97-553Council File # � ��� Green Sheet # J ` � .J �.' 9 F^. 1 3 �...v.,�...�, Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA 30 Committee: Date WHEREAS, Congress in the Spring of 1989, passed an employxnent program called the Job Training Partnership Act Title III Economic Dislocation and Worker Adjustment Assistance Act (EDWAA}; and WT3EREAS, the State of Minnesota has designated the City of Saint Paul grant recipient for this program in the Saint Paul area; and WHEREAS, the EDWAA program will provide employment and training services to Saint Paul area workers dislocated due to plant closing; and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota on April 10, 1997 has allocated $132,000 in EDWAA funds to provide services for 132 participants for the period of Apri18, 1997 through April 7, 1998; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor, the Councii of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the City's participation in the Metro Area Transition Project for Saint Paul; and be it RESOLVED, that the proper City of Saint Paul officiais are hereby authorized and directed to execute appropriate contracts for delivery of employment-related services; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, the Mayor, pursuant to section 1007.01 of the City Charter, does certify that there aze available for appropriafion revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1997 budget; and q�•ss� FINALLY RESOLVED, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1997 budget: FINANCING PLAN 345 Governmental Emp & Trng Prog 36582 Metro Area Transition Project 31 I 1-67096 Job Training Partnership Act $0 $132,000 SPENDING PLAN 345 Governmental Emp & Trng Prog 36582 Metro Area Transirion Project 0547-67096 Paymentto Subcontractors 0558-67096 Tzansfer to PED Oper. Fund Current Amended Budget Changes Budget 0 132.000 132.000 Current Budget 0 � Changes 124,000 8 000 $132,000 $132,000 Amended Budget 124,000 8.000 $132,��� RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes in the 1997 budget. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING Director, Department of Finance and Management Services APPROVAL RECOMMENDED Budget Director Requested b� epartment o£: P n'n b Economic Dev lo ent By: By: Approved by Mayor: Date s � �'�`T� : Q . . � • � / �`��1 �' a.� . /!�.�. Approved by M� S bmission to Council By: Adopted by Council: DaCe a" \�� _� �`�� r� Adoptio,� Certified by Council S� etary 9�•ss� DEPM7IAENT UNCIL DATE INITIATED GREEN S E ����� PED ORKFORCE DEVELOPMEN7 DIVISION 04' I 7-97 1NIT Mrt1AVDATE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIHE � CITY CAUNCIL JACQUI SHOHOLM, Z2S I S ASSIGN �CITYATfOflNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON CqUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) RONU�NGFOR � BUDGET DIPECT O FIN. 8 MGT. SERYfCES OIR. OAOEfl � MpyOR (ORASSISTANn O JACOUI SHON TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ONe ( I) (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACIION FEQUESTED: SIGNATURE ON ATTACHED CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION WILL ALtTHORIZE THE GITY OF SAINT PAUL TO ACCEPT $ 1 32,000 FROM THE STATE OF MINNESOTA TO ASSIST DISLOCATED WORKERS THROUGH THE METRO AREA TRANSITION PROJECT. RECOMMENDA7�ON5: Approve (A) or Aeject iR) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UES710NS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this personRirm evar worked under a con[ract for [his department? _ Cle CAMMI'fTEE _ �'ES NO — 2. Has this perean/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _D�STRIC7CAURT _ 3. Doesthis erson/firm p possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city empioyee? SUPPORTSWHICHGOUNCILO&IECTIVE� YES NO Explain all yas fl�swars on saparate sheet and ettach to green sheet INITIATING PROB4EM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who. What, Wh9n, W�ere, Why)' THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL HAS BEEN AWARDED � I 32,000 OF STATE DISCRErIONARY FUNDING TO PROVIDE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SERVICES TO I 32 WORKERS THAT HAVE 6EEN IMPACTEp BY COMPANY DOWNSIZING IN THE SAINT PAUL AREA. PERIOD OF FUNDING IS FROM APRiL 8, I 997 THROUGH APRIL 7, 1 998. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ONE ( I 32) WORKERS THAT HAVE LOST EMPLOYMENT THROUGH METRO AREA DOWNSIZING WILL NAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO RECEIVE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SERVICES AND ULTIMATEL7 GAIN FULL EMPLOYMENT 7N THE SAWT PAUL 1A60R MARKET. DIBADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. ^ �.