97-636council File � – \�b�v ordinance # Green Sheet # J �`� Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION 1 RESOLVED: That application (ID #22493) for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License by 2 Super America Crraup Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica #4020 (Bryan Raines, Manager) at 3 399 Lea7ngton Parkway North be and the same is hereby approved. 4 `' Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Nays s 9 B a ec y � 8 Bostrom � Off'ce of License Insgections and 9 Ha ris =_� 11 Me a�mran_ nv' o menta7 P o eCt�on 12 une 13 Morton 14 , i n ,/I � 15 jf(' /� 16 Adopted hy Council: Date B Y 0 17 1S Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 21 By: a � 22 23 Approved by Mayor: Date 24 25 Approved by Mayor for Submisaion to 26 By: � � Council 27 By: q�bSb „�..�.� DEPMNTMEM�OFFICE/COUNCIL �ATEINITIATED GREEN SHEE � I � L� LIEP/Licensing CONiACT PERSON & PHONE � DEFARTMENT DIRECTOR�rt�AL/DATE � CRV CAUNGIL �NITIAVOATE Christine Rozek, 266-9108 AS'��N �CR1'ATTORNEY OCffYCLERK NUYeERFOR MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (OA ) ROI/i1NG � BUDGET DIRECTO � FIN. & MC�L SERVICES ��R. For hearin : j`t, �� OADER � MAYOF (ORASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (GLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREj ACTION RE�UESTEO: The SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica Ii4020 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 399 Lexington Parkway North (ID 4122493). RECOMMENDnTIONS: npprove (A) or Reject (F) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrect for this department? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ STarF _ 2. Has this personffirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO _ DISTRICT CAURi _ 3. Does this per5on/Firm po55e55 a sklll no[ normall oSSeSSed y p by any cunent c"Ry employee? SUPPoRTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITV (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AOVANTAGES IF APPftOVEO: RECElV�D DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED. 1ERRY BLAK�f ,_a_. ; _ ��; ��. ,.-_°._.; i.:r;� 3� i��a .--- .�, _, h_��__���. DISA�VANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED' 707AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSi/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER PINANCIALINFORRfATION'(EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 37929 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST �ate: 3lz7/97 [ ln Tracket? npp'n aecetved / aap'n Processed ��b3b License ID # ZZk93 License Type�as Station Restaurant-C, Grocerv-C, and Ciearette Licen: Comp2ny Name: SuperAmerica Group Div3sion of Ashland DBA: SuverAmerica �k4020 Business Addresss: 399 LexinQton Parkway North Business Phone: 646-1611 ContaCt Name/Address: Brvan Raines, 399 Lexin�ton Pkwy No _ Home Phone: Date to Council Research: 55104 Public Hearing Date: 5 �-- Labels Ordered: i4�� Notice Sent to Applicant: District Councif #: � 3 Notice Sent to Pubtic: ���� L'"' Ward #: 1 Department/ Date lnspections Comme�ts City Attorney � •2 •�} O�� . Environmental Health N -I� Fire Q•�' License �� �� �����— Lease Received: 5�g��� Police �•2•9� �. . Zoning �� . MRR-19-1997 11�08 Y � CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP r� f4. . � '� C�,ASS III CI?Y flF SAIIVT PAUI. LiCENSE APP�,ICATION °$" `�'� �� Ap � �_��;� � 1 r ��p��.