97-541 % Council File A S f � ;'� � �ti i :, � ' I : �: � _'��..4 3; Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # RESOLUTiON 4tNT PAUL, MlNNESOTA --�-s-=�-� � 3�0�� 1� Co� tteee Date 1 WFIEREA5, Certain lands in the City of Vadnais Heights, Ramsey County, Minnesota, were 2 purchased with funds from the Board of Water Commissioners, hereinafter refened to as the 3 `Boazd," for construction, maintenance and operarion of Boazd facilities. 5 WI�EREAS, Title for said lands is in the name of the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter refened to 6 as the "City," for the benefit of the Board; and WI�EItEAS, The Board did declare by Resolution No. 4445 that certain parcels witlxin said lands, hereinafter referred to as the "Property" and described as follows: IO I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 That part of Government Lot three (3) of the southwest one-quarter (114) of Section thiriy-two (32), Township thirty (30}, Range twenty-tv✓o (22), Ramsey County, Minnesota that lies east artd south of the south line of tt�e Northern Pacific Railway zight-of-way, west of the west line of Edgerton Street, north and west of the northerly line of Centerville Road and north af the nor2h Iine of a strip of land two (2) rods in width nnuiing east from the west line of Section 32 and pazallel with the south line of Section 32 to the north line of Centerville Road; the Northwest corner of saad two (2) rod strips of land beginning at the foilowing described point which lies 867 feet east of a point lying on the west line of Section 32 that is 2264.50 feet north of the southwest corner of �eeiion 32; which property described encompasses approxunately 2.43 acres of that parcel of land identified by Ramsey County parcel identification number (PIN) 32-30-22-24- 0001-9. to be no longer required for maintenance, construction or operation by the Board and, therefore, to be surplus property; and WHEREAS, The Boazd did request by Resolufion I3o. 4486 that the Ciry quitclaim the Property in favor of the Board; and Council File �` Green Sheet � RESOLllTION C(TY OF SAiNT PAtlL, MINNESOTA °►,�' S�t 1 Presented By �eferred Tp Ccn:.tteec Date 1 WHEREAS, Pursuas�t Section 10. 15.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the proceeds 2 from the sale of land in the name of the City but held for the benefit of the Board may be used 3 only for "the expense of operating the department, the repairs and maintenance of the waterworks 4 plant and properiy, and the payment of principal and interest on obiigations issued for 5 waterworks purposes;' and 7 WHEREAS, The City holds no interest in the Properry other than being the nominal fee holder; 8 and 9 10 WITEREAS, Quitclaiming the Property to the Board wiil make it unnecessary to expend Ciry 11 resources in effecting its sale; now, therefore, be it 12 li RESOLVED, That the Property is hereby declazed to be surplus property; and, be it 14 15 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby directed to prepare and 16 execute a quitciaim deed which shall quit the City's interest in the Property in favor of the Board. Requested by Depaztment of: Adopted by Couneit: Aate�� `` qq'� Adoption Cert�ed by Council Secretary BY � c Approved by Mayor: Date �jZ Y��7— �Y �tf — �--f—' Water Utility BY• Q.Gc.c-ca /L ` ���=�%�.` General Manager Form A roved by City Attorney �r -��� � !G /� � � Approved by Mayor for Sub ission to C ncil By, _�" t� ✓ 9�=Sy 1 ��o�� GREEN SHEET � DEP0.RTHtENT DIRECTOP/�3 y-LJ-�l7 �j CT' CAUNGIL 7 NUY FOX O GRY ATfORNEY _ � CITY CLERK 4TE) flOUTING O BUOGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MCaT, SE ONDEN � MqYOR (OR ASSISTANn O T07AL # QF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP 0.LL LQCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) INIT{AUOATE :TION REOUESTED: Adopt attached Council Resolution declaring certain Board of idater Com�issioners' property in the City of Vadnais Heights to be surplus and authorizing the preparation and execution of a quitclain deed which sha11 quit the City's interest in the property in favor of the B __ PL0.NNING COMMlSS10N _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION __CIBCOMlAfTfEE �_Rnard nf Watar _STAFF _('timmiccinnorc _ DISTRICT CAURT _ SUPPOitTS WHICH CAUNCII O&IECTIVE? ISSUE, OPPORTUNYTV i�o, What, When, Wllera, PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has