97-635Council File $ _\��� Ordinance # Green Sheet # �✓ � Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION GlTY OF SAlNT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Committee: Date �� 1 2 3 RESOLVED: T'hat application (ID #34699) for a Gas Statioq Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigazette License by Super America Group Division of Asliland DBA SuperAmerica #4430 (James Hanson, Manager) at 846 3ohnson Pazkway be and the same is hereby approved 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Navs en 7 B a�key — 8 Bostrom Otfice of License zngpections and 9 Harris 10 Me a� Environmental Protection _ 11 ran 12 T une 13 Morton n 14 � � _ � ^'"1,`�v 15 16 Adopted by Council: Date $ �"7 B Y' 17 � 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 / � 21 By: �- . 22 — �— '�° 23 Approved by Mayor: Date ,£� 24 25 Approved by Mayor £or Submiasion to Council 26 By: r v 27 Bye Greensheet# 35320 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 /`�� b3 In Trackel? APP'n �� / APP'� P��� LicenSelD # 34699 LicenSE TypeGas Station Restaurant-C, Grocerv-C, and Ciearette Licen Company Name:SuperAmerica Group Division o£ Ashland DBA:SuperAmerica ��4430 BusinesS Addresss: $46 Johnson Parkway Business Phone: 778-9193 ContaCt Name/Address: James Hanson, 846 Johnson Parkway Home Phone: Date to Counc7 s s i n� Public Hearing i Notice Sent to P Notice Se to F DepartmernJ Ciry Attomey Environmental Heaith Fire License Poiice Labefs Ordered: f�+� District Council #: ` Date fnspections ��� �� � Ward #: ! Comments 5 1� a �-- o .� . S� �i`�� at `' �/� Zoning �1���� �"JL//t D� � o. � Site Plan Received:_ tease aece��ed: c. oE��roFF������ DATEINrtfATEO GREEN SHEE N_ 35320 LIEPjLicensin --- — CONTACT PEfi30N 8 PHONE INITIAVDAiE INRIAUDATE O DEPAHTMENT DIREGTOfl � CfTV CAUNGIL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 "��N �cmnTror+Ner �cmc�aK MUST BE ON CAUNqL AGENDA BY (DAT� q��� O BUDGET OIPECTO O FIN. $ MGT. SERVICES DIR. For hearin : S ri � ���" �" 1nVOR � � TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS'FOR SIGNA'NRE) ACTION RC-0UESTED: The SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica 1�4430 requests Council approval of its applicatin for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C; �rocery-C, and Cigarette License at 846 Johnson Parkway (ID 9l34699). RECOMMENOA7lONS: Appave (n) «Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER TNE POLLOWINfi QUESTIONS: _ PLANNWG COMM�SS�ON _ CIVII SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this persoNfirtn ever worketl under a contract for this departmeM? � _ � _ YES �NO 2. Has this person/Firm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ ni57alci COUA7 _ 3. Does this perso�rm possess a skill not normalty possessetl by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WH1CN COUNCIL 0&IECf1VE7 YES NO Esplain ell yas answers on sepa�ate sheet and attaeh to green sheet INI71A71NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet, VJhen. W�ere. NTy): ADVANTACaES IFAPPROVED: D15ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: A�a'�.,n:',�mn :,,:.."