personnrm ever been a ciiy employee? —'`�'�� — YES NO _ DISTRICT CAURT _ 3. Does this persoNfiRn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curlent city employee? SUPPOHTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain e11 yes answers on saparate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY (W1w. What. When. Where. WhY): AOVANTAGES IF APPROVED. mi4$L°.e'�a32 4`:�''�S'�+'°��P1°Se9z Y95! �ert"! DISA�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED' � � ° (J:. ,� 5.+1�'[f ��' .._ _�_ u., r�... ,. � �. �_�..._..- ._ ' . ��)� { � - . . � 1bYe7S' 'R! � �V4b - .«�.'�.+�..' DISADVANTACaES IF NOTAPPROVED: ��� s���� ��J �� �:%�� �t�,Y�"�'� t°lc�'�d�i T07AL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIALINFORMATION'�EXPLAIN) g1 �� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: FROM: LZ��JI � Saint Paui City Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Mark Mauer Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Janice Rettman Roger C. Curtis � C Assistant to the Mayor January 16, 1997 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCII. Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following people be appointed to serve on the Workforce Development Council. Education Representative Dr. Mary Thornton Phillips Private Sector ReRresentative Amy Stedman shall serve the remainder of John Hoffner's unexpired term Attached is the resolution recommending these individuais and copies of their applications. Also attached is an applicant report ]isting all applicants on file since January 1, 1994. Ifyou have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8531. RCC:drm Attachments cc: 1Vancy Ai�deFSOn Research 3acqui Shoholm, Workforce Development Council Director OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �� � (: ��� 390 CITY HAT.L �� �O� Z� � SAINT PAIIL, MIP7bIESOTA 55102 - DEC 2 266-8525= FAX: 266-8513 3 199fi N n --�i , - �I - i i � tTame : � r c �c Home Address: Street . City • �"/'. L � 2 �JC Telephone Nvmber. CHome) ���� ��� T�"� CAOrk) ,�� ;/ J � / ( AX) 'f� �'�'� f � J Planning District Covncil: J City Counc3l Aard: / Pze£erzed 2Sai2ing Address: � �Z YYJ � ; What is your occupation? riY'YYIej'' YJG� t.-YICil1(F��( ;'' ��/Il ( ( i9 /1 )� 1� f��i'Y� i-��� � tl�/ -� 1 Lf f r, � --F t�c 1 I�csar o f�duc4� Place of E�ployment: ,[%�i+ri Ci {` �C� � �• C� � � �(2i� r r�_ � ��" � �. -Y Coa�itteeCs) 9PPli.ed For: J��` ��C11 �/)t"k, ����(��Q/�iYIC'1'1`f' , SThat skills/traini,ng or eaperience do you possess �or the committee(s) for vhich you seek appointment? �r� �� �� r � iP�1 r`s �-� ��D i �t t� �f'� �r' F�'�"�d t" �� 0 0 ,� 1 The information included in this application is considered private dzta according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this infoxmation is not released to the general public. � Rev.4/21/93 PERSONAL REFERENCES Addzess: ��-�� Name:��l�'iJ �� C.���� � � �jQ��.� Address Pfione Name Have yau had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? �/ i . � ,. // ,, � v v � J-df'--�'-1�� In an attempt to ensure tfiat co�ittee =epresentation reflects the makeup oP our co�unity, please check the li.ne applicable to pau. This information is strictlq voluntary, Ahite (Caucasian} Hispanic ✓ Black (African 9merican) Asian oz Pacific Is2ander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � xa, e °�/� Female � Date oE Birth: Disabled: Yes No " If special accommodations aze needed, please speci£q. How did you hear about this openingT v�.J /l CI �� �� �� ] Phone: 'lHoace) . _ ,�:G�2 6--�� -�S LfVnrkl ,-�i9_� —�-/l1 �3 Phone __ CHome) '`�' �i 5 — cZ ;� �,:� (Aork) � Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: PEBSONAL REFERE2ICES L Name:�( Address :_�_� Phone: "caome) "� , G �t �1- �`i Name: �i !(`,� � � t GI'I f' 6 P y� 1 �� I Q f'1'1.� Address Pfione; Name:� Address Reasons £or yovr i.nterest in this particular committee 1�! �C�. �" 1 YYI 2.. (�� i9 YYI ✓YI / °�'�7�.��/i -�' � Bave pou had previous contact vith the committee £or vhich you aze making application. I£ so, vhen, and circumstances? �J s . 1 _ /! „ i n�-��.�-�-� � �, � In an attempt to ensure that committee representation re£lects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicabie to pou, This in£ormation is strictly voluntary. Ahite (Caucasi.an) Hispanic !/ Black (Afzican American) Asian or Pacific Islander Amezican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Female � Date af Birth: � � Disabied: Yes _ No '" I£ special acco�odations are needed, please specify. Hov did you fiear about this opening7 �Xt l 1 G! �a tl Q� _ �a� .�� �� Name OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALI, SAS21T PAIIL, MINNESOTA -. 55 266-8525= FAX: 266-8513 SisL�� ���� DEC 0 2 199& ;:� `�C'r�� fl=tiC� V � � Home Address; a�yl9 ' { (V:Q � � � �}�(�i�Q � S�j����_ Street - City ZiP Telephone 2hzmber: (Home)�o � 2 '� 7�? c�.' (-� �(fa J� c�ork� t��t a -� a�1 �.t��> Planning District Gouncil: 4'J; Gity Cotimcil Aard: Preferred 2failing Address: Ahat is pour occupation? _ _ �YYL��eYt)�{' �'d�rd � . . Place�of Employmentc �-•'� Committee(s) Applied Bor: / Ahat skills/training or eaperience do you possess for the committee(s) £or vhich you seek appointment? . � �' � . _ �. _ . ,� ' - ...