97-537Council File # �� " � � ,�, , _ . .. ,�.. �. ,�_ Presented b} Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Requested by Department of: Office of Auman Resources � BY� �� . '�1!_�V� Form Appro d ty Attomey R By: � �'t f' �'t � �� Approved by Mayor: Date '�� z 1� �� �'�' � RESOLUTI�N SAiNT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Green Sheet # 40158 ��; Committee Date An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Library Volunteer Coordinator in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensarion Resolufion. RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the Library Volunteer Coordinator class be the rate set forth in Grade 00�, Section ID4, of the Professional Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this xesolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage and approval of this resolution. Adopted by Council: Aate �L' Approved by Mayor fo ubmission to ouncil Adoption Certified by Council Secr By: s � �--, a- . (��_ ��5� (_ DEPARTMENTIOFFICEJCOUNCIL: Human Resources CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: r � Jolm Shockley, x66482 � Karen Sanchez, x66483 5 MUSf BE OA1 COi7NCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES DATE INI7'IATED � S �� 4�2J4� GREEN SHEET No.: 40158 �� � tNlTIAI/D TE �AIITIAL/DATE ASSIGN I DEPARTMENT DI It t{ 5_ C77Y COUNCIL NUMBER ? CTTY ATTORNEY b_ CITY CLERK FOR 3_ BUDG�"3' DIR. FRJ. & A3GT. SERVICE DIR ROUTING 4 MAYOR (OR ASSTJ CIVtI. SERVICE COMNIISSION ORDER ALL LOCATIONS ncrtox x�ues�ev: Approval of a resolution estabiishing the rate of pay for the new Library Volunteer Coordinator class in Grade 7 of the Professional Standard Ranges. Approve (A) or Reject (R) _PLANN[NGCOMMISSION _CIVILSERVICE WMIdSSSION _CIB COMMIITEE _ STAFF DISTRICTCOURT � SUPPORTS WHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERV[CE CONTRACCS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOW[NG QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persodfirm ever worked under a coniract for this departrnent? Yes No 2. Nas this personlfvm ever been a city empioyee? Yes No 3. Does ffiis personlfirm possess a ski(S not normalty possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain ell yes aoswers on separate sheet and attach m green s6eet INIT[ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTiJNITY (FYhq W6ey W hen, W here, Why): This action is requested to implement the results of the attached classification and compensatiori study conducted of the volunteer coordinator posirian in the Saint Pau] Public Library. REC�efi3@ AAVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The position will be appropriately classified and compensated. �AYOf3'S Q�FSCE DISADVAHTAGES IF APPROVED: None. The salary for this position has been budgeted. The salary range is $29,500 to $38,90Q. DISADVANTAGES IF 1VOT APPROVED: '£he position will not be apgropriately ciassified and compensated. 7'OTAL AMOUNT OF TMNSACTION: S F(7NDING SOURCE: COSTJREVENUE BUDGETED: ACTIVI7'Y NUMBER: . ... 4 ." � �. � � � � � FINANCIAL 7NFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � CODE: S81A BU: 06 EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: LIBRARY VOI.UNTEER COORDINATOR �/� ���� OF WORK � General Statement of Dutie ; Performs professional work glanning and coordinating the Library's volunteer program and student internship program; and performs related duties as zequired. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a division manager. , Supervision Exercised: May exercise close or technical supervision over volunteers and assigned sta£f. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties per£ormed by all positions in this class. Plans, implements, and evaluates volunteer program activities, such as reczuitment, selection, training, orientation, public information/promotion, recognition, and other sgecial events. Coordinates volunteer recruitment and selection process; recruits, interviews, selects or refers volunteers to central, area, and branch libraries. Identifies new volunteer positions; writes job descriptions, Conducts volunteer orientation and training; trains staff on volunteer policies; procedures aad practices. Acts as department resource and liaison to other City departments, outside agencies, schools, and community on volunteer program and issues. Establ£shes and maintains effective working relationship with the schools and various social and human services agencies. Develops and ensures adherence to volunteer program policies and procedures. Writes grant proposals; solicits funds for special events as needed. Develops and maintains volunteer zecords, forms, statistics, and reports. Coordinates student internship program. (continued on reverse side) LIBRARY VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR PROPOSED TITI.E OF CLASS: LIBRARY VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of volunteer program management theories, principles, policies, procedures, and practices. Considerable knowledge of community resources relating to volunteer activities. ia�u . I Working know2edge of departmental structure, operations, programs, and services. Considerable abilfty Lo plan, implement, coordinate, and evaluate volunteer program activities. Considerable ability to establish and maintain effective working relationship with s wide