97-629; Presented By _, Referred To Council File # ° �b G._ �m�.�� - Sl���q�t Ordinance # Green Sheet # - RESOLUTION r �CITY O��AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA i/� i T Committee: Date 1 2 3 1. The proper "common li 2. The planti far enough 3. Davern Str will plant not exceed 4. The proper Shepard Ro 5. The Park & as not to feet in .e. so of acea no more corner onto : 1y entrance to Stewart, the owner ornamental shrubberv which will tain the lilacs on both Davern and not encroach on the rieht of wav. arx airpore snuzcles in sucn a to back un to enter or leave the 4 `' Requested by Department of: 6 Y� Nava Absent 7 B a� 8 Bostrom Office of License Tns and 9 arr� 10 Me a� �� —�� Environmental Drotection 11 Morton � 12 une � 14 Co ��� s 15 � � � �'` ' 16 Adopted by Council: Date �$" B �'' ���---��-�� 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 ,('� � � � 21 By: � � {�S By: J � � 22 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �t' �/�I � 24 ZS Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 $ye � Council 27 RESOLVED: That application (ID #77'745) for a renewal of a Parldng LotlRamp license for Park N Jet LLC DBA Park N 3et (Gerald L. Trooien, Owner) at 14b0 Davem Street be and the same is hereby approvai- with the following conditions: By: q�-b'L9 DEPAR1YENipFFICErCOUNqL DATE INITIATED �/ � � � LZEP/Licensin GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAIIDATE O DEPARTMENT DIREGTOR O CITV CAUNCIL Christine Rozek 266-9108 ���N OCT'ATfORNEY OCITYCIERK NUYBENFOP MUST 8E ON CQUNG� AGENDA BY (DAl� q011TING � BUDGET DIPECTO � FIN. & MGL SEAVICES DIFi. S � OflOEH O MAYOR (OR A551STANT) O For hearin : TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Park N Set LLC DBA Park N Jet requests Council approval of its application for a renewal of a parking Lot/Ramp License located at 1460 Davern Street. *Note: The license was orginally granted by the City Council on 3/5/97 for a 60 day period. RECAMMENDA7iONS: Approve (A) or aeject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWMG QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEFiVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/Firm ever worketl under a contract for this depertment? _CIBCOMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has ihis person/Firtn ever been a aty employee? _ SiAFF — YES NO _ Di57a1Ci CoURT _ 3. Does this pereon/firtn possass a skill not normally possessetl Dy any curreM ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IEC�IVE? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separate sheet anE attaeh to green shcet INITIATING PflO6LEM, ISSUE, QPPORTUNIN (Who, WhaS, When, Wh9re. Why): ����f��� MAY 16 ��97 ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED � �� �i�i�._�3 . �,� ' ., . � . _ . ....�':�� (.� k: IJ:�� _ _ _'.._a�,..>:isw? DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED � - — TOTAL AMOUNT OP 7RANSAC710N S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIBG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORI4tATION: (EXPLAIN) OFFICE OF 17CE1:SE, II:SPECTIONS At�'D ENVII20NMENTALPROTECTION RobertKessler, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nrnm Colemon, Mayor IAWRY PROFFSSIONAL B Ull DING Svite 300 3SOStPeterSneet SaintPaul, Minnesota 55702-I S/0 May 12, 1997 7anice Simmonds Pazk `n 7et LLC 739 Vandalia Saint Paul, MN 55114 RE: Public Hearing for License Renewal ID #77745 Park `n Jet LLC 1460 Davern Street Dear Ms. Simmonds, �t�r-bZ� Te%phone: 612-266-9090 Fatsimile: 612-2669099 611-266-9T24 The I3'ighland Park Community Council has now requested through Councilmember I3arris' office that a public hearing be held before the City Council regarding renewal of the parking lot license at 1450 Davem Street. The public hearing will be scheduled as soon as possibie, hopefully at the end of May. You will be notified in writing of the hearing date. I apologize for any inconvenience that this scheduling might cause you. I received the hearing requ�s? just ttus marning. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-9108. SincereIy, ����� � Christine A Rozek Deputy Director C�1 cc: Ivfike Harris Dan Smith Crayle Summers/F3ighland Community Council Shawn Bartsh/FTighiand Community Council Aighland Area Community Council i978 Ford Yarkwf�p Saiot Paul, ]4lienesota g$116 May 28, 1997 To: Milce Harris Re. Park & F!y �� � q�t- ��9 The Flighland Area Community Council and the owners/managers e{the p� �g �} {���,> located at the irttersectic� of Davem Street and Shepard Road, have reach the following agreern�t +egard'mg the landscaping of the Property. �- T� P��rtY �8 S�rd Road wil1 be p)antod with a variay of `oommon liiac'. 7hc lilacs shall be placod ao more then 5' apari. 2. ���� around Ihc aumcr onto Davern Shaet far enoogh as not W�nbecicre with 3. bavern SaeEt from the Pa�fc & Fly entrance [o Steaart the owncr will pt�ot a oinamental sFwbbcry whicfi wilI not e.ioaed 3 feet in lieight. pP � T �Y � 4. T6e yropertY Owae3 will maiatairt the lilacs on both DavCrn and Shepatd Road i.t 90 they do not e+�C[oach on t}ce rightofway. . Su � CommunitY Couscil � � � � �Gs park � Fiy lanicc S�mmot May 28, 1917 � �� ��� - � � ������� � �fi�� � �.��� � 7 C��ti� �' a � ��- ��`�� ����'�� fi� � r ' � � l ) �� �� �S � � � � 5 ��� � a' � ��� s � �" � `� � ��� � �� �n-� � � ���� ���� n � ; .�,��-.�� � � �� � A) / L ' N 1 ' � V ~ l� ��� � ��`��� � l� �. District 17 CapitolRiver Council 445 Minnesota Street, Suife 524, Saint Paui, M�I 55101 612 221 0488 FAX 612 221 0581 \ �� May21, 1997'\ c�ry 15 }�'est K� S�ni Paul, 202 Thune RECENED NlAY 2 '3 199T HARRIS speciai assessment The Capit River Council Board of out of th own Square Park speci� Based on severalfactors the appropriate to tax the dow maintenance of Town S a� gathering place and th retai Department is no lo er pro has ceased opera ' ns. The c ofFice space. At the 21 �tay I997 passed :/ t and discassed th�f'iroposal for a Iwo-year phase district for dov�own. >ar�6f D'uectors believe it is no longer � owners to pay for the operations and aze opened in 198Q it was intended to be a aint Paul. Currently, the City's Parks Pazk and most recendy Cafes" Cazousei n Square is cleazIy chan ' from retail to Board of D'uectors�.eting the foUowing motion was bI ION: "The Capit 'ver Council supports ity Council Resolufion 9�-599 to establish a tti -year phase-out o e Town Square specia sessment district for downtown. Fnrther, the RC recommends a appointment oF a tas orce ro swdy the future use of Town Square Pazk." biSA Sincerely, � hiike Skwira, Chair ; Presented By _, Referred To Council File # ° �b G._ �m�.�� - Sl���q�t Ordinance # Green Sheet # - RESOLUTION r �CITY O��AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA i/� i T Committee: Date 1 2 3 1. The proper "common li 2. The planti far enough 3. Davern Str will plant not exceed 4. The proper Shepard Ro 5. The Park & as not to feet in .e. so of acea no more corner onto : 1y entrance to Stewart, the owner ornamental shrubberv which will tain the lilacs on both Davern and not encroach on the rieht of wav. arx airpore snuzcles in sucn a to back un to enter or leave the 4 `' Requested by Department of: 6 Y� Nava Absent 7 B a� 8 Bostrom Office of License Tns and 9 arr� 10 Me a� �� —�� Environmental Drotection 11 Morton � 12 une � 14 Co ��� s 15 � � � �'` ' 16 Adopted by Council: Date �$" B �'' ���---��-�� 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 ,('� � � � 21 By: � � {�S By: J � � 22 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �t' �/�I � 24 ZS Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 $ye � Council 27 RESOLVED: That application (ID #77'745) for a renewal of a Parldng LotlRamp license for Park N Jet LLC DBA Park N 3et (Gerald L. Trooien, Owner) at 14b0 Davem Street be and the same is hereby approvai- with the following conditions: By: q�-b'L9 