this personffirm ever worked untler a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Hfls this per5onffirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personttirm possess a skili not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO Ezplalrt all yes answera on saparate sheet and attach to grean sheet The property was purchased with Soard funds by the City for the benefit of the Board. The Board no longer needs the property and approved attached Board Resolution No. 4445 declaring it surplus and requesting concurrence by Che City Council. The Board also approved attached Board Resolution No. 4486 requesting the City quit its interest in the property in favor of the Board. The Board of Water Commissioners can proceed with selling the surplus property. F' i . w � • j� � '���f��$✓ APt� 2,� 1�9� ��V��'� �J!'rfEi.'� �B���ynm�r i�zn�,,�.�yqc}� �r.,g3xi� b..i.� _,_ 6,4'¢n.Ly"i ��tii41 fbW j 'p F $� S iv�f -._ ._�...r-� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSVREVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDItdG SOURCE ACTIVITY FINANCIAL INFORFnATIOW (EXPLAIN) CITY OF 5T. PAUL q�.5 y 1 �° OFFICE Of THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS ` RESOLUTION — GENERAL F-0RM Na �+445 c Harris DATE August 12, 1996 �i�ERE�S, The Board of Water Commissioners staffhas detemuaed ttiat the Board owned land belo« and hereinafter referred to as "the Property", is not required for future maintenance, constructions or operations of the Board. Description of fl:e properry is as follows: Tt�,at oart of Govemment Lot three (3) of the southwest one-quarter (114) of SecTion ciuny�-two (32), Township thirty (30), Range twenty-tn (221, Ramsey County, 1�linnesota that lies east and south of the south line of the Northern Pacific Railwzv ri2ht- of-���ay, west of the west line of Edgerton Street, north and west of t1��e northerly line cf Centerville Road and north of the north line of a sffip of land riuo (2) rods in width running east from the west line of Section 32 and parallel wlth the south line of Section �2 to the north line of Centerville Road; the Northwest comer of said two (2) rod strips of land be�innina at the following described point which lies $67 feet east of a point lyine on the west line of Section 32 that is ?264.50 feet north of the southwest comer of Section 32; which property described encompasses approYimately 2.43 acres of that pazcel of land identified by Ramsey Counry parcel identification num�er {PIIv j;2- 30-22 =40001-9. 5ubject to the following permit agreements: I. Fizst, Second and Third ZZders to Bo�d pem:it aQreement 9-1967-G permitting the City of Vadnais Heights to construct and maintain sanitary sewer lines on ihe property; 2. Fourth Rider to permit aereement 9- 1967-G perniitting the City of Vadnais Hei�hts to constract and maintzin a water main on the praperty. RESOLVED, That ihe Board of Water Commissioners does 1 declaze the propert}• to b° surplas and does hereby direct staff to be�in the process of property disposal; and, be it FU32THER RESOLVED, That the City Council of the Cit; of Saint Paul be reqnesteci to concur with the Board and declare said property surplus. Water Coaunissioners Yeas Nays Adopted by the Boazd of Water Commissioners Arcand Harris Haselmann ?resident Guerin August 12, 19 96 In favor 4_ OpposPd � � �� SECY. cin oF sr. r�u� OPFiCE OF THE BOARO Of WATER COMMlSSIONERS RESOLUTION — GENERAt FORM 9�-sy� 4486 cOn+�i.tESSEONEn xaselmann oA .�. March 10, 1Q97 WHEREAS, The Board of Water Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the `Boazd", did adopt Resolution No. 4445 which declared certain lands in the Ciry of Vadnais Heights Ramsey County, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", to be surplus and did also request the Ciry Council of the City of Saint Paul to concur with said dectazarion; and WHEREAS, Tifle to the Property is in the name of the Ciry of Saint Paul for benefit of the Boazd; and WHEREAS, The Boazd now desizes to have title to the Property in the Board's name so ii can proceed with selling Property; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board does hereby request the Ciry of Saint Paul to quitclaim its anterest in the Property in favor of the Board. Water Commissioners Yeas Arcand Haselmann President Harris 23a99 , Adopted by the Bosrd of Water Commissioners March 10, 19 97 In favor 3_ Oppose� � ��-l/� s� % Council File A S f � ;'� � �ti i :, � ' I : �: � _'��..4 3; Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # RESOLUTiON 4tNT PAUL, MlNNESOTA --�-s-=�-� � 3�0�� 1� Co� tteee Date 1 WFIEREA5, Certain lands in the City of Vadnais Heights, Ramsey County, Minnesota, were 2 purchased with funds from the Board of Water Commissioners, hereinafter refened to as the 3 `Boazd," for construction, maintenance and operarion of Boazd facilities. 