97-630,-,. —_ . _ . 1 2 3 l. The licensee shall insure that all individuals entering the licensed premises are properly identified to determine their age, and any individual under the age of 21 who is admitted to the bar or nightclub shall be identified as such using a method, such as a non-removable wristband or indelible ink stamp, which is visible and signifies that they may not be served or consume alcohol. 2. The licensee and a11 employees will undergo an alcohol awareness training program through an agency approved by the LIEP office and all new employees shall be required to undergo the training within four weeks of starting employment. 3. Need a final inspection by an environmental health specialist from the LIEP office. 4 `' Requested by Department of: 6 ea Navs Absent 7 B a� e� 9 �B�arrz�s� Office of License Insnections and 10 e a d Environmental Protection _ 12 T vne � 13 Morton — 17�` � � �—�-- �// is sy: C�%!�c/�'�'�.e� �Yy�'t,CL—i 16 Adopted by Council: Date 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 21 By: a 22 � Q � � BY: � t � � 23 Approved by Mayo • Date 24 Approved by Mayor for Submission to ZS Council 26 By: 27 Presented By Referred To Council File # � ordinance # Green Sheet # ���f� RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL, MINNESOTA �S Coaunittee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #96027) for a Restaurant-B, Entertainment-B, Gambling-A, Sunday On Sale Liquor, and Liquor On Sale-A License by Richard A. DeFce Enterprises Inc. DBA Club Cancun at 1638 Rice 5treet be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions : By: �` OEPARfMENT/OFflCE(COUNCIL ppTEMRVQFA �REEN SHEE N_ 353�� LIEPJLicensin -- — CANTACTPERSON&PHONE ODEPARTMENTDIHECfOR OCRYCOUNCIL �NfTIAVDATE ��� CRYATTORNEY CRYCLEHK Christine Rozek 266-9108 NUYBEqFOR � � MUSt BE ON WUNCII AGENDA BY (DA'f� pOUTING ��WET DttiECTOA O FIN. & MGT. SEHViCES DIR. For hearin : � c�28 �� � MAYOR (OFi ASSISTANn O TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ncnoN ac�uesreo: Richard A. DeFoe Enterpiises Inc. DBA Club Cancun requests Council approval of its application fox a Restaurant-B, Entertainment-B; Gambling Location-A, Sunday On Sale Liquor, and Liquor On Sale-A License lcoated at 1638 Rice Street (ID ��96027). RECAMMEPIDATIONS: AppWa (A} q F1fe�jat{ (p) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTNACTS MUS7 ANSWER THE FOLLOWIN(i �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING WMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this person/Firm ever worked under a contract for Nis tlepartmeM? � _ CIB COMMITTEE _ �S NO — �� F — 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO _ DIS7AIG7 COUN7 _ 3. Does this per„on(firm possess a skill trot normafly posSesGetl by any currert ciry empfoyee? SUPP�RTSWNIGHCAUNCI�O&IEC�IYE? YES NO Explain all yes answera on separa[e aheet and attaeh W grean shaet INITATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORtUNITY �NM. What, Whe�. Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IF APPROVEA: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: ��u-�" 8Ee'� o�"'n`:'�'�'��`°Z^�� �„�,i'R�f��3 R�R u 1 d��? DISADVANTMiES �F p10T APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION S COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACiiVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPIA�N) Greensheet # 35313 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 2-11-97 /��� In Tracke�? App'n Receivad / App'n Processed LicenselD # 96027 License Type: Restaurant-B, Entertainment-B. Gambling-A, S,�nda� nn Gom Name: Richard A DeFoe Enterprises Ince Liquor, I���or On Sale-A Club Canc,�n P�Y Business Addresss: 1638 Rice Street Business Phone: 484-8466 Contact Name/Address: Richard DeFoe. 1405 Hwv 96. Home Phone: 429-8096 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 � �a��o�i3 Date to Council Research: ���� f / � Public Hearing �ate: � Labels Ordered: �,�/�/ �/ NotiCe Sent to Applicant: /� District Council #: /D ����� �/ �� �� Notice Sent to Public: j Y Ward #: � Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney %� . yp •�- D. � . Environmental Heaith s�f - rr� ���1.,. t�s�-.��1 � . t0 ��� Fire 3•2� �9�- c��� � License Site �tsn aecervea:_ � � '� � � � � � Lease Psceived: Police 3, z � � � c�.-� • Zo�ing 3 .2�' •��- O.