97-633Council File ¢ - ` �b ordinance # Green Sheet # �✓ ✓ RESOLUTION �� � � '- �..,,. O� INT PAUL, MINNESOTA �) [.� v � Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED: That application (ID #98886) for a Gas Station, Restaurant-D, Crrocery-C, and Cigazette License by z Super America Group Division of Asliland DBA SupetAmerica #4419 (Clayton Bleske, Manager) 3 at 925 Grand Avenue be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Navs se 7 B a�kekev — 9 Har� � Off�ce of L,icense Insg�ctions and 10 M r � Environmental Protection - 11 12 T une 14 Morton —�' / I,� �� 15 � By. I� �-y i 16 Adopted by Council: Date �$ qq � 17 1S Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Atto� 20 21 By: 22 BY ' 23 Approved by Mayor: Date 4� �/��-- 24 zs r Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 $y. (�,_ Council 27 By: _ �"�b3� D PApTMEMT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEE N� 35323 LIEPfLicensin — -" CpNTACT PEp50N & PHONE � p � A �� p��QqN1ilAVDATE O CITY COUNCIL INITIALIDATE Christine RoZek 266-9108 "�'�" � crtvnrroaNer � cmc�aK MUST BE ON fAUNCIL AGENDA BY (OATE) pp�MpG� � BUOGET �IRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. Z /� ORDER � Mpypp (OR ASSISTANn � For hearin : � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION iiC-0UE5TED: The SuperAmerica Group Division ot Ashland DBA SuperAmerica 9t4419 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Staiton, Res[aurant-D, Grocery-C, and Cigarette I.icense at 925 Grand Avenue (ID 9t98886). aECOMMENDAT�ONS: Apqove (A) or Reiea (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7HE FOILOWING QVESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflV10E COMMISSION �� Has ihis persoNfirm ever wo�ketl untler a conVaci for this tlepadment? - _ c�e caaMmEe _ vES - NO 2. Has this personfirm ever 6een a city employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ Dis7piCT CAUq7 _ 3. Does this pereoNfirm possess a skill not nortnall � y po5sessed by any current city employee. SUPPOfiTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVEI YES NO Expiafn all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to 9�� eneet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y(Who. WM1at, When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAQES IFAPPROVED: �s3�"��{� �.,�°��Z�v�` R�eR�§� ��i,�s�' �, � t��$ DISADVANTAdES IF NO�APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNi OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOUNCE ACTIVITY NUMBEq FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensneet # 35323 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3127197 � S� In Tf3Ckel? App'n qeceived / App'n Processed LiCenselD # 98886 License Type: Gas Station, Restaurant-D, Grocerv-C, and Ciearette Company Name:SuperAmerica Grou➢ Division of Ashland DBA: SunerAmerica 414419_ __ BUSiness Addresss: 925 Grand Avenue Susiness Phone: " 222-7216 Contact Name/Address: Clavton Bleske, 925 Grand Ave 105 Home Phone: Date to Council Research: Public Hearing Date:� � 2 � Notice Sent to AppiicaM: -� � �, �, .-r..f Labels Ordered: y� District Couocil #: �� p C 5'-i �< . _.