97-572Council File # �� �T Ordinance # '��� � : �. . �L� . � . . --- PYesented 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Referred To RESOLVED: Committee: Date 59 That application, ID #B-05039, for a new State Clasa B Ga[nbling Premise Permit by Star Swim Club Inc. at Plums Neiqhborhood Bar & Gri11, 480 Snelling Avenue South, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department ofo � - - R- R ' •}_ .}• t •�11'} � - •} i 1Y � �r �� Form Approved by City Attorney BY= T��M� • _c� �BY �-�-!'i'�..C/Z Approved by Mayor: Date �3 ��"� �— By: �-- Green Sheet # �5328 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � 1� � Approved by Mayor for Submisaion to Conncil By: Adopted by Council: Date M�,,, �y,�qQ�� — �T — Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � N �� s�M�flz�-��.y� TOTAL # OF SIGNATUHE PA6ES FOfl �t� - s'�� GREEN SHEET N_ 35328 INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE DEPARTMENT DiREGTOR � CISY CAUNCIL CIN ATfORNEY O CITY CLERK BUWET DIREGTOR � FIN, & MGT. SERVICES DIR. MAYOR (OR ASS4STAN� O ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Revin 0'Connell on behalf of Star Swim Club Inc, requests Council approval of their application for a new State Class B Gambling Premise Permit, ZD I6B-05039, at Plums Neighborhood Bar & Grill, 480 Snelling Avenue South. _ GB COMMITTEE _ ' _ STAFF _ ' � DISTFICTCWRS _ ' SUPPOfiTS WHICH COUNCIL OHJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER iXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoMirm ever worketl untler a contrad for this department? - YES NO 2. Has this person/Firtn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a swll not normally possessed by any current ciry emp�oyee? YES NO Explafn al! yes answers on separate sheN a�xl attneh to green ahaet When, Where, Why): � - • - �F.cs:••_ ., ? � I i ( � , • . '.�i •'.. . M W . 1 �* `^'°' �• #,$"ij Ci �� t��d TOTALAMOUN70FTRANSACTION $ COST/flEVENUE BUDGEiEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN� Greensneet# ssszs L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST oate: qj�"��� ln Trackef? APP n Received / nPa'n arocessed license ID # B-05039 - State �l License Type: State Class B GamblinQ Premise Permit Company NBme: Star Swim Club Inc. DBA: Star Swim Club Inc. BUSiuess P,ddresss: 480 Snellin¢ Ave. S, (Plums) Business Phoae: 772-7331 Contact Name/Address:_ Revin 0' Connell/CEO Home Phone: 483-8271 Date to Council Pu6lic Heazing Date: '}'11c� i�'r . ]9G % Notice Seni to Appliran� �}�� f 9`7 120 Labels Ordered: N/A District Council Notice Sent to Public: Ward #: 03 Department/ Date Inspections Comments C'rty AttomeY � l'.17�1 � �1"i7� � �� ! Environmental Heaith �l� F��e N�/� License Site Wan Heceived: Lease Received: ' � � � Police �COYY� (�-/ �� !7"A�--Cl� Q� Zoning ' "�� LG214 , _ _.� ..., ..- . ..,- �. - �aA� '`f.;:-. :. , . -.:.�r%. nas�vti> -z ;U . � -, . ' ` ' -- ` ., r.