97-639Council File # C� ` bJ� Ordinance # Green Sheet # � 7 ��� Presented By Referred To 57 Committee: Date i 2 3 RESOLVED: That application (ID #18760) for a Gas Statlon, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License by Super America Group Division of Asliland DBA SuperAmerica #4425 (Alan Stewart, Manager) at 275 McKnight Road South be and ffie same is hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas a a se 7 B a e�Tc y S Bostrom 9 Harris —�- 10 P e a == 11 _� 14 T ort��n 15 � 16 Adopted by Council: Date �\ 5� �q�'� 17 ��.. 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 " 20 21 By: � � � 22 `' _ / 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �/ 'a- 24 �- 25 �1 ( 26 By: �^-�"' � 27 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA • - -�-- - - •�- 4 •,n - •, By: 17 .t.t � Form Approved by City Attorney �� _ By: � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ���3� A � 6 �,�,���N��� DATE INRIATED GREEN SHEE s � ��� ' LIEP(Licensin INRIAVDATE INmAWATE CONTACT PERSON & PMONE O OEPApTMENT �IRECTOF � CITY GOUNCIL Christine Rozek 266-9108 ''�'�" � cmnrroaNer O CITYCLERK MUST BE ON GOUNCIL AGENDA BV (DAT� NUYBEN GOA O gUDGET DIRECTOF � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. POUTING �] � OROEA � MpypR (OR ASSISTANn � For hearin : D TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SICaNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: The SuperAmerica Group Division o£ Ashland DBA SuperAmerica ��4425 requests Council approval o£ its application for a Gas Station, Restauran[-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 275 McKnight Road South (ID Ik18760). RECOMMENOA71�N5: Approve (A) or RejeG (R) PEHSONAL SERVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIOWING QUEST�ONS: _ PLANN W G COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this person�rm ever worked u�der a carrtrac[ for Mis departmanY? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ SrAFF 2. Has this person�rm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DIS7ta1CT COUR7 _ 3. Does this person/tirm possess a skill not no�ma�ly pos5essetl by any currern city employee? SUPPORTS WHICN COUNCIL OBJECfIVE? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on seperate sheet ana atteeh to green ahcet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPpRTUNITY (Who, What, When. Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED' �.91».�..�,._ .-_,__, .d.. �`:,,_.A.. i�i,�: s i `'� i:J�f � ,. -- -_ . __ _._ .�„w.��.=� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPRQVED' TOTAL AMOUTIT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTIREVEICUE BUDGETED (CiRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiG SOUACE ACTIVITY NUMeER FiNANqAL WFORFlA710N: (EXPLAIN) G�eensneet# 37934 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 / In Trackef? App'n Received J App'n Processed q�b3�t LicenselD # 18760 L�cense Type�as Station Restaurant-C, Gxocexv-C, and CiQarette Licen CAmpany Name:SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA:SuverAmerica �/4425 Business Addresss: 275 McKnight Road South Business Phone: 739-5012 Contact Name/Address: L�7-an Stewart, 275 McKni�ht Road So Home Phone: Date ta Council Research: 55119 Public Hearing Date: �i �Z� � Labeis Ordered: /✓� Notice Sent to Appiicant: District Council #: � a�� a..� Notice Sent to Public: � �` �� Ward #: f ( Departmentf Date Inspections Comments City Attorney �'2�'l�- Environmental Heaith N• �► • License � �� c �� � � 1 E.i Police �:�r.r�� Site Plan Received:_ Lease Received: Zoning ._ MFlR-19-1997 11�08 CITY �F ST PRUL LIEP (4. (olJ � b3� �,(.