97-626A �� , hO�G� � S� vp 'C+I'1 Council File # `��� Ordinance # Green Sheet # ����� CITY Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 li 1z 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MIIVNESOTA T`� 1. A six foot high wood obseuring fence shall be installed and maintained along the west property line. 2. Pazldng for customers and employees shall be arranged on the lot as shown on the site plan. No more than 28 velricles shall be pazked outdoors on the lot. The licensee is responsible for managing the number of customer velucles to that wluch may be reasonably repaired and returned to theu owners in the shortest period. There shall be no long term storage of vehicles on the lot. 3. All vehicles pazked outdoors on the lot must appeaz to be completely assembled with no pazts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. 4. Vehicle parts, tires, oil or similaz items will not be stored ouWoors. Trash will be stored in the dumpster or in the eacisting enclosed azea. 5. No repair of velucles will occur on the exterior of the lot or on the public right-of-way. 6. The building will not be occupied and the business will not open without a Certificate of Occupancy. 7. The hours ofoperation shall be 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through.saturday only. 8. No exit or entrance on to Cottage Avenue -- nay be closed by a new curb or concrete bumper stops. 20 21 Requested by Department of: 22 Yeas Nays Absent 23 B a ey T 24 Bostrom � Office of License Insnecti ns and 25 Harris 26 Meaar ✓ Env+rorLmental Protection 27 Moxton �— 28 T vn�i e ✓ 29 Co� � ��d��y��' " 30 31 32 Adopted by Council: Date M B y ° 33 34 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 35 Form Approved by City Attorney 36 37 By: � . a . Q `� 38 / j By: � 39 Approved by Mayor: Date �(�(4� 40 � 41 Approved by Mayor for Submission to 4z By: � Council 43 Bye RE50LVED: That application (ID #23398) for an Auto Repair Garage License by Bemard Mordorski DBA Bernie s Auto Repair (Bernazd Mordorsld, Owner) at 1383 Arcade Street be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: °i'�-b�2,b DE�AfliIAENTqFFICFJCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEE � i �� G LIEP/Licensin CONTACT PERSON & PHONE O DEPARTMEM DIflECTORINRIAVDATE O CITV COUNCIL �NITIAL/OATE Christine Rozek, 266-9108 A ���N �CINATfORNEY �CffVCLERK NUYBERFON MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BV (DAT� ROUTING O BUDGET OIqECTOP O FIN. 8 MGT. SEflVICES DIR. OSiDEA MAYOFi (OR ASSISTANn For hearin : S � ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AClION REQUESTED: Bernard Mordorski DBA Bernie-'s Auto Repair requests-Council approval of its application for an Auto Repair Garage License located at 1383 Arcade Street (ID �I23398). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Raject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING GOMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personHirm ever worketl under a contract for this tlepartmeM? _ CIB COMMffTEE _ YES NO � STAFF 2- Has Mis perso�rm ever been a city employee? — YES NO ` oI57RlC7 CAUaT — 3. Does this erson/firm p possess a skill not normally possessed by a�y current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and at[ach to green sheet INITIATINCa PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPP�RTUNITY (Who, Whe1. When, Where, Why)� ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISAWANTAGES IF APPiiOVED: 3^��. 1 . �a✓��.�,�_�. . . �. _ t_. ` i.:, t. 3 n ��`��� � - __ , .....�.�.. DISAOVANTAGES IF NOTAPPiiOVEO' � �� — TOTAL AMOUN7 OFTRANSAC710N $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDI1dG SOURCE ACTIVI7V NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORFiATION: (EXPLAIN) Gteensheet # 37952 In Tracker? L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 5/2/97 ��� / APP'n Received / APP'n Processed License ID # 23398 License Type: Auto Repair Gara¢e Company Name:Bernard Mordorski DBA: Bernie's Auto Renair Business Addresss: 1383 Arcade STreet Business Phone: 771-1590 Contact Name/Address:Bernard Mordorski, 1494 Pacific St Home Phone: 776-4652 55106 Date to Council Research: Public Hearing Date: 5 1 < � Notice Sent to Applicant: Notice Sent to Labels Ordered: District Councii #: Ward Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney �� 5 � �� Environmental Health �' ' � �N . � ' Fire � C i / C � U l� (.1.��^ �� � � License Site Plan Received:_ ���� �, l � �ease aa���aa: � Police �/�- 9 �- N � . Zoning �(� `1 �-- O•� . �.1 l T�-� �At�ID �T4D� 5 SAIiST pAfJ L AAA CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEVJ BY Tf � PUBLIC ��b"210 CITY OF SAIIrTT PAUL �Ct OfL.ICCnSG, TSLlpLCIIOnS and EmvomnrnW Praation 3St Si Py—S[ Se!c '3,m Se:.^rtP+�>>.Y.�v�aoEa 551CS (613)3c6�9p �i(612)2ei911d ��3q� PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN INK ` L,f �� / ` �d Type of License(s) being applied for. {� � �� �I 3 �ti7 T/�'.f.�� i i� (>�Ql'rG7/J J S o� �� o , _ . , v Doing Business As: Business Address: Between what�cross�stree i�b t�cin e ess located� � � Are the premises now occupied7 �Q What Type of Business? 'Mail To Address: _Applicant Iniotz I�'ame and Tide: Home Address: s�,m naa,tu �=�i�/�YR� �J ds F� hraat� c�c� c;ry Business 7�/ �-� 7 � s,�u zsp VJhich side of the street? l� Ste[e Zip �„�"�i C�cb�v�� �c Tsa� s� naa� /� ciry s� z�p Date of Birth: J�-�-- place of Birth: �?�. O/�G��— Home Phone: ���a "7��n-�-� Have you ever been com�cted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance other than tra�c? YES NO � Date of arrest: _ _ _ Where7 Charge: _ Conviction: Sentence: iut i;ie uai,ies n„3 resiclences uI ihree persom of goal moral chaz aui�r, living widvu ine Twiu �iues ivienv r� ca, u�� iciu�cu w[nc nyplicttiii -- or financially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicanPs character: Have azry of the above named licenses eva been revokedl YES �� NO If yes, list the dates and reasons far revocarion: 2/I8/97 If business is incorporated, give date of incoiporation: List�censes whi� you currenfly hold, formerly held, or may have an interest in: . Are you go;ng to operate ttus business penonall;�? /' YES NO If not, w�ho will operate it? b ��,� b _` Fizs! \amc \5ddle Lritial (\laidrn) Last Datc of Binh ?icmcAddaan: Strat?:�c City Statc Zip PhoneNuaber ?.re you going to ha�•e a maz�ager or assistant in this biuiness? YES � NO If the manaeer is not the sazne as the operator, please complete the follo��ing infoimation: Fssst Namo Homc Addlrss: Strce[ \�e List all other officers of the cocporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME NAME (OfficeHeld) ADDRESS City HOME PHONE Dau of Binh Phone \vmbcr DATE OF BIRTH L busizess is a partnership, please :nclude fl�e following uuozmation for each pazmer (use additional pages if necessazy): :,yaat<u,it;et xomc naaR,.: s� r� F� r�� �au� �;ea Homc AddRae: Strxt Nemt c�Ty �%��) I.ast State Zip BUSIIv'ESS PHONE 7,a¢ Stnu Zip I.aC CiTy State Zip Datc of Birth ��� r•�� Date of Birth phonc ivimber MINNESOTA TAX IDENTFFICATION NUMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (fax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Couuaissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tae identification number and the social security number of each license applicant Under the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the follow�ing regarding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification Number: - This infoimation may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's a�thholding or motor vetucle excise taxes; - Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority k�ill supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Revrnue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Ageement, the Department of Revrnue may supply ilris information to the Intemal Revenue Service. Minnesota Tax Identification Numbers (Sales & Use Ta� Numba) may be obtain� from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Departmen� 10 Riva Park Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Security Number. ���7��' J ' o/,/ � Minnesota Tax Identification Number: �o �� __� I�ta� Identification Number isnot required for the business being opaated, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box. ]vfiddle Initial (.'