97-528{� 1�\ �N a c - s%�)q� Council File # 9`l —S� $' Sheet # 3 �` 3 6 RESOLUTION OF Presented Referred To Date �� 1 WHEREAS, the Miunesota State Legislature is considering fomling a Criminal Gang Council and Strike Force; and 2 W�IEREAS, the Cruiunal Gaug Council will be collecting data on individuals in our community to determine gang 3�liation, and there is no criteria set forth for determining what a gang or gang member is; and VJI3EREAS, the City of Saint Paul City Council has had discussion on criteria used to determine gang affiliation; now therefore be it 6 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council reconnmends that the Minnesota State Legislature consider adopting 7 criteria focusing on the conviction of individuals; the Minnesota State I,egislature should also clarify and define 8"crimival gang"; and the membership of the Strikefarce of the Criminal gang Council should be representative of 9 the community in race and gender; and be it �,r� 10 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul City Council recommends that the Criminal G g Council ll produce a report within a year of the effective date of the enabling legislation on their activities and ane ts by race, 12 sex , multiple times of arrest of offenders, referral process used to move people out of gang membershig,: e process 13 used for cifizen input of individuals with expertise in the azea of youth delinquenc� 14 ' jC - . :F.f�7l:�ei!'rrr" ...w �ai�� a Requested by Deparhnent o£ ���� 0 � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Approved by Mayor: IYate �/3� ��`7 Sy: � ` Adopted by Council: Date � \ Adoptiory �Certified by Council Secre 381�0 y OEWASMIQ�TqFFlCE/CAUNqL OATE INITATEO �� � Sa City Council r� �, �s9� GREEN SHEE CONfRCf PEF90N & PHONE 266-8610 � DEPAFTMEM DIflECTORNRIAUDATE O Cm CAUNCIL INfTIAVDATE Councilmember Jerry Blakey ^u+�� OCISYASTOANEY �CI7YCLEflK NUYBERFOfl MUSS 8E ON COUNpL AGENDA BY (DATE) pp�� � BUDGET DIRECTOA O FlN. & MGi SERVICES DVR. 1'�3y 7 1997 — Suspension ILEIII OFiDEH OMAYOR(ORASSiSTANT) O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL t,OCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UE5TE0: Reco�ending the MN State Legislature consider adopting criteria focusing on the conviction of individuals, claxify and define "cximinal gang", and the membership of the Strikeforce of the Cximinal Gang Council should be iepresentative o£ the co�unity in race and gender. RECAMMENCIATIONS: Approva (A) or Rajed (fl) PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVILSERVICE WMMISSf�N �� Has this person/firm ever worketl untler a coMract for Mis tlepartmeM? _ GBCOMMI7TEE YES NO — 2. Has this person�rm ever been a dty employee? — � — YES NO _ D1S7AIC7 COUF1'T _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skiil not normally possessed by any curtent ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yas answer6 0� upaCate aheat anA attech to green aheet INITIATING PflOBLEM. ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(WM, What. Whan, Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVEO: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7HANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIBG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMSER FINANCIAL INFORkiATION: (EXPLA�N) � �SSEREffi` n[I C JERRY BL.AKEY covnc�lmember CI'1`Y OF SAINT PAUL °I �-Sa� OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCII. MEMORANDLIM TO: ��IuF RE: Council President Dave Thune Counci(member Dan Bostrom Councifinember Joe Collins Councilmember Mike Harris Councifinember Bobbi Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton Councilmember Jerry Blake CR/M/NAL GANG COUNGIL EGISLAT/ON DATE: May 6, 1997 Attached is a copy of a resolution 1 referred to at last week's City Council meeting. It asks for the Minnesota State Legislature, which is forming a Criminal Gang Councif and Strike Force, to consider adopting recommendations set forth in the resolution. I will be bringing this resolution in under suspension at the Wednesday, May 7, City Council meeting. Piease provide my o�ce with any additions you may have prior to tomorrow's meeting. if you have any questions, piease contact either me or Gerry Mcinerney. Attachment CTTY HALL THIRD FIAOR SAINT PAUL, MIIQNESOTA 55102 612f266-8610 s.