� . �.lti� t �: � � �`� - � ��� � 5'/0 � CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION Z/-9- �7 — �l�q �g T}�pe of License(c) (King apptied for: PL ASE TYPE OR PRLT�'T LN L\K � Cao�o� oec��e.� L���or - S ,?llu$ ) SukC( Li�G(or ��( , � .> . ` �_ . ._, L.1: ... l -.,.�: � ,. _ _ � Compaoy\au�: 1(�Gj�CLrA H ' 11tCY Cmpoation / Parmaship / Sole Propriuorship If business is iflcorporate.$ give date of incorporacion: _ Doins ���:r«5 65: C )wb Canc.� Busioess Address: ��n�x � lCe s/'fP�{ Saeet Addreu Beta•een what cross streets is the business located? Are the gremices now occupied?�� e�5 V�'hat T}Pe of Business? Mail To Addrecs: �jn�� L7C C(� 5}-{('f � ` Svcet Address '�i b'�J CITY OF SAL�'T PAUL Office of Licence. Inc�.+ections ana En.•'vonn�ental Protcction JSO SL Ptlp SL $uilC LUO Saim Paul. Ninawa "101 (61�]664'?7 fulbl?)=ES913� PL �� �5�� 1 es �� oSb- °,� Ca�s�B ) oG F�c-kr�ikcre�"-� _-�r � � -r., Gt� Ciry Eu;;�e;; P:�cnc: SUte Whic6 side of the street? 5�1 City State � . � � Applicant Inform • �^ �'' �{ '�ame and Tide: t41C_t 7GLi7,Q L /� �cC[)e. V�eI' Fust Middk (1�4aiden) L.ast Tit)e xo� Aaaress: l4US }-�u�.7 � l Wh ��e (�t r�-0.� M/� S�%�O Strmt Address Ciry p � S Zip Dace of Birth: J ¢ _ Place of Bitth: ,�IP��<7Q ,!�!� Rome Phone:�vc`T ��� � Have you ever been con�7cted of any felooy, edme or ��iolazion of any city ordioance ot2�er than tr�c? YES _ NO � Dau of arrest: VVhere? Chazge: Conviction: Sente�e: List the names and residences of three peisons of good moral cbazacter, li�•ing u�ithin the Tw�in Cities D3etro Area, not related to [he applicani or finaocially interested in the premises oT business, who may be referred to at to the app]icanYs c6azuter: NAME ADDRESS PHOr'E ��ck�ner l,�ri ah+ �i! b Ntc� /l�o� r�� '�Cx.+n ��.e,,or�s 4.-�I-��.3.�' Have any ot the above named lice�ses ever been revoked? _ YES � NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for Are you going eo operate this business pe�onaliy? � YES _„ NO If not, w•ho u•ill operate it? Fus� Home Addras: Strw Middle Ini6al (Maiden) Ciry j,�ct State Zip Da�e Plwne Numbet , List licenses ahich you cuirendy hold, formerlY held, or may hati•e ao inter�st in: n..._..l t... �•.. n � _, r^_ �i_ lc _. A n /� � �- �, n � �n � �.. i. A Ara}�ou goine fo ha�•e a manaeer or �csictant in this usiness? __�,_ YES _\O If the manager is not the same as the com�lete the follow•ing infoiaution: c '(' . n Frst;�arne .4ddress: SNee[':zme c.y Ple�e list your emplo}ment history for che previous five (5) y'eu period: Sucine�s/Emplo�Tnent Address List all otber office� of tf�e corporatien: OFFICER T'ITLE HOME �N.4.'vIE . � (Office H� ) ADDRESS HO?�'fE suce �� Zip BUSI'.��ESS PHO� If bu<iness is a parmership, please include the follow�ing info:mation for eacb partner (use additional paees if necessar��): Fvst \ame NomeAddress: Streu�ame A.id31e Iniuil (:�faiden) _. _ �l `.. Middie L�tiial (TSaiden) Ciry Cast Stace Zip Daie of Binh t � � i�uiil� DATE OF BIRTFI Date of Birth Phone t%umber Fust!<arne Middie Initial Q.Saiden) tast Date of Birfh Home Addr�cs: Stteet T:ame City State Zip Phone Number h�T'ESOTA TAX TDENTII-7CAT10\' h`UMBER - Pursuant to the L.aws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Artic]e 8, Section 2(270.72) (I'az Clearauce; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Couunissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business taz identificauon number aod the swial suurity number of each license applicant Under the Minnesota Govemme.ot Dasa Practices Act and the Federal Ptivacy Act of 7974, we aze required to ad��ise you of the folIowing regazding the use of the Minnesota Taz Identification T'umber: - 7'6is informacion may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license io che event you owe R4innesota sales, employer s withholdiog or motor vehicle ezcise tar,es; - Upon receiving t}ris informauon, the licensing authoriry wi(1 supply it only to the Minnesota Depara�nt of Re��enue. However, under ttie Federal Ezchange of Informatiou Agreement, the Department of Reveoue may supply tivs information ro the IntemaI I2eveoue Service. Minnesota Tax Identification Numbecs (Sales & Use Taz \'umber) may be obtained from the State of ?vlionesota, Busioess Records Depactment, 10 Rivec Pazk Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Security Numbes: ��� ^ �Q — (0"7 CJ � Minnesota Taz identifscation Svumber: 1���J"f`t'✓ �� ! ]f a Minnesota Taz Identification Number is noi required for ihe business being operated indicate sa by placiog an "X" in the �x. F�-� �p �I-1 �X 3� � s � � - �� �RTIFICA710\' OF �1'ORKERS' COn4PENSATION CO�ER:IGE PURSUA.