97-638council File � �� `^� Ordinance # Green Sheet # � �3/7 ` - ° • RESOLUTfAN _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA S/ f� Presented By Referred To co�nic2ee: uace 1 RESOLVED: That application (ID #40618) for a Cias Station, Restaurant-C, Crrocery-C, and Cigarette License by z Super America Grwp Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica #4038 (Tom Kohloff, Manager) aY 3 390 Maryland Avenue East be and the same is hereby apprrned 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Navs Abse 7 B a�Tcep - 8 Bostrom �_ Office of License InsgPCtions and 9 Hasras 0 Per� � Environmental Protect�on 1 ma�s � 2 T une 4 Morton 5 '� � 6 Adopted by Council: Date ° 8 $Y ' 7 8 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 9 Form Approved by City Attorney 0 1 By: By. ' � 2 � 3 Approved by Mayor: Date �- 7�j �' 4 5 Approved by Mayor for Submission to 6 By: ( Council 7 Bye q"��.'?�g �PA�„��Tro����� DATEINfTIATED GREEN SHEE N_ 35317 LZEPJLicensin - -- CONTACT PEFiSON & PHONE a DEPARiMEM DIRECfOR O CT' CqUNdL �Nmp1ApTE Christine Rozek 266-9108 "�'�" �CITYATTORNEY aCffYCLERK MUST 6E ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA7E) p�� � BUDGET DIRECTO a FlN. & MGT, SERVICES DIR. r'OI hearin : `' �� �� OXDER �MAVOFl(ORASSIS7APIn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNANRE) ACTION fiEQUE5TED: The SuperAmerica 6roup Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica 9P4038 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License at 390 Maryland Avenue East (ID �f4�618). • RECOMMENDAttaNS: Approve (A) or Rajea (R) pEpSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLIOWING QUESTONS: _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CML SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this persoMirm ever worked under a conhact tor Mis department? - _ CIB COMMI7TEE _ YES NO —�� — 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES IJO � OIS7RIC7 COUR7 — 3. Does this persontttrm possess a skilf not nmmai city � N D�essed by am curtem emPlMee. Sl1PPORTSWHICHCWNCIIOeJECTNE4 YES NO Explein ell yes anawers on sepnrate sMet and altech to green sheat INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPfJflTUNITY (WFw. Wliaq When, Where, Why): ADVANTAGES �F APPROVED' DISADVANTA(iES IFAPPROVED: ���t5��6 �,;3t^�s�ye' �;�`��¢' fY�f�`� 3.2 7��iJ DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: ��� �, MAY 12 1991 �OE Ct7�.u�a TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/qEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� VES NO fUNDING SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPIAIN) Greensheet # 35317 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 ���'b3SS 4n Trackef? aPp'n Received / app'n �rocessed license 1D # 40618 License Type: Gas Station, Restaurant-C. Grocerv-C. Cig�rette Company Name:SuperAmerica Group Div of Ashland DBA: SunerAmerica ��4038 Business Addresss: 390 Marvland Avenue East Business Phone: 774-7270 Contact NamejAddress: Tom Kohloff, 390 Mar�land Ave E Home Phone: Date to Gouncil Research: 55101 Public Hearing Date: �� ��-- Labefs Ordered: �� Notice SeM to Notice Sent to Department/ City Attomey Date Inspections Z • Environmental Health -v�•Z`��- W � ►'t ' Fire License Police Zoning �� oistrict counofl #: 5 Ward #: � Commenis d•� Site Plan Received:_ Lease Received: � � v � �( 1 �•2.