� Y' 4 a� MxnnesoLa Lmbful GariebIing V � � � Premises Perinit Applicatioia�-.Part-l�°of 2`--�`°���'= � � - � �. Renewal. -_- - . . - Organisation base i"wense number_ , ` - Premises pertnit number � � . , � _.. New ., cla:s oi premises parmi[ -- - �- - ... . . ,, :, , , � �--_..: :y„.�eheek;one) �v:::: " A (S400j Pui4tabs. tiptoarc = � - . ..,- , ,5 �_ ' - &(325D)-Pu9-tabs:Dpboart — � _ . , . Q , C (S200J �&ngo�oniy _ ; .�� _ � • ��Q D (5150) Fafttes enly % �` .. . _ . . <r : ,?; x '�°` a �. �. ." ?`.' �,� vObZ�.4`,w:,�ttS: �.. � . � /�1N.. '.a�::.�,� chief executive o�cer (annot be your gambting.manager; .. . � .w . i _ . ... . .... . .. :..v, .,z ;, :e �f your � � for a cIa'ss:S or`C' �,.imit: ifll tn da '� arid be ����'��``���-ei If aPPh'�g P' YS, g�g No more than seven bingo occasions may be conducted�by„youi -Bay� Beginnfng/EndSng Hours ,- - Day - �� Beg'uining/Ending�Hovrsx to � to � � . , ..� �,•.' . . �— � 2 f `�2a'.. _>:� �. _.... ��Ifbingo will not be`conduef�d; 't2 . _ _ . . . , .- � - . .. . , .�..� rn- r �i:�c're ,.o..,�..,��,o,.�,�.,...�.,...,.a,� ,. � � :...,... . ....�...�,.....�., i � . ....o.. °, �tv,wt.s it/�i�'�Ro,eHooe 8/1 G�?i�L" �/8a S.rJECC%�i�-flvs-: ts�the premises locatsd within ciry.km'sts? .�� - O No �.tt eo, is tawnship,:'� organized, �:u Ciry and Counry where garnbiing premises is located Ofl Township and Counry where 9ambling premises is S-r... P���. .� . RR.ti s� � .; l ��., �. Name and adAress ot legal owner of premises , Ciry, . , State ., . „ .-.. ...n P�n 1 ( ' _ �.� /1_ � .. _ _. y ,.x._ .;"1�� yow organiz2COn own the buildmg where tlt9 g3mbiing wUl be contluctea"! .. p 7tS ,.,_ � rv0 ., .. . . .. if ra, attach the foilowin4� . - �. � _�... ` .� . ��� ". •� a copy of the laase (form LG202) with" mrms for at�least one year -. �- �,„� �• a copy ot a sketeA ot the 800r plan witli dmensions, shovring what-por6onls • A iease and sketch are rwt required tor Ctass D apptirabons �� ���„� _. �_ . ,�: .._ .s_.... ,..' .Y,._....., . .. a:1.;..'x...... _ .:�w.a'%.�.. _`Y ,c:.L.n.. .[�k _ � .x�.rw�` .-�..�. . �_ > . , ��}7wS�awTr 3v ry � n rr -;�;;.,;��.,:.,-..: -. ntf„nesocazau,Ju�c,ambtuig - "`:�'�;Preause Permit Application - Part 2 of 2 "'F ..�-s..� ' _ " ��_.,=i�x�"3 , - - - . , ' - ' _ . - ' . OifKl1P ,. _ , . ,. . - .�,"*.;r�• ' - -..-�.. _ _';..t��i7�� . �� _ .ri0' �/��:....�_\: .,. y � 3 �'° �`QEFtt '�CA ZA .�'` ...,._� �sv:pr' ' 'Oic � ffvn`���� -__ ,. .� _. : zys8 BQ�ecEview ':h_'_F_=.: _ ._ : � '-.-. � ,l •«'�• - � zzr7 �oc.Ear � C '�. 'ACN ""y15�"'�ei.ei?te.v r.r :�w-:' �s7P'�:N/eA�.._:� f: -. � ; ' .STi7B r:. . . : /� •P.�es.:� ME�,. ��. nt�osization- -:' �, .t am tha ehief oxecutive of(�car of the organizaYpn; . bcal law anforcomeM officen, tha .i assume futi rosponsibiliy for the iair and Iawfui opara- r baard, or the commissionac ot tion of att activrties to be conduded; Pry, or agenu et tha commissb�ers, �,� �� ��d��e myselS with the taws ot Mintfesota . es Jo enforeelha law."r`< �_ "�`<" -, �'�verning 4awtul gambl+ng and rules of the board'and :, formatloa _ ',�_ _:: ,:; - : .. __ agrea. 