�38idrn) 2/18/97 'lease list your employment history for the pre�rious five (5) }�ear period: Council File # ��b� �� Presented By Referred To Co�ittee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #23398) for an Auto Repair Garage License by Bemard Mordoiski DBA Bernie's Auto Repair (Bernazd Mordorsid, Owner) at 1383 Arcade Street be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. 2. `����� �� 3. 4. �' i � � � 5. 6. 7. �. Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��� 7 � A six foot high wood obscuring fence shall be installed and maintained along the west P�oI�ertY line. Parldng for customers and emplayees shall be arranged on the lot as shown on the site plan. No more ihan 28 velricles shall be pazked outdoors on the lot The licensee is responsible for managing the number of customer velucles to that wluch may be reasonably repaired and retumed to iheir owners in the shortest period. There shall be no long teim storage of velricles on the lot. All vehicles pazked outdoors on the lot must appear to be compietely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. Vehicle parts, tires, oil or similaz items will not be stored outdoors. Trash will be stored in the dumpster or in the existing enclosed azea. No repair of velricles will orcur on the esterior of the lot or on the public right-of-way. The building will not be occupied and the business will not open without a Cert+ficate of �CCllPBIIC)'. The hours of operation shall be 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through .saturaay only. � ���-:��- �� � � � �i�Lo%�F� ,b� a.HU�—.Lu,-�- a�r- fli.rnr.x��.y,�f� s,�✓�� - 20 zi 22 Yeas Na Absen 23 aB � 24 Bostrom 25 arr� 26 eaa� 27 Morton 28 un� 30 � �� $ 31 32 Adopted by Council: Date 33 34 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 35 36 37 By: 38 39 Approned by Mayor: Date �By: 4:! Reguested by Department of: • - -r= �- - -:` -_" , .�„-, - •� C'?�r/�� / ��u Form Approved by City Attorney By: 0 C• � � �h i�� r n.,,. E t V Approved by Mayor for Submiseion to Council &y: °i`�-bZ,b D6MRf�EN7qFFlC6COUNC)l OA7E fNR1ATED �/ � �/ � L LIEP/Licensin GREEN SHEE CONTACTPERSONdPHONE �DEPAPTMENTDIfiECfOR ❑CRYCOUNCIL INITIALIDATE ASSIGN CITV AiTORNEY CITY CLERK Christine Rozek, 266-9108 NUYBEIIFOA � ❑ MUSTBEONCAl1NCILAGENDABV(DAT� ppM� �BqDGETDIRECTO �FlN.BMGT.SEflVICE501P. r'02 hearin : 5 OROER �ypypp�pppg515TANn � TOTAL # OP SiGNATURE PAGES. (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED� Bemard Mordorski DBA Berniels Auto Repair requests Council approval of its application for an Auto Repair Garage License located at 1383 Arcade Street (ID U23398). RECOMMENDA710NS: nppmre (0.) w Re�ect (R) pERSONAL SEFIVICE CONTpACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOItAWING QUESTIONS: _ PUWNMG CAMMISSION _ CNiI SERVICE COMMISSION �� H� mi5 pBI50NFm1 eV9f WOfkBtl IIIICB� 8 COflheCt fOf 11115 flBPertment? _ C� cO1dMRlEE _ YES NO ,_ STAFF 2. Nes this persoMirtn aver Deen a dry employee? — YES NO _ DISTPICT COURT _ S. DOes this rsoNfirm pe possess e skill not normaiy possessed by any curteM cily employee? SUPPOp15 WHICH CpUNCILO&IECTIVE7 VES NO Explein ell yaa answan on �epereta �Mat sntl ameh to pra�n iheet INfTUTING PROBLEM. ISSUE.OPPflRlUNRY (NRp. Whet, When. Wlrere. Why)' ADVANTA6ES If qPPROVE�: DISA�VANTAGES IF APPROVED: 1:4:;..._ . - ' ' . y i,,;.� I� ���� � �..e... DISpDVAN7AGES1FN07APPROYED: '—___ . TMAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION S COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIFiCLE ONE) YE$ iJ0 FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVT/ NUMBEFi FINANqAL INFOqFSATION: (IXPLAIN) CITY OF SASNT PAIIL, MINNESOTA Q�_�`��, SPECIAL CONDITION IISE PERMIT � 20NING FILE #96-136 APPLICANT: BERNARIJ MORDORSKI PIIRPOSE: Special condition use permit to allow auto repair. LOCATION_ 1353 Arcade Street; northwest corner of Arcade & Cottage LEGAL DfiSCRIPT20N: Lots 4, 5, & 6, Block 2; King's Arcade Addition ZONING CONIMITTEE ACTION: Recommend approval with conditions PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Approval with conditions CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT: 1. A six (6) foot high wood privacy fence shall be installed and maintained along the western property line. 2. There shall be no parking of vehicles awaiting repair or receatly repaired on the street, APPROVED BY: David McDOnell, Commission Chairperson S, the undersigned Secretary to the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission for City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the original record in my office; and find the same to be a true and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof, as based on minutes o£ the Saint Paul Planning Commission meeting held on July 12, 1996 and on record in the Saint Paul Planning Office, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota. This permit will expire one year from the date of agproval if the use herein permitted is not established. The decision to grant this permit by the Planning Commission is an administrative action subject to appeal to the City Council. Anyone affected by this action may appeal this decision by filing the appropriate application and fee at Che Zoning Office, 1100 City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street. Any such appeal must be filed within 15 calendar days of the mailing date noted below. Violation of the conditions of this permit may result in its revocation. 1) u..t�.bL� h'Y1 Sn.� � n� Do a M. Sanders � Secretary to the Saint Paul __ __ __ __ __ZOninq CommiLtee _ _ _ city of saint paul planrung commission resolution file number 96-39 �te July 12, 1996 ��t -C� a� WHEREAS, BERNARD MORDORSKI, file #96-136, has applied for a Special Condiuon Use Permit under the provisions of Section 60.544(18) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, to allow auto repair on properry located at 1383 ARCADE STREET, legally described as L.ots 4, 5, and 6, Block 2; King's Arcade Addition; and WAEREAS, the Zoning Committee of ffie Planning Commission held a public hearing on 7uly 1, 1996, at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The applicant has a contractto purchase the properry and intends to operate an auto repair business. There are two bays in the building currenfly. The applicant hopes to expand the number of bays in the future to accommodate up to four additional bays. There will be 18 off-street parking spaces for customers, employees, and vehicles awaiting repair on the lot. The proposed hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. There will be one employee at this location initially, more when the expansion occurs. 2. Section 60.544(18) of the zoning code provides that auto repair businesses are permitted in a B-3 zone subject to certain conditions. These conditions and the developer's ability to meet them are as follows: a. The minimum lot area shall be ftfteen thousand (I5, 000) square feet. This condition is met. The lot area is 16,814 square feet. b. A ten foot landscaped buffer with screen planting and an obscuring fence shall be required along any properly Zine adjoining to an existing residence or adjoining to land zoned resicdential. moved by Morton seconded by in favorUnanimous against Zoning File #96-136 Page Two This condifion is met. The applicanYs property adjoins an alley, not land zoned residential. Therefore, a 10 foot landscaped buffer area is not reguired. The applicant intends to install a six foot high wood privacy fence along the western property line adjacent to the alley. c. All repair work shall be done within an enclosed building. This condition will be met. The applicant understands and accepts this condition that all repair work must take place within an enclosed building. d. There shall be no oulside storage. The applicant understands and accepts this condition. The applicant will not have any outdoor storage. 