•�� �(� D. � , -f�" ��•� • MPR-19-1997 11-08 i c CITY OF ST PA!,iL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.02/06 � �n �n / S: c 11r''�o� C�-ASS T,II CITY OF SAINT PAtJI� ��of • �LiG�:�SEArF7_.ICATION . ����� A i : ,������ � � � ����z. �c�ky�u ��ot � �oao, ���. � � ��, �tsr�aaLrc ���� 5��t� �ffa7.d,��',rif*fr�-� PTFeC ETYPEORPR7NI'INR�TIC �a F}pe ofLiceose(s) bev� applied for: Compsny Name: J�}� ]��,14 {'Vl � t�.l L� Corpor�tioa /Pa�tnrs�tdp / Sok Pmpriamsleip If tiusinas is incotporated, give date o€ inco:posation: _ � s�,� as: ._.S.Se..�:� R. �1 •t ' ��Aaar�: ( 9U _.�Ti1�1/j2� Betwan what ccc�ss ss�teets is the b�uess locat�� Aie �hc premises now �upied? W}tat Type ofBusiness? � Ta �: P o �..�iu r �ruu� �� � �� Neme sud Tidc: s���`A� �--a� -36 �a3� 8��� ��a s� /__ .rs.o� ctty s� z�p Which side ofthe sne:z? ! IV��G+V � VOS/'Z-- c�Ty sw� y�,, /^_`, . ' - — i• . / .n . (Ma�aw) F�a r;}� ' xo� Aaa��: � G Q G /�� t f U d d` s�a naa�� c;� n.,� �, Date ofBirth; 1 ���—(� Piace of $irth: Home Phoae:bd L�� 13 Fiave yov ever bern com§cted of saq feloiay, crime or violat�on of any ciry ordinance other ihan traffic? YES _ NO�_ Dau of aFresc: Where7 ��&� Coaviction; Seacex�a; 1.ist ti�nvzra and �sidences of t5tte persons of good mora! charac[a, Gving within the Twiu Cifles Me�o Area, ao[ mlazed to rhe apglicant rn' financistly interested ia ihe premises or business, who may bc rcfared to as to tLe applicauYs cbaracter: Q N.e.lvlE ADDRESS /� p � PHON / V��� ���, S"� y 7� Q—ya�/V �.�.5 ./`-!'i"7/I� ro�.Z• T.3b'• �A M CH r'�V Cr � 1A -!bR 1� t 4�A. S� iV 1v - AsGtu Rn.` wL-{uv t ��. L, 33-�1 � Have au�'of the abov� named � i�� i�: YES � NO if yes, list tBe data and reasons for revocatioa: 2/I8N9 i•WR-19-1997 11�08 CITY �F ST PR Ut_ LIEP 612 266 9124 P.04/06 - �t"1�b�S Are }�ou Saiag to operuc iSis business pcisonally? 1'ES � NO If not, �rho w apa2Ie ��PER F1ME�L'1� C'ijQa�� F�Icx.LL.'rae: str�\a�e C:.y statc G P]czsc list your emplo;meat histoty for the prccso:ic five (5}; �y,�''� �eS£ i5 E infv:meaon for each parmer (use aaditionsl pages if nsxssazy): Fira\ame waawimou �.-•�•••••y — .. . 27o�eAddroe Svdz\rnc Ctt5 Swc Z:R Fnmo?5�&r Fia\ssx \�iddl<Foitial (�3ridm) L.at D�eofBath Hoae.4ddrut' Strat?:me Ciry Stau Zip Phouo?.4�mbe� MINtr'ESO7A TAX IDENT1fICA'FION NEJMBER - P�usuant to tt�e Isus of M»esots,1984, Chspter 502, Article 8, Section Z(270.72) (Ta� Clemancc; Issuana ofLicenses),llcrosing authorides fre reqe�ed to provido to t3e State of Mtnaesota Commissi�er of Reveaeu, the M�wnesota busiaess tax idarri5cation numbex aad the soeisl sxuriry rn�ber of each &cr�se applicaat Undei �he 2v&naesota C*w�mme�t Daca Praaices Aa �d rba fcdarl Priracy Act of 797a, we ffie requircd to a3oise you of the iollaw regarding tho use oftfie Mumaota Tax Ideutification NumSa: - Ihis infamatien may lx used to daaq t1x issuaaa � reaewaf ofyotff fiaasa in the evan you owe Mumcsots salas. emplo5'� s withholdmg or mo� vchic]e exase t�cc� - �F� �'+BS 4ris iufaamaaon, tfie lice¢sing autf�iry w�71 suppl3' it oaly a tfie Mwnesaea 1�e.Parmeat of Reventx. However, undec the Federal ExcL�ge of �nformatioa Agreamcat, tSe DePartmeat of Rcvenue maY �PPF3' this i�oratation to ilu 5rteraal Revewx Seivicc- - - M�as iax Id�tiGcat�c�Numbas Csales & Use T�+cNum}Xr) msY be � i� tLe Stste of Mnaesota, Bus;ness Rccor3s Dep� tu,ent. 10 }tiva Perk Pleza (612-2%6181� . . . - s�� s�cy r��: �L/�� /�-�-�5 C1 _�n� r�x ia��vo� x�n�: -!.� 3 c�.S _ Tf a M�anesota Tax Idunificaaoa Num6a is not requi:� fa tLe businas bcing operated, indicate so by pleciag aa'X" ia ihe box on e,e-, Are raa g�, to ��e n cazotger or esssxac ia this business? _�,G. yEg ;d0 If she maaxger is not the sEme fs tbe operator, List zll ottier o5�as of the oo:po: etion: ��� TT� �p?� HOVE BUSL�*ESS DATE OF :RA2vf�,� (�ceHe)d? � ADI�SS PHOVE PHO� 'BII2TH council File � �� `^� Ordinance # Green Sheet # � �3/7 ` - ° • RESOLUTfAN _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA S/ f� Presented By Referred To co�nic2ee: uace 1 RESOLVED: That application (ID #40618) for a Cias Station, Restaurant-C, Crrocery-C, and Cigarette License by z Super America Grwp Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica #4038 (Tom Kohloff, Manager) aY 3 390 Maryland Avenue East be and the same is hereby apprrned 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Navs Abse 7 B a�Tcep - 8 Bostrom �_ Office of License InsgPCtions and 9 Hasras 0 Per� � Environmental Protect�on 1 ma�s � 2 T une 4 Morton 5 '� � 6 Adopted by Council: Date ° 8 $Y ' 7 8 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 9 Form Approved by City Attorney 0 1 By: By. ' � 2 � 3 Approved by Mayor: Date �- 7�j �' 4 5 Approved by Mayor for Submission to 6 By: ( Council 7 Bye q"��.'?�g �PA�„��Tro����� DATEINfTIATED GREEN SHEE N_ 35317 LZEPJLicensin - -- CONTACT PEFiSON & PHONE a DEPARiMEM DIRECfOR O CT' CqUNdL �Nmp1ApTE Christine Rozek 266-9108 "�'�" �CITYATTORNEY aCffYCLERK MUST 6E ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA7E) p�� � BUDGET DIRECTO a FlN. & MGT, SERVICES DIR. r'OI hearin : `' �� �� OXDER �MAVOFl(ORASSIS7APIn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNANRE) ACTION fiEQUE5TED: The SuperAmerica 6roup Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica 9P4038 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License at 390 Maryland Avenue East (ID �f4�618). • RECOMMENDAttaNS: Approve (A) or Rajea (R) pEpSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLIOWING QUESTONS: _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CML SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this persoMirm ever worked under a conhact tor Mis department? - _ CIB COMMI7TEE _ YES NO —�� — 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES IJO � OIS7RIC7 COUR7 — 3. Does this persontttrm possess a skilf not nmmai city � N D�essed by am curtem emPlMee. Sl1PPORTSWHICHCWNCIIOeJECTNE4 