97-552Return copy to: � Real Estate Division 140 City Hall - s �• . �� Presented By Referred To Council File #� •��► Green Sheet # �� Committee: Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 WHEREA5, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by resolutions C. F. 193515 approved August 11, 2 1959, C. F. 271031 approved May 10, 1978 and C. F. 91-136 approved March 5, 1991 did vacate 3 certain lands described as follows: 4 South Wheeler Street from south line of St. Paul Avenue to north line of Field Avenue, except that portion of South Wheeler Sueet lying between the north and south lines of Wilmot Avenue and the north and south lines of the alleys in Blocks 5 and 6, Granport Addition, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. 10 11 12 13 14 15 Vacate the west 126.5 feet of the alley in Block 5, Granport Addition; also Vacate the east 33 feet of Wheeler Street lying between the westerly extension of the North and South lines of the alley in Block 5, Granport Addition. 16 All that part of the alley in Block 5 lying easterly of the west 126.5 feet thereof; that part of 17 the alley in Block 6lying easterly of the westerly line of Lot 7, extended southerly in said 18 Block 6, all in Granport Addition. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 WHEREAS, based upon utility easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use filed voluntarily on behalf of Northern States Power Comgany, Continental Cablevision, US West Communications Inc., the Department of Public Works and the Water Utility, and made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the City for itself and on behalf of these corporations and departments, waives the right to utility easements in the vacated areas as described in the certificates inc�rporated herein. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, pusuant to Section 130.06 of the Saint Paul L,egislative Code and on behalf of the City of Saint Paul and those persons for whom the City tias reserved easements, the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul does hereby waive ansi release the retained Utility Easements in the vacated public property as follows: The vacated east-west alley in Block 5, Granport Addition, and the westerly extension of said east-west alley lying between a line drawn parallei u�iL'� the west lina of Davem Street and 645 feet west of said west line of Davern Street, and a line drawn� parallel with said west line of Davern Street, distant 420 feet west of said west line of Davern Street. RESOLUTION ,. .�, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA .,c� 1 BE TT FL3RTHER RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution, the City Clerk is hereby 9/� S� �' 2 authorized and directed to record a copy of this resolution in the office of the Registrar of Deeds, 3 Ramsey County, and that the City Clerk shall maintain a copy of all Certificates of Intended Non-Use 4 referenced in this resoluuon on file in the office of Citizen Services. 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Reqnested by Department o£ Terhnolo�v & Mana¢ement Services By: � �` I \I� A .AQ D'uector Forn� Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date `[ By: _�'ti��� ��` f7 Adopd Certified by Co cil Se tary By: �� '�. -��_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date ��"�f C� � By: '�—, By: � T.M.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION �a�� Apri12,1991 Green Sheet Number: 39533 n+�� r�on ana rno� x,�ner: 2 Eenirrmmvr n�crox crrY couivcu. Tom Sawyer 266-8850 „�, � 1 '`' Q.�'� � UDGEl' DIRF.CfOR FFICE OF FINANCIAL SVCS. ust be on Co�m41 Agenda b9� 3 YOR (OR dSSISf.1N1) 4 l7NCII. RESF.ANCH OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (ci,8 nia, r,ocaTTOxs Fox sicxnlvxE> CTION REQUESIED: Approve the resolution releasing the utility easements in a portion of the vacated alley & vacated Wheeler Street in Block 5, Granport Addi6on OMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RF.TECP (R) NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWIN6: . Has the person/£um ever worked under a contract for ttis department? YES NO PLANN4YG COMh1ISSION A STAFF . Has titis person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO CIVII, SERVICE COhAIISS10N � . Does tltis person/firm possess a s1o11 not normatty possessed by any YES NO current City employee? c� conrnnTTee E lain all YES answers on a se azate sheet and attach. urroaTS w�ucx covxcu, os,�c�� Neighborhoods COUNCA. WARD(S� � DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII. � r� TING PROB7 EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI'PY (Whq What, When, Where, Why?): The Jewish Community Center has requested arelease of easements in the above referenced property in order in to construct an addition to their existing building. DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The addition will provide expanded facilities benefitting the surrounding community. �,.�, -N.�. -,. ���;��.�i° :,.�u=�.� ��:;owW,r � � n.� , �ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: "°�_, APR 07 ��� None. � �:. =e e����� APR 2 9 9997 � �-4. <: .�. � isnnvnrrrecES � xoT nrraovEU: �� �kYO x � � E � � a._d.ceastii� ���"Y.aS+N`v�iC�+` The Jewish Community Center would not be abie to e�and and enhance their facilities. .. OTAL AMOUNT OF'fRANSACTSON: �O.00 �STlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIItCLE QNE) YES NO ACTIVITY NUMBER: FUNDING SOURCE: ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAA`) SIEfBNILflRSaN ArCh��eCiure L a n d s c a p e Architectu�e 81SOCINiEj Peter White St. Paul Real Estate 140 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 6.19.96 Dear Peier, q�.ssa. The enclosed information is being sent to you as a folbw up to our phone conversation today. As we've discussed, the Jewish Community Center of St. Paul (J.C.C.)s planning an addition to the south side of their building, in an area which apparently includes a vacated alley and utility easemenfs. Attached are two sketches which show the location of the proposed (1996) addition. Also shown are the bcations of two other additions dona in 1979 and 1991, which occur over the vacated alley. We are not sure iE the easemeMs were released or reconfigured when these additions took place, but we do know ihal some utiliry poles were moved by NSP io their curreM position abng the south property line during the construction of the 1991 addition. Assuming they have not been released, the J.C.C. would like to have the easements in the vacated ailey released, from a point 420 feet west of the east (Davem St.) property line to a point 645 feet west of the east property line, a total of 225 feet in length. The intent of this request is to ensure the new and existing additions are clear of any utility easements, and is shown in the attached sketches. If easements are not a{ready in pface for the utiliiy lines now running along ihe soulh properry I'me, the J.C.C. would like to be informed by the utilities involved. Thank you fior your heip. Please let me know if there is any other information you need. The contact person at the J.C.C. is Burt Garr, Executive Director (698-0751). Sincerely STEFAWLARSON ASSOCIATES �+ � Brian Larson AIA attachments: "bcation sketch" - 3.19.96, "plan detail" - 3.19.96, "site survey Al2", dated 7.10.90, "site plan A1.1" dated 4.8.96 c: lettedsketches Burt Garr, JCC 8 0 7 N o r t h F o u r t h S � r e e I 5 1 i 1 1 w a t e r M N 5 5 D B 2 T e t e p h o n e 612 430.0056 F a c s i m i 1 e 6t2.439.t179 CERTIFICATE OF lNTENQED NON-USE SS}• q�� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COI3NCIL OF TI� C1TY OF SAINT PAUL In ffie Matter of Vacation File # 96-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behaif of the indicated department or comgany, tl�at it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty descn'bed below: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the west line of Davern Street running westerly to a point 645 feet west of the west line of Davem Street located in Biock 5 Granport Addition and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler Street. excent as here noted: SfATE OF MINNESOTA COUNIY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) 1Le foregoing insttument was acvrowiedged before me this �zth day of A►�gUSf Igy6 �, Bruce J. Sundberg ,� Field Engineer � U S WEST Communications !nc ., Corporation wder the laws of du Slate of Colorado. • • S}tEODORE STROM JR. M6tARY P116U6-MiMYESOTA RAMSET C9UN7'Y MY C�mM. Eapires Jan.31.20�� • ��o�nnnnnrv�w�`�`�`vvvvvvwv�n'w` � My ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hali, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** US West Communications Department or Company CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-tfSE � }, �11- TFIE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation File # 96-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry rights in the realty described below: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the west line of Davern Street running westerly to a point 645 feet west of the west line of Dauern Street located in Block 5 Granport Addition and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler Street. except as here noted: STATE OF M]NNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) N.S.P. - Gas Distribution Department or Company Its �=i� s �nat.tiL�✓ � /�t.� Signature The foregoing iashvment was acknowleAged before me 8vsl3 � day of � / . 