97-523y ro1 ' Ci:y af St. Paul RESt')LUTI4M RATIFYIHG ASSES�27T � .-��- Sa3\k5 �curfC��, �i ` rac. - � . �� — - _ " { y 1''S1E 1�i0. �� Assessse*_zr �7a_ ^v25� Yot inc� — w�rd In th� metter ;,f Lhz �issessmer�t of benefiES, co�t aris3 e��e�ses fc•t 3 The cansLruction of sanitar� se:aer and sto:a aewer service connections, as requested i�y the property o-+rner, in conjunction vrith the DavernfEdgcumbe Area Storm Sewer and Stts�t Pavit�q ar�d Lighting Project. Frelrmir�sry <3rct�� �pyroved Auyus? 1 r, 1�'�� €insl or�ier ?�§-15`?5 approvsd N�vem?�er <^, 299� � A public hearin� having :oeea had upon the �ssessmsat f:,r the �bove impr�<.=�ment and rsaid asse�sment havi been furtlxer earxsiciered by the Cc�ux�cil an�i 35avixxq t7een c.ir�sidere� fin�ily a�tisf�ct�,rY. :1'iere€ore, be it RE�OLV�D, mh�t the sc�it asses�ment be rnd tha same is hera�y in ali resgsct3 ratified. RES'�LVED F'[7�tTf�R, That t�ie sai�3 assess�ier.t be snd it is hareHy det�rmined to be payable in �'Me h 'P� y� equal instal5.ments, CO77b7�II�PERB{R� Yea ' N�ys V Siaiey �str�m �rsis � +u � I � �] )/�asv•Ies�T�� /Ti5 Fa��}g �caaFd y � �tts�, xiG.%L`�_vr�ai:s* �na ��pte� �y the Cc�uncll: ;Date�� \ °� � uer±ifi�� P��ses 's C`.�wncii 3ec.r�tgrv Public Hearing Date - May 7, 1997 RE 2-28-97 T.M.S.IREAL ESTA1'E DIVISION �te: 2-19-97 Green Sheet Nwnber: 38739 EPART1�gT1'CDIItECIOR CITYCOUNCII. tact Petsa�n and PLone Nm�ber. .�. �� ATPORNEY CLII2% Peter White 266-8850 °�' M^ / UDGEP DIItECPOR .& MGT. SVG DIR t YOR (OR ASSIS[AN1) 1 OUNQL RESEARCH ustbe on Council Agenda by :3-19-97 Mus[ be in Council Research Office by noon Friday 3-7-97 OTAL Y OF SIGNATORE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALT, T.00ATIONS FOI2 SIGNATURE) CTION RBQUESfED: Settiaq 8ate of public heariaq of the ratification of assessments for storm sewer connections in conjunotion with the DavernjBdgcumbe Area Project. ile No. 18T50 Assessment lio. 0258 OM11�nIDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RE7ECT pq � SERVICE CONTRACTS MiJSf ANSWER THE FOLIAWING: . Hes the perswi/6rm ever worked mmder a contract for fhis department? YES NO r�aNtvmcmt.aussior+ A sr.+nn . Has this person/firm ever been a GSty employee? YES NO cnm.sertvicernmm�smox . Does fLis pnsmJfirm pos.sess a sloll �wt norn�aDY PossesseJ bS any YES NO current City empioyce? cmcbnu.nrcv.e ' ell YFS answecs on a se e sheet eud attach. PORTSWHICHCOUNCII,OB.TECTIVE? Neighborhoods COL3NCIL WARD(S) � DISTRICT PLANrIING COUNCIL ] 5 TIATING PROB7.FdH, ISSUF„ OPPORTL)NITY (Who, What, Wi�en, Wherq Why'!): roject is completed. Ratification is necessary in order to begin collecting ssessments to help pay for the project. uncil Research G�nter VANTAGES IF APPROVED: �, ['] � n �6vCt`/'' Same as above. � ISADVANTAGES IF APPAOVED: enefitted property owners will have assessments payable via property tases. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: o not assess the benefits would be inconsistent with City policy. OTAL AMOUNf OF TRAA*SACTION: �S' 9� 592 . 77 COSfIREVEN(3E BUDGETED (CIItCLE ON� YES NO INGSOURCE: ASSESSIDAIItS ACTIVITYNUMBER: 5 property owners wi11 be notified of ehe public hearing and charges. City of St. Pau1 R2nS f'Stnte s Dept. of fieahnalcgy & Management serv. CJVtYLIL FI1ar. LV'.�.3� �� �� � REFORT OF CO2�LETI�d f7F A3SE3SMEtIT riSe Nc. 1S75J ?zsseasment No. Q258 s'ot i. � � Ward Z. t2� matter of t7ze assessment of benefits, �c,sL ar.� exr�ense� £or = The co��tr�±atien of aanitary sew= t �-- P ^r and s_er� 3_ner s_r3ice conr.�ctions, as raquested �y the groperty ovrr,er, in conjunction wi*_h tha nnvern/Edacua�h� Rse� �t�?�Ei Se*-aer �nd 3rre�t Fev ar iigr,tin� Pro�act. Yreliminary t�rder 59-1176 Fina� Urder 9U-i595 ^1� the C'.ounnil �f t_r� CitY �f �t, paui ap�roved Auqust 17, 2�94 a�r�r�ve+� ivcver�er �, i9::9 The valuation �nd A�sess?nent Er.qineer hereh� reports tc ti?e r'�unoii the falYoai'r�r� as a atate�ent �f tYae ex_�er:ditsreu n�cessarilv isicurreci for snc� in ^.�nre.�%iQn *rrith tt�e .n3kir>g of tts� a�c-ve impr�v�mnnt, viz. Totul ocnstruct;.�n �ovts �nyizieerii�g afiC Inspection V�i�;aticn ar,d A: sessment ,^;er:ia�N Administr&tian CY�arge - Fvblia Eea3th Fr-C�zGck �'harc�e - Pt:�iic Health Abatement Service Charae `"C?mgl �xc� Critar�e To Ne�c Assessment 57,536.97 Si,41�.F4 � 54�.g�r � S $ $9,`9?.?7 Y Y Y9,JrJZ.77 Sz�id v8;���tior, r�r� �ssessment �'nqineer furiher reporta tast he has aase�se� a_nd leuie� the to�a1 a�nosart as BbOY'B ascertai::ed, to-�vit: the sum of �,Sy2.?? llf70Ai eac�Z and every lot, part or parcel of 2and deemed benefitact by tt?e sai� improvement, unci _n �ne case of eac.h ioz, pert o: �arcei o� iand in acc�rcance wi�'r. Lhe nEreii�s GOr2t�'T'?'23 L'_R°1"2�'_1i LI"a�*' 'C?Ye °81C+' 35v-_u�Ilyc�rit t�ag 1-,��h t�9'�i�12���y' gF�.j r_},gt }yaY'ut:} ?'�v2sC�iEG i(�gRti£i6*� .