97-60Council File # —`��� Presented By Green Sheet #' �.�\�]! ��� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � / Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 WHEREAS, Public Health has requested the City Council to hold public hearings to consider 3 the advisability and necessiry of ordering the repair or wrecldng and removal of a one-story, wood 4 frame dwelling, with a detached, one-vehicle, wood frame garage located on property hereinafter 5 referred to as the "Subject Property" and commonly known as 1042 I,awson Avenue East. Tkus 6 properiy is legally described as follows, to wit: 7 8 Lot 5, Block 3, Douglas addition to Saint Paul. 9 10 WHEREAS, based upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office and 11 information obtained by Public Health on or before September 27, 1996, the following are the now 12 lrnown interested or responsible parties for the Subject Property: Barbara A. & Dewayne 7. Hanson, 13 1087 Golden Oaks Drive, Hudson, WI 54016; Commercial Credit Consumer Services, Inc., 2645 14 White Bear Avenue North, Maplewood, MN 55109; William J. Quilan, 1634 Reaney Avenue, St. 15 Paul, MN 55106. 16 17 WHEREAS, Public Health has served in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the 18 Saint Paul I.egisla6ve Code an order identified as an"Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s)" dated 19 September 24, 1996; and 20 21 WEiEREAS, this order informed the then known interested or responsible parties that the 22 structure located on the Subject Property is a nuisance building(s) pursuant to Chapter 45; and 23 24 WHEREAS, this order informed the interested or responsible parties that they must repair or 25 demolish the structure located on the 5ubject Property by October 24, 1996; and 26 27 WHEREA5, the enforcement o�cer has posted a placard on the Subject Property declaring 28 this building(s) to constitute a nuisance condition; subject to demolition; and 29 30 WHEREAS, this nuisance condition has not been corrected and Public Health requested that 31 the City Clerk schedule public hearings before the I.egisla6ve Hearing Officer of the City Council 32 and the Saint Paul City Council; and 33 34 WHEREAS, the interested and responsible parties have been served notice in accordance 35 with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul L,egislauve Code, of the time, date, place and 36 purpose of the public hearings; and 37 C � 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2�} 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Legislative Hearing Officer of the Saint Paul City Council on Tuesday, January 7, 1997 to hear testimony and evidence, and after receiving testimony and evidence, made the recommendation to approve the request to order the interested or responsible parties to make the Subject Ptoperty safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances, or in the alternative by demolishing and removing the siructure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or demolition of the structure to be completed within fifteen (15) days after the date of the Council Hearing; and WFiEREAS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday, January 22, 1997 and the tesrimony and evidence including ffie acuon taken by the Legislative Hearing Officer was considered by the Council; now therefore BE IT RFSOLVED, that based upon the testimony and evidence presented at ffie above referenced public hearings, the Saint Paul Ciry Council hereby adopts the following Findings and Order concerning the Subject Property at 1042 Lawson Avenue East: That the Subject Property comprises a nuisance condition as defined in Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 45. 2. � � That the costs of demolition and removal of this building(s) is estimated to exceed three thousand dollars ($3,000.00). That there now e�sts and has existed multiple Housing or Building code violations at the Subject Properry. That an Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) was sent to the then known responsible parties to correct the deficiencies or to demolish and remove the building(s). That the de�ciencies causing this nuisance condition have not been corrected. That Public Aealth has posted a placard on the Subject Property which declares it to be a nuisance condition subject to demolition. That this building has been routinely monitored by the Vacant/Nuisance Buildings Code Enforcement Program. 8. That the known interested parties and owners are as previously stated in this resolution and that the notification requirements of Chapter 45 have been fulFilled. ORDER The Saint Paul City Council hereby makes the following order: � 2 3 4 r� 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1. The above referenced interested or responsible parties shall make the Suhject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this stzucture and correcting all deficiencies as prescribed in the above referenced Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances, or in the atternative by demolishing and removing the structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or demolition and removal of the structure must be completed within fifteen (15) days after the date of the Councii Aearing. 2. If the above corrective action is not completed within this period of time the Public Health, Code Enforcement Program is hereby authorized to take whatever steps are necessary to demolish and remove ttus structure, fill the site and charge the costs incurred against the Subject Properry pursuantto the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. In the event the building is to be demolished and removed by the City of Saint Paul, all personal properry or fixtures of any kind which interfere with the demolition and removal shall be removed from the properry by the responsible parties by the end of this tirue period. If all personal property is not removed, it shall be considered to be abandoned and the City of Saint Pau1 shall remove and dispose of such property as provided by law. 4. It is further ardered, that a copy of this resolution be mailed to the owners and interested parties in accordance with Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Requested by Department of: By: , Approved by Mayor: Date �� ( BY: �, c� ��� By: ��/� Form Appr d"ed by Ci � ttorney �: By: ` Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g�, !!/L fv _ f'n�(�e.�"J Adopted by Council: Date _aa, Adoption Certified by Council 5ecretary � DEPARTMENTIOFFICHCOUNqL �ATE �NiT�ATED � y� 3 6 2 3 3 ���� Health 12-1 -96 GREEN SHEET _ CAM Cf P SON DEPARtMEM DIRECfOR CffY CAUNCIL ��� CI1ar�es �7oge1 298-4153 � ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY CITYCLEfiK MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENUABY(DATE) NUMBENFOR gUDGETDIRECTOR� �FIN.BMGT.SERVICESDIR WOUTING ��.T�anua,�y;:22,. .1997 onoEn MAYOR(ORASSISTAPIT) 0 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ,� (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACiKKi FEWESTE�: City Council to pass this resolution which will order the owner(s) to remove or repair the referenced building(s). If the ovmer fails to eomply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. The subject property is located at 1042 Lawson Avenue East. RECAMMENDATIONS: Appovo (A) or Rejett (R) PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINCa �UESTIONS: _ PIANNING CAMMIS510N _ CIViL SERNCE CAMMISSION �� Has thi5 persoMrtn evei Worketl uiWer a cOntraot for ttxs department? _ Cle COMM�nEE _ VES NO _�� _ 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a cily employee? YES NO � DlsifilCi CounT _ 3. Does this person/Firm po5sess a skill not normali y possessed by arry wrrem ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNdLOBJECf1VE? YES NO Ezplain ali yes anawera en saperate sheat and attech to green sheet INRIATINCa PHOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITV (WM. Whet, When, Where, Why): This building(s) is a nuisance buildingis) as defined in Chapter 45 and a vacant building as defined in Chapter 43 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code: The ownezs, interested parties and responsible parties known Co the Enforcement Officer were given an order to repair or remove the building at 1042 Lawson Avenue East by October 24, 1996, and have failed to comply with those orders. �§�� ,..