variety of people. Considezable ability to initiate and follow up on contacts in the community. Considerable ability to communicate ef£ectively, both orally and in writing, and to make ef£ect3ve formal presentations. Working ability to interview and assess pxospective volunteers. MINIMiJM QIIALIFICATIONS A bachelor's degree and one year of experience in volunteer coordination or equivalent. LIBRARY VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR �; YROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: LIBRARY VOLUNTEER 3INOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIfiS " Page. _ �l-53� Considezable knowledge of nolunteer grogram nanagement theories, principles, policies, procedures, and practiees. Considerable lmowledge of �o�unitq sesousces relating Lo volunteer activities. ilozking irnowledge of departmental stnuture, aperations, pzograms, and services . Considerable ability to plan, implement, coordinate, md avaluate volunteer program activities. Considezable ability to establish and maintain effective vorking relationshig with a wide variety of people. ConsSderable ability to initiate and follow up on contacts in the community. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, and to make effective formal presetttations. Working ability to interview and assess prospective volunteers. lSINZMUM QIIALIFICATIONS A bachelor's degree and one year of experience in volunteer coordination or equivalent. � � L_J LIBRARY VOLVNTEF1t �; �-.+c-e�-1997 10�57 CITY ST.PAUL FiLt1AN f�SOUR 292 '7656 P.02/04 �• �t � � �� s�� y4=r � :.i 1 Y l��""T7�iu� tlf3MAh �'Q�'R�'E�' CTTY OF SA1NT B'�UL '37 t4AR 21 P}:�4 XoraCokmmi.YaYOr ?30Qry9aY.4pt� Tskp3poc NbI66dJQ� 2f7YatFemdiSAUr 7PD?7Y.' If72,266df01 SduPm�t iMee+O�s SS7Q2.f63J Je6Ane: d1b2666507 r�r�: �►s.��as6 TO: FR: DATE: RE: Carole WilSiams, Ac:ting Director Saint Paui Pubtic Library Karen Sanchez Class�cation, Compensation & Org'I Design February 24,1997 Twenty Day Notice ft has been determined that the tiUe a»d dass spec�catian oi Librsry Vclunteer Coordinator should be created. i have attached a copy of the ciass specification fer ycur review_ Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to �scuss this action. If i do not hear irom you within fhat time frame, t wilt assume agreement and wilt proceed with the process. i wiii also be processing a resalution to estabtish the rate af pay for the tit{e of Library Votunteer Coordinator in the Professiona! Emptoyees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, Sectiort D 3 af tha Salary Plan and Rates of Campensation. 1 hereby w�ive the ilme remaininy on �is tweMy day noace far the purpese of creating this titte and dass sp�cation. Name " pate rMK—et3-1997 13�29 CITY DF ST PRUL LIEP 512 266 9124 P.02 �� ��� ^ n�nr nl.L ;� �IIAAA CTI'Y' OF SAIlVT PAUL Nonn Coleman, Mayor February 24, 1997 Steve Roy, President Pr�fessional Empioyees Association L1EP 300 Lowry Professional Bidg. 350 St. Peter StreeQ St. Paul, MN 55102 Oear Steve: OPFICE OP A VMAN RES�VRC85 lolvs ITma+lron, DLrcror 230 C5ry EattArmes Tckphone: 6I2-2666500 ZS Wus ForuB� Stren IDD/ITY• 622-266SS01 Saiiu Pard, Minnesou 55102-1631 Jobtix: 612-266dS02 Fauimile: 61Y292•9656 lt has been determined that the tiile and ciass spec�catinn of Library Volunteer Coordinator should be created. 4 have attached a copy oi the class specification for your review. Pfease notify me within twenty days of teceipt of this memo, i� you wish to discuss this action. If 1 do not hear from you within that time frame, i wif{ assume ag�eement and will proceed with the process. i will atso be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for khe titie of tibrary Vo{unteer Coordinatar in the P�ofessiona! Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, Section 0 3 of the Safary Plan and Rates of Compensation. � Karen Sanche C►assiftcation, Compensation � Org9 Design 1 herehy waive the t9me remaining on this twenty day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specifiCation. Name Date TOTAL P.02 ��-s�*i CLASSIFICAITON AND COMPENSATION STUDY REPORT Class Studied: Incumbent: Date Studied: Studied By: Persons Contacted: Vofunteer Coordinator (Part-time) Wendy Neurer January 7,1997 Karen Sanchez lncumbent and immediate Supervisor APPROVAL OF THE CLASSIFfCAT10N AND COMPENSAfION MANAGER: DATE: l— �' � �ac_kground The study was c4nducted at the departmenYs request to determine the appropriate classiiication and compensation of the Volunteer Coordinator position in the Library. Study Components Review of the job profile. Interview with the incumbent and immediate supenrisor. Comparison to reiated classifications and positions. QES evaluation. Position Description Coordinates volunteer seleetion and placement. Receives requests for volunteer services and determines if request is volunteer appropriate based on factars such as non-conflict with ths union, City liability, safety and security, providing meaningfui experiences to volunteers, and level of skilis needed. Writes job descriptions including job title, duties, hours, time commitment, agency, training and experience needed, and special requirements if necessary. Recruits volunteers, screens and interviews applicants, selects and/or makes referra{s to the agencies. Conducts orientation and training and monitors job performance. R q� -53� 2. Coordinates program activities. Resolves volunteer issues, problems, and concerns, evaluates and imp{ements program changes or improvements, recommends changes in volunteer service requests, responds to requests for information, develops recruitment strategies, ensures adherence to policies and procedures, and provides public information and promotion of the program. 