�3Y tfie• 61jR�i,z;=6 O',�. '`i-!Z2 Sfii.� ''.1��t1Y�2flti ��iz 1'i3�25Sh6Ri .�.T+i'P{�1II2BZ' flII.^.�. A3!42 3�P�� :Y2Y'2Ci� l� 't�`_2 52,.3.(1' 30�.°�5EP.£:i� ,.c .^.i'=�'f�?°��'.i ::;�Z. 321'i 47i2�� �o heresaitn submitted to the Counci2 for surh action t��erea.^. as �r�v Y,e con�idered prcper. ����� 2 `t,o � _ ?t3�Lic i a d _�se��z:er* En�ariPer � -� � s �.� City of 5t. Fau3 'RES4IdTTZQN aPPRtNI1S6 YSSE38�iT At� BI7C3276 TIt� OF f�ARI27G TS�RECR7 c�r gz� xo. �y �a? � By File No. 18756 Aasessmeat No._0258 Votinq I39,r� In the matter of tAe ssseesment o£ benefits, cast sn3 expenses for 3 The canstruction ef �snitary sewer and storm eewer service connection3, aa requeated by the property owner, i.n conjunctioa wiih the Devern(Edgcumhe Area Storm Sewer and Street Peving �nd Lighting Project. Preliminary Order_94-1176 epprovEd August 1?, 1pA9 Final Order 94-2595 approved_Nnvemher 2, 1994 The aaaeaament of benefits, coat and exgenaea foz and in connecti�ri with the abave impr�vement havii7� Lseen submitted to tt=e Council, anc� the Council tisving conaidered same and faun� the sai� a��eaament �atisfactory, therefore, be it RE30LVSD, That the aaid assessment be and the aame is hereb}� in all res�eats approved. RESDLVED FURTF�R, Thst a public hesrinq be had an said assessment en the 7th day of Mau,1997. at the hour of Four thirty o'alock P.M., in tha Council Chamher of the Court House and City xall Building, in tne City of �t. Peul; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice af 3aid meetings, as required by the �harter, stating in seid notice the time and place of hearing, the neture of the improvement, and the amount assessed ac3ainst the lot or lots of the particular ovmar to whr,m the notice is directe@. Yea9 Nays ✓ Blakey � aoatrom .� xarris -�8i3ei!/f/CA?Y ✓ Megard ✓ Rettman � Thune �TA FAVpr �Aqainst Adopted b}c--�h� Ce ified Pass< $ �� x �%���� Secretary Nfayor Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Ratif ication of Assessment OWNER OR TAXPAYER � �� ��_52- COUNCIL DISTRICT �3 PLANNING COUNCIL #15 FILE � ;'IBT�tY�;;%:;>:`;�%;-?;�� ASSESSMENT # #i�58�: PROPERTY ADDRESS >;:�;:,. �;°�:-° , . . . PARCEL ID ...,.,. _ .._.. .._.,., `�;- �;.,. . FROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Ghambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Gourt House HEARING Written or orai statements by any owner will be considered by the CounCil at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approvai of the assessment for: CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS, AS REQESTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER,IN CONJUNCTlON WITH THE DAVERNfEDGCUMBE AREA STORM 3EWER AND STREET PAV{NG AND LIGHTMlG PROJECT. (WOFIK COMPLETED) ASSESSMENT The praposed assessment for the above property is $ INFORMATION If the City Councif approves the assessment you will have 30 days to pay without interest. Any unpaid baiance wiii be aollected with your property taxes over year(s) at 6.250Ro interest. The proposed assessment roil for this project is available for review in the Finance Department, Room i40, City Ffail. ASSESSMENT CALCULATION ��L�;r�i . ., __. _._ �e _:�� i-1�; 2 � i��7 NOTE: THIS IS NOT YOUR BILL. YOU WILL RECEIVE AN INVOICE AETER THE HEARI��=�-�, SPECIFYING THE AMOUNT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL WITH COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PAY THIS ASSESSMENT. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE oa/y8/97 DEFERRED Persons 65 and older or retired by virtue of a permanent PAYMENTS and totai disability may qualify for deferred payment of speciaf assessments. You may apply for �eferred payment if it would be a hardship and you homestead this property. This is not a forgiveness of payment. it is a deferred payment plan in which interest continues to accrue. You can appiy for this plan only aPter the City Councii approves the RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS. For more information on deferments, please call 266-8858. QUESTIONS Betore the pubiic hearing of a local improvement, call 266-8850 and refer to fhe Fite # on page 1. City sfaff witl be avaifabfe to answer any last minute questions on this project in Room 140 City Hali the same day as the hearing, After the public hearing cali 266-8858 and refer to the Assessment # on page 1. !f this notice is for an assessment to be levied for a Summary Abatement (property cteanup), the Boarding-up of vacant buitdings, a Buiiding Demolition or Tree Removal, please cali 266-8858 if you have questions. APPEAL City Council decisions are subject to appea( to the Ramsey County District Court. You must first file a notice stating the grounds for the appeal with the City Clerk within 20 days after the order adopting the assessment. You must also fi(e the same notice with the Clerk of District Court within i0 days after filing with the City Clerk. NOTE: Failure to file the required notices within the times specified shaN forever prohibit an appeal from the assessment. Section 64.06 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code requires regular assessment payments to be made even it an assessment is under appeal. (f fhe appeal is successful, the payments including interest will be refunded. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CITY HALL-COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MN 55102 ��^ f `� v � \ ` ^ V \� \ J \ � � v � 1 \ \ ` V J V ¢ d � U Q 6 £ N O tt N 6 n W W � a K O ti J Z K 6 £ 9 O n £ U m � a n P � 0 N O d M V � O � 3 . ti o•o -•o ) � M r r � C � � w � M p_ r N O � C � fO 6 � V1 � Ifl O II �(f F- � M O II M 2 � . 1� . � � P O I� P O. OJ dl I� W £ � O 11 O Q • . 1� � 11 � � r � �I � O � �� N • 11 U � �1 LL " 11 N � O f • O � N s � M � � � P K � W O � O r � U � LL W � O O F � O O Q � O O F ,� ,� �o > �# � r � M d � N F W � OJ X � N w �# . Y1 O II Ill • yl O II Vl • II � M O II M � M W It tn .� ��� � II � II � � � II � 1� 0 11 11 11 � O � O � � � N M . � •o �o 0 • �} # F • M 2 • N £ W • O� X • N W �# � �O O I� �D � O O II O •11 � P O 1� P � N (A 11 N � P II P 11 • � � �I � � � �I � 11 �I 11 II . 11 • O • O • � . O N � � p O � O O � O O � O O � O O � O O ,� �o v � v � M � N N � t V 1 0 I1 N • �} O 11 �T • II .POnP . N � 11 N , � �� � r � II � 11 11 11 11 II 11 � I I ,a . � �o � � v • M N b • O �O II �O • O M 11 M • 11 . o � n � • � � II � N 11 N � 11 � 11 11 II II II II � I I � O O � O O � N . � w M � � �p N � O O • � O � O O � O O � O O � O O �z :az �� zs a� 3 W � 3 w 3 W 3 W 3 w � N3 � N3 � vi3 � y3 � U�3 W� W W W W W £ � f N � £ � £ N £ N £ N 6� K 6' C K C z� o a O z O z o z O� f-Q e-6 F-4 �� 6 F Q n' � N N � N fn � N 4l .(n tA r N y O � i i �� i �� i i� � • i� � V- + Z 2 • 2 2 • 2 Z � 2 2 � 2 2 U• Z 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 r Z 2 r 6� O O � O O � O O � O O � O O 1i � V U � U U �[J U � U U � U U M N O J lA I� N �I W W W 2 W O T 1�- Q U' 2 ^ O Z N• M-� O 2 J �p W Z� p Qli N U) fJ LL N S�TI� O� YZ � X � a'O • J 2 W O r�-NX � p_rQ � r J U(O 2 W Q 1- � a 6 � CO .T M 3 F- H N 1- d� dP � 6 • N\ N••N x xxry) OO�D N W 2 � 36�-t� LL SJ h �• p � p • Z O 2 F O � W � W LL[O N f J V� . U� 2� � 2 � 3 w K O.. � m �' O h U O¢ N �n � q O �¢ in . Oz V a�- � s � Y W�n.Tr wi-w W• N � J N � 1- \f0 U� 7 •� WPO MH p• 2 J � S� W � N W W� U � U� C � S LL O � V' 1- Y � U' 6' Y �'O S (7 Z r U' . U' O M F� O O£ J �• � 2 J � F W Z Q 2� � � O� J M O fL F- � Cl • 5 ti 6] bl F W O � W � W Q N F- � J W F C 1!� Z(7 J U (d 1� W N 1� l� 'L � NN O •(O�N O W LL�pp. N V1 N OLL �O d� M M �+> O�- N�-�O O�+O�Tx O W vM r O� w 3 � W V) � r 6 # � w • W r O Oi-1-CP C r$ F • Z 1- F � U d U# K �$ F � 2 K T C• W• F r 2• QX LL O � eC 00 • W X\ W O� C O � 66J JO�Yr i--il�0 � J W O J i J J J �(n W �(n � J J � J d W 2 U M LL LL F�D J � N � Ifl O O O Q � N � N C 6 Q Q � .O • �O O O F �} �y r �T fn K d � � K d � w P• t- Y P� I- c� P� P� P 2 � N 2� U) � 2 N� 1- Vl � Q N `+6 N� 0N Z �N � Y �+N Q O� OF- W O� p W O� W�20 � ZV120 M W � Z N W� 1' N W� � M Z�� 6 � N 2• • Z W�T 7�- r J W N7v- � JO N�i� � OJ W� � 1' O W � �� O >N 6� • p£�-M 6� � O•+I-M 6�- � z FN o� � o] W �0� W� N 6`O � OW4)N � OZ(nN � W2�0 � W >�O T�[p � N• � S J O tn •� 2 W O U' • � F•• O � F• Q� O �� KLL �[J W W�-K LL � UtA W �2 LL� F Q� fnLL � K�-NLL a� U K �n w O � lA 2 v� W O � N Z �+1 � O � 0 f/1 vi O� Z C v� O X� 6 w�n p OK�nC O K�n� � 2 vt C � W �nK Q� 0 2N � F-\O 2 tA •!-\O JN � 6 K W!n � N K W N F- . z 2� Q� Z U'O z� 6� S U M S W 6� d' W 2 3 6�} w 2 3 4 • 2 � £ 6 � W � � £ 6 � W � -t £ z � o] 3 £ O � W > £ O K� 2 Q N U' � O C O N U' � O O O tn U' • O � U' � K � f.•! 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K� J IG M Q O p � O- J O Q�D G� 2 J O Q a� p�}�T Q W p � W O Q Vl O W� 2000.I�2 � WS�O2�D2 i W2`0602 • KfQp�Z � JN�?Q�2 2•QUI� �-Ll�OU'M �Y1�pU'M �Si1�2�- N{Y�Yf�ll� NW 3 r y� Q � H O 4 � Z'+ O F O 2 • Z�+ O f O 6 � W N�- O d � O W O F O O_ O • W�Otn�k R � �+SON# # • r�20N# # � 20lq% # � �KOyi y • � d II � �} M 11 � • II • � 11 N �t0 6P MN II V� •(q II P �I P � 11 � I 11 II II II II I� II II 11 �I 11 C C 11 3 w II tA3 II w II fh II C I� o z n t-Q II J N N 11 Q 11 f a z n o 2 Z II f O O II U U II 1- II U J J I I W Q 6 I I f- H 11 O 0 0 11 K I- f �I d N J C Q d d f X W N N W U Q S � y ro1 ' Ci:y af St. Paul RESt')LUTI4M RATIFYIHG ASSES�27T � .-��- Sa3\k5 �curfC��, �i ` rac. - � . �� — - _ " { y 1''S1E 1�i0. �� Assessse*_zr �7a_ ^v25� Yot inc� — w�rd In th� metter ;,f Lhz �issessmer�t of benefiES, co�t aris3 e��e�ses fc•t 3 The cansLruction of sanitar� se:aer and sto:a aewer service connections, as requested i�y the property o-+rner, in conjunction vrith the DavernfEdgcumbe Area Storm Sewer and Stts�t Pavit�q ar�d Lighting Project. Frelrmir�sry <3rct�� �pyroved Auyus? 