97-577City of St. Paul � I" �� � ��� slty�q� RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESSMENT Fil No. J9 0 J970 Assessment No 2BB,J9701BB,J9722BB, Lo� 9729,9735,9737.9738 Voting Ward In the matter o£ the assessment of bene£its, cost and expenses for 2 J9702BB (9729) Boardings-up of vacant bldgs for Aug 1996 for property at: 1086 Jessamine Ave E J9701BB (9735) Boardings-up of vacant bldgs £or July 1996 for property at: 1132 Central Ave W and 328 Lexington Pkwy N ��1 � F�55 essn,cr. -� r 3 3.8' L�jc� r�. �-ar�S pt�w�. t�? . J9722BB (9737) Boardings-up of �acan�la'gs �or September 1996 for property at: 694 Sherburne Ave J9704AAA (9738) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) for Aug and September 1996 for property at: 616 Idaho Ave E and 1110 Forest St — �R + o ve.r °fv � ,� �a �`� f,,,�'v � (�.�'q .c�. �Gr�C_ �\� ���{'� C. �-U� ��.L �� �� TO LEGISLATIVH HEARING OFFICSR - 5-6-97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 4-23-97 TO 5-14-97 � i 1�o r=ore; �—S'�,� Preliminary Order xx approved xx Final Order A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified. RESOLVSD FURTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equal installments. COUNCILPERSON Yeas� Nays ✓Blakey �strom �rris �gard �rton �une ,i�iit`�s I In Favor QAgainst Adopted by the Council: Date �!/� Certifi�d Passes by Council Secreta BY. Mayor ��"1 J 7I LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 4-23-97 TO 5-14-97 RE 4-29-47 ��� 7� DEP/�HtMENTIOFFICE/COUNCiI DATE INITIATED T.M.S.(Real Estate Division b-25-97 G REEN SH EE q'� 5� CONTACTPERSON & PHONE IMTIAVDATE NJRIAVDATE � OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR O CIN CAUNqL Roxanna Flink 266-8859 A��N �CRYA770RNEY �CITYCLEpK MUST 6E ON COUNCII AGENDA BY (DATE) NU/ABEfl FOR LAID OVER BY ROU7ING � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. fi MCaL SERVICES DIR. COUNCIL ON 4-23-97 TO 5-14-97 ORDER �MAYOR(ORASSISTANT) �(;pllnCil TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CL1P All LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTIONRE�UESTED: At C011IIC7.).�S request on 4-23-97 Board-up of vac bldgs for Aug 1996 for property at 1086 .Iessamine Ave E, Board-up of vac bldgs for July 1996 for properties at 1132 Central Ave W& 328 Lexington Pkwy N, Board-up of vac bldgs for Sept 1996 for property at 694 Sherbur Ave & Summ Abate for Aug & Sept 1946 for properties at 616 Idaho Ave E& 1110 Forest St. were laid over for further discussion. J9702BB, 9729• J9701BB, 9735• J9722BB 9737• .T9704AAA 973 RECOMMENDAnONS: Approve (A) or Rejaet (A) pEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER iHE FOLLOWING �UESiIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSfON _ GIVIL SERYICE COMMISSION �� Has this parsoMfirm avar worked untler a contract for this department? _ CIB COMMITfEE YES NO A SiAFF A PUbli.c HEalth 2. Has this persOn/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ oSTqtt;f coURi A VaCaRt B1dQS . 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCaUNCILO&IECTIVE? T 2 YES NO Explain aii yes answera on separate sheet and attacA to green sheet Neighborhoods INITIATING PROBLEM, SSUE, OPPORTUNIiY (Who, Whaq When, Where, Why): " SEE ORIGINAL GREEN SHEET NUMBERS 39518 & 39520" ADVANTAGES IF APPRWED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPPqYED' ,�}� p+ �� p �9�Esei TB�`�u?'�� 5�'�a�+' ��F� 2 �'� 1�9� ._.� �ISADYANTAGE$ lF NOT APPRQVEO. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TpANSACTION $ CO57lPEYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIALINFORFfiATtON'(EXPLAIN) 4' To Legislative Hearing Officer - April 1, 1497 Public Hearin Date - April 9, 1997 RE 1-24-97 �� �`�� EW.R7IAENLpFFICFJGOUNCI� DATE �NI7IATED 3 9 51 G' Finance De artment/Real Estate �-��-9� G R EEN SH EE 'JNTACi PEflSON d PHONE INRIAL/DATE INITIAVOA7E - � DEPARTMENT WRECTON O CRY CAUIiCIL Boxanna F1inkJ� � 266-8859 ASSIGN GffYA7TOPNEY CRYCLERK NUMHEPFOR � � UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE� 'L_� (�_G � ROtRIN6 � BUDGET DIAECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SERYIC D10. Must be in Council Researc[i Office ORGEft ❑Mqypp�OAAS51STAf1n � Council Research `-- --- -- �..:a.... 9_7_07 T07AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE) J9704A, 9716; J9701B, 9718; J9702B, 9719; J9701TDBC, 9720 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Summary Abate from Aug 1996 to .Tan 1997; from mid-Sune to mid-Sept 1996 and Boardings-up for Ju1y and Aug 1996. MPmve {A) or _� P(ANNING COMMISSION _� CN0. SERVICE COMMISSION __ CIB COMMITTEE _.�,STAFF A Public Health _ DISTii1LTCOUflT A Vacant Bldas. SUPPORTSWHICNCOUNCILO&1ECTIVE4 Ward 2 Neighbaorhoods PEtiSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWEp THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: t. Has this personRrm ever worked untler a confraCt for this department? YES NO 2. � Has mis personKrm ever been a city empioyee4 YES NO 8. Does thi5 DerSOn/firm possess a skill not normaliy pOSSessetl by any Current city employee7 YES Na Exptaln ell yea anawera on separate afieet and attscfi to green aheet JRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNRY (Who, Whe4 �M1'�e4 �re. Why): Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Sainc Paul when their property is not kept up. Cost�recovery programs to recover expenses for Summary Abatements and Boardings-up. This includes cutting tali grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. A1so, a11 household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofa chairs and all other items. Zn winter this includes the ramoval of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross walks. SADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments payable over 1 year and collected with the property taxes if not paid. . 3ADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPflOVEO: Neighborhoods would be left Lo deteriorate and property values would decline Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties Rodents, filth garbage and trash would accumlate everywhere. Disease and pests could become a problem. TOTAt AMOVNT OF TRANSACTION S 7� • 371 • �� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOUACE ASS2SSi11entS 0771V ACTIVITYNUMBEA � FINFNCIFL INFORAAATION (E%PLFINj ' 267 property owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges. To Legislative Hearing Of�cer - April l�, 1997 RE-1-31-97 Q Public Hearing Aate - Apri123, 1497 � ..s � F.11�.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISIO:�T Date: 1/27/97 Green Sheet �'umber: 39520 ontacl Persoa and PLone �umber: EFARTff.�7 DIRECTOR CITS COL:�CIL Roxana Flink '�n � 266-88�9 o m AnOR\'EY CITS' CLERK fusl be oa Covnd Agenda by. 3-5-97 L �� DIRECfOR '. 3�4GT. SVC. DII2. 4ust ye ia Counc� Research ORce nooa oa Friday S OF �-� 1-97 1 fCLTY ALL LACATIO\5 FOR (OR ASStSIA.\'n , 1 �OL:�CII. RESEARCA J97045A, 9717; J9722B, 9721; J9732B, 9722; J9702TDBC, 9723; J9701C, 9724 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Summ Abafe from Aug 1996 - Jan 1997 & mid-Sept - tnid-Oct 1996, Boardings-up for Sept & Oct 1996 and Demolitions from Aug - Dec 1996. �L'�ff.\DATIOSS: APPRO�E (A) O}tEJEC7 (R) EASU\.9L SER�7CE CO>TRACTS 9SUSI A\SKER THE FOLLONl�G: ru��i�c co>i*n55�ov A srwtF . Hat 2Le persoa/firm e��er N�orked under a coatract for chu departmeat? 1'ES ?�O rn'n. spt�ict eo+nflmo� a r,�ys� xo+m • Hat this per5oa/fvm ever been a City employce? ]'ES 2:0 QB fOVA51TEE rts �'Aidh Council Objtttive \eighborboods A Does mSs personit�rm possas a si:ill not normauy possessrd by� any 1�S NO � �� currenlCitpempto}re? Eapiain all YES a�w�ers on a separate sLeet and attac6. «'ard 2 PROBLE.Aq, 155LF, OPPOR7LT7TY (�t3o, N'Lat, �i7�en, �tbere, R'hy?): Propert-y,ewners or renters create a health hazardat various times �hsoughout the City of Saint Paul w�hen their property is not kept up. IF APPRO\'ED: Cost recocery grograms to recoE�er e�:penses for Summary Abatements, Boardings-up and Demolitions. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, sto��es, sofas, chairs and all other items. In winter this includes the remo��al of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross walks. ff APPRO�'ED: If Council does not appro��e these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments are payable o��er 1}°ear and collected witfi the properfy faxes if not g:�or arrxo��n: :�'eighborhoods would be Ieft to deteriorate and property values would decline. T'obody wouid take care of their property, especially vacant or renfai properties. Rodenfs, flth, garbage and trash would atcumulate ever���here. Disease and nests could a nroblem. AMOUAT OF TRA.�S.4CTION: �2'J8 ,942.52 COST/REVEI.IIE BUDGE7'ED (CIRCLE Oh'� y�s ro sovxc�: Assessments only A�T'IrJrY��m+sea: z::n.