5 WI�EREAS, Title for said lands is in the name of the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter refened to 6 as the "City," for the benefit of the Board; and WI�EItEAS, The Board did declare by Resolution No. 4445 that certain parcels witlxin said lands, hereinafter referred to as the "Property" and described as follows: IO I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 That part of Government Lot three (3) of the southwest one-quarter (114) of Section thiriy-two (32), Township thirty (30}, Range twenty-tv✓o (22), Ramsey County, Minnesota that lies east artd south of the south line of tt�e Northern Pacific Railway zight-of-way, west of the west line of Edgerton Street, north and west of the northerly line of Centerville Road and north af the nor2h Iine of a strip of land two (2) rods in width nnuiing east from the west line of Section 32 and pazallel with the south line of Section 32 to the north line of Centerville Road; the Northwest corner of saad two (2) rod strips of land beginning at the foilowing described point which lies 867 feet east of a point lying on the west line of Section 32 that is 2264.50 feet north of the southwest corner of �eeiion 32; which property described encompasses approxunately 2.43 acres of that parcel of land identified by Ramsey County parcel identification number (PIN) 32-30-22-24- 0001-9. to be no longer required for maintenance, construction or operation by the Board and, therefore, to be surplus property; and WHEREAS, The Boazd did request by Resolufion I3o. 4486 that the Ciry quitclaim the Property in favor of the Board; and Council File �` Green Sheet � RESOLllTION C(TY OF SAiNT PAtlL, MINNESOTA °►,�' S�t 1 Presented By �eferred Tp Ccn:.tteec Date 1 WHEREAS, Pursuas�t Section 10. 15.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the proceeds 2 from the sale of land in the name of the City but held for the benefit of the Board may be used 3 only for "the expense of operating the department, the repairs and maintenance of the waterworks 4 plant and properiy, and the payment of principal and interest on obiigations issued for 5 waterworks purposes;' and 7 WHEREAS, The City holds no interest in the Properry other than being the nominal fee holder; 8 and 9 10 WITEREAS, Quitclaiming the Property to the Board wiil make it unnecessary to expend Ciry 11 resources in effecting its sale; now, therefore, be it 12 li RESOLVED, That the Property is hereby declazed to be surplus property; and, be it 14 15 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby directed to prepare and 16 execute a quitciaim deed which shall quit the City's interest in the Property in favor of the Board. Requested by Depaztment of: Adopted by Couneit: Aate�� `` qq'� Adoption Cert�ed by Council Secretary BY � c Approved by Mayor: Date �jZ Y��7— �Y �tf — �--f—' Water Utility BY• Q.Gc.c-ca /L ` ���=�%�.` General Manager Form A roved by City Attorney �r -��� � !G /� � � Approved by Mayor for Sub ission to C ncil By, _�" t� ✓ 9�=Sy 1 ��o�� GREEN SHEET � DEP0.RTHtENT DIRECTOP/�3 y-LJ-�l7 �j CT' CAUNGIL 7 NUY FOX O GRY ATfORNEY _ � CITY CLERK 4TE) flOUTING O BUOGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MCaT, SE ONDEN � MqYOR (OR ASSISTANn O T07AL # QF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP 0.LL LQCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) INIT{AUOATE :TION REOUESTED: Adopt attached Council Resolution declaring certain Board of idater Com�issioners' property in the City of Vadnais Heights to be surplus and authorizing the preparation and execution of a quitclain deed which sha11 quit the City's interest in the property in favor of the B __ PL0.NNING COMMlSS10N _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION __CIBCOMlAfTfEE �_Rnard nf Watar _STAFF _('timmiccinnorc _ DISTRICT CAURT _ SUPPOitTS WHICH CAUNCII O&IECTIVE? ISSUE, OPPORTUNYTV i�o, What, When, Wllera, PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has