97-559Council File # g � ��.�.��� � _ Presented Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet #,�� � 3�O � Committee Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul granted a cable television franchise to Continental Cablevision of Saint Paul, Inc. which became effective May 11, 1984; 3 WIIEREAS, the franchise required Continental Cablevision to conshuct and maintain a cable system comprised 4 of an insritutional network and a subscriber network in the City of 5aint Paul, 5 WHEREAS the institutional network is required to meet certain technical standards, including standards in 6 Section XV of the Company's application, FCC standazds and industry standards, 7 WHEREAS, the Transfer and Franchise Modificaflon Agreement of November 13, 1996 required that the 8 institutional network be tested to determine if it satisfied the Company's commitments in the Franchise 9 Documents with respect to the institutional network, including its obligation to provide an institutional network 10 that could be reliably used to provide high-quality bi-directional voice, video, and data transmissions among 11 multiple users, and support eapansion of services and transmission capabilities as contemplated by the 12 Franchise Documents, including the need for reliable higher data rates and current and emerging technologies, 13 WHEREAS, the City and Con6nental Cablevision agreed in the Transfer and Franchise Modification 14 Agreement that Continental Cablevision would develop a Conective Plan for the institutional network and 15 submit this Plan to the City by March 15, 1997 if the tests revealed 'unprovements were necessary, and that 16 this Plan may require the Company to upgrade, rebuild, or replace the institutional netwark, 17 WHEREAS, the institutional network was tested in January 1997 in accordance with the Transfer and Franchise 18 Modification Agreement, 19 WF-IEREAS, Continental submitted a Coaective Plan on Mazch 14, 1997 and the City Council held a public 20 hearing taking testimony on the Conective Plan on April 9, 1997 and accepted written testimony until April 21 16, 1997, 22 RESOLVED that the City Council finds: 23 1. Municipal and noncomxnercial users of the institutional network have eaperienced nuxnerous outages 24 and have found the network to be unreliable in terms of its availability and tecYuucal quality. 25 2. The nerivork was not built, tested or maintained as required. 26 3. The Conective Plan will not result in the insritutional network meeting the technical perFormance 27 standazds in Section XV of Continental's franchise applicarion. � � 1 4. The Conective Plan will not result in the institutional network satisfying FCC standards at �� 2 locations. 3 5. The Conective Plan will not result in the institutional network supporting data speeds users need 4 now and wiIl not provide for reliability or necessary expandability. 5 6. The Conective Plan will not result in an institutional network that meets indusUy standards and be 6 it therefare 7 RESOLVED that the City Council finds the March 14, 1997 Conective Plan to be inadequate to bring the 8 institutional network into compliance with the applicable standazds. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Approved by MayorDate Requested by Department o[ � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council 21 Adopted by Commcil:Date t � � Adoptiot�Certified by Council Secretaz} ����� �EPAFTMEFlTNFFICEfCOUNCIL OATE INITIHTFA E City Council Research May 8 , 1997 GREEN SHEE � CONTACf PERSON & PHONE INRIAVDATE INITIAVDATE ODEPARTMENTDIRE OCffYCAUNCIL Geiry Stt'2fllivan 68575 assicx O CffYATfORNEV � CRYCLEflK MUSf 6E ON C/JUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUMBER FOR ❑ BUDGET DIHECTOR O FfN. 5 MGi SEFiVICES Dlq. NOUTIN6 Ma 14 1997 o"oE" � MAYOR (OR ASS15TAN f) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGtiATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Finding Continental Cablevlsion of St. Paul's Institutional Network Correc6ve Plan dated March 14, 1997 to be inade.quate. RECOMMENDATIONS' Apprave (A) or Raject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEp THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION i. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrect for this department? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF Z. Has this person/firm ever been a C�ty employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICT COURT _ 3. DoBS thi5 Ct50nlfilffi o55ES5 d Sklll nDt nOnRefly pO55e55Ed p p by any current city employee? SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNGIL OBJECTIVEI YES NO Explain all yes anawers on separate sheet and atteeh to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPE1RfUNITY (Whq What, Whan, Where, Why): AWANTAGES IF APPAOVED: DISADVANTAGESfFAPPRWED� � , � �ISAOVANTAGES IF NQf APPROVED: � TOTAL AMOVNT OF 7RANSAC710N $ COS7lREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRC�E ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBEq FINANCIAL INFORKiAT10N (EXPLAIN) � Council File # g � ��.