'rf ticeased. to abide by those laws and rules:- �- � � _ pd-to tha bank reoords of iha �uuding amendmenu to them; ' enevx nacassary iqfu�U; ." e;�-� ,<?. in appiication information wiU be submitted nt'gambGng tuks"and law: ';=, "' � :to tMe board and bcal unit ot govemment within.l0 days J' of the ehange; and `�:t';'°'. , °- ' �I undarstand that failure to provide required intormafwn ication.and a11 infotmption submkfed_ : or providing talse or misleading informatian may result in -.� xuratdafx3 mmptete: `'`' '. �e denial or ravxatwn of tha 1'icense. xmaGoa has baen fupy dsdosad; ` ' e.ottiear '',',:,-{ .;.:.. ,. ` Date " : � �, - ,: `� �__- � ` ' � _ _ � ,_ __� :� �°-,�- l�<: �� , " : _,--=#.,. _ _ � - 7 . C' - - �i � " ` ' ` "'`" s � � °"` '`' ' � " 4 "A eoov o} the loeal unit oi yovernmenYS resolution ao- ` ieation it iha gambling (xem- ����a this ao�lication must be atteehed to this aeolicafron °" '`'' S, ft this application 'a denied by the bcai unh of govemment, '•-.must sign this application rf it should not be wbmitted to the Gambling Condoi Board. �dwAfiina.townsli�. .€�.':ae�� z�,.� _.. . �. �.a�,•,�,: �' . city�oi county}'�ust pass a _ ` ;�qownsh3p: By sgnature bebw, the township acknowledges �.o� de�Yic�q this apP�icat�°M .. ' the organization is appVying tor a premises permit within *� „ = Y ' iownship fimits. . ..a r_ . . ., .. ' . .. . . , . . . . . . ti. � _ , _ ___ _., , Townshtp . . _ .: -- 7ownst�ip Name � .-,.. ..,'`�i, ' -_-� - . : .. .... . �.. � �fi ' '.: � T.. _ , r,. ..,� - . �f13Wf@ O( PBff0/1 f!C@IVIl1� 2Pp�iCit1011 � y, : rnn�.. y , � ._ e ,. . ,,,..� .,., .• ' !' �� � � Date Reoaived " -r � �� s, <� ' ".. :_ . . . Date Aecerved .... : r�s:-=q�u £ I �iw_re��rea�naetm,.ns.`` _. :� � _ . _ � . � _ ConUOlBoard -' --� �. �� ' I PLr� South, Ad Floor .,- � ounry Rud e . . ,.,; ,� .,,,, _ :;.__ - 7dN;iSf13';:.:;,-' . �, ; . � , ' " �s lG2)�(PaA 2) tw.�m�a+> 9 ��-3 ?�. � Council File # �� �T Ordinance # '��� � : �. . �L� . � . . --- PYesented 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Referred To RESOLVED: Committee: Date 59 That application, ID #B-05039, for a new State Clasa B Ga[nbling Premise Permit by Star Swim Club Inc. at Plums Neiqhborhood Bar & Gri11, 480 Snelling Avenue South, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department ofo � - - R- R ' •}_ .}• t •�11'} � - •} i 1Y � �r �� Form Approved by City Attorney BY= T��M� • _c� �BY �-�-!'i'�..C/Z Approved by Mayor: Date �3 ��"� �— By: �-- Green Sheet # �5328 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � 1� � Approved by Mayor for Submisaion to Conncil By: Adopted by Council: Date M�,,, �y,�qQ�� — �T — Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � N �� s�M�flz�-��.y� TOTAL # OF SIGNATUHE PA6ES FOfl �t� - s'�� GREEN SHEET N_ 35328 INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE DEPARTMENT DiREGTOR � CISY CAUNCIL CIN ATfORNEY O CITY