�� r�eN �w+�rxiax � �i � �oao, �t��. � � ��, ��� ���� �S i TC.L'RI°i't�i� 1 r � � � ���sh�O�, �t �7s+-a PLEASE 11'PE OR PRINT IN II�fIC �d 2ype of Lue�sets) b�g aPPHed for: Compffig Name: corye»tionf Pettnenh;p l sok Yropipam6;p I€busiaess is inwtpozated, 8Eve date ofiacorporation: _ �� s�,� as:?!`�it q___yh•t R� i�A B�� ��: _ 9 9 e�.A. �,. . _ - Betwan what cross s4eets is the busness located? Are the P�ises now occ ied7 W�t �ro��: __ P d ��. t Vc �� Applieant Infa=mation: f, � Name ead Tifle: .r�/�-$7/7.Q, SU 7 �� (� � Home Address: _� C� L] �/ L/�1 G--��. - 612 266 912q p, g2�6 ^--•— � s_ ? S_ L rL_dG � � s�si� Ph�nr bl,�. ��.I.s� �c.SJ� U� c;ty sw� Which side of the snctit? (bfni8c+) � �... � r f.'4,..;.� � rak 3b so-asnaaea � �, Scaw y� 77ate ofBirtfi; II •�I - L'7 Piace of $itth: Home Phone:�[t 6 5� % 3 Have you ever been comicted of saq fclrnry, aime or violation of any ary ordinance other than tcaffc? Dateofaires�; �� � NO .t' Chargc Convicfion; Seuteace; ��'�"$ ��sidences o�'three persons of good moral characta; li wrth�n the Twiu Cities Metro Az no[ rdatod to the �t fin�cislly interesta3 m ihe ptemises or bissiness, who may Ix rcfared to as to tbe applicanYs characler. � BPFlicant Q �� _A O �� ADDRESS F� n 1 I S ���I 7 O TRi� � J/ S PHONE ��.,...._. ,�_ . ��}�.s- �l�•Y3L.s�:� - N�w 8rt: wL-F.a t � � . �: � XES � NO ffYa, list t7u dates sad reaso�xs for revocarion: 2/t&9? I � ' � 612 266 9124 P.&1/06 J = =."� . �1 b3b _.�.ness pcsonatiy? 1'ES � NO ffnot, �x$o w5A operxte.�.1PER E1M�*$IL'� (�s�Q�� � ad�rm� sceecWe c� Areraig�3to�n�eanm?;ecaess.�vintbisbusiaess? YES v7ezsetomvle�e che follo� iw�ormEtioa: srm 4� Pkase list your emplo}ment histoiy for tbe pre�io:ts five (5j c•ea.r period: B �u' �A ess!E�qplo�ment Address n.,� z� :v0 If the msn2ger is noc the szme Es the operata, 7,.t{ Deu ofBir.7e .,�, ssiGS� � .t- [si6- s� z;� rn«���+�x, infa�mation for eaeh partner (use addiflonal paga if naxssazy): xzx ��3�C+.: saen.emc Ciir statc z,r �c?.4xiba Fcu.\vx '.fidd(e�isiJ (-�Lidea) Lau Deteof$cd+ HomeACSdtae' Sua1'.:+�c C'rty Stau ZiP YLone;.'umba MINI�TESOTA TAX IDENTffICATION NiJMBER - P�usuaat w the Lau•s of NGaaesota,1984, Chapcer 502, Artfcic 8, Scctian 2(270.72) (Tae Cleazanca, Lssvance of Liceas�s). &crosing authotiries are rec��ed to provide to the State of Mmnesota Commissioner ofRcvean4 the kfinnosotabus�ness sax id�ntificaUon rnttnba a�i tha soeiat secariry number of carh8ceuse applicsnL % Uuder the Mmaesota Gwermneat Data Yractias Aa aad tbe Fedasl Pricary Act of S 974, we ffie requircd to advise yau ofthc foIlovciag regard'mg tht use oftbe 2vfmnesossTaxIdenti8cationNumba: - Ihis inf�marion may be useJ to deaq ehe '�+.s...� � reaewet of yo�u Iiccuse ia th� eveat you owe Mmnesota sa7es. emPlogd's withholdmg a motor �e excise teoce� '�P°II �8 ��� the licensiag avthasity w�! supply it ontp to the lvf�nesoaa Deparmxat of IZtvcnue. However, undcr tbe Fedual ExcL�sge of informatioa Agrcement, the DePmtc°art of Revenue maY �PPil` this infora�afion m the 7�eraa3 Reve�t�e SSetvi� Mm�s Faxldmti6ca6aaNumbets (sales &7Js�T�xNuu�cjmsybe oFnained fra� tl,e Stste oiM�ota, Bus;ness Rxor3s Deparimen� I O Ri�a Park Plaza (612-296-6181} _. .. . _ ��, ���:?�C�..� a-�-as � _ ��T�������:1� 9�1:��5 ` tf a Miaaesosa Tax Idcntificarioa AIwaba u not requize3 for the business being operatad, indicau so by ptaciag aa'X` iu rLe box nnen� List zII ot�er o5cas of the c�pa:ztioa: p�� TT� gp?vI� HOV,E 8U5L'QESS DAT£ OF ?.