97-608Council File # (�a� Green Sheet # � � �°ts P �3? F � t t.✓ 1 � i � �.✓ 7 j �` ; �; %� Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Committee: Date , (l99� % WEiEREAS, the Miunesota Legislature has enacted a speciai law applicable to the City of Saint Paul or the City of Minneapolis which amends Minn. Stat. § 168B.051 to provide for a shortened notification period to owners of unauthorized vehicles towed by the governmental unit, nowtherefore be it, RESOLVED, pursuant to Minn. Stax. § 645.021, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the referenced special legislation and directs its secretary to make the proper filings with the office of the Minnesota Secretary of State to secure final ratification thereof. 1 /� ��ax, ✓�. Requested by Department of: �'-� Adopted by Council: Date q'� 1 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by M r: Date � By: `�U� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Form Approved by City AtCOrney ��t,�/' / � _ � By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � �3 8�2 � DEPAHiMENTRJFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATED Police Department GREEN SHEE CONTACf PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAL/DATE INRIAVDATE O �EPARTMENT DIRE O CRY CAUNCIL Chief Finney, 292-3588 ASSIGN �CITVAiTORNEI' �CITYGLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE) pp�p� � BUDGET DIFECfOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIFi. M2.Y 28 1997 OPDER �MAYOR(OFASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTE�: Council approval of disposing of unauthorized vehicles impounded by the Police Department in fifteen (15) days as pursuant to Minnesota State Statute 645.021, Subdivision 3. AECOMMENDnTIONS: npprove (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SEqVICE CONTpACTS MUST ANSWER THE POLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION �. Has this personRirtn ever worked under a contrect for this department? _ CIB COMMffTEE _ YES NO _ SinFP _ 2. Has this personffirm eve� been a ciry employee? YES NO _ DISIRICT CAURT _ 3. Does thi5 persoNfirm possess a skiil not normally possessed by any CurfeM city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes anawers on separate sheet and attech to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When. Wnere, Why�� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' �',r'3°'s?°'9^f5 �`dT3,».;r,,�u �,� g�w aa4..:e:a.� + .-� „, ka';r ( �� ('� y � 4���� s.' iGi:�a �� �+1 DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COST/qEVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIYITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INfORFhATION. (EXPLAIN) . "` � ��-�o� CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colem¢n, Mayor June 6, 1997 Secretary of State's Office Room 180, State Office Building Saint Paul, MN 55155 Attention: Renee Coffey Dear Ms. Coffey: I70 Ciry Hal[ Tel: 612-266-8694 IS W. Kellogg Boulevard Faz: 672-266.8689 Saint Pau[, Minnesora 55102 Attached for filing in the office of Secretary of State is a Certificate of Approval by the City of Saint Paul for an amendment to Minnesota Statute 168B.051 to provide a shortened notification period to owners of unauthorized vehicies towed 6y the government unit as approved by Council File 97-608 adopted by City Gounci! on May 28, 1997 and signed by the Mayor on June 7, 1997. Will you please time stamp a copy of this letter and return it to the City Clerk's Office, 170 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., St. Paui, Minnesota 55102. Very truly yours, � � �/�a-nc�a -�/Gr�OOr� Frances Swanson Deputy City Clerk cc: Fred Owusu Paul McClosky attach. BY GOVERt31NG BODY (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645.021) STATE OF MINNESOTA County of K rx m�.o c� TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF MINNESOTA: CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW �j �'fc�� 2 �55lS� ;v^ \ �� � ' I�\ i j °o;'�� ''' R c �y 19gj ` i 0 m � ��E�ed �, � ry �� % �; �c. �� PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the �� ��� DOES HEREBY CERT{FY, ihat in compliance with the provisions of Laws, 19 �, Chapter f� requiring approval by a majority' vote of the governing body of said local governmental unit before it becomes effective, the cS 0 rn'E" °f'�-u ��"�'�y �� n� r� (designate overning body) at a meeting duly held on the �c� day of )� �C`I 19 Q 7, by resolution did approve said Laws, 19 9� , Chapter I� �13 •oSI (if other than resolution, specify) by a majorify vofe' of alI of the members thereot (Ayes �1 ; Noes �; Absent or not voting _) and the fofiowing a� al steps, if any, required by stafute or charter were _ . _ . ._ - ._� �_ taken A copy of the resolution is SEAL � ! JUN a part of this certificate by reference. Signed: T�/1�2 i1cP,o -�JGZ�cDoyi _ �� � ��� {Off'ciai signat' of officer) (This form prescribed by the Attorney General and furnished by the Secretary of State as required in Minneso�a Siatutes o45.021) 'tf extraordinary majority is required by fhe special law, insert fraction or percenfage here. Please see reverside side for instructions for completing this form. ceRauth.law Rev.6/93 _ 9��-�a� Interdepartmental Memorandum CLTY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Gerty Strathman, Council Research Center FROM: Chief William Finne�( i�/ .