�cu1 ir�eoxMano�.: cFa:rurn� 226 property ow•ners �'ill be notified of the puUlic hearing and City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Dept, of Technology & Management Sarv. COUNCIL FILE NO. 9�-57 � RBPORT OF CQMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Fi1e No. J9702BB,S9701BB,J9722BB, J97041�AA Assessment No. 9729,9735,9737,9738 Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, �ost and e�enses for 2 J9702BB (9729) Boardings-up of vacant bldgs for Aug 1996 for property at: 1086 Jessamine Ave E J9701BB {9735) Boardings-up of vacant bldgs for Suly 1996 for property at: 1132 Central Ave W and 328 Lexington Pkwy N J9722BB (9737) Boardings-up of vacant bldgs for September 1996 for property at: 694 Sherbume Ave J9704AAA (9738) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) for Aug and 5eptember 1996 for property at: 616 Idaho Ave E and 1110 Forest St TO LEGISLATIVS HEARING OFFICER - 5-6-97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 4-23-97 TO 5-14-97 Preliminary Order xx approved xx Final Order �c approved xx To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of tlte expenclitures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs Engineering and Inspection Valuation and Assessment 5ervices Administration Charge - Puhlic Health Re-Check Charge - Public Health Abatement Service Charge TOTAL EXPENDITURES Charge To Net Assessment $_900.7 $ $_10�_00 $_50.00 $_90.00 $1,140.74 $1,140.7 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $1,140.74 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of lanct deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature o£ the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. � Dated 7 ' dJ� / �— �n�ip� ,;,.i,. � L.l ��iv�`� �„X�,d.uation and Assessment Engineer � REPORT Date: May 6, 1997 �� i � _ f � Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 Ciry Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard s l .1_: : {� Ge17y Str3tUm3n Legislative Hearing Officer 1. Resolution ratifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following (Iaid over from April 15, 1997 I.egislative Hearing): 1132 Central (79701BB) 1086 E. Jessamine (J9702BB) 694 Sherburne (19722BB) 616 Idaho (9704AAA) 1110 Forest Sueet (J9704AAA) Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval of the assessments with the following exceptions: 328 Ixxington (J9701BB) recommended deleting the assessment. 2. Resolution rarifying assessments of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following: J9705B--Boardings-up of vacant buildings for November 1996 J9705C—Demolition of vacant buildings for December 1996 and January 1997 J97051B—Boardings-up of vacant buiidings for December 1996 79705A—Summary Abatements (snow removal and/or sanding walks of winter 1997 Leg'sslative Heazing Officer recommended approval of the assessments with the foflowing exceptions: 2176 Stillwater Avenue (79705A) laid over to June 3, 1997. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at� Laurel v ue. ff the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Heaith is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to 180 days. q�i �5�� - 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at S�0 Marc^l�d Av me �cr. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the � building. Laid over in Legislative Iiearing to June 17, 1997. � � �� s ��� MINUTES OF LEGISLATIVE HEARING May 6, 1997 Room 330, City Hall Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Votel, Guy Willits, Public Health; Cathy Ries, Rosanna Flink, Real Estate. Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing O�cer, called the meetittg to order at 10:05. Resolution ratifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for sutnmary abatements for the following (Laid over from Apral 15, 1997 I,egislative Hearing): 328 I.exington (J9701BB) 1132 Central (J9701BB) 1086 E. 7essamine (J9702BB) 694 Sherburne (J97Z2EB) 616 Idaho (9704AAA) 1110 Forest Street (J9704AAA) 1132 Central Avenue West Mohammed 5hahidullah, property owner, appeared and stated that when he received the abatement order on July 19, he boarded up the building. Mr. Strathman questioned the fact that the contractor went out on July 18 and boarded the building, and then the very next day, orders were issued again to secure the building. Chuck Votel, Public Health, reported that these were new openings the day after the contractor had been there. Under the normal procedure, the contractor will board all openings that are stated on the original order. If there are openings that are not listed on the orders, the contractor will call the inspector. The next day, the inspector issued orders for the additional openings. Mr. Strathman stated that orders were issued on June 18 which gave the property owner approximately one month to secure the building; the contractor did the work on July 18. He recommended approving the assessment. 328 Lexing�n Mohaiiuixed Shahidullah, property owner, appeared and explained that he did secure the building after he was notified on July 9. When he was at the buiiding and was about to leave, one of the crew was pulling off the board he had jast put up. He told the worker that he had just boarded the building and asked him to wait while he called the city. When he got back to the building, the worker had left and no boarding had been done. g � Chuck Votel, Public Aealth, reported that on June 28 the inspector posted a noflce on � the building to secure the garage, no6ce was mailed on July 2 with a compliance date of July 31. On July 5 a recheck was done, ihe building was still open and the work order was sent to Parks. On July 9, the contractor went out and put up one board on the gazage. Mr. Votel noted that the structure is a condemned, vacant, apartment building. Mr. Strathman recommended deleting the assessment based on the properry owner's testimony that he had done the work and that the contractor didn't do any boarding. 1Q86 Jessamine Avenue Easf No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. ¢Q4 Sherburne Avenue No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 2. ltesolution ratifying assessments of Uenefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following: J9705B—Boardings-up of vacant buildings for November 1996 J4705C--Demolition of vacant buildings for December 1496 and 7anuary 1497 J97051B--Boardings-up of vacant buildings for Aecember 1996 J9705A--Summary Abatements (snow removal and/or sanding walks of winter 1997 � 503 Asburv No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1090 Bradlev Street No one appeazed; recommended approving the assessment. 68 Cleveland Avenue North No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. �328 Dale Street North No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1850 Feronia Avenue Guy Willits, Public Health, showed a video of the properry and reviewed the staff reQort. The orders were mailed on January 3, 1997, to remove snow and ice from the walk. A recheck was done on 7anuary 8 and 7anuary I5. The snow was not removed and Parks did the work on 7anuary 18. Jennifer Krueger, property owner, appeared and stated that the day she received the phone cail from the city, she went out and spent aimost three hours shoveling the � sidewalk. She explained that she doesn't get home from work unti14:00 p.m. and she `� s ��� has a small child, so sometimes it takes her two days before she can get out to shovel. The inspector may have been out right after a snowfall. Mr. Stcathman noted that the video showed that the sidewalk in question had not been shoveled and the crew observed that it didn't look like it had been shoveled all winter. Tio rrcnnmirudcd npprnvnl tl� IIIC flV`iC45IlICIIi. 