97-548Council File � t•� w 7� ".€;;��i�%' -...v . . . ..�. Y' s _ i 1 `, Presented By Refer=ed To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 47 42 43 44 45 46 47 A8 49 50 51 RESOLUTION Green sneet # SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA COmmittee: Date 32209 as WHEREAS, the DepaRment of Public Worlcs has awarded a contract tor construction of the Princeton Shaft storm sewer at Princeton and Mississippi River Bivd, and WFIEREAS, this work was originally adopted by City Council Resofution 95-1477, known as Log #SU-66012, and WHEREAS, there is sewer repair work to 6e done under this contract, necessitating a transfer of fitndi�g from Log # SU-660�3, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Counc(I of the Gity oE Saint Paul, upon recommentlation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital lmprovement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amentled 6y this Council is here6y further amended in following particular. FINANCING PLAN Princeton Shaft C96-2T619-26029 Current . Amendetl Budgei Cha�e Budget Sewer Service Fund 353,556.T7 � 353,556.77 Sewer Avail Credit 277,58823 277,58823 Sew Revolving loan Prog 0.00 7o3,029.83 103,029.83 631,145.00 103,029.83 734,174.83 SPENDING PLAN P�inceton Shaft C96-2T619-26029 CANST. PLP,N CONS7RUCTION FINANCING PLAN - Inflow/Infikration Correcbons C96•2T674 Sew Revolvin9 Loan Prog 93,795.00 16,084.63 109,879.83 537,350.00 86,945.00 624,295.00 631,145.00 103,029.83 734,174.83 1,913,O15A0 -703,029.83 1,809,965.17 1,973,D15.00 -103,029.83 1,809,985.17 q�-Sy�' 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 �9 St. �'�uI :uag- Aaage CaA t�l i�_�;o��,. ,,,.,, £�u'get Coinir.iiPee rec�ivec! t�+s rerc: ,;, �dat�)� � tiaa�*a=c.�:r.:. �� =r _ hnn�ova/ s,�: ---�_���"� _ Budaet Di;ector �..._�Y �..�........... Adopted by Council: Date i q Adopti Certified by Council Secretary By: i \� � I` � — Approved by Mayor: Date �}�� T By� � — SPENDWG PLAN Inflow/Infiltration Cottec[ions C962T674 PIANS&CONSTRUCTION 1,913,Q15.00 -103,029.83 t,809,985.t7 1,9t3,075.00 -103,029.83 1,809,985.�7 RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the above changes io ihe Capifal budget. Requested by Department of: E.T�b � public Works 3-4-97 f� � By: � Form Appro ed by City A torney � , Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy; ����r � _ _ .... , . . . A � l�rt1 f DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNGIL ATE INITIATED � , � i �; �bu�wo�ks 314197 GREEN SHEET n,o.a22 CON7ACi PERSON & PNONE INITIAWATE INITIAVDATE ECIWBI'[l 2,((}(14'L �'DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �g CITVCOUNCIL N M ER FOR ❑ �^-�_-�� O 6 CfTY ATTORNEV CISY CLEFlK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENOA BY (DAT� pOUT7NG DGET OFFICE� �� FINANCEACCOUNTIN ��� ❑j MAYOR(OR ASSIST n ❑i Etl Wam TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � 3 � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATIIRE) ❑2 Q9 DEPARTMEM ACCOUM ACTION REQUESTED Approval of attached Counci] Resolubon amending the 199b Capital Improvement Budget by transferring 1996 Sewer Revolvina Loan Program funding to the Princeton Shaft sewer project. RECOMMENDAT70NS:Approve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CAMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PIANNINGGpMMISSI�N,CIVILSEFiVICECOMMI5S10N �. HasthispersoNfirmeverworke0underacontractfor[hisdepartmeM? CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO A STAFF Z. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? — — YES NO _ olS7RICT COUNGL _ 3. Does this ersoNFirtn ossess a skitl noi nortnall p p y possessetl by any curtent ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL OBJECTNE? YES NO budget ExQ�tin all yes answers on separate sheM and attach W grsen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNfN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHEPE, WHY): Sanitary sewer relining on Como Avenue is being done under the exisUng contract for the Princeton Shaft sewer 'ect. There is sufficient Sewer Revolving Loan funds to pay for this relining. The attached resoluflon transfers this funding from t 9 Tn ` IInfiltration Correcuons project to the Princeton Shaft project. � ADVANTAGESIFAPPqOVE6 " � Sewer relining work can be done under an existing connact saving the City dollazs by not rebidding and awazding a sepazate contract. Available suzplus SRLP funding will be used for its iniended purpose. �gf�1��� ���`��'�� �tPft 2 ° �997 � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� ^ nn 23 ���� �� � p{[ C� None. ��,YC�'� t1�Fl�� <.. .�...,,.. . . _ _,.�.,.� `J`�; i k,'?��ai sa.i v 9. �: DISAOVANTAGES IF NaT APPF?QVE�� '_"_" __ _ A separate re6idding and contract process would have to be undertaken to do the sewer relining work on Como Ave. Possible loss of 1996 5RLP funding. =�;.�,u��.�y "Bn.�,ro.-, ;,6'4�*� ��.�et�� :o„°i! Y3 �, �J�l TOTALAMWNTOFTRANSACTION$ NPt$� COST(REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE S�P ACTVfTY NUMBER C96-2T619 & C96-2T674 FINANCIAL INFOftMA710N: (EXPLAIN) Transfers - $103,029.83 Council File � t•� w 7� ".€;;��i�%' -...v . . . ..�. Y' s _ i 1 `, Presented By Refer=ed To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 47 42 43 44 45 46 47 A8 49 50 51 RESOLUTION Green sneet # SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA COmmittee: Date 32209 as WHEREAS, the DepaRment of Public Worlcs has awarded a contract tor construction of the Princeton Shaft storm sewer at Princeton and Mississippi River Bivd, and WFIEREAS, this work was originally adopted by City Council Resofution 95-1477, known as Log #SU-66012, and WHEREAS, there is sewer repair work to 6e done under this contract, necessitating a transfer of fitndi�g from Log # SU-660�3, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Counc(I of the Gity oE Saint Paul, upon recommentlation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital lmprovement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amentled 6y this Council is here6y further amended in following particular. FINANCING PLAN Princeton Shaft C96-2T619-26029 Current . Amendetl Budgei Cha�e Budget Sewer Service Fund 353,556.T7 � 353,556.77 Sewer Avail Credit 277,58823 277,58823 Sew Revolving loan Prog 0.00 7o3,029.83 103,029.83 631,145.00 103,029.83 734,174.83 SPENDING PLAN P�inceton Shaft C96-2T619-26029 CANST. PLP,N CONS7RUCTION FINANCING PLAN - Inflow/Infikration Correcbons C96•2T674 Sew Revolvin9 Loan Prog 93,795.00 16,084.63 109,879.83 537,350.00 86,945.00 624,295.00 631,145.00 103,029.83 734,174.83 1,913,O15A0 -703,029.83 1,809,965.17 1,973,D15.00 -103,029.83 1,809,985.17 q�-Sy�' 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 �9 St. �'�uI :uag- Aaage CaA t�l i�_�;o��,. ,,,.,, £�u'get Coinir.iiPee rec�ivec! t�+s rerc: ,;, �dat�)� � tiaa�*a=c.�:r.:. �� =r _ hnn�ova/ s,�: ---�_���"� _ Budaet Di;ector �..._�Y �..�........... Adopted by Council: Date i q Adopti Certified by Council Secretary By: i \� � I` � — Approved by Mayor: Date �}�� T By� � — SPENDWG PLAN Inflow/Infiltration Cottec[ions C962T674 PIANS&CONSTRUCTION 1,913,Q15.00 -103,029.83 t,809,985.t7 1,9t3,075.00 -103,029.83 1,809,985.