�$S �j CITY OF SAINT PAUT. �± LICENSE APPLICATI4N �"�� 1 -YDr' ��P�ssa�zo ��.� �� �' � �i ao, Wrz3. � i � �, ��� �<���z6 �rv�ccYikz , �° . s �r c r ' �°�. �sr �S PLEASE TYPE OR PR1NT IN 7rIIC �� Tcge of Licease(S) ban� CompsnyName: � �cli�9'��.«•�G`� Cafpoc.ti� � PuG�a+hip � Sole Proprivarship Sf ��uiness is incoiparated, 8re aste of incoiporat;on: _ 17oia8 Business As: � 4�..]�{ �. �N4�1 R! GQ sc«s aaa��,. „ Bmvaa what cross streers is the bv9ness located? ,_ Are the preAises now :edT tA' What T Msi1 To .9ddress: _�� U X! t� V V� F'r��r.r.� Applicant Infom Nmx and Titic: �—as- F'mc '.11'idA< �/ (Maidn) Last Tuk ' HoIDG.dl�7CS5: ��1 a G� f�� (/ O � S1sctAdd�ca City Stuc yip Date of Birtfi: I I�. (/ � V'� Place of $irth: Hame Pbone�.Ia61. 3 S7 �� 13 Ha�e }rov ever baen comicted of sup fciony, aime or violadon of anp ciry ozdinance other than trafftc? YES _ NO,�_ Date of azrest: Wherep ��8� Contiction: $eute�cc; Lut d�c nam�s and resideno�s of t2uce pers�ns of good motal characts, 6ving within the Twin Cities Me�o Area, not related to rhe appiicani or 5nmacia!]y interested m fhe premiss or business, who may ix refazed W as to tbe applicam's ch�acter: NAME ADDRESS pHp� B A�[� ���,4L� S— lY7�b—yaND S'y:S .�1�}�.s. G/�.�13�.53�7 �Iave :�wi��.�r�r . ♦ ., ... �►.a..�. t ,������� .. have an interesc in: 612 265 s '�df�'l ... i sum z� Witich side of the sh�eet? __ S/Z h°+. zi .`.L-Iw t r J , YES � NO ffyes, list ttu data mmd reasons fos revocavoa: 2/t8N1 MqR-19-1997 11�08 CITY QF gT�CIL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.04/05 . / �1.`l'�p`�j`� �oa-ous�€�oo��r�+t�sbus��s�°�`' i'�s �L.�'•'io �fnot,.ihou-ivaparaeJ'f1PERAMERICt1GROii�73 Z- + mess/Etq I�o�ment �i each parma (use additional psges if necessary): �.� xoxAddm+� scas�anse chy .3aw z;p � •'�ba F'rx\amc '-.fiddSoEoiti.l (-4t++des3 La Datcof8't3 HoseAd�xt� Srea:�e Ciry Sau Zip Zrnoae\`acbtt MNI�TES07A TAX IDENTIFICATiObi NFJNIBEfL - P�usuant to the La�zs of NGuaesota, i984, Chaptcr 502,Articic 8, Section Z(270.72) (Ta� C}ea�ce; Issusaoc of Licenses). &xnsiag siuhorities are requaed ta pmvidc to the State of bKuneso�a Commi.ssioaet of Revmue, the Mwnaosa busiaess tax ideatification numba sAd the socisl srcuriry nvmber of cech S�caue appHcant UudeY the k&aaesote Gwetnment Data Yraciices Aa �d sbe Feda�sl Pricacy Act of I974, we sre requir�d to ad�ise you of thc foIlow�ing regard'mg the use of tFse MIImcsota T�c Ideatificatiou NumSa: -?bis infaimation msy be usd to dmp tfie �tas... � reaewat of yoiu ficauc in the evmt you owe Mumesors ssles, employds witbboldv�g � motorvchicic exase t�e� - TJP°n mceis'm8 this udorms¢on. ttic liceosiag autbairy w�t suppIy it oaly to the M'innesota De.Pazaveat of Revcnuc. Iiowever, uada tha Fedasl Exc3�ge of 7nfarnation Agreemcn; the Depmtmcat of Revenue maY �PP1S this information tn 4u IMeraal Revenue Scvix . Mum�ta TaxI�tificffiiasNumbecs Csates & Use TaxDfiaubc) may be obramed from tLe state ofMnnaota, Susincss R�rds Departmau. lORivaParkPlazx(612-296-b181}. �.. .. /_. �oc:iat Securily Ncm�brr. ,� I � �l � �� � ' _ NFumcsota Ta�tic�ti5�aiioa N�ba: �i� �%Y.