CLERK BUWET DIREGTOR � FIN, & MGT. SERVICES DIR. MAYOR (OR ASS4STAN� O ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Revin 0'Connell on behalf of Star Swim Club Inc, requests Council approval of their application for a new State Class B Gambling Premise Permit, ZD I6B-05039, at Plums Neighborhood Bar & Grill, 480 Snelling Avenue South. _ GB COMMITTEE _ ' _ STAFF _ ' � DISTFICTCWRS _ ' SUPPOfiTS WHICH COUNCIL OHJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER iXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoMirm ever worketl untler a contrad for this department? - YES NO 2. Has this person/Firtn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a swll not normally possessed by any current ciry emp�oyee? YES NO Explafn al! yes answers on separate sheN a�xl attneh to green ahaet When, Where, Why): � - • - �F.cs:••_ ., ? � I i ( � , • . '.�i •'.. . M W . 1 �* `^'°' �• #,$"ij Ci �� t��d TOTALAMOUN70FTRANSACTION $ COST/flEVENUE BUDGEiEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN� Greensneet# ssszs L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST oate: qj�"��� ln Trackef? APP n Received / nPa'n arocessed license ID # B-05039 - State �l License Type: State Class B GamblinQ Premise Permit Company NBme: Star Swim Club Inc. DBA: Star Swim Club Inc. BUSiuess P,ddresss: 480 Snellin¢ Ave. S, (Plums) Business Phoae: 772-7331 Contact Name/Address:_ Revin 0' Connell/CEO Home Phone: 483-8271 Date to Council Pu6lic Heazing Date: '}'11c� i�'r . ]9G % Notice Seni to Appliran� �}�� f 9`7 120 Labels Ordered: N/A District Council Notice Sent to Public: Ward #: 03 Department/ Date Inspections Comments C'rty AttomeY � l'.17�1 � �1"i7� � �� ! Environmental Heaith �l� F��e N�/� License Site Wan Heceived: Lease Received: ' � � � Police �COYY� (�-/ �� !7"A�--Cl� Q� Zoning ' "�� LG214 , _ _.� ..., ..- . ..,- �. - �aA� '`f.;:-. :. , . -.:.�r%. nas�vti> -z ;U . � -, . ' ` ' -- ` ., r.� Y' 4 a� MxnnesoLa Lmbful GariebIing V � � � Premises Perinit Applicatioia�-.Part-l�°of 2`--�`°���'= � � - � �. Renewal. -_- - . . - Organisation base i"wense number_ , ` - Premises pertnit number � � . , � _.. New ., cla:s oi premises parmi[ -- - �- - ... . . ,, :, , , � �--_..: :y„.�eheek;one) �v:::: " A (S400j Pui4tabs. tiptoarc = � - . ..,- , ,5 �_ ' - &(325D)-Pu9-tabs:Dpboart — � _ . , . Q , C (S200J �&ngo�oniy _ ; .�� _ � • ��Q D (5150) Fafttes enly % �` .. . _ . . <r : ,?; x '�°` a �. �. ." ?`.' �,� vObZ�.4`,w:,�ttS: �.. � . � /�1N.. '.a�::.�,� chief executive o�cer (annot be your gambting.manager; .. . � .w . i _ . ... . .... . .. :..v, .,z ;, :e �f your � � for a cIa'ss:S or`C' �,.imit: ifll tn da '� arid be ����'��``���-ei If aPPh'�g P' YS, g�g No more than seven bingo occasions may be conducted�by„youi -Bay� Beginnfng/EndSng Hours ,- - Day - �� Beg'uining/Ending�Hovrsx to � to � � . , ..� �,•.' . . �— � 2 f `�2a'.. _>:� �. _.... ��Ifbingo will not be`conduef�d; 't2 . _ _ . . . , .- � - . .. . , .�..� rn- r �i:�c're ,.o..,�..,��,o,.