3. Section 64.300(d) of the zoning code requires that before the planning commission may grant approval of a principal use subject to special conditions, the wmmission shall fmd that: a, The extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial compliance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any applicable subarea plans which were approved by the city council. This condition is met. The proposed use is in conformance with the comprehensive plan for the city. The Land Use Plan identifies the area along Arcade Street as a mixed use strip. The properry is zoned B-3; auto repair is a use permitted in tlus district with a special condition use permit. One of the Land Use proposals in the District 5 Plan staYes, "northem expansion of the commercial land uses along both Payne and Arcade should be restricted. New develoFments along both commercial strips should take glace within the existing boundaries, fiuther strengthening the commercial nahue of the sueet while avoiding continued encroachment on the residential neighborhoods to the north. (#3 p.12) Economic development goals in the District 5 Plan include: 1) to reduce conflicts between commercial and industrial uses and other types of land uses, especially residential; and 2) to aclueve safe and adequate vehiculaz pedestrian circulation along Payne and Arcade. (#4 and #5, p.19) b. The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize traffic congestion in the pubZdc slreets. This condition is met. Access to the site will be from existing driveways on Arcade Street and Cottage Avenue. A privacy fence along the westem property line will Zoning File #96-136 �� - �° a � Page Three prohibit access to the site from the alley. The use requires suc off-street parking spaces and there is adequate space on the lot to provide the spaces. c. The use will not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public heaZth, safety and general welfare. This condition is met. The properry was most recenfly occupied by Valvoline Rapid Oil Change, an auto specialty store. The proposed auto repair use is sunilar to the previous use and in keeping with the way the property was developed. d. The use wi11 not impede the norntal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. This condition is met. The proposed use is in keeping with existing character of development in the area. This is a fairly busy commercial strip accommodadng more than 15,000 vehicles per day. e. The use shall, in all other respects, confornt to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. '�his condition is met. 4. The applicant should be aware that if the building on the site expands by more than 50 percent a new special condition use permit will be required for thai expansion, Section 64.300(m)(1). In addition, off-street parking will have to be provided for the expansion, estimated at about 20 spaces. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, the application for a Special Condition Use Permit to allow auto repair at 1383 ARCADE STREET is hereby approved, subject to Lhe following condiacns: 1. A six (6) foot high wood privacy fence shall be installed and maintained along the western properry line. 2. There shall be no parking of vehicles awaiting repair or recenfly repaired on the street. '�`l`�' C2-Qe Petition to allow the nse of the bnilding at 1383 Arcade St As an automotive repair shop my hours of operation will be 8AM to SPM Monday through Friday. This means on a normal day I will be working in the shop from 7AM to 6 PM Monday through Friday. D ti'rino the course of business there may be times when it is required that I come in after hours or work until8PM or 9PM on a weeknight or during the day on Saturday. By signing this petition you aze giving me permission to operate with these guide lines. If you have a preference between 8PM or 9PM note it below. Thank You, Bernie Mordorsld Bemie's Auto Repair 1383 Arcade St 771-1590 � 2 � 8PM 9PM Name �c�.�.�. �,�� m�-e , � ln^ r��y� � �r �� 2p,t , . � Address ��� �� c_f-�ti � �a � �s� r � 8c� � C�a� A�;' �I-,1-�. Q S�jl 04� ���1 C�i%�yr��� 5/:1��� �8�c: c�.� S 4 '"� ��-,�.� ,�-- 5 =--�_�—� " � ���� ����. 6 ' �w� ���� 8��„ C���-.� 9��� �,��;� /��- io �� � 11 '�-e� �� a e�-� 12 �(.� 1!J 0� r i ��,���.,.�-�- 13 �� �,�.Y r. � �, C 14 , � � .�J ��'"`� � � � is; J�l �L�� 7 �y � �0� � � L , �/ c.. c°i/�jir� co7f��e 7 8 S � ��� �� � �L G 5�% \yo� �vU fl.= S� -�r � �Bl4 ��ool ��� � � �� r Co7fi(�cotG ��. �,3 � �-l-e� c.n, ��c.�P . ��tb st�,��,�d � � � i, � � ,1�,, � � C�'% /Jf —G' �, �- f�/ C T�r ��✓� � n% /�`,• � � �S S ��` E�Zt.� o a,,� �//� � 9 (1 -C 2-� Petitioa to allow the use of the building at 1383 Arcade St As an automotive repair shop my hours of operation will be SAM to SPM Monday through Friday. This means on a normal day I will be working in the shop from 7AM to 6 PM Monday through Friday. During the course of business there may be times when it is required that I come in after hours or work unti18PM or 9PM on a weel�ight or during the day on Saturday. By signing this perition you aze giving me permission to operate with these guide lines. ff you have a preference between 8PM or 4PM note it below. Thank You, Bernie Mordorski Beraie's Auto Repair 1383 Arcade St 771-1590 8PM 9PM Name Address �1�� �NIiG.�A�..L� lvrl�� J .� �'l� '�� �-d�R��- 9�/n ����=-'""'"— � g4<l �'�a,z�v��' � 0 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 A �� , hO�G� � S� vp 'C+I'1 Council File # `��� Ordinance # Green Sheet # ����� CITY Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 li 1z 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MIIVNESOTA T`� 1. A six foot high wood obseuring fence shall be installed and maintained along the west property line. 2. Pazldng for customers and employees shall be arranged on the lot as shown on the site plan. No more than 28 velricles shall be pazked outdoors on the lot. The licensee is responsible for managing the number of customer velucles to that wluch may be reasonably repaired and returned to theu owners in the shortest period. There shall be no long term storage of vehicles on the lot. 3. All vehicles pazked outdoors on the lot must appeaz to be completely assembled with no pazts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. 4. Vehicle parts, tires, oil or similaz items will not be stored ouWoors. Trash will be stored in the dumpster or in the eacisting enclosed azea. 5. No repair of velucles will occur on the exterior of the lot or on the public right-of-way. 6. The building will not be occupied and the business will not open without a Certificate of Occupancy. 7. The hours ofoperation shall be 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through.saturday only. 8. No exit or entrance on to Cottage Avenue -- nay be closed by a new curb or concrete bumper stops. 20 21 Requested by Department of: 22 Yeas Nays Absent 23 B a ey T 24 Bostrom � Office of License Insnecti ns and 25 Harris 26 Meaar ✓ Env+rorLmental Protection 27 Moxton �— 28 T vn�i e ✓ 29 Co� � ��d��y��' " 30 31 32 Adopted by Council: Date M B y ° 33 34 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 35 Form Approved by City Attorney 36 37 By: � . a . Q `� 38 / j By: � 39 Approved by Mayor: Date �(�(4� 40 � 41 Approved by Mayor for Submission to 4z By: � Council 43 Bye RE50LVED: That application (ID #23398) for an Auto Repair Garage License by Bemard Mordorski DBA Bernie s Auto Repair (Bernazd Mordorsld, Owner) at 1383 Arcade Street be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: °i'�-b�2,b DE�AfliIAENTqFFICFJCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEE � i �� G LIEP/Licensin CONTACT PERSON & PHONE O DEPARTMEM DIflECTORINRIAVDATE O CITV COUNCIL �NITIAL/OATE Christine Rozek, 266-9108 A ���N �CINATfORNEY �CffVCLERK NUYBERFON MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BV (DAT� ROUTING O BUDGET OIqECTOP O FIN. 8 MGT. SEflVICES DIR. OSiDEA MAYOFi (OR ASSISTANn For hearin : S � ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AClION REQUESTED: Bernard Mordorski DBA Bernie-'s Auto Repair requests-Council approval of its application for an Auto Repair Garage License located at 1383 Arcade Street (ID �I23398). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Raject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING GOMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personHirm ever worketl under a contract for this tlepartmeM? _ CIB COMMffTEE _ YES NO � STAFF 2- Has Mis perso�rm ever been a city employee? — YES NO ` oI57RlC7 CAUaT — 3. Does this erson/firm p possess a skill not normally possessed by a�y current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and at[ach to green sheet INITIATINCa PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPP�RTUNITY (Who, Whe1. When, Where, Why)� ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISAWANTAGES IF APPiiOVED: 3^��. 1 . �a✓��.�,�_�. . . �. _ t_. ` i.:, t. 3 n ��`��� � - __ , .....�.�.. DISAOVANTAGES IF NOTAPPiiOVEO' � �� — TOTAL AMOUN7 OFTRANSAC710N $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDI1dG SOURCE ACTIVI7V NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORFiATION: (EXPLAIN) Gteensheet # 37952 In Tracker? L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 5/2/97 ��� / APP'n Received / APP'n Processed License ID # 23398 License Type: Auto Repair Gara¢e Company Name:Bernard Mordorski DBA: Bernie's Auto Renair Business Addresss: 1383 Arcade STreet Business Phone: 771-1590 Contact Name/Address:Bernard Mordorski, 1494 Pacific St Home Phone: 776-4652 55106 Date to Council Research: Public Hearing Date: 5 1 < � Notice Sent to Applicant: Notice Sent to Labels Ordered: District Councii #: Ward Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney �� 5 � �� Environmental Health �' ' � �N . � ' Fire � C i / C � U l� (.1.��^ �� � � License Site Plan Received:_ ���� �, l � �ease aa���aa: � Police �/�- 9 �- N � . Zoning �(� `1 �-- O•� . �.1 l T�-� �At�ID �T4D� 5 SAIiST pAfJ L AAA CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEVJ BY Tf � PUBLIC ��b"210 CITY OF SAIIrTT PAUL �Ct OfL.ICCnSG, TSLlpLCIIOnS and EmvomnrnW Praation 3St Si Py—S[ Se!c '3,m Se:.^rtP+�>>.Y.�v�aoEa 551CS (613)3c6�9p �i(612)2ei911d ��3q� PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN INK ` L,f �� / ` �d Type of License(s) being applied for. {� � �� �I 3 �ti7 T/�'.f.�� i i� (>�Ql'rG7/J J S o� �� o , _ . , v Doing Business As: Business Address: Between what�cross�stree i�b t�cin e ess located� � � Are the premises now occupied7 �Q What Type of Business? 'Mail To Address: _Applicant Iniotz I�'ame and Tide: Home Address: s�,m naa,tu �=�i�/�YR� �J ds F� hraat� c�c� c;ry Business 7�/ �-� 7 � s,�u zsp VJhich side of the street? l� Ste[e Zip �„�"�i C�cb�v�� �c Tsa� s� naa� /� ciry s� z�p Date of Birth: J�-�-- place of Birth: �?�. O/�G��— Home Phone: ���a "7��n-�-� Have you ever been com�cted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance other than tra�c? YES NO � Date of arrest: _ _ _ Where7 Charge: _ Conviction: Sentence: iut i;ie uai,ies n„3 resiclences uI ihree persom of goal moral chaz aui�r, living widvu ine Twiu �iues ivienv r� ca, u�� iciu�cu w[nc nyplicttiii -- or financially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicanPs character: Have azry of the above named licenses eva been revokedl YES �� NO If yes, list the dates and reasons far revocarion: 2/I8/97 If business is incorporated, give date of incoiporation: List�censes whi� you currenfly hold, formerly held, or may have an interest in: . Are you go;ng to operate ttus business penonall;�? /' YES NO If not, w�ho will operate it? b ��,� b _` Fizs! \amc \5ddle Lritial (\laidrn) Last Datc of Binh ?icmcAddaan: Strat?:�c City Statc Zip PhoneNuaber ?.re you going to ha�•e a maz�ager or assistant in this biuiness? YES � NO If the manaeer is not the sazne as the operator, please complete the follo��ing infoimation: Fssst Namo Homc Addlrss: Strce[ \�e List all other officers of the cocporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME NAME (OfficeHeld) ADDRESS City HOME PHONE Dau of Binh Phone \vmbcr DATE OF BIRTH L busizess is a partnership, please :nclude fl�e following uuozmation for each pazmer (use additional pages if necessazy): :,yaat<u,it;et xomc naaR,.: s� r� F� r�� �au� �;ea Homc AddRae: Strxt Nemt c�Ty �%��) I.ast State Zip BUSIIv'ESS PHONE 7,a¢ Stnu Zip I.aC CiTy State Zip Datc of Birth ��� r•�� Date of Birth phonc ivimber MINNESOTA TAX IDENTFFICATION NUMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (fax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Couuaissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tae identification number and the social security number of each license applicant Under the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the follow�ing regarding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification Number: - This infoimation may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's a�thholding or motor vetucle excise taxes; - Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority k�ill supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Revrnue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Ageement, the Department of Revrnue may supply ilris information to the Intemal Revenue Service. Minnesota Tax Identification Numbers (Sales & Use Ta� Numba) may be obtain� from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Departmen� 10 Riva Park Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Security Number. ���7��' J ' o/,/ � Minnesota Tax Identification Number: �o �� __� I�ta� Identification Number isnot required for the business being opaated, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box. ]vfiddle Initial (.'�38idrn) 2/18/97 'lease list your employment history for the pre�rious five (5) }�ear period: Council File # ��b� �� Presented By Referred To Co�ittee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #23398) for an Auto Repair Garage License by Bemard Mordoiski DBA Bernie's Auto Repair (Bernazd Mordorsid, Owner) at 1383 Arcade Street be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. 2. `����� �� 3. 4. �' i � � � 5. 6. 7. �. Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��� 7 � A six foot high wood obscuring fence shall be installed and maintained along the west P�oI�ertY line. Parldng for customers and emplayees shall be arranged on the lot as shown on the site plan. No more ihan 28 velricles shall be pazked outdoors on the lot The licensee is responsible for managing the number of customer velucles to that wluch may be reasonably repaired and retumed to iheir owners in the shortest period. There shall be no long teim storage of velricles on the lot. All vehicles pazked outdoors on the lot must appear to be compietely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. Vehicle parts, tires, oil or similaz items will not be stored outdoors. Trash will be stored in the dumpster or in the existing enclosed azea. No repair of velricles will orcur on the esterior of the lot or on the public right-of-way. The building will not be occupied and the business will not open without a Cert+ficate of �CCllPBIIC)'. The hours of operation shall be 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through .saturaay only. � ���-:��- �� � � � �i�Lo%�F� ,b� a.HU�—.Lu,-�- a�r- fli.rnr.x��.y,�f� s,�✓�� - 20 zi 22 Yeas Na Absen 23 aB � 24 Bostrom 25 arr� 26 eaa� 27 Morton 28 un� 30 � �� $ 31 32 Adopted by Council: Date 33 34 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 35 36 37 By: 38 39 Approned by Mayor: Date �By: 4:! Reguested by Department of: • - -r= �- - -:` -_" , .�„-, - •� C'?