� SUBJ: NEW LEGISLATION DATE: May 14, 1997 You are probably aware the Miimesota Legislature has recently enacted legislarion which enables us to dispose of unauthorized vehicles impounded by our Department after fifteen (15) days. (See attached.) I would appreciate your kindness in preparing the needed resolution pursuant to Mimiesota State Statute 645.Q21, suhdivision 3, for Saint Paul City Council approval. We believe this legislation will be of great assistance in clearing the streets of Saint Paul of unwanted vehicles. Thank you for your help. W WF:ch attachment i. �/� � �� l " 0 cxapr��a. �os _ S.F. No. 1� � ��/ � v AN ACT � Bis��fJ:���d �� � �. � � q vv1�G�c�!`� �: i�n ���sf� � Yf���;3 I�s �v ��c� t.;R����� S$. ��Lf, 2�v 1v�3 � 2 relating to motor vehicles; allowing sale 15 days 3 after notice of vehicles impounded in Minneapolis or 4 St. Paul; amending Minnesota Statutes 1996, sections 5 168H.051, subdivision 2, and by adding a subdivision; 6 1668.06, subdivision 1; and 1688.07, subdivision 1. 7 BE IT ENACTED HY THE LEGISLATDRE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 8 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 168B.051, is 9 amended by adding a subdivision to read: . � 10 Subd. la. {gpyE 15 DAYS AFTER NOTICE BY CERTIFIED MAIL.] 11 An unauthorized vehicle impounded by the city of Minneapolis or 12 by the citp of St. Paul is eliqible for disposal or sale under 13 section 168B.08, 15 davs after notice is sent bvi certified mail, 14 retura receipt requested, to the registered owner, if any, of 15 the unauthorized vehicle and to all readily identifiable 16 lienholders of record. If, before the expiration of the 15-day 17 period followinq notice of taking, the registexed ownex ox 18 lienholder of recoTd delivers to the impound lot operator a 19 written statement of intent to zeclaim the vehicle, the vehicle 20 is not eligible for disposal or sale until 45 days after the 21 notice of takinq, if the owner or lienholder has not reclaimed 22 undez section 168B.07. Notwithstanding section 168H.Q6, 23 subdivision 3, a second notice shall not be reciuired. 24 Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 168B.051, 25 subdivision 2, is amended to read: � 26 Subd. 2. iSAI.E AFTER 45 DAYS.) An impounded vehicle is Section 2 1 � �HAPTER No.° 168 �� S.F. No. 166 . 1 eligible for disposal oi sale under section 1688.08, 45 @ays 2 after notice to the owner, if the vehicle is determined Co be an 3 unauthorized vehicle that was not imcounded by the city of � 9 Minneapolis or the city of St. Panl. 5 Sec. 3. tiinnesota Statutes 1996, section 1668.06, � 6 subdivision 1� is amended to read: 7 Subdivision 1. LCONTEfTTS; NOTSCE GIVEN WZTHIN TEN DAYS.j S When an impounded vehicle is taken into custody, the unit of 9 government or =mpound lot operator taking it into custody shall 10 give notice of the taking within ten days. The notice shall (a) 11 set forth the date and place of the taking, the year, make, 12 model and serial number of the impounded motor vehicle if such 13 information can be reasonably obtained and the place where the 19 vehicle is being held, (b) inform the owner and any lienholders 15 of theix xight to reclaim the vehicle under section 1688.07, and , 16 (c) state that failure of the owner or lienholders to exercise 17 their right to reclaim the vehicle and contents within the 18 appropriate time allowed under section 1588.051, snbdivision 1, ' 29 la, or 2, shall be deemed a waiver by them of all right,�title, � 20 and interest in the vehicle and contents and a consent to the 21 transfer of title to and disposal or sale af the vehicle and �22 contents parsuant to section 1688.09. 23 Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 168B.07, 24 subdivisipn 1, is amended to read: - 25 Subdivision 1. [PAYMENT OP CHARGES.] The owner or any 26 lienholder of an impounded vehicle shall have a right to reclaim 27 such nehicle from the unit of goveznment or impound lot operator 28 taking it into custody upon payment of all towing and storage 29 charges resulting from taking the vehicle into custody within �5 30 25 or 45 days, as applicable under section 168B.051, subdioi5ion 31 1, la, or 2, aftez the date of the notice zequired bp section 32 168B.06. 33 Sec. 5, jEFFECTZVE DATE.] . 34 This act is effective foz each of the cities, respectivelv, 35 the day aftez compliance with MinnesOta Statutes, section � 36 645.021, subdivision 3, by the cit9 of Minneapolis and by the ' Section 5 2 9�-���: CHAPTER No. 108 � • S.F. No. 166 This bill was passed ia conformity to the zules of each honse and the joint rules � of the two honses as reqvired by the Coastitntion of the State of Minnesota. W�U� VJ' Allan EI. SP� Pfvlip C. Carruthers Aerident ulthe Sauh. SPe.h+ot the Boux WRep+uent¢tiuex. Passed the Senate on May 1, 1997. li_ `�F�LE���p�, Patrick E. Flahaven Seexmry of tke Se+ure. Passed the House of Represeniatives on April 30, 1997. � ward A. Burdick� ChiejCbrk, Xoust olRep�rsentntives. 1'his bill is properly ea lled.and was presented Yo the Governoron � 1997, Approved on Mc.., c, . 1997, at `J.'. �Z 9. M. M�.�1 � G+�, SQv. Arae H. Carlson Gouemn,. Filed Oa 1 (O , 1997. ! Joan rsan Grow� / SartN/Y olS+au. :� � � � �/� �� �-�-� �� CHP�o.los � S.F. No. 166 � � ��y �/ � vo AN ACT �s�g��� '''� ��' ��`�3�>:>���'ss.3 ` ��� l ' :':3,t.