�7 RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the above changes io ihe Capifal budget. Requested by Department of: E.T�b � public Works 3-4-97 f� � By: � Form Appro ed by City A torney � , Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy; ����r � _ _ .... , . . . A � l�rt1 f DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNGIL ATE INITIATED � , � i �; �bu�wo�ks 314197 GREEN SHEET n,o.a22 CON7ACi PERSON & PNONE INITIAWATE INITIAVDATE ECIWBI'[l 2,((}(14'L �'DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �g CITVCOUNCIL N M ER FOR ❑ �^-�_-�� O 6 CfTY ATTORNEV CISY CLEFlK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENOA BY (DAT� pOUT7NG DGET OFFICE� �� FINANCEACCOUNTIN ��� ❑j MAYOR(OR ASSIST n ❑i Etl Wam TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � 3 � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATIIRE) ❑2 Q9 DEPARTMEM ACCOUM ACTION REQUESTED Approval of attached Counci] Resolubon amending the 199b Capital Improvement Budget by transferring 1996 Sewer Revolvina Loan Program funding to the Princeton Shaft sewer project. RECOMMENDAT70NS:Approve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CAMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PIANNINGGpMMISSI�N,CIVILSEFiVICECOMMI5S10N �. HasthispersoNfirmeverworke0underacontractfor[hisdepartmeM? CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO A STAFF Z. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? — — YES NO _ olS7RICT COUNGL _ 3. Does this ersoNFirtn ossess a skitl noi nortnall p p y possessetl by any curtent ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL OBJECTNE? YES NO budget ExQ�tin all yes answers on separate sheM and attach W grsen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNfN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHEPE, WHY): Sanitary sewer relining on Como Avenue is being done under the exisUng contract for the Princeton Shaft sewer 'ect. There is sufficient Sewer Revolving Loan funds to pay for this relining. The attached resoluflon transfers this funding from t 9 Tn ` IInfiltration Correcuons project to the Princeton Shaft project. � ADVANTAGESIFAPPqOVE6 " � Sewer relining work can be done under an existing connact saving the City dollazs by not rebidding and awazding a sepazate contract. Available suzplus SRLP funding will be used for its iniended purpose. �gf�1��� ���`��'�� �tPft 2 ° �997 � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� ^ nn 23 ���� �� � p{[ C� None. ��,YC�'� t1�Fl�� <.. .�...,,.. . . _ _,.�.,.� `J`�; i k,'?��ai sa.i v 9. �: DISAOVANTAGES IF NaT APPF?QVE�� '_"_" __ _ A separate re6idding and contract process would have to be undertaken to do the sewer relining work on Como Ave. Possible loss of 1996 5RLP funding. =�;.�,u��.�y "Bn.�,ro.-, ;,6'4�*� ��.�et�� :o„°i! Y3 �, �J�l TOTALAMWNTOFTRANSACTION$ NPt$� COST(REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE S�P ACTVfTY NUMBER C96-2T619 & C96-2T674 FINANCIAL INFOftMA710N: (EXPLAIN) Transfers - $103,029.83 Council File � t•� w 7� ".€;;��i�%' -...v . . . ..�. Y' s _ i 1 `, Presented By Refer=ed To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 47 42 43 44 45 46 47 A8 49 50 51 RESOLUTION Green sneet # SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA COmmittee: Date 32209 as WHEREAS, the DepaRment of Public Worlcs has awarded a contract tor construction of the Princeton Shaft storm sewer at Princeton and Mississippi River Bivd, and WFIEREAS, this work was originally adopted by City Council Resofution 95-1477, known as Log #SU-66012, and WHEREAS, there is sewer repair work to 6e done under this contract, necessitating a transfer of fitndi�g from Log # SU-660�3, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Counc(I of the Gity oE Saint Paul, upon recommentlation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital lmprovement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amentled 6y this Council is here6y further amended in following particular. FINANCING PLAN Princeton Shaft C96-2T619-26029 Current . Amendetl Budgei Cha�e Budget Sewer Service Fund 353,556.T7 � 353,556.77 Sewer Avail Credit 277,58823 277,58823 Sew Revolving loan Prog 0.00 7o3,029.83 103,029.83 631,145.00 103,029.83 734,174.83 SPENDING PLAN P�inceton Shaft C96-2T619-26029 CANST. PLP,N CONS7RUCTION FINANCING PLAN - Inflow/Infikration Correcbons C96•2T674 Sew Revolvin9 Loan Prog 93,795.00 16,084.63 109,879.83 537,350.00 86,945.00 624,295.00 631,145.00 103,029.83 734,174.83 1,913,O15A0 -703,029.83 1,809,965.17 1,973,D15.00 -103,029.83 1,809,985.17 q�-Sy�' 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 �9 St. �'�uI :uag- Aaage CaA t�l i�_�;o��,. ,,,.,, £�u'get Coinir.iiPee rec�ivec! t�+s rerc: ,;, �dat�)� � tiaa�*a=c.