�,as Printed oa Aec9UCd Paper {� 1�\ �N a c - s%�)q� Council File # 9`l —S� $' Sheet # 3 �` 3 6 RESOLUTION OF Presented Referred To Date �� 1 WHEREAS, the Miunesota State Legislature is considering fomling a Criminal Gang Council and Strike Force; and 2 W�IEREAS, the Cruiunal Gaug Council will be collecting data on individuals in our community to determine gang 3�liation, and there is no criteria set forth for determining what a gang or gang member is; and VJI3EREAS, the City of Saint Paul City Council has had discussion on criteria used to determine gang affiliation; now therefore be it 6 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council reconnmends that the Minnesota State Legislature consider adopting 7 criteria focusing on the conviction of individuals; the Minnesota State I,egislature should also clarify and define 8"crimival gang"; and the membership of the Strikefarce of the Criminal gang Council should be representative of 9 the community in race and gender; and be it �,r� 10 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul City Council recommends that the Criminal G g Council ll produce a report within a year of the effective date of the enabling legislation on their activities and ane ts by race, 12 sex , multiple times of arrest of offenders, referral process used to move people out of gang membershig,: e process 13 used for cifizen input of individuals with expertise in the azea of youth delinquenc� 14 ' jC - . :F.f�7l:�ei!'rrr" ...w �ai�� a Requested by Deparhnent o£ ���� 0 � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Approved by Mayor: IYate �/3� ��`7 Sy: � ` Adopted by Council: Date � \ Adoptiory �Certified by Council Secre 381�0 y OEWASMIQ�TqFFlCE/CAUNqL OATE INITATEO �� � Sa City Council r� �, �s9� GREEN SHEE CONfRCf PEF90N & PHONE 266-8610 � DEPAFTMEM DIflECTORNRIAUDATE O Cm CAUNCIL INfTIAVDATE Councilmember Jerry Blakey ^u+�� OCISYASTOANEY �CI7YCLEflK NUYBERFOfl MUSS 8E ON COUNpL AGENDA BY (DATE) pp�� � BUDGET DIRECTOA O FlN. & MGi SERVICES DVR. 1'�3y 7 1997 — Suspension ILEIII OFiDEH OMAYOR(ORASSiSTANT) O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL t,OCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UE5TE0: Reco�ending the MN State Legislature consider adopting criteria focusing on the conviction of individuals, claxify and define "cximinal gang", and the membership of the Strikeforce of the Cximinal Gang Council should be iepresentative o£ the co�unity in race and gender. RECAMMENCIATIONS: Approva (A) or Rajed (fl) PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVILSERVICE WMMISSf�N �� Has this person/firm ever worketl untler a coMract for Mis tlepartmeM? _ GBCOMMI7TEE YES NO — 2. Has this person�rm ever been a dty employee? — � — YES NO _ D1S7AIC7 COUF1'T _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skiil not normally possessed by any curtent ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yas answer6 0� upaCate aheat anA attech to green aheet INITIATING PflOBLEM. ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(WM, What. Whan, Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVEO: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7HANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIBG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMSER FINANCIAL INFORkiATION: (EXPLA�N) � �SSEREffi` n[I C JERRY BL.AKEY covnc�lmember CI'1`Y OF SAINT PAUL °I �-Sa� OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCII. MEMORANDLIM TO: ��IuF RE: Council President Dave Thune Counci(member Dan Bostrom Councifinember Joe Collins Councilmember Mike Harris Councifinember Bobbi Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton Councilmember Jerry Blake CR/M/NAL GANG COUNGIL EGISLAT/ON DATE: May 6, 1997 Attached is a copy of a resolution 1 referred to at last week's City Council meeting. It asks for the Minnesota State Legislature, which is forming a Criminal Gang Councif and Strike Force, to consider adopting recommendations set forth in the resolution. I will be bringing this resolution in under suspension at the Wednesday, May 7, City Council meeting. Piease provide my o�ce with any additions you may have prior to tomorrow's meeting. if you have any questions, piease contact either me or Gerry Mcinerney. Attachment CTTY HALL THIRD FIAOR SAINT PAUL, MIIQNESOTA 55102 612f266-8610 s.