� • �_! a . The infoxmation included 9n this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Goverment Data Yractices Act. As a result, this ix�£ormation is not released to the gene=al public. (OVER} Rev.4/ �J..:• ��. r .- �,�..v�� ., ' � PERSONAL REFERENCES Address:_ _ . 5�7V_ —��� i%(�L�'-�v ri��_/�(/� . ��LT�P�IjP.(_!) �/I� J.S� �� � �' Phone: YHome) �l�� � f�q �o (Aork) C9S�' /07 [� Name: I�$?,V'C' �Cl� ��� � - - - --- � � - Addzess: cS7� � LtM_4 e `X°XCd. �k3P �CX.7/1'ZC.� �/J �S � �o� Phone: (Home) �� J�8c5 (Work) ���' S�J�jZ Name : jJGYl1Y\,LP � �Gu�� Address Phone : CHome) � �J� — Q (9� � (Aork) �-( � O� "` I � � `�. Reasons for your interest in this particular co�ittee: �:l..e.� lt� �� s . f�• ....�L� _ e �.. ii�L>� i- , � ' _ � _ _ � � .' i � • \\L� ►L � Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensvze that committee representation reflects the makeup of ovr community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is stri.ctly voluntary_ � White (Caucasian) B1ack (A£rican American) American Indian or Alaslcan Eskimo Male _� Female Date of $irth: Hispanic Asian or Paci£ic Islander Disabled: Yes No � I£ special accommodations are needed, please speci£y. How did pou hear about this openi.ng? �C?�i� m;a.dl�tor� � lU{1YllC��NP(v�tGX$Uv PERSONAL REFEAENCES Name Addr� Phone_ YHome) �18� ' �J q �o (Aork) (JU'�'f � /�� O ��e: - Tiw.�e-Sc�.� ��Q-�f gdd=ess: �5�17 �QO�. a��_ ma.��e� m� ss��� Phone: (Home) '7 7� - � �5 't (Gork� �� ' S88 2.. L �ll�! a�.l � Address: q��210 lt�('Y'1� 1.�..C�CJLDtLUlLt,f l�+� � .-, .,. Yhone: cHome) � �J� ' (9 c�. (York) �� C71 :.� � Reasons £or your interest in this particular co�ittee: . .u1..t.� x ��i 1� .,, ���� �.�L � � �.. � i�l�oa_..i, � � " � _ _ �.'_j ��� �,�� ►L.. Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich pou are making application. I£ so, vhen, and circumsYanees? In an attempt to ensvre that committee representation reflects the makeup of our co�unitp, please check the line applicable to pou. This information is strictly volvntary. � Ahite (Caucasian) Black <Africaa Ameriean) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male � Female Date of Birth: Disabled: Yes No � Hispanic Asian or Yacific Islander If special accommodations are needed, please speci£p. Hov did you hear about this opening7 � q"�c b�{ 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : PIC workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G 003139 Cardinal, Robert J. 161 Iowa Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Busienss Broker 002943 Gunderson, Patricia 283 N. Avon Street St. Paul, MN 55104 Self Employed 003186 Jefferson, Shirley A. #1112 2285 Stewart Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55116 Human Resources Professional 003247 McCarty, Steven N. 1356 N. Victoria Street St. Paul, MN 55117 Auman Resources Manager 003146 Nault, Brigid 2392 South Shore Blvd. White Bear lake, MN 55110 Ex. Dir./Midway Family YMCA 001627 Paulson, Altin R. 555 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Marketing Manager 000013 Phillips, Mary Thornton 2212 Powers Ave. St. Pau1, MN 55119 Chair/St. Paul Bd. of Ed. DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMNtZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -- -------- - 5 5 W 02J26J96 M 1 8 W 02/1�J95 F B 06/11/96 F W 11/14/96 M W 03J06f96 F 1 8 NA 09f25f95 M Parks Recreation Commission 7 1 67 B 12f23J46 F 003175 Potts, Curt 6 5 W 06j10/96 M 01-16-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT �-� by PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : PIC Workforce Development Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 ' APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WAR➢ PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING 6N) --------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -- -------- - Bus. OwnerjCurrency Exchange OQ3�68 Price, Guy R. 458 E. Bernard West St. Paul, MN Rainbow Foods 55118 003151 Rasmussen, Diane K. Apt. 1 185 E. Thompson Ave. St. Pau1, MN 55118 Membership Coardinator YMCA 003136 Saeks, cayle 1805 Eagle Ridge Drive, #1 Saint Paul, Mi3 55118 Vocational Improvemt Develaper 003191 Scroggins , Marvin M. 1901 Morgan Avenue N. Minneapolis, MN 55411 Business Manager 003253 Stedman, Amy 2446 King Avenue St. Paul� MN 55119 Employment Coordinator 00324Q Whitcomb, Ron 1781 Hillcrest Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Bank President 003171 Wilcox, Rachel A. #1910 66 E- 9th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Vocational Counselor 3 15 64B 2 17 W 09j27/95 M W 03j11j96 F W 02/22/96 F B 06j20j96 M W 12/02j96 F W 11j18/96 M W 06j03/96 F 003167 Yusten, Peggy 7 1 W 03/18J96 F �l� by 01-16-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : PZC Work£orce Development Council FQR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 AFPLICANT J REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE ET APP DATE G DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -- -----�-- - 616 Wiggins Road St. Paul, MN 55119 AdministratorJVP Program Svcs.