97-612Council File � � ` ��Z Green Sheet # ���� �'3�'�F`�4? 3 °� ; � � r�, ,_ _ Presented Bv Referred To PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date �/ 1 RES�LVED, That the proper City officiaLs are hereby auWorized and directed to execute an 2 agreement with the Department of Children, Families and Learning, State of Minnesota, for the 3 continuarion of the lending library relationship with the Division of Libraries, City of Saint Paul, 4 subject to the tenns and conditions of said agreement, a copy of wtrich is to be kept on file and of 5 record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. Reguested by Department of: B �' 0 t—.�T_�_J` Approved by Mayor: Date By: Libraries B L�.�.��/�a-...�- Form Approved by City A torney sy: ` o'� /Y—S� Approved by Mayor for Submission to eouaerl BY � ___�\\r��• ����fi�''IL�L^- Adopted by Council: Date ��$_ �q�{� T Adoption Certified by Council Sec etary c t�F-�e�Z-- an�a� DEPARfMH1TqFFICHCOUNCIL DATE INRIATED � v � � �ibraries o5/2/97 GREEN SHEE CON7ACT PEfiSON & PHONE �NITIAVDATE INITIAL/OATE � DEPA(iiMENT DIRECTOR CRY CqUNCIL CdP018 W1111dI11S 292-6211 ASSIGN ClTYATfOflNEY CRVCLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAtE) ppY�NGFOR ❑��� DIRECfO Q FIN. 6 MGT. SERVICES DIR. OflDER m MpYOR (OR ASSISTMIT) � % pnLG ���ppi '� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Council Resolution to continue the InterLibrary Loan Program paid for with State of Minnesota, Department of Children, Families and Learning, monies. pECOMMENDnTONS: npDrove (A) or Aeject (R) PERSONAL SERV�CE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: __ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CYYIL SEflViCE COMMiSS10N �� N� this persuntfirm ever worketl under a mMract for this deparUne�t? __ CIB CAMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Hss this personJfirm ever been a city empbyee? — STAFF — YES NO _ DtSiR�ei CWar _ 3. Does this persoNFirm possess a skiii not normalry possessetl by arry cUrrem cAy employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCILO&IECTIVE7 YES NO Explain all yes enswsrs on separate eheet antl attech to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who. What. Whan. Where, Why�: Continuation of the State of Minnesota, Department of Children, Families and Learning, InterLibrary Loan program provided by the Saint Paul Public Library to non-metropoli- tan area public library systems. ����Z��� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �AAY �Z qe(�ry arefi J l7S1 �� @ � �������� This agreement provides for the sharing of information resources and provides total funding of expenses. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPRO�ED: y. � X?CL��iP�6d M�Y i � 1��7 �?��uR�� ��FB�� None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED� The Saint Paul Public Library would not be able to provide this service to non- metropolitan Libraries. 70TAL AMOUNT �F7RANSACTION $ $250� OOO COST/FiEVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) �VES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE Stdt@ of Mi nnesota pCTNITV NUMBEp 33430 FINANCIAL INFORM1fATION: (EXPLAIN) � G�� \z AGREEMENT This agreement is made and entered into by and between Library Development and Services, Department of Children, Families and Leaming on behalf of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as LDS, and the St. Paul Public Library, an agency of the Ciry of St. Paul, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Library. Whereas, under Minn. Stat. 13431 it is the policy of the state to support the provision of library service and the development of cooperative programs for the sharing of resources and services; and Whereas, LDS has determined that one program to implement the state's policy is the provision of an interlibrary loan and reference service to the regional public library systems of Minnesota; and Whereas, the Library is capable of operating a program of interlibrary loan and reference service; Now therefore, the par[ies hereto agree as follows: I. The Library shall: A. Receive interlibrary loan and reference requests via communications media as maY be agreed upon by the parties from the regional public library systems outside tne counties of Anoka. Carver. Dakota, Henneoin, Ramse� , Scott anc Washington throush communications nodes desianated by LDS. B. i,end items irom its coiiectior, in response to requests received hereunder ar.d reie� Lnfilie� recuests ��ia an estabiished routine spstem to oti;er libraries deemed prooaoie secondar}� sources includin� bu, not limited to oti:er nubiic iib:arie� aar[icipaiin= m the Metropoiitan Librar}� Service Agenc}' (MELSAj. acaciemic :ibraries tn-ough Cooperatmn Libraries in Consorti�m (CLICj and the I�IINITE�= �ibrar�' inforr_matioa ?