�,as Printed oa Aec9UCd Paper {� 1�\ �N a c - s%�)q� Council File # 9`l —S� $' Sheet # 3 �` 3 6 RESOLUTION OF Presented Referred To Date �� 1 WHEREAS, the Miunesota State Legislature is considering fomling a Criminal Gang Council and Strike Force; and 2 W�IEREAS, the Cruiunal Gaug Council will be collecting data on individuals in our community to determine gang 3�liation, and there is no criteria set forth for determining what a gang or gang member is; and VJI3EREAS, the City of Saint Paul City Council has had discussion on criteria used to determine gang affiliation; now therefore be it 6 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council reconnmends that the Minnesota State Legislature consider adopting 7 criteria focusing on the conviction of individuals; the Minnesota State I,egislature should also clarify and define 8"crimival gang"; and the membership of the Strikefarce of the Criminal gang Council should be representative of 9 the community in race and gender; and be it �,r� 10 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul City Council recommends that the Criminal G g Council ll produce a report within a year of the effective date of the enabling legislation on their activities and ane ts by race, 12 sex , multiple times of arrest of offenders, referral process used to move people out of gang membershig,: e process 13 used for cifizen input of individuals with expertise in the azea of youth delinquenc� 14 ' jC - . :F.f�7l:�ei!'rrr" ...w �ai�� a Requested by Deparhnent o£ ���� 0 � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Approved by Mayor: IYate �/3� ��`7 Sy: � ` Adopted by Council: Date � \ Adoptiory �Certified by Council Secre 381�0 y OEWASMIQ�TqFFlCE/CAUNqL OATE INITATEO �� � Sa City Council r� �, �s9� GREEN SHEE CONfRCf PEF90N & PHONE 266-8610 � DEPAFTMEM DIflECTORNRIAUDATE O Cm CAUNCIL INfTIAVDATE Councilmember Jerry Blakey ^u+�� OCISYASTOANEY �CI7YCLEflK NUYBERFOfl MUSS 8E ON COUNpL AGENDA BY (DATE) pp�� � BUDGET DIRECTOA O FlN. & MGi SERVICES DVR. 1'�3y 7 1997 — Suspension ILEIII OFiDEH OMAYOR(ORASSiSTANT) O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL t,OCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UE5TE0: Reco�ending the MN State Legislature consider adopting criteria focusing on the conviction of individuals, claxify and define "cximinal gang", and the membership of the Strikeforce of the Cximinal Gang Council should be iepresentative o£ the co�unity in race and gender. RECAMMENCIATIONS: Approva (A) or Rajed (fl) PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVILSERVICE WMMISSf�N �� Has this person/firm ever worketl untler a coMract for Mis tlepartmeM? _ GBCOMMI7TEE YES NO — 2. Has this person�rm ever been a dty employee? — � — YES NO _ D1S7AIC7 COUF1'T _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skiil not normally possessed by any curtent ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yas answer6 0� upaCate aheat anA attech to green aheet INITIATING PflOBLEM. ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(WM, What. Whan, Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVEO: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7HANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIBG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMSER FINANCIAL INFORkiATION: (EXPLA�N) � �SSEREffi` n[I C JERRY BL.AKEY covnc�lmember CI'1`Y OF SAINT PAUL °I �-Sa� OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCII. MEMORANDLIM TO: ��IuF RE: Council President Dave Thune Counci(member Dan Bostrom Councifinember Joe Collins Councilmember Mike Harris Councifinember Bobbi Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton Councilmember Jerry Blake CR/M/NAL GANG COUNGIL EGISLAT/ON DATE: May 6, 1997 Attached is a copy of a resolution 1 referred to at last week's City Council meeting. It asks for the Minnesota State Legislature, which is forming a Criminal Gang Councif and Strike Force, to consider adopting recommendations set forth in the resolution. I will be bringing this resolution in under suspension at the Wednesday, May 7, City Council meeting. Piease provide my o�ce with any additions you may have prior to tomorrow's meeting. if you have any questions, piease contact either me or Gerry Mcinerney. Attachment CTTY HALL THIRD FIAOR SAINT PAUL, MIIQNESOTA 55102 612f266-8610 s.�,as Printed oa Aec9UCd Paper