� � ����� ��t:��!c�:E� �a E.,€v ���� � ?A `^ g � g i t±�..3�,.5� "f�i.. �i�.�F°�� 'vA"=�.�'J��CS3 ��. ��Eh{ v ra�s: n 4 @� �v'�".S��aD^e'� 1 2 3 4 5 b relating to motor vehicles; allowing sale 15 days after notice of vehicles impounded in Minneapolis or St. Paul; amending Minnesota Statutes 1996, sections 168B.�51, subdivision 2, and by addinq a subdivision; 168B.Ob, subdivision 1; and 1688.07, subdivision 1. 7 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 8 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 199b, section 168B.051, is 9 amended by adding a subdivision to read: . 10 Subd. la. [SALE 15 DAYS AFTER NOTICE BY CERTIFIED MAIL.] 11 An unauthorized vehicle impounded bV the city of Minneapolis or Z y uor�oag au� q pae stto eauuty� 30 �ia aq� q'£ uorstntpqns 'ZZO'SY9 9£ uot��as �sa�n�e}g e�osauuziri q�?M aouE?t wo� ia��� ep eu� � jan saz 'sai�i� aq� 3o uo�a xo3 ant��a33a st ��p stqs SE V£ [ ' 3SFIQ 3AISJ33331 •4 '�?S £E '90'H89T Z£ uor}oas dq pairnbai aoi�ou aq} 3o a�ep aq� za�3e 'Z so 'pi "C i£ CHAPTER No. 208 S.F. No. 166 �. 1 2 3 eligible for disposal or sale under section 168B.08, 45 days after notice to the ownei, if the vehicle is determined ta be an unauthorized vehicle that was not impounded by the city of 4 Minnea polis or the city of St. Paul. 5 Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 168B.06, 6 subdivision 1, is amended to read: 7 Subdivision 1. [CONTENTS; NOTICE GZVEN WITHIN TEN DAYS.J 8 When an impounded vehicle is taken into custody, the unit of 9 government or �mpound lot ogerator taking it into custody shall 10 give notice of the taking within ten days. The notice shall (a} 11 12 13 14 IS 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 set forth the date and place of the taking, the year, make, model and serial number of the impounded motor vehicle if such information can be reasonably obtained and the place where the vehicle is being held, (b) inform the owner and any lienholders of their right to reclaim the vehicle under section 168B.0'I, and (cj state that failure of the owner or lienholders to exercise their right to reclaim the vehicle and contents within the appropriate time allowed under section 1688.�51, subdivision 1, la, or 2, shall be deemed a waiver by them of all right.�title, and interest in the vehicle and contents and a consent to the transfer oE title to and disposal or s'ale of the vehicle and contents pursuant to section 168B.08. Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 168B.07, 24 subdivision 1, is amended to read: 25 Subdivision Z. [PAYMENT OF CHARGES.] The owner o= any 26 2ienholder of an impounded vehicZe sha22 have a right to reclaim ' 27 such vehicle from the unit of government or impound ].ot operator 28 taking it into custody upon payment of all towing and storage 29 char es resultin from taking the vehicle into custody within �3 9 9 b88.05I subdivision 30 25 or 45 iays, as aprlicaLlc unfler secti�n 1 , d , ,. ; CHAPTER No_ 108' � ` S.F. No. 166 (,��. Go� This bill was passed in conformity to the rules of each house and the joint rules of the two houses as required by the Constitution of the State of Minnesota. �.QiP(�M t� • �!/� Allan H. Spear President ojzhe Senate. Passed the Senate onMay 1, 1997. Passed the House of R,epresentatives on April 30, 1997. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _This bill is properly �olled.and was presented to the £ 6 Philip C. Carruthers Speaker o/'the House of Representatiues. _ � Patrick E. Flahaven Seemtary o/ the Senate. E�� dward A. Burdick ChiejCkrk, House ofRepresentatiues. 0 Council File # (�a� Green Sheet # � � �°ts P �3? F � t t.✓ 1 � i � �.✓ 7 j �` ; �; %� Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Committee: Date , (l99� % WEiEREAS, the Miunesota Legislature has enacted a speciai law applicable to the City of Saint Paul or the City of Minneapolis which amends Minn. Stat. § 168B.051 to provide for a shortened notification period to owners of unauthorized vehicles towed by the governmental unit, nowtherefore be it, RESOLVED, pursuant to Minn. Stax. § 645.021, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the referenced special legislation and directs its secretary to make the proper filings with the office of the Minnesota Secretary of State to secure final ratification thereof. 1 /� ��ax, ✓�. Requested by Department of: �'-� Adopted by Council: Date q'� 1 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by M r: Date � By: `�U� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Form Approved by City AtCOrney ��t,�/' / � _ � By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � �3 8�2 � DEPAHiMENTRJFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATED Police Department GREEN SHEE CONTACf PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAL/DATE INRIAVDATE O �EPARTMENT DIRE O CRY CAUNCIL Chief Finney, 292-3588 ASSIGN �CITVAiTORNEI' �CITYGLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE) pp�p� � BUDGET DIFECfOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIFi. M2.Y 28 1997 OPDER �MAYOR(OFASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTE�: Council approval of disposing of unauthorized vehicles impounded by the Police Department in fifteen (15) days as pursuant to Minnesota State Statute 645.021, Subdivision 3. AECOMMENDnTIONS: npprove (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SEqVICE CONTpACTS MUST ANSWER THE POLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION �. Has this personRirtn ever worked under a contrect for this department? _ CIB COMMffTEE _ YES NO _ SinFP _ 2. Has this personffirm eve� been a ciry employee? YES NO _ DISIRICT CAURT _ 3. Does thi5 persoNfirm possess a skiil not normally possessed by any CurfeM city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes anawers on separate sheet and attech to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When. Wnere, Why�� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' �',r'3°'s?