-.i Notice Sent to Pubtic: �� � ���y� Ward #: o� DepaRmentJ Date lnspections Commerts City Attorney 5 Environmental Health � .� Fire Jr ! "�L��` 0 • 7 � • License Siee Plan Received:_ I.ease Received: ���� �� �!� Police �O`L� c7•� ' Zoning ���{ `�'�- �. �• . MAR-19-1997 11:08 CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP _.� . CT.ASS III crrX oF sanvr pnu[, o�«�t.;�,r�a;eK LICENSB APPL�CATION �a��� i � : ������ ��.� �� ��5��v"c�'t�z' ��t �oao `�o��, `�t�''° �'3�� `������,�6 �s �ttc �i�� , � ' S 4�ii��� `�'� !, �f�at.�� c�.$ PLEASE'i'YPE ORPRINI' IlV II�IIC �� I'cpe of License(s) being app&ed for: CampffiyName: ..Z�.t.�'! � FF WlL R.l (.Y� C4rpoMiiou /PaLHS�hip / Sote Aaprictnnhip If business is incorporated, gve date of incoiporation: _ lloia8 $usiness As: � R. � �l � g�A�: qa5 t2A-�l.�,ve G -• seeec aaa�m �+�r Between what cross �ts is the busiuess located? _ Are tix pren�ises now occupied7 �'hat Type ofBusiness? r� ro a.aa��: .� O B U1G t!,(UU S'C Le �c i N��t s�a aae�. c;r x�,e sna r�u�: �� ar,aau Home Address: caraza�� - sa<aaaane Gry s�uc Zsp Date of Binh; 1( ��s - l� '� Place of $lrth: Aome Phone:�a4 f. 3 S7 ���,� Have you ever been com�cted of anq feIocry, crzuu os viol�ion of any city ordizsance other than �c? YES _ IQO �_ D�te of azrest: Whete7 Charge: Convictioa: Seataia: I.ist dx nsmes �d �dences of three peisons of good moral charsetcr, living within the Twin Cities Meiro Area, not rdated to the applicant or finrvcially interested in ffie premi�s or business, who may be r�f�ed to as to t�e app3icanYs characfer: NAME ADDRESS PHONE ��tt�� ll�e�,�it,� S— 1�(7� 0—yaND S7:S .�t-�}��- G,11-`�13L-s3�7 Lold, formcly hc1d, or Have an} of the abovc n�ed f� J7 �v N �I�ta Gl - Ftave an lAfei'C,t Ip: 612 266 9124 P. s TU?��/ .S ii S t Ui s I ;��'�; �33 �► V �'� AS� 1kNd -�-NC- -36 Busiaess Fhon� 12 �a' � 2l �o ,IT �/ srio�' s� z�, Which side of the strect� u l�ti y0S/'2._ � � � �V.4�vr f 9�r�i�t � � � r�x °.1_.1.�v t►J. been revokedP YES � NO If y�s, list the dates �d reasons tor revocatioa: 2/18N9 i9`7 11�08 C1TY OF ST PRUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.04i06 / a e-�3 operrse this busiaess pesonally? � cS _,�L..� 130 If nob �rho u-iU operEte ��IPERAMERICAG1�lilll� 7� Dntc o .t f�a��� ' ��Zr�ii"���p Slck 2ip Pkro:+o:�3cnbes Pkzu list your ernplrnmen! history fer we prc�la.0 5ve (5) cezr period: Bus�nesslEtqpirn Address iafo;mation for eaeh parmer (use additional pages if aecesssffiy): Fita�sme Home Addreu 5vaes \mse City Swc Zip Phone?�mba Fcu\ame .W'iddleiaitd (.�Lidrn1 T.ast DefeefBatb HoneAd6ia�t� Sma2'.cue Gry Stau Zip 3Yneee?.`umbet MINIr'E507A TAX IDSNTffICATION NEJMBER - P�usuaat to 4x La�rs of DSnaesota,1984, Chapta 502, Article 8, SEM�on 2{270.72) (Ta� Cle�nce; Issusnoe of Licenses). T�cnsing suthmities are rec��ed to pmende to tbe State of 2+/u�aesota Commissi�er of Reveaiu. tt�e M'wnaota bw�aess tsx id�aafication numbet aod the social securiry a�ber of each licease applicant. Uuder the Mmaeso+a Go�amncat Dats Pr�tias Aa aud �e Fedarl Aicacp Ad of f 97d, we sre rcquir� to advise you of the foIlaw�iug regazcimg