- _ .. .,....,_,..:_ . ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: r y �r � � �.) � � , � ° V V �e� The City will eliminate a nuisance. r ���� �Aw�sFt'S €3r DEC 18 Z9°6 ���� �� � � OISAOVANTAGES IF APPROYEO' The City will spend funds to wreck and remove this buildingSs}. These costs will be assessed to the property, collected as a special assessment against the property taxes. Ci0"����� ���^� �iB��3i" lJi�: � � 1J�� DISADVANTAGES IP NOTAPPflOVED: A nuisance condition will remain unabated in the City. This building(s) will continue to blight the community. TOTAI. AMOUNT OF TBANSACTION S COSLREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDIHGSOURCE Nuisance HollSin,J Abdtem2IIt AC71V17YNUMBER 33261 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) � REPORT Date: January 7, 1997 �� �� Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 Eity Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard LEGISLATIVE HEARING Gerry Strathman Legislative Hearing Officer Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 786 Rando�h Avenue. If the owner faiis to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Laid over to April 1, 1997 Legislative Hearing. 2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced buiiding, located at 784 E. Fourth Street. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Pubiic Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval for demolition. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, Iocated at 1747 Marshall venue. If the owner faiis to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the buiiding. Legisla6ve Hearing Officer recommended the owner be granted 180 days to complete the repairs fo thc Uuiiding on tlic couditinn that thc bond is posted by Wcdnesday, .Tauu�ry 22, 1997. 4. esolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 1042 E• w n Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended the owner be granted 124 daps to complete the repairs to the building on the condition that a code compliance inspection is completed, the bond is posted and the registered vacant buiIding fee is paid by Wednesday, January 22, 1997. SAINT PAUL PUBLIC HEALTH Neal Holton, MD.. MP.H., Directar CIIY DF SAffV7 PAUL NUISdNCE BUlLDINGS CODE Norm Calemors, Mayo� ENFORCEMEM S35 Cedw� Sveet Sa'u+t Pau� MN 55101-2260 : December 13, 1996 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Council President and Members of the City Council — `� �� 611-298-f153 Saint Paul Public Health, Vacant/Nuisance Buildings Enforcement Unit has requested the City Council schedule public heazings to consider a resolution ordering the repair or removal of the nuisance building(s) located at: 1042 Lawson Avenue East The City Council has scheduled the date of these heazings as follows: r.. Legislative Hearing - Tuesday, January �, 1997 City Council Aearing - Wednesday, January 22, 1997 The owners and responsible parties of record are: Name and Last Known Address Barbara A. & Dewayne J. Hanson 1087 Golden Oaks Drive Hudson, WI 54016 Commercial Credit Constuner Services, Inc. 2645 White Bear Avenue North Maplewood, MN 55109 Wiliiam J. Quilan I634 Reaney Avenue Si. Paul, MN 55106 The legal description of this property is: Interest Previous Fee Owner Mortgagee Fee Owner Lot 5, Block 3, Dougias addition to Saint Paul - - _ _, : .. ";: ; �?"0�$4' ����� � - ��� � � �'��{ ��-�D� 1Q�F2 Lawson Avenue East Aecember 13, 1996 Page 2 Saint Paul PuhIic Health has declared this building(s) to constitute a"nuisance" as defined by Legislative Code, Chapter 45. Public Health has issued an arder to the then known responsible parties to eliminate this nuisance condition by correcting the deficiencies or by razing and removing this building(s). Inasmuch as this Order to Abate has not been complied with the nuisance condition remains unabated, the community cantinues to suffer the blighting influence of this property. It is the recommendation of Public Health that the City Council pass a resolution ordering the responsible parties to either repair, or demolish and remove this building in a timely manner, and failing that, authorize Public Health to proceed to demolition and removal, and to assess the costs incurred against the reai estate as a special assessment to be collected in the sazne manner as taxes. ` erely, . ( � � ?o _ � 1Ze eta Weiss Program Supervisor Vacant/Nuisance Building Unit Saint Paul Pubiic Health RW:m1 cc: Jan CTasterland, Building Inspection and Design ' Stephen Christie, Cit� Attomeys Office Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council Steve Zaccard, Fire Marshall Ban Pahl, PED-Housing Division �� _�� ��6 COMPLAINT AND PE'TITION We, the undersigned citizens, who reside near the property at 1042 East Lawson A.venue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, allege that the a6ove property constitutes a public nuisance and a hazard to the public for the following reasons: 1:) As an abandoned property, it has and continues to be an at[ractive shelter for vagrants; 2.) The property provides an "attractive nuisance" to neighborhood children; 3.) As an"attractive nuisance", this structure is dangerous because of its current dilapidated condition; 4.) Previous owners have begun substaniial demolition work Qreparatory to rehabilitation, but have abandoned the house as not worih completing the i¢tended repairs. The building remains in a state of being half-destroyed; 5.) There has been a substantial increase in the rodent population as a resuit of infestation of the derelict house, with resulting migration of rodents io neighboring properties, and aitendant hazard to children and their families; 6.) Previous unscreened tenants of uncaring and inattentive landlords have repeatedly in the past committed various crimes of vandalism, and have been several times the subject of other police calls; __ _ 7.) There has been a conlinual problem of excessive debris, junk, trash, and derelict automobiles left on the property which constitute further attractive nuisance, hazard, and eye-sore; CONCLUSIQN: As a result of the foregoing, we the nndersigned, hereby request in the strongest terms possible, that the above named propedy be designated by the City of Saint Paul to be a pubiic hazard. We further request that tltis property, wnstitnting a hazard to the public, be demolished for the public good. MINUI'ES OF LEGISLATIVE HEARING January 7, 1997 Room 330, City Hall Gerry Strathman, Legislative•Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Votel, Public Heaith �-��S `�3 � ( - lo� Gerry Strathman, Legisiative Hearing Officer, called the meeting to order at lO:OQ a.m. 1. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced bnilding, located at 7$¢ Rsnda(gh Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Heaith is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel, Public Health, reviewed the staff report. The building had been vacant since March, 1992 and was currenfly owned by the State of Minnesota Trust Exempt. Five summary abatements had been issued against the property and the city had to board the building. The estimated cost to repair the building was difficult to determine since the building had a certificate of occupancy and it was unknown as to the future use of the building. The estimated cost to demolish the building was approximately $9,000. Mr. Votel stated that he had received a call from Betty Moran, representing the West 7th Sueet Federation, and she indicated that there was interest in the building being rehabilitated, however, the surrounding properry owners wanted to see the buiiding demolished. She suggested a three month lay over which would allow any interested parties to come forward with a pian. Brett Larson, Ran�sey County Tax Exempt, appeared and stated that there were two individuals who were interested in purchasing the properry and one had indicated that they would like to renovate the building into an insurance agency. The problem with this property was that the back talces, with penaities and interest, exceeded the value of the property. Iie was in the process of negotiating forgiveness of the penalries and interest to make the properry affordable. He requested 90 days additional time to deternvne the feasibility of selling and rehabilitating the building. Gerry Strathman, Legisladve Hearing O�cer, recommended laying this matter over to the Aprii i, 1997 I.egislarive Hearing. 2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 784 E. £ovrth 5treet. If tbe owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is oedered to remove the building. Mr. Votel reviewed the staff report. The building was condemned in December, 1945 and had been vacant since that time. The current owner was Homeside Mortgage Corporation and they intended to convey the pmperry to HUD. The owner had failed to maintain the properry and three summary abatement notices had been issued. The estimated cost to repair the building was approximately $25,OQ0 and ffie estimated cost for demolition was $7,300. The property owner did not appear. Mr. Strathman recommended approval of the order for demolifion. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 17A7 M�nha1 Avenue. If the owner PaiIs to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the buitding. 1 biinutes of Legislative Hearing January 7, 1997 Page-2- �`� - �D Mr. Votel reviewed the staff report. The building was condemned in December, 1993 by Fire Prevention and had been vacant si�e that time. The eurrent property owner was the estate of Hartland Cailender and the surviving relatives had contacted Public Health to convey their interest in selling the property. There had been 11 summary abatements issued against the properry and the certificate of occupancy was revoked by Fire Prevention. A$2,000 bond had been posted, however, that band was farfeited in November, 1996 for failure to wmpiete the neoessazy repairs. T�e estimated cost to repair the building was approximately $SO,Q00 and the estimated cost for demolifion was $13,300. John Datil, son in law of decedent, appeared and stated that his father-in-law was 90 years old when he died in early 1996. He was not capable of maintaining 1ris property and refused assistance from anyone in the family. Some of the repairs had been starr,ed, however, nothing was completed. They had a signed purchase agreement with Tom McCormick and he represented that he intended to repair the building. Tom McCormick, purchaser of properry, agpeared and stated ti�at they were scheduled to close on the property on February 28, 1997. He was in the pzoc.�ss of obtaining estimates to make the repairs and construct the building into a four-plex. Liz Point, realtor, appeared and presented a copy of a ceftificate of occupancy inspection which had been done on the property in September, 1996. Mr. Strathman stated that he would recommend the owner be given 180 days to complete the necessary repairs provided the $2,000 bond was posted by Wednesday, January 22, 1997. 4. Resolufion ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 1042 E• �.awson Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Mr. Votel reviewed the staff report. The building had been vacant since July, 1996 and there had been two summary abatement notices issued against the groperry. The estimated cost to repair the building was approximately $30,000 and the estimated cost for demolition was $5,400. William Quilan, proper[y owner, apgeazed and stated that he had purchased the property in October, 199b and was not awaze that the building had been registered as vacant. He planned to repair the building within 9� days and intended to occupy it. He was aware that it would be necessary to post a bond, however, he did not have the money to do so at that time. Antonio Mendoza, 1044 Lawson, appeared and stated that he lived next to this property for almost eight years and the building had been vacant since June, 1943. There had been continuous probiems with this properry in that the tenants who lived there had destroyed his property and would hazass him, his fam3ly and neighbors. He had a signed getition from the neighbors who wished to see the building demolished. Mr. Strathman recommended the owner be granted 120 days: t. ompiete condition that a code compliance inspection was completed�e bon building fee paid by Wednesday, January 22, 1997., Meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m. �� 4 " � to the building on the the registered vacant Gerry Str� an, I,egislative Hearing Officer Council File # —`��� Presented By Green Sheet #' �.�\�]! ��� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � / Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 WHEREAS, Public Health has requested the City Council to hold public hearings to consider 3 the advisability and necessiry of ordering the repair or wrecldng and removal of a one-story, wood 4 frame dwelling, with a detached, one-vehicle, wood frame garage located on property hereinafter 5 referred to as the "Subject Property" and commonly known as 1042 I,awson Avenue East. Tkus 6 properiy is legally described as follows, to wit: 7 8 Lot 5, Block 3, Douglas addition to Saint Paul. 9 10 WHEREAS, based upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office and 11 information obtained by Public Health on or before September 27, 1996, the following are the now 12 lrnown interested or responsible parties for the Subject Property: Barbara A. & Dewayne 7. Hanson, 13 1087 Golden Oaks Drive, Hudson, WI 54016; Commercial Credit Consumer Services, Inc., 2645 14 White Bear Avenue North, Maplewood, MN 55109; William J. Quilan, 1634 Reaney Avenue, St. 15 Paul, MN 55106. 16 17 WHEREAS, Public Health has served in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the 18 Saint Paul I.egisla6ve Code an order identified as an"Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s)" dated 19 September 24, 1996; and 20 21 WEiEREAS, this order informed the then known interested or responsible parties that the 22 structure located on the Subject Property is a nuisance building(s) pursuant to Chapter 45; and 23 24 WHEREAS, this order informed the interested or responsible parties that they must repair or 25 demolish the structure located on the 5ubject Property by October 24, 1996; and 26 27 WHEREA5, the enforcement o�cer has posted a placard on the Subject Property declaring 28 this building(s) to constitute a nuisance condition; subject to demolition; and 29 30 WHEREAS, this nuisance condition has not been corrected and Public Health requested that 31 the City Clerk schedule public hearings before the I.egisla6ve Hearing Officer of the City Council 32 and the Saint Paul City Council; and 33 34 WHEREAS, the interested and responsible parties have been served notice in accordance 35 with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul L,egislauve Code, of the time, date, place and 36 purpose of the public hearings; and 37 C � 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2�} 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Legislative Hearing Officer of the Saint Paul City Council on Tuesday, January 7, 1997 to hear testimony and evidence, and after receiving testimony and evidence, made the recommendation to approve the request to order the interested or responsible parties to make the Subject Ptoperty safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances, or in the alternative by demolishing and removing the siructure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or demolition of the structure to be completed within fifteen (15) days after the date of the Council Hearing; and WFiEREAS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday, January 22, 1997 and the tesrimony and evidence including ffie acuon taken by the Legislative Hearing Officer was considered by the Council; now therefore BE IT RFSOLVED, that based upon the testimony and evidence presented at ffie above referenced public hearings, the Saint Paul Ciry Council hereby adopts the following Findings and Order concerning the Subject Property at 1042 Lawson Avenue East: That the Subject Property comprises a nuisance condition as defined in Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 45. 