1996, by tLe 4� Cin�/t . of \J a ti. / �� under the laws of the State of Minnesota. My commission expic ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St.' F",a�ai„ �fii�' S5102 �` �, � � INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMO CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norni Co[eman, Mayor TO: Tom Sawyer Real Estate Division 140 City Hall FROM: Linda Dickhu� Department of Public Works 800 City Hall Annex DATE: RE: August 29, 1996 DEPARTMENT OF PiJBLIC WORKS � Stary M. Becker, Director �� ss i Certificate of Intended Non-Use for part of Wheeler St. and part of the alley in Blk. 5, Granport Addition A review of the above referenced request has been completed. Attached is the executed certificate releasing all utility rights retained by the Department of Public Works for the vacated area described. LCD Attachments: Certificate Map Responsive Services • Quality Facilities • Employee Pride � CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE q� �SS�•• THE AONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCII, OF TI� CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation FYIe # 96_C_ The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry rights in the realry described below: The vacated east-west alley in Block 5, Granport Addition, and the westerly extension of said east-west alley lying between a line drawn parallel with the west line of Davern Street and 645 feet west of said west line of Davem Street, and a line drawn parallel with said west line of Davern Street, distant 420 feet west of said west line of Davem Street. except as here noted: De�artment of Public Works Department or Company �ts � r,e Gcro�. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) > SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) � .S1gllatUT The foregoing iasm�ment was acSvowledged before me dus � day of �U�9(/_S7� . 199G, by STF} �`� FjE�C�i2 rne d�//�ECTO.�' �r �r f�uL f u8ue, �t/'O,eKS . a 1�u.ur� � PA� �oRPa�2.9 no.c/ under the laws of the State of Minnesota. � w ����.� 11d►AMPIlBUC•11iM�80TA Mj�y�t�qhi 71..W1 p09 M Y C�.wn9�-R�� - �- 7,c1',-��l Noeary blic, Ramsey County, ri]innesota. My commission ezpiues � �"(J u �+ ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** ��§5sl��x"i??�'?'»'�,:'; .. ' � v � �, � � r, s....`a.�,,C „ , t"aA�N, r ,k. . � 'k;.:l„ ' . �^Y`� ��. Z 7� . ���zZ� ,q ����� � �^�2`?��:�:�a_i . ' . � �1 G Y �ry i„Y, I(� 4 ; - ' ;>' ° i.�j .._ ��' �� ..'��,N ' ' '_ . .... ,'� N Q q ' .�- ---- ---- ��: �_ , #3rr;�� ���:: , �_ �, ',��.',7^ n:��:.: ' i ' ' ' _ _ ' _ _ L_. . , ��;�--a;. 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S Y f C� t�4�� o `� � N � A� Y � d �i': r �� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL q� -Sss- In the Matter of Vacation File # 96-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realry described below: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the west line of Davem Street running westerly to a point 645 feet west of the west line of Davem Street located in Block 5 Granport Addition and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler Street. except as here noted: District Energy and Coo in St. Paul Inc. Department ar Comgany Its � t^es;��,�' STATE OF MIlVNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) r S1gI13h1I'C The fo�egoing insaiiment was acknowLedged befoce me fiis � 3 � day of _� u4c�.i 1 . 1996, by f't'N�S �.1 . �V��.,)ta-✓� the f Ytcjc�n......'� of �ISIC'ic%fi �nwa.n 5 '�. p"a+..Q.tllc..a dr�u_� YlM—,Ot^e`7—'f �oY9 Y.vll6N. T' under the laws of the State of Minnesota. t MMh�T(�MnM�nT�n�f�AM�AMMNNAny �, TRUOY L. SHERWOOD >' �, f j�� . NQTARY PUBLIC-MlNNE50TA < `11.:�' � WASHINGTON COONTY � MyCOmm.ExpiresJan. . vvwwvwwwvwwwwvvvwvvwvw + � � ���� Notary Public, Ramsey C�iw�esota. Mycommissionexpixes 31 a000 ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** Department of Finance and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (6I2) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (612) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar q�-ss� REGEiV�D A�6 - � 1�96 DISTftICT ENERGY July 31, 199b RECEiVED David Urke D'astrict Energy and Cooling 5t. Paul, Inc. 76 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 ��'� � �& i�9� REAL ES7ATE DNISION � . o. .,�.• a �oo° Dear Mr. Urke: Jewish CommunitKCenter, the owner of abutting properly, has requested a waiver of a11 easements in the following groperty: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the west line of Davem Street running westerly to a pouu 645 feet west of the west line of Davern Street located in Block 5 Granport Addition and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler Street. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division as addressed above. Sincerely, � Tom Sawyer Real Estate Technician Attachment (a1tF10cert) AUGUST 13, 1996 DEAR MR. SAWYER: DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC. HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJEC7ION TO THE VACATION. ���°• ����� DAVID L. URKE, P.� PROJECT ENGINEER � �r � � i 7 l i i � � { {,� � � n� 0 N N N � W �• N a ' N N N� rn Izz9;� Y C.�T ED 12-2i53 • 4ll395-C' I�Z.Dh 0, N � I �1 -._� ��� m� Zn m N O _ �, N N N W N a N I� N � �- - � �_ �...� ��� � , � 1 32�' .3A32 �� � f' I . �� � - i:h�'_'?J'.�3': +� ;,n,, , ° i ';;� : ", - - .,,�a,rF``�; . � � �� _ ,:; . J ! K *.. �,.., �� D - - - � � n fj: •,e . � _, b G �'; � , . .. . ._� � '_: _.:.;'.�;:,-':,— : , b , � - I _ �'IS .. __ � l� � �' - � � � _ _ _ � sl � W ��� r_ .� r � =i (o � .. :.. ="�; O ' j__ •_��-��-" J �. � �{ �'i;�'c+�;^-if( `�,. � - ", � Ga �„ �.w�.�.; � ,:: ..J ' ��t�.'r'"�'r � ��. I , O '� � �. }��]'� � � � ,�>y`:>i:{ ^ �t � ''2; `,.''o",'" .2_2.L5� � �l � �...�b;'� ---- --' '� � _ i ' C .? ' .� ' �" VAUTGD � � i � " i � '2'S9 � � , ' �in � _ � � � - s, _� „". . 7.5. 41 3�5'6'7 i. ;.:`f!i -I�Z.6%E'_.�� � ' .:_ Un y �',`;.W , . � �i �:,, Y '"'' ' s "�r-':: �i - :5�'� .�.�'�, — ""'_-'-i i � � � _�._.�. _ , i W {�1 . , . .. - ... � I � T�� � � � � ,� _'�,� N 'I-� I ?r � 4 �'t _ .i � � : , � ;'}.; � �r. O '� ` i _y ` ' ' _ m � `I � , ---�- - � _� � � - - - ,-�- - �1 �I � """'1 l. i ' _ ' ' _ ' a+ -I 1 ��� � ' ' cn -I I _ _'� --- - �- - - p _I _' -, -------- � -� N �� --- �i ' '_"; ��_ -- _ � , , „ -r� � - : , - ' __.. . -. _ IZ2:2 � n IL ...'..�.�� � .. . � i �� �+ics CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE a� � ss} THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation Ftile # 9b-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated departmern or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Commencing at a point 424 feet west of the west line of Davem Street running westerly to a point 645 feet west of the west line of Davem Street located in Block 5 Granport Addition and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler Street. except as here noted: �ater Utility Department or Company ItS GenPra't ManagPr STATE OF MINNESOTA ) �/' )s!��'� D > ss. Signature � COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) T6e foregoing insuumeot was aclmowledged before me ihis � th � of Augus t , 1996, by Bernie B. Bullert the G nPr� al r7anagPr of the Saint Pau1 Water Utility _a Municioal Corporation of the City of Saint Paul under tLe laws of iLe State of Minnesota. IIM/�MhJNM/V�M/�M.��PnhAn/b� AMnAMn �_ � ' SHIRLEY A. JGNES � � �;�dl�€ NpTARY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA � Notary � n� RAMSEY COUNTY My Comm. Expires Jen. 31, 200o My c01111Alssioa expi�CS _ Y V VVV�n/yVVWVVWIM/VWVVWVVVWVVW � / �' �! �'�-�/ ♦/ • ** Please return this original copy to 14d City Hafl, St. Pauf, MN 55102 ** .-+r CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE a � � SS'., THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL IQRiif��.�' .7i Vacation File # 9b-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated depariment or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the west line of Davern Street runniug westerly to a point 645 feet west of the west line of Davem Sueet located in Block 5 Granport Addition and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler Street. except as here noted: �,�,�;-,,, +- _ ;,m�:�a : - ,� ; . _.__ ...w , ,_,,:! Continental Cablevision Department or Company �'a + n�� ���`Z"�h. Its �_ n � ii P_ n STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY by of ) > SS. ) C� Gf�-� l4q"� �, _� DEBRA KAY HOGEN tc� `�� � a��\ ��1" ' �� Y NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA Notazy Public, Ramsey County, Mimtes . r� MY COMNdS510N EXPIREB (��� ] � � JAN�ARY 31, 2000 y commission expires t � � 0 0 0 � �� �� Signature ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** under the laws of the State of Minnesota. �. � CERTIFICAT_E_OF INTENDED NON-USE a�' SS�' THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND 1ViBMBERS OF TfiE COiJASCII, OF TEiE In the Matter of CITY OF SAII�iT PAUL Vacation F11e #96-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behaif of the indicated department or conu�any, that it dces not intend r.o exezcise its utiliry rights in the realty described below: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the wesC line of Davern Sueet running westerly to a point 645 feet wes� of the west line of Davern Street located in Block 5 Gra�ort Addition and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler Street. except as here noted: c�7U �� ������ y �as � o-�� �e�. ���, � ; I;��c ,`�-� �� ' ; c�� 1�.v •�, cS PSSt^-L��r�' w�: c�, �1�( `�� � r. � � (/� /�+ �f ✓ fa d d �r � � J f� �.� �` � � �ominental Cablevision Department or Company STATE OF M[NNESOTA COUNIY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) Signature Thc torcgoing inst[umcnc was acb�owledged beforz mc tAis day of �g96 by � °f a under tl�e laws of th� S�aa of Minnesom. NoracY Pubiic. RamscY Cowry. Minncsota. My cocamission czpires ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St Paul, MN 55102'� * 20/L0'd 0G6£ 8ZZ ZS9 NOISI(13�HljJ "iH1Ff3hfllhlOJ BS:bS 966t—£Z—�"J(1Fi CERTIFICATE OF {NTENDED NON-USE q� �SS� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COiJNCIL OR THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAUL Vacation �ile # 96-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry rights in the realty described below: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the west line of Davern Street n,nn;ng westerly to a point 645 feet west of the west line of Davem Street located in Block 5 Granport Addirion and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler 5treet. except as here noted: R�CEIVE a � ; ` . . . � . �_� -:ic �iV!SSOtY N.S.P. - Electric Division Department or Company Tr� Desi.gn Coordinator STATE OF MINNESOTA ) �� � — � > ss. Signature COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing insWment was aclmOwledged before me this 24tt1 a o p I�2.TCI1 X�Y 1997 by Bernard E. Gille � Design Coordinator of Northern States Power Company a corporation under ihe ]aws of the State of Minnesota. �/►• � � Y.