�,�.,...�.,...,.a,� ,. � � :...,... . ....�...�,.....�., i � . ....o.. °, �tv,wt.s it/�i�'�Ro,eHooe 8/1 G�?i�L" �/8a S.rJECC%�i�-flvs-: ts�the premises locatsd within ciry.km'sts? .�� - O No �.tt eo, is tawnship,:'� organized, �:u Ciry and Counry where garnbiing premises is located Ofl Township and Counry where 9ambling premises is S-r... P���. .� . RR.ti s� � .; l ��., �. Name and adAress ot legal owner of premises , Ciry, . , State ., . „ .-.. ...n P�n 1 ( ' _ �.� /1_ � .. _ _. y ,.x._ .;"1�� yow organiz2COn own the buildmg where tlt9 g3mbiing wUl be contluctea"! .. p 7tS ,.,_ � rv0 ., .. . . .. if ra, attach the foilowin4� . - �. � _�... ` .� . ��� ". •� a copy of the laase (form LG202) with" mrms for at�least one year -. �- �,„� �• a copy ot a sketeA ot the 800r plan witli dmensions, shovring what-por6onls • A iease and sketch are rwt required tor Ctass D apptirabons �� ���„� _. �_ . ,�: .._ .s_.... ,..' .Y,._....., . .. a:1.;..'x...... _ .:�w.a'%.�.. _`Y ,c:.L.n.. .[�k _ � .x�.rw�` .-�..�. . �_ > . , ��}7wS�awTr 3v ry � n rr -;�;;.,;��.,:.,-..: -. ntf„nesocazau,Ju�c,ambtuig - "`:�'�;Preause Permit Application - Part 2 of 2 "'F ..�-s..� ' _ " ��_.,=i�x�"3 , - - - . , ' - ' _ . - ' . OifKl1P ,. _ , . ,. . - .�,"*.;r�• ' - -..-�.. _ _';..t��i7�� . �� _ .ri0' �/��:....�_\: .,. y � 3 �'° �`QEFtt '�CA ZA .�'` ...,._� �sv:pr' ' 'Oic � ffvn`���� -__ ,. .� _. : zys8 BQ�ecEview ':h_'_F_=.: _ ._ : � '-.-. � ,l •«'�• - � zzr7 �oc.Ear � C '�. 'ACN ""y15�"'�ei.ei?te.v r.r :�w-:' �s7P'�:N/eA�.._:� f: -. � ; ' .STi7B r:. . . : /� •P.�es.:� ME�,. ��. nt�osization- -:' �, .t am tha ehief oxecutive of(�car of the organizaYpn; . bcal law anforcomeM officen, tha .i assume futi rosponsibiliy for the iair and Iawfui opara- r baard, or the commissionac ot tion of att activrties to be conduded; Pry, or agenu et tha commissb�ers, �,� �� ��d��e myselS with the taws ot Mintfesota . es Jo enforeelha law."r`< �_ "�`<" -, �'�verning 4awtul gambl+ng and rules of the board'and :, formatloa _ ',�_ _:: ,:; - : .. __ agrea. 'rf ticeased. to abide by those laws and rules:- �- � � _ pd-to tha bank reoords of iha �uuding amendmenu to them; ' enevx nacassary iqfu�U; ." e;�-� ,<?. in appiication information wiU be submitted nt'gambGng tuks"and law: ';=, "' � :to tMe board and bcal unit ot govemment within.l0 days J' of the ehange; and `�:t';'°'. , °- ' �I undarstand that failure to provide required intormafwn ication.and a11 infotmption submkfed_ : or providing talse or misleading informatian may result in -.� xuratdafx3 mmptete: `'`' '. �e denial or ravxatwn of tha 1'icense. xmaGoa has baen fupy dsdosad; ` ' e.ottiear '',',:,-{ .;.:.. ,. ` Date " : � �, - ,: `� �__- � ` ' � _ _ � ,_ __� :� �°-,�- l�<: �� , " : _,--=#.,. _ _ � - 7 . C' - - �i � " ` ' ` "'`" s � � °"` '`' ' � " 4 "A eoov o} the loeal unit oi yovernmenYS resolution ao- ` ieation it iha gambling (xem- ����a this ao�lication must be atteehed to this aeolicafron °" '`'' S, ft this application 'a denied by the bcai unh of govemment, '•-.must sign this application rf it should not be wbmitted to the Gambling Condoi Board. �dwAfiina.townsli�. .