the use �'t6e M�esota TaxI�cation isvmba: -?his i�mati� may be uscd W ckuq the:n a reaewat of ymu Eicc¢sc in the cvcat you owe l�umesota sates, employe� s witbholdmg a mM� ve3ricle exase taxe� ' UP°n r�v�8 tlus infacrostioa, tlie Iicwsiag au4priry w�l supply it onty W t� Mumesota Dcpatuaeat of Rtvenue. However, unda tbe Federal FxcLauge af Information A�t, tbe Departman of Revenue maY �PPtY this inf'ormatian m tfie Intttasl Reveaue Seiiri,x. M� Tau IdmUSeatiaatNumbas (Sales & Us�?Ex Numba') may be ob�med &� tBe S�ate ofM�� B�� �� �Pmimau. lORivaParkPlaza fb12-296-6181} _ .. . - �� s�� r��:.� /— O ! �a-�S G-_ �� r�x �,�c�� rr,mm�: !� �3 �SS _ Jf a D+&aaesota Fsx Identi5carioa Nvmba is aot requ�cd for the businas bemg opaated, indicau so by placing aa'X' ia ihe box �„e�� pse c� �g tnfizre a�g� oresss.�c ia this husiness? ✓�S NO 7f the ma:�zger is not the seme �s tLe operator, p}exse wmplete che follouiag yist zll uther o�cas of the co:po�tion: pF�iCER TI'I�.E HO?vt6 H0� Bi7SL�*ESS DATEOF ?.*4?�,iF (OffixHekl] . ADIl�ESS PHO�'E PHOATE BIILTH Council File ¢ - ` �b ordinance # Green Sheet # �✓ ✓ RESOLUTION �� � � '- �..,,. O� INT PAUL, MINNESOTA �) [.� v � Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED: That application (ID #98886) for a Gas Station, Restaurant-D, Crrocery-C, and Cigazette License by z Super America Group Division of Asliland DBA SupetAmerica #4419 (Clayton Bleske, Manager) 3 at 925 Grand Avenue be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Navs se 7 B a�kekev — 9 Har� � Off�ce of L,icense Insg�ctions and 10 M r � Environmental Protection - 11 12 T une 14 Morton —�' / I,� �� 15 � By. I� �-y i 16 Adopted by Council: Date �$ qq � 17 1S Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Atto� 20 21 By: 22 BY ' 23 Approved by Mayor: Date 4� �/��-- 24 zs r Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 $y. (�,_ Council 27 By: _ �"�b3� D PApTMEMT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEE N� 35323 LIEPfLicensin — -" CpNTACT PEp50N & PHONE � p � A �� p��QqN1ilAVDATE O CITY COUNCIL INITIALIDATE Christine RoZek 266-9108 "�'�" � crtvnrroaNer � cmc�aK MUST BE ON fAUNCIL AGENDA BY (OATE) pp�MpG� � BUOGET �IRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. Z /� ORDER � Mpypp (OR ASSISTANn � For hearin : � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION iiC-0UE5TED: The SuperAmerica Group Division ot Ashland DBA SuperAmerica 9t4419 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Staiton, Res[aurant-D, Grocery-C, and Cigarette I.icense at 925 Grand Avenue (ID 9t98886). aECOMMENDAT�ONS: Apqove (A) or Reiea (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7HE FOILOWING QVESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflV10E COMMISSION �� Has ihis persoNfirm ever wo�ketl untler a conVaci for this tlepadment? - _ c�e caaMmEe _ vES - NO 2. Has this personfirm ever 6een a city employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ Dis7piCT CAUq7 _ 3. Does this pereoNfirm possess a skill not nortnall � y po5sessed by any current city employee. SUPPOfiTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVEI YES NO Expiafn all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to 9�� eneet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y(Who. WM1at, When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAQES IFAPPROVED: �s3�"��{� �.,�°��Z�v�` R�eR�§� ��i,�s�' �, � t��$ DISADVANTAdES IF NO�APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNi OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOUNCE ACTIVITY NUMBEq FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensneet # 35323 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3127197 � S� In Tf3Ckel? App'n qeceived / App'n Processed LiCenselD # 98886 License Type: Gas Station, Restaurant-D, Grocerv-C, and Ciearette Company Name:SuperAmerica Grou➢ Division of Ashland DBA: SunerAmerica 414419_ __ BUSiness Addresss: 925 Grand Avenue Susiness Phone: " 222-7216 Contact Name/Address: Clavton Bleske, 925 Grand Ave 105 Home Phone: Date to Council Research: Public Hearing Date:� � 2 � Notice Sent to AppiicaM: -� � �, �, .-r..f Labels Ordered: y� District Couocil #: �� p C 5'-i �< . _.-.i Notice Sent to Pubtic: �� � ���y� Ward #: o� DepaRmentJ Date lnspections Commerts City Attorney 5 Environmental Health � .� Fire Jr ! "�L��` 0 • 7 � • License Siee Plan Received:_ I.ease Received: ���� �� �!� Police �O`L� c7•� ' Zoning ���{ `�'�- �. �• . MAR-19-1997 11:08 CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP _.� . CT.ASS III crrX oF sanvr pnu[, o�«�t.;�,r�a;eK LICENSB APPL�CATION �a��� i � : ������ ��.� �� ��5��v"c�'t�z' ��t �oao `�o��, `�t�''° �'3�� `������,�6 �s �ttc �i�� , � ' S 4�ii��� `�'� !, �f�at.�� c�.$ PLEASE'i'YPE ORPRINI' IlV II�IIC �� I'cpe of License(s) being app&ed for: CampffiyName: ..Z�.t.�'! � FF WlL R.l (.Y� C4rpoMiiou /PaLHS�hip / Sote Aaprictnnhip If business is incorporated, gve date of incoiporation: _ lloia8 $usiness As: � R. � �l � g�A�: qa5 t2A-�l.�,ve G -• seeec aaa�m �+�r Between what cross �ts is the busiuess located? _ Are tix pren�ises now occupied7 �'hat Type ofBusiness? r� ro a.aa��: .� O B U1G t!,(UU S'C Le �c i N��t s�a aae�. c;r x�,e sna r�u�: �� ar,aau Home Address: caraza�� - sa<aaaane Gry s�uc Zsp Date of Binh; 1( ��s - l� '� Place of $lrth: Aome Phone:�a4 f. 3 S7 ���,� Have you ever been com�cted of anq feIocry, crzuu os viol�ion of any city ordizsance other than �c? YES _ IQO �_ D�te of azrest: Whete7 Charge: Convictioa: Seataia: I.ist dx nsmes �d �dences of three peisons of good moral charsetcr, living within the Twin Cities Meiro Area, not rdated to the applicant or finrvcially interested in ffie premi�s or business, who may be r�f�ed to as to t�e app3icanYs characfer: NAME ADDRESS PHONE ��tt�� ll�e�,�it,� S— 1�(7� 0—yaND S7:S .�t-�}��- G,11-`�13L-s3�7 Lold, formcly hc1d, or Have an} of the abovc n�ed f� J7 �v N �I�ta Gl - Ftave an lAfei'C,t Ip: 612 266 9124 P. s TU?��/ .S ii S t Ui s I ;��'�; �33 �► V �'� AS� 1kNd -�-NC- -36 Busiaess Fhon� 12 �a' � 2l �o ,IT �/ srio�' s� z�, Which side of the strect� u l�ti y0S/'2._ � � � �V.4�vr f 9�r�i�t � � � r�x °.1_.1.