+«w� lf�.' y �� . ,( • �. JT' '' �j � ��1 ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** CERTIFfCATE OF 11dTENDED NON-USE ��� � THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In ffie Matter of Vacation File # 96-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated deparkment or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realry described below: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the west line of Davem Street mm�ing westerly to a point 645 feet west of the west line of Davem Street located in Block 5 Granport Addirion and also in a portion of vacated VJheeler Street. except as here noted: I�S � l��s �.L� fs��>���; o� ��.c; �, ��;.e� �� ��-- ��- a°�sc2; b.p� c�.6oJQ, , i�1,,� C��� � � � . . �s�.�� �' ���s � d�z„e �� ��.1�s.� �� s r�-.h J �d � �6,�-��' STATE OF IvI1NNESOTA COUN'PY OF RAMSEY The foregoing bY —.�� �� ) > SS. ) inslxument was acknowledged before me this�= day undec the laws of the State of Miunesota. X jy��yy1�1/y�/�(yyyN(�AMAnMMMM1MAnM/� ■ � - �4S�iE�-��Za���.,1r�. No Public, NOTARY �U6UC-.°.411Ne50TA � _ HcN!�cAf1i�'9�t!?+lSW �o�ssionezpues�� � -.,��.: '�'y�c;�iz�un'.,: " '. .�.JCAO v WNnhnnre�v�d+nnn �..,.n:.2�. -�..,e..n.bv.WV 1t ** Please return this original copy to 140 1996, II, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** N.S.P. - Electric Division � ' /' m j `� m . I �_.y. ti i �� � � t 8! F � F w � �� f , I� �� � � - . ii �� � II . . . . . l� �' _ , ��� f,� . I '��� �,�� � ` � '�►,.*.�*� i � <<►�� ���,��; i (��'!� ,1 C�i „ . ������ , �x . � � . L � �� � a Q r s�-� � � N r I°+i � Q, . � � � l) o o Q � > � ] 1 • � , � . �� �� � _ � J � � � �� � � �� �� d �� U �� � � �m� � e ����.i� , ����'�l� ����� ���'�L�1 ,���:<,..��, � 6 � ��� � ����/ T Z � ��l � ti � � t g . a LL O 4 Q 1 d �� J �� v � � � �� � � '�" � �. __.__�. __, r �. y ';� ! o i� � d � �� ; � ,G_"�� . _____ �� 1 ,_�, � � .° iy fiT' � � � � Q o- � ' • C � �Z � ' I t 0 R1 - _. � �c` c�ry.�S m m a .r a � c a H z c � w O "✓i r U w x H Cra O av� ao� q �_ < : o�; C ^ v o > . d yv m _ � �4 �' ua � � m .�, o .., a �C v��E w v� . u� O{� C. O y O'�'� ayi U ., �m �� � x= �v ax F °� 3v ce o � E N w s ow" ,a, � 3 Cw Ova C y�- � u a ou a �' a. N V� A 4� 0� v y �o, �.. o Rd � v'.� ^' v o � ° `° � y[F`° r k. m'ma � � W " o 7� Cg m n` h� o� �F Oq a� dU v ov A� O^ mq �3 oa"=• � � � m�; C y o� �o -� v.'+ ��a �tlmm I I l e � �e� � ' �_ , R��,����a: �/�,�, Rea1 Estate Division Council File �u p 4 218 City Hall (RM) (25-1990) Green sheet # � �CITY OF SAIN PAUL�MINNES07A '4�" SS� Yresented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, that upon the petition of the Jewish Community Center of the Greater St. Paul Area et al, per F'inance Department File No. 25-1990, the alleys in Block 5 and 6, Granport Addition lying between Davern Street and Edgcumbe Road, hereinafter described, are hereby vacated and discontinued as public property. The vacated land is described as follows: All that part of the alley in Block 5 lying easterly of the west 126.5 feet thereof; that part of the alley in Block 6 lying easterly of the westerly line of Lot 7, extended southerly in said Block 6, all in Granport Addition. This vacation shall be subject to the following conditions: 1, That this vacation shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of Chapter 130, codified tiarch l, 1981 of the St. paul Legislative Code, as amended. 2. That the petitioners, their successors, and assigns shall pay the City of Saint Paul $22,709 as compensation fox this vacation and shall be paid in the follpwing manner: � 500 to be paid within 60 days of the publication of this resolution: - Balance shall be naid in ten equal installments of $2,220.90 plus interest of 9 percent* on the unpaid balance according to the following schedule: . '✓lst payment September 1, 1991 or before �/1nd payment September 1, 1992 or before Vd`rd payment September 1, 1993 or before 4th payment 5eptember 1, 1994 or be,fore Sth payment September 1, 1995 or before 6th payment September 1, 1996 or before 7th payment September 1, 1997 or before 8th payment September l, 1998 or before 9th payment September 1, 1999 or before '� lOth payment September 1, 2000 or before *Interest on the unpaid balance shall commence 60 days after publication date of this resolution. p��CINAL \/ / 9�-ss�- 3. That a permanent utility easement be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest of U. S. West. 4. That a permanent utility easement be retained within the vacated area to protect the interests of Continental Cablevision. 5. That a permanent utility easement be retained within the vacated area to protect the interests of Northern States Power Company. 6. That the petitioners, theii successors, and assigns by acceptance of the terms ad conditions of this vacation agree to indemnify, defend, and save har.mless the City of Saint Paul, its officers, and employees fxom all suits, actions, or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or pzoperty on account of this vacation, or petitioner's use of this property, including but not limited to a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law whether by the petitioner or any af its agents or employees. 7. That the petitioners, their successors, and assigns, shall within 60 days of the publication date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the condition of this resolution and shall within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions:, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED� that the terms and conditions of this reso).ution are unique to this factual siCuation and are not intended to establish a precedent. Requested by Department of: Finance & Management Services �� � � �� f irector sy: lC �� � L (��------___"_ � Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� �`�� �� '_ �'�i�.._ Approved by Mayor: Date ���I�}/ MRR 8 BY= _����.1��/.� 1 /�—C—/�.��JZ � P�fBitSHfD MAR I b '91 BY: Gc��r�+. f—�—� Approved by Mayor far Submission to }� -- By. ���/-.�%/ v Adopted by Coancil: Date MA� 5 1991 Return copy to: � Real Estate Division 140 City Hall - s �• . �� Presented By Referred To Council File #� •��► Green Sheet # �� Committee: Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 WHEREA5, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by resolutions C. F. 193515 approved August 11, 2 1959, C. F. 271031 approved May 10, 1978 and C. F. 91-136 approved March 5, 1991 did vacate 3 certain lands described as follows: 4 South Wheeler Street from south line of St. Paul Avenue to north line of Field Avenue, except that portion of South Wheeler Sueet lying between the north and south lines of Wilmot Avenue and the north and south lines of the alleys in Blocks 5 and 6, Granport Addition, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. 10 11 12 13 14 15 Vacate the west 126.5 feet of the alley in Block 5, Granport Addition; also Vacate the east 33 feet of Wheeler Street lying between the westerly extension of the North and South lines of the alley in Block 5, Granport Addition. 16 All that part of the alley in Block 5 lying easterly of the west 126.5 feet thereof; that part of 17 the alley in Block 6lying easterly of the westerly line of Lot 7, extended southerly in said 18 Block 6, all in Granport Addition. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 WHEREAS, based upon utility easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use filed voluntarily on behalf of Northern States Power Comgany, Continental Cablevision, US West Communications Inc., the Department of Public Works and the Water Utility, and made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the City for itself and on behalf of these corporations and departments, waives the right to utility easements in the vacated areas as described in the certificates inc�rporated herein. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, pusuant to Section 130.06 of the Saint Paul L,egislative Code and on behalf of the City of Saint Paul and those persons for whom the City tias reserved easements, the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul does hereby waive ansi release the retained Utility Easements in the vacated public property as follows: The vacated east-west alley in Block 5, Granport Addition, and the westerly extension of said east-west alley lying between a line drawn parallei u�iL'� the west lina of Davem Street and 645 feet west of said west line of Davern Street, and a line drawn� parallel with said west line of Davern Street, distant 420 feet west of said west line of Davern Street. RESOLUTION ,. .�, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA .,c� 1 BE TT FL3RTHER RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution, the City Clerk is hereby 9/� S� �' 2 authorized and directed to record a copy of this resolution in the office of the Registrar of Deeds, 3 Ramsey County, and that the City Clerk shall maintain a copy of all Certificates of Intended Non-Use 4 referenced in this resoluuon on file in the office of Citizen Services. 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Reqnested by Department o£ Terhnolo�v & Mana¢ement Services By: � �` I \I� A .AQ D'uector Forn� Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date `[ By: _�'ti��� ��` f7 Adopd Certified by Co cil Se tary By: �� '�. -��_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date ��"�f C� � By: '�—, By: � T.M.