_.� 4�3'�sS€�`i xi` i . : id`@�a� 12 �997 �... ��. DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROYED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE OfiE) YES MO FUNDINCa SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) MRR-19-1997 11�08 CITY OF .°.T PRUL LIEP 612 266 ��b"35 C�.ASS III CITY OF SAINT PAUI. o$x ofLiocxsq tm� eaioK l � ; LICENSE APPLICATION � �� �, A ������ / � j � / � ����� � / ,�m��'{, '��l � �Qa�� ���r f ""- i `fv�� imz�aws�orstau)zesr�x� TF�S LIC��8N1�� r � S �P�I�� e �'� t' � 7 � PLFASE T'YPE ORPRINT IN II �b T�pe of License(s} be;� CompanyName: .�lA l}� �( WlL lLi(.yq Corp�u�'�tionlPatnenlap / Sole Pmpriqarstrip If business is iacorparated, give date of inwiporation: _ 17oia8 B�siness As: ,�,J ���'til�l R 1 G� Susinas Addsess: �'�����a=���SQ�/�- -a�: -3 sa«s n4a,en c;cy BCINGCS WJ781 C705S S�CeLS 15 fllE b[L4IICS5 ]OCfl1PQ� Are thc premises now occ ted? Wttaf Type of$vsiness? �70.��: p 0 g(!1� t�lt30 �[ Le,c; N�t SY�aL Ad�etl �7 N8IllC 812� T1tIC: S Tlf�i�'� s T 6st! e o susinessPhonr.�rYL.•77�—I/ q� �y S.Sid L Statn Zip �CTS S1dC OftltG SIlYlt� � t/OSl'L 7 ' h�e� � I• ♦ � _• . F�rR AYidAe y (Maidq) 7.est Tit1e �IOIDC At1{�7CSS: � l� v�! �� G D � StrK Addian CSty Stnte Zip Date vf Birth: 1�+�e � l� ? Place of $irtli Home Phone�aO f. 3 57-1� � 1� FIaveyou ever baen comictcd of aag fciotry, crime ps violation of any ary ordin�ce otber th� traffic? YES _ NO� Date of a�resk Wl�ere7 Ctsat'&e: Conviction: Scntcna: Listth�nsm�s �td�esidences of three ge�sons of good maral cliazactec, fiviug within the Twin Cities Me�o Area, not nlated co the apglicani or financially interested ia ifie premises ar business, who may be refcred tA as to �c applicanYs chazaeter. NAME - n ADDRESS PHONE �A��► I�►Q�.�t.1 S 14 7„2 0—y� D S7.'S • i9���- �I�-Y36-S,33T �AN CH �P A�� M- IbRI� i9�{�. S-} iv W N,�W Bn; �LrF� L��-�N��1 fonnrRy hala oz Have �'of the above named baen nwoked7 iuterest in: YES � NO If yes, list tfie data avd reasons foz revocsvoa: ��t8�97 MAR-19-1997 11�0B CI7Y OF �,T LIEP 612 266 9124 P.94i06 . . S'1-b35 Are yrou going .o operzu ilas business pasonally? ��S .�{�, *IO ffnot, �rho w7A o p er2te s'iIPER AMEIilCAC1pOCIl� /aL � �2. _�78'-5i93 s� z� rnn,:::,� Pl�zse listyouc emplo,ment hinory for tbe pre�za:LS $�e (5) ce� pmod: BLrness/E�rnme� Address iafo:mation for eaeh parmet (use addihonal pages if necessmy): HvxAddren: 50-ea\emc C'.ry Stde ZiP Yhona?�mmbcr Fru� '.�fiddScIaiiwl G�Sa+dca) Lea Dateef$ath HaxRdSut: Saash'�c Cq State Zip T�nouh`waber MIDIh'ESOTAtAX IDENIIFICATION NIIMBER - P�us�ant to the Lav.s of Mmsesota,1984, Chapta 502, Ar6cle 8, Section 2(270.72) (t�c Clesr�mce: Iswance of Licenxs), &censing authotiries are req�al to provi& to tbe State of Msanesota CAmmissiona of Rt�eaue. ffie h�ota bvsiaesstsx idcnrification nwnba aad the sociat sxuriry numbec of ach Iianse spplicent Under the �ota Gavamncnt Data Yractices Aet sud sbe Fedasl Pricacp Ad of t 97C, we are required to ad� is� you ofth� fallawing regzrdiag t�e use of the Mumtsota T�c Identification Numba: - Zhis iafamati� maq bc used to dcaq rLe ��3...