97-522. � , F i w &. .i �.P , . Vity of 3t. Pau1 Co[�C�;y FILg�'pTV. lf y �- ,. y—t-- �~` !? � r xsSOZtrrIptr r�nmxr �ss�ss�xm sv j � (. �i.tE �+:.�. 1�1 Asaessment No. 0259 Voting — Ward In the matter of che assessment of benefits, cost and expenses fr�r 3 The aonatruction of s�nitary sfi�rer and star:n sevser service cannectior,a, a� :equested by the praperty cvr�ers, in cc,njunati.e� with the Aibert(Eleanor Asea Project. 4 � Freliminary Ordar_93-I36Ei �pgro�et2 I�, 15�53 Fin�1 �Jrder 53-172I �tg�roved Ivovember 16, 1993 �4, � puhlic hearing havinq been had uj?on the assessmEr,t for the abave improv�ment, ancl said as�essment having �esn further conNiclsre� b� the i.ouncil, and h�ving laeen c.unsidereci 2lneyly satisfactory, therefore, be it RESt7LVEI], That ��e s�id aese�sment �e ar�d ti�e samE is herebv in all resp�ccs ratified. R83�?T.VED FURT�Fc, That the seid assessmsnt be and it is hers� determinea to L•e psyab2a in 4n h, m�.z�nr,� Pqual instrz�linents. C4�7tSCILFER80t�! YeB�� Nays �/P. �ikey � ts utrom // � / ;3a � rris M � ✓ _�=_'=-- ���or�N�ln nav4r �� ,r � 1/t � ��i`nS�/.Ii�ainst �/'12iur.e Adagted 'r.�y the Council: l,�te � ` \�°� � —� T Cvrtifi�d Fasses by couneil Becretar� v " Public Hearing Date - May 7, 1997 RE 2-28-97 �-,�a 9-- T.M.S./REAL E5TA1'E DIVISION ��� 2-19-97 Green Sheet Number: 3874U EPABTMENT DIItECl'OR CITY COUNCII. Person and Phaae N�ber. �. � w�.s � ATTORNEY Q.ERB Peter White 266-8850 p, � / UDGEC DII2E(°TOR .& MGT. SVC. DIR. '( ✓" YOR (OR ASSZSfAN1) 1 OUNCII, RESEARCH 1 ustbe on Coumcil Agenda b :3-19-97 Must be in Council Research Office by noon Friday 3-7-97 OTAL ffi OF S[GNATiJRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESI'F,U Settinq date of public hearing of the ratification of assessments for storm ewer/sanitary sewer connections ia coajunction with the Albert/Eleanor Area roject. ile No. 18704-C Assessment No. 0259 COMI�3EDIDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RETF,Cl' (R) gggpNAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSf ANSWF,R THE FOLLOWING: . Ilss the persm✓Sim ever worked onder a contrad for Utis depariwe�? YES NO eurvimvc co�iorr A srwrn . Eias this person/fvm ever been a City employee? YES NO rna sexvice m�mnss�ox . Dces t6is person/Srm possess a sk�i nM norn�a➢y possessed by any YES NO current (Sty employee? cm rnnu.arree ain aIl YES ens�vers on a se te sheet and aitae4. PORTSWI�IICHCOUNCILOBdECTIVE? Neiqhborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S� � DISTRICT PLANNiNG COUNCTL } 5 IATING PROBLII4I, ISSUE, OPPORTUHITY (Who, Whet, 4Vhen, Where, W6y?): Project is oompleted. Ratifiaation is necessary in order to begin collectinq ssessments to help pay for the project. {n . DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: (-�'±� c. n ?�g� same as above. -�' �� v ISADVANTAGES IE APPROVED: enefitted property ovraers will have assessments payable via property tases. I5ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: o not assess the benefits would be inconsistent with City policy. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $19 � 4 71. 4 9 COSf/REVF.NUE BIJDGETED (CII2CLE ONE) YES NO INGSOURCE: Assessments ACTIVITyN�MBER: 6 nronertv owners will be notified of the vublic hearina and char2es. Cit uf St. Paul ��b.i EStBt? D1Vt31Cii2 De�t. af Tec�xn�52oe� � Ma��c����: S�r� REF{}RT �F t�S,ETZfR3 4€ �.45£SSS�t3T �ViJ1VL1� LI�:� 1V�1. :iIE ,io. 187G�-�_ A�sr_.ssLnen= N�3. C GI ,� _ 5 a a Str.+:�.r � - _ +._tt`3 i3�� T_r tize �tait�s �f L'ne �sses�m�:�i of benef=ts cas� ar,d e�penses f„r _ Tne con�t� of sa��tary sewer and atarm se:ver service con:�ections, as requssLea by zhe p:apercy aFmers, in conjunc�i�:: .?SLii . _P.3�+.£`t"t�IF.�P�l1[�t^ 7jYF�R PY`[f�l�+��t_ Freli Dr�ar q3-S1 F_r�a? �rder n�_1721 Ta *he Council af trie City vf S�. vau2 approv�d_�eptensber 36, 1�33 a>�?cuaci n*rvem3�er ?5 2g�33 `Tiic �r&ili8:i+�i1 a22C r�'a'�aSuz?ii_ ii`f=..?cEY i c_cu1% Y'c�:+Ci:ta =Ci "��'Z�' LGu iC,1� t�"y fc2lo�aing as a st�tamen': of the e�ven�it::�ze� r.Pnes�srily incurred ier and i� ~onnecti�n :vit;� t:e snakiriy of the �bc•va impra�,°e:r�ent, viz; Total con�iruatiozi ccsts Er.�ins�rir:g �n� Sr.spec*i�n V�2uatien and "nssessmen*_ Ser�iaes A�,-r�ini�tr$tian Gharge - Pur2ic H�altl? P.e-Cheak cn�rge - pubiic Hea3th �3%8i19iti. `^.'S3'i'1Gc� `�..'�'iiaF�� TOTt:L EXPEND2TU�tWB .�?ar9e T� _ _ �Set �.:�����er:t 915,501.55 �y �r$E'7.� � 1,3Q2.1� $ Y � ti4,4?1.49 S a �19,571.�9 Sai�' ��s1u�c�iori a�� rss2ssm2;�t Enyi».�2s furth?r ;:e�ort� t,hat �h� _2ag asa2��e� �n� ievied tne zotal aznount as ebcve a�eer�ained, ta-wit: the sum ef 5T9.97t.ac upor G�ch and avery l�t, �art or �,arce2 of iand d�er�Ed henefited by t�,e sai2� iRpro=.=E��nt, an� in the case ot eacr lot, psrt ar ��rce i of 2and in sccorctance vaith the �r>fits acrferred th�reon; tnat the said sssassc;ent r�s been complated, ar.d th�t ;2reto a*_tsch?d, iri?, *ifi<.� t�y t2�e si�rzat4re �f t?zc. sai� tt�iueLion ar,d �se�s�ent �r.�ine�_�, and aaacia a p�zr't hereoi, is rhe �aid assessment as comp=eted by tis�, �r,� n7xich zs ..�2'EFal*Yi 31]?�u1��cv �O �: ° �i3llT:�.^.].1 ..C�T .,.. t' � t?: ,. +. ^18� Y2 C:C.1v1�: Y'��:�. t::Y fiC..i0:7 LP2C�;: ., �?PCJDBI' . r �V z.l � a&i1i8�1CPt &"ti:� ii�5e88i¢eii't r;'t!yiYic-��f ��_�a2- City of St. Paul RESaZATPIOH AYPRt3V'IIiG 38SES�lIT AbID FIKIHG TIl� OF HEERiNG THERE�I ., , i . �f . � v 1��� ,.����_ _ �, Assessment No._0259 Vt>ting Ward In the metter of the assessment of henefits, cost azid expenses fer 3 The construction of senitary sewer and starm sewer aervice connections, aa ret}ueated by the property owners, in aonjunotian with the A11 Area Project. Freliminary order_9?