3. Plans and coordinates adult and youth volurrteer recognition programs. Writes grant proposals to The Friends and accounts for the budget, solicits sponsorship from smali businesses and corporations, prepares materials, and coordinates program activities. 4. Ensures proper documentation ot volunteer services for programs such as Homebound, Community Services, Intemship, STRIDE, RSVP, Promise, Saturn and Open School. 5. Estabiishes and maintains good working relationships with City departments, government agencies, social or human services organizations, community organizations, businesses, schoofs, media, and the community. 6. Maintains volunteer database; compiles and prepares forms, statistics and reports. 7. Coordinates student internship program. Com�arison The position was compared to the other entry-fevel professiona{ c{assifications, such as Management Assistant l, Volunteer Coordinator, Human Resources Specialist I, Public Information Speciafist 1, and Project Manager i. The Management Assistant I and Volunteer Coordinator are in Grade 5 and the Human Resources Specialist i, Public Information Speciafist i, and Project Manager I are in Grade 7 of the Professional Standard Ranges. The position has more responsibility than a Management Assistant i. A Management Assistant f assists in pfanning and devefoping departmental programs and projects. The position in question is responsible for managing all aspects of the Library's volunteer program under the general supervision of the Technica{ and Support Services Manager. Some of the duties of the position are comparable to the Fiuman Resources Specialist i and Pubiic information Specialist 1. The duties that are comparable to the Human Resources Specialist ( are writing job descriptions, recruitment, interviewing, placement, orientation and training of volunteers. The duties that are comparable to the Pubiic Information Specialist I are planning and coordinating specia! events, developing marketing strategies, coordinating volur�teer services, and providing pubfic information and promotion. The combined responsibility of managing the Library's volunteer program, student intemship program, and special projects involving volunteer services, such as City q�.s�� Store and Skyway Branch set-up, bar coding, Highland move, Centrai Library reorganization, Internet-Hamlink, Youth Summer Reading Program, and Homebound deliveries would be also be comparable to the Project Manager i class. All three classes are in the same pay grsde. The current Volunteer Coordinator class does not fuliy describe the levei of responsibifity of the volu�teer cflordinator for the Library. The position is respo�sible for all aspects of the program inc{uding making sure that alf volunteer services needs, issues are resolved, and appropriate contacts and effective working relationships are established between the voluntee�s, Library supervisors, outside agencies, and the community. QES Evaluation The evaluation supports compensating the position in Grade 7 of the Professionai Standard Ranges. Recommendation f recommend that a new class entitled Library Volunteer Coordinator be created in Grade 7 of the Professional Standard Ranges. Council File # �� " � � ,�, , _ . .. ,�.. �. ,�_ Presented b} Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Requested by Department of: Office of Auman Resources � BY� �� . '�1!_�V� Form Appro d ty Attomey R By: � �'t f' �'t � �� Approved by Mayor: Date '�� z 1� �� �'�' � RESOLUTI�N SAiNT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Green Sheet # 40158 ��; Committee Date An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Library Volunteer Coordinator in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensarion Resolufion. RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the Library Volunteer Coordinator class be the rate set forth in Grade 00�, Section ID4, of the Professional Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this xesolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage and approval of this resolution. Adopted by Council: Aate �L' Approved by Mayor fo ubmission to ouncil Adoption Certified by Council Secr By: s � �--, a- . (��_ ��5� (_ DEPARTMENTIOFFICEJCOUNCIL: Human Resources CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: r � Jolm Shockley, x66482 � Karen Sanchez, x66483 5 MUSf BE OA1 COi7NCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES DATE INI7'IATED � S �� 4�2J4� GREEN SHEET No.: 40158 �� � tNlTIAI/D TE �AIITIAL/DATE ASSIGN I DEPARTMENT DI It t{ 5_ C77Y COUNCIL NUMBER ? CTTY ATTORNEY b_ CITY CLERK FOR 3_ BUDG�"3' DIR. FRJ. & A3GT. SERVICE DIR ROUTING 4 MAYOR (OR ASSTJ CIVtI. SERVICE COMNIISSION ORDER ALL LOCATIONS ncrtox x�ues�ev: Approval of a resolution estabiishing the rate of pay for the new Library Volunteer Coordinator class in Grade 7 of the Professional Standard Ranges. Approve (A) or Reject (R) _PLANN[NGCOMMISSION _CIVILSERVICE WMIdSSSION _CIB COMMIITEE _ STAFF DISTRICTCOURT � SUPPORTS WHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERV[CE CONTRACCS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOW[NG QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persodfirm ever worked under a coniract for this departrnent? Yes No 2. Nas this personlfvm ever been a city empioyee? Yes No 3. Does ffiis personlfirm possess a ski(S not normalty possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain ell yes aoswers on separate sheet and attach m green s6eet INIT[ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTiJNITY (FYhq W6ey W hen, W here, Why): This action is requested to implement the results of the attached classification and compensatiori study conducted of the volunteer coordinator posirian in the Saint Pau] Public Library. REC�efi3@ AAVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The position will be appropriately classified and compensated. �AYOf3'S Q�FSCE DISADVAHTAGES IF APPROVED: None. The salary for this position has been budgeted. The salary range is $29,500 to $38,90Q. DISADVANTAGES IF 1VOT APPROVED: '£he position will not be apgropriately ciassified and compensated. 7'OTAL AMOUNT OF TMNSACTION: S F(7NDING SOURCE: COSTJREVENUE BUDGETED: ACTIVI7'Y NUMBER: . ... 4 ." � �. � � � � � FINANCIAL 7NFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � CODE: S81A BU: 06 EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: LIBRARY VOI.UNTEER COORDINATOR �/� ���� OF WORK � General Statement of Dutie ; Performs professional work glanning and coordinating the Library's volunteer program and student internship program; and performs related duties as zequired. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a division manager. , Supervision Exercised: May exercise close or technical supervision over volunteers and assigned sta£f. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties per£ormed by all positions in this class. Plans, implements, and evaluates volunteer program activities, such as reczuitment, selection, training, orientation, public information/promotion, recognition, and other sgecial events. Coordinates volunteer recruitment and selection process; recruits, interviews, selects or refers volunteers to central, area, and branch libraries. Identifies new volunteer positions; writes job descriptions, Conducts volunteer orientation and training; trains staff on volunteer policies; procedures aad practices. Acts as department resource and liaison to other City departments, outside agencies, schools, and community on volunteer program and issues. Establ£shes and maintains effective working relationship with the schools and various social and human services agencies. Develops and ensures adherence to volunteer program policies and procedures. Writes grant proposals; solicits funds for special events as needed. Develops and maintains volunteer zecords, forms, statistics, and reports. Coordinates student internship program. (continued on reverse side) LIBRARY VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR PROPOSED TITI.E OF CLASS: LIBRARY VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of volunteer program management theories, principles, policies, procedures, and practices. Considerable knowledge of community resources relating to volunteer activities. ia�u . I Working know2edge of departmental structure, operations, programs, and services. Considerable abilfty Lo plan, implement, coordinate, and evaluate volunteer program activities. Considerable ability to establish and maintain effective working relationship with s wide variety of people. Considezable ability to initiate and follow up on contacts in the community. Considerable ability to communicate ef£ectively, both orally and in writing, and to make ef£ect3ve formal presentations. Working ability to interview and assess pxospective volunteers. MINIMiJM QIIALIFICATIONS A bachelor's degree and one year of experience in volunteer coordination or equivalent. LIBRARY VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR �; YROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: LIBRARY VOLUNTEER 3INOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIfiS " Page. _ �l-53� Considezable knowledge of nolunteer grogram nanagement theories, principles, policies, procedures, and practiees. Considerable lmowledge of �o�unitq sesousces relating Lo volunteer activities. ilozking irnowledge of departmental stnuture, aperations, pzograms, and services . Considerable ability to plan, implement, coordinate, md avaluate volunteer program activities. Considezable ability to establish and maintain effective vorking relationshig with a wide variety of people. ConsSderable ability to initiate and follow up on contacts in the community. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, and to make effective formal presetttations. Working ability to interview and assess prospective volunteers. lSINZMUM QIIALIFICATIONS A bachelor's degree and one year of experience in volunteer coordination or equivalent. � � L_J LIBRARY VOLVNTEF1t �; �-.+c-e�-1997 10�57 CITY ST.PAUL FiLt1AN f�SOUR 292 '7656 P.02/04 �• �t � � �� s�� y4=r � :.i 1 Y l��""T7�iu� tlf3MAh �'Q�'R�'E�' CTTY OF SA1NT B'�UL '37 t4AR 21 P}:�4 XoraCokmmi.YaYOr ?30Qry9aY.4pt� Tskp3poc NbI66dJQ� 2f7YatFemdiSAUr 7PD?7Y.' If72,266df01 SduPm�t iMee+O�s SS7Q2.f63J Je6Ane: d1b2666507 r�r�: �►s.