��et«�ori: at the L�nivet�sitv of Minnesota. C. Naintain a s��stem of reservin� icems to fi:i reouests received hereui�dei in cases where said items are in use when a request for said item is received. D. Provide up to 25 pages of photocopies of library materials witnout charge in lieu of the loan of an item, such services to be provided consistent with provisions of Tifle ll. U.S. Code. E. Provide to LDS quarterlp reports of the amount of services provided directiy to each nod�. inciudinQ the services referred to secondary sources and the deliver�' services. ����Z -z- P. Provide to LDS an annual report of expenditures incurred hereunder including payments to secondary sources. = G. Provide to LDS information concerning problems encountered, recommendations for improved services and other reasonable and appropriate information as�may be mutually agreed to regarding the operation of the services provided hereunder. A. From the amount established in Section II, D., reimburse secondary sources, except MINITEX and CLIC, at the rate of $1.15 per search and $3.00 per fill, provided that the secondary sources shall agree to maintain a system for placing requests on a waitin� list when the requested materials are in use. II. The Office of Library Development and Services shall: A. Develop in consultation with the Library policies and procedures to implement the program of interlibrary loan and reference service and provide a manual of said policies and procedures to the regional public library systems. B. Coordinate the interlibrary Ioan and reference service network resulting from this agreement and serve as a communication channel on matcers of policy between the Library and the regional public library systems receivin� services hereunder. C. Provide to the Library a list of regional public library system communication nodes eligible to submit interlibrary loan and reference requests. D. Reimburse the Liorary for services provided hereunder durinR the state's fiscal years FY97 endina June 30, 1997 and FY98 endina 7une 30, 1998 in the amount of �250.000 which shall be paid to the Libraz}� in one installment. If prior to 7une 30, 1998, it is determined by both parties that this amount does not cover the Library's costs, an amendmenz authorizina an additional payment to cover costs wil] be executed. IIL All services provided by the Library pursuant to this agreement shall be performed to the satisfaction of LDS as determined in the sole discretion of its authorized asent, 7oyce C. Swonger, Director of LDS, or her successor, and in accord with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and re�ulations. The Library shall not receive payment of work found by LDS to be unsatisfactory or performed 'an violation of federai, state and local law, ordinance, rule and re�ulation. cl -3- IV. This agreement may be canceled by LDS or the Library at, any time, with or without cause, upon runery (90) days written notice to the other party. In the event of � such cancellatlon, the Library shall be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for work or services satisfactorily performed. V. The Library shall neither assign nor uansfer any rights or obligations under this a�reement without prior written consent of the authorized agent of LDS. VI. Any amendments to this agreement shall be in writing. In witness whereof, the parties have caused thls agreement to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED: STATE OF MINNBSOTA DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN, FAMILTES AND LEARNING I��� i � . �'�f� I?at : " � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Approved as to Form: CITY OF ST. PAUL AIVISION OF LIBRARIES By: ---��� t �?��� -G � / �� Date: 3 � aY ��� �� �2'"`� J "R BY: �'-��t.C.[l, ����� ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY Date: S'/ /I?/�'� s �..���ti� �— � �- y� t �— Date: .f /y—�i7 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MAI3AGEMENT SERVICES : Date: LIBDEV\PLANET\PLANET. CON Council File � � ` ��Z Green Sheet # ���� �'3�'�F`�4? 