YES NO Explein ell yes anawers on sepnrate sMet and altech to green sheat INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPfJflTUNITY (WFw. Wliaq When, Where, Why): ADVANTAGES �F APPROVED' DISADVANTA(iES IFAPPROVED: ���t5��6 �,;3t^�s�ye' �;�`��¢' fY�f�`� 3.2 7��iJ DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: ��� �, MAY 12 1991 �OE Ct7�.u�a TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/qEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� VES NO fUNDING SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPIAIN) Greensheet # 35317 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 ���'b3SS 4n Trackef? aPp'n Received / app'n �rocessed license 1D # 40618 License Type: Gas Station, Restaurant-C. Grocerv-C. Cig�rette Company Name:SuperAmerica Group Div of Ashland DBA: SunerAmerica ��4038 Business Addresss: 390 Marvland Avenue East Business Phone: 774-7270 Contact NamejAddress: Tom Kohloff, 390 Mar�land Ave E Home Phone: Date to Gouncil Research: 55101 Public Hearing Date: �� ��-- Labefs Ordered: �� Notice SeM to Notice Sent to Department/ City Attomey Date Inspections Z • Environmental Health -v�•Z`��- W � ►'t ' Fire License Police Zoning �� oistrict counofl #: 5 Ward #: � Commenis d•� Site Plan Received:_ Lease Received: � � v � �( 1 �•2.•�� �(� D. � , -f�" ��•� • MPR-19-1997 11-08 i c CITY OF ST PA!,iL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.02/06 � �n �n / S: c 11r''�o� C�-ASS T,II CITY OF SAINT PAtJI� ��of • �LiG�:�SEArF7_.ICATION . ����� A i : ,������ � � � ����z. �c�ky�u ��ot � �oao, ���. � � ��, �tsr�aaLrc ���� 5��t� �ffa7.d,��',rif*fr�-� PTFeC ETYPEORPR7NI'INR�TIC �a F}pe ofLiceose(s) bev� applied for: Compsny Name: J�}� ]��,14 {'Vl � t�.l L� Corpor�tioa /Pa�tnrs�tdp / Sok Pmpriamsleip If tiusinas is incotporated, give date o€ inco:posation: _ � s�,� as: ._.S.Se..�:� R. �1 •t ' ��Aaar�: ( 9U _.�Ti1�1/j2� Betwan what ccc�ss ss�teets is the b�uess locat�� Aie �hc premises now �upied? W}tat Type ofBusiness? � Ta �: P o �..�iu r �ruu� �� � �� Neme sud Tidc: s���`A� �--a� -36 �a3� 8��� ��a s� /__ .rs.o� ctty s� z�p Which side ofthe sne:z? ! IV��G+V � VOS/'Z-- c�Ty sw� y�,, /^_`, . ' - — i• . / .n . (Ma�aw) F�a r;}� ' xo� Aaa��: � G Q G /�� t f U d d` s�a naa�� c;� n.,� �, Date ofBirth; 1 ���—(� Piace of $irth: Home Phoae:bd L�� 13 Fiave yov ever bern com§cted of saq feloiay, crime or violat�on of any ciry ordinance other ihan traffic? YES _ NO�_ Dau of aFresc: Where7 ��&� Coaviction; Seacex�a; 1.ist ti�nvzra and �sidences of t5tte persons of good mora! charac[a, Gving within the Twiu Cifles Me�o Area, ao[ mlazed to rhe apglicant rn' financistly interested ia ihe premises or business, who may bc rcfared to as to tLe applicauYs cbaracter: Q N.e.lvlE ADDRESS /� p � PHON / V��� ���, S"� y 7� Q—ya�/V �.�.5 ./`-!'i"7/I� ro�.Z• T.3b'• �A M CH r'�V Cr � 1A -!bR 1� t 4�A. S� iV 1v - AsGtu Rn.` wL-{uv t ��. L, 33-�1 � Have au�'of the abov� named � i�� i�: YES � NO if yes, list tBe data and reasons for revocatioa: 2/I8N9 i•WR-19-1997 11�08 CITY �F ST PR Ut_ LIEP 612 266 9124 P.04/06 - �t"1�b�S Are }�ou Saiag to operuc iSis business pcisonally? 