97-6Council File � �� � Ordinance # Green Sheet # ����� RESOLUTION �T P�L, MItVWESOTA }ci Presented By Referred To Committee: Ddt2 i RESOLVED: That application (ID #b4832) for a Parking LotlRamp License by National Garages Inc. z DBA Seventh Street Pazking (Robert Frazier, Vice President) at 218 7th Street East be s and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department ,of: 6 Yeas Navs Absent 7 BZa ey �` � 8 Guerin / Office of License In�ections and 9 Harris �� 10 � ar .i Environmental Protection 11 Re tt man ✓ 12 Thune i 13 _ �ostrom ✓ ` 15 By: `�/'✓4w/�`�- /7 � 16 Adopted by Council: Date 7 17 18 Adoption C rtified by Co n il S retary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney / 20 � / ♦ � 22 By• � /� By: . /� ,iiucC°_.`�J�,C'....�rv�c 23 Approved by Mayor: Date � l0 !� :� 24 25 ` i� ���/ „ Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 BY: '�w��vj Council 27 By: �iZ 4 DEPARTMENT/OFflCElCOUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEE �O 35382 LIEP/Licensin - - INfTfAWATE 1N5T7AUDATE CON ACf PERSON 8 PHONE � DEPAR7MEM DIRECTOR O CRY COUNCIL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 ^�w" �cmarroaNer �arvc�nK MUST BE ON COUNCR AGENDA BY iDATE) NUYBER FOR O BUOGET D1AECfOP O FIN. & MGL SERVICES Dlii. ROUfING OBDEfl � MAYOR (OR ASSISTAKn � For hearin : ( 7 TOTAL # OF SIGNATUR PAGES (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTEO: National Garage Inc. DBA Seventh Street Parking requests Council approval for its applicatio for a Parking Lot/Ramp License located at 218 7th Street East (ID 4164832). RECAMMENDA7IONS: Approve (A) ar Rejeet (R) PEHS011AL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this persoMirm ever worked untler a coM2ct for this department? � _ C18 COMMITfEE _ YES NO 2. Has this pe�son/firm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DI57fi1CT COUR7 � 3. Ooes this personttifm possess a sltiii �ot normally possessed by a�y current city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECfIVE? YES NO Expiain all yes answers on aeparate sheet and attaeh to graen sheet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who. What, WhBn, Where, WM1y): �������� NOV 1 J ]996 e�r� ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: OISAOVANTAGES IP APPROVEO: ��.���.�;� , .,., _.. �� ���.�,�a�9` u �4'�..s � �; :�`�� DfSADVANTAGES IF NOS APPRWED: 70TAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ii/65/1996 10:35 r� 612-220-7363 5•1nT twu1. � II�Al1 C�SS Iu Post'it' F�ax Note LICENSE APPLIC, '° L�N•d� �°m�. ��«e� ° 2G.6•9/2. i 1 / 7671 PAGE 01 � l�� �o r � ';_� ..�. v j P z,, e� �� �ot `...__ .... . r�C � g ' - �.N.:S �_ � r:. '2zy :._:.: s � au - ; s'„';� . '. 1731 APP �A170V ISSI-y • �,,.,•.�.. ,,. PLEASE TYPE OR PRA'T II�t L\ K T}pe of liceose(s) bceag applied for. Company Kame: Gapontiaa /puaienhip t sole If business is incotporated, give date of i�orporation: Doi�g Business As: ��✓Eiv7Yi STQ,E� r $usicess Address: Z �� C• sc� s,aa� Beaw•een a•6at cross saeets is t6e business located7 W/�GU rA f ---�-- Are tbe premises now occupiedl _ i RS R�yat of Husinoss? �tailToAddress: �S� W/�w�r Sf'A¢a.r Scac Addirss v C6azge: , Convic6on: Ciry Cry L_..__. ::.'.,��[ ! 1 ._.. Sutc � AppIicanc IafotmaGon: - \ame aod Tide: �)(.a Q.'� S /"Q� 7�t �2. ✓(' Fvat MidBe (TLiden) LaR ---,_.. HomcAddrcss: ZS�2. 8� S�A�'r �,jl�alt�nt►�"�'�.G M/Y : ;i`i ��t SntuAddrls Ciry Su�e '-_..._..(..