DEPAR1YENipFFICErCOUNqL DATE INITIATED �/ � � � LZEP/Licensin GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAIIDATE O DEPARTMENT DIREGTOR O CITV CAUNCIL Christine Rozek 266-9108 ���N OCT'ATfORNEY OCITYCIERK NUYBENFOP MUST 8E ON CQUNG� AGENDA BY (DAl� q011TING � BUDGET DIPECTO � FIN. & MGL SEAVICES DIFi. S � OflOEH O MAYOR (OR A551STANT) O For hearin : TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Park N Set LLC DBA Park N Jet requests Council approval of its application for a renewal of a parking Lot/Ramp License located at 1460 Davern Street. *Note: The license was orginally granted by the City Council on 3/5/97 for a 60 day period. RECAMMENDA7iONS: Approve (A) or aeject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWMG QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEFiVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/Firm ever worketl under a contract for this depertment? _CIBCOMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has ihis person/Firtn ever been a aty employee? _ SiAFF — YES NO _ Di57a1Ci CoURT _ 3. Does this pereon/firtn possass a skill not normally possessetl Dy any curreM ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IEC�IVE? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separate sheet anE attaeh to green shcet INITIATING PflO6LEM, ISSUE, QPPORTUNIN (Who, WhaS, When, Wh9re. Why): ����f��� MAY 16 ��97 ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED � �� �i�i�._�3 . �,� ' ., . � . _ . ....�':�� (.� k: IJ:�� _ _ _'.._a�,..>:isw? DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED � - — TOTAL AMOUNT OP 7RANSAC710N S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIBG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORI4tATION: (EXPLAIN) OFFICE OF 17CE1:SE, II:SPECTIONS At�'D ENVII20NMENTALPROTECTION RobertKessler, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nrnm Colemon, Mayor IAWRY PROFFSSIONAL B Ull DING Svite 300 3SOStPeterSneet SaintPaul, Minnesota 55702-I S/0 May 12, 1997 7anice Simmonds Pazk `n 7et LLC 739 Vandalia Saint Paul, MN 55114 RE: Public Hearing for License Renewal ID #77745 Park `n Jet LLC 1460 Davern Street Dear Ms. Simmonds, �t�r-bZ� Te%phone: 612-266-9090 Fatsimile: 612-2669099 611-266-9T24 The I3'ighland Park Community Council has now requested through Councilmember I3arris' office that a public hearing be held before the City Council regarding renewal of the parking lot license at 1450 Davem Street. The public hearing will be scheduled as soon as possibie, hopefully at the end of May. You will be notified in writing of the hearing date. I apologize for any inconvenience that this scheduling might cause you. I received the hearing requ�s? just ttus marning. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-9108. SincereIy, ����� � Christine A Rozek Deputy Director C�1 cc: Ivfike Harris Dan Smith Crayle Summers/F3ighland Community Council Shawn Bartsh/FTighiand Community Council Aighland Area Community Council i978 Ford Yarkwf�p Saiot Paul, ]4lienesota g$116 May 28, 1997 To: Milce Harris Re. Park & F!y �� � q�t- ��9 The Flighland Area Community Council and the owners/managers e{the p� �g �} {���,> located at the irttersectic� of Davem Street and Shepard Road, have reach the following agreern�t +egard'mg the landscaping of the Property. �- T� P��rtY �8 S�rd Road wil1 be p)antod with a variay of `oommon liiac'. 7hc lilacs shall be placod ao more then 5' apari. 2. ���� around Ihc aumcr onto Davern Shaet far enoogh as not W�nbecicre with 3. bavern SaeEt from the Pa�fc & Fly entrance [o Steaart the owncr will pt�ot a oinamental sFwbbcry whicfi wilI not e.ioaed 3 feet in lieight. pP � T �Y � 4. T6e yropertY Owae3 will maiatairt the lilacs on both DavCrn and Shepatd Road i.t 90 they do not e+�C[oach on t}ce rightofway. . Su � CommunitY Couscil � � � � �Gs park � Fiy lanicc S�mmot May 28, 1917 � �� ��� - � � ������� � �fi�� � �.