1'ES � NO If not, �rho w apa2Ie ��PER F1ME�L'1� C'ijQa�� F�Icx.LL.'rae: str�\a�e C:.y statc G P]czsc list your emplo;meat histoty for the prccso:ic five (5}; �y,�''� �eS£ i5 E infv:meaon for each parmer (use aaditionsl pages if nsxssazy): Fira\ame waawimou �.-•�•••••y — .. . 27o�eAddroe Svdz\rnc Ctt5 Swc Z:R Fnmo?5�&r Fia\ssx \�iddl<Foitial (�3ridm) L.at D�eofBath Hoae.4ddrut' Strat?:me Ciry Stau Zip Phouo?.4�mbe� MINtr'ESO7A TAX IDENT1fICA'FION NEJMBER - P�usuant to tt�e Isus of M»esots,1984, Chspter 502, Article 8, Section Z(270.72) (Ta� Clemancc; Issuana ofLicenses),llcrosing authorides fre reqe�ed to provido to t3e State of Mtnaesota Commissi�er of Reveaeu, the M�wnesota busiaess tax idarri5cation numbex aad the soeisl sxuriry rn�ber of each &cr�se applicaat Undei �he 2v&naesota C*w�mme�t Daca Praaices Aa �d rba fcdarl Priracy Act of 797a, we ffie requircd to a3oise you of the iollaw regarding tho use oftfie Mumaota Tax Ideutification NumSa: - Ihis infamatien may lx used to daaq t1x issuaaa � reaewaf ofyotff fiaasa in the evan you owe Mumcsots salas. emplo5'� s withholdmg or mo� vchic]e exase t�cc� - �F� �'+BS 4ris iufaamaaon, tfie lice¢sing autf�iry w�71 suppl3' it oaly a tfie Mwnesaea 1�e.Parmeat of Reventx. However, undec the Federal ExcL�ge of �nformatioa Agreamcat, tSe DePartmeat of Rcvenue maY �PPF3' this i�oratation to ilu 5rteraal Revewx Seivicc- - - M�as iax Id�tiGcat�c�Numbas Csales & Use T�+cNum}Xr) msY be � i� tLe Stste of Mnaesota, Bus;ness Rccor3s Dep� tu,ent. 10 }tiva Perk Pleza (612-2%6181� . . . - s�� s�cy r��: �L/�� /�-�-�5 C1 _�n� r�x ia��vo� x�n�: -!.� 3 c�.S _ Tf a M�anesota Tax Idunificaaoa Num6a is not requi:� fa tLe businas bcing operated, indicate so by pleciag aa'X" ia ihe box on e,e-, Are raa g�, to ��e n cazotger or esssxac ia this business? _�,G. yEg ;d0 If she maaxger is not the sEme fs tbe operator, List zll ottier o5�as of the oo:po: etion: ��� TT� �p?� HOVE BUSL�*ESS DATE OF :RA2vf�,� (�ceHe)d? � ADI�SS PHOVE PHO� 'BII2TH council File � �� `^� Ordinance # Green Sheet # � �3/7 ` - ° • RESOLUTfAN _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA S/ f� Presented By Referred To co�nic2ee: uace 1 RESOLVED: That application (ID #40618) for a Cias Station, Restaurant-C, Crrocery-C, and Cigarette License by z Super America Grwp Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica #4038 (Tom Kohloff, Manager) aY 3 390 Maryland Avenue East be and the same is hereby apprrned 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Navs Abse 7 B a�Tcep - 8 Bostrom �_ Office of License InsgPCtions and 9 Hasras 0 Per� � Environmental Protect�on 1 ma�s � 2 T une 4 Morton 5 '� � 6 Adopted by Council: Date ° 8 $Y ' 7 8 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 9 Form Approved by City Attorney 0 1 By: By. ' � 2 � 3 Approved by Mayor: Date �- 7�j �' 4 5 Approved by Mayor for Submission to 6 By: ( Council 7 Bye q"��.'?