1110 Forest StreeE No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1528 Crand Avenue No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 616 Idaho Avenue East Mr. Willits showed a video of the properiy and reviewed the staff report. Orders were mailed on October 30,1996, to remove fumiture, aquarium, tires, refuse, junk, household items, and windows from the front Yazd. The compliance date was November 7, a recheck was done on November 26, 1996 and December 3, 1996. The property was not cleaned up and Parks did the work on December 3, 1996. Aelmut Freiseis, property owner, appeared and stated that after taiking to the inspector, it was his understand'ang that he would be given some time because he was having back problems. Some of the items removed by the city were not junk; they had been moved out from the interior rooms while he was doing some remodeling. fie did not understand how they differentiate between what is junk and what is not junk. Mr. Strathman noted that the orders were first mailed on October 30 and that extensions had been given. If the city removed property that should not have been removed, a claim may be filed with the city attorney's office. He stated that proper notifacation was given, the work was done by the city on December 3, and reconnmended approval of the assessment. - 956 E. Minnehaha Mr. Willits showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. Orders were mailed on Aecember 30, 1996 and January 7, 1996 to remove snow and ice from the walk. A recheck was done on December 30 and January 7, and the sidewalk had not been shoveled. A work order was sent to Parks and the work was done on December 3, 1996. Caivin Burton, property owner, appeared and stated that he did talk to the tenants responsible for shoveling the snow and they told him that someone was coming out to take care of it. He wasn't aware that it was the city that was coming out. Fie said he didn't receive any notice or phone call, if he had, he wouId have complied. He felt the amount of the charge was overkill and price gouging. a� -5�� Mr. Strathman explained how the assessment is computed. He noted that the inspector � had also talked to the tenant about the snow removal. The video showed that the sidewalk in question had not been shove3ed, property notice was given and the work was done by city crews. He recommended approving the assessment. 2060 Minnehaha Avenue East No one appeared; recomznended approving the assessment. � 1076 3rd Street East No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at " 796 Laurel Avenue. If the owner faiis to compiy with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the buiiding. Mr. Votel reported that the building was condemned in November 1996; there were three summary abatement notices issued. On February 20 1997 a tist of viotations was cond�cted, the building was declared to be a nuisance and ordered to be repaired. The vacant registration fees and real estate taxes are paid. On Apri14, 1997 a code compliance inspection was done and as of yesterday a$2,000 bond was posted, and building permits were obtained. Lynn Klicker-Uthe, attorney representing the property owner Pieetra Kooiker, stated � that her client plans to rehab the building. Some of the work that was initially looked at has been completed. Aer client has applied for funding through the St. Paul Home Loan Fund. Everything is in order, bids have been received and the contractors are lined up. Their only concem is the time frame and what needs to be done to satisfy the city. Mr. Strathman stated that the issues listed on the code compliance inspection report dated Apri14 need to be addressed. Iie recommended amending the date €or repair or removal of the structure to 180 days. 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced buiiding located at 850 Mazyland Avenue East. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Mr. Yang and Mr. Chong were present. Mr. Yang stated that they are in the process of purchasing the property from KFC, the current owners. They intend to submit a proposal for a mimi mazket. Their intent is to improve the buiiding; they ue only interested in the property if the building is not demolished. Mr. Strathman asked if they were working with an agent and when they expect to purchase the building. Mr. Yang responded that they have to sign the purchase � agreement and plan to ctase within 30 days. g�t-s�� Mr. Votel reported that the certificate of occupancy was revoked in 1993. KFC National Management Company has been marketing the property for the last four years unsuccessfully. The vacant building registration fees and real estate taxes are paid. An estimate cost to repair the structure is indeterminable due to possible future commercial usage. 'The estiznated cost to demolish is $I0,000. Mr. Strathman recommended laying the matter over to 7une 17, 1997, pending the sale of the property. The meeting adjoumed at 11: t 0 a.m. � Gerry Str�tlunan, Legislative Hearing Officer � N � O W 0 � N U' O 6 6 Y � N F K W N 6 N O C P d N W N fA r �OOIIN � F- � 5� O O 11 1� • 2 . . 11 J� N V� N II N� O� O N � II �T • C `� � N(A fR 1� N� U Q � N{ 11 (A � II K K � �� W O � 11 U' F � 11 Q U • II 2 6 � II Q LL � II F N � O O O f � O O O P � W o O N 2 � 1�00 � � • P M�-� � o # O N r 1- U £ 6 h y ¢ W � o 0 0 I- � 000 Q � O O O C! K � • 6l � 1!� N N 1- N � O � 2 P � F- U W � C d W tn t7 6' U 1' O W � O. 6 LL £ � � N z Q F U H 2 � V' Ul v� � aow 1' � ... U tJ J � � F K . 7 c� U � 6 f � z 6� O o w M Q fn K Q W Z x 2 f F W 2 £ O w � > ��¢ o n � n_ � w a C � �- f (J � F- O •+ N � N 2 W U p r .� W W Vl � Y � -�YQ 6] f� Q J W 7 K � O(L ��O n w� s n P a�wro � O � > � vi 6' � OI-# N 6 � J O \ C) J CO N P W U W O � �T W N • � W � � I� �O 6 � P 6' � NOd w�w¢ow� v r�-o��• N 6 � �-C� 6 • C Yl £ O � v X� W} i n Q O Q• d F Vl N� h r O Z 3� Q� � K � £ W N 1' • 60 "+CJ � O � U J 2 • .. K J �O �r � � w�n6NO � w � �o.aoz � .. z � � m .- w � 3� w � r O 6� � O � YON# �k • N O O II OJ I�OO 11 A • II • W V1 V� II W ON� 11 �t N (q !p II N � II � II n n 11 II 11 I I N I I J 11 W 11 V 11 K I I ¢ II 6 II W II F (n U' 11 6 U K 11 E a � ¢ n w � vix n x 1- U II W C� tn II Z O W 11 J O �+UUIIQ O � 11 V- � • �j II O 6'E 2' II 1- 4J O C W 11 J Cl Q lA 11 H W II U U J J J II W L� a¢4 ii ¢ � i- r n o o. o O o �� z 1- I- F 11 6 � � l I .- . W � N • N � O W � � O � O � U' O � O 6 d � � r M r � .1 i M K w M M 2 � N i N O � � P � P O. � N � N � � M M 4J � 000II O i 000II O 1- • 0001� O i vi00 11 Vt 2 . • It • N 7. m vi �n �� N i P vi in �� P O. I� N � II � �- N.- It V� L' £� iR (R M1 11 � i fA fq FA 11 (q { U Q� �I fq II Y il 11 � K K� II �I y W O � 11 II �_� C'1 F � 11 II � Q U � 11 11 2 LL � II II Q 11 II � £ N� O O O � O O O r� O O O � O O O y� .. r 000 � 000 � M � • 000 � 1h00 � � . . f P • N '- �- � P �- �- �n K n # O � !1 , F `V F- U ' ^ f LL � �/ � N /_ tn ( /1 Q w� O o O � o o O V! '- � Oop � 000 // Q r O O O � O O O /� lD L' . . . . ( (O �- V� ✓1 � Vl N ���� F � N�' N� O 1� 2 P 7 � � ij ti n/ U f � O ` 1 K � d W W (n U' N t'J 1' U K U K / o w� a a � a ¢ �- £ � 7N5 fA � Q � i- U �- U � N Z � 2 O W � 2 O W � K r U � U � . J O r p � � F . 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II • �I � r N �(1 � 1� N��T Vl VI 11 V C O��O N � II O� P N � 11 M U E�!' (R f9 II N. M W NI 11 �t 6� Y1 II Ui � W II Ip K II I� W 6' � II 11 V' O � II 1� 6 F • II 11 2 U . II 11 6 6 � II II £ 11 II f0 � O O O � O O O N i- • 000 � 000 M � O O O � O O O 1� 2 � Y100 � 000 P � . . . N�� �Y�� it C � �O � P O M H r £ U N Q N �+. 6 W� O O O � O O O ti� O O O • O O O 4 6� O O O � O O O Q 6 ' . . . 6 �v�N �inv� �Y F � N� N� O I� 2 P � H U W O K K C d • W W • W W � W N U' � W(A U' C � F K � F C O W� 6£ Q � 4£ Q � £� m O s m O i Q� Q U U i Q U U F Z N � i Y W � T Y W K� K U U � K U U J O� 6 W� � Q W� F � $ 2 � � £ 2 � U' V�£ U K �£ U R' 2 Q�� W W '� W W � � rn�a � fnzfn a w s O � L J W 2 � 6 £ O � w o > t- • z O O. � f- Z Q N K . Q Z • � • 4 6' � J u N � S £ U � d £ N � U' �+ N �Y w �rM w U p• W• O � 2 p �.� O J Y Z Y J Y• O U J � W Q J 6t f � K u_ [O [O O z � co .O � J.� p_ w� N P �� d � ZY1NfV � �i O r Oln \ � F-N� 2� • LL£ e- H � tn H F- a• 6 O • C O O �� C W J � W J J W ti � A P > P W M � � � � � � M � Y > F N • N ^ Vl f� O W � � X 2�O P K� N W M O r Q p N O� W� � W l0 6 �O I- .r a � wwo> • � f� �o v� • N Q� N 7 � Q u. � Q O N'- d� �-.QV1 O' Y i v\F-O � d X� W �(1 O f Y1 (n O Q� K O x N � w w tA w N � i-- � x za ¢ � » wzc¢ • LL ¢ E o �» z f O OJ K• x p .-� (9 � O �+ c� • O O� �+ J Z� O Q LL J Z• • F- ��0... � Q> >0... � N 2�•7�OQ'-O'NOOQ�O� w � S.-a�oz � o�a.-z � •• 2� J�D O W �� 6 � � W � 3� W O�-00- � Ox.-h-O d� � O• SO al* i� •�UONi� k� 000llo 1(t O O II N • II �0 O O 11 �O V1 V� M �� M ���11b � II� 11 11 11 II n II 11 N I I J 11 W 11 V I I K I I ¢ 11 d K I I • W W II F- W N ('J 11 2 1- K 11 £ 6 £ 6 � � W m O 2 n X 4 U U 11 W 11 i- Y W 11 � O L'U U 11 Q aw- n �- f x > n o £ U 1' 11 1- (n � W W 11 J (A C (A II 1- W II U U J J J 11 W K Q Q Q I I Q � r r ii O a OOOIIK I- 1- F- II 6 N F� s ��� City of St. Paul � I" �� � ��� slty�q� RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESSMENT Fil No. J9 0 J970 Assessment No 2BB,J9701BB,J9722BB, Lo� 9729,9735,9737.9738 Voting Ward In the matter o£ the assessment of bene£its, cost and expenses for 2 J9702BB (9729) Boardings-up of vacant bldgs for Aug 1996 for property at: 1086 Jessamine Ave E J9701BB (9735) Boardings-up of vacant bldgs £or July 1996 for property at: 1132 Central Ave W and 328 Lexington Pkwy N ��1 � F�55 essn,cr. -� r 3 3.8' L�jc� r�. �-ar�S pt�w�. t�? . J9722BB (9737) Boardings-up of �acan�la'gs �or September 1996 for property at: 694 Sherburne Ave J9704AAA (9738) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) for Aug and September 1996 for property at: 616 Idaho Ave E and 1110 Forest St — �R + o ve.r °fv � ,� �a �`� f,,,�'v � (�.