°'9^f5 �`dT3,».;r,,�u �,� g�w aa4..:e:a.� + .-� „, ka';r ( �� ('� y � 4���� s.' iGi:�a �� �+1 DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COST/qEVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIYITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INfORFhATION. (EXPLAIN) . "` � ��-�o� CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colem¢n, Mayor June 6, 1997 Secretary of State's Office Room 180, State Office Building Saint Paul, MN 55155 Attention: Renee Coffey Dear Ms. Coffey: I70 Ciry Hal[ Tel: 612-266-8694 IS W. Kellogg Boulevard Faz: 672-266.8689 Saint Pau[, Minnesora 55102 Attached for filing in the office of Secretary of State is a Certificate of Approval by the City of Saint Paul for an amendment to Minnesota Statute 168B.051 to provide a shortened notification period to owners of unauthorized vehicies towed 6y the government unit as approved by Council File 97-608 adopted by City Gounci! on May 28, 1997 and signed by the Mayor on June 7, 1997. Will you please time stamp a copy of this letter and return it to the City Clerk's Office, 170 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., St. Paui, Minnesota 55102. Very truly yours, � � �/�a-nc�a -�/Gr�OOr� Frances Swanson Deputy City Clerk cc: Fred Owusu Paul McClosky attach. BY GOVERt31NG BODY (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645.021) STATE OF MINNESOTA County of K rx m�.o c� TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF MINNESOTA: CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW �j �'fc�� 2 �55lS� ;v^ \ �� � ' I�\ i j °o;'�� ''' R c �y 19gj ` i 0 m � ��E�ed �, � ry �� % �; �c. �� PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the �� ��� DOES HEREBY CERT{FY, ihat in compliance with the provisions of Laws, 19 �, Chapter f� requiring approval by a majority' vote of the governing body of said local governmental unit before it becomes effective, the cS 0 rn'E" °f'�-u ��"�'�y �� n� r� (designate overning body) at a meeting duly held on the �c� day of )� �C`I 19 Q 7, by resolution did approve said Laws, 19 9� , Chapter I� �13 •oSI (if other than resolution, specify) by a majorify vofe' of alI of the members thereot (Ayes �1 ; Noes �; Absent or not voting _) and the fofiowing a� al steps, if any, required by stafute or charter were _ . _ . ._ - ._� �_ taken A copy of the resolution is SEAL � ! JUN a part of this certificate by reference. Signed: T�/1�2 i1cP,o -�JGZ�cDoyi _ �� � ��� {Off'ciai signat' of officer) (This form prescribed by the Attorney General and furnished by the Secretary of State as required in Minneso�a Siatutes o45.021) 'tf extraordinary majority is required by fhe special law, insert fraction or percenfage here. Please see reverside side for instructions for completing this form. ceRauth.law Rev.6/93 _ 9��-�a� Interdepartmental Memorandum CLTY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Gerty Strathman, Council Research Center FROM: Chief William Finne�( i�/ .� SUBJ: NEW LEGISLATION DATE: May 14, 1997 You are probably aware the Miimesota Legislature has recently enacted legislarion which enables us to dispose of unauthorized vehicles impounded by our Department after fifteen (15) days. (See attached.) I would appreciate your kindness in preparing the needed resolution pursuant to Mimiesota State Statute 645.Q21, suhdivision 3, for Saint Paul City Council approval. We believe this legislation will be of great assistance in clearing the streets of Saint Paul of unwanted vehicles. Thank you for your help. W WF:ch attachment i. �/� � �� l " 0 cxapr��a. �os _ S.F. No. 1� � ��/ � v AN ACT � Bis��fJ:���d �� � �. � � q vv1�G�c�!`� �: i�n ���sf� � Yf���;3 I�s �v ��c� t.;R����� S$. ��Lf, 2�v 1v�3 � 2 relating to motor vehicles; allowing sale 15 days 3 after notice of vehicles impounded in Minneapolis or 4 St. Paul; amending Minnesota Statutes 1996, sections 5 168H.051, subdivision 2, and by adding a subdivision; 6 1668.06, subdivision 1; and 1688.07, subdivision 1. 7 BE IT ENACTED HY THE LEGISLATDRE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 8 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 168B.051, is 9 amended by adding a subdivision to read: . � 10 Subd. la. {gpyE 15 DAYS AFTER NOTICE BY CERTIFIED MAIL.] 11 An unauthorized vehicle impounded by the city of Minneapolis or 12 by the citp of St. Paul is eliqible for disposal or sale under 13 section 168B.08, 15 davs after notice is sent bvi certified mail, 14 retura receipt requested, to the registered owner, if any, of 15 the unauthorized vehicle and to all readily identifiable 16 lienholders of record. If, before the expiration of the 15-day 17 period followinq notice of taking, the registexed ownex ox 18 lienholder of recoTd delivers to the impound lot operator a 19 written statement of intent to zeclaim the vehicle, the vehicle 20 is not eligible for disposal or sale until 45 days after the 21 notice of takinq, if the owner or lienholder has not reclaimed 22 undez section 168B.07. Notwithstanding section 168H.Q6, 23 subdivision 3, a second notice shall not be reciuired. 