� t�S _ _ If a 2�auesota Tax Idcnrifica6on 2Vumbes is aot requi:ed fac the business bcing operated. indicatc so by ptacmg an'X' ia r}x �wx enctfo Arecw�g�to�ta�smzg�oress,�tiathisburiness? YES :dOI€thcmaazgaisnotthesxtne€srbeoperator, Plczse listyour emplo;ment history fot tLe prc«o•.0 fxve (5) reuperiod: List zII othes o�cus of t8e cospa. ztion: p�� T'tY7.E HOME HOV,$ BUSATESS DATEOF ;�p�,� (O�aHayd) � AAT�SS T'HO\'E Pi-IO2�'E BIltTH Council File # C� ` bJ� Ordinance # Green Sheet # � 7 ��� Presented By Referred To 57 Committee: Date i 2 3 RESOLVED: That application (ID #18760) for a Gas Statlon, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License by Super America Group Division of Asliland DBA SuperAmerica #4425 (Alan Stewart, Manager) at 275 McKnight Road South be and ffie same is hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas a a se 7 B a e�Tc y S Bostrom 9 Harris —�- 10 P e a == 11 _� 14 T ort��n 15 � 16 Adopted by Council: Date �\ 5� �q�'� 17 ��.. 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 " 20 ���� 21 By: �� 22 _/ 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �/ 'a- 24 25 � 26 By: �' 27 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA • - -�-- - - •�- 4 •,n - •, By: 17 .t.t � Form Approved by City Attorney �� _ By: � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ���3� A � 6 �,�,���N��� DATE INRIATED GREEN SHEE s � ��� ' LIEP(Licensin INRIAVDATE INmAWATE CONTACT PERSON & PMONE O OEPApTMENT �IRECTOF � CITY GOUNCIL Christine Rozek 266-9108 ''�'�" � cmnrroaNer O CITYCLERK MUST BE ON GOUNCIL AGENDA BV (DAT� NUYBEN GOA O gUDGET DIRECTOF � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. POUTING �] � OROEA � MpypR (OR ASSISTANn � For hearin : D TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SICaNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: The SuperAmerica Group Division o£ Ashland DBA SuperAmerica ��4425 requests Council approval o£ its application for a Gas Station, Restauran[-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 275 McKnight Road South (ID Ik18760). RECOMMENOA71�N5: Approve (A) or RejeG (R) PEHSONAL SERVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIOWING QUEST�ONS: _ PLANN W G COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this person�rm ever worked u�der a carrtrac[ for Mis departmanY? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ SrAFF 2. Has this person�rm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DIS7ta1CT COUR7 _ 3. Does this person/tirm possess a skill not no�ma�ly pos5essetl by any currern city employee? SUPPORTS WHICN COUNCIL OBJECfIVE? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on seperate sheet ana atteeh to green ahcet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPpRTUNITY (Who, What, When. Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED' �.91».�..�,._ .-_,__, .d.. �`:,,_.A.. i�i,�: s i `'� i:J�f � ,. -- -_ . __ _._ .�„w.��.=� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPRQVED' TOTAL AMOUTIT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTIREVEICUE BUDGETED (CiRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiG SOUACE ACTIVITY NUMeER FiNANqAL WFORFlA710N: (EXPLAIN) G�eensneet# 37934 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 / In Trackef? App'n Received J App'n Processed q�b3�t LicenselD # 18760 L�cense Type�as Station Restaurant-C, Gxocexv-C, and CiQarette Licen CAmpany Name:SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA:SuverAmerica �/4425 Business Addresss: 275 McKnight Road South Business Phone: 739-5012 Contact Name/Address: L�7-an Stewart, 275 McKni�ht Road So Home Phone: Date ta Council Research: 55119 Public Hearing Date: �i �Z� � Labeis Ordered: /✓� Notice Sent to Appiicant: District Council #: � a�� a..� Notice Sent to Public: � �` �� Ward #: f ( Departmentf Date Inspections Comments City Attorney �'2�'l�- Environmental Heaith N• �► • License � �� c �� � � 1 E.i Police �:�r.r�� Site Plan Received:_ Lease Received: Zoning ._ MFlR-19-1997 11�08 CITY �F ST PRUL LIEP (4. (olJ � b3� �,(.