3 °� ; � � r�, ,_ _ Presented Bv Referred To PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date �/ 1 RES�LVED, That the proper City officiaLs are hereby auWorized and directed to execute an 2 agreement with the Department of Children, Families and Learning, State of Minnesota, for the 3 continuarion of the lending library relationship with the Division of Libraries, City of Saint Paul, 4 subject to the tenns and conditions of said agreement, a copy of wtrich is to be kept on file and of 5 record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. Reguested by Department of: B �' 0 t—.�T_�_J` Approved by Mayor: Date By: Libraries B L�.�.��/�a-...�- Form Approved by City A torney sy: ` o'� /Y—S� Approved by Mayor for Submission to eouaerl BY � ___�\\r��• ����fi�''IL�L^- Adopted by Council: Date ��$_ �q�{� T Adoption Certified by Council Sec etary c t�F-�e�Z-- an�a� DEPARfMH1TqFFICHCOUNCIL DATE INRIATED � v � � �ibraries o5/2/97 GREEN SHEE CON7ACT PEfiSON & PHONE �NITIAVDATE INITIAL/OATE � DEPA(iiMENT DIRECTOR CRY CqUNCIL CdP018 W1111dI11S 292-6211 ASSIGN ClTYATfOflNEY CRVCLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAtE) ppY�NGFOR ❑��� DIRECfO Q FIN. 6 MGT. SERVICES DIR. OflDER m MpYOR (OR ASSISTMIT) � % pnLG ���ppi '� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Council Resolution to continue the InterLibrary Loan Program paid for with State of Minnesota, Department of Children, Families and Learning, monies. pECOMMENDnTONS: npDrove (A) or Aeject (R) PERSONAL SERV�CE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: __ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CYYIL SEflViCE COMMiSS10N �� N� this persuntfirm ever worketl under a mMract for this deparUne�t? __ CIB CAMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Hss this personJfirm ever been a city empbyee? — STAFF — YES NO _ DtSiR�ei CWar _ 3. Does this persoNFirm possess a skiii not normalry possessetl by arry cUrrem cAy employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCILO&IECTIVE7 YES NO Explain all yes enswsrs on separate eheet antl attech to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who. What. Whan. Where, Why�: Continuation of the State of Minnesota, Department of Children, Families and Learning, InterLibrary Loan program provided by the Saint Paul Public Library to non-metropoli- tan area public library systems. ����Z��� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �AAY �Z qe(�ry arefi J l7S1 �� @ � �������� This agreement provides for the sharing of information resources and provides total funding of expenses. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPRO�ED: y. � X?CL��iP�6d M�Y i � 1��7 �?��uR�� ��FB�� None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED� The Saint Paul Public Library would not be able to provide this service to non- metropolitan Libraries. 70TAL AMOUNT �F7RANSACTION $ $250� OOO COST/FiEVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) �VES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE Stdt@ of Mi nnesota pCTNITV NUMBEp 33430 FINANCIAL INFORM1fATION: (EXPLAIN) � G�� \z AGREEMENT This agreement is made and entered into by and between Library Development and Services, Department of Children, Families and Leaming on behalf of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as LDS, and the St. Paul Public Library, an agency of the Ciry of St. Paul, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Library. Whereas, under Minn. Stat. 13431 it is the policy of the state to support the provision of library service and the development of cooperative programs for the sharing of resources and services; and Whereas, LDS has determined that one program to implement the state's policy is the provision of an interlibrary loan and reference service to the regional public library systems of Minnesota; and Whereas, the Library is capable of operating a program of interlibrary loan and reference service; Now therefore, the par[ies hereto agree as follows: I. The Library shall: A. Receive interlibrary loan and reference requests via communications media as maY be agreed upon by the parties from the regional public library systems outside tne counties of Anoka. Carver. Dakota, Henneoin, Ramse� , Scott anc Washington throush communications nodes desianated by LDS. B. i,end items irom its coiiectior, in response to requests received hereunder ar.d reie� Lnfilie� recuests ��ia an estabiished routine spstem to oti;er libraries deemed prooaoie secondar}� sources includin� bu, not limited to oti:er nubiic iib:arie� aar[icipaiin= m the Metropoiitan Librar}� Service Agenc}' (MELSAj. acaciemic :ibraries tn-ough Cooperatmn Libraries in Consorti�m (CLICj and the I�IINITE�= �ibrar�' inforr_matioa ?