24 Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 168B.051, 25 subdivision 2, is amended to read: � 26 Subd. 2. iSAI.E AFTER 45 DAYS.) An impounded vehicle is Section 2 1 � �HAPTER No.° 168 �� S.F. No. 166 . 1 eligible for disposal oi sale under section 1688.08, 45 @ays 2 after notice to the owner, if the vehicle is determined Co be an 3 unauthorized vehicle that was not imcounded by the city of � 9 Minneapolis or the city of St. Panl. 5 Sec. 3. tiinnesota Statutes 1996, section 1668.06, � 6 subdivision 1� is amended to read: 7 Subdivision 1. LCONTEfTTS; NOTSCE GIVEN WZTHIN TEN DAYS.j S When an impounded vehicle is taken into custody, the unit of 9 government or =mpound lot operator taking it into custody shall 10 give notice of the taking within ten days. The notice shall (a) 11 set forth the date and place of the taking, the year, make, 12 model and serial number of the impounded motor vehicle if such 13 information can be reasonably obtained and the place where the 19 vehicle is being held, (b) inform the owner and any lienholders 15 of theix xight to reclaim the vehicle under section 1688.07, and , 16 (c) state that failure of the owner or lienholders to exercise 17 their right to reclaim the vehicle and contents within the 18 appropriate time allowed under section 1588.051, snbdivision 1, ' 29 la, or 2, shall be deemed a waiver by them of all right,�title, � 20 and interest in the vehicle and contents and a consent to the 21 transfer of title to and disposal or sale af the vehicle and �22 contents parsuant to section 1688.09. 23 Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 168B.07, 24 subdivisipn 1, is amended to read: - 25 Subdivision 1. [PAYMENT OP CHARGES.] The owner or any 26 lienholder of an impounded vehicle shall have a right to reclaim 27 such nehicle from the unit of goveznment or impound lot operator 28 taking it into custody upon payment of all towing and storage 29 charges resulting from taking the vehicle into custody within �5 30 25 or 45 days, as applicable under section 168B.051, subdioi5ion 31 1, la, or 2, aftez the date of the notice zequired bp section 32 168B.06. 33 Sec. 5, jEFFECTZVE DATE.] . 34 This act is effective foz each of the cities, respectivelv, 35 the day aftez compliance with MinnesOta Statutes, section � 36 645.021, subdivision 3, by the cit9 of Minneapolis and by the ' Section 5 2 9�-���: CHAPTER No. 108 � • S.F. No. 166 This bill was passed ia conformity to the zules of each honse and the joint rules � of the two honses as reqvired by the Coastitntion of the State of Minnesota. W�U� VJ' Allan EI. SP� Pfvlip C. Carruthers Aerident ulthe Sauh. SPe.h+ot the Boux WRep+uent¢tiuex. Passed the Senate on May 1, 1997. li_ `�F�LE���p�, Patrick E. Flahaven Seexmry of tke Se+ure. Passed the House of Represeniatives on April 30, 1997. � ward A. Burdick� ChiejCbrk, Xoust olRep�rsentntives. 1'his bill is properly ea lled.and was presented Yo the Governoron � 1997, Approved on Mc.., c, . 1997, at `J.'. �Z 9. M. M�.�1 � G+�, SQv. Arae H. Carlson Gouemn,. Filed Oa 1 (O , 1997. ! Joan rsan Grow� / SartN/Y olS+au. :� � � � �/� �� �-�-� �� CHP�o.los � S.F. No. 166 � � ��y �/ � vo AN ACT �s�g��� '''� ��' ��`�3�>:>���'ss.3 ` ��� l ' :':3,t.� � ����� ��t:��!c�:E� �a E.,€v ���� � ?A `^ g � g i t±�..3�,.5� "f�i.. �i�.�F°�� 'vA"=�.�'J��CS3 ��. ��Eh{ v ra�s: n 4 @� �v'�".S��aD^e'� 1 2 3 4 5 b relating to motor vehicles; allowing sale 15 days after notice of vehicles impounded in Minneapolis or St. Paul; amending Minnesota Statutes 1996, sections 168B.�51, subdivision 2, and by addinq a subdivision; 168B.Ob, subdivision 1; and 1688.07, subdivision 1. 7 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 8 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 199b, section 168B.051, is 9 amended by adding a subdivision to read: . 10 Subd. la. [SALE 15 DAYS AFTER NOTICE BY CERTIFIED MAIL.] 11 An unauthorized vehicle impounded bV the city of Minneapolis or Z y uor�oag au� q pae stto eauuty� 30 �ia aq� q'£ uorstntpqns 'ZZO'SY9 9£ uot��as �sa�n�e}g e�osauuziri q�?M aouE?t wo� ia��� ep eu� � jan saz 'sai�i� aq� 3o uo�a xo3 ant��a33a st ��p stqs SE V£ [ ' 3SFIQ 3AISJ33331 •4 '�?S £E '90'H89T Z£ uor}oas dq pairnbai aoi�ou aq} 3o a�ep aq� za�3e 'Z so 'pi "C i£ CHAPTER No. 208 S.F. No. 166 �. 1 2 3 eligible for disposal or sale under section 168B.08, 45 days after notice to the ownei, if the vehicle is determined ta be an unauthorized vehicle that was not impounded by the city of 4 Minnea polis or the city of St. Paul. 5 Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 168B.06, 6 subdivision 1, is amended to read: 7 Subdivision 1. [CONTENTS; NOTICE GZVEN WITHIN TEN DAYS.J 8 When an impounded vehicle is taken into custody, the unit of 9 government or �mpound lot ogerator taking it into custody shall 10 give notice of the taking within ten days. The notice shall (a} 11 12 13 14 IS 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 set forth the date and place of the taking, the year, make, model and serial number of the impounded motor vehicle if such information can be reasonably obtained and the place where the vehicle is being held, (b) inform the owner and any lienholders of their right to reclaim the vehicle under section 168B.0'I, and (cj state that failure of the owner or lienholders to exercise their right to reclaim the vehicle and contents within the appropriate time allowed under section 1688.