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION �a�� Apri12,1991 Green Sheet Number: 39533 n+�� r�on ana rno� x,�ner: 2 Eenirrmmvr n�crox crrY couivcu. Tom Sawyer 266-8850 „�, � 1 '`' Q.�'� � UDGEl' DIRF.CfOR FFICE OF FINANCIAL SVCS. ust be on Co�m41 Agenda b9� 3 YOR (OR dSSISf.1N1) 4 l7NCII. RESF.ANCH OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (ci,8 nia, r,ocaTTOxs Fox sicxnlvxE> CTION REQUESIED: Approve the resolution releasing the utility easements in a portion of the vacated alley & vacated Wheeler Street in Block 5, Granport Addi6on OMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RF.TECP (R) NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWIN6: . Has the person/£um ever worked under a contract for ttis department? YES NO PLANN4YG COMh1ISSION A STAFF . Has titis person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO CIVII, SERVICE COhAIISS10N � . Does tltis person/firm possess a s1o11 not normatty possessed by any YES NO current City employee? c� conrnnTTee E lain all YES answers on a se azate sheet and attach. urroaTS w�ucx covxcu, os,�c�� Neighborhoods COUNCA. WARD(S� � DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII. � r� TING PROB7 EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI'PY (Whq What, When, Where, Why?): The Jewish Community Center has requested arelease of easements in the above referenced property in order in to construct an addition to their existing building. DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The addition will provide expanded facilities benefitting the surrounding community. �,.�, -N.�. -,. ���;��.�i° :,.�u=�.� ��:;owW,r � � n.� , �ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: "°�_, APR 07 ��� None. � �:. =e e����� APR 2 9 9997 � �-4. <: .�. � isnnvnrrrecES � xoT nrraovEU: �� �kYO x � � E � � a._d.ceastii� ���"Y.aS+N`v�iC�+` The Jewish Community Center would not be abie to e�and and enhance their facilities. .. OTAL AMOUNT OF'fRANSACTSON: �O.00 �STlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIItCLE QNE) YES NO ACTIVITY NUMBER: FUNDING SOURCE: ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAA`) SIEfBNILflRSaN ArCh��eCiure L a n d s c a p e Architectu�e 81SOCINiEj Peter White St. Paul Real Estate 140 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 6.19.96 Dear Peier, q�.ssa. The enclosed information is being sent to you as a folbw up to our phone conversation today. As we've discussed, the Jewish Community Center of St. Paul (J.C.C.)s planning an addition to the south side of their building, in an area which apparently includes a vacated alley and utility easemenfs. Attached are two sketches which show the location of the proposed (1996) addition. Also shown are the bcations of two other additions dona in 1979 and 1991, which occur over the vacated alley. We are not sure iE the easemeMs were released or reconfigured when these additions took place, but we do know ihal some utiliry poles were moved by NSP io their curreM position abng the south property line during the construction of the 1991 addition. Assuming they have not been released, the J.C.C. would like to have the easements in the vacated ailey released, from a point 420 feet west of the east (Davem St.) property line to a point 645 feet west of the east property line, a total of 225 feet in length. The intent of this request is to ensure the new and existing additions are clear of any utility easements, and is shown in the attached sketches. If easements are not a{ready in pface for the utiliiy lines now running along ihe soulh properry I'me, the J.C.C. would like to be informed by the utilities involved. Thank you fior your heip. Please let me know if there is any other information you need. The contact person at the J.C.C. is Burt Garr, Executive Director (698-0751). Sincerely STEFAWLARSON ASSOCIATES �+ � Brian Larson AIA attachments: "bcation sketch" - 3.19.96, "plan detail" - 3.19.96, "site survey Al2", dated 7.10.90, "site plan A1.1" dated 4.8.96 c: lettedsketches Burt Garr, JCC 8 0 7 N o r t h F o u r t h S � r e e I 5 1 i 1 1 w a t e r M N 5 5 D B 2 T e t e p h o n e 612 430.0056 F a c s i m i 1 e 6t2.439.t179 CERTIFICATE OF lNTENQED NON-USE SS}• q�� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COI3NCIL OF TI� C1TY OF SAINT PAUL In ffie Matter of Vacation File # 96-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behaif of the indicated department or comgany, tl�at it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty descn'bed below: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the west line of Davern Street running westerly to a point 645 feet west of the west line of Davem Street located in Biock 5 Granport Addition and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler Street. excent as here noted: SfATE OF MINNESOTA COUNIY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) 1Le foregoing insttument was acvrowiedged before me this �zth day of A►�gUSf Igy6 �, Bruce J. Sundberg ,� Field Engineer � U S WEST Communications !nc ., Corporation wder the laws of du Slate of Colorado. • • S}tEODORE STROM JR. M6tARY P116U6-MiMYESOTA RAMSET C9UN7'Y MY C�mM. Eapires Jan.31.20�� • ��o�nnnnnrv�w�`�`�`vvvvvvwv�n'w` � My ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hali, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** US West Communications Department or Company CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-tfSE � }, �11- TFIE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation File # 96-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry rights in the realty described below: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the west line of Davern Street running westerly to a point 645 feet west of the west line of Dauern Street located in Block 5 Granport Addition and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler Street. except as here noted: STATE OF M]NNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) N.S.P. - Gas Distribution Department or Company Its �=i� s �nat.tiL�✓ � /�t.� Signature The foregoing iashvment was acknowleAged before me 8vsl3 � day of � / . 1996, by tLe 4� Cin�/t . of \J a ti. / �� under the laws of the State of Minnesota. My commission expic ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St.' F",a�ai„ �fii�' S5102 �` �, � � INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMO CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norni Co[eman, Mayor TO: Tom Sawyer Real Estate Division 140 City Hall FROM: Linda Dickhu� Department of Public Works 800 City Hall Annex DATE: RE: August 29, 1996 DEPARTMENT OF PiJBLIC WORKS � Stary M. Becker, Director �� ss i Certificate of Intended Non-Use for part of Wheeler St. and part of the alley in Blk. 5, Granport Addition A review of the above referenced request has been completed. Attached is the executed certificate releasing all utility rights retained by the Department of Public Works for the vacated area described. LCD Attachments: Certificate Map Responsive Services • Quality Facilities • Employee Pride � CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE q� �SS�•• THE AONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCII, OF TI� CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation FYIe # 96_C_ The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry rights in the realry described below: The vacated east-west alley in Block 5, Granport Addition, and the westerly extension of said east-west alley lying between a line drawn parallel with the west line of Davern Street and 645 feet west of said west line of Davem Street, and a line drawn parallel with said west line of Davern Street, distant 420 feet west of said west line of Davem Street. except as here noted: De�artment of Public Works Department or Company �ts � r,e Gcro�. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) > SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) � .S1gllatUT The foregoing iasm�ment was acSvowledged before me dus � day of �U�9(/_S7� . 199G, by STF} �`� FjE�C�i2 rne d�//�ECTO.�' �r �r f�uL f u8ue, �t/'O,eKS . a 1�u.ur� � PA� �oRPa�2.9 no.c/ under the laws of the State of Minnesota. � w ����.� 11d►AMPIlBUC•11iM�80TA Mj�y�t�qhi 71..W1 p09 M Y C�.wn9�-R�� - �- 7,c1',-��l Noeary blic, Ramsey County, ri]innesota. My commission ezpiues � �"(J u �+ ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** ��§5sl��x"i??�'?'»'�,:'; .. ' � v � �, � � r, s....`a.�,,C „ , t"aA�N, r ,k. . � 'k;.:l„ ' . �^Y`� ��. Z 7� . ���zZ� ,q ����� � �^�2`?��:�:�a_i . ' . � �1 G Y �ry i„Y, I(� 4 ; - ' ;>' ° i.�j .._ ��' �� ..'��,N ' ' '_ . .... ,'� N Q q ' .�- ---- ---- ��: �_ , #3rr;�� ���:: , �_ �, ',��.',7^ n:��:.: ' i ' ' ' _ _ ' _ _ L_. . , ��;�--a;. 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S Y f C� t�4�� o `� � N � A� Y � d �i': r �� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL q� -Sss- In the Matter of Vacation File # 96-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realry described below: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the west line of Davem Street running westerly to a point 645 feet west of the west line of Davem Street located in Block 5 Granport Addition and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler Street. except as here noted: District Energy and Coo in St. Paul Inc. Department ar Comgany Its � t^es;��,�' STATE OF MIlVNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) r S1gI13h1I'C The fo�egoing insaiiment was acknowLedged befoce me fiis � 3 � day of _� u4c�.i 1 . 1996, by f't'N�S �.1 . �V��.,)ta-✓� the f Ytcjc�n......'