`._.., Dau of Hirth: �� 7i �' `f 3 P1ace of BirtL: M�S7�1>� �! � Home pbonr. i i. ??`', ��`�.�'_ _._,_.._.. Have you evv bcep �%ct oC any felony, erime oz v�olazion of any ciq ordipapce orhrl tbao traf[c1 YES _�i? fK;_, Date of urest _, l tVyeie? NAME Sentence; List the names and resideoces of three penons of good moral c6azacier, li�•ing u�i[hin the Twin Citi« Meero Ares n.�� ^+ y , apPlicaot or fioevcially intcrcsted in the pcemises ot business. u•ho may be referreu. W as to �he applicant's characier. MEh List Geeoses which you r D d /c"it� �! ADDRESS 33'3 SMn �s9 W,aa7 /F-LcrFc. �'� bald, foimcdy beld, or � I 6ave an interese in: t �/Sl�z .{ fiale my of the abovt aamed licenses ovar beeu avoked? _ YES Pli(.>."�F ZLd-."i�/1,:�� .—. ......� ....._ � 3 �-. �.L <,_..'..- - +��1c� ' i:r �... lf yea. list i6e da�ee md rcasons fw re�,.::; �: � Are yon going to operam this business personally? �, y� _ NO Tt noR wF.o �vill operate ii? (MUOp11 e,�<:,� e,�n�' HomeAddtne: Sem\ame Ciry Siats 7iP l".•�me `:un.•u �. Buriness?6one: �.`� � i! } <!:� ., _ / _--��;:_' � ____ s„k , W6ich side of the cvec�" �::�, i i�, ,.. NOU-05-1996 20�47 612 220 7363 97i P.01 i I i96 �� � .;��inc co ra�•c a manager or usisunc in ihis business? , ,; � .� cic teltouing infornwion: _�- N � .�`.:t! . , t.;ne .. \:�ddie WcJ _ .' '%_ � �. 1�6�4: �laidrn) zip /0 -/L- 5r c.y _....., �.•ur cacpioqmcoi h;scoq• fcr shc prctious f,.•e �5 }ear period: , Emnlm�nent �,S , �: a co Fo�r ,S� t �' . s :hcr ct5;ers of tha corporaden: �: i K TtTLE HO!.� HO�� BLST� DA7EOF �.��i'r. tOffiaNdd) ADDRESS PHO\'E PtiO\'E BIFt'CFi � � � ' ��.�e LJS f �:< a parmership, plcase include ihe (ollawing i¢formadon for eac6 parmer (use additiooal pages if necessaq'): .,;: r . ._,::os S �une �... S . „ , a:fqs1. fZp j�amC Mre9e TSIW�� ��11�Ii� Gty C�ry L,ui Dau d 8iM ue T�p PAOne Nnm6c �n Suu TD Due of BiM PMnc Numbct .• i���Tq TAX ID�\TItlCAIIOV ;�'GMBEii - P�rsuant to the Laws of bGnaesota. 1984, Chapter 502, Artide 8. Scction 2(270.72) i':•:�arKe; issuance of Liceoses), licensin�s autho[iGes aze rcquircd w provide to [6e Scate of Mianesow Comroissionc[ of Revenue. �! n:�c<ou busiuoss tax ideorification numt�er and �he social securiry numbu of euh liceese applicavc �.., e�;�: �kmesou Gmunmeut Data Practict s Act and tLe Fcderal Pti�acy Act of 7974, wo are rcquired to advise you ot �6e followiog •.'..:�g Uie use o(cbe Minnesota Tat IdenriEiation Number: � T3is iaformauon may be Used to den;r the issnanco oc reaewat of yow licen.�e in c5e event you awe Minnewu sales, empioyti 8 �� ��hhalding oc motor veSide excise uaes; • Cpoo rec�iving this infotmarioa [6e:icensing aushoriry will supply it ody to the Minncsota Ucparonent oF Revanua Howevu. ,;�Jcr the Federal Ezchauge of Informaoon Agreemen� tkie Depaztment of Revenue may tupQly ihis infom�ation to the Intemal Re�xuue Sr,[vim. r, .: ., :� Tax ]dendfica6oa Numbms (Seles � IJse Tax Vumbec) may be obsaioed from tLe Scatc of Mimesot� Businesa Records :. p..:tcucnt 10 Rivu Park Plaza (612•2%-6181). : �: �rcunry Vumber• p� �i :� ... u raz Iamtifiwtiuu Tumber: n e'� 8 9 L t I a �tioncsota Tax Tdtntificadoa Nutaber is not requir�d tor ilie busineu beiag operated. i�dicaue so Sy placiug an "X' in ehe baz. b0 39tld £9£L'OZZ'Zi9 87:0i 966I-S0-�ON �"� b ?C YES ,�O lt the manage[ is orn the same as tkie opcsator, pleasc,,, E9£G-OZZ S£�0i 965Z/S0/TZ ``� ,�1996� 10: 35 612-220-7363 PA'('E 02 , '�CER'lTFICA7�Q\ OP WSIRKERS' C04iF'ENSATION C0�'EAAGL FL'RSL'A\'S TO MIhtNFSOTA S7ASiTE � t.