�51, subdivision 1, la, or 2, shall be deemed a waiver by them of all right.�title, and interest in the vehicle and contents and a consent to the transfer oE title to and disposal or s'ale of the vehicle and contents pursuant to section 168B.08. Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 168B.07, 24 subdivision 1, is amended to read: 25 Subdivision Z. [PAYMENT OF CHARGES.] The owner o= any 26 2ienholder of an impounded vehicZe sha22 have a right to reclaim ' 27 such vehicle from the unit of government or impound ].ot operator 28 taking it into custody upon payment of all towing and storage 29 char es resultin from taking the vehicle into custody within �3 9 9 b88.05I subdivision 30 25 or 45 iays, as aprlicaLlc unfler secti�n 1 , d , ,. ; CHAPTER No_ 108' � ` S.F. No. 166 (,��. Go� This bill was passed in conformity to the rules of each house and the joint rules of the two houses as required by the Constitution of the State of Minnesota. �.QiP(�M t� • �!/� Allan H. Spear President ojzhe Senate. Passed the Senate onMay 1, 1997. Passed the House of R,epresentatives on April 30, 1997. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _This bill is properly �olled.and was presented to the £ 6 Philip C. Carruthers Speaker o/'the House of Representatiues. _ � Patrick E. Flahaven Seemtary o/ the Senate. E�� dward A. Burdick ChiejCkrk, House ofRepresentatiues. 0 Council File # (�a� Green Sheet # � � �°ts P �3? F � t t.✓ 1 � i � �.✓ 7 j �` ; �; %� Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Committee: Date , (l99� % WEiEREAS, the Miunesota Legislature has enacted a speciai law applicable to the City of Saint Paul or the City of Minneapolis which amends Minn. Stat. § 168B.051 to provide for a shortened notification period to owners of unauthorized vehicles towed by the governmental unit, nowtherefore be it, RESOLVED, pursuant to Minn. Stax. § 645.021, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the referenced special legislation and directs its secretary to make the proper filings with the office of the Minnesota Secretary of State to secure final ratification thereof. 1 /� ��ax, ✓�. Requested by Department of: �'-� Adopted by Council: Date q'� 1 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by M r: Date � By: `�U� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Form Approved by City AtCOrney ��t,�/' / � _ � By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � �3 8�2 � DEPAHiMENTRJFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATED Police Department GREEN SHEE CONTACf PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAL/DATE INRIAVDATE O �EPARTMENT DIRE O CRY CAUNCIL Chief Finney, 292-3588 ASSIGN �CITVAiTORNEI' �CITYGLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE) pp�p� � BUDGET DIFECfOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIFi. M2.Y 28 1997 OPDER �MAYOR(OFASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTE�: Council approval of disposing of unauthorized vehicles impounded by the Police Department in fifteen (15) days as pursuant to Minnesota State Statute 645.021, Subdivision 3. AECOMMENDnTIONS: npprove (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SEqVICE CONTpACTS MUST ANSWER THE POLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION �. Has this personRirtn ever worked under a contrect for this department? _ CIB COMMffTEE _ YES NO _ SinFP _ 2. Has this personffirm eve� been a ciry employee? YES NO _ DISIRICT CAURT _ 3. Does thi5 persoNfirm possess a skiil not normally possessed by any CurfeM city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes anawers on separate sheet and attech to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When. Wnere, Why�� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' �',r'3°'s?°'9^f5 �`dT3,».;r,,�u �,� g�w aa4..:e:a.� + .-� „, ka';r ( �� ('� y � 4���� s.' iGi:�a �� �+1 DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COST/qEVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIYITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INfORFhATION. (EXPLAIN) . "` � ��-�o� CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colem¢n, Mayor June 6, 1997 Secretary of State's Office Room 180, State Office Building Saint Paul, MN 55155 Attention: Renee Coffey Dear Ms. Coffey: I70 Ciry Hal[ Tel: 612-266-8694 IS W. Kellogg Boulevard Faz: 672-266.8689 Saint Pau[, Minnesora 55102 Attached for filing in the office of Secretary of State is a Certificate of Approval by the City of Saint Paul for an amendment to Minnesota Statute 168B.051 to provide a shortened notification period to owners of unauthorized vehicies towed 6y the government unit as approved by Council File 97-608 adopted by City Gounci! on May 28, 1997 and signed by the Mayor on June 7, 1997. Will you please time stamp a copy of this letter and return it to the City Clerk's Office, 170 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., St. Paui, Minnesota 55102. Very truly