� of �ISIC'ic%fi �nwa.n 5 '�. p"a+..Q.tllc..a dr�u_� YlM—,Ot^e`7—'f �oY9 Y.vll6N. T' under the laws of the State of Minnesota. t MMh�T(�MnM�nT�n�f�AM�AMMNNAny �, TRUOY L. SHERWOOD >' �, f j�� . NQTARY PUBLIC-MlNNE50TA < `11.:�' � WASHINGTON COONTY � MyCOmm.ExpiresJan. . vvwwvwwwvwwwwvvvwvvwvw + � � ���� Notary Public, Ramsey C�iw�esota. Mycommissionexpixes 31 a000 ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** Department of Finance and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (6I2) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (612) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar q�-ss� REGEiV�D A�6 - � 1�96 DISTftICT ENERGY July 31, 199b RECEiVED David Urke D'astrict Energy and Cooling 5t. Paul, Inc. 76 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 ��'� � �& i�9� REAL ES7ATE DNISION � . o. .,�.• a �oo° Dear Mr. Urke: Jewish CommunitKCenter, the owner of abutting properly, has requested a waiver of a11 easements in the following groperty: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the west line of Davem Street running westerly to a pouu 645 feet west of the west line of Davern Street located in Block 5 Granport Addition and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler Street. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division as addressed above. Sincerely, � Tom Sawyer Real Estate Technician Attachment (a1tF10cert) AUGUST 13, 1996 DEAR MR. SAWYER: DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC. HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJEC7ION TO THE VACATION. ���°• ����� DAVID L. URKE, P.� PROJECT ENGINEER � �r � � i 7 l i i � � { {,� � � n� 0 N N N � W �• N a ' N N N� rn Izz9;� Y C.�T ED 12-2i53 • 4ll395-C' I�Z.Dh 0, N � I �1 -._� ��� m� Zn m N O _ �, N N N W N a N I� N � �- - � �_ �...� ��� � , � 1 32�' .3A32 �� � f' I . �� � - i:h�'_'?J'.�3': +� ;,n,, , ° i ';;� : ", - - .,,�a,rF``�; . � � �� _ ,:; . J ! K *.. �,.., �� D - - - � � n fj: •,e . � _, b G �'; � , . .. . ._� � '_: _.:.;'.�;:,-':,— : , b , � - I _ �'IS .. __ � l� � �' - � � � _ _ _ � sl � W ��� r_ .� r � =i (o � .. :.. ="�; O ' j__ •_��-��-" J �. � �{ �'i;�'c+�;^-if( `�,. � - ", � Ga �„ �.w�.�.; � ,:: ..J ' ��t�.'r'"�'r � ��. I , O '� � �. }��]'� � � � ,�>y`:>i:{ ^ �t � ''2; `,.''o",'" .2_2.L5� � �l � �...�b;'� ---- --' '� � _ i ' C .? ' .� ' �" VAUTGD � � i � " i � '2'S9 � � , ' �in � _ � � � - s, _� „". . 7.5. 41 3�5'6'7 i. ;.:`f!i -I�Z.6%E'_.�� � ' .:_ Un y �',`;.W , . � �i �:,, Y '"'' ' s "�r-':: �i - :5�'� .�.�'�, — ""'_-'-i i � � � _�._.�. _ , i W {�1 . , . .. - ... � I � T�� � � � � ,� _'�,� N 'I-� I ?r � 4 �'t _ .i � � : , � ;'}.; � �r. O '� ` i _y ` ' ' _ m � `I � , ---�- - � _� � � - - - ,-�- - �1 �I � """'1 l. i ' _ ' ' _ ' a+ -I 1 ��� � ' ' cn -I I _ _'� --- - �- - - p _I _' -, -------- � -� N �� --- �i ' '_"; ��_ -- _ � , , „ -r� � - : , - ' __.. . -. _ IZ2:2 � n IL ...'..�.�� � .. . � i �� �+ics CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE a� � ss} THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation Ftile # 9b-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated departmern or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Commencing at a point 424 feet west of the west line of Davem Street running westerly to a point 645 feet west of the west line of Davem Street located in Block 5 Granport Addition and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler Street. except as here noted: �ater Utility Department or Company ItS GenPra't ManagPr STATE OF MINNESOTA ) �/' )s!��'� D > ss. Signature � COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) T6e foregoing insuumeot was aclmowledged before me ihis � th � of Augus t , 1996, by Bernie B. Bullert the G nPr� al r7anagPr of the Saint Pau1 Water Utility _a Municioal Corporation of the City of Saint Paul under tLe laws of iLe State of Minnesota. IIM/�MhJNM/V�M/�M.��PnhAn/b� AMnAMn �_ � ' SHIRLEY A. JGNES � � �;�dl�€ NpTARY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA � Notary � n� RAMSEY COUNTY My Comm. Expires Jen. 31, 200o My c01111Alssioa expi�CS _ Y V VVV�n/yVVWVVWIM/VWVVWVVVWVVW � / �' �! �'�-�/ ♦/ • ** Please return this original copy to 14d City Hafl, St. Pauf, MN 55102 ** .-+r CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE a � � SS'., THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL IQRiif��.�' .7i Vacation File # 9b-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated depariment or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the west line of Davern Street runniug westerly to a point 645 feet west of the west line of Davem Sueet located in Block 5 Granport Addition and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler Street. except as here noted: �,�,�;-,,, +- _ ;,m�:�a : - ,� ; . _.__ ...w , ,_,,:! Continental Cablevision Department or Company �'a + n�� ���`Z"�h. Its �_ n � ii P_ n STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY by of ) > SS. ) C� Gf�-� l4q"� �, _� DEBRA KAY HOGEN tc� `�� � a��\ ��1" ' �� Y NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA Notazy Public, Ramsey County, Mimtes . r� MY COMNdS510N EXPIREB (��� ] � � JAN�ARY 31, 2000 y commission expires t � � 0 0 0 � �� �� Signature ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** under the laws of the State of Minnesota. �. � CERTIFICAT_E_OF INTENDED NON-USE a�' SS�' THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND 1ViBMBERS OF TfiE COiJASCII, OF TEiE In the Matter of CITY OF SAII�iT PAUL Vacation F11e #96-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behaif of the indicated department or conu�any, that it dces not intend r.o exezcise its utiliry rights in the realty described below: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the wesC line of Davern Sueet running westerly to a point 645 feet wes� of the west line of Davern Street located in Block 5 Gra�ort Addition and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler Street. except as here noted: c�7U �� ������ y �as � o-�� �e�. ���, � ; I;��c ,`�-� �� ' ; c�� 1�.v •�, cS PSSt^-L��r�' w�: c�, �1�( `�� � r. � � (/� /�+ �f ✓ fa d d �r � � J f� �.� �` � � �ominental Cablevision Department or Company STATE OF M[NNESOTA COUNIY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) Signature Thc torcgoing inst[umcnc was acb�owledged beforz mc tAis day of �g96 by � °f a under tl�e laws of th� S�aa of Minnesom. NoracY Pubiic. RamscY Cowry. Minncsota. My cocamission czpires ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St Paul, MN 55102'� * 20/L0'd 0G6£ 8ZZ ZS9 NOISI(13�HljJ "iH1Ff3hfllhlOJ BS:bS 966t—£Z—�"J(1Fi CERTIFICATE OF {NTENDED NON-USE q� �SS� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COiJNCIL OR THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAUL Vacation �ile # 96-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry rights in the realty described below: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the west line of Davern Street n,nn;ng westerly to a point 645 feet west of the west line of Davem Street located in Block 5 Granport Addirion and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler 5treet. except as here noted: R�CEIVE a � ; ` . . . � . �_� -:ic �iV!SSOtY N.S.P. - Electric Division Department or Company Tr� Desi.gn Coordinator STATE OF MINNESOTA ) �� � — � > ss. Signature COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing insWment was aclmOwledged before me this 24tt1 a o p I�2.TCI1 X�Y 1997 by Bernard E. Gille � Design Coordinator of Northern States Power Company a corporation under ihe ]aws of the State of Minnesota. �/►• � � Y.+«w� lf�.' y �� . ,( • �. JT' '' �j � ��1 ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** CERTIFfCATE OF 11dTENDED NON-USE ��� � THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In ffie Matter of Vacation File # 96-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated deparkment or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realry described below: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the west line of Davem Street mm�ing westerly to a point 645 feet west of the west line of Davem Street located in Block 5 Granport Addirion and also in a portion of vacated VJheeler Street. except as here noted: I�S � l��s �.L� fs��>���; o� ��.c; �, ��;.e� �� ��-- ��- a°�sc2; b.p� c�.6oJQ, , i�1,,� C��� � � � . . �s�.�� �' ���s � d�z„e �� ��.1�s.� �� s r�-.h J �d � �6,�-��' STATE OF IvI1NNESOTA COUN'PY OF RAMSEY The foregoing bY —.�� �� ) > SS. ) inslxument was acknowledged before me this�= day undec the laws of the State of Miunesota. X jy��yy1�1/y�/�(yyyN(�AMAnMMMM1MAnM/� ■ � - �4S�iE�-��Za���.,1r�. No Public, NOTARY �U6UC-.°.411Ne50TA � _ HcN!�cAf1i�'9�t!?+lSW �o�ssionezpues�� � -.,��.: '�'y�c;�iz�un'.,: " '. .�.JCAO v WNnhnnre�v�d+nnn �..,.n:.2�. -�..,e..n.bv.WV 1t ** Please return this original copy to 140 1996, II, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** N.S.P. - Electric Division � ' /' m j `� m . I �_.y. ti i �� � � t 8! F � F w � �� f , I� �� � � - . ii �� � II . . . . . l� �' _ , ��� f,� . I '��� �,�� � ` � '�►,.*.�*� i � <<►�� ���,��; i (��'!� ,1 C�i „ . ������ , �x . � � . L � �� � a Q r s�-� � � N r I°+i � Q, . � � � l) o o Q � > � ] 1 • � , � . �� �� � _ � J � � � �� � � �� �� d �� U �� � � �m� � e ����.i� , ����'�l� ����� ���'�L�1 ,���:<,..��, � 6 � ��� � ����/ T Z � ��l � ti � � t g . a LL O 4 Q 1 d �� J �� v � � � �� � � '�" � �. __.__�. __, r �. y ';� ! o i� � d � �� ; � ,G_"�� . _____ �� 1 ,_�, � � .° iy fiT' � � � � Q o- � ' • C � �Z � ' I t 0 R1 - _. � �c` c�ry.�S m m a .r a � c a H z c � w O "✓i r U w x H Cra O av� ao� q �_ < : o�; C ^ v o > . d yv m _ � �4 �' ua � � m .�, o .., a �C v��E w v� . u� O{� C. O y O'�'� ayi U ., �m �� � x= �v ax F °� 3v ce o � E N w s ow" ,a, � 3 Cw Ova C y�- � u a ou a �' a. N V� A 4� 0� v y �o, �.. o Rd � v'.� ^' v o � ° `° � y[F`° r k. m'ma � � W " o 7� Cg m n` h� o� �F Oq a� dU v ov A� O^ mq �3 oa"=• � � � m�; C y o� �o -� v.'