D00570� White — City Clerk Pink — Fnance Dept ClTY OF SAiNT PAUL �� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Na: �J (�0 5 70 flate: 7— `r qS ADMfNISTftATIVE ORDER • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, in the matter of the requirement of the City o£ Saint Paui that all �ravei of aii non-city Personnel must receive mayoral or councii approvai; and WI3EREAS, The City of St. Paui's Safe Cities Program requested �ia David Evans, Manager of the Safer Ciiies pro�ram in Edmonton to visit St. Paul on June �th and 6th to advise and inform the �yor and Gity Coimcil, the Pubiic Safety Advisor,y Cotmcil, the Strategic Actian Team, nei�hborhood groups and others o£ Edmontion's progress. Her ma,nagement e�rience and e�cpertise with the Edmonton initiative, which stated in 1989, will provide important information to the 5t. Paui ef£ort, and: tvTIIIZFi�, The City has agreed io pa,y the costs associated with PTaria Bvans visit; to Maria Evans, Travei Associates or other parties invo3ved, total noi to exceed $900.00; therefore oe it GRDEftID, Lhat cne Git,y of S�. Paul through its Mayor approve payments noL to exceed �90d to tne above mentioned par�ies. Fimd 37805 APPROVED AS TO FORM Assistant City A torney • �� Date Depa�� ad �` Administrative ssistant to Mayor 6i21�4���� � 6REEN SHEET D o0,�"70 N_ 30521 - - - - iNmavonre •"•'•^"• "'^""^ °^„'^'- . DFPARiMENT DIREGiOR u GITY OOUNGIL Kdth MOhrldild 292-7702 ^� cmnrroawEV mcmc�aK NUY9ERFOR aUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGEH�A BY (DAtE� gp�� � BUDGEi DIRECTOfi � FIIi. & MGL SEFiVICE$ Dlfl. ' OflOEfi MAYOR (Ofl ASSISTANij O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOH SIGNATURE) � 1'{e5C4VCO�CV: Authorization to pay costs associated with P�laria Evans visit to St. Paul for the Safe Cit9 Program. PECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or RBjacC (R) _PUWNIN6COMMISSION _CIVILSEfiViCECOMMISSION _ CIB COMMfTTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH GOUNCIL OBJECTIVE? PEHSONAL SERVICE CONTqACTS MUS7 ANSWER TME FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has this personffirm ever worked untler a conhaCt for this departmeM? � YES NO 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a cky employee? YES NO 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any currem ciry employee? YES NO Explafn all yas anawers on separete sheet antl ettaeh to green sheet St. Paul's Safe City Program invited Maria David Evans Manager of the Edmonton Safe CSty Program to share her management experience and expertfse with the Edmonton initiative. She met with the P1ayor, City Council, The Publfc Safety Advisory Council �r��us other groups dUN 23 t995 paid occurred from Maria David Evans visft to the City for the Safe City Prof�ram will be ����� IFAPPROVED: REGErVED NONE Costs wili not be paid JUN 3 0 1995 CITY CLERK ', ` 4 '. . ;� � JUN 22 1995 �� � `� A����6��`� AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ COSTlHEVENUE BUDGETEU (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO � souace CBDG ACTIVfTY NUMBER �7R(1�, INFORMA710N: (EXPLAIN) � �