\�I' TO h1L�T'ESO7A STATUTE 1 i6 Z 8� 3b '� I hereby cenify tliat I, or my company, azn in compliance w•ith tbe w•orkers' compeasation insurance co�•erage requiremenu of Minnesota Statuu 176.182, <ubdi�•ision 2. I also understand [hat pro��ision of false information in this certification conctitutes sufficient gounds for adverse accicn a�ainst ail licenses held, including revocaGoo as�d cuspension of said 1"vicenses. • �'ame of Insurance Company: PelicyNumber: Co�•eragefrem 1�J1$f4,5 to_ I haee no employees covered under u•orkers compensation Snsurance rerle�� �� u.�..� c�rp--� d 1 0� 4�uo � /a�i�R�; z 1 t�./g � z l� 1�� 1 f/�.' — ���'�7 A\Y FAISIFICATION OF AKSR'ERS GIVEN OR'�L4TERIAL SL�B]IITTED R�,L RESULT I\ DE\ZAL OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby statc thaz I have answered all of t}x prueding quesuons, and that the iuformapon contained herein is we and coxrect to the best of my know�ledge and belief. I hereby state furtber that I ba�•e received no money oi other consideration, by �•ay of loan, gifr, conuibution, or othenvise, oiher than already disclosed in the application a•hich I berew�ith submined. I also uoderstand this premise may be inspected by police, fire, beatth and othet cit}• officials at any and all times �fien the business is in operation. --- l � Sigvature (REQtiIRED for all applications) �� /o l 4 1 Date •"�ote: If this applicauoa is Food/Liquor related, please cootact a Ciry of Saiot Pau1 Health Inspector, Seeve Olson (266-9139), to review plans. If any substandai c6anges to strucrive are anticipated, p3ea�e contact a City of Saim Paul Plan Ezaminet at 2659007 to apply for building permics. If there are aoy changes to tbe pazking ]ot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning in�pector at 266-9008. Additional appUcatSon req�irements, please attach: A detai{ed desuiption ot the design, 3ocation and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site pIan). The totlowing data shou3d be on the site plan (preCerably on an 8 IIZ" z 11" or 81/1" z 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. • The scale sbould be stated such as 1" _:A'. ^\ should be indicated towazd the top. - Placement of al1 pertinent features o[ the interiot of the licensed facility sush as seating areas, I;Stchens, o�tes, repair area, par4�ng, rest rooms, et� - ff a request is for an addition or ezpansion of the licensed facilitq, indicate both the current area and the proposed expansion A copy of }•our iease agreement or proof ot oKnership oC the property. FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQUIREA4ENTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>> ,-,. —_ . _ . 1 2 3 l. The licensee shall insure that all individuals entering the licensed premises are properly identified to determine their age, and any individual under the age of 21 who is admitted to the bar or nightclub shall be identified as such using a method, such as a non-removable wristband or indelible ink stamp, which is visible and signifies that they may not be served or consume alcohol. 2. The licensee and a11 employees will undergo an alcohol awareness training program through an agency approved by the LIEP office and all new employees shall be required to undergo the training within four weeks of starting employment. 3. Need a final inspection by an environmental health specialist from the LIEP office. 4 `' Requested by Department of: 6 ea Navs Absent 7 B a� e� 9 �B�arrz�s� Office of License Insnections and 10 e a d Environmental Protection _ 12 T vne � 13 Morton — 17�` � � �—�-- �// is sy: C�%!