�AL2F_ tOfftcxHeSd) . ADA�.55 PH01'£ PH02� BIRTH council File � – \�b�v ordinance # Green Sheet # J �`� Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION 1 RESOLVED: That application (ID #22493) for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License by 2 Super America Crraup Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica #4020 (Bryan Raines, Manager) at 3 399 Lea7ngton Parkway North be and the same is hereby approved. 4 `' Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Nays s 9 B a ec y � 8 Bostrom � Off'ce of License Insgections and 9 Ha ris =_� 11 Me a�mran_ nv' o menta7 P o eCt�on 12 une 13 Morton 14 , i n ,/I � 15 jf(' /� 16 Adopted hy Council: Date B Y 0 17 1S Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 21 By: a � 22 23 Approved by Mayor: Date 24 25 Approved by Mayor for Submisaion to 26 By: � � Council 27 By: q�bSb „�..�.� DEPMNTMEM�OFFICE/COUNCIL �ATEINITIATED GREEN SHEE � I � L� LIEP/Licensing CONiACT PERSON & PHONE � DEFARTMENT DIRECTOR�rt�AL/DATE � CRV CAUNGIL �NITIAVOATE Christine Rozek, 266-9108 AS'��N �CR1'ATTORNEY OCffYCLERK NUYeERFOR MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (OA ) ROI/i1NG � BUDGET DIRECTO � FIN. & MC�L SERVICES ��R. For hearin : j`t, �� OADER � MAYOF (ORASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (GLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREj ACTION RE�UESTEO: The SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica Ii4020 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 399 Lexington Parkway North (ID 4122493). RECOMMENDnTIONS: npprove (A) or Reject (F) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrect for this department? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ STarF _ 2. Has this personffirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO _ DISTRICT CAURi _ 3. Does this per5on/Firm po55e55 a sklll no[ normall oSSeSSed y p by any cunent c"Ry employee? SUPPoRTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITV (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AOVANTAGES IF APPftOVEO: RECElV�D DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED. 1ERRY BLAK�f ,_a_. ; _ ��; ��. ,.-_°._.; i.:r;� 3� i��a .--- .�, _, h_��__���. DISA�VANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED' 707AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSi/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER PINANCIALINFORRfATION'(EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 37929 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST �ate: 3lz7/97 [ ln Tracket? npp'n aecetved / aap'n Processed ��b3b License ID # ZZk93 License Type�as Station Restaurant-C, Grocerv-C, and Ciearette Licen: Comp2ny Name: SuperAmerica Group Div3sion of Ashland DBA: SuverAmerica �k4020 Business Addresss: 399 LexinQton Parkway North Business Phone: 646-1611 ContaCt Name/Address: Brvan Raines, 399 Lexin�ton Pkwy No _ Home Phone: Date to Council Research: 55104 Public Hearing Date: 5 �-- Labels Ordered: i4�� Notice Sent to Applicant: District Councif #: � 3 Notice Sent to Pubtic: ���� L'"' Ward #: 1 Department/ Date lnspections Comme�ts City Attorney � •2 •�} O�� . Environmental Health N -I� Fire Q•�' License �� �� �����— Lease Received: 5�g��� Police �•2•9� �. . Zoning �� . MRR-19-1997 11�08 Y � CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP r� f4. . � '� C�,ASS III CI?Y flF SAIIVT PAUI. LiCENSE APP�,ICATION °$" `�'� �� Ap � �_��;� � 1 r ��p��.