�r/�� / ��u Form Approved by City Attorney By: 0 C• � � �h i�� r n.,,. E t V Approved by Mayor for Submiseion to Council &y: °i`�-bZ,b D6MRf�EN7qFFlC6COUNC)l OA7E fNR1ATED �/ � �/ � L LIEP/Licensin GREEN SHEE CONTACTPERSONdPHONE �DEPAPTMENTDIfiECfOR ❑CRYCOUNCIL INITIALIDATE ASSIGN CITV AiTORNEY CITY CLERK Christine Rozek, 266-9108 NUYBEIIFOA � ❑ MUSTBEONCAl1NCILAGENDABV(DAT� ppM� �BqDGETDIRECTO �FlN.BMGT.SEflVICE501P. r'02 hearin : 5 OROER �ypypp�pppg515TANn � TOTAL # OP SiGNATURE PAGES. (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED� Bemard Mordorski DBA Berniels Auto Repair requests Council approval of its application for an Auto Repair Garage License located at 1383 Arcade Street (ID U23398). RECOMMENDA710NS: nppmre (0.) w Re�ect (R) pERSONAL SEFIVICE CONTpACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOItAWING QUESTIONS: _ PUWNMG CAMMISSION _ CNiI SERVICE COMMISSION �� H� mi5 pBI50NFm1 eV9f WOfkBtl IIIICB� 8 COflheCt fOf 11115 flBPertment? _ C� cO1dMRlEE _ YES NO ,_ STAFF 2. Nes this persoMirtn aver Deen a dry employee? — YES NO _ DISTPICT COURT _ S. DOes this rsoNfirm pe possess e skill not normaiy possessed by any curteM cily employee? SUPPOp15 WHICH CpUNCILO&IECTIVE7 VES NO Explein ell yaa answan on �epereta �Mat sntl ameh to pra�n iheet INfTUTING PROBLEM. ISSUE.OPPflRlUNRY (NRp. Whet, When. Wlrere. Why)' ADVANTA6ES If qPPROVE�: DISA�VANTAGES IF APPROVED: 1:4:;..._ . - ' ' . y i,,;.� I� ���� � �..e... DISpDVAN7AGES1FN07APPROYED: '—___ . TMAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION S COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIFiCLE ONE) YE$ iJ0 FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVT/ NUMBEFi FINANqAL INFOqFSATION: (IXPLAIN) CITY OF SASNT PAIIL, MINNESOTA Q�_�`��, SPECIAL CONDITION IISE PERMIT � 20NING FILE #96-136 APPLICANT: BERNARIJ MORDORSKI PIIRPOSE: Special condition use permit to allow auto repair. LOCATION_ 1353 Arcade Street; northwest corner of Arcade & Cottage LEGAL DfiSCRIPT20N: Lots 4, 5, & 6, Block 2; King's Arcade Addition ZONING CONIMITTEE ACTION: Recommend approval with conditions PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Approval with conditions CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT: 1. A six (6) foot high wood privacy fence shall be installed and maintained along the western property line. 2. There shall be no parking of vehicles awaiting repair or receatly repaired on the street, APPROVED BY: David McDOnell, Commission Chairperson S, the undersigned Secretary to the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission for City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the original record in my office; and find the same to be a true and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof, as based on minutes o£ the Saint Paul Planning Commission meeting held on July 12, 1996 and on record in the Saint Paul Planning Office, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota. This permit will expire one year from the date of agproval if the use herein permitted is not established. The decision to grant this permit by the Planning Commission is an administrative action subject to appeal to the City Council. Anyone affected by this action may appeal this decision by filing the appropriate application and fee at Che Zoning Office, 1100 City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street. Any such appeal must be filed within 15 calendar days of the mailing date noted below. Violation of the conditions of this permit may result in its revocation. 1) u..t�.bL� h'Y1 Sn.� � n� Do a M. Sanders � Secretary to the Saint Paul __ __ __ __ __ZOninq CommiLtee _ _ _ city of saint paul planrung commission resolution file number 96-39 �te July 12, 1996 ��t -C� a� WHEREAS, BERNARD MORDORSKI, file #96-136, has applied for a Special Condiuon Use Permit under the provisions of Section 60.544(18) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, to allow auto repair on properry located at 1383 ARCADE STREET, legally described as L.ots 4, 5, and 6, Block 2; King's Arcade Addition; and WAEREAS, the Zoning Committee of ffie Planning Commission held a public hearing on 7uly 1, 1996, at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The applicant has a contractto purchase the properry and intends to operate an auto repair business. There are two bays in the building currenfly. The applicant hopes to expand the number of bays in the future to accommodate up to four additional bays. There will be 18 off-street parking spaces for customers, employees, and vehicles awaiting repair on the lot. The proposed hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. There will be one employee at this location initially, more when the expansion occurs. 2. Section 60.544(18) of the zoning code provides that auto repair businesses are permitted in a B-3 zone subject to certain conditions. These conditions and the developer's ability to meet them are as follows: a. The minimum lot area shall be ftfteen thousand (I5, 000) square feet. This condition is met. The lot area is 16,814 square feet. b. A ten foot landscaped buffer with screen planting and an obscuring fence shall be required along any properly Zine adjoining to an existing residence or adjoining to land zoned resicdential. moved by Morton seconded by in favorUnanimous against Zoning File #96-136 Page Two This condifion is met. The applicanYs property adjoins an alley, not land zoned residential. Therefore, a 10 foot landscaped buffer area is not reguired. The applicant intends to install a six foot high wood privacy fence along the western property line adjacent to the alley. c. All repair work shall be done within an enclosed building. This condition will be met. The applicant understands and accepts this condition that all repair work must take place within an enclosed building. d. There shall be no oulside storage. The applicant understands and accepts this condition. The applicant will not have any outdoor storage. 3. Section 64.300(d) of the zoning code requires that before the planning commission may grant approval of a principal use subject to special conditions, the wmmission shall fmd that: a, The extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial compliance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any applicable subarea plans which were approved by the city council. This condition is met. The proposed use is in conformance with the comprehensive plan for the city. The Land Use Plan identifies the area along Arcade Street as a mixed use strip. The properry is zoned B-3; auto repair is a use permitted in tlus district with a special condition use permit. One of the Land Use proposals in the District 5 Plan staYes, "northem expansion of the commercial land uses along both Payne and Arcade should be restricted. New develoFments along both commercial strips should take glace within the existing boundaries, fiuther strengthening the commercial nahue of the sueet while avoiding continued encroachment on the residential neighborhoods to the north. (#3 p.12) Economic development goals in the District 5 Plan include: 1) to reduce conflicts between commercial and industrial uses and other types of land uses, especially residential; and 2) to aclueve safe and adequate vehiculaz pedestrian circulation along Payne and Arcade. (#4 and #5, p.19) b. The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize traffic congestion in the pubZdc slreets. This condition is met. Access to the site will be from existing driveways on Arcade Street and Cottage Avenue. A privacy fence along the westem property line will Zoning File #96-136 �� - �° a � Page Three prohibit access to the site from the alley. The use requires suc off-street parking spaces and there is adequate space on the lot to provide the spaces. c. The use will not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public heaZth, safety and general welfare. This condition is met. The properry was most recenfly occupied by Valvoline Rapid Oil Change, an auto specialty store. The proposed auto repair use is sunilar to the previous use and in keeping with the way the property was developed. d. The use wi11 not impede the norntal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. This condition is met. The proposed use is in keeping with existing character of development in the area. This is a fairly busy commercial strip accommodadng more than 15,000 vehicles per day. e. The use shall, in all other respects, confornt to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. '�his condition is met. 4. The applicant should be aware that if the building on the site expands by more than 50 percent a new special condition use permit will be required for thai expansion, Section 64.300(m)(1). In addition, off-street parking will have to be provided for the expansion, estimated at about 20 spaces. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, the application for a Special Condition Use Permit to allow auto repair at 1383 ARCADE STREET is hereby approved, subject to Lhe following condiacns: 1. A six (6) foot high wood privacy fence shall be installed and maintained along the western properry line. 2. There shall be no parking of vehicles awaiting repair or recenfly repaired on the street. '�`l`�' C2-Qe Petition to allow the nse of the bnilding at 1383 Arcade St As an automotive repair shop my hours of operation will be 8AM to SPM Monday through Friday. This means on a normal day I will be working in the shop from 7AM to 6 PM Monday through Friday. D ti'rino the course of business there may be times when it is required that I come in after hours or work until8PM or 9PM on a weeknight or during the day on Saturday. By signing this petition you aze giving me permission to operate with these guide lines. If you have a preference between 8PM or 9PM note it below. Thank You, Bernie Mordorsld Bemie's Auto Repair 1383 Arcade St 771-1590 � 2 � 8PM 9PM Name �c�.�.�. �,�� m�-e , � ln^ r��y� � �r �� 2p,t , . � Address ��� �� c_f-�ti � �a � �s� r � 8c� � C�a� A�;' �I-,1-�. Q S�jl 04� ���1 C�i%�yr��� 5/:1��� �8�c: c�.� S 4 '"� ��-,�.� ,�-- 5 =--�_�—� " � ���� ����. 6 ' �w� ���� 8��„ C���-.� 9��� �,��;� /��- io �� � 11 '�-e� �� a e�-� 12 �(.� 1!J 0� r i ��,���.,.�-�- 13 �� �,�.Y r. � �, C 14 , � � .�J ��'"`� � � � is; J�l �L�� 7 �y � �0� � � L , �/ c.. c°i/�jir� co7f��e 7 8 S � ��� �� � �L G 5�% \yo� �vU fl.= S� -�r � �Bl4 ��ool ��� � � �� r Co7fi(�cotG ��. �,3 � �-l-e� c.n, ��c.�P . ��tb st�,��,�d � � � i, � � ,1�,, � � C�'% /Jf —G' �, �- f�/ C T�r ��✓� � n% /�`,• � � �S S ��` E�Zt.� o a,,� �//� � 9 (1 -C 2-� Petitioa to allow the use of the building at 1383 Arcade St As an automotive repair shop my hours of operation will be SAM to SPM Monday through Friday. This means on a normal day I will be working in the shop from 7AM to 6 PM Monday through Friday. During the course of business there may be times when it is required that I come in after hours or work unti18PM or 9PM on a weel�ight or during the day on Saturday. By signing this perition you aze giving me permission to operate with these guide lines. ff you have a preference between 8PM or 4PM note it below. Thank You, Bernie Mordorski Beraie's Auto Repair 1383 Arcade St 771-1590 8PM 9PM Name Address �1�� �NIiG.�A�..L� lvrl�� J .� �'l� '�� �-d�R��- 9�/n ����=-'""'"— � g4<l �'�a,z�v��' � 0 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 A �� , hO�G� � S� vp 'C+I'1 Council File # `��� Ordinance # Green Sheet # ����� CITY Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 li 1z 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MIIVNESOTA T`� 1. A six foot high wood obseuring fence shall be installed and maintained along the west property line. 2. Pazldng for customers and employees shall be arranged on the lot as shown on the site plan. No more than 28 velricles shall be pazked outdoors on the lot. The licensee is responsible for managing the number of customer velucles to that wluch may be reasonably repaired and returned to theu owners in the shortest period. There shall be no long term storage of vehicles on the lot. 3. All vehicles pazked outdoors on the lot must appeaz to be completely assembled with no pazts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. 4. Vehicle parts, tires, oil or similaz items will not be stored ouWoors. Trash will be stored in the dumpster or in the eacisting enclosed azea. 5. No repair of velucles will occur on the exterior of the lot or on the public right-of-way. 6. The building will not be occupied and the business will not open without a Certificate of Occupancy. 7. The hours ofoperation shall be 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through.saturday only. 8. No exit or entrance on to Cottage Avenue -- nay be closed by a new curb or concrete bumper stops. 20 21 Requested by Department of: 22 Yeas Nays Absent 23 B a ey T 24 Bostrom � Office of License Insnecti ns and 25 Harris 26 Meaar ✓ Env+rorLmental Protection 27 Moxton �— 28 T vn�i e ✓ 29 Co� � ��d��y��' " 30 31 32 Adopted by Council: Date M B y ° 33 34 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 35 Form Approved by City Attorney 36 37 By: � . a . Q `� 38 / j By: � 39 Approved by Mayor: Date �(�(4� 40 � 41 Approved by Mayor for Submission to 4z By: � Council 43 Bye RE50LVED: That application (ID #23398) for an Auto Repair Garage License by Bemard Mordorski DBA Bernie s Auto Repair (Bernazd Mordorsld, Owner) at 1383 Arcade Street be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: °i'�-b�2,b DE�AfliIAENTqFFICFJCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEE � i �� G LIEP/Licensin CONTACT PERSON & PHONE O DEPARTMEM DIflECTORINRIAVDATE O CITV COUNCIL �NITIAL/OATE Christine Rozek, 266-9108 A ���N �CINATfORNEY �CffVCLERK NUYBERFON MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BV (DAT� ROUTING O BUDGET OIqECTOP O FIN. 8 MGT. SEflVICES DIR. OSiDEA MAYOFi (OR ASSISTANn For hearin : S � ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AClION REQUESTED: Bernard Mordorski DBA Bernie-'s Auto Repair requests-Council approval of its application for an Auto Repair Garage License located at 1383 Arcade Street (ID �I23398). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Raject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING GOMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personHirm ever worketl under a contract for this tlepartmeM? _ CIB COMMffTEE _ YES NO � STAFF 2- Has Mis perso�rm ever been a city employee? — YES NO ` oI57RlC7 CAUaT — 3. Does this erson/firm p possess a skill not normally possessed by a�y current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and at[ach to green sheet INITIATINCa PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPP�RTUNITY (Who, Whe1. When, Where, Why)� ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISAWANTAGES IF APPiiOVED: 3^��. 1 . �a✓��.�,�_�. . . �. _ t_. ` i.:, t. 3 n ��`��� � - __ , .....�.�.. DISAOVANTAGES IF NOTAPPiiOVEO' � �� — TOTAL AMOUN7 OFTRANSAC710N $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDI1dG SOURCE ACTIVI7V NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORFiATION: (EXPLAIN) Gteensheet # 37952 In Tracker? L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 5/2/97 ��� / APP'n Received / APP'n Processed License ID # 23398 License Type: Auto Repair Gara¢e Company Name:Bernard Mordorski DBA: Bernie's Auto Renair Business Addresss: 1383 Arcade STreet Business Phone: 771-1590 Contact Name/Address:Bernard Mordorski, 1494 Pacific St Home Phone: 776-4652 55106 Date to Council Research: Public Hearing Date: 5 1 < � Notice Sent to Applicant: Notice Sent to Labels Ordered: District Councii #: Ward Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney �� 5 � �� Environmental Health �' ' � �N . � ' Fire � C i / C � U l� (.1.��^ �� � � License Site Plan Received:_ ���� �, l � �ease aa���aa: � Police �/�- 9 �- N � . Zoning �(� `1 �-- O•� . �.1 l T�-� �At�ID �T4D� 5 SAIiST pAfJ L AAA CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEVJ BY Tf � PUBLIC ��b"210 CITY OF SAIIrTT PAUL �Ct OfL.ICCnSG, TSLlpLCIIOnS and EmvomnrnW Praation 3St Si Py—S[ Se!c '3,m Se:.^rtP+�>>.Y.�v�aoEa 551CS (613)3c6�9p �i(612)2ei911d ��3q� PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN INK ` L,f �� / ` �d Type of License(s) being applied for. {� � �� �I 3 �ti7 T/�'.f.�� i i� (>�Ql'rG7/J J S o� �� o , _ . , v Doing Business As: Business Address: Between what�cross�stree i�b t�cin e ess located� � � Are the premises now occupied7 �Q What Type of Business? 'Mail To Address: _Applicant Iniotz I�'ame and Tide: Home Address: s�,m naa,tu �=�i�/�YR� �J ds F� hraat� c�c� c;ry Business 7�/ �-� 7 � s,�u zsp VJhich side of the street? l� Ste[e Zip �„�"�i C�cb�v�� �c Tsa� s� naa� /� ciry s� z�p Date of Birth: J�-�-- place of Birth: �?