+ ��a �tlmm I I l e � �e� � ' �_ , R��,����a: �/�,�, Rea1 Estate Division Council File �u p 4 218 City Hall (RM) (25-1990) Green sheet # � �CITY OF SAIN PAUL�MINNES07A '4�" SS� Yresented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, that upon the petition of the Jewish Community Center of the Greater St. Paul Area et al, per F'inance Department File No. 25-1990, the alleys in Block 5 and 6, Granport Addition lying between Davern Street and Edgcumbe Road, hereinafter described, are hereby vacated and discontinued as public property. The vacated land is described as follows: All that part of the alley in Block 5 lying easterly of the west 126.5 feet thereof; that part of the alley in Block 6 lying easterly of the westerly line of Lot 7, extended southerly in said Block 6, all in Granport Addition. This vacation shall be subject to the following conditions: 1, That this vacation shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of Chapter 130, codified tiarch l, 1981 of the St. paul Legislative Code, as amended. 2. That the petitioners, their successors, and assigns shall pay the City of Saint Paul $22,709 as compensation fox this vacation and shall be paid in the follpwing manner: � 500 to be paid within 60 days of the publication of this resolution: - Balance shall be naid in ten equal installments of $2,220.90 plus interest of 9 percent* on the unpaid balance according to the following schedule: . '✓lst payment September 1, 1991 or before �/1nd payment September 1, 1992 or before Vd`rd payment September 1, 1993 or before 4th payment 5eptember 1, 1994 or be,fore Sth payment September 1, 1995 or before 6th payment September 1, 1996 or before 7th payment September 1, 1997 or before 8th payment September l, 1998 or before 9th payment September 1, 1999 or before '� lOth payment September 1, 2000 or before *Interest on the unpaid balance shall commence 60 days after publication date of this resolution. p��CINAL \/ / 9�-ss�- 3. That a permanent utility easement be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest of U. S. West. 4. That a permanent utility easement be retained within the vacated area to protect the interests of Continental Cablevision. 5. That a permanent utility easement be retained within the vacated area to protect the interests of Northern States Power Company. 6. That the petitioners, theii successors, and assigns by acceptance of the terms ad conditions of this vacation agree to indemnify, defend, and save har.mless the City of Saint Paul, its officers, and employees fxom all suits, actions, or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or pzoperty on account of this vacation, or petitioner's use of this property, including but not limited to a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law whether by the petitioner or any af its agents or employees. 7. That the petitioners, their successors, and assigns, shall within 60 days of the publication date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the condition of this resolution and shall within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions:, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED� that the terms and conditions of this reso).ution are unique to this factual siCuation and are not intended to establish a precedent. Requested by Department of: Finance & Management Services �� � � �� f irector sy: lC �� � L (��------___"_ � Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� �`�� �� '_ �'�i�.._ Approved by Mayor: Date ���I�}/ MRR 8 BY= _����.1��/.� 1 /�—C—/�.��JZ � P�fBitSHfD MAR I b '91 BY: Gc��r�+. f—�—� Approved by Mayor far Submission to }� -- By. ���/-.�%/ v Adopted by Coancil: Date MA� 5 1991 Return copy to: � Real Estate Division 140 City Hall - s �• . �� Presented By Referred To Council File #� •��► Green Sheet # �� Committee: Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 WHEREA5, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by resolutions C. F. 193515 approved August 11, 2 1959, C. F. 271031 approved May 10, 1978 and C. F. 91-136 approved March 5, 1991 did vacate 3 certain lands described as follows: 4 South Wheeler Street from south line of St. Paul Avenue to north line of Field Avenue, except that portion of South Wheeler Sueet lying between the north and south lines of Wilmot Avenue and the north and south lines of the alleys in Blocks 5 and 6, Granport Addition, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. 10 11 12 13 14 15 Vacate the west 126.5 feet of the alley in Block 5, Granport Addition; also Vacate the east 33 feet of Wheeler Street lying between the westerly extension of the North and South lines of the alley in Block 5, Granport Addition. 16 All that part of the alley in Block 5 lying easterly of the west 126.5 feet thereof; that part of 17 the alley in Block 6lying easterly of the westerly line of Lot 7, extended southerly in said 18 Block 6, all in Granport Addition. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 WHEREAS, based upon utility easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use filed voluntarily on behalf of Northern States Power Comgany, Continental Cablevision, US West Communications Inc., the Department of Public Works and the Water Utility, and made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the City for itself and on behalf of these corporations and departments, waives the right to utility easements in the vacated areas as described in the certificates inc�rporated herein. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, pusuant to Section 130.06 of the Saint Paul L,egislative Code and on behalf of the City of Saint Paul and those persons for whom the City tias reserved easements, the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul does hereby waive ansi release the retained Utility Easements in the vacated public property as follows: The vacated east-west alley in Block 5, Granport Addition, and the westerly extension of said east-west alley lying between a line drawn parallei u�iL'� the west lina of Davem Street and 645 feet west of said west line of Davern Street, and a line drawn� parallel with said west line of Davern Street, distant 420 feet west of said west line of Davern Street. RESOLUTION ,. .�, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA .,c� 1 BE TT FL3RTHER RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution, the City Clerk is hereby 9/� S� �' 2 authorized and directed to record a copy of this resolution in the office of the Registrar of Deeds, 3 Ramsey County, and that the City Clerk shall maintain a copy of all Certificates of Intended Non-Use 4 referenced in this resoluuon on file in the office of Citizen Services. 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Reqnested by Department o£ Terhnolo�v & Mana¢ement Services By: � �` I \I� A .AQ D'uector Forn� Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date `[ By: _�'ti��� ��` f7 Adopd Certified by Co cil Se tary By: �� '�. -��_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date ��"�f C� � By: '�—, By: � T.M.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION �a�� Apri12,1991 Green Sheet Number: 39533 n+�� r�on ana rno� x,�ner: 2 Eenirrmmvr n�crox crrY couivcu. Tom Sawyer 266-8850 „�, � 1 '`' Q.�'� � UDGEl' DIRF.CfOR FFICE OF FINANCIAL SVCS. ust be on Co�m41 Agenda b9� 3 YOR (OR dSSISf.1N1) 4 l7NCII. RESF.ANCH OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (ci,8 nia, r,ocaTTOxs Fox sicxnlvxE> CTION REQUESIED: Approve the resolution releasing the utility easements in a portion of the vacated alley & vacated Wheeler Street in Block 5, Granport Addi6on OMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RF.TECP (R) NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWIN6: . Has the person/£um ever worked under a contract for ttis department? YES NO PLANN4YG COMh1ISSION A STAFF . Has titis person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO CIVII, SERVICE COhAIISS10N � . Does tltis person/firm possess a s1o11 not normatty possessed by any YES NO current City employee? c� conrnnTTee E lain all YES answers on a se azate sheet and attach. urroaTS w�ucx covxcu, os,�c�� Neighborhoods COUNCA. WARD(S� � DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII. � r� TING PROB7 EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI'PY (Whq What, When, Where, Why?): The Jewish Community Center has requested arelease of easements in the above referenced property in order in to construct an addition to their existing building. DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The addition will provide expanded facilities benefitting the surrounding community. �,.�, -N.�. -,. ���;��.�i° :,.�u=�.� ��:;owW,r � � n.� , �ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: "°�_, APR 07 ��� None. � �:. =e e����� APR 2 9 9997 � �-4. <: .