��as6 TO: FR: DATE: RE: Carole WilSiams, Ac:ting Director Saint Paui Pubtic Library Karen Sanchez Class�cation, Compensation & Org'I Design February 24,1997 Twenty Day Notice ft has been determined that the tiUe a»d dass spec�catian oi Librsry Vclunteer Coordinator should be created. i have attached a copy of the ciass specification fer ycur review_ Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to �scuss this action. If i do not hear irom you within fhat time frame, t wilt assume agreement and wilt proceed with the process. i wiii also be processing a resalution to estabtish the rate af pay for the tit{e of Library Votunteer Coordinator in the Professiona! Emptoyees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, Sectiort D 3 af tha Salary Plan and Rates of Campensation. 1 hereby w�ive the ilme remaininy on �is tweMy day noace far the purpese of creating this titte and dass sp�cation. Name " pate rMK—et3-1997 13�29 CITY DF ST PRUL LIEP 512 266 9124 P.02 �� ��� ^ n�nr nl.L ;� �IIAAA CTI'Y' OF SAIlVT PAUL Nonn Coleman, Mayor February 24, 1997 Steve Roy, President Pr�fessional Empioyees Association L1EP 300 Lowry Professional Bidg. 350 St. Peter StreeQ St. Paul, MN 55102 Oear Steve: OPFICE OP A VMAN RES�VRC85 lolvs ITma+lron, DLrcror 230 C5ry EattArmes Tckphone: 6I2-2666500 ZS Wus ForuB� Stren IDD/ITY• 622-266SS01 Saiiu Pard, Minnesou 55102-1631 Jobtix: 612-266dS02 Fauimile: 61Y292•9656 lt has been determined that the tiile and ciass spec�catinn of Library Volunteer Coordinator should be created. 4 have attached a copy oi the class specification for your review. Pfease notify me within twenty days of teceipt of this memo, i� you wish to discuss this action. If 1 do not hear from you within that time frame, i wif{ assume ag�eement and will proceed with the process. i will atso be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for khe titie of tibrary Vo{unteer Coordinatar in the P�ofessiona! Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, Section 0 3 of the Safary Plan and Rates of Compensation. � Karen Sanche C►assiftcation, Compensation � Org9 Design 1 herehy waive the t9me remaining on this twenty day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specifiCation. Name Date TOTAL P.02 ��-s�*i CLASSIFICAITON AND COMPENSATION STUDY REPORT Class Studied: Incumbent: Date Studied: Studied By: Persons Contacted: Vofunteer Coordinator (Part-time) Wendy Neurer January 7,1997 Karen Sanchez lncumbent and immediate Supervisor APPROVAL OF THE CLASSIFfCAT10N AND COMPENSAfION MANAGER: DATE: l— �' � �ac_kground The study was c4nducted at the departmenYs request to determine the appropriate classiiication and compensation of the Volunteer Coordinator position in the Library. Study Components Review of the job profile. Interview with the incumbent and immediate supenrisor. Comparison to reiated classifications and positions. QES evaluation. Position Description Coordinates volunteer seleetion and placement. Receives requests for volunteer services and determines if request is volunteer appropriate based on factars such as non-conflict with ths union, City liability, safety and security, providing meaningfui experiences to volunteers, and level of skilis needed. Writes job descriptions including job title, duties, hours, time commitment, agency, training and experience needed, and special requirements if necessary. Recruits volunteers, screens and interviews applicants, selects and/or makes referra{s to the agencies. Conducts orientation and training and monitors job performance. R q� -53� 2. Coordinates program activities. Resolves volunteer issues, problems, and concerns, evaluates and imp{ements program changes or improvements, recommends changes in volunteer service requests, responds to requests for information, develops recruitment strategies, ensures adherence to policies and procedures, and provides public information and promotion of the program. 3. Plans and coordinates adult and youth volurrteer recognition programs. Writes grant proposals to The Friends and accounts for the budget, solicits sponsorship from smali businesses and corporations, prepares materials, and coordinates program activities. 4. Ensures proper documentation ot volunteer services for programs such as Homebound, Community Services, Intemship, STRIDE, RSVP, Promise, Saturn and Open School. 5. Estabiishes and maintains good working relationships with City departments, government agencies, social or human services organizations, community organizations, businesses, schoofs, media, and the community. 6. Maintains volunteer database; compiles and prepares forms, statistics and reports. 