� ` I hereby cer[ify tha� I, or my compaoy, am in compliance wi[h tbe u•orkas' comp:psa[ioa itlsuruftt coceragc'equ'vcnrr:.> !'�' �__ ._ Statute 176.1b4, sub7ivision 2. I also undcntaud thal provision of false informa6on in this anification cousucutcs <ut i_. ,.. ., advnse action aFainst all Iicenses lxld, including rovacation and suspcosion oE <. aid liceuses. \'sme oflnsurma Compsny. �KI �Ed �j�+4f'L�) �� d cty �G��1r,�.ry ZKl � ' PolicyA'umber. �t p3oozzq�/ba� Co. to /�D/-%? I have no employees to}•ered undu w�orlers compcasation insurance AAY FALSffICA'fSON OF A.\SR'ERS GI�'EN OR ASATERYAL S[SR�IITtED �t'II,L RESULT LV DE.\'G►L OF iHIS.,PPLICAIION I henby stat� that I Cavc answc.rcd aA of tbe prcceding quudons. and tDat tLe infctmauon comained hercin is teue and c�: --: :;:, !?:e !x•.: oC my 1moa�ledge and DelieE. I 6emby stau fiut6et �at T ha�� crcei�ed no moeey cr o�her coasideration, by a•ay of Iaan. •� ?'!. :.: •::r.* u� i•r or o[herwise, orLa than already diulosed in t6e applicaden n hic6 I bvewith subnrined. I elw undelstand this premi<e r_:'. : by police, FirE, health aed oihc ciry officials at any aad all vmes u•ben ilu business is in operatioa � -----� '�i''`' �5�:..'�. _...... Si ature (REQL" for all appliestions) ...`'": ii� ^\ote: ff eAis applicauon is Food/Liquor slatal, please coa�act a Ciq� of Saint Paul Healeh laspeetor, Steve Olson (_ (+6•� : i�' •. �`: ��• plans. 1f any subatantiat changos to struceue ane saticipaud, pleau contaet a Cir� of Saint Pau1 Plan £zsminer at 25G �'� "�• .�.'�'" buildiog permits. Itt6ae ace auy cbanges w the parking lo� floor spaco, or foe new operatio�:, please eoatact a Ciry of Saine Paut ', .. , az 26fr90o8. Addltlonal appllntlon reqdremenfs, ptease attaeh: A deta0cd dcacrlpdoa of ehe des(en, locatlon snd squan [ootage otthe premises to 6e Ikensed (sile p�an?• Tbe folloNing data shouJd De on tbe s)le pinet (preTerably on an 8 I/2" : il" or B 1/S" :14" paper): - Name, addras, and phone number. • TAe scale should be steled such as 1" � 2D'. ^N s6ould be Indtcated towacd t6e top. - Pleeea�ent of dl pectlncnt festvra o[ the Interlor o[ the llttase<1 fm:llity suc.h u staUn` areat� Idtchcnc nTc. �, -apatr area, parking, cert tooms, ete • If a rcquest !s for an addtt{on or expanston af the Uceased lacWty� indlc�tt both the ctvttrtt arta and :hc ;+-rK�nad expansfon. A eapy o! �our l�nse agreement oc proof of oKncrshlp ot the propert;r, F4R SPECTFYC API'LICATION REQUIREMENfS, PT,EA5E ;>EE REVERSE >>>> NOU-05-1996 10�47 612 220 7363 96i P•02 Greensheei # 35382 In Tracket? L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 11/8/96 ���� � App'n Received / App'n Processed License ID # �o�I 5�3� License Type: a Parking Lot/Ramp Company Name: National Garage Znc. DSA: Seventh Street Paxkin� Business Addresss: 218 7th Street East Business Phone: 224-2125 ContaCt Name/Address: Robert Frazier, 2582 8th St, Home Phone: 429-6978 Date to Council Research: �ite Bear Lk, 55118 Public Hearing Date: ' Z' J Labels Ordered: ��/ Notice Sent to Applicani: `� �C.� Disidct Councii #: �/ . � ��i � � a„A �Z � `/'`a �� r � Notice Sent to Public: �.%�� a� Ward #: � Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney lZ•�(�•9'�O �.� . Environmentai Health 1�' � ' Fire 12������ License £j� � �.1d, ,n� o r,C Site Plan Recaived:_ � �✓�����'�'` `�7 `J! Lease Received: 7�-� � S� � Poiice I2 � 10•�b a.�, . Zoning � Z-►Q. �Z�D o,�,