-1368 a�iproved_Se�+tember 16� 1���3 Final Order y3-i?21 approved NovEmber 16, 1933 Tne asaesament of Y3enefits, coat and ex�+enses for ant2 in aor,nection witri tY,e abcve improvement havix�g been submitted to tIle C�w:cil, snd the Ccunci2 having considerEd same and found the aaid assFSSm�snt aatiafact�ry, therefore, be it. RE30LV&D, Thnt the aaid asaesament he and the asme is hereby in a11 re3Feats approved. RESOLYED E47RTF�R, T2;st a pubiic hearing be had on ssid asseasment vn the 7tY= day of M�.1997. at the iiour of Four thirty o'clock P.M., in the Counnil Chamber of the Court House and Gity Hall Building, in the City c,f St. Paul; that the Vaiustion snd Assessment Engineer give notice af said meetings, rs required by ttia Ct�arter, stating in said nc+tice the time and place of hesring, tY�e nature of the improvement, and the amount asaessed against the lot c,r lcts of the garticulsr cwnar to w?iom the notice is directed. CCUNIGILPERS�] Yeas Nays v F3lakey ✓ Bostrom ✓ Hsrris �4s�e�9cilils r Megard v Rettman ,i Thune �In Favar �Against Adopted Cer�ified Passed Secretary Mayor Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Ratif ication of Assessment OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT �3 � �� ���- PLANNING COUNCIL #15 FILE # "IS'�;�7�_;�°>::;`;: ASSESSMENT # :����:_ PROPERTY ADDRESS ...<i .:.::. ..:,;;�:, ;; `�:; � ` .�,,, i: ,. . __, .. ....... ........... ._.._ ., __. PARCEL ID ,. �;r:i;.',;`;:;._ .,... .,.. ... PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Gity Hall-Court House HEARING Written or orai statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the assessment for: CONSTRUCTfON OF SANITARY SEWER AP1D STORM SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS, AS REQU6STED BY THE PROPERTY OWNERS, M CONJUNC7ION WITH 7HE ALBERT/ELEANOR AREA PROJECT.(WORK COMPLETED� ASSESSMENT The proposed assessment for the above property +s $ INFORMATIOI3 If the City Councii approves the assessment you wili have 30 days to pay without interest. Any unpaid balance will be collected with your property taxes over year(s) at 6.250% interest. The proposed assessment roll for this project is available for review in the Finance Department, Room 140, City Hali. ASSESSMENT CALCULATION . . . - �,�$ :� � _.. . . _. _._ ._ : ,:.-.r��, �:�� I30TE: THIS IS NOT YOUR BILL. YOU WILL RECEIVE AN INVOICE AFTER THE HEARING SPECIFYING THE AMOUNT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL WITH COMPLETE� INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PAY THIS ASSESSMENT. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATtON DATE oa/�8/97 DEFERR&D Persons 65 and older or retired by virtue of a permanent PAYMENTS and totai disability may quaiify for deferred payment of special assessments. You may apply for �eferred payment if it would be a hardship and you homestead this property. This is not a forgiveness of payment. It is a deferred payment pian in which interest continues to accrue. You can appiy for this plan only after !he City Council approves the RATIFlCATION OF ASSESSMENTS. For more information on deferments, ptease call 266-8858. QUESTIONS Before the public hearing of a local improvement, call 266-8850 and refer to the File # on page 1. City staff witl be avaitabie to answer any last minute questions on this project in Room 140 City Hail the same day as the hearing. After the public hearing call 266-8858 and refer to the Assessment # on page 1. !f this notice is for an assessment to be levied for a Summary Abatement (property cleanup), the Boarding-up of vacant buiidings, a Suilding Demoiition or Tree Removai, please call 266-8858 if you have questions. APPEAL City Councii decisions are subject to appeal to the Ramsey County District Court. You must first file a notice stating the grounds for the appeal with the City Glerk within 20 days after the order adopting the assessment. You must also file the same notice with the Clerk of District Court within 10 days after filing with the City Cierk. NOTE: Faiture to file the required notices within the times specified shall forever prohibit an appeal from the assessment, Section 64,06 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code requires regular assessment payments fo be made even if an assessment is under appeal. If the appea! is successful, the payments inc(uding interesf will be refunded. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CITY HALL-COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MN SS1Q2 �� � � � � , � � � �� � � w a C w c� ¢ £ P N O it N H Q U O W W 0 a a O N J z C 6 2 H W £ W ? O K a £ U J m 6 n P b 0 � 0 � N v W O ,� 0 0 > � N �- • M# C � F- �11 � M 6 1 • N f O � W d' • W X 2 � N W . � • O N � �t II �1 F- • O 11 O 2 . . 11 . � � �I � p r � II f� £ � V 11 V Q . fA �� (R n z � n o � u �- . n U � 11 LL • 11 il N � O f- � O . v Y � O J • K 1� O � d F • LL W � O F- � O Q � O K • � 0 ,� 0 � N • M i� F + M 6 � N S W � O'J X � N W . � • O • �O u d • N I� N . 11 . � 11 � � CO 11 W � N 11 N � . 11 v n v • wneq n u n II 11 � O � O � � � N � � N i w � O � O • O ;o m M . ry O • � 1� � � N II N • 11 � P 1� P i n II n � OJ 11 W � � II w n u n n n 11 It • O � O • � � N � P � n � � 0 ;M • M# H N $ • W • Q) X � N W . } � O � A II I� . I� 0 f� •N � N 11 N • P n P � N ll N . II . conro � W n w u n n II 11 � O � O � n . n � N � P � N i m O O � O � O O O � w £ � Z Z z z ¢ � O � O O Y F- , F F� F 1' � U U U [A O� W W W W F- � g 2 Z 2 U Z 2 Z 2 ¢ � O ' O • O • O LL� U U U U � M � M • M�- � M i N S � N 2 2 S� N C V1 � N . J.S r O•� 0 N J�S I- O•- U h- •� U O F- � Q N �. � • W We- W M�'-�YO NN � W W � W Mf�Y W N�.t W r � W 20� � • W Q • . U' �t O \ � U' J" O \ W .