1 r, 1�'�� €insl or�ier ?�§-15`?5 approvsd N�vem?�er <^, 299� � A public hearin� having :oeea had upon the �ssessmsat f:,r the �bove impr�<.=�ment and rsaid asse�sment havi been furtlxer earxsiciered by the Cc�ux�cil an�i 35avixxq t7een c.ir�sidere� fin�ily a�tisf�ct�,rY. :1'iere€ore, be it RE�OLV�D, mh�t the sc�it asses�ment be rnd tha same is hera�y in ali resgsct3 ratified. RES'�LVED F'[7�tTf�R, That t�ie sai�3 assess�ier.t be snd it is hareHy det�rmined to be payable in �'Me h 'P� y� equal instal5.ments, CO77b7�II�PERB{R� Yea ' N�ys V Siaiey �str�m �rsis � +u � I � �] )/�asv•Ies�T�� /Ti5 Fa��}g �caaFd y � �tts�, xiG.%L`�_vr�ai:s* �na ��pte� �y the Cc�uncll: ;Date�� \ °� � uer±ifi�� P��ses 's C`.�wncii 3ec.r�tgrv Public Hearing Date - May 7, 1997 RE 2-28-97 T.M.S.IREAL ESTA1'E DIVISION �te: 2-19-97 Green Sheet Nwnber: 38739 EPART1�gT1'CDIItECIOR CITYCOUNCII. tact Petsa�n and PLone Nm�ber. .�. �� ATPORNEY CLII2% Peter White 266-8850 °�' M^ / UDGEP DIItECPOR .& MGT. SVG DIR t YOR (OR ASSIS[AN1) 1 OUNQL RESEARCH ustbe on Council Agenda by :3-19-97 Mus[ be in Council Research Office by noon Friday 3-7-97 OTAL Y OF SIGNATORE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALT, T.00ATIONS FOI2 SIGNATURE) CTION RBQUESfED: Settiaq 8ate of public heariaq of the ratification of assessments for storm sewer connections in conjunotion with the DavernjBdgcumbe Area Project. ile No. 18T50 Assessment lio. 0258 OM11�nIDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RE7ECT pq � SERVICE CONTRACTS MiJSf ANSWER THE FOLIAWING: . Hes the perswi/6rm ever worked mmder a contract for fhis department? YES NO r�aNtvmcmt.aussior+ A sr.+nn . Has this person/firm ever been a GSty employee? YES NO cnm.sertvicernmm�smox . Does fLis pnsmJfirm pos.sess a sloll �wt norn�aDY PossesseJ bS any YES NO current City empioyce? cmcbnu.nrcv.e ' ell YFS answecs on a se e sheet eud attach. PORTSWHICHCOUNCII,OB.TECTIVE? Neighborhoods COL3NCIL WARD(S) � DISTRICT PLANrIING COUNCIL ] 5 TIATING PROB7.FdH, ISSUF„ OPPORTL)NITY (Who, What, Wi�en, Wherq Why'!): roject is completed. Ratification is necessary in order to begin collecting ssessments to help pay for the project. uncil Research G�nter VANTAGES IF APPROVED: �, ['] � n �6vCt`/'' Same as above. � ISADVANTAGES IF APPAOVED: enefitted property owners will have assessments payable via property tases. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: o not assess the benefits would be inconsistent with City policy. OTAL AMOUNf OF TRAA*SACTION: �S' 9� 592 . 77 COSfIREVEN(3E BUDGETED (CIItCLE ON� YES NO INGSOURCE: ASSESSIDAIItS ACTIVITYNUMBER: 5 property owners wi11 be notified of ehe public hearing and charges. City of St. Pau1 R2nS f'Stnte s Dept. of fieahnalcgy & Management serv. CJVtYLIL FI1ar. LV'.�.3� �� �� � REFORT OF CO2�LETI�d f7F A3SE3SMEtIT riSe Nc. 1S75J ?zsseasment No. Q258 s'ot i. � � Ward Z. t2� matter of t7ze assessment of benefits, �c,sL ar.� exr�ense� £or = The co��tr�±atien of aanitary sew= t �-- P ^r and s_er� 3_ner s_r3ice conr.�ctions, as raquested �y the groperty ovrr,er, in conjunction wi*_h tha nnvern/Edacua�h� Rse� �t�?�Ei Se*-aer �nd 3rre�t Fev ar iigr,tin� Pro�act. Yreliminary t�rder 59-1176 Fina� Urder 9U-i595 ^1� the C'.ounnil �f t_r� CitY �f �t, paui ap�roved Auqust 17, 2�94 a�r�r�ve+� ivcver�er �, i9::9 The valuation �nd A�sess?nent Er.qineer hereh� reports tc ti?e r'�unoii the falYoai'r�r� as a atate�ent �f tYae ex_�er:ditsreu n�cessarilv isicurreci for snc� in ^.�nre.�%iQn *rrith tt�e .n3kir>g of tts� a�c-ve impr�v�mnnt, viz. Totul ocnstruct;.�n �ovts �nyizieerii�g afiC Inspection V�i�;aticn ar,d A: sessment ,^;er:ia�N Administr&tian CY�arge - Fvblia Eea3th Fr-C�zGck �'harc�e - Pt:�iic Health Abatement Service Charae `"C?mgl �xc� Critar�e To Ne�c Assessment 57,536.97 Si,41�.F4 � 54�.g�r � S $ $9,`9?.?7 Y Y Y9,JrJZ.77 Sz�id v8;���tior, r�r� �ssessment �'nqineer furiher reporta tast he has aase�se� a_nd leuie� the to�a1 a�nosart as BbOY'B ascertai::ed, to-�vit: the sum of �,Sy2.?? llf70Ai eac�Z and every lot, part or parcel of 2and deemed benefitact by tt?e sai� improvement, unci _n �ne case of eac.h ioz, pert o: �arcei o� iand in acc�rcance wi�'r. Lhe nEreii�s GOr2t�'T'?'23 L'_R°1"2�'_1i LI"a�*' 'C?Ye °81C+' 35v-_u�Ilyc�rit t�ag 1-,��h t�9'�i�12���y' gF�.j r_},gt }yaY'ut:} ?'�v2sC�iEG i(�gRti£i6*� .�3Y tfie• 61jR�i,z;=6 O',�. '`i-!Z2 Sfii.� ''.1��t1Y�2flti ��iz 1'i3�25Sh6Ri .�.T+i'P{�1II2BZ' flII.^.�. A3!42 3�P�� :Y2Y'2Ci� l� 't�`_2 52,.3.(1' 30�.°�5EP.£:i� ,.c .^.i'=�'f�?°��'.i ::;�Z. 321'i 47i2�� �o heresaitn submitted to the Counci2 for surh action t��erea.^. as �r�v Y,e con�idered prcper. ����� 2 `t,o � _ ?t3�Lic i a d _�se��z:er* En�ariPer � -� � s �.