€�.':ae�� z�,.� _.. . �. �.a�,•,�,: �' . city�oi county}'�ust pass a _ ` ;�qownsh3p: By sgnature bebw, the township acknowledges �.o� de�Yic�q this apP�icat�°M .. ' the organization is appVying tor a premises permit within *� „ = Y ' iownship fimits. . ..a r_ . . ., .. ' . .. . . , . . . . . . ti. � _ , _ ___ _., , Townshtp . . _ .: -- 7ownst�ip Name � .-,.. ..,'`�i, ' -_-� - . : .. .... . �.. � �fi ' '.: � T.. _ , r,. ..,� - . �f13Wf@ O( PBff0/1 f!C@IVIl1� 2Pp�iCit1011 � y, : rnn�.. y , � ._ e ,. . ,,,..� .,., .• ' !' �� � � Date Reoaived " -r � �� s, <� ' ".. :_ . . . Date Aecerved .... : r�s:-=q�u £ I �iw_re��rea�naetm,.ns.`` _. :� � _ . _ � . � _ ConUOlBoard -' --� �. �� ' I PLr� South, Ad Floor .,- � ounry Rud e . . ,.,; ,� .,,,, _ :;.__ - 7dN;iSf13';:.:;,-' . �, ; . � , ' " �s lG2)�(PaA 2) tw.�m�a+> 9 ��-3 ?�. � Council File # �� �T Ordinance # '��� � : �. . �L� . � . . --- PYesented 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Referred To RESOLVED: Committee: Date 59 That application, ID #B-05039, for a new State Clasa B Ga[nbling Premise Permit by Star Swim Club Inc. at Plums Neiqhborhood Bar & Gri11, 480 Snelling Avenue South, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department ofo � - - R- R ' •}_ .}• t •�11'} � - •} i 1Y � �r �� Form Approved by City Attorney BY= T��M� • _c� �BY �-�-!'i'�..C/Z Approved by Mayor: Date �3 ��"� �— By: �-- Green Sheet # �5328 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � 1� � Approved by Mayor for Submisaion to Conncil By: Adopted by Council: Date M�,,, �y,�qQ�� — �T — Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � N �� s�M�flz�-��.y� TOTAL # OF SIGNATUHE PA6ES FOfl �t� - s'�� GREEN SHEET N_ 35328 INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE DEPARTMENT DiREGTOR � CISY CAUNCIL CIN ATfORNEY O CITY CLERK BUWET DIREGTOR � FIN, & MGT. SERVICES DIR. MAYOR (OR ASS4STAN� O ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Revin 0'Connell on behalf of Star Swim Club Inc, requests Council approval of their application for a new State Class B Gambling Premise Permit, ZD I6B-05039, at Plums Neighborhood Bar & Grill, 480 Snelling Avenue South. _ GB COMMITTEE _ ' _ STAFF _ ' � DISTFICTCWRS _ ' SUPPOfiTS WHICH COUNCIL OHJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER iXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoMirm ever worketl untler a contrad for this department? - YES NO 2. Has this person/Firtn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a swll not normally possessed by any current ciry emp�oyee? YES NO Explafn al! yes answers on separate sheN a�xl attneh to green ahaet When, Where, Why): � - • - �F.cs:••_ ., ? � I i ( � , • . '.�i •'.. . M W . 