+ W A\ N � U � U' 2 � Y\ Z W�]' U F ��I V' 2 � S h 2 CO d' U F- 1- .Y � 2 LL(A .f • S Q 2� 6 � � O`� W U' LL W 2 F- � 4 r' � O\ W U' LL� V1 �- V l` �i 2\� 6 O \ r� W • O� K V1�N W 3 O • A' Nf'N W 30 W N34i1 • 1' LL� � 1't-J 3 F- O�T V10 J0 31� OV fn MN (n �-O W W �- � W tn n.r3in �-Q� , Nrn o-F-3in z W a�3 � N LL 3rf � NrG M 2� N 19N00� � N N(900� •AO�-�N(O r N WNN � N tl N^N � �a6�+ o�0-+vf U �a.6� W O£W�n O£M �O> t-ZLL W 2� K� 20 O �-ZY�O N W • ZO pLLZ2�0 tO J � ZM Q�-2 . ZR'60ZY-O � U• 3 �-- O�+ N�- xN � 3 f- O� N til� z ZNO � 3�- Od' � 3 Q KO �+ � tA . ONQ�- ^v-S u.C� � ON6F £2 ��T.��.. \v�.� � O K r 02Y�i 2�- � W� 1- \ N J 1� W (A Z � f\ N J h W Vl E O � Z�1 i V- W W b W � 1- 3\ Q) J� p� �U' 2A O "U' 21`� OU' ti U' \ r LL\N � u_Ye�N W W � � O W Y �Y ••U�1 U' F � O W Y Q��U.S W pM z W O� i Ou-LL� � 004 NS � }� �Z 0U £ F- W N219U' �2tOU£ F- W N� NOI- pN a^O W 2� 3 ZQ Z' �- • � OU' LLN O W �+OC��. V� �.p t� . 23 i- • O� d' � 2LL /n3 K W SJ Y[L � 2LL lq� ¢'W 2P U' (J NP U' Z� S F-UN � 2LL 2 �I U� w� oo ¢z W o Wn- aU � oo aK �.o W r oJ zw� mz • pLLln o� o ¢�-on. p� Q .-v�u .JOM � 6 �NLL OpO� Ov. �NJO� N� O� f F-U34JP 033F-N ��-f-U3Ntr O V1J •02J0 � �-.? u-p� � F-NS Y �� c.r�(n wrnz � � c�s v� mena ¢o�o ¢ � c�in o c� � c��n c�w v+ �� 6� W Q W W F- �Y�-'.JSQ..a2 � W Q W u_1- �t�+JS OF S r W 1- W� W �� W O� ��nd o0 �-tnME NF-3w z� rn2p0�-viMB N1-wtnP� ti33 � vi3 su-vi ��n3x¢�n i.. � H u M d' M M M P � e- P P� P O � s �o �o �o � u �n e s I" p W I� K N�O • 6 �S N 6 `O W� �J V1 W^ W W I� J N N>� s W N?� K� N >�Y-^ � O 1-M�--� � 1-WNQ� � U>NQ� W� O 6 V� N � O N N N . W>� O G� O r• y O • � S O Q � C• r S � 4� • Q� S�YU. � U lLe-Yfi • t/� e-WU � YU' e-2ti a� t- u.N UO � v� Zv� U O ' Ozin W O• �2u� ^ O x � m ��n... a�n.. � fwviLL . �...�n� ¢� O 3m •*- O 3� • w W wtn • 1 �(n � i- � LL e- o z a¢ � z m z m a •� LL z x a�.. � z w a � O W 2£ G � W J£ 6 � U' W£ U � W W£ Z 1' � -�6 3U' � 0 O 3(9 • OZ N U' � 02 N C1 O� V1 W K J 2 � 2 U J 2 � U' U J 2� N J Y � CO �0.+ � Wv� 70.. W7�... � Q �0.� K•W¢�QNp �dN06�� �41 41�0��060� W� F-OOJ2V�Z � W�O�O6V1S � W�O.+T2 r y�021�2 Z� N K Gp O W � O M O W � J I� � W • O I� O W 3 • �6^i-06 � 200F06 �+�S1-02 � JOF-06 O � VlU04lk # � ^�20N# # � U� Wi� # � U' ONR # � � � � � � �^\ \ � \ � � � � � � �l A N � N r � n i O W O � O • O � • O � O 6 d Y . � � N H . # . N * W� M C � M a d � N £ • N £ O • • W W � � [O X � � X 6• N W • fV 1a1 # # N 1!1 w � P �1 P � �O �t �O F � .T /i ..1 . �O 11 �O S � . II . . 11 . 7� O fl O � U Il O� O• M II M • O II O ' f � �n.- � ana a � .n . ,u . �n � �an.a CL tN � ifl N fA ' M �1 W W O � II 11 C� F � II II 6 U � II 1� m Q � �I li ¢ a . tl 11 £ N � O � O F . Q • O G � P � �O Vl 2 r �y . �p N � O � O P � • M � O # O � � �T �- v f U £ 4 N y 4 W � O • O F- • O � O q o 0 U K • S i- O r z m � r U W O � a • � � o w LL f.a •z • 4 � O � o �- z y � � C � U U � O W W H 2 , 2 U' U � Z Q � a � O LL � U U K ¢ M LL W N O W V 4- LL ('J \ Z O � $ � W z 6 f O� � 2� 3 W J Z > F- � 6 N M O a � •� � NLLN K � 3 C w z� O 6 6' � W 2 ti O � 2 2 g U�� 6 O�� 3�t K .� !n � � 2 t- . O \ W• Z U��- � W U p. y�-+ W W � N K �nz vi3 � r�aa ¢z.�zz N F- � 6 w w O � �-- � 2' + .J J U ♦ 2 41 6 W i N J 1 � O W Vl 6 � QN N � �>�- O � c� # � �- Q 1' � 2 U Y�F R' � U U p. ,�+ 6 J p� W X W Y"lm VJW M ' O M � t- O M � J P � `- O P � � C N M • 6 �O . � • vl �O • � n .i � 3we- wc0 N O�-- Z r- O W� A � F N • J2QT�+0?�' P 2' � h W N •\Wl-F-�e� 4a- � W. �i �D Y ` .£ 6 S� N � b >� LL¢.-3 .. � Sn7� O c� .. O Q� O �Y�- � OQO�+W�2u � d� W V1 d O • U J U F- Ilt r O • tn X • 2z�n U�t-N� p Q� Q�+ p H. 1�36 N Jy i r-�z.�zz¢�wo a zwa� � �££ O � 1- K Z W S£ 2 � ¢� I- 4 u- (� � 6 O F- n- N(9 � O� 2J 2� 3 W 1-�QQJ 2+ � O �1� �-+ U U' 3 �O� � N C� �NQ W C� •.2 W 6�n0 � �Y 41 � £�OdN2 � O� �-1061� Z � 2� JI� '- W• CJ�O O W � c0 3 � 4o�-oa � pw¢¢o�-oa � o O � �-ONd # � mvi4o-otn# # � P 11 P V 11 �t . p . � n � h u I� �Y 11 �Y �11 P II P r- 11 � � 11 � 11 11 II 11 N ll J II W I I U I I K 11 4 11 2 11 11 ti n a I I £ 11 W 2 II X O Il w �II 1- II J N U 11 6 w I� ,- x n o Z 11 r N O 11 J U 11 !- W II U U J II W K 611 -� 6 f- II O O. O �� � rn a .o . � , F i w &. .i �.P , . Vity of 3t. Pau1 Co[�C�;y FILg�'pTV. lf y �- ,. y—t-- �~` !? � r xsSOZtrrIptr r�nmxr �ss�ss�xm sv j � (. �i.tE �+:.�. 1�1 Asaessment No. 0259 Voting — Ward In the matter of che assessment of benefits, cost and expenses fr�r 3 The aonatruction of s�nitary sfi�rer and star:n sevser service cannectior,a, a� :equested by the praperty cvr�ers, in cc,njunati.e� with the Aibert(Eleanor Asea Project. 4 � Freliminary Ordar_93-I36Ei �pgro�et2 I�, 15�53 Fin�1 �Jrder 53-172I �tg�roved Ivovember 16, 1993 �4, � puhlic hearing havinq been had uj?on the assessmEr,t for the abave improv�ment, ancl said as�essment having �esn further conNiclsre� b� the i.ouncil, and h�ving laeen c.unsidereci 2lneyly satisfactory, therefore, be it RESt7LVEI], That ��e s�id aese�sment �e ar�d ti�e samE is herebv in all resp�ccs ratified. R83�?T.VED FURT�Fc, That the seid assessmsnt be and it is hers� determinea to L•e psyab2a in 4n h, m�.z�nr,� Pqual instrz�linents. C4�7tSCILFER80t�! YeB�� Nays �/P. �ikey � ts utrom // � / ;3a � rris M � ✓ _�=_'=-- ���or�N�ln nav4r �� ,r � 1/t � ��i`nS�/.Ii�ainst �/'12iur.e Adagted 'r.�y the Council: l,�te � ` \�°� � —� T Cvrtifi�d Fasses by couneil Becretar� v " Public Hearing Date - May 7, 1997 RE 2-28-97 �-,�a 9-- T.M.S./REAL E5TA1'E DIVISION ��� 2-19-97 Green Sheet Number: 3874U EPABTMENT DIItECl'OR CITY COUNCII. Person and Phaae N�ber. �. � w�.s � ATTORNEY Q.ERB Peter White 266-8850 p, � / UDGEC DII2E(°TOR .