�'q .c�. �Gr�C_ �\� ���{'� C. �-U� ��.L �� �� TO LEGISLATIVH HEARING OFFICSR - 5-6-97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 4-23-97 TO 5-14-97 � i 1�o r=ore; �—S'�,� Preliminary Order xx approved xx Final Order A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified. RESOLVSD FURTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equal installments. COUNCILPERSON Yeas� Nays ✓Blakey �strom �rris �gard �rton �une ,i�iit`�s I In Favor QAgainst Adopted by the Council: Date �!/� Certifi�d Passes by Council Secreta BY. Mayor ��"1 J 7I LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 4-23-97 TO 5-14-97 RE 4-29-47 ��� 7� DEP/�HtMENTIOFFICE/COUNCiI DATE INITIATED T.M.S.(Real Estate Division b-25-97 G REEN SH EE q'� 5� CONTACTPERSON & PHONE IMTIAVDATE NJRIAVDATE � OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR O CIN CAUNqL Roxanna Flink 266-8859 A��N �CRYA770RNEY �CITYCLEpK MUST 6E ON COUNCII AGENDA BY (DATE) NU/ABEfl FOR LAID OVER BY ROU7ING � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. fi MCaL SERVICES DIR. COUNCIL ON 4-23-97 TO 5-14-97 ORDER �MAYOR(ORASSISTANT) �(;pllnCil TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CL1P All LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTIONRE�UESTED: At C011IIC7.).�S request on 4-23-97 Board-up of vac bldgs for Aug 1996 for property at 1086 .Iessamine Ave E, Board-up of vac bldgs for July 1996 for properties at 1132 Central Ave W& 328 Lexington Pkwy N, Board-up of vac bldgs for Sept 1996 for property at 694 Sherbur Ave & Summ Abate for Aug & Sept 1946 for properties at 616 Idaho Ave E& 1110 Forest St. were laid over for further discussion. J9702BB, 9729• J9701BB, 9735• J9722BB 9737• .T9704AAA 973 RECOMMENDAnONS: Approve (A) or Rejaet (A) pEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER iHE FOLLOWING �UESiIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSfON _ GIVIL SERYICE COMMISSION �� Has this parsoMfirm avar worked untler a contract for this department? _ CIB COMMITfEE YES NO A SiAFF A PUbli.c HEalth 2. Has this persOn/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ oSTqtt;f coURi A VaCaRt B1dQS . 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCaUNCILO&IECTIVE? T 2 YES NO Explain aii yes answera on separate sheet and attacA to green sheet Neighborhoods INITIATING PROBLEM, SSUE, OPPORTUNIiY (Who, Whaq When, Where, Why): " SEE ORIGINAL GREEN SHEET NUMBERS 39518 & 39520" ADVANTAGES IF APPRWED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPPqYED' ,�}� p+ �� p �9�Esei TB�`�u?'�� 5�'�a�+' ��F� 2 �'� 1�9� ._.� �ISADYANTAGE$ lF NOT APPRQVEO. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TpANSACTION $ CO57lPEYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIALINFORFfiATtON'(EXPLAIN) 4' To Legislative Hearing Officer - April 1, 1497 Public Hearin Date - April 9, 1997 RE 1-24-97 �� �`�� EW.R7IAENLpFFICFJGOUNCI� DATE �NI7IATED 3 9 51 G' Finance De artment/Real Estate �-��-9� G R EEN SH EE 'JNTACi PEflSON d PHONE INRIAL/DATE INITIAVOA7E - � DEPARTMENT WRECTON O CRY CAUIiCIL Boxanna F1inkJ� � 266-8859 ASSIGN GffYA7TOPNEY CRYCLERK NUMHEPFOR � � UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE� 'L_� (�_G � ROtRIN6 � BUDGET DIAECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SERYIC D10. Must be in Council Researc[i Office ORGEft ❑Mqypp�OAAS51STAf1n � Council Research `-- --- -- �..:a.... 9_7_07 T07AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE) J9704A, 9716; J9701B, 9718; J9702B, 9719; J9701TDBC, 9720 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Summary Abate from Aug 1996 to .Tan 1997; from mid-Sune to mid-Sept 1996 and Boardings-up for Ju1y and Aug 1996. MPmve {A) or _� P(ANNING COMMISSION _� CN0. SERVICE COMMISSION __ CIB COMMITTEE _.�,STAFF A Public Health _ DISTii1LTCOUflT A Vacant Bldas. SUPPORTSWHICNCOUNCILO&1ECTIVE4 Ward 2 Neighbaorhoods PEtiSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWEp THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: t. Has this personRrm ever worked untler a confraCt for this department? YES NO 2. � Has mis personKrm ever been a city empioyee4 YES NO 8. Does thi5 DerSOn/firm possess a skill not normaliy pOSSessetl by any Current city employee7 YES Na Exptaln ell yea anawera on separate afieet and attscfi to green aheet JRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNRY (Who, Whe4 �M1'�e4 �re. Why): Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Sainc Paul when their property is not kept up. Cost�recovery programs to recover expenses for Summary Abatements and Boardings-up. This includes cutting tali grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. A1so, a11 household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofa chairs and all other items. Zn winter this includes the ramoval of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross walks. SADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments payable over 1 year and collected with the property taxes if not paid. . 3ADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPflOVEO: Neighborhoods would be left Lo deteriorate and property values would decline Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties Rodents, filth garbage and trash would accumlate everywhere. Disease and pests could become a problem. TOTAt AMOVNT OF TRANSACTION S 7� • 371 • �� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOUACE ASS2SSi11entS 0771V ACTIVITYNUMBEA � FINFNCIFL INFORAAATION (E%PLFINj ' 267 property owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges. To Legislative Hearing Of�cer - April l�, 1997 RE-1-31-97 Q Public Hearing Aate - Apri123, 1497 � ..s � F.11�.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISIO:�T Date: 1/27/97 Green Sheet �'umber: 39520 ontacl Persoa and PLone �umber: EFARTff.�7 DIRECTOR CITS COL:�CIL Roxana Flink '�n � 266-88�9 o m AnOR\'EY CITS' CLERK fusl be oa Covnd Agenda by. 3-5-97 L �� DIRECfOR '. 3�4GT. SVC. DII2. 4ust ye ia Counc� Research ORce nooa oa Friday S OF �-� 1-97 1 fCLTY ALL LACATIO\5 FOR (OR ASStSIA.\'n , 1 �OL:�CII. RESEARCA J97045A, 9717; J9722B, 9721; J9732B, 9722; J9702TDBC, 9723; J9701C, 9724 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Summ Abafe from Aug 1996 - Jan 1997 & mid-Sept - tnid-Oct 1996, Boardings-up for Sept & Oct 1996 and Demolitions from Aug - Dec 1996. �L'�ff.\DATIOSS: APPRO�E (A) O}tEJEC7 (R) EASU\.9L SER�7CE CO>TRACTS 9SUSI A\SKER THE FOLLONl�G: ru��i�c co>i*n55�ov A srwtF . Hat 2Le persoa/firm e��er N�orked under a coatract for chu departmeat? 1'ES ?�O rn'n. spt�ict eo+nflmo� a r,�ys� xo+m • Hat this per5oa/fvm ever been a City employce? ]'ES 2:0 QB fOVA51TEE rts �'Aidh Council Objtttive \eighborboods A Does mSs personit�rm possas a si:ill not normauy possessrd by� any 1�S NO � �� currenlCitpempto}re? Eapiain all YES a�w�ers on a separate sLeet and attac6. «'ard 2 PROBLE.Aq, 155LF, OPPOR7LT7TY (�t3o, N'Lat, �i7�en, �tbere, R'hy?): Propert-y,ewners or renters create a health hazardat various times �hsoughout the City of Saint Paul w�hen their property is not kept up. IF APPRO\'ED: Cost recocery grograms to recoE�er e�:penses for Summary Abatements, Boardings-up and Demolitions. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, sto��es, sofas, chairs and all other items. In winter this includes the remo��al of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross walks. ff APPRO�'ED: If Council does not appro��e these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments are payable o��er 1}°ear and collected witfi the properfy faxes if not g:�or arrxo��n: :�'eighborhoods would be Ieft to deteriorate and property values would decline. T'obody wouid take care of their property, especially vacant or renfai properties. Rodenfs, flth, garbage and trash would atcumulate ever���here. Disease and nests could a nroblem. AMOUAT OF TRA.�S.4CTION: �2'J8 ,942.52 COST/REVEI.IIE BUDGE7'ED (CIRCLE Oh'� y�s ro sovxc�: Assessments only A�T'IrJrY��m+sea: z::n.