�� i , i .�, �����'k ' § NONE. SvE�'a.;a�t:�.f �'. ..,... ..... ........::l APR 29 199Z 41:r';�` �; � ��:�i . t��� �� ���.����' DISAOVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVE�: .."–"""'.°•_ '--" THESE DlSLACATED WORKERS WILI NOT RECEIVE THE SERVICES NECESSARY FOR SUCCESSFUL RE INTd TNE SAINT PAUL L4BOR MARKEf. TOTAL AMOUN70FTRANSACTION $ $. ��� � nn GOST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE STATF I71Af.RFfil)NGRY QRCNT qC71VITV NUMBER P6 345-36582-3 I I I�67096 FINANCIAL INFORFSATION: (EXPLhIN) STATE OF MINNESOTA QEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY WORKFORCE PREPARATfON BRANCH Addendum to Job Training Plan SSA #8, City of St. Paul Projecf Name: Metro Area Transition (MATP) SPECIAL CONDITIONS � I Project No. 6116801 Funding: State The Minnesota Department of Economic Security has approved your appiication to carry out a project for disiocated workers financed with discretionary funds available under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 268.022 (Dislocated Worker Fund} and 268.975-98 (Piant Ciosing and Dislocated workers). FUNDING AND TERM: Funds in the amount ofi $132,000 from PY 1996; State Dislocated Worker Discrefionary Funds are being made available under your Master Contract to fund the approved Metro Area Transition Project. The term of the project shall be from April 8. 1997 through April 7, 1998. 2. ItJDIVIDUALS 70 BE SERVED: This project wi{I serve 132 dislocated workers. 3. SPECIAL CONSiDERATMONS: GRANTEE agrees to contact appiicants that have been assigned to them by phone no later than April 11, 1997. GRANTEE further agrees to confact applicants in person and to conduct a personal interview no later than April 25, 1997. GRANTEE will submit agreed to Plans and Budget and Modifications to this Agreement no later than June 2, 1997. 4. Pi20JECT ACTiVtTY RLAN: A comprehensive program of services wilf be made avaifabfe to assist fhe dislocated workers return to the labor fiorce. This plan wiil be written and made part of the first modification and will be provided to the Adult Training and Dislocated Worker O�ce no later than June 2, 1997. 5. EMPLOYABILITY DETERMINATION AND MIS: Grantee shall be responsib(e for defermining and verifying el+gibility in accordance with JTPA and State Palicies. Documentation af Eligibility sha{i be maintained in client file. To allow proper reporting of this project, the Title/Subtitle code 3M-99 must be entered on the State Change form (Section 8, Fields 1 and 2 for all project participanfs. in accordance to the rules estabiished, Grantee shall be responsible for conducting a required post-program follow-up. 6. PARTICIPANT PLAN: Participants shali receive the services outiined in the 9`t- SS3 Participant Plan. This p4an wi{4 be written and made part of the first modification and wiN be provided to the Adult Training and Disiocated Worker Office no later than June 2, 1997. 7. REPORT4NG: Grantee agrees to provide to CBS: A. Monthly Financ+al Status repart due 20th of month foliowing activity; B. Monthly statistica4 report due 10th of mo�th following activity. C. Monthly Federai tmplementation report due the 15th of the monfh following activity; {when applicabte). D. Quacterly Federal Performance and Expenditures report due 15th of month following activity; {when applicable). E. Final report in format prescribed by CBS due at end of grant. F. Ofher reports as may be required. 8. BUDGET: Funds are to be expended in the categories and amounts shown in the Budget. This Budget wiil be written and made park of the first modification and will be provided to the Adult Training and Dislocated Worker Office no later than June 2, 1997. 9. COST LIMtTATIONS: Adm+nistration 10°10 Retraining 50% Support Services 10°/a Basic Readjustment 30% 11. READING/MATH SKILIS LEVEL: The participanYs grade level equivalent in English reading as well as math functioning will be determined by a generaily accepted standardized test at the time of entry into the program. Those functioning at the seventh grade level or lower wiil be further assessed and referred to appropriate services. This Addendum shalf become effective and an NFA issued for the funding when two copies of this document have been signed and submitted by the appropriate officials and returned to the Grantor for final processing. A fully executed copy wi(I be sent to you for attachment to your Job Training Plan, Council File # � ��� Green Sheet # J ` � .J �.' 