this personffirm ever worked untler a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Hfls this per5onffirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personttirm possess a skili not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO Ezplalrt all yes answera on saparate sheet and attach to grean sheet The property was purchased with Soard funds by the City for the benefit of the Board. The Board no longer needs the property and approved attached Board Resolution No. 4445 declaring it surplus and requesting concurrence by Che City Council. The Board also approved attached Board Resolution No. 4486 requesting the City quit its interest in the property in favor of the Board. The Board of Water Commissioners can proceed with selling the surplus property. F' i . w � • j� � '���f��$✓ APt� 2,� 1�9� ��V��'� �J!'rfEi.'� �B���ynm�r i�zn�,,�.�yqc}� �r.,g3xi� b..i.� _,_ 6,4'¢n.Ly"i ��tii41 fbW j 'p F $� S iv�f -._ ._�...r-� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSVREVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDItdG SOURCE ACTIVITY FINANCIAL INFORFnATIOW (EXPLAIN) CITY OF 5T. PAUL q�.5 y 1 �° OFFICE Of THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS ` RESOLUTION — GENERAL F-0RM Na �+445 c Harris DATE August 12, 1996 �i�ERE�S, The Board of Water Commissioners staffhas detemuaed ttiat the Board owned land belo« and hereinafter referred to as "the Property", is not required for future maintenance, constructions or operations of the Board. Description of fl:e properry is as follows: Tt�,at oart of Govemment Lot three (3) of the southwest one-quarter (114) of SecTion ciuny�-two (32), Township thirty (30), Range twenty-tn (221, Ramsey County, 1�linnesota that lies east and south of the south line of the Northern Pacific Railwzv ri2ht- of-���ay, west of the west line of Edgerton Street, north and west of t1��e northerly line cf Centerville Road and north of the north line of a sffip of land riuo (2) rods in width running east from the west line of Section 32 and parallel wlth the south line of Section �2 to the north line of Centerville Road; the Northwest comer of said two (2) rod strips of land be�innina at the following described point which lies $67 feet east of a point lyine on the west line of Section 32 that is ?264.50 feet north of the southwest comer of Section 32; which property described encompasses approYimately 2.43 acres of that pazcel of land identified by Ramsey Counry parcel identification num�er {PIIv j;2- 30-22 =40001-9. 5ubject to the following permit agreements: I. Fizst, Second and Third ZZders to Bo�d pem:it aQreement 9-1967-G permitting the City of Vadnais Heights to construct and maintain sanitary sewer lines on ihe property; 2. Fourth Rider to permit aereement 9- 1967-G perniitting the City of Vadnais Hei�hts to constract and maintzin a water main on the praperty. RESOLVED, That ihe Board of Water Commissioners does 1 declaze the propert}• to b° surplas and does hereby direct staff to be�in the process of property disposal; and, be it FU32THER RESOLVED, That the City Council of the Cit; of Saint Paul be reqnesteci to concur with the Board and declare said property surplus. Water Coaunissioners Yeas Nays Adopted by the Boazd of Water Commissioners Arcand Harris Haselmann ?resident Guerin August 12, 19 96 In favor 4_ OpposPd � � �� SECY. cin oF sr. r�u� OPFiCE OF THE BOARO Of WATER COMMlSSIONERS RESOLUTION — GENERAt FORM 9�-sy� 4486 cOn+�i.tESSEONEn xaselmann oA .�. March 10, 1Q97 WHEREAS, The Board of Water Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the `Boazd", did adopt Resolution No. 4445 which declared certain lands in the Ciry of Vadnais Heights Ramsey County, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", to be surplus and did also request the Ciry Council of the City of Saint Paul to concur with said dectazarion; and WHEREAS, Tifle to the Property is in the name of the Ciry of Saint Paul for benefit of the Boazd; and WHEREAS, The Boazd now desizes to have title to the Property in the Board's name so ii can proceed with selling Property; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board does hereby request the Ciry of Saint Paul to quitclaim its anterest in the Property in favor of the Board. Water Commissioners Yeas Arcand Haselmann President Harris 23a99 , Adopted by the Bosrd of Water Commissioners March 10, 19 97 In favor 3_ Oppose� � ��-l/� s� % Council File A S f � ;'� � �ti i :, � ' I : �: � _'��..4 3; Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # RESOLUTiON 4tNT PAUL, MlNNESOTA --�-s-=�-� � 3�0�� 1� Co� tteee Date 1 WFIEREA5, Certain lands in the City of Vadnais Heights, Ramsey County, Minnesota, were 2 purchased with funds from the Board of Water Commissioners, hereinafter refened to as the 3 `Boazd," for construction, maintenance and operarion of Boazd facilities. 