�$S �j CITY OF SAINT PAUT. �± LICENSE APPLICATI4N �"�� 1 -YDr' ��P�ssa�zo ��.� �� �' � �i ao, Wrz3. � i � �, ��� �<���z6 �rv�ccYikz , �° . s �r c r ' �°�. �sr �S PLEASE TYPE OR PR1NT IN 7rIIC �� Tcge of Licease(S) ban� CompsnyName: � �cli�9'��.«•�G`� Cafpoc.ti� � PuG�a+hip � Sole Proprivarship Sf ��uiness is incoiparated, 8re aste of incoiporat;on: _ 17oia8 Business As: � 4�..]�{ �. �N4�1 R! GQ sc«s aaa��,. „ Bmvaa what cross streers is the bv9ness located? ,_ Are the preAises now :edT tA' What T Msi1 To .9ddress: _�� U X! t� V V� F'r��r.r.� Applicant Infom Nmx and Titic: �—as- F'mc '.11'idA< �/ (Maidn) Last Tuk ' HoIDG.dl�7CS5: ��1 a G� f�� (/ O � S1sctAdd�ca City Stuc yip Date of Birtfi: I I�. (/ � V'� Place of $irth: Hame Pbone�.Ia61. 3 S7 �� 13 Ha�e }rov ever baen comicted of sup fciony, aime or violadon of anp ciry ozdinance other than trafftc? YES _ NO,�_ Date of azrest: Wherep ��8� Contiction: $eute�cc; Lut d�c nam�s and resideno�s of t2uce pers�ns of good motal characts, 6ving within the Twin Cities Me�o Area, not related to rhe appiicani or 5nmacia!]y interested m fhe premiss or business, who may ix refazed W as to tbe applicam's ch�acter: NAME ADDRESS pHp� B A�[� ���,4L� S— lY7�b—yaND S'y:S .�1�}�.s. G/�.�13�.53�7 �Iave :�wi��.�r�r . ♦ ., ... �►.a..�. t ,������� .. have an interesc in: 612 265 s '�df�'l ... i sum z� Witich side of the sh�eet? __ S/Z h°+. zi .`.L-Iw t r J , YES � NO ffyes, list ttu data mmd reasons fos revocavoa: 2/t8N1 MqR-19-1997 11�08 CITY QF gT�CIL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.04/05 . / �1.`l'�p`�j`� �oa-ous�€�oo��r�+t�sbus��s�°�`' i'�s �L.�'•'io �fnot,.ihou-ivaparaeJ'f1PERAMERICt1GROii�73 Z- + mess/Etq I�o�ment �i each parma (use additional psges if necessary): �.� xoxAddm+� scas�anse chy .3aw z;p � •'�ba F'rx\amc '-.fiddSoEoiti.l (-4t++des3 La Datcof8't3 HoseAd�xt� Srea:�e Ciry Sau Zip Zrnoae\`acbtt MNI�TES07A TAX IDENTIFICATiObi NFJNIBEfL - P�usuant to the La�zs of NGuaesota, i984, Chaptcr 502,Articic 8, Section Z(270.72) (Ta� C}ea�ce; Issusaoc of Licenses). &xnsiag siuhorities are requaed ta pmvidc to the State of bKuneso�a Commi.ssioaet of Revmue, the Mwnaosa busiaess tax ideatification numba sAd the socisl srcuriry nvmber of cech S�caue appHcant UudeY the k&aaesote Gwetnment Data Yraciices Aa �d sbe Feda�sl Pricacy Act of I974, we sre requir�d to ad�ise you of thc foIlow�ing regard'mg the use of tFse MIImcsota T�c Ideatificatiou NumSa: -?bis infaimation msy be usd to dmp tfie �tas... � reaewat of yoiu ficauc in the evmt you owe Mumesors ssles, employds witbboldv�g � motorvchicic exase t�e� - TJP°n mceis'm8 this udorms¢on. ttic liceosiag autbairy w�t suppIy it oaly to the M'innesota De.Pazaveat of Revcnuc. Iiowever, uada tha Fedasl Exc3�ge of 7nfarnation Agreemcn; the Depmtmcat of Revenue maY �PP1S this information tn 4u IMeraal Revenue Scvix . Mum�ta TaxI�tificffiiasNumbecs Csates & Use TaxDfiaubc) may be obramed from tLe state ofMnnaota, Susincss R�rds Departmau. lORivaParkPlazx(612-296-b181}. �.. .. /_. �oc:iat Securily Ncm�brr. ,� I � �l � �� � ' _ NFumcsota Ta�tic�ti5�aiioa N�ba: �i� �%Y.