9 F^. 1 3 �...v.,�...�, Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA 30 Committee: Date WHEREAS, Congress in the Spring of 1989, passed an employxnent program called the Job Training Partnership Act Title III Economic Dislocation and Worker Adjustment Assistance Act (EDWAA}; and WT3EREAS, the State of Minnesota has designated the City of Saint Paul grant recipient for this program in the Saint Paul area; and WHEREAS, the EDWAA program will provide employment and training services to Saint Paul area workers dislocated due to plant closing; and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota on April 10, 1997 has allocated $132,000 in EDWAA funds to provide services for 132 participants for the period of Apri18, 1997 through April 7, 1998; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor, the Councii of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the City's participation in the Metro Area Transition Project for Saint Paul; and be it RESOLVED, that the proper City of Saint Paul officiais are hereby authorized and directed to execute appropriate contracts for delivery of employment-related services; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, the Mayor, pursuant to section 1007.01 of the City Charter, does certify that there aze available for appropriafion revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1997 budget; and q�•ss� FINALLY RESOLVED, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1997 budget: FINANCING PLAN 345 Governmental Emp & Trng Prog 36582 Metro Area Transition Project 31 I 1-67096 Job Training Partnership Act $0 $132,000 SPENDING PLAN 345 Governmental Emp & Trng Prog 36582 Metro Area Transirion Project 0547-67096 Paymentto Subcontractors 0558-67096 Tzansfer to PED Oper. Fund Current Amended Budget Changes Budget 0 132.000 132.000 Current Budget 0 � Changes 124,000 8 000 $132,000 $132,000 Amended Budget 124,000 8.000 $132,��� RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes in the 1997 budget. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING Director, Department of Finance and Management Services APPROVAL RECOMMENDED Budget Director Requested b� epartment o£: P n'n b Economic Dev lo ent By: By: Approved by Mayor: Date s � �'�`T� : Q . . � • � / �`��1 �' a.� . /!�.�. Approved by M� S bmission to Council By: Adopted by Council: DaCe a" \�� _� �`�� r� Adoptio,� Certified by Council S� etary 9�•ss� DEPM7IAENT UNCIL DATE INITIATED GREEN S E ����� PED ORKFORCE DEVELOPMEN7 DIVISION 04' I 7-97 1NIT Mrt1AVDATE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIHE � CITY CAUNCIL JACQUI SHOHOLM, Z2S I S ASSIGN �CITYATfOflNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON CqUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) RONU�NGFOR � BUDGET DIPECT O FIN. 8 MGT. SERYfCES OIR. OAOEfl � MpyOR (ORASSISTANn O JACOUI SHON TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ONe ( I) (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACIION FEQUESTED: SIGNATURE ON ATTACHED CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION WILL ALtTHORIZE THE GITY OF SAINT PAUL TO ACCEPT $ 1 32,000 FROM THE STATE OF MINNESOTA TO ASSIST DISLOCATED WORKERS THROUGH THE METRO AREA TRANSITION PROJECT. RECOMMENDA7�ON5: Approve (A) or Aeject iR) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UES710NS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this personRirm evar worked under a con[ract for [his department? _ Cle CAMMI'fTEE _ �'ES NO — 2. Has this perean/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _D�STRIC7CAURT _ 3. Doesthis erson/firm p possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city empioyee? SUPPORTSWHICHGOUNCILO&IECTIVE� YES NO Explain all yas fl�swars on saparate sheet and ettach to green sheet INITIATING PROB4EM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who. What, Wh9n, W�ere, Why)' THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL HAS BEEN AWARDED � I 32,000 OF STATE DISCRErIONARY FUNDING TO PROVIDE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SERVICES TO I 32 WORKERS THAT HAVE 6EEN IMPACTEp BY COMPANY DOWNSIZING IN THE SAINT PAUL AREA. PERIOD OF FUNDING IS FROM APRiL 8, I 997 THROUGH APRIL 7, 1 998. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ONE ( I 32) WORKERS THAT HAVE LOST EMPLOYMENT THROUGH METRO AREA DOWNSIZING WILL NAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO RECEIVE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SERVICES AND ULTIMATEL7 GAIN FULL EMPLOYMENT 7N THE SAWT PAUL 1A60R MARKET. DIBADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. ^ �.