�cu1 ir�eoxMano�.: cFa:rurn� 226 property ow•ners �'ill be notified of the puUlic hearing and City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Dept, of Technology & Management Sarv. COUNCIL FILE NO. 9�-57 � RBPORT OF CQMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Fi1e No. J9702BB,S9701BB,J9722BB, J97041�AA Assessment No. 9729,9735,9737,9738 Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, �ost and e�enses for 2 J9702BB (9729) Boardings-up of vacant bldgs for Aug 1996 for property at: 1086 Jessamine Ave E J9701BB {9735) Boardings-up of vacant bldgs for Suly 1996 for property at: 1132 Central Ave W and 328 Lexington Pkwy N J9722BB (9737) Boardings-up of vacant bldgs for September 1996 for property at: 694 Sherbume Ave J9704AAA (9738) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) for Aug and 5eptember 1996 for property at: 616 Idaho Ave E and 1110 Forest St TO LEGISLATIVS HEARING OFFICER - 5-6-97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 4-23-97 TO 5-14-97 Preliminary Order xx approved xx Final Order �c approved xx To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of tlte expenclitures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs Engineering and Inspection Valuation and Assessment 5ervices Administration Charge - Puhlic Health Re-Check Charge - Public Health Abatement Service Charge TOTAL EXPENDITURES Charge To Net Assessment $_900.7 $ $_10�_00 $_50.00 $_90.00 $1,140.74 $1,140.7 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $1,140.74 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of lanct deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature o£ the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. � Dated 7 ' dJ� / �— �n�ip� ,;,.i,. � L.l ��iv�`� �„X�,d.uation and Assessment Engineer � REPORT Date: May 6, 1997 �� i � _ f � Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 Ciry Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard s l .1_: : {� Ge17y Str3tUm3n Legislative Hearing Officer 1. Resolution ratifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following (Iaid over from April 15, 1997 I.egislative Hearing): 1132 Central (79701BB) 1086 E. Jessamine (J9702BB) 694 Sherburne (19722BB) 616 Idaho (9704AAA) 1110 Forest Sueet (J9704AAA) Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval of the assessments with the following exceptions: 328 Ixxington (J9701BB) recommended deleting the assessment. 2. Resolution rarifying assessments of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following: J9705B--Boardings-up of vacant buildings for November 1996 J9705C—Demolition of vacant buildings for December 1996 and January 1997 J97051B—Boardings-up of vacant buiidings for December 1996 79705A—Summary Abatements (snow removal and/or sanding walks of winter 1997 Leg'sslative Heazing Officer recommended approval of the assessments with the foflowing exceptions: 2176 Stillwater Avenue (79705A) laid over to June 3, 1997. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at� Laurel v ue. ff the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Heaith is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to 180 days. q�i �5�� - 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at S�0 Marc^l�d Av me �cr. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the � building. Laid over in Legislative Iiearing to June 17, 1997. � � �� s ��� MINUTES OF LEGISLATIVE HEARING May 6, 1997 Room 330, City Hall Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Votel, Guy Willits, Public Health; Cathy Ries, Rosanna Flink, Real Estate. Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing O�cer, called the meetittg to order at 10:05. Resolution ratifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for sutnmary abatements for the following (Laid over from Apral 15, 1997 I,egislative Hearing): 328 I.exington (J9701BB) 1132 Central (J9701BB) 1086 E. 7essamine (J9702BB) 694 Sherburne (J97Z2EB) 616 Idaho (9704AAA) 1110 Forest Street (J9704AAA) 1132 Central Avenue West Mohammed 5hahidullah, property owner, appeared and stated that when he received the abatement order on July 19, he boarded up the building. Mr. Strathman questioned the fact that the contractor went out on July 18 and boarded the building, and then the very next day, orders were issued again to secure the building. Chuck Votel, Public Health, reported that these were new openings the day after the contractor had been there. Under the normal procedure, the contractor will board all openings that are stated on the original order. If there are openings that are not listed on the orders, the contractor will call the inspector. The next day, the inspector issued orders for the additional openings. Mr. Strathman stated that orders were issued on June 18 which gave the property owner approximately one month to secure the building; the contractor did the work on July 18. He recommended approving the assessment. 328 Lexing�n Mohaiiuixed Shahidullah, property owner, appeared and explained that he did secure the building after he was notified on July 9. When he was at the buiiding and was about to leave, one of the crew was pulling off the board he had jast put up. He told the worker that he had just boarded the building and asked him to wait while he called the city. When he got back to the building, the worker had left and no boarding had been done. g � Chuck Votel, Public Aealth, reported that on June 28 the inspector posted a noflce on � the building to secure the garage, no6ce was mailed on July 2 with a compliance date of July 31. On July 5 a recheck was done, ihe building was still open and the work order was sent to Parks. On July 9, the contractor went out and put up one board on the gazage. Mr. Votel noted that the structure is a condemned, vacant, apartment building. Mr. Strathman recommended deleting the assessment based on the properry owner's testimony that he had done the work and that the contractor didn't do any boarding. 1Q86 Jessamine Avenue Easf No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. ¢Q4 Sherburne Avenue No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 2. ltesolution ratifying assessments of Uenefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following: J9705B—Boardings-up of vacant buildings for November 1996 J4705C--Demolition of vacant buildings for December 1496 and 7anuary 1497 J97051B--Boardings-up of vacant buildings for Aecember 1996 J9705A--Summary Abatements (snow removal and/or sanding walks of winter 1997 � 503 Asburv No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1090 Bradlev Street No one appeazed; recommended approving the assessment. 68 Cleveland Avenue North No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. �328 Dale Street North No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1850 Feronia Avenue Guy Willits, Public Health, showed a video of the properry and reviewed the staff reQort. The orders were mailed on January 3, 1997, to remove snow and ice from the walk. A recheck was done on 7anuary 8 and 7anuary I5. The snow was not removed and Parks did the work on 7anuary 18. Jennifer Krueger, property owner, appeared and stated that the day she received the phone cail from the city, she went out and spent aimost three hours shoveling the � sidewalk. She explained that she doesn't get home from work unti14:00 p.m. and she `� s ��� has a small child, so sometimes it takes her two days before she can get out to shovel. The inspector may have been out right after a snowfall. Mr. Stcathman noted that the video showed that the sidewalk in question had not been shoveled and the crew observed that it didn't look like it had been shoveled all winter. Tio rrcnnmirudcd npprnvnl tl� IIIC flV`iC45IlICIIi. 1110 Forest StreeE No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1528 Crand Avenue No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 616 Idaho Avenue East Mr. Willits showed a video of the properiy and reviewed the staff report. Orders were mailed on October 30,1996, to remove fumiture, aquarium, tires, refuse, junk, household items, and windows from the front Yazd. The compliance date was November 7, a recheck was done on November 26, 1996 and December 3, 1996. The property was not cleaned up and Parks did the work on December 3, 1996. Aelmut Freiseis, property owner, appeared and stated that after taiking to the inspector, it was his understand'ang that he would be given some time because he was having back problems. Some of the items removed by the city were not junk; they had been moved out from the interior rooms while he was doing some remodeling. fie did not understand how they differentiate between what is junk and what is not junk. Mr. Strathman noted that the orders were first mailed on October 30 and that extensions had been given. If the city removed property that should not have been removed, a claim may be filed with the city attorney's office. He stated that proper notifacation was given, the work was done by the city on December 3, and reconnmended approval of the assessment. - 956 E. Minnehaha Mr. Willits showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. Orders were mailed on Aecember 30, 1996 and January 7, 1996 to remove snow and ice from the walk. A recheck was done on December 30 and January 7, and the sidewalk had not been shoveled. A work order was sent to Parks and the work was done on December 3, 1996. Caivin Burton, property owner, appeared and stated that he did talk to the tenants responsible for shoveling the snow and they told him that someone was coming out to take care of it. He wasn't aware that it was the city that was coming out. Fie said he didn't receive any notice or phone call, if he had, he wouId have complied. He felt the amount of the charge was overkill and price gouging. a� -5�� Mr. Strathman explained how the assessment is computed. He noted that the inspector � had also talked to the tenant about the snow removal. The video showed that the sidewalk in question had not been shove3ed, property notice was given and the work was done by city crews. He recommended approving the assessment. 