97-570Council File / 9 'l� � ordinance # �'� i'� p ^. , � �� c..r . •`�: 3 i \'; . ���. L � Presented Referred T.. 1 RESOLVSD: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 35337 S7 That application, SD #87538, for a new Gambling Manager•a License by Mary 8. Van Cura DBA St. Bernard`s Church at Gallivan's, 354 N. Wabasha Street, be and the same is hereby approved. vPAa uava at,sA„t Requested by Department ofs • - - e- - �- - •�- ,�• e .u� ' •+ E E $Y% �. m.. a- t rr, — . Approved by Mayor: Date � � �' �S � By: ` � BY: ��CEI,e�. T �cv�� Form Appraved by City Attorney � 1 , � BY� :/�v�.w�c._; l Y� . �w � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �l-590 � OEPARTMENT/OFFICE/CAUWGL OATEINITfATED GREEN SHEE �° 35337 LIEP - -- CONTACf PEFi50N & PNONE O DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � T'pVDp � � p7Y COUNCIL �NI71At1DATE William F. unther — 266-91 "�'�" 0 cmarroaNer � cmc�aK NUYBERFOK MUST BE ON COUNCIL A END BY (DATE) pOUTING O��ET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ' S� � ORDER � Mpypq (OR ASSISTANn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION RE�UE5TED: Mary E. Van Cura DBA St. Sernard`s Church requests Council approval of her application for a new Gambling Manager`s Licnese; ID �/87538, at Gallivan's, 354 N. Wabasha Street. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Hejett (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST Al7SWER TXE FOLLOWi47Ca QUEST{ONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CNIL SEflVICE COMMiSS10N j� HdS thi5 p8t5oNfirtn eYel wOtked LLilde( a CUnhaCt bf thls depe�tTe[II? - _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO —�� 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a ciry empioyee? — YES NO _ oiSiRiCT COUR7 _ 3. Does this person/fittn ss a skill not nortnali posse y possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTSWM�CHCOUNG�LO&IECTIVE? YES NO Explatn all yes answera on separate sheet an0 attaeh to green sheet INITIAiiNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPE1fl7UN1TV (Mho, WhaS WhBn, Where, Why): , ������� APR 29 1997 �� �� �� ADYANTAGESIFAPAROVED: � t4?'G�1 �I� � 6�AY � � ���� � DISADVANTAGES IP APPftOYED: � � RCEd , __„�,�„� �yYP �v;;;�, Q � R������� 5 �g91 DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: �� � �, V �� ��� � TOTAL AMOUNT OF SRANSACTION E COSTJREVEN1fE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIN6 SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL MFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � Greensheet# 35337 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST �ate: 1�•s�0 In Trackei'? a. 9 apv Recetved / App•n arocessed License ID # 87538 license Type: Gambl� nQ Mana�er Company Name: Mary E. Van Cura DBA: Ct Bernard's Chvrch Business Addresss: 354 N Wabasha Street (Gal l ivansl Business PhOne: 48A—O�F,2 COf1t3Ct Date to Council Research: 5�ot Jy7 Public Hearing Date: '7t�., i�-��G�'� Notice Sent to Appiicant: �5��9�/ Notice Sent to Public: N/A . • 11. Labels Ordered: N/A Districi Council #: 17 Ward 02 Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attomey j � C/7/,/ � �d/`i��G/ �f ��1q �J�O��'? f / l Environmental