2. � � That the costs of demolition and removal of this building(s) is estimated to exceed three thousand dollars ($3,000.00). That there now e�sts and has existed multiple Housing or Building code violations at the Subject Properry. That an Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) was sent to the then known responsible parties to correct the deficiencies or to demolish and remove the building(s). That the de�ciencies causing this nuisance condition have not been corrected. That Public Aealth has posted a placard on the Subject Property which declares it to be a nuisance condition subject to demolition. That this building has been routinely monitored by the Vacant/Nuisance Buildings Code Enforcement Program. 8. That the known interested parties and owners are as previously stated in this resolution and that the notification requirements of Chapter 45 have been fulFilled. ORDER The Saint Paul City Council hereby makes the following order: � 2 3 4 r� 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1. The above referenced interested or responsible parties shall make the Suhject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this stzucture and correcting all deficiencies as prescribed in the above referenced Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances, or in the atternative by demolishing and removing the structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or demolition and removal of the structure must be completed within fifteen (15) days after the date of the Councii Aearing. 2. If the above corrective action is not completed within this period of time the Public Health, Code Enforcement Program is hereby authorized to take whatever steps are necessary to demolish and remove ttus structure, fill the site and charge the costs incurred against the Subject Properry pursuantto the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. In the event the building is to be demolished and removed by the City of Saint Paul, all personal properry or fixtures of any kind which interfere with the demolition and removal shall be removed from the properry by the responsible parties by the end of this tirue period. If all personal property is not removed, it shall be considered to be abandoned and the City of Saint Pau1 shall remove and dispose of such property as provided by law. 4. It is further ardered, that a copy of this resolution be mailed to the owners and interested parties in accordance with Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Requested by Department of: By: , Approved by Mayor: Date �� ( BY: �, c� ��� By: ��/� Form Appr d"ed by Ci � ttorney �: By: ` Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g�, !!/L fv _ f'n�(�e.�"J Adopted by Council: Date _aa, Adoption Certified by Council 5ecretary � DEPARTMENTIOFFICHCOUNqL �ATE �NiT�ATED � y� 3 6 2 3 3 ���� Health 12-1 -96 GREEN SHEET _ CAM Cf P SON DEPARtMEM DIRECfOR CffY CAUNCIL ��� CI1ar�es �7oge1 298-4153 � ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY CITYCLEfiK MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENUABY(DATE) NUMBENFOR gUDGETDIRECTOR� �FIN.BMGT.SERVICESDIR WOUTING ��.T�anua,�y;:22,. .1997 onoEn MAYOR(ORASSISTAPIT) 0 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ,� (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACiKKi FEWESTE�: City Council to pass this resolution which will order the owner(s) to remove or repair the referenced building(s). If the ovmer fails to eomply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. The subject property is located at 1042 Lawson Avenue East. RECAMMENDATIONS: Appovo (A) or Rejett (R) PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINCa �UESTIONS: _ PIANNING CAMMIS510N _ CIViL SERNCE CAMMISSION �� Has thi5 persoMrtn evei Worketl uiWer a cOntraot for ttxs department? _ Cle COMM�nEE _ VES NO _�� _ 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a cily employee? YES NO � DlsifilCi CounT _ 3. Does this person/Firm po5sess a skill not normali y possessed by arry wrrem ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNdLOBJECf1VE? YES NO Ezplain ali yes anawera en saperate sheat and attech to green sheet INRIATINCa PHOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITV (WM. Whet, When, Where, Why): This building(s) is a nuisance buildingis) as defined in Chapter 45 and a vacant building as defined in Chapter 43 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code: The ownezs, interested parties and responsible parties known Co the Enforcement Officer were given an order to repair or remove the building at 1042 Lawson Avenue East by October 24, 1996, and have failed to comply with those orders. �§�� ,..- _ .. .,....,_,..:_ . ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: r y �r � � �.) � � , � ° V V �e� The City will eliminate a nuisance. r ���� �Aw�sFt'S €3r DEC 18 Z9°6 ���� �� � � OISAOVANTAGES IF APPROYEO' The City will spend funds to wreck and remove this buildingSs}. These costs will be assessed to the property, collected as a special assessment against the property taxes. Ci0"����� ���^� �iB��3i" lJi�: � � 1J�� DISADVANTAGES IP NOTAPPflOVED: A nuisance condition will remain unabated in the City. This building(s) will continue to blight the community. TOTAI. AMOUNT OF TBANSACTION S COSLREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDIHGSOURCE Nuisance HollSin,J Abdtem2IIt AC71V17YNUMBER 33261 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) � REPORT Date: January 7, 1997 �� �� Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 Eity Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard LEGISLATIVE HEARING Gerry Strathman Legislative Hearing Officer Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 786 Rando�h Avenue. If the owner faiis to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Laid over to April 1, 1997 Legislative Hearing. 2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced buiiding, located at 784 E. Fourth Street. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Pubiic Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval for demolition. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, Iocated at 1747 Marshall venue. If the owner faiis to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the buiiding. Legisla6ve Hearing Officer recommended the owner be granted 180 days to complete the repairs fo thc Uuiiding on tlic couditinn that thc bond is posted by Wcdnesday, .Tauu�ry 22, 1997. 4. esolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 1042 E• w n Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended the owner be granted 124 daps to complete the repairs to the building on the condition that a code compliance inspection is completed, the bond is posted and the registered vacant buiIding fee is paid by Wednesday, January 22, 1997. SAINT PAUL PUBLIC HEALTH Neal Holton, MD.. MP.H., Directar CIIY DF SAffV7 PAUL NUISdNCE BUlLDINGS CODE Norm Calemors, Mayo� ENFORCEMEM S35 Cedw� Sveet Sa'u+t Pau� MN 55101-2260 : December 13, 1996 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Council President and Members of the City Council — `� �� 611-298-f153 Saint Paul Public Health, Vacant/Nuisance Buildings Enforcement Unit has requested the City Council schedule public heazings to consider a resolution ordering the repair or removal of the nuisance building(s) located at: 1042 Lawson Avenue East The City Council has scheduled the date of these heazings as follows: r.. Legislative Hearing - Tuesday, January �, 1997 City Council Aearing - Wednesday, January 22, 1997 The owners and responsible parties of record are: Name and Last Known Address Barbara A. & Dewayne J. Hanson 1087 Golden Oaks Drive Hudson, WI 54016 Commercial Credit Constuner Services, Inc. 2645 White Bear Avenue North Maplewood, MN 55109 Wiliiam J. Quilan I634 Reaney Avenue Si. Paul, MN 55106 The legal description of this property is: Interest Previous Fee Owner Mortgagee Fee Owner Lot 5, Block 3, Dougias addition to Saint Paul - - _ _, : .. ";: ; �?"0�$4' ����� � - ��� � � �'��{ ��-�D� 1Q�F2 Lawson Avenue East Aecember 13, 1996 Page 2 Saint Paul PuhIic Health has declared this building(s) to constitute a"nuisance" as defined by Legislative Code, Chapter 45. Public Health has issued an arder to the then known responsible parties to eliminate this nuisance condition by correcting the deficiencies or by razing and removing this building(s). Inasmuch as this Order to Abate has not been complied with the nuisance condition remains unabated, the community cantinues to suffer the blighting influence of this property. It is the recommendation of Public Health that the City Council pass a resolution ordering the responsible parties to either repair, or demolish and remove this building in a timely manner, and failing that, authorize Public Health to proceed to demolition and removal, and to assess the costs incurred against the reai estate as a special assessment to be collected in the sazne manner as taxes. ` erely, . ( � � ?o _ � 1Ze eta Weiss Program Supervisor Vacant/Nuisance Building Unit Saint Paul Pubiic Health RW:m1 cc: Jan CTasterland, Building Inspection and Design ' Stephen Christie, Cit� Attomeys Office Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council Steve Zaccard, Fire Marshall Ban Pahl, PED-Housing Division �� _�� ��6 COMPLAINT AND PE'TITION We, the undersigned citizens, who reside near the property at 1042 East Lawson A.venue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, allege that the a6ove property constitutes a public nuisance and a hazard to the public for the following reasons: 1:) As an abandoned property, it has and continues to be an at[ractive shelter for vagrants; 2.) The property provides an "attractive nuisance" to neighborhood children; 3.) As an"attractive nuisance", this structure is dangerous because of its current dilapidated condition; 4.) Previous owners have begun substaniial demolition work Qreparatory to rehabilitation, but have abandoned the house as not worih completing the i¢tended repairs. The building remains in a state of being half-destroyed; 5.) There has been a substantial increase in the rodent population as a resuit of infestation of the derelict house, with resulting migration of rodents io neighboring properties, and aitendant hazard to children and their families; 6.) Previous unscreened tenants of uncaring and inattentive landlords have repeatedly in the past committed various crimes of vandalism, and have been several times the subject of other police calls; __ _ 7.) There has been a conlinual problem of excessive debris, junk, trash, and derelict automobiles left on the property which constitute further attractive nuisance, hazard, and eye-sore; CONCLUSIQN: As a result of the foregoing, we the nndersigned, hereby request in the strongest terms possible, that the above named propedy be designated by the City of Saint Paul to be a pubiic hazard. We further request that tltis property, wnstitnting a hazard to the public, be demolished for the public good. MINUI'ES OF LEGISLATIVE HEARING January 7, 1997 Room 330, City Hall Gerry Strathman, Legislative•Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Votel, Public Heaith �-��S `�3 � ( - lo� Gerry Strathman, Legisiative Hearing Officer, called the meeting to order at lO:OQ a.m. 1. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced bnilding, located at 7$¢ Rsnda(gh Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Heaith is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel, Public Health, reviewed the staff report. The building had been vacant since March, 1992 and was currenfly owned by the State of Minnesota Trust Exempt. Five summary abatements had been issued against the property and the city had to board the building. The estimated cost to repair the building was difficult to determine since the building had a certificate of occupancy and it was unknown as to the future use of the building. The estimated cost to demolish the building was approximately $9,000. Mr. Votel stated that he had received a call from Betty Moran, representing the West 7th Sueet Federation, and she indicated that there was interest in the building being rehabilitated, however, the surrounding properry owners wanted to see the buiiding demolished. She suggested a three month lay over which would allow any interested parties to come forward with a pian. Brett Larson, Ran�sey County Tax Exempt, appeared and stated that there were two individuals who were interested in purchasing the properry and one had indicated that they would like to renovate the building into an insurance agency. The problem with this property was that the back talces, with penaities and interest, exceeded the value of the property. Iie was in the process of negotiating forgiveness of the penalries and interest to make the properry affordable. He requested 90 days additional time to deternvne the feasibility of selling and rehabilitating the building. Gerry Strathman, Legisladve Hearing O�cer, recommended laying this matter over to the Aprii i, 1997 I.egislarive Hearing. 2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 784 E. £ovrth 5treet. If tbe owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is oedered to remove the building. Mr. Votel reviewed the staff report. The building was condemned in December, 1945 and had been vacant since that time. The current owner was Homeside Mortgage Corporation and they intended to convey the pmperry to HUD. The owner had failed to maintain the properry and three summary abatement notices had been issued. The estimated cost to repair the building was approximately $25,OQ0 and ffie estimated cost for demolition was $7,300. The property owner did not appear. Mr. Strathman recommended approval of the order for demolifion. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 17A7 M�nha1 Avenue. If the owner PaiIs to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the buitding. 