�:r.:. �� =r _ hnn�ova/ s,�: ---�_���"� _ Budaet Di;ector �..._�Y �..�........... Adopted by Council: Date i q Adopti Certified by Council Secretary By: i \� � I` � — Approved by Mayor: Date �}�� T By� � — SPENDWG PLAN Inflow/Infiltration Cottec[ions C962T674 PIANS&CONSTRUCTION 1,913,Q15.00 -103,029.83 t,809,985.t7 1,9t3,075.00 -103,029.83 1,809,985.�7 RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the above changes io ihe Capifal budget. Requested by Department of: E.T�b � public Works 3-4-97 f� � By: � Form Appro ed by City A torney � , Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy; ����r � _ _ .... , . . . A � l�rt1 f DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNGIL ATE INITIATED � , � i �; �bu�wo�ks 314197 GREEN SHEET n,o.a22 CON7ACi PERSON & PNONE INITIAWATE INITIAVDATE ECIWBI'[l 2,((}(14'L �'DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �g CITVCOUNCIL N M ER FOR ❑ �^-�_-�� O 6 CfTY ATTORNEV CISY CLEFlK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENOA BY (DAT� pOUT7NG DGET OFFICE� �� FINANCEACCOUNTIN ��� ❑j MAYOR(OR ASSIST n ❑i Etl Wam TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � 3 � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATIIRE) ❑2 Q9 DEPARTMEM ACCOUM ACTION REQUESTED Approval of attached Counci] Resolubon amending the 199b Capital Improvement Budget by transferring 1996 Sewer Revolvina Loan Program funding to the Princeton Shaft sewer project. RECOMMENDAT70NS:Approve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CAMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PIANNINGGpMMISSI�N,CIVILSEFiVICECOMMI5S10N �. HasthispersoNfirmeverworke0underacontractfor[hisdepartmeM? CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO A STAFF Z. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? — — YES NO _ olS7RICT COUNGL _ 3. Does this ersoNFirtn ossess a skitl noi nortnall p p y possessetl by any curtent ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL OBJECTNE? YES NO budget ExQ�tin all yes answers on separate sheM and attach W grsen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNfN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHEPE, WHY): Sanitary sewer relining on Como Avenue is being done under the exisUng contract for the Princeton Shaft sewer 'ect. There is sufficient Sewer Revolving Loan funds to pay for this relining. The attached resoluflon transfers this funding from t 9 Tn ` IInfiltration Correcuons project to the Princeton Shaft project. � ADVANTAGESIFAPPqOVE6 " � Sewer relining work can be done under an existing connact saving the City dollazs by not rebidding and awazding a sepazate contract. Available suzplus SRLP funding will be used for its iniended purpose. �gf�1��� ���`��'�� �tPft 2 ° �997 � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� ^ nn 23 ���� �� � p{[ C� None. ��,YC�'� t1�Fl�� <.. .�...,,.. . . _ _,.�.,.� `J`�; i k,'?��ai sa.i v 9. �: DISAOVANTAGES IF NaT APPF?QVE�� '_"_" __ _ A separate re6idding and contract process would have to be undertaken to do the sewer relining work on Como Ave. Possible loss of 1996 5RLP funding. =�;.�,u��.�y "Bn.�,ro.-, ;,6'4�*� ��.�et�� :o„°i! Y3 �, �J�l TOTALAMWNTOFTRANSACTION$ NPt$� COST(REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE S�P ACTVfTY NUMBER C96-2T619 & C96-2T674 FINANCIAL INFOftMA710N: (EXPLAIN) Transfers - $103,029.83