�. � isnnvnrrrecES � xoT nrraovEU: �� �kYO x � � E � � a._d.ceastii� ���"Y.aS+N`v�iC�+` The Jewish Community Center would not be abie to e�and and enhance their facilities. .. OTAL AMOUNT OF'fRANSACTSON: �O.00 �STlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIItCLE QNE) YES NO ACTIVITY NUMBER: FUNDING SOURCE: ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAA`) SIEfBNILflRSaN ArCh��eCiure L a n d s c a p e Architectu�e 81SOCINiEj Peter White St. Paul Real Estate 140 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 6.19.96 Dear Peier, q�.ssa. The enclosed information is being sent to you as a folbw up to our phone conversation today. As we've discussed, the Jewish Community Center of St. Paul (J.C.C.)s planning an addition to the south side of their building, in an area which apparently includes a vacated alley and utility easemenfs. Attached are two sketches which show the location of the proposed (1996) addition. Also shown are the bcations of two other additions dona in 1979 and 1991, which occur over the vacated alley. We are not sure iE the easemeMs were released or reconfigured when these additions took place, but we do know ihal some utiliry poles were moved by NSP io their curreM position abng the south property line during the construction of the 1991 addition. Assuming they have not been released, the J.C.C. would like to have the easements in the vacated ailey released, from a point 420 feet west of the east (Davem St.) property line to a point 645 feet west of the east property line, a total of 225 feet in length. The intent of this request is to ensure the new and existing additions are clear of any utility easements, and is shown in the attached sketches. If easements are not a{ready in pface for the utiliiy lines now running along ihe soulh properry I'me, the J.C.C. would like to be informed by the utilities involved. Thank you fior your heip. Please let me know if there is any other information you need. The contact person at the J.C.C. is Burt Garr, Executive Director (698-0751). Sincerely STEFAWLARSON ASSOCIATES �+ � Brian Larson AIA attachments: "bcation sketch" - 3.19.96, "plan detail" - 3.19.96, "site survey Al2", dated 7.10.90, "site plan A1.1" dated 4.8.96 c: lettedsketches Burt Garr, JCC 8 0 7 N o r t h F o u r t h S � r e e I 5 1 i 1 1 w a t e r M N 5 5 D B 2 T e t e p h o n e 612 430.0056 F a c s i m i 1 e 6t2.439.t179 CERTIFICATE OF lNTENQED NON-USE SS}• q�� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COI3NCIL OF TI� C1TY OF SAINT PAUL In ffie Matter of Vacation File # 96-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behaif of the indicated department or comgany, tl�at it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty descn'bed below: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the west line of Davern Street running westerly to a point 645 feet west of the west line of Davem Street located in Biock 5 Granport Addition and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler Street. excent as here noted: SfATE OF MINNESOTA COUNIY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) 1Le foregoing insttument was acvrowiedged before me this �zth day of A►�gUSf Igy6 �, Bruce J. Sundberg ,� Field Engineer � U S WEST Communications !nc ., Corporation wder the laws of du Slate of Colorado. • • S}tEODORE STROM JR. M6tARY P116U6-MiMYESOTA RAMSET C9UN7'Y MY C�mM. Eapires Jan.31.20�� • ��o�nnnnnrv�w�`�`�`vvvvvvwv�n'w` � My ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hali, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** US West Communications Department or Company CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-tfSE � }, �11- TFIE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation File # 96-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry rights in the realty described below: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the west line of Davern Street running westerly to a point 645 feet west of the west line of Dauern Street located in Block 5 Granport Addition and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler Street. except as here noted: STATE OF M]NNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) N.S.P. - Gas Distribution Department or Company Its �=i� s �nat.tiL�✓ � /�t.� Signature The foregoing iashvment was acknowleAged before me 8vsl3 � day of � / . 1996, by tLe 4� Cin�/t . of \J a ti. / �� under the laws of the State of Minnesota. My commission expic ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St.' F",a�ai„ �fii�' S5102 �` �, � � INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMO CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norni Co[eman, Mayor TO: Tom Sawyer Real Estate Division 140 City Hall FROM: Linda Dickhu� Department of Public Works 800 City Hall Annex DATE: RE: August 29, 1996 DEPARTMENT OF PiJBLIC WORKS � Stary M. Becker, Director �� ss i Certificate of Intended Non-Use for part of Wheeler St. and part of the alley in Blk. 5, Granport Addition A review of the above referenced request has been completed. Attached is the executed certificate releasing all utility rights retained by the Department of Public Works for the vacated area described. LCD Attachments: Certificate Map Responsive Services • Quality Facilities • Employee Pride � CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE q� �SS�•• THE AONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCII, OF TI� CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation FYIe # 96_C_ The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry rights in the realry described below: The vacated east-west alley in Block 5, Granport Addition, and the westerly extension of said east-west alley lying between a line drawn parallel with the west line of Davern Street and 645 feet west of said west line of Davem Street, and a line drawn parallel with said west line of Davern Street, distant 420 feet west of said west line of Davem Street. except as here noted: De�artment of Public Works Department or Company �ts � r,e Gcro�. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) > SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) � .S1gllatUT The foregoing iasm�ment was acSvowledged before me dus � day of �U�9(/_S7� . 199G, by STF} �`� FjE�C�i2 rne d�//�ECTO.�' �r �r f�uL f u8ue, �t/'O,eKS . a 1�u.ur� � PA� �oRPa�2.9 no.c/ under the laws of the State of Minnesota. � w ����.� 11d►AMPIlBUC•11iM�80TA Mj�y�t�qhi 71..W1 p09 M Y C�.wn9�-R�� - �- 7,c1',-��l Noeary blic, Ramsey County, ri]innesota. My commission ezpiues � �"(J u �+ ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** ��§5sl��x"i??�'?'»'�,:'; .. ' � v � �, � � r, s....`a.�,,C „ , t"aA�N, r ,k. . � 'k;.:l„ ' . �^Y`� ��. Z 7� . ���zZ� ,q ����� � �^�2`?��:�:�a_i . ' . � �1 G Y �ry i„Y, I(� 4 ; - ' ;>' ° i.�j .._ ��' �� ..'��,N ' ' '_ . .... ,'� N Q q ' .�- ---- ---- ��: �_ , #3rr;�� ���:: , �_ �, ',��.',7^ n:��:.: ' i ' ' ' _ _ ' _ _ L_. . , ��;�--a;. 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S Y f C� t�4�� o `� � N � A� Y � d �i': r �� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL q� -Sss- In the Matter of Vacation File # 96-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realry described below: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the west line of Davem Street running westerly to a point 645 feet west of the west line of Davem Street located in Block 5 Granport Addition and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler Street. except as here noted: District Energy and Coo in St. Paul Inc. Department ar Comgany Its � t^es;��,�' STATE OF MIlVNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) r S1gI13h1I'C The fo�egoing insaiiment was acknowLedged befoce me fiis � 3 � day of _� u4c�.i 1 . 1996, by f't'N�S �.1 . �V��.,)ta-✓� the f Ytcjc�n......'� of �ISIC'ic%fi �nwa.n 5 '�. p"a+..Q.tllc..a dr�u_� YlM—,Ot^e`7—'f �oY9 Y.vll6N. T' under the laws of the State of Minnesota. t MMh�T(�MnM�nT�n�f�AM�AMMNNAny �, TRUOY L. SHERWOOD >' �, f j�� . NQTARY PUBLIC-MlNNE50TA < `11.:�' � WASHINGTON COONTY � MyCOmm.ExpiresJan. . vvwwvwwwvwwwwvvvwvvwvw + � � ���� Notary Public, Ramsey C�iw�esota. Mycommissionexpixes 31 a000 ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** Department of Finance and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (6I2) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (612) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar q�-ss� REGEiV�D A�6 - � 1�96 DISTftICT ENERGY July 31, 199b RECEiVED David Urke D'astrict Energy and Cooling 5t. Paul, Inc. 76 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 ��'� � �& i�9� REAL ES7ATE DNISION � . o. .,�.• a �oo° Dear Mr. Urke: Jewish CommunitKCenter, the owner of abutting properly, has requested a waiver of a11 easements in the following groperty: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the west line of Davem Street running westerly to a pouu 645 feet west of the west line of Davern Street located in Block 5 Granport Addition and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler Street. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division as addressed above. Sincerely, � Tom Sawyer Real Estate Technician Attachment (a1tF10cert) AUGUST 13, 1996 DEAR MR. SAWYER: DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC. HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJEC7ION TO THE VACATION. ���°• ����� DAVID L. URKE, P.� PROJECT ENGINEER � �r � � i 7 l i i � � { {,� � � n� 0 N N N � W �• N a ' N N N� rn Izz9;� Y C.�T ED 12-2i53 • 4ll395-C' I�Z.Dh 0, N � I �1 -._� ��� m� Zn m N O _ �, N N N W N a N I� N � �- - � �_ �...� ��� � , � 1 32�' .3A32 �� � f' I . �� � - i:h�'_'?J'.�3': +� ;,n,, , ° i ';;� : ", - - .,,�a,rF``�; . � � �� _ ,:; . J ! K *.. �,.., �� D - - - � � n fj: •,e . � _, b G �'; � , . .. . ._� � '_: _.:.;'.�;:,-':,— : , b , � - I _ �'IS .. __ � l� � �' - � � � _ _ _ � sl � W ��� r_ .� r � =i (o � .. :.. ="�; O ' j__ •_��-��-" J �. � �{ �'i;�'c+�;^-if( `�,. � - ", � Ga �„ �.w�.�.; � ,:: ..J ' ��t�.'r'"�'r � ��. I , O '� � �. }��]'� � � � ,�>y`:>i:{ ^ �t � ''2; `,.''o",'" .2_2.L5� � �l � �...�b;'� ---- --' '� � _ i ' C .? ' .� ' �" VAUTGD � � i � " i � '2'S9 � � , ' �in � _ � � � - s, _� „". . 7.5. 41 3�5'6'7 i. ;.:`f!i -I�Z.6%E'_.�� � ' .:_ Un y �',`;.W , . � �i �:,, Y '"'' ' s "�r-':: �i - :5�'� .�.�'�, — ""'_-'-i i � � � _�._.�. _ , i W {�1 . , . .. - ... � I � T�� � � � � ,� _'�,� N 'I-� I ?r � 4 �'t _ .i � � : , � ;'}.; � �r. O '� ` i _y ` ' ' _ m � `I � , ---�- - � _� � � - - - ,-�- - �1 �I � """'1 l. i ' _ ' ' _ ' a+ -I 1 ��� � ' ' cn -I I _ _'� --- - �- - - p _I _' -, -------- � -� N �� --- �i ' '_"; ��_ -- _ � , , „ -r� � - : , - ' __.. . -. _ IZ2:2 � n IL ...'..�.�� � .. . � i �� �+ics CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE a� � ss} THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation Ftile # 9b-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated departmern or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Commencing at a point 424 feet west of the west line of Davem Street running westerly to a point 645 feet west of the west line of Davem Street located in Block 5 Granport Addition and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler Street. except as here noted: �ater Utility Department or Company ItS GenPra't ManagPr STATE OF MINNESOTA ) �/' )s!