1 biinutes of Legislative Hearing January 7, 1997 Page-2- �`� - �D Mr. Votel reviewed the staff report. The building was condemned in December, 1993 by Fire Prevention and had been vacant si�e that time. The eurrent property owner was the estate of Hartland Cailender and the surviving relatives had contacted Public Health to convey their interest in selling the property. There had been 11 summary abatements issued against the properry and the certificate of occupancy was revoked by Fire Prevention. A$2,000 bond had been posted, however, that band was farfeited in November, 1996 for failure to wmpiete the neoessazy repairs. T�e estimated cost to repair the building was approximately $SO,Q00 and the estimated cost for demolifion was $13,300. John Datil, son in law of decedent, appeared and stated that his father-in-law was 90 years old when he died in early 1996. He was not capable of maintaining 1ris property and refused assistance from anyone in the family. Some of the repairs had been starr,ed, however, nothing was completed. They had a signed purchase agreement with Tom McCormick and he represented that he intended to repair the building. Tom McCormick, purchaser of properry, agpeared and stated ti�at they were scheduled to close on the property on February 28, 1997. He was in the pzoc.�ss of obtaining estimates to make the repairs and construct the building into a four-plex. Liz Point, realtor, appeared and presented a copy of a ceftificate of occupancy inspection which had been done on the property in September, 1996. Mr. Strathman stated that he would recommend the owner be given 180 days to complete the necessary repairs provided the $2,000 bond was posted by Wednesday, January 22, 1997. 4. Resolufion ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 1042 E• �.awson Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Mr. Votel reviewed the staff report. The building had been vacant since July, 1996 and there had been two summary abatement notices issued against the groperry. The estimated cost to repair the building was approximately $30,000 and the estimated cost for demolition was $5,400. William Quilan, proper[y owner, apgeazed and stated that he had purchased the property in October, 199b and was not awaze that the building had been registered as vacant. He planned to repair the building within 9� days and intended to occupy it. He was aware that it would be necessary to post a bond, however, he did not have the money to do so at that time. Antonio Mendoza, 1044 Lawson, appeared and stated that he lived next to this property for almost eight years and the building had been vacant since June, 1943. There had been continuous probiems with this properry in that the tenants who lived there had destroyed his property and would hazass him, his fam3ly and neighbors. He had a signed getition from the neighbors who wished to see the building demolished. Mr. Strathman recommended the owner be granted 120 days: t. ompiete condition that a code compliance inspection was completed�e bon building fee paid by Wednesday, January 22, 1997., Meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m. �� 4 " � to the building on the the registered vacant Gerry Str� an, I,egislative Hearing Officer Council File # —`��� Presented By Green Sheet #' �.�\�]! ��� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � / Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 WHEREAS, Public Health has requested the City Council to hold public hearings to consider 3 the advisability and necessiry of ordering the repair or wrecldng and removal of a one-story, wood 4 frame dwelling, with a detached, one-vehicle, wood frame garage located on property hereinafter 5 referred to as the "Subject Property" and commonly known as 1042 I,awson Avenue East. Tkus 6 properiy is legally described as follows, to wit: 7 8 Lot 5, Block 3, Douglas addition to Saint Paul. 9 10 WHEREAS, based upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office and 11 information obtained by Public Health on or before September 27, 1996, the following are the now 12 lrnown interested or responsible parties for the Subject Property: Barbara A. & Dewayne 7. Hanson, 13 1087 Golden Oaks Drive, Hudson, WI 54016; Commercial Credit Consumer Services, Inc., 2645 14 White Bear Avenue North, Maplewood, MN 55109; William J. Quilan, 1634 Reaney Avenue, St. 15 Paul, MN 55106. 16 17 WHEREAS, Public Health has served in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the 18 Saint Paul I.egisla6ve Code an order identified as an"Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s)" dated 19 September 24, 1996; and 20 21 WEiEREAS, this order informed the then known interested or responsible parties that the 22 structure located on the Subject Property is a nuisance building(s) pursuant to Chapter 45; and 23 24 WHEREAS, this order informed the interested or responsible parties that they must repair or 25 demolish the structure located on the 5ubject Property by October 24, 1996; and 26 27 WHEREA5, the enforcement o�cer has posted a placard on the Subject Property declaring 28 this building(s) to constitute a nuisance condition; subject to demolition; and 29 30 WHEREAS, this nuisance condition has not been corrected and Public Health requested that 31 the City Clerk schedule public hearings before the I.egisla6ve Hearing Officer of the City Council 32 and the Saint Paul City Council; and 33 34 WHEREAS, the interested and responsible parties have been served notice in accordance 35 with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul L,egislauve Code, of the time, date, place and 36 purpose of the public hearings; and 37 C � 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2�} 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Legislative Hearing Officer of the Saint Paul City Council on Tuesday, January 7, 1997 to hear testimony and evidence, and after receiving testimony and evidence, made the recommendation to approve the request to order the interested or responsible parties to make the Subject Ptoperty safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances, or in the alternative by demolishing and removing the siructure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or demolition of the structure to be completed within fifteen (15) days after the date of the Council Hearing; and WFiEREAS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday, January 22, 1997 and the tesrimony and evidence including ffie acuon taken by the Legislative Hearing Officer was considered by the Council; now therefore BE IT RFSOLVED, that based upon the testimony and evidence presented at ffie above referenced public hearings, the Saint Paul Ciry Council hereby adopts the following Findings and Order concerning the Subject Property at 1042 Lawson Avenue East: That the Subject Property comprises a nuisance condition as defined in Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 45. 2. � � That the costs of demolition and removal of this building(s) is estimated to exceed three thousand dollars ($3,000.00). That there now e�sts and has existed multiple Housing or Building code violations at the Subject Properry. That an Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) was sent to the then known responsible parties to correct the deficiencies or to demolish and remove the building(s). That the de�ciencies causing this nuisance condition have not been corrected. That Public Aealth has posted a placard on the Subject Property which declares it to be a nuisance condition subject to demolition. That this building has been routinely monitored by the Vacant/Nuisance Buildings Code Enforcement Program. 8. That the known interested parties and owners are as previously stated in this resolution and that the notification requirements of Chapter 45 have been fulFilled. ORDER The Saint Paul City Council hereby makes the following order: � 2 3 4 r� 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1. The above referenced interested or responsible parties shall make the Suhject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this stzucture and correcting all deficiencies as prescribed in the above referenced Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances, or in the atternative by demolishing and removing the structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or demolition and removal of the structure must be completed within fifteen (15) days after the date of the Councii Aearing. 