�. O/�G��— Home Phone: ���a "7��n-�-� Have you ever been com�cted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance other than tra�c? YES NO � Date of arrest: _ _ _ Where7 Charge: _ Conviction: Sentence: iut i;ie uai,ies n„3 resiclences uI ihree persom of goal moral chaz aui�r, living widvu ine Twiu �iues ivienv r� ca, u�� iciu�cu w[nc nyplicttiii -- or financially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicanPs character: Have azry of the above named licenses eva been revokedl YES �� NO If yes, list the dates and reasons far revocarion: 2/I8/97 If business is incorporated, give date of incoiporation: List�censes whi� you currenfly hold, formerly held, or may have an interest in: . Are you go;ng to operate ttus business penonall;�? /' YES NO If not, w�ho will operate it? b ��,� b _` Fizs! \amc \5ddle Lritial (\laidrn) Last Datc of Binh ?icmcAddaan: Strat?:�c City Statc Zip PhoneNuaber ?.re you going to ha�•e a maz�ager or assistant in this biuiness? YES � NO If the manaeer is not the sazne as the operator, please complete the follo��ing infoimation: Fssst Namo Homc Addlrss: Strce[ \�e List all other officers of the cocporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME NAME (OfficeHeld) ADDRESS City HOME PHONE Dau of Binh Phone \vmbcr DATE OF BIRTH L busizess is a partnership, please :nclude fl�e following uuozmation for each pazmer (use additional pages if necessazy): :,yaat<u,it;et xomc naaR,.: s� r� F� r�� �au� �;ea Homc AddRae: Strxt Nemt c�Ty �%��) I.ast State Zip BUSIIv'ESS PHONE 7,a¢ Stnu Zip I.aC CiTy State Zip Datc of Birth ��� r•�� Date of Birth phonc ivimber MINNESOTA TAX IDENTFFICATION NUMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (fax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Couuaissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tae identification number and the social security number of each license applicant Under the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the follow�ing regarding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification Number: - This infoimation may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's a�thholding or motor vetucle excise taxes; - Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority k�ill supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Revrnue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Ageement, the Department of Revrnue may supply ilris information to the Intemal Revenue Service. Minnesota Tax Identification Numbers (Sales & Use Ta� Numba) may be obtain� from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Departmen� 10 Riva Park Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Security Number. ���7��' J ' o/,/ � Minnesota Tax Identification Number: �o �� __� I�ta� Identification Number isnot required for the business being opaated, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box. ]vfiddle Initial (.'�38idrn) 2/18/97 'lease list your employment history for the pre�rious five (5) }�ear period: Council File # ��b� �� Presented By Referred To Co�ittee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #23398) for an Auto Repair Garage License by Bemard Mordoiski DBA Bernie's Auto Repair (Bernazd Mordorsid, Owner) at 1383 Arcade Street be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. 2. `����� �� 3. 4. �' i � � � 5. 6. 7. �. Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��� 7 � A six foot high wood obscuring fence shall be installed and maintained along the west P�oI�ertY line. Parldng for customers and emplayees shall be arranged on the lot as shown on the site plan. No more ihan 28 velricles shall be pazked outdoors on the lot The licensee is responsible for managing the number of customer velucles to that wluch may be reasonably repaired and retumed to iheir owners in the shortest period. There shall be no long teim storage of velricles on the lot. All vehicles pazked outdoors on the lot must appear to be compietely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. Vehicle parts, tires, oil or similaz items will not be stored outdoors. Trash will be stored in the dumpster or in the existing enclosed azea. No repair of velricles will orcur on the esterior of the lot or on the public right-of-way. The building will not be occupied and the business will not open without a Cert+ficate of �CCllPBIIC)'. The hours of operation shall be 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through .saturaay only. � ���-:��- �� � � � �i�Lo%�F� ,b� a.HU�—.Lu,-�- a�r- fli.rnr.x��.y,�f� s,�✓�� - 20 zi 22 Yeas Na Absen 23 aB � 24 Bostrom 25 arr� 26 eaa� 27 Morton 28 un� 30 � �� $ 31 32 Adopted by Council: Date 33 34 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 35 36 37 By: 38 39 Approned by Mayor: Date �By: 4:! Reguested by Department of: • - -r= �- - -:` -_" , .�„-, - •� C'?�r/�� / ��u Form Approved by City Attorney By: 0 C• � � �h i�� r n.,,. E t V Approved by Mayor for Submiseion to Council &y: °i`�-bZ,b D6MRf�EN7qFFlC6COUNC)l OA7E fNR1ATED �/ � �/ � L LIEP/Licensin GREEN SHEE CONTACTPERSONdPHONE �DEPAPTMENTDIfiECfOR ❑CRYCOUNCIL INITIALIDATE ASSIGN CITV AiTORNEY CITY CLERK Christine Rozek, 266-9108 NUYBEIIFOA � ❑ MUSTBEONCAl1NCILAGENDABV(DAT� ppM� �BqDGETDIRECTO �FlN.BMGT.SEflVICE501P. r'02 hearin : 5 OROER �ypypp�pppg515TANn � TOTAL # OP SiGNATURE PAGES. (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED� Bemard Mordorski DBA Berniels Auto Repair requests Council approval of its application for an Auto Repair Garage License located at 1383 Arcade Street (ID U23398). RECOMMENDA710NS: nppmre (0.) w Re�ect (R) pERSONAL SEFIVICE CONTpACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOItAWING QUESTIONS: _ PUWNMG CAMMISSION _ CNiI SERVICE COMMISSION �� H� mi5 pBI50NFm1 eV9f WOfkBtl IIIICB� 8 COflheCt fOf 11115 flBPertment? _ C� cO1dMRlEE _ YES NO ,_ STAFF 2. Nes this persoMirtn aver Deen a dry employee? — YES NO _ DISTPICT COURT _ S. DOes this rsoNfirm pe possess e skill not normaiy possessed by any curteM cily employee? SUPPOp15 WHICH CpUNCILO&IECTIVE7 VES NO Explein ell yaa answan on �epereta �Mat sntl ameh to pra�n iheet INfTUTING PROBLEM. ISSUE.OPPflRlUNRY (NRp. Whet, When. Wlrere. Why)' ADVANTA6ES If qPPROVE�: DISA�VANTAGES IF APPROVED: 1:4:;..._ . - ' ' . y i,,;.� I� ���� � �..e... DISpDVAN7AGES1FN07APPROYED: '—___ . TMAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION S COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIFiCLE ONE) YE$ iJ0 FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVT/ NUMBEFi FINANqAL INFOqFSATION: (IXPLAIN) CITY OF SASNT PAIIL, MINNESOTA Q�_�`��, SPECIAL CONDITION IISE PERMIT � 20NING FILE #96-136 APPLICANT: BERNARIJ MORDORSKI PIIRPOSE: Special condition use permit to allow auto repair. LOCATION_ 1353 Arcade Street; northwest corner of Arcade & Cottage LEGAL DfiSCRIPT20N: Lots 4, 5, & 6, Block 2; King's Arcade Addition ZONING CONIMITTEE ACTION: Recommend approval with conditions PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Approval with conditions CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT: 1. A six (6) foot high wood privacy fence shall be installed and maintained along the western property line. 2. There shall be no parking of vehicles awaiting repair or receatly repaired on the street, APPROVED BY: David McDOnell, Commission Chairperson S, the undersigned Secretary to the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission for City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the original record in my office; and find the same to be a true and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof, as based on minutes o£ the Saint Paul Planning Commission meeting held on July 12, 1996 and on record in the Saint Paul Planning Office, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota. This permit will expire one year from the date of agproval if the use herein permitted is not established. The decision to grant this permit by the Planning Commission is an administrative action subject to appeal to the City Council. Anyone affected by this action may appeal this decision by filing the appropriate application and fee at Che Zoning Office, 1100 City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street. Any such appeal must be filed within 15 calendar days of the mailing date noted below. Violation of the conditions of this permit may result in its revocation. 