2060 Minnehaha Avenue East No one appeared; recomznended approving the assessment. � 1076 3rd Street East No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at " 796 Laurel Avenue. If the owner faiis to compiy with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the buiiding. Mr. Votel reported that the building was condemned in November 1996; there were three summary abatement notices issued. On February 20 1997 a tist of viotations was cond�cted, the building was declared to be a nuisance and ordered to be repaired. The vacant registration fees and real estate taxes are paid. On Apri14, 1997 a code compliance inspection was done and as of yesterday a$2,000 bond was posted, and building permits were obtained. Lynn Klicker-Uthe, attorney representing the property owner Pieetra Kooiker, stated � that her client plans to rehab the building. Some of the work that was initially looked at has been completed. Aer client has applied for funding through the St. Paul Home Loan Fund. Everything is in order, bids have been received and the contractors are lined up. Their only concem is the time frame and what needs to be done to satisfy the city. Mr. Strathman stated that the issues listed on the code compliance inspection report dated Apri14 need to be addressed. Iie recommended amending the date €or repair or removal of the structure to 180 days. 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced buiiding located at 850 Mazyland Avenue East. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Mr. Yang and Mr. Chong were present. Mr. Yang stated that they are in the process of purchasing the property from KFC, the current owners. They intend to submit a proposal for a mimi mazket. Their intent is to improve the buiiding; they ue only interested in the property if the building is not demolished. Mr. Strathman asked if they were working with an agent and when they expect to purchase the building. Mr. Yang responded that they have to sign the purchase � agreement and plan to ctase within 30 days. g�t-s�� Mr. Votel reported that the certificate of occupancy was revoked in 1993. KFC National Management Company has been marketing the property for the last four years unsuccessfully. The vacant building registration fees and real estate taxes are paid. An estimate cost to repair the structure is indeterminable due to possible future commercial usage. 'The estiznated cost to demolish is $I0,000. Mr. Strathman recommended laying the matter over to 7une 17, 1997, pending the sale of the property. The meeting adjoumed at 11: t 0 a.m. � Gerry Str�tlunan, Legislative Hearing Officer � N � O W 0 � N U' O 6 6 Y � N F K W N 6 N O C P d N W N fA r �OOIIN � F- � 5� O O 11 1� • 2 . . 11 J� N V� N II N� O� O N � II �T • C `� � N(A fR 1� N� U Q � N{ 11 (A � II K K � �� W O � 11 U' F � 11 Q U • II 2 6 � II Q LL � II F N � O O O f � O O O P � W o O N 2 � 1�00 � � • P M�-� � o # O N r 1- U £ 6 h y ¢ W � o 0 0 I- � 000 Q � O O O C! K � • 6l � 1!� N N 1- N � O � 2 P � F- U W � C d W tn t7 6' U 1' O W � O. 6 LL £ � � N z Q F U H 2 � V' Ul v� � aow 1' � ... U tJ J � � F K . 7 c� U � 6 f � z 6� O o w M Q fn K Q W Z x 2 f F W 2 £ O w � > ��¢ o n � n_ � w a C � �- f (J � F- O •+ N � N 2 W U p r .� W W Vl � Y � -�YQ 6] f� Q J W 7 K � O(L ��O n w� s n P a�wro � O � > � vi 6' � OI-# N 6 � J O \ C) J CO N P W U W O � �T W N • � W � � I� �O 6 � P 6' � NOd w�w¢ow� v r�-o��• N 6 � �-C� 6 • C Yl £ O � v X� W} i n Q O Q• d F Vl N� h r O Z 3� Q� � K � £ W N 1' • 60 "+CJ � O � U J 2 • .. 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J9722BB (9737) Boardings-up of �acan�la'gs �or September 1996 for property at: 694 Sherburne Ave J9704AAA (9738) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) for Aug and September 1996 for property at: 616 Idaho Ave E and 1110 Forest St — �R + o ve.r °fv � ,� �a �`� f,,,�'v � (�.�'q .c�. �Gr�C_ �\� ���{'� C. �-U� ��.L �� �� TO LEGISLATIVH HEARING OFFICSR - 5-6-97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 4-23-97 TO 5-14-97 � i 1�o r=ore; �—S'�,� Preliminary Order xx approved xx Final Order A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified. RESOLVSD FURTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equal installments. COUNCILPERSON Yeas� Nays ✓Blakey �strom �rris �gard �rton �une ,i�iit`�s I In Favor QAgainst Adopted by the Council: Date �!/� Certifi�d Passes by Council Secreta BY. Mayor ��"1 J 7I LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 4-23-97 TO 5-14-97 RE 4-29-47 ��� 7� DEP/�HtMENTIOFFICE/COUNCiI DATE INITIATED T.M.S.(Real Estate Division b-25-97 G REEN SH EE q'� 5� CONTACTPERSON & PHONE IMTIAVDATE NJRIAVDATE � OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR O CIN CAUNqL Roxanna Flink 266-8859 A��N �CRYA770RNEY �CITYCLEpK MUST 6E ON COUNCII AGENDA BY (DATE) NU/ABEfl FOR LAID OVER BY ROU7ING � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. fi MCaL SERVICES DIR. COUNCIL ON 4-23-97 TO 5-14-97 ORDER �MAYOR(ORASSISTANT) �(;pllnCil TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CL1P All LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTIONRE�UESTED: At C011IIC7.).�S request on 4-23-97 Board-up of vac bldgs for Aug 1996 for property at 1086 .Iessamine Ave E, Board-up of vac bldgs for July 1996 for properties at 1132 Central Ave W& 328 Lexington Pkwy N, Board-up of vac bldgs for Sept 1996 for property at 694 Sherbur Ave & Summ Abate for Aug & Sept 1946 for properties at 616 Idaho Ave E& 1110 Forest St. were laid over for further discussion. J9702BB, 9729• J9701BB, 9735• J9722BB 9737• .T9704AAA 973 RECOMMENDAnONS: Approve (A) or Rejaet (A) pEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER iHE FOLLOWING �UESiIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSfON _ GIVIL SERYICE COMMISSION �� Has this parsoMfirm avar worked untler a contract for this department? _ CIB COMMITfEE YES NO A SiAFF A PUbli.c HEalth 2. Has this persOn/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ oSTqtt;f coURi A VaCaRt B1dQS . 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCaUNCILO&IECTIVE? T 2 YES NO Explain aii yes answera on separate sheet and attacA to green sheet Neighborhoods INITIATING PROBLEM, SSUE, OPPORTUNIiY (Who, Whaq When, Where, Why): " SEE ORIGINAL GREEN SHEET NUMBERS 39518 & 39520" ADVANTAGES IF APPRWED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPPqYED' ,�}� p+ �� p �9�Esei TB�`�u?'�� 5�'�a�+' ��F� 2 �'� 1�9� ._.� �ISADYANTAGE$ lF NOT APPRQVEO. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TpANSACTION $ CO57lPEYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIALINFORFfiATtON'(EXPLAIN) 4' To Legislative Hearing Officer - April 1, 1497 Public Hearin Date - April 9, 1997 RE 1-24-97 �� �`�� EW.R7IAENLpFFICFJGOUNCI� DATE �NI7IATED 3 9 51 G' Finance De artment/Real Estate �-��-9� G R EEN SH EE 'JNTACi PEflSON d PHONE INRIAL/DATE INITIAVOA7E - � DEPARTMENT WRECTON O CRY CAUIiCIL Boxanna F1inkJ� � 266-8859 ASSIGN GffYA7TOPNEY CRYCLERK NUMHEPFOR � � UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE� 'L_� (�_G � ROtRIN6 � BUDGET DIAECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SERYIC D10. Must be in Council Researc[i Office ORGEft ❑Mqypp�OAAS51STAf1n � Council Research `-- --- -- �..:a.... 9_7_07 T07AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE) J9704A, 9716; J9701B, 9718; J9702B, 9719; J9701TDBC, 9720 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Summary Abate from Aug 1996 to .Tan 1997; from mid-Sune to mid-Sept 1996 and Boardings-up for Ju1y and Aug 1996. MPmve {A) or _� P(ANNING COMMISSION _� CN0. SERVICE COMMISSION __ CIB COMMITTEE _.�,STAFF A Public Health _ DISTii1LTCOUflT A Vacant Bldas. SUPPORTSWHICNCOUNCILO&1ECTIVE4 Ward 2 Neighbaorhoods PEtiSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWEp THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: t. Has this personRrm ever worked untler a confraCt for this department? YES NO 2. � Has mis personKrm ever been a city empioyee4 YES NO 8. Does thi5 DerSOn/firm possess a skill not normaliy pOSSessetl by any Current city employee7 YES Na Exptaln ell yea anawera on separate afieet and attscfi to green aheet JRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNRY (Who, Whe4 �M1'�e4 �re. Why): Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Sainc Paul when their property is not kept up. Cost�recovery programs to recover expenses for Summary Abatements and Boardings-up. This includes cutting tali grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. A1so, a11 household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofa chairs and all other items. Zn winter this includes the ramoval of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross walks. SADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments payable over 1 year and collected with the property taxes if not paid. . 3ADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPflOVEO: Neighborhoods would be left Lo deteriorate and property values would decline Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties Rodents, filth garbage and trash would accumlate everywhere. Disease and pests could become a problem. TOTAt AMOVNT OF TRANSACTION S 7� • 371 • �� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOUACE ASS2SSi11entS 0771V ACTIVITYNUMBEA � FINFNCIFL INFORAAATION (E%PLFINj ' 267 property owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges. To Legislative Hearing Of�cer - April l�, 1997 RE-1-31-97 Q Public Hearing Aate - Apri123, 1497 � ..s � F.11�.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISIO:�T Date: 1/27/97 Green Sheet �'umber: 39520 ontacl Persoa and PLone �umber: EFARTff.�7 DIRECTOR CITS COL:�CIL Roxana Flink '�n � 266-88�9 o m AnOR\'EY CITS' CLERK fusl be oa Covnd Agenda by. 3-5-97 L �� DIRECfOR '. 3�4GT. SVC. DII2. 4ust ye ia Counc� Research ORce nooa oa Friday S OF �-� 1-97 1 fCLTY ALL LACATIO\5 FOR (OR ASStSIA.\'n , 1 �OL:�CII. RESEARCA J97045A, 9717; J9722B, 9721; J9732B, 9722; J9702TDBC, 9723; J9701C, 9724 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Summ Abafe from Aug 1996 - Jan 1997 & mid-Sept - tnid-Oct 1996, Boardings-up for Sept & Oct 1996 and Demolitions from Aug - Dec 1996. �L'�ff.\DATIOSS: APPRO�E (A) O}tEJEC7 (R) EASU\.9L SER�7CE CO>TRACTS 9SUSI A\SKER THE FOLLONl�G: ru��i�c co>i*n55�ov A srwtF . Hat 2Le persoa/firm e��er N�orked under a coatract for chu departmeat? 1'ES ?�O rn'n. spt�ict eo+nflmo� a r,�ys� xo+m • Hat this per5oa/fvm ever been a City employce? ]'ES 2:0 QB fOVA51TEE rts �'Aidh Council Objtttive \eighborboods A Does mSs personit�rm possas a si:ill not normauy possessrd by� any 1�S NO � �� currenlCitpempto}re? Eapiain all YES a�w�ers on a separate sLeet and attac6. «'ard 2 PROBLE.Aq, 155LF, OPPOR7LT7TY (�t3o, N'Lat, �i7�en, �tbere, R'hy?): Propert-y,ewners or renters create a health hazardat various times �hsoughout the City of Saint Paul w�hen their property is not kept up. IF APPRO\'ED: Cost recocery grograms to recoE�er e�:penses for Summary Abatements, Boardings-up and Demolitions. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, sto��es, sofas, chairs and all other items. In winter this includes the remo��al of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross walks. ff APPRO�'ED: If Council does not appro��e these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments are payable o��er 1}°ear and collected witfi the properfy faxes if not g:�or arrxo��n: :�'eighborhoods would be Ieft to deteriorate and property values would decline. T'obody wouid take care of their property, especially vacant or renfai properties. Rodenfs, flth, garbage and trash would atcumulate ever���here. Disease and nests could a nroblem. AMOUAT OF TRA.�S.4CTION: �2'J8 ,942.52 COST/REVEI.IIE BUDGE7'ED (CIRCLE Oh'� y�s ro sovxc�: Assessments only A�T'IrJrY��m+sea: z::n.�cu1 ir�eoxMano�.: cFa:rurn� 226 property ow•ners �'ill be notified of the puUlic hearing and City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Dept, of Technology & Management Sarv. COUNCIL FILE NO. 9�-57 � RBPORT OF CQMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Fi1e No. J9702BB,S9701BB,J9722BB, J97041�AA Assessment No. 9729,9735,9737,9738 Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, �ost and e�enses for 2 J9702BB (9729) Boardings-up of vacant bldgs for Aug 1996 for property at: 1086 Jessamine Ave E J9701BB {9735) Boardings-up of vacant bldgs for Suly 1996 for property at: 1132 Central Ave W and 328 Lexington Pkwy N J9722BB (9737) Boardings-up of vacant bldgs for September 1996 for property at: 694 Sherbume Ave J9704AAA (9738) Summary Abatements (Property clean-up) for Aug and 5eptember 1996 for property at: 616 Idaho Ave E and 1110 Forest St TO LEGISLATIVS HEARING OFFICER - 5-6-97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 4-23-97 TO 5-14-97 Preliminary Order xx approved xx Final Order �c approved xx To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of tlte expenclitures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs Engineering and Inspection Valuation and Assessment 5ervices Administration Charge - Puhlic Health Re-Check Charge - Public Health Abatement Service Charge TOTAL EXPENDITURES Charge To Net Assessment $_900.7 $ $_10�_00 $_50.00 $_90.00 $1,140.74 $1,140.7 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $1,140.74 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of lanct deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature o£ the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. � Dated 7 ' dJ� / �— �n�ip� ,;,.i,. � L.l ��iv�`� �„X�,d.uation and Assessment Engineer � REPORT Date: May 6, 1997 �� i � _ f � Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 Ciry Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard s l .1_: : {� Ge17y Str3tUm3n Legislative Hearing Officer 1. Resolution ratifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following (Iaid over from April 15, 1997 I.egislative Hearing): 1132 Central (79701BB) 1086 E. Jessamine (J9702BB) 694 Sherburne (19722BB) 616 Idaho (9704AAA) 1110 Forest Sueet (J9704AAA) Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval of the assessments with the following exceptions: 328 Ixxington (J9701BB) recommended deleting the assessment. 2. Resolution rarifying assessments of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following: J9705B--Boardings-up of vacant buildings for November 1996 J9705C—Demolition of vacant buildings for December 1996 and January 1997 J97051B—Boardings-up of vacant buiidings for December 1996 79705A—Summary Abatements (snow removal and/or sanding walks of winter 1997 Leg'sslative Heazing Officer recommended approval of the assessments with the foflowing exceptions: 2176 Stillwater Avenue (79705A) laid over to June 3, 1997. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at� Laurel v ue. ff the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Heaith is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to 180 days. q�i �5�� - 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at S�0 Marc^l�d Av me �cr. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the � building. Laid over in Legislative Iiearing to June 17, 1997. � � �� s ��� MINUTES OF LEGISLATIVE HEARING May 6, 1997 Room 330, City Hall Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Votel, Guy Willits, Public Health; Cathy Ries, Rosanna Flink, Real Estate. Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing O�cer, called the meetittg to order at 10:05. Resolution ratifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for sutnmary abatements for the following (Laid over from Apral 15, 1997 I,egislative Hearing): 328 I.exington (J9701BB) 1132 Central (J9701BB) 1086 E. 7essamine (J9702BB) 694 Sherburne (J97Z2EB) 616 Idaho (9704AAA) 1110 Forest Street (J9704AAA) 1132 Central Avenue West Mohammed 5hahidullah, property owner, appeared and stated that when he received the abatement order on July 19, he boarded up the building. Mr. Strathman questioned the fact that the contractor went out on July 18 and boarded the building, and then the very next day, orders were issued again to secure the building. Chuck Votel, Public Health, reported that these were new openings the day after the contractor had been there. Under the normal procedure, the contractor will board all openings that are stated on the original order. If there are openings that are not listed on the orders, the contractor will call the inspector. The next day, the inspector issued orders for the additional openings. Mr. Strathman stated that orders were issued on June 18 which gave the property owner approximately one month to secure the building; the contractor did the work on July 18. He recommended approving the assessment. 328 Lexing�n Mohaiiuixed Shahidullah, property owner, appeared and explained that he did secure the building after he was notified on July 9. When he was at the buiiding and was about to leave, one of the crew was pulling off the board he had jast put up. He told the worker that he had just boarded the building and asked him to wait while he called the city. When he got back to the building, the worker had left and no boarding had been done. g � Chuck Votel, Public Aealth, reported that on June 28 the inspector posted a noflce on � the building to secure the garage, no6ce was mailed on July 2 with a compliance date of July 31. On July 5 a recheck was done, ihe building was still open and the work order was sent to Parks. On July 9, the contractor went out and put up one board on the gazage. Mr. Votel noted that the structure is a condemned, vacant, apartment building. Mr. Strathman recommended deleting the assessment based on the properry owner's testimony that he had done the work and that the contractor didn't do any boarding. 