+� or renewaF of yoiu liccusc za the evmt you owe Mumesota sales. emPlos'a s withholdmg or motor vehicle exase ta�e, '�P� �S tbis infom�sfion, tfie lice¢siag authasiry w�t supplS it aaly ta tLe N{inz�esoaa AtParme¢t of Revcnue. Aowe�er. wda ihe Federal Excbm�gt of Tnfa�mation Agreement, the Pepmtmcnt of Rcveaue maY ?�PP�9 this inioraia6on to 4K Sataaal Revreue Seiv;cc " lvf�ara I'�cIdm65�asianNumbas (Sates & LFSe Tmc N�aba') maY be obrained from t�e Stau of M���, Business Rccords DeParfma�t. 10 Riva Park Plaza (622-296-6181} . . . ... . . ' - s�;� s�e r�vQ:1�_�3 / �-a-a-S O __ �� r�x ra�,�s� �z�: : !� �.� �.s , If a M'ianssosa Taz IdrntiScation Numba u aot require3 for tfie businas being operaud, indicau sa hy placiag aa'X` ia �fx box ,,, e �, pst c� gouw to �zcx a L)mz$a c�ess:S�� in this bvsiness? YES :�O If the mmaga is not the same as the operafor, p7ezse complee tbe follrncing uu`amateoa: Lis2 zIl other o�ic�ts of tbe ccupa. zvon: p�iC� T1'!'LE HO!v�E HOV� BUSL*lESS DATEOF ;�*A2,2� (O�aHe}d) � ADJ�SS PHOVE PHOA'E BIRTFi Council File $ _\��� Ordinance # Green Sheet # �✓ � Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION GlTY OF SAlNT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Committee: Date �� 1 2 3 RESOLVED: T'hat application (ID #34699) for a Gas Statioq Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigazette License by Super America Group Division of Asliland DBA SuperAmerica #4430 (James Hanson, Manager) at 846 3ohnson Pazkway be and the same is hereby approved 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Navs en 7 B a�key — 8 Bostrom Otfice of License zngpections and 9 Harris 10 Me a� Environmental Protection _ 11 ran 12 T une 13 Morton n 14 � � _ � ^'"1,`�v 15 16 Adopted by Council: Date $ �"7 B Y' 17 � 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 / � 21 By: �- . 22 — �— '�° 23 Approved by Mayor: Date ,£� 24 25 Approved by Mayor £or Submiasion to Council 26 By: r v 27 Bye Greensheet# 35320 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 /`�� b3 In Trackel? APP'n �� / APP'� P��� LicenSelD # 34699 LicenSE TypeGas Station Restaurant-C, Grocerv-C, and Ciearette Licen Company Name:SuperAmerica Group Division o£ Ashland DBA:SuperAmerica ��4430 BusinesS Addresss: $46 Johnson Parkway Business Phone: 778-9193 ContaCt Name/Address: James Hanson, 846 Johnson Parkway Home Phone: Date to Counc7 s s i n� Public Hearing i Notice Sent to P Notice Se to F DepartmernJ Ciry Attomey Environmental Heaith Fire License Poiice Labefs Ordered: f�+� District Council #: ` Date fnspections ��� �� � Ward #: ! Comments 5 1� a �-- o .� . S� �i`�� at `' �/� Zoning �1���� �"JL//t D� � o. � Site Plan Received:_ tease aece��ed: c. oE��roFF������ DATEINrtfATEO GREEN SHEE N_ 35320 LIEPjLicensin --- — CONTACT PEfi30N 8 PHONE INITIAVDAiE INRIAUDATE O DEPAHTMENT DIREGTOfl � CfTV CAUNGIL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 "��N �cmnTror+Ner �cmc�aK MUST BE ON CAUNqL AGENDA BY (DAT� q��� O BUDGET OIPECTO O FIN. $ MGT. SERVICES DIR. For hearin : S ri � ���" �" 1nVOR � � TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS'FOR