� t�S _ _ If a 2�auesota Tax Idcnrifica6on 2Vumbes is aot requi:ed fac the business bcing operated. indicatc so by ptacmg an'X' ia r}x �wx enctfo Arecw�g�to�ta�smzg�oress,�tiathisburiness? YES :dOI€thcmaazgaisnotthesxtne€srbeoperator, Plczse listyour emplo;ment history fot tLe prc«o•.0 fxve (5) reuperiod: List zII othes o�cus of t8e cospa. ztion: p�� T'tY7.E HOME HOV,$ BUSATESS DATEOF ;�p�,� (O�aHayd) � AAT�SS T'HO\'E Pi-IO2�'E BIltTH Council File # C� ` bJ� Ordinance # Green Sheet # � 7 ��� Presented By Referred To 57 Committee: Date i 2 3 RESOLVED: That application (ID #18760) for a Gas Statlon, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License by Super America Group Division of Asliland DBA SuperAmerica #4425 (Alan Stewart, Manager) at 275 McKnight Road South be and ffie same is hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas a a se 7 B a e�Tc y S Bostrom 9 Harris —�- 10 P e a == 11 _� 14 T ort��n 15 � 16 Adopted by Council: Date �\ 5� �q�'� 17 ��.. 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 " 20 ���� 21 By: �� 22 _/ 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �/ 'a- 24 25 � 26 By: �' 27 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA • - -�-- - - •�- 4 •,n - •, By: 17 .t.t � Form Approved by City Attorney �� _ By: � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ���3� A � 6 �,�,���N��� DATE INRIATED GREEN SHEE s � ��� ' LIEP(Licensin INRIAVDATE INmAWATE CONTACT PERSON & PMONE O OEPApTMENT �IRECTOF � CITY GOUNCIL Christine Rozek 266-9108 ''�'�" � cmnrroaNer O CITYCLERK MUST BE ON GOUNCIL AGENDA BV (DAT� NUYBEN GOA O gUDGET DIRECTOF � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. POUTING �] � OROEA � MpypR (OR ASSISTANn � For hearin : D TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SICaNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: The SuperAmerica Group Division o£ Ashland DBA SuperAmerica ��4425 requests Council approval o£ its application for a Gas Station, Restauran[-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 275 McKnight Road South (ID Ik18760). RECOMMENOA71�N5: Approve (A) or RejeG (R) PEHSONAL SERVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIOWING QUEST�ONS: _ PLANN W G COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this person�rm ever worked u�der a carrtrac[ for Mis departmanY? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ SrAFF 2. Has this person�rm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DIS7ta1CT COUR7 _ 3. Does this person/tirm possess a skill not no�ma�ly pos5essetl by any currern city employee? SUPPORTS WHICN COUNCIL OBJECfIVE? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on seperate sheet ana atteeh to green ahcet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPpRTUNITY (Who, What, When. Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED' �.91».�..�,._ .-_,__, .d.. �`:,,_.A.. i�i,�: s i `'� i:J�f � ,. -- -_ . __ _._ .�„w.��.=� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPRQVED' TOTAL AMOUTIT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTIREVEICUE BUDGETED (CiRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiG SOUACE ACTIVITY NUMeER FiNANqAL WFORFlA710N: (EXPLAIN) G�eensneet# 37934 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 / In Trackef? App'n Received J App'n Processed q�b3�t LicenselD # 18760 L�cense Type�as Station Restaurant-C, Gxocexv-C, and CiQarette Licen CAmpany Name:SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA:SuverAmerica �/4425 Business Addresss: 275 McKnight Road South Business Phone: 739-5012 Contact Name/Address: L�7-an Stewart, 275 McKni�ht Road So Home Phone: Date ta Council Research: 55119 Public Hearing Date: �i �Z� � Labeis Ordered: /✓� Notice Sent to Appiicant: District Council #: � a�� a..� Notice Sent to Public: � �` �� Ward #: f ( Departmentf Date Inspections Comments City Attorney �'2�'l�- Environmental Heaith N• �► • License � �� c �� � � 1 E.i Police �:�r.r�� Site Plan Received:_ Lease Received: Zoning ._ MFlR-19-1997 11�08 CITY �F ST PRUL LIEP (4. (olJ � b3� �,(.