1) u..t�.bL� h'Y1 Sn.� � n� Do a M. Sanders � Secretary to the Saint Paul __ __ __ __ __ZOninq CommiLtee _ _ _ city of saint paul planrung commission resolution file number 96-39 �te July 12, 1996 ��t -C� a� WHEREAS, BERNARD MORDORSKI, file #96-136, has applied for a Special Condiuon Use Permit under the provisions of Section 60.544(18) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, to allow auto repair on properry located at 1383 ARCADE STREET, legally described as L.ots 4, 5, and 6, Block 2; King's Arcade Addition; and WAEREAS, the Zoning Committee of ffie Planning Commission held a public hearing on 7uly 1, 1996, at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The applicant has a contractto purchase the properry and intends to operate an auto repair business. There are two bays in the building currenfly. The applicant hopes to expand the number of bays in the future to accommodate up to four additional bays. There will be 18 off-street parking spaces for customers, employees, and vehicles awaiting repair on the lot. The proposed hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. There will be one employee at this location initially, more when the expansion occurs. 2. Section 60.544(18) of the zoning code provides that auto repair businesses are permitted in a B-3 zone subject to certain conditions. These conditions and the developer's ability to meet them are as follows: a. The minimum lot area shall be ftfteen thousand (I5, 000) square feet. This condition is met. The lot area is 16,814 square feet. b. A ten foot landscaped buffer with screen planting and an obscuring fence shall be required along any properly Zine adjoining to an existing residence or adjoining to land zoned resicdential. moved by Morton seconded by in favorUnanimous against Zoning File #96-136 Page Two This condifion is met. The applicanYs property adjoins an alley, not land zoned residential. Therefore, a 10 foot landscaped buffer area is not reguired. The applicant intends to install a six foot high wood privacy fence along the western property line adjacent to the alley. c. All repair work shall be done within an enclosed building. This condition will be met. The applicant understands and accepts this condition that all repair work must take place within an enclosed building. d. There shall be no oulside storage. The applicant understands and accepts this condition. The applicant will not have any outdoor storage. 3. Section 64.300(d) of the zoning code requires that before the planning commission may grant approval of a principal use subject to special conditions, the wmmission shall fmd that: a, The extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial compliance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any applicable subarea plans which were approved by the city council. This condition is met. The proposed use is in conformance with the comprehensive plan for the city. The Land Use Plan identifies the area along Arcade Street as a mixed use strip. The properry is zoned B-3; auto repair is a use permitted in tlus district with a special condition use permit. One of the Land Use proposals in the District 5 Plan staYes, "northem expansion of the commercial land uses along both Payne and Arcade should be restricted. New develoFments along both commercial strips should take glace within the existing boundaries, fiuther strengthening the commercial nahue of the sueet while avoiding continued encroachment on the residential neighborhoods to the north. (#3 p.12) Economic development goals in the District 5 Plan include: 1) to reduce conflicts between commercial and industrial uses and other types of land uses, especially residential; and 2) to aclueve safe and adequate vehiculaz pedestrian circulation along Payne and Arcade. (#4 and #5, p.19) b. The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize traffic congestion in the pubZdc slreets. This condition is met. Access to the site will be from existing driveways on Arcade Street and Cottage Avenue. A privacy fence along the westem property line will Zoning File #96-136 �� - �° a � Page Three prohibit access to the site from the alley. The use requires suc off-street parking spaces and there is adequate space on the lot to provide the spaces. c. The use will not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public heaZth, safety and general welfare. This condition is met. The properry was most recenfly occupied by Valvoline Rapid Oil Change, an auto specialty store. The proposed auto repair use is sunilar to the previous use and in keeping with the way the property was developed. d. The use wi11 not impede the norntal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. This condition is met. The proposed use is in keeping with existing character of development in the area. This is a fairly busy commercial strip accommodadng more than 15,000 vehicles per day. e. The use shall, in all other respects, confornt to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. '�his condition is met. 4. The applicant should be aware that if the building on the site expands by more than 50 percent a new special condition use permit will be required for thai expansion, Section 64.300(m)(1). In addition, off-street parking will have to be provided for the expansion, estimated at about 20 spaces. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, the application for a Special Condition Use Permit to allow auto repair at 1383 ARCADE STREET is hereby approved, subject to Lhe following condiacns: 1. A six (6) foot high wood privacy fence shall be installed and maintained along the western properry line. 2. There shall be no parking of vehicles awaiting repair or recenfly repaired on the street. '�`l`�' C2-Qe Petition to allow the nse of the bnilding at 1383 Arcade St As an automotive repair shop my hours of operation will be 8AM to SPM Monday through Friday. This means on a normal day I will be working in the shop from 7AM to 6 PM Monday through Friday. D ti'rino the course of business there may be times when it is required that I come in after hours or work until8PM or 9PM on a weeknight or during the day on Saturday. By signing this petition you aze giving me permission to operate with these guide lines. If you have a preference between 8PM or 9PM note it below. Thank You, Bernie Mordorsld Bemie's Auto Repair 1383 Arcade St 771-1590 � 2 � 8PM 9PM Name �c�.�.�. �,�� m�-e , � ln^ r��y� � �r �� 2p,t , . � Address ��� �� c_f-�ti � �a � �s� r � 8c� � C�a� A�;' �I-,1-�. Q S�jl 04� ���1 C�i%�yr��� 5/:1��� �8�c: c�.� S 4 '"� ��-,�.� ,�-- 5 =--�_�—� " � ���� ����. 6 ' �w� ���� 8��„ C���-.� 9��� �,��;� /��- io �� � 11 '�-e� �� a e�-� 12 �(.� 1!J 0� r i ��,���.,.�-�- 13 �� �,�.Y r. � �, C 14 , � � .�J ��'"`� � � � is; J�l �L�� 7 �y � �0� � � L , �/ c.. c°i/�jir� co7f��e 7 8 S � ��� �� � �L G 5�% \yo� �vU fl.= S� -�r � �Bl4 ��ool ��� � � �� r Co7fi(�cotG ��. �,3 � �-l-e� c.n, ��c.�P . ��tb st�,��,�d � � � i, � � ,1�,, � � C�'% /Jf —G' �, �- f�/ C T�r ��✓� � n% /�`,• � � �S S ��` E�Zt.� o a,,� �//� � 9 (1 -C 2-� Petitioa to allow the use of the building at 1383 Arcade St As an automotive repair shop my hours of operation will be SAM to SPM Monday through Friday. This means on a normal day I will be working in the shop from 7AM to 6 PM Monday through Friday. During the course of business there may be times when it is required that I come in after hours or work unti18PM or 9PM on a weel�ight or during the day on Saturday. By signing this perition you aze giving me permission to operate with these guide lines. ff you have a preference between 8PM or 4PM note it below. Thank You, Bernie Mordorski Beraie's Auto Repair 1383 Arcade St 771-1590 8PM 9PM Name Address �1�� �NIiG.�A�..L� lvrl�� J .� �'l� '�� �-d�R��- 9�/n ����=-'""'"— � g4<l �'�a,z�v��' � 0 7 10 11 12 13 14 15