��� � 7 C��ti� �' a � ��- ��`�� ����'�� fi� � r ' � � l ) �� �� �S � � � � 5 ��� � a' � ��� s � �" � `� � ��� � �� �n-� � � ���� ���� n � ; .�,��-.�� � � �� � A) / L ' N 1 ' � V ~ l� ��� � ��`��� � l� �. District 17 CapitolRiver Council 445 Minnesota Street, Suife 524, Saint Paui, M�I 55101 612 221 0488 FAX 612 221 0581 \ �� May21, 1997'\ c�ry 15 }�'est K� S�ni Paul, 202 Thune RECENED NlAY 2 '3 199T HARRIS speciai assessment The Capit River Council Board of out of th own Square Park speci� Based on severalfactors the appropriate to tax the dow maintenance of Town S a� gathering place and th retai Department is no lo er pro has ceased opera ' ns. The c ofFice space. At the 21 �tay I997 passed :/ t and discassed th�f'iroposal for a Iwo-year phase district for dov�own. >ar�6f D'uectors believe it is no longer � owners to pay for the operations and aze opened in 198Q it was intended to be a aint Paul. Currently, the City's Parks Pazk and most recendy Cafes" Cazousei n Square is cleazIy chan ' from retail to Board of D'uectors�.eting the foUowing motion was bI ION: "The Capit 'ver Council supports ity Council Resolufion 9�-599 to establish a tti -year phase-out o e Town Square specia sessment district for downtown. Fnrther, the RC recommends a appointment oF a tas orce ro swdy the future use of Town Square Pazk." biSA Sincerely, � hiike Skwira, Chair ; Presented By _, Referred To Council File # ° �b G._ �m�.�� - Sl���q�t Ordinance # Green Sheet # - RESOLUTION r �CITY O��AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA i/� i T Committee: Date 1 2 3 1. The proper "common li 2. The planti far enough 3. Davern Str will plant not exceed 4. The proper Shepard Ro 5. The Park & as not to feet in .e. so of acea no more corner onto : 1y entrance to Stewart, the owner ornamental shrubberv which will tain the lilacs on both Davern and not encroach on the rieht of wav. arx airpore snuzcles in sucn a to back un to enter or leave the 4 `' Requested by Department of: 6 Y� Nava Absent 7 B a� 8 Bostrom Office of License Tns and 9 arr� 10 Me a� �� —�� Environmental Drotection 11 Morton � 12 une � 14 Co ��� s 15 � � � �'` ' 16 Adopted by Council: Date �$" B �'' ���---��-�� 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 ,('� � � � 21 By: � � {�S By: J � � 22 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �t' �/�I � 24 ZS Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 $ye � Council 27 RESOLVED: That application (ID #77'745) for a renewal of a Parldng LotlRamp license for Park N Jet LLC DBA Park N 3et (Gerald L. Trooien, Owner) at 14b0 Davem Street be and the same is hereby approvai- with the following conditions: By: q�-b'L9 DEPAR1YENipFFICErCOUNqL DATE INITIATED �/ � � � LZEP/Licensin GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAIIDATE O DEPARTMENT DIREGTOR O CITV CAUNCIL Christine Rozek 266-9108 ���N OCT'ATfORNEY OCITYCIERK NUYBENFOP MUST 8E ON CQUNG� AGENDA BY (DAl� q011TING � BUDGET DIPECTO � FIN. & MGL SEAVICES DIFi. S � OflOEH O MAYOR (OR A551STANT) O For hearin : TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Park N Set LLC DBA Park N Jet requests Council approval of its application for a renewal of a parking Lot/Ramp License located at 1460 Davern Street. *Note: The license was orginally granted by the City Council on 3/5/97 for a 60 day period. RECAMMENDA7iONS: Approve (A) or aeject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWMG QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEFiVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/Firm ever worketl under a contract for this depertment? _CIBCOMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has ihis person/Firtn ever been a aty employee? _ SiAFF — YES NO _ Di57a1Ci CoURT _ 3. Does this pereon/firtn possass a skill not normally possessetl Dy any curreM ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IEC�IVE? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separate sheet anE attaeh to green shcet INITIATING PflO6LEM, ISSUE, QPPORTUNIN (Who, WhaS, When, Wh9re. Why): ����f��� MAY 16 ��97 ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED � �� �i�i�._�3 . �,� ' ., . � . _ . ....�':�� (.� k: IJ:�� _ _ _'.._a�,..>:isw? DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED � - — TOTAL AMOUNT OP 7RANSAC710N S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIBG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORI4tATION: (EXPLAIN) OFFICE OF 17CE1:SE, II:SPECTIONS At�'D ENVII20NMENTALPROTECTION RobertKessler, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nrnm Colemon, Mayor IAWRY PROFFSSIONAL B Ull DING Svite 300 3SOStPeterSneet SaintPaul, Minnesota 55702-I S/0 May 12, 1997 7anice Simmonds Pazk `n 7et LLC 739 Vandalia Saint Paul, MN 55114 RE: Public Hearing for License Renewal ID #77745 Park `n Jet LLC 1460 Davern Street Dear Ms. Simmonds, �t�r-bZ� Te%phone: 612-266-9090 Fatsimile: 612-2669099 611-266-9T24 The I3'ighland Park Community Council has now requested through Councilmember I3arris' office that a public hearing be held before the City Council regarding renewal of the parking lot license at 1450 Davem Street. The public hearing will be scheduled as soon as possibie, hopefully at the end of May. You will be notified in writing of the hearing date. I apologize for any inconvenience that this scheduling might cause you. I received the hearing requ�s? just ttus marning. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-9108. SincereIy, ����� � Christine A Rozek Deputy Director C�1 cc: Ivfike Harris Dan Smith Crayle Summers/F3ighland Community Council Shawn Bartsh/FTighiand Community Council Aighland Area Community Council i978 Ford Yarkwf�p Saiot Paul, ]4lienesota g$116 May 28, 1997 To: Milce Harris Re. Park & F!y �� � q�t- ��9 The Flighland Area Community Council and the owners/managers e{the p� �g �} {���,> located at the irttersectic� of Davem Street and Shepard Road, have reach the following agreern�t +egard'mg the landscaping of the Property. �- T� P��rtY �8 S�rd Road wil1 be p)antod with a variay of `oommon liiac'. 7hc lilacs shall be placod ao more then 5' apari. 2. ���� around Ihc aumcr onto Davern Shaet far enoogh as not W�nbecicre with 3. bavern SaeEt from the Pa�fc & Fly entrance [o Steaart the owncr will pt�ot a oinamental sFwbbcry whicfi wilI not e.ioaed 3 feet in lieight. pP � T �Y � 4. T6e yropertY Owae3 will maiatairt the lilacs on both DavCrn and Shepatd Road i.t 90 they do not e+�C[oach on t}ce rightofway. . Su � CommunitY Couscil � � � � �Gs park � Fiy lanicc S�mmot May 28, 1917 � �� ��� - � � ������� � �fi�� � �.��� � 7 C��ti� �' a � ��- ��`�� ����'�� fi� � r ' � � l ) �� �� �S � � � � 5 ��� � a' � ��� s � �" � `� � ��� � �� �n-� � � ���� ���� n � ; .�,��-.�� � � �� � A) / L ' N 1 ' � V ~ l� ��� � ��`��� � l� �. District 17 CapitolRiver Council 445 Minnesota Street, Suife 524, Saint Paui, M�I 55101 612 221 0488 FAX 612 221 0581 \ �� May21, 1997'\ c�ry 15 }�'est K� S�ni Paul, 202 Thune RECENED NlAY 2 '3 199T HARRIS speciai assessment The Capit River Council Board of out of th own Square Park speci� Based on severalfactors the appropriate to tax the dow maintenance of Town S a� gathering place and th retai Department is no lo er pro has ceased opera ' ns. The c ofFice space. At the 21 �tay I997 passed :/ t and discassed th�f'iroposal for a Iwo-year phase district for dov�own. >ar�6f D'uectors believe it is no longer � owners to pay for the operations and aze opened in 198Q it was intended to be a aint Paul. Currently, the City's Parks Pazk and most recendy Cafes" Cazousei n Square is cleazIy chan ' from retail to Board of D'uectors�.eting the foUowing motion was bI ION: "The Capit 'ver Council supports ity Council Resolufion 9�-599 to establish a tti -year phase-out o e Town Square specia sessment district for downtown. Fnrther, the RC recommends a appointment oF a tas orce ro swdy the future use of Town Square Pazk." biSA Sincerely, � hiike Skwira, Chair