SIGNA'NRE) ACTION RC-0UESTED: The SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica 1�4430 requests Council approval of its applicatin for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C; �rocery-C, and Cigarette License at 846 Johnson Parkway (ID 9l34699). RECOMMENOA7lONS: Appave (n) «Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER TNE POLLOWINfi QUESTIONS: _ PLANNWG COMM�SS�ON _ CIVII SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this persoNfirtn ever worketl under a contract for this departmeM? � _ � _ YES �NO 2. Has this person/Firm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ ni57alci COUA7 _ 3. Does this perso�rm possess a skill not normalty possessetl by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WH1CN COUNCIL 0&IECf1VE7 YES NO Esplain ell yas answers on sepa�ate sheet and attaeh to green sheet INI71A71NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet, VJhen. W�ere. NTy): ADVANTACaES IFAPPROVED: D15ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: A�a'�.,n:',�mn :,,:.."_.� 4�3'�sS€�`i xi` i . : id`@�a� 12 �997 �... ��. DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROYED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE OfiE) YES MO FUNDINCa SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) MRR-19-1997 11�08 CITY OF .°.T PRUL LIEP 612 266 ��b"35 C�.ASS III CITY OF SAINT PAUI. o$x ofLiocxsq tm� eaioK l � ; LICENSE APPLICATION � �� �, A ������ / � j � / � ����� � / ,�m��'{, '��l � �Qa�� ���r f ""- i `fv�� imz�aws�orstau)zesr�x� TF�S LIC��8N1�� r � S �P�I�� e �'� t' � 7 � PLFASE T'YPE ORPRINT IN II �b T�pe of License(s} be;� CompanyName: .�lA l}� �( WlL lLi(.yq Corp�u�'�tionlPatnenlap / Sole Pmpriqarstrip If business is iacorparated, give date of inwiporation: _ 17oia8 B�siness As: ,�,J ���'til�l R 1 G� Susinas Addsess: �'�����a=���SQ�/�- -a�: -3 sa«s n4a,en c;cy BCINGCS WJ781 C705S S�CeLS 15 fllE b[L4IICS5 ]OCfl1PQ� Are thc premises now occ ted? Wttaf Type of$vsiness? �70.��: p 0 g(!1� t�lt30 �[ Le,c; N�t SY�aL Ad�etl �7 N8IllC 812� T1tIC: S Tlf�i�'� s T 6st! e o susinessPhonr.�rYL.•77�—I/ q� �y S.Sid L Statn Zip �CTS S1dC OftltG SIlYlt� � t/OSl'L 7 ' h�e� � I• ♦ � _• . F�rR AYidAe y (Maidq) 7.est Tit1e �IOIDC At1{�7CSS: � l� v�! �� G D � StrK Addian CSty Stnte Zip Date vf Birth: 1�+�e � l� ? Place of $irtli Home Phone�aO f. 3 57-1� � 1� FIaveyou ever baen comictcd of aag fciotry, crime ps violation of any ary ordin�ce otber th� traffic? YES _ NO� Date of a�resk Wl�ere7 Ctsat'&e: Conviction: Scntcna: Listth�nsm�s �td�esidences of three ge�sons of good maral cliazactec, fiviug within the Twin Cities Me�o Area, not nlated co the apglicani or financially interested ia ifie premises ar business, who may be refcred tA as to �c applicanYs chazaeter. NAME - n ADDRESS PHONE �A��► I�►Q�.�t.1 S 14 7„2 0—y� D S7.'S • i9���- �I�-Y36-S,33T �AN CH �P A�� M- IbRI� i9�{�. S-} iv W N,�W Bn; �LrF� L��-�N��1 fonnrRy hala oz Have �'of the above named baen nwoked7 iuterest in: YES � NO If yes, list tfie data avd reasons foz revocsvoa: ��t8�97 MAR-19-1997 11�0B CI7Y OF �,T LIEP 612 266 9124 P.94i06 . . S'1-b35 Are yrou going .o operzu ilas business pasonally? ��S .