�� i , i .�, �����'k ' § NONE. SvE�'a.;a�t:�.f �'. ..,... ..... ........::l APR 29 199Z 41:r';�` �; � ��:�i . t��� �� ���.����' DISAOVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVE�: .."–"""'.°•_ '--" THESE DlSLACATED WORKERS WILI NOT RECEIVE THE SERVICES NECESSARY FOR SUCCESSFUL RE INTd TNE SAINT PAUL L4BOR MARKEf. TOTAL AMOUN70FTRANSACTION $ $. ��� � nn GOST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE STATF I71Af.RFfil)NGRY QRCNT qC71VITV NUMBER P6 345-36582-3 I I I�67096 FINANCIAL INFORFSATION: (EXPLhIN) STATE OF MINNESOTA QEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY WORKFORCE PREPARATfON BRANCH Addendum to Job Training Plan SSA #8, City of St. Paul Projecf Name: Metro Area Transition (MATP) SPECIAL CONDITIONS � I Project No. 6116801 Funding: State The Minnesota Department of Economic Security has approved your appiication to carry out a project for disiocated workers financed with discretionary funds available under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 268.022 (Dislocated Worker Fund} and 268.975-98 (Piant Ciosing and Dislocated workers). FUNDING AND TERM: Funds in the amount ofi $132,000 from PY 1996; State Dislocated Worker Discrefionary Funds are being made available under your Master Contract to fund the approved Metro Area Transition Project. The term of the project shall be from April 8. 1997 through April 7, 1998. 2. ItJDIVIDUALS 70 BE SERVED: This project wi{I serve 132 dislocated workers. 3. SPECIAL CONSiDERATMONS: GRANTEE agrees to contact appiicants that have been assigned to them by phone no later than April 11, 1997. GRANTEE further agrees to confact applicants in person and to conduct a personal interview no later than April 25, 1997. GRANTEE will submit agreed to Plans and Budget and Modifications to this Agreement no later than June 2, 1997. 4. Pi20JECT ACTiVtTY RLAN: A comprehensive program of services wilf be made avaifabfe to assist fhe dislocated workers return to the labor fiorce. This plan wiil be written and made part of the first modification and will be provided to the Adult Training and Dislocated Worker O�ce no later than June 2, 1997. 5. EMPLOYABILITY DETERMINATION AND MIS: Grantee shall be responsib(e for defermining and verifying el+gibility in accordance with JTPA and State Palicies. Documentation af Eligibility sha{i be maintained in client file. To allow proper reporting of this project, the Title/Subtitle code 3M-99 must be entered on the State Change form (Section 8, Fields 1 and 2 for all project participanfs. in accordance to the rules estabiished, Grantee shall be responsible for conducting a required post-program follow-up. 6. PARTICIPANT PLAN: Participants shali receive the services outiined in the 9`t- SS3 Participant Plan. This p4an wi{4 be written and made part of the first modification and wiN be provided to the Adult Training and Disiocated Worker Office no later than June 2, 1997. 7. REPORT4NG: Grantee agrees to provide to CBS: A. Monthly Financ+al Status repart due 20th of month foliowing activity; B. Monthly statistica4 report due 10th of mo�th following activity. C. Monthly Federai tmplementation report due the 15th of the monfh following activity; {when applicabte). D. Quacterly Federal Performance and Expenditures report due 15th of month following activity; {when applicable). E. Final report in format prescribed by CBS due at end of grant. F. Ofher reports as may be required. 8. BUDGET: Funds are to be expended in the categories and amounts shown in the Budget. This Budget wiil be written and made park of the first modification and will be provided to the Adult Training and Dislocated Worker Office no later than June 2, 1997. 9. COST LIMtTATIONS: Adm+nistration 10°10 Retraining 50% Support Services 10°/a Basic Readjustment 30% 11. READING/MATH SKILIS LEVEL: The participanYs grade level equivalent in English reading as well as math functioning will be determined by a generaily accepted standardized test at the time of entry into the program. Those functioning at the seventh grade level or lower wiil be further assessed and referred to appropriate services. This Addendum shalf become effective and an NFA issued for the funding when two copies of this document have been signed and submitted by the appropriate officials and returned to the Grantor for final processing. A fully executed copy wi(I be sent to you for attachment to your Job Training Plan, Council File # � ��� Green Sheet # J ` � .J �.' 