& MGT. SVC. DIR. '( ✓" YOR (OR ASSZSfAN1) 1 OUNCII, RESEARCH 1 ustbe on Coumcil Agenda b :3-19-97 Must be in Council Research Office by noon Friday 3-7-97 OTAL ffi OF S[GNATiJRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESI'F,U Settinq date of public hearing of the ratification of assessments for storm ewer/sanitary sewer connections ia coajunction with the Albert/Eleanor Area roject. ile No. 18704-C Assessment No. 0259 COMI�3EDIDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RETF,Cl' (R) gggpNAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSf ANSWF,R THE FOLLOWING: . Ilss the persm✓Sim ever worked onder a contrad for Utis depariwe�? YES NO eurvimvc co�iorr A srwrn . Eias this person/fvm ever been a City employee? YES NO rna sexvice m�mnss�ox . Dces t6is person/Srm possess a sk�i nM norn�a➢y possessed by any YES NO current (Sty employee? cm rnnu.arree ain aIl YES ens�vers on a se te sheet and aitae4. PORTSWI�IICHCOUNCILOBdECTIVE? Neiqhborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S� � DISTRICT PLANNiNG COUNCTL } 5 IATING PROBLII4I, ISSUE, OPPORTUHITY (Who, Whet, 4Vhen, Where, W6y?): Project is oompleted. Ratifiaation is necessary in order to begin collectinq ssessments to help pay for the project. {n . DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: (-�'±� c. n ?�g� same as above. -�' �� v ISADVANTAGES IE APPROVED: enefitted property ovraers will have assessments payable via property tases. I5ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: o not assess the benefits would be inconsistent with City policy. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $19 � 4 71. 4 9 COSf/REVF.NUE BIJDGETED (CII2CLE ONE) YES NO INGSOURCE: Assessments ACTIVITyN�MBER: 6 nronertv owners will be notified of the vublic hearina and char2es. Cit uf St. Paul ��b.i EStBt? D1Vt31Cii2 De�t. af Tec�xn�52oe� � Ma��c����: S�r� REF{}RT �F t�S,ETZfR3 4€ �.45£SSS�t3T �ViJ1VL1� LI�:� 1V�1. :iIE ,io. 187G�-�_ A�sr_.ssLnen= N�3. C GI ,� _ 5 a a Str.+:�.r � - _ +._tt`3 i3�� T_r tize �tait�s �f L'ne �sses�m�:�i of benef=ts cas� ar,d e�penses f„r _ Tne con�t� of sa��tary sewer and atarm se:ver service con:�ections, as requssLea by zhe p:apercy aFmers, in conjunc�i�:: .?SLii . _P.3�+.£`t"t�IF.�P�l1[�t^ 7jYF�R PY`[f�l�+��t_ Freli Dr�ar q3-S1 F_r�a? �rder n�_1721 Ta *he Council af trie City vf S�. vau2 approv�d_�eptensber 36, 1�33 a>�?cuaci n*rvem3�er ?5 2g�33 `Tiic �r&ili8:i+�i1 a22C r�'a'�aSuz?ii_ ii`f=..?cEY i c_cu1% Y'c�:+Ci:ta =Ci "��'Z�' LGu iC,1� t�"y fc2lo�aing as a st�tamen': of the e�ven�it::�ze� r.Pnes�srily incurred ier and i� ~onnecti�n :vit;� t:e snakiriy of the �bc•va impra�,°e:r�ent, viz; Total con�iruatiozi ccsts Er.�ins�rir:g �n� Sr.spec*i�n V�2uatien and "nssessmen*_ Ser�iaes A�,-r�ini�tr$tian Gharge - Pur2ic H�altl? P.e-Cheak cn�rge - pubiic Hea3th �3%8i19iti. `^.'S3'i'1Gc� `�..'�'iiaF�� TOTt:L EXPEND2TU�tWB .�?ar9e T� _ _ �Set �.:�����er:t 915,501.55 �y �r$E'7.� � 1,3Q2.1� $ Y � ti4,4?1.49 S a �19,571.�9 Sai�' ��s1u�c�iori a�� rss2ssm2;�t Enyi».�2s furth?r ;:e�ort� t,hat �h� _2ag asa2��e� �n� ievied tne zotal aznount as ebcve a�eer�ained, ta-wit: the sum ef 5T9.97t.ac upor G�ch and avery l�t, �art or �,arce2 of iand d�er�Ed henefited by t�,e sai2� iRpro=.=E��nt, an� in the case ot eacr lot, psrt ar ��rce i of 2and in sccorctance vaith the �r>fits acrferred th�reon; tnat the said sssassc;ent r�s been complated, ar.d th�t ;2reto a*_tsch?d, iri?, *ifi<.� t�y t2�e si�rzat4re �f t?zc. sai� tt�iueLion ar,d �se�s�ent �r.�ine�_�, and aaacia a p�zr't hereoi, is rhe �aid assessment as comp=eted by tis�, �r,� n7xich zs ..�2'EFal*Yi 31]?�u1��cv �O �: ° �i3llT:�.^.].1 ..C�T .,.. t' � t?: ,. +. ^18� Y2 C:C.1v1�: Y'��:�. t::Y fiC..i0:7 LP2C�;: ., �?PCJDBI' . r �V z.l � a&i1i8�1CPt &"ti:� ii�5e88i¢eii't r;'t!yiYic-��f ��_�a2- City of St. Paul RESaZATPIOH AYPRt3V'IIiG 38SES�lIT AbID FIKIHG TIl� OF HEERiNG THERE�I ., , i . �f . � v 1��� ,.����_ _ �, Assessment No._0259 Vt>ting Ward In the metter of the assessment of henefits, cost azid expenses fer 3 The construction of senitary sewer and starm sewer aervice connections, aa ret}ueated by the property owners, in aonjunotian with the A11 Area Project. Freliminary order_9?-1368 a�iproved_Se�+tember 16� 1���3 Final Order y3-i?21 approved NovEmber 16, 1933 Tne asaesament of Y3enefits, coat and ex�+enses for ant2 in aor,nection witri tY,e abcve improvement havix�g been submitted to tIle C�w:cil, snd the Ccunci2 having considerEd same and found the aaid assFSSm�snt aatiafact�ry, therefore, be it. RE30LV&D, Thnt the aaid asaesament he and the asme is hereby in a11 re3Feats approved. RESOLYED E47RTF�R, T2;st a pubiic hearing be had on ssid asseasment vn the 7tY= day of M�.1997. at the iiour of Four thirty o'clock P.M., in the Counnil Chamber of the Court House and Gity Hall Building, in the City c,f St. Paul; that the Vaiustion snd Assessment Engineer give notice af said meetings, rs required by ttia Ct�arter, stating in said nc+tice the time and place of hesring, tY�e nature of the improvement, and the amount asaessed against the lot c,r lcts of the garticulsr cwnar to w?iom the notice is directed. CCUNIGILPERS�] Yeas Nays v F3lakey ✓ Bostrom ✓ Hsrris �4s�e�9cilils r Megard v Rettman ,i Thune �In Favar �Against Adopted Cer�ified Passed Secretary Mayor Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Ratif ication of Assessment OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT �3 � �� ���- PLANNING COUNCIL #15 FILE # "IS'�;�7�_;�°>::;`;: ASSESSMENT # :����:_ PROPERTY ADDRESS ...