�{�, *IO ffnot, �rho w7A o p er2te s'iIPER AMEIilCAC1pOCIl� /aL � �2. _�78'-5i93 s� z� rnn,:::,� Pl�zse listyouc emplo,ment hinory for tbe pre�za:LS $�e (5) ce� pmod: BLrness/E�rnme� Address iafo:mation for eaeh parmet (use addihonal pages if necessmy): HvxAddren: 50-ea\emc C'.ry Stde ZiP Yhona?�mmbcr Fru� '.�fiddScIaiiwl G�Sa+dca) Lea Dateef$ath HaxRdSut: Saash'�c Cq State Zip T�nouh`waber MIDIh'ESOTAtAX IDENIIFICATION NIIMBER - P�us�ant to the Lav.s of Mmsesota,1984, Chapta 502, Ar6cle 8, Section 2(270.72) (t�c Clesr�mce: Iswance of Licenxs), &censing authotiries are req�al to provi& to tbe State of Msanesota CAmmissiona of Rt�eaue. ffie h�ota bvsiaesstsx idcnrification nwnba aad the sociat sxuriry numbec of ach Iianse spplicent Under the �ota Gavamncnt Data Yractices Aet sud sbe Fedasl Pricacp Ad of t 97C, we are required to ad� is� you ofth� fallawing regzrdiag t�e use of the Mumtsota T�c Identification Numba: - Zhis iafamati� maq bc used to dcaq rLe ��3...+� or renewaF of yoiu liccusc za the evmt you owe Mumesota sales. emPlos'a s withholdmg or motor vehicle exase ta�e, '�P� �S tbis infom�sfion, tfie lice¢siag authasiry w�t supplS it aaly ta tLe N{inz�esoaa AtParme¢t of Revcnue. Aowe�er. wda ihe Federal Excbm�gt of Tnfa�mation Agreement, the Pepmtmcnt of Rcveaue maY ?�PP�9 this inioraia6on to 4K Sataaal Revreue Seiv;cc " lvf�ara I'�cIdm65�asianNumbas (Sates & LFSe Tmc N�aba') maY be obrained from t�e Stau of M���, Business Rccords DeParfma�t. 10 Riva Park Plaza (622-296-6181} . . . ... . . ' - s�;� s�e r�vQ:1�_�3 / �-a-a-S O __ �� r�x ra�,�s� �z�: : !� �.� �.s , If a M'ianssosa Taz IdrntiScation Numba u aot require3 for tfie businas being operaud, indicau sa hy placiag aa'X` ia �fx box ,,, e �, pst c� gouw to �zcx a L)mz$a c�ess:S�� in this bvsiness? YES :�O If the mmaga is not the same as the operafor, p7ezse complee tbe follrncing uu`amateoa: Lis2 zIl other o�ic�ts of tbe ccupa. zvon: p�iC� T1'!'LE HO!v�E HOV� BUSL*lESS DATEOF ;�*A2,2� (O�aHe}d) � ADJ�SS PHOVE PHOA'E BIRTFi Council File $ _\��� Ordinance # Green Sheet # �✓ � Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION GlTY OF SAlNT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Committee: Date �� 1 2 3 RESOLVED: T'hat application (ID #34699) for a Gas Statioq Restaurant-C, Grocery-C, and Cigazette License by Super America Group Division of Asliland DBA SuperAmerica #4430 (James Hanson, Manager) at 846 3ohnson Pazkway be and the same is hereby approved 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Navs en 7 B a�key — 8 Bostrom Otfice of License zngpections and 9 Harris 10 Me a� Environmental Protection _ 11 ran 12 T une 13 Morton n 14 � � _ � ^'"1,`�v 15 16 Adopted by Council: Date $ �"7 B Y' 17 � 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 / � 21 By: �- . 