yours, � � �/�a-nc�a -�/Gr�OOr� Frances Swanson Deputy City Clerk cc: Fred Owusu Paul McClosky attach. BY GOVERt31NG BODY (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645.021) STATE OF MINNESOTA County of K rx m�.o c� TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF MINNESOTA: CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW �j �'fc�� 2 �55lS� ;v^ \ �� � ' I�\ i j °o;'�� ''' R c �y 19gj ` i 0 m � ��E�ed �, � ry �� % �; �c. �� PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the �� ��� DOES HEREBY CERT{FY, ihat in compliance with the provisions of Laws, 19 �, Chapter f� requiring approval by a majority' vote of the governing body of said local governmental unit before it becomes effective, the cS 0 rn'E" °f'�-u ��"�'�y �� n� r� (designate overning body) at a meeting duly held on the �c� day of )� �C`I 19 Q 7, by resolution did approve said Laws, 19 9� , Chapter I� �13 •oSI (if other than resolution, specify) by a majorify vofe' of alI of the members thereot (Ayes �1 ; Noes �; Absent or not voting _) and the fofiowing a� al steps, if any, required by stafute or charter were _ . _ . ._ - ._� �_ taken A copy of the resolution is SEAL � ! JUN a part of this certificate by reference. Signed: T�/1�2 i1cP,o -�JGZ�cDoyi _ �� � ��� {Off'ciai signat' of officer) (This form prescribed by the Attorney General and furnished by the Secretary of State as required in Minneso�a Siatutes o45.021) 'tf extraordinary majority is required by fhe special law, insert fraction or percenfage here. Please see reverside side for instructions for completing this form. ceRauth.law Rev.6/93 _ 9��-�a� Interdepartmental Memorandum CLTY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Gerty Strathman, Council Research Center FROM: Chief William Finne�( i�/ .� SUBJ: NEW LEGISLATION DATE: May 14, 1997 You are probably aware the Miimesota Legislature has recently enacted legislarion which enables us to dispose of unauthorized vehicles impounded by our Department after fifteen (15) days. (See attached.) I would appreciate your kindness in preparing the needed resolution pursuant to Mimiesota State Statute 645.Q21, suhdivision 3, for Saint Paul City Council approval. We believe this legislation will be of great assistance in clearing the streets of Saint Paul of unwanted vehicles. Thank you for your help. W WF:ch attachment i. �/� � �� l " 0 cxapr��a. �os _ S.F. No. 1� � ��/ � v AN ACT � Bis��fJ:���d �� � �. � � q vv1�G�c�!`� �: i�n ���sf� � Yf���;3 I�s �v ��c� t.;R����� S$. ��Lf, 2�v 1v�3 � 2 relating to motor vehicles; allowing sale 15 days 3 after notice of vehicles impounded in Minneapolis or 4 St. Paul; amending Minnesota Statutes 1996, sections 5 168H.051, subdivision 2, and by adding a subdivision; 6 1668.06, subdivision 1; and 1688.07, subdivision 1. 7 BE IT ENACTED HY THE LEGISLATDRE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 8 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 168B.051, is 9 amended by adding a subdivision to read: . � 10 Subd. la. {gpyE 15 DAYS AFTER NOTICE BY CERTIFIED MAIL.] 11 An unauthorized vehicle impounded by the city of Minneapolis or 12 by the citp of St. Paul is eliqible for disposal or sale under 13 section 168B.08, 15 davs after notice is sent bvi certified mail, 14 retura receipt requested, to the registered owner, if any, of 15 the unauthorized vehicle and to all readily identifiable 16 lienholders of record. If, before the expiration of the 15-day 17 period followinq notice of taking, the registexed ownex ox 18 lienholder of recoTd delivers to the impound lot operator a 19 written statement of intent to zeclaim the vehicle, the vehicle 20 is not eligible for disposal or sale until 45 days after the 21 notice of takinq, if the owner or lienholder has not reclaimed 22 undez section 168B.07. Notwithstanding section 168H.Q6, 23 subdivision 3, a second notice shall not be reciuired. 24 Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 168B.051, 25 subdivision 2, is amended to read: � 26 Subd. 2. iSAI.E AFTER 45 DAYS.) An impounded vehicle is Section 2 1 � �HAPTER No.° 168 �� S.F. No. 166 . 1 eligible for disposal oi sale under section 1688.08, 45 @ays 2 after notice to the owner, if the vehicle is determined Co be an 3 unauthorized vehicle that was not imcounded by the city of � 9 Minneapolis or the city of St. Panl. 5 Sec. 3. tiinnesota Statutes 1996, section 1668.06, � 6 subdivision 1� is amended to read: 7 Subdivision 1. LCONTEfTTS; NOTSCE GIVEN WZTHIN TEN DAYS.j S When an impounded vehicle is taken into custody, the unit of 9 government or =mpound lot operator taking it into custody shall 10 give notice of the taking within ten days. The notice shall (a) 11 set forth the date and place of the taking, the year, make, 12 model and serial number of the impounded motor vehicle if such 13 information can be reasonably obtained and the place where the 19 vehicle is being held, (b) inform the owner and any lienholders 15 of theix xight to reclaim the vehicle under section 1688.07, and , 16 (c) state that failure of the owner or lienholders to exercise 17 their right to reclaim the vehicle and contents within the 18 appropriate time allowed under section 1588.051, snbdivision 1, ' 29 la, or 2, shall be deemed a waiver by them of all right,�title, � 20 and interest in the vehicle and contents and a consent to the 21 transfer of title to and disposal or sale af the vehicle and �22 contents parsuant to section 1688.09. 