2. If the above corrective action is not completed within this period of time the Public Health, Code Enforcement Program is hereby authorized to take whatever steps are necessary to demolish and remove ttus structure, fill the site and charge the costs incurred against the Subject Properry pursuantto the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. In the event the building is to be demolished and removed by the City of Saint Paul, all personal properry or fixtures of any kind which interfere with the demolition and removal shall be removed from the properry by the responsible parties by the end of this tirue period. If all personal property is not removed, it shall be considered to be abandoned and the City of Saint Pau1 shall remove and dispose of such property as provided by law. 4. It is further ardered, that a copy of this resolution be mailed to the owners and interested parties in accordance with Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Requested by Department of: By: , Approved by Mayor: Date �� ( BY: �, c� ��� By: ��/� Form Appr d"ed by Ci � ttorney �: By: ` Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g�, !!/L fv _ f'n�(�e.�"J Adopted by Council: Date _aa, Adoption Certified by Council 5ecretary � DEPARTMENTIOFFICHCOUNqL �ATE �NiT�ATED � y� 3 6 2 3 3 ���� Health 12-1 -96 GREEN SHEET _ CAM Cf P SON DEPARtMEM DIRECfOR CffY CAUNCIL ��� CI1ar�es �7oge1 298-4153 � ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY CITYCLEfiK MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENUABY(DATE) NUMBENFOR gUDGETDIRECTOR� �FIN.BMGT.SERVICESDIR WOUTING ��.T�anua,�y;:22,. .1997 onoEn MAYOR(ORASSISTAPIT) 0 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ,� (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACiKKi FEWESTE�: City Council to pass this resolution which will order the owner(s) to remove or repair the referenced building(s). If the ovmer fails to eomply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. The subject property is located at 1042 Lawson Avenue East. RECAMMENDATIONS: Appovo (A) or Rejett (R) PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINCa �UESTIONS: _ PIANNING CAMMIS510N _ CIViL SERNCE CAMMISSION �� Has thi5 persoMrtn evei Worketl uiWer a cOntraot for ttxs department? _ Cle COMM�nEE _ VES NO _�� _ 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a cily employee? YES NO � DlsifilCi CounT _ 3. Does this person/Firm po5sess a skill not normali y possessed by arry wrrem ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNdLOBJECf1VE? YES NO Ezplain ali yes anawera en saperate sheat and attech to green sheet INRIATINCa PHOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITV (WM. Whet, When, Where, Why): This building(s) is a nuisance buildingis) as defined in Chapter 45 and a vacant building as defined in Chapter 43 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code: The ownezs, interested parties and responsible parties known Co the Enforcement Officer were given an order to repair or remove the building at 1042 Lawson Avenue East by October 24, 1996, and have failed to comply with those orders. �§�� ,..- _ .. .,....,_,..:_ . ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: r y �r � � �.) � � , � ° V V �e� The City will eliminate a nuisance. r ���� �Aw�sFt'S €3r DEC 18 Z9°6 ���� �� � � OISAOVANTAGES IF APPROYEO' The City will spend funds to wreck and remove this buildingSs}. These costs will be assessed to the property, collected as a special assessment against the property taxes. Ci0"����� ���^� �iB��3i" lJi�: � � 1J�� DISADVANTAGES IP NOTAPPflOVED: A nuisance condition will remain unabated in the City. This building(s) will continue to blight the community. TOTAI. AMOUNT OF TBANSACTION S COSLREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDIHGSOURCE Nuisance HollSin,J Abdtem2IIt AC71V17YNUMBER 33261 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) � REPORT Date: January 7, 1997 �� �� Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 Eity Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard LEGISLATIVE HEARING Gerry Strathman Legislative Hearing Officer Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 786 Rando�h Avenue. If the owner faiis to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Laid over to April 1, 1997 Legislative Hearing. 2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced buiiding, located at 784 E. Fourth Street. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Pubiic Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval for demolition. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, Iocated at 1747 Marshall venue. If the owner faiis to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the buiiding. Legisla6ve Hearing Officer recommended the owner be granted 180 days to complete the repairs fo thc Uuiiding on tlic couditinn that thc bond is posted by Wcdnesday, .Tauu�ry 22, 1997. 4. esolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 1042 E• w n Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended the owner be granted 124 daps to complete the repairs to the building on the condition that a code compliance inspection is completed, the bond is posted and the registered vacant buiIding fee is paid by Wednesday, January 22, 1997. SAINT PAUL PUBLIC HEALTH Neal Holton, MD.. MP.H., Directar CIIY DF SAffV7 PAUL NUISdNCE BUlLDINGS CODE Norm Calemors, Mayo� ENFORCEMEM S35 Cedw� Sveet Sa'u+t Pau� MN 55101-2260 : December 13, 1996 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Council President and Members of the City Council — `� �� 611-298-f153 Saint Paul Public Health, Vacant/Nuisance Buildings Enforcement Unit has requested the City Council schedule public heazings to consider a resolution ordering the repair or removal of the nuisance building(s) located at: 1042 Lawson Avenue East The City Council has scheduled the date of these heazings as follows: r.. Legislative Hearing - Tuesday, January �, 1997 City Council Aearing - Wednesday, January 22, 1997 The owners and responsible parties of record are: Name and Last Known Address Barbara A. & Dewayne J. Hanson 1087 Golden Oaks Drive Hudson, WI 54016 Commercial Credit Constuner Services, Inc. 2645 White Bear Avenue North Maplewood, MN 55109 Wiliiam J. Quilan I634 Reaney Avenue Si. Paul, MN 55106 The legal description of this property is: Interest Previous Fee Owner Mortgagee Fee Owner Lot 5, Block 3, Dougias addition to Saint Paul - - _ _, : .. ";: ; �?"0�$4' ����� � - ��� � � �'��{ ��-�D� 1Q�F2 Lawson Avenue East Aecember 13, 1996 Page 2 Saint Paul PuhIic Health has declared this building(s) to constitute a"nuisance" as defined by Legislative Code, Chapter 45. Public Health has issued an arder to the then known responsible parties to eliminate this nuisance condition by correcting the deficiencies or by razing and removing this building(s). Inasmuch as this Order to Abate has not been complied with the nuisance condition remains unabated, the community cantinues to suffer the blighting influence of this property. It is the recommendation of Public Health that the City Council pass a resolution ordering the responsible parties to either repair, or demolish and remove this building in a timely manner, and failing that, authorize Public Health to proceed to demolition and removal, and to assess the costs incurred against the reai estate as a special assessment to be collected in the sazne manner as taxes. ` erely, . ( � � ?o _ � 1Ze eta Weiss Program Supervisor Vacant/Nuisance Building Unit Saint Paul Pubiic Health RW:m1 cc: Jan CTasterland, Building Inspection and Design ' Stephen Christie, Cit� Attomeys Office Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council Steve Zaccard, Fire Marshall Ban Pahl, PED-Housing Division �� _�� ��6 COMPLAINT AND PE'TITION We, the undersigned