�v t►J. been revokedP YES � NO If y�s, list the dates �d reasons tor revocatioa: 2/18N9 i9`7 11�08 C1TY OF ST PRUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.04i06 / a e-�3 operrse this busiaess pesonally? � cS _,�L..� 130 If nob �rho u-iU operEte ��IPERAMERICAG1�lilll� 7� Dntc o .t f�a��� ' ��Zr�ii"���p Slck 2ip Pkro:+o:�3cnbes Pkzu list your ernplrnmen! history fer we prc�la.0 5ve (5) cezr period: Bus�nesslEtqpirn Address iafo;mation for eaeh parmer (use additional pages if aecesssffiy): Fita�sme Home Addreu 5vaes \mse City Swc Zip Phone?�mba Fcu\ame .W'iddleiaitd (.�Lidrn1 T.ast DefeefBatb HoneAd6ia�t� Sma2'.cue Gry Stau Zip 3Yneee?.`umbet MINIr'E507A TAX IDSNTffICATION NEJMBER - P�usuaat to 4x La�rs of DSnaesota,1984, Chapta 502, Article 8, SEM�on 2{270.72) (Ta� Cle�nce; Issusnoe of Licenses). T�cnsing suthmities are rec��ed to pmende to tbe State of 2+/u�aesota Commissi�er of Reveaiu. tt�e M'wnaota bw�aess tsx id�aafication numbet aod the social securiry a�ber of each licease applicant. Uuder the Mmaeso+a Go�amncat Dats Pr�tias Aa aud �e Fedarl Aicacp Ad of f 97d, we sre rcquir� to advise you of the foIlaw�iug regazcimg the use �'t6e M�esota TaxI�cation isvmba: -?his i�mati� may be uscd W ckuq the:n a reaewat of ymu Eicc¢sc in the cvcat you owe l�umesota sates, employe� s witbholdmg a mM� ve3ricle exase taxe� ' UP°n r�v�8 tlus infacrostioa, tlie Iicwsiag au4priry w�l supply it onty W t� Mumesota Dcpatuaeat of Rtvenue. However, unda tbe Federal FxcLauge af Information A�t, tbe Departman of Revenue maY �PPtY this inf'ormatian m tfie Intttasl Reveaue Seiiri,x. M� Tau IdmUSeatiaatNumbas (Sales & Us�?Ex Numba') may be ob�med &� tBe S�ate ofM�� B�� �� �Pmimau. lORivaParkPlaza fb12-296-6181} _ .. . - �� s�� r��:.� /— O ! �a-�S G-_ �� r�x �,�c�� rr,mm�: !� �3 �SS _ Jf a D+&aaesota Fsx Identi5carioa Nvmba is aot requ�cd for the businas bemg opaated, indicau so by placing aa'X' ia ihe box �„e�� pse c� �g tnfizre a�g� oresss.�c ia this husiness? ✓�S NO 7f the ma:�zger is not the seme �s tLe operator, p}exse wmplete che follouiag yist zll uther o�cas of the co:po�tion: pF�iCER TI'I�.E HO?vt6 H0� Bi7SL�*ESS DATEOF ?.*4?�,iF (OffixHekl] . ADIl�ESS PHO�'E PHOATE BIILTH Council File ¢ - ` �b ordinance # Green Sheet # �✓ ✓ RESOLUTION �� � � '- �..,,. O� INT PAUL, MINNESOTA �) [.� v � Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED: That application (ID #98886) for a Gas Station, Restaurant-D, Crrocery-C, and Cigazette License by z Super America Group Division of Asliland DBA SupetAmerica #4419 (Clayton Bleske, Manager) 3 at 925 Grand Avenue be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Navs se 7 B a�kekev — 9 Har� � Off�ce of L,icense Insg�ctions and 10 M r � Environmental Protection - 11 12 T une 14 Morton —�' / I,� �� 15 � By. I� �-y i 16 Adopted by Council: Date �$ qq � 17 1S Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Atto� 20 21 By: 22 BY ' 23 Approved by Mayor: Date 4� �/��-- 24 zs r Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 $y. (�,_ Council 27 By: _ �"�b3� D PApTMEMT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEE N� 35323 LIEPfLicensin — -" CpNTACT PEp50N & PHONE � p � A �� p��QqN1ilAVDATE O CITY COUNCIL INITIALIDATE