��et«�ori: at the L�nivet�sitv of Minnesota. C. Naintain a s��stem of reservin� icems to fi:i reouests received hereui�dei in cases where said items are in use when a request for said item is received. D. Provide up to 25 pages of photocopies of library materials witnout charge in lieu of the loan of an item, such services to be provided consistent with provisions of Tifle ll. U.S. Code. E. Provide to LDS quarterlp reports of the amount of services provided directiy to each nod�. inciudinQ the services referred to secondary sources and the deliver�' services. ����Z -z- P. Provide to LDS an annual report of expenditures incurred hereunder including payments to secondary sources. = G. Provide to LDS information concerning problems encountered, recommendations for improved services and other reasonable and appropriate information as�may be mutually agreed to regarding the operation of the services provided hereunder. A. From the amount established in Section II, D., reimburse secondary sources, except MINITEX and CLIC, at the rate of $1.15 per search and $3.00 per fill, provided that the secondary sources shall agree to maintain a system for placing requests on a waitin� list when the requested materials are in use. II. The Office of Library Development and Services shall: A. Develop in consultation with the Library policies and procedures to implement the program of interlibrary loan and reference service and provide a manual of said policies and procedures to the regional public library systems. B. Coordinate the interlibrary Ioan and reference service network resulting from this agreement and serve as a communication channel on matcers of policy between the Library and the regional public library systems receivin� services hereunder. C. Provide to the Library a list of regional public library system communication nodes eligible to submit interlibrary loan and reference requests. D. Reimburse the Liorary for services provided hereunder durinR the state's fiscal years FY97 endina June 30, 1997 and FY98 endina 7une 30, 1998 in the amount of �250.000 which shall be paid to the Libraz}� in one installment. If prior to 7une 30, 1998, it is determined by both parties that this amount does not cover the Library's costs, an amendmenz authorizina an additional payment to cover costs wil] be executed. IIL All services provided by the Library pursuant to this agreement shall be performed to the satisfaction of LDS as determined in the sole discretion of its authorized asent, 7oyce C. Swonger, Director of LDS, or her successor, and in accord with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and re�ulations. The Library shall not receive payment of work found by LDS to be unsatisfactory or performed 'an violation of federai, state and local law, ordinance, rule and re�ulation. cl -3- IV. This agreement may be canceled by LDS or the Library at, any time, with or without cause, upon runery (90) days written notice to the other party. In the event of � such cancellatlon, the Library shall be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for work or services satisfactorily performed. V. The Library shall neither assign nor uansfer any rights or obligations under this a�reement without prior written consent of the authorized agent of LDS. VI. Any amendments to this agreement shall be in writing. In witness whereof, the parties have caused thls agreement to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED: STATE OF MINNBSOTA DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN, FAMILTES AND LEARNING I��� i � . �'�f� I?at : " � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Approved as to Form: CITY OF ST. PAUL AIVISION OF LIBRARIES By: ---��� t �?��� -G � / �� Date: 3 � aY ��� �� �2'"`� J "R BY: �'-��t.C.[l, ����� ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY Date: S'/ /I?/�'� s �..���ti� �— � �- y� t �— Date: .f /y—�i7 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MAI3AGEMENT SERVICES : Date: LIBDEV\PLANET\PLANET. CON Council File � � ` ��Z Green Sheet # ���� �'3�'�F`�4? 