�.��� � _ Presented Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet #,�� � 3�O � Committee Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul granted a cable television franchise to Continental Cablevision of Saint Paul, Inc. which became effective May 11, 1984; 3 WIIEREAS, the franchise required Continental Cablevision to conshuct and maintain a cable system comprised 4 of an insritutional network and a subscriber network in the City of 5aint Paul, 5 WHEREAS the institutional network is required to meet certain technical standards, including standards in 6 Section XV of the Company's application, FCC standazds and industry standards, 7 WHEREAS, the Transfer and Franchise Modificaflon Agreement of November 13, 1996 required that the 8 institutional network be tested to determine if it satisfied the Company's commitments in the Franchise 9 Documents with respect to the institutional network, including its obligation to provide an institutional network 10 that could be reliably used to provide high-quality bi-directional voice, video, and data transmissions among 11 multiple users, and support eapansion of services and transmission capabilities as contemplated by the 12 Franchise Documents, including the need for reliable higher data rates and current and emerging technologies, 13 WHEREAS, the City and Con6nental Cablevision agreed in the Transfer and Franchise Modification 14 Agreement that Continental Cablevision would develop a Conective Plan for the institutional network and 15 submit this Plan to the City by March 15, 1997 if the tests revealed 'unprovements were necessary, and that 16 this Plan may require the Company to upgrade, rebuild, or replace the institutional netwark, 17 WHEREAS, the institutional network was tested in January 1997 in accordance with the Transfer and Franchise 18 Modification Agreement, 19 WF-IEREAS, Continental submitted a Coaective Plan on Mazch 14, 1997 and the City Council held a public 20 hearing taking testimony on the Conective Plan on April 9, 1997 and accepted written testimony until April 21 16, 1997, 22 RESOLVED that the City Council finds: 23 1. Municipal and noncomxnercial users of the institutional network have eaperienced nuxnerous outages 24 and have found the network to be unreliable in terms of its availability and tecYuucal quality. 25 2. The nerivork was not built, tested or maintained as required. 26 3. The Conective Plan will not result in the insritutional network meeting the technical perFormance 27 standazds in Section XV of Continental's franchise applicarion. � � 1 4. The Conective Plan will not result in the institutional network satisfying FCC standards at �� 2 locations. 3 5. The Conective Plan will not result in the institutional network supporting data speeds users need 4 now and wiIl not provide for reliability or necessary expandability. 5 6. The Conective Plan will not result in an institutional network that meets indusUy standards and be 6 it therefare 7 RESOLVED that the City Council finds the March 14, 1997 Conective Plan to be inadequate to bring the 8 institutional network into compliance with the applicable standazds. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Approved by MayorDate Requested by Department o[ � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council 21 Adopted by Commcil:Date t � � Adoptiot�Certified by Council Secretaz} ����� �EPAFTMEFlTNFFICEfCOUNCIL OATE INITIHTFA E City Council Research May 8 , 1997 GREEN SHEE � CONTACf PERSON & PHONE INRIAVDATE INITIAVDATE ODEPARTMENTDIRE OCffYCAUNCIL Geiry Stt'2fllivan 68575 assicx O CffYATfORNEV � CRYCLEflK MUSf 6E ON C/JUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUMBER FOR ❑ BUDGET DIHECTOR O FfN. 5 MGi SEFiVICES Dlq. NOUTIN6 Ma 14 1997 o"oE" � MAYOR (OR ASS15TAN f) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGtiATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Finding Continental Cablevlsion of St. Paul's Institutional Network Correc6ve Plan dated March 14, 1997 to be inade.quate. RECOMMENDATIONS' Apprave (A) or Raject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEp THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION i. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrect for this department? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF Z. Has this person/firm ever been a C�ty employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICT COURT _ 3. DoBS thi5 Ct50nlfilffi o55ES5 d Sklll nDt nOnRefly pO55e55Ed p p by any current city employee? SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNGIL OBJECTIVEI YES NO Explain all yes anawers on separate sheet and atteeh to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPE1RfUNITY (Whq What, Whan, Where, Why): AWANTAGES IF APPAOVED: DISADVANTAGESfFAPPRWED� � , � �ISAOVANTAGES IF NQf APPROVED: � TOTAL AMOVNT OF 7RANSAC710N $ COS7lREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRC�E ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBEq FINANCIAL INFORKiAT10N (EXPLAIN) � Council File # g � ��.