�$S �j CITY OF SAINT PAUT. �± LICENSE APPLICATI4N �"�� 1 -YDr' ��P�ssa�zo ��.� �� �' � �i ao, Wrz3. � i � �, ��� �<���z6 �rv�ccYikz , �° . s �r c r ' �°�. �sr �S PLEASE TYPE OR PR1NT IN 7rIIC �� Tcge of Licease(S) ban� CompsnyName: � �cli�9'��.«•�G`� Cafpoc.ti� � PuG�a+hip � Sole Proprivarship Sf ��uiness is incoiparated, 8re aste of incoiporat;on: _ 17oia8 Business As: � 4�..]�{ �. �N4�1 R! GQ sc«s aaa��,. „ Bmvaa what cross streers is the bv9ness located? ,_ Are the preAises now :edT tA' What T Msi1 To .9ddress: _�� U X! t� V V� F'r��r.r.� Applicant Infom Nmx and Titic: �—as- F'mc '.11'idA< �/ (Maidn) Last Tuk ' HoIDG.dl�7CS5: ��1 a G� f�� (/ O � S1sctAdd�ca City Stuc yip Date of Birtfi: I I�. (/ � V'� Place of $irth: Hame Pbone�.Ia61. 3 S7 �� 13 Ha�e }rov ever baen comicted of sup fciony, aime or violadon of anp ciry ozdinance other than trafftc? YES _ NO,�_ Date of azrest: Wherep ��8� Contiction: $eute�cc; Lut d�c nam�s and resideno�s of t2uce pers�ns of good motal characts, 6ving within the Twin Cities Me�o Area, not related to rhe appiicani or 5nmacia!]y interested m fhe premiss or business, who may ix refazed W as to tbe applicam's ch�acter: NAME ADDRESS pHp� B A�[� ���,4L� S— lY7�b—yaND S'y:S .�1�}�.s. G/�.�13�.53�7 �Iave :�wi��.�r�r . ♦ ., ... �►.a..�. t ,������� .. have an interesc in: 612 265 s '�df�'l ... i sum z� Witich side of the sh�eet? __ S/Z h°+. zi .`.L-Iw t r J , YES � NO ffyes, list ttu data mmd reasons fos revocavoa: 2/t8N1 MqR-19-1997 11�08 CITY QF gT�CIL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.04/05 . / �1.`l'�p`�j`� �oa-ous�€�oo��r�+t�sbus��s�°�`' i'�s �L.�'•'io �fnot,.ihou-ivaparaeJ'f1PERAMERICt1GROii�73 Z- + mess/Etq I�o�ment �i each parma (use additional psges if necessary): �.� xoxAddm+� scas�anse chy .3aw z;p � •'�ba F'rx\amc '-.fiddSoEoiti.l (-4t++des3 La Datcof8't3 HoseAd�xt� Srea:�e Ciry Sau Zip Zrnoae\`acbtt MNI�TES07A TAX IDENTIFICATiObi NFJNIBEfL - P�usuant to the La�zs of NGuaesota, i984, Chaptcr 502,Articic 8, Section Z(270.72) (Ta� C}ea�ce; Issusaoc of Licenses). &xnsiag siuhorities are requaed ta pmvidc to the State of bKuneso�a Commi.ssioaet of Revmue, the Mwnaosa busiaess tax ideatification numba sAd the socisl srcuriry nvmber of cech S�caue appHcant UudeY the k&aaesote Gwetnment Data Yraciices Aa �d sbe Feda�sl Pricacy Act of I974, we sre requir�d to ad�ise you of thc foIlow�ing regard'mg the use of tFse MIImcsota T�c Ideatificatiou NumSa: -?bis infaimation msy be usd to dmp tfie �tas... � reaewat of yoiu ficauc in the evmt you owe Mumesors ssles, employds witbboldv�g � motorvchicic exase t�e� - TJP°n mceis'm8 this udorms¢on. ttic liceosiag autbairy w�t suppIy it oaly to the M'innesota De.Pazaveat of Revcnuc. Iiowever, uada tha Fedasl Exc3�ge of 7nfarnation Agreemcn; the Depmtmcat of Revenue maY �PP1S this information tn 4u IMeraal Revenue Scvix . Mum�ta TaxI�tificffiiasNumbecs Csates & Use TaxDfiaubc) may be obramed from tLe state ofMnnaota, Susincss R�rds Departmau. lORivaParkPlazx(612-296-b181}. �.. .. /_. �oc:iat Securily Ncm�brr. ,� I � �l � �� � ' _ NFumcsota Ta�tic�ti5�aiioa N�ba: �i� �%Y.� t�S _ _ If a 2�auesota Tax Idcnrifica6on 2Vumbes is aot requi:ed fac the business bcing operated. indicatc so by ptacmg an'X' ia r}x �wx enctfo Arecw�g�to�ta�smzg�oress,�tiathisburiness? YES :dOI€thcmaazgaisnotthesxtne€srbeoperator, Plczse listyour emplo;ment history fot tLe prc«o•.0 fxve (5) reuperiod: List zII othes o�cus of t8e cospa. ztion: p�� T'tY7.E HOME HOV,$ BUSATESS DATEOF ;�p�,� (O�aHayd) � AAT�SS T'HO\'E Pi-IO2�'E BIltTH