citizens, who reside near the property at 1042 East Lawson A.venue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, allege that the a6ove property constitutes a public nuisance and a hazard to the public for the following reasons: 1:) As an abandoned property, it has and continues to be an at[ractive shelter for vagrants; 2.) The property provides an "attractive nuisance" to neighborhood children; 3.) As an"attractive nuisance", this structure is dangerous because of its current dilapidated condition; 4.) Previous owners have begun substaniial demolition work Qreparatory to rehabilitation, but have abandoned the house as not worih completing the i¢tended repairs. The building remains in a state of being half-destroyed; 5.) There has been a substantial increase in the rodent population as a resuit of infestation of the derelict house, with resulting migration of rodents io neighboring properties, and aitendant hazard to children and their families; 6.) Previous unscreened tenants of uncaring and inattentive landlords have repeatedly in the past committed various crimes of vandalism, and have been several times the subject of other police calls; __ _ 7.) There has been a conlinual problem of excessive debris, junk, trash, and derelict automobiles left on the property which constitute further attractive nuisance, hazard, and eye-sore; CONCLUSIQN: As a result of the foregoing, we the nndersigned, hereby request in the strongest terms possible, that the above named propedy be designated by the City of Saint Paul to be a pubiic hazard. We further request that tltis property, wnstitnting a hazard to the public, be demolished for the public good. MINUI'ES OF LEGISLATIVE HEARING January 7, 1997 Room 330, City Hall Gerry Strathman, Legislative•Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Votel, Public Heaith �-��S `�3 � ( - lo� Gerry Strathman, Legisiative Hearing Officer, called the meeting to order at lO:OQ a.m. 1. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced bnilding, located at 7$¢ Rsnda(gh Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Heaith is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel, Public Health, reviewed the staff report. The building had been vacant since March, 1992 and was currenfly owned by the State of Minnesota Trust Exempt. Five summary abatements had been issued against the property and the city had to board the building. The estimated cost to repair the building was difficult to determine since the building had a certificate of occupancy and it was unknown as to the future use of the building. The estimated cost to demolish the building was approximately $9,000. Mr. Votel stated that he had received a call from Betty Moran, representing the West 7th Sueet Federation, and she indicated that there was interest in the building being rehabilitated, however, the surrounding properry owners wanted to see the buiiding demolished. She suggested a three month lay over which would allow any interested parties to come forward with a pian. Brett Larson, Ran�sey County Tax Exempt, appeared and stated that there were two individuals who were interested in purchasing the properry and one had indicated that they would like to renovate the building into an insurance agency. The problem with this property was that the back talces, with penaities and interest, exceeded the value of the property. Iie was in the process of negotiating forgiveness of the penalries and interest to make the properry affordable. He requested 90 days additional time to deternvne the feasibility of selling and rehabilitating the building. Gerry Strathman, Legisladve Hearing O�cer, recommended laying this matter over to the Aprii i, 1997 I.egislarive Hearing. 2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 784 E. £ovrth 5treet. If tbe owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is oedered to remove the building. Mr. Votel reviewed the staff report. The building was condemned in December, 1945 and had been vacant since that time. The current owner was Homeside Mortgage Corporation and they intended to convey the pmperry to HUD. The owner had failed to maintain the properry and three summary abatement notices had been issued. The estimated cost to repair the building was approximately $25,OQ0 and ffie estimated cost for demolition was $7,300. The property owner did not appear. Mr. Strathman recommended approval of the order for demolifion. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 17A7 M�nha1 Avenue. If the owner PaiIs to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the buitding. 1 biinutes of Legislative Hearing January 7, 1997 Page-2- �`� - �D Mr. Votel reviewed the staff report. The building was condemned in December, 1993 by Fire Prevention and had been vacant si�e that time. The eurrent property owner was the estate of Hartland Cailender and the surviving relatives had contacted Public Health to convey their interest in selling the property. There had been 11 summary abatements issued against the properry and the certificate of occupancy was revoked by Fire Prevention. A$2,000 bond had been posted, however, that band was farfeited in November, 1996 for failure to wmpiete the neoessazy repairs. T�e estimated cost to repair the building was approximately $SO,Q00 and the estimated cost for demolifion was $13,300. John Datil, son in law of decedent, appeared and stated that his father-in-law was 90 years old when he died in early 1996. He was not capable of maintaining 1ris property and refused assistance from anyone in the family. Some of the repairs had been starr,ed, however, nothing was completed. They had a signed purchase agreement with Tom McCormick and he represented that he intended to repair the building. Tom McCormick, purchaser of properry, agpeared and stated ti�at they were scheduled to close on the property on February 28, 1997. He was in the pzoc.�ss of obtaining estimates to make the repairs and construct the building into a four-plex. Liz Point, realtor, appeared and presented a copy of a ceftificate of occupancy inspection which had been done on the property in September, 1996. Mr. Strathman stated that he would recommend the owner be given 180 days to complete the necessary repairs provided the $2,000 bond was posted by Wednesday, January 22, 1997. 4. Resolufion ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 1042 E• �.awson Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Mr. Votel reviewed the staff report. The building had been vacant since July, 1996 and there had been two summary abatement notices issued against the groperry. The estimated cost to repair the building was approximately $30,000 and the estimated cost for demolition was $5,400. William Quilan, proper[y owner, apgeazed and stated that he had purchased the property in October, 199b and was not awaze that the building had been registered as vacant. He planned to repair the building within 9� days and intended to occupy it. He was aware that it would be necessary to post a bond, however, he did not have the money to do so at that time. Antonio Mendoza, 1044 Lawson, appeared and stated that he lived next to this property for almost eight years and the building had been vacant since June, 1943. There had been continuous probiems with this properry in that the tenants who lived there had destroyed his property and would hazass him, his fam3ly and neighbors. He had a signed getition from the neighbors who wished to see the building demolished. Mr. Strathman recommended the owner be granted 120 days: t. ompiete condition that a code compliance inspection was completed�e bon building fee paid by Wednesday, January 22, 1997., Meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m. �� 4 " � to the building on the the registered vacant Gerry Str� an, I,egislative Hearing Officer