�� r�eN �w+�rxiax � �i � �oao, �t��. � � ��, ��� ���� �S i TC.L'RI°i't�i� 1 r � � � ���sh�O�, �t �7s+-a PLEASE 11'PE OR PRINT IN II�fIC �d 2ype of Lue�sets) b�g aPPHed for: Compffig Name: corye»tionf Pettnenh;p l sok Yropipam6;p I€busiaess is inwtpozated, 8Eve date ofiacorporation: _ �� s�,� as:?!`�it q___yh•t R� i�A B�� ��: _ 9 9 e�.A. �,. . _ - Betwan what cross s4eets is the busness located? Are the P�ises now occ ied7 W�t �ro��: __ P d ��. t Vc �� Applieant Infa=mation: f, � Name ead Tifle: .r�/�-$7/7.Q, SU 7 �� (� � Home Address: _� C� L] �/ L/�1 G--��. - 612 266 912q p, g2�6 ^--•— � s_ ? S_ L rL_dG � � s�si� Ph�nr bl,�. ��.I.s� �c.SJ� U� c;ty sw� Which side of the snctit? (bfni8c+) � �... � r f.'4,..;.� � rak 3b so-asnaaea � �, Scaw y� 77ate ofBirtfi; II •�I - L'7 Piace of $itth: Home Phone:�[t 6 5� % 3 Have you ever been comicted of saq fclrnry, aime or violation of any ary ordinance other than tcaffc? Dateofaires�; �� � NO .t' Chargc Convicfion; Seuteace; ��'�"$ ��sidences o�'three persons of good moral characta; li wrth�n the Twiu Cities Metro Az no[ rdatod to the �t fin�cislly interesta3 m ihe ptemises or bissiness, who may Ix rcfared to as to tbe applicanYs characler. � BPFlicant Q �� _A O �� ADDRESS F� n 1 I S ���I 7 O TRi� � J/ S PHONE ��.,...._. ,�_ . ��}�.s- �l�•Y3L.s�:� - N�w 8rt: wL-F.a t � � . �: � XES � NO ffYa, list t7u dates sad reaso�xs for revocarion: 2/t&9? I � ' � 612 266 9124 P.&1/06 J = =."� . �1 b3b _.�.ness pcsonatiy? 1'ES � NO ffnot, �x$o w5A operxte.�.1PER E1M�*$IL'� (�s�Q�� � ad�rm� sceecWe c� Areraig�3to�n�eanm?;ecaess.�vintbisbusiaess? YES v7ezsetomvle�e che follo� iw�ormEtioa: srm 4� Pkase list your emplo}ment histoiy for tbe pre�io:ts five (5j c•ea.r period: B �u' �A ess!E�qplo�ment Address n.,� z� :v0 If the msn2ger is noc the szme Es the operata, 7,.t{ Deu ofBir.7e .,�, ssiGS� � .t- [si6- s� z;� rn«���+�x, infa�mation for eaeh partner (use addiflonal paga if naxssazy): xzx ��3�C+.: saen.emc Ciir statc z,r �c?.4xiba Fcu.\vx '.fidd(e�isiJ (-�Lidea) Lau Deteof$cd+ HomeACSdtae' Sua1'.:+�c C'rty Stau ZiP YLone;.'umba MINI�TESOTA TAX IDENTffICATION NiJMBER - P�usuaat w the Lau•s of NGaaesota,1984, Chapcer 502, Artfcic 8, Scctian 2(270.72) (Tae Cleazanca, Lssvance of Liceas�s). &crosing authotiries are rec��ed to provide to the State of Mmnesota Commissioner ofRcvean4 the kfinnosotabus�ness sax id�ntificaUon rnttnba a�i tha soeiat secariry number of carh8ceuse applicsnL % Uuder the Mmaesota Gwermneat Data Yractias Aa aad tbe Fedasl Pricary Act of S 974, we ffie requircd to advise yau ofthc foIlovciag regard'mg tht use oftbe 2vfmnesossTaxIdenti8cationNumba: - Ihis inf�marion may be useJ to deaq ehe '�+.s...� � reaewet of yo�u Iiccuse ia th� eveat you owe Mmnesota sa7es. emPlogd's withholdmg a motor �e excise teoce� '�P°II �8 ��� the licensiag avthasity w�! supply it ontp to the lvf�nesoaa Deparmxat of IZtvcnue. However, undcr tbe Fedual ExcL�sge of informatioa Agrcement, the DePmtc°art of Revenue maY �PPil` this infora�afion m the 7�eraa3 Reve�t�e SSetvi� Mm�s Faxldmti6ca6aaNumbets (sales &7Js�T�xNuu�cjmsybe oFnained fra� tl,e Stste oiM�ota, Bus;ness Rxor3s Deparimen� I O Ri�a Park Plaza (612-296-6181} _. .. . _ ��, ���:?�C�..� a-�-as � _ ��T�������:1� 9�1:��5 ` tf a Miaaesosa Tax Idcntificarioa AIwaba u not requize3 for the business being operatad, indicau so by ptaciag aa'X` iu rLe box nnen� List zII ot�er o5cas of the c�pa:ztioa: p�� TT� gp?vI� HOV,E 8U5L'QESS DAT£ OF ?.