�c/�'�'�.e� �Yy�'t,CL—i 16 Adopted by Council: Date 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 21 By: a 22 � Q � � BY: � t � � 23 Approved by Mayo • Date 24 Approved by Mayor for Submission to ZS Council 26 By: 27 Presented By Referred To Council File # � ordinance # Green Sheet # ���f� RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL, MINNESOTA �S Coaunittee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #96027) for a Restaurant-B, Entertainment-B, Gambling-A, Sunday On Sale Liquor, and Liquor On Sale-A License by Richard A. DeFce Enterprises Inc. DBA Club Cancun at 1638 Rice 5treet be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions : By: �` OEPARfMENT/OFflCE(COUNCIL ppTEMRVQFA �REEN SHEE N_ 353�� LIEPJLicensin -- — CANTACTPERSON&PHONE ODEPARTMENTDIHECfOR OCRYCOUNCIL �NfTIAVDATE ��� CRYATTORNEY CRYCLEHK Christine Rozek 266-9108 NUYBEqFOR � � MUSt BE ON WUNCII AGENDA BY (DA'f� pOUTING ��WET DttiECTOA O FIN. & MGT. SEHViCES DIR. For hearin : � c�28 �� � MAYOR (OFi ASSISTANn O TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ncnoN ac�uesreo: Richard A. DeFoe Enterpiises Inc. DBA Club Cancun requests Council approval of its application fox a Restaurant-B, Entertainment-B; Gambling Location-A, Sunday On Sale Liquor, and Liquor On Sale-A License lcoated at 1638 Rice Street (ID ��96027). RECAMMEPIDATIONS: AppWa (A} q F1fe�jat{ (p) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTNACTS MUS7 ANSWER THE FOLLOWIN(i �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING WMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this person/Firm ever worked under a contract for Nis tlepartmeM? � _ CIB COMMITTEE _ �S NO — �� F — 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO _ DIS7AIG7 COUN7 _ 3. Does this per„on(firm possess a skill trot normafly posSesGetl by any currert ciry empfoyee? SUPP�RTSWNIGHCAUNCI�O&IEC�IYE? YES NO Explain all yes answera on separa[e aheet and attaeh W grean shaet INITATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORtUNITY �NM. What, Whe�. Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IF APPROVEA: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: ��u-�" 8Ee'� o�"'n`:'�'�'��`°Z^�� �„�,i'R�f��3 R�R u 1 d��? DISADVANTMiES �F p10T APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION S COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACiiVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPIA�N) Greensheet # 35313 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 2-11-97 /��� In Tracke�? App'n Receivad / App'n Processed LicenselD # 96027 License Type: Restaurant-B, Entertainment-B. Gambling-A, S,�nda� nn Gom Name: Richard A DeFoe Enterprises Ince Liquor, I���or On Sale-A Club Canc,�n P�Y Business Addresss: 1638 Rice Street Business Phone: 484-8466 Contact Name/Address: Richard DeFoe. 1405 Hwv 96. Home Phone: 429-8096 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 � �a��o�i3 Date to Council Research: ���� f / � Public Hearing �ate: � Labels Ordered: �,�/�/ �/ NotiCe Sent to Applicant: /� District Council #: /D ����� �/ �� �� Notice Sent to Public: j Y Ward #: � Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney %� . yp •�- D. � . Environmental Heaith s�f - rr� ���1.,. t�s�-.��1 � . t0 ��� Fire 3•2� �9�- c��� � License Site �tsn aecervea:_ � � '� � � � � � Lease Psceived: Police 3, z � � � c�.-� • Zo�ing 3 .2�' •��- O.� . �.lti� t �: � � �`� - � ��� � 5'/0 � CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION Z/-9- �7 — �l�q �g T}�pe of License(c) (King apptied for: PL ASE TYPE OR PRLT�'T LN L\K � Cao�o� oec��e.� L���or - S ,?llu$ ) SukC( Li�G(or ��( , � .> . ` �_ . ._, L.1: ... l -.,.�: � ,. _ _ � Compaoy\au�: 1(�Gj�CLrA H ' 11tCY Cmpoation / Parmaship / Sole Propriuorship If business is iflcorporate.$ give date of incorporacion: _ Doins ���:r«5 65: C )wb Canc.� Busioess Address: ��n�x � lCe s/'fP�{ Saeet Addreu Beta•een what cross streets is the business located? Are the gremices now occupied?�� e�5 V�'hat T}Pe of Business? Mail To Addrecs: �jn�� L7C C(� 5}-{('f � ` Svcet Address '�i b'�J CITY OF SAL�'T PAUL Office of Licence. Inc�.+ections ana En.•'vonn�ental Protcction JSO SL Ptlp SL $uilC LUO Saim Paul. Ninawa "101 (61�]664'?7 fulbl?)=ES913� PL �� �5�� 1 es �� oSb- °,� Ca�s�B ) oG F�c-kr�ikcre�"-� _-�r � � -r., Gt� Ciry Eu;;�e;; P:�cnc: SUte Whic6 side of the street? 5�1 City State � . � � Applicant Inform • �^ �'' �{ '�ame and Tide: t41C_t 7GLi7,Q L /� �cC[)e. V�eI' Fust Middk (1�4aiden) L.ast Tit)e xo� Aaaress: l4US }-�u�.7 � l Wh ��e (�t r�-0.� M/� S�%�O Strmt Address Ciry p � S Zip Dace of Birth: J ¢ _ Place of Bitth: ,�IP��<7Q ,!�!