Christine RoZek 266-9108 "�'�" � crtvnrroaNer � cmc�aK MUST BE ON fAUNCIL AGENDA BY (OATE) pp�MpG� � BUOGET �IRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. Z /� ORDER � Mpypp (OR ASSISTANn � For hearin : � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION iiC-0UE5TED: The SuperAmerica Group Division ot Ashland DBA SuperAmerica 9t4419 requests Council approval of its application for a Gas Staiton, Res[aurant-D, Grocery-C, and Cigarette I.icense at 925 Grand Avenue (ID 9t98886). aECOMMENDAT�ONS: Apqove (A) or Reiea (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7HE FOILOWING QVESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflV10E COMMISSION �� Has ihis persoNfirm ever wo�ketl untler a conVaci for this tlepadment? - _ c�e caaMmEe _ vES - NO 2. Has this personfirm ever 6een a city employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ Dis7piCT CAUq7 _ 3. Does this pereoNfirm possess a skill not nortnall � y po5sessed by any current city employee. SUPPOfiTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVEI YES NO Expiafn all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to 9�� eneet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y(Who. WM1at, When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAQES IFAPPROVED: �s3�"��{� �.,�°��Z�v�` R�eR�§� ��i,�s�' �, � t��$ DISADVANTAdES IF NO�APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNi OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOUNCE ACTIVITY NUMBEq FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensneet # 35323 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3127197 � S� In Tf3Ckel? App'n qeceived / App'n Processed LiCenselD # 98886 License Type: Gas Station, Restaurant-D, Grocerv-C, and Ciearette Company Name:SuperAmerica Grou➢ Division of Ashland DBA: SunerAmerica 414419_ __ BUSiness Addresss: 925 Grand Avenue Susiness Phone: " 222-7216 Contact Name/Address: Clavton Bleske, 925 Grand Ave 105 Home Phone: Date to Council Research: Public Hearing Date:� � 2 � Notice Sent to AppiicaM: -� � �, �, .-r..f Labels Ordered: y� District Couocil #: �� p C 5'-i �< . _.-.i Notice Sent to Pubtic: �� � ���y� Ward #: o� DepaRmentJ Date lnspections Commerts City Attorney 5 Environmental Health � .� Fire Jr ! "�L��` 0 • 7 � • License Siee Plan Received:_ I.ease Received: ���� �� �!� Police �O`L� c7•� ' Zoning ���{ `�'�- �. �• . MAR-19-1997 11:08 CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP _.� . CT.ASS III crrX oF sanvr pnu[, o�«�t.;�,r�a;eK LICENSB APPL�CATION �a��� i � : ������ ��.� �� ��5��v"c�'t�z' ��t �oao `�o��, `�t�''° �'3�� `������,�6 �s �ttc �i�� , � ' S 4�ii��� `�'� !, �f�at.�� c�.$ PLEASE'i'YPE ORPRINI' IlV II�IIC �� I'cpe of License(s) being app&ed for: CampffiyName: ..Z�.t.�'! � FF WlL R.l (.Y� C4rpoMiiou /PaLHS�hip / Sote Aaprictnnhip If business is incorporated, gve date of incoiporation: _ lloia8 $usiness As: � R. � �l � g�A�: qa5 t2A-�l.�,ve G -• seeec aaa�m �+�r Between what cross �ts is the busiuess located? _ Are tix pren�ises now occupied7 �'hat Type ofBusiness? r� ro a.aa��: .