23 Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 168B.07, 24 subdivisipn 1, is amended to read: - 25 Subdivision 1. [PAYMENT OP CHARGES.] The owner or any 26 lienholder of an impounded vehicle shall have a right to reclaim 27 such nehicle from the unit of goveznment or impound lot operator 28 taking it into custody upon payment of all towing and storage 29 charges resulting from taking the vehicle into custody within �5 30 25 or 45 days, as applicable under section 168B.051, subdioi5ion 31 1, la, or 2, aftez the date of the notice zequired bp section 32 168B.06. 33 Sec. 5, jEFFECTZVE DATE.] . 34 This act is effective foz each of the cities, respectivelv, 35 the day aftez compliance with MinnesOta Statutes, section � 36 645.021, subdivision 3, by the cit9 of Minneapolis and by the ' Section 5 2 9�-���: CHAPTER No. 108 � • S.F. No. 166 This bill was passed ia conformity to the zules of each honse and the joint rules � of the two honses as reqvired by the Coastitntion of the State of Minnesota. W�U� VJ' Allan EI. SP� Pfvlip C. Carruthers Aerident ulthe Sauh. SPe.h+ot the Boux WRep+uent¢tiuex. Passed the Senate on May 1, 1997. li_ `�F�LE���p�, Patrick E. Flahaven Seexmry of tke Se+ure. Passed the House of Represeniatives on April 30, 1997. � ward A. Burdick� ChiejCbrk, Xoust olRep�rsentntives. 1'his bill is properly ea lled.and was presented Yo the Governoron � 1997, Approved on Mc.., c, . 1997, at `J.'. �Z 9. M. M�.�1 � G+�, SQv. Arae H. Carlson Gouemn,. Filed Oa 1 (O , 1997. ! Joan rsan Grow� / SartN/Y olS+au. :� � � � �/� �� �-�-� �� CHP�o.los � S.F. No. 166 � � ��y �/ � vo AN ACT �s�g��� '''� ��' ��`�3�>:>���'ss.3 ` ��� l ' :':3,t.� � ����� ��t:��!c�:E� �a E.,€v ���� � ?A `^ g � g i t±�..3�,.5� "f�i.. �i�.�F°�� 'vA"=�.�'J��CS3 ��. ��Eh{ v ra�s: n 4 @� �v'�".S��aD^e'� 1 2 3 4 5 b relating to motor vehicles; allowing sale 15 days after notice of vehicles impounded in Minneapolis or St. Paul; amending Minnesota Statutes 1996, sections 168B.�51, subdivision 2, and by addinq a subdivision; 168B.Ob, subdivision 1; and 1688.07, subdivision 1. 7 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 8 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 199b, section 168B.051, is 9 amended by adding a subdivision to read: . 10 Subd. la. [SALE 15 DAYS AFTER NOTICE BY CERTIFIED MAIL.] 11 An unauthorized vehicle impounded bV the city of Minneapolis or Z y uor�oag au� q pae stto eauuty� 30 �ia aq� q'£ uorstntpqns 'ZZO'SY9 9£ uot��as �sa�n�e}g e�osauuziri q�?M aouE?t wo� ia��� ep eu� � jan saz 'sai�i� aq� 3o uo�a xo3 ant��a33a st ��p stqs SE V£ [ ' 3SFIQ 3AISJ33331 •4 '�?S £E '90'H89T Z£ uor}oas dq pairnbai aoi�ou aq} 3o a�ep aq� za�3e 'Z so 'pi "C i£ CHAPTER No. 208 S.F. No. 166 �. 1 2 3 eligible for disposal or sale under section 168B.08, 45 days after notice to the ownei, if the vehicle is determined ta be an unauthorized vehicle that was not impounded by the city of 4 Minnea polis or the city of St. Paul. 5 Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 168B.06, 6 subdivision 1, is amended to read: 7 Subdivision 1. [CONTENTS; NOTICE GZVEN WITHIN TEN DAYS.J 8 When an impounded vehicle is taken into custody, the unit of 9 government or �mpound lot ogerator taking it into custody shall 10 give notice of the taking within ten days. The notice shall (a} 11 12 13 14 IS 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 set forth the date and place of the taking, the year, make, model and serial number of the impounded motor vehicle if such information can be reasonably obtained and the place where the vehicle is being held, (b) inform the owner and any lienholders of their right to reclaim the vehicle under section 168B.0'I, and (cj state that failure of the owner or lienholders to exercise their right to reclaim the vehicle and contents within the appropriate time allowed under section 1688.�51, subdivision 1, la, or 2, shall be deemed a waiver by them of all right.�title, and interest in the vehicle and contents and a consent to the transfer oE title to and disposal or s'ale of the vehicle and contents pursuant to section 168B.08. Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 168B.07, 24 subdivision 1, is amended to read: 25 Subdivision Z. [PAYMENT OF CHARGES.] The owner o= any 26 2ienholder of an impounded vehicZe sha22 have a right to reclaim ' 27 such vehicle from the unit of government or impound ].ot operator 28 taking it into custody upon payment of all towing and storage 29 char es resultin from taking the vehicle into custody within �3 9 9 b88.05I subdivision 30 25 or 45 iays, as aprlicaLlc unfler secti�n 1 , d , ,. ; CHAPTER No_ 108' � ` S.F. No. 166 (,��. Go� This bill was passed in conformity to the rules of each house and the joint rules of the two houses as required by the Constitution of the State of Minnesota. �.QiP(�M t� • �!/� Allan H. Spear President ojzhe Senate. Passed the Senate onMay 1, 1997. Passed the House of R,epresentatives on April 30, 1997. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _This bill is properly �olled.and was presented to the £ 6 Philip C. Carruthers Speaker o/'the House of Representatiues. _ � Patrick E. Flahaven Seemtary o/ the Senate. E�� dward A. Burdick ChiejCkrk, House ofRepresentatiues. 0