� Rome Phone:�vc`T ��� � Have you ever been con�7cted of any felooy, edme or ��iolazion of any city ordioance ot2�er than tr�c? YES _ NO � Dau of arrest: VVhere? Chazge: Conviction: Sente�e: List the names and residences of three peisons of good moral cbazacter, li�•ing u�ithin the Tw�in Cities D3etro Area, not related to [he applicani or finaocially interested in the premises oT business, who may be referred to at to the app]icanYs c6azuter: NAME ADDRESS PHOr'E ��ck�ner l,�ri ah+ �i! b Ntc� /l�o� r�� '�Cx.+n ��.e,,or�s 4.-�I-��.3.�' Have any ot the above named lice�ses ever been revoked? _ YES � NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for Are you going eo operate this business pe�onaliy? � YES _„ NO If not, w•ho u•ill operate it? Fus� Home Addras: Strw Middle Ini6al (Maiden) Ciry j,�ct State Zip Da�e Plwne Numbet , List licenses ahich you cuirendy hold, formerlY held, or may hati•e ao inter�st in: n..._..l t... �•.. n � _, r^_ �i_ lc _. A n /� � �- �, n � �n � �.. i. A Ara}�ou goine fo ha�•e a manaeer or �csictant in this usiness? __�,_ YES _\O If the manager is not the same as the com�lete the follow•ing infoiaution: c '(' . n Frst;�arne .4ddress: SNee[':zme c.y Ple�e list your emplo}ment history for che previous five (5) y'eu period: Sucine�s/Emplo�Tnent Address List all otber office� of tf�e corporatien: OFFICER T'ITLE HOME �N.4.'vIE . � (Office H� ) ADDRESS HO?�'fE suce �� Zip BUSI'.��ESS PHO� If bu<iness is a parmership, please include the follow�ing info:mation for eacb partner (use additional paees if necessar��): Fvst \ame NomeAddress: Streu�ame A.id31e Iniuil (:�faiden) _. _ �l `.. Middie L�tiial (TSaiden) Ciry Cast Stace Zip Daie of Binh t � � i�uiil� DATE OF BIRTFI Date of Birth Phone t%umber Fust!<arne Middie Initial Q.Saiden) tast Date of Birfh Home Addr�cs: Stteet T:ame City State Zip Phone Number h�T'ESOTA TAX TDENTII-7CAT10\' h`UMBER - Pursuant to the L.aws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Artic]e 8, Section 2(270.72) (I'az Clearauce; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Couunissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business taz identificauon number aod the swial suurity number of each license applicant Under the Minnesota Govemme.ot Dasa Practices Act and the Federal Ptivacy Act of 7974, we aze required to ad��ise you of the folIowing regazding the use of the Minnesota Taz Identification T'umber: - 7'6is informacion may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license io che event you owe R4innesota sales, employer s withholdiog or motor vehicle ezcise tar,es; - Upon receiving t}ris informauon, the licensing authoriry wi(1 supply it only to the Minnesota Depara�nt of Re��enue. However, under ttie Federal Ezchange of Informatiou Agreement, the Department of Reveoue may supply tivs information ro the IntemaI I2eveoue Service. Minnesota Tax Identification Numbecs (Sales & Use Taz \'umber) may be obtained from the State of ?vlionesota, Busioess Records Depactment, 10 Rivec Pazk Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Security Numbes: ��� ^ �Q — (0"7 CJ � Minnesota Taz identifscation Svumber: 1���J"f`t'✓ �� ! ]f a Minnesota Taz Identification Number is noi required for ihe business being operated indicate sa by placiog an "X" in the �x. F�-� �p �I-1 �X 3� � s � � - �� �RTIFICA710\' OF �1'ORKERS' COn4PENSATION CO�ER:IGE PURSUA.\�I' TO h1L�T'ESO7A STATUTE 1 i6 Z 8� 3b '� I hereby cenify tliat I, or my company, azn in compliance w•ith tbe w•orkers' compeasation insurance co�•erage requiremenu of Minnesota Statuu 176.182, <ubdi�•ision 2. I also understand [hat pro��ision of false information in this certification conctitutes sufficient gounds for adverse accicn a�ainst ail licenses held, including revocaGoo as�d cuspension of said 1"vicenses. • �'ame of Insurance Company: PelicyNumber: Co�•eragefrem 1�J1$f4,5 to_ I haee no employees covered under u•orkers compensation Snsurance rerle�� �� u.�..