22 — �— '�° 23 Approved by Mayor: Date ,£� 24 25 Approved by Mayor £or Submiasion to Council 26 By: r v 27 Bye Greensheet# 35320 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/27/97 /`�� b3 In Trackel? APP'n �� / APP'� P��� LicenSelD # 34699 LicenSE TypeGas Station Restaurant-C, Grocerv-C, and Ciearette Licen Company Name:SuperAmerica Group Division o£ Ashland DBA:SuperAmerica ��4430 BusinesS Addresss: $46 Johnson Parkway Business Phone: 778-9193 ContaCt Name/Address: James Hanson, 846 Johnson Parkway Home Phone: Date to Counc7 s s i n� Public Hearing i Notice Sent to P Notice Se to F DepartmernJ Ciry Attomey Environmental Heaith Fire License Poiice Labefs Ordered: f�+� District Council #: ` Date fnspections ��� �� � Ward #: ! Comments 5 1� a �-- o .� . S� �i`�� at `' �/� Zoning �1���� �"JL//t D� � o. � Site Plan Received:_ tease aece��ed: c. oE��roFF������ DATEINrtfATEO GREEN SHEE N_ 35320 LIEPjLicensin --- — CONTACT PEfi30N 8 PHONE INITIAVDAiE INRIAUDATE O DEPAHTMENT DIREGTOfl � CfTV CAUNGIL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 "��N �cmnTror+Ner �cmc�aK MUST BE ON CAUNqL AGENDA BY (DAT� q��� O BUDGET OIPECTO O FIN. $ MGT. SERVICES DIR. For hearin : S ri � ���" �" 1nVOR � � TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS'FOR SIGNA'NRE) ACTION RC-0UESTED: The SuperAmerica Group Division of Ashland DBA SuperAmerica 1�4430 requests Council approval of its applicatin for a Gas Station, Restaurant-C; �rocery-C, and Cigarette License at 846 Johnson Parkway (ID 9l34699). RECOMMENOA7lONS: Appave (n) «Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER TNE POLLOWINfi QUESTIONS: _ PLANNWG COMM�SS�ON _ CIVII SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this persoNfirtn ever worketl under a contract for this departmeM? � _ � _ YES �NO 2. Has this person/Firm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ ni57alci COUA7 _ 3. Does this perso�rm possess a skill not normalty possessetl by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WH1CN COUNCIL 0&IECf1VE7 YES NO Esplain ell yas answers on sepa�ate sheet and attaeh to green sheet INI71A71NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet, VJhen. W�ere. NTy): ADVANTACaES IFAPPROVED: D15ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: A�a'�.,n:',�mn :,,:.."_.� 4�3'�sS€�`i xi` i . : id`@�a� 12 �997 �... ��. DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROYED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE OfiE) YES MO FUNDINCa SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) MRR-19-1997 11�08 CITY OF .°.T PRUL LIEP 612 266 ��b"35 C�.ASS III CITY OF SAINT PAUI. o$x ofLiocxsq tm� eaioK l � ; LICENSE APPLICATION � �� �, A ������ / � j � / � ����� � / ,�m��'{, '��l � �Qa�� ���r f ""- i `fv�� imz�aws�orstau)zesr�x� TF�S LIC��8N1�� r � S �P�I�� e �'� t' � 7 � PLFASE T'YPE ORPRINT IN II �b T�pe of License(s} be;� CompanyName: .�lA l}� �( WlL lLi(.yq Corp�u�'�tionlPatnenlap / Sole Pmpriqarstrip If business is iacorparated, give date of inwiporation: _ 17oia8 B�siness As: ,�,J ���'til�l R 1 G� Susinas Addsess: �'�����a=���SQ�/�- -a�: -3 sa«s n4a,en c;cy BCINGCS WJ781 C705S S�CeLS 15 fllE b[L4IICS5 ]OCfl1PQ� Are thc premises now occ ted? Wttaf Type of$vsiness? �70.��: p 0 g(!1� t�lt30 �[ Le,c; N�t SY�aL Ad�etl �7 N8IllC 812� T1tIC: S Tlf�i�'� s T 6st! e o susinessPhonr.