�AL2F_ tOfftcxHeSd) . ADA�.55 PH01'£ PH02� BIRTH council File � – \�b�v ordinance # Green Sheet # J �`� Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION 1 RESOLVED: That application (ID #22493) for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License by 2 Super America Crraup Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica #4020 (Bryan Raines, Manager) at 3 399 Lea7ngton Parkway North be and the same is hereby approved. 4 `' Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Nays s 9 B a ec y � 8 Bostrom � Off'ce of License Insgections and 9 Ha ris =_� 11 Me a�mran_ nv' o menta7 P o eCt�on 12 une 13 Morton 14 , i n ,/I � 15 jf(' /� 16 Adopted hy Council: Date B Y 0 17 1S Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 21 By: a � 22 23 Approved by Mayor: Date 24 25 Approved by Mayor for Submisaion to 26 By: � � Council 27 By: q�bSb „�..�.� DEPMNTMEM�OFFICE/COUNCIL �ATEINITIATED GREEN SHEE � I � L� LIEP/Licensing CONiACT PERSON & PHONE � DEFARTMENT DIRECTOR�rt�AL/DATE � CRV CAUNGIL �NITIAVOATE Christine Rozek, 266-9108 AS'��N �CR1'ATTORNEY OCffYCLERK NUYeERFOR MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (OA ) ROI/i1NG � BUDGET DIRECTO � FIN. & MC�L SERVICES ��R. For hearin : j`t, �� OADER � MAYOF (ORASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (GLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREj ACTION RE�UESTEO: The SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica Ii4020 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 399 Lexington Parkway North (ID 4122493). RECOMMENDnTIONS: npprove (A) or Reject (F) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrect for this department? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ STarF _ 2. Has this personffirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO _ DISTRICT CAURi _ 3. Does this per5on/Firm po55e55 a sklll no[ normall oSSeSSed y p by any cunent c"Ry employee? SUPPoRTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITV (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AOVANTAGES IF APPftOVEO: RECElV�D DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED. 1ERRY BLAK�f ,_a_. ; _ ��; ��. ,.-_°._.; i.:r;� 3� i��a .--- .�, _, h_��__���. DISA�VANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED' 707AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSi/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER PINANCIALINFORRfATION'(EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 37929 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST �ate: 3lz7/97 [ ln Tracket? npp'n aecetved / aap'n Processed ��b3b License ID # ZZk93 License Type�as Station Restaurant-C, Grocerv-C, and Ciearette Licen: Comp2ny Name: SuperAmerica Group Div3sion of Ashland DBA: SuverAmerica �k4020 Business Addresss: 399 LexinQton Parkway North Business Phone: 646-1611 ContaCt Name/Address: Brvan Raines, 399 Lexin�ton Pkwy No _ Home Phone: Date to Council Research: 55104 Public Hearing Date: 5 �-- Labels Ordered: i4�� Notice Sent to Applicant: District Councif #: � 3 Notice Sent to Pubtic: ���� L'"' Ward #: 1 Department/ Date lnspections Comme�ts City Attorney � •2 •�} O�� . Environmental Health N -I� Fire Q•�' License �� �� �����— Lease Received: 5�g��� Police �•2•9� �. . Zoning �� . MRR-19-1997 11�08 Y � CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP r� f4. . � '� C�,ASS III CI?Y flF SAIIVT PAUI. LiCENSE APP�,ICATION °$" `�'� �� Ap � �_��;� � 1 r ��p��.