7. Coordinates student internship program. Com�arison The position was compared to the other entry-fevel professiona{ c{assifications, such as Management Assistant l, Volunteer Coordinator, Human Resources Specialist I, Public Information Speciafist 1, and Project Manager i. The Management Assistant I and Volunteer Coordinator are in Grade 5 and the Human Resources Specialist i, Public Information Speciafist i, and Project Manager I are in Grade 7 of the Professional Standard Ranges. The position has more responsibility than a Management Assistant i. A Management Assistant f assists in pfanning and devefoping departmental programs and projects. The position in question is responsible for managing all aspects of the Library's volunteer program under the general supervision of the Technica{ and Support Services Manager. Some of the duties of the position are comparable to the Fiuman Resources Specialist i and Pubiic information Specialist 1. The duties that are comparable to the Human Resources Specialist ( are writing job descriptions, recruitment, interviewing, placement, orientation and training of volunteers. The duties that are comparable to the Pubiic Information Specialist I are planning and coordinating specia! events, developing marketing strategies, coordinating volur�teer services, and providing pubfic information and promotion. The combined responsibility of managing the Library's volunteer program, student intemship program, and special projects involving volunteer services, such as City q�.s�� Store and Skyway Branch set-up, bar coding, Highland move, Centrai Library reorganization, Internet-Hamlink, Youth Summer Reading Program, and Homebound deliveries would be also be comparable to the Project Manager i class. All three classes are in the same pay grsde. The current Volunteer Coordinator class does not fuliy describe the levei of responsibifity of the volu�teer cflordinator for the Library. The position is respo�sible for all aspects of the program inc{uding making sure that alf volunteer services needs, issues are resolved, and appropriate contacts and effective working relationships are established between the voluntee�s, Library supervisors, outside agencies, and the community. QES Evaluation The evaluation supports compensating the position in Grade 7 of the Professionai Standard Ranges. Recommendation f recommend that a new class entitled Library Volunteer Coordinator be created in Grade 7 of the Professional Standard Ranges. Council File # �� " � � ,�, , _ . .. ,�.. �. ,�_ Presented b} Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Requested by Department of: Office of Auman Resources � BY� �� . '�1!_�V� Form Appro d ty Attomey R By: � �'t f' �'t � �� Approved by Mayor: Date '�� z 1� �� �'�' � RESOLUTI�N SAiNT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Green Sheet # 40158 ��; Committee Date An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Library Volunteer Coordinator in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensarion Resolufion. RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the Library Volunteer Coordinator class be the rate set forth in Grade 00�, Section ID4, of the Professional Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this xesolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage and approval of this resolution. Adopted by Council: Aate �L' Approved by Mayor fo ubmission to ouncil Adoption Certified by Council Secr By: s � �--, a- . (��_ ��5� (_ DEPARTMENTIOFFICEJCOUNCIL: Human Resources CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: r � Jolm Shockley, x66482 � Karen Sanchez, x66483 5 MUSf BE OA1 COi7NCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES DATE INI7'IATED � S �� 4�2J4� GREEN SHEET No.: 40158 �� � tNlTIAI/D TE �AIITIAL/DATE ASSIGN I DEPARTMENT DI It t{ 5_ C77Y COUNCIL NUMBER ? CTTY ATTORNEY b_ CITY CLERK FOR 3_ BUDG�"3' DIR. FRJ. & A3GT. SERVICE DIR ROUTING 4 MAYOR (OR ASSTJ CIVtI. SERVICE COMNIISSION ORDER ALL LOCATIONS ncrtox x�ues�ev: Approval of a resolution estabiishing the rate of pay for the new Library Volunteer Coordinator class in Grade 7 of the Professional Standard Ranges. Approve (A) or Reject (R) _PLANN[NGCOMMISSION _CIVILSERVICE WMIdSSSION _CIB COMMIITEE _ STAFF DISTRICTCOURT � SUPPORTS WHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERV[CE CONTRACCS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOW[NG QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persodfirm ever worked under a coniract for this departrnent? Yes No 2. Nas this personlfvm ever been a city empioyee? Yes No 3. Does ffiis personlfirm possess a ski(S not normalty possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain ell yes aoswers on separate sheet and attach m green s6eet INIT[ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTiJNITY (FYhq W6ey W hen, W here, Why): This action is requested to implement the results of the attached classification and compensatiori study conducted of the volunteer coordinator posirian in the Saint Pau] Public Library. REC�efi3@ AAVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The position will be appropriately classified and compensated. �AYOf3'S Q�FSCE DISADVAHTAGES IF APPROVED: None. The salary for this position has been budgeted. The salary range is $29,500 to $38,90Q. DISADVANTAGES IF 1VOT APPROVED: '£he position will not be apgropriately ciassified and compensated. 7'OTAL AMOUNT OF TMNSACTION: S F(7NDING SOURCE: COSTJREVENUE BUDGETED: ACTIVI7'Y NUMBER: . ... 4 ." � �. � � � � � FINANCIAL 7NFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � CODE: S81A BU: 06 EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: LIBRARY VOI.UNTEER COORDINATOR �/� ���� OF WORK � General Statement of Dutie ; Performs professional work glanning and coordinating the Library's volunteer program and student internship program; and performs related duties as zequired. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a division manager. , Supervision Exercised: May exercise close or technical supervision over volunteers and assigned sta£f. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties per£ormed by all positions in this class. Plans, implements, and evaluates volunteer program activities, such as reczuitment, selection, training, orientation, public information/promotion, recognition, and other sgecial events. Coordinates volunteer recruitment and selection process; recruits, interviews, selects or refers volunteers to central, area, and branch libraries. Identifies new volunteer positions; writes job descriptions, Conducts volunteer orientation and training; trains staff on volunteer policies; procedures aad practices. Acts as department resource and liaison to other City departments, outside agencies, schools, and community on volunteer program and issues. Establ£shes and maintains effective working relationship with the schools and various social and human services agencies. Develops and ensures adherence to volunteer program policies and procedures. Writes grant proposals; solicits funds for special events as needed. Develops and maintains volunteer zecords, forms, statistics, and reports. Coordinates student internship program. (continued on reverse side) LIBRARY VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR PROPOSED TITI.E OF CLASS: LIBRARY VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of volunteer program management theories, principles, policies, procedures, and practices. Considerable knowledge of community resources relating to volunteer activities. ia�u . I Working know2edge of departmental structure, operations, programs, and services. Considerable abilfty Lo plan, implement, coordinate, and evaluate volunteer program activities. Considerable ability to establish and maintain effective working relationship with s wide variety of people. Considezable ability to initiate and follow up on contacts in the community. Considerable ability to communicate ef£ectively, both orally and in writing, and to make ef£ect3ve formal presentations. Working ability to interview and assess pxospective volunteers. MINIMiJM QIIALIFICATIONS A bachelor's degree and one year of experience in volunteer coordination or equivalent. LIBRARY VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR �; YROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: LIBRARY VOLUNTEER 3INOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIfiS " Page. _ �l-53� Considezable knowledge of nolunteer grogram nanagement theories, principles, policies, procedures, and practiees. Considerable lmowledge of �o�unitq sesousces relating Lo volunteer activities. ilozking irnowledge of departmental stnuture, aperations, pzograms, and services . Considerable ability to plan, implement, coordinate, md avaluate volunteer program activities. Considezable ability to establish and maintain effective vorking relationshig with a wide variety of people. ConsSderable ability to initiate and follow up on contacts in the community. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, and to make effective formal presetttations. Working ability to interview and assess prospective volunteers. lSINZMUM QIIALIFICATIONS A bachelor's degree and one year of experience in volunteer coordination or equivalent. � � L_J LIBRARY VOLVNTEF1t �; �-.+c-e�-1997 10�57 CITY ST.PAUL FiLt1AN f�SOUR 292 '7656 P.02/04 �• �t � � �� s�� y4=r � :.i 1 Y l��""T7�iu� tlf3MAh �'Q�'R�'E�' CTTY OF SA1NT B'�UL '37 t4AR 21 P}:�4 XoraCokmmi.YaYOr ?30Qry9aY.4pt� Tskp3poc NbI66dJQ� 2f7YatFemdiSAUr 7PD?7Y.' If72,266df01 SduPm�t iMee+O�s SS7Q2.f63J Je6Ane: d1b2666507 r�r�: �►s.��as6 TO: FR: DATE: RE: Carole WilSiams, Ac:ting Director Saint Paui Pubtic Library Karen Sanchez Class�cation, Compensation & Org'I Design February 24,1997 Twenty Day Notice ft has been determined that the tiUe a»d dass spec�catian oi Librsry Vclunteer Coordinator should be created. i have attached a copy of the ciass specification fer ycur review_ Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to �scuss this action. If i do not hear irom you within fhat time frame, t wilt assume agreement and wilt proceed with the process. i wiii also be processing a resalution to estabtish the rate af pay for the tit{e of Library Votunteer Coordinator in the Professiona! Emptoyees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, Sectiort D 3 af tha Salary Plan and Rates of Campensation. 1 hereby w�ive the ilme remaininy on �is tweMy day noace far the purpese of creating this titte and dass sp�cation. Name " pate rMK—et3-1997 13�29 CITY DF ST PRUL LIEP 512 266 9124 P.02 �� ��� ^ n�nr nl.L ;� �IIAAA CTI'Y' OF SAIlVT PAUL Nonn Coleman, Mayor February 24, 1997 Steve Roy, President Pr�fessional Empioyees Association L1EP 300 Lowry Professional Bidg. 350 St. Peter StreeQ St. Paul, MN 55102 Oear Steve: OPFICE OP A VMAN RES�VRC85 lolvs ITma+lron, DLrcror 230 C5ry EattArmes Tckphone: 6I2-2666500 ZS Wus ForuB� Stren IDD/ITY• 622-266SS01 Saiiu Pard, Minnesou 55102-1631 Jobtix: 612-266dS02 Fauimile: 61Y292•9656 lt has been determined that the tiile and ciass spec�catinn of Library Volunteer Coordinator should be created. 4 have attached a copy oi the class specification for your review. Pfease notify me within twenty days of teceipt of this memo, i� you wish to discuss this action. If 1 do not hear from you within that time frame, i wif{ assume ag�eement and will proceed with the process. i will atso be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for khe titie of tibrary Vo{unteer Coordinatar in the P�ofessiona! Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, Section 0 3 of the Safary Plan and Rates of Compensation. � Karen Sanche C►assiftcation, Compensation � Org9 Design 1 herehy waive the t9me remaining on this twenty day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specifiCation. Name Date TOTAL P.02 ��-s�*i CLASSIFICAITON AND COMPENSATION STUDY REPORT Class Studied: Incumbent: Date Studied: Studied By: Persons Contacted: Vofunteer Coordinator (Part-time) Wendy Neurer January 7,1997 Karen Sanchez lncumbent and immediate Supervisor APPROVAL OF THE CLASSIFfCAT10N AND COMPENSAfION MANAGER: DATE: l— �' � �ac_kground The study was c4nducted at the departmenYs request to determine the appropriate classiiication and compensation of the Volunteer Coordinator position in the Library. Study Components Review of the job profile. Interview with the incumbent and immediate supenrisor. Comparison to reiated classifications and positions. QES evaluation. Position Description Coordinates volunteer seleetion and placement. Receives requests for volunteer services and determines if request is volunteer appropriate based on factars such as non-conflict with ths union, City liability, safety and security, providing meaningfui experiences to volunteers, and level of skilis needed. Writes job descriptions including job title, duties, hours, time commitment, agency, training and experience needed, and special requirements if necessary. Recruits volunteers, screens and interviews applicants, selects and/or makes referra{s to the agencies. Conducts orientation and training and monitors job performance. R q� -53� 2. Coordinates program activities. Resolves volunteer issues, problems, and concerns, evaluates and imp{ements program changes or improvements, recommends changes in volunteer service requests, responds to requests for information, develops recruitment strategies, ensures adherence to policies and procedures, and provides public information and promotion of the program. 3. Plans and coordinates adult and youth volurrteer recognition programs. Writes grant proposals to The Friends and accounts for the budget, solicits sponsorship from smali businesses and corporations, prepares materials, and coordinates program activities. 4. Ensures proper documentation ot volunteer services for programs such as Homebound, Community Services, Intemship, STRIDE, RSVP, Promise, Saturn and Open School. 5. Estabiishes and maintains good working relationships with City departments, government agencies, social or human services organizations, community organizations, businesses, schoofs, media, and the community. 6. Maintains volunteer database; compiles and prepares forms, statistics and reports. 7. Coordinates student internship program. Com�arison The position was compared to the other entry-fevel professiona{ c{assifications, such as Management Assistant l, Volunteer Coordinator, Human Resources Specialist I, Public Information Speciafist 1, and Project Manager i. The Management Assistant I and Volunteer Coordinator are in Grade 5 and the Human Resources Specialist i, Public Information Speciafist i, and Project Manager I are in Grade 7 of the Professional Standard Ranges. The position has more responsibility than a Management Assistant i. A Management Assistant f assists in pfanning and devefoping departmental programs and projects. The position in question is responsible for managing all aspects of the Library's volunteer program under the general supervision of the Technica{ and Support Services Manager. Some of the duties of the position are comparable to the Fiuman Resources Specialist i and Pubiic information Specialist 1. The duties that are comparable to the Human Resources Specialist ( are writing job descriptions, recruitment, interviewing, placement, orientation and training of volunteers. The duties that are comparable to the Pubiic Information Specialist I are planning and coordinating specia! events, developing marketing strategies, coordinating volur�teer services, and providing pubfic information and promotion. The combined responsibility of managing the Library's volunteer program, student intemship program, and special projects involving volunteer services, such as City q�.s�� Store and Skyway Branch set-up, bar coding, Highland move, Centrai Library reorganization, Internet-Hamlink, Youth Summer Reading Program, and Homebound deliveries would be also be comparable to the Project Manager i class. All three classes are in the same pay grsde. The current Volunteer Coordinator class does not fuliy describe the levei of responsibifity of the volu�teer cflordinator for the Library. The position is respo�sible for all aspects of the program inc{uding making sure that alf volunteer services needs, issues are resolved, and appropriate contacts and effective working relationships are established between the voluntee�s, Library supervisors, outside agencies, and the community. QES Evaluation The evaluation supports compensating the position in Grade 7 of the Professionai Standard Ranges. Recommendation f recommend that a new class entitled Library Volunteer Coordinator be created in Grade 7 of the Professional Standard Ranges.