� O B U1G t!,(UU S'C Le �c i N��t s�a aae�. c;r x�,e sna r�u�: �� ar,aau Home Address: caraza�� - sa<aaaane Gry s�uc Zsp Date of Binh; 1( ��s - l� '� Place of $lrth: Aome Phone:�a4 f. 3 S7 ���,� Have you ever been com�cted of anq feIocry, crzuu os viol�ion of any city ordizsance other than �c? YES _ IQO �_ D�te of azrest: Whete7 Charge: Convictioa: Seataia: I.ist dx nsmes �d �dences of three peisons of good moral charsetcr, living within the Twin Cities Meiro Area, not rdated to the applicant or finrvcially interested in ffie premi�s or business, who may be r�f�ed to as to t�e app3icanYs characfer: NAME ADDRESS PHONE ��tt�� ll�e�,�it,� S— 1�(7� 0—yaND S7:S .�t-�}��- G,11-`�13L-s3�7 Lold, formcly hc1d, or Have an} of the abovc n�ed f� J7 �v N �I�ta Gl - Ftave an lAfei'C,t Ip: 612 266 9124 P. s TU?��/ .S ii S t Ui s I ;��'�; �33 �► V �'� AS� 1kNd -�-NC- -36 Busiaess Fhon� 12 �a' � 2l �o ,IT �/ srio�' s� z�, Which side of the strect� u l�ti y0S/'2._ � � � �V.4�vr f 9�r�i�t � � � r�x °.1_.1.�v t►J. been revokedP YES � NO If y�s, list the dates �d reasons tor revocatioa: 2/18N9 i9`7 11�08 C1TY OF ST PRUL LIEP 612 266 9124 P.04i06 / a e-�3 operrse this busiaess pesonally? � cS _,�L..� 130 If nob �rho u-iU operEte ��IPERAMERICAG1�lilll� 7� Dntc o .t f�a��� ' ��Zr�ii"���p Slck 2ip Pkro:+o:�3cnbes Pkzu list your ernplrnmen! history fer we prc�la.0 5ve (5) cezr period: Bus�nesslEtqpirn Address iafo;mation for eaeh parmer (use additional pages if aecesssffiy): Fita�sme Home Addreu 5vaes \mse City Swc Zip Phone?�mba Fcu\ame .W'iddleiaitd (.�Lidrn1 T.ast DefeefBatb HoneAd6ia�t� Sma2'.cue Gry Stau Zip 3Yneee?.`umbet MINIr'E507A TAX IDSNTffICATION NEJMBER - P�usuaat to 4x La�rs of DSnaesota,1984, Chapta 502, Article 8, SEM�on 2{270.72) (Ta� Cle�nce; Issusnoe of Licenses). T�cnsing suthmities are rec��ed to pmende to tbe State of 2+/u�aesota Commissi�er of Reveaiu. tt�e M'wnaota bw�aess tsx id�aafication numbet aod the social securiry a�ber of each licease applicant. Uuder the Mmaeso+a Go�amncat Dats Pr�tias Aa aud �e Fedarl Aicacp Ad of f 97d, we sre rcquir� to advise you of the foIlaw�iug regazcimg the use �'t6e M�esota TaxI�cation isvmba: -?his i�mati� may be uscd W ckuq the:n a reaewat of ymu Eicc¢sc in the cvcat you owe l�umesota sates, employe� s witbholdmg a mM� ve3ricle exase taxe� ' UP°n r�v�8 tlus infacrostioa, tlie Iicwsiag au4priry w�l supply it onty W t� Mumesota Dcpatuaeat of Rtvenue. However, unda tbe Federal FxcLauge af Information A�t, tbe Departman of Revenue maY �PPtY this inf'ormatian m tfie Intttasl Reveaue Seiiri,x. M� Tau IdmUSeatiaatNumbas (Sales & Us�?Ex Numba') may be ob�med &� tBe S�ate ofM�� B�� �� �Pmimau. lORivaParkPlaza fb12-296-6181} _ .. . - �� s�� r��:.� /— O ! �a-�S G-_ �� r�x �,�c�� rr,mm�: !� �3 �SS _ Jf a D+&aaesota Fsx Identi5carioa Nvmba is aot requ�cd for the businas bemg opaated, indicau so by placing aa'X' ia ihe box �„e�� pse c� �g tnfizre a�g� oresss.�c ia this husiness? ✓�S NO 7f the ma:�zger is not the seme �s tLe operator, p}exse wmplete che follouiag yist zll uther o�cas of the co:po�tion: pF�iCER TI'I�.E HO?vt6 H0� Bi7SL�*ESS DATEOF ?.*4?�,iF (OffixHekl] . ADIl�ESS PHO�'E PHOATE BIILTH