<i .:.::. ..:,;;�:, ;; `�:; � ` .�,,, i: ,. . __, .. ....... ........... ._.._ ., __. PARCEL ID ,. �;r:i;.',;`;:;._ .,... .,.. ... PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Gity Hall-Court House HEARING Written or orai statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the assessment for: CONSTRUCTfON OF SANITARY SEWER AP1D STORM SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS, AS REQU6STED BY THE PROPERTY OWNERS, M CONJUNC7ION WITH 7HE ALBERT/ELEANOR AREA PROJECT.(WORK COMPLETED� ASSESSMENT The proposed assessment for the above property +s $ INFORMATIOI3 If the City Councii approves the assessment you wili have 30 days to pay without interest. Any unpaid balance will be collected with your property taxes over year(s) at 6.250% interest. The proposed assessment roll for this project is available for review in the Finance Department, Room 140, City Hali. ASSESSMENT CALCULATION . . . - �,�$ :� � _.. . . _. _._ ._ : ,:.-.r��, �:�� I30TE: THIS IS NOT YOUR BILL. YOU WILL RECEIVE AN INVOICE AFTER THE HEARING SPECIFYING THE AMOUNT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL WITH COMPLETE� INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PAY THIS ASSESSMENT. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATtON DATE oa/�8/97 DEFERR&D Persons 65 and older or retired by virtue of a permanent PAYMENTS and totai disability may quaiify for deferred payment of special assessments. You may apply for �eferred payment if it would be a hardship and you homestead this property. This is not a forgiveness of payment. It is a deferred payment pian in which interest continues to accrue. You can appiy for this plan only after !he City Council approves the RATIFlCATION OF ASSESSMENTS. For more information on deferments, ptease call 266-8858. QUESTIONS Before the public hearing of a local improvement, call 266-8850 and refer to the File # on page 1. City staff witl be avaitabie to answer any last minute questions on this project in Room 140 City Hail the same day as the hearing. After the public hearing call 266-8858 and refer to the Assessment # on page 1. !f this notice is for an assessment to be levied for a Summary Abatement (property cleanup), the Boarding-up of vacant buiidings, a Suilding Demoiition or Tree Removai, please call 266-8858 if you have questions. APPEAL City Councii decisions are subject to appeal to the Ramsey County District Court. You must first file a notice stating the grounds for the appeal with the City Glerk within 20 days after the order adopting the assessment. You must also file the same notice with the Clerk of District Court within 10 days after filing with the City Cierk. NOTE: Faiture to file the required notices within the times specified shall forever prohibit an appeal from the assessment, Section 64,06 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code requires regular assessment payments fo be made even if an assessment is under appeal. If the appea! is successful, the payments inc(uding interesf will be refunded. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CITY HALL-COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MN SS1Q2 �� � � � � , � � � �� � � w a C w c� ¢ £ P N O it N H Q U O W W 0 a a O N J z C 6 2 H W £ W ? O K a £ U J m 6 n P b 0 � 0 � N v W O ,� 0 0 > � N �- • M# C � F- �11 � M 6 1 • N f O � W d' • W X 2 � N W . � • O N � �t II �1 F- • O 11 O 2 . . 11 . � � �I � p r � II f� £ � V 11 V Q . fA �� (R n z � n o � u �- . n U � 11 LL • 11 il N � O f- � O . v Y � O J • K 1� O � d F • LL W � O F- � O Q � O K • � 0 ,� 0 � N • M i� F + M 6 � N S W � O'J X � N W . � • O • �O u d • N I� N . 11 . � 11 � � CO 11 W � N 11 N � . 11 v n v • wneq n u n II 11 � O � O � � � N � � N i w � O � O • O ;o m M . ry O • � 1� � � N II N • 11 � P 1� P i n II n � OJ 11 W � � II w n u n n n 11 It • O � O • � � N � P � n � � 0 ;M • M# H N $ • W • Q) X � N W . } � O � A II I� . I� 0 f� •N � N 11 N • P n P � N ll N . II . conro � W n w u n n II 11 � O � O � n . n � N � P � N i m O O � O � O O O � w £ � Z Z z z ¢ � O � O O Y F- , F F� F 1' � U U U [A O� W W W W F- � g 2 Z 2 U Z 2 Z 2 ¢ � O ' O • O • O LL� U U U U � M � M • M�- � M i N S � N 2 2 S� N C V1 � N . J.S r O•� 0 N J�S I- O•- U h- •� U O F- � Q N �. � • W We- W M�'-�YO NN � W W � W Mf�Y W N�.t W r � W 20� � • W Q • . U' �t O \ � U' J" O \ W .+ W A\ N � U � U' 2 � Y\ Z W�]' U F ��I V' 2 � S h 2 CO d' U F- 1- .Y � 2 LL(A .f • S Q 2� 6 � � O`� W U' LL W 2 F- � 4 r' � O\ W U' LL� V1 �- V l` �i 2\� 6 O \ r� W • O� K V1�N W 3 O • A' Nf'N W 30 W N34i1 • 1' LL� � 1't-J 3 F- O�T V10 J0 31� OV fn MN (n �-O W W �- � W tn n.r3in �-Q� , Nrn o-F-3in z W a�3 � N LL 3rf � NrG M 2� N 19N00� � N N(900� •AO�-�N(O r N WNN � N tl N^N � �a6�+ o�0-+vf U �a.6� W O£W�n O£M �O> t-ZLL W 2� K� 20 O �-ZY�O N W • ZO pLLZ2�0 tO J � ZM Q�-2 . ZR'60ZY-O � U• 3 �-- O�+ N�- xN � 3 f- O� N til� z ZNO � 3�- Od' � 3 Q KO �+ � tA . ONQ�- ^v-S u.C� � ON6F £2 ��T.��.. \v�.� � O K r 02Y�i 2�- � W� 1- \ N J 1� W (A Z � f\ N J h W Vl E O � Z�1 i V- W W b W � 1- 3\ Q) J� p� �U' 2A O "U' 21`� OU' ti U' \ r LL\N � u_Ye�N W W � � O W Y �Y ••U�1 U' F � O W Y Q��U.S W pM z W O� i Ou-LL� � 004 NS � }� �Z 0U £ F- W N219U' �2tOU£ F- W N� NOI- pN a^O W 2� 3 ZQ Z' �- • � OU' LLN O W �+OC��. V� �.p t� . 23 i- • O� d' � 2LL /n3 K W SJ Y[L � 2LL lq� ¢'W 2P U' (J NP U' Z� S F-UN � 2LL 2 �I U� w� oo ¢z W o Wn- aU � oo aK �.o W r oJ zw� mz • pLLln o� o ¢�-on. p� Q .