�rYL.•77�—I/ q� �y S.Sid L Statn Zip �CTS S1dC OftltG SIlYlt� � t/OSl'L 7 ' h�e� � I• ♦ � _• . F�rR AYidAe y (Maidq) 7.est Tit1e �IOIDC At1{�7CSS: � l� v�! �� G D � StrK Addian CSty Stnte Zip Date vf Birth: 1�+�e � l� ? Place of $irtli Home Phone�aO f. 3 57-1� � 1� FIaveyou ever baen comictcd of aag fciotry, crime ps violation of any ary ordin�ce otber th� traffic? YES _ NO� Date of a�resk Wl�ere7 Ctsat'&e: Conviction: Scntcna: Listth�nsm�s �td�esidences of three ge�sons of good maral cliazactec, fiviug within the Twin Cities Me�o Area, not nlated co the apglicani or financially interested ia ifie premises ar business, who may be refcred tA as to �c applicanYs chazaeter. NAME - n ADDRESS PHONE �A��► I�►Q�.�t.1 S 14 7„2 0—y� D S7.'S • i9���- �I�-Y36-S,33T �AN CH �P A�� M- IbRI� i9�{�. S-} iv W N,�W Bn; �LrF� L��-�N��1 fonnrRy hala oz Have �'of the above named baen nwoked7 iuterest in: YES � NO If yes, list tfie data avd reasons foz revocsvoa: ��t8�97 MAR-19-1997 11�0B CI7Y OF �,T LIEP 612 266 9124 P.94i06 . . S'1-b35 Are yrou going .o operzu ilas business pasonally? ��S .�{�, *IO ffnot, �rho w7A o p er2te s'iIPER AMEIilCAC1pOCIl� /aL � �2. _�78'-5i93 s� z� rnn,:::,� Pl�zse listyouc emplo,ment hinory for tbe pre�za:LS $�e (5) ce� pmod: BLrness/E�rnme� Address iafo:mation for eaeh parmet (use addihonal pages if necessmy): HvxAddren: 50-ea\emc C'.ry Stde ZiP Yhona?�mmbcr Fru� '.�fiddScIaiiwl G�Sa+dca) Lea Dateef$ath HaxRdSut: Saash'�c Cq State Zip T�nouh`waber MIDIh'ESOTAtAX IDENIIFICATION NIIMBER - P�us�ant to the Lav.s of Mmsesota,1984, Chapta 502, Ar6cle 8, Section 2(270.72) (t�c Clesr�mce: Iswance of Licenxs), &censing authotiries are req�al to provi& to tbe State of Msanesota CAmmissiona of Rt�eaue. ffie h�ota bvsiaesstsx idcnrification nwnba aad the sociat sxuriry numbec of ach Iianse spplicent Under the �ota Gavamncnt Data Yractices Aet sud sbe Fedasl Pricacp Ad of t 97C, we are required to ad� is� you ofth� fallawing regzrdiag t�e use of the Mumtsota T�c Identification Numba: - Zhis iafamati� maq bc used to dcaq rLe ��3...+� or renewaF of yoiu liccusc za the evmt you owe Mumesota sales. emPlos'a s withholdmg or motor vehicle exase ta�e, '�P� �S tbis infom�sfion, tfie lice¢siag authasiry w�t supplS it aaly ta tLe N{inz�esoaa AtParme¢t of Revcnue. Aowe�er. wda ihe Federal Excbm�gt of Tnfa�mation Agreement, the Pepmtmcnt of Rcveaue maY ?�PP�9 this inioraia6on to 4K Sataaal Revreue Seiv;cc " lvf�ara I'�cIdm65�asianNumbas (Sates & LFSe Tmc N�aba') maY be obrained from t�e Stau of M���, Business Rccords DeParfma�t. 10 Riva Park Plaza (622-296-6181} . . . ... . . ' - s�;� s�e r�vQ:1�_�3 / �-a-a-S O __ �� r�x ra�,�s� �z�: : !� �.� �.s , If a M'ianssosa Taz IdrntiScation Numba u aot require3 for tfie businas being operaud, indicau sa hy placiag aa'X` ia �fx box ,,, e �, pst c� gouw to �zcx a L)mz$a c�ess:S�� in this bvsiness? YES :�O If the mmaga is not the same as the operafor, p7ezse complee tbe follrncing uu`amateoa: Lis2 zIl other o�ic�ts of tbe ccupa. zvon: p�iC� T1'!'LE HO!v�E HOV� BUSL*lESS DATEOF ;�*A2,2� (O�aHe}d) � ADJ�SS PHOVE PHOA'E BIRTFi