Heaith /�/� / Fire �1� License � �� ��rv��— Lease Received: / ° /� Police �Cpj-(� l.:�le� ���Q � ��- - �/�-19� 2oning f"��1 ! LG212 (Rev. �/?l?2) �New ❑ Renewal Minrzesota Lawficl Gambiirzg Gambling Manager Application FOR OFFIC� ON O BASE lJC � SEQ #i FEE CHK D ^r.TE INIT Give date tnat the hvo-day gambling manager seminar was cornpfeted. ��/� �/ SG Location of training C��q 4 n , (ciry) Give date ot training ceceived within three years prior [o the data of the applica6on for renewal. _I_I loca6on of Vaining FIRST �VAME MIDDLE NAME MAIDEN pa! of Mcc,� �� 1= I � za.h��-h .��,� h�,! � ���r�' MEMBERSFIIP; Date gambling manager bacame a member of the organizaoon o�i�3 i 98 �Qt1Q�' ... : .. ... . . 77 tL+ �' . . . . . Name of Ckganizadon ; . s: .. � gth . :, , Sx.�Sea�riry ^ �Number ',. C�Co �}73-lXi> �Z � - Daytime Phone ((� 1s. - � Sex : � Male � Female �; ..... :...:...:.....:..�.::�.: .., ..;:-._.. Licanse Number G09ro3 Addrass CiSy/SWte Zip Code Phone 1�� �' aSe �'IUe � ST� �U�,yn�S�/y'� �lvi� > r `i��r_" 0���. > :<,,:.:..... .. . ,:... .... .......:.. ..:.::..:: :...:< . ;.. .. . . . .n'....: i.'."........'..:... .-�'. e.%i. : {. .. ���r�� �p" i �9_II.�_�L�_27"1T). (d��3 -- A 570,000 fideliry bond in (avor oi the organizauon must be obtained for the gambling manager, Nameo(insurancecompany(donotuseagencyname) C�a�hol�c/Nlufc�a�lns BondNvmber BJ�D' . . . .. .. < :.: . . � . .. .. ... .... .. .: . . . , �::..:;:.;.....�:..:,,::: ..;,:•.. . ..., <., ., ,.�:,.,: .:.::: �:.:.. . . ..., ,.._.,.:..;:;��;:��•;�,>.,:. .:;...:,s::.:::>,•:�„<,�:�c:.>:«,;::;<. ...: ..:;�,: � �,.,.:.::.;..�.,.:�,.,.:.. � �;� ,.....,:_>�,:..:;. <v;y.>�.. s .: ...:�. �::.: . � >:� . .�:::.,»:.. ... . .. ... �s>.r`::. :. .. .. . ... ..... .: .. .. r.. . .. . ,.,_,:.. ...: ,. :.�x..,.,:..,,:,.., ,.._ .. .......:....,„:, .;. , ...... .....::o�:.:.:... .... .�,.,... ..:.::�::.:):: ...:..:. ... . .......... . ... ... „ . . .,>-•c:�::,o�.:..:w.L:..n�v...,:.� ..:.:....:... .,...<....s..,.::.>..?:::....::..x:':'s:,;�;:i;P> ... .. ...... ......... ::.. .:��i ...:.:..::......,.:�......... k.. ...; .....:: .,. ....u".`<:...�.�i i::: b:...O:C�.;...:,:y..x....A...:..:i:.::..<.f::.'::�'.v:q.. . iV3::.. Acknomledarrterct.: r.h �... .:,.: �:,r,:a.:::�....r:, 1 dedare ffiat: • I have read thi, application and all informabon submitted to the board; a!i informa5or: is We, accurate and comofste; • all other required intormation has been fuNy disdosed; • f am the only gambling manager of the organizauon; � • i will famiiiarize myselt with the laws ot Minnesota governing Iawfui gambiing and rufes of the board and agree, if licensed, to abide by those laws and rules, incJuding amendments to them; � any changes in appliw�ion information will be suhmitted to the board aad Iocai unit of government wiehin l0 days of tha change; • An aHidavit tor gam6ling manager has been compieted and anached, and • I understand thai tailure to provide required in(ormauon o� providing false informallon may resuft in the denial or revocafion o! the license. Q1 Send the completed application and all requireii attachments to: Gambling Control Board SWte 300 S. 17i1 W. County Road B Rosevflie, MN 55113 • :���� ' Council File / 9 'l� � ordinance # �'� i'� p ^. , � �� c..r . •`�: 3 i \'; . ���. L � Presented Referred T.. 1 RESOLVSD: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 35337 S7 That application, SD #87538, for a new Gambling Manager•a License by Mary 8. Van Cura DBA St. Bernard`s Church at Gallivan's, 354 N. Wabasha Street, be and the same is hereby approved. vPAa uava at,sA„t Requested by Department ofs • - - e- - �- - •�- ,�• e .u� ' •+ E E $Y% �. m.. a- t rr, — . Approved by Mayor: Date � � �' �S � By: ` � BY: ��CEI,e�. T �cv�� Form Appraved by City Attorney � 1 , � BY� :/�v�.w�c._; l Y� . �w � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �l-590 � OEPARTMENT/OFFICE/CAUWGL OATEINITfATED GREEN SHEE �° 35337 LIEP - -- CONTACf PEFi50N & PNONE O DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � T'pVDp � � p7Y COUNCIL �NI71At1DATE William F. unther — 266-91 "�'�" 0 cmarroaNer � cmc�aK NUYBERFOK MUST BE ON COUNCIL A END BY (DATE) pOUTING O��ET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ' S� � ORDER � Mpypq (OR ASSISTANn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION RE�UE5TED: Mary E. Van Cura DBA St. Sernard`s Church requests Council approval of her application for a new Gambling Manager`s Licnese; ID �/87538, at Gallivan's, 354 N. Wabasha Street. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Hejett (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST Al7SWER TXE FOLLOWi47Ca QUEST{ONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CNIL SEflVICE COMMiSS10N j� HdS thi5 p8t5oNfirtn eYel wOtked LLilde( a CUnhaCt bf thls depe�tTe[II? - _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO —�� 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a ciry empioyee? — YES NO _ oiSiRiCT COUR7 _ 3. Does this person/fittn ss a skill not nortnali posse y possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTSWM�CHCOUNG�LO&IECTIVE? YES NO Explatn all yes answera on separate sheet an0 attaeh to green sheet INITIAiiNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPE1fl7UN1TV (Mho, WhaS WhBn, Where, Why): , ������� APR 29 1997 �� �� �� ADYANTAGESIFAPAROVED: � t4?'G�1 �I� � 6�AY � � ���� � DISADVANTAGES IP APPftOYED: � � RCEd , __„�,�„� �yYP �v;;;�, Q � R������� 5 �g91 DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: �� � �, V �� ��� � TOTAL AMOUNT OF SRANSACTION E COSTJREVEN1fE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIN6 SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL MFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � Greensheet# 35337 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST �ate: 1�•s�0 In Trackei'? a. 9 apv Recetved / App•n arocessed License ID # 87538 license Type: Gambl� nQ Mana�er Company Name: Mary E. Van Cura DBA: Ct Bernard's Chvrch Business Addresss: 354 N Wabasha Street (Gal l ivansl Business PhOne: 48A—O�F,2 COf1t3Ct Date to Council Research: 5�ot Jy7 Public Hearing Date: '7t�., i�-��G�'� Notice Sent to Appiicant: �5��9�/ Notice Sent to Public: N/A . • 11. Labels Ordered: N/A Districi Council #: 17 Ward 02 Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attomey j � C/7/,/ � �d/`i��G/ �f ��1q �J�O��'? f / l Environmental