1 �* `^'°' �• #,$"ij Ci �� t��d TOTALAMOUN70FTRANSACTION $ COST/flEVENUE BUDGEiEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN� Greensneet# ssszs L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST oate: qj�"��� ln Trackef? APP n Received / nPa'n arocessed license ID # B-05039 - State �l License Type: State Class B GamblinQ Premise Permit Company NBme: Star Swim Club Inc. DBA: Star Swim Club Inc. BUSiuess P,ddresss: 480 Snellin¢ Ave. S, (Plums) Business Phoae: 772-7331 Contact Name/Address:_ Revin 0' Connell/CEO Home Phone: 483-8271 Date to Council Pu6lic Heazing Date: '}'11c� i�'r . ]9G % Notice Seni to Appliran� �}�� f 9`7 120 Labels Ordered: N/A District Council Notice Sent to Public: Ward #: 03 Department/ Date Inspections Comments C'rty AttomeY � l'.17�1 � �1"i7� � �� ! Environmental Heaith �l� F��e N�/� License Site Wan Heceived: Lease Received: ' � � � Police �COYY� (�-/ �� !7"A�--Cl� Q� Zoning ' "�� LG214 , _ _.� ..., ..- . ..,- �. - �aA� '`f.;:-. :. , . -.:.�r%. nas�vti> -z ;U . � -, . ' ` ' -- ` ., r.� Y' 4 a� MxnnesoLa Lmbful GariebIing V � � � Premises Perinit Applicatioia�-.Part-l�°of 2`--�`°���'= � � - � �. Renewal. -_- - . . - Organisation base i"wense number_ , ` - Premises pertnit number � � . , � _.. New ., cla:s oi premises parmi[ -- - �- - ... . . ,, :, , , � �--_..: :y„.�eheek;one) �v:::: " A (S400j Pui4tabs. tiptoarc = � - . ..,- , ,5 �_ ' - &(325D)-Pu9-tabs:Dpboart — � _ . , . Q , C (S200J �&ngo�oniy _ ; .�� _ � • ��Q D (5150) Fafttes enly % �` .. . _ . . <r : ,?; x '�°` a �. �. ." ?`.' �,� vObZ�.4`,w:,�ttS: �.. � . � /�1N.. '.a�::.�,� chief executive o�cer (annot be your gambting.manager; .. . � .w . i _ . ... . .... . .. :..v, .,z ;, :e �f your � � for a cIa'ss:S or`C' �,.imit: ifll tn da '� arid be ����'��``���-ei If aPPh'�g P' YS, g�g No more than seven bingo occasions may be conducted�by„youi -Bay� Beginnfng/EndSng Hours ,- - Day - �� Beg'uining/Ending�Hovrsx to � to � � . , ..� �,•.' . . �— � 2 f `�2a'.. _>:� �. _.... ��Ifbingo will not be`conduef�d; 't2 . _ _ . . . , .- � - . .. . , .�..� rn- r �i:�c're ,.o..,�..,��,o,.�,�.,...�.,...,.a,� ,. � � :...,... . ....�...�,.....�., i � . ....o.. °, �tv,wt.s it/�i�'�Ro,eHooe 8/1 G�?i�L" �/8a S.rJECC%�i�-flvs-: ts�the premises locatsd within ciry.km'sts? .�� - O No �.tt eo, is tawnship,:'� organized, �:u Ciry and Counry where garnbiing premises is located Ofl Township and Counry where 9ambling premises is S-r... P���. .� . RR.ti s� � .; l ��., �. Name and adAress ot legal owner of premises , Ciry, . , State ., . „ .-.. ...n P�n 1 ( ' _ �.� /1_ � .. _ _. y ,.x._ .;"1�� yow organiz2COn own the buildmg where tlt9 g3mbiing wUl be contluctea"! .. p 7tS ,.,_ � rv0 ., .. . . .. if ra, attach the foilowin4� . - �. � _�... ` .� . ��� ". •� a copy of the laase (form LG202) with" mrms for at�least one year -. �- �,„� �• a copy ot a sketeA ot the 800r plan witli dmensions, shovring what-por6onls • A iease and sketch are rwt required tor Ctass D apptirabons �� ���„� _. �_ . ,�: .._ .s_.... ,..' .Y,._....., . .. a:1.;..'x...... _ .:�w.a'%.�.. _`Y ,c:.L.n.. .