5 WI�EREAS, Title for said lands is in the name of the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter refened to 6 as the "City," for the benefit of the Board; and WI�EItEAS, The Board did declare by Resolution No. 4445 that certain parcels witlxin said lands, hereinafter referred to as the "Property" and described as follows: IO I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 That part of Government Lot three (3) of the southwest one-quarter (114) of Section thiriy-two (32), Township thirty (30}, Range twenty-tv✓o (22), Ramsey County, Minnesota that lies east artd south of the south line of tt�e Northern Pacific Railway zight-of-way, west of the west line of Edgerton Street, north and west of the northerly line of Centerville Road and north af the nor2h Iine of a strip of land two (2) rods in width nnuiing east from the west line of Section 32 and pazallel with the south line of Section 32 to the north line of Centerville Road; the Northwest corner of saad two (2) rod strips of land beginning at the foilowing described point which lies 867 feet east of a point lying on the west line of Section 32 that is 2264.50 feet north of the southwest corner of �eeiion 32; which property described encompasses approxunately 2.43 acres of that parcel of land identified by Ramsey County parcel identification number (PIN) 32-30-22-24- 0001-9. to be no longer required for maintenance, construction or operation by the Board and, therefore, to be surplus property; and WHEREAS, The Boazd did request by Resolufion I3o. 4486 that the Ciry quitclaim the Property in favor of the Board; and Council File �` Green Sheet � RESOLllTION C(TY OF SAiNT PAtlL, MINNESOTA °►,�' S�t 1 Presented By �eferred Tp Ccn:.tteec Date 1 WHEREAS, Pursuas�t Section 10. 15.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the proceeds 2 from the sale of land in the name of the City but held for the benefit of the Board may be used 3 only for "the expense of operating the department, the repairs and maintenance of the waterworks 4 plant and properiy, and the payment of principal and interest on obiigations issued for 5 waterworks purposes;' and 7 WHEREAS, The City holds no interest in the Properry other than being the nominal fee holder; 8 and 9 10 WITEREAS, Quitclaiming the Property to the Board wiil make it unnecessary to expend Ciry 11 resources in effecting its sale; now, therefore, be it 12 li RESOLVED, That the Property is hereby declazed to be surplus property; and, be it 14 15 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby directed to prepare and 16 execute a quitciaim deed which shall quit the City's interest in the Property in favor of the Board. Requested by Depaztment of: Adopted by Couneit: Aate�� `` qq'� Adoption Cert�ed by Council Secretary BY � c Approved by Mayor: Date �jZ Y��7— �Y �tf — �--f—' Water Utility BY• Q.Gc.c-ca /L ` ���=�%�.` General Manager Form A roved by City Attorney �r -��� � !G /� � � Approved by Mayor for Sub ission to C ncil By, _�" t� ✓ 9�=Sy 1 ��o�� GREEN SHEET � DEP0.RTHtENT DIRECTOP/�3 y-LJ-�l7 �j CT' CAUNGIL 7 NUY FOX O GRY ATfORNEY _ � CITY CLERK 4TE) flOUTING O BUOGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MCaT, SE ONDEN � MqYOR (OR ASSISTANn O T07AL # QF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP 0.LL LQCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) INIT{AUOATE :TION REOUESTED: Adopt attached Council Resolution declaring certain Board of idater Com�issioners' property in the City of Vadnais Heights to be surplus and authorizing the preparation and execution of a quitclain deed which sha11 quit the City's interest in the property in favor of the B __ PL0.NNING COMMlSS10N _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION __CIBCOMlAfTfEE �_Rnard nf Watar _STAFF _('timmiccinnorc _ DISTRICT CAURT _ SUPPOitTS WHICH CAUNCII O&IECTIVE? ISSUE, OPPORTUNYTV i�o, What, When, Wllera, PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has