3 °� ; � � r�, ,_ _ Presented Bv Referred To PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date �/ 1 RES�LVED, That the proper City officiaLs are hereby auWorized and directed to execute an 2 agreement with the Department of Children, Families and Learning, State of Minnesota, for the 3 continuarion of the lending library relationship with the Division of Libraries, City of Saint Paul, 4 subject to the tenns and conditions of said agreement, a copy of wtrich is to be kept on file and of 5 record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. Reguested by Department of: B �' 0 t—.�T_�_J` Approved by Mayor: Date By: Libraries B L�.�.��/�a-...�- Form Approved by City A torney sy: ` o'� /Y—S� Approved by Mayor for Submission to eouaerl BY � ___�\\r��• ����fi�''IL�L^- Adopted by Council: Date ��$_ �q�{� T Adoption Certified by Council Sec etary c t�F-�e�Z-- an�a� DEPARfMH1TqFFICHCOUNCIL DATE INRIATED � v � � �ibraries o5/2/97 GREEN SHEE CON7ACT PEfiSON & PHONE �NITIAVDATE INITIAL/OATE � DEPA(iiMENT DIRECTOR CRY CqUNCIL CdP018 W1111dI11S 292-6211 ASSIGN ClTYATfOflNEY CRVCLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAtE) ppY�NGFOR ❑��� DIRECfO Q FIN. 6 MGT. SERVICES DIR. OflDER m MpYOR (OR ASSISTMIT) � % pnLG ���ppi '� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Council Resolution to continue the InterLibrary Loan Program paid for with State of Minnesota, Department of Children, Families and Learning, monies. pECOMMENDnTONS: npDrove (A) or Aeject (R) PERSONAL SERV�CE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: __ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CYYIL SEflViCE COMMiSS10N �� N� this persuntfirm ever worketl under a mMract for this deparUne�t? __ CIB CAMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Hss this personJfirm ever been a city empbyee? — STAFF — YES NO _ DtSiR�ei CWar _ 3. Does this persoNFirm possess a skiii not normalry possessetl by arry cUrrem cAy employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCILO&IECTIVE7 YES NO Explain all yes enswsrs on separate eheet antl attech to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who. What. Whan. Where, Why�: Continuation of the State of Minnesota, Department of Children, Families and Learning, InterLibrary Loan program provided by the Saint Paul Public Library to non-metropoli- tan area public library systems. ����Z��� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �AAY �Z qe(�ry arefi J l7S1 �� @ � �������� This agreement provides for the sharing of information resources and provides total funding of expenses. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPRO�ED: y. � X?CL��iP�6d M�Y i � 1��7 �?��uR�� ��FB�� None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED� The Saint Paul Public Library would not be able to provide this service to non- metropolitan Libraries. 70TAL AMOUNT �F7RANSACTION $ $250� OOO COST/FiEVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) �VES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE Stdt@ of Mi nnesota pCTNITV NUMBEp 33430 FINANCIAL INFORM1fATION: (EXPLAIN) � G�� \z AGREEMENT This agreement is made and entered into by and between Library Development and Services, Department of Children, Families and Leaming on behalf of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as LDS, and the St. Paul Public Library, an agency of the Ciry of St. Paul, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Library. Whereas, under Minn. Stat. 13431 it is the policy of the state to support the provision of library service and the development of cooperative programs for the sharing of resources and services; and Whereas, LDS has determined that one program to implement the state's policy is the provision of an interlibrary loan and reference service to the regional public library systems of Minnesota; and Whereas, the Library is capable of operating a program of interlibrary loan and reference service; Now therefore, the par[ies hereto agree as follows: I. The Library shall: A. Receive interlibrary loan and reference requests via communications media as maY be agreed upon by the parties from the regional public library systems outside tne counties of Anoka. Carver. Dakota, Henneoin, Ramse� , Scott anc Washington throush communications nodes desianated by LDS. B. i,end items irom its coiiectior, in response to requests received hereunder ar.d reie� Lnfilie� recuests ��ia an estabiished routine spstem to oti;er libraries deemed prooaoie secondar}� sources includin� bu, not limited to oti:er nubiic iib:arie� aar[icipaiin= m the Metropoiitan Librar}� Service Agenc}' (MELSAj. acaciemic :ibraries tn-ough Cooperatmn Libraries in Consorti�m (CLICj and the I�IINITE�= �ibrar�' inforr_matioa ?