-v�u .JOM � 6 �NLL OpO� Ov. �NJO� N� O� f F-U34JP 033F-N ��-f-U3Ntr O V1J •02J0 � �-.? u-p� � F-NS Y �� c.r�(n wrnz � � c�s v� mena ¢o�o ¢ � c�in o c� � c��n c�w v+ �� 6� W Q W W F- �Y�-'.JSQ..a2 � W Q W u_1- �t�+JS OF S r W 1- W� W �� W O� ��nd o0 �-tnME NF-3w z� rn2p0�-viMB N1-wtnP� ti33 � vi3 su-vi ��n3x¢�n i.. � H u M d' M M M P � e- P P� P O � s �o �o �o � u �n e s I" p W I� K N�O • 6 �S N 6 `O W� �J V1 W^ W W I� J N N>� s W N?� K� N >�Y-^ � O 1-M�--� � 1-WNQ� � U>NQ� W� O 6 V� N � O N N N . W>� O G� O r• y O • � S O Q � C• r S � 4� • Q� S�YU. � U lLe-Yfi • t/� e-WU � YU' e-2ti a� t- u.N UO � v� Zv� U O ' Ozin W O• �2u� ^ O x � m ��n... a�n.. � fwviLL . �...�n� ¢� O 3m •*- O 3� • w W wtn • 1 �(n � i- � LL e- o z a¢ � z m z m a •� LL z x a�.. � z w a � O W 2£ G � W J£ 6 � U' W£ U � W W£ Z 1' � -�6 3U' � 0 O 3(9 • OZ N U' � 02 N C1 O� V1 W K J 2 � 2 U J 2 � U' U J 2� N J Y � CO �0.+ � Wv� 70.. W7�... � Q �0.� K•W¢�QNp �dN06�� �41 41�0��060� W� F-OOJ2V�Z � W�O�O6V1S � W�O.+T2 r y�021�2 Z� N K Gp O W � O M O W � J I� � W • O I� O W 3 • �6^i-06 � 200F06 �+�S1-02 � JOF-06 O � VlU04lk # � ^�20N# # � U� Wi� # � U' ONR # � � � � � � �^\ \ � \ � � � � � � �l A N � N r � n i O W O � O • O � • O � O 6 d Y . � � N H . # . N * W� M C � M a d � N £ • N £ O • • W W � � [O X � � X 6• N W • fV 1a1 # # N 1!1 w � P �1 P � �O �t �O F � .T /i ..1 . �O 11 �O S � . II . . 11 . 7� O fl O � U Il O� O• M II M • O II O ' f � �n.- � ana a � .n . ,u . �n � �an.a CL tN � ifl N fA ' M �1 W W O � II 11 C� F � II II 6 U � II 1� m Q � �I li ¢ a . tl 11 £ N � O � O F . Q • O G � P � �O Vl 2 r �y . �p N � O � O P � • M � O # O � � �T �- v f U £ 4 N y 4 W � O • O F- • O � O q o 0 U K • S i- O r z m � r U W O � a • � � o w LL f.a •z • 4 � O � o �- z y � � C � U U � O W W H 2 , 2 U' U � Z Q � a � O LL � U U K ¢ M LL W N O W V 4- LL ('J \ Z O � $ � W z 6 f O� � 2� 3 W J Z > F- � 6 N M O a � •� � NLLN K � 3 C w z� O 6 6' � W 2 ti O � 2 2 g U�� 6 O�� 3�t K .� !n � � 2 t- . O \ W• Z U��- � W U p. y�-+ W W � N K �nz vi3 � r�aa ¢z.�zz N F- � 6 w w O � �-- � 2' + .J J U ♦ 2 41 6 W i N J 1 � O W Vl 6 � QN N � �>�- O � c� # � �- Q 1' � 2 U Y�F R' � U U p. ,�+ 6 J p� W X W Y"lm VJW M ' O M � t- O M � J P � `- O P � � C N M • 6 �O . � • vl �O • � n .i � 3we- wc0 N O�-- Z r- O W� A � F N • J2QT�+0?�' P 2' � h W N •\Wl-F-�e� 4a- � W. �i �D Y ` .£ 6 S� N � b >� LL¢.-3 .. � Sn7� O c� .. O Q� O �Y�- � OQO�+W�2u � d� W V1 d O • U J U F- Ilt r O • tn X • 2z�n U�t-N� p Q� Q�+ p H. 1�36 N Jy i r-�z.�zz¢�wo a zwa� � �££ O � 1- K Z W S£ 2 � ¢� I- 4 u- (� � 6 O F- n- N(9 � O� 2J 2� 3 W 1-�QQJ 2+ � O �1� �-+ U U' 3 �O� � N C� �NQ W C� •.2 W 6�n0 � �Y 41 � £�OdN2 � O� �-1061� Z � 2� JI� '- W• CJ�O O W � c0 3 � 4o�-oa � pw¢¢o�-oa � o O � �-ONd # � mvi4o-otn# # � P 11 P V 11 �t . p . � n � h u I� �Y 11 �Y �11 P II P r- 11 � � 11 � 11 11 II 11 N ll J II W I I U I I K 11 4 11 2 11 11 ti n a I I £ 11 W 2 II X O Il w �II 1- II J N U 11 6 w I� ,- x n o Z 11 r N O 11 J U 11 !- W II U U J II W K 611 -� 6 f- II O O. O �� � rn a .o . � , F i w &. .i �.P , . Vity of 3t. Pau1 Co[�C�;y FILg�'pTV. lf y �- ,. y—t-- �~` !? � r xsSOZtrrIptr r�nmxr �ss�ss�xm sv j � (. �i.tE �+:.�. 1�1 Asaessment No. 0259 Voting — Ward In the matter of che assessment of benefits, cost and expenses fr�r 3 The aonatruction of s�nitary sfi�rer and star:n sevser service cannectior,a, a� :equested by the praperty cvr�ers, in cc,njunati.e� with the Aibert(Eleanor Asea Project. 4 � Freliminary Ordar_93-I36Ei �pgro�et2 I�, 15�53 Fin�1 �Jrder 53-172I �tg�roved Ivovember 16, 1993 �4, � puhlic hearing havinq been had uj?on the assessmEr,t for the abave improv�ment, ancl said as�essment having �esn further conNiclsre� b� the i.ouncil, and h�ving laeen c.unsidereci 2lneyly satisfactory, therefore, be it RESt7LVEI], That ��e s�id aese�sment �e ar�d ti�e samE is herebv in all resp�ccs ratified. R83�?T.VED FURT�Fc, That the seid assessmsnt be and it is hers� determinea to L•e psyab2a in 4n h, m�.z�nr,� Pqual instrz�linents. C4�7tSCILFER80t�! YeB�� Nays �/P. �ikey � ts utrom // � / ;3a � rris M � ✓ _�=_'=-- ���or�N�ln nav4r �� ,r � 1/t � ��i`nS�/.Ii�ainst �/'12iur.e Adagted 'r.�y the Council: l,�te � ` \�°� � —� T Cvrtifi�d Fasses by couneil Becretar� v " Public Hearing Date - May 7, 1997 RE 2-28-97 �-,�a 9-- T.M.S./REAL E5TA1'E DIVISION ��� 2-19-97 Green Sheet Number: 3874U EPABTMENT DIItECl'OR CITY COUNCII. Person and Phaae N�ber. �. � w�.s � ATTORNEY Q.ERB Peter White 266-8850 p, � / UDGEC DII2E(°TOR .& MGT. SVC. DIR. '( ✓" YOR (OR ASSZSfAN1) 1 OUNCII, RESEARCH 1 ustbe on Coumcil Agenda b :3-19-97 Must be in Council Research Office by noon Friday 3-7-97 OTAL ffi OF S[GNATiJRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESI'F,U Settinq date of public hearing of the ratification of assessments for storm ewer/sanitary sewer connections ia coajunction with the Albert/Eleanor Area roject. ile No. 18704-C Assessment No. 0259 COMI�3EDIDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RETF,Cl' (R) gggpNAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSf ANSWF,R THE FOLLOWING: . Ilss the persm✓Sim ever worked onder a contrad for Utis depariwe�? YES NO eurvimvc co�iorr A srwrn . Eias this person/fvm ever been a City employee? YES NO rna sexvice m�mnss�ox . Dces t6is person/Srm possess a sk�i nM norn�a➢y possessed by any YES NO current (Sty employee? cm rnnu.arree ain aIl YES ens�vers on a se te sheet and aitae4. PORTSWI�IICHCOUNCILOBdECTIVE? Neiqhborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S� � DISTRICT PLANNiNG COUNCTL } 5 IATING PROBLII4I, ISSUE, OPPORTUHITY (Who, Whet, 4Vhen, Where, W6y?): Project is oompleted. Ratifiaation is necessary in order to begin collectinq ssessments to help pay for the project. {n . DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: (-�'±� c. n ?