9 F^. 1 3 �...v.,�...�, Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA 30 Committee: Date WHEREAS, Congress in the Spring of 1989, passed an employxnent program called the Job Training Partnership Act Title III Economic Dislocation and Worker Adjustment Assistance Act (EDWAA}; and WT3EREAS, the State of Minnesota has designated the City of Saint Paul grant recipient for this program in the Saint Paul area; and WHEREAS, the EDWAA program will provide employment and training services to Saint Paul area workers dislocated due to plant closing; and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota on April 10, 1997 has allocated $132,000 in EDWAA funds to provide services for 132 participants for the period of Apri18, 1997 through April 7, 1998; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor, the Councii of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the City's participation in the Metro Area Transition Project for Saint Paul; and be it RESOLVED, that the proper City of Saint Paul officiais are hereby authorized and directed to execute appropriate contracts for delivery of employment-related services; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, the Mayor, pursuant to section 1007.01 of the City Charter, does certify that there aze available for appropriafion revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1997 budget; and q�•ss� FINALLY RESOLVED, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1997 budget: FINANCING PLAN 345 Governmental Emp & Trng Prog 36582 Metro Area Transition Project 31 I 1-67096 Job Training Partnership Act $0 $132,000 SPENDING PLAN 345 Governmental Emp & Trng Prog 36582 Metro Area Transirion Project 0547-67096 Paymentto Subcontractors 0558-67096 Tzansfer to PED Oper. Fund Current Amended Budget Changes Budget 0 132.000 132.000 Current Budget 0 � Changes 124,000 8 000 $132,000 $132,000 Amended Budget 124,000 8.000 $132,��� RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes in the 1997 budget. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING Director, Department of Finance and Management Services APPROVAL RECOMMENDED Budget Director Requested b� epartment o£: P n'n b Economic Dev lo ent By: By: Approved by Mayor: Date s � �'�`T� : Q . . � • � / �`��1 �' a.� . /!�.�. Approved by M� S bmission to Council By: Adopted by Council: DaCe a" \�� _� �`�� r� Adoptio,� Certified by Council S� etary 9�•ss� DEPM7IAENT UNCIL DATE INITIATED GREEN S E ����� PED ORKFORCE DEVELOPMEN7 DIVISION 04' I 7-97 1NIT Mrt1AVDATE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIHE � CITY CAUNCIL JACQUI SHOHOLM, Z2S I S ASSIGN �CITYATfOflNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON CqUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) RONU�NGFOR � BUDGET DIPECT O FIN. 8 MGT. SERYfCES OIR. OAOEfl � MpyOR (ORASSISTANn O JACOUI SHON TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ONe ( I) (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACIION FEQUESTED: SIGNATURE ON ATTACHED CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION WILL ALtTHORIZE THE GITY OF SAINT PAUL TO ACCEPT $ 1 32,000 FROM THE STATE OF MINNESOTA TO ASSIST DISLOCATED WORKERS THROUGH THE METRO AREA TRANSITION PROJECT. RECOMMENDA7�ON5: Approve (A) or Aeject iR) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UES710NS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this personRirm evar worked under a con[ract for [his department? _ Cle CAMMI'fTEE _ �'ES NO — 2. Has this perean/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _D�STRIC7CAURT _ 3. Doesthis erson/firm p possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city empioyee? SUPPORTSWHICHGOUNCILO&IECTIVE� YES NO Explain all yas fl�swars on saparate sheet and ettach to green sheet INITIATING PROB4EM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who. What, Wh9n, W�ere, Why)' THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL HAS BEEN AWARDED � I 32,000 OF STATE DISCRErIONARY FUNDING TO PROVIDE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SERVICES TO I 32 WORKERS THAT HAVE 6EEN IMPACTEp BY COMPANY DOWNSIZING IN THE SAINT PAUL AREA. PERIOD OF FUNDING IS FROM APRiL 8, I 997 THROUGH APRIL 7, 1 998. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ONE ( I 32) WORKERS THAT HAVE LOST EMPLOYMENT THROUGH METRO AREA DOWNSIZING WILL NAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO RECEIVE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SERVICES AND ULTIMATEL7 GAIN FULL EMPLOYMENT 7N THE SAWT PAUL 1A60R MARKET. DIBADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. ^ �.