�g �PA�„��Tro����� DATEINfTIATED GREEN SHEE N_ 35317 LZEPJLicensin - -- CONTACT PEFiSON & PHONE a DEPARiMEM DIRECfOR O CT' CqUNdL �Nmp1ApTE Christine Rozek 266-9108 "�'�" �CITYATTORNEY aCffYCLERK MUST 6E ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA7E) p�� � BUDGET DIRECTO a FlN. & MGT, SERVICES DIR. r'OI hearin : `' �� �� OXDER �MAVOFl(ORASSIS7APIn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNANRE) ACTION fiEQUE5TED: The SuperAmerica 6roup Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica 9P4038 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License at 390 Maryland Avenue East (ID �f4�618). • RECOMMENDAttaNS: Approve (A) or Rajea (R) pEpSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLIOWING QUESTONS: _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CML SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this persoMirm ever worked under a conhact tor Mis department? - _ CIB COMMI7TEE _ YES NO —�� — 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES IJO � OIS7RIC7 COUR7 — 3. Does this persontttrm possess a skilf not nmmai city � N D�essed by am curtem emPlMee. Sl1PPORTSWHICHCWNCIIOeJECTNE4 YES NO Explein ell yes anawers on sepnrate sMet and altech to green sheat INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPfJflTUNITY (WFw. Wliaq When, Where, Why): ADVANTAGES �F APPROVED' DISADVANTA(iES IFAPPROVED: ���t5��6 �,;3t^�s�ye' �;�`��¢' fY�f�`� 3.2 7��iJ DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: ��� �, MAY 12 1991 �OE Ct7�.u�a TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/qEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� VES NO fUNDING SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPIAIN) Greensheet # 35317 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 ���'b3SS 4n Trackef? aPp'n Received / app'n �rocessed license 1D # 40618 License Type: Gas Station, Restaurant-C. Grocerv-C. Cig�rette Company Name:SuperAmerica Group Div of Ashland DBA: SunerAmerica ��4038 Business Addresss: 390 Marvland Avenue East Business Phone: 774-7270 Contact NamejAddress: Tom Kohloff, 390 Mar�land Ave E Home Phone: Date to Gouncil Research: 55101 Public Hearing Date: �� ��-- Labefs Ordered: �� Notice SeM to Notice Sent to Department/ City Attomey Date Inspections Z • Environmental Health -v�•Z`��- W � ►'t ' Fire License Police Zoning �� oistrict counofl #: 5 Ward #: � Commenis d•� Site Plan Received:_ Lease Received: � � v � �( 1 �•2.•�� �(� D. � , -f�" ��•� • MPR-19-1997 11-08 i c CITY OF ST PA!,iL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.02/06 � �n �n / S: c 11r''�o� C�-ASS T,II CITY OF SAINT PAtJI� ��of • �LiG�:�SEArF7_.ICATION . ����� A i : ,������ � � � ����z. �c�ky�u ��ot � �oao, ���. � � ��, �tsr�aaLrc ���� 5��t� �ffa7.d,��',rif*fr�-� PTFeC ETYPEORPR7NI'INR�TIC �a F}pe ofLiceose(s) bev� applied for: Compsny Name: J�}� ]��,14 {'Vl � t�.l L� Corpor�tioa /Pa�tnrs�tdp / Sok Pmpriamsleip If tiusinas is incotporated, give date o€ inco:posation: _ � s�,� as: ._.S.Se..�:� R. �1 •t ' ��Aaar�: ( 9U _.�Ti1�1/j2� Betwan what ccc�ss ss�teets is the b�uess locat�� Aie �hc premises now �upied? W}tat Type ofBusiness? � Ta �: P o �..