� City of 5t. Fau3 'RES4IdTTZQN aPPRtNI1S6 YSSE38�iT At� BI7C3276 TIt� OF f�ARI27G TS�RECR7 c�r gz� xo. �y �a? � By File No. 18756 Aasessmeat No._0258 Votinq I39,r� In the matter of tAe ssseesment o£ benefits, cast sn3 expenses for 3 The canstruction ef �snitary sewer and storm eewer service connection3, aa requeated by the property owner, i.n conjunctioa wiih the Devern(Edgcumhe Area Storm Sewer and Street Peving �nd Lighting Project. Preliminary Order_94-1176 epprovEd August 1?, 1pA9 Final Order 94-2595 approved_Nnvemher 2, 1994 The aaaeaament of benefits, coat and exgenaea foz and in connecti�ri with the abave impr�vement havii7� Lseen submitted to tt=e Council, anc� the Council tisving conaidered same and faun� the sai� a��eaament �atisfactory, therefore, be it RE30LVSD, That the aaid assessment be and the aame is hereb}� in all res�eats approved. RESDLVED FURTF�R, Thst a public hesrinq be had an said assessment en the 7th day of Mau,1997. at the hour of Four thirty o'alock P.M., in tha Council Chamher of the Court House and City xall Building, in tne City of �t. Peul; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice af 3aid meetings, as required by the �harter, stating in seid notice the time and place of hearing, the neture of the improvement, and the amount assessed ac3ainst the lot or lots of the particular ovmar to whr,m the notice is directe@. Yea9 Nays ✓ Blakey � aoatrom .� xarris -�8i3ei!/f/CA?Y ✓ Megard ✓ Rettman � Thune �TA FAVpr �Aqainst Adopted b}c--�h� Ce ified Pass< $ �� x �%���� Secretary Nfayor Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Ratif ication of Assessment OWNER OR TAXPAYER � �� ��_52- COUNCIL DISTRICT �3 PLANNING COUNCIL #15 FILE � ;'IBT�tY�;;%:;>:`;�%;-?;�� ASSESSMENT # #i�58�: PROPERTY ADDRESS >;:�;:,. �;°�:-° , . . . PARCEL ID ...,.,. _ .._.. .._.,., `�;- �;.,. . FROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Ghambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Gourt House HEARING Written or orai statements by any owner will be considered by the CounCil at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approvai of the assessment for: CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS, AS REQESTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER,IN CONJUNCTlON WITH THE DAVERNfEDGCUMBE AREA STORM 3EWER AND STREET PAV{NG AND LIGHTMlG PROJECT. (WOFIK COMPLETED) ASSESSMENT The praposed assessment for the above property is $ INFORMATION If the City Councif approves the assessment you will have 30 days to pay without interest. Any unpaid baiance wiii be aollected with your property taxes over year(s) at 6.250Ro interest. The proposed assessment roil for this project is available for review in the Finance Department, Room i40, City Ffail. ASSESSMENT CALCULATION ��L�;r�i . ., __. _._ �e _:�� i-1�; 2 � i��7 NOTE: THIS IS NOT YOUR BILL. YOU WILL RECEIVE AN INVOICE AETER THE HEARI��=�-�, SPECIFYING THE AMOUNT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL WITH COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PAY THIS ASSESSMENT. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE oa/y8/97 DEFERRED Persons 65 and older or retired by virtue of a permanent PAYMENTS and totai disability may qualify for deferred payment of speciaf assessments. You may apply for �eferred payment if it would be a hardship and you homestead this property. This is not a forgiveness of payment. it is a deferred payment plan in which interest continues to accrue. You can appiy for this plan only aPter the City Councii approves the RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS. For more information on deferments, please call 266-8858. QUESTIONS Betore the pubiic hearing of a local improvement, call 266-8850 and refer to fhe Fite # on page 1. City sfaff witl be avaifabfe to answer any last minute questions on this project in Room 140 City Hali the same day as the hearing, After the public hearing cali 266-8858 and refer to the Assessment # on page 1. !f this notice is for an assessment to be levied for a Summary Abatement (property cteanup), the Boarding-up of vacant buitdings, a Buiiding Demolition or Tree Removal, please cali 266-8858 if you have questions. APPEAL City Council decisions are subject to appea( to the Ramsey County District Court. You must first file a notice stating the grounds for the appeal with the City Clerk within 20 days after the order adopting the assessment. You must also fi(e the same notice with the Clerk of District Court within i0 days after filing with the City Clerk. NOTE: Failure to file the required notices within the times specified shaN forever prohibit an appeal from the assessment. Section 64.06 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code requires regular assessment payments to be made even it an assessment is under appeal. (f fhe appeal is successful, the payments including interest will be refunded. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CITY HALL-COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MN 55102 ��^ f `� v � \ ` ^ V \� \ J \ � � v � 1 \ \ ` V J V ¢ d � U Q 6 £ N O tt N 6 n W W � a K O ti J Z K 6 £ 9 O n £ U m � a n P � 0 N O d M V � O � 3 . ti o•o -•o ) � M r r � C � � w � M p_ r N O � C � fO 6 � V1 � Ifl O II �(f F- � M O II M 2 � . 1� . � � P O I� P O. OJ dl I� W £ � O 11 O Q • . 1� � 11 � � r � �I � O � �� N • 11 U � �1 LL " 11 N � O f • O � N s � M � � � P K � W O � O r � U � LL W � O O F � O O Q � O O F ,� ,� �o > �# � r � M d � N F W � OJ X � N w �# . Y1 O II Ill • yl O II Vl • II � M O II M � M W It tn .� ��� � II � II � � � II � 1� 0 11 11 11 � O � O � � � N M . � •o �o 0 • �} # F • M 2 • N £ W • O� X • N W �# � �O O I� �D � O O II O •11 � P O 1� P � N (A 11 N � P II P 11 • � � �I � � � �I � 11 �I 11 II . 11 • O • O • � . O N � � p O � O O � O O � O O � O O � O O ,� �o v � v � M � N N � t V 1 0 I1 N • �} O 11 �T • II .POnP . N � 11 N , � �� � r � II � 11 11 11 11 II 11 � I I ,a . � �o � � v • M N b • O �O II �O • O M 11 M • 11 . o � n � • � � II � N 11 N � 11 � 11 11 II II II II � I I � O O � O O � N . � w M � � �p N � O O • � O � O O � O O � O O � O O �z :az �� zs a� 3 W � 3 w 3 W 3 W 3 w � N3 � N3 � vi3 � y3 � U�3 W� W W W W W £ � f N � £ � £ N £ N £ N 6� K 6' C K C z� o a O z O z o z O� f-Q e-6 F-4 �� 6 F Q n' � N N � N fn � N 4l .(n tA r N y O � i i �� i �� i i� � • i� � V- + Z 2 • 2 2 • 2 Z � 2 2 � 2 2 U• Z 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 r Z 2 r 6� O O � O O � O O � O O � O O 1i � V U � U U �[J U � U U � U U M N O J lA I� N �I W W W 2 W O T 1�- Q U' 2 ^ O Z N• M-� O 2 J �p W Z� p Qli N U) fJ LL N S�TI� O� YZ � X � a'O • J 2 W O r�-NX � p_rQ � r J U(O 2 W Q 1- � a 6 � CO .T M 3 F- H N 1- d� dP � 6 • N\ N••N x xxry) OO�D N W 2 � 36�-t� LL SJ h �• p � p • Z O 2 F O � W � W LL[O N f J V� . U� 2� � 2 � 3 w K O.. � m �' O h U O¢ N �n � q O �¢ in . Oz V a�- � s � Y W�n.Tr wi-w W• N � J N � 1- \f0 U� 7 •� WPO MH p• 2 J � S� W � N W W� U � U� C � S LL O � V' 1- Y � U' 6' Y �'O S (7 Z r U' . U' O M F� O O£ J �• � 2 J � F W Z Q 2� � � O� J M O fL F- � Cl • 5 ti 6] bl F W O � W � W Q N F- � J W F C 1!� Z(7 J U (d 1� W N 1� l� 'L � NN O •(O�N O W LL�pp. N V1 N OLL �O d� M M �+> O�- N�-�O O�+O�Tx O W vM r O� w 3 � W V) � r 6 # � w • W r O Oi-1-CP C r$ F • Z 1- F � U d U# K �$ F � 2 K T C• W• F r 2• QX LL O � eC 00 • W X\ W O� C O � 66J JO�Yr i--il�0 � J W O J i J J J �(n W �(n � J J � J d W 2 U M LL LL F�D J � N � Ifl O O O Q � N � N C 6 Q Q � .O • �O O O F �} �y r �T fn K d � � K d � w P• t- Y P� I- c� P� P� P 2 � N 2� U) � 2 N� 1- Vl � Q N `+6 N� 0N Z �N � Y �+N Q O� OF- W O� p W O� W�20 � ZV120 M W � Z N W� 1' N W� � M Z�� 6 � N 2• • Z W�T 7�- r J W N7v- � JO N�i� � OJ W� � 1' O W � �� O >N 6� • p£�-M 6� � O•+I-M 6�- � z FN o� � o] W �0� W� N 6`O � OW4)N � OZ(nN � W2�0 � W >�O T�[p � N• � S J O tn •� 2 W O U' • � F•• O � F• Q� O �� KLL �[J W W�-K LL � UtA W �2 LL� F Q� fnLL � K�-NLL a� U K �n w O � lA 2 v� W O � N Z �+1 � O � 0 f/1 vi O� Z C v� O X� 6 w�n p OK�nC O K�n� � 2 vt C � W �nK Q� 0 2N � F-\O 2 tA •!-\O JN � 6 K W!n � N K W N F- . z 2� Q� Z U'O z� 6� S U M S W 6� d' W 2 3 6�} w 2 3 4 • 2 � £ 6 � W � � £ 6 � W � -t £ z � o] 3 £ O � W > £ O K� 2 Q N U' � O C O N U' � O O O tn U' • O � U' � K � f.•! O� Y O(n J 2� S Z U J Z � Z 2 tJ J Z� Q J J $ i R' J $ �w4i �M..�W6 �O��WQ �vi�� ��T..�S2 �V1.. K� J IG M Q O p � O- J O Q�D G� 2 J O Q a� p�}�T Q W p � W O Q Vl O W� 2000.I�2 � WS�O2�D2 i W2`0602 • KfQp�Z � JN�?Q�2 2•QUI� �-Ll�OU'M �Y1�pU'M �Si1�2�- N{Y�Yf�ll� NW 3 r y� Q � H O 4 � Z'+ O F O 2 • Z�+ O f O 6 � W N�- O d � O W O F O O_ O • W�Otn�k R � �+SON# # • r�20N# # � 20lq% # � �KOyi y • � d II � �} M 11 � • II • � 11 N �t0 6P MN II V� •(q II P �I P � 11 � I 11 II II II II I� II II 11 �I 11 C C 11 3 w II tA3 II w II fh II C I� o z n t-Q II J N N 11 Q 11 f a z n o 2 Z II f O O II U U II 1- II U J J I I W Q 6 I I f- H 11 O 0 0 11 K I- f �I d N J C Q d d f X W N N W U Q S � y ro1 ' Ci:y af St. Paul RESt')LUTI4M RATIFYIHG ASSES�27T � .-��- Sa3\k5 �curfC��, �i ` rac. - � . �� — - _ " { y 1''S1E 1�i0. �� Assessse*_zr �7a_ ^v25� Yot inc� — w�rd In th� metter ;,f Lhz �issessmer�t of benefiES, co�t aris3 e��e�ses fc•t 3 The cansLruction of sanitar� se:aer and sto:a aewer service connections, as requested i�y the property o-+rner, in conjunction vrith the DavernfEdgcumbe Area Storm Sewer and Stts�t Pavit�q ar�d Lighting Project. Frelrmir�sry <3rct�� �pyroved Auyus? 1 r, 1�'�� €insl or�ier ?�§-15`?5 approvsd N�vem?�er <^, 299� � A public hearin� having :oeea had upon the �ssessmsat f:,r the �bove impr�<.