�� i , i .�, �����'k ' § NONE. SvE�'a.;a�t:�.f �'. ..,... ..... ........::l APR 29 199Z 41:r';�` �; � ��:�i . t��� �� ���.����' DISAOVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVE�: .."–"""'.°•_ '--" THESE DlSLACATED WORKERS WILI NOT RECEIVE THE SERVICES NECESSARY FOR SUCCESSFUL RE INTd TNE SAINT PAUL L4BOR MARKEf. TOTAL AMOUN70FTRANSACTION $ $. ��� � nn GOST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE STATF I71Af.RFfil)NGRY QRCNT qC71VITV NUMBER P6 345-36582-3 I I I�67096 FINANCIAL INFORFSATION: (EXPLhIN) STATE OF MINNESOTA QEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY WORKFORCE PREPARATfON BRANCH Addendum to Job Training Plan SSA #8, City of St. Paul Projecf Name: Metro Area Transition (MATP) SPECIAL CONDITIONS � I Project No. 6116801 Funding: State The Minnesota Department of Economic Security has approved your appiication to carry out a project for disiocated workers financed with discretionary funds available under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 268.022 (Dislocated Worker Fund} and 268.975-98 (Piant Ciosing and Dislocated workers). FUNDING AND TERM: Funds in the amount ofi $132,000 from PY 1996; State Dislocated Worker Discrefionary Funds are being made available under your Master Contract to fund the approved Metro Area Transition Project. The term of the project shall be from April 8. 1997 through April 7, 1998. 2. ItJDIVIDUALS 70 BE SERVED: This project wi{I serve 132 dislocated workers. 3. SPECIAL CONSiDERATMONS: GRANTEE agrees to contact appiicants that have been assigned to them by phone no later than April 11, 1997. GRANTEE further agrees to confact applicants in person and to conduct a personal interview no later than April 25, 1997. GRANTEE will submit agreed to Plans and Budget and Modifications to this Agreement no later than June 2, 1997. 4. Pi20JECT ACTiVtTY RLAN: A comprehensive program of services wilf be made avaifabfe to assist fhe dislocated workers return to the labor fiorce. This plan wiil be written and made part of the first modification and will be provided to the Adult Training and Dislocated Worker O�ce no later than June 2, 1997. 5. EMPLOYABILITY DETERMINATION AND MIS: Grantee shall be responsib(e for defermining and verifying el+gibility in accordance with JTPA and State Palicies. Documentation af Eligibility sha{i be maintained in client file. To allow proper reporting of this project, the Title/Subtitle code 3M-99 must be entered on the State Change form (Section 8, Fields 1 and 2 for all project participanfs. in accordance to the rules estabiished, Grantee shall be responsible for conducting a required post-program follow-up. 6. PARTICIPANT PLAN: Participants shali receive the services outiined in the 9`t- SS3 Participant Plan. This p4an wi{4 be written and made part of the first modification and wiN be provided to the Adult Training and Disiocated Worker Office no later than June 2, 1997. 7. REPORT4NG: Grantee agrees to provide to CBS: A. Monthly Financ+al Status repart due 20th of month foliowing activity; B. Monthly statistica4 report due 10th of mo�th following activity. C. Monthly Federai tmplementation report due the 15th of the monfh following activity; {when applicabte). D. Quacterly Federal Performance and Expenditures report due 15th of month following activity; {when applicable). E. Final report in format prescribed by CBS due at end of grant. F. Ofher reports as may be required. 8. BUDGET: Funds are to be expended in the categories and amounts shown in the Budget. This Budget wiil be written and made park of the first modification and will be provided to the Adult Training and Dislocated Worker Office no later than June 2, 1997. 9. COST LIMtTATIONS: Adm+nistration 10°10 Retraining 50% Support Services 10°/a Basic Readjustment 30% 11. READING/MATH SKILIS LEVEL: The participanYs grade level equivalent in English reading as well as math functioning will be determined by a generaily accepted standardized test at the time of entry into the program. Those functioning at the seventh grade level or lower wiil be further assessed and referred to appropriate services. This Addendum shalf become effective and an NFA issued for the funding when two copies of this document have been signed and submitted by the appropriate officials and returned to the Grantor for final processing. A fully executed copy wi(I be sent to you for attachment to your Job Training Plan,