�g� same as above. -�' �� v ISADVANTAGES IE APPROVED: enefitted property ovraers will have assessments payable via property tases. I5ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: o not assess the benefits would be inconsistent with City policy. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $19 � 4 71. 4 9 COSf/REVF.NUE BIJDGETED (CII2CLE ONE) YES NO INGSOURCE: Assessments ACTIVITyN�MBER: 6 nronertv owners will be notified of the vublic hearina and char2es. Cit uf St. Paul ��b.i EStBt? D1Vt31Cii2 De�t. af Tec�xn�52oe� � Ma��c����: S�r� REF{}RT �F t�S,ETZfR3 4€ �.45£SSS�t3T �ViJ1VL1� LI�:� 1V�1. :iIE ,io. 187G�-�_ A�sr_.ssLnen= N�3. C GI ,� _ 5 a a Str.+:�.r � - _ +._tt`3 i3�� T_r tize �tait�s �f L'ne �sses�m�:�i of benef=ts cas� ar,d e�penses f„r _ Tne con�t� of sa��tary sewer and atarm se:ver service con:�ections, as requssLea by zhe p:apercy aFmers, in conjunc�i�:: .?SLii . _P.3�+.£`t"t�IF.�P�l1[�t^ 7jYF�R PY`[f�l�+��t_ Freli Dr�ar q3-S1 F_r�a? �rder n�_1721 Ta *he Council af trie City vf S�. vau2 approv�d_�eptensber 36, 1�33 a>�?cuaci n*rvem3�er ?5 2g�33 `Tiic �r&ili8:i+�i1 a22C r�'a'�aSuz?ii_ ii`f=..?cEY i c_cu1% Y'c�:+Ci:ta =Ci "��'Z�' LGu iC,1� t�"y fc2lo�aing as a st�tamen': of the e�ven�it::�ze� r.Pnes�srily incurred ier and i� ~onnecti�n :vit;� t:e snakiriy of the �bc•va impra�,°e:r�ent, viz; Total con�iruatiozi ccsts Er.�ins�rir:g �n� Sr.spec*i�n V�2uatien and "nssessmen*_ Ser�iaes A�,-r�ini�tr$tian Gharge - Pur2ic H�altl? P.e-Cheak cn�rge - pubiic Hea3th �3%8i19iti. `^.'S3'i'1Gc� `�..'�'iiaF�� TOTt:L EXPEND2TU�tWB .�?ar9e T� _ _ �Set �.:�����er:t 915,501.55 �y �r$E'7.� � 1,3Q2.1� $ Y � ti4,4?1.49 S a �19,571.�9 Sai�' ��s1u�c�iori a�� rss2ssm2;�t Enyi».�2s furth?r ;:e�ort� t,hat �h� _2ag asa2��e� �n� ievied tne zotal aznount as ebcve a�eer�ained, ta-wit: the sum ef 5T9.97t.ac upor G�ch and avery l�t, �art or �,arce2 of iand d�er�Ed henefited by t�,e sai2� iRpro=.=E��nt, an� in the case ot eacr lot, psrt ar ��rce i of 2and in sccorctance vaith the �r>fits acrferred th�reon; tnat the said sssassc;ent r�s been complated, ar.d th�t ;2reto a*_tsch?d, iri?, *ifi<.� t�y t2�e si�rzat4re �f t?zc. sai� tt�iueLion ar,d �se�s�ent �r.�ine�_�, and aaacia a p�zr't hereoi, is rhe �aid assessment as comp=eted by tis�, �r,� n7xich zs ..�2'EFal*Yi 31]?�u1��cv �O �: ° �i3llT:�.^.].1 ..C�T .,.. t' � t?: ,. +. ^18� Y2 C:C.1v1�: Y'��:�. t::Y fiC..i0:7 LP2C�;: ., �?PCJDBI' . r �V z.l � a&i1i8�1CPt &"ti:� ii�5e88i¢eii't r;'t!yiYic-��f ��_�a2- City of St. Paul RESaZATPIOH AYPRt3V'IIiG 38SES�lIT AbID FIKIHG TIl� OF HEERiNG THERE�I ., , i . �f . � v 1��� ,.����_ _ �, Assessment No._0259 Vt>ting Ward In the metter of the assessment of henefits, cost azid expenses fer 3 The construction of senitary sewer and starm sewer aervice connections, aa ret}ueated by the property owners, in aonjunotian with the A11 Area Project. Freliminary order_9?-1368 a�iproved_Se�+tember 16� 1���3 Final Order y3-i?21 approved NovEmber 16, 1933 Tne asaesament of Y3enefits, coat and ex�+enses for ant2 in aor,nection witri tY,e abcve improvement havix�g been submitted to tIle C�w:cil, snd the Ccunci2 having considerEd same and found the aaid assFSSm�snt aatiafact�ry, therefore, be it. RE30LV&D, Thnt the aaid asaesament he and the asme is hereby in a11 re3Feats approved. RESOLYED E47RTF�R, T2;st a pubiic hearing be had on ssid asseasment vn the 7tY= day of M�.1997. at the iiour of Four thirty o'clock P.M., in the Counnil Chamber of the Court House and Gity Hall Building, in the City c,f St. Paul; that the Vaiustion snd Assessment Engineer give notice af said meetings, rs required by ttia Ct�arter, stating in said nc+tice the time and place of hesring, tY�e nature of the improvement, and the amount asaessed against the lot c,r lcts of the garticulsr cwnar to w?iom the notice is directed. CCUNIGILPERS�] Yeas Nays v F3lakey ✓ Bostrom ✓ Hsrris �4s�e�9cilils r Megard v Rettman ,i Thune �In Favar �Against Adopted Cer�ified Passed Secretary Mayor Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Ratif ication of Assessment OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT �3 � �� ���- PLANNING COUNCIL #15 FILE # "IS'�;�7�_;�°>::;`;: ASSESSMENT # :����:_ PROPERTY ADDRESS ...<i .:.::. ..:,;;�:, ;; `�:; � ` .�,,, i: ,. . __, .. ....... ........... ._.._ ., __. PARCEL ID ,. �;r:i;.',;`;:;._ .,... .,.. ... PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Gity Hall-Court House HEARING Written or orai statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the assessment for: CONSTRUCTfON OF SANITARY SEWER AP1D STORM SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS, AS REQU6STED BY THE PROPERTY OWNERS, M CONJUNC7ION WITH 7HE ALBERT/ELEANOR AREA PROJECT.(WORK COMPLETED� ASSESSMENT The proposed assessment for the above property +s $ INFORMATIOI3 If the City Councii approves the assessment you wili have 30 days to pay without interest. Any unpaid balance will be collected with your property taxes over year(s) at 6.250% interest. The proposed assessment roll for this project is available for review in the Finance Department, Room 140, City Hali. ASSESSMENT CALCULATION . . . - �,�$ :� � _.. . . _. _._ ._ : ,:.-.r��, �:�� I30TE: THIS IS NOT YOUR BILL. YOU WILL RECEIVE AN INVOICE AFTER THE HEARING SPECIFYING THE AMOUNT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL WITH COMPLETE� INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PAY THIS ASSESSMENT. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATtON DATE oa/�8/97 DEFERR&D Persons 65 and older or retired by virtue of a permanent PAYMENTS and totai disability may quaiify for deferred payment of special assessments. You may apply for �eferred payment if it would be a hardship and you homestead this property. This is not a forgiveness of payment. It is a deferred payment pian in which interest continues to accrue. You can appiy for this plan only after !he City Council approves the RATIFlCATION OF ASSESSMENTS. For more information on deferments, ptease call 266-8858. QUESTIONS Before the public hearing of a local improvement, call 266-8850 and refer to the File # on page 1. City staff witl be avaitabie to answer any last minute questions on this project in Room 140 City Hail the same day as the hearing. After the public hearing call 266-8858 and refer to the Assessment # on page 1. !f this notice is for an assessment to be levied for a Summary Abatement (property cleanup), the Boarding-up of vacant buiidings, a Suilding Demoiition or Tree Removai, please call 266-8858 if you have questions. APPEAL City Councii decisions are subject to appeal to the Ramsey County District Court. You must first file a notice stating the grounds for the appeal with the City Glerk within 20 days after the order adopting the assessment. You must also file the same notice with the Clerk of District Court within 10 days after filing with the City Cierk. NOTE: Faiture to file the required notices within the times specified shall forever prohibit an appeal from the assessment, Section 64,06 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code requires regular assessment payments fo be made even if an assessment is under appeal. If the appea! is successful, the payments inc(uding interesf will be refunded. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CITY HALL-COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MN SS1Q2 �� � � � � , � � � �� � � w a C w c� ¢ £ P N O it N H Q U O W W 0 a a O N J z C 6 2 H W £ W ? O K a £ U J m 6 n P b 0 � 0 � N v W O ,� 0 0 > � N �- • M# C � F- �11 � M 6 1 • N f O � W d' • W X 2 � N W . � • O N � �t II �1 F- • O 11 O 2 . . 11 . � � �I � p r � II f� £ � V 11 V Q . fA �� (R n z � n o � u �- . n U � 11 LL • 11 il N � O f- � O . v Y � O J • K 1� O � d F • LL W � O F- � O Q � O K • � 0 ,� 0 � N • M i� F + M 6 � N S W � O'J X � N W . � • O • �O u d • N I� N . 11 . � 11 � � CO 11 W � N 11 N � . 11 v n v • wneq n u n II 11 � O � O � � � N � � N i w � O � O • O ;o m M . ry O • � 1� � � N II N • 11 � P 1� P i n II n � OJ 11 W � � II w n u n n n 11 It • O � O • � � N � P � n � � 0 ;M • M# H N $ • W • Q) X � N W . } � O � A II I� . I� 0 f� •N � N 11 N • P n P � N ll N . II . conro � W n w u n n II 11 � O � O � n . n � N � P � N i m O O � O � O O O � w £ � Z Z z z ¢ � O � O O Y F- , F F� F 1' � U U U [A O� W W W W F- � g 2 Z 2 U Z 2 Z 2 ¢ � O ' O • O • O LL� U U U U � M � M • M�- � M i N S � N 2 2 S� N C V1 � N . J.S r O•� 0 N J�S I- O•- U h- •� U O F- � Q N �. � • W We- W M�'-�YO NN � W W � W Mf�Y W N�.t W r � W 20� � • W Q • . U' �t O \ � U' J" O \ W .+ W A\ N � U � U' 2 � Y\ Z W�]' U F ��I V' 2 � S h 2 CO d' U F- 1- .Y � 2 LL(A .f • S Q 2� 6 � � O`� W U' LL W 2 F- � 4 r' � O\ W U' LL� V1 �- V l` �i 2\� 6 O \ r� W • O� K V1�N W 3 O • A' Nf'N W 30 W N34i1 • 1' LL� � 1't-J 3 F- O�T V10 J0 31� OV fn MN (n �-O W W �- � W tn n.r3in �-Q� , Nrn o-F-3in z W a�3 � N LL 3rf � NrG M 2� N 19N00� � N N(900� •AO�-�N(O r N WNN � N tl N^N � �a6�+ o�0-+vf U �a.6� W O£W�n O£M �O> t-ZLL W 2� K� 20 O �-ZY�O N W • ZO pLLZ2�0 tO J � ZM Q�-2 . ZR'60ZY-O � U• 3 �-- O�+ N�- xN � 3 f- O� N til� z ZNO � 3�- Od' � 3 Q KO �+ � tA . ONQ�- ^v-S u.C� � ON6F £2 ��T.��.. \v�.� � O K r 02Y�i 2�- � W� 1- \ N J 1� W (A Z � f\ N J h W Vl E O � Z�1 i V- W W b W � 1- 3\ Q) J� p� �U' 2A O "U' 21`� OU' ti U' \ r LL\N � u_Ye�N W W � � O W Y �Y ••U�1 U' F � O W Y Q��U.S W pM z W O� i Ou-LL� � 004 NS � }� �Z 0U £ F- W N219U' �2tOU£ F- W N� NOI- pN a^O W 2� 3 ZQ Z' �- • � OU' LLN O W �+OC��. V� �.p t� . 23 i- • O� d' � 2LL /n3 K W SJ Y[L � 2LL lq� ¢'W 2P U' (J NP U' Z� S F-UN � 2LL 2 �I U� w� oo ¢z W o Wn- aU � oo aK �.o W r oJ zw� mz • pLLln o� o ¢�-on. p� Q .-v�u .JOM � 6 �NLL OpO� Ov. �NJO� N� O� f F-U34JP 033F-N ��-f-U3Ntr O V1J •02J0 � �-.? u-p� � F-NS Y �� c.r�(n wrnz � � c�s v� mena ¢o�o ¢ � c�in o c� � c��n c�w v+ �� 6� W Q W W F- �Y�-'.JSQ..a2 � W Q W u_1- �t�+JS OF S r W 1- W� W �� W O� ��nd o0 �-tnME NF-3w z� rn2p0�-viMB N1-wtnP� ti33 � vi3 su-vi ��n3x¢�n i.. � H u M d' M M M P � e- P P� P O � s �o �o �o � u �n e s I" p W I� K N�O • 6 �S N 6 `O W� �J V1 W^ W W I� J N N>� s W N?� K� N >�Y-^ � O 1-M�--� � 1-WNQ� � U>NQ� W� O 6 V� N � O N N N . W>� O G� O r• y O • � S O Q � C• r S � 4� • Q� S�YU. � U lLe-Yfi • t/� e-WU � YU' e-2ti a� t- u.N UO � v� Zv� U O ' Ozin W O• �2u� ^ O x � m ��n... a�n.. � fwviLL . �...�n� ¢� O 3m •*- O 3� • w W wtn • 1 �(n � i- � LL e- o z a¢ � z m z m a •� LL z x a�.. � z w a � O W 2£ G � W J£ 6 � U' W£ U � W W£ Z 1' � -�6 3U' � 0 O 3(9 • OZ N U' � 02 N C1 O� V1 W K J 2 � 2 U J 2 � U' U J 2� N J Y � CO �0.+ � Wv� 70.. W7�... � Q �0.� K•W¢�QNp �dN06�� �41 41�0��060� W� F-OOJ2V�Z � W�O�O6V1S � W�O.+T2 r y�021�2 Z� N K Gp O W � O M O W � J I� � W • O I� O W 3 • �6^i-06 � 200F06 �+�S1-02 � JOF-06 O � VlU04lk # � ^�20N# # � U� Wi� # � U' ONR # � � � � � � �^\ \ � \ � � � � � � �l A N � N r � n i O W O � O • O � • O � O 6 d Y . � � N H . # . N * W� M C � M a d � N £ • N £ O • • W W � � [O X � � X 6• N W • fV 1a1 # # N 1!1 w � P �1 P � �O �t �O F � .T /i ..1 . �O 11 �O S � . 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