=�ment and rsaid asse�sment havi been furtlxer earxsiciered by the Cc�ux�cil an�i 35avixxq t7een c.ir�sidere� fin�ily a�tisf�ct�,rY. :1'iere€ore, be it RE�OLV�D, mh�t the sc�it asses�ment be rnd tha same is hera�y in ali resgsct3 ratified. RES'�LVED F'[7�tTf�R, That t�ie sai�3 assess�ier.t be snd it is hareHy det�rmined to be payable in �'Me h 'P� y� equal instal5.ments, CO77b7�II�PERB{R� Yea ' N�ys V Siaiey �str�m �rsis � +u � I � �] )/�asv•Ies�T�� /Ti5 Fa��}g �caaFd y � �tts�, xiG.%L`�_vr�ai:s* �na ��pte� �y the Cc�uncll: ;Date�� \ °� � uer±ifi�� P��ses 's C`.�wncii 3ec.r�tgrv Public Hearing Date - May 7, 1997 RE 2-28-97 T.M.S.IREAL ESTA1'E DIVISION �te: 2-19-97 Green Sheet Nwnber: 38739 EPART1�gT1'CDIItECIOR CITYCOUNCII. tact Petsa�n and PLone Nm�ber. .�. �� ATPORNEY CLII2% Peter White 266-8850 °�' M^ / UDGEP DIItECPOR .& MGT. SVG DIR t YOR (OR ASSIS[AN1) 1 OUNQL RESEARCH ustbe on Council Agenda by :3-19-97 Mus[ be in Council Research Office by noon Friday 3-7-97 OTAL Y OF SIGNATORE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALT, T.00ATIONS FOI2 SIGNATURE) CTION RBQUESfED: Settiaq 8ate of public heariaq of the ratification of assessments for storm sewer connections in conjunotion with the DavernjBdgcumbe Area Project. ile No. 18T50 Assessment lio. 0258 OM11�nIDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RE7ECT pq � SERVICE CONTRACTS MiJSf ANSWER THE FOLIAWING: . Hes the perswi/6rm ever worked mmder a contract for fhis department? YES NO r�aNtvmcmt.aussior+ A sr.+nn . Has this person/firm ever been a GSty employee? YES NO cnm.sertvicernmm�smox . Does fLis pnsmJfirm pos.sess a sloll �wt norn�aDY PossesseJ bS any YES NO current City empioyce? cmcbnu.nrcv.e ' ell YFS answecs on a se e sheet eud attach. PORTSWHICHCOUNCII,OB.TECTIVE? Neighborhoods COL3NCIL WARD(S) � DISTRICT PLANrIING COUNCIL ] 5 TIATING PROB7.FdH, ISSUF„ OPPORTL)NITY (Who, What, Wi�en, Wherq Why'!): roject is completed. Ratification is necessary in order to begin collecting ssessments to help pay for the project. uncil Research G�nter VANTAGES IF APPROVED: �, ['] � n �6vCt`/'' Same as above. � ISADVANTAGES IF APPAOVED: enefitted property owners will have assessments payable via property tases. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: o not assess the benefits would be inconsistent with City policy. OTAL AMOUNf OF TRAA*SACTION: �S' 9� 592 . 77 COSfIREVEN(3E BUDGETED (CIItCLE ON� YES NO INGSOURCE: ASSESSIDAIItS ACTIVITYNUMBER: 5 property owners wi11 be notified of ehe public hearing and charges. City of St. Pau1 R2nS f'Stnte s Dept. of fieahnalcgy & Management serv. CJVtYLIL FI1ar. LV'.�.3� �� �� � REFORT OF CO2�LETI�d f7F A3SE3SMEtIT riSe Nc. 1S75J ?zsseasment No. Q258 s'ot i. � � Ward Z. t2� matter of t7ze assessment of benefits, �c,sL ar.� exr�ense� £or = The co��tr�±atien of aanitary sew= t �-- P ^r and s_er� 3_ner s_r3ice conr.�ctions, as raquested �y the groperty ovrr,er, in conjunction wi*_h tha nnvern/Edacua�h� Rse� �t�?�Ei Se*-aer �nd 3rre�t Fev ar iigr,tin� Pro�act. Yreliminary t�rder 59-1176 Fina� Urder 9U-i595 ^1� the C'.ounnil �f t_r� CitY �f �t, paui ap�roved Auqust 17, 2�94 a�r�r�ve+� ivcver�er �, i9::9 The valuation �nd A�sess?nent Er.qineer hereh� reports tc ti?e r'�unoii the falYoai'r�r� as a atate�ent �f tYae ex_�er:ditsreu n�cessarilv isicurreci for snc� in ^.�nre.�%iQn *rrith tt�e .n3kir>g of tts� a�c-ve impr�v�mnnt, viz. Totul ocnstruct;.�n �ovts �nyizieerii�g afiC Inspection V�i�;aticn ar,d A: sessment ,^;er:ia�N Administr&tian CY�arge - Fvblia Eea3th Fr-C�zGck �'harc�e - Pt:�iic Health Abatement Service Charae `"C?mgl �xc� Critar�e To Ne�c Assessment 57,536.97 Si,41�.F4 � 54�.g�r � S $ $9,`9?.?7 Y Y Y9,JrJZ.77 Sz�id v8;���tior, r�r� �ssessment �'nqineer furiher reporta tast he has aase�se� a_nd leuie� the to�a1 a�nosart as BbOY'B ascertai::ed, to-�vit: the sum of �,Sy2.?? llf70Ai eac�Z and every lot, part or parcel of 2and deemed benefitact by tt?e sai� improvement, unci _n �ne case of eac.h ioz, pert o: �arcei o� iand in acc�rcance wi�'r. Lhe nEreii�s GOr2t�'T'?'23 L'_R°1"2�'_1i LI"a�*' 'C?Ye °81C+' 35v-_u�Ilyc�rit t�ag 1-,��h t�9'�i�12���y' gF�.j r_},gt }yaY'ut:} ?'�v2sC�iEG i(�gRti£i6*� .�3Y tfie• 61jR�i,z;=6 O',�. '`i-!Z2 Sfii.� ''.1��t1Y�2flti ��iz 1'i3�25Sh6Ri .�.T+i'P{�1II2BZ' flII.^.�. A3!42 3�P�� :Y2Y'2Ci� l� 't�`_2 52,.3.(1' 30�.°�5EP.£:i� ,.c .^.i'=�'f�?°��'.i ::;�Z. 321'i 47i2�� �o heresaitn submitted to the Counci2 for surh action t��erea.^. as �r�v Y,e con�idered prcper. ����� 2 `t,o � _ ?t3�Lic i a d _�se��z:er* En�ariPer � -� � s �.