Heaith /�/� / Fire �1� License � �� ��rv��— Lease Received: / ° /� Police �Cpj-(� l.:�le� ���Q � ��- - �/�-19� 2oning f"��1 ! LG212 (Rev. �/?l?2) �New ❑ Renewal Minrzesota Lawficl Gambiirzg Gambling Manager Application FOR OFFIC� ON O BASE lJC � SEQ #i FEE CHK D ^r.TE INIT Give date tnat the hvo-day gambling manager seminar was cornpfeted. ��/� �/ SG Location of training C��q 4 n , (ciry) Give date ot training ceceived within three years prior [o the data of the applica6on for renewal. _I_I loca6on of Vaining FIRST �VAME MIDDLE NAME MAIDEN pa! of Mcc,� �� 1= I � za.h��-h .��,� h�,! � ���r�' MEMBERSFIIP; Date gambling manager bacame a member of the organizaoon o�i�3 i 98 �Qt1Q�' ... : .. ... . . 77 tL+ �' . . . . . Name of Ckganizadon ; . s: .. � gth . :, , Sx.�Sea�riry ^ �Number ',. C�Co �}73-lXi> �Z � - Daytime Phone ((� 1s. - � Sex : � Male � Female �; ..... :...:...:.....:..�.::�.: .., ..;:-._.. Licanse Number G09ro3 Addrass CiSy/SWte Zip Code Phone 1�� �' aSe �'IUe � ST� �U�,yn�S�/y'� �lvi� > r `i��r_" 0���. > :<,,:.:..... .. . ,:... .... .......:.. ..:.::..:: :...:< . ;.. .. . . . .n'....: i.'."........'..:... .-�'. e.%i. : {. .. ���r�� �p" i �9_II.�_�L�_27"1T). (d��3 -- A 570,000 fideliry bond in (avor oi the organizauon must be obtained for the gambling manager, Nameo(insurancecompany(donotuseagencyname) C�a�hol�c/Nlufc�a�lns BondNvmber BJ�D' . . . .. .. < :.: . . � . .. .. ... .... .. .: . . . , �::..:;:.;.....�:..:,,::: ..;,:•.. . ..., <., ., ,.�:,.,: .:.::: �:.:.. . . ..., ,.._.,.:..;:;��;:��•;�,>.,:. .:;...:,s::.:::>,•:�„<,�:�c:.>:«,;::;<. ...: ..:;�,: � �,.,.:.::.;..�.,.:�,.,.:.. � �;� ,.....,:_>�,:..:;. <v;y.>�.. s .: ...:�. �::.: . � >:� . .�:::.,»:.. ... . .. ... �s>.r`::. :. .. .. . ... ..... .: .. .. r.. . .. . ,.,_,:.. ...: ,. :.�x..,.,:..,,:,.., ,.._ .. .......:....,„:, .;. , ...... .....::o�:.:.:... .... .�,.,... ..:.::�::.:):: ...:..:. ... . .......... . ... ... „ . . .,>-•c:�::,o�.:..:w.L:..n�v...,:.� ..:.:....:... .,...<....s..,.::.>..?:::....::..x:':'s:,;�;:i;P> ... .. ...... ......... ::.. .:��i ...:.:..::......,.:�......... k.. ...; .....:: .,. ....u".`<:...�.�i i::: b:...O:C�.;...:,:y..x....A...:..:i:.::..<.f::.'::�'.v:q.. . iV3::.. Acknomledarrterct.: r.h �... .:,.: �:,r,:a.:::�....r:, 1 dedare ffiat: • I have read thi, application and all informabon submitted to the board; a!i informa5or: is We, accurate and comofste; • all other required intormation has been fuNy disdosed; • f am the only gambling manager of the organizauon; � • i will famiiiarize myselt with the laws ot Minnesota governing Iawfui gambiing and rufes of the board and agree, if licensed, to abide by those laws and rules, incJuding amendments to them; � any changes in appliw�ion information will be suhmitted to the board aad Iocai unit of government wiehin l0 days of tha change; • An aHidavit tor gam6ling manager has been compieted and anached, and • I understand thai tailure to provide required in(ormauon o� providing false informallon may resuft in the denial or revocafion o! the license. Q1 Send the completed application and all requireii attachments to: Gambling Control Board SWte 300 S. 17i1 W. County Road B Rosevflie, MN 55113 • :���� ' Council File / 9 'l� � ordinance # �'� i'� p ^. , � �� c..r . •`�: 3 i \'; . ���. L � Presented Referred T.. 1 RESOLVSD: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 35337 S7 That application, SD #87538, for a new Gambling Manager•a License by Mary 8. Van Cura DBA St. Bernard`s Church at Gallivan's, 354 N. Wabasha Street, be and the same is hereby approved. vPAa uava at,sA„t Requested by Department ofs • - - e- - �- - •�- ,�• e .u� ' •+ E E $Y% �. m.. a- t rr, — . Approved by Mayor: Date � � �' �S � By: ` � BY: ��CEI,e�. T �cv�� Form Appraved by City Attorney � 1 , � BY� :/�v�.w�c._; l Y� . �w � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �l-590 � OEPARTMENT/OFFICE/CAUWGL OATEINITfATED GREEN SHEE �° 35337 LIEP - -- CONTACf PEFi50N & PNONE O DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � T'pVDp � � p7Y COUNCIL �NI71At1DATE William F. unther — 266-91 "�'�" 0 cmarroaNer � cmc�aK NUYBERFOK MUST BE ON COUNCIL A END BY (DATE) pOUTING O��ET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ' S� � ORDER � Mpypq (OR ASSISTANn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION RE�UE5TED: Mary E. Van Cura DBA St. Sernard`s Church requests Council approval of her application for a new Gambling Manager`s Licnese; ID �/87538, at Gallivan's, 354 N. Wabasha Street. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Hejett (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST Al7SWER TXE FOLLOWi47Ca QUEST{ONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CNIL SEflVICE COMMiSS10N j� HdS thi5 p8t5oNfirtn eYel wOtked LLilde( a CUnhaCt bf thls depe�tTe[II? - _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO —�� 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a ciry empioyee? — YES NO _ oiSiRiCT COUR7 _ 3. Does this person/fittn ss a skill not nortnali posse y possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTSWM�CHCOUNG�LO&IECTIVE? YES NO Explatn all yes answera on separate sheet an0 attaeh to green sheet INITIAiiNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPE1fl7UN1TV (Mho, WhaS WhBn, Where, Why): , ������� APR 29 1997 �� �� �� ADYANTAGESIFAPAROVED: � t4?'G�1 �I� � 6�AY � � ���� � DISADVANTAGES IP APPftOYED: � � RCEd , __„�,�„� �yYP �v;;;�, Q � R������� 5 �g91 DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: �� � �, V �� ��� � TOTAL AMOUNT OF SRANSACTION E COSTJREVEN1fE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIN6 SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL MFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � Greensheet# 35337 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST �ate: 1�•s�0 In Trackei'? a. 9 apv Recetved / App•n arocessed License ID # 87538 license Type: Gambl� nQ Mana�er Company Name: Mary E. Van Cura DBA: Ct Bernard's Chvrch Business Addresss: 354 N Wabasha Street (Gal l ivansl Business PhOne: 48A—O�F,2 COf1t3Ct Date to Council Research: 5�ot Jy7 Public Hearing Date: '7t�., i�-��G�'� Notice Sent to Appiicant: �5��9�/ Notice Sent to Public: N/A . • 11. Labels Ordered: N/A Districi Council #: 17 Ward 02 Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attomey j � C/7/,/ � �d/`i��G/ �f ��1q �J�O��'? f / l Environmental Heaith /�/� / Fire �1� License � �� ��rv��— Lease Received: / ° /� Police �Cpj-(� l.:�le� ���Q � ��- - �/�-19� 2oning f"��1 ! LG212 (Rev. �/?l?2) �New ❑ Renewal Minrzesota Lawficl Gambiirzg Gambling Manager Application FOR OFFIC� ON O BASE lJC � SEQ #i FEE CHK D ^r.TE INIT Give date tnat the hvo-day gambling manager seminar was cornpfeted. ��/� �/ SG Location of training C��q 4 n , (ciry) Give date ot training ceceived within three years prior [o the data of the applica6on for renewal. _I_I loca6on of Vaining FIRST �VAME MIDDLE NAME MAIDEN pa! of Mcc,� �� 1= I � za.h��-h .��,� h�,! � ���r�' MEMBERSFIIP; Date gambling manager bacame a member of the organizaoon o�i�3 i 98 �Qt1Q�' ... : .. ... . . 77 tL+ �' . . . . . Name of Ckganizadon ; . s: .. � gth . :, , Sx.�Sea�riry ^ �Number ',. C�Co �}73-lXi> �Z � - Daytime Phone ((� 1s. - � Sex : � Male � Female �; ..... :...:...:.....:..�.::�.: .., ..;:-._.. Licanse Number G09ro3 Addrass CiSy/SWte Zip Code Phone 1�� �' aSe �'IUe � ST� �U�,yn�S�/y'� �lvi� > r `i��r_" 0���. > :<,,:.:..... .. . ,:... .... .......:.. ..:.::..:: :...:< . ;.. .. . . . .n'....: i.'."........'..:... .-�'. e.%i. : {. .. ���r�� �p" i �9_II.�_�L�_27"1T). (d��3 -- A 570,000 fideliry bond in (avor oi the organizauon must be obtained for the gambling manager, Nameo(insurancecompany(donotuseagencyname) C�a�hol�c/Nlufc�a�lns BondNvmber BJ�D' . . . .. .. < :.: . . � . .. .. ... .... .. .: . . . , �::..:;:.;.....�:..:,,::: ..;,:•.. . ..., <., ., ,.�:,.,: .:.::: �:.:.. . . ..., ,.._.,.:..;:;��;:��•;�,>.,:. .:;...:,s::.:::>,•:�„<,�:�c:.>:«,;::;<. ...: ..:;�,: � �,.,.:.::.;..�.,.:�,.,.:.. � �;� ,.....,:_>�,:..:;. <v;y.>�.. s .: ...:�. �::.: . � >:� . .�:::.,»:.. ... . .. ... �s>.r`::. :. .. .. . ... ..... .: .. .. r.. . .. . ,.,_,:.. ...: ,. :.�x..,.,:..,,:,.., ,.._ .. .......:....,„:, .;. , ...... .....::o�:.:.:... .... .�,.,... ..:.::�::.:):: ...:..:. ... . .......... . ... ... „ . . .,>-•c:�::,o�.:..:w.L:..n�v...,:.� ..:.:....:... .,...<....s..,.::.>..?:::....::..x:':'s:,;�;:i;P> ... .. ...... ......... ::.. .:��i ...:.:..::......,.:�......... k.. ...; .....:: .,. ....u".`<:...�.�i i::: b:...O:C�.;...:,:y..x....A...:..:i:.::..<.f::.'::�'.v:q.. . iV3::.. Acknomledarrterct.: r.h �... .:,.: �:,r,:a.:::�....r:, 1 dedare ffiat: • I have read thi, application and all informabon submitted to the board; a!i informa5or: is We, accurate and comofste; • all other required intormation has been fuNy disdosed; • f am the only gambling manager of the organizauon; � • i will famiiiarize myselt with the laws ot Minnesota governing Iawfui gambiing and rufes of the board and agree, if licensed, to abide by those laws and rules, incJuding amendments to them; � any changes in appliw�ion information will be suhmitted to the board aad Iocai unit of government wiehin l0 days of tha change; • An aHidavit tor gam6ling manager has been compieted and anached, and • I understand thai tailure to provide required in(ormauon o� providing false informallon may resuft in the denial or revocafion o! the license. Q1 Send the completed application and all requireii attachments to: Gambling Control Board SWte 300 S. 17i1 W. County Road B Rosevflie, MN 55113 • :���� '