�.��� � _ Presented Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet #,�� � 3�O � Committee Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul granted a cable television franchise to Continental Cablevision of Saint Paul, Inc. which became effective May 11, 1984; 3 WIIEREAS, the franchise required Continental Cablevision to conshuct and maintain a cable system comprised 4 of an insritutional network and a subscriber network in the City of 5aint Paul, 5 WHEREAS the institutional network is required to meet certain technical standards, including standards in 6 Section XV of the Company's application, FCC standazds and industry standards, 7 WHEREAS, the Transfer and Franchise Modificaflon Agreement of November 13, 1996 required that the 8 institutional network be tested to determine if it satisfied the Company's commitments in the Franchise 9 Documents with respect to the institutional network, including its obligation to provide an institutional network 10 that could be reliably used to provide high-quality bi-directional voice, video, and data transmissions among 11 multiple users, and support eapansion of services and transmission capabilities as contemplated by the 12 Franchise Documents, including the need for reliable higher data rates and current and emerging technologies, 13 WHEREAS, the City and Con6nental Cablevision agreed in the Transfer and Franchise Modification 14 Agreement that Continental Cablevision would develop a Conective Plan for the institutional network and 15 submit this Plan to the City by March 15, 1997 if the tests revealed 'unprovements were necessary, and that 16 this Plan may require the Company to upgrade, rebuild, or replace the institutional netwark, 17 WHEREAS, the institutional network was tested in January 1997 in accordance with the Transfer and Franchise 18 Modification Agreement, 19 WF-IEREAS, Continental submitted a Coaective Plan on Mazch 14, 1997 and the City Council held a public 20 hearing taking testimony on the Conective Plan on April 9, 1997 and accepted written testimony until April 21 16, 1997, 22 RESOLVED that the City Council finds: 23 1. Municipal and noncomxnercial users of the institutional network have eaperienced nuxnerous outages 24 and have found the network to be unreliable in terms of its availability and tecYuucal quality. 25 2. The nerivork was not built, tested or maintained as required. 26 3. The Conective Plan will not result in the insritutional network meeting the technical perFormance 27 standazds in Section XV of Continental's franchise applicarion. � � 1 4. The Conective Plan will not result in the institutional network satisfying FCC standards at �� 2 locations. 3 5. The Conective Plan will not result in the institutional network supporting data speeds users need 4 now and wiIl not provide for reliability or necessary expandability. 5 6. The Conective Plan will not result in an institutional network that meets indusUy standards and be 6 it therefare 7 RESOLVED that the City Council finds the March 14, 1997 Conective Plan to be inadequate to bring the 8 institutional network into compliance with the applicable standazds. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Approved by MayorDate Requested by Department o[ � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council 21 Adopted by Commcil:Date t � � Adoptiot�Certified by Council Secretaz} ����� �EPAFTMEFlTNFFICEfCOUNCIL OATE INITIHTFA E City Council Research May 8 , 1997 GREEN SHEE � CONTACf PERSON & PHONE INRIAVDATE INITIAVDATE ODEPARTMENTDIRE OCffYCAUNCIL Geiry Stt'2fllivan 68575 assicx O CffYATfORNEV � CRYCLEflK MUSf 6E ON C/JUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUMBER FOR ❑ BUDGET DIHECTOR O FfN. 5 MGi SEFiVICES Dlq. NOUTIN6 Ma 14 1997 o"oE" � MAYOR (OR ASS15TAN f) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGtiATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Finding Continental Cablevlsion of St. Paul's Institutional Network Correc6ve Plan dated March 14, 1997 to be inade.quate. RECOMMENDATIONS' Apprave (A) or Raject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEp THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION i. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrect for this department? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF Z. Has this person/firm ever been a C�ty employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICT COURT _ 3. DoBS thi5 Ct50nlfilffi o55ES5 d Sklll nDt nOnRefly pO55e55Ed p p by any current city employee? SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNGIL OBJECTIVEI YES NO Explain all yes anawers on separate sheet and atteeh to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPE1RfUNITY (Whq What, Whan, Where, Why): AWANTAGES IF APPAOVED: DISADVANTAGESfFAPPRWED� � , � �ISAOVANTAGES IF NQf APPROVED: � TOTAL AMOVNT OF 7RANSAC710N $ COS7lREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRC�E ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBEq FINANCIAL INFORKiAT10N (EXPLAIN) �