� c�rp--� d 1 0� 4�uo � /a�i�R�; z 1 t�./g � z l� 1�� 1 f/�.' — ���'�7 A\Y FAISIFICATION OF AKSR'ERS GIVEN OR'�L4TERIAL SL�B]IITTED R�,L RESULT I\ DE\ZAL OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby statc thaz I have answered all of t}x prueding quesuons, and that the iuformapon contained herein is we and coxrect to the best of my know�ledge and belief. I hereby state furtber that I ba�•e received no money oi other consideration, by �•ay of loan, gifr, conuibution, or othenvise, oiher than already disclosed in the application a•hich I berew�ith submined. I also uoderstand this premise may be inspected by police, fire, beatth and othet cit}• officials at any and all times �fien the business is in operation. --- l � Sigvature (REQtiIRED for all applications) �� /o l 4 1 Date •"�ote: If this applicauoa is Food/Liquor related, please cootact a Ciry of Saiot Pau1 Health Inspector, Seeve Olson (266-9139), to review plans. If any substandai c6anges to strucrive are anticipated, p3ea�e contact a City of Saim Paul Plan Ezaminet at 2659007 to apply for building permics. If there are aoy changes to tbe pazking ]ot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning in�pector at 266-9008. Additional appUcatSon req�irements, please attach: A detai{ed desuiption ot the design, 3ocation and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site pIan). The totlowing data shou3d be on the site plan (preCerably on an 8 IIZ" z 11" or 81/1" z 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. • The scale sbould be stated such as 1" _:A'. ^\ should be indicated towazd the top. - Placement of al1 pertinent features o[ the interiot of the licensed facility sush as seating areas, I;Stchens, o�tes, repair area, par4�ng, rest rooms, et� - ff a request is for an addition or ezpansion of the licensed facilitq, indicate both the current area and the proposed expansion A copy of }•our iease agreement or proof ot oKnership oC the property. FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQUIREA4ENTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>> ,-,. —_ . _ . 1 2 3 l. The licensee shall insure that all individuals entering the licensed premises are properly identified to determine their age, and any individual under the age of 21 who is admitted to the bar or nightclub shall be identified as such using a method, such as a non-removable wristband or indelible ink stamp, which is visible and signifies that they may not be served or consume alcohol. 2. The licensee and a11 employees will undergo an alcohol awareness training program through an agency approved by the LIEP office and all new employees shall be required to undergo the training within four weeks of starting employment. 3. Need a final inspection by an environmental health specialist from the LIEP office. 4 `' Requested by Department of: 6 ea Navs Absent 7 B a� e� 9 �B�arrz�s� Office of License Insnections and 10 e a d Environmental Protection _ 12 T vne � 13 Morton — 17�` � � �—�-- �// is sy: C�%!�c/�'�'�.e� �Yy�'t,CL—i 16 Adopted by Council: Date 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 21 By: a 22 � Q � � BY: � t � � 23 Approved by Mayo • Date 24 Approved by Mayor for Submission to ZS Council 26 By: 27 Presented By Referred To Council File # � ordinance # Green Sheet # ���f� RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL, MINNESOTA �S Coaunittee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #96027) for a Restaurant-B, Entertainment-B, Gambling-A, Sunday On Sale Liquor, and Liquor On Sale-A License by Richard A. DeFce Enterprises Inc. DBA Club Cancun at 1638 Rice 5treet be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions : By: �` OEPARfMENT/OFflCE(COUNCIL ppTEMRVQFA �REEN SHEE N_ 353�� LIEPJLicensin -- — CANTACTPERSON&PHONE ODEPARTMENTDIHECfOR OCRYCOUNCIL �NfTIAVDATE ��� CRYATTORNEY CRYCLEHK Christine Rozek 266-9108 NUYBEqFOR � � MUSt BE ON WUNCII AGENDA BY (DA'f� pOUTING ��WET DttiECTOA O FIN. & MGT. SEHViCES DIR. For hearin : � c�28 �� � MAYOR (OFi ASSISTANn O TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ncnoN ac�uesreo: Richard A. DeFoe Enterpiises Inc. DBA Club Cancun requests Council approval of its application fox a Restaurant-B, Entertainment-B; Gambling Location-A, Sunday On Sale Liquor, and Liquor On Sale-A License lcoated at 1638 Rice Street (ID ��96027). RECAMMEPIDATIONS: AppWa (A} q F1fe�jat{ (p) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTNACTS MUS7 ANSWER THE FOLLOWIN(i �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING WMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this person/Firm ever worked under a contract for Nis tlepartmeM? � _ CIB COMMITTEE _ �S NO — �� F — 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO _ DIS7AIG7 COUN7 _ 3. Does this per„on(firm possess a skill trot normafly posSesGetl by any currert ciry empfoyee? SUPP�RTSWNIGHCAUNCI�O&IEC�IYE? YES NO Explain all yes answera on separa[e aheet and attaeh W grean shaet INITATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORtUNITY �NM. What, Whe�. Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IF APPROVEA: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: ��u-�" 8Ee'� o�"'n`:'�'�'��`°Z^�� �„�,i'R�f��3 R�R u 1 d��? DISADVANTMiES �F p10T APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION S COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACiiVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPIA�N) Greensheet # 35313 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 2-11-97 /��� In Tracke�? App'n Receivad / App'n Processed LicenselD # 96027 License Type: Restaurant-B, Entertainment-B. Gambling-A, S,�nda� nn Gom Name: Richard A DeFoe Enterprises Ince Liquor, I���or On Sale-A Club Canc,�n P�Y Business Addresss: 1638 Rice Street Business Phone: 484-8466 Contact Name/Address: Richard DeFoe. 1405 Hwv 96. Home Phone: 429-8096 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 � �a��o�i3 Date to Council Research: ���� f / � Public Hearing �ate: � Labels Ordered: �,�/�/ �/ NotiCe Sent to Applicant: /� District Council #: /D ����� �/ �� �� Notice Sent to Public: j Y Ward #: � Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney %� . yp •�- D. � . Environmental Heaith s�f - rr� ���1.,. t�s�-.��1 � . t0 ��� Fire 3•2� �9�- c��� � License Site �tsn aecervea:_ � � '� � � � � � Lease Psceived: Police 3, z � � � c�.-� • Zo�ing 3 .2�' •��- O.� . �.lti� t �: � � �`� - � ��� � 5'/0 � CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION Z/-9- �7 — �l�q �g T}�pe of License(c) (King apptied for: PL ASE TYPE OR PRLT�'T LN L\K � Cao�o� oec��e.� L���or - S ,?llu$ ) SukC( Li�G(or ��( , � .> . ` �_ . ._, L.1: ... l -.,.�: � ,. _ _ � Compaoy\au�: 1(�Gj�CLrA H ' 11tCY Cmpoation / Parmaship / Sole Propriuorship If business is iflcorporate.$ give date of incorporacion: _ Doins ���:r«5 65: C )wb Canc.� Busioess Address: ��n�x � lCe s/'fP�{ Saeet Addreu Beta•een what cross streets is the business located? Are the gremices now occupied?�� e�5 V�'hat T}Pe of Business? Mail To Addrecs: �jn�� L7C C(� 5}-{('f � ` Svcet Address '�i b'�J CITY OF SAL�'T PAUL Office of Licence. Inc�.+ections ana En.•'vonn�ental Protcction JSO SL Ptlp SL $uilC LUO Saim Paul. Ninawa "101 (61�]664'?7 fulbl?)=ES913� PL �� �5�� 1 es �� oSb- °,� Ca�s�B ) oG F�c-kr�ikcre�"-� _-�r � � -r., Gt� Ciry Eu;;�e;; P:�cnc: SUte Whic6 side of the street? 5�1 City State � . � � Applicant Inform • �^ �'' �{ '�ame and Tide: t41C_t 7GLi7,Q L /� �cC[)e. V�eI' Fust Middk (1�4aiden) L.ast Tit)e xo� Aaaress: l4US }-�u�.7 � l Wh ��e (�t r�-0.� M/� S�%�O Strmt Address Ciry p � S Zip Dace of Birth: J ¢ _ Place of Bitth: ,�IP��<7Q ,!�!� Rome Phone:�vc`T ��� � Have you ever been con�7cted of any felooy, edme or ��iolazion of any city ordioance ot2�er than tr�c? YES _ NO � Dau of arrest: VVhere? Chazge: Conviction: Sente�e: List the names and residences of three peisons of good moral cbazacter, li�•ing u�ithin the Tw�in Cities D3etro Area, not related to [he applicani or finaocially interested in the premises oT business, who may be referred to at to the app]icanYs c6azuter: NAME ADDRESS PHOr'E ��ck�ner l,�ri ah+ �i! b Ntc� /l�o� r�� '�Cx.+n ��.e,,or�s 4.-�I-��.3.�' Have any ot the above named lice�ses ever been revoked? _ YES � NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for Are you going eo operate this business pe�onaliy? � YES _„ NO If not, w•ho u•ill operate it? Fus� Home Addras: Strw Middle Ini6al (Maiden) Ciry j,�ct State Zip Da�e Plwne Numbet , List licenses ahich you cuirendy hold, formerlY held, or may hati•e ao inter�st in: n..._..l t... �•.. n � _, r^_ �i_ lc _. A n /� � �- �, n � �n � �.. i. A Ara}�ou goine fo ha�•e a manaeer or �csictant in this usiness? __�,_ YES _\O If the manager is not the same as the com�lete the follow•ing infoiaution: c '(' . n Frst;�arne .4ddress: SNee[':zme c.y Ple�e list your emplo}ment history for che previous five (5) y'eu period: Sucine�s/Emplo�Tnent Address List all otber office� of tf�e corporatien: OFFICER T'ITLE HOME �N.4.'vIE . � (Office H� ) ADDRESS HO?�'fE suce �� Zip BUSI'.��ESS PHO� If bu<iness is a parmership, please include the follow�ing info:mation for eacb partner (use additional paees if necessar��): Fvst \ame NomeAddress: Streu�ame A.id31e Iniuil (:�faiden) _. _ �l `.. Middie L�tiial (TSaiden) Ciry Cast Stace Zip Daie of Binh t � � i�uiil� DATE OF BIRTFI Date of Birth Phone t%umber Fust!