[�k _ � .x�.rw�` .-�..�. . �_ > . , ��}7wS�awTr 3v ry � n rr -;�;;.,;��.,:.,-..: -. ntf„nesocazau,Ju�c,ambtuig - "`:�'�;Preause Permit Application - Part 2 of 2 "'F ..�-s..� ' _ " ��_.,=i�x�"3 , - - - . , ' - ' _ . - ' . OifKl1P ,. _ , . ,. . - .�,"*.;r�• ' - -..-�.. _ _';..t��i7�� . �� _ .ri0' �/��:....�_\: .,. y � 3 �'° �`QEFtt '�CA ZA .�'` ...,._� �sv:pr' ' 'Oic � ffvn`���� -__ ,. .� _. : zys8 BQ�ecEview ':h_'_F_=.: _ ._ : � '-.-. � ,l •«'�• - � zzr7 �oc.Ear � C '�. 'ACN ""y15�"'�ei.ei?te.v r.r :�w-:' �s7P'�:N/eA�.._:� f: -. � ; ' .STi7B r:. . . : /� •P.�es.:� ME�,. ��. nt�osization- -:' �, .t am tha ehief oxecutive of(�car of the organizaYpn; . bcal law anforcomeM officen, tha .i assume futi rosponsibiliy for the iair and Iawfui opara- r baard, or the commissionac ot tion of att activrties to be conduded; Pry, or agenu et tha commissb�ers, �,� �� ��d��e myselS with the taws ot Mintfesota . es Jo enforeelha law."r`< �_ "�`<" -, �'�verning 4awtul gambl+ng and rules of the board'and :, formatloa _ ',�_ _:: ,:; - : .. __ agrea. 'rf ticeased. to abide by those laws and rules:- �- � � _ pd-to tha bank reoords of iha �uuding amendmenu to them; ' enevx nacassary iqfu�U; ." e;�-� ,<?. in appiication information wiU be submitted nt'gambGng tuks"and law: ';=, "' � :to tMe board and bcal unit ot govemment within.l0 days J' of the ehange; and `�:t';'°'. , °- ' �I undarstand that failure to provide required intormafwn ication.and a11 infotmption submkfed_ : or providing talse or misleading informatian may result in -.� xuratdafx3 mmptete: `'`' '. �e denial or ravxatwn of tha 1'icense. xmaGoa has baen fupy dsdosad; ` ' e.ottiear '',',:,-{ .;.:.. ,. ` Date " : � �, - ,: `� �__- � ` ' � _ _ � ,_ __� :� �°-,�- l�<: �� , " : _,--=#.,. _ _ � - 7 . C' - - �i � " ` ' ` "'`" s � � °"` '`' ' � " 4 "A eoov o} the loeal unit oi yovernmenYS resolution ao- ` ieation it iha gambling (xem- ����a this ao�lication must be atteehed to this aeolicafron °" '`'' S, ft this application 'a denied by the bcai unh of govemment, '•-.must sign this application rf it should not be wbmitted to the Gambling Condoi Board. �dwAfiina.townsli�. .€�.':ae�� z�,.� _.. . �. �.a�,•,�,: �' . city�oi county}'�ust pass a _ ` ;�qownsh3p: By sgnature bebw, the township acknowledges �.o� de�Yic�q this apP�icat�°M .. ' the organization is appVying tor a premises permit within *� „ = Y ' iownship fimits. . ..a r_ . . ., .. ' . .. . . , . . . . . . ti. � _ , _ ___ _., , Townshtp . . _ .: -- 7ownst�ip Name � .-,.. ..,'`�i, ' -_-� - . : .. .... . �.. � �fi ' '.: � T.. _ , r,. ..,� - . �f13Wf@ O( PBff0/1 f!C@IVIl1� 2Pp�iCit1011 � y, : rnn�.. y , � ._ e ,. . ,,,..� .,., .• ' !' �� � � Date Reoaived " -r � �� s, <� ' ".. :_ . . . Date Aecerved .... : r�s:-=q�u £ I �iw_re��rea�naetm,.ns.`` _. :� � _ . _ � . � _ ConUOlBoard -' --� �. �� ' I PLr� South, Ad Floor .,- � ounry Rud e . . ,.,; ,� .,,,, _ :;.__ - 7dN;iSf13';:.:;,-' . �, ; . � , ' " �s lG2)�(PaA 2) tw.�m�a+> 9 ��-3 ?�. �