�iu r �ruu� �� � �� Neme sud Tidc: s���`A� �--a� -36 �a3� 8��� ��a s� /__ .rs.o� ctty s� z�p Which side ofthe sne:z? ! IV��G+V � VOS/'Z-- c�Ty sw� y�,, /^_`, . ' - — i• . / .n . (Ma�aw) F�a r;}� ' xo� Aaa��: � G Q G /�� t f U d d` s�a naa�� c;� n.,� �, Date ofBirth; 1 ���—(� Piace of $irth: Home Phoae:bd L�� 13 Fiave yov ever bern com§cted of saq feloiay, crime or violat�on of any ciry ordinance other ihan traffic? YES _ NO�_ Dau of aFresc: Where7 ��&� Coaviction; Seacex�a; 1.ist ti�nvzra and �sidences of t5tte persons of good mora! charac[a, Gving within the Twiu Cifles Me�o Area, ao[ mlazed to rhe apglicant rn' financistly interested ia ihe premises or business, who may bc rcfared to as to tLe applicauYs cbaracter: Q N.e.lvlE ADDRESS /� p � PHON / V��� ���, S"� y 7� Q—ya�/V �.�.5 ./`-!'i"7/I� ro�.Z• T.3b'• �A M CH r'�V Cr � 1A -!bR 1� t 4�A. S� iV 1v - AsGtu Rn.` wL-{uv t ��. L, 33-�1 � Have au�'of the abov� named � i�� i�: YES � NO if yes, list tBe data and reasons for revocatioa: 2/I8N9 i•WR-19-1997 11�08 CITY �F ST PR Ut_ LIEP 612 266 9124 P.04/06 - �t"1�b�S Are }�ou Saiag to operuc iSis business pcisonally? 1'ES � NO If not, �rho w apa2Ie ��PER F1ME�L'1� C'ijQa�� F�Icx.LL.'rae: str�\a�e C:.y statc G P]czsc list your emplo;meat histoty for the prccso:ic five (5}; �y,�''� �eS£ i5 E infv:meaon for each parmer (use aaditionsl pages if nsxssazy): Fira\ame waawimou �.-•�•••••y — .. . 27o�eAddroe Svdz\rnc Ctt5 Swc Z:R Fnmo?5�&r Fia\ssx \�iddl<Foitial (�3ridm) L.at D�eofBath Hoae.4ddrut' Strat?:me Ciry Stau Zip Phouo?.4�mbe� MINtr'ESO7A TAX IDENT1fICA'FION NEJMBER - P�usuant to tt�e Isus of M»esots,1984, Chspter 502, Article 8, Section Z(270.72) (Ta� Clemancc; Issuana ofLicenses),llcrosing authorides fre reqe�ed to provido to t3e State of Mtnaesota Commissi�er of Reveaeu, the M�wnesota busiaess tax idarri5cation numbex aad the soeisl sxuriry rn�ber of each &cr�se applicaat Undei �he 2v&naesota C*w�mme�t Daca Praaices Aa �d rba fcdarl Priracy Act of 797a, we ffie requircd to a3oise you of the iollaw regarding tho use oftfie Mumaota Tax Ideutification NumSa: - Ihis infamatien may lx used to daaq t1x issuaaa � reaewaf ofyotff fiaasa in the evan you owe Mumcsots salas. emplo5'� s withholdmg or mo� vchic]e exase t�cc� - �F� �'+BS 4ris iufaamaaon, tfie lice¢sing autf�iry w�71 suppl3' it oaly a tfie Mwnesaea 1�e.Parmeat of Reventx. However, undec the Federal ExcL�ge of �nformatioa Agreamcat, tSe DePartmeat of Rcvenue maY �PPF3' this i�oratation to ilu 5rteraal Revewx Seivicc- - - M�as iax Id�tiGcat�c�Numbas Csales & Use T�+cNum}Xr) msY be � i� tLe Stste of Mnaesota, Bus;ness Rccor3s Dep� tu,ent. 10 }tiva Perk Pleza (612-2%6181� . . . - s�� s�cy r��: �L/�� /�-�-�5 C1 _�n� r�x ia��vo� x�n�: -!.� 3 c�.S _ Tf a M�anesota Tax Idunificaaoa Num6a is not requi:� fa tLe businas bcing operated, indicate so by pleciag aa'X" ia ihe box on e,e-, Are raa g�, to ��e n cazotger or esssxac ia this business? _�,G. yEg ;d0 If she maaxger is not the sEme fs tbe operator, List zll ottier o5�as of the oo:po: etion: ��� TT� �p?� HOVE BUSL�*ESS DATE OF :RA2vf�,� (�ceHe)d? � ADI�SS PHOVE PHO� 'BII2TH