<arne Middie Initial Q.Saiden) tast Date of Birfh Home Addr�cs: Stteet T:ame City State Zip Phone Number h�T'ESOTA TAX TDENTII-7CAT10\' h`UMBER - Pursuant to the L.aws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Artic]e 8, Section 2(270.72) (I'az Clearauce; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Couunissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business taz identificauon number aod the swial suurity number of each license applicant Under the Minnesota Govemme.ot Dasa Practices Act and the Federal Ptivacy Act of 7974, we aze required to ad��ise you of the folIowing regazding the use of the Minnesota Taz Identification T'umber: - 7'6is informacion may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license io che event you owe R4innesota sales, employer s withholdiog or motor vehicle ezcise tar,es; - Upon receiving t}ris informauon, the licensing authoriry wi(1 supply it only to the Minnesota Depara�nt of Re��enue. However, under ttie Federal Ezchange of Informatiou Agreement, the Department of Reveoue may supply tivs information ro the IntemaI I2eveoue Service. Minnesota Tax Identification Numbecs (Sales & Use Taz \'umber) may be obtained from the State of ?vlionesota, Busioess Records Depactment, 10 Rivec Pazk Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Security Numbes: ��� ^ �Q — (0"7 CJ � Minnesota Taz identifscation Svumber: 1���J"f`t'✓ �� ! ]f a Minnesota Taz Identification Number is noi required for ihe business being operated indicate sa by placiog an "X" in the �x. F�-� �p �I-1 �X 3� � s � � - �� �RTIFICA710\' OF �1'ORKERS' COn4PENSATION CO�ER:IGE PURSUA.\�I' TO h1L�T'ESO7A STATUTE 1 i6 Z 8� 3b '� I hereby cenify tliat I, or my company, azn in compliance w•ith tbe w•orkers' compeasation insurance co�•erage requiremenu of Minnesota Statuu 176.182, <ubdi�•ision 2. I also understand [hat pro��ision of false information in this certification conctitutes sufficient gounds for adverse accicn a�ainst ail licenses held, including revocaGoo as�d cuspension of said 1"vicenses. • �'ame of Insurance Company: PelicyNumber: Co�•eragefrem 1�J1$f4,5 to_ I haee no employees covered under u•orkers compensation Snsurance rerle�� �� u.�..� c�rp--� d 1 0� 4�uo � /a�i�R�; z 1 t�./g � z l� 1�� 1 f/�.' — ���'�7 A\Y FAISIFICATION OF AKSR'ERS GIVEN OR'�L4TERIAL SL�B]IITTED R�,L RESULT I\ DE\ZAL OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby statc thaz I have answered all of t}x prueding quesuons, and that the iuformapon contained herein is we and coxrect to the best of my know�ledge and belief. I hereby state furtber that I ba�•e received no money oi other consideration, by �•ay of loan, gifr, conuibution, or othenvise, oiher than already disclosed in the application a•hich I berew�ith submined. I also uoderstand this premise may be inspected by police, fire, beatth and othet cit}• officials at any and all times �fien the business is in operation. --- l � Sigvature (REQtiIRED for all applications) �� /o l 4 1 Date •"�ote: If this applicauoa is Food/Liquor related, please cootact a Ciry of Saiot Pau1 Health Inspector, Seeve Olson (266-9139), to review plans. If any substandai c6anges to strucrive are anticipated, p3ea�e contact a City of Saim Paul Plan Ezaminet at 2659007 to apply for building permics. If there are aoy changes to tbe pazking ]ot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning in�pector at 266-9008. Additional appUcatSon req�irements, please attach: A detai{ed desuiption ot the design, 3ocation and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site pIan). The totlowing data shou3d be on the site plan (preCerably on an 8 IIZ" z 11" or 81/1" z 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. • The scale sbould be stated such as 1" _:A'. ^\ should be indicated towazd the top. - Placement of al1 pertinent features o[ the interiot of the licensed facility sush as seating areas, I;Stchens, o�tes, repair area, par4�ng, rest rooms, et� - ff a request is for an addition or ezpansion of the licensed facilitq, indicate both the current area and the proposed expansion A copy of }•our iease agreement or proof ot oKnership oC the property. FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQUIREA4ENTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>>