��'� D > ss. Signature � COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) T6e foregoing insuumeot was aclmowledged before me ihis � th � of Augus t , 1996, by Bernie B. Bullert the G nPr� al r7anagPr of the Saint Pau1 Water Utility _a Municioal Corporation of the City of Saint Paul under tLe laws of iLe State of Minnesota. IIM/�MhJNM/V�M/�M.��PnhAn/b� AMnAMn �_ � ' SHIRLEY A. JGNES � � �;�dl�€ NpTARY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA � Notary � n� RAMSEY COUNTY My Comm. Expires Jen. 31, 200o My c01111Alssioa expi�CS _ Y V VVV�n/yVVWVVWIM/VWVVWVVVWVVW � / �' �! �'�-�/ ♦/ • ** Please return this original copy to 14d City Hafl, St. Pauf, MN 55102 ** .-+r CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE a � � SS'., THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL IQRiif��.�' .7i Vacation File # 9b-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated depariment or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the west line of Davern Street runniug westerly to a point 645 feet west of the west line of Davem Sueet located in Block 5 Granport Addition and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler Street. except as here noted: �,�,�;-,,, +- _ ;,m�:�a : - ,� ; . _.__ ...w , ,_,,:! Continental Cablevision Department or Company �'a + n�� ���`Z"�h. Its �_ n � ii P_ n STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY by of ) > SS. ) C� Gf�-� l4q"� �, _� DEBRA KAY HOGEN tc� `�� � a��\ ��1" ' �� Y NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA Notazy Public, Ramsey County, Mimtes . r� MY COMNdS510N EXPIREB (��� ] � � JAN�ARY 31, 2000 y commission expires t � � 0 0 0 � �� �� Signature ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** under the laws of the State of Minnesota. �. � CERTIFICAT_E_OF INTENDED NON-USE a�' SS�' THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND 1ViBMBERS OF TfiE COiJASCII, OF TEiE In the Matter of CITY OF SAII�iT PAUL Vacation F11e #96-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behaif of the indicated department or conu�any, that it dces not intend r.o exezcise its utiliry rights in the realty described below: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the wesC line of Davern Sueet running westerly to a point 645 feet wes� of the west line of Davern Street located in Block 5 Gra�ort Addition and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler Street. except as here noted: c�7U �� ������ y �as � o-�� �e�. ���, � ; I;��c ,`�-� �� ' ; c�� 1�.v •�, cS PSSt^-L��r�' w�: c�, �1�( `�� � r. � � (/� /�+ �f ✓ fa d d �r � � J f� �.� �` � � �ominental Cablevision Department or Company STATE OF M[NNESOTA COUNIY OF RAMSEY ) > SS. ) Signature Thc torcgoing inst[umcnc was acb�owledged beforz mc tAis day of �g96 by � °f a under tl�e laws of th� S�aa of Minnesom. NoracY Pubiic. RamscY Cowry. Minncsota. My cocamission czpires ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St Paul, MN 55102'� * 20/L0'd 0G6£ 8ZZ ZS9 NOISI(13�HljJ "iH1Ff3hfllhlOJ BS:bS 966t—£Z—�"J(1Fi CERTIFICATE OF {NTENDED NON-USE q� �SS� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COiJNCIL OR THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAUL Vacation �ile # 96-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry rights in the realty described below: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the west line of Davern Street n,nn;ng westerly to a point 645 feet west of the west line of Davem Street located in Block 5 Granport Addirion and also in a portion of vacated Wheeler 5treet. except as here noted: R�CEIVE a � ; ` . . . � . �_� -:ic �iV!SSOtY N.S.P. - Electric Division Department or Company Tr� Desi.gn Coordinator STATE OF MINNESOTA ) �� � — � > ss. Signature COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing insWment was aclmOwledged before me this 24tt1 a o p I�2.TCI1 X�Y 1997 by Bernard E. Gille � Design Coordinator of Northern States Power Company a corporation under ihe ]aws of the State of Minnesota. �/►• � � Y.+«w� lf�.' y �� . ,( • �. JT' '' �j � ��1 ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** CERTIFfCATE OF 11dTENDED NON-USE ��� � THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In ffie Matter of Vacation File # 96-C-6 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated deparkment or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realry described below: Commencing at a point 420 feet west of the west line of Davem Street mm�ing westerly to a point 645 feet west of the west line of Davem Street located in Block 5 Granport Addirion and also in a portion of vacated VJheeler Street. except as here noted: I�S � l��s �.L� fs��>���; o� ��.c; �, ��;.e� �� ��-- ��- a°�sc2; b.p� c�.6oJQ, , i�1,,� C��� � � � . . �s�.�� �' ���s � d�z„e �� ��.1�s.� �� s r�-.h J �d � �6,�-��' STATE OF IvI1NNESOTA COUN'PY OF RAMSEY The foregoing bY —.�� �� ) > SS. ) inslxument was acknowledged before me this�= day undec the laws of the State of Miunesota. X jy��yy1�1/y�/�(yyyN(�AMAnMMMM1MAnM/� ■ � - �4S�iE�-��Za���.,1r�. No Public, NOTARY �U6UC-.°.411Ne50TA � _ HcN!�cAf1i�'9�t!?+lSW �o�ssionezpues�� � -.,��.: '�'y�c;�iz�un'.,: " '. .�.JCAO v WNnhnnre�v�d+nnn �..,.n:.2�. -�..,e..n.bv.WV 1t ** Please return this original copy to 140 1996, II, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** N.S.P. - Electric Division � ' /' m j `� m . I �_.y. ti i �� � � t 8! F � F w � �� f , I� �� � � - . ii �� � II . . . . . l� �' _ , ��� f,� . I '��� �,�� � ` � '�►,.*.�*� i � <<►�� ���,��; i (��'!� ,1 C�i „ . ������ , �x . � � . L � �� � a Q r s�-� � � N r I°+i � Q, . � � � l) o o Q � > � ] 1 • � , � . �� �� � _ � J � � � �� � � �� �� d �� U �� � � �m� � e ����.i� , ����'�l� ����� ���'�L�1 ,���:<,..��, � 6 � ��� � ����/ T Z � ��l � ti � � t g . a LL O 4 Q 1 d �� J �� v � � � �� � � '�" � �. __.__�. __, r �. y ';� ! o i� � d � �� ; � ,G_"�� . _____ �� 1 ,_�, � � .° iy fiT' � � � � Q o- � ' • C � �Z � ' I t 0 R1 - _. � �c` c�ry.�S m m a .r a � c a H z c � w O "✓i r U w x H Cra O av� ao� q �_ < : o�; C ^ v o > . d yv m _ � �4 �' ua � � m .�, o .., a �C v��E w v� . u� O{� C. O y O'�'� ayi U ., �m �� � x= �v ax F °� 3v ce o � E N w s ow" ,a, � 3 Cw Ova C y�- � u a ou a �' a. N V� A 4� 0� v y �o, �.. o Rd � v'.� ^' v o � ° `° � y[F`° r k. m'ma � � W " o 7� Cg m n` h� o� �F Oq a� dU v ov A� O^ mq �3 oa"=• � � � m�; C y o� �o -� v.'+ ��a �tlmm I I l e � �e� � ' �_ , R��,����a: �/�,�, Rea1 Estate Division Council File �u p 4 218 City Hall (RM) (25-1990) Green sheet # � �CITY OF SAIN PAUL�MINNES07A '4�" SS� Yresented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, that upon the petition of the Jewish Community Center of the Greater St. Paul Area et al, per F'inance Department File No. 25-1990, the alleys in Block 5 and 6, Granport Addition lying between Davern Street and Edgcumbe Road, hereinafter described, are hereby vacated and discontinued as public property. The vacated land is described as follows: All that part of the alley in Block 5 lying easterly of the west 126.5 feet thereof; that part of the alley in Block 6 lying easterly of the westerly line of Lot 7, extended southerly in said Block 6, all in Granport Addition. This vacation shall be subject to the following conditions: 1, That this vacation shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of Chapter 130, codified tiarch l, 1981 of the St. paul Legislative Code, as amended. 2. That the petitioners, their successors, and assigns shall pay the City of Saint Paul $22,709 as compensation fox this vacation and shall be paid in the follpwing manner: � 500 to be paid within 60 days of the publication of this resolution: - Balance shall be naid in ten equal installments of $2,220.90 plus interest of 9 percent* on the unpaid balance according to the following schedule: . '✓lst payment September 1, 1991 or before �/1nd payment September 1, 1992 or before Vd`rd payment September 1, 1993 or before 4th payment 5eptember 1, 1994 or be,fore Sth payment September 1, 1995 or before 6th payment September 1, 1996 or before 7th payment September 1, 1997 or before 8th payment September l, 1998 or before 9th payment September 1, 1999 or before '� lOth payment September 1, 2000 or before *Interest on the unpaid balance shall commence 60 days after publication date of this resolution. p��CINAL \/ / 9�-ss�- 3. That a permanent utility easement be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest of U. S. West. 4. That a permanent utility easement be retained within the vacated area to protect the interests of Continental Cablevision. 5. That a permanent utility easement be retained within the vacated area to protect the interests of Northern States Power Company. 6. That the petitioners, theii successors, and assigns by acceptance of the terms ad conditions of this vacation agree to indemnify, defend, and save har.mless the City of Saint Paul, its officers, and employees fxom all suits, actions, or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or pzoperty on account of this vacation, or petitioner's use of this property, including but not limited to a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law whether by the petitioner or any af its agents or employees. 7. That the petitioners, their successors, and assigns, shall within 60 days of the publication date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the condition of this resolution and shall within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions:, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED� that the terms and conditions of this reso).ution are unique to this factual siCuation and are not intended to establish a precedent. Requested by Department of: Finance & Management Services �� � � �� f irector sy: lC �� � L (��------___"_ � Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� �`�� �� '_ �'�i�.._ Approved by Mayor: Date ���I�}/ MRR 8 BY= _����.1��/.� 1 /�—C—/�.��JZ � P�fBitSHfD MAR I b '91 BY: Gc��r�+. f—�—� Approved by Mayor far Submission to }� -- By. ���/-.�%/ v Adopted by Coancil: Date MA� 5 1991