1Q86 Jessamine Avenue Easf No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. ¢Q4 Sherburne Avenue No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 2. ltesolution ratifying assessments of Uenefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following: J9705B—Boardings-up of vacant buildings for November 1996 J4705C--Demolition of vacant buildings for December 1496 and 7anuary 1497 J97051B--Boardings-up of vacant buildings for Aecember 1996 J9705A--Summary Abatements (snow removal and/or sanding walks of winter 1997 � 503 Asburv No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1090 Bradlev Street No one appeazed; recommended approving the assessment. 68 Cleveland Avenue North No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. �328 Dale Street North No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1850 Feronia Avenue Guy Willits, Public Health, showed a video of the properry and reviewed the staff reQort. The orders were mailed on January 3, 1997, to remove snow and ice from the walk. A recheck was done on 7anuary 8 and 7anuary I5. The snow was not removed and Parks did the work on 7anuary 18. Jennifer Krueger, property owner, appeared and stated that the day she received the phone cail from the city, she went out and spent aimost three hours shoveling the � sidewalk. She explained that she doesn't get home from work unti14:00 p.m. and she `� s ��� has a small child, so sometimes it takes her two days before she can get out to shovel. The inspector may have been out right after a snowfall. Mr. Stcathman noted that the video showed that the sidewalk in question had not been shoveled and the crew observed that it didn't look like it had been shoveled all winter. Tio rrcnnmirudcd npprnvnl tl� IIIC flV`iC45IlICIIi. 1110 Forest StreeE No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1528 Crand Avenue No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 616 Idaho Avenue East Mr. Willits showed a video of the properiy and reviewed the staff report. Orders were mailed on October 30,1996, to remove fumiture, aquarium, tires, refuse, junk, household items, and windows from the front Yazd. The compliance date was November 7, a recheck was done on November 26, 1996 and December 3, 1996. The property was not cleaned up and Parks did the work on December 3, 1996. Aelmut Freiseis, property owner, appeared and stated that after taiking to the inspector, it was his understand'ang that he would be given some time because he was having back problems. Some of the items removed by the city were not junk; they had been moved out from the interior rooms while he was doing some remodeling. fie did not understand how they differentiate between what is junk and what is not junk. Mr. Strathman noted that the orders were first mailed on October 30 and that extensions had been given. If the city removed property that should not have been removed, a claim may be filed with the city attorney's office. He stated that proper notifacation was given, the work was done by the city on December 3, and reconnmended approval of the assessment. - 956 E. Minnehaha Mr. Willits showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. Orders were mailed on Aecember 30, 1996 and January 7, 1996 to remove snow and ice from the walk. A recheck was done on December 30 and January 7, and the sidewalk had not been shoveled. A work order was sent to Parks and the work was done on December 3, 1996. Caivin Burton, property owner, appeared and stated that he did talk to the tenants responsible for shoveling the snow and they told him that someone was coming out to take care of it. He wasn't aware that it was the city that was coming out. Fie said he didn't receive any notice or phone call, if he had, he wouId have complied. He felt the amount of the charge was overkill and price gouging. a� -5�� Mr. Strathman explained how the assessment is computed. He noted that the inspector � had also talked to the tenant about the snow removal. The video showed that the sidewalk in question had not been shove3ed, property notice was given and the work was done by city crews. He recommended approving the assessment. 2060 Minnehaha Avenue East No one appeared; recomznended approving the assessment. � 1076 3rd Street East No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at " 796 Laurel Avenue. If the owner faiis to compiy with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the buiiding. Mr. Votel reported that the building was condemned in November 1996; there were three summary abatement notices issued. On February 20 1997 a tist of viotations was cond�cted, the building was declared to be a nuisance and ordered to be repaired. The vacant registration fees and real estate taxes are paid. On Apri14, 1997 a code compliance inspection was done and as of yesterday a$2,000 bond was posted, and building permits were obtained. Lynn Klicker-Uthe, attorney representing the property owner Pieetra Kooiker, stated � that her client plans to rehab the building. Some of the work that was initially looked at has been completed. Aer client has applied for funding through the St. Paul Home Loan Fund. Everything is in order, bids have been received and the contractors are lined up. Their only concem is the time frame and what needs to be done to satisfy the city. Mr. Strathman stated that the issues listed on the code compliance inspection report dated Apri14 need to be addressed. Iie recommended amending the date €or repair or removal of the structure to 180 days. 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced buiiding located at 850 Mazyland Avenue East. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Mr. Yang and Mr. Chong were present. Mr. Yang stated that they are in the process of purchasing the property from KFC, the current owners. They intend to submit a proposal for a mimi mazket. Their intent is to improve the buiiding; they ue only interested in the property if the building is not demolished. Mr. Strathman asked if they were working with an agent and when they expect to purchase the building. Mr. Yang responded that they have to sign the purchase � agreement and plan to ctase within 30 days. g�t-s�� Mr. Votel reported that the certificate of occupancy was revoked in 1993. KFC National Management Company has been marketing the property for the last four years unsuccessfully. The vacant building registration fees and real estate taxes are paid. An estimate cost to repair the structure is indeterminable due to possible future commercial usage. 'The estiznated cost to demolish is $I0,000. Mr. Strathman recommended laying the matter over to 7une 17, 1997, pending the sale of the property. The meeting adjoumed at 11: t 0 a.m. � Gerry Str�tlunan, Legislative Hearing Officer � N � O W 0 � N U' O 6 6 Y � N F K W N 6 N O C P d N W N fA r �OOIIN � F- � 5� O O 11 1� • 2 . . 11 J� N V� N II N� O� O N � II �T • C `� � N(A fR 1� N� U Q � N{ 11 (A � II K K � �� W O � 11 U' F � 11 Q U • II 2 6 � II Q LL � II F N � O O O f � O O O P � W o O N 2 � 1�00 � � • P M�-� � o # O N r 1- U £ 6 h y ¢ W � o 0 0 I- � 000 Q � O O O C! K � • 6l � 1!� N N 1- N � O � 2 P � F- U W � C d W tn t7 6' U 1' O W � O. 6 LL £ � � N z Q F U H 2 � V' Ul v� � aow 1' � ... U tJ J � � F K . 7 c� U � 6 f � z 6� O o w M Q fn K Q W Z x 2 f F W 2 £ O w � > ��¢ o n � n_ � w a C � �- f (J � F- O •+ N � N 2 W U p r .� W W Vl � Y � -�YQ 6] f� Q J W 7 K � O(L ��O n w� s n P a�wro � O � > � vi 6' � OI-# N 6 � J O \ C) J CO N P W U W O � �T W N • � W � � I� �O 6 � P 6' � NOd w�w¢ow� v r�-o��• N 6 � �-C� 6 • C Yl £ O � v X� W} i n Q O Q• d F Vl N� h r O Z 3� Q� � K � £ W N 1' • 60 "+CJ � O � U J 2 • .. K J �O �r � � w�n6NO � w � �o.aoz � .. z � � m .- w � 3� w � r O 6� � O � YON# �k • N O O II OJ I�OO 11 A • II • W V1 V� II W ON� 11 �t N (q !p II N � II � II n n 11 II 11 I I N I I J 11 W 11 V 11 K I I ¢ II 6 II W II F (n U' 11 6 U K 11 E a � ¢ n w � vix n x 1- U II W C� tn II Z O W 11 J O �+UUIIQ O � 11 V- � • �j II O 6'E 2' II 1- 4J O C W 11 J Cl Q lA 11 H W II U U J J J II W L� a¢4 ii ¢ � i- r n o o. o O o �� z 1- I- F 11 6 � � l I .- . W � N • N � O W � � O � O � U' O � O 6 d � � r M r � .1 i M K w M M 2 � N i N O � � P � P O. � N � N � � M M 4J � 000II O i 000II O 1- • 0001� O i vi00 11 Vt 2 . • It • N 7. m vi �n �� N i P vi in �� P O. 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