� City of 5t. Fau3 'RES4IdTTZQN aPPRtNI1S6 YSSE38�iT At� BI7C3276 TIt� OF f�ARI27G TS�RECR7 c�r gz� xo. �y �a? � By File No. 18756 Aasessmeat No._0258 Votinq I39,r� In the matter of tAe ssseesment o£ benefits, cast sn3 expenses for 3 The canstruction ef �snitary sewer and storm eewer service connection3, aa requeated by the property owner, i.n conjunctioa wiih the Devern(Edgcumhe Area Storm Sewer and Street Peving �nd Lighting Project. Preliminary Order_94-1176 epprovEd August 1?, 1pA9 Final Order 94-2595 approved_Nnvemher 2, 1994 The aaaeaament of benefits, coat and exgenaea foz and in connecti�ri with the abave impr�vement havii7� Lseen submitted to tt=e Council, anc� the Council tisving conaidered same and faun� the sai� a��eaament �atisfactory, therefore, be it RE30LVSD, That the aaid assessment be and the aame is hereb}� in all res�eats approved. RESDLVED FURTF�R, Thst a public hesrinq be had an said assessment en the 7th day of Mau,1997. at the hour of Four thirty o'alock P.M., in tha Council Chamher of the Court House and City xall Building, in tne City of �t. Peul; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice af 3aid meetings, as required by the �harter, stating in seid notice the time and place of hearing, the neture of the improvement, and the amount assessed ac3ainst the lot or lots of the particular ovmar to whr,m the notice is directe@. Yea9 Nays ✓ Blakey � aoatrom .� xarris -�8i3ei!/f/CA?Y ✓ Megard ✓ Rettman � Thune �TA FAVpr �Aqainst Adopted b}c--�h� Ce ified Pass< $ �� x �%���� Secretary Nfayor Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Ratif ication of Assessment OWNER OR TAXPAYER � �� ��_52- COUNCIL DISTRICT �3 PLANNING COUNCIL #15 FILE � ;'IBT�tY�;;%:;>:`;�%;-?;�� ASSESSMENT # #i�58�: PROPERTY ADDRESS >;:�;:,. �;°�:-° , . . . PARCEL ID ...,.,. _ .._.. .._.,., `�;- �;.,. . FROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Ghambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Gourt House HEARING Written or orai statements by any owner will be considered by the CounCil at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approvai of the assessment for: CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS, AS REQESTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER,IN CONJUNCTlON WITH THE DAVERNfEDGCUMBE AREA STORM 3EWER AND STREET PAV{NG AND LIGHTMlG PROJECT. (WOFIK COMPLETED) ASSESSMENT The praposed assessment for the above property is $ INFORMATION If the City Councif approves the assessment you will have 30 days to pay without interest. Any unpaid baiance wiii be aollected with your property taxes over year(s) at 6.250Ro interest. The proposed assessment roil for this project is available for review in the Finance Department, Room i40, City Ffail. ASSESSMENT CALCULATION ��L�;r�i . ., __. _._ �e _:�� i-1�; 2 � i��7 NOTE: THIS IS NOT YOUR BILL. YOU WILL RECEIVE AN INVOICE AETER THE HEARI��=�-�, SPECIFYING THE AMOUNT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL WITH COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PAY THIS ASSESSMENT. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE oa/y8/97 DEFERRED Persons 65 and older or retired by virtue of a permanent PAYMENTS and totai disability may qualify for deferred payment of speciaf assessments. You may apply for �eferred payment if it would be a hardship and you homestead this property. This is not a forgiveness of payment. it is a deferred payment plan in which interest continues to accrue. You can appiy for this plan only aPter the City Councii approves the RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS. For more information on deferments, please call 266-8858. QUESTIONS Betore the pubiic hearing of a local improvement, call 266-8850 and refer to fhe Fite # on page 1. City sfaff witl be avaifabfe to answer any last minute questions on this project in Room 140 City Hali the same day as the hearing, After the public hearing cali 266-8858 and refer to the Assessment # on page 1. !f this notice is for an assessment to be levied for a Summary Abatement (property cteanup), the Boarding-up of vacant buitdings, a Buiiding Demolition or Tree Removal, please cali 266-8858 if you have questions. APPEAL City Council decisions are subject to appea( to the Ramsey County District Court. You must first file a notice stating the grounds for the appeal with the City Clerk within 20 days after the order adopting the assessment. You must also fi(e the same notice with the Clerk of District Court within i0 days after filing with the City Clerk. NOTE: Failure to file the required notices within the times specified shaN forever prohibit an appeal from the assessment. Section 64.06 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code requires regular assessment payments to be made even it an assessment is under appeal. (f fhe appeal is successful, the payments including interest will be refunded. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CITY HALL-COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MN 55102 ��^ f `� v � \ ` ^ V \� \ J \ � � v � 1 \ \ ` V J V ¢ d � U Q 6 £ N O tt N 6 n W W � a K O ti J Z K 6 £ 9 O n £ U m � a n P � 0 N O d M V � O � 3 . ti o•o -•o ) � M r r � C � � w � M p_ r N O � C � fO 6 � V1 � Ifl O II �(f F- � M O II M 2 � . 1� . � � P O I� P O. 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