��et«�ori: at the L�nivet�sitv of Minnesota. C. Naintain a s��stem of reservin� icems to fi:i reouests received hereui�dei in cases where said items are in use when a request for said item is received. D. Provide up to 25 pages of photocopies of library materials witnout charge in lieu of the loan of an item, such services to be provided consistent with provisions of Tifle ll. U.S. Code. E. Provide to LDS quarterlp reports of the amount of services provided directiy to each nod�. inciudinQ the services referred to secondary sources and the deliver�' services. ����Z -z- P. Provide to LDS an annual report of expenditures incurred hereunder including payments to secondary sources. = G. Provide to LDS information concerning problems encountered, recommendations for improved services and other reasonable and appropriate information as�may be mutually agreed to regarding the operation of the services provided hereunder. A. From the amount established in Section II, D., reimburse secondary sources, except MINITEX and CLIC, at the rate of $1.15 per search and $3.00 per fill, provided that the secondary sources shall agree to maintain a system for placing requests on a waitin� list when the requested materials are in use. II. The Office of Library Development and Services shall: A. Develop in consultation with the Library policies and procedures to implement the program of interlibrary loan and reference service and provide a manual of said policies and procedures to the regional public library systems. B. Coordinate the interlibrary Ioan and reference service network resulting from this agreement and serve as a communication channel on matcers of policy between the Library and the regional public library systems receivin� services hereunder. C. Provide to the Library a list of regional public library system communication nodes eligible to submit interlibrary loan and reference requests. D. Reimburse the Liorary for services provided hereunder durinR the state's fiscal years FY97 endina June 30, 1997 and FY98 endina 7une 30, 1998 in the amount of �250.000 which shall be paid to the Libraz}� in one installment. If prior to 7une 30, 1998, it is determined by both parties that this amount does not cover the Library's costs, an amendmenz authorizina an additional payment to cover costs wil] be executed. IIL All services provided by the Library pursuant to this agreement shall be performed to the satisfaction of LDS as determined in the sole discretion of its authorized asent, 7oyce C. Swonger, Director of LDS, or her successor, and in accord with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and re�ulations. The Library shall not receive payment of work found by LDS to be unsatisfactory or performed 'an violation of federai, state and local law, ordinance, rule and re�ulation. cl -3- IV. This agreement may be canceled by LDS or the Library at, any time, with or without cause, upon runery (90) days written notice to the other party. In the event of � such cancellatlon, the Library shall be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for work or services satisfactorily performed. V. The Library shall neither assign nor uansfer any rights or obligations under this a�reement without prior written consent of the authorized agent of LDS. VI. Any amendments to this agreement shall be in writing. In witness whereof, the parties have caused thls agreement to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED: STATE OF MINNBSOTA DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN, FAMILTES AND LEARNING I��� i � . �'�f� I?at : " � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Approved as to Form: CITY OF ST. PAUL AIVISION OF LIBRARIES By: ---��� t �?��� -G � / �� Date: 3 � aY ��� �� �2'"`� J "R BY: �'-��t.C.[l, ����� ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY Date: S'/ /I?/�'� s �..���ti� �— � �- y� t �— Date: .f /y—�i7 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MAI3AGEMENT SERVICES : Date: LIBDEV\PLANET\PLANET. CON