�� r�eN �w+�rxiax � �i � �oao, �t��. � � ��, ��� ���� �S i TC.L'RI°i't�i� 1 r � � � ���sh�O�, �t �7s+-a PLEASE 11'PE OR PRINT IN II�fIC �d 2ype of Lue�sets) b�g aPPHed for: Compffig Name: corye»tionf Pettnenh;p l sok Yropipam6;p I€busiaess is inwtpozated, 8Eve date ofiacorporation: _ �� s�,� as:?!`�it q___yh•t R� i�A B�� ��: _ 9 9 e�.A. �,. . _ - Betwan what cross s4eets is the busness located? Are the P�ises now occ ied7 W�t �ro��: __ P d ��. t Vc �� Applieant Infa=mation: f, � Name ead Tifle: .r�/�-$7/7.Q, SU 7 �� (� � Home Address: _� C� L] �/ L/�1 G--��. - 612 266 912q p, g2�6 ^--•— � s_ ? S_ L rL_dG � � s�si� Ph�nr bl,�. ��.I.s� �c.SJ� U� c;ty sw� Which side of the snctit? (bfni8c+) � �... � r f.'4,..;.� � rak 3b so-asnaaea � �, Scaw y� 77ate ofBirtfi; II •�I - L'7 Piace of $itth: Home Phone:�[t 6 5� % 3 Have you ever been comicted of saq fclrnry, aime or violation of any ary ordinance other than tcaffc? Dateofaires�; �� � NO .t' Chargc Convicfion; Seuteace; ��'�"$ ��sidences o�'three persons of good moral characta; li wrth�n the Twiu Cities Metro Az no[ rdatod to the �t fin�cislly interesta3 m ihe ptemises or bissiness, who may Ix rcfared to as to tbe applicanYs characler. � BPFlicant Q �� _A O �� ADDRESS F� n 1 I S ���I 7 O TRi� � J/ S PHONE ��.,...._. ,�_ . ��}�.s- �l�•Y3L.s�:� - N�w 8rt: wL-F.a t � � . �: � XES � NO ffYa, list t7u dates sad reaso�xs for revocarion: 2/t&9? I � ' � 612 266 9124 P.&1/06 J = =."� . �1 b3b _.�.ness pcsonatiy? 1'ES � NO ffnot, �x$o w5A operxte.�.1PER E1M�*$IL'� (�s�Q�� � ad�rm� sceecWe c� Areraig�3to�n�eanm?;ecaess.�vintbisbusiaess? YES v7ezsetomvle�e che follo� iw�ormEtioa: srm 4� Pkase list your emplo}ment histoiy for tbe pre�io:ts five (5j c•ea.r period: B �u' �A ess!E�qplo�ment Address n.,� z� :v0 If the msn2ger is noc the szme Es the operata, 7,.t{ Deu ofBir.7e .,�, ssiGS� � .t- [si6- s� z;� rn«���+�x, infa�mation for eaeh partner (use addiflonal paga if naxssazy): xzx ��3�C+.: saen.emc Ciir statc z,r �c?.4xiba Fcu.\vx '.fidd(e�isiJ (-�Lidea) Lau Deteof$cd+ HomeACSdtae' Sua1'.:+�c C'rty Stau ZiP YLone;.'umba MINI�TESOTA TAX IDENTffICATION NiJMBER - P�usuaat w the Lau•s of NGaaesota,1984, Chapcer 502, Artfcic 8, Scctian 2(270.72) (Tae Cleazanca, Lssvance of Liceas�s). &crosing authotiries are rec��ed to provide to the State of Mmnesota Commissioner ofRcvean4 the kfinnosotabus�ness sax id�ntificaUon rnttnba a�i tha soeiat secariry number of carh8ceuse applicsnL % Uuder the Mmaesota Gwermneat Data Yractias Aa aad tbe Fedasl Pricary Act of S 974, we ffie requircd to advise yau ofthc foIlovciag regard'mg tht use oftbe 2vfmnesossTaxIdenti8cationNumba: - Ihis inf�marion may be useJ to deaq ehe '�+.s...� � reaewet of yo�u Iiccuse ia th� eveat you owe Mmnesota sa7es. emPlogd's withholdmg a motor �e excise teoce� '�P°II �8 ��� the licensiag avthasity w�! supply it ontp to the lvf�nesoaa Deparmxat of IZtvcnue. However, undcr tbe Fedual ExcL�sge of informatioa Agrcement, the DePmtc°art of Revenue maY �PPil` this infora�afion m the 7�eraa3 Reve�t�e SSetvi� Mm�s Faxldmti6ca6aaNumbets (sales &7Js�T�xNuu�cjmsybe oFnained fra� tl,e Stste oiM�ota, Bus;ness Rxor3s Deparimen� I O Ri�a Park Plaza (612-296-6181} _. .. . _ ��, ���:?�C�..� a-�-as � _ ��T�������:1� 9�1:��5 ` tf a Miaaesosa Tax Idcntificarioa AIwaba u not requize3 for the business being operatad, indicau so by ptaciag aa'X` iu rLe box nnen� List zII ot�er o5cas of the c�pa:ztioa: p�� TT� gp?vI� HOV,E 8U5L'QESS DAT£ OF ?.�AL2F_ tOfftcxHeSd) . ADA�.55 PH01'£ PH02� BIRTH