this personffirm ever worked untler a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Hfls this per5onffirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personttirm possess a skili not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO Ezplalrt all yes answera on saparate sheet and attach to grean sheet The property was purchased with Soard funds by the City for the benefit of the Board. The Board no longer needs the property and approved attached Board Resolution No. 4445 declaring it surplus and requesting concurrence by Che City Council. The Board also approved attached Board Resolution No. 4486 requesting the City quit its interest in the property in favor of the Board. The Board of Water Commissioners can proceed with selling the surplus property. F' i . w � • j� � '���f��$✓ APt� 2,� 1�9� ��V��'� �J!'rfEi.'� �B���ynm�r i�zn�,,�.�yqc}� �r.,g3xi� b..i.� _,_ 6,4'¢n.Ly"i ��tii41 fbW j 'p F $� S iv�f -._ ._�...r-� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSVREVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDItdG SOURCE ACTIVITY FINANCIAL INFORFnATIOW (EXPLAIN) CITY OF 5T. PAUL q�.5 y 1 �° OFFICE Of THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS ` RESOLUTION — GENERAL F-0RM Na �+445 c Harris DATE August 12, 1996 �i�ERE�S, The Board of Water Commissioners staffhas detemuaed ttiat the Board owned land belo« and hereinafter referred to as "the Property", is not required for future maintenance, constructions or operations of the Board. Description of fl:e properry is as follows: Tt�,at oart of Govemment Lot three (3) of the southwest one-quarter (114) of SecTion ciuny�-two (32), Township thirty (30), Range twenty-tn (221, Ramsey County, 1�linnesota that lies east and south of the south line of the Northern Pacific Railwzv ri2ht- of-���ay, west of the west line of Edgerton Street, north and west of t1��e northerly line cf Centerville Road and north of the north line of a sffip of land riuo (2) rods in width running east from the west line of Section 32 and parallel wlth the south line of Section �2 to the north line of Centerville Road; the Northwest comer of said two (2) rod strips of land be�innina at the following described point which lies $67 feet east of a point lyine on the west line of Section 32 that is ?264.50 feet north of the southwest comer of Section 32; which property described encompasses approYimately 2.43 acres of that pazcel of land identified by Ramsey Counry parcel identification num�er {PIIv j;2- 30-22 =40001-9. 5ubject to the following permit agreements: I. Fizst, Second and Third ZZders to Bo�d pem:it aQreement 9-1967-G permitting the City of Vadnais Heights to construct and maintain sanitary sewer lines on ihe property; 2. Fourth Rider to permit aereement 9- 1967-G perniitting the City of Vadnais Hei�hts to constract and maintzin a water main on the praperty. RESOLVED, That ihe Board of Water Commissioners does 1 declaze the propert}• to b° surplas and does hereby direct staff to be�in the process of property disposal; and, be it FU32THER RESOLVED, That the City Council of the Cit; of Saint Paul be reqnesteci to concur with the Board and declare said property surplus. Water Coaunissioners Yeas Nays Adopted by the Boazd of Water Commissioners Arcand Harris Haselmann ?resident Guerin August 12, 19 96 In favor 4_ OpposPd � � �� SECY. cin oF sr. r�u� OPFiCE OF THE BOARO Of WATER COMMlSSIONERS RESOLUTION — GENERAt FORM 9�-sy� 4486 cOn+�i.tESSEONEn xaselmann oA .�. March 10, 1Q97 WHEREAS, The Board of Water Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the `Boazd", did adopt Resolution No. 4445 which declared certain lands in the Ciry of Vadnais Heights Ramsey County, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", to be surplus and did also request the Ciry Council of the City of Saint Paul to concur with said dectazarion; and WHEREAS, Tifle to the Property is in the name of the Ciry of Saint Paul for benefit of the Boazd; and WHEREAS, The Boazd now desizes to have title to the Property in the Board's name so ii can proceed with selling Property; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board does hereby request the Ciry of Saint Paul to quitclaim its anterest in the Property in favor of the Board. Water Commissioners Yeas Arcand Haselmann President Harris 23a99 , Adopted by the Bosrd of Water Commissioners March 10, 19 97 In favor 3_ Oppose� � ��-l/� s